11 minute read
LEE HARRIS Conversations with the Z's
By Sandie Sedgbeer
When times are tough and everything we rely on is unraveling, we all need a trusted source of guidance and tools to help us navigate the turmoil.
Oneperson,thousandsofpeople,areturningtofor just that is globally acclaimed energy intuitive Channeler and musician Lee Harris, whose grounded practical teachings, popular monthly energy reports, and online courses have been helping thousands of conscious, intuitive, and sensitivepeopleworldwidetoheal,thrive,andlivea betterlife.
LeeHarrisjoinedSandietotalkabouthis latest book, Conversations with the Z's, which offers practical information from his guides about the energetics of this new human soul and how to awaken yourdimensionalsoul.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Lee Harris, you've been very busy with two books out quickly. How do you do it?
Lee Harris: Well, firstly, because they're not written books in the sense that I don't have to sit down and write––they're taken from audio conversations––which cuts down the time, and I just have to put the work into editing. I also felt that these books needed tocomeoutninemonthsapart.
Sandie Sedgbeer: You began channeling the Z's fairly quietly back in 1999, and now you are sharing their insights with millions worldwide. How do you feel about that? I mean, you've come suchalongway.
LeeHarris: Yeah, I feel better about it now. I still have moments when I might be having a really nice connection with Someone, and that comes into the conversation, and I notice them freak out, stiffen, or not quiteknowwhattodowithit.Idon'tfindthat very convenient because the connection is whatweallenjoy,whatwecrave.

But I think I've come a long way in my personal development. Having to stand as a channeler has helped me with some of my programmings because I grew up like many in Britain with parents who instilled in our worry about what the neighbors think. So, that was screaming at me in the early years when I startedtodoitmorepublicly.
Andespeciallybecause,initially,Ijustfounda small group of people, and now, anybody can Google you and find out about you. It happened to me the other day in a meeting aboutamortgage.Theysaid:"Oh,I'velooked you up." But I kind of remind myself that none ofthisstuffshouldbeweirdtoanyofus.
We were just trained to believe that we are separate from Spirit. So, whenever my ego, mind, or programming comes up, I remind myself that we are all outgrowing this idea that we are divorced fromSpirit.

Sandie Sedgbeer: What's interesting is that I've watched you progress over the years, and you seem to be just like the people you are talking to in that you are learning and evolving as you go. And we get to see that, which we don't often get to see in Channelers.
Lee Harris: That'sinteresting.Irelatedtowhatyou said at the beginning, even though you pointed at me.I,likeeverybody,needthethingsthatkeepme afloat. Whether it's my connection to the Z's and my private relationship with them or friends, family members, or inspiring voices who keep me connected to the fact that we're in a very tricky time globally, and I think if you are sensitive or Someone who feels a lot, or who has always had a strongerconnectiontoSpiritthanmaybeweseeon a3Dlevel, itcanbeverychallengingtobehere. Iknowthatwasmystory.Soweirdly,Ifeellikethe jobIdonowisexactlywhatIneed.
And on some level, of course, it still serves my growth to do this job, but I'm really only doing something vital for my life. So if people say, "Oh, thank you, your energy updates really helped me," I'm just grateful because I can give something back.Forsomepeople,Iwillbeoneoftheirvoices. For others, they won't resonate with me. But that's not for us to decide. We just have to show up and dowhatwe'recompelledtodo.
Sandie Sedgbeer: The Z’s are a collection of 88 energies. Why 88? Is there any significance to that number?
Lee Harris: Well,it'sfunnybecause whentheyfirst told me that, I thought, oh, there were 88 keys on thepiano,andeightisaninfinitysymbol.Andmany things spoke to me about the eight, but they've explaineditintwodifferentways.
They've said that they are a balanced harmonic number as a group for reasons of the way they communicate with me and the vibration they communicatethroughmethatgoestoothersand helps them with their vibration. But what they've also explained is that they're not a fixed group. They are sometimes fixed as 88. So you could look at me and go, "Okay, that's Lee. He's one human being," but actually, I'm connected to all of these beings, and we're all connected to everybodyaroundus.Sotheysayweareagroup of 88, but we can also channel and speak to other energies, entities, and beings as we need to.
What I find interesting when we get into fixed numbersisthatI'veneverbeenthatinterestedin thefixeddefinition.~ButasIhavedonethisjob, I come across the human part of us in everybody around the world who wants the details, the answer. And I understand the need for those fixed details, but I just know for myself that the more I've learned, the less fixed everything is. It doesn't mean I'm always living in that place. I can be as human and small in myself if I'm going throughalessonasanyofus.Butitstillneedsto be fixed. And the more you break down those walls, as you know, getting into very hard and fastdetailscanbequiteproblematic.Becauseat somepoint,you'regoingtooutgrowthem.
SandieSedgbeer:Youpublishedtwovolumes back in 2012 and 2014 of "Energy Speaks ––ConversationswiththeZ's."Now,inthisnew series of books, you've done a completely different format and are working with psychotherapist and author Diana Edwards. Whatwastheinspirationforthatchange?
Lee Harris: Well, these were never supposed to be books. These were conversations many years ago. Diana is very strong in the area of grief and death as transformation and spiritual windows in our life. So, she asked me if she could interview the Z's about death and dying at some point. AndIsaid,sure.Andwejustkindofparkedit.
And then, sometime in 2021, I asked her if she would do some recordings with me for my members' community portal in a conversation format. Diana is so good at asking the kinds of questions I wouldn't think of, and we would do thisprivatelywhenwemetasfriends. So, when we started recording, I thought we'd do two conversations. But it went off like a rocket.
I think we had five conversations in two and a half days. And on day two, when I was in the little casita where I was staying while we were recording these in Santa Fe, I literally heard from above my head, "These can be books." AndIwaslike,really?AndIheard,"Yes. These can be books." So when the publisher said, "I'm not sure about the conversation format," I was quite determined and said, "Nope. That's what it needs to be." Because people need to be able to read this as if they areeavesdroppingonaconversation,and then when they have that conversation, they willhavetheirownepiphanies.
Sandie Sedgbeer: So, book one is on the energetics of the new human soul. What is theirperspectiveonthenewhumansoul?
Lee Harris: Well, it's interesting because Book One and Book Two are very much joined, and when I took the material to New World Library, they said they would like the first book to be just the first three conversations, which was much shorter than I imagined, but I understood theirlogic.
SobookoneisaboutTheEnergeticsoftheNew Human Soul, and book two is called "Awaken Your Multidimensionality." So really, those two sentencesarewhatwearebecoming.
We are becoming more multidimensional and moreconscious.Youcanseethiswhenyoulook atsomeoftheveryhumanaspectsoftheplanet right now. And I'm not talking about some of the levels of control and manipulation that we arebecomingmoreawareof.
Sandie Sedgbeer: The other thing which is sometimes happening so quietly and slowly that you don't often notice it is that people are suddenly talking about energy, who might not have done so four or five years ago.
Lee Harris: I love that because it's always about my random conversations in the street. People I don't know whom I meet and interact with on the tube or bus, in a taxi, or in a shop, and it's interesting how our way of speaking has changed. It's wildly different to 20 years ago. There are new levels of understanding that people have. There are words we should have been using then. For example, even with this idea of toxic relationships, I think only certain psychological or spiritual circles would speak about that a few decades ago. And now it's out there in the mainstream, and people have an understandingofit.Sothislovelyevolution is happening that, of course, is not dependent on one teacher, book, school, or religion. It's happening to us as a society. And we're all finding the different voices,teachings,andexperiencesthatwe each need to return to our awareness of Spirit.Andwe'veforgottenthat.Andthat's whywearedis-eased.
Sandie Sedgbeer: I think self-judgment has to be the epitome of what this age is all about. Everything that we've got access to, social media, et cetera, it's all about self-judgment. And we only have to look at the kids today to see what a problem that is causing. So I love what you said; people need to hear that.
Lee Harris: And you bringing that up just hits something in me. Yesterday, I was conversing with one of my loved ones, and they said they were quite nervous about saying something to Someone in their life because they were trying to let go of their own self-judgment about it before they toldthem.

AndbecauseIknewthatthepersontheywere talking about was quite judgmental, I said, "Well, you wouldn't even be feeling some of this if you were telling your other friend who isn't judgmental." It took me many years to understand that my self-judgment didn't originate with me. It was swallowed over time by many people whose energy of judgment wouldcomemyway.Andratherthanrebelling against it, I would say, " Oh, okay. I don't want to feel that judgment again, so I will become that judge myself to modify my behaviorsoIdon'tfeeldiscomfortagain.
So one of the things I'm very mindful of with myself, and I always run these checks, is that when I'm in a relationship issue with somebody, I do my due diligence on myself. Then I also look at them, and I'm like, "Oh, of course, you are feeling quite nervous to tell this person your truth because you historically seethispersongetvolatile,angry,defensive." So, yes, you can work on your own stuff but also know whom you're dealing with and how to do that appropriately. So I think that the myth of self is exactly that. We all have this inner life, but if we're honest with ourselves, our inner life is not just our soul life. It's our soullifepluswhomwe'vebecomeconcerning the society we've grown up in and our experiences.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Many people who wake up are now asking, "What do I need to do to go further and deeper? What must I do to develop and become my multidimensional self?" They're looking outside themselves for the answers. "Give mesomeexercise.Givemesomethingthat Ineedtodo;givemearecipe."

And that only sometimes helps. It's something that is growing from within them. When people come to you and say, "Okay, I'm here. Tell me what to do." What do you say to them?

Lee Harris: It's a good question. What you do come across doing this work is how much we want to be told what to do. How much we want the answer to soothe us. And in my experience, answers soothe or reset us temporarily. And that should be enough because there is no map. You and I don't know the map of our lives. We don't even know when we're going to die. So there's nothing wrong with chasing externals unless you ignore your internal because that's when people get unhappy. So they keep chasing an external, hoping it will give them some inner feeling.
My way of living is paying attention to the external dreams I want to create when they happen and noticing what does or doesn't happen to me inside. And with some of them, I'm like, I'm glad I did it or experienced that. And now, I've experienced it.

I don't need to experience it again. But other times, I will notice there is a shift in me that becomes permanent. For example, there are certain goals and dreams that we should be working toward because they are a manifestation of our growth, but they will be less meaningful than what happens to us as a result. So I'll give you a strange example; Someone once told me in a workshop years ago that they wanted to be an author and put their work into the world. And they said, "Oh my God, does it feel great just to have so many people who are grateful for your work?"
And I said, "I don't really think about it. I'm aware of it when I'm in a room like this because many of you appreciate it, and that's lovely. But I only see that as my job. Like I should be helping bring some value to your life, which you will then run with and that I know nothing else about. Nor is it my place to know. So I'm grateful I get to do this because I have been fed by what I call the wheel of creativity, and the wheel of spirituality that lives on our planet has helped me unlock more of myself, and I get to give back to it.
ButthepointImadetothemwaswhenIwasfirst putting work out into the world, whatever part of me craved or felt I was designed to offer things topeopledidgetfulfilled,andthenitwentaway equally.
I see a lot of people chasing adulation or duration, and I feel bad for them because if you are constantly trying to get approval or appreciation from others, there's a wound in operation in them that none of those people are ever going to help you get to the bottom of. Unless you pay attention and recognize that the wound is still there. So for me, that was an interesting experience. I was like, Oh, I do rememberthatitwasprettyextraordinarybackat the beginning. But then that moved on, and I hadn't thought about it for 15 years. I've just beendoingmywork,andI'vegrownwiththejob as the job has grown me. So I don't know if that helps, but that comes to me as an example of something we might be chasing outside. The bigger question is not Do we get it; do we transformwhenwegetit,moveon,andletitgo? Because that's what those outer goals are designedtobe.Unlessyou'rechasingthewrong thingsortryingtofixawoundthewrongway.
Sandie Sedgbeer: I want to get a little bit personal now. You started your career as a musician; it's your first love. And you did a cover of Kate Bush's "Running up That Hill," whichIthoughtwasaverybravemove.What madeyoudecidetodothat?
Lee Harris: So when Kate had this global moment with "Running up that Hill" on the TV show "Stranger Things," and they did this big orchestral version, I heard the lyrics differently, and I asked Davor, what if we took this back to intimacy and this whole division energy we've had in the world the last few years. So I heard it through that lens. And then, of course, I was terrified because, I mean, "Running up that Hill" isamasterpiece,andKate'samaster.
So when I was in the vocal booth, I was like, WhatamIdoing?Ilostmynervealittlebit,and then I pulled myself together, and we did it. Andwewerereallypleasedwiththeresults.We werehappyenoughtoputitout.Soyeah,that's howthathappened.
Sandie Sedgbeer: So, one last question. What advice do you offer for coping when things get really rocky? So many people are feelingthatrightnow.
Lee Harris: I think we're all asking that question, but one thing that comes back to me time and time again is that you will have the bestexperienceofthistimeifyoumakeyourself a priority in your life. That doesn't mean becoming selfish. That doesn't mean excluding people. But I think so many of us have never been called to find out what we need or to know who we are. And I think friends help with this. For example, I know I had a very strange view of myself for many years. I felt quite dysmorphic about my identity, and then friends would tell me: "Oh, well, you love to laugh. You are always the one." And I'd be like, Oh, am I okay? So they would tell me who I was, and from understanding who I was over the years, I thought, What are the things I need that help me feel like myself? Oh, I need laughter regularly at some level. I need music. Am I givingmyselfenoughofthosethings,especially in times of stress, especially if a big thing is happening to me, the people I love, or the planetasawhole?
So I think many of us wish that everything was just peaceful, but we know that's not going to be what happens right now. That won't be the state of the outer world right now. So the question is, how can you cultivate and protect thepeaceforyourselfinyourownlifeandfigure out how to start and employ it? You'll be amazedhowyourvibrationshiftswhenyouhave thatregularpractice.Anddon'tbeatyourselfup if you fall off the wagon. Just get back on again thenextweek.
SandieSedgbeer:Goodadvice. Lee Harris, thank you so much for joining us today. It's always a pleasure to speak with You.
Conversations with the Z's Book One: The Energetics of the New Human Soul, and Book Two, Awakening Your Dimensional Self, which releases this month in the USA and on the 9th of June in the UK, are both published by New World Library. For more information about Lee Harris, his online events, books, music, impact the World podcast, and monthly energy reports, which are brilliant, visit his website, leeharrisenergy.com.