Voices AMPLIFIED! Accessibility Guide

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Accessibility Guide shaping history: an origami exploration event

ShapingHistory:AnOrigami explorationeventwith Dr.SharonIshii-Jordan



O-pa aims to create safe, welcoming, inclusive spaces where people can connect, learn, and be themselves. If you need access to a resource not listed, please contact ticketomaha@o-pa.org and we will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodation. Please let a staff member or volunteer know if there is anything you need. You can find our team at the accessibility desk on-site for the event, or throughout the event space.

on-site accessibility

The following resources will be available. When you arrive, visit the on-site accessibility desk for assistance.

Wheelchair Accessible

The main entrance and presentation space is wheelchair accessible. Restrooms are also wheelchair accessible. There are limited ADA seating areas. If you would like to request a wheelchair accessible seat, please contact (ticketomaha@o-pa.org).

Sighted Guide

Once arriving at the venue, sighted guides will be available.


Calmingspaceswillbelocated throughoutthevenue. Volunteerscanhelpdirectyou totheseareas.

getting to the harper center

Creighton University’s Harper Center is located at 602 N 20th St, Omaha, NE 68178.

Parking Spaces

The Heider College of Business at the Harper Center sign will be at the entrance to the lot next to the activity building available for you to utilize.

Accessible Parking

There are several accessible parking stalls around in the parking lot. View Google Maps pin.


Services from Uber and Lyft are available. Guests can be dropped off at the main entrance, 602 N 20th St, Omaha, NE 68178. If you are using a rideshare you will be dropped off in front of the building, to enter the doors you will want to travel up the red brick path to the entrance pictured on the right.

a quick sensory map of Sight Area

Entering the building

Entrance/ Check in Performance


Calming Spaces

social narrative

I am going to the Creighton University Harper Center to learn the art of Origami with Dr. Sharon Ishii-Jordan. There may be traffic from the nearby street, which may be loud. I can wear headphones or earplugs to help with the noise.

I can park in the parking lot beside the building and walk up to the main entrance. There may be other people arriving at the same time as I do, who are excited to learn about Origami.

When I enter the Harper Center, I will see staff or volunteers. I can ask them questions about finding a quiet space, getting a sensory kit, or if I need help getting to the activity space.

Iknowifrequestedan accessresourceforthe eventIcanaskthe volunteersandstafffor assistance.

The presentation space will have chairs that are on wheels and swivel in front of desks. I can grab a wobble seat if that would help me sit and listen to the presentation.

There may be chatter and conversation from the other people in the room who are also learning how to do origami. I know I am free to be myself and do what I need to do to best experience the event.

I know if I become overwhelmed, I can ask someone to show me to a sensory break space or checkout a sensory kit.

If I need access to a resource not listed in this sensory guide, I can contact ticketomaha@o-pa.org and they will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodation. If it is within the 2 weeks of the event, I can still request a specific service but there is no guarantee they will be able to provide it.

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