Pro Freedom at Last Ofli1>.i %.
Over the past 25 years, after conducting more than USA 25,000 hours of instruc'" . ,.. '" 'If hon, I have had the opportunity to observe many other professionals teaching group lessons throughout the world. Most of the time we see the teaching professional feeding from one side of the net and all of the students in a line across the net, taking turns hitting the ball. This article will address both the pros and cons of this "pro feeder" format versus the benefits of an optional format which I like to call "pro freedom." O",~L
In the "profreedom" format, the pro works closely with the hitters from behind on preparation and timing for crosscourt volleys. In my opinion, the pros and cons of the "pro feeder" format are: The "pro feeder" format gives the teacher easy control over the speed, frequency, and placement of the feeding. The major disadvantage, however, is that the pro must continually shout instructions across the net to all of the students. Motivational experts stress that the best teachers in group situations encourage the
individuals in the group publicly, but only when they are on their own, they can make corrections in private. Therefore, the "become their own coach." teacher feeding balls across the net to an 2. This format allows the teaching pro entire group cannot effectively make indito make corrections and adjustments in the vidual corrections. hitter's stroke in a very personal and priWith their students across the net at an vate manner. This results in relatively average distance of 60-70 feet, the pros rapid improvement for the students. I've observed constantly have to strain 3. The teaching pro will experience less their voices. voice strain. The "pro freedom" format, on the other 4. Due to the increased interaction hand, creates an entirely different environamong the students, the social atmosphere ment. The procedures are as follows: of the group becomes very SuppOliive. I. On a court 5. Students with four students, learn how to work two students are set with each other up as feeders. effectively. The Depending upon pro can easily their playing abiliencourage them ty, the students can to practice togethtoss softly to the er on their own two hitters, or gradsince they have ually feed from learned a practice across the net with format that is simcontrol. ple to duplicate. This photo depicts the commonly observed 2. The hitters are 6. The "pro "profeeder" format. positioned to move freedom" format to the ball and is also extremely recover after each helpful for teachhit. This means that ing groups of after every 15-20 balls, they will be glad eight students on two courts. In this cirto take a breather and feed as well. cumstance, professionals will find themselves able to maintain close contact with 3. Feeders are encouraged to make corall eight students by roving constantly rections in their partner's strokes, repeatfrom one court to the other. ing the instructions of the professional. I would like to suggest that the "pro 4. Feeders can count how many balls freedom" format be used at least throughthe hitters place in a designated target out the fIrst half of any group lesson. Then, area. A goal can be established for a ceronce the technique featured in that session tain number of shots to land in this target is successfully covered, either pro feeder area before the feeders and hitters rotate. In my opinion, the teaching profession( r student hitting drills can be set up in the -.:ontextof fun and competitive games. al's role in the "pro freedom" format is: Joe will be a featured speaker at the 1. To set up the feeders and the hitters International Tennis Symposium in a controlled environment. October 6-9 on Hilton Head Island. 2. To instruct the feeders how to properly "coach" their hitting partner. 3. To freely rove between the hitters Joe Dinoffer has conducted clinics and exhiand feeders to ensure success. 4. To bring out common points, which bitions in more than 50 everyone would benefit from hearing. countries since 1973. He has trained over The benefits of the "pro freedom" format are: 1,000 teaching professionals in all phases of L Since the feeders become the coachthe industry. Joe cures for their partners, they gain a deeper rently directs adult clinics and camps in understanding of how the particular stroke is executed. Then, in a game situation Dallas, Texas, USA.