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The power of STORIES
Descriptive words such as “ ery” or “dainty,” for example, might not be used in daily conversation, but might be used in a fairytale story. The context around them helps kids apply a de nition and unintentionally build their vocabulary. The creative spirit surrounding the activity of storytelling encourages young people to think of more imaginative ways of describing the world.
Improve Problem Solving Skills
Studies show reading and presenting stories can improve problem solving skills. In many cases, the characters try various methods to achieve their goal and, as a result, may provide a step-by-step example of how to solve an issue. Kids might also think of their own solutions to dilemmas presented and directly exercise problem solving in attempting to understand or anticipate the story. When young people see protagonists working diligently to solve a problem, they learn persistence. These positive role models encourage them to keep trying, to allow for mistakes, and to eventually achieve their goal.
Enhance Creativity