Step Into Your Destiny

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Step Into Your Destiny! Psalms 37:23-24

Bishop Amos Thomas & Lady Delores Griffey, III Senior Pastor Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church Nashville, TN

Grace and Peace! We greet you in the name of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ! Bishop Amos Thomas Griffey, III and I would like to welcome Dr. Portia H. Shields, TSU students, friends, and relatives. Our utmost prayer for you is that God’s plan for you will rule in your life that His purpose for you will take precedence in all areas of your life. May His privileges will be manifested daily in every walk of your life. Jesus himself said I come that you may have life and life more abundantly. Please know and believe that God’s plan, God’s purpose, and God’s privileges will lead you to that abundant life. Seek His plan for you, Strive to fulfill His purpose for you and Receive His awesome privileges as you. . . Establish your footsteps in His word; And let not any iniquity have dominion over you. Our, as well as your Destiny is in God’s hands. He has already predetermined your course of events. Your end is held by His irresistible power. Jeremiah 29:11 says. . . “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”. Step into your Destiny and allow the Lord to continue to order your footsteps in His word! Bishop Dr. A.T. & Lady Dee Griffey, III

Best Wishes

to Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church for a

Spirit-Filled Women’s Day The Women of the Conley Family Mother Ellie B. Conley Judy Conley Goldthree Janis Conley Perry Hellena Pleas-Conley Reena N. Goldthree Veatrice E. Conley

In Memory of Our Mothers Mrs. Stella Palmer Mrs. Mary Gragg on Our Women’s Day Deacon Eddie & Mother Nina Gragg

Congratulations to the

Women of Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church on their

Annual Women’s Day In Loving Memory of Ella Belle Smith Rachel Parker Augustine Smith Dartis Venorian L. Parker Janice P. Skinner Parker - Doucet Family

Congratulations to our First Lady & Women’s Day Chairman

Delores (Dee) Griffey; A beautiful and hard-working Woman of God. We love and appreciate you! The Women of Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church

Dr. Portia H. Shields

PRESIDENT Tennessee State University An empowering message will be presented by Dr. Portia H. Shields who is a legend in her own right. Dr. Shields was appointed to the presidency of Tennessee State University (TSU) in January 2011 – the first female to assume the role of president in the history of the institution. Before her appointment at TSU, Dr. Shields served as the first female Chief Executive Officer and Chief Academic Officer at Concordia College in Selma, Alabama, from November 2007 to December 2009. Dr. Shields assumed the executive post at Albany State University in 1996, becoming its first female president and retiring in 2005 after serving for 10 years. Prior to her leadership at Albany State, Dr. Shields served as Dean of the School of Education at Howard University in Washington, D.C. and previously served as Director of Medical Education and Biomedical Communications in the university’s College of Medicine. Dr. Shields earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from the District of Columbia Teachers College, a Master of Arts degree in Education from George Washington University, Washington, D.C., and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education from the University of Maryland at College Park. She pursued advanced study completing a post-doctoral fellowship in West Africa, awarded by the African American Institute, New York, New York. Additional scholarly research and studies were completed at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Columbia University, New York, New York; American University, Washington, D.C.; and the University of the District of Columbia. Named in 2004 as one of Georgia’s 50 “Most Influential Women” by the Georgia Informer, Dr. Shields is distinguished as one of the founding presidents of the American University of Ethiopia. She has a wide range of stellar experiences and accomplishments in the field of higher education and holds memberships in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., National Council of Negro Women, and Phi Delta Kappa and Kappa Delta Pi Honor Societies.

Step Into Your Destiny! Deacon Cordelia Wakefield

Worship Leader, Pleasant Green Baptist Church

Order of Worship Call to Worship.........................................................................................................Deacon Cordelia Wakefield Processional............................................................................................................................... Mt. Olive Youth “Enter In” Music by Joe Pace People in Worship Congregational Song.................................................................................................................. Mt. Olive Choir Invocation................................................................................................................Deacon Cordelia Wakefield Scripture..................................................................................................................................... Sister Jayne Hill Psalm 37: 23-24 and 119:133 Ministry of Music....................................................................................................................... Mt. Olive Choir Acknowledgement of Visitors.............................................................................................. Sister JoAnn Jones Ministry of Music....................................................................................................................... Mt. Olive Choir Ministry of Giving........................................................................................................................Mt. Olive Men Offertory Prayer................................................................................................................. Sister Destiny Rainer Offertory Music Presentation of Messenger...............................................................................................Sister Judy Goldthree Ministry of Music....................................................................................................................... Mt. Olive Choir . ................................................................................................................. St. James Missionary Baptist Church “Order My Steps” Messenger........................................................................................................................... Dr. Portia H. Shields . ............................................................................................................... President, Tennessee State University Invitation to Discipleship................................................................................................ Minister Beverly Kirby . ....................................................................................................................... Christ The Healer, Clarksville, TN Invitational Music...................................................................................................................... Mt. Olive Choir Remarks and Presentation............................................................................................. Sister Michelle Moody . ........................................................................................................................ Bishop Amos Thomas Griffey, III Closing Prayer & Benedition....................................................................................Deacon Cordelia Wakefield Christian Fellowship...................................................................................................................Depart to Serve

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Congratulations to the

Women of Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church on your

Deacon William F. “Bill” Henderson Chairman of the Deacon Board

Women’s Day Celebration!


Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, It is a thing to be achieved.

William Jennings Bryan


Jayne Childress Hill Marcus Petway Marchelle Petway

on your Women’s Day to The Women of Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church

“Step Into Your Destiny” Thyckla T. Gray

Committee Tea Sis. Tea - Ruth Johnson, Sis. Rhonda Burgess October 22 - NOON Finance Sis. Joanne Jones, Sis. Yvette Boyd Program Sis. Michelle Moody, Sis. Sandra Fuqua, Sis. Thyckla Gray Decoration Sis. Jayne Hill, Sis. Belinda Scott, Sis. Delois Bond-Smith Ads & Patrons Sis. Judy Goldthree Public Relations/Graphic Design Minister Lisa J. O’Bryant Food Sis. Shaticka Rainier, Sis. April Calvin, Sis. Angela McCrary Ushers Sis. Barbara Nightingale, Sis. Cynthia Stewart Dance Ministry Sis. Shaticka Rainer Mt. Olive Young Ladies Hostess MultiMedia Bro. Marcus Petway Lady Delores “dee” Griffey Committee Chair Bishop Amos Thomas Griffey, III Senior Pastor

Gratitude To God be the Glory for all the things He has done! Gratitude is more than saying, “Thank You,” when someone gives you something. Gratitude is more than an action which we decide to do by an act of will power. You can say the words, “Thank You,” when there is not gratitude in your heart at all. What it takes to turn the words, “Thank You,” into gratitude is the real, genuine feeling of gratitude. Gratitude is a feeling that arises uncoerced in the heart. It cannot be willed into existence directly if it is not there. Gratitude is a form of delight. But gratitude is more than delighting in a gift. It is more than feeling happy that you got something you wanted. Gratitude is a happy feeling you have about a giver because of his giving something good to you or doing something good for you. Gratitude is a response to grace. Gratitude is the feeling of happiness you feel toward somebody who has shown you some undeserved kindness, that is, who has been gracious to you. When we say, “Thank You,” to someone, we humble ourselves as a person who has needs, and we exalt them as one who can meet those needs. I do not wish to presume upon your work as my due. I am happy to put myself in the position of one who receives grace. I am happy to honor you as one who can meet my need. The reason a simple, unnecessary “Thank You” can say all this is because of its close association with grace. Since the feeling of gratitude usually rises in our hearts when someone does us an undeserved or uncalledfor favor, the expression of thanks will at any time communicate humility (I am a mere beneficiary of grace) and encouragement (you are my needed and helpful benefactor). “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15 Dee Griffey, Chairperson

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Chief Servant Leader

Bishop Dr. A.T. Griffey, III

Senior Pastor 3411 Albion Street | Nashville, TN 37209 615.320.7722 (Office) 615.609.0126 (Pastor’s Cell) E-Mail:

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