Bean Around The Globe

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Issue No.1 £2.50

For Connoisseurs, By Connoisseurs.



Introduction To Coffee - Page 4 Give Decaf A Chance - Page 6 The World of A Barista - Page 10 Espressini, Falmouth - Page 14 How Fair Is Fairtrade? - Page 16 Understanding The Coffee Menu - Page 18 How Fair Is Fairtrade (Continued) - Page 20 What’s Really In The Cup? - Page 24 The Perfect Taste! - Page 26 Random Acts of Coffee - Page 28 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Coffee - Page 30 Coffee Cocktails - Page 34 Coffees Little Secrets - Page 36 NEWS - Page 38 REVIEWS - Page 44

Finding the ever-extending world of coffee a bit too much to take in? Well it doesn’t have to be that difficult, as Oliver Watts discovers...


ritain has seemingly fallen behind the world when it comes to adventurous coffee drinkers, for years our population has been happy to settle for an instant or mass produced product, but now its time to wake up and smell what’s new in the world of coffee! The British are finally clambering on board the good ship continental roast, and for those who are brave enough to make the move, the results are certainly worth it!

legendary accounts of the origin of the drink itself.

One account involves the Yemenite Sufi mystic Ghothul Akbar Nooruddin Abu al-Hasan al-Shadhili. When traveling in Ethiopia, the legend goes, he observed birds of unusual vitality, and, upon trying the berries that the birds had been eating, experienced the same vitality. Coffee was mainly consumed in the Islamic world when A new breed of companies are popping up every- it first originated and was very directly related to where, supplying complex pleasures of a drinkreligion. ing variety that have originated from not only single areas of the world, but single farms. Where does this leave Britain and todays fast paced pop culture orientated life I hear your We’ll start with some history and method. Cofscream, well. The coffee chain sector is expected fee is made from the roasted pits of a berry that to grow at 6% a year and exceed 6,000 outlets grows on the coffee tree. by 2015, with sales predicted to reach £3.2bn by 2015. The biggest chain, Costa, opened 160 These coffee “beans” are ground and steeped in outlets in 2011, and now has more than 1,342 hot water to produce an infusion that is conbranches. sumed hot or, sometimes, cold. There are several


Luckily the public is becoming more discerning when it comes to outlets and chain stores, meaning that everywhere you go now, companies are trying their best to outdo their counterparts by offering better, tastier and overall better products. Surely, this is great news? It does sound like it, but if you’ve ever spoken to someone who considers themself a seasoned coffee drinker, they would never even dream of setting foot in a chain based coffee outlet, let alone drink their product. They fear that what they will receive in their cup will be a Luke-warm black mess that has distant memories of once being roasted and a taste that offers such bitter flavours that the only thing to be done is to vomit the liquid in the baristas face and burn down the shop and everyone inside whilst shouting “LA RESISTANCE”. This does sound like a bit of an exaggeration, but if you really know someone who feels that strongly, I will not be far off their impressions, you know the one “how can you even call that coffee…”. So where does this leave you? Since coffee has become the 21st centaury ‘Wine’ that decision is really up to you. Maybe start yourself off with shop brands, instant isn’t always awful! Then you can take yourself down to a local coffee shop and try a different blend everyday until you find the one that suits you best.

Remember, people drink coffee for a selection of differing reason, some drink for that early morning buzz that helps them concentrate. Some drink for the variety of flavours that can be experienced, and others, well they may very well drink coffee to complain about how they cant find the exact option that they expect to receive. An additional reason for the popularity of coffee is that it is something that can be enjoyed by pretty much everyone. It is not a costly item or something that can only be enjoyed by select individuals. There are many reasons why coffee is becoming more and more popular in daily life; it can be a social enhancing experience. It can be enjoyed any time of the day, morning, noon and night, no matter where you go, there will always be someone enjoying a cup of their favourite coffee. There is nothing quite like waking up in the morning and being greeted by the beautiful aroma of a home brewed blend as it surrounds your kitchen engulfing the lingering smell of last nights dinner and swamping it with refreshing notes for you to enjoy.

By Natalie Roberts

Love it or hate it, decaf coffee is supposedly the healthier option for coffee drinkers, but is it really any better for you?


offee is the most popular drink worldwide with over 400 billion cups consumed each year, and last year in Britain alone £730 million was spent on it. Yet few coffee drinkers admit to drinking decaf. There seems to be a stigmatism attached to decaffeinated coffee as though drinking it perhaps affects your credibility somehow. The only time that decaf coffee sales are particularly high is in January due to people’s New Year resolutions. After Christmas many people are looking to improve their diets and become healthier, and making the change from regular to decaf coffee is a great way to start this. Although many of us know little about the process of decaffeination it is quite simple.

extracted, then the extraction is done using either water, a solvent or activated carbon. The decaffeinated coffee beans are then dried back to their normal moisture level. The solvents typically used are ethyl acetate, methylene chloride (dichloromethane) or supercritical C02.

Despite some of the chemicals used in this process, pregnant women and people with heart problems are usually advised to avoid full caffeine coffee and to drink decaf instead. However, there are recent studies to show that the decaffeination method used could actually lead to a link between decaf coffee and rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic disease of the joints. In one study by Dr Kenneth Saag of America’s UniDecaffeination removes nearly all of the caffeine from versity of Alabama, researchers looked at the health the beans. The process is carried out while the beans effects of drinking decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated are still ‘green’, before they are roasted, and coffee and tea. More than 30,000 women aged under European law, decaffeinated coffee must conbetween 53 and 69 were tested over 11 years, and the tain 0.1%, or less caffeine in roasted coffee beans, and results showed that four cups of caffeinated coffee up to 0.3%, or less in instant coffee. Therefore, each day showed no risk of developing rheumatoid contrary to popular belief, decaf coffee is not arthritis, but the researchers showed that caffeine-free. decaffeinated coffee doubled the risk of the disease. It is thought that in some countries certain solvents are The decaffeination takes place in food manufacturused to dissolve the caffeine out of the beans which ing facilities. It involves swelling the green coffee can have an inflammatory effect on joints in our beans with water or steam so that the caffeine can be body.

Coffee drinkers in Britain need not worry though as the decaffeination process in Britain is washed out with water, rather than solvents. Therefore it poses no risk of developing Rheumatoid Arthritis. So the safety of decaf coffee is evidently dependent on which decaffeination process is used, and we can all be grateful that the process used in Britain is currently regarded as one of the safest.

It would appear that the health benefits of choosing decaf over regular coffee are numerous, as the high anti-oxidant levels of decaf can also reduce the risk of incurring diabetes. The decaffeination process will not eliminate chlorogenic acid which is the substance that helps to regulate blood glucose levels. Another benefit of decaf coffee is that the polyphenols found in coffee beans are not lost during the decaffeination process. These substances are responsible in boosting the brain’s cognitive abilities, thus further improving memory, and preventing mental decline due to old age. Decaf can, however, have some of the same effects on the body as regular coffee. It too can cause heartburn or irritate stomach ulcers in susceptible people, and oddly enough, even without the high amount of caffeine, it too can stimulate the nervous system and briefly boost blood pressure in those unaccustomed to coffee, according to Swiss researchers. People who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine are often able to tolerate decaffeinated coffee better than fully caffeinated coffee. Yet because of the trace amounts of caffeine remaining, people may enjoy a mild stimulation after drinking decaf coffee, without the drawbacks of nervousness or irregular heartbeats. It would therefore seem to be the perfect solution to those who love coffee but hate the negative side effects associated with it.

For caffeine addicts wondering whether to swap their double espresso for a decaf latte, studies show that regular (caffeine-filled) coffee does have its pros as well as cons regarding your health. It has been found however that decaf coffee could actually prevent cancer. Decaf still contains high levels of anti-oxidants that can prevent conditions associated with the aging process and cancer. Studies have also shown that regular decaf drinkers have reduced risks of incurring colon cancer. For female drinkers, the risks of breast cancer are also reduced.


Many people claim that decaf coffee doesn’t taste as good as caffeinated coffee. So we decided to put this to the test using a ‘blind’ taste test. We filled six cups with coffee; three with regular coffee and three with decaf coffee. For consistency reasons we used the same brand of coffee for both the regular and decaf, Nescafe. We even used the exact same mugs for each of the drinks in case the shape of the cup slightly distorted the flow of the coffee.

The first coffee we gave to them was the decaf. We received comments such as: “It doesn’t taste as bitter and strong as the coffee that I normally have”, “It doesn’t taste cheap” and “It doesn’t give a nasty aftertaste”.

We then found three volunteers. We gave each of them a cup of regular and a cup of decaf coffee but didn’t reveal what was in each cup, we simply told them that they were going to be tasting two different coffees. We didn’t inform them that one was going to be decaf. We then asked them to grade the coffees on taste. Our tasting panel consisted of one regular coffee drinker, one occasional coffee drinker and one non-coffee drinker.

Decaf is the winner!

We then swapped the cups for the regular coffee. For which we surprisingly received comments such as: “It tastes a bit watery and cheap”, “This doesn’t have a nice coffee smell”, “It’s not got as nice a taste” and “The other one’s much tastier, I like the other one”. It was shocking to find that, before we revealed what was in the cups, there was a unanimous decision that the decaf tasted far better than the regular coffee. With each of the three people commenting on how the regular coffee tasted “cheap and watery” and that they preferred “the first cup by miles”. They were all genuinely shocked that they had just chosen a decaffeinated coffee over a regular coffee, particularly the regular coffee drinker. They all asked to finish the cup of decaf coffee, but left the regular coffee cups on the table saying “The first one was better. It had a nicer smell and a mellow taste”. 8

While we are aware that everyone has different taste, this test has shown that decaf coffee should not be ruled out on the grounds that you assume it will not taste as good as regular coffee. So decaf coffee (according to our testers) actually tastes nicer than regular coffee, and it’s better for your health. Why not try it and see what you think?

By Natalie Roberts Ten years ago the majority of people would have been unfamiliar with the word Barista. Yet today it is a well-known career. In case any of you are still uncertain, the Oxford dictionary’s description of a Barista is ‘a person who serves coffee in a bar’. However, the role of a Barista actually involves far more than that.


one are the days when working in a coffee shop was frowned upon and just seen as a stop-gap job. These days the role of a Barista has progression levels and even courses designed solely to enable global understanding of both the product and process of coffee. It’s no longer as simple as pouring coffee into a cup and handing it to a customer.

the coffee industry and thinks that it is “a booming industry with lots going on, lots of opportunity for young people as well”. Gayle explained that the courses The London School of Coffee offer consist of “learning from the bean to the cup”, and how with this knowledge it is possible to get a career in any area of the industry.

Colleges throughout the UK are now offering Barista skills courses as the role has become so intricate and demanding. One example of these courses is the City & Guilds Level 2 Award in Barista Skills, offered at various colleges throughout the country. The course is designed to equip budding Baristas with all of the knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen career.

But what started the UK’s coffee culture? It is clear to see that our country has developed a slight obsession with coffee in the last decade. Gayle said: “There’s just generally been a boom in the industry. I mean obviously we were initially a nation of tea drinkers, and that’s I think definitely changed with the influence of Starbucks and other coffee chains.”

For those who would prefer to learn from a business focussing purely on courses in the coffee industry there is The London School of Coffee. Most of the courses offered here are one day courses, but it is actually possible to work towards a Diploma in Barista Skills through this school. Gayle Reed, the Manager of the company, says she feels very passionately about

So Gayle is actually an example of how the ever increasing coffee culture has changed businesses within the industry. The London School of Coffee offers four one day courses a week, with an average of 6-8 places per course, so this is a prime example of just how many people are interested in training to progress as a Barista. The Barista courses they offer cost £210 and although many people attending them have the courses funded by their workplaces, it is possible to fund yourself on the course. “Once people step into this industry they realise there’s an awful lot more to it.”

It is easy for us to forget that tea was once arguably the most popular drink in the UK when all you see in towns and cities across the country now are coffee shops. Quaint tea rooms appear to be a thing of the past. As an example of how things have changed, Gayle told us how The London School of Coffee was initially a speciality coffee importer working alongside a company called Mercanta, who were pioneers in the industry around 17 years ago. She explained that approximately six years ago a huge influence in the coffee world, James Hoffmann, helped her to make the change in her business to focus purely on education in the industry. James is the Managing Director of Square Mile Coffee Roasters and won the World Barista Championships in 2007.

With the amount that coffee culture has grown in the UK in recent years, the demand for the ‘perfect cup’ is ever increasing. It wouldn’t be particularly shocking if someone were to stroll into a coffee house and ask for a tall, skinny mocha-frappelatte with whipped cream, sprinkles and glitter on. Yes we made most of that up, and ok, perhaps that was a slight exaggeration, but some orders overheard don’t sound far off that.

But why have people become so much more particular with their coffee? Gayle summarised it quite perfectly saying: “It’s a little bit like wine now, in as much as people now know their varieties, know their countries and where they like to buy from, and what coffee characteristics they like, or what profiles they like.” With the choices available we are able to make our coffee decision based on our moods, and we can customise it to be exactly how we like it. It’s no longer just something to boost your energy levels; it’s now a social thing with a hint of status. Coffee is no longer just a drink. The role of a Barista has become so complex that there are now Barista Championships held around Latte art has recently become more popular particularly in smaller independent coffee houses. It is a method of preparing coffee created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso resulting in a pattern or design on the surface of the resulting latte. It can also be created or embellished by simply “drawing” in the top layer of foam, and many Baristas challenge themselves to create the most difficult designs.

the world. During these competitions thousands of Baristas exhibit their talents, ranging from pouring the ‘perfect cup’ through to latte art.

The World Barista Championships are incredibly popular in the coffee industry, and when asked how many people would be attending this year’s UK competition, a spokesperson for The UK Barista Championships said: “If it’s like previous years then around 85 for the main competition.” When the competition first began there were 10 countries entering, and now there are approximately 50. This shows just how fast the industry is growing and improving. Although you may not have been aware of just how sought after the role of a Barista is before you read this article, or even perhaps known what a Barista was, there is something that you can’t now deny. It is certainly no longer just a stop-gap job.


Photo by John Liot

“Espressini is a social and creative, cultural hub in Cornwall and the south west. It attracts many people from Falmouth and also has a cult following for coffee lovers who travel far and wide for a truly interesting cup of coffee” explains Rupert Ellis, owner of Espressini. This quaint and friendly specialist coffee shop prides itself on being diverse, differing from commercial chains such as Costa and Nero, so what makes Espressini what it is? After many years of collecting ideas, Rupert opened Espressini in October 2011, “The start point was a convergence of ideas, collected over several years which gained momentum” Rupert explained that it was a chain of events and conversations which solidified his passion to open a speciality coffee business in Falmouth. “We are fortunate that in the UK in the last few years, gourmet or artisanal roasted coffee has had a resurgence and is growing in popularity. This is spear headed by a small collection of very talented people who back up the process of roasting and import and drink production, who push back coffee culture and cafe culture in the UK beyond the boundary’s in the wake of chain store coffee.” Says Rupert, explaining 14

some of the reasons that have helped Espressini gain the status that it holds today. It is this effort and dedication from coffee lovers that has led to the impressive collection of speciality coffee blends that Rupert holds. “It has taken us some time to get into our stride but we now work with the very best of the micro roasters in the UK and some from Scandinavia and Europe. We source the very best of the seasonal coffees available from these roasters and deliver them with skill, knowledge and passion to our customers.

Ranging from aromatic and sweet strawberries and crème coffee from Africa, to sharper and more punchy flavours more Papa New Guinea, Rupert certainly chooses carefully, “I am a particular fan of Ethiopian coffees, their subtlety flavour and delicate fragrances are simply delicious and something truly to be enjoyed as either an espresso or a brewed drink”. Yet, it’s not just the flavours that Rupert focuses on, he also places a lot of importance to the business that he buys from, so we asked… “You put a lot of consideration and time into picking your clientele, and a lot/all of your coffee beans are independently sourced, what are your reasons for this?” Rupert – “At Espressini we know all of our roasters on first name terms, it’s important to connect the people in the process for us, and create a narrative within a people skilled industry. People are becoming more interested in the skill of drinks production and will travel to a specific person to have their coffee made rather than go to a particular coffee shop. We have regulars who refuse to drink coffee from anyone else because they recognise when coffee is badly made, and customers who regularly visit us from San Francisco, Melbourne and Milan.” Because Rupert selects his own blends carefully, he ensures that every purchase that is made pays respect to the farmers, ensuring that they are paid rightfully for the quality of their product. “I see our responsibility as the final stage of the coffee bean’s life to do it as much Justice as we can to those people who have grown, harvested, processed and roasted the coffee by creating drinks which are unbeatably good for our customers to enjoy and understand.” - Rupert Ellis, Espressini, Falmouth.


“we know all of our roasters on first name terms”

By Lee Robinson


t Bean around the globe, we believe that fair trade is undoubtedly a notion that can’t be ignored. With statistics from the World Bank stating that 2billion people around the world are trying to survive on $2 per day, it’s no surprise that the western-world’s attention has been brought to the current climate of globalisation. Along with this conscientious mind-set among our culture, we’re also facing biotic interactions and global change. It’s not an unknown fact that, for many years, international trade hasn’t been conducted in an ethical method. Similarly, nothing has dramatically changed in our climate, and deforestation is still occurring at high volume to feed to the relentless needs of western consumer’s.

then buying into FairTrade?

This begs the question, what can we do? And whom should we trust? The term ‘fair trade’ isn’t alien to us in the west, but the question is, how fair is FairTrade?

In the last 20-30 years, lowering of the trade barrier all over the world has led to a dramatic increase in trade, and with high trade comes economic growth even in the poorest of countries. So we ask ourselves, globalisation is working, right? Actually, no. Studies in the UN, World Bank and other agencies are showing that the benefits of globalisation are simply not trickling down to the poorest of the poor - literally millions of people are being left behind by this economic growth. It’s argued that The FairTrade foundation is causing more harm than good to less developed countries for this reason. Mexico is one of the biggest producers on the FairTrade market, holding around 23% of the shares. Mexico now has hundreds of coffee producers as where Burundi, Ethiopia and Rwanda only have a small handful. This means that FairTrade pays support to reasonably wealthy Mexican coffee farmers at the expense of poorer countries.

First, lets decipher the difference between the notion of fair trade and The FairTrade foundation. Fair trade is free trade. Free trade relies on the absence of price fixing arrangements and tariff barriers that restrict international trade. These are the principles that The FairTrade foundation stands by in their organisation. The organised social movement that aims to make a better trading condition and promote sustainability advocates the payment of a higher price to exporters as well as higher social and environmental standards. In the UK alone, there are approximately 500 FairTrade towns, 118 FairTrade Universities, over 6000 FairTrade churches and over 4000 UK schools registered in the FairTrade schools scheme. It’s obvious that the UK wants to make a difference in the produce they’re buying, and what better way to do it

Paul Rice, founder of The FairTrade Foundation USA said in a university conference, “At The FairTrade Foundation we want to give empowerment to the farmers. This model and other models of sustainability are just as much about our empowerment, our journey, as it is theirs.” That said, how much do consumers really know about the fair trade movement? Is it a necessary safety net that helps poor farmers earn a better living or, as others might say, an example of western ‘feel-good’ tokenism that enriches agrarian poverty?

Furthermore, by Fairtrade rules, coffee farms must not be more than 12 acres in size and they are not allowed to employ full-time workers. This means that during the harvest season’s migrant works have to work on a short-term contract. These are the workers that are excluded from the stability of long-term employment and the riches of FairTrade farms. The International Development Committee declared in 2007 “FairTrade could have a deeper impact if it were to target more consciously to the poorest.” In relation to the previous question on consumer’s knowledge on the fair trade movement, another obstacle FairTrade has to conquer is maintaining their market. With The FairTrade Foundation becoming increasingly mainstream inevitably compromises will have to be made with the huge corporations that they are now tied with. Giants such as Nestle, Cadburys, Starbucks and major supermarkets are all converting their products over to FairTrade. Good, in theory – however companies such as Nestle are notorious for their aggressive marketing tactics and their ‘bloody’ hunt for palm oil, causing an enormous amount of deforestation. Ironic, for a corporation with so many ethical issues surrounding it to label their brands with a stamp that promotes ethical values in the developing world. It seems a matter of trust is a ‘no-brainer’ in the eyes of the consumer. In addition to this suspicion FairTrade USA doesn’t monitor nor reveal exactly how much of the extra money paid by consumers actually reaches the farmers. The Fairtrade Foundation also doesn’t monitor how much retailers charge for FairTrade goods and it’s a rarely possible to determine how much extra is being charged or how much

reaches the producers, despite the Unfair Trading legislation. You’d expect a company like FairTrade USA that’s worth 1.2billion to monitor such figures, wouldn’t you? And after all, the FairTrade Fortnight campaign needs to be addressed. The nationwide effort, similar to Red Nose Day promotes awareness and sales of FairTrade products. In other words, it’s about selling a brand. With fair trades growing popularity it’s important for The FairTrade Foundation to maintain their predominate mark in an increasingly competitive marketplace for ethically branded products. The publicity behind the campaign is necessary because there is every reason for us consumers to make other ethical choices. It’s become obvious that in the 21st century the western-world has become far more aware of our consumable global impact on third-world countries. People are getting to the point where they want products that are consistent with their values. Throughout Bean Around the Globes investigation we acknowledged that people want to make a difference, FairTrade might not be the best choice to help poor farmers and migrant workers around the world but it does open an opportunity for a intelligent debate about how the organisation can use it’s massive consumer marketplace to help lift agrarian worker out of poverty. Lets not ditch fair trade, let’s project the notion of free trade fairness, so the west maintains a mindful level of consumption and think carefully about what products they’re buying.

By Natalie Roberts

For many people, their first visit to a coffee shop is often a daunting thing. What is Venti? What is an Americano? Why can’t the menu board just say tea or coffee? So for those of you who would like a basic translation of what the coffee menu boards have written on them, this is a breakdown of what each drink is.


spresso – This is a coffee brewing technique where a small amount of hot water is forced under pressure through finely ground tightly packed coffee. This brewing technique results in 30ml of a thicker and more concentrated flavoured brew than a typical cup of coffee. An Espresso is the base for other coffee drinks such as Latte, Cappuccino, Mocchiato, Americano and Mocha. Latte – This is an Espresso based drink with steamed milk added, then topped with frothed milk. Latte is usually in the ratio of one part Espresso to three parts milk, making it creamier than a Cappuccino. In certain coffee houses an image is created on top of the Latte, this is known as Latte art. Cappuccino – This varies but typically consists of one-third Espresso, one-third milk, and one-third stiff milk foam. It is often finished off with sprinkled chocolate on the top. The Cappuccino originates from Viennese coffee houses of the 1700s called “Kapuziner”.


Macchiato – This is an Espresso based coffee with a small amount of hot frothed milk added. ‘Macchiato’ is an Italian word that means ‘marked’ or ‘stained’. Traditionally this drink is made with one shot of Espresso, and the small amount of added milk froth is the ‘stain’. Americano – This is also an Espresso based coffee, simply topped up with hot water. This gives it a similar strength to, but different flavour from, regular coffee. It typically consists of a single or double shot of Espresso with hot water added. It originates from World War II when American soldiers in Europe would add hot water to their Espresso to weaken the strength making it similar to the coffee they were accustomed too. Mocha – This is a derivative of Latte. Typically it is made up of one shot of Espresso mixed with a very strong hot chocolate and topped with hot frothed milk. Café Mocha takes its name from the Red Sea coastal town of Mocha in Yemen. Mocha was a major sea port for coffee export in the 15th century. There are many types of coffee beverages to suit your mood. The difficult part is making a decision.

By Lee Robinson


n the last fair trade article, Bean around the Globe discovered that the ‘FairTrade’ stamp we’re all so familiar with may have more serious implications than we would have expected. We know that consumers today are becoming more mindful in their chosen brand and we now know that the western-world want products that are consistent with their values. So we return to the pressed question what can the west really do to help economic growth in developing countries and help lift agrarian workers out of poverty? With this in mind, smaller charities such as ‘Farm Africa’ are on the rise – in terms of popularity. You ask, why is this relevant? Farm Africa isn’t a fair trade label nor does it directly give cash to developing countries. What Farm Africa does is provide livestock to these countries. Farm Africa believes that if the western-world carries on throwing money at developing countries then they won’t adequately adapt to trading wealth and maintain good standards of living on their farms and communities. Whether Farm Africa is right or not is another matter – what is important is that the company that has no ties with major corporations and asks for a small fee of £2 per month is being noticed. The GiftAid sponsored charity is increasing their signature count by the day because they’re trusted. People feel that they can almost see where their money is being spent, and this goes along way in our culture when you’re being asked to dig-deep in the high street. 20

Knowing that people are profoundly chartable towards organisation’s supporting developing countries’, Bean around the Globe visited Falmouth in Cornwall to find out more.

“people are profoundly chartable towards organisation’s supporting developing countries”

In 2005, Falmouth town council embraced the fair trade ethos and made partnership with local organisations and individuals to make Falmouth the first fair trade town in Cornwall. Ever since, Falmouth town council have been asking the Falmouth residents and visitors to support fair trade products by visiting the town’s most well-known venues. The Greenbank hotel, Gylly Beach Café, Harbor Lights, The Chain Locker and De Wynn’s are just some of the known fair trade providers in Falmouth. When we say ‘fair trade providers’, we don’t mean ‘The FairTrade Foundation’ stamp is in every independent venue - local businesses use their own alternative, trusted fair trade stamp. A reliable and local fair trade source that many of these venues use is Origin Coffee. Ben Eddy, owner of De Wynn’s coffee shop, located in Falmouth high street said: “When we started our business we used a wide variety of Origin Coffee, over time Origin suggested to us that we should only use three different blends at one time because coffee is seasonal”.


“Origin came to our shop and provided training to our staff, they’re very engaged with us and were happy to give advice and tips. Since we changed our drinks menu to what they advised, we have been made profitable business growth.” Ben went on to explain how he plans to continue buying from Origin Coffee because of they are “helpful, reliable and local”. Origin came to our shop and provided training to our staff, they’re very engaged with us and were happy to give advice and tips

“Origin came to our shop and provided training to our staff, they’re very engaged with us and were happy to give advice and tips”

While we bear in mind that coffee culture is exploding in the UK, and us consumers are looking for the best in our products, Origin Coffee appears to be a safe. The Helston based connoisseur company focuses their work on roasting the best beans and ensure they’re on the proverbial horns of an ethical dilemma. Origin said: “Finding and roasting the best beans available is of paramount importance to us and we go the extra mile to make sure our blends and single estate coffees are among the best you’ve ever tasted. Each year we visit coffee growing communities to build direct relationships with farms we want to buy from and, just as importantly, to cement existing relationships we have with our trusted growers. Last year we invested in our brand new roaster, the Loring SmartRoast, the world’s first environmentally friendly coffee roaster. So it’s safe to say that we’re pretty conscious of our environmental impact”.

“finding and roasting the best beans available is of paramount importance” It has built up a strong reputation as a reliable and approachable company that can guarantee environmentally friendly roasting processes. Good work Origin, the SmartRoast uses 80% less energy than any other roaster on the market and has next to no emissions. “We love it. Not just because it fits in with our ethos perfectly, but because it roasts beautifully”. So, Origin works closely with local companies makes a proud point of environmentally friendly roasting techniques and high quality coffee that comes from well-trusted growers. But how does their trade help agrarian poverty? “Our strict ethical standards mean we only want to work with farms that are not only producing top notch beans, but are also mindful of their workers and their families. Our farmers all do that little bit extra for the people working for them. Some have built schools for their workers’ children while another has built a bakery for their employee’s wives to


bake bread during the day. They then go and sell it at the local market and are allowed to keep the profit themselves.” Origin Explained. “We visit the farms we buy from and then spend a long time roasting small coffee samples with different profiles to make sure we’re roasting our beans to get their optimum flavour. We want to work with the natural flavours that have grown in to the coffee, bringing out the sweetness in the beans. We want you to taste every characteristic it has to offer.” For people living in Cornwall, Origin Coffee goes the extra mile so you don’t have to. It’s a locally known, loved and trusted brand, not only in Falmouth but also throughout Cornwall. It’s an alternative option to the mainstream giants, The FairTrade Foundation and even The Rain Forest Alliance. Origin Coffee almost screams in the face of the consumers that are mindfully looking for an ethical fair trade alternative that is guaranteed to make a difference. Fair trade is free trade, improving people’s lives and making a right choice towards a cause that will make a difference to agrarian poverty is the fundamental principle of the fair trade notion. In Cornwall, Origin Coffee is doing it right.

By Lewis Wilson


e all enjoy that fix to get us through the morning, or even a relaxing break in the afternoon, but do we really know what lies within our coffee? For many years, negative stigma seems to have surrounded this hot and tasty beverage, yet research is beginning to show that there are benefits to be reaped. It is undeniable that coffee is an incredibly popular drink, so much so that over 400 million cups are drank every day in America alone, so what is it about coffee that everyone seems to love so much? Recent research from the ‘World Journal of Biological Psychiatry’ shows that coffee actually works as an acute antidepressant, as it triggers what are known as dopamine receptors in the brain, so more than just a ‘pick me up’. However, with everything that’s good in life comes something that we aren’t all so great at, moderation. Despite the rumours about coffee increasing the risk of heart disease, studies show that 2-5 cups a day is actually a healthy amount as coffee contains anti-oxidants. However, overdosing on this addictive substance can have negative effects.

Caffeine is, of course, a part of many peoples’ lives and can tend to cause health risks when taken in excess. These can range from stress and over tiredness, to stained teeth and calcium deficiency. Many studies have suggested that coffee can also heighten the risk of heart disease, however, it has been proved difficult to assess whether there is a positive correlation with drinking coffee and preventing long term health risks like this. Much of the research methods conducted around the effects of coffee in the past have been carried out on two simply divided groups of people, those who do drink coffee and those who don’t. Despite the research received from these experiments being of some value, other studies have shown that people who drink coffee as a ‘habit’ also tend to have other habits or cravings, such as the need for cigarettes or alcohol, therefore, it can often be difficult to single out the effects of coffee amongst other harmful intakes. “These methods tend to be inaccurate as they use a controlled population, cancelling out other socially influenced factors” advises David Turner, clinical prescribing lead to the isle of white CCG (clinical commissioning group). So, where do we draw the line between ‘habit’ and

‘addiction’ ? Drinking coffee at regular intervals every day will of course condition your brain to a certain amount of caffeine intake, take this away however, and you can suffer from headaches and other mild withdrawal symptoms such as: irritableness, lethargy and lack of concentration. In fact, the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’ have even recognised caffeine withdrawal as a disorder. Habit or addiction, the more you have, the harder it is to cut out. What about Decaf? Many people believe that drinking decaffeinated coffee will help to cut out caffeine, however, it is impossible to completely decaffeinate it. Guidelines say that 97% of caffeine has to be removed to be classed as decaf, yet removing all of it is impossible. Though, is it undeniable that an occasional cup of black coffee has medicinal benefits. Some of you may be thinking, surely black coffee is worse for you? Well, surprisingly not. Deep inside those small beans are a diverse group of what’s known as ‘flavonoids’, these are common compounds in various fruit and veg that work as anti-oxidants for your body. However, add milk to that dark roast and the protein of it sticks to them, weakening their healing powers. In fact, recent surveys in 2013 have


discovered that drinking coffee is actually healthier than having a fruit smoothie. Out of 52 commercial smoothies, 41 of them had more sugar than a can of Coke, which contains roughly nine teaspoons. Technicalities aside, drinking coffee is an increasingly popular, pleasurable and social activity. Whether it’s a business meeting, going on a date, or even browsing the web, coffee never goes short of hand. With a constant rise in production and marketing, there could be more research and medical benefits to come.

“caffeine has been proved to temporarily increase lipid content/fats and cholesterol, amongst other symptoms.”

By Lewis Wilson


ark, milky, sweet, frothy, creamy…there are endless ways that people like to drink, or even make their coffee. Yet, how much do we really know about the elements that make our taste buds tingle? Is there such a thing as ‘the perfect taste’? Coffee has been brewed in a range of ways across the world for hundreds of years now, and continues to develop and change today. So, a brief bit of history for you: coffee cultivation was believed to have started in Southern Arabia in the 15th century, which was created using the traditional method that we still use today, boiling. The beans, or ‘berries’ to be technical, were harvested and then pulverised into a very fine consistency. This ground was then placed into a pot, or an ‘Ibrik’ which is what the Turkish used and still do, then boiling water is added. After a short while, the sediment of the ground sinks to the bottom and you are left with a ‘mud like’ coffee. We still use this traditional method today, but with many variations. Since then, coffee has always been increasing in popularity, more so in the 21st century than ever before. Coffee shops are continuously becoming more of a social hub, and people’s liking for coffee is growing. So much so, that people are starting to want to get that ‘Costa’ quality cappuccino in their own homes. The majority of coffee shops, ‘Costa’ included, use pressurised machines that push out espresso shots from a puck like shape of ground coffee, creating the base of the drink, but can this level be matched with instant coffee? A question that seems to be frequently asked is, what’s the difference between a £3 and a £6 pot of coffee? Well, part of that price is down to brand, however, you definitely get what you pay for. Finer and more expensive ground coffees tend to go through longer and more delicate brewing processes. For example, the finer the coffee is grounded the less

time you will leave it to brew in water, as if you leave it for too long the coffee will become harsh and bitter. So, when a delicious batch is underway, a lot of time is taken to balance the grind of coffee to perfection, leaving it coarse enough to brew for longer and release more of the intense flavour. In fact, even the slightest difference in temperature can change that taste – add water at 96 degrees centigrade and the rich aromas are released, add water at 100 however, and the harsh acidity can take over, “There are a vast amount of things that make a coffee what it is, time and effort being the two most important”, advises Rupert Ellis, Professional Barista and owner of Espressini Coffee shop, Falmouth. There are methods that you can use around the home to try to attain this level of brewing, however, like most things these days, the better you want it, the bigger the price. Then, what does it take to become a coffee connoisseur, expensive equipment? Knowledge? Well, both, and they come at a cost. If you want to get more taste than your café tiere offers, or want more action than pushing that filter down, then why not take a course? Some of you may be thinking, ‘that sounds a bit over the top for a coffee?’ Well, you’d be surprised. There are many courses that you can pay for in order to lean the ‘art’ of coffee making, which in turn will grant you the prestigious title of ‘Barista’, sounds fancy right? ‘London School of Coffee’, amongst many others, offer many courses for all levels that teach you the craft behind getting the taste you want, “With 20 years’ experience in the industry from the Bean to

the Cup we have a great insight and knowledge of the many layers of this industry.” So whether it’s how to make a leaf out of froth or how to check PH levels, they know it. In fact, if you fancy a career change, there’s even a course in how to open your own coffee shop! Nevertheless, a bit of knowledge and home experimentation will always go a long way, just a small tip to start you off, adding boiling water to the coffee can burn it and impair its flavour, try adding it last…


By Emily Walton.

or a whole lot of people coffee is one of those things that you need to kick start the day and get going. It’s good under any circumstances. And by good I mean that ‘so addicting I will sprint into town just to get there before I have to start the day and be wherever I actually have to be’ kinda good. Coffee is the basis of an extremely high portion of the world’s population’s mornings, a lot of people can’t start the day off right unless they’ve popped into their nearest coffee place for a quick jolt of energy. But what if not only could you alert yourself for the rest of the day, but you could also do some good? When you go in for your morning ‘usual’ why don’t you pick up a ‘suspended coffee’ too? A ‘suspended coffee’ is a coffee which you pay for but do not take. It is way of paying it forward. You go in and pre-purchase a coffee, and then if someone who may not be able to afford it; for example a homeless person, goes in all they have to do is ask if they have any suspended coffees and they get a free drink. The great thing about this idea is not only can it transfer to food as well as coffee, but it’s direct and you know exactly where you money and kindness is going. highlights the benefits of the anonymity of the whole idea; “The donor and the recipient would remain anonymous to each other, to protect generosity, pride, and the pleasure of coffee beyond hardships.”


The ‘suspended coffee’ began in years ago Naples in Italy where it translates to ‘espresso sospeso’. In Italy they even managed, with the support of NGO’s and the mayor, to declare a specific day as ‘suspended coffee day’, this day being December 10th. But with the help of social media more and more people are becoming aware of this idea and using it as a means of paying it forward and helping those in need, and it is spreading around the world. For example, as of last year about 150 cafes in Britain have started to get involved in this scheme and offer the choice of purchasing one of these ‘suspended coffees’, and even huge chains like Costa and Starbucks are taking note looking into participating in this large scale ‘random act of kindness’. According to the site ‘’ there are currently 195 places that participate in this movement in 19 different countries.

So why should you participate in this? Are you ever having a really awful day and maybe just the smallest thing, maybe just a tiny act of kindness could make it better? Not only could a ‘suspended coffee’ help those in need, but maybe it makes someone’s day who really needed it. Maybe it makes someone smile on a day where everything is going wrong. As illustrated by John Sweeney – who created the suspended coffee Facebook page – he explains that; “it’s not just an idea for the homeless. I’ve been in situations where I’ve been out of work, freezing, and would have loved nothing more than a cup of coffee, but couldn’t afford one.” And what could be better than making someone else smile? What better feeling is out there than the possibility that you might have made someone else’s day? Even it’s that of a complete stranger. The other great thing about the whole idea of the ‘suspended coffee’ is that it’s actually achievable. Charity can sometimes seem like something that is just for the rich who can actually afford to give it away when there are so many more people who would give something if they had it. But with this you can help out and offer a random act of kindness to someone else whoever you are, and whatever you have. Whether you have enough to treat 10 people to a coffee and a sandwich or just enough to buy one


extra coffee for whoever is in need of a warm beverage it all counts. It’s not about being rich with this scheme and showing off how much you can give; it’s about paying forward what you have.


he following few pages contain 10 little facts about coffee, they have no relevance to each other and are simply to inform you a little bit more about the product you love. Tell these facts to your friends/colleagues and spread the fascinating truth of coffee! Now, we all know coffee is a bean, we all know its best served in a cup, and we all know where our favourite coffee is from, but let Oliver Watts tell you some more thing which you might be unaware of! 1. Coffee Rust Causes Problems in Central America Coffee rust is a fungal disease that gets its name from the distinctive orange patches it causes on the coffee plant. It has devastated crops since the 19th centaury leaving its mark and eventually kills the plant, due to this it is not only killing coffee, its killing the livelihood of farmers around the world. Arabica plant, favored by coffee connoisseurs, is coffee rust’s main victim, and countries that grow Arabica beans are currently suffering an epidemic. In February 2013, Guatemala declared a state of agricultural emergency due to coffee rust and has provided $14 million for farmers to buy pesticides. Unfortunately, that means you may end up having to pay more for a decent cup of coffee in the next couple of years.

2. Lethal Kenyan Coffee Criminality In Kenya, a country where a kilo of dried coffee beans can be worth a week’s wages, there is a threat of theft and violence, which has been sweeping the coffee industry. A special police force has been set up to deal with the problem, but raids by armed gangs are a daily occurrence. Coffee growers are being forced to sleep in their fields so they can fend off would-be thieves. The thieves have been reportedly shot security guards with arrows and have also beaten other to death with branches. Villagers have been retaliating by lynching caught criminals in the street.

3. Espresso literally means: Forced out The origin of the term “espresso” is the subject of considerable debate. Although some Anglo-American dictionaries simply refer to “forced-out”, “espresso,” much like the English word “express”, conveys the senses of “just for you” and “quickly,” which can be related to the method of espresso preparation.

4. A car fuelled by used coffee grounds made the 250-mile trip from London to Manchester Nicknamed the Car-puccino, it has been created using a converted 1988 Volkswagen Scirocco bought for £400 and chosen for its resemblance to the time-travelling DeLorean in the movie ‘Back to the Future’. In total, the trip used the equal of about 11,760 espressos, and the team had to take ‘coffee breaks’ roughly every 30 to 45 miles to pour in more granules.

5. Not all coffee is Vegan: It has been linked to animal Cruelty Kopi luwak is made from coffee beans excreted by Indonesian palm civets - small, mongoose-like creatures. Reporters have witnessed battery-style conditions, animals in cramped cages and a severely injured civet cat, contradicting the “wild” claims marketed to consumers.


6. Coffee may protect women from endometrial cancer Edward Giovannucci, M.D., Sc.D., professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, said coffee is emerging as a protective agent in cancers that are linked to obesity, estrogen and insulin. Drinking more than four cups of coffee per day was linked with a 25 percent reduced risk for endometrial cancer. Drinking between two and three cups per day was linked with a 7 percent reduced risk. A similar link was seen in decaffeinated coffee, where drinking more than two cups per day was linked with a 22 percent reduced risk for endometrial cancer.

7. The Starbucks logo is a twin tailed mermaid or siren Love it or hate it, Starbucks is here to stay, but their logo always seems to confuse people. Unless you know what it means or represents then it may be lost on you, but wonder no longer! Starbucks say that she is a 16th century Norse woodcut of a twin-tailed mermaid, or Siren. There was something about her – a seductive mystery mixed with a nautical theme that was exactly what the founders were looking for. A logo was designed around her, and our long relationship with the Siren began.

8. Olympic Brazil Money Crisis Because of the economic crisis, Brazil didn’t have the money to send their athletes through traditional means. They came up with an ingenious solution: they sent them all on a boat filled with coffee and told them to sell it along the way to fund the trip! The ship, the Itaquice took them all the way to the Port of Los Angeles, where they were supposed to disembark.

9. Coffee & Pregnancy You can still enjoy your coffee but you need to watch quantity. Too much caffeine (also found in tea, soft drinks and chocolate) can increase the chances of miscarriage. The NHS recommends a limit of 200mg a day of caffeine, the same as in two cups of instant coffee. This amount should have no impact on the developmental stages of your baby and what a good thing, because you’ll probably need a few cups!

10. The World’s first webcam The Trojan Room coffee pot was the motivation for the world’s first webcam. The coffee pot was situated in the corridor just outside the so-called Trojan Room within the old Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge. The webcam was created to help people working in other parts of the building avoid useless journeys to the coffee room by providing a live 128×128 greyscale image of the coffee pot and its contents.


By Emily Walton.


offee is great on its own, but when you want an added hint of flavour, or you need an extra powerful boost in energy you might want to try adding a shot of alcohol to liven up your morning/afternoon/ evening fix. You might want to watch out though because when mixed with caffeine your alcohol appears to get to work a whole lot quicker. But with the winter coldness this could be just the comfort drink. So let’s toast to being warm this winter. There are more combinations of dynamics which you try for the ‘coffee cocktail’, however it appears there are some more common combinations that make it into the vast majority of people’s cups. The most popular combinations would probably include; ‘Irish coffee’ (Irish whiskey and coffee), amaretto (a nutty liqueur) and coffee, Kahlua (which already tastes a little like coffee, and so is perhaps the perfect accompaniment that won’t overpower the taste of the coffee), Rum, peppermint schnapps and Tequila. The most popular combination of ‘coffee cocktail’, based upon the opinions of people locally, seems to be coffee mixed with vodka. One option for this particular cocktail mix was “black with a shot of vodka in the morning” which Kaitlyn White put forward as a pretty effective way of waking up and getting started on the day. Kaitlyn described this particular cocktail concoction as being, “strong tasting but not overly powerful in alcohol” and “not overly sweet or taking away from the taste of the coffee.” She used this drink as a way of describing the “perfect wakeup call for mornings where you just can’t get out of bed at all.” While a second variation – but still involving vodka – was the idea of buying and mixing both “Starbucks bottled fraps and pinnacle whipped vodka”. Brittany described this particular concoction as “a light and sweet drink” saying the “vanilla in both parts of it complement each other when mixed together”. As described by Brittany, this is the “perfect mix to satisfy sweet cravings” and she said that it is “probably the best mix I have created because unlike some of the otheres it wasn’t sickly sweet.”


“The Perfect Wake Up Call!” So if you like to stick to what is known and accepted and want to follow the majority, sticking with the ‘status quo’, why don’t you try the popular mixes of either the bitter taste of coffee with vodka, or go for an Irish twist and combine your daily coffee with Irish cream or liquer? Vodka is probably one of the most popular alcoholic drinks – most likely mixed – anyway, so why not combine it with coffee to really wake up your senses. And the same goes for your Irish liquer. So whether you want to go for a sweet and bitter mix of vodka and coffee – maybe with a hint of cream – just add an Irish twist to your daily caffeine intake, tor try a warm and festive treat by adding a hint of peppermint schnapp, there is more than enough choice to keep you in the ‘coffee cocktail’ making business for life.


By Emily Walton.


or a whole lot of people coffee is one of those things that you need to kick start the day and get going. It’s good under any circumstances. And by good I mean that ‘so addicting I will sprint into town just to get there before I have to start the day and be wherever I actually have to be’ kinda good. Whether you’re just making it at home in the morning, still in your pajamas, freshly wet hair… or dashing into the local place for your caffeine fix, you’ll probably never run out of choice. From regular black coffee, to lattes, cappuccinos, mochas, chai and not forgetting the iced versions of the majority of these. Usually you just have to walk into your local coffee shop and stare up at the board for a few minutes to make your decision, or for a vast number of coffee shop regulars there is at least something resembling a ‘usual.’ But what do you do

Maybe the most popular concoction to come out of this ‘secret menu’ is the ‘cotton candy frap’, which looks like you jumped straight into a pool of fun fairs and circuses. Starting off with a basic vanilla bean frappechino, you then add 1/1.5/2 pumps of raspberry syrup for either a tall, grande or venti, depending on how big your sweet tooth is that day. This particular concoction appears to be the most popular among the majority of regular Starbucks customers who just can’t help getting on Instagram and posting a picture of their cotton candy deliciousness.


if none of these options is calling to your tastes on a particular day? Make up your own flavours. The ‘Starbucks secret menu’ is sweeping through with people coming up with all kinds of weird and wonderful coffees, but there are some flavours on this ‘behind the scenes’ menu that are appearing to be too good not to try.

Coffee lovers also seem to be delving into the world of magic with a particular concoction, title the ‘butterbeer frap’, which takes its inspiration and name from none other than Harry Potter. Upon requesting this drink start off by asking for a crème frappechino base, then add on three pumps of caramel syrup and another 3 pumps of toffee nut syrup, and to finish it off top the drink with a caramel drizzle. And voila, you get the taste of the famous ‘butterbeer’ without even having to take the 9 and ¾ train to Hogwarts. And to end on a specifically sweet high, the creatively created ‘snickerdoodle frap’, based upon the Snickerdoodle cookie. To order this sugary sweet delight, you begin by asking for a chai crème frap with soy milk. To continue then request two pumps (for a grande –for a tall or venti adjust accordingly to 1 or 3 pumps) of cinnamon dolce to be added to that, and to top it off a dusting of cinnamon dolce sprinkles on top. These are just a small number of the ever growing concoctions that coffee lovers are coming up with on their regularly scheduled coffee breaks, but some people are taking it one step further and going completely off the track for their drink, basically just making it up as you order. For example one particular coffee addict, Anthony Li, who went in and made up a crazily complicated drink on the spot which he creatively titled the “pumpkin spiced red eye”. This particularly crazy concoction involves a crème frappechino for the base, and to “create the red eye explosion” (quoting the creator of this particular drink) you add a couple of pumps raspberry syrup and pumpkin spice sprinkles. Crazy indeed, but it does appear to be the perfect festive fall treat to spice up your daily routine, and according to Anthony, the creator, it “tastes like Christmas in your mouth.” This craze appears to be becoming a competition of who can be the most creative and crazy with people mixing every single flavour known to coffee history into their cups, and Instagram is getting the regularly updated menu of secrets for coffee addicts everywhere to enjoy. So go out and experiment and let’s toast to our little coffee secrets. 37

Borer Beetles causing problems for Taiwanese Coffee Farmers. By Lee Robinson


Recent Taiwanese reports have suggested that an insect infestation is threatening to cause chaos among local coffee farmers. Nearly 90% of all Gukeng, township of Yunlin County plantations have been affected by the influx of the coffee bean inhabitants Hypothenemus Hampei, also known as the Borer Beetle. The area is well known for its coffee production with over 148 acres of land currently under cultivation. Taiwanese reports have shown that an estimate of 20-50% of the areas harvest will be affected in 2014 due to the infestation. Farmer’s fear that it may be too late to rectify the problem but are taking preventative steps to secure the berries. The beetles are known to eat the coffee berries from the inside and lay their larvae leaving the berry seemingly normal to farmers. With Taiwan having an insect friendly climate, it has been expected that the beetles have come from African importation.


Generally found in low-altitude areas the beetles are spreading. Sun Wang-Tien, a local agricultural specialist, commented to local press that ‘‘It is very serious for coffee farms at low elevation and it is spreading towards the south. It is becoming a big concern’’. Liu Yi-Teng of the Gukeng Farmers’ Association’s added “the farmer will lonely know the extent of the blight when the coffee berries’ skins are removed.” If you’re preferred coffee roast is of the Taiwanese selection then you may be set up for disappointment in 2014 as even those above sea level are at risk. The Shih Pi plantation, Yunlin’s highest coffee farm has not be declared has as safe ground. Other areas that are predominate for coffees growing remain at risk in Asia as we enter the forth-coming months of 2014. Local organisations hope to control the outbreak as if the problem is not rectified quickly and efficiently, there is a chance that the beans could lose all commercial value and the Taiwanese coffee industry will diminish.

Supermarket Energy Drink Ban For Under 16s


wouldn’t be such an issue if they weren’t the ‘in’ drink for teens. My Son is almost 14, and he would drink them all day if givBy Natalie Roberts en the choice.” Mother of five, Sarah Byrne said: “I think 16 is an ideal age. They are Morrisons supermarket has banned the not made for youngsters.” sale of high caffeine energy drinks to Morrisons is believed to be the first major children under 16 unless they are accomUK retailer to implement this restriction, panied by an adult. although similar bans have been introThe ban applies to energy drinks conduced in other European countries. taining atleast 150mg of caffeine per litre, which includes Red Bull (320mg), Monster This ban comes after research in October 2013 found that one in 20 teenage pupils (338mg) and Relentless(320mg). drink a can of energy drink instead of eatMorrisons spokesperson Claire Johnson ing a good breakfast. With consumption said: “We understand the concern that of these drinks currently being seen as a exists over the potential impact of high trend amongst teenagers there is increascaffeine energy drinks on young people ing concern about extreme caffeine intake and are taking steps to address this. We by children. adhere to the British Soft Drinks AssociTheenergy drinks are high in sugars, ation (BSDA) code of practice. This states that products containing more than 150mg caffeine and taurine, an organic acid and a major constituent of bile found in the large caffeine per litre must carry the warning “Not suitable for children, pregnant wom- intestine. Little is known about the effects of heavy or long-term use. en and persons sensitive to caffeine”.” The soft drinks have long been a source of The restriction is currently being trialled in selected Morrisons stores, with a view to controversy, and have even recently been rolling it out nationwide. linked to deaths. In October 2012 an American family sued Monster energy drinks company after their 14 year old daughter died of a heart attack due to caffeine toxicity after drinking two 700ml cans of the drink. Mother of two, Mandy Flowerdew said: “It


Rusting problems send roasters looking elsewhere By Oliver Lewis (Watts)


Central America is facing a grim reality as an outbreak of leaf rust is affected a large percentage of the crops which has left big roasters to search and purchase products from different regions. Buyers are being forced to buy beans from any other country that can supply the demand needed; these countries include Brazil, East Africa, China and Vietnam. A collapse in prices is also forcing Central America to renegotiate their supply; this follows a five year slump in prices that has been hard hitting to both small and large scale farmers. “People are not buying, fearful that the coffee won’t be delivered, and the producers are not selling due to low prices,” said Eric Thormahlen, president of the National Chamber of Coffee Exporters in Costa Rica, a producer of Arabica beans.


“Producers are waiting for a price miracle and they are also waiting to see how big the harvest for next year will be to start selling.” Given the fact that the current crop will likely suffer at the hand of the leaf rust, the full extent will not be clear until the August/September period of the year. Jon Spence, a barista from Jersey says, “I can see how it would be a problem for the central Americans as it will be a big dent on their income, however it gives other countries in the world an income stream that they wouldn’t normally receive.” That latter time of the year will show the cherries first appearance, which will enable a more accurate production estimate for the following season.

Global Warming Causes High Demand By Lewis Wilson


Major coffee growing countries such as Central America, Brazil and Africa are up against irretrievable losses as climate change is beginning to critically affect their crops. These tropical countries are hit harder by global warming, creating a far more extreme effect on the cycle of the plant entirely, “Coffee is the canary in the coal mine for climate change,” says Ric Rhinehart, executive director of the Specialty Coffee Association of America. During the spring months of April and May, coffee plants require a large amount of rain fall in order to flower properly. However, this ‘natural’ process is happening irregularly, and is in fact stunting the plants growth. Vice versa, as the summer months of June and July start to arrive, the plants are in need of more moisture, however, too much heat is beamed onto the plants causing them to suffer even more. Global warming is thus creating a huge ‘bump’ in the cycle, which is threatening the plant’s existence. This is happening on such a rate that scientists predict that by 2050, the Ivory


Coast and Ghana will be too hot to even grow the beans. Of course, not only does this have an agricultural effect, but also financial, as a decrease in supply consequently results in an increase in price. The cost of coffee is on the rise, taking more from our pockets and putting less in the farmers’, “ the price of speciality grade coffee has been rising relentlessly because of increased demand and a squeeze on supply, caused partly by the problem of leaf rust in Latin America. It’s very hard to pass on the increased cost of good coffee to a market that thinks it’s already paying too much!” says Hugo Hercod, A professional Barista and owner or ‘Relish’ coffee shop. Solutions to such problems are few and far between, scientists and horticulturists are trying to somehow enhance the coffee plants’ resilience, thus allowing them to survive through these extreme seasons. However, in turn, if we continue increase the planet’s pollution levels, it might only be a matter of time before we need to think of something new. Until then, coffee farmers must battle on to sustain their crops and their livelihood.


The Luxury behind Coffee By Emily Walton

How much are you willing to pay to wake you up in the morning? Coffee is part of a daily routine for a huge amount of people; some of us refuse to believe we can survive without it – well not happily anyway. However there are some types of coffee that could break the bank of some of the richest people, let alone the average coffee drinker. These types of coffee are a particular type of ‘luxury’ and don’t tend to be sold in your local coffee shop down the street.


The biggest form of luxury in coffee form is called the ‘Kopi Luwak’. This is the most expensive coffee in the world varying from $115 - $590 per 500g. It takes its name from both the Indonesian for the word coffee (Kopi) and the name of the animal used in creating it (Luwak). The Luwak is a cat like animal which eats the coffee berry but cannot properly digest the coffee bean in them and so secretes it, and this is what is used to make the coffee.

If you want to go one step lower but still being on the luxury scale then there is the ‘La Esmeralda’ which costs $100 per 500g. This particular coffee is produced at a farm called ‘Esmeralda Jaramillo’, hence the name. It has a very intense flavour –resulting for both the extreme cold climate and the way the beans are carefully harvested - and is most suited for people who enjoy a particularly strong coffee.


The fully automatic Magimix Nespresso Citiz M190 machine promises delicious and messfree espresso for all!


n a world now overcrowded by personal coffee machines comes a breath of fresh air in the new range of Nespresso Citiz machines. If you are looking for convenience then look no further, (please ignore the car salesman pitch). The Meerkat from compare the market might as well advertise this machine because everything about it is ‘simples’.


The quality of the coffee has surpassed expectations of not only everyday coffee drinkers, but connoisseurs as well. The variety of coffees available from Nespresso means you can find several you like to match your mood and interchange them with great ease. The capsules are small, attractive and colourful and are roughly 30p each including shipping, which means no messing around with bags and bags of beans lying around the kitchen. This particular model has an added extra in the form of a milk frother, which will add about £30 to the final price of the machine.

Magimix advertise their special coffee capsules as a hermetically sealed aluminum capsule that provides the optimum conditions to preserve and prevent oxidation of the 900 extremely volatile and sensitive aromas found in freshly ground coffee. Simple in appearance, the capsule is the subject of continual technical improvements to optimise the

Nescafe Instant Coffee


There is an enormous amount of option on supermarket store shelves for you to choose from when it comes to coffee. But what is better, those coffees higher in caffeine content or those on the lower end of this scale? Or is there a difference? Which is a more important factor, the quality and taste of the coffee or the caffeine levels in making the perfect beverage? The first drink – ‘Nescafe Original’ – has about 65 mg of caffeine per 175 ml cup, this being a pretty average amount for supermarket shelved coffees. This particular brew has a bitter aroma and flavour and has a pretty average strength, but is probably only useful if you need just a small jolt of energy as it’s not the strongest or most effective stimulant. Overall this particular coffee drink seems to hover around the middle ground, and is average on most counts of this test… however it is the most reasonably priced, and so you get what you pay for.


Nescafe’s Espresso instant coffee certainly is a pleasure for those looking for the distinctive espresso taste in an instant cup. The granules are blended into a fine powder expanding the blends quantity and leave you with a smooth, creamy finish. Bear in mind, Nescafe Espresso must be treated as a premium blend in preparation, the finely ground product can easily be burnt by hot water and will affect the final taste. Those who enjoy their coffee with milk or cream will benefit by introducing the dairy before the water – Whisking the dairy before adding the water will also add a slightly frothy top for those latte lovers. Providing the beans haven’t been burnt, you’re left with a strong, silky and delicious taste with an intense aroma of espresso. Nescafe Espresso can be found in most of your main super markets suppliers, including Tesco, Asda Morrison’s and Sainsbury’s sitting at a modest price of approximately £4:00. A bit pricey, admittedly – That said, after visiting supermarkets up and down the country I’ve found more than often

deals such as £3 per 100g and 2 for £5 – slightly more appealing. So, whether you want a decent instant coffee for the house, or you’re sick of the cheap tasteless rubbish at the office, this might be the coffee for you. Unlike the majority of instant coffees, you really get a buzz out of this blend so it’s also ideal for those rushed mornings when there’s no time to brew the cafetiere. This is one of the best instant coffees on the shelf. 5 star rating! This next coffee drink is significantly weaker in the strength, as can be expected from the majority of varieties of ‘Lattes’. This particular one has an extremely pleasant and creamy, vanilla taste; but like the first coffee product would most probably be more suited for people just in need of a little extra energy throughout the day. So if you need a more serious jolt of energy, the second choice of the ‘Nescafe Espresso’ would appear to be the most effective option, and also has the strong coffee bitterness if that’s how you like it. However if you like a creamier, smoother brew with less of a bitter aftertaste, but are not too concerned about the strength and it helping keep you awake, the obvious choice is the third drink – the ‘Nescafe Vanilla Latte’, which is most certainly for the ‘sweet-toothed’ coffee drinker. So overall the ‘Nescafe Espresso’ would appear to win based on the caffeine content and strength, however the ‘Nescafe Vanilla Latte’ seems to win based purely on the taste and smoothness. But overall the results seem to lean towards the ‘Nescafe Espresso’ for the winning brew for both strength and quality of the flavour.

Original - 2/5 Espresso - 3/5 Latte - 5/5


p for review is Mary Berry’s cappuccino coffee cake recipe. Finding a great, but easy to follow coffee cake recipe can be difficult, so we have put this one to the test for you. Making this cake was pretty simple. The only thing we would change in the instructions is where it tells you to just beat all of the ingredients together. It is much easier to firstly mix the sugar and butter together, and then add the remaining ingredients to it as this will ensure that all of the lumps are removed from the butter. Therefore giving you a lump-free mixture. Those of you who have baked before will recognise this recipe as a Victoria sponge simply with coffee added, and if you are a skilled baker that may not be advanced enough for you. However, if you are a novice in the kitchen then this is great as a Victoria sponge is one of the easier recipes to follow. The most important thing to remember is that you must mix the ingredients until they are completely blended in order to get a soft sponge cake. The more air that you get into the mixture the better it will taste.


Mary Berry trained at The Cordon Bleu in Paris, and in the 1960s became the cookery editor for Housewife magazine and Ideal Home magazine. She is now best known for being a judge on The Great British Bake Off TV series. As you would expect from a Mary Berry recipe this cake was a success. The sponge is very light but densely packed giving it a great

texture, it is soft and fluffy unlike a fudgecake style coffee cake, which means that you can enjoy the taste and texture without feeling ‘sickly’. The coffee flavoured buttercream icing adds an extra boost of flavour and blends perfectly with the sponge. For us, this cake didn’t have a strong enough coffee flavour, but that’s easily changed by simply adding more instant coffee to the mix. Just add, and taste the mixture (with a clean spoon) until you have the desired strength. With its many layers, each divided by a generous slather of buttercream icing, this cake is very deep and luxurious, just as the website where this recipe is printed states. It’s definite ly something to take time to savour. From the simplicity of the recipe we had doubts as to just how luxurious this cake would be, but it is delicious both in texture and taste. For a little added extra try a sprinkling of chopped walnuts on top of the cake. With or without the walnuts, this is a must-try for coffee (and cake) lovers.

Ingredients: 225g (8oz) very soft butter, plus more for the tins 225g (8oz) light muscovado sugar or caster sugar 225g (8oz) self-raising flour 1tsp baking powder 4 large eggs 4 level tsp instant coffee, dissolved in 1tbsp boiling water For the coffee icing: 175g (6oz) soft butter 350g (12 oz) icing sugar 4 level tsp instant coffee, dissolved in 1tbsp boiling water Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan 350F/315F / Gas 4 Butter and line the base of two deep 20cm (8in) sandwich cake tins. Measure all the cake ingredients, except the coffee, into a large mixing bowl and beat together until smooth. Stir in the dissolved coffee until thoroughly blended. Divide the mixture evenly between the two prepared tins and level the tops. Bake in the preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes until golden brown, shrinking away from the sides of the tin and the sponge springs back when lightly pressed. To make the icing, mix the butter and sugar together in a mixing bowl and beat together until smooth. Beat in the dissolved coffee and divide into four. When they are cold, slice each cake horizontally in half, giving four layers of cake. Sit one base on a cake stand and spread with a quarter of the mixture. Continue layering up with cake and icing so you finish with icing on top and swirl to give an attractive finish.

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