2024 Fall Style Guide

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Fall Into Winter

If you find yourself longing for a beach escape when that first chilly breeze rolls in, this guide may not be for you. However, for those who love to bundle up under those Friday night lights, kick up your feet by a campfire in the woods, or f rolic in the snow, stick around and immerse yourself in our ref reshed Fall and Winter style guide. From repping their favorite mascots on the trendiest styles of the season to facing the elements while enjoying the great outdoors, crushing their work projects to getting a head start on the hunt for the perfect gifts – the back half of the year brings a plethora of opportunity for any brand.

Start Here to Create Your Vision...

For showing up in f resh styles for the first day of the school year

For winning in team gear or spirit wear that you feel proud to sport

For staying warm and dry enjoying the great outdoors

For challenging the elements to get the job done

For giving gifts that turn into keepsakes that just keep on giving

Our collection of premium brands, trending accessories, and exclusive styles is designed to help you build versatile looks that transcend the season, creating a lasting impression on your customers.

Sound like a customer you know ? Be ready to brand the Fall & Winter with top trends for their needs

A Natural Choice

Comfort, quality, and style of JERZEES everyday wear are what make this brand an easy, natural

fits, and colors will bring any art or mascot to life for adults and youth alike. Count on JERZEES for back-to-school essentials that will be the perfect backdrop for expressing their individual sense of style and creativity. Set them up for success with moisture-management tees and durable, pill-resistant fleece. From favorite first-day looks to club fundraisers to team gear and spirit wear, JERZEES is the natural choice.

S c h ool ’s i n

T h e Mai n

E v ent s

From the first day of school to the fourth year on campus, boost team spirit and morale with our selection. Students, faculty, players, coaches, alumni, and fans proudly rep their mascot or alma mater School the competition by ensuring customers can easily take their school-affiliated merch and uniforms f rom the shelf to the classroom, sporting event, college, and home for the holidays.

Russell Athletic. Augusta Sportswear. J. America. Burnside. Liberty Bags.

American Apparel

Heavyweight Cotton Tee

Call for Pricing OAD

J. America

Varsity Fleece Colorblocked Hooded Sweatshir t

$ 50 92

Clear Drawstring Pack

Call for Pricing

Gildan Heavy Blend Fleece Stadium Blanket

$29 80


Tie -Dyed Ribbed Beanie


S h ow S c h oo l Spi r i t

G et ready to s h owc a se s ch o ol spi rit with s tyli s h a n d com fo r t a ble ap p a rel that will h ave you ch ee ri n g i n

s ty le fo s te ri n g a sen s e o f uni ty and p ride wi t hin ou r

com muni ty. J o in t h e t radition, suppo r t your team ,

a n d wear you r col o r s wi t h p ride !

G a m e D ay Me rch

S ch ool Cl u b s Ho m e co m i n g

Pa rent s & Alu m n i


Low Pro Tech Hooded T-Shir t $79 98

Ba dger B- Core Sleeveless Hooded T-Shir t $30.00

a didas

Spacer Quar ter-Zip Pullover $86 52


Pro -Formance Cap



Team Issue Hydrolix 7 ”

Shor ts with Drawcord $58. 20

Sp o r ts Tea m G ea r

C2 Spor t

Youth Performance T-Shir t

Call for Pricing

Para gon

Bahama Performance Hooded Long Sleeve T-Shir t


B e tween pl ayi n g in t h e g a m e or co a chi n g f ro m t h e sideli n e s , s p o r t i n g yo u r

tea m ’ s g ear in st ills a sh a red commitment to t h e s ea s o n ’ s g o a l s. B uildin g

tea m s pi rit a n d boo st ing mo rale a re vital for s u cces s o n a n d o ff t h e field

Foo t ba l l H o ckey B a s ke t bal l So cce r

Pocket-f ree shorts – flag football ready!

Honeycomb mesh back for breathability!


Independent Trading Co.

Dyenomite Apparel

Crush Tie -Dyed T-Shir t $21 70

Of f to Co l le g e

St a r t t h e s eme s te r in s tyle w ith t h ese ap p a rel s t aple s t ha t se r ve a s a vi s ual rep resentation of s ch o ol spi rit a n d

a f filia t ion, s t rengt h eni n g bo n ds ac ross campus a mo n g

st uden ts , fa cu lty a n d alumni

G re ek Li fe

Ca mpu s Job s Boo ks to re Uni ve r si ty Athleti c s

Spirit in Style

When it comes to all-out comfort and cozy, relaxed style, Boxercraft has got it down to a science. From fashionable loungewear to trending ribbed crop tops, explore a collection of new women ’ s styles meant to celebrate spirit and give your customer the f reedom to relax. Make comfort a lifestyle with a brand who’s got roots in spirit wear and knows a thing or two about ease of style and trending fashion. Shop for: boutiques, lifestyle brands, school merch, school

B ox It U p

S c h o ol S piri t

M a ke i t ea sy fo r cu s to me r s to ki ck-s t a r t or re f res h

t h eir b ra n di n g ef fo r t s wi t h c u ra ted s a mple kit s o r

gift s e t s Fro m p re - p a cka ged s e t s to cus to mizabl e

p rodu c t s ele c t i o ns , build t h eir p resen t ati o n a n d b ox

it up to s h owc a s e thei r b ra n d a s a wal ki n g billb o a rd

C rea te unique b ra ndi n g expe rie n ces a n d a m p

up selli n g opp o r tuni t ie s by addi n g the s e s tyle d

lo o ks to yo u r n ext p resent at i o n. Wa lk away w it h

me rch a n disi n g in s pi rat i o n t h at w ill ma ke a

la s ti n g imp re ss i o n so yo u c an co m ple te t h e lo o k , i n c rea se l oya lty, a n d gain com pe t i t i ve ad vant a ge

M u sic M e rch Bou t iq ue s

Su r f & S ka te

Uni fo rmi n g

1. American Apparel. 2 . Tultex. 3. Liberty Bags. 4. Boxercraft. 5. Richardson. 6. Liberty Bags. 7. SOCCO. 8. Oakley.

Her Look

1. BELLA+CANVAS. 2 . Holloway. 3. Hardware. 4. LEGACY.

Tested Tough for Teams

Uniformed in Badger, every team can reach their potential. JV to D1, join the league of teams that perform at their best with moisture-wicking and odor-control apparel to keep cool and dry. Badger rigorously tests every fabric in their Performance Lab We stretch it, wash it, rewash it We try to tear, pill, and fade it We really try to hurt it. Only then, if it passes, is it worthy of your school’s mascot Football, soccer, hockey – whatever they play, you can rely on Badger to never bleed, never fail, and never fade.

F i r st F a l l e n

L e af t o

Embrace the beauty of Autumn Adventures and Winter Wonderlands with essentials designed for comfort and style. Don’t go to market without pieces that provide warmth and functionality while enhancing brand visibility. Whether hiking through vibrant forests or enjoying a night at the campsite, our collection is perfect for outdoor activities, snowy landscapes, and cozy settings.

1 2. 3. Columbia. Weatherproof. Independent Trading Co. OAD. Columbia. MV Sport. Columbia. LAT.


34L Kitchen Sink Backpack

$239 70



Waffle Cuffed Beanie $21 12

Columbia Silver Ridge™ Utility Lite Long Sleeve Shir t $89.18

Columbia Women ’ s West Bend™ II Vest $95.98

Low Pro Tech Long Sleeve T-Shir t

$64 98

Imperial The Golden Hour Cap $39.90

Au t u mn A d ve n tu re s

Weath erproof 32 Degrees Packable Down Blanket $82 22

W h ether hi ki n g t h rough colo r ful fo rests or enj oy ing a nigh t on t h e ca mpsi te , t h e s e es s en t ial s n ot only p rovide com fo r t , bu t als o ad d a n element o f s ty le a n d pe r sonali ty to all ou tdoor expe rie n ce s

Hu n t i n g

H i ki n g Fi s hi n g Ca mpi n g

Comfor t Colors

Garment-Dyed Lightweight Fleece Hooded Sweatshir t $41 98

Columbia Alto Pass™ Fleece Vest $95.98

W in te r

Wo n de r la n d

Comfor t Colors Garment-Dyed Lightweight Fleece Sweat

B e tween t rave r si n g s n ow y l a n dscapes or st ayi n g

cozy i n do o r s , t h ese pie ces n o t only of fer essen t ia l

wa rm th, but rein fo rce b ra n d identi ty th roug h ou t t h e

R e so r t s

Gif t s h op s

Spo r t i n g Eve n t s

Re t ail S to re s

ord Wine Bag

l for Pricing Alpin e Fleece Polyester/Nylon Patterned Picnic Blanket $40 46 OAD OAD Clear Tote with Zippered Top $21 20 Spor tsman

Fall & W in ter A cc esso r ie s

From hats to s c a r ves to b ags , t h ese a ccess o rie s n o t onl y complemen t

s easo n a l o ut fit s a nd p rovide fu n c tionali ty but cont ribu te to b ra n d

v isibili ty a n d re cogni t ion du ri n g t h e cooler m onths

To u ri s t s

Fest i va l M e rch Co rpo ra te Gifti n g Loc a l Bu s i n e ss e s Holloway Expedition Waist Pack $35 78 Hardware

Columbia now offers more than 20 new retail-inspired styles, great for corporate gifting, resort retail shops, outdoor enthusiasts, and more. With strong inventory and improved logo positioning, count on Columbia for programming and high-quality uniform options.

H ow to S ty l e O u t d o o r Le isu r e E di t

His Look

U n i fo rm i n g

Ag ric u l t u re Pubs & B rewe rie s Co rpo ra te Gif t i n g

1. DRI DUCK. 2 . ANETIK. 3. The Game.

Branding Beyond Shift Work

On or off the job, your customers need gear that work as hard as they do. DRI DUCK styles are built to be as comfortable as they are tough, rugged, and ready for everything, including the ever-changing forecast. The f rom water repellant and breathable to waterproof and seam-sealed. Be confident that your brand will stand up to the winter weather and dominate

1. Code Five. 2 . YP Classics. 3. DRI DUCK. 4. Dickies. 5. Dickies. 6. Burnside. 7. DRI DUCK. 8. DRI DUCK. 9. ANETIK.

C u l t i v a t e

L as t i n g

Imp r essi on s

Equip your out-in-the-elements staff with workwear basics that provide safety and functionality. Designed for durability, these pieces ensure productivity and efficiency for those working in cold environments. Find styles that work for on-the-go teams as well and reinforce a cohesive corporate image for

. Independent Trading Co. DRI DUCK. DRI DUCK. ANETIK

Woodland Fleece Pullover $80.70

Sta f f in t h e E le m ent s

T h ese wo rkwea r b a si cs p rovide sa fe ty a n d fu n c t ion a li ty

b o th on a n d o ff t he j o b Thei r lo n g-lasti n g quali ty

ensu re s p rodu c ti v i ty a n d ef fi c ie n cy du ri n g al l

d ay- to- d ay resp o nsibilities

Ag ric u l t u re

Fi s h e rm e n Const r u c t io n Pa rk Ra n ge r s

On - t h e - G o Team s

Pro mo te a sen s e of p ride a n d uni ty a m o n g e m pl oyee s by rein fo rc i n g t h eir con n e c t i o n to t h e o rganiza t ion eve n

w h en th ey a re away f ro m t h e of fi ce. Enha n c ing b ra n d

re cognition a n d fo s te ring a co h esi ve co rpo ra te imag e ins t ill s co n fiden ce in clients a n d po tential c us tome r s .

Sa l e speopl e A rch i te c t s Const r u c t ion

Here for the Long Haul

Talented builders, shapers, and dreamers wear their pride on their sleeves – and those sleeves are Dickies. These classic workwear silhouettes are built for those who choose to spend their f ree time working towards their goals or passions, on or off the clock The “No Days Off ” durability and lasting comfort of Dickies draws on the grit and determination of those who get the job done, while the “Off Duty” street

The Comfortable Approach to Fashion

Get ready for sweater weather with trendy fashion basics in a bold color palette. MV Sport brings together approachable fashion and comfort in hoodies, crews, and bottoms. Think soft, light, timeless yet playful by nature. Their fleece collection is perfect for creating on-trend looks for lifestyle brands and destination retail shops (or even team events and casual Fridays). If you are looking to evolve your color play or to create unique branding opportunities, stock up on MV Sport. Become a part of their favorite memories with apparel that makes it out of the suitcase and into their everyday outfits.

1. adidas. 2 . Sportsman. 3. Columbia. 4. Liberty Bags. 5. MV Sport. 6. American Apparel. 7. CAP AMERICA. 8. SOCCO. 9. Liberty Bags. 10. J. America.

Ma ke M a gica l

These thoughtful holiday present ideas are perfect for corporate gifting, holiday-exclusive merchandise, employee appreciation, and family gifts. (Sustainable options, too!)



Trend Alert! Matching sets are a great affordable gift option that your clients or employees will love!

Alpin e Fleece

Faux Fur Throw $ 57.50


Ultimate365 Textured

Quar ter-Zip Pullover

$79 80


Women ’ s Flora Park™ II

Softshell Jacket

$167 58 a didas

L u xu r y Gif t s


Women ’ s Breeze Tech Hooded T-Shir t $74 .98

H elp yo ur cu s tome r s exp res s t h eir g ratitude by

p rov iding t h e m with re cognizable b ra n ds tha t of fe r

p ra c t ic a l, fa shion a ble wa rd ro be additions

Em pl oye e R e cogni t io n

Fa s h ion I n flu e n ce r s

Fa mily & Frie n d s

Reb ra n d L a u n ch

46L Weekender Bag $91 98

a didas

Women’s Fleece

Quar ter-Zip Pullover


Columbia PFG Fish Flag™

Cuffed Beanie $44 04

r ty Ba gs

Recycled 18” Small Duffel Bag $24 14

S u s t ainab l e G ift s

G ifting sustain a ble o ption s co nveys a m e s sage o f e nv i ronmen t al co ns c iousnes s & ethical resp o nsibili ty

By s h oppi n g e co - f rie n dly s ty le s , gif t- gi ve r s n o t o nl y

s h owc ase a t h oughtful app ro a ch, but also cont ribu te to a m o re resp o n s ible fashion i n dust r y for t h e fu t u re

Co rpo ra te Gifti n g

S ka te & S u rf S h op s a didas Blend Polo


Make Adventure Last

Elevate your winter wardrobe with Independent Trading Co., where quality is woven into every detail. From 100% cotton face and double fleece-lined hoods to durable zippers, each piece is crafted for ultimate comfort and durability. Independent Trading Co. ensures cozy comfort for all your outdoor adventures. As a leading manufacturer of high-quality blank apparel since 1987, they offer over 50 bold and unique styles that stand the test of time. Discover the difference that quality makes this season with Independent Trading Co.

1. Paragon 2 . Q-Tees 3. adidas. 4. Richardson. 5. Holloway. 6. Oakley.


Entering the Heavyweight class for the first time, BELLA+CANVAS Just Got Heavy. Meet the BELLA+CANVAS Heavyweight Collection, featuring a 6 oz., 100% cotton t-shirt and long sleeve in premium soft Airlume-combed and ring-spun cotton. These shirts were built to be heavy, blended to be soft, and designed to be meaningful.

From the streets to skate & surf shops to tours & roadshows, the Heavy Collection is for any artist with a vision.


Omnisource Marketing is a certified Women-Owned, Brand Engagement Agency headquartered in Indianapolis, IN. Omnisource excels at blending branded merchandise, serving as a creative agency and offering a best-in-class service experience!
















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