6 minute read
Principles governing our workplace
Health and safety
Hellenic Dairies is committed to providing a working environment that protects the Health and Safety of its employees, partners, clients and other stakeholders.
Protecting Health and Safety at work is a top priority for Hellenic Dairies. Our constant goal is to have zero accidents at work. The company takes all appropriate measures within its sphere of influence to guarantee the safety of both people and equipment and its facilities and aims to protect them against any foreseeable emergency. Therefore, the company is fully aligned with the relevant legislation, regulations, international standards and best practices, aiming to ensure the best and at the same time secure working conditions in terms of health and safety. Preserving and improving these working conditions in the above fields is the responsibility of both the company and each employee individually. In addition to ensuring access to safe and clean areas for eating and having breaks, the company always provides the most suitable and effective personal protective equipment, as well as appropriate training for all employees. Finally, apart from the compulsory social security provided, Hellenic Dairies offers adequate medical care, while it has an occupational doctor who sees employees in accordance with the provisions of law and following a schedule which is always specified by the company’s Management. At the same time, it promotes a context of safety at work, by raising awareness regarding the risks and use of all necessary resources to guarantee the safety and health of those working at it. This encourages the reporting of issues that may arise and are resolved with the support of the Safety Technician.
Health and Safety rules
Ensuring Health and Safety at work is a fundamental value for Hellenic Dairies and this means strict compliance with the following five rules: 1. Before starting any work, I assess the risk and take all necessary control and protection measures. 2. I only perform the tasks assigned to me and in the manner required. 3. I never forget or misuse the Hygiene and Safety equipment and always use the required personal protective equipment. 4. I always work with clear mind. I do not work under the influence of alcohol/ other substances or when I feel sick. 5. I report all safety incidents, including near accidents.
In all cases of injury or near injury, employees must report the incident to the Safety Technician, the occupational doctor and the company’s Human Resources Department for recording in the Special Incident and Accident Book. At any time employees are able to contact the Safety Technician and the Head of each department for matters they observe regarding unsafe situations or practices.
Diversity, equal opportunities
We respect diversity and avoid any discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, social background, race, nationality, political or religious beliefs and any other criteria of diversity, thus promoting fundamental personal rights and freedoms. Our main concern is that all employees, regardless of the job title or level in the corporate ladder, are treated fairly and participate in issues related to education, recruitment, remuneration, evolution and termination of the employment relationship, based exclusively on criteria such as the qualifications, experience and participation in the company’s efficiency. This way we ensure a non-discriminatory behavior towards all our colleagues, clients and partners. Furthermore, we communicate openly and transparently, and work together to build trustworthy partnerships to achieve our goals. This is why any abusive behavior, harassment or intimidation is rejected and condemned as unacceptable.
Working without harassment and violence
We reassure the shaping and preservation of a pleasant environment where relations between people are governed by dignity, respect and solidarity, while there is no psychological, verbal or physical violence.
We preserve a workplace that is free from inappropriate and non-professional behavior, such as violence, harassment and intimidation. Harassment may take many forms, but usually involves verbal or physical behavior that leads to intimidation, threat or even humiliation of employees. Harassment also includes degrading or humiliating jokes, unwanted sexual approaches and offensive, verbal, visual or physical behavior. This includes the display or distribution of any kind of offensive material such as inappropriate images, animations, jokes or hate symbols, at any location or facility of the employment (e.g. offices, break rooms, company computers). Violence of all kinds is completely contrary to our commitment to treat all staff with dignity and respect by forming reliable partnerships. We therefore urge you, if you believe that you are experiencing any kind of harassment, intimidation or other inappropriate and unprofessional behavior, or even if you are a witness to any of these behaviors, to report your concerns.
Question: What is the acceptable way of behaving at our workplace? Answer: We have a responsibility to treat each other with politeness, respect and dignity by demonstrating professionalism. We recognize diversity as a factor that enriches our business decisions and we ensure equal opportunities for all.
Information security and personal data
We pay the utmost attention to preserving the security of information as well as the personal data we handle.
The ever-increasing use of technology in the workplace allows us to serve our suppliers, clients, partners and employees more and more effectively. However, at the same time, it poses risks to the protection of both information and any type of personal data, both sensitive and non-sensitive. We always care for protecting the company’s own information, as well as the information and personal data that have been communicated by employees, clients, suppliers and other business partners with due diligence; we apply the appropriate technical and organizational means available to us in order to prevent unauthorized access to them, their unlawful appropriation, loss, destruction or early deletion. Our attitude also refers to records/personal data of candidates, current or future employees, including performance assessments, salaries, pensions and benefits. The technological evolution of communication, which has led to the ease and speed of data exchange combined with the expansion of use of social media, allows us to communicate directly and widely. Each one of us is required to think carefully before disseminating or reproducing images and/or text relating to persons (colleagues, partners, suppliers, clients) or our workplace. The irresponsible attitude and use of the tools offered by the development of technology in the context of communication can have unpredictable effects and be harmful both to the personality and reputation of individuals and to the reputation and activities of the company.
We protect the company’s assets, both intangible and tangible, in the best way possible.
The tangible assets of Hellenic Dairies, such as equipment, materials and facilities, are crucial for the performance of our daily work. These assets have been accumulated through the hard work of many people over time and give us the means to evolve and perform our duties effectively. Therefore, we need to protect them and to preserve these resources, preventing their damage, theft, abuse or wasting. In addition, we must ensure that they are used for appropriate business purposes, thus making reasonable use and restricting the personal use of communication tools such as corporate e-mails, telephones, photocopiers or devices to what is strictly necessary, and only if it does not interfere with the work responsibilities nor results in significant additional costs for the company. Moreover, it is not permitted to use corporate computer systems and technologies to receive, view or send material that is illegal, offensive or inappropriate. Copying software for personal use is prohibited. If you have any questions or concerns about whether you are handling the company’s equipment properly, you should discuss with your manager.
Question: Can we use or remove excess equipment (e.g. a printer), left unused or replaced? Answer: No. Even if they are assets that are not used, they remain the property of Hellenic Dairies, so any use/moving/removal of these assets is subject to the company’s consent.