The Limited Liability Company is the most common used legal form to carry out
business in Albania. It can be established by one or more individuals or legal entities.
Shareholders are held responsible for losses only to the extent of their contribution to
the capital.
The minimum required capital of an LLC is 100 ALL (approx 1 USD) . The capital of
the company is divided into quotas and the size of each shareholder’s quota determines
their rights and obligations concerning the company. It is possible for the quotas of the
individual shareholders to be of unequal value.
One of the main characteristics of the ALBANIAN LIMITED LIABILITY
COMPANY is related to the transfer of shareholders’ quota. The transfer of quota from
one shareholder to another is unrestricted but the transfer to a third party might be
subject to other shareholders’ consent or pre-emption right only if the company’s Articles of Association provide for such restrictions.