Bathurst-Finch Kaleidoscope Fall issue BFK-Fall-2009

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Вам нужен семейный врач?

every story matters... add yours | Fall 2009 | #6

Отличная новость! Вы можете стать клиентом New Heights Community Health Centres в районе Bathurst-Finch прямо сейчас! ВСЕ УСЛУГИ — БЕСПЛАТНО подробности см. на стр. 30-31

Free Primary Health Care in our neighbourhood Y

ou can become a primary health care client of New Heights Community Health Centres if you live, work or attend school in the satellite catchment area that is bounded by Bathurst, Keele, Wilson and Steeles. A Community Health Centre is a unique type of organization that combines primar y

health care services with community and health promotion programs. Our new primary health care team includes: a physician, a nurse practitioner, a registered practical nurse, a chiropodist, a dietitian, a social worker (counsellor) and a case coordinator. In addition to primary health care services, New

Heights Community Health Centres provides education and advice on helping individuals and families access the resources they need from within our Centre and from other community agencies. New Heights CHCs links families with groups that offer education and training, support in coping, or are working to address

conditions that affect health. There are no fees to become a client and its okay if you don’t have a health card. Staff can assist you on the phone in Russian, Hebrew or Tagalog. If you prefer to speak in Russian–ask for Julia or Oleksandra; in Hebrew–Victoria; in Tagalog–Hannah. (continued on p.31)

contents career strategy


программы по трудоустройству 4 interview




job interview tips 9 meet the dietitian 10 community garden update


veggie guide


faces of bathurst-finch 14 seniors health club 17 diabetes: a top health concern 18 emotional health 19 young writers




bfk mini-guide 24 events calendar 27 Maria, Daniil and interpreter Margarita during the appointment with Chiropodist Rui at New Heights CHCs (page 29)

free primary health care


career strategy by Julia Kuzeljevich

Kaleidoscope Fall 2009, Volume 2, Issue 4 ©2008 by Action for Neighbourhood Change. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission. Kaleidoscope is published four times per year by Action for Neighbourhood Change. The articles in this newspaper are contributions of individual residents and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. We would like to thank all our contributors and our dedicated Newspaper Committee: Nina Zaslavsky, Leonid Predein, Joss Brandt, Julia Kuzeljevich, and Nina Shenhav. We would greatly appreciate your input. We invite you to send your comments on the newspaper and your submissions to Action for Neighbourhood Change ANC staff in Bathurst-Finch are Julie, Hannah, Victoria and Oleg. Please visit us in our office. Action for Neighbourhood Change 5987 Bathurst Street Suite 104 (2nd Floor) Toronto, ON M2R 1Z3 Phone: 647-436-0385 E-mail: Website:

Making a Career Change? Little Steps Go a Long Way For most people, spending 40 years in one career may now be a thing of the past. We live in a global economy with ever-changing employment needs, and advances in technology that mean job duties, and the knowledge required for jobs, will keep changing over time. Career changes may result when people move to another city or country, for example, or when they are laid off. So whether you are the one looking for a change, or a change is forced upon you, possessing a wealth of information can make the transition much easier. Working now, but looking for a career change?

Perhaps you have an idea that you’d like to do something different in your life or your work. Where do you start? Most importantly, don’t rush into a decision. Sometimes it is hard to identify what a ‘perfect job’ will look like for you. Having a clear picture of your likes, dislikes, and what you want and need, in terms of a schedule, is a good start. If you will need a certain income, it may not be realistic to consider a career where a certain income level is not guaranteed. Be honest with yourself and confident about what you like, because as the saying goes, if you like something well enough, you’d be happy doing it for free (or almost!), and if you like what you are doing, the money will follow. Maybe, for financial reasons, you can’t leave your current job. If you need a steady income

while you explore new options, consider volunteering in your area of interest. Volunteer work is usually not paid, but can lead to paid positions because you build a network. Networking does not have to be torture, especially if you are a shy person. Successful networking means you build contacts, with friends, families, co-workers, children’s friends and their parents, and you get to know people who may know people, who in turn may know about a job for you.

Identifying your ‘transferrable skills’

You might think that you don’t have any related skills for something you’d love to do. But many skills we use in different jobs are transferrable. For example, if you consider organizational skills, you may not be organizing the same things in one job versus another, but you will have developed skills organizing all kinds of data, and you can use

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this skill somewhere else. Information about how you can put together a list of your own transferrable skills can be found in the popular job-hunter book by Dick Bolles, “What Colour is Your Parachute?” (http://www.

Comeback Moms?

For many women, becoming a mother sometimes means it is harder, or even impossible to return to your former job or career. You may not want to work all the hours you used to. But what options are out there for working mothers, and what are the pros and cons of each? A helpful book that deals with aspects of this topic, such as self-employment, part-time employment, volunteerism, etc, is ‘Comeback Moms’, by Monica Samuels and J.C. Conklin. There is no perfect choice for everyone. Mothers have to tailor their work-life solutions to fit their families and their own needs, as best as possible.

The (new?) career search – How to get there?

Be realistic about your goals. Will a change in career require many more years of schooling, or can you refocus on a new career using your past experience? If you are looking for a career as a professional, consider talking with a professional association or college in your area. These will be the best sources of information for what training is required, what the costs are, and what job prospects exist. If you are considering a field you have not been trained in, you might consider talking to someone already employed in that field, who is doing the job you’re interested in. This is a technique called ‘informational interviewing’ and it can help you get a clearer picture of the ‘day in the life’ of that profession or job holder. And it is better than signing up for a program blindly, getting some courses behind you and then finding out this

career strategy

is not what you expected. If you are a woman at loose ends on what to do, a career planning workshop such as offered at Times Change Women’s Employment Service ( services/careerplan) may be of great help. The Career Planning Workshop is designed for women who are unclear about their career direction or who are thinking of making a change. The workshop offers the chance for participants to identify their skills, interests and values through self-assessment, to explore and research possible occupations, to understand the changing labour market, to learn how to make a good decision, and to develop an action plan.

Laid off? Should you consider a ‘second career’?

If you have held a certain job for some time and have been laid off, it’s time to ask some serious questions. Is your area of work something that’s becoming obsolete? Is it time to upgrade to better your chances in the job market, for similar jobs, or is it time to retrain for a new or closely related career? If you love what you are doing, but cannot find a job, perhaps there is another way you can approach it – like teaching, training or coaching. In the Province of Ontario, there are programs that will offer training for

a new job, including financial support. Second Career was launched in June 2008 to ‘help laidoff Ontarians identify and train for new careers in growing sectors. Each participant can receive up to $28,000 to help pay for tuition, travel, books and other training costs. If you’ve been laid off within the last 12 months and are currently unemployed or working less than 20 hours a week, you may qualify for Second Career. As of November 10, 2008, the guidelines for Second Career were expanded to include: Workers laid off as far back as January 1, 2005, laid-off workers who have taken an interim job to make ends meet, and short-term training options (less than six months) for laid-off workers who are not eligible for Employment Insurance. (To find out more about the Second Career Strategy, call the toll-free Employment Ontario hotline at 1- 800-387-5656, or go to secondcareer) The City of Toronto also offers career planning services through its Employment and Social Services Employment Resource Centres, ( socialservices/ercs.htm) where staff offer help on questions related to career planning, such as ‘Who am I?’, ‘What’s out there?’ and ‘How do I get there?’

Settlement agencies such as COSTI (http:// contact.php) also have Career Planning and Employment Placement Services which can help individuals who have been unable to link their skills and career interests to the labour market by providing access to placement opportunities ranging from job shadowing, to subsidized on-the-job training, to direct hires. For some people, moving into the skilled trades

through apprenticeships may be the solution. Canada is short of many skilled tradespeople, and many adults who are retraining, and youth who are researching education options will overlook the opportunities that apprenticeships and the trades can offer. Contact Ontario’s Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities at 1-888-JOBGROW or The Province’s Job Connect program can also

help you plan, prepare for and succeed in the job market. Whatever approach you take, believe in yourself and stay positive. There are always exceptions to the rule when it comes to the best paths that will lead you to a new career, but if you are armed with the latest information, a good network, and sheer determination to succeed, you are headed in the right direction.

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программы по трудоустройству

Программы для иммигрантов Лина Золотко

Недавно исполнилось три года моей канадской жизни. Оглядываясь назад, с сожалением понимаю, что первые годы иммиграции могли быть легче и приятнее, если бы тогда у меня было достаточно информации об обширной системе адаптации иммигрантов, о множестве центров и бесплатных правительственных программах, охватывающих все сферы жизни. Цель этих программ – помочь нам, иммигрантам, обустроиться в новой стране. В этой заметке я хочу поделиться своим трехлетним опытом и собранной мною информацией, рассказать о некоторых программах по трудоустройству, обучению и переквалификации. Job Search Workshop(JSW)– 3-4 дневный семинар, который проводится в рабочие дни и в субботу утром и вечером. Во время семинара консультанты расскажут о том, как составить резюме и сопроводительное письмо (Cover Letter), подготовят к интервью, познакомят с наиболее эффективными путями поиска работы. Данная программа действует в тридцати ERC (Employment Resource Centres) провинции Онтарио, двадцать из которых находятся в Торонто. Адреса можно найти на сайте: locations The Mentoring Partnership– программа, предусматривающая прикрепление к иммигранту канадца, владеющего аналогичной профессией, который введет иммигранта в профессиональный круг и будет помогать советами в трудоустройстве. Если захотите участвовать в этой программе, позвоните по телефону 416-231-2295, доб.5724 ( Career Action for Newcomers (CAN) – 4-недельная комплексная программа, в рамках которой иммигранты осваивают компьютер, учатся составлять план трудоустройства, писать резюме, готовятся к прохождению интервью. По окончании программы, к

каждому участнику на 4 месяца будет прикреплен консультант, который помогает искать работу. Подробности на сайте www.jobstart-cawl. org/newcomers/index.htm Bridge Training Programs Эта программа разработана для того, чтобы помочь иммигрантам с «регулируемыми профессиями» сдать специальный экзамен и получить лицензию или сертификат, дающий право на работу в Канаде в этой области. Суть этой программы: специальные организации или учебные заведения изучают образование и опыт работы иммигранта и определяют, какие предметы ему могут быть зачтены, а какие необходимо изучить дополнительно. В итоге, после изучения дополнительных предметов, должен быть сдан экзамен и получена лицензия. Эта программа разработана по разным секторам экономики и специальностям. Clerical Employment Services Существует много программ, ориентированных на конкретные специальности. Например, в организации Skills for Change (www. действует 2-недельная программа для офисных работников и бухгалтеров. В рамках этой программы вы узнаете об особенностях трудоустройства по этим специ-

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альностям, составите свое резюме, научитесь проходить интервью. А после окончания программы Employer Outreach Specialist будет регулярно отправлять вам объявления о работе, информацию о ярмарках вакансий (Job Fair). Я прошла эту программу, и для меня это было очень полезно. Employment Resource Centre Вообще, на мой взгляд, лучше всего искать работу не в одиночестве, а через центры по трудоустройству. За вами закрепят консультанта по трудоустройству, который будет вам помогать. Вы сможете найти новых знакомых, попрактиковаться в разговорном английском и почувствовать себя в новой среде. Second Career Strategy Это программа правительства Онтарио, которая обеспечивает финансовую поддержку потерявшим работу для получения новой специальности. В программе могут участвовать уволенные после 1 января 2005 года, только если увольнение связанно с уважительными причинами (сокращение штатов, закрытие компании, болезнь и др.). По этой программе можно получить безвозмездно до $28,000 на 2 года, чтобы покрыть расходы на обучение и проживание. Учиться можно как в государствен-

ных, так и в частных колледжах в любом городе Онтарио, но только по специальности, одобренной правительством Онтарио. Дополнительную информацию об этой, а также о подобной программе Skills Development можно найти на сайтах: career Другой вид финансовой помощи для обучения–это ссуда. Если Вы Internationally Educated Professional (EIP) и хотите пойти на курсы повышения квалификации по вашей профессии и сдать экзамен, вы имеете право на получение ссуды в размере до $5,000 от правительства Онтарио (Immigrant Employment Loan Program). Для этого надо обратиться в агентство Maytree Foundation ( В отдельных случаях оплату за обучение можно получить безвоздмездно от Ontario Works или Service Canada Centre, если вы сумеете доказать, что данный курс или программа позволит вам быстро найти работу. Я рассказала далеко не о всех программах и услугах – их очень много. Не унывайте, не бойтесь спрашивать, ищите то, что вам подойдет. И помните, что любой цели можно добиться!

caregiver program

Training and Support for Nannies/Caregivers: a Success! by Hannah Bontogon

22 women graduated from the first advocacy program offering training and support for Nannies and Caregivers on June 28, 2009. The graduation took place at the Filipino-Canadian Seventh-Day Adventist Church at 788 Sheppard Avenue

The program included a graduation ceremony, followed by a cultural dance performance and delicious Filipino foods. The 6-day training provided participants with knowledge about the Federal Live-in Caregiver Program, their legal rights and entitlements in Canada, advocacy and effective communication skills, awareness about oppression, violence and abuse, as well as stress management. Participants expressed the fact that they had gained the confidence to be able to deal with difficult situations, and felt empowered by the knowledge and awareness provided by the training. Graduates from this training are encouraged to continue as volunteers to support other women in need. Once again, congratulations to the graduates and the group from the Filipino Community, who obtained a grant for the project through Quick Start funds. Your dedication and commitment is paying off! The next round of training will start October 24 and will be offered over six consecutive Saturdays, 1-5p.m., at Centennial Library. Please contact Hannah Bontogon to pre-register, as space will be limited. Priority will be given to anyone who lives or works in the Bathurst-Finch neighbourhood. bathurst-finch kaleidoscope | fall 2009 | 5


Naeem Noorani: By Julia Kuzeljevich and Nina Zaslavsky

Canadian Immigrant, Magazine’s Creator and Publisher

Kaleidoscope had the opportunity to interview Naeem (Nick) Noorani, co-author of Arrival Survival Canada and publisher of Canadian Immigrant magazine / web-site, as part of our focus on immigration, settlement, jobs and career search.


here did you get the idea to start Canadian Immigrant magazine? Noorani. When I first came here I got the standard response: “(You have) no Canadian experience.” I eventually got a job with a small publishing company at the ground level, and after three years, was promoted to VP of marketing. In March, 2003, I had my ‘3 a.m. dream’ - where I wrote out the plan to start Canadian Immigrant magazine. I started doing research, and my focus was not to go into ethnic categories, but to focus on immigrants as a whole. The issues all immigrants faced were the same no matter where they came from. Can you describe what led you to write a book on arrival and survival in Canada? Noorani. I call myself a serial immigrant as Canada is the fourth country I’ve lived in. My wife and I wrote Arrival

Born in Mumbai, India, Noorani arrived in Canada in 1998 with hopes for a better future for himself, his wife Sabrina and two children. He came with a world of international experience in the advertising business, having worked with globally known ad agencies in Dubai, Muscat, Abu Dhabi and Mumbai. Noorani is also a speaker and member of the Dominion Institute and the United Way 2006 Speakers’ Bureau. He speaks on various subjects, but he brings stories from his own immigrant journey and discusses the importance of diversity in business and the successful integration of immigrants in Canada. He also addresses immigrant issues in his blog at Survival Canada ( which is a book about everything an immigrant needs to know before coming to Canada, including what to pack. After we wrote the book

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we were often asked by immigrants to help them with advice. We often ended up going to the airport with placards to welcome complete strangers (and get them settled).

Many of the features in Canadian Immigrant focus on successful immigrants and their stories. What would you say is a common thread running through these successes, and what can make the immigration experience a positive one? Noorani. Immigrants need positive role models. In the mainstream media you will find lots of examples of immigrants who didn’t succeed – I didn’t want to read that. So the mandate of the magazine became to inform immigrants about programs, to educate them about their rights and duties, and to motivate them through positive influences. We also wanted to recognize immigrants nationally, so last year we started ‘The Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards’. Award winners were judged through a voting system, and we had an awards presentation in Toronto and Vancouver, with the Federal Immigration Minister in attendance.


You have also put together a list of ‘Seven Success Secrets for Immigrants’, which have served your readership well as key goals to embrace during integration into the Canadian culture. What are the key secrets? Noorani. The seven secrets are: 1) Learn English, 2) Stay Positive, 3) Embrace Canada, 4) Have a Plan B (in case you are not hired in your field), 5) Stay clear of ethnic silos (Get out and meet people from other cultures), 6) Take risks, and lastly, 7) Volunteer, mentor and network. What are the top concerns of readers of your publication, and have you found that these concerns have evolved over the years? Noorani. The top concern is employment, and this hasn’t changed over the years. There are still several barriers to entry for immigrants. I see changes happening, but more at large corporations (in terms of proactive recruiting) vs. the small and medium-sized ones. Canada’s population and future productivity will largely depend on successful immigration and settlement policies. Is Canada doing enough to promote itself abroad as a good place to live, work, and raise a family? Noorani. In spite of all the other countries in the west reducing immigration numbers, Canada has not. The future of our economy depends on having a labour force that can replace the aging boomer population and declining birthrate. But I’m firmly of the opinion that we should have more programs for immigrants in their home country, because it takes immigrants an average of five years to get to Canada.

These programs could tie in with Canadian education programs. The number of immigrants who come to Canada who need skills recognition, is just 20%. The 80% that are out there are looking for jobs, they’re not getting jobs. They also don’t have seniority. Immigrants may take dead end jobs, just because they don’t want to face dipping in-

to their nest eggs to pay (for yet I wanted to have earned it, to more education). have given back something to the country. And I think that my work with newcomers and You have been in Canada 11 Canadian Immigrant speaks to years now. What does being that. When I got that citizenship Canadian mean to you? Noorani. After nine years in document in my hand, one word Canada, I finally went to get stood out that was so unique in my citizenship on Canada Day a government document, and at Canada Place. I waited nine I believe that word stands for years because I did not want to Canadian values. That word is take my citizenship as a right. ‘compassion’. bathurst-finch kaleidoscope | fall 2009 | 7

neighbourhood buzz


By Nina Shenhav


ventually, she came over and asked me: “Tell me, sweetheart, who cuts your hair?” I was defensive at first (“Why? What’s wrong with my hair? I like it.”) Then she said “Cause it’s beautiful! I bet that cut was expensive.” I showed off immediately (it usually doesn’t take me long), and bragged all about how much I had paid for the “do.” The woman whistled admiringly, and said: “Know what? I can do that same cut for you, at half the price! And even add some shampoo samples.” She caught my attention right away (free samples!). From then on, I had my hair cut regularly

at this woman’s home hair salon, and I’m very happy with it. Until recently, I wondered how come people approached strangers to network. I thought I could never do it, unless I offered services for free! I realized I was wrong. If my hairdresser wouldn’t have “hit on me,” I would never have benefitted from her talent (and some free shampoo samples!). And that wasn’t the only case. Many times people I don’t even know hand me their business cards. I don’t always reply (I didn’t call the “personal vegetarian healthy chef,” it’s just that I’d much rather eat beef and feel healthy…). Jokes aside, it’s a great way to introduce yourself,

Drawing–Nina Shenhav

I recently attended a birthday party of one of my young daughter’s friends. I noticed that one of the mothers was looking at me for quite some time. I wasn’t sure what was of interest to her. Was it my clothes? Was it my behavior? Did I have something between my teeth?

and may be earn extra money. Lately, I’m trying, though. For example, last week I was invited to a nice dinner party where I met two new couples. I handed them my business card right away, and talked about the books I’ve published, about my acting experience on stage and about my oil painting exhibition. (Neither of them have called yet). Did I mention, they’re all in the grave, tombstone and morgue business? Anyway, it was fun experimenting!

Try to mingle, try to offer your services (by the way, I wonder how the mortuary people network), and try to use your initiative. Don’t hesitate to sell yourself a little, all in good taste. Look at me, I’m networking right now. I’ve already told a few hundred readers what I’m about. So, is anyone interested in a talented actress/writer/artist, in very good shape?

Chats from the Community Center I was sitting at the Antibes Community Centre’s pool with other moms, watching my little girl’s desperate attempts to learn how to swim. A woman I know came up and sat next to me Me (happy): Hello there! How’ve you been? Woman (surprised): Well, I’ve been well. Remind me? Me (Still happy): We met at our daughters’ dancing lessons, don’t you remember? I never forget a face! Woman (uncomfortable?): Our daughters' dance lessons? Me (excited): Oh Yeah. So how is your lovely girl? Woman: I don’t have one. Boys… I have two boys. ... Me: Oh. Woman (after a short break): But I too, never forget a face.

I recognize you now, from around. I remember you talked about looking for a job? Me (glad): Yes! I did! Woman: What is it that you do? (Wrinkles her forehead) a butcher? Me (happily, I correct her): A teacher, not a butcher. Woman: Right, right. So, surely you’ve found a job already, ’cause if you haven’t, then… Me (in a hurry): Surely, I’ve found one, Why? I’m not some kind of a parasite, am I? No sirrie, not me. I will not become a burden on society, only on my miserable hubby!

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Woman: Good. So where do you work? Me: (Gosh. You’ve surely understood I’m not working?): Well. Here and there. Especially there… Woman (examines me, then finally): Nice. What grades are you teaching? Me (what’s with that woman and her third degree?): I enjoy my work so much, you know. I feel I’m on a mission to teach those who need me the most. I would never leave my students, they adore me! Woman: That’s nice. And how’s the money, if you

By Nina Shenhav

don’t mind me asking? Me (what money? Haven’t got a pay cheque in years): Well, don’t wanna brag, but let’s say, I don’t need to think twice about buying (Dollarama bread?) a new gold necklace, now and then. Woman: Really? Me (Oh God…): Really Woman (inhales): Well. I’m glad to hear that. And here I was, thinking of offering you a teaching job at a private school. My friend is the manager, and she’s hiring now. Me (numb): Oh. Anybody know someone who needs a teacher? Or a butcher?

job searching

Tips For Job Interviews By Nina Shenhav

When I’m most comfortable, I cross my arms. Tell that to the experts, and they’ll say it’s just not true and suggests self protection, and resentment. When you’re being interviewed for a job, crossing your arms is a huge no-no


rossing your legs is also not recommended, unless you’re wearing a mini skirt, but that’s another story... I’m going to share some tips with you about the yeses and the nos in the grey area of interviewing.

Curl power? Not this time

First of all, even before body language, let’s talk about our appearance. Now, all of you curly girls, don’t hate me, I’m just quoting from research. For some discriminatory reason, interviewers tend to prefer a non-curly candidate. Curls suggest: someone who’s not serious, more wild, and less conservative. On the other hand, if you’re applying for an artistic job (where? when? Give me some details!), go with your curl power! Anyway, be neat and clean, and wear your locks in a ponytail.

Leave the jeans at home

Lets go to the dont’s, mind your nose

Don’t put your hands on the interviewer’s desk, or put your personal stuff on his/her desk either (keys, cell, bag, feet…). All of the above is crossing the lines, which you don’t want to do. Don’t swing your arms, legs or head, in a nervous twitch. Also, don’t freeze/act like a wax doll! Don’t touch your neck, unless a poisoned spider strolls across it. Touching your neck indicates lack of confidence, and stress. Don’t put your hands behind your head. It looks too bossy and dominant, and at least for now, you’re not going to be your bosses’ boss. Don’t touch your nose. Touching your nose generally indicates you are lying! Remember Pinocchio? Don’t sit on the edge of the chair. It indicates: I want to get out of here, now! (And you don’t, at least not yet). If you’re offered something to drink, refuse with a smile. If you’re dying of thirst, you may politely accept a glass of water. Don’t ask for a cup of coffee. If

And now, let’s run through the do’s:

Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. It’ll show him/her you’re honest and calm. Try some small talk before the actual interview. It’s always safe to talk about the weather (but don’t overdo it. At one interview, I got carried away about my deep hatred of the summer, the sun, the heat that could literally kill you, and sometimes could make you want to kill somebody! For example, my awful neighbour, who has this cruel dog, which once I tried to murder in the middle of the night, by poisoning….. Put your arms on the chair’s buttress calmly, and try to keep your palms open - it reflects openness. You can even hug

one palm with the other - shows confidence.

I’ll make you touch your ears, baby!

Now, if you’d like to understand the reaction you’re making on the interviewer, take a look at your future (hopefully) bosses’ body language. If he’s touching his ear lobe, he’s quite involved and empathetic in what you have to say. If he rubs his chin, he’s skeptical about you, hasn’t solidified his decision yet. If he crosses his arms, he’s not that into you. And if he leans back, while looking at you with a keen gaze, well, he’s a skeptic (Really? You saved your former bosses’ wife’s life? From fire?). Well, my friends, don’t forget to smell nice, to smile nice (not so much when he tells you about the company’s loss of money last year), to keep a nice calm manner, and to pray for the best. Speaking of praying, there’s no need to talk about your religion right away, let alone to remind him about the extra holidays you’re going to be needing!

Good luck!

Drawing–Nina Shenhav

Dress codes. Well, unless you’re applying for being a clown, a stripper or a zoo instructor, please, leave your jeans, your oh-so-creative skirts, and your colorful hair ribbons at home. Dress appropriately and sort of expensively (it’s a great opportunity to wear those shoes you bought for 400 dollars, a

moment before you started lying to your significant other…). Nice dark tailored pants, and a conservative shirt, will do. T-shirts are fine, as long as they have no demonic art printed on them (and please, leave the wet t-shirts behind for another occasion…).

for some reason, your interviewer insists on the coffee, have what he’s having, don’t make specific requests (“I’ll have a big decaf cappuccino, with skimmed milk, with lots of foam, and a touch of whipped cream on top.”). Don’t smoke. Small talk? Up to a point.

bathurst-finch kaleidoscope | fall 2009 | 9

meet the dietitian

Eat Healthy – Live Longer

By Jenny Lyttle, R.D.

Photos–Ol Morgan


Hello, my name is Jenny Lyttle, Registered Dietitian with New Heights Community Health Centres. Some of you may have seen me in the community in various places like Antibes Community Centre, talking to the after-school program about healthy eating, or Rockford Public School, if your child attended the Healthy Child Screening, or maybe at Northminster United Church, conducting some cooking classes. 10 | Fall 2009 | bathurst-finch kaleidoscope

would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself: I graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia (where I’m from!) in May 2008. Before graduation, I came to Ontario in May 2007 to do two of three mandatory internships – one at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, and then at St. Joseph’s Health Centre here in Toronto’s west end. I decided to stay in Ontario after finishing my work experiences and was offered a job at Black Creek Community Health Centre. Before becoming a dietitian, I cooked professionally for a few years. I worked in a lodge in a beautiful national park in British Columbia, an inn in New Hampshire, USA, a small chefand-wife-owned restaurant in Halifax, serving local foods, as well as a hotel in Halifax. Have I changed my cooking style since becoming a dietitian? Yes! Working in restaurants, the most important thing is flavour and making sure the food tastes as good as possible – by using lots of butter and salt! And making sure the portion size doesn’t look too skimpy!

My interest in food is still very strong, but I look at it a little differently now – I look at the health benefit foods have to offer and how food can help prevent health problems, as opposed to how impressed people will be by the appearance or taste of a dish! I still like to cook, but struggle like everyone else, trying to keep up with planning meals and making sure there are healthy foods in the house to cook with. My job at New Heights includes one-on-one counselling sessions with patients who have nutrition and health concerns – high blood pressure, high cholesterol and healthy weight are common concerns seen at the health centre. I also co-facilitate a prenatal program at the Centre and get involved with the community in whatever way I can. For example, I periodically visit Ontario Early Years Centres and talk with parents about feeding their infants or what healthy foods for children are, or do cooking demonstrations and nutrition talks for students and seniors’ groups.

meet the dietitian

An important nutrition issue to consider, is the amount of sodium (salt) in processed and packaged food.

Orange salad Makes 4 servings

Ingredients »» 4 medium oranges, peeled and thinly sliced

Did you know that?

a) excessive consumption of sodium may lead to high blood pressure b) processed foods destined for the Canadian market are saltier – Canadians love salt! c) unless you prepare most of your meals with fresh, unprocessed foods, it’s almost impossible to stay below Health Canada’s recommend maximum daily intake of sodium (salt) of 2300 mg? Our busy schedules see us using a lot more convenience foods these days, with an accompanying increase in the amount of salt we are consuming. Next time you are grocery shopping, take a look at some of the products you choose: If the percent of sodium per serving is 15% or higher, there is a lot of sodium in the product. If you are eating more than the serving size states, then you need to increase the percent of sodium accordingly. Try adding up the milligrams of sodium of all the packaged products you use in one day – don’t

»» ½ cup (125 mL) pitted black olives »» 1 large onion, thinly sliced »» 2 tbsp (25 mL) olive oil »» 2 tbsp (25 mL) orange juice »» 1 ½ tsp (7 mL) honey »» 1 ½ tbsp (22 mL) apple cider vinegar

forget items like bread, canned soups, condiments (like soya sauce and ketchup) and frozen products. You may be surprised! If you eat out a lot, check on the establishment’s website – many places have nutritional information posted online now. Take a Tim Horton’s Ham and Swiss sandwich, for example, which has 1690 mg of sodium – more than half your daily maximum!

Health Canada recommends that we use no more than 2300 mg of sodium per day (that’s 1 tsp), whether it comes from processed foods or salt added to cooking or at the table. The majority of sodium comes from processed and packaged foods, not what we are adding at the table.

»» 6 cups (1.5 L) chopped romaine lettuce

Directions 1. Place oranges, olives and onions in a large bowl. 2. In a separate bowl, combine oil, orange juice, honey, and apple cider vinegar. 3. Toss the dressing with the orange mixture. 4. Serve on top of individual bowls of lettuce.

Nutritional information per serving (2 cups/500 ml) »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Calories: 178 Protein: 3 g Total fat: 9 g Saturated fat: 1 g Dietary cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates: 26 g Dietary fibre: 4 g Sodium: 158 mg Potassium: 431 mg

Recipe developed by Victor Tipper Henry, Tipper’s Food Ltd. ©The Heart and Stroke Foundation. September, 2008.

Some of the tips to reduce sodium consumption that The Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends are: »» Cut down on prepared and processed foods (i.e. prepare more foods from scratch).

On the sample – “Nutrition Facts” for a generic bag of barbeque potato chips. Notice the high calorie content, the high fats and saturated fats, and the high sodium. Granted, this is for the whole bag, but you can’t eat just one!

»» Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. »» Reduce the amount of salt you add while cooking/ baking or at the table. »» Experiment with other seasonings, such as garlic, lemon juice and fresh or dried herbs.

bathurst-finch kaleidoscope | fall 2009 | 11

community garden By Joss Brandt

Bathurst-Finch Community Garden Update

A total of 11 community members have registered for plots, and some of us are growing food for the garden in containers and received composting training at the workshop on July 20. We can still plant perennials, biennials and flowers like sedum, garlic and spring-flowering bulbs for next season. No, it’s not too late!

Photo–Leonid Predein

Compost Workshop

Photo–Leonid Predein

Garden Design Project

July 12 – The garden steering committee held a registration potluck picnic for all interested community members who wanted to register for a plot in the garden.

Potluck Picnic

July 19 – Filming began for Live Green at our garden site. More filming will be done once we have our planters and plots set up. Live Green, funded by the City, has been closely following the process and will film the planting and celebration of the garden start. They have been hired as environmental animators to start projects in Toronto.

12 | Fall 2009 | bathurst-finch kaleidoscope

Compost Workshop

August 15 – Parks and Rec. informed us they would set up Photo–Leonid Predein

Drawing–Joss Brandt

July 20 – composting training workshop at Rockford Park.

We need to set up the water source

the water source and garden within the next month. Angela from Food Share says that we could do some art at the site to look beautiful in the winter, and plant a cover crop of rye for next year’s healthy soil. Great fun was had by all at the picnic and filming. Photo–Valerie Madden

We will have a water source, a compost bin, rainwater barrels and a tool box which will be available to registered community gardeners, once we open the garden in the spring.

May 21 – we had a public meeting to get approval from the city and community to install the garden. A second meeting was held May 28 to design the garden. It was supposed to be installed just before the strike, June 18.

Potluck Picnic

August 30 – I visited the Maloca community garden at York university. It’s not very big, but is surrounded by a fair amount

Potluck Picnic

Sunday, September 13 – I visited Foodcycles, an urban agricultural project in Downsview Park. The tour was very informative. They’re growing veggies, plants and herbs. They have 70 volunteers and will continue composting and growing herbs and plants in their greenhouse over the winter. There is space available to rent for growing veggies, herbs, etc. in one of their other greenhouses over the winter. It might be an option for us. They sell their organic produce to U of T. Photo–Valerie Madden

Our garden’s been a long time coming, fellow community gardeners, with the city strike in June holding up the works, but I’m delighted to report that it’s finally happening! Parks and Rec. have installed the water and part of the garden. Hopefully, if nature provides us with an added bonus, we’ll be able to salvage what’s left of the warm weather and have a garden celebration.

of land, so has lots of room to expand. They’re growing herbs, veggies and some plants and have potlucks on Friday afternoons from 4-8 p.m.

Here’s an update:

Photo–Valerie Madden

he leaves are turning and nature is treating us to a spectacular display of colour. Take a walk through the local parks or a trip outside the city, the colours are breathtaking. It’s a truly beautiful time of the year. It’s fun for kids (and the kid in us) and our pets, to walk through piles of leaves! Although I’ve been in Canada for 28 years, I am still fascinated by the colours of the leaves every Fall. Gardening tip: Leaves can be used for mulching the garden.

Photo–Valerie Madden


Potluck Picnic

We could plan an event to visit this non-profit city farm: Tues/ Fri. 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. or Wed. 5 – 8 p.m. If anyone’s interested, let us know.

If anyone has any questions regarding the community garden, please email us at: We have been given the green light and can start digging! It’s all very exciting!

veggie guide

Fresh fruit & vegetable availability guide may



Apples Asparagus





Hearty Harvest Soup Recipe submitted by Joss Brandt







»» l cup (each) chopped carrots, squash, sweet potato


»» l medium onion (chopped)


»» 4 cups (l litre) vegetable or chicken broth

Carrots Cauliflower

Celery Cherries

Corn Cucumber


A delicious soup, especially for those cool fall (or cold winter) evenings.


Ingredients: »» 2 tbsp (30ml) olive oil

»» 2 cloves garlic, (minced) salt & pepper to taste »» 2 tsp (10ml) minced ginger »» l cup plain yogurt »» 1 tsp (5ml) ground cinnamon






3. Using a food processor or blender, puree the soup until smooth. Return soup to pot, add cinnamon, salt, pepper, to taste. Heat gently.

4. In a small bowl, combine yogurt and cornstarch. Slowly stir a few tablespoons of hot soup into the mixture, add yogurt mixture to soup in the pot. Stir well. Do not boil.

Pears Peas


Raspberries Squash Strawberries Tomatoes


√ √

»» 2 tbsp (30ml) cornstarch

1. Heat oil over medium heat in large saucepan. Add onion, garlic and ginger and cook, stirring occasionally until softened, about 5 minutes.

2. Add carrots, squash, sweet potato and broth and stir well. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover pot, and simmer until vegetables are tender, about 30 minutes.

5. Garnish with a sprinkling of chives or a dollop of yogurt.

Note: Dates are approximate, depending on Mother Nature! (source:

Makes 12 appetizer servings. Courtesy Western Cuisine

bathurst-finch kaleidoscope | fall 2009 | 13

faces of bathurst-finch

Fitness for seniors By Maria Morgunova

или йога для долгожителей?

Генетики утверждают, что обычный человек может жить примерно 150 лет, если будет заниматься спортом и пребывать в хорошем настроении. Фитнессинструктор — Маргарита Власичева уже много лет помогает пожилым людям поддерживать себя в отличной форме. Она разработала собственную методику занятий спортом с пожилыми людьми, и ее программа «Fitness for Seniors» очень популярна в Торонто.


орреспондент. Какая разница между пожилым человеком и долгожителем? Маргарита Власичева. К пожилым, специалисты относят людей – от 56 до 90 лет, свыше 90 лет – это долгожители. Средний возраст моих клиентов – 80 лет. Корреспондент. Каковы их ожидания от фитнесса? Маргарита Власичева. За годы работы фитнессинструктором я пришла к определенным представлениям о том, каким должно быть занятие, чтобы оно отвечало потребностям моих клиентов. На мой взгляд это, прежде всего, достижимый и очевидный результат: улучшение самочувствия, повышение выносливости, умение контролировать свои эмоции и, самое главное, удовольствие и радость от того, что можно быть физически активным в любом возрасте.

Корр. Как правило, инструкторы по фитнессу предпочитают работать с молодой аудиторией. Почему Вы предпочитаете работать с пенсионерами? Маргарита Власичева. Я тренировала разные возрастные группы, но работа с пожилыми людьми оказалась самой интересной и поучительной для меня. Мне необходимо было пересмотреть весь мой предыдущий опыт, взять всё лучшее и адаптировать под эту возрастную категорию. Это было не просто, но, благодаря сотрудничеству с моими клиентами, я нашла верный путь – внимательное отношение к людям и определенная настройка на каждое занятие. Это значит, что я учитываю погоду, настроение, количество людей в группе и их исходное самочувствие в этот день, потому что пожилые люди особенно чувствительны к любым изменениям.

14 | Fall 2009 | bathurst-finch kaleidoscope

Корр. Что самое сложное для фитнесс-инструктора в данном случае? Маргарита Власичева. Методика тренировок для людей пожилого возраста имеет свою специфику, особенно на начальном этапе. Фитнессинструктор должен учитывать возрастные изменения в организме пожилого человека и продумывать упражнения, которые соответствуют уровню физической нагрузки и подготовленности клиентов. Корреспондент. Какого типа упражнения Вы включаете в занятия? Маргарита Власичева. Я использую несколько видов гимнастик: аэробику, шейпинг, стретчинг и йогу. Корр. Как Вы выбираете музыку для таких занятий? Маргарита Власичева. Я использую музыку, которая вдохновляет и преображает

клиентов. Это дает мне возможность видеть и чувствовать их молодыми, жизнерадостными, веселыми и, даже, поющими. По их просьбе я «вплела» элементы аэробики и шейпинга в танцевальные композиции, используя популярную музыку и песни 60-х, 70-х и 80-х годов. Это помогло им лучше запомнить последовательность движений и правильную технику выполнения упражнений, ритмично двигаться и правильно дышать. В то же время, они получают радостные ощущения от танца. Пожалуй, больше всего мои подопечные любят композицию «Макарена», которая сочетает танец и упражнения для всех групп мышц. Корр. Как изменяется состояние здоровья? Маргарита Власичева. Вопервых, улучшается психоэмоциональное состояние. Во-вторых, увеличива-

faces of bathurst-finch

ется подвижность суставов. Кроме этого, нормализуется уровень холестерина в крови и уровень артериального давления, улучшается моторная функция желудочнокишечного тракта и нормализуется углеводный обмен. В результате наших тренировок, увеличивается плотность костной ткани, что является прекрасной профилактикой переломов, столь опасных в пожилом возрасте. Мне близка точка зрения Седрика Брайанта, доктора наук, главного инструктора ЛФК Американского совета по упражнениям. Он говорит, что поддержание хорошей физической формы в старости помогает дольше оставаться здоровым и активным независимо от диа-

Photos–Ol Morgan

Пожалуй, самым любимым танцем моих подопечных стала «Макарена», в которую добавлены упражнения для всех групп мышц. В результате, сочетая приятное с полезным, мы обеспечиваем полноценное мышечное питание, улучшаем циркуляцию крови, укрепляем сердце и легкие, и конечно, заряжаем себя энергией и отличным настроением гноза – будь то заболевание сердца, ожирение, диабет, высокое артериальное давление или остеопороз. Надо отметить, что пожилые люди не собираются упускать эту возможность – оставаться бодрыми и жизнерадостными. Наша группа постоянно растет, и новеньких становится все больше и больше. Корреспондент. В чем уникальность Вашей методики? Маргарита. Моя методика базируется на адаптированной йоге и стретчинге. Корреспондент. Почему именно йога и стретчинг? Маргарита Власичева. Потому что йога – это неиссякаемый источник радости и здоровья, доступный для

любого человека, который хочет чувствовать себя хорошо. Йога – это естественный стимулятор защитной системы организма. Однако традиционный классический подход, сформировавшийся еще несколько тысячелетий назад, не соответствует современному ритму и стилю жизни, и сегодня многим людям трудно освоить и использовать этот энергетический источник. Поэтому, на мой взгляд, адаптированная йога – это лучшее, что можно рекомендовать в качестве оздоровительной программы в зрелом возрасте. Корр. В чем преимущества адаптированной йоги? Маргарита Власичева. Вопервых, эти упражнения гар-

моничны по своей сути и не требуют усилий. Они идеально подходят для снятия состояния хронической усталости. Мои клиенты отмечают, что йога быстро и эффективно восстанавливает физическую и умственную работоспособность. Во-вторых, йога не требует специальной физической подготовки и может выполняться и пожилыми, и детьми, и худыми, и полными, и слабыми и больными, которые стремятся к положительным изменениям. В-третьих, эти упражнения нормализуют обмен веществ и аппетит, что способствует снижению лишнего веса при полноте и стабилизации веса при его дефиците. (Продолжение на стр.16)

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faces of bathurst-finch

Корр. Какое направление йоги Вы применяете на занятиях с пожилыми? Маргарита Власичева. Я использую адаптированный вариант Хатха-йоги – ее еще часто называют лечебными растяжками. Хатха-йога – это оздоровительное воздействие на весь организм посредством физических упражнений, направленных преимущественно на растяжку мышц. Корреспондент. Чем полезны «упражнения на растяжку» в пожилом возрасте? Маргарита Власичева. Мы все понимаем, что организм здоров до тех пор, пока активны его защитные системы. Самый короткий и верный путь к оздоровлению – это восстановление активности защитных систем естественными методами, и самый приятный из них – это группа упражнений на растяжку. Корреспондент. В чем выражается эффективность этих упражнений? Маргарита Власичева. Наша главная цель – научиться получать удовольствие, благодаря которому возникает лечебный эффект. Выполнять эти упражнения очень просто, и сам процесс тренировки, с первой минуты, доставляет радость, благодаря чему создается позитивная привычка – всегда находиться в приятном расположении духа! Человек, однажды ощутивший удовольствие от растяжек, обычно продолжает заниматься ими всю жизнь. Лечебные растяжки поддерживают здоровье, работоспособность, хорошее физическое самочувствие, улучшают характер, раскрывают

творческие возможности. В конечном счете, вы чувствуете себя счастливым человеком, а счастливые люди выздоравливают быстрее – это научно доказанный факт. Корреспондент. Почему занятия спортом вызывают ощущение счастья? Маргарита Власичева. Потому что занятия спортом стимулируют выброс эндорфинов, который происходит, когда позитивная стрессовая нагрузка прекращается. Эндорфины были открыты в 70-х годах прошлого века и получили название «гормоны счастья». Физиологически, эндорфины обладают сильнейшим обезболивающим, противошоковым и антистрессовым действием, они понижают аппетит, нормализуют артериальное давление, частоту дыхания, ускоряют заживление поврежденных тканей. Когда в определенный момент тренировки вы чувствуете абсолютное удовольствие от занятия – это означает, что произошел выброс эндорфинов, и началась невероятно полезная терапия и оздоровление всего организма. Именно такие тренировки дают прекрасную возможность сохранить здоровье и хорошее самочувствие на долгие годы. Корр. Что бы Вы пожелали нашим читателям? Маргарита Власичева. Здоровья, счастья и радости. Занимайтесь спортом и радуйтесь за себя, за детей, за внуков и за друзей. Радость – это улыбка и хорошее настроение. Счастливые и жизнерадостные люди живут, как известно, дольше и живется им всегда легче.

16 | Fall 2009 | bathurst-finch kaleidoscope

seniors health club

Эмилия тно. Особенно мне нравятся ствием занималась бы и три

Я приехала в Канаду, когда мне было за семьдесят с Украины, из Киева. Там я ходила в группу здоровья. Сейчас мне – 81, но все дают мне не более 75. По профессии я – врач. Я хожу на фитнесс, потому что это – очень полезно для людей пожилого возраста. Мы мало двигаемся, и тренировки дают нам возможность разрабатывать наши суставы и разминать мышцы. Я считаю, что комплекс упражнений построен очень грамотно. У нас довольно большая группа, которую составляют люди разных возрастов, но Маргарита уделяет внимание каждому человеку и, исходя из наших возможностей, подбирает нагрузку. Мы можем работать и сидя, и стоя. Занятия проходят под приятную музыку, в хорошем и приятном ритме. На занятиях мне всегда комфортно и радостно. Сейчас я чувствую себя бодро – мое настроение улучшается после тренировок. Мне стало легче ходить и появилось желание гулять пешком.


В следующем году мне будет 70. В моем возрасте просто необходимо вести активный образ жизни! Маргарита подготовила для нас очень хороший цикл занятий с упражнениями на разные группы мышц. Раньше я ходила на другие занятия, но здесь мне лучше. Очень удобно то, что все занятия проходят прямо у нас в доме. Мне нравится все то, что нам предлагает Маргарита, т.к. я вижу ее профессиональный подход. Я раньше занималась йогой и на тренировках чувствую себя комфор-

упражнения на растяжку. После тренировок я чувствую только прилив энергии и никакой усталости. У меня есть внук и внучка. Мы часто с ними играем в футбол, бегаем иногда на перегонки, скачем через скакалку и катаемся на велосипеде. Я всегда очень жалею, когда пропускаю занятия. Маргарита – великолепный человек – очень терпеливый и тактичный, у нас никогда не бывает конфликтов. Даже когда приходит больше тридцати человек, Маргарита всегда уделяет внимание каждому. Именно поэтому к нам на занятия стали приходить люди из других домов, по соседству.


Мне исполнилось 80 лет. У меня артрит и не очень хорошо с позвоночником. Но, несмотря на все мои возрастные заболевания, я не пропускаю ни одной тренировки. Движение, в нашем возрасте, необходимо как воздух. Мы укрепляем мышцы и дух, т.к понимаем, что несмотря на возраст,– мы кое-что еще можем. Каждый день, превозмогая боль и усталость, я прохожу около пяти километров пешком, движение – это моя жизнь. Мне очень нравится Маргарита и ее отношение к нам. Все упражнения – нам под силу, но, без инструктора, я вряд ли бы смогла их делать. Все, что дает на занятиях Маргарита, я делаю с удовольствием, т.к. она не только профессиональный инструктор, но и очень приятный в общении человек. Занятия идут один час, два раза в неделю, и такая нагрузка для меня – это то, что надо. Я бы с удоволь-

раза в неделю, если бы была такая возможность.


Мне 85 лет, я живу одна, 2 раза в неделю я хожу на фитнесс и 2 раза – на английский. Всю свою жизнь я занималась любительским спортом: 20 лет ходила в походы; в Москве два раза в неделю занималась в группе здоровья. В Москве у меня для занятий спортом было больше возможностей: стадион, огромный зал и, даже, лодки. Здесь зал не такой большой как в Москве, но здесь мне нравится не меньше. Занятия в группе дают мне возможность общаться с другими людьми и, как говорят в Канаде, развивать свой networking. Тренировки меня дисциплинируют, а после занятий я себя отлично чувствую. Мне нравится весь комплекс упражнений. Он составлен от простого к сложному: мы начинаем с дыхательных упражнений и потом переходим к более серьезным вещам. Мне очень нравится такая последовательность, т.к. я чувствую, что все, что мы делаем,– очень полезно. Не все упражнения я делаю с легкостью, но я стараюсь изо всех сил, т.к. для нас это один из немногих способов преодолеть свою беспомощность.

Gila Moalem

My name is Gila Moalem and I attend the Seniors Health Club at 6250 Bathurst St. I enjoy very much all programs and activities. Thank you for the food and the trips and the fact that we feel at home. I like music and the singing. Thank you for the job well done.

Виктор Хоменко

«Второе Дыхание» на взлёте

«За здоровье надо бороться» – с таким призывом обратилась инициативная группа к пожилым людям нашего дома по адресу 6250 Bathurst St. в августе 2008 года. И вот уже в феврале 2009 года Клуб Здоровья «Второе Дыхание» начал свою деятельность. Пожилые люди поняли, что именно второго дыхания и физической нагрузки нам не хватает для укрепления здоровья в борьбе за долголетие. Программа занятий в клубе здоровья включает в себя комплекс физических упражнений, ланч и встречи со специалистами по здоровому образу жизни. Кроме этого, у нас проходят культурные мероприятия: концерты художественной самодеятельности, подготовленные силами участников клуба, выезды на природу и занятия в группах по интересам. Комплекс спортивных упражнений мы выполняем под руководством опытного инструктора – Маргариты Власичевой. Этот комплекс состоит из разнообразных движений, в которых задействованы все группы мышц и суставы, сообразно со здоровьем и физическими возможностями занимающихся. Члены нашего клуба выражают глубокую признательность энергии и энтузиазму его ведущих: Юли и Вики. На их плечи легли нелёгкие задачи: организация нашего клуба, обеспечение связей с общественными организациями и получение финансовой поддержки для клуба.

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Diabetes: A Top Health Concern By Zuzia Kukulka

The response to our yoga class was overwhelmingly positive! As we all know, physical activity helps improve blood sugar and cholesterol in those with diabetes and pre-diabetes. Healthy eating is equally important and can, contrary to common belief, be very tasty.

Clients are raving about our diabetes program:

More than two million Canadians now have diabetes. That number is expected to reach three million by 2010. About half of these people do not even recognize that they have diabetes.


iabetes will lead to a number of serious complications if it is poorly managed. At the New Heights Diabetes Education Centre (DEC), we are committed to improving the overall health of people with type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes, through education and skillbuilding opportunities. To make a change is not easy, let alone a permanent one.

The dietitians and nurses at the DEC will support you to manage your blood sugar and make lifestyle changes that last. To do that, we provide:

»» group classes »» one-on-one counselling »» cooking classes »» exercise programs, such as yoga

“The class was so informative and interesting.” “Excellent teachers…Great visuals.” “I feel so much better after attending the yoga class.” “I truly enjoy it and love the fun.” “Yoga helps me breathe a lot better…It keeps me healthy and gives me energy.” “It’s better when you exercise with other people…It’s good to socialize -I like the group.” Try the simple, healthy nutrition tips below, prepared by one of our dietitians – you will not regret it!

Want to know more about diabetes? 1. Visit your family physician and get tested today if you think that you may be at risk for developing diabetes. 2. Call us at (416) 787-1661 ext 301 and speak with Marta, for more information about our free diabetes program. We also provide interpreters for those who need it. There is no charge. 18 | Fall 2009 | bathurst-finch kaleidoscope

Diabetes Management

“Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit”

Today’s Headliner: Garbanzo beans (chickpeas) Garbanzo beans (also known as chickpeas) have a delicious nut-like taste and buttery texture. These versatile beans can be beige, black, green, red or brown in colour. They can be enjoyed all yearround and are available either dried or canned. Recognized as a nutrition “power house”, garbanzo beans are a good source of iron and folate. When combined with a whole grain, such as whole wheat pasta or brown rice, these beans provide an inexpensive source of high quality protein. In addition to lowering cholesterol, garbanzos’ high fibre content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making these beans an especially good choice for individuals with diabetes. A few quick serving ideas: • Make a quick and easy hummus • Add garbanzo beans to your green salads • Substitute garbanzo beans for ground beef in tomato sauce to lower the fat and increase fibre • Add garbanzo beans to your vegetable soup to enhance its taste, texture and nutritional content • Roast them! Drain and rinse a can of garbanzo beans. Coat them with a little bit of olive oil and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings, spices or herbs. Bake at 375 F for 1 hour. Cool. Enjoy as a crunchy high protein snack!

health By Marina Vinokurov

Emotional Health

Almost anyone will face a time in their lives when they will struggle with maintaining their emotional health and managing stress.


t these times meeting with an experienced counsellor can be helpful. A counsellor can help to better deal with negative emotions and troubling thoughts. A counsellor can also provide guidance in coping with life’s inevitable challenges. A counsellor’s goal is to help a client lead a more productive and fulfilling life. Counsellors can be from different professional backgrounds (such as social workers or psychologists). Counsellors are trained to help people in addressing various types of issues such as: difficulties with relationships and parenting,

school adjustment, stress management, post-immigration adaptation, isolation, pain/illness, depression, anxiety, disordered eating, addictions and many others. Trauma, crisis and abuse are other areas where a counsellor can provide support. New Heights Community Health Centres is offering counselling services to people living, working or studying in the catchment area of Bathurst/Steeles /Keele /Wilson. The counselling services are free and provided by a registered social worker. Counselling is conducted in a comfortable, private and quiet environ-

ment. Our counsellor has a patient and accepting approach. She works together with individuals, couples or families to understand their situation in more depth. Depending on the situation, she may also recommend other services as needed. Counseling can be one session long, or more, depending on the complexity of the situation. For information on how to apply to become a client, please see the article on page ?? of this newspaper, or call 416-787-1661 and request to speak to the case coordinator, who will provide an intake and help you navigate your way to the counselling services.

New Heights Community Health Centres is offering counselling services to people residing, working or studying in the catchment area of Bathurst/Steeles / Keele /Wilson. You can call 416-787-1661 and request to speak to the case coordinator who will provide an intake and help you navigate your way to the counselling services.

Across Boundaries Education Workshops A

cross Boundaries is proud to announce its Education and Training Program on Cultural Competency and Anti-racism/Anti-oppression in Mental Health and Addiction. The program consists of an annual conference, quarterly series of workshops, as well as presentations tailored to the needs of the agency or organization. Across Boundaries is a notfor-profit agency that provides a range of supports and services that identify and honour the strengths of individuals, families, and racialized communities – while recognizing and addressing the negative im-

pact of racism and discrimination on their mental health and well being. The services are grounded in up-to-date knowledge and research, community engagement, capacity building, and an awareness of the intersection of personal identities. Advocacy, training, and education within the health care sector that brings about individual, family, institutional and systemic change, are strong components of the agency’s commitment to quality mental health and addiction care for people from racialized communities.

Across Boundaries believes strongly in the importance of on-going professional development and its positive impact on both agencies and the communities they serve. To this end, the Centre has developed several training modules to be used in facilitating cultural competency and anti-racism/ anti-oppression workshops. The training will support agencies in becoming more accessible to the diverse client population in the area they serve. The Centre also welcomes the participation of consumer/survivors and families and will be willing to sponsor

them to enable them to attend the training workshops. Martha Ocampo, Manager of Education and Resource, will be the contact person to discuss how Across Boundaries can best share its knowledge and expertise on how a client-centred, recovery-oriented and holistic model of care within an antiracism/anti-oppression framework is implemented. Registration forms for the training workshops may be obtained through or from the website:

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young voices

By Andy Oprescu

More Than Just a Shell


s the sun was slowly beginning to hide among countless trees and the rain was pouring its first tears of September, I tried to remember the melancholic sound of waves anchoring on the shore, bringing gifts from the depths of the sea. As I walked along the shore I found a shell, it was white with some soft spots of blue which seemed like stars. There were four spots, but one of them was paler than the other three. I continued my walk; the sea was passing back and forth, trying to tell me something through the stirred waves. The mountains were rising forward covered with bright colours, rivers

and waterfalls falling from the tall crests like ribbons. I headed for my grandparents’ house. It was small and old, but loved for so many years. I went into the garden to help my grandfather and he noticed the shell in my hand. As he analyzed it in amazement, I saw some writing on the back. We sat down for a moment watching the flowers gently blowing in the wind and releasing some of their petals. He told me the story about the shell. It belongs to him and his three brothers; they made it as a tribute, each one being represented as a blue spot, but because one of his brothers died, one of the spots

Oak Ridges Moraine

Today you may all have enjoyed a fresh clean glass of water. But what if that water is not clean tomorrow? I am a student from North York, addressing an issue that should be one of our greatest concerns: a threat to our natural drinking water filtration system. It is the Oak Ridges Moraine. I will acquaint you with the importance of this fragile ecosystem and why it needs protection. North America and all its land forms were formed by the last ice age. 15000 years ago the ice sheet covering all of Ontario as we know it, split into two sections: Simcoe and Ontario. The space between was filled with glacial melt water in which massive amounts of sand, gravel, clay and boulders were deposited, forming the Oak Ridges Moraine.

It is 160 km long, 40m above sea level and headwater to 65 river systems. It is Ontario’s last green corridor, which is 30% forest and refuge to many of the last forest birds and species. This natural heritage is like a giant sponge filled with layers of sand, gravel, clay, and boulders, absorbing rain and snow melt. The melt is filtered through the Moraine’s layers and stored as ground water. This ground water replenishes south central Ontario’s water and feeds the 65 river systems like the Don, Rouge, Humber and many others. The municipal and private wells then draw the water from the aquifers {in our water table}. Lastly, the water surfaces like streams, lakes and ponds flow into Lake Ontario, our drinking water. The Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) is like our drinking

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is paler, while the other ones are still engraved there, honouring the memories of their childhood. They buried the shell near the shore to whisper their adventures to the waves. Their names, the city and the year was written on the back. As I looked at the shell, my grand-

father clenched my fist and told me to take care of it. As I watched the falling rain, I knew that back then it was more than just the waves that brought the shell, which still today reminds me of the sea and the perseverance to face obstacles in an unknown future.

By Ria Sanghavi water filtration system, except no chlorine (and other chemicals killing bacteria and making our water healthy) are added. But the ORM is natural and free, meaning we need to use less energy and resources and it’s quicker to clean our fresh drinking water. The greatest threat to the function of the Moraine is the inappropriate use of land on and below the Moraine’s surface. So what if the Moraine disappears due to the overdevelopment of this area? We would have to increase the energy and resources to take place at the Moraine to purify our water. This would result in more air pollution and global warming. In Toronto itself we will have transpiration problems due to the lack of plants and trees. This will all result in polluting Lake On-

tario’s water. Its water will flow into the ocean more and more, making it undrinkable water. The forest birds and species like the endangered Acadian Fly-Catcher would lose their home and be extinct too. It’s time to protect this beautiful ecological area by stopping the overdevelopment on and around the Moraine‘s surface. We could have fines or penalties for polluting the Moraine’s land and our river system. After all, the ORM is essential in our water purification system. It is also the last green corridor which has been a very rich and valuable natural heritage for thousands of years.

celebrations By Rabbi Mark Breslow

Rosh Hashana

and the Ball Player


ast week someone asked me if I would like to join a softball team. I said that I would like to, but that it would take some serious offseason training before I could take part because I am so seriously out of shape – reflexes, muscles, eye-hand coordination, etc.

training before I could take part because I am so seriously out of shape. And if I was going to be serious about my relationship with G-d, then I might think about communicating with Him on a regular basis, so that I could ask him for what I need and thank Him for all that He does for me on an on going basis.

This year, I am starting a month in advance – reading a translation, thinking through my relationship with G-d and working out any interpersonal glitches. May all the readers be blessed with a Happy and Healthy New Year and Happy Succos.

Drawing–Barbara Perlmutter

Drawing–Gadi Nusinov

A few days later I was in the hospital visiting a patient who had gotten out of Intensive Care and was now in a regular unit, able to speak and on the road to recovery. He assured me that he had prayed often and he would not forget G-d now that his health had improved so much. These random images came to me as I thought about

the High Holidays of Rosh Hashana(New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). Most Jews make it a special point to go to synagogue/temple at this time of year. Why? Can it be just to hear the shofar? That can be done on the net. But isn’t live better? Get a simulcast. Can it be to hear the rabbi’s sermon? He’s on every week. Ditto for the Cantor. Can it be to see old friends not seen for a year? Hold a dinner party? It must be for the prayer service since we are being judged for the upcoming year (5770). But what exactly is prayer? Tefillah, Hebrew for prayer, is one of the many terms, especially most common in the Bible, for prayer in general. The Hebrew root means “to think, entreat, judge, intercede,” and the reflective means “to judge oneself” and “to pray.” If prayer has so many facets and nuances just to define it, then to actually do it would take some serious off-season

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youth buzz By Bryce Turner

My Dream Job My name is Bryce and I am 13 years old. One day I found out what I want to be when I grow up. I decided my dream job would be a news anchor. How did I decide that’s what I’d like to be? On October 24, 2008 I got an opportunity to visit the CP24 news studios. I went down there to watch a news program live. I got a chance to see what goes on behind the scenes and met many of the news personalities.

The reason I’d like to be a news anchor is because you get to meet a lot of different people, ask about news stories and be one of the first people to know breaking news. I enjoy watching the news and after my behind the scenes visit, I figured out that I wanted to be a news anchor. I was even lucky enough to an opportunity to be live on air and do a couple of weather reports that were actually aired live on TV… what a great experience!

Newcomer Orientation Week (NOW)

Northview Heights Secondary School, Newtonbrook Secondary School


or many newcomer students, high school in Ontario is very different from school in their native country so the first few months can be very confusing and often stressful. To assist students in their transition a Newcomer Orientation Week (NOW) was offered this summer at Northview Heights and Newtonbrook Secondary Schools. NOW oriented students to the people and activities to help them settle into their new

school. The activities included a scavenger hunt to help them learn the layout of the building, skits about the challenges of school in a new country, a visit to the local library and community centre, and an introduction to people and resources that can help and support newcomer students in school. At Northview, additional activities included soccer and Frisbee. It encouraged students to socialize, so as to make new friends to ease their tran-

Welcome and Information for Newcomers

WIN, a one day orientation for newcomer middle grade students and their parents, was held at Fisherville Junior High School in North York, Toronto, on September 1, 2009. Approximately 33 parents and 26 students participated. This project was funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada through SWIS. As in NOW, the high school orientation program, students who were newcomers in previous years (Peer Leaders) demonstrated school routines, pro-

vided information and offered advice to new students. The program ran from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There were separate activities for parents and students. In the afternoon parents and students used the Fisherville JHS passport to explore the school. At each passport station, a Peer Leader provided key information and stamped the passport. Two Fisherville JHS teachers were involved, 10 Peer Leaders and three school settlement workers.

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sition into high school. A key feature of NOW, was the role of Peer Leaders, students who were themselves newcomers in previous years. The Peer Leaders ran the program with the support of teachers and SEPT

settlement workers. NOW is funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada through Jewish Family and Child Services. It has proved to be an exciting and very beneficial program for all involved.

youth buzz

Youth Media Club at Toronto Star By Oleksandra Budna

On September 1, 2009, Youth Media Club participants and members of the newspaper committee visited the Toronto Star main office and its printing facility. It was a great op-

portunity to learn about the newspaper publishing process and talk to various professionals in the newspaper business. Special thanks to Randy Starkman, Toronto Star reporter,

and Gennady Vilensky, Toronto Star engineer, for helping organize the trip. Youth Media Club is a group of youth, ages 11-18, interested in various aspects of news-

paper publishing (writing, photography, drawing, layout, etc.). The Club will continue its meetings starting October 26, 2009. For more information, please call 647-436-0385.

Photos–Oleksandra Budna

The Bathurst-Finch Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) NAG works to identify issues of common concern and develop positions on these issues, in order to advocate for the interests of the Bathurst-Finch neighbourhood with decision makers and stakeholders. Anyone who lives, works, or goes to school in the BathurstFinch neighbourhood is invited to join NAG. The first meeting of NAG will take place in October 2009

Residents are invited to volunteer for NAG if you would like to: »» Voice your opinion about issues of local neighbourhood development

NAG consists of general members and three working groups.

The three working groups are: 1–Resident Communications; 2–Resident Connections; 3–Capacity Building.

»» Advocate for the interests of the neighbourhood »» Participate in developing, monitoring and evaluating an annual work plan of neighbourhood priorities together with other residents

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Kaleidoscope Mini-Guide: Settlement and Employment Services

A number of community members and local agencies are working together to create a guide to services in the Bathurst-Finch neighbourhood. As we develop this resource, we will be publishing excerpts in Kaleidoscope. In this issue, we are focusing on settlement and employment services in the area. Please note: the guide is a work in progress, and is not comprehensive. This is our first set of listings, and it won’t be our last. We are looking for your input! If there are agencies, groups or programs you think we should add to our guide, please contact us at:

Here are some agencies that provide employment and settlement services to residents of our neighbourhood Alternative Youth Centre for Employment (AYCE) – a division of Tropicana Community Services Main phone number: 416.491.7000 Website: Languages: See website for information about AYCE in different languages including Arabic, Chinese, Persian, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili and Tamil. Costs: All services are free (some workshops have fees) AYCE programs Job Connect For unemployed youth who are not attending school 16-24 years of age, or up to 29 with a disability. Occasional exceptions are made to the eligibility criteria ie. newcomers. Training workshops and/or one-on-one preemployment counselling, and/or job placements. Support in the form of bus tokens, interview, clothing and other necessities required to find and sustain employment.

Summer Jobs Service For youth who are students returning to school in the fall. This program runs from April to the end of summer. Participants must be 15 - 24 years of age, or up to 29 with a disability. Additional supports AYCE provides other support for youth including, but not limited to help in accessing social assistance, housing, disability supports, educational programs, literacy programs and other training programs. Caregiver Connections, Education & Support Organization (CCESO) Main phone number: 416.656.5778 Email: Costs: All services are free. Caregiver Connections provides counselling, education/information sessions, social networking and advocacy workshops for caregivers who may have problems or questions regarding: employers;

labour; ESA; the rights of caregivers; application for Open Permit and Permanent Residence; settlement issues and safety concerns in the workplace. Centennial Library Address: 578 Finch Ave. West Main phone number: 416.395.5490 Languages spoken by settlement worker: English, Hebrew, Romanian and Russian Costs: Services listed below are offered free. Settlement workers are available during regular library hours, except on Fridays (call for hours). Help with information about the school system, health care, settlement and employment services and more. Referrals to appropriate services. This is a walk-in service, no appointment is necessary. Various other free programs are offered for newcomers of all ages at the library. For program details call or visit:

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rontopubliclibrary. ca/listings/current. html?branch=centennial CUIAS Immigrant Services (Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society) Main phone number: 416.767.4595 Website: Languages: Workshops offered in English, Russian and Ukrainian. Youth workshops offered in French as well. Costs: Most programs are free. Call for details. CUIAS programs Settlement assistance Assistance with immediate needs and application for basic government services; immigration consultations and assistance; information and referral; employment search assistance; translation and interpretation services. English classes Free LINC program for Permanent Residents and Convention Refugees; seniors’ class; IELTS preparation classes; part-time conversation and writing

classes; free child minding and transportation assistance; access to computer lab and internet. Youth program Support group; workshops; homework club, sports club, French club, English speaking groups; social events. Griffin Centre Main phone number: 416.222.1153 Website: Languages: Programs in many languages. Call or visit website for details. Costs: Most programs are free. ReachOUT Newcomer Network Integrated settlement services to Permanent Residents between the ages of 13 to 24 who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and/or queer (LGBTQ). Humber Community Employment Services Main phone number: 416.631.7600 Website: www.look4work.

employment and settlement services

Languages: English Costs: Program is free. Call for eligibility requirements. Chesswood Job Finding Club Three week program for unemployed and experienced workers. Includes job search strategies, interview skills and one-on-one support. Jewish Family and Child Services Website: SEPT – Settlement and Education Partnership in Toronto Newcomer families are referred to settlement workers while they register their children in school. Settlement workers provide newcomer families with information on education, language training, employment, health and resources and services available in school and in the community. JIAS (Jewish Immigrant Aid Services) Toronto Main phone number: 416.630.6481 Website: Languages: Programs offered in English, Hebrew, Russian and Spanish Costs: All programs are free except translation services. JIAS Toronto programs Pre-arrival consultation Interested immigrants may contact JIAS Toronto from their home country to get information about the legal immigration process or their basic needs upon arrival. Settlement, orientation and adaptation counselling Includes individual assessments and ongoing assistance.

LINC, ESL and informal English classes JIAS Toronto runs a fulltime LINC/ESL school for levels 1-7 as well as preparation for the TOEFL exam. Informal opportunities like Conversation Cafes are also available. Social support groups Youth and senior programs, parenting workshops, networking and seminars on topics of interest to new immigrants. Pre-employment connections Clients can access resources through their social workers that may help them better understand the Canadian labour market. Networking opportunities may also be offered. Notary public and translation services JIAS Toronto has a Notary Public on site who can facilitate translation of important documents. (There is a small fee for translation and notary services.) JVS Toronto Phone number: 416.661.3010 Website: Languages: Service offered in English. Multi-lingual counsellors, call for details. Costs: Most services are free. Call for details. JVS Toronto programs Newcomer employment services and job search workshops Tools to help internationally trained professionals integrate into the Canadian job market. Canadian Workplace Communication Program for Internationally Trained Individuals (ITIs) to improve English language and workplace

communication skills. To date, ITIs educated and trained in the banking/finance, engineering, architecture or IT sectors have benefited from this program. Mentoring services Matches unemployed or underemployed, internationally trained professionals and trades people who are new to Canada with professionals in their field. Re-Employment program Supports unemployed Reachback clients including those on social assistance as they re-enter the workforce. Targeted Wage Subsidy program Assists unemployed individuals facing difficulties obtaining long term employment in their chosen occupational fields by offering potential employers a partial wage subsidy as an incentive for hiring employees. WINR (Women in New Roles) Employment assistance program specifically designed to assist women with developing strategic return to work action plans. This program offers career decision-making, job search assistance and one-on-one counselling. Career counselling Comprehensive one-onone assessment and counselling services designed for individuals in the process of developing an educational plan, making a career change or who need focus in their career search. Services located at: 1280 Finch Avenue West, Suite 607. Most of the above services can also be offered on

an itinerant basis if there is sufficient interest to deliver services within the Bathurst-Finch community. Kababayan Community Centre Multicultural Services Main phone number: 416.532.3888 Website: Languages: settlement services available in English, Nepali, Hindi, and Urdu. Costs: All services are free and confidential. Kababayan Community Centre Multicultural Services is a Charitable, Not-for-Profit Settlement Agency that serves immigrants, caregivers and refugees. Kababayan services: free High-speed internet access for job searching; job search/job referrals; free computer lessons; help with welfare, EI, OSAP (educational) forms and applications; links to Toronto Public Library, HRDC, Public Service Commission of Canada etc. through website; paraprofessional counselling; help with immigration/citizenship documents & applications (caregiver, sponsorship etc.); programs for youth, women and seniors; assistance in application for OHIP, SIN, Child Tax Benefits & housing; information & application for Certification of Engineering, Social Work, Nursing profession etc.; orientation about Canada (history, lifestyle, government & social services); counselling services on gambling problems; settlement services at the Toronto Public Library (Parkdale Branch), 1303 Queen St. West.

North York Community House, Host Program Main phone number: 416.636.2600 Languages: Multilingual staff and volunteers. Costs: All services are free. The Host Program matches newcomers with Canadian volunteers for friendship. Host friendships can help newcomers improve language skills, learn about Canadian culture and expand social networks. The Host Program also provides group activities for both newcomers and volunteers including an English conversation circle, community walks and community garden. Call for details. The Host Program is looking for volunteers who are familiar with their community and would like to contribute a few hours a week. St. Stephen’s Employment & Training Centre Main phone number: 416.531.4631 Website: Languages: Programs are offered in English. Multilingual staff. Costs: Programs are free. St. Stephen’s Employment & Training Centre programs Skills Link A job placement program for youth 15-30 who are not in school and not working on a full-time basis. Skills Link helps youth looking for a fulltime career gain the experience they need to be successful. Connections This program is for newcomers to Canada who speak English as their

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employment and settlement services

second language at an intermediate level and are on social assistance. Connections is a 34-week course that consists of 12 weeks of in-class training in job search preparation, customer service, business English and intermediate computer skills. It also includes six weeks of co-op training. Toronto District School Board Main phone number: 416.395.9559 (Chesswood Employment Resource Centre) or 416.395.4280 (Assisted Job Search Program) Website: Toronto District School Board Programs Chesswood Employment Resource Centre (CERC) CERC is a walk-in service centre where clients who are looking for work and require minimal staff assistance can obtain employment-related information and free use of resources, including computers with internet access, reference material, employer sessions, labour market information, photocopying, laser printers and fax services. (3701 Chesswood Drive, Suite 100, call for hours of operation.) Assisted Job Search Program Four-week job search programs for ESL speakers. The program is designed to meet the needs of people with very limited English language skills. (Accessed with action plan and referral from an assessment centre.)

Toronto Employment & Social Services Website: socialservices Costs: Services listed below are free. Employment Resource Centres (various locations, visit erc_chart.htm or call for details) Walk-in service with staff and free access to computers with internet, fax machines, phones, photocopiers, laser printers and current software including tutorials on computer-based skills. Human Resources Development Canada Job Bank kiosks with current job listings and labour market information. Ontario Works information and referrals to volunteering, skills development training and employment placement including selfemployment development services. vpi – Keele & Finch Area, Employment Assessment Centre (EAC) and Employment Group Sessions (EGS) Phone numbers: EAC: 416.514.0353, Employment Group Sessions: 416.514.0363 Languages: English Website: Costs: These programs are offered free of charge. VPI programs Individuals working less than 20 hours per week and legally entitled to work in Canada (citizen, Permanent Resident, or Convention Refugee) are eligible for services below. Individuals interested in Second Career Strategy can be working full-time at time

of accessing EGS or EAC, provided they were laid off anytime after January 01, 2005. Employment Group Sessions Information provided on various government-funded employment assistance programs and services as well as career decision making; job search; job placement; mentoring; practice firms; training; self employment, as well as academic upgrading and literacy/basic skills enhancement. Employment Assessment Centre Employment assessment for individuals returning to work. Includes development of action plan, referral to appropriate employment service or vocational training program. Individual support available until fully employed. Second Career Strategy provides support to recently laid-off unemployed workers who require longterm training for employment in high-skill, highdemand occupations. YMCA North York Employment and Newcomer Programs Main phone number: 416.635.9622 Address: 4580 Dufferin Street (Finch and Dufferin) Website: Languages: Programs offered in English. Multilingual staff. Costs: Programs are free. YMCA Employment and Newcomer Services North York programs Employment Resource Centre Wide range of resources free-of-charge including

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staff support, computers, internet, photocopier, fax machine, videos and printed materials related to job search. Call for hours. Workshops and one-onone assistance Job search workshops are available. One-on-one assistance is available including resume formatting, internet job search, computer assistance and mock interviews. Summer Jobs Service For youth who are 15-30 years of age looking for full-time employment in the summer months and registered for jobs in the fall. Job Connect For youth and adults to find and keep employment. Access to employment-related resources, employment counselling and job development which provides a negotiable training subsidy to employers who hire eligible program participants. Starting Point Individual coaching, help with career decision making, information regarding professional associations, referrals to other newcomer programs. Call for eligibility requirements. ESIW-Employment Information Warehouse Services include free workshops in Toronto North and an information hotline (Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm) at 416.661.3111. You can also visit LINC Assessment Centre (language classes) An English language assessment program for newcomers to Canada, which screens, assesses and refers adult newcomers to the most appropriate free Eng-

lish language program. To make an appointment call 416.925.5462 from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. NIC (Newcomer Information Centre) Referrals to agencies and organizations serving immigrants. A self-directed resource centre. Newcomers have access to a wide range of services to address settlement issues including referrals, computers with internet access and multilingual resource staff.

This resource was a collaborative effort by residents and agencies in Bathurst-Finch. We would like to thank the Kaleidoscope editorial board, Action for Neighbourhood Change, New Heights Community Health Centres, Settlement and the Employment Working Group of the Bathurst-Finch Community Hub.

Do you

know of a community service, space or program that should be listed in the BathurstFinch Guide? Please contact Amy Katz at:

events calendar

Women’s Circle

meets on the second Monday of each month, 6–8 p.m. at Antibes CC (discussion group in partnership with NYWC). This program may move to a different location, please call (647) 436-0385 to confirm the location.

Victoria – Russian speaking Women’s Group

meets on the fourth Monday of each month, 6–8 p.m., at Antibes CC. This program may move to a different location, please call (647) 436-0385 to confirm the location.

Coffee Break - Book Club at the Library

meets last Friday of each month, 4:30–6 p.m., at the Centennial Library. Join these groups to meet new friends, widen your social network and receive new information. We invite various guest speakers; some of the sessions are facilitated by women participants. Refreshments and childcare provided on site for all groups.

Register for the Bathurst-Finch Childcare Training Program! We are offering a free training program to increase childcare skills

You will be given a certificate after the 9 week course at which time you could work as a home childcare provider, a freelance childcare provider for the health centre or an assistant in a family resource centre.

The course starts in early December.

Call 647-436-0385 and speak to Julia or Jen to register!

English Conversation Café

Every Wednesday we invite all residents who would like to improve their English to attend English Conversation Café. The meetings take place at Antibes CC, 6–7 p.m. Refreshments are provided on site.

Knitting Club

meets every Thursday, 6–8 p.m., at Antibes CC.

Knitters’ Night Out

meets every Tuesday, 6:30–8 p.m., at the Centennial Library. The knitting groups invite everyone regardless of age, gender and skill level.

Seniors Health Club Second Wind

meets every Tuesday and Thursday, 1–3 p.m. at 6250 Bathurst St., meeting room. Sessions include gentle fitness exercise, healthy snacks and informational talks with various health specialists, including registered dietitian, stress management consultant, and meditation specialist.

Walking Group

meets every Tuesday at 6:30 pm, at the Rockford School front entrance. We walk at a moderate, steady pace for about 50 minutes in the park or residential area.

Registration Open

Healthy Cooking Club

is an 8-week healthy cooking series conducted by a Registered Dietitian. Come to meet new people, exchange recipes and learn how to cook on a budget, cook in a healthier way, make dinners less stressful and add more fiber to your meals. Every Thursday (Oct 1-Nov 19), 6-8 pm at Northminster United Church (255 Finch Ave W)

Nannies and Caregivers Advocacy and Leadership Training

is a free 6-week training series open to anyone living or working in the Bathurst-Finch Neighbourhood. Every Saturday, starting October 24, 1-5 pm at the Centennial Library (578 Finch Ave W).

Youth Chill Zone

is a drop-in space for youth in the basement of the Centennial Library, every Wednesday, 3-6 pm.

For updates visit our web-site: www.


Rhythmic Gymnastics

Year Round Lessons Winter & Summer Camps Shows for Parents Every month

140 Antibes Drive


Coach position available October 26, 2009, 6.30 pm Gymnastics Open House, 531 Finch Ave W, everyone is welcome, admission is free

bathurst-finch kaleidoscope | fall 2009 | 27

neighbourhood network

Welcome to the Bathurst-Finch Network

New Heights Community Health Centres is working with grassroots groups, agencies, residents in the neighbourhood and the City of Toronto, to create a Bathurst-Finch Network (BFN). Here are some details along with information about how you can participate. What is the Bathurst-Finch Network?

This evening of conversation will be your opportunity to:

It doesn’t exist yet! Right now, the Bathurst-Finch Network (BFN) is just an idea. The BFN would bring together agencies, community groups, residents, the City of Toronto and others to:

»» Find out more about the services and programs available to you in the Bathurst-Finch neighbourhood. »» Meet other area residents and representatives from organizations offering services in Bathurst-Finch.

»» Collect and share information about the neighbourhood.

»» Tell us what you want for your neighbourhood. We want to make sure the BathurstFinch Network is guided by the concerns and priorities of area residents.

»» Help coordinate services across the neighbourhood. »» Identify and help provide missing services. »» Create collaborations to tackle key issues.

»» Join the network! Everyone who works, lives or studies in the area is invited to join the Bathurst-Finch Network.

»» Develop collaborative and accountable relationships between service providers, government and residents. »» Advocate for resources and infrastructure and take on the issues that matter most to Bathurst-Finch.

Why have a BathurstFinch Network?

New Heights Community Health Centres is in the process of developing a Community Hub in the BathurstFinch neighbourhood. As part of the Hub development process, we have had many meetings and community consultations. As a result, we have gathered a lot of input about the neighbourhood: »» Residents have said they don’t have enough information about available services, groups and programs in the area. »» Community groups have identified an urgent need for accessible, community space.

»» Service providers have said they don’t have enough information about area residents and neighbourhood strengths and needs. »» Service providers have said that increased coordination of services is needed in Bathurst-Finch. »» There are many important issues in the neighbourhood that could be addressed by a network of grassroots groups, residents and agencies working in collaboration with the City of Toronto.

Where, exactly, is the Bathurst-Finch neighbourhood?

The City of Toronto, in partnership with the United Way, has identified 13 ‘priority neighbourhoods’ which it

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calls ‘underserved.’ In other words, these neighbourhoods do not enjoy the same level of services and infrastructure as other parts of the city. BathurstFinch (also known as Westminster-Branson) has been identified as one of these neighbourhoods. Its official boundaries extend from Dufferin to Bathurst, from Sheppard to Steeles.

What are the next steps for the Bathurst-Finch Network? Join our Community Conversation!

A number of agencies and residents are working together to plan a Community Conversation on November 3-rd to help shape the Bathurst-Finch Network.

We would like to invite everyone who lives, works or studies in the BathurstFinch neighbourhood to a Community Conversation on November 3, 2009, 5:30-8:30 p.m., at Rockford Public School (60 Rockford Rd.). You will find more information about the event on the back cover of this issue of Kaleidoscope or you can contact Amy Katz at akatz@newheightshealth. org Come meet your neighbours, share your ideas, enjoy great food and find out more information about programs and services available to you in Bathurst-Finch.

free primary health care By Maria Morgunova

Ортопедическая программа для взрослых и детей Консультация опытного врача, услуги переводчика и изготовление ортопедических стелек бесплатно!

Тел: 647-436-0385; Адрес: 12 Flemington Road, Toronto, ON M6A 2N4 Причины и симптомы

Если Вы чувствуете дискомфорт при ходьбе или боли в суставах, если выросла косточка, если слишком быстро стаптывается обувь, то это значит, что нужно срочно назначить встречу с chiropodist – специалистом по заболеванию стоп (в бывшем СНГ мы называли его ортопедом), потому что, скорее всего, у Вас плоскостопие.

0 1 2 3 След ноги при различных степенях плоскостопия от нулевой до третьей.

По происхождению плоскостопия специалисты различают врожденную плоскую стопу, травматическую, паралитическую и статическую. Врожденное плоскостопие установить раньше 5—6-летнего возраста нелегко, так как у всех детей моложе этого возраста определяются все элементы плоской стопы. Однако, приблизительно в 3 % всех случаев плоскостопия, плоская стопа бывает врожденной. Травматическое плоскостопие — последствие перелома лодыжек, пяточной кости, предплюсневых костей. Паралитическая плоская стопа — результат паралича подошвенных мышц стопы и мышц, начинающихся на голени (последствие Полиомиелита). Рахитическое плоскостопие обусловлено нагруз-

кой тела на ослабленные кости стопы. Статическое плоскостопие (встречающееся наиболее часто 82,1 %) возникает вследствие слабости мышц голени и стопы, связочного аппарата и костей. Причины развития статического плоскостопия могут быть различны: увеличение массы тела, работа в стоячем положении, уменьшение силы мышц при физиологическом старении, отсутствие тренировки у лиц сидячих профессий и т. д. К внутренним причинам, способствующим развитию деформаций стоп, относится, также, наследственное предрасположение, к внешним причинам — перегрузка стоп, связанная с профессией, например регулярная работа по 7- 8 часов за прилавком, ведение домашнего хозяйства, ношение нерациональной обуви (узкой, неудобной, «на шпильках»). Врачи говорят, что человека с плоскостопием видно сразу. Во-первых, бросается в глаза «тяжелая» походка и неестественная осанка. Легче согнуться, чем присесть на корточки; присев, тяжело удержать равновесие. Вовторых, проявляется косолапие при ходьбе. При запущенной форме плоскостопие выражается внешне: это деформированные стопы, то есть плоские, искривленные, непропорциональной длины пальцы ног, «косточка» на большом пальце, слишком широкая стопа. Плоскостопие предрасполагает к развитию вросше-

го ногтя. Кроме того, оно является основной запускающей причиной для формирования сколиозов, гонартрозов, коксартрозов и других заболеваний опорнодвигательного аппарата.

Плоскостопие у детей– как определить и что делать?

С одной стороны, врождённое плоскостопие до пя-

может избежать проблем в будущем или скорректировать текущую ситуацию.

Лечение плоскостопия

В лечении используется рефлексотерапевтический массаж, су-джок терапия, статическая и изометрическая лечебная физкультура с обязательной ортопедической коррекцией в виде ортопедической обуви и стелек.

Мария и Даниил на приеме у Chiropodist’a в New Heights CHCs

ти лет выявить трудно, и некоторые врачи с профилактической целью рекомендуют вкладывать детям в обувь детские ортопедические стельки. Такая детская стелька поддерживает своды стопы малыша в процессе их формирования и, как правило, пресекает возникновение плоскостопия. С другой стороны, практика канадских врачей показывает, что ребенок может «перерасти» детское плоскостопие, и вполне нормальная, здоровая стопа сформируется естественным образом к 10-12 годам. В любом случае – консультация со специалистом по-

Стельки – это комфорт и незаметная терапия.

Стельки (orthopedic) могут быть самыми разными: гигиеническими, утепляющими, электроизолирующими. Если правильно подобрать или сделать на заказ ортопедические стельки, то здоровье, самочувствие и настроение улучшатся очень быстро.

снятие слепка стопы для изготовления ортопедических стелек

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free primary health care

Эмоциональное здоровье

Марина Винокурова


ермин эмоциональное здоровье начал употребляться недавно и, поэтому, не все понимают, что он обозначает. Различные жизненные обстоятельства, отношения в семье, офисе или школе часто оказывают эмоциональное давление на взрослых и детей. Любой человек в той или иной степени испытывает стресс при изменении своего привычного образа жизни. Адаптация на новом месте, иммиграция, новая работа, незнакомый коллектив, новая школа, новое жилье и многое другое сильно влияет на психику человека, вызывая волнения, депрессию и, даже, панику. Многие пытаются решить эти проблемы за счет собственного здоровья, что часто приводит к перееданию или чрезмерному употреблению алкоголя и

сигарет. У человека появляется негативный настрой, он начинает испытывать отрицательные эмоции. Эмоциональные проблемы одного из

наде, не знают где и какую помощь можно получить. Если Вы живете, работаете или учитесь в нашем районе, расположенном между

В «New Heights Community Health Centres» Вы всегда сможете получить индивидуальную помощь. Если это необходимо Вы сможете прийти на консультацию вместе с Вашим партнером или даже всей семьей. членов семьи очень часто негативно сказываются на благополучии всей семьи. Эмоциональный стресс случается практически с каждым. В тяжелые периоды жизни напряжение возрастает, и человек по разному пытается защитить себя от этого. Многие, даже те, кто уже не первый год в Ка-

улицами Wilson и Steeles Av. West, и от Bathurst St. до Keele St, то Вы имеете право совершенно бесплатно обратиться за помощью в New Heights Community Health Centres. Я – новый русскоговорящий социальный работник/ психотерапевт – Марина Винокурова. Я провожу консультации по стабилизации

и улучшению эмоционального самочувствия. Мое образование в области эмоционального здоровья и семейных отношений позволяет оказывать людям помощь в решении проблем, связанных с влиянием стресса на наше здоровье. В New Heights Community Health Centres Вы всегда сможете получить индивидуальную помощь. Если это необходимо Вы сможете прийти на консультацию вместе с Вашим партнером или даже всей семьей. Для того, чтобы назначить встречу с Мариной Винокуровой, позвоните по телефону 416-787-1661. Здесь говорят не только на английском языке, но и по-русски. Вы можете оставить сообщение порусски и Вам перезвонит русскоговорящий координатор.

New Heights Community Health Centres C

ommunity Health Centres – это уникальная организация, оказывающая медицинские услуги вместе с социальной поддержкой и различными программами, которые помогают вести здоровый образ жизни. Основные специалисты центра: врач-терапевт, фельдшер, медсестра, специалист по заболеванию стоп (chiropodist), диетолог, социальный работник (психотерапевт) и case coordinator. Кроме медицинских услуг, в New Heights Community Health Centres предлагаются информа ционно-

образовательные программы. Мы помогаем нашим клиентам и их семьям найти необходимые ресурсы как в нашем центре, так и в других общественных организациях. Мы направляем семьи в агенства, которые предоставляют информационнообразовательные программы, тренинги, поддержку и помощь в разрешении социальных проблем, которые влияют на здоровье. Достаточно заполнить регистрационную форму и отправить ее нам по почте или по факсу: (647) 436-0386. Вы также можете зареги-

30 | Fall 2009 | bathurst-finch kaleidoscope

стрироваться позвонив по телефону (647) 436-0385. Спросите Юлию, Викторию

или Александру. Все услуги предоставляются бесплатно. (см. подробности на стр.31)

Вы можете стать клиентом New Heights Community Health Centres, без OHIP, если вы проживаете, работаете или учитесь в районе, расположенном между улицами Bathurst St. и Keele St., от Wilson Ave. до Steeles Ave.W.

Прием у врача и услуги переводчика — бесплатно! Тел: (647) 436-0385 Адрес: 12 Flemington Road, Toronto, ON M6A 2N4 Часы работы: 8:30am-8:30pm

free primary health care

Programs and Services

New Heights Community Health Centres Семейный Врач – оказывает медицинскую помощь в случае острых, эпизодических или хронических заболеваний. В случае необходимости направляет пациентов на консультации к узким специалистам. Nurse Practitioner – Медсестра/брат общей практики. Медицинский работник с дополнительным образованием и квалификацией, которая позволяет диагностировать и лечить основные заболевания. Специалист по заболеваниям ног (Chiropodist) – оказывает уход за ногами и лечит заболевания стоп, такие как мозоли, затвердения, бородавки, шпоры. Кайроподист консультирует о правильном выборе обуви и дает профессиональные советы о том, как правильно ухаживать за ногами для детей, для пожилых людей, для людей с диабетом и для тех, кто активно занимается спортом.

Health Promotion Health Promotion Programs – areas of focus include chronic disease management and mental health and harm reduction. Our priority populations include youth, seniors and newcomers. Free childcare and interpreters are provided for most programs in the centre. Examples of Health Promotion Programs in BathurstFinch and Lawrence Heights –cooking Club led by a Community Dietitian at the Northminster United Church, Seniors Health Club at 6250 Bathurst St. – Labour of Love prenatal group. Early Years groups for parents of babies and young children, –Forever Young Seniors group, –Diabetes Education Centre services.

Wilson Ave.

Flemington R



New Heights CHCs, Lawrence Heights site d. Bathurst Heights High School

Lawrence Ave. West

Lawrence Ave. West Lawrence West subway station

Bathurst St .

Ranee Dr. Allen Allien Rd.Rd.


Dufferin St .

Highway 401

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Family doctor – provides medical consultation and treatment on acute, episodic or chronic conditions, refers clients to other health professionals when needed. Nurse Practitioner – Nurse Practitioner (NP) is a nurse with extra training. She/he can diagnose and treat common health problems. Chiropodist – provides foot care for clients. The chiropodist treats foot problems such as corns, bunions, calluses, warts, flat feet and heel spurs. The chiropodist provides information on proper footwear, foot care for children and seniors, people with diabetes, seniors, and those who are physically active. This is a free service for those who qualify. Community Dietitian – works with groups, families and individuals to support healthy eating, including heart health, healthy weight, growth and development for babies and children, healthy eating for diabetics, and other nutrition matters. The dietitian provides oneon-one consultations but also works in a community setting with groups. Examples of group sessions are – cooking club, nutrition information sessions with seniors, and supermarket tours. Case Coordinator – provides intake, referral, short-term counselling, and advocacy. Social Worker – provides counselling to individuals, couples and families on issues of individual, family or social func-

Основная медицинская помощь

tioning. Examples of issues that can be addressed through counselling would be relationship and parenting issues, stress management, life transitions, and coping with depression.

Keele St.

Primary Health Care

Диетолог – специалист ведущий занятия с группами и дающий индивидуальные консультации по вопросам здрового и сбалансированного питания и питания при различный медицинских состояниях, требующих коррекции диеты, например консультации по снижению веса, питанию при диабете и/ или повышенном холестерине и т.п. Групповые занятия: Кулинарный Клуб, информационные встречи по питанию дл я пожилы х людей, информационные туры в продуктовых магазинах. Case Coordinator – проводит ознакомительную консультацию при записи в медицинский центр; дает направление в другие организации; помогает найти правильное решение в сложных жизненных ситуациях. Социальный работник – оказывает моральную поддержку и проводит психологические консультации с индивидуальными лицами, парами и семьями в сложных жизненных ситуациях. Примером сложных жизненных ситуаций могут быть – сложные взаимоотношения, конфликты между родителями и детьми, стресс, вызванный иммиграцией, потерей работы, адаптацией к новой школе и т.д. Тел: (647) 436-0385 Адрес: 12 Flemington Road, Toronto, ON M6A 2N4

bathurst-finch kaleidoscope | fall 2009 | 31

For more information about Bathurst-Finch Network please see p.28

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