9 minute read
Open House Events Help Families with School Selection
have new support to access and succeed in challenging classes
North High graduate and current assistant principal at Fontenelle Elementary, Jeona Jensen, and her daughter Irie attended North High’s open house. They plan to visit four high schools to help decide where Irie will go next year.
“Choosing a high school is an important milestone in a student’s academic career. This is the place where students blossom into adulthood,” said Jensen. “When families go to open houses, it shows they are committed to their child’s learning.” auditorium, followed by a robotics demonstration in the computer science lab. Families also visited the school’s greenhouse, library and multi-purpose center. Although the staff was present, student ambassadors led the tours.
“We’re the ones who go to school here every day,” said senior Dayanara Nambo, a student ambassador at North High. “We’re the ones who are experiencing the classes, experiencing the hallways and the culture of the school.”
For a complete list of open house events, visit our website
Student ambassadors greeted families at North High, eager to show incoming freshmen the ins and outs of their school.
“My role today is to give tours to upcoming ninth graders and their families and explain to them all the various programs and classes we offer here at North,” said senior Aaliyah Farmer.
Omaha Public Schools is hosting middle and high school open houses throughout January to allow families to make their school selection preferences for 2023-24. During open houses, families can explore high school options, learn about athletics and activities, meet the staff and tour the school. Our district also hosted two, one-stopshop school selection events in December. Each brought representatives from our nine comprehensive high schools to one place to visit with students and families.
“Open house is a great opportunity for students to go and explore schools they’re thinking about going to,” said Collette Nero,
Ph.D., principal at North High. “You want to walk in and find the place that makes you feel at home.”
As Nebraska’s largest school district, students enjoy more opportunities to customize their high school experience. College & Career Academies and Pathways better connect a student’s time in high school to their goals for life after graduation. Omaha Public Schools offers more Advanced Placement courses than any other school district in our state. Students

Irie, an eighth grader at Davis Middle, looks forward to starting her high school career next fall. She’s interested in joining basketball, track and swim teams. Her goal is to become a pediatric nurse someday, so she is looking for schools that offer programs to help her fulfill that dream.
“I’m kind of nervous about everything because it will all be new,” Irie said. “I’m also excited to meet new people and try new things. I hope we have cool classes because I want to learn about nursing.”
North High tours began with an orchestra performance in the
School Selection Guide
In January, Omaha Public Schools students can apply for a new 202324 school placement. School choice applications are available at all schools and the Student Placement Office at the TAC building.
Students in the transition grades will automatically receive an application at their school. Applications must be returned to the student’s current school by Jan. 27.
Our School Selection Guide provides more information on the school choice process, including important dates and enrollment information. •

Rev. Portia A. Cavitt, Pastor

Email: clairumc@cumc.omhcoxmail.com
Sunday School………………………8:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship Experience………...10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study….…….…….6:00 p.m.
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“Transformed People Everywhere” 2602 N. 24th St. - PO Box 11593 www.mtmoriahomaha.net Off: (402) 451-8800
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Pastor Terry L. Arvie 5501 N. 50th Street Ph: 402-451-4245 Fx: 402-451-2130 office@mtneboomaha.org www.mtneboomaha.org Sunday Morning Worship

Charles Galloway - President, Rev John Deang - Pastor, Dr John Beasley - Elder
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Christians can love one another “by saying thank you to each other,” says James, 7. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way toward loving others.
“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings,” wrote author Eric Hoffer.
To help with your gratitude math, start the day by writing down 25 things for which you’re thankful. After all, life is not so much what happens to you. It’s your attitude toward your circumstances that matters.
Christians are equipped to love others. We’ve been redeemed or purchased by Jesus Christ when he died on the cross for our sins. Being forgiven ought to produce a gracious, loving attitude even toward those who are difficult to love.
When Christians focus on the depth of God’s love, they’re not looking for love or approval in the wrong places. As Christians filled with God’s unconditional love, we’re free to love others without expecting anything in return.
Kids Talk About God
How Can Christians Love One Another As Jesus Commanded?
Receive the gift of eternal life by trusting Jesus as your savior and turn the sojourn through this uncertain world into an adventure. We may not know “why” things happen, but we know “who” is in charge.
Circumstances will change, but God’s love never changes. This is what makes the testimony of Job so powerful. He lost everything, including his children. Yet through all his suffering, he never doubted God’s love: “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord,” (Job 1:21).
“We can follow Jesus’ command to love others by making friends,” says Gabriela, 8. “At home, I cook together with my family a lot.”
Friendship is one of the greatest expressions of love. Cooking meals is a tangible way to show God’s love. My grandmother loved to cook for us. We devoured her shrimp gumbo for all meals until it was gone. For years, my wife’s stepmother took meals to sick friends. No wonder she has so many friends.
So what about people like me who are dangerous in the kitchen? You can pray, says Robert, 8: “If you pray for your friends, they will get better. Covid keeps on spreading, but the virus is no match for God.”
I attended the funeral of a Christian friend who died of Covid. Friends and family prayed for him. He had served as a prison chaplain. Did God fail to answer our prayers? Not at all.
On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed that his heavenly Father would take the cup of suffering from him. Yet Jesus also prayed, “Nevertheless not my will, but yours, be done,” (Luke 22:42b).
Christians can always pray for specifics, but they should remember that God’s sovereign will is more important than any desired outcome. Personally, I would rather go home to be with God in glory than to be in a state that requires aroundthe-clock nursing for a prolonged period of time. But that’s not my call.
Some people moan about not having friends. The Bible is so practical. “A man who has friends must himself be friendly,” (Proverbs 18:24). Friends confide in each other. They share things.
Think about this: The ultimate friendship is with God. Abraham was called the “friend of God,” (James 2:23). Jesus told his disciples that he no longer considered them servants, but friends. Why? “For all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you,” (John 15:15b).
Memorize this truth: Proverbs 18:24 previously quoted.
Ask this question: How can you show God’s love to someone today? •
Kids Talk About God is designed for families to study the Bible together. Research shows that parents who study the Bible with their children give their character, faith and spiritual life a powerful boost. To receive Kids Talk About God three times a week in a free, email subscription, visit www.KidsTalkAboutGod.org/email
They hear His voice, and follow Him
By Billy Holland
In Loving Memory of Ollie M. Ammons Reaves
June 26, 1928-January 17, 2023
Ollie Marie Reaves passed away January 17, 2023 at 94 years of age and died as a result of complications of Alzheimer’s disease. She was preceded in death by her parents: Elijah and Martha Jones; husband, William Clifford Reaves; (3) Brothers: Claude, Clifford, and Clanford Jones; Sister: Emma Glaspy; (4) Sons: Michael, Cary, Tony, and Marvin Ammons. He is survived by her (3) daughters: Mary Ammons, Gloria (Melvin) Lovelace, and Tanya Hill of Birmingham, Alabama. She is also survived by (17) grandchildren; (46) great grandchildren, and (5) great great grandchildren, relatives, in-laws, nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.
Services will be held, Saturday, February 4, 2023, 9:00AM at Forest Lawn Cemetery, 7909 Morman Bridge Road, Omaha, NE 68152
Repass will be immediately following at Mt. Moriah Church, 2602 North 24th Street, Omaha. For My Mother

Dear God,
I gratefully thank you for giving us my Mom. You must really love us because you gave the best you had. You watched over her and blessed her Lord and kept her in your care.
And may she feel our love for her is our humble and heartfelt prayer.
Life is changing all around us. With technology providing an opportunity for every person on the planet to speak and listen, we are surrounded by so many opinions about everything, it’s becoming more difficult to discern what is right and wrong. Not only is this massive amount of information chaotic and much of the time unnecessary, but it has reached a point where many people no longer think for themselves. It’s concerning when individuals become so addicted to the lives of others, they ignore the responsibility to develop a meaningful life of their own. Some might believe there is no harm in using communication as a constant entertainment, but Christians have been warned to not be consumed with the spirit of the world as evil imaginations will attempt to distract and build strongholds of dark attitudes. Ever since the human race could speak and write thoughts, motives and intentions have been to teach and explain. While a portion of instruction can be beneficial, there is also the danger of receiving contaminated information that comes from the desire to control and deceive.
This is the snare trap of our day. Romans 12:2 says, “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
There is right and wrong, just like there is truth and error. God is always right while we mortals struggle in the quicksand of deception as the result of a lack of spiritual wisdom and understanding. Life contains a specific purpose for each person and it can be discovered, but our earthly journey also gives us the freedom to do whatever we want and unfortunately this is what we usually choose. Every minute we are either doing God’s will or our will and they do not agree. I believe we can say with confidence that if a human ever accomplished anything worth- while; they were being guided under the inspiration and direction of God.
In the book of Philippians the third chapter, we find an analogy that is used to describe how dedicating our lives to Christ is like participating in a marathon.
“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” We also see this idea of running in II Timothy chapter 4, “I have run my race I have finished my course” and in Hebrews the twelfth chapter, “laying aside every weight of sin as we run with patience the race that is set before us.” This does not sound like the traditional idea of salvation where a person raises their hand, repeats a prayer, and that’s it, but rather the concept of running denotes constant participation and relentless determination to accomplish whatever God is telling us to do.
We have the potential to know the meaning of life and our unique destiny, but generally speaking, we would rather not be bothered with such things. We desire to live to the fullest, have amazing experiences, and enjoy everything we can while we have the chance. However, when confronted about the consequences of making wrong decisions, we become hostile as we dig in our heels. Those who rebel against God become like fugitives that are always on the run. They become very uncomfortable when confronted with anything that reminds them they are going the wrong way. The beautiful thing about God’s amazing grace is that He does not stop intervening and convicting the conscience of those who are His children.
In the book of Luke chapter 15, we find a few parables, and one in particular Christ talks about a man who has 100 sheep. A good shepherd (which represents God), watches over every sheep and never takes their eyes from them. Verse four declares that if the shepherd loses a sheep, he will leave the ninety-nine and go search for the one until he finds it. When the sheep is found he places it on his shoulders and carries it home where he calls his friends and neighbors saying rejoice with me for I have found the one that was lost. Jesus goes on to make the point that there is joy in heaven when a sinner repents and God brings them back to His presence. The Great Shepherd watching over us today but there is a strong temptation by the world to lead us astray. Are you lost? Can you hear Him calling for you?
Read more about the Christian life at billyhollandministries.com