2 minute read


The fact that I am writing to you today as your president has me beyond words. Thank you all for having the hope, courage, and belief in me to represent you. I promise I will always do my best to be the voice and support you need!

President Becky Rieger


Over the last year, as your incoming president, I have had an opportunity to reflect on changes that have been made over the years and have also had time to think about, and evaluate, what our organization needs.

As always, we need to reach out and increase our membership. Now I can’t wait for the day when I can say the “C-word” has not impacted us (C-word being COVID). However, the pandemic has taught us all quite a bit.

We have learned to be flexible and find ways to make things work. I bet most of us are not running our businesses the way we used to!

The same goes with our association. During COVID, we all had a staple in BIAW and OUR STAFF, who not only kept things running, but got us all back to work. So why not be a member?! Our Government Affairs committee and staff are constantly busy working on our behalf!

The bottom line is that we all had to make hard decisions during our past few years, but we are still members for a reason, so now is the time to reach out and ask others “why not be a member?!” visit omb.org to download your application today!

Students intending to pursue studies leading to a career in the building industry such as: engineering, architecture, drafting, industrial design, carpentry, construction management, etc. are encouraged to apply. Applicants must reside within Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Pacific or Grays Harbor counties and be a US citizen.

My second goal is to see us all come back together as a team! Our staff is important to us, and they are out there running the day-to-day tasks and working to support our membership. So, let’s kick open our doors! When you are out in the field, swing by the OMB office and say “hey!” to our staff!

We are all here for the same reason – to keep housing affordable. We have an uphill battle, so it’s time to band together and “red rover, red rover, send affordable housing right over!!”

My third goal of the year is to remember our structure and our purpose. One thing I’ve realized is that all organizations are evolving, and ours is as well, especially since COVID. We all have priorities outside of the organization, and so my plan is to make our meetings more member-involved and more business oriented. We all want a meeting we can get something out of, so let’s make that happen! Building codes – let’s talk! Changes happening – let’s talk!

Need help with your business – LETS TALK!! We are a well-structured organization, so let’s make our meetings productive, both for ourselves, and for OMB.

In closing, again, thank you all! Please know that I am an open-door, or phone, girl. I am here to serve you and take OMB to the next level!

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