Consumers. The Most Powerful Marketing Tool.

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CONSUMERS. THE MOST POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL. A guide to marketing to Generation C. Commercial in Confidence.

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Connected Media. Web 2.0 and interactive media.

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The Connected Generation. Behavioural targeting.

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Buyer Behaviour How Gen C search, consider and buy products and services.

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The Problem For Brands What problem do we solve for you?

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Branding 2.0 The new way to define ‘positioning’.

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Our Model. Who we are. A team designed for Generation Connect.

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The Process. How to develop creative materials for Generation Connect.

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Next Steps. Research. Social Listening. Creative Development. Document design and content by Ed Brice Planning Director OMG! Creative 2013


Un marketing. No spin. The world doesn’t need more irrelevant noise.

MEET GENERATION CONNECT. A market segment defined by behaviour not demographics.

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A group bound by use of connected technology. Everything they do, think and experience is shared through multiple networks. Online connections and shared experiences factor in to the decision making process.

We have reached a tipping point with consumer behaviour which has forced us to think about segmentation differently. IBM recently branded this behavioural phenomenon of the connected consumer as ‘Gen C’. Traditional demographic groups Gen X, Y and Next are ageing. Their media habits are heavily ‘connected’ online. Figures show that the Baby Boomers are also well entrenched in connected media. Gen C is the collective term for the vast majority of people in all demographics who are empowered by technology, transparency and an abundance of information. The average Australian consumer is connected to the web like never before. They use their chosen interactive version of the web (social media) that’s optimised for mobile and tablet to surf, chat, browse, connect to the world, appraise brands and decide what to buy. It’s important to note that digital and social are considered as one in the same. Social tools are the superhighways in which users surf on Web 2.0. They are device-friendly, interactive and shareable. These online superhighways are interconnected. It’s very easy to switch from Facebook to YouTube, to Twitter, to Instagram, to a Blog, to Pinterest and so on. It’s also very easy to take an exit and land at a specific destination - a business website.

Typical Australian Facebooker spends more than 7 hours on site a week & has 258 fans, friends or followers.

Product Research in Social Media is growing at 29% YOY.

On The Couch

66% of it on the couch, in front of TV.

Review Influencers 1 in 4 Australians provided a brand review online last year. 72% of them provided over 10 or more reviews.

Web 2.0 connectivity spans generations. It’s as prevalent for interactions with friends, brands that are for ‘comfort’, brands that are for ‘self actualisation’, brands that are for ‘work’ and brands that are for ‘function’.

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Customers get buy with a little help from their friends. The blaring noise that consumers continually experience has forced them to adapt how they spend their attention. Consumers have time to spare on what they are interested in. It’s true to say that data never sleeps. Each member of Gen C has a digital record of their life online including their personal stream of consciousness - social media. By studying interests we no longer have to guess which campaigns will have relevance to their audiences. We can now study conversations and connections to inform us on what resonates with desired segments and interest groups. With social listening tools we can also approach the right people online with the right message. This is about intelligence. We can learn how to engage a Gen C target audience based on what is important to them and what will get their attention. We can also help activate customers to talk, review and share thoughts about the brand. It takes seconds for consumers to be empowered with online WOM. It’s important to influence them by helping others say great things about a brand. ONE Get attention Use intelligence to approach the right people, right time. TWO Grow Interest Develop a connection Maintain the relationship with great content THREE Develop Desire Inform connections so they can talk and share. Usually customers will see what others are saying online about a brand. FOUR Experience and Share Use of the product or service leading to advocacy. Provide content that can be shared. Poor quality is not tolerated and will actually turn users into active rejecters with influence.

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We reconfigure a brand’s marketing mix for Gen C. An ideas shop with strategists and creatives. A boffin team with IA, UX and other complicated stuff. Australia’s leading social media agency. A media local resource with global clout. A friendly team who say it like it is.

BRAND The realisation was pretty quick. We were working in advertising, but we hated ads. Given the choice, most people will avoid them. We IQ, we fast forward, we skip on YouTube, we throw junk mail in the bin, we delete spam, flick past pages of ads in papers and mags, we channel surf on radio - we are sick of being interrupted. We recognised that we needed to evolve rapidly if we were going to be able to provide clients with what they required to succeed and grow their business. So we wrote a new set of rules.

3hree floors Gp THINKTANK SOCIAL



The first. Be interesting. If we are not interesting, our work will be avoided. So what makes ‘interesting’? After observing popular content we developed a formula for success. For content to be ‘sought after’ by its audience it must be one or more of the following elements: Useful, enjoyable, human, emotional, inclusive and ultimately shareable. Combined with this formula for success we have built a team to make the process easy. As an agency with a history in advertising we already have access to the best of design, film, sound, animation, photography, printing and media strategy. We have complemented the mix with people who eat code for breakfast, have apps to feed their cat and know what a better version of the space shuttle would be.





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Confirm the objectives. Uncover the specific buyer behaviour for the category. Utilise social listening and available research to develop interest profiles for the brand and category. Commence mix and marketing audit. Develop strategy and creative. To activate your connected media marketing solution please contact either Ed or Matt on: Ed Brice - Planning Director Level 3, 180 Flinders Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Mobile 0406 544 832 Skype edbrice @edbriceOMG Matt Turner - Business Director Level 3, 180 Flinders Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Mobile 0407 568 557

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