Mai nPr es s-Bar t er News ,Fal l1999,i s s ueno. 50
" Weex pectt obar t er$50mi l l i onofpr oduct si nt hecomi ngy ear .I ' dl i ket oseeus domor e,butt hat ' smygoalf orourf i r sty ear , "ex cl ai medYankBar r y . Bar r y ,51,i st hemer cur i alf ounderofVi t aPr o,af oodpr ocessi ngoper at i onwi t h l ocat i onsi nCanada,t heU. S.andEur ope. Bar t erwi l lbet hemeanst oanendf orYankBar r y ,becausehi sal l consumi ng passi oni st owi peoutwor l dhungerwi t hi nf i v ey ear s. Hi scompanyhaspl ay edav i t alr ol ei nel ev at i ngsoypr ot ei ni nt oanut r i t i ous, appet i z i ng,l owcostf oodsour ceataf r act i onoft hecostofmeat . Want i ngt ot r ade$50mi l l i oni npr oductaf t ert wounsat i sf act or yt r adeex per i ences say sal otaboutBar r y ' sat t i t ude. " Ev er yt i meIgoi nt oadealIdosowi t haposi t i v epoi ntofv i ewI ' v enev erhadabad deal ,ev ent hoseI ' v egot t enbur nedon,becauseIchal ki tupt oex per i enceandf i l e i tawayi nmymemor y . " Thi st i meI ' m conf i dentt hatamongt hepeopl ei nt hebar t erbusi nessI ' m now wor ki ngwi t hwecandobi gnumber s.Bar t eri sav i abl ei ndust r yandwehav eal ot t obr i ngt ot het abl e, "Bar r ydecl ar ed. Bar t erwi l lhet hemeanst oanendf orYankBar r yi nhi sal l consumi ngpassi ont o wi peoutwor l dhungerwi t hi nf i v ey ear s Andt or eacht hi sgoalbar t erwi l lbej ustoneofmanycomponent st heener gi z ed ent r epr eneuruses,ashewor ksar oundt hecl ockt oachi ev ehi sdr eam. Ex udi nganengagi ngcandospi r i tYankBar r ydr awsot her st ohi m.Scor esof wor l df amouscel ebr i t i es suppor thi mei t heri nv est i ngi nhi scompanyorl endi ngt hei rnameandl i keness f orf r ee. Themostr ecogni z abl emani nt hewor l d,MuhammadAl i ,i snotonl yanav i d suppor t erbutoneofhi sbestf r i ends.Theymeti nt hemi d60' swhenBar r ywasi n r ock' nr ol l . " HewasCassi usCl aybakt hen,bef or ehechangedhi snamei n1967.Hav i ng beent o16count r i esar oundt hegl obewi t hhi m,i t ' sobv i oushe' st hemost r ecogni z edf acei nt hewor l d. " Bar r ysay shav i ngAl ibehi ndhi m hasenabl edhi sor gani z at i ont of eedal most100 mi l l i onpeopl e,whi cht heyex pectt oaccompl i shpr i ort ot heendoft hi s mi l l enni um.
" Weex pectt odoubl et hatf i gur enex ty ear ,anddof i v et i mest hatamountt he
Sev er aly ear sl at er ,whi l eper f or mi ngwi t hTheFoot pr i nt s,heshar edt hest ageat
f ol l owi ngy ear , "Bar r ysai d,mat t er of f act l y ." And, "hesmi l i ngl ycont i nued," once
aconcer ti nLongI sl andwi t hf amedr ockgui t ar i stJi mmyHendr i x .
wegeti nt ot hemagi cB' st hebi l l i onswewi l lr eachourgoal . " Ther ei snoshor t ageoff oodi nt hewor l daccor di ngt oBar r y" Rat her , "he
I n1968,r et ur ni nghomet oMont r eal ,hedemonst r at edhi sdi v er si t ybyr ecor di ng
cont ends," i t ' samat t erofcar i nganddi st r i but i on.
musi ci nFr ench.Dur i ngt hatt i mehemetReneAngel i l ,whot odayi sbestknown ast hemanagerandhusbandofmegast arCel i neDi on.
Bar r y ' smot t o," Webel i ev ei ndoi ngwel lbydoi nggood, "andhi sdi st r i but i onef f or t , knownast heGl obalVi l l ageChampi ons,har nessest hehi ghcel ebr i t ypr of i l es
Bar r ypr oducedhi sownr ockoper a,t heDi ar yofMr .Gr ay ,t hr eey ear sl at erwi t ha
andgar ner smedi acov er agewhi chget sot her si nv ol v ed.I t ' sbeenar emar kabl e
castofsuper st armusi ci anst or ai semoneyf ordr ugpr ev ent i on.Heusedt he
j our neyf oraf or merr ock' nr ol l er .Ther ei snoshor t ageoff oodi nt hewor l d
pr of i t st ohel pv ar i ousdr ugr ehabpr ogr amsi nt heUni t edSt at es.
accor di ngt oBar r y ." Rat her , "hecont ends," i t ' samat t erofcar i ngandadi st r i but i on ef f or t . "
Fol l owi ngt hesuccessofhi st heat erpr oduct i onhei mmer sedhi msel fi nmusi c pr oduct i onsbyar r angi ng,wr i t i ng,orpr oduci ngmaj orar t i st ssuchasEngl eber t
YankBar r ywas15y ear sol di n1963whenhi sf at her ,onl y36att het i me,di edofa
Humper di nck,BenE.Ki ng,Gar y" U5"Bonds,andTor nJones.
cer ebr alhemor r hage.Thenhi sf i v ey ear ol dbr ot herdi edsi xmont hsl at er , f ol l owi ngopenhear tsur ger y .
Asapr oducerhewasr esponsi bl ef ort hef i r stquadr aphoni cr ecor di ngi nhi st or y , andcr eat edaspeci almi x i ngt echni quet hatst i l lhear shi sname.
Di sor i ent edanddeepl yhur t ,Yankl ef thomewi t hl i t t l eel seex cepthi sgui t ar . Embar ki ngonaj our neyi nt ot hemusi cbusi ness,hebecameat our i ngmember
ButBar r y ' swor l dwasnotj ustmusi cHest ar t edt ogeti nv ol v edwi t hsoci alcauses
wi t ht heKi ngsmen
byar r angi ng,wr i t i ngandpr oduci ng" Wel comeHomePOW. "f orPr esi dent Ni x ont ohel pr ai semoneyf ort heAmer i canP0W.f ami l i es.
Car eerChanges
Vi t aPr oLaunched
ThenYankBar r yt ookar i ghtt ur n.I nanef f or tt ot akeonnewchal l enges,he
I n1990Bar r yl aunchedVi t aPr o,av ehi cl et osel lhi spr ot ei nr i chmeatsubst i t ut es.
deci dedt ol eav et hemusi cbusi nessandv ent ur ei nt ot hewor l dofspor t sasa
Hi sf i r stcl i entwast heMex i canmi l i t ar y ,whi chf oundt hel owcost ,easyt opr epar e
managerofpr of essi onalgol f er s.
easi l yt r anspor t edandnut r i t i ouspr oduct ,awor t hwhi l epar tofi t sf oodsuppl y .
Heex er ci sedhi sopt i onf ort her i ght st ot hi spr oductf orwor l dwi dedi st r i but i on,
Fi v ey ear sl at er ,t hr eepr oduct i onf aci l i t i eswer esetupt omeetdemand. . .Redf or d,
f i nanci ngt hedealt hr ought hesal eofhi sv i nt agebasebal lcar dcol l ect i on.
Engl and;Al bi on,NewYor k;andPoi nt eCl ai r e,Quebec.
Bar r y ' sdr eam pr oducthadbecomear eal i t y .Adr eam t hatt heFr enchPast eur
Today ,Vi t aPr opr oduct sar esol di n18count r i esandar eusedi nf oodcat er i ng
I nst i t ut ei nLi l l ecal l s" t hef oodoft hef ut ur e. "
ser v i ces,uni v er si t ycaf et er i as,hospi t al s,mi l i t ar yor gani z at i ons,r est aur ant s, hot el s,andcor r ect i onalf aci l i t i es. Technol ogyt r ansf er sar epl annedf orI ndi aand
" Unt i lnow, "Bar r ydi v ul ged," t her ewasn' tasoypr oductt hatt ast edgoodenought o
Chi na,wi t hr oy al t i est obepai dt oVi t aPr o.
makei ti nt hemai nst r eam. "Fi nal l y ,Bar r y ' sdr eam pr oducthadbecomear eal i t y .A pr oductt hatt heFr enchPast eurI nst i t ut ei nLi l l ecal l s" t hef oodoft hef ut ur e. "
Gl obalVi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i onI nt r oduced Whi l ekeepi ngVi t aPr oact i v ef ort hei nst i t ut i onalmar ket ,Bar r yest abl i shedGVCF. Anewcompany ,whosespeci f i cmi ssi onwast omaket hepr oduct swi del y av ai l abl et ot hei ndi v i dualconsumer . I nt hepr ocess.her ecr ui t si ndependentr epr esent at i v esi nSeat t l e,Por t l and, Chi cago,Dal l as,Mont r eal ,Newar k,NewYor k,Sal tLakeCi t y ,LasVegas,Los Angel es,Tor ont o,andVancouv er . Act i v eGVCFr epr esent at i v esar ei nv i t edt oshar ei nt hecompanymi ssi onby donat i ng5% oft hei rcommi ssi onear ni ngst owar dhumani t ar i ancauses.The companymat chest heamount sdonat ed. Repr esent at i v esar eal soencour agedt opar t i ci pat ei nl ocalassi st anceef f or t sby meet i ngwi t hbenef i ci ar i esandat t endi ngphi l ant hr opi cact i v i t i es. Thi songoi ngi nv ol v ementwi t hhumani t ar i ancausesenabl est hecompanyt o sendmassi v ef oodshi pment s,aswel lascl ot hi ng,medi ci ne,andmedi cal suppl i est ot heneedy .
YankBar r yandhi sl ov el ywi f e,Yv et t e.
Al t houghhekeepshi sposi t i onont heVi t aPr oBoar dofDi r ect or s,Bar r ynow spendsmuchofhi st i mei ndev el opi ngGl obalVi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i on. Formor ei nf or mat i ononGl obalVi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i oncal l( 855) GVMARKET,orv i si tt hei rWebsi t e,www. gv mar ket . com
BusyMan Sl eepi nghutt hr eehour sani ght ,andt r av el i ngex t ensi v el y( ov er550, 000mi l es
Hecont i nued," I ' m ont hephoneassoonasIgetup,f oraboutt wohour s,t henon
annual l y ) ,YankBar r ydeal si nnumer oust i mez onesbecauseVi t aPr oi si n18
t ot het r eadmi l l .WhenI ' m homemyt r ai nercomesi nandbeat smeupf orhal fan
count r i es.
hour"Theni t ' sashowerwi t hhi swat er pr oofheadsetal lpr i ort obr eakf ast .
" Basi cal l y ,I ' m ont hephoneal ldayl ong, "hedecl ar ed." Wi t hKor ea,i t ' sa13hour
Yv et t e,hi sv i v aci ouswi f ewho' scookedf orsev enheadsofst at e,wat chesBar r y ' s
f l i pf l op,Japani s12hour s.Al soI ' m cal l i ngI ndonesi a,t hePhi l i ppi nes,and
di abet i cdi et .Husbandandwi f ear et oget heral lt het i me" Inev ergoont her oad
Eur ope,pl usoursal tcomesf r om I cel andwhi chi s5hour saheadofus. "
wi t houther , "hedi scl osed.
AnI ns i deLookAtYankBar r y, CEO, Vi t aPr o.Gl obalVi l l ageChampi ons
Mypassi onsar e:Feedi ngki dsandhel pi ngpeopl e.
Bi r t hpl ace:Mont r eal ,Quebec,Canada.
Super st i t i ons:Don' thav eany .
Hei ght :6' 1"Wei ght :168l bs.
Hobbi es:Gol f 6handi cap,now12hav en' tpl ay edi nei ght eenmont hs.
Hai r :Br ownEy es:Br own
Mot t oorphr aseIl i veby:Doi ngwel lbydoi nggood.Al way sgi v esomet hi ngback. Andnev erwav egoodby eont hewayup.
Mar i t alst at us:Mar r i edt oYv et t e. Petpeeve:Howt hegov er nmentact s. Chi l dr en:Onedaught er ,onegr andchi l d. Mostembar r assi ngmoment :I t ' sacl assi candhappenedamont hago.WhenI Resi dence:Nassau,Bahamas.
r ecei v edt heLi ber i anHumani t ar i anAwar dIt hankedev er y onebutmywi f e.Then Dr .Wal t erYoung,t heConsulGener alt oLi ber i a,br oughtYv et t eupt or emi ndt he
Educat i on:Publ i cschool .
audi encet hatIdi dhav eawi f e!
Fi r stj ob:Wor ki ngwi t har ock&r ol lband.
Myf ant asyi s:Wi pi ngoutwor l dhunger .Andmay beev engoi ngf ur t herand hel pi ngMuhammadAl iel i mi nat er aci sm,i l l i t er acyandev er y t hi ngel set hatwe
Pr esentvehi cl e:Bent l eyTur bo.
canhel ppeopl edobecausewehav et hepowert odoi t .
Magazi nesubscr i pt i ons:TheRobbRepor t ,Mi l l i onai r eMagaz i ne,Bar t er News,
Ment or s:Myuncl esLar r yandMi keRez ni ck,whoar et heDi sney ,NBA,and
Wor t h,andSpor t sI l l ust r at ed.
War nerl i censeesi nCanada.They ' r egr eatbusi nessmenwhohav eal way sgi v en backt ot hecommuni t y .
Her oes:MuhammadAl i ,hockeyHal lofFamerGuyLaf l eur ,andmymot her . Thel astt i meIcr i ed:Ev er yt i meIgett hanky oul et t er sf r om ki dsar oundt hewor l d. Mybi ggestspl ur ge:Spendi ng$2mi l l i onf eedi ngchi l dr eni nLi ber i aandt heI v or y Coast .
Thebar t eri ndust r ywoul dbebet t eri f :Ev er y onei nt hei ndust r yt r eat edwhatt hey wer edoi ngwi t ht r anspar ency ,ast hought heywer edeal i ngwi t hcash.
Lastbookr ead:TheSoyRev ol ut i on,byDr .St ev enHol t z . Thebi ggestmi sconcept i onaboutbar t eri st hat :Al ly oucangeti sobsol et e Myf avor i t ebook:ASt oneForDannyFi sher ,byHar ol dRobbi ns.
goodst hat ' swhatIf i r stbel i ev ed.
Iknew I ' dmadei twhen:Imadei t .
Thet hi ngI ' dl i ket ochangeaboutmysel f :I ' dl i ket obeabl et or el axabi tmor e, andgobackt opl ay i nggol fonceort wi ceaweek.
Secr etf orsuccess:Wor ki nghar dandsl eepi ngl i t t l e. Theonet hi ngt hatconcer nsme:I st ogetbacki nt ot hesamewarI ' m hav i ngwi t h Favor i t ef ood:Soy .
t hest at eofTex aswher ewehav ebeat ent hem al lt hewayt ot heSupr eme Cour t becauseI ' v eal way sbel i ev edi ndoi ngt her i ghtt hi ngandst andi ngupf ormy
Favor i t edr i nk:Bot t l edwat er .
conv i ct i ons.
Favor i t eshowsonTV:Bi ogr aphi esonA&E,andCNNchannel .
I ' m sot i r edof :" Bi gBr ot her "pushi ngpeopl ear ound.
Favor i t emovi e:Ar t hur .
It hi nkt hey' r eunder r at ed:Teacher s.
Theoneni ghtI ' l lneverf or get :Theni ghtIwasdoi ngachar i t abl ebenef i tf or
Thet hi ngIr ememberaboutmychi l dhood:Howmymot herkeptt hi ngst oget her
Cer ebr alPal sy ,andwassi ngi ng" Loui eLoui e"wi t hGar y&t heU. SBonds,t he
wi t ht hesi xki dsaf t erl osi ngmydadwhenhewas36.
Shi r el l es,BenE.Ki ng,SmokeyJoe( heav y wei ghtchampi onFr az i er )&t he Knockout s,andChuckJackson.
Fr om Foodt oCDs. . . GVCFKeepsGr owi ng
Someonesai dt hati fI ' dmar r yYv et t e( whom I ' dbeendat i ngf orf i v ey ear s) onst age,wecoul dr ai seanot her$5, 000.SoIcal l edherandaJust i ceoft he
ThedayMuhammadAl isetf ooti nt heI v or yCoastt oescor taf i r st t i meshi pment
Peace,andwewer emar r i edi nf r ontof3, 000peopl e.
byGl obalVi l l ageChampi ons,ahugecr owdhadgat her edt ocheerhi m ov era di st anceofsev enki l omet er s. Bar r ywasdumf ounded." Thi sman, "hesai d,al l udi ngt oAl i ," wi l lbecomet he NobelPeacePr i cewi nnersomeday . " Unt i lt hatt i mecomes,Bar r ypl anst obui l dt hef i r stGl obalVi l l ageChampi ons v i l l agei ncooper at i onwi t hf or merPr esi dentJi mmyCar t er ' sor gani z at i on,Habi t at f orHumani t y . I twi l lbeer ect edi nLi ber i acompl et ewi t haschool ,achur ch,andr esi dencest hat wi l lhehomet o500di sabl edor phans.Thecount r y ' spr esi denthaspr omi seda 10acr epar celofl andf ort henewv i l l age. Bar r yandhi s" r i ghtar m, "GVCFEx ecut i v eVi cePr esi dentJasonTai t e,f or esee wel li nt ot hef ut ur e.Thi sex pl ai nsGVCF' spl anst ol aunchachai nofv eget ar i an f ast f oodr est aur ant s,f eat ur i ngt hei rownf oodpr oduct sandr eci pes.
LRYankBar r y ;f or merheav y wei ghtbox i ngchampi onMuhammadAl i ; al l t i mehomer unsl uggerandHal l of FameHankAar on;andDrWal t er ,
Achai nofr et ai lst or escal l edGVGear ,wher especi al l ydesi gnedcl ot hi ngand
FYounga. ex t er n,Honor ar yConsult ot heRepubl i cofLi ber i a( Aar onand
accessor i esbear i ngt hecompany ' sl ogowi l lbesol d,i sal soont hedr awi ng
Youngpr ai sedAl iandBar r yf ort hei runt i r i nghumani t ar i anwor k. )
boar d. Thecompanywi l lsoonl aunchal i neofCDs,al lwi t hor i gi nalandex cl usi v emusi c andact i v i t i esPl us,aGVCFcr edi tcar di si ni t sf i nalst agesofpl anni ng. YankBar r ymaybeadr eamer ,butwheni tcomest omoney ,hi sf eetar ef i r ml yon t hegr ound.Hei sst eadf asti npr edi ct i ngt hatwi t hi nt hr eey ear sGVCF' ssal eswi l l t op$1bi l l i on. Hehasnoqual msaboutear ni ngpeakpr of i t sf r om hi sbusi nessact i v i t i esAshe say s,Gl obalVi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i oni si nbusi nesst omakemoney ,and hei saccount abl et onoonebuthi msel f . Howev er ,wheni tcomest ohi sphi l ant hr opi cact i v i t i es,f orwhi chBar r yset sasi de onehouraday ,si xday saweek,t heyar econduct edonapur el yv ol unt ar ybasi s. Andhehasnodesi r et ogai nf i scal l yf r om t hem.
YankBar r yAndAl i Ci t edForHumani t ar i anEffor t s
Bar t er News:Whatwasy ourf i r stex per i encewi t hbar t er ? Bar r y: I toccur r edaboutsi xy ear sagowi t hVi t aPr oandi twasn' taposi t i v eone.I t wasasev enf i gur edeal ,andal t houghwedi dn' tgetki l l ed,wehadt owor k ex t r emel yhar dt ogetourmoneyback. Bar t er News:Whatdi dy out r ade Bar r y: Webar t er edourf oodf orci gar s,wi t hCuba.I fi thadbeendonet hewayi t waswr i t t enuponpaper ,wecoul dhav ecashconv er t edf orasubst ant i alpr of i t . TheMi ni st r yofTobaccowast al ki ngl ongt er m,butt hewayt heyf ol l owedt hr oughi t wasaoneshotdeal . LR. YankBar r yt al k swi t hMuhammadAl i i nAt l ant adur i ngawar ds Bar t er News:Howdi dy ournex tef f or tgo?
c er emony . Bar r yr ec ei v edt hePhoeni xAwar dapr oc l amat i onf r om t heMay or andc i t yof At l ant ai nappr ec i at i onf orhi sgener osi t yt ot hegl obal c ommuni t y
Bar r y: Notaswel last heCubandeal !
Bar r ywasnamedt heLi ber i anHumani t ar i anof t heYear . andwasgi v ent he Li ber i anTor c hbear erAwar dbyLi ber i anAmbassadorRac hel Di ggs
Bar t er News:Whathappened?
" Wewantt owor konl ar gert r ans act i ons ,i deal l yi nt he Bar r y: Thi st i mewet r adedwi t haEur opeangov er nment alagency ,commodi t yf or
mi l l i ondol l arr ange. " YankBar r y
commodi t y .Theymi sr epr esent edt hequal i t yoft hei rpr oduct ,andweendedup eat i ngi t . " Bar t er News:Buty ouhungi nt her e,andent er edi nt oanot herdeal ? Bar r y: Ihadt o,bar t er ' sj ustsoent i ci ng.Asamanuf act ur er ,one' smar gi nalcost makesbar t erespeci al l ywor t hwhi l e. Bar t er News:Whendi dy oucomet owor kwi t hAl l enCoheni nconj unct i onwi t h y ourbar t er i ngef f or t s? Bar r y: Shor t l yaf t erIhadsi gnedonf oranot herbar t erdealwi t hat r adeex change her ei nt hest at esImetAl l enCohen. Asani ndependentbar t erconsul t antheex pl ai nedt hei nt r i caci esofbar t er ,and t ol dushef el twecoul dbecomeamaj orpl ay eri nt hebusi ness. GVCFunder t ookacoupl eoft r adest hatCohendi r ect ed,andt heywent phenomenal l ywel l .Oft hev ar i ousent i t i eshebr oughtt ot het abl ewewer e par t i cul ar l yi mpr essedwi t ht heAl l anHackelOr gani z at i on.Theywer enotonl y r el i abl e,hutet hi calaswel l .
LR. Yv et t eBar r y ; Az i eTay l orMor t on, 36t hTr easur erof t heUni t edSt at es andmemberof t heGl obal Vi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i onBoar dof
Asar esul tofCohen' sf ol l owt hr oughandv er aci t ywemadet hedeci si ont oal i gn
Di r ec t or s; andYankBar r y .
ourcompany ' sbar t er i ngef f or t swi t h,andt hr ough,hi m. Bar t er News:Whatar ey oul ooki ngt odo? Bar r y: Wewantt owor konl ar gert r ansact i ons,i deal l yi nt hemi l l i ondol l arr ange.
Di sast erRel i ef
Al t houghwepr esent l yhav eani nhouset r av elagency ,f orsel l i ngt r av elt oour di st r i but or sandt hegener alpubl i c,wepl ant ogoheav i eri nt ot r av elwi t hGl obal
Somey ear sago,YankBar r ywasi nv ol v edwi t haU. S.basedpr oduct i onhel dt o
Vi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i on.We' r eal soi nt er est edi ni nsur anceand
br i ngr el i eft ot hehungr yandt hedest i t ut ei ndev el opi ngcount r i es.Asar esul t ,
t el ecommuni cat i ons.
Bar r ysay shewasdi st ur bedbyt hepoorqual i t yoft hef oodt hatwast obesentt o Af r i ca.
Bar t er News:Any t hi ngel se? Het ooki tuponhi msel ft oi nspectt hecar goofashi pl eav i ngNewYor khar bor , Bar r y: Aswegetset t l edi nwi t hsomeoft hepl ay er si nt hei ndust r y ,amaj oref f or t
andqui ckl yr eal i z edt hati twasnol ongerf r eshandnotatal lappet i z i ng." The
wi l lhebar t er i ngourf r eet r adi ngguar ant eedst ockl i st edwi t hWI SE.Thei rSt ock
show' spr omot er shadt her i ghti nt ent i ons, "hesai d," butt heywer en' tpar t i cul ar l y
Val ueBankGuar ant eecov er ageensur esone' sr et ur noft hei ni t i ali nv est ment ,
goodatmanagi ngt hi ngs. "
pl usar easonabl er at eofr et ur n. Bar r yal sonot edt hatgoodssentt ohel pr el i efor gani z at i onsi ndev el opi ng We' r el ooki ngf orpr i nt i ng,t r ucki ng,medi a,andot heri t emst hatcanbeusedt o
count r i esar eof t en" canni bal i z ed"byv ar i ousmi ddl emen.
r unourbusi ness.Andwewi l lconsi dercl oseout sordi scont i nuedpr oduct s,i fwe canuset hem ei t heri nt heU. Sort he18count r i esi nwhi chwepr esent l ywor k.
Ev enundert heUni t edNat i onscont r ol ,t her i ski shi gh." TheU. egr eatas peacekeeper s,butt hey ' r enotv er yef f i ci entwheni tcomest of ooddi st r i but i on, "he
Edi t or ' sNot e:Any onei nt er est edi ndev el opi ngat r ader el at i onshi pwi t hGl obal
r easoned.
Vi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i onshoul dcal lt hei ri nhouset r adebr okerAl l en Cohenat( 801)5620742.
Thr ought heest abl i shedt r ackr ecor dofVi t aPr o,andt heemer genceofGl obal Vi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i on,Bar r y ' sobj ect i v ewast ocont r i but et ot hef i ght agai nstwor l dhungerandmi ser y . Toachi ev et hosegoal shecr eat edt hephi l ant hr opi car m ofGVCFknownas Gl obalVi l l ageChampi ons.TheChampi ons' cr edi bi l i t yf aci l i t at esopeni ngdoor s t odi st r i but ef oodwher ei ti sneededmost ,whi l eci r cumv ent i ngcor r upt i on.
Thecr eat i onoft heGl obalVi l l ageChampi ons wasani nnovat i veands ucces s f uleffor tbyyankBar r y.
TheGl obalVi l l ageChampi ons,i ncl udi ngCel i neDi onandherhusbandRene
Champi onsGai nCooper at i on
Angel i l ,Mi chaelJohnson( Ol y mpi cdoubl egol dmedal i st ) ,BenE.Ki ng( " St andby Me" ) ,Gar y" U. S. "Bonds( " Quar t ert oThr ee" ) ,andhockeyhal loff amesuper st ar
Thecr eat i onoft heChampi onswasani nnov at i v eandsuccessf ulef f or tbyBar r y .
GuyLaf l eur ,amongot her s,ar el edby" t hegr eat est " t hr eet i meheav y wei ght
Thepur posewast odev el opamet hodofi ncr easi ngt her ecogni t i onofGl obal
box i ngchampi on,MuhammadAu.Ot herChampi onsi ncl udeAz i eTay l or
Vi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i onpr oduct sbynongov er nment alagenci essuchas C. A. R. E.andt heI nt er nat i onalRedCr oss.
Near l y100mi l l i onmeal sofdehy dr at edf oodhav ebeenshi ppedt odat e. Al t houghBar r y ' sdesi r et ocont r i but emeal st ot hehungr ywasv i ewedi naposi t i v e Mor t on,36t hTr easur eroft heU. S. ,RoyJones,Jr . ,l i ghtheav y wei ghtbox i ng
l i ght ,hehaddi f f i cul t yi nget t i ngagenci est odi st r i but et hef oodi nt hef i el d.
champi on,andAndr ewYoung,f or merU. S.ambassadort ot heU. N.andcochai r oft heAt l ant aOl y mpi cCommi t t ee.
Theemer genceoft heChampi ons,especi al l yMuhammadAl i ' si nv ol v ement , enabl edt heent r eeBar r yneededt oeducat eagenci esont hebenef i t sofhi s
TheChampi onshav easacr edpr i nci pl e:nomat t ert hecount r yorpl ace,t hef i r st shi pmentoff oodandot heressent i al st oanewdest i nat i onmustbe
pr oductt her ebygai ni ngaccept anceandmassdi st r i but i on.
accompani edbyatl eastoneChampi on,orcompanyof f i ci al ,t oensur et hatt he shi pmentar r i v essaf el yandgoest ot her i ghtpeopl e.
" Bycomi ngonboar d,Al imadet hewhol edi f f er ence, "Bar r ypoi nt edout ." The f or merbox i nggr eat ,al t houghsuf f er i ngf r om Par ki nson' ssy ndr ome,openedal l
Thepr esenceofamaj orcel ebr i t y ,accor di ngt oBar r y ,i nv ar i abl yat t r act ssi z abl e
t henecessar ydoor s.Howcoul danygov er nmentorr el i efor gani z at i onr ef uset o
medi aat t ent i on,whi chmakesi tnear l yi mpossi bl ef oranygov er nment ,mi l i t ar y ,or
meetwi t hsuchaman?"
cr i mi nalor gani z at i ont ot amperwi t ht heshi pment s. Asofpubl i cat i onoft hi sar t i cl enear l y100mi l l i onmeal sofdehy dr at edf ood( and
Gl obalVi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i onLi st ed OnWI SE
ot heressent i ali t ems)hav ebeenshi ppedt ot heAf r i cancount r i esofRwanda.
" Wewant edt oof f ert hel owestf eesandt hehi ghestl ev elofsecur i t y ,soev er y body
Fur t hermi ssi onshav et akenpl acei nNor t h.Sout handCent r alAmer i ca,Russi a,
f r om t hesmal l estt ot hel ar gesti nst i t ut i onali nv est orwoul dbepr ot ect ed. "
Kosov o,Al beni a,Chi na,I ndonesi a,SaudiAr abi aandmostr ecent l yhur r i cane
Mor occo,( out go,I v or yCoast ,Li ber i a.Sudan.andEgy pt .
( Fl oy d)v i ct i msi nNor t hCar ol i na. " Ther e' r eal otofmi sconcept i ons, "Bar r yst at ed," wheni tcomest odoi ng busi nessout si deofone' scount r y .Andoneoft hem i st hati ti si l l egalt oi nv est y ourmoneyot hert handomest i cal l y . " Thet r ut hi st haty oucanear nal lt hemoneyy ouwantany wher ei nt hewor l d,and y oucankeepi ti nanybanky ouchoose.Fur t her mor e,y oucanev enhav ey our cur r entst ockbr okeri nv estt hatmoneyf ory ou. " Bar r ysai dapr obl em occur swhenpeopl et r yt obeatt hesy st em,bysmuggl i ng t hemoneyi nt ot hecount r yandnotpay i ngt ax esoni t ." That ' sagai nstt hel aw, " Bar r ycont i nued. " Real i z et hatgr eat erear ni ngsar eof t enpossi bl ewi t hof f shor ei nv est ment s.So br i ngi ngapor t i onoft hosef undsi nt ot heU. S.r equi r esj ustpay i ngt het axont hi s money . " YankBar r yex pl ai nedwhyt hecompany ' si ni t i alpubl i cof f er i ngwasnotl i st edon NASDAQ," Wewant edt oof f ert hel owestf eesandt hehi ghestl ev elofsecur i t y ,so t hatev er y bodyf r om t hesmal l estt ot hel ar gesti nst i t ut i onali nv est orwoul dbe pr ot ect ed. " TheWor l dI nv est or s' St ockEx change( WI SE)i st heonl yst ockex changei nt he wor l dt hatcanguar ant eei nv est or st hatt heywi l lnotl oset hei ri nv est ment . " Al ll i st edst ockscar r yaSt ockVal ueBankGuar ant eet hatensur est her et ur nof t hei ni t i ali nv est ment ,pl usar easonabl er at eofr et ur n, "hecl ar i f i ed. Char l esWebb,ex ecut i v ev i cepr esi dentofWI SEaf f i r medt hat ," t her e' sbeena gr oundswel lofent husi asm f ort hi sst ock. " Ev eni nt hepr ei ssueper i odwewer ei nundat edwi t hr equest sf ori nf or mat i on f r om peopl ewhosawt hi sasagr eataddi t i ont ot hei rpor t f ol i osi nt er msofv al ue appr eci at i on. " Bar r ybel i ev est hatGl obalVi l l ageChampi onsFoundat i oni st heul t i mat e f eel goodi nv est mentoppor t uni t y ." Thepr oduct st ast egr eat ,t heyar eheal t hi er t hanot herf oods,andbyusi ngt hem y ou' r ehel pi ngneedypeopl e.I t ' san al l ar oundf ant ast i coppor t uni t y ! "