4 minute read
We Are What We Believe In
by Judi Lynch
A child who believes they can be anything is the base of hope and promise of a brighter future for humanity. Even when we are tired, even when we feel the people around us don’t understand, our belief in ourselves can still stand miraculous. O ur minds are miraculous receptors, soaking up information that forms our beliefs and opinions of the world around us. What we hold to be true shapes and colors of our lives in countless ways. The view we have of ourselves and our purpose can be wide or narrow depending on our willingness to let in new thoughts and ideas. This is true individually and collectively as we grow and evolve as humans with an awareness of the consciousness that lives internally.
Just because we personally may not believe in something doesn’t make it any less true for someone else. If we believe we can accomplish something remarkable and another person tells us we can’t, we make a choice to either accept their words as truth or not. Many scientists believe in God or at least a higher energy force with the power to create. Many religious leaders question science because it goes against what they have studied and lived throughout their lives. If we choose to believe that human beings have stopped evolving, learning and growing, then we personally will do the same. We can become rigid and unyielding following outdated ideas with blind faith. If we choose to believe that life is the life of our soul which is eternal, mystical and metaphysical, then our lives can be in constant change and wonder. We can open up to more love, more empathy and understanding between each other when we believe in the power of our internal connections.
Words are powerful when someone requires support and healing. The belief that there is light after pain and darkness can make all the difference in the world to all people. Belief helps to create the energy of manifestation. As we learn to heal from adversity, we can become experts in assisting others to believe that things can and will improve with time and effort. It can be incredible to see someone create a new life for themselves after loss because they believed they could. It takes courage and integrity to pick up and move forward. The energies
of the people around us can have a tremendous effect on our well-being. It’s important to have the love and support of those we trust who honor our beliefs even if they don’t always follow or agree with our choices. It’s also important for us to do the same for them. Respect is instrumental in being able to share our lives from a place of peace.
The world can be a judgmental and cruel place if we believe it to be. If we look only at those situations which make us fearful and anxious, we

can miss out on all the good things happening everywhere. When we can look around us and interpret what really is important, we can learn to leave behind the superficial competition that has the power to destroy. We can choose to honor our right to see beyond the curtain of the doubt to be able to create new and exciting ways to share our lives and innovations. `We are what we believe in’ means the power of our minds and our souls can be greater than we could ever have imagined it to be. We also learn that our beliefs change as we grow from
new experiences in life if we can keep an open mind and open heart.
A child who believes they can be anything is the base of hope and promise of a brighter future for humanity. With the wide-eyed innocence of youth comes a unique spark that says anything is possible. That spark can touch everyone around them with a renewal of spirit to keep moving forward. To get back up after we stumble and learn from our past mistakes. Even when we are tired, even when we feel the people around

us don’t understand, our belief in ourselves can still stand miraculous. —
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see judilynch.com

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