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olivia m a r i n o u n d e r g r a d u a t e po r t f o l i o






05 4+ materials + 04 pre -thesis RESEARCH

met hods flood






f l âneur






04 4+


level 4 zug island

level 3 river rouge neighborhood

level 1: fungi system above and below ground

smooth, sculpted surrounding. a cavernous traveling vessel wrapped around the user for comfort.

level 2 fungi system as an architectural system

f u ngi as archi t e c t u r e


se n i or t h e s i s


advisors: Evelyn Tickle and Jori Erdman

an architectural system based on fungi that can be applied in areas of dangerous toxicity. my process began with a fungi system model, studying their microbiological elements above and below ground. then this translated into fungi as architecture, carving wooden pieces to address fungi spatially as well as its role as a recycler in the ecosystem involving existing undergound systems. Honorable Mention JMUarcd Thesis Award

soldered + wrapped wire laser etched acrylic hand carved basswood

fungi system model: 3’ tall


advisors: Evelyn Tickle and Jori Erdman phase one enhances the mycelium within the ground. spores will be released into the ground and quickly the mycelium and fungi will do their magic of revitalizing toxic land while also cleansing the air. then in phase two, a-z structures are introduced. the structures collide, crossing programs and creating new forms of community buildings in hopes to re-energize to community.

mycelium underground network

pleurotus ostreatus oyster mushroom


advisors: Evelyn Tickle and Jori Erdman site exploration: since finding this gray island on google maps, I proposed the remediation of Zug Island in Detroit, Michigan. live oyster mushroom spores will be deposited into the site to treat nearly a century of damage from coke fuel and steel manufacturing. this research is based on mycologist, Paul Stamet’s experiment testing soil saturated with diesel and other petroleum waste— after 6 weeks the pile was an oasis of oyster mushrooms, new grass and plants, and insects.

google maps: zug island

a tubular architecture study created for traumatized children to retreat and foster their emotions. the space follows an organic design aligning with Christopher Day’s ideal of the “in-between world” where children learn to understand the world through fantasy in order to comfortably improve children’s intellectual and emotional development.

recycling system dissection and interpretation, charcoal drawings 3 of 30

study on pyrocumulus cloud technology and the need for forest fires. questioning how to harness the technology and manage forest fires.

05 p r e t h e s i s r e s e a rc h

human urban landscape material

professor: Jori Erdman

semester spent questioning themes of human, urban, landscape, and material. the following work prepared me to understand my personal process and the direction I needed to take my thesis. I had set ideals with education, children, and saving the planet so with this research I discovered my love for systems— bringing me to natural systems and then eventually landing on fungi, nature’s recyclers.

drawings and models based on Christopher Day’s, Environment and Children. highlighting how smooth, organic architecture relates children back to the womb to feel safer and more creative. circulation models, programs overlay circulation models made with recycled materials 12’ x 30’ hand drawing, collage


axonometric of the concrete base, rammed earth walls, and copper butterfly roof

dirt, concrete, and clay mixture

roof plan


j u n i o r s p r i n g+

materials + methods

professor: Evelyn Tickle partner: Alessia Kunkel


formwork and dirt tamper for manual ramming


in this elective, Alessia and I worked all semester dissecting Rick Joy’s Catalina House in Tucson, Arizona. together we created a full Rhino model of the house, pulled lines from the model making architectural drawings, and built a 3’ tall 1:1 section of the rammed earth walls highlighted in the Catalina House.

3’ rammed earth section

flood water filter stair

found object model, 6� various hardware

emerald ash borer

plastic mesh metal wire carved wood tubing

chinese mitten crab

phragmites rhizomes

phragmites grass


junior spr i ng

flood studio

professor: Jori Erdman

this studio focused on real environmental dangers starting with a visit to Norfolk, Virginia to firsthand experience the uncontrollable flash flooding all through the area-- affecting highway traffic, neighborhoods, and quickly displacing houses onto stilts to avoid storm damage. My goal was to transform the bad happening into good. Starting with a collage exercise focusing on the worst creatures in the area and how to use their power for good, creating a swamp monster that eats plastic in the water and then uses its legs and body to treat the polluted waters. I then translated this concept into a stair filtering system to use on raised houses affected regularly by flooding-- transforming flood water into clean, treated water to use in the house.

invasive species swamp monster

flood studio

professor: Jori Erdman For my final design, I shifted my environmental concern to the toxic air quality created by the Newport News Shipyard. The neighboring community is stuck since workers need to live close to their jobs with the shipyard but families are left to face dangerous effects from poor air quality. I created a woven concrete wall garden to sit raised above the roads, between the shipyard and residential community to treat the polluted air since concrete and plants soak up the CO2 in the air. The proposed raised pathway starts and ends in community parks, spanning ten blocks of residential zoning to bring residents and families together, to heal.

f inal building

1:60 site model

Brooklyn Navy Yard dock 04

different positions on site model


j u n i o r f al l

biomimicry studio

professor: Evelyn Tickle

polyscias racemosa tree

plan hand drawing, collage

this studio focused on a chosen seed pod with heavy research on its biological and structural components-- translating the elements architecturally to fit into the Brooklyn Navy Yard dock 04. the final building serves as a working museum plopping its way through the neighboring creative spaces, bridging studio space and presentation space.

quick cross section diagram model

1:100 site model

armature model, testing different routes to enter the surrounding buildings

biomimicry studio

professor: Evelyn Tickle

site plan: extensive planning and testing on how my building could fit into dock 04, above and below water. questioning the relationship between surrounding buildings and how a new building can introduce itself.

aluminum mesh rubber bands bass wood pipe cleaners mylar tulle fabric laser cut cardboard

brooklyn navy yard

polyscias racemosa

24� x 36� collage

biomimicry studio

professor: Evelyn Tickle

site exploration: site drawing of art communities as they explode and diminish through NYC since the 1800s. I set the goal for enforcing a sustainable art community with my building since the Brooklyn Navy Yard is NYC’s current studio district. the working museum serves the art community sustainably as the tubular pieces can move and insert themselves into any neighboring building, as the tenants evolve.

biomimicry studio

professor: Evelyn Tickle

process work: quick models and concept work establishing a frame and skin component to be repeated to form the final building. beads wire various hardware plastic mesh cork aluminum mesh rubber bands key rings embroidery hoops hand sewn sleeve quick photoshop render


s o p h omore s pr i ng

mask studio

professor: Ronn Daniel

the mask studio began with a study of native masks from around the world. I chose a Yup’ik mask and began research of traditional Alaskan fish and fishing, creating an explorative drawing. a joint study followed, inspecting the connections found in the mask.

embroidery string various screws + bolts chipboard lead vellum rapidograph, india ink

mask studio

professor: Ronn Daniel a reliquary for the mask: the mask is placed in the open space between the two layer of repetitive “doodle plates� as components of the mask come in and outward the doodle plates form around the mask, following the topography of the mask. the doodle plates were inspired by the hand carved pieces attached to the mask, using acrylic instead as a modernization and nod to the icy topography of alaska. model featured in artWorks gallery

steel tubing laser cut acrylic threaded rod rubber bands hex nuts

mask studio

professor: Ronn Daniel process work: sketches focusing on the exact topography of the yup’ik mask, pictured below. continued technical sketching of the joints within the mask.quick mock up model of the mask, physically creating the negative of the mask with movable paper tabs.

the entrance: the mesh backing allows for you to speak with the localized god

the second body: a maturing, growing process

mask studio

professor: Ronn Daniel partner: Andrew Hertlein a body for the mask: two week partner project creating ‘something to hold a body.’ Andrew’s Senufo mask shows two faces — we challenged this by creating two bodies. researching the African tribe, we used ideas of confession, localized god, light, and maturation rituals to create our story and form. this 9’ structure is held up by 12 clamps on an existing column.

pine lumber corrugated aluminum panels acrylic wire mesh bolts clamps

material study using light to make acrylic glow and reflect.

quick form studies based on traditional Senufo dancing.

mask studio

professor: Ronn Daniel partner: Andrew Hertlein process work: Andrew watched videos of traditional Senufo dances performed by two men in maturation ceremonies, sketching their interlocking positions. I worked to use his sketches to create an interlocking structural piece which resulted in a shared wall between the two bodies, allowing you to climb down into the second body.

1:1 model

highlighted is the shared wall between the two spaces, supported by 12 clamps to the column. the extra support beam was added during construction.

01 s o p homore f al l

f lâ neur studio

professor: William Tate

micron, pencil, vellum, watercolor, paint samples

this studio was inspired by the French term flâneur: to wander. we flâneured our drafting supplies— tracing and collaging them to create line drawings. research continued focusing on Perry Kulper, warfighting by the us marine corps, 5150 guitar, espresso machine, Giacometti’s walking man sculpture, barcelona chairs, and scarpa’s library of 4052 books.

micron trace collage

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