9200 Bottles of Water Donated For Alabama Tornado Survivors by Yank Barry.pdf

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9200Bot t l esOfWat erDonat edForAl abama Tor nadoSur vi vor sbyYankBar r y

TheSal vat i onAr myofBi r mi ngham, ALr ecei ved9, 200bot t l esofwat er , cannedf oodand gr anol abar sonSat . Apr i l30f r om YankBar r yandGl obalVi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i ont o ai dt hem i nt heaf t er mat hoft her ecentout br eakofvi ol entt or nadoes . May03, 201 1–Bi r mi ngham, Al abama

Mr .Bar r yl ear nedf r om Br i anWal l aceoft heBi r mi ngham,Al abamaSal v at i onAr my t hatt heyal onehav ehandedoutov er65, 000bot t l esofwat ert ot alsi ncet he dev ast at i ngt or nadoesst r uckl astweek.TheSal v at i onAr myar ehandi ngoutan av er ageof10, 000t o11, 000bot t l esofdr i nki ngwat eraday .The9, 200bot t l esof wat ert hatGl obalVi l l ageChampi onsdonat edwentdi r ect l yt ot hei rcant eens,or mobi l eki t chens,di r ect l yt ot hoseaf f ect ed.Mr .Wal l acecomment ed,“ Somewat er sy st emshav ebeencont ami nat edsot hi si st heonl ywayf ormanysur v i v or st oget cl eanwat er .I tmeantt hewor l dt ousatTheSal v at i onAr myt hatYankBar r yand Gl obalVi l l agerCamer onJacquesofnear byAt l ant awer ewi l l i ngt ot aket het i me t ohel p.Themostur gentneedi sst i l lwat er ,nonper i shabl ef ood,andpaper pr oduct sl i ket oi l etpaperandpaperpl at es.Canopener sandpot sandpanswi l l al sobeneededt ocookt hef oodwer ecei v e. ” YankBar r y ,Maj orChr i st i neSmi t h,Camer onJacques

" Weex pectt odoubl et hatf i gur enex ty ear ,anddof i v et i mest hatamountt he f ol l owi ngy ear , "Bar r ysai d,mat t er of f act l y ." And, "hesmi l i ngl ycont i nued," once wegeti nt ot hemagi cB' st hebi l l i onswewi l lr eachourgoal . " Ther ei snoshor t ageoff oodi nt hewor l daccor di ngt oBar r y" Rat her , "he cont ends," i t ' samat t erofcar i nganddi st r i but i on. Bar r y ' smot t o," Webel i ev ei ndoi ngwel lbydoi nggood, "andhi sdi st r i but i onef f or t , knownast heGl obalVi l l ageChampi ons,har nessest hehi ghcel ebr i t ypr of i l es andgar ner smedi acov er agewhi chget sot her si nv ol v ed.I t ' sbeenar emar kabl e j our neyf oraf or merr ock' nr ol l er .Ther ei snoshor t ageoff oodi nt hewor l d accor di ngt oBar r y ." Rat her , "hecont ends," i t ' samat t erofcar i ngandadi st r i but i on ef f or t . " YankBar r ywas15y ear sol di n1963whenhi sf at her ,onl y36att het i me,di edofa cer ebr alhemor r hage.Thenhi sf i v ey ear ol dbr ot herdi edsi xmont hsl at er , f ol l owi ngopenhear tsur ger y . Di sor i ent edanddeepl yhur t ,Yankl ef thomewi t hl i t t l eel seex cepthi sgui t ar . Embar ki ngonaj our neyi nt ot hemusi cbusi ness,hebecameat our i ngmember wi t ht heKi ngsmen Sev er aly ear sl at er ,whi l eper f or mi ngwi t hTheFoot pr i nt s,heshar edt hest ageat aconcer ti nLongI sl andwi t hf amedr ockgui t ar i stJi mmyHendr i x . I n1968,r et ur ni nghomet oMont r eal ,hedemonst r at edhi sdi v er si t ybyr ecor di ng musi ci nFr ench.Dur i ngt hatt i mehemetReneAngel i l ,whot odayi sbestknown ast hemanagerandhusbandofmegast arCel i neDi on. Bar r ypr oducedhi sownr ockoper a,t heDi ar yofMr .Gr ay ,t hr eey ear sl at erwi t ha castofsuper st armusi ci anst or ai semoneyf ordr ugpr ev ent i on.Heusedt he pr of i t st ohel pv ar i ousdr ugr ehabpr ogr amsi nt heUni t edSt at es. Fol l owi ngt hesuccessofhi st heat erpr oduct i onhei mmer sedhi msel fi nmusi c pr oduct i onsbyar r angi ng,wr i t i ng,orpr oduci ngmaj orar t i st ssuchasEngl eber t Humper di nck,BenE.Ki ng,Gar y" U5"Bonds,andTor nJones. Asapr oducerhewasr esponsi bl ef ort hef i r stquadr aphoni cr ecor di ngi nhi st or y , andcr eat edaspeci almi x i ngt echni quet hatst i l lhear shi sname. ButBar r y ' swor l dwasnotj ustmusi cHest ar t edt ogeti nv ol v edwi t hsoci alcauses byar r angi ng,wr i t i ngandpr oduci ng" Wel comeHomePOW. "f orPr esi dent Ni x ont ohel pr ai semoneyf ort heAmer i canP0W.f ami l i es

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