Olumide T. Adegboyega| Undergraduate Architecture Portfolio

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Olumide T. Adegboyega

A space is only as important as the stories and emotions share within it, and architecture is creating a framework of which explores and defines these elements in order to emphasize however large or small these experiences may be.

Selected Works



HOUSE Vs HOME Arch 301-Housing Studio Prof. Pavlina Fall 2015

What really makes a house a home. The material things that reside within it, or is it the emotion felt within it. What really ties all these this Emotions and experience is the architecture behind it.


Just beyo

There is t

Where lig

A place I c

What happens when these emotions are made physical and influence the plan.

As the ea House as it is spatially organized

Seeps in

That bring


Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED

To the hou

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A place to

Within the

Where I s

The rent i

New Spaces Begin to Take Form 6

Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED

House as I perceive the spaces.

This shelt

Arch301- Fall 2015 - Adegboyega Olumide



Spacial moves


Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED

Arch301- Fall 2015 - Adegboyega Olumide




Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED


Arch301- Fall 2015 - Adegboyega Olumide





Arch301- Fall 2015 - Adegboyega Olumide

Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED



Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED

These new spaces are then AGGREGATED 18

Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED


edimulO ageyobgedA - 5102 llaF -103hcrA

Arch301- Fall 2015 - Adegboyega Olumide


DEASB - gninnalP



Arch301- Fall 2015 - Adegboyega Olumide

Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED


na erutcetihcrA fo loohcS - ytisrevinU etatS nagroM



Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED

Arch301- F

Many elements work together an create the space to which we live in as people. Depending on what elements are placed together to create this space, is what creates the idea of TYPOLOGY...


Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED

Arch301- Fall 2015 - Adegboyega Olumide


The case study project provides an understading of project research through the use of a serie diagraming techniques. To analyze and understand the precedent case studys through the us axonometric drawings and colour coded information to highlight the pupose of what the diagra meant to display. 16

eyobgedA - 5102 llaF -103hcrA

DEASB - gninnalP dna erutcetihcrA fo loohcS - ytisrevinU etatS nagroM


Morgan State University - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED

COLLABORATIVE DWELLINGS Arch 301-Housing Studio Prof. Pavlina Fall 2015

...However housing is not of the bigger picture. One what a diverse array of the harmonize together to cre

This project explores the comparison of two common urban housing types – the row-house and the low-rise Apartment building from the lense of density and diversity. Using a generative design methodology and an iterative design process, students will investigate and compare the spatial possibilities of both types on a given site. Working in groups of 3-4 students, compose a complete urban block of housing using the design of Row-houses and Apartments from each student. Students: William Fox, De’sean Morris, Olumide Adegboyega 1













Morgan State Un

t just about how one unit works within itself but how it works as part e single typology can hold meaning in and out of itself, but imaging ese ideals and examples can do together, work for each other and eate something new.

niversity - School of Architecture and Planning - BSAED

Arch301- Fall 2015 - Adegboyega Olumide


Housing is not just about how one unit works within itself but how it works as part of the bigger picture. One single typology can hold meaning in and out of itself, but imaging what a diverse array of these ideals and examples can do together. How the can work for each other and harmonize together to create something new.

A coordination of the organization of the site among all members and develop exterior facades and outdoor spaces as related to site orientation and adjacencies. As well as introducing common exterior spaces as needed to enhance the processional experience.



Nodes/sound Influence

INTIMATE LIVING Arch 301-Housing Studio Prof. Pavlina Fall 2015

This project explores innovative solutions for low-density urban housing using hybrids of the two common urban housing types – the Row-house and the Low-rise Apartment that include but are not limited to duplex, townhouse, courtyard house, and condominiums. Using a generative design methodology and an iterative design process, students will investigate the spatial possibilities and propose one housing type that combines features of both. 184








6 176













fenwick ave

the alameda


tivoly ave



10 176




182 180





Second Floor

Density and Diversity in architecture can be brought through the modification of the typology. A continuation of the countless years of adjustments and modification, only then can typology evolve and grow and influence cultures, experiences and traditions

A safer more intimate courtyard condition for the dwellings with potential spaces at the street edge to feed the growth of the neighborhood through uses like afterschool tutoring centers First floor


e th

28 182




6 176








the alameda






fenwick ave




10 176





e th 28


st 182


180 178

6 176









tivoly ave







fenwick ave

the alameda


tivoly ave




10 176




182 180







A combination of typologies with single and two bedroom units, and single and two storey units to promote diversity.



Open Space

REVITALIZATION Arch 403-Urban Studio Prof. Kirchner Fall 2016

Westport waterfront

This Project is focused on community design with the physical environment viewed as a catalyst for community enhancement and revitalization. Typical issues of concern include, community identity, the role of open space in urban neighborhoods, and sustainability, safety and livability. When regeneration is initiated in the context of “urban areas� in decline, it involves community engagement to guide creative design strategies that will result in upgrading the character without loss of historic significance. This studio focuses on the urban context of Baltimore as the point of departure for designing the built environment and community places. Through documenting, analyzing, and redeveloping potential urban spaces along Baltimore’s waterfront and their adjacent neighborhoods. By examining globally case studies of urban regeneration that use waterfronts as catalysts and that are aimed at accommodating the everyday life of local residents while recognizing the indigenous character of the built environment as formative influences during the design process. Further into the project each student will take on a site of intervention to develop as part of the master vision

Story Board

Vacant Buildings Scheduled for Demolition


0.5 Mile 10 - 15 mins

3 95

ARCH 403: Westport Revitalization 403: Westport Revitalization ARCHARCH 403: Westport Revitalization ARCH 403: Westport Revitalization Narrative Narrative Narrative ARCH 403: Westport Revitalization Narrative What we see isn’t what is always ARCH Westport Revitalization What we403: see isn’t what isthere. always there. What we see isn’t what is always What we see isn’t what isthere. always there.and set below the western sky, and yet wherever we are we are TheThe sunNarrative always rises from the eastern horizon Narrative The sun always rises from the eastern setthe below thewestern western sky, and wherever we we are sun always rises from the eastern horizonhorizon and set and below western sky, andsky, yet wherever we are we The always rises from the eastern horizon and set below the and yetyet wherever we are are are we are What wesun see isn’t what is always there. all watching the same sky. So maybe that’s all just perspective. we see isn’t what is always there. all watching the same sky. So maybe that’s all justsomeone’s someone’s perspective. allWhat watching the same sky. SoSo maybe that’s all just someone’s perspective. all watching the same sky. maybe that’s alland just someone’s perspective. TheThe always rises the eastern horizon set below the western sky, and yet wherever we are Whenever Isun move through afrom neighborhood that seems desolate andthe bare atmosphere, an overwhelming always rises the eastern horizon and set below western sky, and yet wherever we we are are we are Whenever Isun move through afrom neighborhood that seems and aabare atmosphere, an overwhelming Whenever I move through a aneighborhood that seems desolate and bare atmosphere, overwhelming Whenever I move through neighborhood thatdesolate seems desolate and a abare atmosphere, an an overwhelming all watching the same sky. So that’s all someone’s perspective. peaceful hallucination begins take me home. I begin feel as as though my verybeing being begins to unravel my allhallucination watching the sameto sky. Somaybe maybe that’s all just justto someone’s perspective. peaceful begins to take me home. begin to feel my very begins to unravel my peaceful hallucination begins to me II begin begin tothough feel though my very being begins to unravel peaceful hallucination begins totake take meIhome. home. to feel asasand though my very being begins to unravel my my Whenever I move through a aneighborhood that seems desolate abare bare atmosphere, an overwhelming Whenever I move through neighborhood that seems desolate and a atmosphere, an overwhelming basic understanding ofof the difficultand andyet yetinteresting interesting differentiate between where I basic understanding thespace. space.I Ithen thenbecomes becomes difficult toto differentiate between where I hallucination begins tofeel feelas asthough thoughmy my very being begins to unravel peaceful hallucination beginstototake takeme mehome. home. I begin begin to very being begins to unravel my my am and where I have been. am peaceful and where I have been. am andARCH where IWestport have been. am and where I have been. ARCH 403: Westport Revitalization 403: Revitalization I wonder who goes through theseemotions emotions of home. home.ofThere are things missing. Places I Places cannot reach nor I wonder who elseelse goes through these of There are things missing. Places I Places cannot reach nor Narrative Narrative I wonder who else goes through theseemotions emotions home. There are things missing. I cannot reach nor nor I wonder who else goes through these home. There are things missing. I cannot reach and where I have been. am am and where I to have been. What we isn’t what is always there.to What see isn’t what iscreate always there. find. I we begin try and world tooccupy occupy within within this new I am in.in. Sometimes they collide. Then I find. I begin tosee try and create a aworld thisThere newspace space I am Sometimes they collide. Then I I The wonder who else goes through these emotions of home. are things missing. Places I cannot nor notice. This subtle constant element iswhat what keeps me atset peace with these emotions and memories I feel. I wonder who else goes through these emotions of home. There are things missing. Places I Icannot reach nor The sun always rises from the eastern horizon and set below the western sky, and yet wherever wememories are we are notice. This subtle constant element iselement keeps me at peace these and memories feel. sun always rises from the eastern horizon and below the western sky, and yet wherever we are weIreach are notice. This subtle constant iswhat what keeps me at peace with these emotions and feel. notice. This subtle constant element is keeps me atwith peace withemotions these emotions and memories I feel. all watching the same sky. So maybe that’s all just someone’s perspective. all watching the same sky. So maybe that’s all areas just someone’s perspective. What really makes a place flourish? the it surrounds itself with, the way it works so hard to please What really makes aconstant place flourish? IsIsisititwhat the areas itme surrounds itself with, the way works so hard please Whenever I move through aneighborhood neighborhood that seems desolate and aabare atmosphere, anitan overwhelming notice. This keeps at peace with these emotions and memories I to feel. Whenever Isubtle move through a element that seems desolate and bare atmosphere, notice. This subtle constant element is what keeps me atlittle peace with these emotions and memories I feel. some other place, maybe there something about place that makes it begins just a overwhelming tad different. It smiles some other place, oror maybe there something this little place that makes itappreciates just a tad different. It smiles peaceful hallucination begins take mehome. home. about begin this to feel as my very being to unravel my my peaceful hallucination begins take II begin tobeautiful feel asthough though my very to unravel when times are hard, it cares when isto forgotten. has these things that it being truly more when times hard, it cares when itme forgotten. It these beautiful things itbegins truly appreciates more when times aretimes hard, itare cares when ititisto forgotten. ItIt has these beautiful things that itthat truly appreciates more are hard, itwe cares isisthese forgotten. It has has beautiful things that it truly appreciates more thanwhen anything else. Perhaps can when take allitof thought andthese emotions we have started with and continue than anything else. Perhaps we all can all of these thought and emotions we have started with and continue am and where I have been.take than anything else. Perhaps we can oftake these thought and emotions wethings have started with and continue than anything else. Perhaps we can all be of these thought and emotions we started with and continue am and where I hard, have been. when times are itwe cares when ittake isall forgotten. It has beautiful thathave it truly appreciates more to build and something can all share and part of.a these I grow wonder who else goes through these emotions of home. are things missing. Places reach nor to build and grow something we can shareaaand be part of. times are hard, itwe cares when it isall forgotten. It has these beautiful things thatI cannot itI truly appreciates more to buildwhen and something can all share and part of.aThere I grow wonder who else goes through these emotions of home. There are emotions things missing. Places cannot reach to build and grow something wecan can share and be partand of. than anything else. Perhaps we take all be of these thought we have started with andnor continue than else. Perhaps wewe cancan take all of these thought emotions we have started with and continue toanything build and grow something share and part with of.and notice. This subtle constant element isall what keeps mebe at apeace these emotions and memories I feel. to build and grow something we canisall share and part with of. these emotions and memories I feel. notice. This subtle constant element what keeps mebe at apeace when times are hard, it cares when it is forgotten. It has these beautiful things that it truly appreciates more

0.25 Mile 5-7 mins

0.125 Mile 2-3 mins


when times are hard, cares when is forgotten. It has theseand beautiful things thatstarted it trulywith appreciates more than anything else. itPerhaps we canit take all of these thought emotions we have and continue build andelse. growPerhaps something allall share and bethought a part of.and emotions we have started with and continue thantoanything we we cancan take of these to build and grow something we can all share and be a part of.

5 2

StoryBoard Board Story Story Board Story Board

herever we are we nd yet wherever we are are we are

d an yetoverwhelming wherever we are we are e,osphere, an overwhelming grybegins unravel my being to begins to unravel my osphere, an overwhelming o differentiate between where I y being begins to unravel my aces cannotI cannot reach nor sing.I Places reach nor

Westport is a waterfront neighborhood in south Baltimore, Maryland been experiencing some revitalization in recent years. Westport is a majority African American neighborhood. It struggles with crime, housing abandonment, and unemployment since the past decade. The housing typology mostly of brick row ARCH403 Fall 2016 || Urban Regeneration Collaborative forconsists Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 ARCH403 2016 Urban Regeneration Collaborative for Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 ARCH403 FallFall 2016 | Urban Regeneration Collaborative for Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 ARCH403 Fall 2016 | Urban Regeneration Collaborative for Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 Instructor: Dr. Samia Kirchner Instructor: Dr. Samia Rab Rab Kirchner homes designed with small front porches ARCH403 Fall 2016 | Urban Regeneration Collaborative for Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 Student: Adgboyega Olumide Student: Adgboyega Olumide

ometimes they collide. Then I

sing. Places I cannot nor d memories I feel. wherever are we are Ireach tions andwememories feel.

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nd memories I feel.

Story Board Story Board StoryBoard Board Story

uly appreciates more arted with and continue


Story Board Story Board Story Board Story Board


Instructor: Dr. Samia Rab Kirchner Student: Adgboyega Olumide

ARCH403 Fall 2016 | Urban Regeneration Collaborative Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 Instructor: Dr. Samia Rab Kirchner ARCH403 Fall 2016 | Urban Regeneration Collaborative forfor Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 Instructor: Dr. Samia RabOlumide Kirchner Student: Adgboyega ARCH403 Fall 2016 | Urban Regeneration Collaborative for Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 Instructor: Dr. Samia Kirchner Instructor: Dr. Samia Rab Rab Kirchner Student: Adgboyega Olumide

Student: Adgboyega Olumide Student: Adgboyega Olumide Instructor: Dr. Samia Rab Kirchner Student: Adgboyega Olumide

eneration Collaborative for for Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 egeneration Collaborative for Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 eneration Collaborative Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03 egeneration Collaborative for Westport, Baltimore: Site Journal 01&03




Churches Water Open/Vacant Spaces Vacant Buildings Scheduled Demolition


Housing Value




20 - 29 K 0 - 19 K






Access Points





Zoning Division

Vehicle Access

Residential Industrial Recreational Noise

Pedestrian Movement Bus Stops

The neighborhood lacks a good ACCESS and connection to the waterfront

The COMMUNITY is divide due to the 95 highway and surrounded and enclosed by an industrial zone area




Power plant

Convienence Store Laundromat Carryout Food Truck



Housing Value Determinants 30k 20 - 29k 0 - 19k School Convenience Store Laundromat Carryout Food Truck Power Plant There is a lack of enough amenities to sustain the neighborhood

The area is surrounded by good views and elements in need of revamp that can potentially make it a DESTINATION spot

Neighborhood Assets 1



Westport Station (MTA Light Rail Stop)



Proximity to highway and downtown


School (Westport Elementary)

Open spaces and recreation

Community Proposed Zoning By introducing new typology of residence to encourage diversity of people and building type in the are and create a vibrant new community. Residential Leisure

Site of Intervention TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT ANCHOR DATA Quotes from surveys: -“It would be nice if the people of the neighborhood could get to the waterfront...” -“When I go out for leisure I prefer to walk instead of drive....” -“Locals to be able to use redeveloped spaces....” Urban Codes: -People attract activity, activity attracts people -Residents Prefer Convenience -Bridges Connect Friends and Strangers -Multimodal transit offers Alternative Modes of Transportation to Residents And Visitors

INTERVENTION GOALS Safe ACCESS to: -Waterfront for residents and visitors. -New diverse housing types. -Multimodal Transportation.

Access Transit Oriented Development Developing a multimodal system of transportation provides both residents and visitors greater and safer access to the waterfront.

Destination New Leisure places Creating an attractive leisure space to grow jobs, businesses, tourism, recreation and transportation.

Parking Housing Driveway Median/Bike Lane CSX Median Kloman St Light Rail Light Rail Rest Stop Board Walk Light Rail access (stairs and ramps)

Proposed Housing Info: Average(s) - 3 BR Units - 1,500 sq.ft per unit . - 2 BR Units - 1,100 sq.ft per unit . - Studio Units - 500 sq.ft per unit . Total SQFT - 250,000+ sqft Total Units - 160+ Site Plan Section


Strategies Considered From Canary Wharf, London,UK: -Giving the waterfront to the residents -Developing housing near the water and businesses further in land. -Redeveloping open spaces into public places. -Creating a diversity of building types and land use

PINE STREET Internship Spring 2015 - Winter 2016

I was introduced into this project during the data collection phase and thus help put together various maps ans help facilitate surveys both resident an site surveys. I also participated in various discussions as well as design proposals on preserving the historical significance of the community of Pine street Team Values: -Diversity of people, housing types, land uses, mobility -Design that reflects fundamental design principals -Authenticity and contextual relevance -Community engagement -Economic robustness and long-term sustainability

Historic Reconstruction Before and After

Pine Street Community meeting

Community Input and Team Strategies

Olumide Adegboyega adegboyega.olumide@gmail.com +1-410-336-6748 Thank you for your consideration.

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