FURNITURE DESIGN Mrugank Kale Olusegun Ogunsina
PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION Selec1ng the right combina1on of clothing has been one of the biggest c h a l l e n g e s f o r l a d i e s i n t h i s genera1on. Research has shown that the average girl takes about 40 mins to get dressed. The inability of Ladies to make up their mind has oCen led to a frustra1ng day, missing appointments or even turning up late for dates. We realized that if we can help save the excessive 1me spent on dressing, it can be used produc1vely for other purposes.
Catharine Lowe is a single lady who works as a secretary for General Electric UK. Whenever she is not working, she is travelling, partying or visi1ng friends. She is fashion conscious with a childhood fantasy of being a model, however she came to terms with the reality that modeling is not for everyone. Catharine just like every other lady her age is oCen indecisive when it comes to selec1ng her wears and has commissioned us to design furniture that would take into considera1on her current lifestyle. She has a boyfriend studying in France and they see every other month.
CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS The design makes use of the conveyor belt. The conveyor belts rotates the various elements in the wardrobe which allows for a proper mix and match of dressing. T h e c o n v e y o r c a n b e automa1cally or manually controlled and moves at a speed that displays an item at a 1me
The design technology behind the conveyor is flexible and can be adapted to various forms and shapes