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Wife to Kevin and mom to Sam and Elliott. Follow her on Twitter: @AshleeCoffeyOWH



The older I get, the more I find myself enjoying November. Even though it starts to get cold and often it snows, I still enjoy its beautiful presence.

The leaves turn even more beautiful colors than they do in October (even if they’re mostly gone by the end of the month). I always try and get outside for a hike early in the month if there isn’t snow on the ground. I love seeing the colorful foliage especially at Hitchcock Nature Center or, a little closer to home, at Elmwood Park.

November also means more time inside with my family doing crafts, watching movies, making a cozy fire in our fireplace and making delicious drinks, soups and desserts.

And then there’s Thanksgiving, a holiday I feel is often overlooked between the excitement of Halloween and Christmas. I love baking with family for Thanksgiving, and I love even more getting together to celebrate those relationships and everything we’re thankful for — not only this month but all year long.

No matter how you spend this month, I hope it’s bright, cheerful and full of kindness.


FACEBOOK /momahacom TWITTER @momaha_owh PINTEREST /momahaowh INSTAGRAM /momaha_owh VOLUME 12 ISSUE 11 NOVEMBER 2021 editor-in-chief

KILE Y CRUSE kiley.cruse@owh.com 402-444-1375

consulting editor COURTNE Y BRUMMER-CLARK cbclark@owh.com 402-444-3118

assistant editor MARJIE DUCEY marjie.ducey@owh.com 402-444-1034

momaha.com editor ASHLEE COFFE Y ashlee.coffey@owh.com 402-444-1075

designer JENNIFER FRENCL cover photo KILE Y CRUSE custom publishing sales coordinator NICK C AVALLARO nick.cavallaro@owh.com 402-444-1202

Momaha Magazine is a monthly publication of the Omaha World-Herald, 1314 Douglas St., Suite 600, Omaha, NE 68102. Momaha is a registered trademark, and all content is copyright 2021 by the Omaha WorldHerald. All rights reserved. The opinions and perspectives published herein are those of the authors and should not be construed as those of Momaha Magazine.

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