How to cash in on the The halo effect has lots of
Dfofitable • possibilities i1i:
TS THE ONE TIME EVERY YEAR when everyone is talking about tennis. It's on the front pages of newspapers and lor
hours on TV For two weeks this year-from August 25 through September 7-the LIS ()pen will turn even casual fans of the sport rabid As a retailer, this is prime time for you to take advantage of this tennis-feeding frenzy. There's no better opportunity to increase the mtmber of your tennis playing clients and the numbers on your bottom line Here are somc ideas to capitalize on the opportunity: lj 13ecome the local mecca lor the Opcn: Lise bulletin boarJs, bathroom mirror's, voice-rnail
u.s. Open
reservations staH, club newsletters, fliers Jnd l'Aannollncements to get the message across that your lacil ity is the heart of the tournament in your area. Prior to the event, show highlights from previous great Open mJtches in the public areas throughout the facility, During the event, daily drawsheets and results can he pulled off the \vorld \vide Web (http://www.usopen,org) in seconds, laster than fans can catch it on the news, Just print out the rcsults and post them, Set tIp a temporary phone line with updated messages on voice mail, You might even be interviewed in the local press as a tennis expert. This sort of exposur'e can attract players to your doorstep throtlgh the run of the Open and thnnlghout the year ~ Become [he local sourCe fOI' Us. Open merchandise: Official L1.S. Open T-shirts, hats, swea[shirts and tennis balls are some of the possibilities Thel'e's even a baskethall-"ize US Open tennis ball available from Wilson, the official ball. For inl:ormation on becoming a local licensee for LIS. Open merchandise, contact the USTA's Sarah Cummins at (914) 696-7042.
meHhalldise be ordered by phone (lnd soid in your
io,al.hop. •• Organize events leading up to and during the Open: Plan a dinner wi[h video highlights or the best matches from previous Opens The Tennis Direct company (800-555-5829) has the US Open video collection and is providing a 40 percent discount for retailers. ll! Create a US Open sweepstakes for several months leading up to the event. If you've got the budget and the return potential, you might even ol'fer ticket" to [he ()pen as a grand prize. For ticket information call [OIl-free (888) 673-6849, or look in the ads in the back section of TENNIS magazine ror package tours. lr your L1.S Open promotional activities '.yolk consider making this an annual event.O Joe DiilO[fcr- is a Dal/Cls-bllsed
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