Graduation 2012

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Page 2 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.


s n o i t a l u t a r g n Co

Class of

2012 Graduation 2012 © 2012 The Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle. Owned and operated by Eagle Newspapers Inc.

618 Okoma Drive, Omak, WA 98841 P.O. Box 553, Omak, WA 98841 Roger Harnack, Editor and Publisher Sheila Corson, Section Editor Lynn Hoover, Advertising Manager 509-826-1110 • 800-572-3446 509-826-5819 fax

Brewster ...........................3 Bridgeport ........................4 Curlew ...............................5 Inchelium .........................6 Lake Roosevelt ...............7 Liberty Bell ....................8 Okanogan ........................9 Graduation Calendar.....10 Omak ..............................11 Oroville ...........................13 Grad Notes....................14 Pateros ...........................15 Republic .........................16 Tonasket ........................18 Scholarships...................19

Cade, we are so proud of you!

Photo by Terry Mills

Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash. — Page 3

Brewster Baccalaureate: 6 p.m. May 30 Log Church Awards assembly: 1:10 p.m. May 31 Brewster High School

Al Camp/The Chronicle

Brewster High School seniors are, front, from left, Luis Pio and Jessie Pamatz; second, Diana Orozco, Yadira Oregon, Yesenia Torres, Krisel Najera, Leticia Ornelas, Itzel Linares, Itzia Orozco, Krysta Knowlton, Gerardo Rosales, Alejandra Garcia, Maribel Mariscal; third and fourth, Cesar Barcenas, Leonel Sandoval, Audel Figueroa, Isaii Ornelas, Yaneli Ariano, Lourdes Orozco, Kandice Joyner, Hanna Bayha, Jose Ortiz, Daniela Pio, Rosa Garcia; fifth, Eric Gomez, Cesar Diaz, Jesus Quintana, Davey Smith, Ivan Mariscal, Alejandra Cuin; back, Marcos Mendez, Julio Garcia, Ruben Garcia, Fernando Rosales, Ismael Tinoco, Salvador Saucedo, Chet Smith, Nancy Angel, Melissa Guzman, Diana Pamatz, Lupita Angel and Maria Guerrero. Not pictured are Miguel Churape, Brandie Martin, Rogelio Ortega, Guadalupe Varelas and Chloe Wengel.

Graduation: 7 p.m. June 1 Brewster High School

Bears set to celebrate 2012 commencement The Chronicle BREWSTER – Seniors will celebrate graduation this Friday. Graduation is slated for 7 p.m. Friday, June 1, at the Brewster High School gymnasium, when seniors will don their red and white. The school is at 503 S. Seventh St. Leading up to graduation is a baccalaureate ceremony at 6

p.m. Wednesday, May 30, at the Community Log Church, 209 S. Fourth St. On Thursday, the seniors will host an awards assembly in the gym at 1:10 p.m. Valedictorian is Davey Smith. Alejandra Cuin is salutatorian. Seniors include: Lupita Angel, Nancy Angel, Yaneli Ariano, Cesar Barcenas, Hanna Bayha, Miguel Churape, Alejandra Cuin, Cesar Diaz,

Audel Figueroa, Alejandra Garcia, Julio Garcia, Rosa Garcia, Ruben Garcia, Eric Gomez, Maria Guerrero, Melissa Guzman, Kandice Joyner, Krysta Knowlton,



Itzel Linares, Ivan Mariscal, Maribel Mariscal, Brandie Martin, Marcos Mendez, Krisel Najera, Yadira Oregon, Isaii Ornelas, Leticia Ornelas, Diana Orozco, Itzia Orozco, Lourdes

Orozco, Rogelio Ortega, Jose Ortiz, Diana Pamatz, Jessie Pamatz, Daniela Pio, Luis Pio, Jesus Quintana, Fernando Rosales, Gerardo Rosales, Salvador Saucedo, Leonel Sandoval, Chet Smith, Davey Smith, Ismael Tinoco, Yesenia Torres, Guadalupe Varelas and Chloe Wengel.

Page 4 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.

Bridgeport Graduation: 5 p.m. June 1 Bridgeport High School Senior Night: 6 p.m. May 31 Bridgeport High School Brad Skiff/Special to The Chronicle

Bridgeport High School seniors are, front, from left, Lupe Ibarra, Alexi Picazo, Esmeralda Arevalo; second, Liddy Bucio, Sarah Baca, Flor Castaneda, Traci Lopez, Sonia Sanchez, Mariela Trejo; third, Edgar Moreno, Miriam Zamudio, Sulema Garcia, Beatriz Garcia, Feliciano Velasco; fourth, Jose Kilgour, Geo Campos, Oscar Torres, Edith Gomez, Michael Powell, Manuel Huerta, Paul Ebreo, Hugo Martinez, Jonathan Gonzales, Chad Desjardins, Bernabe Martinez. Not pictured are Christina Garcia, Esmeralda Lopez and Elizabeth Valente.

Graduation is Friday The Chronicle BRIDGEPORT – Graduation will be at 5 p.m. Friday, June 1, in the High School gymnasium, 1220 Kryger Ave. Senior night will be at 6 p.m. May 31 in the gym. Baccalaureate was May 23. Trejo Mariela Trejo is the valedictorian and Sonia Sanchez is the salutatorian. Class colors are orange and black. Seniors are: Esmeralda Arevalo, Sarah

Baca, Liduvina Bucio, Geovanni Campos, Flor Castaneda, Chad Desjardins, Paul Ebreo, Beatriz Garcia, Christina Garcia, Sulema Garcia, Edith Gomez, Jonathan Gonzalez, Manuel Huerta, Lupe Ibarra, Jose Kilgour, Esmeralda Lopez, Traci Lopez, Bernabe Martinez, Sanchez Hugo Martinez, Edgar Moreno, Alexi Picazo, Michael Powell, Sonia Sanchez, Oscar Torres, Mariela Trejo, Elizabeth Valente, Feliciano Velasco, Miriam Zamudio.

Seniors ~ Congratulations on your success and best of luck in the future! 826-4050 • 800-870-4057 • 739 Haussler Road, Omak

Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash. — Page 5

Curlew Graduation slated The Chronicle CURLEW – The 2012 class of cougars will don caps and gowns Saturday, June 2. Seniors will become graduates at 5 p.m. in the high school gym, 47 Curlew School Road. Baccalaureate is scheduled at 7 p.m. the day before, June 1, at the Presbyterian Church on Boulder Creek Road. Valedictorian Natalie Siobahn Wilson will speak. Co-salutatorians are Katie Lynn Wimpari and Michaela Janae Chinan Miller. Wilson’s parents are Bruce and Maureen Wilson, and she plans on attending Wilson Northern Arizona University to study microbiology or forestry. Wimpari’s parents are Pat and Nicole Wimpari. She plans to attend the University of Louisville for dentistry. Miller’s parents are Louis and Kerri Miller. She expects to go to Spokane Falls Community College to study art therapy. Class members selected a Jack Kerouac quote as their motto: “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who



are crazy to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Class colors are gray and blue; no flower or song were selected. Seniors are: Jake Beck, Doug Beedle, Taylor Bell, Jazz Brisbane, Skyler Bushnell, Shane Cooper, River Demarco, Brandon Eberly, Bethany Eastlick, Kristina Eastlick, Dylan Halbach, Lizzy Kelley, Dalton LaCoste, Micayla Metcalf, Janae Miller, Devin Poore, Dani Reynolds, Hudson Stanton, Barrett Steffes, Randi Torzewski, Natalie Wilson, Katie Wimpari, Jamie Zerck.

Graduation: 5 p.m., June 2 Curlew High School Baccalaureate: 7 p.m., June 1 Presbyterian Church

Curlew High School

Curlew High School seniors are, front, from left, Hudson Stanton, Bethany Eastlick, Dani Reynolds, Katie Wimpari, River Demarco, Skyler Bushnell; second, Kristina Eastlick, Jake Beck, Micayla Metcalf, Taylor Bell, Lizzy Kelley, Janae Miller, Doug Beedle, Barrett Steffes; third, Jazz Brisbane, Jamie Zerck, Dalton LaCoste, Natalie Wilson, Brandon Eberly, Devin Poore, Shane Cooper. Not pictured are Randi Torzewski and Dylan Halbach.

Congratulations! Best wishes for much success.

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Page 6 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.


Inchelium High School

Inchelium High School seniors are, front, Sara Finley, Anissa Jared, Nichole Simmons, Rayla LeaderCharge, Shayleen Finley; second, William Zaugg, Ronald Kheel. Not pictured are Senika Tatsey and Alena Seymour.

Class of nine prepared to graduate June 2 The Chronicle INCHELIUM – The high school’s class of nine seniors will gather for commencement at 1 p.m. June 2 in the school gymnasium. The class will don black and white robes for the ceremony. Senior sendoff is at 1:30 p.m. June 1 at the school, 1 Hornet Ave. No valedictorian or salutatorian was selected from the class. Graduating seniors are: Sara Finley, Shayleen Finley, Anissa Jared, Ronald Kheel, Rayla LeaderCharge, Alena Seymour, Nichole Simmons, Senika Tatsey and William Zaugg.

Senior Standoff: 1:30 p.m. June 1 Inchelium High School Graduation: 1 p.m. June 2 Inchelium High School

Congratulations, Seniors! You have made your community proud!

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Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash. — Page 7

Lake Roosevelt Seniors graduate June 9 The Chronicle COULEE DAM – The senior class of 2012 will graduate June 9. The ceremony begins at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 9, at the Lake Roosevelt High School gymnasium, 500 Civic Way. Valedictorian is Jesse Adkins, son of John and Lori Adkins. Salutatorian is Luke NightWolf, son of Pamela Whalawitsa. The class colors are the school colors of crimson and gold. Emily Williams The class motto is: “There are people in life you learn to live with, Lake Roosevelt High School seniors are, front, from left, Phoenix Shephard, Jesse Adkins, Jada Desautel, Mason Marin, Dominique Pleasants, there are people you know you can’t Tiffany Stanford, Aly Descoteaux, Cecelia Abrahamason; second, Raelyn Dennis, Miranda Salas, Ciara Nault, Briana Monaghan, Taylor Gorman, live without and then there are Aly VanGeystel, Tyler Garvin, Keith Rosenbaum, Shundina Spencer, Lucera Carden; third, Levi Joseph, Abby Potts, Alexis Reyes, Roweena people you know life wouldn’t be Antone, Kramer Carlson, Dalton Boutain, Drew Desautel, Meagan Bellamy; fourth, Luke NightWolf, Elizabeth Ferguson, Demi Whiteman, Ty the same without.” Seniors are: Cecelia Strickert, Riki Wippel, Victoria Heilman, Trina Hofman; fifth, Matthew Timentwa, Nicholas Rice, Trevor Toler, Selina Horton, Quentin Parks, Ty Egbert, Abrahamason, Jesse Adkins, Brandon Trejo; sixth, Harley Ives, Rachel Dick, Kim Barry, Jessica Stanczak, Joseph Balthazor, Annessa Davis, Rahnee Jane, Pesha St. Martin, Roweena Antone, Joseph Balthazor, Cody LaPlante, Chanell Jim, Coraline Vargas. Not pictured are Charlie Craig, Daylon Dick, Nicholas Jim, D.J. LaPlante, Tanesha Mills, Pendleton Kim Barry, Meagan Bellamy, Dalton Moses, Carelene Nanamkin, Kayne Oberg, Garrett Peterson, Lindsey Rosco and Lee Williams. Boutain, Lucera Carden, Nicholas Rice, Lindsey Kramer Carlson, Charlie Rosco, Keith Rosenbaum, Craig, Annessa Davis, Miranda Salas, Phoenix Raelyn Dennis, Drew Shephard, Shundina Desautel, Jada Desautel, Spencer, Pesha St. Martin, Aly Descoteaux, Daylon Jessica Stanczak, Dick, Rachel Dick, Ty Tiffany Stanford, Ty Egbert, Elizabeth Strickert, Matthew Ferguson, Tyler Garvin, Timentwa, Trevor Toler, Taylor Gorman, Brandon Trejo, Aly Victoria Heilman, Trina VanGeystel, Coraline Hofman, Selina Horton, Adkins NightWolf Vargas, Demi Whiteman, Harley Ives, Rahnee Jane, Lee Williams, Riki Wippel. Chanell Jim, Nicholas Jim, Levi Joseph, Cody LaPlante, D.J. LaPlante, Mason Marin, Tanesha Mills, Briana Monaghan, Pendleton Moses, # $ # " Carelene Nanamkin, Ciara Nault, Luke NightWolf, Kayne Oberg, Quentin Parks, Garrett Peterson, Dominique Pleasants, Lake Roosevelt High School """ " ! " ! Abby Potts, Alexis Reyes,

Graduation: 11 a.m., June 9

Page 8 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.

Liberty Bell Liberty Bell High School seniors include, lying in front, Parker Bradshaw; front, Kameron Smith, Christina Purtell, Molly Hunt, Nathalie Cushing, Megan Falcon, Natalie Rodriquez, Cheyenne Stomp-Ott, Payton Johnson, Nicole Watson, Jason Herrst; second, Saleya Miller, Larkin Hubrig, Jessica Dominguez, Ema Manzo, Kayla Higbee, Tanner Radwick, Jaremy Hanson, Mary Hough; third, Cody Cupp, Tyler Wilson, Buck Prib, David Lone, Keelan Christensen, Shane Coleman, Gunnar Doggett, Kyle Putnam, Brandon Jensen, Nathan David. Not pictured are Katie Jensen and Dillon Szafas.

Liberty Bell High School

Graduation is June 8 The Chronicle WINTHROP – Liberty Bell High School’s graduating class will don their robes at 7 p.m. Friday, June 8, at the school, 24 Twin Lakes Road. Valedictorian is Ema Manzo, daughter of Laura Cremin and Mark Manzo. Manzo Salutatorian is Larkin Hubrig, daughter of Jane Hubrig and Kristofer Borgias. Both will attend the University of Washington.

The class motto is “Do or do not. There is no try,” Yoda, “Star Wars.” The class colors are burnt orange and pearl. The class flower is a calla lily. Events leading up to graduation include baccalaureate at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 6, at the Hubrig Methow Valley Methodist Church, 193 Old Twisp Highway.

See Liberty Bell Page 17

Keep Smiling Class of 2012!

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Dr. Gary Bramer, D.D.S.

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Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash. — Page 9


Baccalaureate: 7 p.m. May 31 New Life Centre

Sheila Corson/The Chronicle

Okanogan High School seniors are, front, from left, Laura Vargas, Maria Hernandez, Courtney Rumbolz, Taylor Cook, Abigail Jaimes, Lily Luengas, Mireya Mejia, Cody Wells; second, Harlee Iseman, Miai Gonzalez, Kortnie Homan, Lisandra Finley, Alyssa Messer, Connor Phalen, Jordan Hertlein, Marty Staggs Jr., Janelle Gleason; third, Viviana Perez, Ling Yu Li, Kaylee Miller, Trevor Arrington, Alex Sandoval, Troy Anderson, Joe Townsend; fourth, Michael Ellsworth, Tyler Martin, Austin Grooms, Brandi Freel, Elaina Little, Blanca Castillo, Ismael Vargas, Daniel Parks; fifth, Adrian Arroyo, Grant Kramer, James Sandefur, Tim Bennett, Dustin Hennigs, John Norbie. Not pictured are Andrianna Fall, Jovany Figueroa Gondinez, Nathan Hehner, Daniel Homan, Jorge Loza, Miguel Montoya, Zane Rehmke, Tyler Schreckengost, Madilynn Timm.

Graduation: 5 p.m. June 2 Dawson Gym

Crimson and gray will march June 2 in gym The Chronicle OKANOGAN – The seniors of Okanogan High School will take to the floor for graduation at 5 p.m. Saturday, June 2, in Dawson Gym, 255 S. Fifth Ave. The valedictorian is Troy Anderson, son of Rochelle Riling and James Anderson. He will attend Wenatchee Valley College before going to a four-year college. According to Principal Bob

Shacklett, the salutatorian is too close to call and will not be known until May 30. It is a very tight race between two students. He declined to give the names of the finalists. The crimson and gray class will add the class color of electric lime green for its festivities. The class song is “100 Years.” The class motto is: “The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday

is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.” The seniors also took a class trip to a Seattle Mariners game May 27. Baccalaureate is slated for 7


p.m. Thursday, May 31, at New Life Centre, 508 S. Fourth Ave. Seniors are Trevor Arrington, Adrian Arroyo, Tim Bennett, Blanca Castillo, Taylor Cook, Michael Ellsworth, Andrianna Fall, Lisandra Finley, Brandi Freel, Janelle Gleason, Jovany Gondinez, Miai Gonzales, Austin Grooms, Nathan Hehner, Dustin Hennigs, Ismael Hernandez, Maria Hernandez, Jordan Hertlein, Daniel Homan, Kortnie Homan,

Abigail James, Grant Kramer, Elaina Little, Jorge Loza, Lilian Luengas, Mireya Mejia, Alyssa Messer, Kaylee Miller, Miguel Montoya, John Norbie, Daniel Parks, Connor Phalen, Zane Rehmke, Troy Riling-Anderson, Courtney Rumbolz, James Sandefur, Alex Sandoval, Tyler Schreckengost, Marty Staggs Jr., Madilynn Timm, Joseph Townsend, Laura Vargas, Cody Wells.

Page 10 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.

Graduation Calendar June 1 5 p.m. 7 p.m.

Bridgeport Brewster

11 a.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.

Pateros Inchelium Republic Oroville Curlew Okanogan

7 p.m.

Liberty Bell

11 a.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m.

Lake Roosevelt Omak Tonasket

June 2

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Congratulations Okanogan and Omak Class of 2012!

Welcome Home

Kory Heindselman


Bob Butler

Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash. — Page 11

O m a k

Zachary Van Brunt/The Chronicle

Omak High School seniors are, front, from left, Alyssa Ann Williams, Ingeborg Andrea Hjorund, Jacob Brown, Kolton Fudge, Oliver M. James Hargraves, Colton Baher, Michael Goble, Sarah Keith, Nicole Statler, Daryn Johnson Best, Melissa Fletcher; second, Jennifer Valdez, Amanda Covey, Morgan Moomaw, Carly Wildermuth, Cruz Chavez, Itzel Arciniega, Cody Thorp, Kenya Delgado, Shyleah Picard, Aneek Shoppa, Logan Fister; third, Francisco Duarte Madrigal, Susan Chen, Scott Holberg, Cody Houtz, Arieanna Byrnes, Ronnie Rubio, Desiree Peterson, Kelli Tonasket, Dawn LaFountaine, Teonna Ford, Lane Priest; fourth, William Taylor, Shakanna Inman, Jade Berney, Andrea Reyes, Keyla Delgado, Crystal Galvan, Drew Marcial, Alberto Corrales, Julian Cervantes, Vince Carden, Country Pakootas; fifth, Justin Bickley, Devin Apple, Alexander Love, Maryanne Oleynik, Christian Menendez, Maribel Castillo, Angela Chapa, Kamielle Sachse, Georgia Lamb, Ashlee Barker, Samir Renteria, Weston Osborne; sixth, Shirlee Ramos, Christy Gray, Rachael Riggle, Sha’ Pfitzer, Cade Roy, Jacob Grattan, Heather Calentine, Tyler Foth, Dameon Landers, Tyler Autry, Devin Johnson, David Petersen, Connor Howe; seventh, Chris Desjardins, Taryn Thomas, N. David Cutrell, Dylan L. Green, Austin Covington, Asa Calvert, Dillan J. Duran, Joseph LaGrou Jr., Cayle Diefenbach, Jonathan Souders. Not pictured are Misty Adolph, Lidia Albright, Joshua Arzola, Nicholas Baker, Skylar Baker, Brady Bell, Rebecca Bertram, Breanna Boyd, Mikayla Brown, Marcos Buenaventura Moran, Arienna Vanderpool Byrnes, Matthew Campos, Jessica Cantu, Rodrigo Castaneda, Julian Cervantes Rivera, Matthew Cornella, Teala Drum, Mariano Echeverria, Casey Fox, Billie-Rose Gallagher, Stephanie George, Danielle Hatfield, Hailey Hauso, Dale Hogstad, Dustin Hood, Laura Jeffreys, Jesse Luntsford, Brittany McKinney, Talitha Moomaw, Whitney Nordlund, Darryl Ortuno, James Pachosa, Jordan Pakootas, Rikki Rodriguez, Jade Sargent, Rosa Spotted Elk, Johnathon Thompson.

Red and black get ready to graduate June 9 The Chronicle OMAK – The red and black will take to the gym floor on Saturday, June 9, for commencement. The seniors will gather for

graduation at 2 p.m. June 9 in the Omak High School gymnasium, 20 S. Cedar St. Valedictorian is Christian Menendez, the son of Michael and Sandra Menendez. He will attend

Seattle University on a full-ride, four-year scholarship. Salutatorian is Alexander Love, the son of Joseph and Lisa Love. He will attend George Fox University, Portland, Ore.

The class chose the motto: “As friends, we shared these past few years not only in mind, but in heart. Let’s remember the best of times, especially while we’re apart.”

The students will gather for baccalaureate at 2 p.m. June 3 at the Okanogan First Baptist Church, 327 Rose St.

See Omak Page 12

Page 12 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.


From 11

The senior banquet will be at 6:30 p.m. June 6 at the Omak Longhouse at Paschal Sherman Indian School, 169 North End Omak Lake Road. The Omak Parent Committee will sponsor Menendez an after-graduation party from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. June 9-10 at North Cascades Athletic Club, 568 Pine St. Seniors are: Misty Adolph, Lidia Albright, Devin Apple, Itzel Arciniega, Joshua Arzola, Tyler Autry, Colton Baher, Nicholas Baker, Skylar Baker, Ashlee Barker, Brady Bell, Jade Berney, Rebecca Bertram, Justin Bickley, Breanna Boyd, Jacob Brown, Mikayla Brown, Marcos Buenaventura Moran, Arienna Vanderpool Byrnes, Heather Calentine, Asa Calvert, Matthew Campos, Jessica Cantu, Vincent Carden, Rodrigo Castaneda, Maribel Castillo, Julian Cervantes Rivera, Angela Chapa, Cruz Chavez, Shuhua Chen, Matthew Cornella, Alberto Corrales, Austin Covington, David Cutrell, Kenya Delgado Lopez, Keyla Delgado Lopez, Christopher Desjardins, Cayle Diefenbach, Teala Drum, Francisco DuarteMadrigal, Dillan Duran, Mariano Echeverria, Logan Fister, Melissa Fletcher, Teonna Ford, Tyler Foth, Casey Fox,

Kolton Fudge, Billie-Rose Gallagher, Crystal Serrano Galvan, Stephanie George, Michael Goble II, Jacob Grattan, Christianna Gray, Dylan Green, Oliver Hargraves, Danielle Hatfield, Hailey Hauso, Ingeborg Hjorund, Dale Hogstad, Love Benjamin Sommerville Holberg, Dustin Hood, Cody Houtz, Connor Howe, Shakanna Inman, Laura Jeffreys, Devin Johnson, Daryn Johnson-Best, Sarah Keith, Dawn LaFountaine, Joseph LaGrou, Georgia Lamb, Dameon Landers, Alexander Love, Jesse Luntsford, Brittany McKinney, Drew Marcial, Christian Menendez, Morgan Moomaw, Talitha Moomaw, Whitney Nordlund, Maryanne Oleynik, Darryl Ortuno, Weston Osborne, James Pachosa, Country Pakootas, Jordan Pakootas, David Petersen, Desiree Peterson, Sha’ Pfitzer, Shyleah Picard, Lane Priest, Shirlee Ramos, Ernesto Renteria, Andrea Reyes Villegas, Rachael Riggle, Rikki Rodriguez, Cade Roy, Ronnie Rubio, Kamielle Sachse, Jade Sargent, Aneek Shoppa, Jonathan Souders, Rosa Spotted Elk, Nicole Statler, William Taylor, Taryn Thomas, Johnathon Thompson, Cody Thorp, Kelli Tonasket, Carly Wildermuth, Alyssa Williams.

Baccalaureate: 2 p.m., June 3, Okanogan First Baptist Church Senior Banquet: 6:30 p.m., June 6, PSIS Longhouse Graduation: 2 p.m., June 9, Omak High School After-graduation party to follow

Congratulations on a fine achievement! From all of us at

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Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash. — Page 13


Zachary Van Brunt/The Chronicle

Oroville High School seniors are, front, from left, AnaMae Rood, J.D. King, Justyce Olson, Heather Galvan, Breanna Dodd, Liliana Castrejon, Leonel Delgado, C.J. Mathews, Kate Rose Smith; second, Jenavonne Glover, Brittney Pellegrini, Ruby Vazquez, Katriona Lidstrand, Fernanda Perez, Kaylee Harris-Miller, Ali Fulmer, Edward Mathis, Madison Hatch, Naomi Peters, Kelsey Hughes, Cara Valdez, Kylie Coffelt-Richardson, Megan Mieirs, Mikey Lynch; third, Krysta Van Woert, Maribel Castillo Gonzalez; fourth, Annette Sanchez, Gabbriella Garcia, Daniela Ortega, Terra Mullikin, Jose Viveros, Ivan Rodriguez, Nick Perez, Caleb Whiteaker, Taylor Maldonado, Zack Speiker, Cruz Viveros; fifth, Dylan Rise, Alex Kelly, Alex Alvarez, Raul Rodriguez, Brandon Lepley, Richard Milholland. Not pictured are Lucero Cadena-Tirado, Kylie Elizabeth Coffelt-Richardson, Matthew Colton Egerton, Juanita C. Carnica, Caleb Taylor Haney, Kaylee Ann Harris-Miller, Miguel Angel Medina, Joshua Elwood Minarcin, David Herndez Sanchez, Cesar Santana, Skylar L. Spears, Cody Alen Swenson, Brandon Lee Sykes, Chad Michael Tibbs, Shelly G. Valverde.

Hornets turn tassels at June 2 graduation The Chronicle OROVILLE – Hornet seniors will turn their tassels during a 2 p.m. graduation ceremony Saturday, June 2, in the high school gym, 1016 Ironwood St. Heather Galvan was named valedictorian. A salutatorian won’t be decided until the end of May. Both Liliana Castrejon-Gonzalez and Naomi Peters are up for the honor. A baccalaureate ceremony was May 22 at the Free Methodist Church.

Seniors chose navy, gold and white as their class colors, and a white rose with gold dust as their flower. “Together we have experienced life, separately we will pursue our dreams, and forever our memories will remain,” is the class motto. Seniors are: Alejandro AlvarezViveros, Lucero Cadena-Tirado, Maribel Castillo-Gonzalez, Liliana Castrejon-Perez, Kylie Elizabeth Coffelt-Richardson, Breanna Chere Dodd, Matthew Colton Egerton, Ali Lucile Fulmer, Heather Jaqueline Galvan-Guzman,

Gabbriella Ray Garcia, Juanita C. Garnica, Jenavonne Delora Glover, Caleb Taylor Haney, Kaylee Ann Miller, Madison Margaret Hatch, Kelsey Michelle Hughes, Alexander Galvan Philip Kelly, Joseph Douglas King, Brandon Charles Lepley, Katriona Marie Lidstrand, Michael J. Lynch, Taylor Ryan Maldonado,

Chad Allan Mathews, Edward Lee Ross Mathis, Miguel Angel Medina, Megan Marie Mieirs, Richard Norman Milholland, Joshua Elwood Minarcin, Terra Sienna MullikinGredvig, Justyce Diana Olson, Daniela Ortega, Brittney Lauren Pellegrini, Nicolas Perez, Fernanda A. Perez-Santillan, Naomi Lee Peters, Dylan James Rise, Ivan Rodriguez, Raul J. Rodriguez, AnaMae Rood, David Herndez Sanchez, Annette Sanchez-Guzman, Cesar Santana, Leonel Delgado, Katy Rose Smith, Skylar L. Spears, Zachary Jonathon Speiker, Cody

Graduation: 2 p.m., June 2 Oroville High School Alen Swenson, Brandon Lee Sykes, Chad Michael Tibbs, Cara Rose Valdez, Shelly G. Valverde, Krysta Lynn Van Woert, Ruby VazquezCuriel, Jose Cendejas Viveros, Cruz Viveros-Hernandez, Caleb William Whiteaker.

Page 14 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.

Collection of wisdom offered for graduates It’s that time again for accomplished commencement speakers to wax eloquent from podiums all over America, but, from the trenches, I humbly offer you graduates this collection of the wisest things I’ve learned since I was your age, two score and nine years ago. You don’t know me, so I’ll say that I’m college educated, a former wounded combat soldier, a cop, a police/medevac pilot, and (sometimes single) father of five. I’m one for three at the altar, and I’ve been hospitalized three times, but I’m still a happy, lucky man. I’ve published six novels, but I claim no omniscience, young Americans. I just hope to speed you on a safer, happier way to your own success. First, question everything, always, including what I tell you. Increasingly, our politically incestuous universities are telling you young men and women what you must think, not teaching you how to think for yourselves. There is immense risk in this for you, America and freedom.

Grad Notes Bill Slusher There are always at least two sides to every story and the truth is never any of them, but is always something nebulously in between that you must ascertain for yourself. Beware they who proclaim to know the truth. The most valuable of human riches is respect. Respect cannot be demanded, taken or even given. Respect can only be earned. Take care to earn respect and preserve it, for life without it is not good and retrieving it once lost is a long, hard road. Never, ever, tell anyone to do anything you cannot legally and physically force them to do, for if they defy you, you lose their respect. Coincidentally, there is very little you can legally and

physically force anyone to do. This is especially true in love relationships. So learn the art of reason. Fight the problems, not each other. If you can stop or revoke your love, then whatever you feel isn’t love. Love is an irrevocable gift, not a barter. If she doesn’t love you, young man, help her find someone she does love, then go in search of another. Sex and love are not the same thing. Think with your brain, love with your heart, do sex with the rest of your body, and don’t ever get those assigned functions mixed up. Love does not conquer all. Without compatibility, romantic love dies. Compatibility is not about how much you are alike. Compatibility is your capacity to be content with each other’s differentness. Hell is Disney World compared to a bad marriage. Don’t marry until you’re closer to 30. You will have established your living, you’ll be better spouse and parent material, and you will have known enough lovers well enough to better tell

Oroville Golf Club 3468-A Oroville-Loomis Rd. Oroville • 509-476-2390

a good one from one who will kill you from the inside out. A condom can save you 18 years of indentured servitude and a whole lot more ... if you use it. Fight only for life, land, liberty and loved ones. Negotiate if possible, compromise where feasible, forgive where you can find it in your heart, and you may well and wisely never fight. But if you must fight, be utterly ruthless and rule out nothing but losing, especially in wars, for this is the fastest return to the most lasting peace. Beware they who tell you there are race, gender, class or other barriers to your success, especially if they tell you that you must elect them to break down those barriers for you. Know the thin difference between reasons and excuses, for in the latter lies ruin. Money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy freedom and freedom is essential to happiness. Respect they who love their god. Beware they who declare

that you must love it, too. If you guys ever get to thinking you’re hot stuff with cars, motorcycles, horses, tractors, aircraft, guns or women, you better step back and reconsider, pronto, for you are about to get hurt badly by one of them. If you don’t eat, you can’t feed. Study investing, and start now. What’s worse than being young and poor is being old and poor. We all cry in our time, but there is a critical difference between suffering and whining. Be one who changes the trends, not one who is changed by them. To waste time is to invite death to draw nearer. Last and perhaps most importantly, remember always who runs your life. Now run it. Congratulations, seniors. Here’s for wind beneath your wings. William Slusher, Okanogan, is an author and frequent letter writer.

Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash. — Page 15

Pateros Purple and gold fly June 2 in gym The Chronicle

Sheila Corson/The Chronicle

Pateros High School seniors are, front, from left, Jamie Jo Bruno, John Ginter, Belen Gomez, Catherine Colter, Tyrel Gray; second, Austin Burrell, Chancy Gill, Noemi Villasano, Ivonne Espino, Rylan Easter, Blayne Harvey, Lincoln Hobbs; third, Jose P. Martinez, Manuel J. Savalza, Uriel Osorio, Omar Medel, Omar Gonzalez. Not pictured are Jose Cruz, Chantel Poole.

Baccalaureate: 7 p.m., May 30, Pateros Community Church Graduation: 11 a.m., June 2, Pateros School

PATEROS – The purple and gold will fly high at Pateros High School’s graduation 11 a.m. June 2 in the school gymnasium, 344 W. Beach St. The class valedictorian is Jamie Jo Bruno and salutatorian Bruno is Chantel Poole. Bruno is the daughter of Mike and Joey Bruno. She will attend Eastern Washington University. Poole is the daughter of Tracey Ervin and Maverick Poole. She will attend Western Washington University. The class motto is: “To accomplish great things, we must

no only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe,” Eleanor Roosevelt. Bruno said the seniors hosted the Night of Excellence awards ceremony May 29. A baccalaureate ceremony is set for 7 p.m. May 30 at the Pateros Community Poole Church, 124 N. Dawson St. Seniors are Jamie Jo Bruno, Austin Burrell, Catherine Colter, Jose Cruz, Rylan Easter, Ivonne Espino, Chancy Gill, Jim Ginter, Belen Gomez, Tyrel Gray, Blayne Harvey, Lincoln Hobbs, Jose Martinez, Omar Medel, Uriel Osorio, Chantel Poole, Manuel Savalza, Noemi Villasano.

CONGRATS GRADUATES! Congratulations! You did it! Congratulations from North Cascades National Bank 4 offices serving North Central Washington

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Page 16 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.


Baccalaureate: 6 p.m. May 30 Redeemer Episcopal Church Graduation: 1 p.m. June 2 Republic High School

Zachary Van Brunt/The Chronicle

Republic seniors are, front, from left, Cody Scriver, Kenney McGaffey, Christina Beckwith, Alyssa Stout, Trea Burbank, Jazzy Campbell; second, Jordan Padilla, Iris Summy, Jules Largent, Mackenzie Price, Gabrielle Jessen, Johanna Bremner, Stephanie Verzone, Gabriela Maycumber; third, Raine Knowles, Daniel Moses, Sam Corbett, Dakota Strine, Briana Kelly, Jasmine Fisher, Jessica Heaton, Danny Edgel. Not pictured are Kyle Kirkendall, Gilbert Maycumber and Ashley Weaver.

Commencement slated for June 2 The Chronicle REPUBLIC – Seniors will don their robes and graduate June 2. A baccalaureate service will precede commencement at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 30, at Redeemer Episcopal Church, 3 Klondike Road. A senior roast will follow in the elementary multi-purpose room, 30306 E. Highway 20. Graduation is at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 2, at the Republic

High School gymnasium, 30306 E. Highway 20. This year’s valedictorian is Johanna Bremner, daughter of Dean and Liz Bremner. She will attend Bremner the University of Washington. The salutatorian is Christina

Beckwith, daughter of Jim and Patrice Beckwith. She will attend Washington State University. Both are 12year students in Republic. Seniors are: Beckwith Christina Beckwith, Johanna Bremner, Trea Burbank,

Jasmine Campbell, Samuel Corbett, Daniel Edgel, Jasmine Clay-Fisher, Jessica Heaton, Gabrielle Jessen, Briana Kelly, Kyle Kirkendall, Raine Knowles, Juliauna Largent, Gabriela Maycumber, Gilbert Maycumber, Kenneth McGaffey, Daniel Moses, Jordan Padilla, Mackenzie Price, Cody Scriver, Alyssa Stout, Dakota Strine, Sarah Summy, Stephanie Verzone, Ashley Weaver.

Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash. — Page 17

Baccalaureate: 7 p.m. June 6 Methow Valley Methodist Church

Liberty Bell From 8 An awards night will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 7, at the high school. Seniors are: Parker Bradshaw, Keelan Christensen, Shane Coleman, Cody Cupp, Nathalie Cushing, Nathan David, Gunnar Doggett, Jessica Dominguez, Megan Falcon, Jaremy Hanson, Jason Herrst, Kayla Higbee, Mary Hough, Larkin Hubrig, Molly Hunt, Brandon Jensen, Katie Jensen, Payton Johnson, David Lone, Ema Manzo, Saleya Miller, Buck Prib, Christina Purtell, Kyle Putnam, Tanner Radwick, Natalie Rodriquez, Kameron Smith, Cheyenne Stomp-Ott, Dillon Szafas, Nicole Watson, Tyler Wilson.

Awards Night: 7 p.m. June 7 Liberty Bell High School Graduation: 7 p.m. June 8 Liberty Bell High School

Co n g r at u lat i o n s , s e n i o r s !

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May you have the vision to follow your dreams, the wisdom to find your purpose, and the courage to make a difference. And as you move forward through life, remember to do so with integrity and compassion, bringing joy not only to yourselves, but to those around you. Ferry County Public Hospital District would like to congratulate all of the graduating seniors at both the Republic and Curlew high schools, this is your time to achieve!

Page 18 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.

Tonasket Tigers don caps, gowns June 9 The Chronicle TONASKET – The 2012 senior class of Tigers will don their mortarboards at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 9, at the high school gym, 35 state Highway 20. Co-valedictorians Michelle Timmerman and Anthony Verhasselt head up the class, which chose royal blue and white for its colors. The salutatorian is Dakota Fry. Girls will carry the class flower: A yellow rose with an orange-red tip. A baccalaureate service is planned for 7 p.m. June 3 at the Foursquare Church, 415 S. Whitcomb Ave., and a senior breakfast is scheduled for 7 a.m. June 7 at the Free Methodist Church, 1 Stanton Loop Road.

See Tonasket Page 19

Terry Mills

Tonasket seniors are, front, from left, Anthony Verhasselt, Dakota Fry, Miranda Slagle, Michelle Timmerman, Jessica Maier, Amy Johnson, Nikki Flores, Emily Smith; second, Trent Turner, Dylan Fewkes, Lazaro Ortega, Cayla Monroe, Shelby Scott, Troy Sasse, Caleb Knowlton; third, Jared Stedtfeld, Kevin Aitcheson, Jake Hickman, Kyndra Dellinger, Chevelle Yeckel, Mackenzie Wheeler, Zack Weaver; fourth, John Stedtfeld, Amber Kilpatrick, Tyler Farley, Ryker Marchand, Brandi Wilson, Melody Wolton, Cierra Williams, Zach Weaver; fifth, Alyssa Holbert, Cynthia Gutierrez, Emmy Hickman, Luis Rivera, Damon Halvorsen, Dakota Bogart, Bobby Salazar; sixth, Raul Lagunas Jr., Guadalupe Alvarez Andaya, K.B. Kochsmeier, Jodi Arroyo, Adrian Ramos, Ashley Booker, Robert Dahlquist; seventh, Daniel Martinez, Rodolfo Ornelas, Pedro Gomez, Jasmine Bolz, Dakota Bridges, Toni Smith, Lucas DeTillian, Trista Romig; eighth, Jon Pantaleon, Adine Johnson, Aleesa Blakley, Dillon Zemtseff, Patrick Young, David Standley, Kayla Andrews, Cortney Jones; ninth, Brandon Sawyer, Chad Sasse, Lacey Montanye, Russell Perry, Elverta Conrad, Emily Smith, Curtis Twigg, Kenneth Pillow. Not pictured are Jovanny Alvarez, Amalie Andersen, Elizabeth Anderson, Tyler Armstrong, Rosa Bugarin, Jarith Fry, Alexandra Hill, Kylie Holcomb, Jordan Kennedy, Kristoffer Marthini, Sheridan McDonald, Daniel Ortega, Gabriel Rainey, Elizabeth Rampley, Tyler Whitney, Raine Wilson, Melody Wolen.

Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash. — Page 19

Tonasket From 18 The class motto is the Ralph Blum quote: “Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateway that lead to beginnings.” Seniors are: Kevin Aitcheson, Guadalupe Alvarez, Jovanny Alvarez, Amalie Andersen, Elizabeth Anderson, Kayla Andrews, Tyler Armstrong, Jodi Arroyo, Aleesa Blakley, Dakota Bogart, Ashley Booker, Dakota Bridges, Rosa Bugarin, Elverta Conrad, Robert Dahlquist, Kyndra Dellinger, Lucas Detillian, Jordan Diaz, Tyler Farley, Dylan Fewkes, Nicolette Flores, Dakota Fry, Jarith Fry, Jasmine Grangroth, Cynthia Gutierrez, Damon Halvorsen, Emmaline Hickman, Jacob Hickman, Alexandra Hill, Alyssa Holbert, Kylie Holcomb, Adine Johnson, Amy Johnson, Cortney Jones, Jordan Kennedy, Amber Kilpatrick, Caleb Knowlton, Kablina Kochsmeier, Raul Lagunas Jr., Jessica Maier, Ryker Carlson-Marchand, Kristoffer Marthini, Daniel Martinez, Sheridan McDonald, Cayla Monroe, Lacey Montanye, Roldolfo Vasquez, Daniel Ortega, Lazaro Ortega, Jon Pantaleon,



Congratulations to the Tonasket Senior Class!


Russell Perry, Kenneth Pillow, Gabriel Rainey, Adrian Ramos, Elizabeth Rampley, Luis Rivera, Trista Romig, Robert Salazar, Chad Sasse, Troy Sasse, Brandon Sawyer, Shelby Scott, Miranda Slagle, Emily Smith, Toni Smith, David Standley, Jared Stedtfeld, John Stedtfeld, Pedro Gomez, Michelle Timmerman, Trenton Turner, Curtis Twigg, Anthony Verhasselt, Zackery Weaver, Mackenzie Wheeler, Tyler Whitney, Cierra Williams, Brandi Wilson, Raine Wilson, Melody Wolen, Chevelle Yeckel, Patrick Young, Dillon Zemtseff.

Scholarships Baccalaureate: 7 p.m. June 3 Foursquare Church Senior breakfast: 7 a.m. June 7 Free Methodist Church Graduation: 2 p.m. June 9 Tonasket High School

Ten receive Hamilton Youth scholarships OKANOGAN – Ten area youth will be receiving $800 scholarships from the Hamilton Youth Foundation. This year’s recipients are Chantel Poole of Brewster, Danyelle Cavadini of Bridgeport, Ismael Vargas of Malott, Grant Kramer and Joe Townsend of Okanogan, Ashlee Barker of Omak, Jose Martinez of Pateros, Alyssa Stout of Republic, Corbin Moser of Tonasket and Kameron Smith of Twisp. Funding for the scholarships comes from Hamilton Farm Equipment, which sets aside a fixed percentage of its sales revenue. In addition to the scholarships, the foundation provides support for 4H, fair stock sales and youther youth projects.

Okanogan Education Association gives $250 OKANOGAN – Courtney Rumbolz will receive the Okanogan Education Association scholarship of $250. She plans to attend Eastern Washington University. The scholarship can be renewed for up to four years, for $1,000 total. Last year’s recipient, Andrew Wolf, is applying for his second year of the scholarship. He will be a sophomore at Gonzaga University next fall.

Kiwanis Club announces award recipients OKANOGAN – Okanogan Kiwanis Club has announced its scholarship winners for 2012. Joe Townsend and Ismael Vargas, Okanogan High School graduating seniors, will each receive $1,000. – The Chronicle

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Page 20 — Graduation 2012, The Chronicle, Omak, Wash.

Congratulations to all Okanogan County graduates! Congratulations, Roni, we are so very proud of you! Love, Your Family


Cayle You started so small, Just to hold in our hands Brown eyes from your mom, And a smile of your dad’s. Next thing you know, Kindergarten is here Off to school for you, Mom and Dad will be near, Who could have guessed, Who could have known That inside this boy, Was an old man’s soul. You’ve brought tears, And great pleasure The life of our boy, Is one great treasure. How precious our time, How big our hopes That one day like this, You would climb the ropes. Off to college with you, Say goodbye for a while The world is now ready, For your big smile. We love you! Mom, Dad and Cayden

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