NLS Audit 2013 Part 1 - Learning and Development 1. Present an overall report on the Membership Learning Curve implemented in your Local Committee in the year 2013. Do address the following aspects: • Learning Cycle of a Member from recruitment - end of their first TMP. Do mention if this changed (and how) for different recruitment cycles. INDUCTION: There is an induction training through which the members are inducted in the organization, enabling them to understand AIESEC and the local committee. Induction further continues within departments, where members are inducted about various departments and about their job roles. (For example: LTS- which comprised of aspects like AIESEC Way, 2015, the way forward, culture etc) OPERATIONAL TRAINING: Post induction they were given operational training by their managers, including detailed explanation of Job roles and the managers were also responsible for performance tracking of members. However, the training varied from department to department. EXTERNAL RELEVANCE: Operational training enabled the members to understand the market realities and they were able to face challenges in a better way, along with implementation of that knowledge to boost performance. PROFESSIONAL & PERSONAL SKILLS: Their overall experience and learning helped them enhance their professional and personal skills which made these members competent enough to showcase an impact. At the end of their TMP, the members became more willing to take up leadership opportunities and apply for TLP. This cycle was followed throughout the year. The members applied for various opportunities like OC’s, support teams etc.
• Elements of GLE made use of during the learning processes. Mentorships: Throughout the year, internal mentorship channel was followed, wherein EB members were allotted various members as mentees. The mentorship groups were used to flow down basic things like a session on time management that helped in an increased retention rate. Conferences & Seminars: February Local Conference, June Local Congress and October Local Congress, are the three conferences that happened in 2013. Each conference involved planning and activities to boost member performance. There were LEADS delivered in these conferences which turned out to be helpful for the membership Learning circles: Learning Hub Link: It’s an initiative taken to simplify & fasten the learning processes in the LC. It helps to train the members and makes them more self dependant in terms of operational knowledge, not only does it reduces the workload of a manager but also equips the inquisitive members and makes them more confident. Both, manager and member are then in a position to discuss bigger problems and be more efficient. The learning process which took one month initially is now reduced to a day’s time. The member of a particular portfolio can understand his work by a click of a button and can also understand other portfolios and their functioning by going through their portfolio specific videos. Introspection: JLcong – Session( Post-its), Olcong: Session repeated Conducted by LCP, Siddharth Takru Time: 20 minutes Each member/manager was given a post it, they were asked to stick the post it on the ground and write down their plan for the coming 6 months( Any one thing: could be as small as reading a newspaper or getting 3 matches), something that each member/manager wanted from themselves without mentioning their names, then people were asked to switch positions and sit near any random post it and add a suggestion to it that could help the person in achieving it. This was repeated 3-4 times and then everyone was asked to go back to their own post its and read through the post it. Virtual spaces: Podio has been extensively used for work, mainly in the exchange portfolios, for instance it helped ICX market their TN’s on podio and get interest mails.
Discover Delhi: Helps EP’s get an idea about the city and lifestyle and engage with us. • Induction modules & measures Induction was done by the managerial board throughout the year, through team meets they inducted their members about the work. The membership was equipped by the managerial board to carry out various tasks and helped them carry out market research. The managerial board worked under the guidance of the local committee President who met the Managerial body at MBM’s. However, by the end of the year the LC launched the learning hub to make the induction faster and easier. • Mentorship Modules: The link to the mentorship module is as follows 4MmWgmKwhkmw2uZw_sGzo/edit#slide=id.p13 Mentorship in the LC has been only through internal channels ie..EB to members/managers. There has been no external mentorship for the EB. Mentors were allotted at LTS itself which was followed by mentorship meets and Mentor-mentee time at Local conferences. This helped the members to meet people outside their commission and get a sense of belongingness.
• Any additional measure taken up by your LC for the same: Launch of the Learning Hub: The Local Committee launched the learning hub, a site which helps training the members on operations. Details of which have been mentioned in one of the questions above.
Present an overall report on the Member Development Module implemented in your Local Committee in the year 2013. Do address the following aspects: • Integration of learning in the TN/EP flow of exchange departments. Same in the processes of exchange support departments. How? Learning in TN/EP Flow and exchange support: The training modules implemented by the Managers for the members not only focused on the technical/operational aspect of the
training but also included skills training and learning of innovative method to tap on to th clients in an innovative manner to ensure a holistic delivery of experiences. • Leadership Development measures taken. Provide additional report on external partner (if employed for LEAD), including a MoU for the same. Explain how this helped your LC change a behavior collectively that influenced performance. 2 LEADS have been delivered in 2013. One of the two external leads was delivered by Manoj Keshwar. Link of MoU This LEAD helped members to manage their time well. He talked about procrastinators and it was an eye opening session for a lot of people. This LEAD was delivered at June Local Congress. The other LEAD was delivered at October Local Congress, this was delivered by the LCP Siddharth Takru, wherein, everyone took a belbin test and scored themselves as per the instructions, post this a follow up commission time was given where everyone discovered their team role and also of their fellow team mates, this further lead to introspection and helped various teams function in a sound manner. • Member Development Assessment. How? Member Development Assessment were carried out through monthly manpower assessment reports that assessed and evaluated the members’ development through all perspectives of EB members, Managers and the members as well. The Manpower Assessment reports were not only one-way assessment but were a 360 feedback and self evaluation as well. 3.
Present an overall report on the Training Module Implemented in your Local Committee in the year 2013. Do address the following aspects: • Regulation of the LTT (if employed) LTT(Q1 & Q2) Headed by VP TM: Ronnie Nido Concept: Train the trainers There was a team of 6 people from different portfolios who were trained by Ronnie Nido to deliver sessions to the membership of their portfolio on operations and functioning of the respective portfolio. They were also responsible for conducting LTS for pocket recruits. It helped the LTT members to gain skills like, confidence, LTT (Q3,Q4) Headed by VP HR: Akshat Khot Concept: Need analysis & bridging the gap There was again a team of 6 members who were solely responsible for ensuring that surveys are being sent to various departments to understand the knowledge level in the Local committee. It
focused on understanding the needs of the members and to release portfolio centric reports which would help them bridge the knowledge gap. • Training format used throughout the year. • Explain how this module helped your LC develop skills collectively that influenced performance
Part B: Talent Capacity Areas GCDP ICX Members that 90 were recruited in department in 2013 Members at 37 present as on 31 December TMP 98 experiences delivered TLP experiences 15 delivered OS of the Q1,Q2 : department VP – 2 Directors – VP – Number of Manager 1 – TL with their Project 1 Job title and Manager 2 – number of Project 2 members under Manager 3 – them Project 3 Manager 4 – Project Logistics Q3,Q4 : Director – Manager 1 – PC 1 – Showcasing Impact PC 2 – Financial Sustainability PC 3 - CRM Manager 2 – PC 1 - BD PC 2 - CIM PC 3 Manager 3 - NPS Manager – Pilot Projects
Members reintegrated in the department
(PC=Project Coordinator) 3
Q1,Q2 : VP – 2 Directors – Manager 1 Raising Manager 2 Raising Manager 3 Matching Manager 4 Matching
Q1,Q2 : VP – 3 Directors – Manager 1 Manager 2 Manager 3 Manager 4
Q1, Q2 : VP-DirectorManager 1 Manager 2 Manager 3 Manager 4
Q3,Q4 : Director – Manager 1 Raising Manager 2 Raising Manager 3 Matching Manager 4 Matching
Q3,Q4 : 3 Directors – Manager 1 Auditing Manager 2 Auditing Manager 3 Manager 4 Manager 5
Q3, Q4 : DirectorManager 1 Manager 2 Manager 3 Manager 4
Selection: Mention •
Recruitment cycles with members recruited
January -163 May-26 (Need based) August-236 Selection procedure followed with every recruitment GD,T.A And P.I
Average time taken for the process
20 to 25 days Turn-up % in every recruitment
60%( with respect to form sales) • EwA to ELD conversion Recruitment report:
Process implementation – TC Processes Reallocati on
Quality of Team
Period of impleme ntation End of TMP cycle ( October ) No Period
Membership covered under the process
Performance Increase
Eg. 30 were part of it , 10 reallocated
NPS Score, Other measures to ensure
Add the document link
experienc e ( NPS) Mentorshi p
Q1,Q2June Lcong Q3,Q4New recruits( GB EB mentorsh ip Successio No n planning period
Need based recruitme nt Associate membersh ip
1st january31st Decembe r
quality of membership experience Inclining Personal goals with the organization Getting assistance from people outside of their departments Q1,Q2-65 applicants,51 on MB
Q1,Q2-GB AND MB EB role as mentors Q3,Q4-GB EB role as mentors GMmLb_ZxK1sptkP9a4Mm WgmKwhkmw2uZw_sGzo/e dit#slide=id.p13
Q2,Q3-72 applicants,63 on MB Recruited 26 People. Separate OC opportunity for Associate members in events like balakalakar and Global Humanism Summit,young india oc sales training,Proper OS according to regions and colleges for units, 43 people converted into tmp/tlp and 11 for ogcdp internship
Q1,Q2-41 Q3,Q4-83 key=0Ar5ONCWB2B8JdDFj dS1JSzBYdUZDMG1tTjVV ZUw1RlE&usp=drive_web# gid=0 key=0Ar5ONCWB2B8JdFR vY2ticFN2MzE1SHVfLU9t QlRHbXc&usp=drive_web# gid=0 key=0Ar5ONCWB2B8JdF83 RUc2U1Z5RFhNMWJ5eUR SaGFWMVE&usp=drive_we b key=0AnQTZ7A9MhCLdFR wTklzM2V6NUYtYzgteTht UEtqU1E&usp=drive_web key=0AmGO8WZYrPB7dFh LR0ZvcHRudmJpc0FYMFg 4bUtCVlE&usp=drive_web# gid=0 key=0AsyjIAqJB_rdGp4eDlKVE03V WlpZjNOQUx3UDBBQWc &usp=drive_web#gid=0 key=0AmGO8WZYrPB7dD FBemQ4UWY0eTkxLUVaM nZnVlhCMXc&usp=drive_w eb key=0AsyjIAqJB_rdGtfRG5PcndsdF NBVEJxYklpbm0xTHc&usp =drive_web#gid=0 key=0AsyjIAqJB_rdDRERlVsQXBZ Qjcta0VCaEFLZFA5YVE&u sp=drive_web#gid=0 IXP
A growth of IXPs has been experienced during the year
TMP TLP on exchange
A growth of exchanges on TMP TLP has been experienced during the year
Managerial Board and the Executive Board key=0Ai_ntbaC9w7cdGVQS HpXSE9JblptaHY4LVVsaU VvZHc&usp=drive_web key=0Ai_ntbaC9w7cdGVQS HpXSE9JblptaHY4LVVsaU VvZHc&usp=drive_web
*Success – You can define the success of the project as you envisioned
Performance report: •
Performance management process followed in the local chapter
Performance 0-2 Exchanges 5-10 Exchanges 10+ Exchanges
Members 260 29 18
Team Leaders 24 26 15
• % of members in exchange support –42% • How did you track performance of exchange support member and managers 1. Target vs Achieved 2. Number of Appointments 3. Role in Organizing Committees 4. Direct contribution in Exchange (Realization cycle, referrals, pick ups and home stays, etc.) •
Number of team in 2013 (Middle level management) and how many teams achieved 70% of their targets Total Teams = 82 Number of teams which achieved 70% of their targets = 48 • 2013 program goals v/s achieved ( Mention all 4 Programs) • Program Target Achieved GCDP 500 350 GIP 230 114 TMP 2000 1413 TLP 500 344 • Total pipeline matches for next year iGCCDP: 63 iGIP: 20 oGCDP:12 oGIP:0