The STAR - South Texas Assemblies Review - Summer 2015

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How$beautiful$on$the$mountains$ $$$$are$the$feet$of$the$messenger$$ $ who$brings$good$news,$ the$good$news$of$peace$and$salvation,$ $$$$the$news$that$the$God$of$Israel$reigns!$ !








OUR SUPERINTENDENT FROMFROM OUR SUPERINTENDENT “Every' experience' God'gives'us,'every' person' he' puts' in' our' lives,' is' the' perfect'preparation' for' the' future' that' only' he' can' see.”! Corrie!Ten!Boom! We!have!a!choice!to! either! believe! this! or!not!! !I!choose!to! believe! that! God! i s n ’ t! t a k e n! b y! Reverends Tim surprise! and! that! He! has! an! ultimate! & Jill Barker plan,! regardless! of! m y! l a c k! o f! understanding.!!While!there!is!much!I!don’t!know,!I!can!rest! in!His!Sovereignty!! I!have!often!referred!to!Psalm!100!as!the!DOXOLOGY,!and!a! musical! version! is! often! found! within! most! hymnals.! ! The! Hebrew! text! calls! it,! “A' Psalm' of' giving' thanks.”! ! In! Old! Testament! times,! the! Jews! used! it! as! part! of! the! Temple! worship.! ! Focusing! on! the! last! verse,! notice! three! specific! reasons! to! praise! God:! ! “For' the' Lord' is' good' and' his' love' endures'forever;'his'faithfulness'to'all'generations.”' “FOR'THE'LORD'IS'GOOD”'I!speaks!of!God’s!character;!that! God! is! good! and! all! he! does! is! good.! ! Have! you! ever! wondered!if!things!for!you!would!ever!get!better?! !While!I! don’t!know!the!particulars!of!every!situation,!I!do!know!that! God!has!been!good.! Often! in! many! of! our! churches,! Pastor’s! proclaim,! “God! is! good!”! ! The! congregation! responds,! “All! the! time.”!! Everything!we!see!around!us!confirms!this!truth.!!Sometimes! God’s! goodness! is! seen! quickly,! other! times! slowly! as! we! consider! the! mysterious! ways! of! God.! ! But,! eventually! we! come!to!the!realization!that!nothing!leaves!God’s!hand!that! does!not!touch!his!goodness!in!one!way!or!the!other.! Psalm! 100! asks! us! to! praise! God! simply! because! HE! IS! GOOD!! ! This! is! the! highest! form! of! praise,! when! we! praise! God!not!for!what!he!does!but!for!who!he!is.!!! “HIS' LOVE' ENDURES' FOREVER”! –! or! as! some! translations! read,! “His! mercy! endures…’,! this! speaks! of! HIS! NATURE.!! God’s!mercies!do!not!change!and!it!doesn’t!depend!on!me! or!you!to!do!anything.!!!

“ H I S' FA I T H F U L N ES S' CO N T I N U ES' T H RO U G H' A L L' GENERATIONS.”' ' We! can! face! the! future! with! confidence! because! his! faithfulness! continues! from! one! generation! to! another.! ! One! translation! says,! “His! truth! endures.”! ! He! is! true!in!himself.!!He!is!true!in!his!dealing!with!creation.!!He!is! true!in!dealing!with!humanity.!!He!is!true!in!all!his!promises.!! And,!this!is!the!case!“THROUGH!ALL!GENERATIONS”.! !From! GENERATION! to! GENERATION,! or! as! Exodus! 20:6! says,! God! shows!his!love!to!“a!thousand!generations.”!!! God!has!promised!to!be!faithful!to!every!generation.! !If!my! values!are!weak,!that!promise!becomes!a!punishment;!but!if! my! values! reflect! God’s! values,! then! that! promise! becomes! my!best!hope!for!the!future.!!Because!God!is!faithful,!we!can! trust!him!with!the!generations!yet!to!come.!!! Three!things!I!know!as!I!grow!older:!! 1) THE$LORD$IS$GOOD$ 2) HIS$MERCY$ENDURES$FOREVER$ 3) H I S$ F A I T H F U L N E S S$ C O N T I N U E S$ F R O M$ GENERATION$TO$GENERATION!

Ordination Class of 2015 Listed below in alphabetical order.

Jesse Alderete, Kendra Baird, John D. Barecca, Kelly Baumgartner, Rebekah Braten, Goodluck Okotie Eboh, Anne S. Griffin, Carrie Guy, Vanessa Hall, Antwuanne Jamison-Dixon, Brenda Kelly, Shaenelle N. Johnston, Stephanie Keller, Shane Klinkerman, Jake Lefler, Rochelle A. Denton Lefler, Christine Morgan, Sandra Peacock, Joe Don Raiborn, Norma Saldivar, Autumn Starnes, Eli Stewart, Anna E. Thoreson, Jesus Vega, Dustin Wilson, Tommy L. Wilborn (Trey), Michael Willard




The$foundation$of$the$Early$Church$ Developing!a!Prayer!Culture!

As!we!examine!the!history!of!the!early! church! as! recorded! by! Luke! in! the! Book!of!Acts,!we!see!the!foundation!of! the!church!being!laid!by!Jesus!himself,! the! cornerstone,! and! the! activity! of! the! church! being! established! by! His! followers,! fearful! and! imperfect! as! they! were,! as! they! work! with! and! through! the! Risen! Lord! in! the! person! of! the! Holy! Spirit.! ! What! an! exciting! joint!venture!between!God!the!Father,! Jesus! the! Risen! Savior,! the! precious! Holy!Spirit!and!the!church.! !The!Book! of! Acts! begins! to! see! fulfilled! the! words! of! Mark! in! chapter! 16,! “19#When#the#Lord#Jesus#had#finished# talking# with# them,# he# was# taken# up# into#heaven#and#sat#down#in#the#place# of# honor# at# God’s# right# hand.# 20# And# the# disciples# went# everywhere# and# preached,# and' the' Lord' worked' through' them,# confirming# what# they# said#by#many#miraculous#signs.”##!(NLT)!! The!early!church!has!given!to!us!a!rich! heritage! and! a! solid! foundation! upon! which! to! build! our! lives! and! our! churches.!!! The$followers$of$Jesus…$ 1. $Gave$all$to$follow$the$Lord.$$$Many$ of$ them$ had$ laid$ down$ their$ professions,$ possessions$ and$ even$ family$to$follow$Jesus.$ Matthew! 4:18# One# day# as# Jesus# was# walking#along#the#shore#of#the#Sea#of# Galilee,# he# saw# two# brothers—Simon,# also# called# Peter,# and# Andrew— throwing#a#net#into#the#water,#for#they# fished# for# a# living.# 19# Jesus# called# out# to# them,# “Come,# follow# me,# and# I# will# show# you# how# to# fish# for# people!”# 20#And#they#left#their#nets#at#once#and# followed#him.#!(NLT)!

2.$ $ All$ denied$ the$ Lord.$ $ They$ slept$ instead$of$prayed.$$$

5. $Witnessed$His$crucifixion$and$His$ resurrection$

Matthew!26! 35# “No!”# Peter# insisted.# “Even# if# I# have#to#die#with#you,#I#will#never#deny# you!”# And# all# the# other# disciples# vowed#the#same.# 56# But# this# is# all# happening# to# fulfill# the# words# of# the# prophets# as# recorded# in# the# Scriptures.”# At# that# point,# all# the# disciples# deserted# him# and#fled.# 40# Then# he# returned# to# the# disciples# and# found# them# asleep.# He# said# to# Peter,# “Couldn’t# you# watch# with# me# even# one# hour?# 41# Keep# watch# and# pray,# so# that# you# will# not# give# in# to# temptation.# For# the# spirit# is# willing,# but#the#body#is#weak!”#

Luke! 26:! 32# They# said# to# each# other,# “Didn’t#our#hearts#burn#within#us#as#he# talked# with# us# on# the# road# and# explained# the# Scriptures# to# us?”# 33# And# within# the# hour# they# were# on# their# way# back# to# Jerusalem.# There# they#found#the#eleven#disciples#and#the# others# who# had# gathered# with# them,# 34# who# said,# “The# Lord# has# really# risen!#He#appeared#to#Peter.”# J e s u s# w a s# s e e n# b y# o v e r# 5 0 0# (1Corinthians#15:6)##followers#after#the# resurrection,# but# only# 120# (Acts# 1:15)# went# to# Jerusalem# to# wait# for# the# promised#outpouring#of#the#Holy#Spirit.!

3. $ Repented$ and$ continued$ to$ follow$ the$ Lord$ except$ one$ (Judas)$ Matthew! 26:75! Suddenly,# Jesus’# words# flashed# through# Peter’s# mind:# “Before# the# rooster# crows,# you# will# deny#three#times#that#you#even#know# me.”# And# he# went# away,# weeping# bitterly.! Some! of! the! disciples! imperfections! were! unhealthy! ambitions,! family! issues,! jealousies! between! one! another! and! with! other! groups! who! w e r e! f o l l o w i n g! t h e! L o r d ,! misinterpreting! the! scriptures! and! the!words!of!Jesus!and!trying!to!solve! spiritual! issues! in! the! flesh! (carnal! techniques! and! strategies);! some! of! the! very! things! we! struggle! with! today.! (Matthew! 18:1;! ! Mark! 3:20! &! 21).! ! The! key! to! spiritual! success! lies! in!us!continually!giving!(confessing)!to! the! Lord! our! imperfections! and! struggles! and! being! willing! to! turn! from! those! activities! (repentance)! that!displease!the!Lord.!!! 4. $ Experienced$ His$ life$ changing$ power,$forgiveness$and$healing.$ Luke! 7:! 47# “I# tell# you,# her# sins—and# they# are# many—have# been# forgiven,# so#she#has#shown#me#much#love.#But# a# person# who# is# forgiven# little# shows# only#little#love.”#48#Then#Jesus#said#to# the#woman,#“Your#sins#are#forgiven.”# 49# The# men# at# the# table# said# among# themselves,#“Who#is#this#man,#that#he# goes#around#forgiving#sins?”# 50# And# Jesus# said# to# the# woman,# “Your# faith# has# saved# you;# go# in# peace.”!

6.$ Obedient$ to$ the$ Risen$ Lord’s$ command$ to$ wait$ in$ Jerusalem$ until$ they$received$power$from$on$high.$$ Luke! 24:! 49# “And# now# I# will# send# the# Holy#Spirit,#just#as#my#Father#promised.# But#stay#here#in#the#city#until#the#Holy# Spirit# comes# and# fills# you# with# power# from#heaven.”##50#Then#Jesus#led#them# to# Bethany,# and# lifting# his# hands# to# heaven,#he#blessed#them.#51#While#he# was# blessing# them,# he# left# them# and# was# taken# up# to# heaven.# 52# So# they# worshiped# him# and# then# returned# to# Jerusalem#filled#with#great#joy.#53#And# they# spent# all# of# their# time# in# the# Temple,#praising#God.# Acts#1# 4#Once#when#he#was#eating#with#them,# he# commanded# them,# “Do# not# leave# Jerusalem# until# the# Father# sends# you# the# gift# he# promised,# as# I# told# you# before.# 5# John# baptized# with# water,# but# in# just# a# few# days# you# will# be# baptized#with#the#Holy#Spirit.”! 7. All$(120)$were$filled$with$the$Holy$ Spirit$ as$ they$ waited,$ and$ worshiped$ in$ Jerusalem.$ (Then$ refilled$in$Acts$4).$$$ Acts! 2:4# And# everyone# present# was# filled# with# the# Holy# Spirit# and# began# speaking# in# other# languages,# as# the# Holy#Spirit#gave#them#this#ability.# Acts! 4:31$ After# this# prayer,# the# meeting# place# shook,# and# they# were# all#filled#with#the#Holy#Spirit.#Then#they# preached# the# word# of# God# with# boldness.! Continued!on!next!page…!

Continued…! 8.$ Committed$ themselves$ to$ the$ Apostles$ doctrine,$ prayer,$ fellowship$ and$ to$ the$ breaking$ of$ bread.$ $ (Acts$ 2:43)$ The$ foundation$ (lifestyle$ habits)$ of$ the$early$church.$$ • Willing! to! leave! everything! and! follow!Jesus;!! • Walked!in!repentance;!! • Walked!in!obedience;!Waited!for!His! power!/!continually;!! • Committed!to!God’s!Word;!! • Committed! to! prayer! &! receiving! from! the! Lord! wisdom,! guidance,! anointing,!boldness;!! • C o m m i t t e d! t o! o n e! a n o t h e r! (fellowship);!! • Committed!to!the!breaking!of!bread! (with!one!another/communion);!! • Committed!to!relationship!with!God! and!with!one!another;!! • Committed! to! spreading! the! good! news!of!Jesus.! The$ first$ and$ most$ important$ discipline$ of$ the$ early$ church$ was$ individual$prayer.!!!!

They!had!seen!prayer!modeled!in!the! life!of!Jesus!and!had!begun!to!develop! a! culture! of! prayer! both! individually! and!corporately.!!!The!early!church!had! a!hunger!for!what!Jesus!had!modeled,! His! total! dependence! upon! God! the! Father! in! prayer! to! receive! strength,! expressing! His! heart! to! Him! and! to! listen!for!His!voice.!!! The$ second$ aspect$ of$ prayer$ was$ learning$ to$ pray$ and$ worship$ the$ Father$together,$corporately.!!!! We!see!prayer!mentioned!34!times!in! the!Book!of!Acts.!!Many!of!these!times! of! prayer! were! done! together! as! a! group.! ! !We!see!documented!that!the! first! act! of! obedience! of! the! early! followers!of!Jesus!was!being!obedient! to! the! Lord’s! command! to! wait! in! Jerusalem! until! they! received! power! from!on!high.!!(Luke!24:49l53;!Acts!1:4! &!5)! !500!were!commanded!but!only! 120!remained!to!receive!the!power!of! the! Holy! Spirit,! the! anointing,! the! divine! ability! to! boldly! spread! the! gospel! message.! ! And! then! two! chapters! later! the! church! gathered! to! pray! and! it! is! recored! that! they! were! refilled,! their! tank! was! “topped! off”!(A.!Garrison,!63rd!District!Council)!

and! the! place! where! they! were! meeting!was!shaken!and!they!left!that! place! preaching! the! word! of! God! boldly.!!(Acts!4:31)! As! pastors! we! need! to! make$ top$ priority! the! development! of! our! individual! prayer! life! and! then! secondly!the!development!of!a!prayer! culture!within!our!churches.! !It!is!only! then! that! we! can! see! our! people! connected! to! the! Father! and! to! one! another! in! fellowship! and! thus! model! to! the! world! spiritual! community.! ! It! will! not! happen! automatically! and! there!is!not!enough!time!for!it!to!take! place! during! our! corporate! worship! services.! ! There! must! be! times! set! aside!to!teach!and!model!prayer,!time! with!the!Father;!worshiping,!listening,! modeling!and!allowing!the!expression! of! the! ! prophetic! gifts! of! the! Holy! Spirit.! ! The! excitement! of! ministry! begins! when! we! see! our! people! co n n e c t i n g! i n! fe l l o ws h i p! a n d! friendship!to!the!Living!God.!!!!! If! you! would! like! to! discuss! how! to! develop! a! stronger! prayer! culture! within!your!local!church!give!me!a!call.!! Don#Wiehe


OCTOBER 9-10 @ Cr ossr oad s Fe ll ow ship - Houst on A.M.T.! ! (Accelerated! Minister’s! Training)! is! one! of! the! best! opportunities! for! ministerial! training!that!is!Biblical!and!practical!!!!Some!of!South!Texas’!best!ministers!share!their!!own! knowledge!and!experience!in!a!relational!way!to!equip!you!for!more!effective!ministry.!! Crossroads! Fellowship! l! Assembly! of! God,! located! at! 12110! E.! Sam! Houston! Pkwy! in! Houston,!Texas!will!be!the!only!location!this!year,!and!all!AMT!Sessions!will!be!live!streamed! on!the!web!through!!! TIME:!Sessions!are!7!–!9!p.m.!Friday!evening,!!and!9!a.m.!–!12!p.m.!on!Saturday!morning.!! A.M.T.!is!a!two!year!requirement!for!all!Certified!and!Licensed!Minister’s.!!! The!only!exemption!is!if!you!have!graduated!from!an!Assemblies!of!God!College!or!University.!


For the most up to date Minister’s contact information login to ACCESS SOUTH TEXAS. Transfer$Out$ Taylor!Choate!to!North!Texas! Transfers$In$ Chris!Ball!from!New!Mexico! Eugene!Carvalho!from!Southern! New!England! David!M.!and!Maria!C.!Gomez! from!TexaslLouisiana!Hispanic! District! Daniel!Mayberry!from!Northern! California!Nevada! Matthew!Robertson!from!N.! Texas! Timothy!Wiebe!from!N.!Texas! New$Certified$Ministers$ Andrew!Cabasa!–!San!Anotnio! David!Calderon!–!Houston!Section! Ashley!Candelaria!–!San!Jacinto! Sarah!Davey!–!San!Antonio! Jenny!Elliff!–!Neches!Valley! Steve!Emerson!–!North!Houston!

Candace!Halcomb!–!N.!Houston! Brent!Hamilton!–!N.!Houston! Todd!Jackson!–!San!Antonio! William!Lester!–!North!Houston! Jonathan!Mussett!–!San!Antonio! John!Okoro!–!Houston!Section! Austin!Poper!–!North!Houston! Bruce!“Alex”!Stinson!lN!Houston! Shere!Trevino!–!Corpus!Christi!

Church$Address$Change$ First!A/G!Highlands! Now#using#only#physical#address# 406!N!Magnolia! Highlands,!TX!77562!

New$Licensed$Ministers$ Rebecca!Fithen!–!N.!Houston! Rufus!Mathew!–!Gulf!Coast! Stephen!Samuel!–!Beaumont!

Church$Transfer$ New!Life!Fellowship! P.O.!Box!3533! Galveston,!TX!77552! 409.744.2581!

Upgrade$License$ Sarah!Fritsch!–!North!Houston! Kim!Gibson!–!San!Antonio! John!Hauck!–!San!Antonio! Emily!Rushton!l!Houston!

Ministers$&$Spouses’$$ Home$Goings$ Rose!Marie!Shepherd!–!2/17/15! Rev.!O.!C.!Bates!–!05/17/15! Rev.!Charles!Samuels!–!05/16/15! Rev.!John!Perry!l!06/03/15!

New!Song!Fellowship,!Houston! 26843!Calgary!Pointe!Dr.! Kingwood,!TX!!77339!

South Texas Ministers Available to Preach Janice!Akers,!Tomball!–!281.516.7419! David!Baca,!Humble!–!859.948.4177! Vivian!Boyles,!Houston!–!281.804.9338! Bill!Cribbs!Port!Arthur!–!409.332.0276! David!Ennis,!Katy!–!832.570.3303! Stephen!Gatlin,!Spring!–!281.224.5602! Tom!Gourly,!Houston!–!281.458.6812! Vanessa!Hall,!Spring!–!469.688.4364! James!Hazelton,!Spring!–!281.443.4437! Don!Hickman,!Angleton!–!979.308.7541! Bill!Kilpatrick,!San!Antonio!–!210.325.5788! Johnny!&!Renita!Knight!l!Victoia!l!361.550.8886! Bob!Kucker,!Buna!–!409.994.5563! Fern!Lancaster,!Kerrville!–!830.895.4971! Floyd!Miles,!Magnolia!–!317.714.5711! Kenneth!Myers,!Victoria!–!361.582.4907! Wilbert!Oliver,!Houston!–!713.205.3361! Donald!Paredes,!Spring!–!832.764.0468! (Spanish!Speaking,!wife!interprets)!

Donny!Phillips,!LaPorte!–!713.885.2568! Tom!Proctor,!Missouri!City!–!281.835.8036! Richard!Reyes,!San!Antonio!–!210.884.2908! Robby!Rich,!Orange!–!409.504.2423! Jackie!Richardson,!Spring!–!281.350.4142! David!Rose,!Houston!–!281.239.9213! Edward!Rowls,!Spring!–!281.353.1894! Mary!Sanders,!Alvin!–!281.331.2325! Russell!Skinner,!Montgomery!–!936.449.4378! Stephen!Sowell,!San!Antonio!–!210.322.7526! !David!Tosten,!Corpsu!Christi!–!361.563.3293! Marsha!Touchstone,!Houston!–!713.981.0687! Juanita!Trevino,!Port!Lavaca!–!361.935.7202! Darrin!Vail,!LaMarque!–!409.939.5671! John!VanderKaay,!Conroe!l!936.828.6659! Tim!Verden,!League!City!–!832.545.0868! Alison!Ward,!Kingwood!–!281.361.7966! LeyAnne!Ward,!Kingwood!–!281.361.7966! David!Washburn,!Kerrville!–!830.896.2171!

! ! South!Texas!! Leadership$Tour$2015$ Thursday,$September$17,$2015$

$$Rio$Grande$Valley$Section$$ !


Labors$of$Love$&$Hope$Church$ 720!S.!Oklahoma!Ave.!! Weslaco,!TX!

$$$Corpus$Christi$Section$$$$$ $ ! !

King's$Way$Family$Church$ 1727!Truan!Boulevard! Kingsville,!Texas!78363!

Monday,$September$21,$2015$ ! ! ! ! !

$$$San$Antonio$Section$ ! ! ! !

$ ! !

Calvary$Temple$ 14335!O’connor!Road! San!Antonio,!TX!78247l1815!


$$$Victoria$Section$ $

$ ! !

Fisherman’s$Chapel$$ 311!W!Main!St! Port!O!Connor,!Texas!77982!

Thursday,$September$24,$2015$ ! ! ! ! !

$$$North$Houston$Section$ $ ! ! ! ! ! !

First$Assembly$of$God$ 1915!Fm!1960!Bypass!Rd!E! Humble,!Texas!77338l3919!

Friday,$September$25,$2015$ ! ! ! ! !

$$$Houston$Section$ $ ! ! ! !

$ ! !

Braeswood$Assembly$of$God$ 10611!Fondren!Rd! Houston,!Texas!77096l5402!

Monday,$September$28,$2015$ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

$$$San$Jacinto$Section$ !!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

$ ! !

New$Life$Assembly$of$God$ 749!Uvalde!Road! Houston,!Texas!!78015!

Tuesday,$September$29,$2015$ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

$$$Gulf$Coast$Section$$ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

$ ! !

First$Assembly$of$God$ 601!North!Market!Street! Brazoria,!Texas!!77422!

Monday,$October$5,$2015$ $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

$$$Neches$Valley$Section$ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

$ ! !

First$Assembly$of$God$ 950!Highway!96!South! Silsbee,!Texas!!77656!

Tuesday,$October$6,$2015$ $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

$$$Beaumont$Section$$ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

$ ! !

The$Gospel$Center$Church$ 7595!Highway!105! Beaumont,!Texas!!77726!











Pastors,!Worship!Leaders,!Women’s!Ministries,!HonorBound!Men’s,!Royal!Rangers,!! Girls!Ministries,!Sunday!School!Teachers,!Staff,!Small!Group!Leaders,!etc…!


9/17!–9/24!!!Randy!&!Suzann!Feldschau,!Lead!Pastors,!Cathedral!in!the!Pines,!Beaumont! 9/25!–!10/6!!!John!&!Stephanie!Van!Pay,!Lead!Pastors,!Gateway!Fellowship,!San!Antonio!

Ministers Escape

r 22-24 Octobe Camp - Kerrville, TX Hill Country

r! evelopment! fo !D h rc u h !C d n !a ent! dership rior! to! his! curr director! of! Lea P r! .! io d n o e G !s f! e o th s! s! e !i li y emb h! in! Chris& Raile uncil! of! the!Ass munity! Churc The!General! Co Chris! pastored! New! Com ! 600! percent! g in e se — rs a position,! e y s,! for! three! e!director! Mesquite,! Texa ss.!Railey!has!also!served!as!th ing! roce ber!of!the!teach m e !m growth!in!the!p a ,! ip h rs e or! at! ool!of!Lead !adjunct!profess n a s! of!The!Oaks!Sch !a d n a ,! ! ip ks! Fellowsh hris! graduated !C y. it rs e iv n team!at!The!Oa !U od l! ssemblies! of! G egree! in! Biblica d s! r' lo e ch a Southwestern!A b ! a ! nd! a! University! with ! Counseling! a in ! e re g e from! Evangel! d s! r’ inary.! olds! a! maste heological!Sem !T d o G f! o Studies,! and! h s! e li b ity!from!Assem AGTS. master!of!divin !a!doctorate!at! g in u rs u !p y tl n e He!is!curr

: s r e k a e Sp

& athrop L & n i t s Ju inistry! ness'! and! m ! h c r i u ocal! ch starting! bus es! to! l ! f o ! s r rch rs! yea dozen! ! several! yea ors! and! chu r! o f! ! a ! r e v With! o nt! the! last r! with! past h e! f o u n d e s! k t e e h),! Oa e! has! sp s! that! partn m .! H e! i s! c r a e S o ! il ie d n ministr ! t h e! K i n g nderbloeme! all! wh ed! a o ss ce a d v a n! (now! V and! MinistryC ustin! is! obse ly! to! ai ,! .! J af Helpst f! Leadership ! local! church lives! his! life! d ! as! a! ! e d !o es ! School nvolved! in! th ! to! people! an e! now! serv inately ! i m H e ! l o ! g . p d n e e o i r c e y s ta ting! p er! pla c! relations! p build! bridges ! l c l e a n m n s o re gi to! with! c e! world! a! f! strate od,! helping! ly! reach! mo ing! o ! h a t e ! r e ive f! G ak e! a mak t! in! th Assemblies! o more! effect rned! from! m n a t l u s c on s! lea ! to! the! g! with! nd! ministries ut! what! he! ha n i k r o w o a eople! s! regularly! ab! p ! h t i w g ro .! He! blo stinlath people on!at!www.ju ti connec

Complete all the Global University courses you need for any level of credentials in just one year! The South Texas District School of Ministry (DSOM) makes it possible with special teaching and group study sessions. The cost is $70 per course. Enroll in each course 30 days before it begins. For more information contact the office of the South Texas District Executive Secretary/Treasurer, Don Wiehe or his secretary Sherry Turner at (713) 455-1221, or email No classes held in May, July, August, or December.




Te s t i n g 9 : 0 0 A M , D e v o t i o n s 9 : 4 5 A M , C l a s s e s 1 0 : 0 0 A M Date of Class

Level 1 Courses CERTIFIED

Level 2 Courses LICENSE

Level 3 Courses Ordained

June 6, 2015

MIN 123
 The Local Church in Evangelism

THE 245
 MIN 327
 Eschatology: A Study of Things Church Administration, to Come Law & Finance

June, 2015

MIN 191
 Beginning Internship*

MIN 291
 Intermediate Internship*

MIN 391
 Advanced Internship*

*Internships are not taught as classes, students do this on their own with a mentor. September 5, 2015

THE 142
 Assemblies of God History, Missions & Governance

MIN 251
 Effective Leadership

MIN 311
 Prayer & Worship

October 3, 2015

MIN 181
 Relationships & Ethics in Ministry

MIN 281
 Conflict Management for Church Leaders

MIN 381 Pastoral Ministry

November 7, 2015

BIB 112 Synoptic Gospels

THE 211
 Introduction to Theology

MIN 311
 The Corinthian Correspondence

January 2, 2016

THE 114
 Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine

BIB 212
 New Testament Survey

BIB 322 Poetic Books

February 6, 2016

BIB 117 Prison Epistles

BIB 215 Romans

BIB 318
 The Pentateuch

March 5, 2016

BIB 115
 Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in the Believers

BIB 214
 Old Testament Survey Introduction to Missions

April 2, 2016

BIB 121
 Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Study the Bible

MIN 223
 Introduction Homiletics

June 4, 2016 (2016 Internships begin)

MIN 123
 The Local Church in Evangelism

THE 245
 MIN 327
 Eschatology: A Study of Things Church Administration, to Come Law & Finance

MIN 325
 Preaching to the Contemporary World







Project( Legacy( was( birthed( from( a( vision( to( establish( a( permanent( campground( and( event( facility(that(will(enable(South(Texas(Royal(Rangers( to(work(with(more(boys(than(ever,(more(effectively( than( ever.( ( ( Our( goal( is( to( intentionally( purchase( and( develop( an( outdoor( adventure( and( activity( center( to( host( a( broad( range( of( events.( ( These( events( would( include( camps,( training( for( men( and( boys( and( leadership( retreats( that( could( host(1,000+(attendees.( Events( and( outdoor( experiences(are(one(of( the( most( powerful( tools( Royal( Rangers( u s e s .( ( T h e s e( experiences( range( from( smallFgroup( activities( to( camps( with( attendance( in( the( thousands( that( focus( on( adventure( and( outdoor(excitement.(((

To( learn( more( about( South( Texas( Royal( Rangers,( please( visit( our( website( or( contact( us( via( email( through(our(gofundme(account.( It's( an( exciting( day( for( Project( Legacy!( We( have( been( granted( loan( approval( and( will( be( moving( forward( in( the( process( of( closing( on( the( Hallettsville( property( in( the( next( 30( days!( Funds( that(are(raised(between(now(and(closing(will(allow( us( to( further( reduce( the( amount( borrowed( and( lower(our(cost(of(purchase(in(a(great(way!(( If(you've(been(waiting(to(jump(on(board;( now's(the(time(to(do(so.(

Currently,( we( operate( each( o f( o u r( events( at( privatelyFowned( land( that( is( generously( donated( to( us( by( likeFminded( individuals.( ( While( this( is( a( tremendous( blessing(to(our(organization,(our(events(have( simply( outgrown( the( facilities( that( we( have( the(ability(to(borrow.((( South(Texas(Royal(Rangers(is(a(mentoring(program( for( future( men.( ( Our( program( is( centered( around( capable( and( wellFtrained( leaders( intentionally( mentoring( the( next( generation( in( a( highly( relational(and(fun(environment.( Please& consider& partnering& with& us& to& establish& and& develop& a& property& that& will& allow& us& to& more&effectively&fulfill&our&mission!&

P.S.( With( all( the( rain( we've( been( getting,( we( have( closely( monitored( how( the( property( has( handled( our( increase( in( wet( weather.( We( are( pleased( to( report( excellent( drainage.( Clark's( Creek,( which( borders(the(property,(is(a(little(higher(than(normal,( but( looks( nothing( like( many( rivers( and( bayous( in( Houston,( the( Hill( Country( and( other( Texas( towns.(



September 19, 2015 9 AM WHERE

Humble First Assembly 1915 FM 1960 Bypass Humble, TX 77338 Human Video • Puppetry • Object Lesson/Short Sermon Worship Dance • Vocal Solo/Ensemble • Bible Memorization Choir• Instrumental Solo/Ensemble • Drama Solo/Group Art • Writing • Baking • Clowning • Sign Language Solo/Group

AGES 6-12 COST $20 Per Person (1st Entry) $5 Each additional Entry


SCHEDULE 8:30 AM Staff Meeting 9:00 AM Orientation 9:30 AM Ministry Evaluations 1:30 PM Awards & Performances

SPONSORED BY: South Texas District Church Ministries & Discipleship Department Rev. Tammy Calderon Mail Registrations to: P.O Box 9714 Houston, TX 77213


Kids Camp 2015

One Force

Sponsored By: South Texas District of the Assemblies of God Church Ministries & Discipleship Department Website: Email: Phone: 713-455-1221 Rev. Tammy Calderon, Director

MAY 2015


By nature church planters are Mavericks. They have to be self-starters, confident in their ability to get something totally new off the ground. This ability to work independently is a blessing, but too much self-reliance can create isolation. Add to the mix, the cautious attitude of some established churches to a new church plant setting up down the street, and collaboration can be difficult. Over a year ago, Pastor Randy Garcia from Fortress Church in San Antonio shared with me that each weekend several different language groups were having church on his property. One of these groups was a new church plant targeting African immigrants. Soon I met Pastor Daniel Essel from Ghana, who was pioneering this new work called Calvary Cross. Each week they meet at Fortress reaching out to San Antonio. I am so proud of the vision and hospitality of Fortress.

In fact, Fortress has officially become the Parent Church for Calvary Cross via the Parent Affiliated charter (PAC). These two churches have found that they are better together. We have a number of other churches working in cooperation - parenting new churches, adopting congregations in need, and hosting new MOSAIC diverse culture churches. If your church would be interested in collaborating with a church plant, please contact me at:

Want to support the Reavis ministry? You may scan this code on your phone or click here.

24422 Bella Florence Dr., Richmond, TX 77406 ┟ 832-449-0900



At Houston, TX USPS # 014-651

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: South Texas Assemblies of God P. O. Box 9714 Houston, TX 77213-0714

The S.T.A.R., USPS #014-651, Volume 63, Number 3 , is published quarterly (plus a special December issue) by the South Texas District Council Assemblies of God, Inc. 11102 East Freeway, Houston, TX




The S. T. A. R. (South Texas Assemblies Review) is published quarterly (plus a special Christmas issue) and is the Official Publication of the SOUTH TEXAS DISTRICT COUNCILASSEMBLIES OF GOD, Inc. 11102 East Freeway (I-10) Houston, Texas 77029

L LE R 2 0 21 2 S UFA M M 0 1 5

SOUTH TEXAS ASSEMBLIES OF GOD OFFICERS/PRESBYTERY/STAFF Executive District Officers Tim R. Barker - Superintendent Steve Banning - Assistant Superintendent Don Wiehe - Executive Secretary/Treasurer

Don Wiehe - Executive Editor David Wilson - Managing Editor

Mailing address: South Texas Assemblies of God P.O. Box 9714 Houston, Texas 77213-0714

District Ministries Departmental Officers Roger Bailey -

Executive Presbyters Steve Weaver and Gene Summers

General Council Presbyters Tim R. Barker, Don Wiehe & Jim Rion

District Sectional Presbyters Darold DeHart - San Jacinto Section Donny Flippo - Beaumont Section Mike Hammonds - Gulf Coast Section Lloyd Maddoux - North Houston Section Erny McDonough - Victoria Section Joel Nabors - Neches Valley Section Mario Perez - Rio Grande Valley Section Deborah Prihoda - Houston Section Doug Roberts - San Antonio Section William Stockstill - Corpus Christi Section

Honorary Presbyters Howard Burroughs, Gary Chapin, Johnny Durham, & Joseph Granberry


Roger Bailey Tammy Calderon -

Missions HonorBound Men

Church Ministries/Discipleship

Vanessa Hall -

Women’s Ministries

Matt Rule -

Youth Ministries

_________________________________ Article IX, Finances: Section 2, District Office Support, Paragraphs (a) The District Office shall be supported by a monthly offering of at least three fourths (75%) of the tithes of every minister (except Senior Retired Ministers) from both secular and ministerial income. If a minister fails to cooperate with this plan, he shall be called to give a reasonable explanation to the District Officials. (b) It is recommended that the District Office shall be supported by one percent (1%) of the monthly general fund income of each of the churches of the South Texas District Council.

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