Reiki Spiritual Healing is an alternate therapy, which helps people recover from physical and emotional illness. This energy healing technique works by transferring universal energy through the practitioner’s hand into the patient. This technique, which was developed in Japan, during the later part of 1800, works with energy fields, around the body. Few organizations provide Reiki training in Sydney for interested candidates. Experts in the field would train individuals so that they can help people recover from various ailments. The training sessions would involve practical sessions so that the teacher would be confident about their disciple. Once they are sure that the candidate is doing perfect, they would be certified, so that they can practice individually, with any, guidance or surveillance of seniors. Experts suggest that this healing process should be practised in a peaceful and calm setting. The patient is made to sit or lie down in a comfortable position, with their clothes. Choice of music is left to the patient. Only soft and soothing music could be useful for this technique. In a few cases, the session would not include any music. The reiki expert would place their hands on or over specific areas, such as head, limbs or other parts, in different shapes, for two to five minutes. Hands can be placed at 20 different points, which are healing points, all through the body. When the practitioner holds their hands over the body, energy transfer takes place. At this time, the hands could be warm and tingling. The individual holds the position until they feel the energy flow has stopped. Then they would place the hand at other position and/or location.