Essay on Entrepreneurship. i am suppose to be righting an essay over entrepreneurship freedom in the united states. the teacher did not really explain how to do this essay but give me the topic please some one help me.. The Importance of Entrepreneurship Essay. What are some main points I should cover? Any advice or websites with information on Entrepreneurship?. Free Entrepreneur Essays and Papers. 539.826.721.7.. What is entrepreneurship freedom? Can some one please help me with the essay. An Essay Sample For Middle School Tips for an essay on Entrepreneurship. Top 9 Essays.We had to pick a successful person/ celebrity with or without a degree and write about their accomplishments... I have Paris Hilton... can anyone give me some valuable tips or some of her accomplishments.. This is for a school essay, thanks.. what is entrepreneurship, what is the help in tourism. How do they effect the country economic (Good and Bad) - En