Major Bronze Sculpture Collection by Edgar Degas. Purchased by Soy Mogul Yank Barry

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Maj orBr onzeScul pt ur eCol l ect i on

Maj orBr onzeScul pt ur eCol l ect i onbyEdgarDegas Pur chas edbySoyMogulYankBar r y Jul y31 , 2009

Par i s,Fr ance( Vocus)Jul y31,2009-Sour cesconf i r medgl obalsoymogulYank Bar r ypur chasedamaj orcol l ect i onofbr onz escul pt ur esbyt heFr ench I mpr essi oni stmast erEdgarDegas.Bar r yr ev eal edt hatscul pt ur eex per tWal t er Mai baum uncov er ed74pr ev i ousl yunknownl i f et i meDegasscul pt ur esmadei n pl ast erf r om whi cht hebr onz eswer ecast . ' Thehei r sofDegaswer esoex ci t edbyt hedi scov er yt heyaut hor i z edt hecast i ng ofbr onz esf r om t hepl ast er s, ' sai dBar r ywhov er i f i edi nt er nat i onalmuseum ex hi bi t i onsoft hebr onz eswi l lbegi nt hi sNov ember .' Lav i shex hi bi t i oncat al ogs andschol ar l ybookswi l lbepubl i sheddocument i ngt hi shi ghl yi mpor t antar twor l d di scov er y ,pr obabl yt hegr eat estonei nt hepast100y ear s. ' Bar r ycont i nued,' TheDegasScul pt ur ePr oj ectLt dwasor gani z edbyMai baum t o ov er seet heex hi bi t i onsandf or t unat el yhei sagoodf r i end.Iwasabl et opur chase t hebr onz eswi t ht heunder st andi ngIwoul dl oant hem t omuseums. ' ' I ' mv er yex ci t edandpr oudt obeapar toft hi shi st or i cev ent , ' headded,' andasa busi nessmant hi sacqui si t i onwasamar v el ousi nv est ment .Thecol l ect i onof br onz eswasappr ai sedf ormor et han$20mi l l i on,andIam v er ygr at ef ult ohav e beenabl et oacqui r eoneset . '

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