Hematological Oncology Hematol Oncol 2012 Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/hon.2017
Invited Review
The dog as a possible animal model for human nonHodgkin lymphoma: a review Laura Marconato1, Maria Elena Gelain2 and Stefano Comazzi3* 1 2 3
Centro Oncologico Veterinario, Sasso Marconi, Italy Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Padua, Padua, Italy Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Igiene e Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
*Correspondence to: Stefano Comazzi, DVM, PhD, Dipl ECVCP, Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Igiene e Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Celoria 10, 20133, Milan, Italy. E-mail: stefano.comazzi@unimi.it Received 18 January 2012 Accepted 7 May 2012
Abstract Lymphoma represents the most frequent hematopoietic cancer in dogs, and it shows significant overlap with the human disease. Several environmental factors have been associated with canine lymphoma, suggesting that they may contribute to lymphomagenesis. Canine lymphoma often presents in advanced stage (III–V) at diagnosis and, most commonly, has an aggressive clinical course requiring prompt treatment, which relies on the use of polychemotherapy. In this review, we will summarize the state-of-the-art of canine lymphoma epidemiology, pathobiology, diagnostic work-up and therapy, and will highlight the links to the corresponding human disease, providing evidence for the use of dog as an animal model of spontaneous disease. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Keywords: lymphoma; dog; animal model
Clinical presentation
An animal model is a non-human animal used for research of specific human diseases. To be valid, it must share with humans some biological analogies in terms of pathophysiology. It also needs to be of small size, genetically manipulable and have a short lifespan. Animal models for lymphoid cancers are generally immune-compromised mice in which xenografts of human tumour cells can be studied or engineered knockout mice in which a missing gene allows to study oncogenetic pathways [1,2]. Nevertheless, these models miss the vast gene network and interaction between cancer and immune system. Additionally, knockout mice typically investigate monogenic diseases, whereas lymphoma is polygenic. Furthermore, tumours are difficult to be reproduced in immune-competent laboratory animals, and the small size of most laboratory animals does not allow clinical translation, thereby limiting trials. The canine model may overcome some of these disadvantages because lymphoma occurs spontaneously in immune-competent hosts, whose size is larger, thereby allowing to reproduce several approaches used in humans.
The clinical presentation of cNHL varies, depending upon the type, grade and site of involvement. Commonly, dogs develop aggressive high-grade multicentric lymphoma, being comparable with human non-Hodgkin lymphoma (hNHL). Conversely, Hodgkin-like lymphomas are rare. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is by far the most diffuse subtype (Figure 1). Dogs with high-grade multicentric lymphoma usually show painless peripheral lymphadenopathy (Figure 2) or, less commonly, clinical signs related to the effects of tumour infiltration. T-cell lymphoma with a mediastinal mass can cause respiratory distress, cranial vena cava syndrome and hypercalcemiarelated polyuria and polidypsia. Conversely, indolent lymphomas are often insidious. Although rare, this indolent presentation is common in splenic marginal zone, follicular and mantle cell lymphoma [8,9]. The features of the six most frequent cNHL subtypes are summarized in Table 1.
Classification and grading schemes of cNHL tend to reflect the analogous in people, by grouping lymphomas according to their cytological characteristics (Kiel-updated classification) [10] or clinical and morphological aspects (working formulation) [11]. The revised WHO classification based on the Revised European American Lymphoma (REAL) system attempts to group lymphomas by cell type, phenotypic, genetic and molecular aspects, thereby correlating the different classification schemes [12,13]. The high reproducibility of this classification confirms its usefulness when used by experienced pathologists [14].
Lymphohematopoietic disorders are common in dogs, with canine non-Hodgkin lymphoma (cNHL) having the highest incidence, making up 83% of all hematopoietic cancer [3]. The age-adjusted overall incidence of cNHL is 1.5 per 100 000 for dogs younger than 1 year and 84 per 100 000 for dogs being 10 years old [4]. The incidence of cNHL of 15–30/100 000 is similar to human incidence [5,6], with an estimated population of more than 75 million dogs living in USA only [7]. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Figure 1. Cytological (A: May Grünwald-Giemsa stain) and histopathological (B: Hematoxilin-Eosin stain) aspects of a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, the most diffuse canine lymphoma subtype. Histological image was kindly provided by Dr L. Aresu, University of Padua, Italy
Figure 2. Classical clinical presentation of a systemic canine lymphoma with a peripheral lymphoadenomegaly
Staging The diagnosis of cNHL involves cytology and histopathology on an enlarged lymph node, aided further by invasive or non-invasive procedures to confirm the extent of cancer and to formulate a proper prognosis and therapeutic plan. The advantages of cytology include accuracy, minimal invasiveness, rapidity and low costs. Because in most cNHL the growth pattern is diffuse, cytologic smear is usually representative of neoplastic population. Accuracy and sensitivity are increased by adding flow cytometry to cytology [15]. Although not routinely performed, molecular biology (PCR for antigen receptors rearrangements, PARR) may help in differentiating clonal from reactive proliferations [16]. Although morphologic diagnosis of cNHL has traditionally relied on cytological details, histology is useful to define those entities requiring a structural evaluation of the nodal architecture by excisional biopsy. This is particularly true for small cell low-grade lymphoma, including follicular lymphoma, T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma, marginal lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma [8,9]. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A proper staging also includes a complete blood count with examination of the peripheral smear for the presence of atypical cells and biochemical tests including lactate dehydrogenase [17]. Documenting bone marrow (BM) involvement is necessary for accurate staging and management [18]. Histological examination of BM via core biopsy is rarely performed in veterinary medicine and lacks standardization; thus, aspiration cytology is generally considered suitable to define BM infiltration in spite of different sensitivity between these two methods. Rarely, BM infiltration is not correlated with hematologic abnormalities; vice versa, circulating blast cells do not necessarily imply BM infiltration, with their presence being attributable to the ‘overspill’ phenomenon. Similarly to human medicine, flow cytometry is of use also in identifying small amounts of involvement and, by CD34 labelling, in differentiating between lymphoma and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, which harbours a different prognosis [19]. However, CD34 aberrant positivity has been occasionally reported in cNHL without BM involvement, the biological meaning of which is still to be elucidated [20,21]. Because of scarce cross-reactivity between human-specific and canine-specific antibodies, the panel of antibodies generally used for diagnosis and staging cNHL is more limited (Table 2) Conventional radiology, ultrasound and computed tomography remain the standard imaging modality for initial staging, aided by fine-needle aspiration of altered organs [22]. However, these techniques lack functional information, which impedes identification of disease in normal-sized organs [23]. 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) may be an alternative, providing the advantage of detecting metabolic changes in areas involved before structural changes become visible. In dogs, PET is not part of cNHL staging primarily because of its expense, scarce scanner availability and limited radioisotope access. Recently, the proliferation marker 30 -deoxy-30 [18F] fluorothymidine has proven useful to detect early recurrence before clinical relapse [24]. Although preliminary, this finding is of great potential value, providing a basis for response-adapted therapy. The typical diagnostic algorithm is summarized in Figure 3.
Treatment It is commonly accepted that a ‘one-glove-fits-all’ approach to treat cNHL has become obsolete. The ongoing dissection of subtypes, the expansion of multiagent chemotherapy and development of targeted drugs, the elaboration of stageadapted therapies and the assessment of minimal residual disease have been generated new aspects in the treatment of cNHL, contributing to the improvement of prognosis. Identifying reliable tools for proper patient selection is becoming crucial. Evaluating a specific constellation of clinical, clinico-pathological and pathological variables affecting prognosis is developing into one of these tools [25,26]. In spite of numerous therapeutic options, therapy has rarely been shown to be curative; thus, the main goal is Hematol Oncol 2012 DOI: 10.1002/hon
Centroblastic, polymorphic or immunoblastic
Pleomorphic mixed
Medium-sized macronucleolated cells (MMC)
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Small clear cell
Peripheral T-cell not otherwise specified lymphoma
Marginal zone lymphoma (MZL)
Mycosis fungoides
T-zone lymphoma
Updated Kiel classification
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Lymphoma subtype
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Freq. (%)
Regional or generalized; indolent; variable lymphadenopathy (1 or more lnn or generalized)
Erythremic exfoliative dermatitis, nodule, plaques, ulcers; blood involvement (Sezary syndrome)
Multicentric: generalized painless lymphadenopathy; +/ hepatosplenomegaly; +/ bone marrow involvement; cutaneous; intestinal Splenic +/ bone marrow involvement; nodal; rarely extranodal (intestinal)
Multicentric: generalized painless lymphadenopathy; +/ hepatosplenomegaly; +/ bone marrow involvement
Most common clinical features
Small cells round to irregular nuclei; extended pale cytoplasma (hand mirror morphology)
Small cerebriform cells; convoluted nuclei; single, inconspicuous nucleoli; clear cytoplasm
Prevalence of medium-sized macronucleolated cells; rare immunoblasts and centroblasts
Small-sized to large-sized cells; irregular nuclei; pale cytoplasm
Prevalence of centroblasts or immunoblasts + MMCs and small blastic cells
Cell criteria
Coalescing marginal zone proliferation around fading germinal centres represented by residual benign mantel cells; intermediate mitotic index Epitheliotropic pattern; focal cluster of neoplastic cells in hyperplastic epidermis; low to intermediate mitotic index Interfollicular growth with follicle retention; the intervening areas of paracortex are filled with uniform population of smallintermediated sized lymphocytes; low mitotic index
Diffuse pattern; thinning of lymph node capsule; compression of peripheral sinus; large cells; multiple prominent nucleoli; frequent tingible bodies; high mitotic index Diffuse paracortical expansion in lymph node; thin capsule and compressed sinus; high mitotic index
Table 1. Main frequent canine lymphoma subtypes: frequency (Freq) [13], immunophenotype (IP), clinical and diagnostic aspects
Chlorambucil and prednisone
Median survival > 12 months (splenic MZL)
Splenectomy in case of splenic MZL; adjuvant chemotherapy questionable; CHOP-based protocols in case of nodal MZL Lomustine and prednisone; radiation therapy in case of localized lesions
Median survival > 12 months
Median survival of 6 months
Median survival < 12 months
Median survival of 12 months; complete remission rates of 65%–90%
CHOP-based protocols with a maintenance phase; usually incorporation of lomustine
Discontinuous CHOP-based protocols without a maintenance phase; incorporation of cytosine arabinoside in case of bone marrow involvement
First-line treatment
The dog as model for human non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Hematol Oncol 2012 DOI: 10.1002/hon
Radiation therapy and Median survival CHOP-based protocols in of 6–8 months case of mediastinal involvement; CHOP-based protocols with incorporation of lomustine in case of nodal involvement Thin capsule; focal perinodal colonization; diffuse cortical and medullary filling; lack of tingible bodies; high mitotic index Medium-sized cells; round to convoluted nuclei with dusty chromatin; inconspicuous nucleoli Mediastinal; generalized painless lymphadenopathy; +/ hepatosplenomegaly; often bone marrow involvement; often hypercalcemia High T/ B 3 Lymphoblastic Precursor Tcell lymphoma
Lymphoma subtype
Table 1. (Continued)
Updated Kiel classification
Freq. (%)
Most common clinical features
Cell criteria
First-line treatment
L Marconato et al.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
to induce long-term remission without further compromising dog’s quality of life. With complete remission rates approaching 80%–90%, polychemotherapy, based on principles of induction therapy and prolonged maintenance phase, had its greatest impact on remission duration and survival when compared with single agent strategies. Stage-adapted and immunophenotypeadapted subtype-specific therapy designs have become major objectives of more recent clinical trials [9,18,27,28]. In dogs, corticosteroids, vincristine, cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin (‘CHOP’-based protocols) with or without L-asparaginase remain the backbone of induction therapy. Cytarabine can be added to the protocol in a myeloablative regimen in case of BM involvement [18]. Conventional chemotherapy yields complete responses in over 80% of dogs; nevertheless, the duration of this remission is short, only lasting 6–11 months [3]. Post-remission therapy includes maintenance chemotherapy or consolidation with total-body radiation therapy (RT). However, the optimal type and duration of post-remission therapy, the value of further intensifications and the optimal selection and timing of RT still are debated. In the case of T-cell lymphomas, there is a tendency in favour of maintenance therapy. Conversely, several trials have raised doubts about the need of prolonged treatments in dogs with B-cell lymphomas because there are no obvious survival benefits in the face of increased toxicity and higher costs [27]. Although CHOP is a standard protocol for B-cell lymphomas, it has been unsuccessful in a substantial number of T-cell cases. A significantly lower complete response rate has been observed among dogs with T-cell lymphoma treated with a CHOP regimen than among dogs with B-cell lymphoma administered with the same treatment [27,29,30]. Phenotype itself seems to represent an independent prognostic factor. Therefore, standard CHOP chemotherapy may be inadequate for T-cell lymphoma, and other chemotherapy regimens, such as MOPP and DMAC, have been developed [31,32] using alternative anticancer drugs, aiming at increasing dose intensity. Nevertheless, these alternative treatment modalities did not dramatically improve the outcome, with an overall survival time of 120–239 days. Although RT plays a major role in the management of hNHL, its place, modalities and indications require further research in cNHL. Best results were obtained when treating minimal residual disease with low-dose RT delivered in a consolidation setting to the whole body [33]. These results were encouraged by reports that half and total body irradiation was safe when used in conjunction with systemic chemotherapy [34,35]. Dose-intense chemotherapy combined with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has been recently explored, but advantages over standard chemotherapy are still unclear [36].
The dog as a possible epidemiologic model Because of improved vaccination programmes, better nutrition, more advanced diagnostic techniques and treatment options nowadays, dogs live longer, allowing them to Hematol Oncol 2012 DOI: 10.1002/hon
The dog as model for human non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Table 2. Most widely used antibodies in diagnosis of canine lymphoma Antigen
AbD Serotec
AbD Serotec
CD3 CD3 CD3 CD5 CD5 CD4 CD8 CD20 CD22 CD21 CD79a CD34 CD90 MHC II
AbD Serotec Santa Cruz DAKO AbD Serotec DAKO AbD Serotec AbD Serotec Lab Vision Abcam AbD Serotec DAKO Pharmingen AbD Serotec, P.F. Moore AbD Serotec
AbD Serotec
TCR ab
P.F. Moore UC Davis, CA P.F. Moore UC Davis, CA
TCR gd
Target species
Prevalent use
Expected positivity
YKIX716.13 CA12.10C12 CA1.4E9 YFC118.3 CA17.2A12 CD3-12 A0452 policlonal YKIX322.3 CD5-54-F6 YKIX302.9 YCATE55.9 LV-CD20 RFB-4 CA21D6 HM57 1H6 YKIX337.217 CA1.4G8 CA2.1C12 YKIX334.2 CA11.8H2 CA16.3D3 CA15.8G7
Canine Mouse cross-reactive Human cross-reactive Canine Canine Canine Canine Rabbit cross-reactive Rabbit cross-reactive Canine Human cross-reactive Human cross-reactive Canine
T cells T cells (intracellular) T cells (intracellular) T cells T cells T helper, neutrophils T cytotoxic B cells (intracellular) B cells (intracellular) B cells B cells (intracellular) Precursor cells
Dendritic, monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes Macrophages, histiocytes, granular lympphocytes T-cell subsets
T-cell subsets
FC, flow cytometry, IHC, immunohistochemistry on formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue samples.
Figure 3. Diagnostic algorithm generally used to diagnose canine lymphoma
experience diseases occurring in older animals, including cancer [37]. Additionally, because of their shorter lifespan when compared with humans, the latency period between exposure to a potential carcinogenic substance and cancer development is shorter. Dogs share the same environment with humans, being chronically and sequentially exposed to outdoor pollutants or other possible carcinogens (including Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
passive tobacco smoking), yet they do not indulge in occupational activities or lifestyles that may confound interpretation of epidemiological studies [38,39]. Pets, therefore, play a useful tool as sentinel hosts for cancer, possibly leading to early identification of carcinogenic hazards in the general environment, predicting human risk and assessing health effects [38,39]. Given the fact that pets and people may Hematol Oncol 2012 DOI: 10.1002/hon
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develop the same type of cancer when subjected to the same risk factors, monitoring dogs that share the same environment may help identify a link between the carcinogen exposure and the occurrence of malignancy [40,41]. Epidemiological studies on cNHL are limited, but some authors identified an association with living in industrial areas or contact with chemicals, whereas the association with exposure to 2,4diCl-phenoxiacetic acid herbicides is controversial between different studies, as well as exposure to electromagnetic fields [42–45]. An epidemiological study in France showed a correlation between the incidence of cNHL and hNHL and reported a strong association between cNHL and the distribution of waste incinerators, radioactive waste or other polluted sites [46]. Recently, a 2.39-fold increase in the odds ratio for cNHL was found associated to the waste management crisis in the area of Naples, Italy, similarly to what was reported in people residing in the same area [47,48]. Another important issue refers to the influence of breed. Similarly to humans, and differently from rodents, dogs have the most phenotypical diversity among all other animals. Breeds can be considered genetic clusters with a specific predisposition to different lymphoma subtypes. DLBCL is prevalent in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Bassethound, and peripheral T-cell lymphoma in Irish wolfhound and Shih-tzu [49], whereas Boxer tends to develop T-lymphoblastic lymphoma [50].
The dog as a possible pathogenetic model In addition to the clinical, clinical–pathological and histological correspondences, also genomic instability is similar between cNHL and hNHL [51,52]. The correlation between genetic factors and development and progression of cNHL is more significant because the confounding effects of human genetic heterogeneity are not present in purebred dogs. Few studies have investigated cNHL by using conventional cytogenetic techniques because of the high diploid chromosome number (2n = 78), similar size, morphology and banding pattern of canine autosome [53,54]. However, Hahn et al. [53] demonstrated genomic imbalance as a consequence of aneuploidy in 43 out of 61 cases of cNHL with trisomy of CFA 13 as primary aberration, being present in 75% of cases, and this correlated with longer first remission and survival. The introduction of comparative genomic hybridization in veterinary medicine to investigate chromosomal copy number aberration (CNA) [51], the availability of new cytogenetic resources [55,56] and the complete canine genome map [57] lead to the detection of genomic imbalance as a common feature in cNHL. However, the global level of genomic instability in cNHL is lower than in hNHL with a limited proportion of genome involved in CNA [52,58]. Main aneuploidies include gains of CFA 13 and 31, analogous to partial gain of HSA 4 and 8 and gain of HSA21 in hNHL, respectively. In particular, the subchromosomal regions CFA13q-11q21.1/HSA8q22-qtel and CFA31q11-qtel/HSA21q11-qtel harbour genes involved in tumour pathogenesis such as c-myc. In people, Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
c-myc is mainly involved in B-cell lymphomas because of its frequent aberrant fusion with immunoglobulin genes and, consequently, transcriptional dysregulation [59]. Recently, the same rearrangement was detected in three cases of high-grade cNHL morphologically identified as sporadic Burkitt lymphoma [60]. A more extensive study, however, identified gain of CFA 13 as a common feature of both B-cell and T-cell lymphomas as well as carcinomas and sarcomas, suggesting that this recurrent CNA is probably linked to cancer progression rather than initiation [52,61,62]. Conversely, other CNAs seem to be associated with different lymphoma subtypes, such as the deletion within CFA 26 encompassing the IGLl gene, a hallmark of cDLBCL that is not conserved in humans, being instead characterized by the deletion of IGLk|. These findings are correlated with the predominance of IGLl usage in dogs compared with people [63]. T-cell lymphoma shows a higher frequency and wider distribution of chromosomal aberration and a correlation with deletion of CFA 11q16, orthologous to two regions located on HSA 5 and 9, leading to loss of CDKN2A/B and p16/Rb pathway inactivation in high-grade cPTLC [64]. As an evidence of conservation of this aberration, also hPTCL is associated with deletion of HSA5 5q, and this is correlated with longer survival in the European population but not in Japanese patients [65,66]. Different subtypes of T-cell and B-cell lymphomas are differently distributed in the human and canine population: T-zone and nodal marginal zone lymphomas are common in dogs and infrequent in people, whereas other subtypes are infrequent in both species, such as the mantle cell lymphoma. Conversely, follicular and Burkitt-like lymphomas are rare in dogs and common in people. The availability of canine and human datasets would be useful to understand the heritable and sporadic genetic defects underlying the lymphoma subtypes in both species. The epigenetics modification of DNA is considered nowadays a crucial step in tumorigenesis; the methylation of CpG islands is a mechanism of gene silencing identified in hNHL [67]. Promoter methylation is generally inversely correlated with gene expression, and aberrant hypometilation can lead to genomic instability in malignant cells. This cutting-edge lymphoma biomarker is under investigation also in cNHL. Pelham et al. found genomic hypometilation in cNHL, and the analysis of DLC1 gene, a tumour suppressor gene with high sequence similarities to the human orthologue, revealed an abnormal hypermethylation of promoter region in 21 cNHL [68,69]. As a matter of fact, gene expression profiling revealed the presence of two different subtypes of hDLBCL showing different biological behaviour; the activated B-cell type is more aggressive and related to a higher NF-B activity, which promotes proliferation and inhibits apoptosis [70]. Even if data regarding gene expression profiling in cNHL are not available yet, constitutive and increased NF-kB activities targeting gene expression were detected recently in primary cDLBCL tissue. This suggests the possibility to use this as a spontaneous model for activated B-cell DLBCL in people [71]. Finally, since the discovery of microRNA (miRNA) and their role in post-transcriptional regulation of gene Hematol Oncol 2012 DOI: 10.1002/hon
The dog as model for human non-Hodgkin lymphoma
expression, several studies have demonstrated their crucial involvement in tumorigenesis [72], and the evidence of a downregulation of Mir-15a and Mir-16-1 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia was the first clue of miRNA involvement in pathogenesis of hematopoietic malignancies [73]. Mortarino et al. [74] demonstrated the dysregulation of miRNA also in cNHL with the evidence of an upregulation of miR-17-5p in B-cell lymphoma and miR-181a in T-cell lymphoma. Also, Uhl and co-workers investigated miRNA expression in lymphoma cell lines; all tumours had an increased expression of mir19a + b, an oncogene acting primarily as inhibitor of apoptosis, and a decrease of tumour suppressor miR-218, whereas T-cell lymphomas showed an increased expression of miR-17-5p and B-cell lymphomas a decrease of miR181a [75]. Although preliminary, these data demonstrated the role of specific miRNA cluster dysregulation also in cNHL.
combination therapies under clinical investigation to explore their potential benefits as integrated treatment, thereby as a prelude investigating these approaches for people with [36,79–81].
Conflict of Interest The authors have no competing interest.
Ethics This is a review article dealing with animal pathology. All the procedures described fulfil requirements of internal or national ethic committee of the authors of the manuscript or the cited references.
REFERENCES The dog as a possible therapeutic model Anticancer drug development is a multimillion dollar and time-consuming process, involving the design of carefully constructed steps eventually leading to the testing of new molecules in phase I and II clinical trials. A critical part of the preclinical stage of this process is to demonstrate antitumor efficacy in a relevant tumour model in vivo. Over other laboratory species, clinical trials recruiting pets with cancer for research purposes offer several potential advantages. Because of lack of gold standard treatments, pet owners may have the opportunity to enroll their pets in new clinical trials being potentially of benefit in terms of improved quality of life and prolonged survival. Because the regulation for the development of new drugs is not so strict as for humans, informed owner’s consent is often enough for recruiting dogs. Also, pets are typically enrolled earlier in the disease course as compared with humans, who are typically initially treated with conventional therapies and, only after failure, may be asked to participate to experimental trials. Additionally, in dogs, cancer progresses more rapidly, and clinical trials are completed earlier, allowing to assess toxicity data and efficacy in a more restricted time. To complete a randomized clinical trial in pet dogs, 1–3 years is required, whereas in people, it may require 15 years [76]. This rapid schedule provides the opportunity to integrate the findings on animals within human trials, including toxicity, response, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, dose, regimen, schedule, biomarkers and responding histologies, thereby acting as a bridge to the clinical application. The short remission interval offers the opportunity to test novel antitumoral drugs and new strategies. Many other interesting agents currently in clinical trials have already demonstrated efficacy and safety in cNHL. The list includes GS-9219 (a prodrug of the nucleotide analogue 9-(2phosphonylmethoxyethyl) guanine) [77], ABT526 (a modified thrombospondin-I peptide) [78] and I-kappa kinase inhibitors [71]. In the next future, a canine model should be useful for clinical trials on novel kinase inhibitors or histone deacetylase inhibitors. In addition, there are several Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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The dog as model for human non-Hodgkin lymphoma
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