Honda S2000 (00-03) Service manual 01

Page 1

INTRODUCTION refdl How to Use This ManualThis manualis dividedinto 23 sections.The first pageof each sectionis markedwith a blacktab that lines up with its corresponding thumb indextab on this pageand the backcover. You can quicklyfind the first pageof eachsectionwithout lookingthrougha full tableof contents.The symbolsprintedat the top cornerot each pagecan also be used as a quick reference. Eachsectionincludes: 1. Atable ofcontents,or an explodedview index showing: . Partsdisassemblysequence. . Bolt torquesand threadsizes. . Pagereferencesto descriptionsin text. proceduresand tools. 2. Disassembly/assembly 3 . Inspeclron, 4. Testing/troubleshooting. 5 . Repair. 6. Adjustments.

Safety MessagesYour safety,and the safetyof others,is very important.To help you make inlormed decisionswe have provided safety messagesand other saletyinformationthroughoutthis manual. Of is not practicalor possibleto warn you aboutall the hazardsassociatedwith servicingthis vehicle.You must use your own good ludgment. You will find imponantsafetyinformationin a varietyot Iorms including: . Satety Labels- on the vehicle. . Safety Messages- preceded by a safety alert symbol I and one ofthree signalwords,DANGER, WARNING,or CAUTION. Thesesignalwords mean:



HURr if sERrouslY rGrnGEriryff s'lt i.:,5*\:3,or HURr it EENIE y;Jf#,?3i:'i!',"t"oJsERrouslY tGEllITttIl l',i fi[ff

t,tt nvoudon'tlorrow

. Instruclions- howto servicethisvehiclecorrectlvand safelv.

All inlormationcontainedin this manualis basedon the latest productinformationavailableat the time of printing.We reserve the right to makechangesat any time without notice.No pan of this publicationmay be reproduced,or storedin a retrieval system,or transmitted,in any torm by any means,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwase, without the prior writtenpermissionof the publisher.This includestext, figures,and tables. As vou readthis will find informationthat is precededby a FOTileElsymbol. The purpose of this message is to help preventdamageto your vehicle,other property,or the environment.

FirstEdition09/20021,104pages HONDAMOTORCO.,LTD. All RightsReserved ServicePublicationOffice Specifications applyto U.S.A.end Canada A3 sâ‚Źclions with *includ6 SRS componâ‚Źnts; speciel precaulioos ere required when servicing.


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) o

GeneralInformation Chassisand PaintCodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .-.2. 2 0 0 0M o d e l Chassisand PaintCodes2 0 0 1M o d e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .-.3. Chassisand PaintCodes2 0 0 2M o d e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .-.4. Chassisand PaintCodes2 0 0 3M o d e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .-.5. ldentification NumberLocations........1-6 Warning/Caution LabelLocations......1-7 Under-hood Emission C o n t r oLl a b e l. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . .1 - 1 1

Lift and SupportPoints ........................ 1-13 Towing

. . . . . .1 - 1 4

P a r t s M a r k i n S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .-.1. .5. . . . . . ServicePrecaution


RevisedComponentTerm . . s. . . . . . . . . . .1. .-.1. 7

Generallnformation Chassisand PaintCodes- 2000Model VehicleldentificationNumber




c d e f g h

a , Manutacturer, Make and Type of Vehicle JHM: HONDAMOTORCO.,LTD HONDAPassengervehicle Line, Body and Engine Type APl: S2000/F20C1 c. Body Type and Transmission Type 'l : 2-doorConvertible/6-speed Manual d. Vehicle Grade (Series) 4: BaseModel e . CheckDigit T. Model Year Y: 2000 (t. Factory Code T: Tochigi Factoryin Japan h . SerialNumber F o r U . S .m o d e l :0 0 0 0 0 1

r Canadamodel:800001


r 00000r

a a. EngineType F20C1i 2.0 A DOHCVTECSequentialMultiport Fuel-injectedengine b. SerialNumber U . S .m o d e l : 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 C a n a d am o d e l :1 1 0 0 0 0 1

Transmission Number SCYM




a TransmissionType S C Y M :6 - s p e eM d an u a l SerialNumber

Paint Code Code

NH-547 NH-565 NH-630t\4 R-510

C o l or B e r l i n aB l a c k Grand Prix White SilverstoneMetallic N e w F o r m u l aR e d COLORLABEL

Vohicle ldentification Numbe. and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Certilication. Vehicle ldentification Number and Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Cortification.


Chassisand PaintCodes- 2001Model VehicleldentificationNumber JHMAP1 1 4 * 1 T 000001


c d e fg h

Manutacturer, Make and Type of Vehicle JHM: HONDAMOTORCO..LTD HONDAPassengervehicle Line, Body and Engine Type AP1: S2000/F20C1 Body Type and Transmission Type 1: 2-doorConvertible/6-speed Manual d . VehicleGrade {Seriesl 4: BaseModel e . Check Digir Model Year 1 :2 O O 1 Factorv Code s. T: Tochigi Factoryin Japan h . SerialNumber F o r U . S .m o d e l :0 0 0 0 0 1 For Canadamodel:800001

EngineNumber F20C1


a a. Engine Type F2,C'li 2.0 A DOHCVTECSequenlialMultiport Fuel-injectedengine b. Serial Number U . S .m o d e l :1 0 1 0 0 0 1 C a n a d am o d e l :1 1 1 0 0 0 1

Transmission Number SCYM 1000001 a TransmissionType SCYM: 6-speedManual SerialNumber

Paint Code Code


MontecarloBlue Pearl(Canadamodel only) B.66P NH-547 B e r l i n aB l a c k NH-565 Grand Prix White (U.S.model only) NH-630M SilverstoneMetallic R - 5 1 0 N e w F o r m u l aR e d Y.52P SDaYellow Pearl COLORLABEL

Vehicle ldentif ication Number and Federal Motor Vâ‚Źhicle Safetv Standard Certification. Vehicle ldontilication Number and Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Certification.


Generallnformation Chassisand PaintCodes- 2002Model Vehicle ldentification Number JHMAP1 1 4 * 2


T 000001

c d e f g h

b. G.

d. e. t. g. h.

Manutacturer, Make and Type of Vehicle JHM: HONDAMOTORCO..LTD HONDAPassengervehicle Line, Body and Engine Type AP1: S2000/F20C1 Body Type and Transmission Type 1: 2-doorConvertible/6-speed l\4anual VehicleGrade (Series) 4: BaseModel Check Digit Model Year 2:2OO2 Factory Code T: Tochigi Factoryin Japan SerialNumber U . S .m o d e l :0 0 0 0 0 1 C a n a d am o d e l : 8 0 0 0 0 1

EngineNumber 1020001


a a. Engine Type F20C1: 2.0 0 DOHCVTECSequentialMultiport Fuel-injectedengine b. Serial Number U . S .m o d e l :1 0 2 0 0 0 1 m o d e l :1 1 2 0 0 0 1

Transmission Number SCYM 2000001 a


TransmissionType SCYM: 6-soeedManual Number

Paint Code Code


B - 5 1 3 M NuerburgringBlue l\4etallic NH-547 B e r l i n aB l a c k NH-5s2tvr SebringSilver Metallic NH-565 Grand Prix White R - 5 1 0 New FormulaRed Y-52P l n d v Y e l l o wP e a r l( U . S .m o d e lo n l v ) COLORLABEL

Vehicle ldentification Numbet and Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Certification. Vehicle ldentification Number and CanadianMotor Vehicle Safety Standard Certification.

0 1-4

Chassisand PaintCodes- 2003Model Vehicle ldentification Number JHMAPT 1 4 * 3

T 000001


c d e f g h

Manufacturer. Make and Type of Vehicle J H M : H O N D AM O T O RC O . ,L T D HONDAPassengervehicle Line,Body and EngineType AP1: S2000/F20C1 Body Type and Transmission Type Manual 1: 2-door Convertible/6-speed d . VehicleGrade {Series) 4: BaseN4odel e . CheckDigit t. Model Year 3: 2003 s. Factory Code T : T o c h i g iF a c t o r yi n J a p a n h . Serial Number U . S .m o d e l :0 0 0 0 0 1 C a n a d am o d e l :8 0 0 0 0 1

EngineNumber F20C1



a a. EngineType F20C1: 2.0 0 DOHCVTECSequentialMultiport Fuel-injectedengine b. Serial Number U . S .m o d e l :1 0 4 0 0 0 1 C a n a d am o d e l :1 1 3 0 0 0 1

TransmissionNumber SCYM 2000001 a a. TransmissionType Manual SCYIVI:6-sDeed

Paint Code C o l or Code B - 5 1 3 M S u z u kB a l u eM e t a l l i1cU . Sm. o d eol n l y ) N H - 5 4 7 B e r l i n aB l a c k NH.552M S e b r i n gS i l v e rM e t a l l i c NH-565 Grand Prix White R-510 N e w F o r m u l aR e d Y 52P S p aY e l l o wP e a r l( U . S .m o d e lo n l y ) N H-630M S i l v e r s t o n M e e t a l i c( U . S .m o d e lo n l v ) COLOBLAAEL

VehicleldentiticationNumber and FederalMotor Vehicle Safelv Standard Certification. VehicleldentificationNumber and CanadianMotor Vehicle SafetYStandard certitication.

t I


GeneralInformation ldentificationNumberLocations EngineNumbel

VehicleldentilicationNumbel lVlN)

TransmissionNumbe. (locatedundertransmission)

c 1-6







Warning/Caution LabelLocations(cont'dl SRSWARNINGINFORMATION U,S,A,model :t\\tIr!Ia











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i ' . , \






, ..t t. "i..'lr



GeneralInformation Warning/CautionLabelLocations(cont'd)



Modelsl Under-hoodEmissionControlLabel(2000-2002 EmissionGroupldentilication

Engineand EvaporativeFamilies:


EngineFamily: ORMATION


2 HNX V 02.0 DYC

OATALYST lili;81.lll;

Bonda Molor

Co . Ltd.




r[t-r t

a b



c d


a. Model Year Y: 2000 1 :2 0 0 1 2t 2002 b. Manufacturer Subcode H N X :H O N D A c. FamilyType V: LDV d. Displacement e. Sequence Characters

Evaporative Family:


t rt r r Il a b

c d


Model Year Y: 2000 'l: 2001 2 t2 0 O z D . Manulacturer Subcode H N X :H O N D A FamilyType R: EVAP/ORVR d . Canister Work Capacity Sequence Characters


GeneralInformation Under-hoodEmissionControl Label(2003Model) EmissionGroup ldentification

Engineand EvaporativeFamilies:




t rt f rt I t a b




c d


a. Model Year 3: 2003 b. Manufacturer Subcode H N X :H O N D A c. Family Type V: LDV d. Displacement e. Sequence Characters

Evaporative Family:


T f t t r Il t a b

c d



Model Year 3: 2003 b . ManutacturerSubcode HNX:HONDA FamilyType R:EVAP/ORVR d . CanisterWork Capacity e . SequenceCharacters a,

a 1-12


Lift and Support Points lf you are going to remove heavycomponentssuch as suspensionor the fuel tank from the rear of the vehicle, first suooortthe front of the vehiclewith a tall safety stand.When substantialweightis removedfrom the rear of the vehicle,the centerof gravity can changeand causethe vehicleto tip forward on the hoist,

FloorJack 1. Blockthe rear wheelswhen raisingthe front of the vehicle;blockthe front wheels when raisingthe rear of the vehicle. Placethe blocksbehind and aheadof the wheels. 2. Raisethe vehicle high enoughto insertthe satety stands.

FrameHoist 1. Positionthe hoist Iift blocks(A),or safetvstands, under the vehicle'sfront support points (B)and rear supportpoints (C).


3. Adjust and placethe safetystandsso the vehicle will be approximatelylevel,then lower the vehicle onto them.


2. Raisethe hoist a few inches,and rockthe vehicle gentlyto be sure it is firmly supported.

Withrubberor shoptowel.

3. Raisethe hoist to full height,and inspectthe lift ooints (B and C) for solid contactwith the lift blocks.

SafetyStands To supportthe vehicleon safetystands,usethe same supportpoints (B and C) as for a frame hoist.Always use safetystandswhen working on or under any vehiclethat is supportedonly by a jack.




Towing lf the vehicleneedsto be towed, call a professional towing service.Nevertow the vehiclebehind another vehiclewith just a rope or is very dangerous. Emergency Towing Flat-bedEquipment- The operatorloadsthe vehicle on the back of a truck.This is the onlv recommended way of transportingthe S2000. Tie Down Bracket Hole Locations: Front:

''#: ,,



. This vehiclecan only be transportedon a flat-bed. . Trying to lift or tow the vehicleby the bumperswill causeseriousdamage.The bumpers are not designedto suppon the vehicle'sweight. Towing Hook Installation:

To avoid damageto the car, usethe towing hook for straight,flat ground towing only. Do not tow at an angle. The towing hook should not be usedto tow the vehicle onto a flat bed. Do not use it as a tie down. . Removethe cover from the rear or front bumper. .Install the rear or front towing hook securelyinto the bolt hole behindthe bumper through the opening. The towing hook is locatedin the tool kit in the trunk. Rear:









BOLTHOLE (behindopening)




PartsMarking To detervehicletheft,certainmajor componentsare markedwith the vehicleidentificationnumber {VlN).Original partshave sell-adhesivelabels.Replacementbody partswill have self-adhesivelabels,and the replacementengine and transmissionwill have the VIN plate attachedwith a break-offbolt. NOTE:Be carefulnot to damagethe parts marking labelsduring body repair.Mask the labelsbefore repairingthe part.


! 1 0 1-15



ServicePrecaution AdhesiveWheelBalanceWeight The wheels of this model are not designedto mount the balanceweight on the outer side of the wheel. Instead,mount the self-adhesivebalanceweight on the inner side of the wheels. Note the following servicetips and installthe weights securely. . Use only self-adhesivewheel balanceweights to balancethe wheels of the car. . The wheels and weight must be 41.F (5"C)or above during installation. . Do not damagethe wheel when removingthe balanceweight, ' After removingthe balanceweighl, removethe adhesiveresiduefrom the wheel using a degreasingcreantngagenr. ' R e m o v e d u s t a n d f o r e i g n m a t e r i af lr o m t h e s u r f a c eo f t h e w h e e la n d d e g r e a s e t h e s u r f a c eb e f o r ea p p l y i n gt h e n e w balanceweight. ' Use the IPA (isopropylalcohol)or brakecleanerasthe degreasingagent,and letthe surlacedrythoroughly after degreasing. ' Peeloff the backingfrom the balanceweight with care,do not touch the adhesivesurface.Placethe balanceweight on the wheel lengthwiseto the wheel. 'Presstheentiresurfaceofthebalanceweightwith5toTkgofforcesothebalanceweight'stapeadherestothe wheel securely. . Rockthe balanceweight lightly and make sure that it is properlysecuredto the wheel. . Do not placeone balanceweight on top of another. ' When you cannot measurethe amount of weight at the adhesionpositionwith the wheel balance machine,ta ke the amount of unbalanceat the outer rim and calculatethe amount of weight usingthe conversionfactor betow. Selectthe balanceweight that is the closestto the calculation. Conversionfactorfor the adhesionposition: Frontwheel:2.9 R e a rw h e e l : 2 . 5 Example: lf the unbalanceat the front rim is 15 grams, it is calculatedas ; 1Sx 2.9 = 43.5gr. Therefore,the unbalanceis 43.5grams.

There must be clearance.




RevisedComponentTerms '01 models,the following componentterms have beenchangedto conform with the standardsin SAE Beginningwith d o c u m e n t J 1 9 3 0l f. y o u f i n d a t e r m o r a b b r e v i a t i o n i n a ' 0 1o r l a t e rm a n u a tl h a t i s u n f a m i l i atro y o u ,c h e c kt h i s l i s t .I f a term is not listedbelow, it did not change.

'00 and EarlierModels Description


Honda Abbreviations

HeatedOxygen Sensor(for some models) BrakeSwitch ClutchSwitch Distributorlonition Rotor FunctionSensor


EvaporativeEmissionControl Can ister EvaporativeEmissionControl CanisterVent Shut Valve EvaporativeEmissionPurge ControlSolenoidValve ExhaustGas Recirculation Valve Lift Sensor ExhaustGas Recirculation ControlSolenoidValve


Exhaust GasRecirculation VacuumControlValve

'01 or Later odels Description Air Fuel RatioSensor

New Abbreviations SAE recommendation A,/FSENSOR BPPSwitch

EVAPControlCanister Vent Shut Valve

BrakePedalPositionSwitch ClutchPedalPositionSwitch DistributorRotor EngineSpeedFluctuation Sensor EvaporativeEmission Canister EvaporativeEmission CanisterVent Shut Valve

EVAPPurgeControl S o l e n o iV dalve

Emission Evaporative CanisterPurqeValve

EGRValve Lift Sensor

ExhaustGas Recirculation Valve PositionSensor ExhaustGas Recirculation ValveVacuum Control SolenoidValve

EGRValve Position S e n s or EGRValveVacuum ControlSolenoidValve

ExhaustGasRecirculation ValveVacuumControl SolenoidValve

EGRValveVacuum ControlSolenoidValve

Dl Rotor

EGRControlSolenoid Valve

EGRVacuumControl Valve

RPM Fluctuation S e n s or EVAPCanister

Vent EVAPCanister ShutValve Purge EVAPCanister

R a d i a t oF r a nC o n t r o M l odule FuelTank Evaporative EmissionValve ORVRVent Shut Valve

Fan ControlModule FuelTank Vapor/Liquid SeDarationValve FuelTank Vapor Control Valve

ORVRVaporRecirculation Tube

FuelTankVaporRecirculation Tube

ldle Air ControlThermal Valve lntecror F u e ll n i e c t o r IntakeAir BypassControl FIA ControlValve Fuel InjectionAir Control Valve Valve IntakeAir BypassControl FIA ControlSolenoid Fuel InjectionAir Control Themal Valve Valve S o l e n o i dV a l v e I n t a k eM a n i f o l dR u n n e r IntakeAir BvDassCheckValve IAB CheckValve ControlVacuum CheckValve l n t a k eM a n i f o l dR u n n e r ControlActuator I n t a k eM a n i f o l dR u n n e r ControlActuatorWire IABControlDiaphragm I n t a k eM a n i f o l dR u n n e r IntakeAir BypassControl ControlActuatorDiaohraqm Diaohraqm IntakefvlanifoldRunner Controllvlodule Firstldle Themo Valve

IAC ThermalValve

Check I M R CV a c u u m Valve IMRCActuator IMRCActuatorWire

I M R CD i a p h r a g m I M R CM o d u l e

I (cont'd)


GeneralInformation RevisedComponentTerms (cont'd) '00 and EarlierModels Description

Honda Abbreviations

'01 or Later odels Description

IntakeAir BypassControl SolenoidValve

IAB ControlSolenoid Valve

Intakel\4anifold Runner ControlSolenoidValve

IntakeAir BypassVacuum Tank IntakeAir BypassValve Body Assemblv BreatherChamber


IntakeManifold Runner ControlVacuum IntakeManifold Runner ControlValve Oil/Air Separator

IAB Valve Body Assemblv

New Abbreviations SAE recommendation I M R CS o l e n o i dV a l v e I M R CV a c u u m Reservoir I M R CV a l v e

FuelPressure Regulator ControlSolenoidValve

Pressure Regulator Vacuum ControlSolenoidValve

Air ControlValve CheckValve

SecondaryAir Injection ControlVacuum CheckValve SecondaryAir Injection ControlVacuum Reservoir

Air ControlVacuum CheckValve A i r C o n t r oV l acuum Reservoir

Secondary Air Injection ControlVacuumControl SolenoidValve

Air ControlValve VacuumControl S o l e n o iV da l v e

SecondarvAir lniectionPumo SecondaryAir InjectionPump ControlValve SecondaryAir InjectionPump ElectricCurrentSensor

Air Pump Air ControlValve

Air ControlValveVacuum Tank Air ControlSolenoidValve

Air Pump Air ControlValve Air Pump ElectricCurrent Sensor

Air Pump Electric CurrentSensor

ShifVClutch Pressure Control SolenoidValveSet

ShiftSolenoidandAutomatic SSandA/TClutch Transaxle ClutchPressure Pressure Control ControlSolenoidValveSet SolenoidValveSet

Shift ControlSolenoidValve Set

Shift Solenoidand Torque ConverterClutchSolenoid Valve Set Shift Solenoidand Torque ConverterClutchSolenoid Valve Shift SolenoidValveA

Shifvlock-up ClutchControl SolenoidValveAssy

ShiftControlSolenoidValve Shift ControlSolenoidValve B ThrottleValve Control Module Lock-upClutchControl SolenoidValve Set

Lock-upClutchControl SolenoidValve AutomaticTransaxlePosition A"/TGear Position Switch Switch VariableValveTiming and VTECPressureSwitch Valve Lift ElectronicControl PressureSwitch


Shift SolenoidValve B

S S a n d T C CS o l e n o i d ValveSet SS and TCCSolenoid Valve

S SV a l v eA SS Valve B

ThrottleActuator Torque ConverterClutch Solenoidand Automatic TransaxleClutchPressure ControlSolenoidValve Set Torque ConvenerClutch S o l e n o i dV a l v e TransmissionRangeSwitch V a r i a b l eV a l v eT i m i n ga n d Valve Lift ElectronicControl PressureSwitch

TCCSolenoidand A,/T ClutchPressureControl SolenoidValve Set T C CS o l e n o i dV a l v e TR Switch

VTECOil Pressure Switch

L Specifications



Standardsand ServiceLimits Electrical




l g n i t i o nc o i l

R a t e dv o h a g â‚Ź


Firingorder Tvpe


Standardor New


t ,

12V 1 3 4 2 N G K :P F R T G ' 1 1 S D E N S O :P K 2 2 P RL 1 1 S

Gap At idle (check

l g n i t i o nt i m i n g

1.0 1.1mm {0.039 0.043in.) 5l:2'BTDCat 800150rpm in neutral

1.3mm {0.05'lin.)

the red mark) Alternator-



c o m p r e s s o rb e l t OLrtput


Brushlength Oulput

At 13.5V and 1 0 5A normalengrne temperaiure 10.5mm (0.41in.)

Commutator mica depth

0.4 0.5mm (0.016 0.020in.) 0 . 0 2m m ( 0 . 0 0i1n . ) m a x . 28.0 28.1m m (1.102- 'l.106in.l

1.5mm (0.06in.) 0.'15mm (0.006in.)

0.05mm (0.002in.) 2 7 . 5m m ( 1 . 0 8i3n . ) 15.8 16.2mm (0.62 0.64in.) 1 1 . 0m m { 0 . 4 3 in.) 15.7 17.7N {'1.60 1.80k9f,3.53 3.97lbs)

Commutator runout Commutator O.D. Brushlength Brushspringtension(new)

E n ne Item Compression

Measurement Pressure Checkat250rpm with wideopen throftle. {SeeDesignSpecsfor ratio.)


Nominal Minimum Maximum variation

Standard or New

1,570kPa {16.0kgf/cm,228 psi) 930 kPa (9.5kgflcm',135psi) 200kPa I (2.0ksf/cm',28psi)

Service Limit

t l

L ( 2-2


nderHead Measurement



Stand.rd or New


104.95'105.05mm (4.132-4.136in.) 0.05 0.15mm (0.002 0.006in.) 0.060 0.099mm (0.002 0.004in.) 0.03mm (0.001in.)max.

Height Camshaft

E n dp l a v -to-holder Camshaft oil clearance Totalrunout Cam lobe height

Intake,primary I n t a k e ,m i d Intake,

3 3 . 7 1m 6 m ( 1 . 3 2i7n . )

Exhaust, mad Exhaust,

3 5 . 9 2m 8 m ( 1 . 4 1i4n . )




Exhaust Stemto guideclearance


Exhaust lntaKe Exhaust



stem installedheight


Exhaust Valvesprings

F r e el e n g t h




Exhaust Intake

Exhaust I n s t a l l e dh e i g h t


Exhaust Rockerarms

Arm to shaftclearance




0.30mm (0.012in.) 0.'15mm (0.006in.) 0.04mm (0.002in.)

in.) 33.677mm 11.326 36.533mm (1.438in.) 33.961mm (1.337in.)

Exhaust, pnmary

C l e a r a n c e( c o l d )

ServiceLimit 0.05mm {0.002in.)

33.994mm (1.338in.) 0.21" 0.25mm (0.008 0.010in.) 0.25 0.29mm (0.010 0.011in.) in.) 5.48 5.49mm (0.2157-0.2162 5.45 5.46mm (0.2146 0.2150in.) 0.02 0.05mm 10.0010.002in.) in.) 0.05 0.08mm {0.002-0.003 1.05- 1.35mm 10.0410.053in.) 1.25 1.55mm (0.049 0.061in.) 44.1 44.4mm (1.736 1.748in.) 44.2 44.5mm \1.140 1.152in.| 49.77mm (1.959in.) 50.39mm {1.984in.) 5.510 5.530mm (0.2169 0.2177in.) 5.510 5.530mm {0.2169 0.2177in.) 15.2 16.2mm (0.598 0.638in.) 16.0 17.0mm (0.630 0.669in.) 0.021 0.041mm {0.0008 0.0016in.) 0.021 0.041mm {0.0008 0.0016in.)

5 . 4 5m m { 0 . 2 1i5n . ) n.) 5 . 4 2m m 1 0 . 2 1i 3 0.08mm (0.003in.) 0.11mm(0.004in.i 1.80mm (0.071in.) 2.00mm (0.079in.) 4 4 . 7 m m ( 1 . 7 6 0i n . )

44.8mm (1.764in.)

5.55mm (0.219in.) 5.55mm (0.219in.)

0.07mm (0.003in.) 0.07mm (0.003in.)

a 2-3

Standardsand ServiceLimits Enqine ne Block Item




Borediameter Eorll Borelaper Reboringlimit Skirt


No lefter LenerB

C l e a r a n c ei n c y l i n d e r Bing groove widrh

Top Second

oil Pistonrings

R i n g - t o - g r o o v ec l e a r a n c e


Ringend gap


Second Second



P i s t o np i n

P i n - t o - p i s t o nc l e a r a n c e


Pinlo rod clearance S m a l l - e n db o r e d i a m e t e r Large end bore diameter



E n d p l a y i n s t a l l e do n c r a n k s h a f t Main journal diameter

Bodjournaldiameter R o d / m a i nj o u r n a l t a p e r

Bod/mainjournalout of round End play Crankshaft beanngs

Runout N4!'nl991l9l9j9{lal oir clearance Rodbearingclearance

Standardor New ServiceLimit 0.07mm (0.003in.)max. 0 . 1 0m m ( 0 . 0 0i4n . ) 87.010 87.020mm (3.4256 3.4260in. 87.070mm (3.4279 in. 87.000 87.010mm 13.42523.4256in.)8 7.070mm (3.4279 in. 0.05mm (0.002in.) 0.25mm (0.01in.) 86.993 87.006mm {3.4292- 3.4254in.t 86.980mm (3.4244 in.l 86.983 86.996mm (3.4245 3.4250in.) 86.970mm {3.4240 in. 0.004 0.027mm (0.0002 0.0011in.) 0.04mm 10.002 in.) 1.235 1.265mm (0.0486 0.0498in.) '1.285 mm (0.0506 in.) 1.230 1.245mm (0.0484 0.0490in.) 1.265mm (0.0498 in.) - 0.0797in.) 2.05mm 10.081 2.005 2.025mm (0.0789 in.) 0.045 0.090mm (0.0018 0.0035in.) 0.135mm (0.005in.) 0.040 0.070mm (0.0016 0.0028in.) 0 . 1 3m m ( 0 . 0 0i5n . ) 0.25 0.35mm (0.010 0.014in.) 0.60mm (0.024in ) 0.60 0.75mm (0.024 0.030in.) 0.90mm (0.035in.) 0.20 0.70mm (0.008 0.028in.) 0.80mm (0.031in.) 22.961 22.965mm {0.9040 0.9041in_ 22.953mm (0.9037 in.) -0.003 1 0.0060mm 0.010mm (0.0004 in.) I 0.00012 +0.00024in.) 0.018 0.035mm (0.0007 0.0014in.) 0.04mm (0.0016 in.) 22.961 22.965mm 10.90400.9041in.) 5 1 . 0m m { 2 . 0 1i n . ) 0.'15 0.30mm (0.006 0.012in.i 0 . 4 0 m m ( 0 . 0 1 6i n . ) 54.976 55.000mm (2.1644 2.1654in.) 47.976 48.000mm {1.8888 1.8898 in.) 0.005mm (0.0002 in.)max. 0.006mm (0.0002 in.) 0.004 mm10.0002 in.)max. 0.006mm (0.0002 in.) 0 . 1 0 0 . 3 5m m ( 0 . 0 0 40 . 0 1 4 in.) 0 . 4 5m m ( 0 . 0 1i8n . ) 0.03mm 10.001 in.)max. 0.04mm (0.002rn.)



0441-rlg4gg1 0,00lg1!,10.050mn1(0.0020 inJ _0.911 0.030 0.054mm (0.0012 0.0021in.)

0.060mm (0.0024 in.)

Lubrication Item





Inner-to-outer otor clearance


Pumphousingto-outerrotorclearance Pumphousingto outerrotoraxial clearance Oil pressure with oil temperature at Ar idte 176.F{80.C) At 3,000rpm

Standardor New ServiceLimit 5.64 (5.9US qt, 4.9lmp qt)for engineoverhaul 4.80 (5.'lUS qr,4.2lmp qt) for oil change,including fitter 4-50 (4.8US qt, 4.0lmp qtifor oil change,withoutfilter 0.02 0.15mm (0.001 0.006in.) 0.20mm {0.008in.) 0.15 0.21mm (0.006-0.008in.) 0.23mm {0.009in.) 0.02 0.07mm (0.001 0.003in.) 0 . 1 2m m 1 0 . 0 0i 5 n.) 250kPa(2.5kgtcm',36psi) 590kPa{6.0kgtcm' ,85psi)




Coo Measurement

Item Radiator

Reservoir Radiator cap Thermostat


C o o l a n t c a p a c i t y( i n c l u d e se n g i n e ,

E n g i n eo v e r h a u l

h e a t e r ,h o s e s a n d r e s e r v o i r )

C o o l a n tc h a n g e

Coolantcapacity Openingpressure OpeningtemPerature

B e g i n st o o p e n

Fullyopen C o o l i n gf a n

Valvelift at fully open "ON" Thermoswitch temperature "OFF ' Thermoswitch temperature

Servicâ‚ŹLimit Standardor New 7 . 60 ( 8 . 0U Sq t , 6 . 7 l m pq 0 6 . 50 ( 6 . 9U Sq t , 5 . 7 l m pq l i 0 . 60 { 0 . 6U Sq t , 0 . 5l m pq 0 93- 123kPa(0.95 1.25kgflcm',14 18psi) 169 r76"F(76 80'C) 194'F(90'C) 10.0mm (0.39in.)min196 203.F(91 95'C) re Subtract5 15'F(3 8'Cifrom actual"ON" temperatu

Fueland Emissions requlator

Measurement Pressurewith regulator vacuumhosedisconnected




l d l e s p e e dw i t h h e a d l i g h t s


Standardor New



3 2 0 3 7 0 k P a r 3 . 3 3 . 8 L g f . c m ' ,4 7 b 4 p s i l 2 S q a l , 1 1 . 0l m p q a l ) 500 ('13.U

In Neutral


a n d r a d i a t o rf a n o f f

0 . 1m a x .

l d l e C O%

Glutch Measuroment

hem Clutchpedal


Oualilication From the floor

Stroke Play


Runouton clutchmatingsurface Clutchdisc

Rivethead depth Rivethead thickness H e i g h to f d i a p h r a g m s p r i n g f i n g e r s

Standard or New

189mm (7.44in.) 1 1 5 1 2 5m m ( 4 . 5 3 4 . 9 2i n . ) 9 - ' 1 7m m ( 0 . 4 0 . 7 i n . ) 0.05mm (0.002in.)max. 1.2 1.7mm (0.047 0.067in.) 8.2 8.9mm (0.32 0.35in.) 0.03mm {0.001in.}max. 0.4mm (0.016in.)max.

Service Limit

0.15mm (0.006in.) 0.2rnm {0.008in.) 6.0mm (0.241,n.) 0.15mm (0.006in.) 0.6mm (0.024in.)

{ e e l e rg a u g e a n d specialtool



Standardsand ServiceLimits ManualTransmission Measurement


Transmission fluid Mainshatt


At overhaul Endplay housingball Diameter of transmission beaflnqcontactarea Diameterof 4th/5thgearscontactarea Diametero{ 6th gearcontactarea Diameterof clutchhousingbali bear|n0contactarea Runout

Mainshaft 3rd gear

Oualitidtion At fluid chanqe

t.D. Thickness Endplay

Standard or New

qt) 1 . 4 80 ( 1 . 5 6 U Sq t . ,1 . 3 0 l m p 1 . 6 20 { 1 . 7 1 U Sq r . ,1 . 4 3l m pq t ) 0.14 0.2'lmm {0.006 0.008in.) 27.987 28.000mm ( 1 . 1 0 1 81 . 1 0 2i4n . ) 34.987 35.000mm (1.3774 1.3180 in.) 38.984 39.000mm (1.5348 1.5354 in.) 28.002 28.015mm ( 1 . 1 0 2 41 . 1 0 3i0n . ) 0 . 0 2m m ( 0 . 0 0 1 i n . ) m a x .

34.989 35.000mm (1.3775 1.3780 in.)

Length Mainshaft 4th


35.23 35.28mm 11.387 1.389in.) 47.009 47.025mm ( 1 . 8 5 0 71 . 8 5 1i4n . ) 31.89 31.97mm (1.256 1.259in.) 0.06 0.19mm (0.002 0.007in.) 35.002 35.012mm 11.37801.3784in.) 41.989 42.000mm (1.6531 1.6535 in.) 32.03 32.08mm {1.261 1.263in-) 44.009 44.025mm (1.7326 1.7333 in.) 2 8 . 8 9 2 8 . 9 7m m ( 1 . 1 3 7 1 . 1 4 1 in.) 0.06 0.'19mm (0.002 0.007in.) 30.020 30.029mm ( 1 . 1 8 1 91 . 1 8 2i2n . ) 34.002 34.018mm (1.3387 1.3393 in.) 43.984 44.000mm { 1 . 7 3 1 71 . 7 3 2i3n . } 28.002 28.015mm ( 1 . 1 0 2 41 . 1 0 3i0n . ) 0.02mm 10.001 in.)max. 57.010 57.029mm 12.24t5 2.2452in.1 31.18 31.26 m m ( 1 . 2 2 8 1 . 2 3 i1n . ) 0.04 0.22mm {0.002 0.009in.) 50.987 51.000mm (2.007a 2.0079in.) 28.03 28.08 m m ( 1 . 1 0 4 1 . 1 0 i6n . ) 43.984 44.000mm in.l \1.1311 1.1323 32.88 32.96mm {1.294 1.298in.) 0.04 0.17mm (0.002 0.007in.)


o.D. Length

Mainshaft 6th gear

LD. Thickness Endplay


D i a m e t e ro f r e a r s i d e c o v e r n e e d l e o e a r t n gc o n t a c t a r e a D i a m e t e ro f t r e n s m i s s i o nh o u s i n g s i d e n e e d l eb e a r i n g c o n t a c t a r e a D i a m e t e ro f 2 n d o e a r c o n t a c t a r e a

DiameteroI clutchhousingsideball bearingconntactarea Runout Countershaft 1st LD. gear Thickness Endplay Countershaft 1st o.D. gearorslance collar Length Countershaft 2nd r.D. gear Thrckness Endplay

27.95mm 11.100 in.) 0.05mm (0.002in.)

0.3mm (0.012in.)


Mainshaft 4th and5thgears distance collar

38.94mm (1.533in.)

3 4 . 9 7m m ( 1 . 3 7 7i n . )

28.002 28.012mm ( 1 . 1 0 2 41 . 1 0 2i n8. )

End play

34.94mm 11.376 in.)

0.06 0.19mm {0.002 0.007in.)



Adjust 2 7 . 9 4m m ( 1 . 1 0i0n . )

40.009 40.025mm 1 1 . 5 7 5 21 . 5 7 5i8n . ) 35.09 35.17mm (1.381 1.385in.)

Mainshaft 3rd geardrstance co ar

and 5th gears

Service Limit

3 1 . 7 7m m ( 1 . 2 5i1n . ) 0 . 3m m ( 0 . 0 1i2n . )

28.77mm ('l.133in) 0.3mm (0.012in) 2 9 . 9 7m m 1 1 . 1 8i 0 n.) 33.95mm {1.337in.) 43-93mm (1.730in.) 2 7 . 9 5m m ( 1 . 1 0i0n . ) 0.05mm {0.002in.)

3 1 . 0 6m m { 1 . 2 2i3n . ) 0 . 3m m ( 0 . 0 142n . )

3 2 . 7 6m m ( 1 . 2 9i0n . ) 0 . 3m m ( 00 1 2i n . )

L .



Countershaft reversegear

50.009 50.025mm {1.9689 1.969sin.) 26.38 26.46mm (1.039 1.042in.)

Thickness Endplay Countershaft reversegear


distance collar


S e c o n d a r ys h a f t

Daameter of ballbearingcontactarea D i a m e t e ro f p r o p e l l e rs h a f t s i d e t a p e r e d r o l l e r b e a r i n gc o n t a c t a r e a

Diameter of transmission housingside taperedrollerbearingcontactarea Runout Startingtorque(preload) Shiftfork

F i n g e rt h i c k n e s s

1 2 shift tork 3 4 shift fork 5 6 shift fork Reverse shiftfork

F9'k-!9'"1!9!Pl!99v9ll!!I9t!9 Groove

Shittarm A



Tol2shiftlever To shiftarm A

t.D. Fingerwidth ShiftarmA to shiftforks


F i n o e rw i d t h Leverto-shift forks and pieces

0.04- 0.22mm {0.002 0.009in.) 37.989 38.000mm 11.49561.4961in.) 25.53 25.58mm {1.005 1.007in.) 3m 3 1 . 0 0 23 1 - 0 1m \1.2205 1.22t0in.l 4 1 . 0 0 24 1 . 0 1m 8m 1 . 6 1 4 i9n . ) 11.6142 35.009 35.025mm ( 1 . 3 7 8 31 . 3 7 9i0n . ) 0.02mm (0.001in.)max. 1.86 2.84N m (19.0,16.5 25.2lbfin) 7.4 7.6mm (0.29 0.30in.) 6.2 6.4mm (0.24 0.25in.) 6.2 6.4mm (0.24 0.25in.) 6.2 6.4mm (0.24 0.25in.) 0.35 0.65mm {0.014 0.026in.) 17.2- 17.4mm {0.677 0.685in.) 17.2 17.4mm 10.6770.685in.) 16.000 16.027 mm (0.6299 0.6310in.) 16.8 17.0mm (0.661 0.669in.) 0.2 0.6mm (0.008 0.024in.) 1 7 . 0 1 7 . 2m m ( 0 . 6 6 90 6 7 7i n . ) 0 0.4mm (0 0.016in.)

1'2 shift piece


To shiftarmA

1 7 . 2 1 7 . 4m m ( 0 . 6 7 7 0 . 6 8 5 i n . i

3 4 shift piece


To shift arm A

Reverseshift piece



Ring-to-gear clearance (ringpushedagainstgea.)


Outersyncroring to synchrocone (ringpushedagainstgear) clearance

To 1-2shiftarm A To shiftarm A srhand6rhgears Reversegear 1stand2ndgears

17.2 17.2 17.2 0.75 0.85 0.70 0.90 0.50

S y n c h r o c o n e t o - g e a rc l e a r a n c e( r i n g p u s h e d a g a i n s tg e a r )

3rd and 4th gears 1st,3rdand 4th qears

2ndgear clearance 1st,3rdand 4th Outersynchroring-to-gear (ringpushedagainstgear) gears 2nd gear Oilpump

rotorradial lnnerrotor-to-outer Rotorto-transmission housing


Standard or New




17.4mm (0.677 0.685in.) 17.4mm (0.677 0.685in.) 17.4mm (0.677 0.685in.) 1.00mm (0.030 0.039in.) 1 10mm 10.0330.043in.i 1.09mm (0.028 0.043in.) 1.39mm (0.035-0.055in.) 1.04mm (0.020 0.041in.)


26.26mm 11.034 in.i 0.3mm (0.012in.)

3 0 . 9 5m m ( 1 . 2 1i9n . ) 40.95 m m ( 1 . 6 1i2n . ) 34.96mm (1.376in.) 0.05mm {0.002in.) Adjust

1,0!rnrnl!.0991!.1 17.1mm {0.673in.) 17.1mm {0.673in.)

16.7mm {0.657in.i 0.7mm (0.028in.) 16.9mm {0.665in.) 0.5mm (0.020in.) 17.1mm {0.673in.i '17.1 mm (0.673in.) 17.1mm {0.673in.) 17.1mm {0.673in.) 0 . 4m m ( 0 . 0 1i6n . ) 0.4mm (0.016in.) 0.3mm (0.012in.) 0.3mm (0.012in.) 0 . 3m m ( 00 1 2i n . )

'1.78 (0.026 0.65 mm 0.070in.) 0.95 1.68mm (0.037 0.066in.i

0.3mm (0.012in.) 0.6mm {0.024in.)

0.70 1.82mm (0.028 0.072in.) 1.14mm (0.006in.)max.

0.6mm (0.024in.) 0.20mm 10.008 in.i

0.1 0.2mm (0.004 0.008in.) 0.03 0.07mm (0.00'l 0.003;n.)

0.22mm 10.009 in.) Adjust

a 2-7

Standardsand ServiceLimits Differential itom Differentaaloil


Ringgear Differential

Measurement Capacity

Oualification At oil chanoe

Slenderd or New 0 . 7 40 ( 0 . 7 8U S q t . , 0 . 6 5 l m pq t )

0.774 (0.81US qt.,0.68lmpqt) Startingtorque(preload) A d d i t i o n a l v a l u e0.88 1.37N m (Addadditionalvalue (9.0,7.81 12.2lbf ini to actualstarting torquemeasurement) B a c k l a s ht o d r i v e p i n i o n 0.09 0.11mm (0.0035 0.0043in) Totalstartingtorque measured with 14 30N push/pullcauqe l t . 4 3 . t k a f , 1 . 2 2 . 1 l b f )

Rotational olavm6asured at outside

0 10mm {0 0.39in.)

Staning load measuredat outside

3 4 N ( 3 . 5k g f , 7 . 7 l b f )

Service Limit

t l


Adjust Adjust

Angleof rackguidescrewloosened

Item Wheelalignment

Meas||rem6nt Camber


Standardor New 0'30'+30'

Front at




Frontat adlustment Rearat

0'30'a 10'


1"30' + 1o'

Ffont at

L (


6"OO'! 45'


TotalToe Frontwheelturningangle Runout

Rearat adlustment Front Rear I n s i d ew h e e l

0 + 2 m m ( 0 + 1 / 1 6i n . ) l N 6 4 2 ( 1 / 4 t1 / 1 6i n . ) 34'00'a2'

O u t s i d ew h e e l



0 0 0 0


Whoelbearings Endplay


Front Rear

0.7mm (0 0.03in.) 0 . 7m m { 0 0 . 0 3i n . ) 0.05mm (0 0.002in.) 0.05mm (0- 0.002in.)

2.0mm (0.08in.) 1 . 5m m ( 0 . 0 6 in.)

L ( 2-8


Brakes llem

Parkingbrake lever Brakepedal Mastercylinder Brakedisc

Measurement Distancetraveledwh€n pulledwith 196N (20kgf,44 lbfl oI


Pedalheight(carpetremoved) Freeplay P i s t o nt o p u s h r o d c l e a r a n c e



Rear Runout


Parallelism Thickness

Front Bear Frontand rear Front Rear


Standard or New


1 3 c l i c k ss h o u l d l o c k t h e b r a k € s

1 7 9m m { 7 1 / 1 6i n . ) 1 5 m m ( 1 / 1 6 - 3 / 1i6n . ) 0-0.4 mm l0 0.02in.) 24.9-25.1mm {0.98 0.99in.} 1 1 . 9 -1 2 . 1m m 10.4690.476in.i

9 . 5 - 1 0 . 5m m (0.37-0.41in.) 8.9 9.1mm (0.35-0.36in.)

23.0mm (0.91in.) 10.0mm (0.39in.) 0.10mm (0.004in.) 0.10mm {0.004in.) in.) 0.015mm (0.0006 1.6mm (0.06in.) 1.6mm (0.064n.)

Air Condition Measurement




Type Capacity of system



R e f r i g e r a n to i l

Tvpe Capacity of components

Condenser Evaporator Eachlineand hose Receiver



F i e l dc o i l r e s i s t a n c e P u l l e v - t o - p r e s s L t rpel a t e c l e a r a n c e

Compressor Ar 68"F(20"C)

Servic€ Limit Slandsrd or N€w I HFC'134a {R'134a) 600 650s (21 23 oz) or 38899-P13-A01) SP-10(P/N38897-P13'A01AH 25 m4 (5/6llo2,0.9lmpo.) 40 m4 i1 1/3fl o?,1.4lmp oz) 1 0m q( 1 / 3t l o 2 , 0 . 4 l m o pz ) 1 0m 0{ 1 / 3f l o 2 , 0 . 4 l m o pz i 130 150m0 (4.4-5.1fl oz,4.6 5.3lmp ou) 3 . 0 5 - 3 . 3 5Q 0.5a0.15mm {0.02t0.005in.)

a 2-9

DesignSpecifications Item



O I M E N S I O N S Overalllength Overallwidth Ovorallheight


Front Rear

Ground clearance



4,120 m m ( 1 6 2 .i2n . ) '1,750 mm (68.9in.) 1,285mm {50.6in.) 2,400mm (94.5in.) 1,470mm (57.9in.) 1,510mm (59.54n.) 130mm {5.1in.)

S e a t i n gc a p a c i t y

WEIGHT(U.S.A.} GrossV€hicleWeightRating (GVWB)



GrossVehicleWeightRating (GVWR)





Cylinderarrangement Boreandstroke

87.0x 84.0mm {3.43x 3.31in.)


1 , 9 9 7c m r ( m 0 )( 1 2 1 . 9c u i n . )

Comprsssion ratio

11.0 Chaindriven,DOHCVTEC4 valvespercvlinder Forced, wet sump,withtrochoidpump 58.44 (61.7US qt,51.4lmp qt)/minute 1720 (182US qt, 151lmp qt)/minute gasolinewith 91 PumpOctane PremiumUNLEADED Numberor higher

Lubricationsystem Oil pumpdisplacement Waterpumpdisplacement Fuelrequired STARTER


I n l i n e 4 - c y l i n d e r ,l o n g i t u d i n a l

At 6,000enqinerpm At 6,000enginerpm

Tvpe Normaloutput Nominalvoltage Hourrating Directionol rotation Clutch Clutchf rictionmaterialsurface

MANUAL Tvpe TRANSMISSIONPrimaryreduction Gearratio

Gear redLrction

1.0kw 12V 30 seconds Clockwiseas viewedfrom oearend Singleplatedry,diaphramspring 188cm: (29sq-in.)

1st 2nd 3rd



0.970 0.810 2.800 Singlehelicalgear 1.160 Spiralbevelgear 4.100

gear Secondary reductjon


gear Finalreduction

Tvpe Gearratio





Synchronized6-speedforward, 1 reverse D i r e c1t r 1 3.133 2.045


6th Reverse

t ,

t ( 2-10







Specmcetion Electric,oowerassistedrackand pinion

O v e r a l lr a t i o

Turns,lock-to-lock S t e e r i n gw h e e l d i a m e t e r



Shockabsorber Camber



Front Rear Frontand rear Front Rear

Caster Totaltoe


Typeof servicebrake

Front Rear


Typeof parkingbrake Pad {riction surface area


Sizeof tires

SlzeoI sparotire AIR Coolingcapacity CONDITIONING Compressor

Front Rear Front Rear

Type/Manufacturer Numberof cylinders Maximumspeed Lubricant capacity Lubracanttype

Condenser Evaporator Blower

T e l e s c o p i c ,h y d r a u l i c ,n i t r o g e n q a s f i l l e d

0"30' 1'30' 6"00' 0 mm (0 in.) I n6 m m { 1 / 4i n . ) ventilated drsc Power'assisted self-adjusling Powerassistedselt-adjustingsolid disc rearwheels Mechanical actuating, 4 2c m ' x 2 ( 6 . 5 s qi n x 2 ) 2 8c m ' x 2 ( 4 . 3 s qi n x 2 ) 205/55R1689W 225150 R1692W

T12sl70 D1696M



2.4 3 6 0m m ( 1 4 . 1i n . ) Independent doublewishbone,coilspringwith stabilizer Independent doublewishbone,coilspringwith stabilizâ‚Źr

BTU/hl 3,320Kcal/h(13,170 Scroll/KElHlN 85.7m0lrev.(5.23cu in/rev.) 12,000rpm 130mO(4 1/3fl oz)

sP-10 fin Corrugated


C o r r u q a t e df i n

Type Motorinput

Siroccofan 220 Wt12 V


7 speedmanualA,/C

Maximum capacity

430mlh 115,200 cu frlh)


H F C1 3 4a { R 1 3 4a ) 6 0 0 6 5 0s { 2 1- 2 3 f l o z )

Temperaturecontrol Refrigerant




Moasuroment Battery Starter Alternator




UndeFhood fuse/relay box

Specilication 12V 36AH/shours 12V-1.0kW 1 2 V 1 0 5A 100A,40A,30A,20A,15A,r0A,7.5A

Underhoodsubfuse/relay 70A,604,30A,20A box box 20A,15A,10A,7.5A UnderdashlLrse/relay H â‚Ź a d l i q h th i g h b e a m 12V-55W H e a d l i g h ll o w b e a m 12V 35W Frontturn sienallights 12V 21W Rearturnsignallights 12V 21W 12V 2115W Brake/Taillights H i g h m o u n t b r a k el i g h t LED lights 12V 21W Back-up 12V 5W L i c e n s ep l a t e l i g h t Trunk light 12V 3.4W 12V 5W Spotlights 12V 3W,2W Gaugelights liqhts 12V 1.12W,1.4W Indicator 12V 0.56W,0.91W,LED Panelandpilotlights


Unit mm lin.l


o 2-13


Maintenance Lubricantsand Fluids

................. 3-2

MaintenanceSchedulefor Normal Conditions(2000Modell Listedby Distance/Time

..................... 3-4

MaintenanceSchedulefor Severe Conditions{2000Model) Listedbv Distance/Time


..................... 3-6

MaintenanceSchedulefor Normal and SevereConditions(2000Modell Listed by Maintenance/ltem.......................................... 3-8 Maintenance Schedulefor Normal Conditions t2001-2003Modelsl Listed by Distance/Time ..................... 3-10 Maintenance Schedulefor Severe Conditions (2001-2003Modelsl ListedbyDistance/Time ..................... 3-12 Maintenance Schedulefor Normal and Severe Conditions {2001-2003Modelsl Listed by Maintena nce/ltem ......................................... 3-14

Lubricants andFluids

t For the detailsof lubricationpoints and type of lubricantsto be applied,referto the illustratedindex and variouswork procedures(suchas Assembly/Reassem bly, Replacement,Overhaul.Installation,etc.)containedin each section.


NO. 1

Eng ine

LUBRICANT Honda Motor Oil (AmericanHondaP/N 08798-9023, HondaCanadaP/N CA66806).10W 30 is the preferred m o t o r o i l f o r o p t i m u mf u e l e c o n o m ya n d y e a r r o u n d protection.Look for the APl. "For Certificationseal shown below. Make sure it saVs G a s o l i n eE n q i n e s . "




H o n d aD O T 3 B r a k eF l u i d( P / N0 8 7 9 8 - 9 0 0 8 ) ' ' Honda DOT3 BrakeFluid (P/N08798-9008)' S u p e rH i g hT e m p U r e aG r e a s e (P/N08798-9002)

Transmission B r a k el i n e{ i n c l u d e A s BSline) C l u t c hl i n e 5 Releasefork 6 Shift lever pivot 7 S l a v ec v l i n d e r 8 T h r o t t l ec a b l ee n d { D a s h b o a r ldo w e rp a n e lh o l e ) 9 Throttlecable end (Throttlelink) 1 0 Brakemastercylinderpushrod ' 1 1 Batteryterminals 12 F u e lf i l l d o o r Hood hingesand hood latch 1 4 T r u n kh i n g e sa n d l a t c h t5 Door hinges,upper and lower to Door opening detent 1 7 C a l i p e rp i s t o ns e a l ,D u s ts e a l ,C a l i p e rp i n ,P i s t o n 1 8 A i r c o n d i t i o n i n cg o m p r e s s o r




S i l i c o n eq r e a s e

l\4ulti-pu rposegrease

HondaCalioerGrease{P/N08C30-BC234M) Compressoroil: SANDEN:SP-10(P/N38897-P13'A01 AH or 38899-P13-A01) F o r R e f r i g e r a nH t :F C - 1 3a4 ( R - 1 3 4a ) H y p o i dg e a ro i l API classificationGL5 or GL6, Viscositv:SAE 90

RecommendedEngineOil Engineoil viscosityfor ambienttemperatureranges





* 1:Always use Honda ManualTransmissionFluid (MTF).Using motor oil can causestiffershifting becauseit does not containthe Drooeradditives. * 2:Always use HondaDOT3 BrakeFluid.Using a non Honda brakefluid can causecorrosionand decreasethe life of the system.


NOTE: Lubricateall hinges,latches,and locksonce a year. In corrosiveareas,more frequentlubricationis necessary. We recommendHondaWhite Lithium Grease.



MaintenanceSchedulefor Normal Conditions

(2000Modell Listedby Distance/Time Schedule outlinesthe ortime,whichevercomestirst.ForCanadamodels,thistwo-pagelraintenance Serviceatthe indicated distanc€ minimumrequiredmaintenance, ( * ) will notvoidcustomer's emissions itemsmarkedwith asterisk failureto do the maintenance According to stateandfederalrogulations, intervaltoensurelong-termreliability be doneat the recommended thatall maintenance services However,Hondarecommends warranties.

n D

Type2 6.50 (6.9US qt, 5.7lmp qt).UseHondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/coolant Replace coolantlseepage1O8) Capacity: Replace brakefluid(seepage19 8).UseHondaDOT3 BrakeFluid.Filltobetweenmarkson reservoir.


Replace coolant (see page 10'8) Capacity: 6.5 q {6.9 US qt, 5.7 lmp qt}. Use Honda All Season Antifreeze/coolant Type 2.

km/ 6 y€ars mi/144,000 tluid.l.4S0(1.56USqt,1.30lmp qt).UseHondaNITF(seopage13-3) transmission I Reolace brakefluid(seepage198).UseHondaDOT3. Fillto betweenmarkson reseruoir' E Replace

! D

n n

Checkidlespeed.Shouldbe 800:150rpm in neutral(seepage11-100). Type2. Replacecoolant(seepage 10-8).Capacityi6.5 0 16.9US qt, 5.7lmp qt)-Use HondaAll Seasonantifreeze/coolant 0.0'10 in.lExhaust0.25 0.29mm{0.010 0.011 in.)(se€page6-39). Inspectvalveclearance(cold)lntake:0.21-0.25mm(0.008 - 111).Gapr1.0 11mm(0.039 0 043in.){seepage4-19). - 11)or DENSO{PK22PR Replace sparkplugs.UseNGK(PFR7G




intervallisted. Dothe itemsin pansA, B, andC as requiredfor mileage/time A


R e p l a c ee n g i n e o i l ( s e e p a g e 8 - 5 ) . C a p a c i t yw i t h o u t { i l t e r c h a n g e : 4 . 5 0 ( 4 . 8U S q t , 4 . 0 l m p q t ) , w i t h f i l t e r c h a n g e : 4 . 8 0 ( 5 . 1U S q t , 4 . 2 lmp qt). C h e c kt i r e i n f l a t i o na n d c o n d i t i o n -

B fl R e p l a c ee n g i n e o i l f i l t e r ( s e e p a g e 8 6 ) .


I n s p e c tf r o n t a n d r e a r b r a k e s ( s e e p a g e 1 9 1 2 ) . . C h e c kp a d s a n d d i s c s f o r w e a r ( t h i c k n e s s )d, a m a g e , a n d c r a c k s . . C h e c kc a l i p e r sI o r d a m a g e , l e a k s ,a n d t i g h t n e s so f m o u n t b o l t s . C h e c kp a r k i n g b r a k e a d j u s t m e n t .S h o u l d b e f u l l y a p p l i e dw i t h i n I t o 1 3 c l i c k s . '17-5). L, I n s p e c tt i e ' r o d e n d s ,s t e e r i n g g e a r b o x ,a n d b o o t s ( s e ep a g e . C h e c kr a c k g r e a s ea n d s t e e r i n g l i n k a g e . . C h e c kb o o t s f o r d a m a g e a n d l e a k i n gg r e a s e . . C h e c kf l u i d l i n e f o r d a m a g e a n d l e a k s . f l n s p e c ts u s p e n s r o nc o m p o n e n t s . . C h e c kb o l t s f o r t i g h t n e s s . . C h e c kc o n d i t i o n o f b a l l j o i n t b o o t s f o r d e t e r i o r a t i o na n d d a m a g e . L - ll n s p e c td r i v e s h a f tb o o t s . C h e c kb o o t s f o r c r a c k sa n d b o o t b a n d s { o r t i g h t n e s s ( s e ep a g e 1 6 - 3 ) . L - l I n s p e c tb r a k e h o s e s a n d l i n e s { i n c l u d i n gA B S } . C h e c k t h e m a s t e r c y l i n d e r ,p r o p o r t i o n i n g c o n t r o l v a l v e , a n d A B S m o d u l a t o r t o r d a m a g e a n d l e a k a g e( s e e p a g e 1 9 - 2 6 ) . C h e c ka l l f l u i d l e v e l sa n d c o n d i t i o n o f t l u i d s ; c h e c kf o r l e a k s .l f n e c e s s a r y ,a d d M T F ( s e e p a g e 1 3 ' 3 ) ,e n g i n e c o o l a n t , b r a k ef l u i d , a n d w i n d s h i e l dw a s h e r I l u i d . I l n s p e c tc o o l i n g s y s t e m h o s e s a n d c o n n e c t i o n s( s e ep a g e 1 0 - 2 ) . . C h e c kf o r d a m a g e , l e a k s ,a n d d e t e r i o r a t r o n . . C h e c kf o r p r o p e r f a n o p e r a t i o n . L. I n s p e c t e x h a u s t s y s t e m ' . C h e c k c a t a l y t i c c o n v e r t e r h e a t s h i e l d , e x h a u s t p i p e , a n d m u f f l e r { o r d a m a g e , l e a k s , a n d t i g h t n e s s l s e e p a g e 9 - 4 ) . L- I n s p e c tf u e l l i n e s a n d c o n n e c t i o n s . C h e c kf o r l o o s e c o n n e c t i o n s ,c r a c k sa n d d e t e r i o r a t i o n ;r e t i g h t e nI o o s e c o n n e c t i o n sa n d r e p l a c e d a m a g e dp a n s ( s e ep a g e 1 1 ' 1 0 1 ) .



I I]

R e p l a c ea i r c l e a n e re l e m e n t , I n s p e c td r i v e b e l t ,f o r c r a c k sa n d d a m a g e . . A l t e r n a t o r c o m p r e s s o rb e l t : I n s p e c ta u t o t e n s i o n e r i n d i c a t o r ,N e e d s n o a d u s t m e n t { s e e p a g e 4 2 5 } , T R e p l a c ed i f f e r e n t i a lo i l . 0 . 7 40 ( 0 . 7 8U S q t , 0 . 6 5 l m p q t i - U s e h y p o i d g e a r o i l G L 5 o r G L 6 ( s e e p a g e 1 5 - 6 ) . Ll R e p l a c et h e a i r c o n d i t i o n i n gf i l t e r ( s e ep a g e 2 1 4 2 ) . . R e p l a c ei t t w i c e a s o f t e n ( a t 3 0 , 0 0 0m i l e i n t e . v a l )i f t h e v e h i c l e i s d r i v e n m o s t l y i n u r b a n a r e a st h a t h a v e h i g h c o n c e n t r a t i o n so l s o o t i n t h e airfrom industryand dieselooweredvehicles. . R e p l a c ei t w h e n e v e r a i r f l o w f r o m t h e c l i m a t e c o n t r o l s y s t e m i s l e s st h a n n o r m a l ,

L 3-5

MaintenanceSchedulefor SevereGonditions

(2000Modell Listedby Distance/Time Serviceat the indicated distance or time,whichevercomeslirst.lJsâ‚Źthisscheduleif the vehicleis drivenMAINLYin Canadaor in anyoJthe followingconditions; if onlyOCCASIONALLY drivenin theseconditions, usethe NormalConditions schedule(seepage3-4). ( * ) will not voidcustomer's Accordingto stateandlederalrogulations, tailureto do the maintenance itemsmarkedwith asterisk emissions warranties.Howevet.Hondarâ‚Źcommendsthat allmaintenanceservicesbe doneat the recommendedintervalto ansurelong-tetmreliability. SevereDrivingConditions . Lessthan5 miles{8 km) pertrip or, in freezingtemperatures, lessthan 10miles(16km}pertrip . In extremely; hotweather(over90"F/32'C) . Extensive idlingor longperiodsof stop and-godriving . Trailertowing,drivingin mountains . On muddy,dusty,or de'icedroads

Type2. D Replace coolant(seepage10-8).UseHondaAllSeasonAntifreeze/coolant . Capacity:6.50 (6.9US qt, 5.7 lmp qt) brakefluid(seepage19-8). ! Replace 'UseHondaDOT3. ' Fillto betweenmarkson reservoir-

75,000mi/120,000 km/ 5 years Type 2. I Replacecoolant(seepage 10-8).Use HondaAll SeasonAntifreezo/coolant . Capacity:6.5 0 (6.9US qt,5.7lmpqt)

90,000mi/144,000km/ 6 years brakefluid(seepage19-8). ! Replace . UseHondaDOT3 brakefluid;filltobetweenmarkson reservoir.

tr Checkidlespeed'(seepage11'100).:800t 50 rpm lant Type2. coolantlseepage10'8)-UseHondaAllSeasonAntifreeze/coo tr Replace . Capacity:6.5 0 (6.9US qt,5.7lmp q0. tr Inspectvalveclearance(cold)Intake:0.21 0.25mm (0.008 0.010in.),Exhaust:0.25 0.29mm (0.010 0.011in.)lseepage6'39). tr R e p l a c e s p a r k p l u g s , U s e N G K ( P F R 7 G - 1 1 ) o T D E N S O ( P K 2 2 P R1 .-0L 111. 1)mGma p( 0r . 0 3 90 . 0 4 3i n . ) l s e pe a g e4 - 1 9 ) .

L 3-6

L interval Dothe itemsin partsA, B, andC as requiredfor mileage/time

A ! !

tr tr

n tr

Beplaceengineoil and lilter (seepage8-6). Capacitywith lilter change:4.80 (5 1 US qt, 4.2lmp qt) km) peryear(seepage19-12) every6 monthsil vehicleis drivenlessthan7,500mile(12,000 fro;t and rearbrakes, Inspect ' Checkpadsanddiscsfor wear{thickness), damage,andcracks. ' Checkcalipers for damage,leaks,andtightnessof mountbolts. Checktire inflationandcondition. Inspecttierod ends,steeringgearbox,and bootslseepage17-5). . Checkrackgreaseandsteeringlinkage. . Checkbootsfor damageand leakinggrease. . Checkfluidlinesfor damageand leaks. components, Inspectsuspension . Checkbolts for tightness. . Checkconditionof ball joint bootsfor deteriorationand damagelnspectdriveshaftboots.Checkbootsfor cracksand boot bandsfor tightness(seepage16-3).



Replace aircleanerelementlseepage11 123). Replace oil.0.740 {0.78US qt,0.65lmp qt).UsehypoidgearoilGLSor GL6(seepage15-6} differential Checkparkingbrakeadjustment. Shouldbe fullyappliedwithinI to 13clicks locks,latches, and hingeswith Hondawhitelithiumgrease. ! Lubricate tr Inspectbrakehosesandlines(in;ludingABS).Checkthe mastercylinder,proportioningcontrolvalve,andABSmodulatorfor damageand leakage {seepage19-26). add MTF(seepage13-3),or enginecoolant'brakefluid'and tr checlifluidlevelsandconditionof fluids;checkfor leaks.lf necessary, washerfluid. windshield (seepage10-2) l:] Inspectcoolingsystemhosesandconnections . Checkfor damage,leaks,anddeterioration. . Checkfor properfan operation. leaks,andtightness(seepage9-4) tr Inspectexhaustsystem.t Checkcatalyticconverterheatshield,exhaustpipe,andmufflerfor damage, and replace retightenlooseconnections cracksanddeterioration; Checkfor looseconnections, ! Inspectfuellinesandconnections.' damagedparts(seePage11-10'l ). (seepage22-72) of all interiorandexteriorlights,andthepositionsoftheheadlights Checkl tights.Checkfunction stonechipping,anddents. vehicleunderbody. Checkthe paintfor damage,scratches, Inspectthe




u tr

c tr

u tr

Inspectdrivebelt.Lookfor cracksanddamage. . Alternatorcompressorbelt: Inspectauto tensionerindicator.Needsno adjustmenl of sootfrom industryand milesif vehicleis drivenmostlywhereair hashighconcentration filter,every15,OOO Replace aircondiiioning alsoreplaceit anytimeairflowis lessthan usual(seepage21-42). dieselpoweredvehicles; fluid.UseHondaMTF. Replace transmission . 1 . 4 80 { 1 . 5 6U Sq t ,1 . 3 0 l m p q t )


Maintenance for NormalandSevere Schedule Conditions


L (

Listedby Maintenanceltem Serviceat the indicated distance or time,whichevercomesfirst. . lf drivenin normalconditions, do itemswith a dot (a). .lfdriveninsevereconditionsornormallydriveninCanada,dothecircle(Olanddot(Olitems. S e r v i c ea t t h e i n d i c a t e dd i s t a n c eo r t i m e , w h i c h e v e r comes first.

milesx 1000 3.75 1.5 km x 1000



11.25 15 18



1 8 7 5 22.5 26.25 30 30



33.75 60 2112


R e p l a c ee n g i n e o i l

Normal 7,500 miles(12,000 Conditions: Every km)or1year SevereConditions: Every3,750miles16,000 km)or 6 months

Replace engineoil tilter

\ormal Conditions: tvery otheroil chang( Everyoilchange SevereConditions:

R e p l a c ea i r c l e a n e re l e m e n t { o ' t '


I n s p e c lv a l v e c l e a r a n c e

Adjustonly if noisy.

Replace sparkplugs


Inspectdrivebelt Inspectidlespeed' R e p l a c ee n g i n e c o o l a n t B e p l a c et r a n s m i s s i o nf l u i d


o o




B e p l a c ed i f f e r e n t i a lo i l

Inspectfronl and rearbrakes




Replace brakefluid Checkparkingbrakeadjustment R e p l a c ea i r c o n d i t i o n i n gf i l t e r



Lubricate locks,hinges,and latches


Checktireinflationandconditionat leastoncea month



Inspecttie-rodends,steeringgearbox,and boots



Inspectsuspensron components



I n s p e c td r i v e s h a f tb o o t s


Inspectbrakehosesand lines(including ABS)


Inspectall fluidlevelsandconditionof fluid

a a

Inspectcoolingsystemhosesandconnection Inspectexhauslsystem' l n s p e c tf u e l l i n e s a n d c o n n e c t i o n s '

o o


a o


a a a

a o a a

C h e c kl i g h t s a n d c o n t r o l s


t ,

NOTE: l lf the vehicleis drivenin dustyconditions, replacethe air cleanerelementeveryl5,000miles(24,000 kmi,if not,replaceit every 30,000miles(48,000 km). 2 R e p l a c e t h e a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g f i l t e r e v e r y l 5 , 0 0 0 m i l e s ( 2 4 , 0 0 0 k m ) i f t h e v e h i c l e i s d r i v e n m o s t l y w h e r e a i r h a s a h i g h c o n c e n t r a t r o n o f, from industryand diesel-powered vehicles; alsoreplaceit an),time airflowis lessthanusual. I '

A c c o r d i n g t o s t a t e a n d f e d e r a l r e g u l a t i o n s ,f a i l u r e t o d o t h e m a i n t e n a n c ei t e m s m a r k e d w i t h a n a s t e r i s k( ' ) w i l l n o t v o i d c u s t o m â‚Ź r ' se m i s s i o n s w a r r a n t i e s .H o w e v e r , H o n d a r e c o m m e n d s t h a t a l l m a i n t e n a n c es e r v i c e sb e d o n e a t t h e r e c o m m e n d e d i n t e r v a lt o e n s u r e l o n g t e r m r e l i a b i l i t y .


r-y I


o 41.25 15 12 3

18.75 18

56.25 60 84 31t2



11.25 15

63.75 102


108 'n4 4112

120 5

86.25 90

78.75 126

132 5112

138 144 6

93.75 97.5 101.25105 108.75112.5 150

162 61t2




7 1t2

120 187 't92 I

kmlor 1 year Every7,500miles(12,000 NormalConditions: Every3,750miles(6,000km)or 6 months SevereConditions: NormalConditions: Everyotheroil change Everyoil change SevereConditions:

Adjust only il noisy.



a a







o a


a a


o a


a a





o o


o a a





a a

a a

a a o

o a o

o o



o a


a a a






o a o





a l l

o o

o o

a o a o

a a a a

a o





o c

a o


a o

o o


o o a a


a a



a o

a a


o a o a


o a a o a

a c o

o a o


a a

a a a o o o



MaintenanceSchedulefor Normal Conditions

(2001-2003 Models)

Listedby Distance/Time Serviceat the indicated distance or time,whichevercomesfirst.Thistlrvo-page Maintenance Schedule outlinesthe minimumrequired maintenance. ForCanadamodels,usethe Maintenance Schedule for Severeconditions. ( * ) will notvoidcustomer's Accordingto stateandfederalregulations, failureto do the maintenance itemsmarkedwith asterisk emissions warranties.However,Hondarecommendsthat all maintenanceservicesbe done at the recommendedintervalto ensurelong-termreliability.

page11 100). Checkidlespeed.Shouldbe 800150rpm in neutral(see I n s p e c t v a l cv lee a r a n c{ ce o l d ) l n t a k e : 0 . 2 1 - 0m. 2m5( 0 . 0 0 80 . 0 1 0 i n . ) E x h a u s t : 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 2 9 m m ( 00..001101 i n . ) ( s e e p a g e 6 - 3 9 ) . Replace spark U S e N G K ( P F R 7 1G1 )o r D E N S O 1 . 1m m ( 0 . 0 3 90 . 0 4 3 { P K 2 2 P R1 1 1 ) . G a p : 1 . 0 i n . ) ( s epea g e4 , 1 9 ) .

Replace transmission fluid.1.480 11.56 US qt, 1.30lmp qt).UseHondaMTF(seepage'13-3).

120,000 !


years,then replaceevery 60,000mi/96,000km/5 years BeDlace enqinecoolant(seepage10-8).Capacitv:6.5 4 (6.9US qt,5.7lmp at).UseHondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/coolant Tvpe2.

intervallisted Dothe itemsin partsA, B, C,and D as tequiredfor mileage/time

A !


( 5 . 1u S q t , 4 . 2 R e p l a c ee n g i n e o i t ( s e ep a g e 8 - 5 ) . , . C a p a c i t y w i r h o u t { i l t e r c h a n g e : 4 . 5 0 ( 4 . 8 u s q t , 4 . 0 l m p q t ) , w i t h f i l t e r c h a n g e :4 . 8 0 lmp qt) C h e c kt i r e i n f l a t i o na n d c o n d i t i o n .

! R e p l a c ee n g i n e o i l f i l t e r ( s e e p a g e I 6 ) . ' 1 9 _ 1 2 ) . L ] I n s p e c tf r o n t a n d r e a r b r a k e s( s e e p a g e

' C h e c kp a d s a n d d i s c sf o r w e a r ( t h i c k n e s s i d , a m a g e ,a n d c r a c k s . . C h e c kc a l i p e r sf o r d a m a g e , l e a k s ,a n d t i g h t n e s so f m o u n t b o l t s ! C h e c k p a r k i n g b r a k e a d j u s t m e n t .l t s h o u l d b e f u l l y a p p l i e dw i t h i n I t o 1 3 c l i c k s ! I n s p e c tt i e - r o d e n d s , s t e e r i n gg e a r b o x ,a n d b o o t s ( s e ep a g e 1 7 - 5 ) . C h e c k r a c k g r e a s ea n d s t e e r i n gl i n k a g e . . C h e c kb o o t s f o r d a m a g e a n d l e a k i n gg r e a s e . . C h e c kf l u i d l i n e f o r d a m a g e a n d l e a k s . I n s D e c st L r s o e n s i o n components, . C h e c kb o l t s f o r t i g h t n e s s . ' C h e c kc o n d i t i o n o f b a l l i o i n t b o o t s f o r d e t e r i o r a t i o na n d d a m a g e . ! I n s p e c td r i v e s h a f tb o o t s . C h e c kb o o t s f o r c r a c k s a n d b o o t b a n d s f o r t i g h t n e s s ( s e ep a g e 1 6 3 ) t_l I n s p e c tb r a k e h o s e s a n d l i n e s ( i n c l u d i n gA B S ) . C h e c k t h e m a s t e r c y l i n d e r ,p r o p o r t i o n i n gc o n t r o l v a l v e , a n d A B S m o d u l a t o r f o r d a m a g e a n d l e a k a g e{ s e e p a g e 1 9 2 6 ) . ! C h e c ka l ] u i d l e v e l i a n d c o n d i t i o n o f f l u i d s ; c h e c kf o r l e a k s .l f n e c e s s a r y a, d d M T F ( s e e p a g e 1 3 3 ) , e n g i n e c o o l a n t , b r a k ef l u i d , a n d w i n d s h i e l dw a s h e r f l u i d . ! I n s p e c tc o o l i n g s y s t e m h o s e s a n d c o n n e c t i o n s( s e e p a g e 1 0 - 2 ) . C h e c l l o r d a m a g e , l e a k s ,a n d d e t e r i o t a l i o n . . C h e c kf o r p r o p e r f a n o p e r a t i o n ! I n s p e c te x h a u s t s y s t e m . C h e c kc a t a l y t i cc o n v e r t e rh e a t s h i e l d , e x h a u s t p i p e , a n d m u f f l e r f o r d a m a g e , l e a k s ,a n d t i g h t n e s s( s e e p a g e 9 - 4 ) ! I n s p e c tf u e l l i n e s i n d c o n n' 1e1c-t 1i o0n1s).. C h e c kf o r l o o s e c o n n e c t i o n s ,c r a c k sa n d d e t e r i o r a t i o n ;r e t i g h t e nl o o s e c o n n e c t i o n sa n d r e p l a c e d a m a g e d p a r t s ( s e ep a g e



u R e p l a c ea i r c l e a n e re l e m e n t . tr I'n s p e c td r i v e b e l t , f o r c r a c k sa n d d a m a g e .

A l t e r n a t o rc o m p r e s s o r b e l t : I n s p e c ta u t o t e n s i o n e r i n d i c a t o r ,n e e d s n o a d u s t m e n t { s e e p a g e 4 - 2 5 ) ( s e ep a g e 1 5 - 6 ) L - l R e p l a c ed i f f e r e n t i a lo i l . O - 7 40 ( 0 . 7 8U S q t , 0 . 6 5 l m p q t ) . U s e h y p o i d g e a r o i l G L 5 o r G L 6 ! R e p l a c et h e d u s t a n d p o l l e n f i l i e r ( s e ep a g e 2 1 4 2 ) . . R e p t a c ei t t w i c e a s o f t e n ( a t 3 O , O Om Oi l ; i n t e r v a l i i f t h e v e h i c l e i s d r i v e n m o s t l y i n u r b a n a r e a st h a i h a v e h i g h c o n c e n t r a t i o n so f s o o t i n t h e a i r f r o m i n d u s t r y a n d d i e s e l ' p o w e r e dv e h i c l e s . . R e p l a c ei t w h e n e v e r a i r f l o w f r o m t h e c l i m a t e c o n t r o l s y s t e m i s l e s st h a n n o r m a l

D of mileage). brake fluidevery3 years(independent ! Replace



MaintenanceSchedulefor SevereConditions

(2001-2003 Models)

Listedby Distance/Time Serviceat the indicated distance ortime,whichevercomesfirst.Usethisschedule ifthe vehicleis drivenlvlAlNLY in Canadaor in any otthe followingconditions; if onlyOCCASIONALLY drivenin theseconditions, usethe NormalConditions schedule(seepage3-10). Accordingto stateand federalregulations,failureto do the maintenanceitems markedwith asterisk( * ) will not void customer'semissions warranties.However,Hondarecommendsthat all maintenanceservicesbe done at the recommendedintervalto ensurelong-termreliability. SevereDrivingCondhions . Lessthan5 miles(8 km)pertrip or, in freezingtemperatu res,lessthan 10miles(16km)pertrip . In extremely;hot weather(over90'F/32'Ci . Extensive idlingor longperiodsof stop-andgo driving,suchasa taxior a commercial delivervvehicle . Trailertowing,drivingin mountaans . On muddy,dusty,or de-icedroads

60,000mi/ 96,000km/ 4 years n i d .1 . 4 8 0 ( l . 5 6 U S q t , 1 . 3 0 l m p q t ) . U s e H o n d a M T F { s e e p a g e 1 3 3 ) D R e p l a ct er a n s m i s s i lol u

7 years

tr Checkidlespeed'(seepage11-100).: 800 + 50 rpm ! !

(cold)lntake:0.21-0.25 Inspectvalve clearance mm (0.008 0.010in.),Exhaust:0.250.29mm1O.O1O I in.)(seepage6-39) O.O1 Replace sparkplugs.UseNGK 1PFR7G11)or DENSO1PK22PR111)Gap:1.0 1.1mm{0.039 0.043in.)(seepage4-19i.

120,000 mi/192,000 km/ I years E Replace transmission fluid.'1.48 011.56US qt, 1.30lmpqt).UseHondaMTF{seepage13-3). 120,000 mi/1 years,then every60,000mi/ 96,000km/ 5 years enqinecoolant(seepaqe1O8)-Capacitv: lf Beolace 6.50 (6.9US qt.5.7lmo qt).UseHondaAllseasonAntifreeze/coolant Tvoe2.



interval Dothe itemsin pansA, B, C, D, andE as requiredfor mileage/time

r-l Beplaceengineoil andfilter(seepage8 6).

Capacity with filrerchange:4.80 (5 1 US qt, 4.2lmp qt)

B !

every6 monthsif vehicleis drivenlessthan7,500mileperyear(seepage19 Inspect frontand rearbrakes, . Checkpadsanddiscsfor weat (thickness). damage,andcracks . Checkcalipers for damage,leaks,andtightnessof mountbolts. al Checktire inflationandcondition. ends,steeringgearbox,and boots(seepage17 5). I Inspecttie-rod . Checkrackgreaseandsteeringlinkage. . Checkbootsfor damageand leakinggrease. . Checkfluidlinesfor damageand leaks. components. insoectsusoensaon . Checkboltsfor tightness. . Checkconditionof balliointbootsfor deterioration anddamage. t i Inspectdriveshaftboots.Checkbootsfor cracksandboot bandslor tightnesslseepage16-3).



Replace air cleanerelement(seepage11 123). fluid.0.744 (0.78US qt,0.65lmp qt) Usehypoidgearoil GL5or GLo{seepage15-6). Replace differential Checkparkingbrakeadiustment. lt shouldbe fullyappliedwithinI to 13clicks. all hinges,locks andlatcheswith Hondawhitelithiumgrease. Lubricate controlvalve,andABSmodulatorfor damageand ABSi.Checkthe mastercylinder,proportioning Inspectbrakehoiesand lines(including (seepage19-26)leakage (seepage13-3),or enginecoolant'brakefluid'and add N4TF t l checlifluidleveisandconditionof fluids;checkfor leaks.lf necessary, washerflLrid. windshield (seepage10-2)l Inspectcoolingsystemhosesandconnections . Checkfor damage,leaks,anddeterioration. . Checkfor Drooerfan ooeration, L] Inspectexhaustsvstem.Checkcatalyticconverterheatshield,exhaustpipe,and mufflerfor damage,leaks,andtightnesslseepage9_4) and replace retightenlooseconnections cracksanddeterioration; t l Inspectfuel linesandconnections.Checkfor looseconnections, damagedparts(seepage11-101). r l Checkall lights.Checkfunctionof allinter;orandexteriorlights,andthe positionsol the headlights{seepage22-72). stonechipping,and dents tl Inspectthe vehicleunderbody.Checkthe paintfor damage,scratches,

L] ! ft Ll J

D L] Inspectdrivebelt.Lookfor cracksanddamage. !

. Alternator Needsno adjustment belt:Inspectautotensionerindicator. compressor of sootfrom km) if vehicleis drivenmostlywhereair hashighconcentration miles(24,OOO filter,every15,000 Replace air condiiioning vehicles; alsoreplaceit an!'timeairflowis lessthan usual{seepage21-42) industrvanddiesel-powered

of mileage). brakefluideve.y3 years(independent [] Replace



Maintenance Schedule for NormalandSevere Conditions (2001-2003 Modelsl Listedby Maintenanceltem Serviceat the indicateddistanceortime, whichevercomesfirst. . lfdrivenin normalconditions, do itemswith a dot {O}. . lf drivenin severeconditions or normallydrivenin Canada, do the circlo{O) anddot 1a) items. Service at the indicated distance or time, whichever comes first,

milesx 1000 3.75 7.5 11.25 km x 1000




18.75 22.5 26.25 30 21








33.75 51



B e p l a c ee n g i n e o i l

NormalConditions: Every7,500 miles112,000 km)or1year SevereConditions:Every3,750miles (6,000km)or 6 months

Replace engineoil filter

NormalConditions: Every15,000miles(24,000 km)or 1 year SevereConditions:Everyoilchange


Replace aircleanerelement'o*' I n s p e c t v a l v ec l e a r a n c e


Adjust only if noisy.

Replace sparkplugs


Inspectdrivebelt Inspectidlespeed' Eeplace enginecoolant

Ar 120,000miles (192,000km) or 10years,then every60,000 miles(96,000 km)or 5 years.

Replace transmission tluid Replacedifferentialfluid Inspectfront and rear brakes


o o

Replace brakefluid





a o

Replace dustand pollenIilter*'r' Lubdcatelocks,hinges,and latches Checktireintlationand conditionat leastonce a month

Evâ‚Źry7,500miles(12,000 km)

a a



o c





o a

o o





a o

o a

Inspectcoolingsystemhosesand conneclion




I n s p e c tf u e l l i n e s a n d c o n n e c t i o n s '


o o

o a o o

Inspectvehicle underbody



Inspectbrakehosesandlines(including ABSI


Every3 years.


Inspecttie-rodends,steeringgearbox,and boots

a a

'According to stateandtederalregulations, failureto dothe maintenance itemsmarkedwith an asterisk emissions 1'lwill notvoidcustomer's warranties,However.Hondarecommendsthat all maintenanceservicesbe done atthe recommendedintervalto ensurelong,termreliability. NOTE: l lfthevehicleis drivenin dustyconditions,replacethe aircleaner element everyl5,000miles124,000 kml,if not,replace itevery30,0OO miles(a8,O00 km). 2 Replacethe dust and pollenfilter every 15,000miles (24,000kmlifthe vehicleis driven rnostlywhere air hasa high concentrationof soot from industryand diesel-powered vehicles; alsoreplaceit anvtimâ‚Źairflowis lessthanusual.




o 41.25 45 12

48.75 52.5 5625 78



s6 4


78.75 82.5 8625

67.5 71.25 15

60 102






126 5112





93.75 97.5 10125 105 108.75112.5 181


150 6112


192 8


km)ot 1 year Everv7,500miles(12,000 NormalConditions: Every3,750miles(6,000km)or 6 months SevereConditions: km)or 1 year Every15,000miles124,000 NormalConditions: Everyoil change SevereConditions:






o o

Adiust only if noisy.





Ill-t \-


o o

km)or 5 years theneverv60,000miles(96,000 km)or 10Years, miles(192,000 At 12o,oOO

t-i t-T [-l lll o

a o








o o




Every3 years

o o o






km) Every7,500miles(12,000

lf a




a a o a a o


o a

a a a o a




a o a a


o a

o o a


o a a



a o a

a a

o a

a a

o a


o a

O i,l






EngineElectrical EngineElectrical SoecialTools

Starting System Location Index ........,..... Component CircuitDiagram StarterCircuitTroubleshooting ClutchlnterlockSwitchTest Test ................ StarterSolenoid Test StarterPerformance ............,.. StarterReplacement StarterOverhaul.,...,.................

4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-7 4-8 4-10

lgnition System LocationIndex .............. Component CircuitDiagram lgnitionTimingInspection SparkPlugInspection

ChargingSystem LocationIndex .............. Comoonent Diagram Circuit CircuitTroubleshooting Charging Alternator-com oressorBelt ......,..,,.......... and Replacement Inspection Alternator Reolacement Inspection/Replacement Auto-tensioner Alternator Overhaul................



4-16 4-' tl 4-18 4-'t9 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-29

4-35 Location Index ......................................... Comoonent .'....."4-36 CircuitDiagram 4-37 Index ............................... SymptomTroubleshooting ........... 4-38 CruiseControlUnitInputTest 4-40 ............... MainSwitchTest ................. 4-41 Test .................... MainSwitch/lndicator/lllumination 4-41 .................. BulbReplacement MainSwitch/lndicator 4-42 .................... SwitchTest SeVResume 4-42 ............................... SwitchRep1acement SeVResume ............. 4-43 Test Actuator CruiseControl 4-44 ........................ CruiseControlActuatorReplacement 4-45 ............. ActuatorCableReplacement 4-46 ............'.. Adjustment Cable Actuator '... 4-47 ClutchPedalPositionSwitchTest '.".' 4-47 BrakePedalPositionSwitchTest

EngineElectrical SpecialTools Number

o ai

Tool Number 07746-0010400 07749-0010000

Description Attachment, 52 x 55 mm Driver


..-NN {^-'' @

Otv '1 1

StartingSystem \-


est, page4-6




STARTER page4-5 Troubleshooting, SolenoidTest,page4-7 page4-7 Performance. page4'8 Replacement, Overhaul,page 4-10



StartingSystem CircuitDiagram



StarterCircuitTroubleshooting NOTE: . Air temperaturemust be between59'and 100"F(15' a n d 3 8 " C )d u r i n gt h i s p r o c e d u r e . . After this test,or any subsequentrepair,resetthe enginecontrol module (ECM)to clear any diagnostic t r o u b l ec o d e s{ D T C S{)s e ep a g e1 1 - 3 ) . . The batterymust be in good conditionand fully cnargeo. RecommendedProcedure: . Use a startersystemtester. . Connectand operatethe equipmentin accordance with the manufacturer'sinstructions. Allernate Procedure 1 . H o o ku p t h e f o l l o w i n ge q u i p m e n t : . Ammeter,0 400 A . Voltmeter,0 20 V (accuratewithin 0.1 volt) . Tachometer,0 '1200rpm

4. Checkthe batterycondition.Checkelectrical connectionsat the battery,the negativebattery cableto body, engineground cables,and the starterfor loosenessand corrosion.Then try s t a n i n gt h e e n g i n ea g a i n . Did the stattet crank the engine? YES Repairingthe looseconnectionfixed the problem.The startingsystem now is OK.l NO lf the starterwill not crank the engine at all, go to step 5, lf it cranksthe engine erraticallyor too slowly, go to step 7. lf it won't disengagefrom the flywheel ring gear when you releasethe switch, checkfor the Jollowinguntil you find the cause. . Solenoidplungerand switch malfunction . Dirty drive gear or damagedoverrunningclutch 5. Make sure the transmissionis in neutral,then wire (A) from the starter disconnectthe BLK,^/VHT jumper (B). wire from the a solenoid Connect batterypositiveterminal to the solenoidterminal.


R e m o v et h e N o . 2{ 1 5A ) f u s ef r o m t h e u n d e r - d a s h fuse/relaybox. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll} with the clutch pedaldepressed,and push the engine start switch. Did the starter crank the engine? Did the starter crank the engine normally? YES Go to step 6. YES The startingsystem is OK.l NO Go to step 4.

NO Removethe starterand repairor replaceas necessary.



StartingSystem StarterCircuit Troubleshooting (cont'dl

ClutchlnterlockSwitch Test 1. Disconnectthe connectorfrom the clutch interlock switch,then removethe clutch interlockswitch.

6. Checkthe following wires in the order listeduntil you find the open circuit. . Betweenthe ignition switch and the startercut relay. . Betweenthe ignition switch and the start switch. . Betweenthe start switch and lhe startercut relay. . Betweenthe start switch and body ground. . Betweenthe staner cut relay and the starter. . Checkthe ignition switch,the start switch.the clutchinterlockswitch,and those connectors. . Substitutea known-goodstartercut relay.


7. Checkthe crankingvoltageand currentdraw, ls cranking voltage greater than or equal to 8.5 volts and current draw less than or equal to 380 amps? YES Go to step 8. NO - Removeand disassemblethe starter,and checkfor the following until you find the cause. . Open circuit in starterarmaturecommutator segments . Starterarmaturedragging . Shortedarmaturewinding . Excessivedrag in engine 8 . C h e c ke n g i n es p e e dd u r i n gc r a n k i n g .

Checkthe clutch interlockswitch connector terminalsfor continuity.Thereshould be no continuitybetweenthe terminalswith the button (A) released.and there should be continuitywith the button pressed. CLUTCHINTERLOCKSWITCH CONNECTOR

Terminalside oI maleterminals

ls engine speed above 100 rpm? YES Go to step 9. NO Removeand disassemblethe starter,and checktor the following until you find the cause. . . . .

Excessivelyworn staner brushes Open circuitin commutator brushes Dirty or damagedhelicalsplineor drive gear Faultydrive gear clutch

9. Removethe starterand inspectits drive gear and the flywheel ring gear for damage.Beplaceany damaged parts.l


lf the clutch interlockswitch is faulty, replaceit. Installtheclutch interlockswitch,and adjust it (see page 12-41.

Starter Solenoid Test 1. Checkthe hold-incoilfor continuitybetweenthe S terminal and the armaturehousinglground).There should be continuitv. . lf there is continuity,go to step 2. . lf there is nocontinuity.replacethesolenoid.

Starter PerformanceTest 1 . Disconnectthe wires from the S terminal and the M terminal. Make the connectionsas describedbelow using as heavy a wire as possible(preferablyequivalentto the wire used for the vehicle).To avoid damaginig the starter,never leavethe battervconnectedfor more than 10 seconds. Connectthe batteryas shown. Be sure to disconnectthe startermotor wire from the solenoid. lf the starterpinion pops out, itisworking properly.

Checkthe pull-incoil for continuitybetweenthe S terminal and M terminal.Thereshould be continuity. . lf there is continuity,the solenoidis OK. . lfthere is no continuity,replacethe solenoid.

Disconnectthe batteryfrom the M terminal. lf the pinion does not retract,the hold-incoil of the solenoidis working properly.



StartingSystem Stafter PerformanceTest {cont'dl 5. Disconnectthebatteryfrom the starterbody. lfthe pinion retractsimmediately,it is working properly.

Starter Replacement '1.

Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's presetbuttons. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the battery, then disconnectthe positivecable. Move the auto-tensioner(A)to relievetensionfrom the alternator-compressor belt, and removethe b e l t( B ) .

Clamp the starterfirmly in a vise. 7 . Connectthe starterto the batteryas describedin the diagram below, and confirm that the motor starts and keepsrotating.

4. Removethe auto-tensioner.

lf the electriccurrentand motor speed meet the specificationswhen the batteryvoltageis at 11.5V, the starteris working properly. Specifications: 1.0 kw 90 A or less (Electric current),

3,000rom or more


& 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m, 16lbf.ftl 8 x 1 . 2 5m m 22 N m (2.2kgf.m, 16lbf.ft)

\Disconnectthe 4P connector(A)from the alternator (B),and disconnectthe BLKwire from the alternatorB lerminal (C).

7. Disconnectthe startercablefrom the B terminal on the staner solenoid(A),then disconnectthe BLK,^/VHTwire from the S terminal (C).

E x 1 . 2 5m m 1 2N . m (1.2kgt.m, 9 tbf.ft)





8 x 1.25

I N.m (0.9ksf.m,7lbt.ft)

Removethe mounting bolts,then removethe alternator. 10x 1.25mm ,14N'm (4.5kgf.m,33 lbf ftl

10 x 1,25mm 44 N.m (4.5kgt.m,33lbf.ft)

\ -.t -1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 44 N.m (4.5kgt.m, 33

Removethetwo boltssecuring the starter,then removethe starter. 9 . lnstallin the reverseorderof removal.Makesure the crimpedsideofthe ringterminalis facingout.

1 0 .Connectthe positivecableand negativecableto the battery. 'l

1 . Startthe engineto make sure the starteroperates properly.

1 2 .Enterthe anti-iheftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. t5.

Set the clock.

1 4 . P r e f o r mt h e e n g i n es o n t r o lm o d u l e( E C M )i d l e l e a r n p r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) .


StartingSystem StarterOverhaul Disassembly/Reassembly I x 1.25mm 9 N.m(0.9kgf m,7 lbt.ft)

8 r '1.25mm














#ffi #.,\

ou.**#o /-\e(:t!Seb GLUTCHASSEMBLY /



,___.-. \


clurcHsroP r"\r*"o\>)b--)a


-- /

\- i (

\ 'B'us'i'*'


^RMATURE^SSEMBL' /,/ / sr*rrui

it,\ -)No)/G\ ''*",*l,o*" q./

N$$$$$$$ ^,,*'"'o'r(on ^r-)*.,'"'u'' @







/Kt *o,.".* \


--"*{()/ffi 3,J.H:].'.H,,,


scREw.4xo.7mm 1.5N.m




N Wq,n>

(0.15kqr.m.1.rbr.ft) rrlour




\q( \







1. Removethe staner (seepage 4-8).

5. Checkthe commutatordiameter,lf the diameteris below the servicelimit, reDlacethe armature.

2. Disassemblethe staner. Armature Inspection and Test

Commutator Diameter Standard{New}:28.0-28.1 mm {1.102 1.106in.l SeryiceLimit: 27.5 mm (1.083in.l

3. Inspectthe armaturefor wear or damagedue to contactwith the permanentmagnet.lf there is wear or damage,replacethe armature.

Measurethe commutator runout.

Checkthe commutator(A) surface.lf the surfaceis dirty or burnt, resurfaceit with emery cloth or a lathewithin the following speciiications,or reconditionwith # 500 or # 600 sandpaper(B).

. lf the commutator runout is within the service limit, checkthe commutatorfor carbondust or brasschips betweenthe segments. . lf the commutator runout is not within the service limit, replacethe armature. Commutator Runout Standard{New}:0.02mm (0.001in.l max. 0.05 mm (0.002in.) Service Limit:



StartingSystem StarterOverhaul(cont'dl 7. Checkthe mica depth (A).lf the mica is too high (B), undercutthe mica with a hacksawbladeto the properdepth.Cut away all the mica (C) between the commutatorsegments.The undercutshould not be too shallow,too narrow,or V-shaped(D). Commutator Mica Depth Standard(New):0.4-0.5 mm (0.010 0.020in.) ServiceLimit: 0.15 mm (0.006in.)

8. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe segments ofthe commutator, lf an opencircuitexistsbetweenany segments, replacethe armature.



9 . Placethe armature(A) on an armaturetester(B). Hold a hacksawblade (C)on the armaturecore. lf the blade is attractedto the core or vibrateswhile the core is lurned,the armatureis shorted.Replace the armature. B


1 0 .Checkwith an ohmmeterthatno continuityexists betweenthecommutator(A)andarmaturecoil core{B),andbetweenthe commutator and armatureshaft(C).lf continuityexists,replace the armature.

! Starter Brush Inspection

Starter Brush Holder Test

11. lvleasurethe brush length.lf it is not within the servicelimit, replacethe brush holder assembly.

14. Checkthat there is no continuitybetweenthe (+ ) b r u s hh o l d e r{ A )a n d ( ) b r u s h h o l d e r( B ) .l f t h e r e is continuity,replacethe brush holderassembly.

Brush Length Standard(New): 15.8 16.2mm 10.62 0.64in.) ServiceLimit: 11.0mm (0.43in.)


Starter Field Winding Test


12. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe brushes(A).lf there is no continuity,replacethe armature h o u s i n g( B ) . A

/ / / B

Insertthe brush (A) into the brush holder,and bring the brush into contactwith the commutator,then attacha spring scale(B)to the spring (C).Measure the spring tension at the moment the spring lifts off the brush. Spring Tension: 15.7 17.7N (1.6 -1.8kgf.3.53


\ \ \ \ \ \ '

Checkfor continuitybetweeneach brush (A) and the armaturehousing{B).lf there is continuity, replacethe armaturehousing.



StartingSystem Stafter Overhaul(cont'dl '16.Pry

backeach brush spring with a screwdriver.then positionthe brush about halfway out of its holder, and releasethe spring to hold it there.

1 8 . Installthe starterend cover (A)to retainthe brush h o l d e r( B ) . BOLT,5x 1,0 mm 5.9 N m (0.6ksf m,4.3lbf ft)


1 7 . I n s t a l l t h ea r m a t u r ei n l h e h o u s i n ga, n d i n s t a l l t h e brush holder.Next, pry backeach brush spring a g a i n ,a n d p u s ht h e b r u s hd o w n u n t i li t s e a t s againstthe commutator,then releasethe spring againstthe end of the brush. NOTE:To seat new brushes,slip a strip of # 500 or # 600 sandpaper,with the grit side up, betweenthe commutatorand each brush,and smoothly rotate the armature.The contactsurfaceofthe brushes will be sandedto the same contouras the commutator.


Overrunning Clutch Inspection ,|9.

Slidethe overrunningclutchalong the shaft. Replaceit if it does not slide smoothly.

20. Hold the planetarygear shaft (A),and turn the overrunningclutchassembly(B) both ways. lf it does not lock in either directionor it locksin both directions,reDlaceit.


2 1 . lf the starterdrive gear (C)is worn or damaged, replacethe overrunningclutchassembly;the gear is not availableseparately. Checkthe conditionof the torque converterring gear if the starterdrjve gear teeth are damaged. Reassemblethe starterin reverseorder of disassembly.


lgnitionSystem GomponentLocationIndex








SPARKPLUGS Inspection,page4-19





lgnitionSystem lgnitionTiminglnspection 6 . Aim the light toward the pointer{A).Checkthe 1 . Connectthe HondaPGM Testerto the data link connector{DLC),and checkfor DTC's.lf a DTCis present,siagnoseand repairthe causebefore i n s p e c t i n tgh e i g n i t i o nt i m i n g . Startthe engine.Hold the engine at 3,000rpm with ) n t i lt h e r a d i a t o fra n c o m e so n , n o l o a d( i n N e u t r a l u t h e n l e ti t i d l e .

ignitiontiming under no load conditions: headlights,blower fan, and alr conditionerare not operating.lf the ignitiontiming differsfrom the specificationbelow, replacethe EngineControl M o d u l e( E C M )( s e ep a g e1 1 - 3 ) . lgnition Timing: 5'a2'BTDC (BEDmark lB))at idle in Neutral

Checkthe idle speed,and adjustit if necessary(see p a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) . 4 . Follow the tester'spromptsto get the tester in the

"SCS" mode (seeTesterOperator'sManual)

5 . Connectthe timing light to the No. 1 ignition coil

7 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. Disconnectthe PGM testerand the timing light.


SparkPlugInspection '1.

Inspectthe electrodesand ceramicinsulator. Burnedor worn electrodesmay be causedby; ' . . .

2 . D o n o t a d j u s t h e g a p o f p l a t i n u mt i p p l u g s( A ) ; replacethe spark plug if the gap is out of specification. Electrode Gap: Standard(New):1.0 1.1 mm (0.039 0.043in.) ServiceLimit: 1.3 mm (0.015in.l

A d v a n c e di g n i t i o nt i m i n g L o o s es p a r kp l u g Plug heat rangetoo hot Insufficientcooling

F o u l e dp l u g m a y b e c a u s e db y : . ' . . . ' .

Retardedignitiontiming O i l i n c o m b u s t i o nc h a m b e r Incorrectspark plug gap P l u gh e a tr a n g et o o c o l d Excessiveidling/lowspeed running C l o g g e da i r c l e a n e e r lement Deterioratedignitioncoils

Wornor detormed electrodes 1'. l-ptop.. g"p I ' Oil-fouling < . Carbon doposits I . Cracked center f electrodeinsulator

Replace t h e p l u ga t t h e s p e c i f i e di n t e r v a lo, r i f t h e centereiectrodeis rounded(A). Use only the spark p l u g sl i s t e db e l o w . Spark Plugs: NGK: PFRTG-l1S DENSO:PK22PB-L11S

4 . A p p l y a s m a l lq u a n t i t yo f a n t i - s e i zceo m p o u n dt o

the plug threads,and screwthe plugs into the cylinder headfinger-tight.Then torque them to 2 5 N . m ( 2 . 5k g f . m ,1 8 l b f . f t ) .


ChargingSystem ComponentLocationIndex CHARGINGSYSTEM INDICATOR






_.= ='-

'_=__=;:==,,,ii \ - -ai\,\ \.





=,, i! = : r l i

_1. i\ \ \ ' \



I \ - - - - - - - --r-----*\ l'-. \,l\.t. \,\'r \, i'..

ELECTRICAL LOADDETECTOR IELDI (Located tuse/relav in the mainunder-hood box)

v COMPRESSOR BELT ALIERNATOR page4-25 andReplacement, Inspection

S<] ,'.g AUTO.TENSIONER page4-27 lnspection/Replacement,


i " ALTERNATOR Alternator/Regulator Test,page4-22 page4'26 Replacement,






GhargingSystem ChargingCircuitTroubleshooting lf the chargingsystem indicatordoes not come on or does not go off, or the batteryis dead or low, test the following items in the order listedbelow:

8. Connectthe alternator4P connectorterminal No. 3 t o b o d y g r o u n dw i t h a j u mp e rw i r e .T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .

Battery(seepage 22-39) Chargingsystem indicator A l t e r n a t oar n d r e g u l a t ocr i r c u i t Alternatorcontrol system







f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . L (WHT/BLU)

Does the charging system indicator come on? YES Go to step 2. NO Go to step 6.

Does the charging system indicator come on?

2. S t a nt h e e n g i n e . YES Go to step9. Does the charging system indicatot go otf? YES Chargingsystem indicatorcircuit is OK. Go to the Alternatorand RegulatorCircuitTest.I NO Go to step 3.

3 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 4 . Disconnectthe alternator4P connectorfrom the alternator.

NO Turn the ignition swltch OFF.Checkfor a b l o w n N o .6 ( 1 5A ) f u s ea n d a b l o w nc h a r g i n g s y s t e ml i g h tb u l b .l f t h e f u s ea n d b u l ba r e O K , repairthe open in the BLKI/EL or WHT/BLU r ulb.l w i r et o t h e i n d i c a t ob 'l 9 . Measure the voltage at the No. terminal of the alternator4P connectorwith the ignition switch ON

0r ) .


5 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . Does the charging system indicator come on? f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

YES Turn the ignition switch OFF,and repajrthe short in the WHT/BLUwire. lf the WHT/BLUwire is shortedto ground,the voltage regulatorin the alternatormay be damagedl NO Go to step 9. 6 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 7 . Disconnectthe alternator4P connectorfrom the alternator.

ls there battery voltage? YES Go to Alternatorand RegulatorCircuitTest. I NO Repairopen in the BLK/YELwire betweenthe a l t e r n a t oar n d t h e d r i v e r ' su n d e r - d a sfhu s er e l a y box.t


Alternator and RegulatorCircuitTest l. Be sure the batteryconnectionsare good, and that the batteryis sufficientlychargedand in good condition(seepage 22 39).

L Raisethe engine speedto 2.000rpm, and hold it there. ls there voltage Iessthan 13.5 V? YES Go to AlternatorControlSystemTest,l

2. Connecta VAT-40(or equivalenttester),and turn the selectorswitch to position 1 (starting). LOADAOJUSTER {CARBONPILE)




Go to step 10.

10. Apply a load with the VAT 40 untilthe baftery v o l t a g ed r o p st o b e t w e e n1 2 1 3 . 5 V . ls the amperage87.5 A or more? YES The chargingsystem is OK.l NO Repairor replacethe alternator(seepage 429).a






3 . Shift to Neutral,and startthe engine.Hold the engineat 3,000rpm, with no load until the radiator fan comes on, then lel it idle. 4. R a i s et h e e n g i n es p e e dt o 2 , 0 0 0r p m , a n d h o l d i t

there. Is thete voltage over 15.1V? YES Replace t h e r e a rh o u s i n ga s s e m b l y . l NO Go to step 5. Releasethe acceleratorpedal,and let the engine idle. 6 . Make sure all accessoriesare turned off. Turn the selectorswitchto position2 (charging). 7 . Removethe inductivepick-up,and zerothe ammeter. 8 . Placethe inductivepick-upover the B terminal wire of the alternatorso that the arrow points away from the alternator. (cont'd)


ChargingSystem ChargingCircuitTroubleshooting(cont'd) Alternator Control SystemTest 1 . Checkfor proper operationof the electricalload detector(ELD)by checkingthat the maltunction indicatorlamp (MlL) (seepage 11-3).lf a DTc is present,diagnoseand repairthe causebetore continuingwith this test. t

7. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe ECMconnectorC t e r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d b o d y g r o u n d . ECMCONNECTOR C {31PI

Disconnectthe alternator4P connectorfrom the alternator.

3 . Startthe engine,and turn the headlights(high b e a m )O N .

Wire side of female terminals

Measurevoltage betweenthe alternator4P connectorterminal No. 2 and the positiveterminal of the battery.

ls there continuity? YES Repairshort to ground in the wire between the alternatorand ECI\4.I



1 2



NO Checkthat the terminalsare firmly seatedat the connectors.lf OK, substitutea known-good P C Ma n d r e c h e c k{ s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 )l.f p r e s c r i b e d voltage is now available,replacethe original ECM ( s e ep a g e1 ' l - 5 ) . I 8 , T u r nt h e h e a d l i g hat n d i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F .

Wire side of lemale terminals

ls thete 1 V or less?

9. DisconnectECMconnectorC (31P). 10. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe ECMconnectorC t e r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d a l t e r n a t o4r Pc o n n e c t otre r m i n a l No.2.

YES Goto step8. NO Goto step5. 5 . Turnthe headlight andignitionswitchOFF. 6 . Disconnect enginecontrolmodule{ECM)

c o n n e c t oCr{ 3 1 P ) .

E C MC O N N E C T OCR{ 3 1 P }


W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

ls there continuity? YES Repairthe alternator(seepage 4-29).1 NO Repairan open in the wire betweenthe a l t e r n a t oar n d E C M . I


Belt Inspectionand Replacement Alternator-compressor 1. Checkthat the pointer(A) onthe auto-tensioner housingis not beyondthe edge of the indicatorrib {B}on the tensionerbase.

Move the auto-tensioner(A)to relievetensionfrom the alternatorbelt (B),and removethe alternatorcompressorbelt.

3. lnstallthe new belt in the reverseorder of removal.


ChargingSystem AlternatorReplacement 1. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's presetbuftons.

5. Removethe mounting bolts,then removethe alternator. 10 x 1.25mm 44 N.m 14.5kgf.m,33lbf.ft)

2. Disconnectthe negalivecablefront the battery, then disconnectthe positivecable. 3. Move the auto-tensioner(A)to relievetensionfrom the alternatorbelt (Bl, and removethe alternatorcompressorbelt.

1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 44 N m {4.5kgf m,33lbf.ft}

Installthe alternatorand alternator-compressor belt in the reverseorder of removal

4 . Disconnectthe 4P connector(A)from the alternator ( B ) ,a n d d i s c o n n e cBt L Kw i r e f r o m t h e a l t e r n a t oB r t e r m i n a l( C ) . I x 1.25mm 12Nm (1.2kgf.m, I tbf.ft)

7 . Connectthe positivecableand negativecableto the battery. 8 . Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. 9 . Set the clock.

1 0 .Performthe enginecontrol module (ECl\il)idle learn p r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) .


Auto-TensionerInspection/Replacement 1 . Checkwhether there is a change in the positionof the auto-tensionerbeforestartingthe engineand after startingthe engine,lf there is a changein the position,replacethe auto-tensioner.

4 . Attach a torque wrench (A) to the pulley bolt.

M e a s u r et h e t o r q u eo n t h e t e n s i o n e irn t e r n asl p r i n g with moving the torque wrench in the direction shown. lf the measurementis lessthan the specifiedvalue, replacethe auto-tensioner. Specified Torque: 26.2 N.m (2.67 kgt.m, 19.3tbt.ftl

Checkfor abnormal noisefrom the tensionerpulley. lf abnormalnoise is heard,removethe autotensionerand replacethe tensionerpulley. Turn off the engine.Move the auto-tensioner(A) with the belt tensionerreleasetool to relieve belt (B), tensionfrom the alternator-compressor then removethe belt.

Move the auto-tensionerwithin its limit with the belt tension releasetool in the directionshown, checkthat the tensionermoves smoothly and check for abnormal noisewhile moving the tensioner.lf the tensionerdoes not move smoothlVor there is abnormal noise,replacethe autc-tensioner.



ChargingSystem \.

(cont'dl Auto-TensionerInspection/Replacement 6. Removethe auto-tensioner.

8. Removethe pulley bolt (left-handthreads),and replacethe tensionerpulley, (i1.3kgf.m.31 lbl.ftl

8 x 1.25mm

8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m {2.2 kgf.m, 16lbl'ft)

22N.m(2.2kgt.m,16lbfftl 7. lf removethe pulley bolt, securethe auto-tensionerin a benchvise with soft jaws. To preventdamageto the tensioner,always use soft jaws or equivalentmaterialsbetweenthe tensioner a n dt h e v i s e .


AlternatorOverhaul ExplodedView STATOR DRIVE.ENDCOVER


7 (








\ (,D GJ_




!0ii^> *-!/ | u/ // 'sl:'d

_ \ ''-:ti i l/







-"..\'sraroa\ -\\-

\ -'--.Xi.Altfi"" - ..IBt9uo*


PULLEY LOCKNUT l 1 1 N . m1 1 1 .k3g t . m , 81.7lbf.ftl


'-. .



Q9 r: { , \ ,''...lp TERMINAL INSULATOR







ChargingSystem AlternatorOverhaul(cont'd) Special Tools Required . Driver07749-0010000 . Attachment,52 x 55 mm 07746-0010400 NOTE:Referto the ExplodedView as neededduring t h i sp r o c e d u r e .

5. Removethe washer nut (A) and insulator(B)from the "B" terminal,then removethe end cover (C) a n d d u s t s e a l( D ) .


1. Testthe alternatorand regulatorbeforeyou removethem (seepage 4-22). 2. Removethe alternator(seepage 4-26). 3. lf the front bearingneedsreplacing,removethe pulley locknutwith a 10 mm wrench (A) and a 22 mm wrench (B).lf necessary,use an impact wrencn.

6. Removethe brush holder.

@ E


â‚Ź d l

Removethe three flange nuts (A) and the screw (B) from the alternator,then removethe plateterminal 1C)_

a."8 g





7. Removethe voltageregulator. A

B o /




@ t g R:i-..

/rss56\ (Y'W-s\

PH]{{]d I I lll l/â‚Źlr \n""^\!)Lbl



8. Removethe four screws (A),then removethe rectifier(B)and rubber seal (C).

10. Removethe four insulators(A),rear h o u s i n g( B ) , a n d w a s h e r( C ) .




ChargingSystem AlternatorOverhaul(cont'dl 11. (lf you are not replacingthe front bearingand/or rear bearing,go to step 18).Removethe rotorfrom the statordrive end housino.

14. With a hammer and commerciallyavailabletools shown, installa new rear bearingon the rotor shaft.

1 2 . Inspectthe rotor shaftfor galling,and inspectthe


bearingjournal surfacein the stator housingfor seizuremarks. . lf eitherthe rotor or stator housingis damaged, replacethe alternator. . lf both the rotorand the stator housingare OK, go to step 13. Removethe rear bearingusing a puller as shown.


Removethe front bearingretainerplate,


Supportthe statorhousingin a vise, and drive out the front bearingwith a brassdrift (A) and hammer.

Rectifier Test 18. Checkfor continuityin each direction,betweenthe B terminal and P terminals,and betweenthe E t e r m i n a la n d P t e r m i n a l so f e a c hd i o d ep a i r , All diodesshould have continuityin only one direction.Becausethe rectifierdiodesare designed to allow currentto pass in one direction,and the rectifieris made up of eight diodes (four pairs).you must test each diode in both directionsfor continuitywith an ohmmeterthat has diode checkingcapability:a total of 16 checks. . lf any diode is faulty, replacethe rectifier separately.) a s s e m b l y{.D i o d e sa r e n o t a v a i l a b l e . l f a l l t h e d i o d e sa r e O K ,g o t o s t e p1 9 .

1 7 . With a hammer and the specialtools, installa front bearingin the stator housing. ^ ^ \ Y F

, '-fd\ t' ' 07749-0010000


P, P, P] P.



ChargingSystem I

AlternatorOverhaul(cont'd) Alternator Brush Inspection

Stator Test

19. Measurethe length of both brushes(A)with a v e r n i e rc a l i p e r( B ) .

22. Checkthat there is continuitybetweeneach pair of leads(A).

. lf either brush is shorterthan the servicelimit, replacethe brush assembly. . lf brush length is OK, goto step 20.

. lf there is continuity,go to step 23. . lfthere is no continuity.replacethe alternator.

Alternator Brush Length: Slandard {New): 10.5mm {0.41in.} ServiceLimil: 1.5 mm {0.06in.l

Checkfor no continuitybetweeneach lead and the coil core (B). . lf there is no continuity,golo step 24. . lf there is continuity,replacethe alternator. Rotor Slip Ring Test

24. Reassemblethe alternalorin reverseorder of 20. Checkthat there is continuitybetweenthe slip rings (A). . lfthere is continuity,go to step 21. . lf there is no continuity,replacethealternator.

2 1 . Then checkthat there is no continuitybetween each slip ring and the rotor (B) and the rotor shaft


. lf there is no continuity,goto step 22. . lf there is continuity,replacethe alternator.


disassembly,and note these items: . Be carefulnot to get any greaseor oil on the slip rings. . lf you removedthe pulley,tighten its locknutto 111 N . m ( 11 . 3k g f m , 8 1 . 7l b f . f t )w h e n y o u reinstallit.

CruiseControl ComponentLocationIndex CONTROL CRUISE INDICATORLIGHT BRAKEPEDALPOSITIONSWITCH Test,page4 47 Adjustment,page 19'6


CRUISECONTROLMAIN SWITCH Test,page4 40 page4-41 Replacement,

Test,page4 42 Beplacement,page4-42


ACTUATORCABLE Adjustment,page4-46 Bepiacement,page4-45

CRUISECONTROLACTUATOR Test,page4 43 page4 44 Replacement,


CruiseControl CircuitDiagram

cnu$ coMtot i ir $[rdr



cxutsE @flxo(uul MoroB otfN

loloR acruAToi cr05r cl,uTor




BmlY$ I




r 4-36







Index SymptomTroubleshooting NOTE: ' T h e n u m b e r si n t h e t a b l es h o wt h e t r o u b l e s h o o t i nsge q u e n c e . . Beforetroubleshooting, - checkthat the speedometerworks properly. - c h e c k t h eN o . 2 3 ( 1 0A ) a n d N o . 6 ( 1 5A ) f u s e si n t h e u n d e r - d a sfhu s e / r e l a yb o x ,a n d N o . 4 7 ( 1 0A X N o . 4 7 ( 1 5A ) ) f u s ei n t h e m a i n u n d e r - h o o fdu s e / r e l a yb o x . c h e c kt h a tt h e h o r ns o u n d s . - checkthe tachometerto see if it works properly.

Checkmain switch (seepage 4-41) switch {seepage 4-42) CheckSET/RESUME Test brakepedal positionswitch (seepage 4-47)and checkits adjustment(seepage 12-4). 4. Test clutch pedal position switch (see page 4-47) and c h e c ki t s a d l u s t m e n(t s e ep a g e 1 2 - 4 ) . e45 . C h e c kc r u i C r u i s ec o n t r o lc a n b e s e t ,b u t 1, Checkdimming circuit in gauge (see page22'47) i n d i c a t o lri g h td o e sn o t g o o n . 2. Checkcruisecontrol unit {seepage 4-38}

Cruisecontrol cannot be set.

1. 2. 3.

1. Checkcruisecontrol actuatorand cableadjustment C r u i s es p e e di s n o t i c e a b l y 2. (seepage 4-46) h i g h e ro r l o w e rt h a nw h a t Checkcruisecontrol unit (seeDaqe4was sel. 1. Checkcruisecontrol actuatorand cableadjustment Excessiveovershootingor undershootingwhen trying to 2. (seepage 4'46) Checkcruisecontrol unit {seepage 49qt speqd] -, r 1. Checkcruisecontrol actuatorand cableadjustment SDeedfluctuateson a flat 2. (seepage 4 46) road with cruisecontrol set. unit (seeoaqe 4' Check '1. switch (seepage 4-42) CheckSET/RESUlvlE Vehicledoes not decelerate (seepage 4-38) control unit 2. Check cruise accordingly or accelerate

buttonis whenSET/RESUME pushed.

. P o o rg r o u n d :G 1 0 1 . Open circuit,loose or disconnected

terminals; BLKryEL, LT GRN,LT GRN/ R E D ,G R Y ,O R N ,

WHT/BLK P o o rg r o u n d :G 5 0 1 O p e nc i r c u i t l.o o s e or disconnected t e r m i n a l sYr E L , LTGRN

Open circuit,loose or disconnected t e r m i n a l sL: T G R N /

1. Test brakepedal positionswitch (seepage 4-47)and checkit's adjustment(seepage 12-4). 2. Checkcruisecontrol unit (seepaqe 4-38 1 . T e s t c l u t c hp e d a lp o s i t i o ns w i t c h( s e ep a g e4 ' 4 7 )a n d l S h o r t t o g r o u n di n Set speed does not cancel check its adiustment(see page 12-4). w h e n c l u t c hp e d a li s p r e s s e d . i the PNKwire 2 . C h e c kc r u i s ec o n t r o lu n i t . 1 . C h e c km a i n s w i t c h( s e ep a g e n o tc a n c e l disconnected 2. Checkcruisecontrol unit (seepage 4-38) when main switch is pushed terminals,short to Set speeddoes not cancel when brakepedal is pressed.

nor resume w h e n R E S U M Eb u t t o ni s pushed(with main switch on, and set speedtemporarily cancelledby pressingthe

1. 2.

C h e c kS E l / H b S U M E s w r t c h ( s e e p a g e 4 Check cruise control unit (see page 4-38)

disconnected t e r m i n a l sL: T G R N / BtK

I I : ' 0 2 - 0 3m o d e l s


GruiseGontrol \,

CruiseControl Unit Input Test SRScomponentsare locatedin this area,review the SRScomponentlocations,precautions,and proceduresin the SRSsection(24)beforeperformingrepairsor service. 1 . R e m o v et h e k n e eb o l s t e ru n d e rt h e s t e e r i n gc o l u m n . 2 . D i s c o n n e c t t h le4 P c o n n e c t o r f r o mt h e c r u i s ec o n t r o lu n i t . 3. Inspectthe connectorand connectorterminalsto be sure they are making good contact. 4. lf the terminalsare bent, loose,orcorroded, repairthem as necessary,and recheckthesystem. 5. Performthe following input test, at the 14Pconnector. .lfatestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesystem. . lf all the tests prove OK, checkthe cruisecontrol actuatoroperationand adjustthe actuatorcable.


W i r e s r d eo f f e m a l et e r m r n as

Cavity Wire color



Test condition

BRN,ryVHTConnectto terminal 4 The magneticclutch should


(BLfiEL)with a j u m p e rw i r e ,a n d turn ignition switch on. l g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,m a i n s w i t c hO N and brakepedal released


Test: Desired result


c l i c ka n dt h e o u t p u tl i n ks h o u l d be locked.

Checkfor voltageto ground: T h e r es h o u l db e 0 V w i t h t h e brakepedal pressed.and there should be batteryvoltagewith the brakepedal released.

U n d e ra l l c o n d i t i o n s Checkfor continuityto ground: There should be continuity. lgnition switch ON Checkfor voltageto ground: (ll) Thereshould be batteryvoltage.

Possible cause if result is not obtained Faultyactuator P o o rg r o u n d( G 3 0 1 ) An open in the wire

Faultybrakeswitch Faultymain switch An open in the wire B l o w nN o . 4 7 ( 1 0A ) ( N o . 4 7 ( 1 5A ) ) f u s ei n t h e m a i n under-hoodfuse/relavbox

Poorground(G402) An openin the wire

B l o w nN o . 4 7 ( 1 0A ) ( N o . 4 7 ( 1 5 A )) f u s ei n t h e m a i n under-dashf use/relaybox A n o D e ni n t h e w i r e . B l o w n N o . 4 T { 1 0 A )( N o . 4 7 5 WHT/BLK With brakepedal C h e c kf o r v o l t a g et o g r o u n d : pressedand released T h e r e s h o u l db e b a t t e r yv o l t a g e ( 1 5 A )) f u s e i n t h e m a i n with the brakepedal pressed, under-hoodfuse/relaybox and there should be 0 V with the . Faultybrakeswitch . An oDenin the wire brakeDedalreleased. : ' 0 2 - 0 3m o d e l s 4





Cavity Wire color

Test condition


l g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,m a i n s w i t c hO N and SETbutton

Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be batteryvoltage. W h e nt e s t i n gt e r m i n a lN o . 6 , there should be no voltageon t e r m i n a lN o . 7 . W h e nt e s t i n gt e r m i n a lN o . 7 , there should be no voltageon t e r m i n a lN o . 6 . Checkthe actuatormotor: You s h o u l db e a b l et o h e a ri t r u n .




lgnition switch ON ( l l ) ,m a i n s w i t c hO N and RESUMEbutton pusneo BRN Connectthe BRN t e r m i n a tl o t e r m i n a l BRN/BLK 4 {BLK,/YEL) with a j u m p e rw i r e . Connectthe BRN/ B L Kt e r m i n a tl o b o d y g r o u n d .T u r nt h e ignition switch ON { }. BLUIVEL lgnitionswitch ON C r u i s ei n d i c a t o lri g h ts h o u l d { l l ) ,a t t a c ht o g r o u n d . c o m e o n .


9 1l




WHT/BLK Raisethe rear of





v e h i c l e a, n d s h i f tt o N e u t r a ll.g n i t i o n switch ON (ll), main switch ON and rotate o n e r e a rw h e e lw h i l e h o l d i n ot h e o t h e r lgnition switch ON ( l l )a n d m a i n s w i t c h ON

Checkvoltage betweenNo. 12 ( + ) a n d N o . 3( ) t e r m i n a l s : T h e r es h o u l db e 0 V a n d a b o u t 5 V or batteryvoltage alternately.

Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be batteryvoltage.

Clutchpedal pressed Checkfor continuityto ground: There should be no continuity andreleased with the clutch pedal pressed, and there should be continuity with the clutch oedal released.

Possible cause it result is not obtained Blown No. 47 (10A) ( No. 47 ( 1 5A ) ) f u s e i n t h e m a i n under-hoodfuse/relaybox F a u l t yh o r n r e l a y Faultysevresumeswitch F a u l t yc a b l er e e l An open in the wire

Faultyactuator P o o rg r o u n d( G 3 0 1 ) A n o p e ni n t h ew i r e

B l o w nN o . 5 { 7 . 5A ) f u s e i n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox Blown cruisecontrol indicator Faultycruisecontrol indicator c i r c u i ti n g a u g ea s s e m b l y A n o o e ni n t h e w i r e Faultyvehiclespeedsensor Faultyspeedometercircuit in t h e g a u g ea s s e m b l y A n o p e ni n t h e w i r e

B l o w nN o . 4 7 ( 1 0A ) ( N o . 4 7 ( 1 5 A )) f u s ei n t h e u n d e r - d a s h fuse/relaybox Faultymain switch A n o o e ni n t h e w i r e Faultyclutchswitch Misadjustedclutch pedal p o s i t i o ns w i l c hi n s t a l l a t i o n P o o rg r o u n d( G 4 0 1 ) An oDenin the wire

: ' 0 2 - 0 3m o d e l s 6. lf any test indicatesa problem,find and correctthe cause,then recheckthesystem.lf all the input tests prove OK, the control unit may be faulty. Substitutea known-goodcruisecontrol unit and reset.lf the system works properly, r e p l a c et h e c r u i s ec o n t r o lu n i t .


CruiseGontrol Main Switch Test 1 . C a r e f u l l yp r y t h e c r u i s ec o n t r o lm a i n s w i t c h o u t o f t h e i n s t r u m e npt a n e l t, h e n d i s c o n n e c t t h e connectorfrom the switch.

3 . Checkfor continuitybetlveenthe No.2 and No.3 t e r m i n a l sT. h e r es h o u l db e c o n t i n u i t y . lf a failure occursbetweenterminals No. 6 and No. 1, replacethe cruisecontrol main switch. 5 . lf a failure occursbetweenterminals No. 6 and No. 5, and betweenthe No. 2 and No. 3, checkthe cruisecontrol main switch indicatorand ( s e ep a g e4 - 4 1 ) . illumination



2 . Checkfor continuitybetweenterminalsNo. 6 and No. 1, and betweenterminals No. 6 and No. 5 on the switch.Thereshould be continuitywhen the switch is pushed.and no continuitywhen the switch is pushedagain. CRUISECONTROLMAIN SWITCHCONNECTOR

Terminalside of male terminal


Main Switch/lndicator/lllumination Test 1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .T u r nt h e l i g h t i n g switch and the cruisecontrol main switch {A) ON.

C h e c kt h a tt h e i l l u m i n a t i o ni n d i c a t o (r B )a n dt h e indicatorlight (C)in the cruisecontrol main switch come on.

Main Switch/lndicatorBulb Replacement 1. Carefullyprythe cruisecontrolmainswitch(A)out the of the instrument oanel,thendisconnect connector fromthe switch.

Replacethe indicatorbulb (B)or the switch,as need.

lf the indicatordoes not come on. removethe switch and replacethe bulb. lf the indicatordoes not come on afterthe bulb has been replaced,replacethe cruisecontrol main switch.


GruiseControl Set/ResumeSwitch Test 1. Removethe two screwssecuringthe sevresume switch,then removethe switch.


Set/ResumeSwitch Replacement


1 . Removethe two screwssecuringthe seVresume switch,then removethe switch.



Disconnectthe connectorfrom the switch. Replacethe switch.





T e r m i n as li d eo f f e m a l tee r m i n a l s Disconnectthe connectorfrom the switch. Checkthe set switch for continuitybetweenthe No. 3 and No. 5 terminalsof the connector.There should be continuitywhile pressingthe switch down, and no continuitywhen the switch released. Checkthe resumeswitch for continuitybetween t h e N o . 1 a n d N o . 3 t e r m i n a l so f t h e c o n n e c t o r . T h e r es h o u l db e c o n t i n u i t yw h i l e p r e s s i n gt h e switch down, and no continuitywhen the switch reteaseo. lf either switch is faulty, replacethe switch assemoty. 6 . lf switch is OK, but switch failure is occurredon the cruisecontrol unit input test, checkand repairthe wire harnesson the switch circuit.



CruiseGontrolActuatorTest 1. Disconnectthe 4P connectorfrom the cruise control actuator.


With power and ground slill connectedas in step 3, connectbatterypower to the No. 4 terminal and ground to No. 3 terminal,and checkthat the output linkagestartsto turn from full closedpositionand stops at full openedposition by the motor in the actuator.

7 . Reversepower and ground at connectorterminals, No. 4 and No. 3, and checkthat the output linkage reversesand stops at the full closedposition.


Removethe actualorcover. Connectbatterypower to the No. 2 terminal of the 4P connector,and connectground to the No. 1 terminal. Checkthe magneticclutchfor proper engagement. A clickingsound should be heard and the output llnkageshould be locked.

lf the outputlinkagemovessluggishly, or the motor doesnotoperateproperly,replace the cruise controlactuatorassemblv.

lf the output linkageis not locked,replacethe cruisecontrol actuatorassembly.


CruiseGontrol CruiseControlActuatorReplacement 1 . Removethe actuatorcover. and disconnectthe 4P connectorfrom the cruisecontrol actuator.

3. Removethe cruisecontrol actuatorassembly.

7.2rbr.ft r {./3;k?#ff'ksr.m.

Disconnectthe actuatorcable end (A) from the o u t p u tl i n k a g e( B ) .a n d r e m o v el h e c a b l e( C )f r o m the cruisecontrol actuator. B

Reolacethe actuator,and installthe new cruise control actuatorin the reverseorder of removal. 5 . Adjust the actuatorcable on the cruisecontrol actuatorside (seepage 4-46).


ActuatorGableReplacement 1 . Removethe actuatorcover,and disconnectthe 4P conneclorfrom the cruisecontrol actuator.

3. Removethe acceleratorpedal assembly.

6x1.0mm 1 3N . m (1.3kgf.m, 9.4 tbf.ftl

4. Disconnectthe actuatorcableend (A)from the arm (B) on the acceleratorpedal assembly{C). Disconnectthe actuatorcableend (A),and remove the cable1B)from the cruisecontrol actuator.

Replacethe actuatorcable,and installthe new cable in the reverseorder of removal. Adjust the actuatorcable on the cruisecontrol actuatorside (seepage 4-46).




Actuator CableAdjustment 1 . Holdthe cablesheath,removingall slackfromthe

throttlecable. 2. Turnthe adjustingnut (A)untilit is 3 mm (1/8in,) awayfromthethrottlecablebracket,

5. Turn the adjustingnut {A) until it is I mm (0.35in.) away from lhe actuatorcable bracketwhen the throftle linkagestartsopen. 9 mm {0.35in.)

3 m m { 1 / 8i n . }


B 9.8N.m (1.0kgf m, 7.2tbt.ft)

6 . Pullthe cable so that the adjustingnut (A)touches the bracket,and tightenthe locknut(B).

3 . Tightenthe locknut(B).The throttlecable deflection s h o u l dn o w b e 4 6 m m ( 0 . 1 6 0 . 2 4i n . ) . Removethe actuatorcover,then disconnectthe actuatorcableend from the cruisecontrol actuator.

7 . Verifythat the throttle linkagestartsopen when the actuatorcable is pulled 9 mm (0.35in.) distance from the startingpoint by rotatingthe actuator linkaoe.


ClutchPedalPositionSwitch Test 1. Disconnectthe connectorfrom the clutch Dedal Dositionswitch,then removethe switch.

Checktheclutch Dedaloositionswitch connector terminalsfor continuity.Thereshould be continuity betweenthe terminalswith the button (A) released, and there should be continuitywith the button pressed. CLUTCHPEDAI-POSITION SWITCHCONNECTOR

BrakePedalPositionSwitch Test 1. Disconnectthebrakepedal positionswitch connector,and removethe switch.

2. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 1 and the No. 4 terminalsof the brakepedal positionswitch connector.Thereshould be continuitywhen the button (A) is pressed. BRAKEPEDALPOSITION SWITCHCONNECTOR t----r------l

l l r |I 2 lI l t---T---'tl

l L_____r_______r l3 4 )l I


Terminalside of male terminals T e r m i n asl i d eo f m a l et e r m i n a l s

lf the clutch pedal positionswitch is faulty, replace rt. Installtheclutchpedal positionswitch.and adjust it (seepage l2-4).

3. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 2 and the No. 3 terminals.Thereshould be continuitywhen the button is released. 4. lf the brakepedal positionswitch is faulty, replace rt. 5. Installthe brake pedal positionswitch,and adjust it (seepage 19-6).


EngineAssembly EngineRemoval NOTE: . Use fender coversto avoid damagingpainted surfaces. . To avoid damage,unplugthe wiring connectors carefullywhile holdingthe connectorportion. . Mark all wiring and hosesto avoid misconnection. Also, be sure that they do not contactother wiring or hoses,or interferewith other parts. 1. Removethe hood support rod from the driver's side of the car,then use it as shown to fix the hood in a verticalposition.

6. Disconecttheengine control module (ECM) connectors(A) from the EcM.


(B). the mainwire harnessconnector 1 . Disconnect Removethevacuumtank. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's presetbuttons. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the batteryfirst, then disconnectthe positivecable. Removethe battery. Removethe transmission(seepage



9. Removethe throttlecable (A) by looseningthe locknut(B),then slippingthe cableend out of the acceleratorlinkage.Takecare not to bend the cable when removing it. Always replaceany kinkedcable with a new one.

1 0 .Removethe four bolts (A) securingthe electrical power steering(EPS)control unit (B).

11. Removethe batterycable (A) from the main under-hoodfuse/relaybox, then removethe harnessclamos (B).

Removethe banerycable (A) from the auxiliary under-hoodfuse box, and removethe ground cable ( B )a n d h a r n e s sc l a m p s( C ) .

13. Removethe grommet(D),thenpulloutthe Ecfvl connectors.



EngineAssembly !

EngineRemoval(cont'dl (seepage11-105). 1 4 . Relieve thefuel pressure t5.

17. Removethe two bolts securingthe engine stop bracket.

Removethefuelfeedhose(A),fuel returnhose(B) andbrakeboostervacuumhose(C).

1 8 . Removethe radiatorcap. 1 6 .Removethe evaporativeemission(EVAP)canister

1 9 . Raisethe hoist to full height.


20. Removethe front tires/wheels. 21. Loosenthe drain plug in the radiator,and drain the enginecoolant(seepage 10-8).

2 2 . D r a i nt h e e n g i n eo i l . R e i n s t a l l t h de r a i nb o l t u s i n ga new washer {seepage8-5).



23. Removethe engine stop bracketcushion (A),then removethe engine stop bracket(B).




24. Lower the hoist. 25. Removethe heaterhoses(A) and lower radiator h o s e( B ) .



EngineAssembly EngineRemoval(cont'd) 2 1 . Attachthe chain hoist to the engine as shown. Takecare not to damagethe VTECsolenoidvalve.

28. Removethe support nut from the left side engine mount bracket.

29. Removethe supportnut(A)andfour mounting bolts(B),thenremovethe rightsideenginemount bracket{C).

30. Checkthat the engine is completelyfree of vacuum hoses,fuel and coolanthoses,and electricalwiring.

3 1 .Slowly raisethe engine about 150 mm (6 in.). Checkonce againthat all hosesand wires are disconnectedfrom the engine. Raisethe engineall the way, and remove it from the vehicle.


EngineInstallation 1. Installtheaccessorybrackets,and tighten their bolts to the specifiedtorques.

10 x 1.25mm i*il N.m

14.5kgf.m,33 lbf.ftl

,l 10 x 1.25mm 38 N.m (3.9 kgf.m,28 lbt.ftl Greenbolts.

8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m 12.2kgt.m,16lbt.ftl



EngineAssembly EngineInstallation(cont'd) 2. Installthe engine into position in the vehicle.

Reinstallthe mounting bolts/supportnuts in the sequencegiven. Failureto follow this seouencemav causeexcessivenoise and vibration,and reducebushing life.

4. Tightenthe support nut on the left side engine mount bracket. /12 x 1.25rnfi / 54N m



15.5ksrni, a0'}t.ttl


3. Installthe right side engine mount bracket,then tighten the bolts and nut in the numberedsequence shown.


5 . I n s t a l l t h eu p p e rr a d i a t o rh o s e .

/b 10 x 1.25mm

38 N.m {3.9ksf.m,28lbt.ft) Yellowbolts.


6. lnstallthe heaterhoses(A) and lower radiatorhose (B).

Installthe front tires/wheels.

1 0 .Lower the hoist. 1 1 .Tightenthe two bolts securingthe enginestop bracket.

"ffit 1 . Raisethe hoist to full height. 8 . Installthe enginestop bracket(A),then installthe enginestop bracketcushion(B).

12. Installthe evaporativeemission(EVAP)canister hose.


\${qry [.\ -


8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m 12.2kgf.m, 16lbf.ftl



EngineAssembly EngineInstallation(cont'dl 1 3 . Installthe brakeboostervacuum hose (A),fuel return hose (B) and fuel feed hose (C),using new washers (D).

16. Connectthe ECMconnectors(A) andmainwire harnessconnector(B),

14. Pushthe enginecontrol module {ECM)connectors through the bulkhead,then installthe grommet (A). 6x1.0mm 1 2N . m {r.2 kgt.m,8.7lbf.ft)

'17.lnstalltheharness clamps(A),theninstallthe fuse/relay batterycable(B)on the mainunder-hood box.

.t ii Installthebatterycable(B)on the auxiliaryunderhoodfusebox.Installthe groundcable(C)and h a r n e scsl a m p s( D ) .


1 8 . I n s t a l l t h ee l e c t r i c apl o w e rs t e e r i n g( E P S ) c o n t r o l unit.

,R l)

20. Installthe throttlecable (seepage 11-125),then a d j u s t h e c a b l e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 2 4 ) . 2 1 . I n s t a l l t h et r a n s m i s i o n( s e ep a g e1 3 - 6 6 ) . 22. Cleanthe batteryposts and cableterminalswith sandpaper,then assemblethem and apply grease to preventcorrosion. 2 3 . R e f i l l t h ee n g i n ew i t h e n g i n eo i l ( s e ep a g e8 - 5 ) . 24. Refillthe radiatorwith engine coolant,and bleed air from the cooling systemwith the heatervalve open (seepage 10-8).


6x1.0mm 12 N.m (1.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ft)

25. Checkthat the transmissionshifts into gear smoothly. 26. lnspectfor fuel leaks.Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) (do not operatethe starter)so that the fuel pump runs for about 2 secondsand pressurizesthe fuel line. Repeatthis operationtwo or three times, then checkfor fuel leakageat any point in the fuel line. 27. Performthe enginecontrol module (ECM)idle learn p r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) .

1 9 . I n s t a l l t hvea c u u mt a n k .

2 8 . I n s p e c t t h ei d l es p e e d( s e ep a g e1 ' l - 1 0 0 ) . 29. Inspectthe ignitiontiming (seepage 4- 18). 30. Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. 3 1 . S e tt h e c l o c k .

6x1.0mm 1 2N . m (1.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ftl


EngineMechanical Cylinder Head ............. 6-2 SoecialTobls 6-3 lndex .................,,..................... Location Comoonent .......... 6-6 ............... DTCTroubleshooting ................. 6-9 ValveTest VTECSolenoid ..................... 6-10 Test VTECRocker Arms ............. 6-12 ValveClearance Adjustment 6-14 PulleyRemovalandlnstallation.............. Crankshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.-. 1. .5. . . . C a mC h a i nR e m o v a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6. .-.1. .9. . C a mC h a i nI n s t a l l a t i o n ........6-24 ChainCaseOil SealInstallation ..................... 6-25 CvlinderHeadRemoval 6-3'l .................... Removal Camshaft Gear 6-32 for Warpage...................... CylinderHeadInspection . 6-33 RockerArmsandShaftsDisassembly/Reassembly 6-34 RockerArmsandShaftsInspection............................ .......................... 6-36 Camshaft lnsoection 6-38 Valves,Springs,andValveSealsRemoval................ ........... 6-39 ValveInspection...................... 6-39 lnspection............... Clearance ValveStem-to-Guide ................. 6-40 ValveGuideReolacement ................ 6-42 ValveSeatReconditioning 6-44 Valves,Springs,andValveSealsInstallation............ 6-45 Camshaft GearInstallation.......................................... . .5. . . . . . . . . . C v l i n d eHr e a dI n s t a l l a t i o.n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.-. 4 ......6-53 CylinderHeadCoverInstallation

CylinderHead SpecialTools Ref.No.

ul @ @ @


@ @'t !r-J

@-+ @


@ @ Cz)

Tool Number

OTHAH-PJ7O,1OB 07JAA-001020A 07JAB-001020A 07JAB-001040A 07LAK-PR30r 00 07NAJ-P07010A 07406-0020201 07406-0070300 07MAJ.PYAO11A 07MAJ-PY40120 OTZAJ.PNAAlOO o7142.0010100 07746-0010400 07749-0010000 07757-PJ 1010A

Description V a l v eG u i d eR e a m e r5, . 5m m Socket,19 mm H o l d e rH a n d l e HolderAttachment,50 mm GaugeJoint Adapter PressureGaugeAdaptor AilT Pressure Hose A"/TLow PressureGaugeWPanel Av/TPressureHose,2,210 mm A,/TPressureHoseAdaptor VTECAir Adapter Valve Guide Driver,5.5 mm Attachment,52x55mm Driver Valve SDrinqComoressorAttachment



. =r

Otv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1



o-*'"o / t



ts* ge

E ,"'*o"' RUBBER sEAL



'ii'ti' lS...''.-.i



\..-:@ DOWELPIN EXHAUST CAMSHAFT InspecIron, page 6-36



DOWELPIN i--\_..

ROCKERARM ASSEMBLY Overhaul, page6-33 lnspeclton, page6-34




CylinderHead ComponentLocationIndex(cont'd)

EXHAUSTVALVEGUIDE page6-39 Inspection, page6 40 Replacement,






]O v"

DOWELPIN INTAKEVALVE page6 38 Removal, page6-44 Inslallation,


EXHAUST VALVE page6-38 Removal, page6 44 Installation,

CAM CHAIN Removal,page6-15 Installation,page6-19 CAM CHAINGUIDE




PULLEY BOLT page6-'14 Eeplacement, PULLEY CRANKSHAFT page6-14 Replacement, CHAIN CASE OIL SEAL Installation,page6-24


CylinderHead DTCTroubleshooting DTCP1259: A problemin the WEC Oil Pressure Switchcircuitor VTECSolenoid Valvecircuit. SpecialToolsBequired . Pressuregaugeadaptor07NAJ-P07010A . A,/Tlow pressuregaugeW/panel07406-0070300 . A'/Tpressurehose 07406-0020201 . A,/Tpressurehose,2,21Qmm 0T|VIAJ-PY4o11A . A,/Tpressureadaptor07MAJ-PY40120

6. Disconneclthe VTECoil pressureswitch 2P connector. 7. Checkfor continuityon the VTECoil pressure switch betweenthe pressureswitch 2P connector t e r m i n a l sN o . I a n d N o . 2 . VTECOILPRESSURE SWITCH 2PCONNECTOR

1 . R e s e t h e e n g i n ec o n t r o lm o d u l e ( E C M()s e ep a g e 11-4). Checkthe engineoil level,and refill if necessary. Startthe engine. 3. Warm up the engineto normal operating ( c o o l i n gf a n c o m e so n ) . temperature 4. Roadtest the vehicle: Acceleratein 1st gear to an enginespeed over 6,000rpm. Hold that engine speedfor at Ieast2 seconds.lf DTCP1259is not repeatedduring the first road lest, repeatthis test two more times,

TerminalsideoJm4e Iermtnats

Is therc continuity? YES- Go to step 8. NO

Replacethe VTECoil pressureswitch.l

ls DTC P 1259indicated? T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . YES Go to step 5. NO lntermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor loosewires at VTEC s o l e n o i dv a l v ea n d E C M . I 5. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

Measurethe voltage betweenthe VTECoil pressureswitch harness2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground.

r \----r /r_-_---------t \

2 \---'l


I twM | {BLU/BLK) l A

(v) II _l_

Wiresideof female Iermtnats

ls thete battery voltage? YES- Go to step '10. NO- Inspectfor an open or short to ground in the wire betweenthe VTECoil pressureswitch and the ECM (C10).lf the wire is OK, substitutea knowngood ECM and recheck.I


10. Measurevoltageacrossthe VTECoil pressure switch harness2P connector. SWITCH VTECOIL PRESSURE HARNESS 2PCONNECTOR

14. Removethe VTECoil pressureswitch (A) and i n s t a l l t h es p e c i a l t o o l a s s s h o w n ,t h e n r e i n s t a l l t h e VTECoil pressureswitch.



/l ::=' l




, . . , ] =-;

07406-0020201 Wiresideof femaleterminals

ot OTMAJ-PY4011A ano 07MAJ-PY40120

{2.2 kgf.m, 16 lbf ft)

ls there battety voltage? 15.

Reconnectthe VTECsolenoidvalve 1Pconnector and VTECoil pressureswitch 2P connector.


Connecta tachometer.

Y E S - G o t o s t e p1 1 . NO--Repairan open in the wire betweenthe VTEC o i l p r e s s u r es w i t c ha n d G 1 0 1 . 1 1 1 .Turn the ignition switch OFF. Disconnectthe VTECsolenoidvalve 1Pconnector. Checkfor continuityon the VTECsolenoidvalve betweenthe solenoidvalve 1Pconnectorterminal and body ground. VTECSOLENOID VALVE 1PCONNECTOR

1 7 . Warm up the engineto normal operating ( c o o l i n gf a n c o m e so n ) . temperature

1 8 .Checkoil pressureat engine speedsof 1,000,2,000 a n d 5 , 0 0 0r p m . K e e pm e a s u r i n gt i m e a s s h o r ta s p o s s i b l eb e c a u s et h e e n g i n ei s r u n n i n gw i t h n o l o a d( l e s st h a n 1 m i n u t e ) . ls pressurebelow 49 kPa (0.5 kgf/cnf ,7 psi)? YES Go to step 19. NO Inspectthe VTECsolenoidvalve {seepage6'

9 )r. 1 9 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 20. Disconnectthe VTECsolenoidvalve 1Pconnector.

Terminalsadeof m a l et e r m i n a l ls there 14 30 Q ?

Attachthe batterypositivecableto the VTEC s o l e n o i dv a l v et e r m i n a l . 2 2 . S t a nt h e e n g i n ea n d c h e c ko i l p r e s s u r ea t a n e n g i n e speed of 5,000rpm.

YES Go to step 14.

ls pressute above 390 kPa (4.0 kgf/cm' , 57 psi)?

NO Replacethe VTECsolenoidvalve.I

YES Go to step 23. NO Inspectthe VTECsolenoidvalve {seepage6-

9).r (cont'd)


GylinderHead DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) With the batterypositiveterminal still connectedto the VTECsolenoidvalve, measurevoltage between C 1 0a n d b o d y g r o u n d .

27. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe VTECsolenoid valve 1Pconnectorterminal and body ground. VTECSOLENOID VALVEHARNESS 1PCONNECTOR


Wlre side of femaleterminals

Isthere battety voltageabove 5,000 rpm?

ls thete continuity?

YES Go to step 24.

YES Repaira short in the wire betweenthe ECM (B12)and VTECsolenoidvalve connector.t

NO Replacethe VTECpressureswitch.l

24. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 25. Disconnectthe batterypositivecablefrom the VTECsolenoidvalve terminal. 26. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe VTECsolenoid valve harness1Pconnectorterminal and the ECM c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l8 1 2 . VTECSOLENOID VALVEHARNESS 1PCONNECTOR


I ECM CONNECTOR B (25 PJ Wire sideof female terminals

Is there continuity? YES Go to step 27. NO Repairan open in the wire betweenthe ECM (B12)and VTECsolenoidvalve connector.l


Wire side of female Iermrnal

NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf symptom/indicationgoes away, r e p l a c e t h eo r i g i n a E l C M( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 1

VTECSolenoidValveTest '1.

Disconnectthe 1P connectorfrom the VTEC s o l e n o i dv a l v e . Measureresistancebetweenthe terminal and body ground.

4. lf the filter is not clogged.push the VTECsolenoid valve with your finger and checkits movement. lf the VTECsolenoidvalve is normal,checkthe e n g i n eo i l p r e s s u r e ,

Resistance:14 30 i)

3. lf the resistanceis within specifications,removethe VTECsolenoidvalve assembly(A) from the cylinder head,and checkthe VTECsolenoidvalve filter (B)for clogging.lf there is clogging,replace the engineoil filter,VTECsolenoidvalvefilter, and t h e e n g i n eo i l .

6x1.0mm 12 N.m (1.2kgf m.8.7 lbf ftl

V 6-9

GylinderHead WEC RockerArms Test Special Tools Required . Gaugejoint adapter07LAK-PR30100 . WEC air adapter07ZAJ-PNAA100

Checkthat the air pressureon the shop air compressorgauge indicatoris over 400 kPa (4 kgflcm',57 psi).Make sure no water in the air hose and air compressortank.

1 . R e m o v et h e c y l i n d e rh e a dc o v e r . Inspectthe valve clearance(seepage 6-12). 2. SettheNo. l pistonat top dead center(TDC) {see step 2 on page 6- 12).

Removethe No. 3 and No. 4 camshaftholder bolts, and installthe VTECair adapters(A)finger-tight.

3, Move the secondaryrockerarm {A} for No. 1 cylinder.The secondaryrockerarm should move independentlyof the mid rockerarm (B). . lf the secondaryrockerarm does not move, removethe mid, primary and secondaryrocker arms as an assembly,and checkthat the pistons in the mid and primary rockerarms move smoothly. . l f a n y r o c k e r a r mn e e d sr e p l a c i n gr,e p l a c e t h e mid, primary and secondaryrockerarms as an assembly.

7 . Installthe gaugejoint adapter(B)to the inspection '1.25 hole (C),then installthe 8 x mm bolt (D)to the joint gauge adapter. Connectthe two air hoses(E)to each VTECair adapters.


9. With the specifiedair pressureappliedand the piston at TDC,move the secondaryrockerarm (A). The mid rockerarm (B).primary rockerarm (C)and secondaryrockerarm should move together.lf the three rockerarms do not move together,replace the rockerarms as a set.

1 0 .Removethe specialtools. 1 1 .Tightenthe camshaftholder boltsto 22 N m (2.2kgf.m, 16 lbf.ft). Installthecylinderhead cover (seepage 6-53).


CylinderHead ValveClearanceAdjustment NOTE;Adjust the valves only when the cylinder head temoeratureis lessthan 100'F(38"C). 1. Removethe cylinder head cover.

4. Insertthe feelergauge (A) betweenthe adjusting screw and the end ofthe valve stem and slide it b a c ka n d f o r t h ; y o us h o u l df e e la s l i g h ta m o u n to f drao.

2. Set the No. 1 oistonat top dead center(TDC).The TDC marks (A) on the cam chain sprocketshould align with the cylinder head surface.

lf you feel too much or too little drag, loosenthe locknut{A),and turn the adjustingscrew (B) until the drag on the feelergauge is correct.

Selectthe correctthicknessfeeler gaugefor the valvesyou're going to check. in.} Intake: 0.21-0.25mm {0.008-0.010 in.) Exhaust: 0.25-0.29mm (0.010-0.011 Adiusting screw location: INTAKE

'._. i 1.

-1 ,]

t .-l


A 7 x 0.75mm 20 N m {2.0kgf.m. 14lbl ft)

Tightenthe locknutand recheckthe clearance. Repeatthe adjustment,if necessary.

7. Rotatethecrankshaft180' clockwise(camshaft gearsturn 90')

'180'clockwise(camshaft 11. Rotatethe crankshaft gearsturn 90")

Checkand. if necessary,adjustthe valve clearance o n N o .3 c y l i n d e r .

Checkand, if necessary,adjustthe valve clearance on No.2 cylinder.

Rotatethe crankshaft180'clockwise(camshaft gearsturn 90')

lnstallthe cylinder headcover (seepage 6-53).




a l

ir:':/ ;.,L 1 0 .Checkand, if necessary,adjuslthe valve clearance o n N o .4 c v l i n d e r .


CylinderHead CrankshaftPulleyRemovaland lnstallation Special Tools Required . H o l d e rh a n d l e0 7 J A B - 0 0 1 0 2 0 A . Holderattachment,50 mm 07JAB-0010404 . Socket,19 mm 07JAA-0010204 o r a c o m m e r c i a l l y - a v a i l a b1l9em m s o c k e t


Installation 1 . C I e a nt h e b o l t ( A ) ,w a s h e r( B ) ,p u l l e y( C )a n d crankshaft(D).Lubricateas shown below. ai: Clean O: Lubricate

07JAA-001020A ( o rC o m m e r c i a l l y available)


tL - Jw \ l l

1 . H o l dt h e p u l l e yw i t h h o l d e rh a n d l e( A )a n d h o l d e r attachment(B). B 07JAB-001040A



-J I

. -.,"313.... -riI L -!at |

I i

oaaaa .\:o



-t : rl 5t




\.J\ }





2. Installthe crankshaftpulley,and tighten the bolt to 245 N.m (25.0kgf m, 181lbf.ft).Do not use an amoactwrench.

2. Removethe bolt with a heavy duty 19 mm socket ( C )a n d b r e a k e rb a r .


CamChainRemoval Special Tools Required . Holderhandle07JAB-0010204 . Holderattachment,50 mm 07JAB-0010404 . Socket,19 mm 07JAA-0010204 or a commerciallyavailable19 mm socket

6. Removethe vacuum tank.

NOTE: . Use fendercoversto avoid damagingpainted surfaces. . To avoid damage,unplug the wiring connectors carefullywhile holdingthe connectorportion. . To avoid damagingthe cylinderhead,wait untilthe enginecoolanttemperaturedrops below I00'F (38'C) before looseningthe cylinder head bolts. . Mark allwiring and hosesto avoid misconnection. Also, be sure that they do not contactother wiring or hoses,or interferewith other part. . Keepthe cam chain away from magnets.A magnetizedcam chain may misfireor causefalse DTCS. 1. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the freouenciesfor the radio's Dresetbuttons. 2. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the baneryfirst. then disconnectthe Dositivecable.

7 . Loosenthe water pump pulley bolts. Move the auto-tensioner(A)to removetension from the alternator-compressor belt (B),then belt. removethe alternator-compressor

Drainthe enginecoolant(seepage 10-8). 4 . Drainthe engineoil (seepage 8-5).

Disconnectthe air control solenoldvalve connector, then removethe vacuum hosesand the air cleaner housing/intakeair duct assembly(seepage6-25).




CylinderHead Cam ChainRemoval(cont'dl 9. Removethe water bypasshose (A),then remove the three bolts (B) securingthe water bypasstube


1 1 . Removethe auto-tensioner(see page 4-27! 1 2 . Removethe alternator{seepage 4-26). Removethe idler pulley (A),then removethe idler p u l l e yb a s e( B ) ,

1 0 . R e m o vteh ew a t e rp u m pp u l l e y .

'14. Removethe throttlecable (seestep 9 on page 5-3). 1 5 . Relievefuel pressure(seepage 11-105).

'r',to+ 0 n0,


1 6 , Removethe fuel feed hose,fuel return hose and brakeboostervacuum hose (seestep 9 on page6-

't7. Removethe evaporativeemission(EVAP) canister hose (seestep 10 on page6-26). 1 8 . Removethe bolt securingthe intakemanifold bracket,and removethe air hose (seestep 11 on page 6-26). 1q

Removethe water outlet cover (seestep 12 on page 6-261.

20. Removethe two bolts securingthe intakemanifold bracket,and removethe water bypasshose (see step 13 on page 6-271.

6-1 6

21. Removethe enginewire harnessconnectorsand w i r e h a r n e s sc l a m p sf r o m t h e c y l i n d e rh e a da n d intakemanifold. . . . . . . . . . .

Fourfuel injectorconnectors lntakeair temperature(lAT)sensorconnector ldle air control (lAC)valve connector Throttleposition(TP)sensorconnector Manifoldabsolutepressure(MAP)sensor conneclor Enginecoolanttemperature(ECT)sensor connector Primaryheatedoxygen sensor(primary HO2S) connector VTECsolenoidvalve connector VTECpressureswitch connector Crankshaftposition(CKP)sensorconnector

30. Threada nut onto the 5 x 0.8 mm bolt,then thread the bolt into the maintenancehole in the cam chain auto-tensioner(seestep 24 on page6-29). 5 t ,

Turn the bolt clockwiseto compressthe cam chain auto-tensioner,and lockthe bolt with the nut (see step 25 on page 6-291.

32. Removethe cam chain auto-tensioner(seestep 26 on page 6-30).

33. Loosenthe rockerarm adjustlngscrews(seestep 27 on page 6-30).

3 4 . Removethe camshaftholdersand camshafts. 35. Removethe rockerarm assembly(seestep 29 on page 6-30).

22. Removethe four bolts securingthe exhaust manifoldcover (seestep 15 on page6-271.

36. Removethe idler gear/idlergear collar/washer assembly,Do not drop the washer into the chain case (seestep 30 on page6-30).

23. Removethe heat shield(seestep 16 on page6-27). 24. Removethe exhaustmanifoldcover.then remove the exhaustmanifold bracketand exhaustmanifold {seestep 17 on page6-28). 25. Removethe dipstick.PositiveCrankcaseVentilation (PCV)hose and breatherhose {seestep 18 on page 6-28t.

37. Removethe cylinder head bolts (seestep 31 on page 6-31).To preventwarpage,unscrewthe bolts in sequence1/3turn at a time; repeatthe sequence until all bolts are loosened.

38. Removethe cylinder head. ?q

Removethe oil pan.

26. Removethe ignition coil cover,then removethe ignition coils (seestep 19 on page6-28). 27. Removethe cylinder headcover (seestep 21 on page 6-29). 2 8 . S e tt h e N o . I p i s t o n a t t o p d e a d c e n t e r ( T D C( s) e e step 22 on page 6-29). 29. Removethe end cover and nozzlefrom the cam chain auto-tensioner(seestep 23 on page 6-29).




GylinderHead GamChainRemoval(cont'dl 40. Holdthe pulleywith holder handle(A) and holder attachment(B).

4 3 . R e m o v et h e o i l p u m p c h a i ng u i d e .



07JAA-001020A (orCommerciallyavailable)

4' t.Removethe bolt with a heavy duty 19 mm ( C )a n d b r e a k e b r ar.

42. Removethe chain case.

6-1 8

4 4 . R e m o v et h e c a m c h a i n .

CamChainInstallation Special Tools Required . Holderhandle07JAB-0010204 . Holderattachment,50mm 07JAB-0010404 . Socket,19 mm 07JAA-001020A or a commerciallyavailable'19mm socket

2. Installthe cam chain with the colored piece (A) alignedwith the punch mark (B) on the crankshaft sDrocKel.

1. Set the crankshaftsprocketso that the No. 1 piston is at top dead center(TDC).Align the key (A) on the sprocketand crankshaftwith the pointer (B)on the cvlinder block.

3 . I n s t a ltl h e o i l p u m p c h a i ng u i d e .

6x1.0mm 1 2N . m {1.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ftl



GylinderHead CamChainInstallation(cont'd) 4. Removeold liquid gasketfrom the chain case mating surfaces,bolts and bolt holes, 5. Cleanand dry the chain case mating surfaces. evenlyto 6. Apply liquid gasket,part No. 08718-0009, the cylinder block mating surfaceof the chain case and to the inner threadsof the bolt holes. NOTE:Do not installthe parts if 5 minutesor more have elapsedsince applying liquid gasket.Instead, reapply liquid gasketafter removingold residue.

Removeold liquid gasketfrom the oil pan mating surfaces,bolts and bolt holes. 9 . Cleanand dry the oil pan mating surfaces. 1 0 . Apply liquid gasket,part No. 087180009,evenlyto the cylinder block mating surfaceof the oil pan and t o t h e i n n e rt h r e a d so f t h e b o l t h o l e s .I n s t a ltlh e o i l pan.

NOTE:Do not installthe parts if 5 minutesor more have elapsedsinceapplying liquid gasket.Instead, reapplyliquid gasketafter removing old residue.

Applyliquidgasket alongthe brokenline. 7 . I n s t a l l t h ed o w e l p i n s( A )a n d c h a i nc a s e( B )u s i n ga new O-ring(C). 1 0x 1 . 2 5m m ,14N.m



6x1.0mm 1 2N . m (1,2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ft)

Applyliquidgasket line. a l o n gt h eb r o k e n

1 ' t. Tightenthe bolts in two orthree steps.In the final step,tighten all bolts,in sequence,to 12 N m ( 1 . 2k g f m , 8 . 7l b f . f t ) .

12. Cleanthe bolt (A),washer (B),pulley (C)and crankshaft(D).Lubricateas shown below. O: Clean O: Lubricato


14. Measurethe diameterof each cylinderhead bolt at point A and point B (seestep 1 on page 6-45). lf eitherdiameter is lessthan 11.5mm (0.45in.), replacethe cylinder head bolt. 15. Cleanthe cylinder head and block surfaces.


16. Apply liquid gasket,pan No. 08718-0009, to the shadedareasof the cylinder head gasketmating surfaceof the block and chain case(seestep 3 on page 6-45).



l-tft"" i /

17. Installthe dowel pins and new cylinder head gasket {seestep 4 on page 6-46).


1 3 .Installthecrankshaft pulley,andtightenthe boltto 245N.m(25.0kgf.m,181lbf.ft).Do not usean imDactwrench, 07JAB-001040A


18. Apply liquid gasket.part No.08718-0009, to the cylinder head mating surfaceofthe block and chain casewithin 5 mm from the edge ofthe cylinder head gasket(seestep 5 on page 6-46). 1 9 . l n s t a l l t h ec y l i n d e rh e a do n t h e b l o c k . 20. Apply engine oil to the threadsand under the heads of all the cylinder head bolts. 2'1.Tightenthe cylinder head bolts in sequenceto 29 N.m (3.0kgf.m,22 tbf.ft).Use a beam-type torque wrench.When using a preset-typetorque wrench. be sure to tighten slowly and do not overtighten.lf a bolt makesany noisewhile you are torquing it, loosenthe bolt and retightenit (seestep 8 on page 6-46). 22. Tightenallcylinder head bolts in two steps(90. per step).lf you are using a new cylinder head bolt. tighten the bolt an extra 90" (seestep 9 on page 646). 23. Tightenthe 8 mm boltsto 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m, 16 tbf.ft), 24. Make sure the crankshaftpulley is at TDC (seestep 11 on page 6-47). 25. Placethe idler gearrcamchain sprocketassembly into the cylinder head (seestep 12 on page 6-47).



GylinderHead CamChainInstallation(cont'dl 26. Installthecam chain on the sprocketwiththe punch mark (A) alignedwith the centerof the two colored pieces(B).

29. Apply engineoil to the idler gear centerbolt threads.Installa new O-ringon the bolt. 30. Installthe washer on the idler gear,a nd tightenthe idler gear centerbolt (seestep 16 on page6-47). 31. Clampthe cam chain auto-tensionerin a soft-jawed vise (seestep 17 on page6-48), 32. Turn the 5 x 0.8 mm bolt clockwiseto compressthe then insertthe set pin bottom of the auto-tensioner. (seestep '18on page 6-48). 33, Removethe 5 x 0.8 mm bolt from the maintenance hole. lnstalla new O-ring,then installthe nozzle and end cover (seestep 19 on page 6-48). 34. Installthecam chain auto-tensionerin the cylinder headwith new O-rings(seestep 20 on page 6-48).

2 7 . Fit the cam chain sprocketassemblyinto the c y l i n d e rh e a d . to relievecam Turn the idler gear counterclockwise chain free play, and checkthe alignmentof the TDC marks (C)on the cam chain sprocketwith the cylinder head surface.If the cam chain sprocketis not positionedat TDC, remove the assemblyfrom the cvlinderhead and repositionthe cam chain to bring the cam chain sprocketto TDc.

35. Removethe maintenancebolt from the cylinder head (seestep 21 on page6-48). 36. Removethe set pin from the cam chain autotensioner,Reinstallthe maintenancebolt with new washer (seestep 22 on page 6-48). 3 7 . I n s t a l l t h er o c k e ra r m a s s e m b l ! . 38. Checkthe alignmentof the TDC marks on the cam chain sprocketwith the cylinder head surface(see step 23 on page 6-49). 39. Align the TDC marks on the intakecamshaftgear and the exhaustcamshaftgear, and installthe camshafts(seestep 25 on page 6-49). 4 0 . A p p l ye n g i n eo i l t o t h e b o l t t h r e a d so f a l l t h e camshaftholder bolts. 41. Putthe camshaftholderson the cylinder head,then tighten all bolts to 22 N.m (2.2kgf m, 16 lbf.ft)(see step 27 on page 6-49). 42. Make sure the camshaftgearsare at TDC. 43. Adjust the valve clearance(seepage6-12). 44. Installthe cylinder head cover (seepage6-53).


45. Installtheexhaustmanifold using new gasketsand new self-lockingnuts {seestep 3'l on page 6-50).

(seepage4-26). 56. Installthealternator 5 7 . Installtheauto-tensioner {seepage4-27).

46. Installtheexhaustmanifold bracket.Make sure the smooth sidesof the washersface the exhaust manifold bracket(seestep 32 on page 6-50).

58. Installthewaterpumppulley.

47. Put the exhaustmanifoldcover on the exhaust ma nifold.

48. Installthe heat shield (seestep 34 on page 6-50). Tightenthe four bolts securingthe exhaust manifoldcover (seestep 35 on page 6-50).

>1r', -a n)f

5 0 . lnstallthe water bypasshose,and tighten the two


bolts securingthe intakemanifold bracket(seestep 37 on page 6-51). 3 t .

6 x1.0mm '14 N.m {1.4kgf.m, 10 tbt.ft)



Installthewater outlet cover (seestep 38 on page 6-51).

52. Installthe air hose.and tightenthe bolt securing the intakemanifold bracket(seestep 39 on page 6-

59. Installthewater bypasshose (A).and tighten the three bolts (B) securingthe water bypasstube.

53. Installthe evaporativeemisslon(EVAP)control canisterhose (seestep 40 on page 6-52). 54. Installthe fuel feed hose,fuel return hose and brakeboosterhose (seestep 41 on page 6-52). 5 5 . I n s t a l l t h ei d l e rp u l l e yb a s e( A ) ,t h e n i n s t a l l t h ei d l e r p u l l e y( B ) . 10 x 1.25mm 44 N.m {4.s kgf.m, 33 lbf.ft) '10x 1,25mm 4il N.m (4.5 kgf m, 33

5x1.0mm 12 N.m (1.2kgf.m,8.7lbt.ftl

6x1.0mm 12Nm {1.2 kgf.m, 8.7 lbf.ft)

6x1.0mm 12 N.m 11.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ft)



GylinderHead CamChainInstallation(cont'dl

ChainCaseOil SealInstallation

belt. 60. Installthe alternator-compressor

SpecialToolsRequired . Driver07749-0010000 . Attachment, 52x 55 mm 07746-0010400

6 1 . lnstallthe vacuum tank.

1. Use the specialtoolsto drive a new oil seal squarelyinto the chain caseto the specified installedheight. 07749-0010000

6 1.0mm 't2xN.m {1.2kgf.m,8.7tbf.ft)

62. Installthe air cleanerhousing/inlakeair duct assembly,then installthe vacuum hoses.Connect the air control solenoidvalve connector(seestep 4 3 o n p a g e6 - 5 2 ) . I n s t a ltlh e t h r o t t l ec a b l e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 2 5 t) h, e n adjustthe cable (seepage 11-124\.



2. Measurethe distancebetweenthe chain case surface(A) and the oll seal (B). Oil Seal InstalledHeight: in.) 34.0-34.7mm {1.34-1.37

64. After installation.checkthat all tubes, hosesand connectorsare installedcorrectly. 65. After assembly,wait at least30 minutesbefore f i l l i n gt h e e n g i n ew i t h o i l ( s e ep a g e8 - 5 ) . 66. Refillthe radiatorwith enginecoolant,and bleed air from the cooling systemwith the heatervalve '10-8). open {seepage 6 1 . Inspectfor fuel leaks.Turn ON (ll)the ignitionswitch (do not operatethe starter)so that the fuel pump runs for about 2 secondsand pressurizesthe fuel line. Repeatthis operationtwo or three times, then checkfor fuel leakageat any point in the fuel line. I n s p e ctth e i d l es p e e d( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) .

69. I n s p e ctth e i g n i t i o nt i m i n g( s e ep a g e4 - 1 8 ) . 1 0 .Connectthe negativebatterycable first, then connectthe positivecable. 7 1 . Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. 72. Reset the clock.


34.0-34.7 mm (1.3i1-1.37in.)

CylinderHeadRemoval NOTE: ' Usefendercoversto a v o i dd a m a g i n gp a i n t e d surfaces. . To avoid damage,unplug the wiring connectors carefullywhile holdingthe connectorportion. . To avoid damagingthe cylinder head,wait untilthe engrnecootanttemperaturedrops below 100"F(38.C) beforelooseningthe cylinder head bolts. . M a r ka l l w i r l n ga n d h o s e st o a v o i dm i s c o n n e c t i o n . Also, be sure that they do not contactother wiring or hoses,or interferewith other part.

6. Move the auto-tensioner(A) to removetension from the alternatorbelt (B),then removethe alternator-compressor belt. A

1. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's presetbuttons. 2. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the batteryfirst, then disconnectthe positivecable. 3 . D r a i nt h e e n g i n ec o o l a n t{ s e ep a g e1 0 - 8 } . 4 . D r a i nt h e e n g i n eo i l ( s e ep a g e8 - S ) . 5. Disconnecttheaircontrol solenoidvalve connector (A).then removethe vacuum hoses(B)and the air c l e a n e rh o u s i n g / i n t a kaei r d u c ta s s e m b l y( C ) .

7 . Removethe throttle cable (A) by looseningthe locknut(B),then slippingthe cable end out of the acceleratorlinkage.Takecare not to bend the cable when removing it. Always replaceany kinkedcable with a new one.



CylinderHead CylinderHeadRemoval(cont'd) 8. Relievefuel pressure.

11. Removethe bolt (A) securingthe intakemanifold bracket,and removethe air hose (B).

9. Removethe fuelfeed hose (A),fuel returnhose{B) and brakeboostervacuum hose (C).

tt',,;Z:i ".':::-G


,,''2 l.:::'/

10. Removethe evaporativeemission(EVAP)canister nose.




'12.Removethe water outlet cover.


13. Removetwo bolts (A) securingthe intakemanifold bracket,and removethe water bypasshose (B).

1 5 . Removethe four bolts securingthe exhaust manifoldcover.


,), l - i

16. Removethe three bolts (A).and loosenthe bolt {B), t h e n r e m o v et h e h e a ts h i e l d( C : . 1 4 . Remove and the enginewire harnessconnectors

wire harnessclampsfromthecylinderheadand intakemanifold. Fourfuel injectorconnectors lntakeair temperature(lAT)sensorconnector ldle air control (lAC)valve connector Throttleposition(TP)sensorconnector Manifoldabsolutepressure(MAP)sensor connecror Enginecoolanttemperature{ECT)sensor conneclor Primaryheatedoxygen sensor(primary HO2S) connecror VTECsolenoidvalve connector VTECoressureswitch connector CrankshaftDosition(CKPIsensorconnector




GylinderHead CylinderHeadRemoval(cont'dl 17. Removethe exhaustmanifold cover,then remove the exhaustmanifold bracket(A) and the exhaust manifold (B).

1 9 . R e m o v et h e i g n i t i o nc o i lc o v e r{ A ) ,t h e n r e m o v et h e

1 8 . Removethe dipstick(A).positivecrankcase ventilation(PCV)hose (B) and breatherhose (C).



21. Removethe cylinder headcover,

23. Removethe end cover (A) and nozzle(B)from the cam chain auto-tensioner.

',1 / A


24. Threada nut {A)ontoa 5 x 0.8mm boltthatis at least40 mm long(B),thenthreadthe boltintothe maintenance holein the camchainauto-tensioner. 22. Set the No. 1 piston at top dead center{TDC).The TDC marks (A) on the cam chain sprocketshould align with the cylinder head surface.


l ' -- -t / l L

25. Turn the bolt clockwiseto compressthe cam chain auto-tensioner,and lockthe bolt with the nut.



CylinderHead CylinderHeadRemoval(cont'dl 26, Removethe cam chain auto-tensioner.

28. Removethe camshaftholdersand camshafts. 29. Insertthe bolts (A) into the rockershaft holder.then removethe rockerarm assembly{B).

M; 27. Loosenthe rockerarm adjustingscrews(A). A

30. Removethe idlergear/cam chainsprockevwasher assemblv. Do notdroothewasherintothechain case.


CamshaftGearRemoval 31. Removethe cylinder head bolts.To prevent warpage,unscrewthe bolts in sequence1/3turn at a time; repeatthe sequenceuntil all the bolts are roose.

1 . Removethe dipstick,positivecrankcaseventilation (PCV)hose and breatherhose (seestep 18 on page 6-28).

2 . Removethe ignitioncoil cover,then removethe ignition coils (seestep 19 on page6-28). Removethe cylinder headcover (seestep 21 on page6-29). Loosenthe rockerarm adjustingscrews(seestep 27 on page 6-30). Removethe camshaftholdersand camshafts. Hold the camshaftwith an open-endwrench,then loosenthe camshaftgear mounting nut.

32. Removethe cylinderhead.

7. Removethe camshaftgear.


CylinderHead CylinderHeadInspectionfor Warpage 1 . Removethe cylinderhead (seepage 6-25). Inspectthe camshaft(seepage 6-36). Checkthe cylinder headfor warpage.Measure along the edges.and three ways acrossthe center. . lf warpage is lessthan 0.05 mm (0.002in.) cylinder head resurfacingis not required. . lf warpage is between0.05 mm (0.002in.) and 0.2 mm (0.008in.),resurfacethe cylinder head. . Maximum resurfacelimit is 0.2 mm (0.008in.) b a s e do n a h e i g h t o f1 0 5m m ( 4 . ' 1 i3n . ) . Cylinder Head Height: Standard(Newl: 104.95- 105.05mm ( 4 . 1 3 2 - 4 . t 3 6i n . l PRECISIONSTRAIGHTEOGE


,:l'. ,-',r-. 'l

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RockerArms and ShaftsDisassembly/Reassembly NOTE: . l d e n t i f y p a r t s a s t h e y a r e r e m o v e d t o e n s u r e r e i n s t a l l a t i o n i n t h e i r o r i glioncaal t i o n s . . Inspectrockershaftsand rockerarms (seepage6-34). . Rockerarms must be installedin the same position if reused. . Priorto reassembling,clean all the parts in solvent,dry them, and apply lubricantto any contactpoints. . Bundlethe rockerarms with rubber bandsto keepthem togetheras a set INTAKEROCKERSHAFT


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CylinderHead RockerArms and ShaftsInspection 1 . Removethe dipstick,positivecrankcaseventilation {PCV)hose and breatherhose (seestep 18 on page 6-28). Removethe ignition coil cover.then removethe ignition coils (seestep 19 on page 6-28). Removethe cylinder head cover (seestep 21 on page 6-29).

9. Measurethe insidediameterof the rockerarm. and checkit for an out-of-roundcondition, Rocker Arm-to-Shaft Clearance: Standard (Newl: 0.021 0.041 mm {0.0008 0.0016in.) ServiceLimit: 0.07mm {0.003in.l

4 . Loosenthe rockerarm adjustingscrews(seestep 27 on page 6-30). Removethe camshaftholdersand camshafts. Insertthe bolts into the rockershaft holder.then removelhe rockerarm assembly(seestep 29 on page 6-30). 7 . Measurethe diameterof the shaft at the first rocker tocalon.

1 0 .Reoeatfor all rockerarms and both shafts.lf the clearanceis over the limit, replacethe rockershaft and all overtolerancerockerarms. lf any rockerarm needs replacement,replaceallthree rockerarms in that set {primary,mid, and secondary).

8. Zero the gauge {A) to the shaft diameter.


11. Inspectthe rockerarm pistons(A).Pusheach piston manually. lf it does not move smoothly,replacethe rocker arm assemDry. NOTE: . When reassemblingthe primary rockerarm (B), carefullyapply air pressureto its oil passage. . Apply oil to the pistonswhen reassembling.


CylinderHead CamshaftInspection NOTE:Do not rotatethe camshaftduring inspection. 1. Removethe dipstick,positivecrankcaseventilation {PCV)hose and breatherhose (seestep 18 on page 6-28). 2. Removethe ignition coil cover,then removethe ignitioncoils (seestep 19 on page6-28). 3. Removethe cylinder head cover (seestep 21 on page 6-29).

1 0 . Z e r o t h ed i a l i n d i c a t o r a g a i n s t t heen d o f t h e camshaft,then push the camshaftbackand forth and readthe end play. lf the end play is beyondthe servicelimit, replacethe cylinderhead and recheck. lf it is still beyondthe servicelimit, replacethe camshaft, Camshaft End Play: Standard(Newl: 0.05 0.15mm (0.002 0.006in.) ServiceLimit: 0.30 mm (0.012in.)

4, Loosenthe rockerarm adjustingscrews(seestep 27 on page 6-30). 5. Removethe camshaftholdersand camshafts. 6. Insertthe bolts into the rockershaft holder,then removethe rockerarm assembly(seestep 29 on page6-30). 7. Disassemblethe rockerarm assembly. 8. Putthe rockershaft holders,camshaftsand the camshaftholderson the cylinder head,then tighten the bolts to the specifiedtorque. Specified torque: 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m (2.2kgt.m, 16lbf.ft) Apply engine oilto the bolt threads.

11. U nscrewthe camshaftholder bolts two turns at a time, in a crisscrosspattern.Then removethe camshaftholdersand the rockershaft holdersfrom t h e c y l i n d e rh e a d . 12. Lift the camshaftsout of the cylinder head,wipe them clean,then inspectthe lift ramps. Replacethe camshaftif any lobes are pitted,scored,or excessrvelyworn. 13. Removethe camshaftmounting bolts (A),dowel pins (B) and camshaftplates(C)on both camshafts. W i p e t h e m c l e a na n d l u b r i c a t et h e m o u n t i n gb o l t threadswith clean engine oil. Torque the bolts to 3 9 N . m ( 4 . 0k g f m , 2 9 l b f . f t ) . 39 N.m (4.0 kgf.m, 29 rbf.ft).

9. Seatthe camshaftsby pushingthem toward the rear end of the cylinder head.

1 4 . Cleanthe camshaftjournalsurfacesin the cylinder head,then set the camshaftsback in place.Placea p l a s t i g a g set r i pa c r o s se a c hj o u r n a l . 1 5 . Installthecamshaftholders,then tightenthe bolts to the specifiedtorque as shown in step 7.


16. Removethe camshaftholders.Measurethe widest portion of plastigageon eachjournal.

1 8 . M e a s u r ec a m l o b e h e i g h t . Cam Lobe Height Standard(New):

. lf the camshaft-to-holderclearance is within limits, go to step 17. . lf the camshaft-to-holder clearanceis beyondthe servicelimit and the camshafthas been reolaced, replacethe cylinderhead. . lf the camshaft-to-holder clearanceis beyondthe servicelimit and the camshafthas not been replaced,go to step 18.

INTAKE 33.677mm ( 1 . 3 2 6i n . ) 36.533mm MID ( 1 . 4 3 8i n . ) SECONDARY 3 3 . 9 6 1m m ( 1 . 3 3 7I n . ) PRIMARY

camshaft-to-Holder Oil Glearance: Standard (New): 0.060 0.099 mm (0.002 0.004in.l ServiceLimit: 0.15mm (0.006in.)

33.994mm { 1 . 3 3 i8n . )




EXHAUST 3 3 . 7 1 6m m { 1 . 3 2 7i n . ) 35.928mm { 1 . 4 1 4i n . )

til t,






't7. Checkthe total runout with the camshaftsupported on V-blocks. . lf the total runout of the camshaft is within the servicelimit, replacethe cylinder head. . lf the total runout is beyondthe servicelimit, replacethe camshaftand recheckthe camshaftto-holderoil clearance.lf the oil clearanceis still out of tolerance,replacethe cylinder head. Camshaft Total Runout: Standard(Newl: 0.03mm {0.001in.) max. ServiceLimit: 0.04mm (0.002in.)

Inspectth is areafor wear.


CylinderHead Valves,Springs,and ValveSealsRemoval Special Tools Bequired Valve spring compressorattachment07757-PJ'1010A

4. Installthevalve guide seal remover.

ldentifythe valves and valve springsas they are removedso that each item can be reinstalledin its originap l osition. 1 . R e m o v et h e c y l i n d e rh e a d( s e ep a g e6 - 2 5 ) . 2. Using an appropriate-sized socket(A) and plastic mallet (B),lightly tap the valve retainerto loosen the valve keepers.

5. Removethe valve seal.

I n s t a ltlh e s p r i n gc o m p r e s s o rC. o m p r e s st h e s p r i n g and removethe valve keeDers. 07757-PJ1010A


Valve Inspection

Valve Stem-to-GuideClearance lnspection

1 . Removethe valves (seepage6-38) Measurethe valve in these areas.

1 . Removethe valves (seepage 6-38)

Intake Valve Dimensions A StandardlNewl: 35.90-36.10 mm ( 1 . 4 1 3 1 . 4 2 1i n . ) B Standard{Newl: 108.85 109.15mm 14.285- 4.297 in.l C Standard {Newl; 5.,t8 5.49 mm {0.2157 0.2161in.) C ServiceLimit: 5.45 mm {0.215in.) D StandardlNewl: 0.55 0.85mm {0.022 0.033in.) D ServiceLimit: 0.40 mm 10.016in.)

Slidethe valve out of its guide about 10 mm, then measurethe guide-to-stemclearancewith a dial indicatorwhile rockingthe stem in the directionof normal thrust (wobble method).

Exhaust Valve Dimensions A Standard(New): 30.90-31.10 mm 11.217 1.224in.l B StandardlNew): 107.60- 107.90mm l4.236 4.24Atn.) C Standard {New): 5.45 5.45 mm (0.2146 0.2150in.l C ServiceLimit: 5.42 mm {0.213in.) D Standard lNew): 0.85 1.15mm (0.033 0.045in.) O Service Limit: 0.70 mm (0.028in.l

Intake Valve Stem-to-Guide Clearance: Standard(New):0.04-0.10 mm (0.002-0.004in.)

. lf the measurementexceedsthe servicelimit, recheckit using a new valve, . lf the measurementis nowwithin the service limit, reassembleusing a new valve. . l f t h e m e a s u r e m e n t w i ta h n e w v a l v es t i l l exceedsthe servicelimit, go to step 3.

Service Limit: 0.16mm 10.008 in.) Exhaust Valve Stem-to-Guide Clearance; Standard(Newl: 0.10-0.16 mm (0.004-0.006in.l Seruice Limit: 0.22 mm (0.009 in.)

SubtracttheO,D.ofthe valve stem, measuredwith a micrometer,from the l.D.of the valve guide, measuredwith an insidemicrometeror ball gauge. Takethe measurementsin three placesalong the valve stem and three placesinsidethe valve guide. The differencebetweenthe largestguide measurementand the smalleststem measurement should not exceedthe servicelimit. Intake Valve Stem-to-Guide Clearance: Standard(New):0.02 0.05 mm (0.001 0.002in.l ServiceLimit: 0.08mm (0.003in.) Exhausl Valve Stem-to-Guide Clearance: Standard (New): 0.05 0.08 mm in.} {0.002 O.OO3 ServiceLimit: 0.11mm 10.004in.l


CylinderHead ValveGuideReplacement Special Tools Requir6d . Valveguide driver, 5.5 mm 07742-0010'100 . Valveguide reamer,5.5 mm 07HAH-PJ70108 1. Inspectvalve stem-to-guideclearance(seepage 639). 2. As illustratedbelow, use a commerciallyavailable air-impactvalve guide driver (A) modifiedto fit the diameterof the valve guides.In most cases.the same procedurecan be done using the specialtool and a conventional hammer.

5. Working from the camshaftside, usethe driver and a n a i r h a m m e rt o d r i v et h e g u i d ea b o u t2 m m (0.1in.)towards the combustionchamber.This will knockoff some of the carbonand make removal easier.Holdthe air hammer directlyin line with the valve guide to preventdamagingthe driver. 6. Turn the head over and drive the guide out toward the camshaftside of the head.


idiT,T.) \ tr r--------------r --87mm




l ----------7\





s?mm -'t l2.21in.l

10.8mm in.l {0.,12

Selectthe proper replacementguides,and chill them in the freezersectionof a refrioeratorfor about an hour. 4 . Use a hot plate or oven to evenly heat the cylinder head to 300'F (150"C).Monitor the temperature with a cookingthermometer.Do not get the head hotterthan 300'F (150'C);excessiveheat may loosenthe valve seats.

7 . lf a valve guide won't move, drill it out with a 8 mm ( 5 / 1 6i n c h )b i t ,t h e nt r y a g a i n .D r i l lg u i d e so n l y i n extremecases;you could damagethe cylinder head if the guide breaks. Removethe new guide(s)from the at a time, as vou needthem.




9 . A p p l ya t h i n c o a to f c l e a ne n g i n eo i l t o t h e o u t s i d e of the new valve guide. Installthe guide from the camshaftside of the head;usethe specialtool to drive the guide in to the specifiedinstalledheight ( A )o f t h e s u i d e{ B ) .l f y o u h a v ea l l 1 6 g u i d e st o d o , vou mav have to reheatthe head.

1 0 .Coat both reamerand valve guide with cutting oil. 1 1 .Rotatethe reamerclockwisethe full length of the v a l v eg u i d eb o r e .


Valve Guide InstalledHeight: Intake: 15.2 16.2mm (0.598 0.638in.) Exhaust: 16.0 17.0mm 10.630 0.669in.l 07742-0010100



12. Continueto rotatethe reamerclockwisewhil removing it from the bore.

1 3 .Thdroughlywash the guide in detergentand to remove any cutting residue. 14. Checkthe clearanceswith a valve (seepage 6-39). Verify that a valve slidesin the intakeand exhaust valve guideswithout exertingpressure.


CylinderHead ValveSeat Reconditioning 1 . Inspectvalve stem-to-guideclearance(seepage 639). lf the valve guidesare worn, replacethem (see page 6-40)beforecuttingthe valve seats. Renewthe valve seatsin the cylinder head using a valve seatcutter.

6, Afterresurfacing theseat,inspectfor evenvalve seating:ApplyPrussian Bluecompound(A)to the valveface.lnsertthe valvein its originallocationin the head,thenlift it andsnapit closedagainstthe seatseveraltimes.




1 . The actualvalve seatingsurface(B),as shown by the blue comDound,should be centeredon the seat. Carefullycut a 45" seat,removing only enough materialto ensurea smooth and concentricseat. Bevelthe upper and lower edges at the angles shown in the illustration. Checkthe width of the seat and adjustaccordingly. INTAKE:40'

. l f i t i s t o o h i g h( c l o s e r t o t h e v a l v e s t e m ) , y o u must make a secondcut with the 67.5" cutterto move it down, then one more cut with the 45 " cutterto restoreseatwidth. . l f i t i s t o o l o w ( c l o s e t o t h e v a l v ee d g e ) y, o u m u s t make a secondcut with the 40' cutter (intake side) or the 30' cutter (exhaustside)to move it up. then make one more cut with the 45" cutterto restoreseatwidth. NOTE:The final cut should always be made with the 45'cutter.

Make one more very light passwith the 45" cutter to removeany possibleburrs causedby the other cutters. Valve Seat Width: Intake: Standard{New}: 1.05 1.35mm {0.041 0.053in.} ServiceLimit: 1.80mm (0.071in.l Exhaust: Standard(New): 1.25 1.55mm (0.049 0.061in.) ServiceLimit: 2.00mm 10.079in.l


8. Insertthe inlakeand exhaustvalves in the head and measurevalve stem installedheight (A). Intake Valve Stem Installed Height: Standard (New): 44.1 - 44.4 mm {1.736- 1.748in.) ServiceLimit: 44.7mm 11.760in.) Exhaust Valve Stem Installed Height: Standard (New): 44.2 44.5 mm {1.740- 1.752in.) ServiceLimit: 44.8mm (1.764in.)

9 . lf valve stem installedheight is over the service limit, replacethe valve and recheck.lf it is still over the servicelimit, replacethe cylinder head;the valve seat in the head is too deeD.


GylinderHead Valves,Springs,and ValveSealsInstallation Special Tools Required Valve spring compressorattachment07757-PJ1010A 1 . C o a t t h ev a l v es t e m sw i t h e n g i n eo i l . I n s t a l l t h e v a l v e si n t h e v a l v eg u i d e s . 2. Checkthat the valves move up and down smoothly. 3 . I n s t a l l t h es p r i n gs e a t so n t h e c y l i n d e rh e a d .

5 . I n s t a ltlh e v a l v e s p r i n ga n d v a l v er e t a i n e rP. l a c e t h e end of the valve spring with closelywound coils toward the cylinderhead. 6 . I n s t a l l t h ev a l v es p r i n gc o m p r e s s o rC. o m p r e s st h e s p r i n ga n d i n s t a l l t h ev a l v ek e e p e r s . 07757-PJ1010A


4 . I n s t a l l t h en e w v a l v e s e a l s( A ) u s i n gt h e v a l v eg u i d e s e a li n s t a l l e{rB ) . N O T E : T h ee x h a u s vt a l v es e a l{ C )h a sa b l a c ks p r i n g (D),and the intakevalve seal (E)has a white spring (F).They are not interchangeable.

7 . Lightlytap the end of eachvalve stem two or three times with a plasticmallet (A)to ensureproper seatingof the valve and valve keepers.Tap the valve stem only along its axis so you do not bend the stem,


CamshaftGearInstallation 1. Installthecamshaftgear (A).

CylinderHeadInstallation 1. Measurethe diameterof each cylinder head bolt at ooint A and ooint B. lf eitherdiameter is lessthan 'I 1 . 5m m ( 0 . 4 5i n . ) ,r e p l a c et h e c y l i n d e rh e a db o l t . B 50 mm {2.0in.) A 45 mm 11.8in.)

*#* *'h,i Apply engine oil to the threadsof the camshaft gear mounting nut (B),then installit. 2. CIeanthe cylinder head and blocksurfaces. Hold the camshaftwith an open-endwrench,then tighten the camshaftgear mounting nut. Specified torque: 118 N.m (12.0kgf.m, 86.8lbf.ft)

3. Apply liquid gasket,part No. 08718-0009, to the shadedareas(A) of the cylinder head gasket mating surfaceof the blockand chain case.



CylinderHead GylinderHeadInstallation(cont'd) Installthedowel pins (A) and the new cylinder head gasket(B). B

6 . Installthe cylinder head on the block. 7 . A p p l ye n g i n eo i l t o t h e t h r e a d sa n d u n d e rt h e h e a d s o f a l l t h e c y l i n d e rh e a db o l t s . 8. Tightenthe cylinder head bolts in sequenceto 29 N m (3.0kgf.m,22 lbf ft). Use a beam-type torque wrench.When using a preset-typetorque wrench, be sure to tighten slowly and do not overtighten.lf a bolt makesany noisewhile you are torquing it, Ioosenthe bolt and retightenit.

to the Apply liquid gasket,part No. 08718-0009, cylinder head mating surfaceof the blockand chain c a s ew i t h i n5 m m o f t h e e d g eo f t h e c y l i n d e rh e a d gasket.

9 . Tightenall cylinder head bolts in two steps{90' per step).lf you are using a new cylinder head bolt, tighten the bolt an extra 90".


1 0 .Tightenthe 8 mm bolts (A)ro 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m, 16lbf.ft).



11. Make sure the crankshaftpulley is at top dead center(TDC).Align the TDC mark (A) on the crankshaftpulleywith the pointer(B)on the chain


14. Installthe cam chain on the sprocket,then fitthe idler gear collar into the cylinder head. 15. Turn the idler gear counterclockwise to relievecam chain free play, and checkthe alignmentof the TDC marks {A) on the cam chain sprocketwith the cylinder head surface.lf the cam chain sprocketis not positionedat TDC,removethe idler gear from the cvlinderhead and reoositionthe cam chainto bring the cam chain sprocketto TDC.


12. Assemble the idlergear(A)andcamchain (B)withthreemountingbolts(C). sprocket Torquethe boltsto 14N.m (1.4kgf.m.10 lbf.ft) 1 6 .A p p l ye n g i n eo i l t o t h e idlergearrcam chainsprocket centerbolt threads(A).I n s t a lal n e wO ' r i n g( C )o n the bolt. -/B

A 1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m itgNm (5.0kgt.m, 36 rbf.ft)

13. Placethe assemblyinto the cylinder head.

1 7 . Installthe washer (B) on the cam chain sprocket,and tighten the center bolt.



GylinderHead CylinderHeadInstallation(cont'd) 18. Clamp the cam chain auto-tensionerin a soft-iawed vise. 19. Turn the 5 x 0.8 mm bolt (A) clockwiseto compress then insertthe set the bottom of the auto-tensioner, p i n ( B ) ,P / N 1 4 5 1 1 - P C X - 0 0 5 .

21. lnstallthe cam chain auto-tensioner(A) in the cylinder headwith new O-rings(B). B

6x1.0mm 12N.m (1.2ksf.m,8.7lbf.ft) 22. Removethe maintenancebolt (C)from the cylinder head. 23. Removethe set pin (A)from the cam chain autotensioner.Reinstallthe maintenancebolt (B)with new washer (C).

2 0 , Removethe 5 x 0.8 mm bolt from the maintenance hole. Installa new O-ring (A),then installthe nozzle { B )a n d e n d c o v e r( C ) .

7f----_ /a--\ 1\





6x1.0mm l2N.m {1 2 ksf m'87lbtftl

'- -i.

\J t-



"--_._ --\




<l."i ")@.W

B' 29 N.m {3.0kgf.m,22lbf.ft)

23. lnstallthe rockerarm assembly.

28. Make sure the camshaftgears are at TDC.

24. Checkthe alignmentof the TDCmarks {A) on the cam chain sprocketwith the cylinder head surface.

(seepage6-12). 29. Adjustthevalveclearance Installthecylinderheadcover(seepage6-53). 25. Align the TDC marks (B) on the intakecamshaft gear (C)and the exhaustcamshaftgear (D),and installthe camshafts. 26. Apply engineoil to the bolt threadsof all the camshaftholder bolts. 27. Putthe camshaftholderson the cylinder head.then t i g h t e na l l b o l t st o 2 2 N . m { 2 . 2k g f . m ,1 6 l b f . f t ) . Cylinder Head Bolts Torque Sequence:



GylinderHead \.

CylinderHeadInstallation(cont'd) 3 1 .Installthe exhaustmanifold (A) using new gaskets (B)and new self-lockingnuts (C). 10 x 1,25mm 44 N.m (4.5kgf.m.33lbt.ftl

Putthe exhaustmanifoldcover on the exhaust manifold.

34. lnstallthe heat shield.

32. Installthe exhaustmanifold bracket(D).Make sure

6x1.0mm 9.8N.m{1.0kgf m,7.2lbfft)

the smooth sidesof the washers{E)face the exhaustmanifold bracket.

35. Tightenthe four bolts securingthe exhaust manifoldcover. 8 x '1.25mm 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m,16lbf.ft)


8xL25mm 22 N.m (2.2ksf.m, 16lbf.ft)


36. Installthe intakemanifold (Alwith a new gasket(B). 8 x 1.25mm 22N.n

37. Installthewater bypasshose (A),and tighten the two bolts (Bl securingthe intakemanifold bracket.

kgl.m, 16 lbl ft)

t\-.-- B10x 1.25mm \3

il4 N.m {,1.5kgf.m,33


Installthe water outlet cover (A) with a new O-ring (B).

1 2N . m {1.2ksf m,8.7 lbf.ft)



CylinderHead \

CylinderHeadInstallation(cont'd) 39. Installthe air hose (A),and tighten the bolt (B) securingthe intakemanifold bracket.

41. Installthe brakeboostervacuum hose (A),tuel return hose (B) and fuel feed hose (C).using new w a s h e r s( D ) .


'10x 1.25mm 44N.m kgf.m.33lbt.ftl {,1.5 lnstallthe evaporativeemission(EVAP)control canisterhose.

belt. Installthe alternator-compressor

43. Installthe air cleanerhousing/intakeair duct

a s s e m b l y( A ) ,t h e n i n s t a l l t h ev a c u u mh o s e s( B ) Connectthe air control solenoidvalve connector


6 x 1 . 0mm 1 2N . m(1.2kgf.m,8.7lbt.ft) \


CylinderHeadCoverInstallation 44. Installthethrottlecable (seepage 11-125),then adjustthe cable (seepage 11-1241. 45. After installation.checkthat alltubes, hosesand connectorsare installedcorrectly. 46. After assembly,wait at least30 minutes before filling the enginewith oil (seepage 8-5). 47. Refillthe radiatorwith enginecoolant.and bleed air from the cooling systemwith the heatervalve open (seepage 10-8).

1 . Installthe head cover gasketin the groove of the cylinder head cover. Set the spark plug seal (A) on the spark plug tube. lnstallthe cylinder headcover (B) on the cylinder nead. NOTE: . Takecare not to damagethe spark plug seals when installingthe cylinder head cover. . Visuallyinspectthe spark plug sealsfor damage.

48. Connectthe negativebatterycable first, then connectthe positivecable. 49. Inspectforfuel leaks.Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) {do not operatethe starter)so that the fuel pump runs for about 2 secondsand pressurizesthe fuel line. Repeatthis operationtwo or three times,then checkfor fuel leakageat any point in the fuel line. 50. Performthe enginecontrol module (ECM)idle learn p r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) . 5 1 . I n s p e ctth e i d l es p e e d( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) . 5 2 . I n s p e c t t h ei g n i t i o n t i m i n g( s e ep a g e4 - 1 8 ) . 53. Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. 54. Set the clock.



GylinderHead CylinderHeadCoverInstallation(cont'dl 3. Inspectthe cylinderhead cover washers.Replace any washersand rubber sealsthat are damagedor deteriorated.

8 . I n s t a l l t h ei g n i t i o nc o i l s( A ) ,t h e n i n s t a l l t h ei g n i t i o n c o i lc o v e r( B ) . x 1 . 0m m 1 2N . m {1.2kgf m, 8.7 tbt.ft)


4. Cleanthe washer mating surfacesofthe cylinder neao cover. 5. lnstallthe headcover washers(A).

6x1.0mm 1 2N . m (1.2kg{.m,9.7lbf.ftl

6. Make sure the rubberseals(B) are securelyseated on the cylinder headcover.

Installthe Dositivecrankcaseventilation(PCV) hose (A) and breatherhose {B),then insertthe dipstick(C).

7. Tightenthe bolts in two orthree steps.ln the final step,tighten all bolts,in sequence,to 12 N.m { 1 . 2k g f .m , 8 . 7 l b f . f t ) .


1 0 .After assemblv,wait at least30 minutes before f i l l i n gt h e e n g i n ew i t h o i l { s e ep a g e8 - 5 ) .


EngineMechanical EngineBlock SpecialTools ............. 7-2 Component LocationIndex .................,..........,.....,,...., 7-3 Flywheel RemovalandInstallation ............................. 7-5 Connecting RodandCrankshaft EndPlay Inspection .............. 7-6 Crankshaft MainBearingReplacement ...................... 7-7 Connecting RodBearingReplacement...................... 7-9 Crankshaft andPistonsRemoval...............-................ 7 -11 Crankshaft Inspection ........................ 7-13 BfockandPistonInsoection........................................ 7-14 C y l i n d eHr o n i n g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. .-.1. .6. . Piston,PinandConnecting RodReplacement .......... 7-17 PistonRingReplacement ................... 7-20 Pistonfnstallation.................... ........... 7-22 Crankshaft lnstallation ....................... 7-24 Pulfey EndCrankshaft Installation-ln Seal Car ........... 7-26 Transmission EndCrankshaft Seal fnstalfation-ln Car .................. .......... 7-26

EngineBlock SpecialTools Ref.No.

!D 6\

o o


ToolNumber 07LAB-PV00100 O7LAD.PT3O1OA 07749-0010000 07948-SB00101

Description R i n gG e a rH o l d e r S e a lD r i v e r Driver DriverAttachment

oty 1 1 1 1






' " h 'ri\ : \-lY,


MAIN BEARINGS Oilclearance,page7-7 Selection, step 1 on page7 8


CRANKSHAFTOIL SEAL Installation,page7 26 CRANKSHAFT End play, page7-6 Runout,Taperand Out-of-Round, pagei 13 page7'24 Installation,




EngineBlock ComponentLocationIndex(cont'dl

( a:x t>:<


\ffi (': l/



:k; (\





Removal,page7-'17 Installation, step 1 on page7-'19 Inspection,step 1 on page7-18

PISTON R e m o v apl ,a g e7 - 1 1 page7'14 Measurement,


CONNECTINGROD End play,page7 6 Small end measurement,step 1 on page7-'18

__ u&--__......_

Clearance,page7 9 Selection,step 3 on page7 10




FlywheelRemovaland Installation Special Tools Required Ring gear holder07LAB-PV00100 1. Remove the tra nsmission (seepage 13-5), 2. Removethe pressureplate and clutchdisk {see page 12-7). 3. Removethe eight flywheel bolts.then separatethe flywheelfrom the crankshaftflange.After installation,tighten the bolts in the sequence shown, 07LAB-PV00r00

12 x 1.0mm 127N.m {13.0kgt.m,94lbf.ft}

'1. i'i.,

07LAB-PV00100 RINGGEAR Inspecrflng gear teeth for wear or damage. Installthe clutch disk and pressure plate (see page


5 . Installthetransmission {seepage13-66).


EngineBlock ConnectingRod and CrankshaftEnd PlayInspection 1 . Removethe oil pump (seepage 8-9). Measurethe connectingrod end play with a feeler gauge betweenthe connectingrod and crankshaft. Connecting Rod End Play: Standard(New):0.15 0.30mm (0.006 0.012in.l ServiceLimit: 0.40mm (0.016in.)

lf the connectingrod end play is out-of-tolerance, installa new connectingrod, and recheck.lf it is still out-of-tolerance; replacethe crankshaft(see p a g e7 - l 1 ) .


4. Pushthe crankshaftfirmly away from the dial indicator,and zerothe dial againstthe end of the crankshaft.Then pull the crankshaftfirmly back toward the indicator;the dial readingshould not exceedthe servicelimit. Crankshaft End Play: Standard{Newl: 0.10 0.35 mm ( 0 . 0 0 4- 0 . 0 1 4i n . ) ServiceLimit: 0.45mm {0.018in.l

lf the end play is excessive,replacethe thrust washersand recheck.lf it is still out of tolerance, replacethe crankshaft.

CrankshaftMain BearingReplacement MainBearingClearance Inspection '1.

To checkmain bearing-to-journal oil clearance, removethe lower blockand bearinghalves.(see p a g e7 - 11 ) .

2 . C l e a ne a c hm a i nj o u r n a la n d b e a r i n gh a l fw i t h a c l e a ns h o pt o w e l . 3. Placeone strip of plastigageacrosseach maan j o ur n a l . NOTE:lf the engine is still in the vehiclewhen you bolt the lower blockdown to checkclearance,the weight of the crankshaftand flywheel will flatten the plastigagefurtherthan just the torque on the cap bolt and give you an incorrectreading.For an accuratereading,supportthe crankwith a jack underthe counterweights,and checkonly one bearingat a time.

6. lf the plastigagemeasurestoo wide or too narrow, (removethe engine if it's still in the vehicle), removethe crankshaft,and removethe upper half ofthe bearing.Installa new, completebearingwith the same color code(s),and recheckthe clearance. Do not file, shim, or scrapethe bearingsor the caps to adjustclearance. 7. lf the plastigageshows the clearanceis still incorrect,try the next largeror smaller bearing(the color listedabove or below that one),and check again.lf the proper clearancecannot be obtained by using the appropriatelarger or smallerbearings, reolacethe crankshaftand start over.

4. Reinstallthebearingsand lower block,then torque the boltsto 29 N.m (3.0kgf m, 22 lbf.ft) + 60'. NOTE:Do not rotatethe crankshaftduring insDection, Removethe lower blockand bearingsagain,and measurethe widest pan of the plastigage. Main Bearing-to-Journal Oil Clearance: Standard{New):0.017 0.041mm (0.0007 0.0016in.) ServiceLimit: 0.050mm (0.0020in.l



EngineBlock CrankshaftMain BearingReplacement{cont'd) Main BearingSelection

Main Journal Code Location 2. The main journal codesare stampedon the No. 1 weo.

Crankshaft Bore Code Location 1. Numbersor lettersor bars have been stampedon the end of the blockas a code for the sizeof each of the 5 main journal bores.Write down the crank oore cooes, lf you can't read the codes becauseof accumulated dirt and dust. do not scrubthem with a wire brush or scraDer.Cleanthem onlv with solvent or detergent. No.5 JOURNAL {FLYWHEEL ENOI







Use the crank bore codesand crankjournal codes to selectthe appropriatereplacementbearings from the following table. NOTE: . Color code is on the edge of the bearing. . When using bearinghalvesof differentcolors,it does not matterwhich color is used in the top or bottom.





Main iournal cooe

crank bore Crank bore lol 2oJ 3or 4or coale A o r l Borll C or lll D or llll -----------> Smallsr lThickell


Pink/ Yellow


Yellow Green

3 or lll


4 or llll


Yellow/ Gaoon Grâ‚Źen G16en

Green/ Brown


Green/ Brown



Green/ Brown

Brown/ Brown Black

5 or lllll

Green/ Brown

e,own $ff,lfln/aracr

6 or llllll


Brown/ Black Black

Black/ Blue

ConnectingRod BearingReplacement RodBearingClearance Inspection 1. Removethe connectingrod cap and bearinghalf ( s e ep a g e7 - ' 1 ) . 2. Cleanthe crankshaftrod journal and bearinghalf with a clean shop towel. 3. Placeplastigageacrossthe rod journal. 4. Reinstallthe bearinghalf and cap, and torque the bolt to 25 N.m (2.5kgf m, 18 lbf.ft) + 90'. NOTE:Do not rotatethe crankshaftduring inspection. 5. Removethe rod cap and bearinghalf, and measure the widest part of the plastigage. Connecting Rod Bearing"to-Journal Oil Clearance: Standard(New): 0.030 0.054mm 10.0012 0.0021in.) ServiceLimit: 0.060mm (0.0024in.)

Rod BearingSelestion 1. Inspecteach connectingrod for cracksand heat damage. Connecting Rod Big End Bore Code Locations 2. Eachrod has a tolerancerangefrom 0 to 0,024mm (0.0009in.),in 0.006mm (0.0002in.)increments, dependingon the sizeof its big end bore. lt's then stampedwith a number or bar ('1,2, 3 or 4/1,ll, lll, or llll) indicatingthe range.You may find any c o m b i n a t i o no f n u m b e r sa n d b a r si n a n y e n g i n e , (Halfthe number or bar is stampedon the bearing cap,the other half on the rod.). lf you can't readthe code becauseof an accumulationof oil and not scrub it with a wire brush or scraper.Cleanit only with solventor detergent.

lf the plastigagemeasurestoo wide or too narrow, removethe upper half of the bearing,installa new, completebearingwith the same color code(s),and recheckthe clearance.Do not file, shim, or scrape the bearingsor the capsto adjustclearance. 7 . lf the plastigageshows the clearanceis still incorrect.try the next larger or smaller bearing(the color listedabove or below that one),and check clearanceagain.lf the proper clearancecannot be o b t a i n e db y u s i n gt h e a p p r o p r i a t lea r g e ro r s m a l l e r bearing,replacethe crankshaftand start over. (cont'd)


EngineBlock ConnectingRod BearingReplacement(cont'd) Connecting Rod Journal Code Location 3. The connectingrod journal codes are stamped on the No. 1web.

Use the big end bore codesand rod journal codes to selectappropriatereplacementbearingsfrom the following table. NOTE:Color code is on the edge of the bearing.

Connecting Rod Journal Code Location (Letters or Bars)

Big end DOte code

Larger big end bore



. . 1 1 11 1 1 r l




Smallel rod journal

Smaller bearing {Thicker}

Smallor bearing {Thickerl

















Crankshaftand PistonRemoval 1. Removethe cam chain (seepage6-15). 2. Removethe oil pump (seestep 1 on page 8-9).

5. Removethe lower blockand bearings.Keepall bearingsin order.

3. Removethe 8 mm bolts.



6 . R e m o v et h e r o d c a p sa n d b e a r i n g sK. e e pa l l c a p s and bearingsin order.

repeatthe sl

7. Lift the crankshaftout of the engine,being careful not to damagethe journals.


:J,,-' iJ.... LO;

iJ ,1

., t =






EngineBlock Crankshaftand PistonRemoval(cont'dl lf you can feel a ridge of metal or hard carbon aroundthe top of each cylinder,remove it with a ridge reamer (A).Follow the reamer manufacturer's instructions.lf the ridge is not removed,it may damagethe piston as it is pushedout,

9 . Use the wooden handleof a hammer (A) to drive out the pistons(B).

1 0 .Reinstalltheconnectingrod bearingsand caps after removing each piston and connectingrod assembly. 'I

l. To avoid mixup on reassembly,mark each piston and connectingrod assemblywith its cylinder numDer. NOTE:Theexistingnumber on lhe connectingrod does not indicateits position in the engine,it indicatesthe rod bore size.


CrankshaftInspection Straightness

Out-of-Roundand Taper 1. Removethe crankshaftfrom the cvlinder block (see p a g e7 - 11 ) . 2. Cleanthe crankshaftoil passageswith pipe c l e a n e r so r a s u i t a b l eb r u s h .

6. Placethe cylinder blockon the surfaceplate. 7 . C l e a na n d i n s t a l l t h eb e a r i n g so n t h e N o . 1 a n d No. 5 journalsof the cylinder block. 8. Lower the crankshaftinto the block.

3. Checkthe keywayand threads. 4. Measureout-of-roundat the middle of each rod and main journal in two places,The difference betweenmeasurementson each iournal must not be more than the servicelimit. Journal Out-of-Round: Standard (New): 0.004 mm {0.(X)02in.) max. ServiceLimit: 0.006mm (0.0002in.)

. o t a t et h e 9 . M e a s u r er u n o u to n a l l m a i nj o u r n a l sR crankshafttwo completerevolutions.The differencebetweenmeasurementson eachjournal must not be more than the servicelimit. Crankshaft Total Indicator Runout: Standard{Newl: 0.03mm {0.001in.) max. ServiceLimit: 0.04mm {0.002in.)


T-T 5 . Measuretaper at the edge of each rod and main journal.The differencebetweenmeasurementson eachjournal must not be more than the service limit. JournalTaper: Standard{New):0.005mm (0.0002in.l max. 0.006 mm (0.0002in.l Service Limit:


EngineBlock Blockand PistonInspection 1 . Removethe crankshaftand pistons(seepage 7-11). Checkthe Distonfor distortionor cracks. Measurethe piston diameterat a point 16 mm (0.6in.) from the bottom of the skirt.There are two standard-sizepistons(No Letteror A, and B).The letter is stampedon the top of the piston.Letters are also stampedon the blockas cylinder bore sizes. Piston Diameter: Standard lNew): No Leftor (or A): 86.993 87.006 mm 8.4219 -3.4254 in.l B: 86.983 86.996 mm (3.4245- 3.4250in.) Service Limit: No Letter {or A}: 86.980 mm (3.4244in.} B: 86.970mm (3.4240in.l

16 mm {0.6in.}



4. Measurewear and taper in directionX and Y at three levelsin each cylinderas shown. lf measurementsin any cylinderare beyondthe OversizeBore ServiceLimit, replacethe the block is to be rebored,reJerto step7 after reboring, Cylinder Bore Size: Standard {New): Aorl: 8 7 . 0 1 0 - 8 7 . 0 2 0m m {3.4256 3./1260in.) B or ll: 87.000 87.010mm 13.4252 3.4256 in.l Service Limit: 87.070 mm (3.4279in.) Oversize: 0.251 87.250 87.260 mm (3.4350 3.4354 in.l Reboringlimit: 0.25 mm {0.01in.} max. Bore Taper: Limit: (Differencebetween tirst and third measurement)0.05mm (0.002in.) 6 mm (0.2in.)


rt tr-71 l l a ll-1

First Measurement Second



6 mm {0.2in.l

Oversize Piston Diameter: 0.251 87.233 87.246 mm {3.4344 3./849 in.}


Third Measuremâ‚Źnt

Scoredor scratchedcylinderbores must be honed. Checkthe top of the blockfor warpage.Measure along the edgesand acrossthe centeras shown. EngineBlockWarpage: Standard(New):0.07 mm (0.003in.l max. ServiceLimit: 0.10 mm (0.004in.l

7. Calculatethe differencebetweenthe cylinder bore diameterand the piston diarneter.lf the clearance is near or exceedsthe servicelimit, inspectthe Distonand cvlinder blockfor excessivewear. Piston-to-Cylinder Clearance: Standard{New):0.004 0.027mm (0.0002 0.0011in.) 0.04 mm {0.002in.) Service Limit:





EngineBlock CylinderHoning The cylinderliners are made wlth FRM ({iberrein{orced metal).Honethe cylindersonly as describedhere. 1. Measurethe cylinder bores (seestep 3 on page714).lf the engine block is to be reused,hone the cVlindersand remeasurethe bores.Scoredor scratchedcylinder bores must be honed. 2. Honethe cylindersusingthe following equipment, materialsand methods: . U s eo n l y a r i g i dh o n e . . Honing stones:GC-600-Jor finer stonesfor nonferrousmetals . Pressure: 200- 300 kPa(2 3 kgf/cm' ,28-43 psi) . H o n i n gr p m : 4 5 - 5 0 . Honingthickness;Lessthan 0.02mm (0.0008in.) Do not hone more than 20 cycles, . Honing lubricant:Oil type . Honing pattern:60 degreecross-hatch(A) . Honecleaning:Cleanthe stonesevery five cycles.


When honing is complete,thoroughlycleanthe engine blockof all metal particles,Wash the cylinder boreswith hot soapy water,then dry and oil them immediatelyto preventrusting.Never use solvent,it will only redistributethe grit on the cylinderwalls.

4 . lf scoringor scratchesare still presentin the cylinder bores after honing to the servicelimit, reborethe cylinders.Some light verticalscoring and scratchingis acceptableif it is not deep enough to catchyour fingernailand if it does not run the full length of the bore.


Piston,Pin,and ConnectingRodReplacement Disassembly 1. Removethe pistonfrom the cylinderblock (see page711).

4, Heatthe piston and connectingrod assemblyto '158"F approximately {70'C),then removethe p i s t o np i n .

2 . A p p l ye n g i n eo i l t o t h e p i s t o np i n s n a pr i n g s( A ) , and turn them in the ring grooves until the end gaps are lined up with the cutoutsin the piston pin b o r e s( B ) . NOTE:Takecare not to damagethe ring grooves.

I Removeboth snap rings (A).Start at the cutout in the piston pin bore. Removethe snap rings carefullyso they do not go flying or get lost.Wear eve Drotection.



EngineBlock Piston,Pin,and ConnectingRod Replacement{cont'd) Inspection NOTE:Inspectthe piston,piston pin and connectingrod when they are at room temperature. 1 . M e a s u . et h e d i a m e t e ro f t h e p i s t o np i n .

3. Checkthe differencebetweenthe DistonDin diameterand piston pin hole diameter in the piston. Piston Pin-to-Piston Clearance: Standard{New): 0.0030to +0.0060 mm to +0.00024in.l I O.OO012 ServiceLimit: 0.010mm {0.0004in.)

Piston Pin Diameter: Standard (New): 22.961 22.965 mm 10.9040 0.9041in.) Service Limit: 22.953 mm (0.9037in.)

Measurethe piston pin-to-connecting rod clearance,

2. Zerc lhe dial indicatorto the piston pin diameter.

N O T E : W h e nr e p l a c i n g t h e c o n n e c t i n gr o d ,a l s o replacethe piston pin as a set. Piston Pin-to-Connecting Rod Clearance: Standard(New):0.018 0.035mm 10.0007 0.0014in., ServiceLimit: 0.04 mm 10.0016 in.)


Reassembly 1 . I n s t a lal n e w p i s t o np i n s n a pr i n g ( A ) .

4. Installthe piston pin (A).Assemblethe piston (B) "lN" mark and connectingrod (C)with the {D) and the referencemark (E)on the same side.

Coatthe piston pin bore in the piston and the connectingrod, and the piston pin with engine oil. Heatthe pistonto about 158"F(70"C).

I n s t a ltl h e r e m a i n i n gn e w s n a p r i n g ( F ) . T u r nt h e s n a pr i n g si n t h e r i n g g r o o v e su n t i l t h e end gaps are positionedat the bottom of the piston.


EngineBlock PistonRing Replacement 1 . Removethe pistonfrom the cylinder block (see p a g e7 - 11 ) .

4. Using a piston,push a new ring (A) into the c y l i n d e rb o r e 1 5 2 0 m m ( 0 . 6 0 . 8i n . )f r o m t h e bottom,

2. Using a ring expander(A),removethe old piston r i n g s( B ) .

- *

Cleanall ring groovesthoroughlywith a squaredoff brokenring or ring groove cleanerwith a blade to fit the piston grooves. T h et o p a n d s e c o n dr i n g g r o o v e sa r e 1 . 2m m ( 0 . 0 5i n . )w i d e .T h e o i l r i n g g r o o v ei s 2 . 0 m m ( 0 . 0 8i n . )w i d e .F i l ed o w n a b l a d ei f n e c e s s a r yD. o not use a wire brush to cleanthe ring grooves,or cut the ring groovesdeeperwith the cleaningtools. NOTE:lf the piston is to be separatedfrom the connectingrod, do not install new rings yet.


Measurethe piston ring end-gap(B)with a feeler gauge: . l f t h e g a p i s t o o s m a l l , c h e c k t o s e ei f y o u h a v e the proper rings for your engine. . lf the gap is too large,recheckthe cylinder bore diameteragainstthe wear limits (seepage7-14). lf the bore is over the servicelimit. the cvlinder block must be rebored. PistonRing End-Gap: Top Ring Standard lNewl: 0.25 0.35mm ( 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 0 1 4i n . ) ServiceLimit: 0.60mm (0.024in.) SecondRing Slandard {New):0.60 0.75mm (0.024- 0.030in.) ServiceLimit: 0.90mm (0.035in., Oil Ring Standard(New):0.20 0.70mm lO.O08 0.028in.) ServiceLimit: 0.80 mm (0.031in.l


6. Installthe rings as shown. The top ring (A) has a R1 mark and the secondring (B) has a R2 mark.The manufacturingmarks (C)must be facing upward.

7 . Rotatethe rings in their groovesto make sure they do not bind.

8 . Positionthe ring end gaps as shown:




About 45" ===_,/

:- -:- - - ' \ lb il





(l \ - -

[|-..-" it t | \ A--






9. After installinga new set of rings. measurethe fl ng-ro-groovectearances:







Top Ring Clearance Standard (New): 0.045 0.090 mm (0.0018 0.0035in.) ServiceLimit: 0.135mm (0.005in.) Second Ring Clearance Standard {New): 0.040- 0.070 mm - 0.0028in.) 10.0016 (0.005in.) Limit: 0.13 mm Service


rpd%a \n**44d

,.ZuR\ \=/ Piston Ring Dimensions:


Top Ring (standardl: A : 2 . 8m m { 0 . 1 1i n . l B : 1 . 2m m 1 0 . 0 5 in.l SecondRing (Standard): A:3.2 mm {0.13in.l B: 1.2mm {0.05in.}


EngineBlock PistonInstallation lf the crankshaftis alreadyinstalled 1. Set the crankshaftto bottom dead center(BDC)for e a c hc y l i n d e r . 2. Removethe connectingrod caps,then installthe ring compressor,and checkthat the bearingis s e c u r e l yi n p l a c e . 3. Positionthe arrow {A)facingthe timing chain side ofthe engine.

4 . Positionthe piston in the cylinder,and tap it in u s i n gt h e w o o d e nh a n d l eo f a h a m m e r( A ) , l\4aintaindownward force on the ring compressor (B)to preventthe rings from expandingbefore enteringthe cylinder bore.

5 . Stop after the ring compressorpops free, and checkthe connectingrod-to-crankjournal alignmentbefore pushingthe piston into place.


6, Checktheconnectingrod bearingclearancewith plastigage{seepage7-9). 7 . A p p l y e n g i n eo i l t o t h e t h r e a d so f t h e c o n n e c t i n g rod bolts. 8. lnstallthe rod capswith bearings,then tightenthe connectingrod bolts is sequenceto 25 N.m {2.5 kgf.m. 18 lbf.ft), 9. Tightenthe connectingrod bolts an additional90".

lf the crankshaftis not installed 1 . Removethe connectingrod caps,then installthe ring compressor,and checkthat the bearingis securelyin place. Positionthe arrow (A) facingthe timing chain side o f t h ee n g i n e .

Positionthe piston in the cylinder.and tap it in usingthe wooden handleof a hammer (A). Maintaindownward force on the ring compressor (B)to preventthe rings from expandingbefore enteringthe cylinderbore.

.,;':,.-;a ',t.:.1::,'l .;

4. Positionall Distonsat too dead center.


EngineBlock CrankshaftInstallation Special Tools Required . Driver07749-0010000 . Driverattachment07948-S800101

1 0 .Tightenthe connectingrod bolts in sequenceto 25 N.m (2.5kgf m, 18 ibf ft). 1 1 .Tightenthe connectingrod bolts an additional90'.

1 . C h e c kt h e c o n n e c t i n gr o d b e a r i n gc l e a r a n c w e ith plastigage{seepage 7-9). 2 . C h e c kt h e m a i n b e a r i n gc l e a r a n c w e ith plastigage (seepage 7-6). 3 . A p p l ye n g i n eo i l t o t h e m a i n b e a r i n g sa n d r o d b e an n g s .

A p p l y l i q u i dg a s k e tp, a r t N o . 0 8 7 1 8 - 0 0 0e9v, e n l y t o the cylinder blockmating surfaceof the lower block and to the innerthreadsof the bolt holes. NOTE:Do not installthe partsif 5 minutesor more have elapsedsinceapplying liquid gasket.lnstead, reapplyliquid gasketafter removingold residue.

4 . I n s t a l l t h eb e a r i n gh a l v e si n t h e c y l i n d e rb l o c ka n d connecllngroos. 5. Hold the crankshaftso rod journal No. 2 and rod j o u r n a lN o , 3 a r e s t r a i g h u t p , a n d l o w e rt h e crankshaftinto the block. Installthe thrust washers(A) on both edgesof the N o . 4 m a i n b e a r i n qr e c e s s .

A p p l yl i q u i dg a s k e at l o n g t h e b r o k e nl i n e .

1 . Apply engineoil to the threadsof the connecting rod bolts. Seatthe rod journalsinto connectingrod No. 1 and c o n n e c t i n gr o d N o . 4 . I n s t a l l t h ec o n n e c t i n gr o d caps and bolts finger'tight.Installthe caps so the bearingrecessis on the same side as the recessin the rod. 9 . Rotatethe crankshaftclockwise,and seatthe journals into connectingrod No. 2 and connecting r o d N o . 3 , I n s t a l l t h ec o n n e c t i n gr o d c a p sa n d b o l t s fingertight.


1 3 .Putthe lowerblockon thecvlinderblock. 1 4 .Tightenthe bearingcapboltsis sequence to 29 N m (3.0kgf.m,22 lbf.ft).

17. Use the sDecialtoolsto drive a new oil seal squarelyinto the blockto the specifiedinstalled height.




Tightenthe bearingcapboltsan additional 60'.

1 8 . Measurethe distancebetweenthe crankshaft(A) a n d o i l s e a l{ B ) .

1 6 . Tightenthe 8 mm boltsin sequence to 22 N.m

Oil Seal InstalledHeighi: 5.5 6.5 mm 10.22 0.26in.l



'l Installthe oil pump (seestep 1 on page8-11).

20. I n s t a l l t h ec a m c h a i n{ s e ep a g e6 - 1 9 ) .


EngineBlock PulleyEnd CrankshaftSeal Installation- In Car

TransmissionEndCrankshaftSeal lnstallation- In Car

Special Tools Required ' Seal driver 07LAD-PT3o10A

Special Tools Required . Driver07749-0010000 . Driverattachment07948-S800101

1. Dry the crankshaftoil seal housing. 1. Dry the crankshaftoil seal housing. 2. Usingthe seal driver,drive in the crankshaftoil seal until the driver bottoms againstthe chain case, 07LAD.PT3OlOA

2, Use the specialtoolsto drive a new oil seal squarelyinto the blockto the specifiedinstalled height.


Measurethe distancebetweenthe crankshaft{A) a n d o i l s e a l{ B ) . Oil Saal InstalledHeight: 5.5-6.5 mm 10.22 0.26 in.l in.l {0.22*0.26

'.i.. "

- '..i



EngineLubrication SpecialTools Number


Tool Number 07912-6110001

Description O i l F i l t e rW r e n c h

otY 1





OIL PUMP Overhaul,page8-8 Inspection, step 6 on page8-10




\ \





ENGINEOIL PRESSURE SWITCH CircuitDiagram,page22-47 page Switchtest, 8-4 Oil pressuretest,page8-4


EngineLubrication Oil PressureSwitch Test 1, Removethe YEUREDwire (A) from the engine oil pressureswitch (B).

Oil PressureTest lf the oil pressureindicatorlight stayson with the e n g i n er u n n i n g c, h e c kt h e e n g i n eo i l l e v e l .l f t h e o i l level is correct: 1. Connecta tachometeror a Honda PGN4Tester. 2 . R e m o v et h e e n g i n eo i l p r e s s u r e s w i t c ha,n d i n s t a l l a n o i l p r e s s u r eg a u g e( A ) .

,'1.:'(.,)" ,

Checkfor continuitvbetweenthe oositiveterminal ( C )a n d t h e e n g i n e( g r o u n d )T, h e r es h o u l db e continuitywith the enginestopped.There should b e n o c o n t i n u i t yw i t h t h e e n g i n er u n n i n g ,

3 . lf the switch fails to operate,checkthe engine oil l e v e l .l f t h e e n g i n eo i l l e v e li s O K ,c h e c kt h e e n g i n e orlDressure,

Startthe engine.Shut it off immediatelyif the gauge registersno oil pressure.Repairthe problem beforecontinuing. 4 . Allow the engineto reachoperatingtemperature (fan comes on at leasttwice).The pressureshould DE:

176'F(80'C) EngineOil Temperature: EngineOil Pressure: 250kPa(2.5kgl/cm',36psi) At ldle: minimum rpm: 590 kPa (6.0 kgf/cm', 85 psi) At 3,OOO minimum 5 , lf oil pressureis NOTwithin specifications.inspect these rtem: . Checkthe oil filter for clogging. . C h e c k t h eo i l p u m p ( s e ep a g e8 - 8 ) .


EngineOil Replacement NOTE:Under normal conditions,the oilfilter should be replacedat every other oil change.Under severe conditions.the oil filter should be reolacedat each oil cnange. Change interval Evory 7,500 miles (12.000kml or 12 months (Normal conditions) Every 3,750 miles (6.000kml or 6 months {Severeconditionsl. 1, Warmup theengine, 2. Removethe drain bolt (A),and drain the engineoil.

3. Reinstallthedrain bolt with a new washer {B). 4. Refillwith the recommendedoil (seep3g" 3-2;. Capacity 4.5 0 (/r.8US qt) at oil change. 4.8 0 (5.1 US qt) at oil change including filier. 5.6 g (5.9 US qt) after engine ovorhaul. 5. Run the enginefor more than 3 minutes.then check for oil leakage.


EngineLubrication EngineOil FilterReplacement SpecialToolsRequired Oil FilterWrench 07912-611000'1 1. Removethe oil filter with the specialoil filter wrencn. 2 . I n s p e ctth e t h r e a d s( A )a n d r u b b e rs e a l( B )o n t h e new filter.Wipe off the seat on the engine block, then apply a light coat of oil to the filter rubber seal. Use only filterswith a built-inbypasssystem.

3 , I n s t a l l t h eo i l f i l t e rb y h a n d . 4. After the rubber seal seats,tightenthe oil filter clockwisewith the specialtool, Tighten: Tighteningtorque:

5. lf eight numbers (1 to 8) are printedaroundthe outsideof the filter, use the following procedureto tighten the filter. . Spin the filter on until its seal lightly seatsagainst t h e e n g i n eo i l c o o l e r ,a n d n o t ew h i c h n u m b e ri s at the bottom. . Tightenthe filter by turing it clockwiseseven numbersfrom the one you noted.For example.if number 2 is at the bottom when the seal is seated, tighten the filter until the number 1 comes aroundthe bottom.

Number after tightening.

Number when rubbel seal is seated.

N u m b e rw h e n r u b b e rs e a li s




Numberafter tightening









7/8 turn clockwise. 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m, 16lbf ft)



6 . A f t e ri n s t a l l a t i o nJ ,i l l t h ee n g i n ew i t h o i l u p t o t h e specifiedlevel,run the enginefor more than 3 minutes,then checkfor oil leakage.


OilJet Inspection 1 . R e m o v et h e o i l i e t ,a n d i n s p e c it t a s f o l l o w s . M a k es u r et h a ta 1 . 5m m ( 0 . 0 6i n . )d i a m e t e rd r i l l w i l l g o t h r o u g ht h e n o z z l eh o l e( A )( ' 1 . 6m m ( 0 . 0 6i n . )d i a m e t e r ) . I n s e r t h e e n d o f a 1 . 1m m ( 0 . 0 4i n . )d r i l l i n t ot h e o i l i n t a k e( 1 . 2m m ( 0 . 0 5i n . )d i a m e t e r ) . Make sure the checkball {B) moves smoothly and h a sa s t r o k eo f a p p r o x i m a t e l4y. 0m m ( 0 . 1 6i n . ) . Checkthe oil jet operationwith an air shouldtake at least200 kPa (2.0kgflcm',28 psi) to unseatthe checkball. NOTE:Replacethe oil jet assemblyif the nozzleis d a m a g e do r b e n t .

1.6 mm {0.06in.)

2 . Mountingtorque is critical.Be very precisewhen installing. Torque; 16 N.m {1.6kgf m, 12lbf.ft)


EngineLubrication OilPumpOverhaul ExplodedView




RELIEFVALVE Valvemustslidetreely in housingbore. if scored. Replace SEALINGBOLT 39 N.m (i0.0kgl.m,29lbf.ltl DOWELPINS


6x1.0mm 12 N.m (1.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ftl


4. Removethe three bolts securingthe oil pump.

1. Removethe cam chain (seepage 6-'15). 2 , R e m o v et h e o i l p u m p c h a i nt e n s i o n e r .

3. Removethe baffle plate.

5. Removethe oil pump (A).oil pump chain (B ) a n d crankshaftsprocket(C).

EngineLubrication Oil PumpOverhaul(cont'd) Inspection 6. Removethe DumDcover. 7. Checkthe inner-to-outerrotor radialclearance betweenthe inner rotor (A) and outer rotor (B),lf the inner-to-outerrotor radialclearanceexceeds the servicelimit, replacethe outer rotor and oil pumphousing.

9. Checkthe housing-to-outerrotor radialclearance betweenthe outer rotor (A) and pump housing(B). lf lhe housing-to-outerrotor radialclearance exceedsthe servicelimit, reolacethe outer rotor a n do i l p u m p h o u s i n g . Housing-to-Outer Rotor Radial Clearance Standard(Newl: 0.15- 0.21 mm (0.006 0.008in.) ServiceLimit: 0.23mm {0.009in.}

Inner Rotor Radial Clearance Standard(New):0.02 0.15 mm 10.001 0.006in.) ServiceLimit: 0.20 mm (0.008in.)

1 0 .Inspectboth rotors and the pump housingfor scoringor other damage.Replacepans if necessary. 8 . Checkthe housing-to-rotoraxial clearancebetween the rotor (A) and pump housing(B).lf the housingto-rotoraxial clearanceexceedsthe servicelimit, replacethe outer rotor and oil pump housing. Housing-to-Rotor Axial Clearance StandardlNewl: 0.02 0.07 mm (0.001 0.003in.l ServiceLimit: 0.12mm {0.005in.)


13. Tightenthe bolts on the oil pump.


x 1.25mm

11. Squeeze t h e n e w o i l p u m p c h a i nt e n s i o n e (r A ) ,t h e n i n s t a l l t h es e tc l i p ( B )o n i t a s s h o w n .

22 N.m (2.2ksf.m,16lbl ft)

NOTE;The set clip is suppliedwith the oil pump c h a i nt e n s i o n e r .

at S?


x 1.0mm 1 2N . m {1.2ksf m.






:,'." ::'

14. Installthe baffle plate.

\').. \ns\a\\ \he c\ankshat s$\ocke\ \N\, ti{ !\f\$


( B )a n d o i l p u m p ( C ) .

6x1.0mm 1 2N . m (1.2kgt m.8.7lbf.ft)



EngineLubrication Oil PumpOverhaul(cont'dl Set the crankshaftsprocketso that the No. 1 piston is at top dead center(TDC).Align the key (A) on the sprocketand crankshaftwith the pointer(B) on the cylinder block.

1 1 . I n s t a l l t h eo i l p u m p c h a i ng u i d e( A )a n d o i l p u m p c h a i nt e n s i o n e (r B ) , 6x1.0mm 12 N.m {1.2kgt.m,8.7lbf.ft}

i . - .

I x 1 . 0m m 12 N.m (1.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ft)

8 x 1 . 2 5m m 22N.m12.2kgf.m.16lbf.ftl 16, Move the cam chain so that the colored piece{A) alignswith the punchedmark (B)on the crankshaft sprocket,


18. Removethe set clip from the oil pump chain renstoner.


1 9 . I n s t a ltl h e c a m c h a i n( s e ep a g e6 - 1 9 ) .


EngineMechanical IntakeManifoldand ExhaustSystem ......................... 9-2 IntakeManifoldRemoval/lnstallation ..................... 9-3 ExhaustManifoldRemoval/lnstallation ..................... 9-4 ExhaustPipeand MufflerReplacement

IntakeManifoldand ExhaustSystem IntakeManifoldRemovaUlnstallation NOTE:Use new O-ringsand gasketswhen reassembling. 5x0.8mm 6 N.m {0.6kgf m, 4 tbf.ft)

\ 8x1.25mm \ 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m. 16lbf.ft) GASKET Replace



8x1.25mm 22/Nin l2.2kst.m, l








\ '

^<a\ \







BLEEDBOLT 9.8N.m { 1 . 0k g fm , 7.2tbf.ftt



A"/\ i\ /



^& ffi1-,

o\Z-A'Y ')


Q\ i 5' 97 ',g4\::" 1,,T,"f1,.,.,0,n, /

.\Ri\=/ ,"*,XDN$ t \/*



/ Beptace.

I ^.c:\q

q€> x" */ N )'.;;7 I ffi^#\e tuc\ G"\w( i

I ,, e.





8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m {2.2ksf.m,16lbf.ft)

12N.m {12 ksf m' 8 7 lbf rtr

o-RtNG \ Beplace


INTAKEMANIFOLD Replaceif crackedor if the mating surfaceis oamageo,


# \ 'i13

INTAKEMANIFOLD BRACKETS l 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 44 N.m {4.5 ksf.m, 33 lbt.ftl



10 x 1.25mm 44 N.m {4.5kgf.m,33 lbf.ftl

ExhaustManifoldRemovaUlnstallation NOTE:Use new gasketsand self-lockingnuts when reassembling.

8 x 'l.25mm 22N.m (2.2ksf.m,16lbt ftl

6 x 1 . 0m m 1 2N . m {1.2kg{ m, 8.7 rbf.ftt

0fo 6x1.0mm 1 2N . m {1.2kgf.m. 8.7 rbf.ftt

' ,-l ; l di l.l - . .

'14N.m {1.4kgf.m,10 lbt ft}


8 x 1 . 2 5m m 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m, 16 lbf ft) GASKET Replace.

PRIMARYHEATED OXYGENSENSOR HO2SI IPRIMARY 44 N.m (4.5kgf.m,33lbt.ftl l 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 44 N.m (4.5 kgf m.33 lbl.ft)



IntakeManifoldand ExhaustSystem ExhaustPipeand Muffler Replacement NOTE:Use new gasketsand self{ockingnuts when reassembling.

SELF.LOCKING NUT 10x 1.25mm 33 N.m (3.,1kgf.m,25 lbl'ft) Replace.

6x1,0mm 1 2N . m (1.2kgl.m,8.7 lbf.ftl


E x 1.25mm 22 N.m 12.2kgf.m, 16 lbl ft) Replace. Tightenthe bolts in steps, alternatingside-to-side.


-zGASKET RePlace'


6x1.0mm 12 N.m {1.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ft)


EngineCooling CoolingSystem Location Index ...,..,....... Comoonent Radiator CaoTest ................ Radiator Test FanMotorTest ThermostatTest...................... WaterPumpInspection WaterPumpReplacement ............. CoolantReplacement ReDlacement Thermostat ..................... Radiator andFanReolacement

10-2 10-5 1p-5 10-6 10-6 tu- I

10-7 10-8 10-10 10-11

FanControls . .0. .-.1. .2. . . . . . . C o m p o n e nLto c a t i oInn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10-13 Index ............................... SymptomTroubleshooting .......1 . .0 - 1 4 C i r c u iDt i a g r a m 10-15 ........................ FanCircuitTroubleshooting Radiator FanSwitchCircuit Radiator (Open) 10-17 ................. Troubleshooting FanSwitchCircuit Radiator (Short) 10-17 ................ Troubleshooting .. 10-18 Radiator FanSwitchTest .................

CoolingSystem ComponentLocationIndex

RADIATOR page 10'11 Replacement,



\ /'-'



.""*oY,/ ,/ LOWER



FAN MOTOR Test,page'10-6 Replacement, p a g e1 0 - 1 1




RADIA'I TORHOSE RADIATORFAN page 10 11 Replacement,


RADIATORFAN SHROUD page 10-11 Replacement, A/C CONDENSER FAN SHROUD page 10-11 Replacement,








N -.,!,'jjtil








CoolingSystem ComponentLocationIndex{cont'd)


lr r€_',


' *




THERMOSTAT page10-'l0 Replacement, page10-6 Inspection,



l)$ o'\, s\\i







WATER PUMP Inspection,page 10-7 page 10 7 Replacement,

RadiatorCapTest 1. Removethe radiatorcap (A).wet its seal with enginecoolant,then installit on the pressuretester ( B )( c o m m e r c i a l layv a i l a b l e ) .

RadiatorTest 1. Wait until the engine is cool,then carefullyremove the radiatorcap and fill the radiatorwith engine coolantto the top of the filler neck. 2. Attachthe pressuretester(A)(commercially available)to the radiatorand apply a pressureof 93 123kPa (0.95 1.25kg7cm', 14 18 psi).

A p p l y a p r e s s u r e o f 9 3 1 2 3 k P a( 0 . 9 5 1 . 2 5 kgflcm', 14- 18 psi). Checkfor a drop in pressure. 4. lf the pressuredrops, replacethe cap.

3 . Inspectfor enginecoolantleaksand a drop in pressure. 4. Removethe tester and reinstallthe radiatorcap.

Checkfor engine oil in the coolantand/or coolant t h e e n g i n eo i l .


CoolingSystem FanMotor Test 1. Disconnectthe 2P connectorsfrom the radiatorfan motor (A) and condenserfan motor (B).

ThermostatTest Replacethe thermostatif it is open at room temperature. To test a closedthermostat: 1. Suspendthe thermostat(A) in a containerof water. Do not let the thermometer(B)touch the bottom of the hot container.

Testthe motorby connecting batterypowerto the No.2 terminalandgroundto the No.1 terminal. 3 . lf the motorfailsto run or doesnot run smoothly, replaceit.

,, Heat the water and checkthe temperaturewith the thermometer.Checkthe temperatureat which the thermostatfirst opens,and at which it is fully open.

3 . Measurethe lift height of the thermostatwhen it is f u l l yo p e n . STANDARDTHERMOSTAT Lift height: above 10.0mm {0.39in.l Starts opening: 169 176"F176 80"C) Fully open: 194'F {90"C)


Water Pump Replacement

Water Pump Inspection 1 . Loosenthe water pump pulley bolts.

1 . Loosenthe water pump pulley bolts.

2 . fMovethe auto-tensionerto removetensionfrom belt,then removethe the alternator-compressor alternator-compressor belt (seestep 8 on page 615).

2 . Move the auto-tensionerto removetensionfrom belt.then removethe the alternator-compressor belt (seestep 8 on page 6alternator-compressor 15). Removethe water pump pulley.

R e m o v et h e w a t e r P u m PP u l l e Y .

Removethe water pump (A) by removingthe six bolts,



,1' ..:.'

1 ^ ,i

i, i',i

6x1.0mm 1 4N . m (1.4kgf.m, 10 tbf.ft)

Checkthat 4 . Turn the water pump counterclockwise. it turns freely.

1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 44N m {4.5kgf.m,33lbt ftl

5 . Checkfor signsof seal leakage.A small amount of "weeping" from the bleed hole (A) is normal.

5 . Cleanand inspectthe O-ring groove and the mating surfacewith the thermostathousing. b.

I n s t a l l t h ew a t e r p u m p ,w i t h a n e w O - r i n g{ B } ,i n t h e reverseorder of removal.

7 . C l e a nu p t h e s p i l l e de n g i n ec o o l a n l .


CoolingSystem CoolantReplacement 1 . Setthe heatertemperature controldialto


7 . R e m o v e d, r a i n ,a n d r e i n s t a l l t h er e s e r v o i rF. i l l t h e tank to the MAX mark with HondaAll Season Antifreeze/Coolant Type 2 (P/NO1999-9001).

Removethe radiatorcap. Loosenthe drainplug(A),anddrainthecoolant.


Removethe drainbolt(A)from the rightsideof the cvlinderblock.

Removethe bleedcap (A)from the heaterbypass tube.

9 . Loosenthe air bleed bolt (A) in the intakemanifold. then pour HondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant Tvoe 2 into the radiatorto the bottom of the filler neck.Do not let coolantspill on any electricalparts or the paint. lf any coolantspills,rinse it off immedeately. NOTE: . Always use HondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant Type 2 (P/NOL999-9001). Using a non-Honda coolantcan result in corrosion,causingthe cooling systemto malfunctionor fail. . HondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant Tvpe 2 is a mixture of 50% antifreezeand 50% water. Premixingis not required. Engine Coolant Rsfill Capacity Iincluding reservoir capacity or 0.6 0 (0.6 US qt)l: 6.5 0 (6.9US $l

A 83 N.m (8.5kgf.m,61lbf.ftl After the coolant has drained,apply liquid gasket, P/N 08718-0009, to the drain bolt threads,then reinstallthe bolt with a new washer and tighten it securely. Tightenthe radiatordrain plug securely.


9.8 N.m {1.0kgt.m,7.2lbl.ft)

1 0 .Tightenthe bleed bolt as soon as coolantstartsto run out in a steadystream. 1 1 . Installthe bleed cap on the heaterbypasstube as soon as coolantstartsto run out in a steadystream. 1 2 . With the radiatorcap off, startthe engine and let it run until warmed up {radiatorfan comes on at least twice).Then, if necessary,add more HondaAll SeasonAntifreeze/Coolant Type 2 to bring the level backup to the bottom of the filler neck. Put the radiatorcap on tightly, then run the engine a g a i na n d c h e c kf o r l e a k s .


System Cooling ThermostatReplacement



Yrt l'-


/';-'s, "1,'-'lt'../

Radiatorand FansReplacement



6x1.0mm 7 N.m (0.7kgf.m,5lbf.ftl RADIATORFAN SHROUDASSEMBLY

6 x 1 . 0m m

7 N.m {0.7 kgl.m, 5 lbf ftl


RADIATOR FAN swtTcH 2,1Nm {2.4 kgf.m, 17 lbf.ftl



3. Disconnectthe fan motor connectorsand radiatorfan switch connector. 4 . R e m o v e t h er a d i a t o r u p p ebr r a c k e t sa n d c u s h i o n s , t h e np u l l u p t h e r a d i a t o r . 5. Removeboth fan shroud assembliesand other Dartsfrom the radiator. 6, Installthe radiatorin the reverseorder of removal.Make sure the upper and lower cushionsare set securely. 7 . F i l l t h er a d i a t o w r i t h e n g i n ec o o l a n ta n d b l e e dt h e a i r .


FanControls ComponentLocationIndex


A/C CONDENSERFAN RELAY Test,step 10 on page23-41 RADIATOBFAN RELAY Test,step 10 on page23-41




Symptom TroubleshootingIndex procedures Beforeperforminganytroubleshooting check: . Fuses . Grounds . Cleanliness andtightnessof all connectors SYMPTOM Radiatortan does not run at all

PROCEDURE Radiator FanCircuitTroubleshooting {seepage10-15).

(Open) Radiator fan doesnot runfor enginecooling.but it runs Radiator FanSwitchCircuitTroubleshooting (seepage10-17). with A/CON Radiatorfan runs with ignition switch ON (ll),Ay'COFF, and enginetemperaturebelow 199'F(93'C)

RadiatorFan Switch CircuitTroubleshooting(Short) (seepage 10-17).


FanControls CircuitDiagram BOX MAIflUNOEE-HOOD FUSE/8ETAY

GflnoNswtTcH / 8AT \ \c28l IG2HOTh ONII||


I L.



G201 G301

I I I -mhrito

RadiatorFanGircuitTroubleshooting 1 . C h e c kt h e N o . 5 7 { 2 0 A } f u s ei n t h e m a i n u n d e r - h o o d fuse/relaybox. and the No. 20 (7.5A)fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox. ls the fuse (s) OK?

4. Connectthe No. 1 and No. 2 terminalsof the radiatorfan relay 4P socketwith a jumper wire,


YES- Go to step 2. NO Replacethe fuse (s) and recheck.I


2. Removethe radiatorfan relayfrom the main underhood fuse/relaybox, and test it (see page 22-40]|. ls the relay OK? YES Go to step 3.

Terminalside of femaleterminals

NO Replacethe radiatorfan relay.l Does the radiator fan run? 3. Measurethe voltage betweenthe No. 1 terminal of the radiatorfan relay 4P socketand body ground,

YES Go to step 5. NO Go to step 6.


Disconnectthe jumper, and turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll).Checkfor voltage betweenthe No. 3 terminal of the radjatorfan relay 4P socketand body ground.


Terminalsideot femaletermrnars

ls there battety voltage? YES Go to step 4.

Terminal sideotfemale terminals

NO- Replacethe under-hoodfuse/relaybox.! ls there battery voltage? YES-Go to step L NO-Check for an open in the wire betweenthe under-hoodfuse/relaybox and under-dashfuse/ relay box.t



FanGontrols RadiatorFanCircuitTroubleshooting(cont'd) Disconnectthe radiatorfan motor 2P connector. 7 . Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 2 terminal of the radiatorfan relay 4P socketand the No. 2 terminal of the radiatorfan motor 2P connector.

9 . Reinstallthe radiatorfan relay.

1 0 .Disconnectthe radiatorfan switch 2P connector. 1 1 .Connectthe No, 1 and No. 2 terminals,of the radiaterfan switch 2P connectorwith a jumper wire.





Wiresideof femaleterminals ls there continuity? Does the radiator fan tun? YES Go to step 8. YES Replacethe radiatorfan switch.l NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe under hood fuse/relaybox and the radiatorfan motor 2P connectorterminal No. 2.I Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 1 terminal of the radiatorfan motor 2P connectorand body g round. RADIATORFAN MOTOR2PCONNECTOR

NO- Go to step 12. Removethe jumper wire, and measurethe voltage betweenthe No. 2 terminal of the radiatorfan switch connectorand body ground.


rBl L+



W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

ls there battery voltage? ls there continuity? YES- Replacethe radiatorfan motor.l NO Checkfor an open in the wire between radiatorfan motor 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground. lf the wire is OK, checkfor a poor g r o u n da t G 2 0 1 . 1


YES Checkfor an open in the wire between radiatorfan switch 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground. lf the wire is OK, checkfor a poor g r o u n da t G 3 0 1 . 1 NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe radiator fan switchterminal No. 2 and the under-hood fuse/relaybox.I

RadiatorFanSwitch Circuit (Openl Troubleshooting 1. Disconnectthe radiatorfan switch 2P connector. 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).

RadiatorFanSwitch Circuit (Shon) Troubleshooting 1, Removethe radiatorfan relay from the main underhood fuse/relaybox, and test it (seepage22-401. ls the rclay OK?

3. Measurevoltagebetweenthe No.2 terminal ofthe radiatorfan switch 2P connectorand body ground.

VES Go to step 2. NO Replacethe radiatorfan relay.I


2. Removethe radiatorfan switch,and test it {see p a g e1 0 - 1 8 ) . ls the radiator f an switch OK? YES- Go to step 3. NO Replacethe radiatorfan switch.l 3. Disconnectthenegativecablefrom the battery.

Is there battery voltage? YES Go to step 4,

4. DisconnectEngineControlN4odule(ECM) connectorA (25P)and the under-hoodfuse/relay box 16Pconnector.

NO - Repairopen in the wire betweenthe radiator fan switch 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and underhood fuse/relaybox.l

5. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 2 terminal of the radiatorfan switch 2P connectorand body ground.

Turn the ignition switch OFF,and checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 1 terminal of the radiatorfan switch 2P connectorand body ground.



ls there continuity? ls there continuity? YES Replacethe radiatorfan switch.I NO Checkfor an open in the wire betweenthe radiatorfan switch 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground. lf the wire is OK, checkfor a poor g r o u n da t G 3 0 1t.

YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe radiator fan switch 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and main under-hoodfuse/relaybox.I NO Replacethe main under-hoodfuse/relaybox. I


Fan Gontrols Radiator Fan Switch Test NOTE:Bleedair from the cooling system after installing the radiatorfan switch (seepage 10-81. 1. Removethe radiatorfan switchfrom the radiator ( s e ep a g e ' ! 0 - 1 1 ) . 2. Suspendthe radiatorfan switch (A) in a container of water as shown.

Heatthe water and checkthe temperaturewith a thermometer.Do not let the thermometer(B)touch the boftom of the hot container. Measurethe continuitybetweenterminal No. 1 and terminal No. 2 accordingto the table. Telminal


ffi swrTcH


ON 195'-203'F (91"-95'C) 5'-15"F (3'-8'C) lowe OFF than the temperature when it qoss on




FuelandEmissions Fueland EmissionsSystems S p e c i a l T o o l s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .1. .-.2. . . GeneralTroubleshooting

Information 11-3 DTCTroubleshooting Index.... 1 1 - 6 SymptomTroubleshooting I n d e x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 9 SystemDescriptions ................ 11-10

PGM-FlSystem Component LocationIndex .... 11-41 DTCTroubleshooting .............. 11-43 MILCircuitTroubleshooting ... 1 1 - 8 1 DLCCircuitTroubleshooting .. 11-85 Injectors Replacement ............. 11-85 PrimaryHO2SReplacement ... 11-87 Secondarv HO25 Replacement 11-87

ldle GontrolSystem Component Locationlndex .... 11 - 9 0 DTCTroubleshooting .............. 11-91 A,/CSignalCircuit Troubleshootin . .S . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1-94 .... Alternator FRSignalCircuit Troubleshootin . .S . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1-96 .... StarterSwitchSignalCircuit Troubleshootin . .S . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1-97 .... Electrical PowerSteering(EPS) SignalCircuit Troubleshootin . .S . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1-98 .... BrakePedalPosition SwitchSignalCircuit T r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .S. . . . . . . . .1. .1. .- 9 9 ldleSpeedInspection 11-100 ECMldleLearnProcedure......1 1 - 1 0 0

FuelSupplySystem Comoonent Locationlndex .... 1 1 - 1 0 1 PGM-Fl MainRelayCircuit Troubleshootin . .g. . . . . . . . . . . .11-102 ..... FuelPressu re Relieving........... 11 - 1 0 5 FuelPressure Test ................... 11-105 FuelPumpTest 11-107 FuelLinesInsoection 11 - 1 0 8 FuelTube/Ouick-Con nect FittingPrecautions ............... 11-110 FuelTube/Qu ick-Con nect FittingsRemova1.................. 11-110 FuelTube/Ouick-Con nect F i t t i n gIsn s t a l l a t i o. n . . . . . . . . . .1. .1. .- 1 1 1

FuelPressu re Regulator R e p 1 a c e m e. n . .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .1. .-.1. .1. 3 F u eF l i l t eR r e p l a c e m e .n. t. . . . . . .1. 1. - l 1 3 FuelPump/Fuel GaugeSending U n i t R e p l a c e m e.n. .t. . . . . . . . . 1 . .1. .-.1 1 4 F u eT l a n kR e p l a c e m e n . .t. . . . . . .1. 1. - 1 1 5 FuelGaugeSendingUnit T e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .1.-. 1. .1. .9. . . . . LowFuelIndicator Light T e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1. .-.1. .2. 0 ......

lntakeAir System Component LocationIndex .... 11-121 ThrottleBodyTest .,................. 11-122 A i r C l e a n eEr l e m e n t R e p 1 a c e m e. n . .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .1. -. .1. 2. .3 ThrottleCableAdjustment......11-124 ThrottleCableRemoval/ lnstallation .. 11-125 ThrottleBodyRemoval/ lnstallation .. 11-126 ThrottleBodyDisassembly/ Reassemb1y .......................... 11-127

CatalyticConverterSystem DTCTroubleshooting .............. 11-128

PCVSystem PCVValveInspection and T e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1. .-.1. .2. 9. . . . . .

EVAPSystem Component LocationIndex .... 11-130 D T C T r o u b l e s h o o t i.n. .g. . . . . . . .1.1. .- 1 3 1 EVAPTwo WayValveTest ......11-145 FuelTankVaporControlValve T e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. l.-. 1. .4. .6. . . . . . FuelTankVaporControlValve R e p f a c e m e.n. t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1. .-.1. .4. 7

PulsedSecondaryAir InjectionSystem Component LocationIndex .... 11-148 DTCTroubleshooting .............. 11-149 Air Pump/AirPumpRelay Removal/lnsta llation ............ 11-159 A i r P u m pR e l a yT e s t . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .1.-. 1 6 0 Air Pump/Electric Current SensorRemoval/ Installation .. 11-160

Fueland EmissionsSystems SpecialTools Ref. No. It 'ti

@ @

Tool Number A973X-O41.XXXXX 07JAz-0010008 07sAz-001000A 07vAJ-0040100 07406-004000A

ffi M" 0/u o



Description Vacuum Pump/Gauge,0 30 in.Hg Vacuum/Pressure Gauge.0 4 in.Hg BackprobeSet Fuel PressureGaugeAdapter F u e lP r e s s u r G e auoe

1 ,] 2 1 'l


Aitt".' K-F i ..-? lf At"-


GeneralTroubleshootingInformation lntermittent Failures

'02-03 models:

The term "intermittentfailure" meansa system may have had a failure,but it checksOK now. lf the MalfunctionIndicatorLamp (MlL)on the dash does not come on, checkfor poor connectionsor loosewires at all connectorsrelatedto the circuitthat vou are troubleshooting.

Opensand Shorts "Open"

and "Short" are common electricalterms.An open is a breakin a wire or at a connection,A short is an accidentalconnectionof a wire to ground or to a n o t h e rw i r e .I n s i m p l ee l e c t r o n i c st h, i s u s u a l l ym e a n s somethingwon't work at all. With complex electronics ( s u c ha s E C M ' S ) t h icsa n s o m e t i m e sm e a ns o m e t h i n g works, but not the way it's supposedto.

How to Usethe PGMTesteror a ScanTool lf the MIL {MalfunctionIndicatorLamp) has come on 1 . S t a r tt h e e n g i n ea n dc h e c kt h e M l L . 2. lf the l\4lLstayson, connectthe Honda PGM Tester (A) or an OBDIIscantool to the data link connector ( D L C () B ) . For'00-0'lmodels,the DLCis locatedunder the passenger'sside of the dashboard. For'02-03models,the DLc is locatedbehindthe driver'sside of the front console. '00-01models:

T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . Checkthe diagnostictrouble codes(DTC)and note it. Then also checkthe freezeframe data. Referto the DTCTroubleshootingIndex and beginthe appropriatetroubleshootingprocedure. NOTE; . Freezedata indicatesthe engineconditionswhen the first malfunction,misfire or fuel trim malfunctionwas detected. . T h e s c a nt o o l a n d t h e H o n d aP G f M T e s t e r c a n read the DTC,freezeframe data,currentdata, a n d o t h e re n g i n ec o n t r o lm o d u l e( E C M )d a t a . . For specificoperations,referto the user's manualthat came with the scantool or Honda PGM Tester.

lf the MIL did not come on lf the MIL did not come on but there is a driveablility problem, referto the Symptom TroubleshootingIndex in this section. lf you can't duplicate the DTC Some of the troubleshootingin this sectionrequires you to resetthe ECM and try to duplicatethe DTC.lf the problem is intermittentand you can't duplicatethe code, do not continuethrough the procedure.To do so will only result in confusionand, possibly.a needlessly reolacedECM.



Fueland EmissionsSystems GeneralTroubleshootingInformation(cont'd) How to Resetthe ECM

How to Removethe ECMfor Testing

You can resetthe ECM in eitherof two ways:

NOTE: ' Make sure you have the anti theft code for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's preset buttonsbeforeyou disconnectthe negativecable from the battery. . Enterthe anti theft code,then enter the customer's radio stationpresets,and set the clock after you reconnectthe negativecableto the battery.

NOTE:after resettingthe ECM,do the ECM idle learn p r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 ' 1 0 0 ) .

Resetthe ECMwith the OBDll scantool or HondaPGMTester 1. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll). Do not startthe e n gi n e . 2 . U s et h e O B Dl l s c a nt o o l o r H o n d aP G MT e s t e rt o clearthe DTC.

lf the inspectionfor a trouble code requiresvoltageor resistancechecksat the ECMconnectors,removethe ECM and test it: 1. Disconnectthenegativecabletrom the battery.

NOTE:For the specificoperations,referto the use's manualthat came with the scantool or Honda PGM Tester.

Resetthe ECMby removingthe fuse

2 . R e m o v et h e l e f ts i d ek i c kp a n e l( A ) t o e x p o s e t h e E C M( B ) . B

1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F .

9.6N.m, (1.0kgt m, 7.2 tbl.ttl

2. Removethe No. 25 BACKUP (7.5A) fuse (A) from the under-dashfuse/relaybox (B)for 60 seconds.


How to End a TroubleshootingSession (requiredafter any troubleshootingl 1. Resetthe ECM as describedabove. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

3. Removethe two bolts from the ECM (B).

Disconnectthe OBDIIscantool or Honda PGM Testerfrom the data link connector(DLC).

4. Disconnectthe ECMconnectors. 5. lnstallthe ECM in the reverseorder of removal.

NOTE: . The ECM is part of the immobilizersystem.lf you replacethe will have a different i m m o b i l i z ecr o d e .I n o r d e rf o r t h e e n g i n et o s t a n , y o u m u s t r e w r i t et h e i m m o b i l i z ecr o d ew i t h t h e HondaPGM Tester. . D o r h e i d l el e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) .


6. Reconnectthe negativecableto the battery. 7 . D o t h e i d l e l e a r np r o c e d u r e { s e ep a g e11 - 1 0 0 ) .

How to TroubleshootCircuitsat the ECM

How to Substitutethe ECMfor Testing Purposes

Special Tools Required . DigitalmultimeterKS-AHfvl-32-003 (1)or a c o m m e r c i a l la y v a i l a b i ed i g i t a lm u l t i m e t e r . BackprobeSet 07SAZ-0010004 (2) 1. Connectthe backprobeadapters(A)to the stacking patchcords (B),and connectthe cords to a m u l t i m e t e (r C ) .

Use this procedureif you need a known-goodECMto test a allows you to swap a ECMfrom a "donor" vehiclewithout havingto program it to the test vehicle'signition key. 1. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the batteryon the test vehicle. 2. Cut a temporary ignition key for the lest vehicle w i t h a n o n - i m m o b i l i z ekre y b l a n k . 3. Removethe ECMfrom the test vehicle. 4. \N r'rtethe test v ehic\e' s \,1\Non the ECM y ou iust

removedto avoidconfusing it withthedonor vehicle'sECM. 5. Disconnectthenegativecablefrom the batteryon t h e d o n o rv e h i c l e .

oTsAz-ooloooA 07sAz-001000A


U s i n gt h e w i r e i n s u l a t i o n a s a g u i d ef o r t h e contouredtip ofthe backprobeadapter,gently slide the tip into the connectorfrom the wire side until it touchesthe end of the wire terminal.

6. Removethe known-goodECMfrom the donor vehicle,and installit in the test vehicle. 7. Tape the donor vehicle'signition key head-to-head to the test vehicle'stemporary key (A).The ECM will recognizethe code from the donor vehicle's k e y ( B )a n d a l l o wy o u t o s t a n t h e e n g i n ew i t h t h e temporary key.

lf you cannot get to the wire side of the connector or the wire side is sealed(A),disconnectthe connectorand louch the tester probe (B)to terminals(C)from the terminal side. Do not force the probe into the connector.

D o n o t p u n c t u r et h e i n s u l a t i o n on a wire. Puncturescan causepoor or intermittent electricalconnections.

After completingyour tests,reinstallboth ECMs, and destroythe temporary key. 9 . Reconnectthe negativecableto the battery.


Fueland EmissionsSystems DTCTroubleshooting Index DTC ' {MlLindication (3) P0107


P0108(3) P 0 1 1 2( 1 0 )

P 0 1 1(31 0 ) P 0 1 1 {68 6 )

P 0 1l 6

P 0 1 1 7( 6 ) P 0 1 1 8( 6 ) P0122Q\

P 0 1 2 {37 ) ' P 0 1 2 (88 7 ) '


P 0 1 3(21 ) P0'133



P 0 1 3 (86 3 )




P 0 1 4 1( 6 5 )

PO17 2 t45J P0300and some of P 0 3 0 1( 7 1 ) P0302172) P0303(73) P0304(74)

P 0 3 0 (17 1 ) P0302{.72t

CoolinqSvstem l\4alfunction Primary HeatedOxygen Sensor(PrimaryH02S) (Sensor1) CircuitLow Voltaqe Primary HeatedOxygen Sensor(PrimaryH02S) ( S e n s o r1 ) C i r c u i tH i o hV o l t a q e Primary HeatedOxygen Sensor(PrimaryHO2S) ( S e n s o r1 ) S l o w R e s p o n s e

Note ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 3 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 4 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 6 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 7 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 8 ) ( s e ep a g e1 ' l - 4 8 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 9 ) (seeDaqe1'1-50) ( s e eD a q e1 1 - 5 3 ) (seeDaqe'11-54) ( s e ep a g e' 1 1 - 5 5 ) ( s e ep a g e 1 1 - 5 6 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 5 7 )

PrimaryHeatedOxygenSensor(PrimaryHO2S) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 6 1 ) t alfunction { S e n s o1r )H e a t eCr i r c u iM

P 0 1 3 5( 4 1 )

P 0 1 r7 ( 4 5 )

ManifoldAbsolutePressure(MAP)SensorCircuit Low Voltaoe Manifold AbsolutePressure(MAP)SensorCircuit Hioh Voltaqe IntakeAir Temperature{lAT)SensorCircuitLow Voltaqe IntakeAir Temperature(lAT)SensorCircuitHigh Voltaoe ) e n s o rR a n g e E n g i n eC o o l a n T t e m p e r a t u r (eE C T S /PerformanceProblem EngineCoolantTemperature(ECT)SensorCircuit Low InDut EngineCoolantTemperature(ECT)SensorCircuit H i q hI n p u t ThrottlePosition{TP)SensorCircuitLow Inout


P 0 1 3 1( 1 )

(61) P0133

Detection ltem

P0170 P0170 P1399

SecondaryHeatedOxygen Sensor(Secondary HO2S)(Sensor2) CircuitLow Voltaqe SecondaryHeatedOxygen Sensor(Secondary r ) C i r c u i tH i o hV o l t a q e H O 2 S )( S e n s o 2 SecondaryHeatedOxygen Sensor(Secondary HO2S)(Sensor2) Slow Resoonse SecondaryHeatedOxygen Sensor(Secondary HO2Si{Sensor2) HeaterCircuitMalfunction Fuel SvstemToo Lean Fuel SvstemToo Rich Random Misfire

(seepage 11-58) ( s e ep a g e1 ' l - 5 9 ) ( s e ep a g e1 l - 6 0 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 6 1 ) ( s e eD a q e1 1 - 6 3 ) { s e eD a o e1 1 - 6 3 ) (seepage 11-64)

(seeDaoe1'l-65) P1399 N o . 1 C v l i n d e rM i s f i r e ( s e eo a o e1 1 - 6 5 ) P1399 N o . 2 C v l i n d e rM i s f i r e (seeoaoe 1'l-65) P0303(73) P1399 N o . 3 C v l i n d e rM i s f i r e P0304(74) P1399 N o . 4 C v l i n d e rM i s f i r e {seeoaoe '11-65) ':These D T C Sa r e i n d i c a t e db y a b l i n k i n gl v l a l f u n c t i oInn d i c a t oLr a m p( M l L ) w h e nt h e S C Ss e r v i c es i g n a l i n ei s jumped with the HondaPGM Tester. ' ': '02-03 models


DTC {MlLindication P0325(23) P0335(4)



P0336(4) P 0 4 1 0( 6 0 ) P 0 4 1 1( 6 0 )

P0410 P0411

PO420167l P 0 4 5 {19 1 )


P 0 4 5 2( 9 1 )




P 0 5 0 0( 1 7 ) P 0 5 0 5( 1 4 ) P 11 0 6( 1 3 )


P ] 1 0 7( 1 3 )

Detection ltem

P 11 0 6

CrankshaftPosition(CKP)SensorCircuitNo Siqnal CrankshaftPositionlCKP)Sensorlntermittent Interruotion Air Pumo CircuitMalfunction SecondarvAir IniectionSvstem IncorrectFlow CatalvstSystem EfficiencvBelow Threshold

Note ( s e eD a q e1 1 - 7 0 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 3 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 3 ) ( s e eo a o e1 1 - 1 4 9 ) ( s e eD a q e11 - 1 5 3 ) ( s e eD a q e1 1 - 1 2 8 )

(FTP)SensorRange/ FuelTankPressure Performance Problem (FTP)SensorCircuitLow FuelTankPressure Voltaoe

( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 3 1 )

FuelTank Pressure(FTP)SensorCircuitHigh Voltaqe VehicleSpeedSensor(VSS)CircuitMalfunction ldle ControlSvstem Malfunction

( s e ep a g e1 1 - ' 1 3 3 )

(BARO) Barometric Pressure SensorRange/ Performance Problem (BARO) Earometric Pressure SensorCircuitLow Voltaqe

( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 3 2 )

( s e ep a q e1 1 - 7 5 ) ( s e ep a q e1 l - 9 1 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 7 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 7 )

(13) P1108

BarometricPressure(BARO)SensorCircuitHigh ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 7 ) Voltaqe ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 5 1 ) P1121tll P't't21 ThrottlePosition(TP)Sensor Lower Than ExDected P112217) P1122 ThrottlePosition(TP)SensorHigherThan { s e ep a g e1 1 - 5 2 ) Exoected P 11 2 8( 5 ) P1124 ManifoldAbsolutePressure(MAP)SensorSignal ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 5 ) Lower Than ExDected P1129 P1' t29 ManifoldAbsolutePressure(MAP)SensorSignal ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 5 ) {5) HiqherThan Exoected ': TheseDTCSare indicatedby a blinking lvllLwhen the SCSservicesignal line is jumped with the Honda PGfvl Tester.



Fueland EmissionsSystems DTCTroubleshootingIndex(cont'd) DTC ' {MlLindication P1259122) P1297120)

TemporaryDTC P1257



ElectricalLoad Detector(ELD)CircuitLow Voltaqe ElectricalLoad Detector(ELD)CircuitHigh Voltaqe CamshaftPosition(CMP)SensorA (Top Dead center (TDC)Sensor)lntermittentlnterruDtion CamshaftPosition{CMP)SensorA (Top Dead Center(TDC)Sensor)No Siqnal CamshaftPosition(CMP)SensorB (Top Dead Center(TDC)Sensor)IntermittentInterruotion CamshaftPosition(CMP)SensorB {Top Dead Center{TDC)Sensor)No Siqnal Air Pumo Malfunction

P1298l20l P ] 3 6 1( 8 )

(8) P1362 P1366(58) P 1 3 6 7( 5 8 ) P 1 4 1 0{ 6 0 ) P l 4 1 5( 8 3 )

Air PumpElectric CurrentSensorCircuitLow Voltaqe Air PumpElectric CurrentSensorCircuitHigh Voltaqe

P 1 4 1 (68 3 ) P 1 4 5 6( 9 0 )


P l 4 5 7( 9 0 )


P 1 5 1 {91 4 )

P l 6 0 7( ) ':

Detection ltem

Note (seepage 6-6) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 8 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 9 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 1 ) ( s e ep a g e11 - 71 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 7 1 ) ( s e ep a g e1 l - 7 1 ) ( s e eo a q e l 1 - 1 5 5 ) ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 5 6 ) ( s e ep a g e' 1 1 - 1 5 8 )

EvaporativeEmissions(EVAP)ControlSystem Leakaoe(FuelTank Svstem) EvaporativeEmissions(EVAP)ControlSystem Leakaqe(EVAPCanisterSvstem) ldle Air Control(lAC)Valve CircuitMalfunction

( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 3 5 )

(ECM)InternalCircuit EngineControllvlodule l\4alfunction

( s e ep a g e1 1 - 8 0 )

( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 4 0 ) ( s e eD a o e1 1 - 9 2 )

TheseDTCsare indicatedby a blinkingMIL when the SCSservicesignal line is jumped with the Honda PGM Tester.


Symptom TroubleshootingIndex Thesesymptoms DO NOT trigger DiagnosticTroubleCodes(DTCs)or causethe MalfunctionIndicatorLamp (MlL)to come on. lf the MIL is reportedon, checkfor DTCS.lf the vehiclehas one of these symptoms,do the diagnostic procedurefor it, in the sequencelisted,until you find the cause. Symptom E n g i n ew i l l n o t s t a n (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Diagnostic procedure Testthe battery(seepage 22-39) Testthe starter{seepage 4-7) T e s tt h e f u e l p u m p ( s e e p a g e l l - 1 0 7 ) Troubleshootthe PGM-Flmain relay circuit (seepage 11 1021

Also check for compression lntakeair leaks Lockedup engine Brokentiming c h ai n Contaminated fuel

Enginewill not start (MlL comes on and stayson, or nevercomes on at all, no DTCSset) Enginewill not start {immobilizerindicatorcomes on) Hard starting (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

T r o u b l e s h o ot h t e M I L c i r c u i t( s e ep a g e1 1 ' 8 1 )

Coldfast idle too low (MlL works OK, no DTCSset) Coldfast idle too high (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

D o t h e i d l e l e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e' 1 1 - 1 0 0 ) . C h e c kt h e i d l es o e e d( s e eo a o e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) D o t h e i d l el e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) . C h e c kt h e i d l es p e e d( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) ( sl e ep a g e ' 1 1 - 1 2 4 ) Inspecvadjustthethrottlecab InsDectand test the throttle bodv (seeDaoe11-122) D o t h e i d l e l e a r np r o c e d u r e{ s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) . lntakeair leaks C h e c kt h e i d l es p e e d{ s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) lnspecvadjustthe throttlecable (see page 1'l-'1241 Insoectand testthe throttle bodv {seeoaoe 11-122) Checkthe fuel pressure(seepage 11-105) Low lnspectand test the throttle body (see page 11-1221 compression InsDecvadiust the throttlecable {see oaoe 11-124) '11-100). D o t h e i d l el e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e I n t a k ea i r l e a k s C h e c kt h e f u e l p r e s s u r e ( s e e p a g e l l - 1 0 5 ) Faultyharness C h e c k t h ei d l es p e e d( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) and sensor Troubleshootthebrakepedal positionswitch signal connefirons c i r c u i t( s e ep a q e1 1 - 9 9 ) 1 . T e s tt h e f u e lt a n kv a p o rc o n t r o lv a l v e ( s e e p a g e l l - 1 4 6 ) 2. Inspectthe fuel tank signaltube betweenthe fuel pipe and the fuel tank vaoor control valve 3. Inspectthe fuel tank venl tube betweenthe EVAPcanister and the fuel tank vapor controlvalve 4. Checkthe EVAPcanister Replacethe fuel tank vapor control valve (seepage 11-147)

ldle speedfluctuates (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

Low power (MlL works OK, no DTCSset) E n g i n es t a l l s (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

Difficultto refuel (MlL works OK, no DTCSset)

Fueloverflowsduring refueling {No DTCSset)

Troubleshootthe immobilizersystem (seepage 22-120)

1. Testthe battery(seepage22-39) 2 . C h e c kt h e f u e l p r e s s u r e ( s e e p a g e l l - 1 0 5 )

Low compressaon lntakeair leaks Contaminated fuel

1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3, 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Fueland EmissionsSystems System Descriptions ElestronicControl System The functionsof the fuel and emissionscontrol systemsare managedby the enginecontrol module (ECM). Fail-safe Function When an abnormalityoccursin the signalfrom a sensor,the ECM ignoresthe signaland assumesa pre-programmed value for the sensorthat allows the enqineto continueto run. Back-up Function When an abnormalityoccursin the ECM,the injectorsare controlledby a back-upcircuit independentofthe systemto p e r m i tm i n i m a ld r i v i n g . Self-diagnosis When an abnormalityoccursin the signalfrom a sensor,the ECMsuppliesground for the MIL and storesthe DTCin erasablememory. When the ignition is first turned ON (ll),the ECMsuppliesground for the MIL for 2 secondsto check t h e M I L b u l bc o n d i t i o n . Two Driving Cycle Detection Method To preventfalse indications,the "two driving cycle detectionmethod" is used for some self-diagnostic functions. When an abnormalityoccurs,the ECM storesit in its memory. When the same abnormalityrecursafter the ignition switch is turned OFFand ON (ll) again,the ECMturns on the l\411.


EGMData You can retrievedatafrom the ECM by connectingthe OBD ll scantool or the Honda PGM Testerto the Data Link Connector(DLC).The items listedin the table below conform to SAE recommendedpractice.The HondaPGlvlTester also readsdata beyondthat recommendedby SAEto help you find the causesof intermittentproblems. NOTE: The "operatingvalues" listedare approximateand may vary dependingon the environmentand the individualvehicle. "at idle speed" means idling with the enginecompletelywarmed up, in neutralposition,and Unlessnoted otherwise, the Ay'Cand all accessoriesturned off.

Data Diagnostic TroubleCode (DTC) E n g i n eS p e e d

Description lf the ECMdetectsa will store it as a code consistingof one letterand four numbers.Dependingon the Droblem,an SAE-definedcode (Poxxx)or a Hondadefinedcode (P1xxx)will be outputto the tester.

ODeratinoValue lf no problem is detected.there is no outpul.

N e a r l yt h e s a m ea s TheECMcomputesenginespeedfromthe signalssent (CKP) indication is tachometer This data Position sensor. fromthe Crankshaft thetimeandamountof injectedfuel. At idle speed:800+50 usedfor determining

rDm Nearlythe same as speeoomeler indication With enginestopped: Manifold The absolutepressurecausedin the intakemanifold by Nearlythe same as e n g i n el o a da n d s p e e d . Absolute atmosphencpressure Pressure At idle speed:28 48 (MAP) kPa(2'10 360 mmHg, 8 . 3 1 4 . 2i n H o ) The ECTsensorconvertscoolanttemperatureinto voltage, With cold engine: E n gi n e S a m ea s a m b i e n t and sendsa voltagesignalto the ECM.The sensor is a Coolant and IAT with temperature resistance changes whose internal thermistor Temperature With enginewarmed (ECr) coolanttemperature.The ECM usesthe vollage signals from the ECTsensorto determinethe amount of injected up: approx. 176 212"F (80 100'c) fuel. gas 0 . 0 - 1 . 2 5V The HO2Sdetectsthe oxygen contentin the exhaust Primary At idlespeed: Heated and sendsvoltagesignalsto the ECM.Basedon these a b o u0 t . 1 0 . 9V signals,the ECMcontrolsthe airlfuel ratio.When the Oxygen oxygen contentis high (that is, when the ratio is leaner Sensor (Primary than the stoichiometricratio),the voltage signal is lower. H O 2 5 ){ S e n s o r When the oxygen content is low (that is, when the ratio is 1 ) , S e c o n d a r y richerthan the stoichiometricratio),the voltagesignal is h l oh e r . Heated Oxygen Sensor {Secondary H O 2 S )( S e n s o r 2l VehicleSpeed

The ECMconvertspulse signalsfrom the VehicleSpeed Sensor(VSS)into speeddata.









Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'd) ECMData(cont'dl

ShortTerm F u eT l rim

Long Term F u e lT r i m

Fuelsystem slatus is indicatedas "open" or "closed". At idle speed:closed Closed:Basedon the HO2Soutput,the ECMdetermines the airlfuel ratio and controlsthe amount of injectedfuel. Open: lgnoring HO2Soutput,the ECM refersto signals from the throttle position{TP),manifoldabsolute pressure(MAP),intakeair temperature(lAT),barometric pressure(BARO)and enginecoolanttemperature(ECT) sensorsto control the amount of iniectedfuel. The air fuel ratio correctioncoefficientfor correctingthe 0.73 1.47 amount of injectedfuel when the FuelSystem Statusis "closed". When the ratio is leanerthan the stoichiometric ratio,the ECM increaseshort term fuel trim gradually,and the amount of injecledfuel increases.The air fuel ratio graduallygets richer,causinga lower oxygen contentin the exhaustgas. Consequently,the short term fuel trim is lowered,and the ECM reducesthe amount of injectedfuel. This cycle keeps the airlfuel ratio closeto the stoichiometricratio when in

c-1s99! !eqp,9!g!c!.

Long term fuel trim is computedfrom short term fuel trim and indicateschangesoccuringin the fuel supply system o v e ra l o n g p e r i o d . l f l o n g t e r m f u e lt r i m i s h i g h e rt h a n 1 . 0 0 t. h e a m o un t o f injectedfuel must be increased.lf it is Iower than 1.00.the

qlnq!!! !1!!igclgllgeljlru9! I n t a k eA i r Temperature {IAT)

lgnition Timing

Calculated Load Value (CLV)



!9 rqduced.

The IAT sensorconvertsintakeair temoeratureinto voltageand signalsthe ECM.When intakeair temperatureis low, the internalresistanceof the sensor a n d t h e v o l t a g es i q n a li s h i g h e r . Basedon the acceleratorpedal position,the opening e of the throtlle valve is indicated. l g n i t i o nt i m i n g i s t h e i g n i t i o na d v a n c ea n g l es e t b y t h e ECM.The ECM matchesignition timing to the driving conditions.

CLV is the engine load calculatedfrom the lvlApdata.

W i t h c o l de n g i n e : S a m ea s a m b i e n t

At idle speed: 5'+ 5" BTDCwith the S C Ss e r v i c es i g n a l i n e jumped with the Honda PGM At idle speed: 22 42% At 2,500rpm with no load: 21 48yo








@AIRPUMP{60A}*B EAcKuPl7.5A).c ONo.25 ACGnsAl.c OrNo.6


O I N o , 5 I N S T R U M E N TL I G H TB A C K U P L I G H T { 7 . 5 A ) * C @ N o . 2 F U E LP U M P S R S { 1 5 A ) ' C

ONo.4rcN cotL{r5A)*c @No,3ENGINESTART{7.5AI.C SIGNAL{7.5A)*C @No.21STARTER *A:in the main under-hoodtuse/relty box *B:in the auxiliarvund€r-hoodtuse box *C:inthe under-dashluse/relavbox



Fueland EmissionsSystems System Descriptions(cont'dl ECMElectricalConnections(cont'dl





ECMInputsand Outputsat ConnectorA (32P)

Wiresideof femaleterminals

NOTE:Standardbatteryvoltageis 12V. Terminal Wire color

ferminal name

SendsECTsignalto ECT

YEUGBN 2 3 4 6




VALVE D r i v e s a i r c o n t r o l v a l v e SAVS(AIRCONTROL vacuum control solenoid VACUUMCONTROL SOLENOID VALVE) DrivesEVAPbypasssolenoid 2WBS(EVAPBYPASS ORN VALVE) SOLENOID VENT DrivesEVAPcanistervent LTGRN/ VSVlEVAPCANISTER shutvalve. SHUTVALVE) PURGE DrivesEVAPcanisterpurge REDI/EL PCS{EVAPCANISTEB VALVEi RED








19 20



S e n d s v e h i c l e s p e e ds e n s o r (VSS)signal.


WithignitionswitchON (ll):dutycontrolled W i t h i g n i t i o n s w i t c h O N ( l l ) : b a t t e r yv o l t a g e with air pump working: about 0 v

With ignitionswitchON (ll):bafteryvoltage With ignitionswitchON (ll):batteryvoltage Withenginerunn;ng,enginecoolant,below149"F (65"C):batteryvoltage Withenginerunning,enginecoolant,above149"F i65"C): dutvcontrolled on vehiclespeed:pulses Depending

Detectsservicecheck signal(thesignal connector causinga DTCindication)

Withthe seruicechecksignalshonedwith the PGlvlTestei about0 V abolt 5 V Withthe servicechecksignalopened: or battervvoltaoe

indicator Drivesimmobilizer light.

W i t h i m m o b i l i z e r i n d i c a t o rl i g h t t u r n e d O N : a b o u t w i t h i m m o b i l i z e r i n d i c a t o rl i g h t t u r n e d O F F :

enable Sendsimmobilizer sronal. Drivesfuel pumprelay. 0rives A,/Cclutchrelay.

DrivesMlL. LAMP) INDICATOR P U L S E ) o u t o L r t se n q i n e s p e e d p u l s e . N E P( E N G I NSEP E E D FAN Drivesradiatorfanrelay. FANClRADIATOR CONTROL)

OV for 2 secondsafterturningignitionswitchON {ll)-then battervvoltaqe ON:about0 V Withcompressor WithcomDressor OFF:battervvoltaqe With N4lLturned ON:about0 V WirhMll irrrnedOFF:battervvoltaoe With enqine runninq:pulses

With radiatorfan running:about0 V With radiat.)rlanstooDed:battervvoltaoe


Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'dl EGMInputsand Outputsat ConnectorA (32P)

Wire side of female terminals

NOTErStandardbatteryvoltageis 12V. Terminal Wire color 2l 24

21 2A 29 30




ferminal name K LINE

Description S e n d s a n d r e c e i v e ss c a n t o o l stqnal, D e t e c t ss t a r t e r s w i t c h s i g n a t ,




DetectsAy'Cswitchsignal. Drivesair pumprelay.


Detectsfuel tank pressure {FTP)sensorsional



D e t e c t sE L D s i g n a l .

Signel W i t h i g n i t i o n s w i t c h O N { l l ) :b a t t e r yv o t t a g e W i t h s t a ( e r s w i t c h O N l l l l ) : b a t t e r yv o l t a g e With starter switch OFF: about 0 V

With steeringwheelatfulllock:batteryvoltage momentaflly Withsteerinqwheelstationarvt about0 V With A,/Cswitch ON:about0 V With ty'CswitchOFF:about5 V W i t h i g n i t i o n s w i t c h O N ( l l ) :a b o u t 0 V W i t h a i r D u m o w o r k i n a : b a t t e r vv o l t a o e W i t h i g n i l i o n s w i t c h O N { l l )a n d f u e l t i l l c a p : o p e n e d :a b o u t 2 . 5 V

With parkinglightsturnedon at idle:about2.5 3 . 5V With highbeamheadlights turnedon at idle: about1.5 2.5V Withbrakepedalreleased: about0 V With brakeoedalDressed:battervvoltaoe

ECMInputs and Outputs at ConnectorB (25P1

Wire side of femaleterminals

NOTE:Standardbatteryvoltageis 12V. Terminalname Terminsl Wire color numb6r YEUBLK IGPl (POWER SOURCE) 1 2



3 5 9


l N J 2( N o . 2 I N J E C T O R ) l N J 3( N o . 3 I N J E C T O B ) lNJ4{No.4INJECTOB) IGP2(POWER SOURCE)






l N J l ( N o . 1I N J E C T O R )




Powersourcefor ECMcontrol With ignitionswitchON (ll):batteryvoltage With ionitionswitchOFFiabout0 V Lessthan 1.0V atalltimes Groundfor ECMcontrol /es No.2 iniedor r'esNo,3 iniector,

WithignitionswitchON lll):baneryvoltage Withenginerunning:dutycontrolled

/es No. 4 iniector,

Powersourcefor ECMcontrol With ignitionswitchON (ll):baneryvoltage WirhidnirionswirchOFF:abort 0 V circuit L e s s t h a1n. 0V a t a l l t i m e s Groundtor EClvtcontrol circuit. DrivesNo.1 inlector.

With ignition switch ON (ll): battery voltage W i t h e n o i n e r u n n i n o :d u w c o n t r o l l e d


D r i v e s V T E Cs o l e n o i d v a l v e .



Groundtor ECIMcontrol

Withengineat low rpm:abolt 0 V Wiih endineat hioh rom: battervvoltaoe Lessthan 1.0V at alltimes



Powersourcefor ECMcontrol Batteryvokageat all times crrcurt,


rower soutce lor u tL






GroundIor ECMcontrol ctrcutt,

L e s st h a n 1 . 0V a t a l l t i m e s

DrivesIAC valve.

W i t h e n g i n e r u n n i n g :d u t y c o n l r o l l e d

Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'd) ECMInputsand Outputsat ConnectorC (31P}


W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s


Drivesprimaryhearedoxygen sensorhealer. Withfullywarmedup enginerunning:dut, a l t e r n a t o rc o n t r o l signal. N o . 1 i g n i t i o nc o i l .

Detects alternator FRsignal.

With fully warmed up engine runningtabout I V W i t h e n g i n e r u n n i n g a t l o w e l e c t r i c a lt o a d : a b o u t W i t h i g n i l i o n s w r t c hO N { l l i . 0 V

up enginerunning:0 V battery

engine at low enginespeedl With engine at high enginespeed(vehicle



Withfullywarmedup enginerunning:duty WithignitionswitchON {ll): Withenginerunningipulses

SHO2S(SECONDARY HEATED Derects secondary heated OXYGENSENSOR, SENSOR 2) oxygensensor(sensor2) OXYGENSENSOR, SENSOR1)


o p e n e df r o m i d l e w i t h f u l l y ,

warmedup enginerabove0.6V w a r m e d L r pe n g ' n e : a b o v e 0 . 6 V W i t h i g n i t i o n s w i t c h O N { l l ) :a b o u t 3 V


Power sourceto MAP sensor

s w i t c h O N ( l l ) :a b o u t 5 V

Terminalname D6c.iption Terminal Wire color numoel TDClP(CAMSHAFT POSITION DetectsCMP(TDC)sensorA. 20 GBN (CMP)SENSOR (TOPDEAD CENTEF {TDC)SENSORiAP SIDF) POSITION Groundfor CMP(TDC)sensor 2l RED TDClM (CAMSHAFT (CMP}SENSOR (TOPDEAD (TDC)SENSOR)A M CENTER SIDE) etectsknocksensorsional, 22 BED/BLU Detects air p!mp electric 24 WHT/BLK ECSlAIRPUMPELECTRIC currenrsensotstonat. CURRENISENSOR) AIR DetectsIATsensorsignal. 25 RED/YE L IAT{INTAKE TFMPERATURE SENSOR) DetectsECTsensorsignal. REDA/VHT ECT(ENGINE COOLANT 26 TEMPERATURE SENSOR) POSITION D e t e c t sT P s e n s o r s i g n a l . 27 RED/BLK TPS{THBOTTLE SENSOR) VOLTAGE) Provides sensor voltage. 28 YEVBLU VCC2ISENSOR






Signal Withenginerunning:pulses

With enoineknockino: oulses WithignitionswitchON (ll):0.5V With,ir nllmoworkino:about2- 5 V WithignitionswitchON (ll):about0.1- 4.8V l.lenen.lino on inrakeairtemnerature) WithignitionswitchON (ll):about0.1 4.8V tdeoendino on enoinecoolanttemoerature) Withthrottlefullyopen:about4.8V With throttlefullv closed:about0-3V With ignitionswitchON {ll):about5 V With ionitionswitchOFF:about0 V Withenginerunning:pulses


Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'd) Vacuum HoseRouting FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR AIR CONTROLVALVEVACUUM CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE














FuelandEmissions Systems System Descriptions(conf d) PGM-FISystem The ProgrammedFuel Injection(PGM-Fl)system is a sequentialmultiportfuel injectionsystem.

EngineCoolantTemperature(ECT)Sensor TheECTsensoris a temperature dependent resistor (thermistor). Theresistance of thethermistordecreases asthe enginecoolanttemperature increases.

Alternator Control The alternatorsignalsthe ECM during charging.The ECMthen controlsthe voltagegeneratedat the alternatoraccordingto the electricalload determined by the ELD(ElectricalLoad Detector)and driving mode. This reducesengine load to improve fuel economy. A/C Switch The Ay'C(air conditioning)switch signalsthe ECM wheneverthere is a demandfor coolino. A/C Compressor Clutch Relay When the ECM receivesa demand for cooling from the Ay'Csystem,it delaysthe compressorfrom being energized,and enrichesthe mixture to assuresmooth transitionto the Iy'C mode. Barometric Pressure {BARO)Sensor The BAROsensoris insidethe converts atmosphericpressureinto a voltagesignalthat modifiesthe basicdurationof the fuel iniection discharge.


Intake Air Temperature llATl Sensor The IAT sensoris a temperaturedependentresistor (thermistor).The resistanceof the thermistordecreases as the intakeair temDeratureincreases.

Crankshaft Position (CKP)Sensor The CKPsensordeterminestiming for injectionof each cylinderand also detectsenginespeed. The ECM detectsmisfiring by usingthe CKPsensorto monitor fluctuationsin will then set DTCsdependingon how much misfiring occurs. THERMISTOR


IniectorTiming and Duration The ECMcontainsthe memory for basicdischarge durationat variousenginespeedsand manifold pressures.The basicdischargeduration,after being read oul from the memory, is further modified by signalssent from varioussensorsto obtain the final dischargeduration. By monitoring long term fueltrim, the ECMdetectslong term malfunctionsin the fuel system,and will set a DTC if the malfunctionoccursduring two consecutivetrips.

Primary and Secondary Heated Oxygen Sensors {HO2Sl The heatedoxygen sensorsdetectthe oxygen content in the exhaustgas,then sendsa signalto the ECM which variesthe durationof injeclionaccordingly.To stabilizeits output,the sensorshave an internalheater. The primary sensoris installedin the exhaustpipe.The secondarysensoris installedin the TWC.

lgnition Timing Control T h e E C Mc o n t a i n st h e m e m o r yf o r b a s i ci g n i t i o nt i m i n g at variousengine speedsand manifoldair flow also adjuststhe timing accordingto enginecoolant remperarure. KnockSensor The knockcontrol system adjuststhe ignitiontiming to m i n i m i z ek n o c k . PIEZOCERAMIC OIAPHRAGM


HEATER By controllingthe airlfuel ratio with sensors,the deteriorationof the primary sensorcan be evaluatedby its feedbackperiod.When the feedbackperiodexceeds a c e r t a i nv a l u ed u r i n gs t a b l ed r i v i n gc o n d i t i o n st ,h e sensoris considereddeterioratedand the ECMsets a DTC. Starting Control When the engine is started,the ECM providesa rich mixture by increasinginjectorduration.

ManitoldAbsolute PressureIMAPI Senso] The MAP sensorconvertsmanifoldabsolutepressure i n t oe l e c t r i c asl i o n a l st o t h e E C M . SENSORUNIT



Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'd) Throttle Position (TPl Sensor The TP sensoris a potentiometerconnectedto the thronle valve shaft.As the throttle positionchanges.the sensorvariesthe signalvoltageto the ECM.The TP sensoris not replaceableapart from the throttle body. BRUSH HOLDER

ldle Control System When the engine is cold, the A,,/C compressoris on. the transmissionis in gear.the brakepedal is pressed,the P/Sload is high, or the alternatoris charging,the EClvl controlscurrentto the IACvalveto maintainthe correct idle speed.Referto the SystemDiagramto seethe functionallayout of the system. Brake Pedal Position Switch The brakepedal positionswitch signalsthe ECMwhen the brakepedal is pressed. Eleclrical Power Steering (EPS)Signal The EPSsignalsthe ECMwhen the power steeringload is high. Engine Start Switch The engine start switch signalsthe ECMwhen the e n g i n ei s c r a n k i n g .

Comshaft Position {CMP Sensor (Top Dead Center (TDC)sensors) The CMP Ay'B(TDC1/21sensordeterminesignition timing at start up (cranking)and when crank angle is aDnormal.

ldle Air Control llAC) Valve To maintainthe proper idle speed,the IACvalve changesthe amount of air bypassingthe throttle body in responseto an electricalsignalfrom the ECNI.




FuelSupply System

IntakeAir System

Fuel Cut-off Control Duringdecelerationwith the throttlevalve closed, currentto the injectorsis cut off to improve fuel economyat speedsover 1,050rpm Fuelcut-offactionalso occurswhen engine speed exceeds9,000rpm, regardlessof the positionof the throttlevalve,to protectthe enginefrom over-rewing.

Referto the System Diagramto seethe functional layout ofthe system. Throttle Body The throttle body is a single-barrelside draft type. The lower portionof the throttlevalve is heatedby engine coolantfrom the cylinderhead.

Fuel Pump Control When the jgnition is turned ON (ll),the ECM grounds the PGM-Flmain relay which feeds currentto the fuel pump for 2 secondsto pressurizethe fuel system.With t h e e n g i n er u n n i n gt,h e E C Mg r o u n d st h e P G M - Fm l ain relay and feedscurrentto the fuel pump. When the e n g i n ei s n o t r u n n i n ga n dt h e i g n i t i o ni s O N ( l l ) ,t h e ECMcuts ground to the PGM-FImain relay which cuts currentto the fuel pump. PGM.FIMain Relay The PGM-Flrelay containstwo separaterelays.One is energizedwheneverthe ignition is on which supplies batteryvollage to the ECM,power to the injectors,and power for the secondrelay.The secondrelay is energizedto supply power to the fuel pump for 2 secondswhen the ignition switch is ON (ll),and when t h e e n g i n ei s r u n n i n g .

CatalyticConverterSystem TWC {Three.Way Catalytic Converterl The TWC convertshydrocarbons(HC),carbon monoxide(CO),and oxidesof nitrogen{NOx)in the exhaustgas to carbondioxide (CO2).nitrogen(N2),and water vapor. THREEWAY CATALYSTS




Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'dl Ventilation{PCV}System PositiveCrankcase The PCVvalve preventsblow-by gasesfrom escaping into the atmosphereby ventingthem into the intake manifold.










Emission(EVAPIControl Evaporative System Referto the SystemDiagramto seethe functional lavout of the system. EVAP Canister The EVAPcanistertemporarilystoresfuel vapor lrom the fuel tank until it can be purged back into the engine and bu(ned (re{erto the Sysiem Diagramto seethe functionallaVoutof the svstem). EVAPCanister Purge Valve When the enginecoolant temperature is below 149'F (65'C),the ECMturns off the EVAPcanisterpurge valve which cuts vacuum to the EVAPcanister. Fuel Tank Pressure (FTPISensor The FTPsensorconvertsfuel tank absoluteDressure i n t oa n e l e c t r i c ai ln D u t o t h e E C M . SENSORCHIP

ldle ControlSystem The idle speedof the engine is controlledby the ldle Air Control(lAC)valve: . After the engine starts,the IACvalve opens for a certainamount of time. The amount of air is increasedto raisethe idle soeed. . When the engine coolanttemperatureis low, the IACvalve is openedto obtainthe properfast idle speed.The amount of bypassedair is thus controlledin relationto enginecoolanttemperature. INTAKE MANIFOLD


\"oro* From . - PGM-Fl MAIN RELAY


Rry +;-l<rxf$r%r,, *-t-"





Intake Air System This system suppliesair for engine needs.A resonatorin the air intakeduct providesadditionalsilencingas air is drawn into the svstem. INTAKE MANIFOLD






BlYJ'"" lâ‚Ź Yfru%g', L-J BLK




Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'dl PulsedSecondaryAir Injection The PulsedSecondaryAir Injectionadvancesthe activationof the catalyticconverterand reducesthe hydrocarbons (HC),carbon monoxide (CO),and oxides of nitrogen(NOx)in the exhaustgas. The system operatesafter the engine startsunder the followig conditions: . The enginecoolanttemperatureis between32'F and 158"F{0"Cand 70"C) . The differenceis more than 36'F (20'C)betweenthe enginecoolanttemperaturewhen the engine is startedand when the enginewas stoppedin the previousdriving cycle. AIRCONTROLVACUUM VALVE CHECK




When the engine is cold and first started,the air pump pumps fresh air into the exhaustporls.The amount of air enteringthe exhaustis regulatedby an air control valve which is controlledby the ECM.The system does not work for more than 60 secondsat a time. Actual operatingtime will very dependingon the differencebetweenenginecoolant temDeratureand intakeair temDerature. When fresh air reactswith any unburnedexhaustgases,the exhaustgas temperaturesrise.This rise in temperature promotesfasterwarm-up of the catalyticconverter.resultingin cleaneremissionsdu ring cold stan-up. When the air inductionsystem is not operating,the air control solenoidclosesthe air control valve to preventany exhaustgasesfrom flowing back into the sytem.


Evaporative Emission{EVAP}ControlDiagram The EVAPcontrolsminimizethe amount of fuel vapor escapingto the atmosphere.Vapor from the fuel tank is temporarilystored in the EVAPcanisteruntil it can be purgedfrom the canisterinto the engine and burneo.

'TheEVAPcanisterispurgedbydrawingfreshairthroughitandaportontheintakemanifold.Thepurgingvacuu is controlledby the valve,which is open wheneverengin6coolanttemperatureis above 1 4 9 " F( 6 5 " C ) . ' W h e nv a p o rp r e s s u r ei n t h e f u e lt a n k i s h i g h e r t h a n t h e s e t v a l u e o f t h e E V A P t w o w a y v a l v e , t h e v a l v e o p e n s a n d regulatesthe flow of fuel vapor to the EVApcanister. ' D u r i n gr e f u e l i n gt ,h e f u e lt an k v a p o rc o n t r o lv a l v eo p e n s w i t ht h e p r e s s u r e i n t h e f u e l t a n k ,a n d f e e d s t h e f u evl a o o r to the EVAPcanister. EVAPCANISTER VCMTSHUT





Flon tlo.6 A C Gl ! s A t . !,n rh6 unde. dash






EVAPAYPASS sol€NotovalvE







Systems FuelandEmissions SystemDescriptions[cont'd) ECMCircuitDiagram u""' "r./neo -GRN/hED







rFt lf--






t-I- t c 1 0 l ALK/ YEL

+ c.0. BLK/ YEI I






elulwrlt _,_{9M_erutwrr -BRN/YEL


__fffil -.1 -1f--fFq!l |






T f-l

-i"\ | -S'.Er".f-


--t-1T t---_--------_---1 I I t





ti ti(A)l


I lrvl F






Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions{cont'd) ECMCircuitDiagram(cont'dl







--t L____9| No.alNJECToR




iYEr--- Tr--.-.--------------l r--l_l



F-----,------t I r o


r/GRN ff-------tr-|.---)SpaFx L-rftr\ PLUGII ------Lf:I ll rcM I I No.2lGNlllON COIL

lfr---+sPARKl I l rcM I LjTF-

PruG I

l l No.3lGNlTlON COlt



No.4 lGNlllON COt!

eurrr ---!-auler



---f---r - - 1 - | EVAPCANISTER





Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'd) ECMCircuitDiagram(cont'd)





c303 J - l--Btu---------------l





-caoa |-8tK.-------l}-B|.I-.--l}_Btx










Fueland EmissionsSystems SystemDescriptions(cont'd) ECMCircuitDiagram(cont'dl






n.o --95;--""rr"ro UNDEB,DASH FUSE/REUYAOX







] I


"o,ur,rr"roaa l-

c20tI -]-wHr/GRN














rcoNNEcroR e aI la


FuelandEmissionsSystems How to Set ReadinessCodes Maltunctionlndicator Lamp (MlLl lndication Codes} {ln relationto Readiness

CatalyticConverterMonitor and Readiness Code

The vehiclehas certain"readinesscodes" that are oart of the on-boarddiagnosticsfor the emissionssystems. lf the vehicle'sbatteryhas been disconnectedor gone dead,if the DTCShave been cleared,or if the ECM has been reset,these codesare reset.In some states,pan of the emissionstesting is to make sure these codesare set to complete.lf all of them are not set to complete, the vehiclemay iail the emissiontest, or the test cannot be finished.

NOTE: . Do not turn the ignition switch off during the orocedure. . All readinesscodesare clearedwhen the batteryis disconnectedor when the ECM is clearedwith the OBD ll scantool or HondaPGM Tester. . Low ambienttemperaturesor excessivestop-and-go traffic may increasethe drive time neededto switch the readinesscode from incompleteto complete. . The readinesscode will not switchto completeuntil a l l t h e e n a b l ec r i t e r i aa r e m e t . . l f a f a u l t i n t h e s e c o n d a r yH O 2 Ss y s t e mc a u s e d t h e MIL to come on, the readinesscode cannot be set to completeuntil you correctthe fault.

To checkif the readinesscodesare comDlete,turn the ignition switch ON (ll),but do not startthe engine.The MIL will come on for 15-20seconds.If it then goes off, the readinesscodesare complete.lf it blinksseveral times, one or more readinesscodesare not complete. To set readinesscodesfrom incompleteto complete, do the procedurefor the appropriatecode.


. ECTat '158"F(70"C)or higher. . Intakeair temperature(lAT)at 20'F ( 7"C)or higher. . Vehiclespeed is steady.and vehiclespeedsensor (VSS)readsmore then 25 mph (40 km/h).

Procedure 1 , C o n n e ctth e s c a nt o o l t o t h e v e h i c l e ' sd a t al i n k connector(DLC),and bring up the tool's generic O B Dl l m o d e . Start the engine.

3 . Test-drivethe vehicle under stop-and-goconditions with short periodsof steadycruise.After about 5 miles (8 km).the readinesscode should switch trom incompleteto complete. lf the readinesscode is still set to incomplete,check for a temporary DTC.lf there is no DTC,one or more of the enablecriteriawere probablynot met; repeatthe procedure.


Evaporative Emissions(EVAPIControl SystemMonitorand Readiness code

Air FuelRatio(A/F)SensorMonitorand Readiness Code

NOTE: . All readinesscode are clearedwhen the batteryis disconnectedor when the ECM is clearedwith the OBD ll scantool or Honda PGMTester. . The enablecriteriamusl be repeatedifthe intakeair temperature(lAT)drops lower then 36'F (20'C)from its value at enginestart up.

NOTE: . Do not turn the ignition switch off during the proceoure. . All readinesscodes are clearedwhen the batteryis disconnectedor when the ECM is clearedwith the OBD ll scantool or HondaPGM Tester.


. At enginestart up, ECTand IAT are higherthen 32"F (0'C), but lower then 95'F {35"C) . At enginestan up, the ECTand IAT are within 12'F (7"C)of each other.

Procedure '1.

Connectthe scantoolto the vehicle'sdata link connector{DLC),and bring up the tool's generic O B Dl l m o d e .

2 . S t a r tt h e e n g i n e . 3. Test-drivethe vehicleunder stop-and-goconditions with short periodsof steadycruise.After about 2.5 miles (4.0km), the readinesscode should switch from incompleteto complete. 4. lf the readinesscodeisstill setto incomplete,check for a temporary DTC.lfthere is no DTC,one or more of the enablecriteriawere probablynot met; rePeatthe Orocedure.

EnableCriteria ECTat 140'F(60"C)or higher.

Procedure 1. Connectthe scantool to the vehicle'sdata link connector(DLC),and bring up the tool's generic O B Dl l m o d e . 2. Start the engine. 3. Test-drivethe vehicle under stop-and-goconditions with shon periodsof steadycruise.Duringthe drive, decelerate(wirh the throttle fully closed)for 5 seconds.After about 3.5 miles (5.6km),the readinesscode should switchfrom incompleteto complete. 4. lf the readinesscode is still setto incomplete.check for a temporary DTC.lf there is no DTC.the enable criteriawas probablynot met; repeatthe procedure.

Air/FuelRatio(A/FlSensorHeaterMonitor Readiness Code NOTE:All readinesscodes are clearedwhen the batterv is disconnectedor when the ECM is clearedwith the OBD ll scantool or Honda PGMTester.

Procedure 1. Connectthe scantool to the vehicle'sdata link connector(DLC),and bring up the tool's generic O B Dl l m o d e . 2. Start the engine,and let it idle for 1 minute.The readinesscode should switch from incomDleteto complete. 3 . l f t h e r e a d i n e s s c o d e i s s t isl le tt o i n c o m p l e t ec,h e c k for a temporary DTC.lf there is no DTC,repeatthe procedure.



Fueland EmissionsSystems How to Set ReadinessCodes(cont'dl Code MisfireMonitorand Readiness ' This readinesscode is always setto available becausemisfiring is continuouslymonitored . Monitoringpauses,and the misfire counterresets,if the vehicleis driven over a rough road . Monitoringalso pauses,and the misfirecounter holds at its currentvalue, if the throttle position changesmore than a predeterminedvalue,or if driving conditionsfall outsidethe rangeof any relatedenablecriteria.

Code FuelSystemMonitorand Readiness . This readinesscode is alwavs set to available becausethe tuel system is continuouslymonitored d u r i n gc l o s e dl o o p o p e r a t i o n . . fvlonitoringpauseswhen the catalyticconverter, EVAPcontrol system,and H02S monitorsare active. . Monitoringalso pauseswhen any relatedenable criteriaare not being met. Monitoring resumeswhen the enablecriteriais again being met.

ComponentMonitorand Comprehensive Code Readiness This readinesscode is alwaysset to availablebecause the comprehensivecomponentmonitor is continuously r u n n i n gw h e n e v e tr h e e n g i n ei s c r a n k i n go r r u n n i n g .


PGM-FlSystem GomponentLocationIndex



INTAKEAIR TEMPERATURE IIATI SENSOR Troubleshooting, p a g e1 1 ' 4 6

ENGINECOOLANTTEMPERATURE IECTISENSOR Troubleshooting, p a g e1 1 - 4 8 LOAD ELECTRICAL (ELDI DETECTOR Troubleshooting, page1'l-78

THROTTLEPOSITIONITP) SENSOR Troubleshooting, p a g e1 1 - 5 0

POSITION CRANKSHAFT {CKPISENSOR page11-73 Troubleshooting,

KNOCKSENSOR Troubleshooting, page 11'70 MANIFOLDABSOLUTE PRESSURE IMAP)SENSOR Troubleshooting,page 11-43


SECONDARYHEATEDOXYGEN SENSOR{SECONDARYH02S) (SENSOB2) Troubleshooting,page 11-58 page I l-89 Replacement,



PGM-FI System ComponentLocationIndex(cont'd)



DATA LINK CONNECTORIDLCI ('02-03models) GeneralTroubleshootinolnformation. p a g e1 1 - 3


DTGTroubleshooting DTCP0107:MAPSensorCircuitLowVoltage

8. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 9. Disconnectthe ECMconnectorC (31P).

1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) 2. Checkthe MAP with the scantool. ls apprcx. 101kPa (760 nmHg, 30 in.Hg),2.9 v indicated?

10. Checkfor continuitybetweenMAP sensor connectorterminal No, 3 and body ground. MAP SENSOR3P CONNECTOR

YES Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectlonsor looseterminalsat the IVIAPsensorand at the ECM.I NO Go to step 3. 3 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. Disconnectthe MAP sensor3P connector. Wiresideof temaleterminals

5 . Turn the ignition switch ON {ll). 6 . Measurevoltage betweenMAP sensor3P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 . MAPSENSOR 3PCONNECTOR

ls there continuity? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe Ecfvl ( C 1 7 )a n dt h e M A P s e n s o r . l NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf normal MAP is indicated,replace l CM.I t h e o r i g i n aE


Wiresideof femaleterminals ls there about 5 V? YES Go to step 7. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C 1 9 )a n d t h e M A P s e n s o r . l 7 . Checkthe MAP with the scantool. l s a p p t o x . 2k P a ( 1 5 m m H g , 0 . 6i n . H g ) , 0 . 5v o r lessindicated? YES Go to step 8. NO - Replacethe MAP sensor,I


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl DTCP0108: MAPSensorCircuitHighVoltage

9. l\4easure voltage betweenMAP sensorconnector t e r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 .

1. Start the engine.Hold the engine at 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on. then let it idle.


2. Checkthe MAP with the scantool. ls apptox. 101kPa (760 nmHg, 30 in.Hg),2.9 V or higher indicated? YES Go to step 3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat t h e M A P s e n s o ra n d a t t h e E C M . I

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls lhere about 5 V? 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF. YES Go to step 10. 4. DisconnecttheMAP sensor3P connector, 5. lnstalla jumper wire betweenMAP sensor3P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 2 a n d N o , 3 . MAP SENSOR3PCONNECTOR

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C7) and the MAP sensor.t

1 0 ,Turn the ignitionswitch OFF, 'I l. Install jumper a wire on the ECMconnector terminalsbetweenC7 and C 17. ECMCONNECTORC 131P)



JUMPER WIRE Wiresideof femaleterminals

6 . Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 7 . Checkthe l\4APwith the scantool. ls about 101kPa (760 mmHg,30 in.Hg),2.9 V or higher indicated? YES Go to step 8. NO Replace t h e M A Ps e n s o r . t R e m o v et h e j u m p e rw i r e .

SG1{GRN/WHT) --+r 4 5

lrl lelslrol




12 l 3


15 16

24 25


t l r el r szl cl z i z l



JUMPEB WIRE Wiresideof female terminals

Turn the ignition switch ON {ll). Checkthe l\4APwith the scantool. ls about 101kPa (760 mmHg, 30 in.Hg),or 2.9 V or higher indicated? YES Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf normal l\4APis indicated,replace theoriginaE l C M t. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM ( C1 7 )a n d t h e M A P s e n s o rt.


DTCPl128:MAPSensorSignalLowerThan Expected 1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 2. Checkthe MAP with the scantool. ls 54.1 kPa (406 mmHg, 16.0in.Hg, 1.6 V) or highet indicated? YES lntermittentfailure,system is OK at this time.l NO- Replacethe MAP sensor.l

DTCPl129:MAPSensorSignalHigherThan Expected '1.

Startthe engine.Holdthe engine at 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on, then let it idle.

2. Checkthe MAP with the scantool. ls 36.9 kPa (277 nmHg, 10.9in.Hg, 1.1V)or |ess indicated? YES lntermittentfailure,system is OK at this time.l NO- Replacethe MAP sensor.l


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl DTCP0112:IATSensorCircuitLowVoltage 1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll)

8. Checkthe temperaturereadingon the scantool. Be awarethat if the engine is warm. the readingwill b e h i g h e rt h a n a m b i e n t e m p e r a t u r el f. t h e e n g i n e is cold, the IAT and ECTwill have the same value.

2. CheckthelATwith the scanlool. ls the cortect ambient temperature indicated? ls302"F (150"C)or higher (or H-Limit in Honda mode of PGM Tester) or 0 V indicated? YES- Go to step 3.

YES Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the IAT sensorand at the EClvl.I

NO Go to step 8.


Disconnectthe IAT sensor2P connector. Checkthe IAT with the scantool. ls 302'F(150'C)or higher (or H-Limit in Honda mode of PGM Tester)or 0 V indicated? YES Go to step 5. NO Replacethe IAT sensor.l Turn the ignition switch OFF.

6 . Disconnectthe ECMconnectorC (31P). 7 . Checkthe continuitybetweenIAT sensor2P connectorterminal No, 2 and body ground, IATSENSOR 2PCONNECTOR

Wiresideof femaleterminals ls therc continuity? YES- Repairshort in the wire betweenthe EC|M (C25)and the IAT sensor.t NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf normal IAT is indicated,replace theoriginaE l CM.I


Replacethe IAT sensor.t

IATSensorCircuitHighVoltage DTCP0113: 'l.

7. ConnectECMconnectorterminals C18and C25 w i t h a i u m D e rw i r e .

Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) ECM CONNECTORC {3IP)

2. Checkthe IAT with the scantool. ls " 4"F ( 20'C) ot less(or L-Limitin Honda mode ot PGM Tester) or 5 V indicated?



NO lntermitentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat t h e I A Ts e n s o ra n dt h e E C M . I


9 10

1 7 1 8 1 9 20 21 22

11 12

24 2

YES Go to step 3.



a 30

126ln I



Wiresideof femaleterminals

3 . Disconnectthe IAT sensor2P connector. ConnectIAT sensor2P connectorterminalsNo. 1 a n d N o . 2 w i t h a j u m p e rw i r e .

9 . Checkthe IAT with the scantool.


ls 4'F ( - 20'C) or less(or L-Limitin Honda mode of PGM Tester)or 5 V indicated?




> \-,^-


/ -//

8 . Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll).


YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage l'1-5).lf normal IAT is indicated,replace t h e o r i g i n aE l CM.I NO- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe EC[4 ( C 1 8C , 2 5 )a n dt h e l A T s e n s o r . l

WiresideoJlemaleterminals 5 . Checkthe IAT with the scantool. ls 4'F ( 20"C) or less (or L-Limitin Honda mode of PGM Tester) or 5 v indicated? YES Go to step 6. NO Replacethe IAT sensor.I Turn the ignition switch OFF.


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTCP0116:ECTSensorRange/Performance Problem

DTCP0117:ECTSensorCircuitLowVoltage 1. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll)

NOTE:lf DTCP0117and/or Po'l'18are storedat rhe same time as DTCP0116,troubleshootthose DTCSfirst, then reckeckfor DTCP0116. 1. Start the engine.Hold the engine at 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on, then let it idle. 2. Checkthe ECTwith the scantoot. ts 176 212'F (80- 100'C)or 0.47 0.78 V indicated?

2. Checkthe ECTwith the scantool. ls 302"F (150"C) or higher (or H-Limit in Honda mode of PGM Tester) or 0 V indicated? YES- Go to step 3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor loosewires at the E C Ts e n s o ra n d a t t h e E C M . I 3. Disconnectthe ECTsensor2P connector,

YES Intermiftentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkthe thermostatand the cooling system.I NO Checkthe thermostatand the cooling system. lf they are OK, replacethe ECTsensor.l

4. Checkthe ECTwith the scantool. ls 302'F (150"C) or higher (ot H-Limit in Honda mode ot PGM Tester)or 0 V indicated? YES Go to step 5. NO Replacethe ECTsensor.l 5 . Turn the ignition switch OFF, 6. Disconnectthe ECMconnectorC (31P). 1 . Checkfor continuitybetweenECTsensor2P connectorterminal No. 2 and body ground. ECTSENSOB2P CONNECTOR

W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

ls there continuity? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM (C26a ) n d t h e E C Ts e n s o r . l NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf normal ECTis indicated,replace theoriginaE l CM.t


ECTSensorCircuitHighVoltage DTCP0118:

8. Turnthe ignitionswitchOFF.

terminalsC18andC26 9 . ConnectECMconnector

1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .

with a jumperwire. 2. Checkthe ECTwith the scantool. ECMCONNECTOR C {31P)

ls 4"F ( 20"C) or less(or L-Limitin Honda mode ot PGM Tester) or 5 V indicated? 2

YES Go to step 3.

t l 12

NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the ECTsensorand at the ECM.!





1 7 18


24 25





9 10

m 2 n 30


JUMPER WIRE 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF. Wiresideof femaleterminals 4. Disconnectthe ECTsensor2P connector. 5. ConnectECTsensor2P connectorterminalsNo. 1 a n d N o . 2 w i t h a j u m p e rw i r e .

1 0 .Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). 1 1 .Checkthe ECTwith the scantool.


ls 4'F (- 20'C) or less(or L-Limitin Honda mode ol PGM Testet) or 5 V indicated? SG2IGRN/YEL)


> \,..-


/ -,"


YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf normal ECTis indicated,replace theoriginaE l CM.I NO- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C 18,C26)and the ECTsensor.l

Wiresideof femaleterminals

6 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 7 . Checkthe ECTwith the scantool. ls 4"F ( 20'C) ot less (or L-Limitin Honda mode ot PGM Tester) or 5 V indicated? YES- Go to step 8. NO Replacethe ECTsensor.l


PGM-FI System DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl DTCP0122:TP SensorCircuitLowVoltage 1. Turn the ignition switch oNfll) 2. Checkthe throttle positionwith the scantool.

8. At the sensorside, measureresistancebetweenTP sensor3P connectorterminalsNo. 1 and No. 2 with the throttle{ully closed. TPSENSOR 3PCONNECTOR

Is there about 670when the throttle is f ully closed and about 90% when the throttle is fully opened? YES Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time, Checkfor poor connectionsor loosewires at the TP s e n s o ra n d a t t h e E C M . I NO Go to step 3. 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF. Terminalside of male terminals

4. DisconnecttheTP sensor3P connector. l s t h e r ea b o u t0 . 5 0 . 9 k Q ? 5 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . YES Go to step9. 6. Measurevoltage betweenTP sensor3P connector t e r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 3 . TPSENSOR 3PCONNECTOR

NO Replacethe throttle body.t

9 . MeasureresistancebetweenTP sensor3P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 2 a n d N o . 3 w i t h t h e throttlefully closed. TP SENSOR3P CONNECTOR



Wiresideol femaleterminals ls there about 5 V? YES Go to step 7. NO Go to step 13. 7 . Turn the ignition switch OFF.

Terminalsideof maleterminals ls there about 4.5 kQ ? YES Go to step 10. NO Replacethe throttle body.t

1 0 .Reconnectthe TP sensor3P connector.


DTCPl121:TPSensorSignalLowerThan Expected

1 1 .Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 12. fMeasurevoltage betweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sC 1 8a n d C 2 7 .

2. Checkthe throttle positionwith the scantool.








24 25

9 10


1 7 IE 1 9 20 21 22



26 21

1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l )


ls 9.4o/"or higher indicated when the throttle is fully opened? YES- Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time.l




NO - Replacethe TP sensor(throttlebody).I


Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls thete about 0.3 V when the thtottle is tully closed and about 4.5 V when the throttle is fully opened? YES Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the TP sensorvoltage is now n o r m a l ,r e p l a c et h e E C M !. NO Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM (C27)and the TP sensor.!

1 3 .MeasurevoltagebetweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sC l 8 a n d C 2 8 . ECMCONNECTOR C {31P}

sG2 ll


| |




1 4 1 5 16 1 1

24 6




| 8 | e L l oI




lnlsoA ,(}

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls there about 5 V? YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C28a ) n dt h e T P s e n s o r . l NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf prescribedvoltageis now a v a i l a b l er,e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM,I


PGM-FISystem DTGTroubleshooting(cont'd) DfC P1122:TP SensorSignalHigherThan ExDected 1. Turn the ignition switch oN (ll). 2. Checkthe thronle positionwith the scantool. ls 14.1o/o ot Iess indicated when the throttle is f ullv clo6ed? YES- Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this trme.I NO - Replacethe TP sensor(throttlebody).I



TPSensorCircuitHighVoltage DTCP0123:

7. Measurevoltage betweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sC ' 1 8a n d C 2 8 ,

1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . ECMCONNECTOR C {31P)

2. Checkthe throttle positionwith the scantool. ls there approx. 6o/"when the throttle is fully closed and approx. 90o/"when the throttle is f ully opened? YES Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the TP serisorand at the ECM.I

SG2 (GRN/YEL) 2 ll


8 | I lt0


1 1 8 1 1 91 2 A1 2 11 2 2



26 21 8 t



Wire side of femaleterminals

NO Go to step 3. 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

lstherc about 5 V? 4. Disconnectthe TP sensor3P connector. YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM { Cl 8 ) a n dt h e T P s e n s o r . l

5 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l l . 6. At the wire harnessside, measurevoltage between T P s e n s o r3 P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 3 . TP SENSOR3PCONNECTOR


NO-Substitute a known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf prescribedvoltageis now l CM.I a v a i l a b l er e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E


WiresideoJfemaleterminals ls there about 5 V? YES Replacethe throttle body.l NO Go to step 7.


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshootihg(cont'd) DTGP0128: CoolingSystemMalfunction ('02-03 modelsl NOTE:lf the DTCSlisted below are storedat the same time as DTCP0128.troubleshootthose DTCsfirst. then recheckfor P0128. P0107,P0108,P1128,P1129tManifoldAbsolute Pressure(MAP)Sensor (BARO) P 1 1 0 6P , ' 1 1 0 7P,1 1 0 8B : arometriP c ressure Sensor P1259:VTECSystem P 0 11 6 ,P 0 1 1 7P . 0 1 1 8E: n g i n eC o o l a n T t emperature (ECT)Sensor P 0 1 1 2P , 0 1 1 3I:n t a k eA i r T e m p e r a t u r (el A T )S e n s o r P0335,P0336:CrankshaftPosition(CKP)Sensor P0300:RandomMisfire P 0 3 0 1P , 0 3 0 2P, 0 3 0 3P , 0 3 0 4N : o . 1 ,N o . 2 ,N o . 3 o r N o . 4 CylinderMisfire P0505:ldle control System P 1 5 1 9l:d l eA i r C o n t r o (l l A C ) V a l v e DTCP0128can occasionallyset when the hood is openedwhile the engine is running. 1. Checkthe enginecoolant level ls the engine coolant level low? YES Refillthe enginecoolant.lf necessary,repair t h e c o o l i n gl e a k a g e . I N O - G o t o s t e p2 . 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and make sure the A,/Cis off. 3. Checkthe radiatorfan. Does the radiatot fan keep running? YES Checkthe radiatorfan circuit (seepage 1015).radiatorfan switch circuit (seepage 10-17),and the radiatorfan switch (seepage 10-18).lf they are OK, substitutea known-goodECM and recheck(see page 11-5).lf the symptom/indicatorgoes away, r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I NO- Replacethe thermostatlsee page 10-10).1


DTCP0131: PrimaryHO2S(Sensor1)Circuit LowVoltage

11. Checkfor continuitybetweenprimary HO2S ( S e n s o r1 ) 4 P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o , 1 a n d b o d y g round.

1 . R e s e t t h eE C M { s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 } . 2. Startthe engine.Hold the engineat 3,000rpm with n o l o a d( i n n e u t r a l u) n t i lt h e r a d i a t o fra n c o m e so n .


3. Checkthe primary HO2S{Sensor1) output voltage with the scantool during accelerationusing wide open throttle. Does the voltage stay at 0.5 V or less? YES Go to step 4. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat '1) the primary HO2S(Sensor and at the ECNil. t C h e c kt h e f u e l p r e s s u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 5 ) .

W | l e s r d eo l l e m a l et e r m r n a l s

Is there continuity? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM r ).1 (C16a ) n dt h e p r i m a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o 1

ls it notmal? YES Go to step 5.

NO Substitutea known'good ECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I

N O R e p a i tr h e f u e l s u p p l ys y s t e m . l 5 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 6 . Disconnectthe primary HO2S{Sensor1) 4P connector. 7 . S t a r tt h e e n g i n ea n d l e t i t i d l e . 8 , C h e c kt h e p r i m a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o r1 ) o u t p u tv o l t a g e with the scantool. Doesit stay at 0.5 V or less? YES Go to step 9. NO Replace t h e p r i m a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o r1 ) . I 9 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 1 0 . D i s c o n n e ct h t e E C Mc o n n e c t oC r {31P).


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTCP0132: PrimaryHO2S(SensorllCircuit HighVoltage 1 . R e s e t t h eE C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 2. Stan the engine.Holdthe engine at 3.000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on.

1 . Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). '1) 8 . Checkthe primary HO2S(Sensor output voltage with the scantool. Is therc 0.9 V or more? YES Go to step 9.

3. Checkthe primary HO2S(Sensor1) output voltage with the scantool. Does the voltage stay at 0.9 V ot mote? YES- Go to step 4.

r ).I N O - R e p l a c et h e p r i m a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o 1 9 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 1 0 . C o n n e cE t C Mc o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sC 1 6a n d C 1 8 with a jumper wire.

NO- Intermittentfailure.system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the Primary HO2S(Sensor1) and at the ECM.I 4. Turn the ignition switch OFF.


5. Disconnectthe primary HO2S{Sensor1) 4P conneclor. 6. Connectprimary HO2S(Sensor1) 4P connector t e r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 w i t h a j u m p e rw i r e . PRIMARY HO2S{Sensor1),lPCONNECTOR JUMPER WIRE




11 12



t 4 15






1 1 1E 19 20 21 ?2

+ 21



a 30


JUMPERWIRE Wiresideof femaleterminals

1 1 .Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).


LJ-ril___i t t - l

'1) 12. Checkthe primary HO2S(Sensor output voltage with the scantool.


l 3 1 4 l Wire side of femaleterminals

ls thete 0.9 V ot morc? YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck {seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away replacethe originalECM.t NO-Repair open in the wire betweenthe ECM ( C 1 6C , 1 8 )a n dt h e p r i m a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o r1 ) . 1


DTCP0133: PrimaryHO2S(Sensor1)Circuit SlowResponse NOTE:lf DTCP0131,P0132and/or P0135are storedat the same time as DTCP0133,troubleshootthose DTCS first, then recheckfor DTCP0133. 1 . R e s e t h e E C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 | . 2. Startthe engine.Holdthe engine at 3,000rpm with no load {in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on. 3. Test-driveunder the following conditions. . 55 mph (89km/n)steadyspeed . M/T in 6th gear . Until readinesscode or TemporaryDTCP0133 comes on 4. Checkfor a TemporaryDTCwith the scantool. ls Temporaty DTC P0133 indicated? YES Replacethe primary HO2S(Sensor1).1 NO - lnlermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat t h e p r i m a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o r1 ) a n d a t t h e E C M t.


PGM-FISystem DTGTroubleshooting(cont'dl HO2S(Sensor 2) DTCP0137: Secondary CircuitLowVoltage 1 . R e s e t h e E C M ( s e ep a g e11 - 4 ) . 2. Startthe engine.Hold the engine at 3,000rpm with n o l o a d( i n n e u t r a l u) n t i lt h e r a d i a t o fra n c o m e so n .

10. Checkfor continuitybetweensecondaryHO2S (Sensor2) 4P connectorterminal No. 2 and body g round. HO2S SECONDARY ISENSOR 2l irPCONNECTOR

3. Checkthe secondaryHO2S(Sensor2) output voltageat 3,000rpm with the scantool. Does the voltage stay at 0.3 V or less? YES Go to step 4. NO Intermittentfailure.system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat r ) a n da t t h e E C M . I t h e s e c o n d a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o 2

Terminalside of male terminals

ls there continuity? 4. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 5. Disconnectthe secondaryHO2S(Sensor2) 4P connector. 6. Startthe engine. 7. Checkthe secondaryHO2S(Sensor2) output voltagewith the scantool. Does the voltagestay at 0.3 V or less? YES Go to step 8. r ).I NO Replace t h e s e c o n d a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o 2 8 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F . 9. DisconnectECM connectorC (31P).


YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM { C 1 5 )a n dt h e s e c o n d a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o 2r ) . 1 NO - Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe originalECM.I

DTCP0138:SecondaryHO2S(Sensor2) CircuitHighVoltage

7 . Turnthe ignitionswitchON (ll).

HO2S(Sensor2) output 8 . Checkthe secondary 1. Resetthe Eclvl (seepage 11-41.

voltagewith the scantool.

2. Startthe engine.Hold the engineat 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on.

ls there0.6 V or more? YES Goto step9.

3. Checkthe secondaryHO2S{Sensor2) output voltageat 3,000rpm with the scantool. Does the voltage stay at 0.6 V or more? YES Go to step 4.

NO Replace the secondary HO2S(Sensor2).1 Turnthe ignitionswitchOFF. 1 0 .C o n n e cEt C Mc o n n e c t ot er r m i n a lC s 1 5a n dC 1 8 r ire, w i t ha j u m p e w

NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the secondaryHO2S(Sensor2) and at the ECM.r


4. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 5. Disconnectthe secondaryHO2S(Sensor2) 4P connector. 6. ConnectsecondaryHO2S(Sensor2) 4P connector terminalsNo. 1 and No. 2 with a jumper wire. SECONDARY HO25 2l ilP CONNECTOR ISENSOR


sHo2s{WHT/RED} 1




3 l 3 14



9 10

17 18

20 21

n n

a 30

Wiresideof Iemaleterminals 11. Turn the ignition switch ON (lll. 12. Checkthe secondaryHO2S(Sensor2) output voltagewith the scantool.



Terminalside ol male terminals

ls there 0.6 V or morc? YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage I 1-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I NO - Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM ( C 1 5C , 1 8 )a n dt h e s e c o n d a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o 2 r ).1


PGM-FlSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTGP0139:SecondaryHO2S(Sensor2) Slow Resoonse 1 . R e s e t h e E C M { s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 1 . 2. Stan the engine.Hold the engine at 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on. 3. Checkthe secondaryHO2S(Sensor2) oulput voltageat 3,000rpm with the scantool. Does the voltage stay within 0.3- 0.6 V for 2 minutes? YES Replacethe secondaryHO2S(Sensor2).1 NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the secondarvHO2S(Sensor2) and at the EClvl.!


DTCP0135:PrimaryHO2S(Sensor1) Heater CircuitMalfunction DTCP0141: Secondary HO2S(Sensor 2) HeaterCircuitMalfunction

6. At the HO2Sside,checkcontinuitybe&veenbody ground and HO2S4P connectorterminalsNo. 3 andNo.4 individually. PRIMARY HO2S(Sonsoi'll 4PCONNECTOR


NOTE:Informationmarkedwith an asterisk(* ) applies to DTCP0141. 1 . R e s e t t h eE C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 2 . S t a nt h e e n g i n e . ls DTC P0135 ot P0141indicated? YES- Go to step 3.

Terminalside of m a l et e r m i n a l s

NO Intermittentfailure.system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the primary HO2S(Sensor1) or secondaryHO2S ( S e n s o2 r )a n da t t h e E C M . I

3 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF.

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls therecontinuity? YES Replacethe HO2S(primaryor secondary* ) (Sensor1 or Sensor2 * ).t NO Go to step 7.

4 . Disconnectthe H02S (primaryor secondary* )

(Sensor1 or Sensor2 * ) 4Pconnecror,

5. At the HO2Sside, measureresistancebetween HO2S4PconnectorterminalsNo. 3 and No. 4. PRIMARY HO2Slsensor1l 4PCONNECTOR


7 . Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 8 . Measurevoltage betweenH02S 4P connector t e r m i n a lN o . 3 a n d N o . 4 . PRIMARY HO2S(Sensor1) SECONDARY HO2Stsensor2l 4PCONNECTOR 4PCONNECTOR*

rcr f-fi] (BLK/ I

pozsnrc so2sHTc

I I Z I { B L K / W H T{BLK/WHT) I YEL) f--t--


3 l 4 ll




L-{o---l Terminalsideof maleterminals ls there about 3.3 A (12

wire sideof femaleterminals 14.3A )" ?

Wiresideof femaleterminals

Terminalside of male terminals

ls there battety voltage?

YES Go to step 6.

YES Go to step L

N O - R e p l a c et h e p r i m a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o r1 ) o r secondaryHO2S(Sensor21x .1

NO- Go to step 13.



PGM-FISystem DTGTroubleshooting(cont'dl q

13. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF.

Turn the ignition switch OFF.

1 0 .DisconnectECMconnectorC {31P)

14. Reconnectthe HO2S4P connector.

1 1 .Checkfor continuitybetweenthe connector

15. Disconnectthe ECMconnectorC (31P)'

t e r m i n a lC 1 ( C 1 1 *) a n d b o d y g r o u n d . €cM CoNNECTOBC t31P)

1 6 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 17. Measurevoltage betweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l s8 2 a n d C 1 ( 8 2 a n d C 11 ) * ECMCONNECTORS (BLKI B (25P) 2 9 t 1 0 2A

Wiresideof femaleterminals


3 ll



z1 ?2

c l31P) 8 1 9 t0

1 1 2

ls there continuity?


l l l 1 2 l 1 3 1 115 4 1 6 17 1 6 t 9 N

YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM ( C 1 ,C 1 1* ) a n d H O 2 S{ p r i m a r yo r s e c o n d a r yx ) ( S e n s o r1 , S e n s o r2 * ) . 1




26 zl a

21 2

a 30

Wire sideof femaleterminals

ls there 0.1 V ot less? NO Substitutea known-goodECfvland recheck (seepage 1'l-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe original ECM.I '12.

Measurevoltage betweenprimary HO2S4P y O 2 SN o 4 ) * c o n n e c t o r t e r m i n aNl o . 3 ( s e c o n d a rH ground. and body



1 1l 2 l F-+_l | ) A l " l










Wire sideof femaleterminals

ll--#llBLK/YEL) I 1 t l r -,.1- r l (V)


T e r m i n a ls i d e o f male terminals

ls there battery voltage? YES Go to step 13. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe pramary 'l), Ho2S (Sensor secondaryHO2S(Sensor2) * a n d N o . 6 A C G ( 1 5A ) f u s e . I


YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM ( c 1 a n d c 1 1 )x a n dt h e H o 2 s ( p r i m a r yo r s e c o n d a r y* ) ( S e n s o r ' 1S, e n s o r2 * ) . I NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage '11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes l CM.I a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E

DTCP0171:FuelSystemToo Lean

4. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

DTCP0172:FuelSystemToo Rich

5. With a vacuum pump, apply vacuum to the EVAP canisterpurge valve from the intakemanifold side.

NOTE:lf some of the DTCSlistedbelow are storedat the same time as DTCP0171and/orP0'172, troubleshootthose DTCSfirst, then recheckfor P0171 andlot P0172. P0107,P0108.P1128,P1129t ManifoldAbsolure Pressure(MAP)Sensor P0135:PrimaryHeatedOxygen Sensor(primaryH02S) ( S e n s o r1 ) H e a t e r P0137,P0138:SecondaryHO2S(Sensor2) P0141:SecondaryHO2S(Sensor2) Heater P1259:VTECSystem

Does it hold vacuum? YES Checkthe valve clearancesand adjust if necessary.lf the valve clearancesare OK, replace the fuel injectors.l NO Replacethe EVAPcanisterpurge valve.t

1. Checkthe fuel pressure(seepage 11-'105). ls luel pressure OK? YES Go to step 2. NO Checkthese items: . l f t h e p r e s s u r ei s t o o h i g h .C h e c k t h e f u e l pressureregulator,and the fuel return pipe.l . l f t h e p r e s s u r ei s t o o l o w . C h e c k t h e f u epl u m p , the fuel feed pipe, the fuel filter, and the fuel pressureregulator.l 2. Startthe engine.Hold the engineat 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on, 3 . C h e c kt h e p r i m a r yH O 2 S( S e n s o r1 ) o u t p u tw i t h t h e scantool. Does it stay less than 0.3 V or more than 0.6 V ? YES Replacethe primary HO2S(Sensor1),I NO Go to step 4.


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) of the Following: RandomMisfireandAny Combination DTCP0300: DTCP0301:No. 1 CylinderMisfire DTGP0302:No.2 CylinderMisfire DTGP0303:No.3 CylinderMisfire DTCP0304:No. 4 CylinderMisfire NOTE: .lfthemisfiringisfrequentenoughtotriggerdetectionofincreasedemissionsduringtwoconsecutivedrivingcycles, the MIL will come on, and DTCP0300{and some combinationof P0301through P0304)will be stored. . lf the misiiring is frequentenoughto damagethe catalyst,the MIL will blink whenever the misfiring occurs.and DTC (and some combinationof P0301through P0304)willbe stored.When the misfiringstops,the MIL will remain PO3OO on. misfire DTC(S): 1. Troubleshootthe following DTCSfirst if any of them were storedalong with the random 'l'l P0107,PO108,P1128,P1'129:l\4anifoldAbsolutePressure(MAP)Sensor(seepage -52) P 0 1 3 1P , 0 1 3 2P: r i m a r yH e a t e dO x y g e nS e n s o r( p r i m a r yH O 2 S ){ s e ep a g e1 1 - 6 5 ) Fuel Metering(seepage 11-65) P017'1,P0172t P0335.P0336:CrankshaftPosition(CKP)Sensor{seepage I1-81) P0505:ldle ControlSystem(seepage 11-100) P1259:VTECSystem (seepage 6-6) p1361,P1362,P']366,P1367:CamshaftPosition(CMP)Sensor(Top DeadCenter(TDC)Sensor)A,/B(seepage 1191) P15'19:ldle Air Control(lAC)Valve (seepage 11-102) 2. Test-drivethe vehicleto verify the symptom. 3. Findthesymptom in the chart below, anddothe relatedproceduresin the orderlisted until you find the cause.

Svmptom Randommisfire only at low RPMand load Randommisfire only during acceleration R a n d o mm i s f i r ea t h i g h RPM and load, or under random conditions

Procedure{s) (seepage11-105). Checkfuelpressure

Also check for: . LOWCOmpreSSlOn. . Low qualitv fuel.

C h e c k f u e pl r e s s u r e{ s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 5 ) .

in the Malfunction VTECsystem(see Daqe6-6).

C h e c k f u epl r e s s u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 5 ) .

Correctvalve clearance(seepage 6-6).



DTCP0301: No. 1 CylinderMisfire

7 . Determinewhich cylinder(s)had the misfire.

DTCP0302:No.2 CylinderMisfire

Does the misfire occut in the othet cylinder wherc the ignition coil was exchanged?

DTCP0303:No.3 CylinderMisfire

YES Replace t h e f a u l t yi g n i t i o nc o i l . t

DTCP0304:No. 4 CylinderMisfire

NO Go to step 8. 1. After checking and recordingthe freeze data, reset the ECM (seepage 11-4).lf there is no freezedata of the misfire,just clear the DTC. 2. Startthe engine,listenfor a clickingsound at the injectorat the problemcylinder

8 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 9 . Exchangethe spark plug from the problem cylinder with one from anothercylinder.

' 1 0 Test-drive . the vehicle

severaltimesin the rangeof the freezedata or under variousconditionsif there was no freezedata.

Doesit click? YES Go to step 3.


Checkfor DTCor TemporaryDTCwith a scantool.

NO Go to step 30. 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

ls DTC P0301,P0302, P0303 or P0304,or TemporaryDTC P1399indicated?

4. Exchangethe ignitioncoil from the problem cylinderwith one from anothercylinder.

YES Go to step 12.

5. Test-drivethe vehicleseveraltimesin the rangeof the freezedata or under variousconditionsif there was no freezedata.

NO Intermittentmisfire due to spark plug fouling, etc. (no misfire at this time).I ,lt

6, Checkfor a DTCor TemporaryDTCwith the scan tool.

Determinewhich cylinder had the misfire. Does the misf ire occur in the other cylinder where the spark plug was exchanged?

ls DTC P0301, P0302, P0303 or P0304, or TemporaryDTC P1399indicated?

YES Replacethe faulty spark plug.t NO Go to step 13.

YES Go to step 7.

1 3 .Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. NO Intermittentmisfire due to poor contactatthe i g n i t i o nc o i lc o n n e c t o(rn o m i s f i r ea t t h i s t i m e ) . 1

1 4 .Exchangethe injectorfrom the problemcylinder w i t h o n e f r o m t h e a n o t h e rc y l i n d e r . 1 5 . Let the engine idle for 2 minutes. to.

Test-drivethe vehicleseveraltimesin the rangeof the freezedata or under variousconditionsif there was no freezedata.



System PGM-FI DTCTroubleshooting{cont'd) 17. Checkfor a DTCor TemporaryDTCwith the scan rool. ls DTC P0301, P0302, P0303 ot P0304, ol TemporaryDTC P1399indicated?

24. Checkfor continuitybetweenignitioncoil 3P connectorterminal No. 2 and body ground. IGNITION COIL3PCONNECTOR

YES'- Go to step 18. NO - Intermiftentmisfire due to bad contactin the injectorconnector(no misfire at this time).I 18. Determinewhich cylinder had the misfire. Does the misf ire occu in the other cylinder wherc the injector was exchanged? Y E S R e p l a c et h e f a u l t y i n j e c t o r ( s e e p a g e l l 8 7 ) .t ls there continuity? NO Go to step 19. YES Go to step 25. 19. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 20. Disconnectthe ignitioncoil 3P connectorfrom the problem cylinder. 2 1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 22. Measurevoltage betweenignition coil 3P connectorterminal No. 3 and body ground. IGNITION COIL3PCONNECTOR

Wire side of t e m a l et e r m i n a l s

ls there battery voltage? YES Go to step 23. the No 4 NO Repairopen in the wire bet\iveen C O I L( 1 5 A )f u s ea n d t h e i g n i t i o nc o i l . l 23. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

11 -6 6

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ignition c o i l a n dG 1 0 1 . I

25. DisconnectECMconnectorC (31P)

26. Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and the ECMconnectorterminal (seetable). ECMCONNECTOR C {31P) IGPLSl{WHT}

27. Connectthe a ppropriateignition coil 3P connector '1 terminal No. to body ground wilh a jumper wire {seetable). IGNITIONCOIL3P CONNECTOR


Wire side of female terminals

Wire side ot femaleterminals

PROBLEM CYLINDER No. 'l No.2 No.3 No.4



P0301 P0302 P0303 P0304

c4 c12 c13 c14


ls therecontinuity?



No.1 N o .2 N o .3 N o .4

P0301 P0302 P0303 P0304


28. Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and the ECMconnectorterminal (seetable).

YES- Repairshortin thewire betweenthe ECM a n dt h ei g n i t i o cn o i l . l


NO Goto step27.


Wire side oI femaleterminals




No.1 N o .2 N o .3 No.4

P0301 P0302 P0303

c4 c13




ls therecontinuity? YES Goto step29. NO- Repairopenin thewire betweenthe ECMand t h ei g n i t i o cn o i l . l (cont'd)


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) 29. Checkthe engine compression(seepage 6-32).

36. Measureresistancebetvveeniniector2P connector t e r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 .

ls the engine compression OK? INJECTOR2P CONNECTOR

YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe original ECM.I N O R e p a i tr h e e n g i n e . l 30. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 31. DisconnectECMconnectorB (25P). 3 2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l )

I s t h e r e1 0 g

33. Measurevoltage betweenbody ground and the ECfvlconnectorterminal (seetable).

YES Go to step 37. N O R e p l a c e t h ei n j e c t o r( s e ep a g e1 1 - 8 7 ) . I


1 3Q ?

3 7 . Exchangethe injectorfrom the problem cylinder



with one from anothercylinder.

3 8 . Let the engineidle for 2 minutes. 39. Test-drivethe vehicleseveraltimes in the rangeof the freezedata or under variousconditionsif there was no freezedata. Checkfor a DTCor TemporaryDTCwith the scan tool. Wire side of femaleterminals

PROBLEM CYLINDER No.1 N o .2 No.3 N o .4



P0301 P0302 P0303 P0304

t t t l

83 B4 E'5

ls DTC P0301,P0302, P0303 or P0304,or Temporary DTC P1399 indicated?



ls therc battery voltage?

YES Go to step 41. NO Intermittentmisfire due to injector malfunction,etc.I 4 1 . Determinewhich cylinder had the misfire. Does the misfire occur in the other cylinder where the injectot was exchanged?

YES Go to step 34. NO Go to step 42.

34. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 35. Disconnectthe injector2P connectorfrom the

YES Replacethe faulty injector.l NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck {seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe originalEClvl.l

42. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF.


43. Disconnectthe injector2P connectorfrom the p r o b l e mc y l i n d e r . 4 4 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .


45, Measurevoltagebetweeninjector2P connector t e r m j n a lN o . 2 a n d b o d y g r o u n d .

48. Connectinjector2P connectorterminal No. I to body ground with a jumper wire (seetable). INJECTOR2PCONNECTOR




JUMPEn wruEl

W i . e s i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s Wire side of femaleterminals


I s there battety voltage? YES- Go to step 46. NO - Repairopen in the wire betweenthe injector a n dt h e P G M - Fm l a i n r e l a y !.

DTC P030'1 P0302 P0303 P0304

No. 1 N o .2 N o .3 N o .4


4 9 . Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and the ECM connectorterminals(seetable).

46. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 4 7 . Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and the ECI\4connectorterminal (seetable),





Wire side of femaleterminals


W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

PROBLEM CYLINDER No.1 N o .2 N o .3 No.4







B3 B4 B5


P0303 P0304

No.1 N o .2 No.3 No.4

DTC P0301 P0302 P0303 P0304


ls there continuity? YES Replacethe injector,then recheck.l

ls there continuity? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM a n dt h e i n j e c t o r . I

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECMand the injector.I

NO Go to step 48.


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) KnockSensorCircuitMalfunction DTCP0325:

7. Connectknocksensorconnectorterminal No. 1to body ground with a jumper wire.

1 . R e s e t h e E C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 2. Startthe engine.Hold the engine at 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on, thenletit idle.


KS(RED/BLU) 3. Hold the engine at 3,000 4,000rpmfor'10 seconds, JUMPERWIRE

ls DTC P0325 indicated? YES Go to step 4. NO Intermittentfailure.system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the knocksensorand at the ECM.I

Wiresideof femaleterminals

8 . Checkfor continuitybetweenECMconnector 4. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 5. From under neaththe vehicle,reachabove the front of the startermotor, and disconnectthe knock s e n s o r1 Pc o n n e c t o r .

terminal C22 and body ground. ECMCONNECTOR C {31PI

6. DisconnectECMconnectorC (31P),then checkfor continuitybetweenECI\4connectorterminalsC22 and body ground. ECM CONNECTORC 131P}

wire side of temaleterminals

Is there continuity ? YES Go to step9.

Wire side ol lemale terminals

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C22a ) n dt h e k n o c ks e n s o r . l 9. Substitutea known-goodknocksensorand recheck.

ls there continuity? ls DTC P0325 indicated? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenECI\4(C22) and the knocksensor.l NO Go to step 7.

YES-Substitute a known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf symptom/indicationgoes away, r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I N O - R e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a kl n o c ks e n s o r . I


DTCP1361:CMP(TDC)SensorA ,ntermittent Interruption

6. Checkfor continuity to body ground on all t e r m i n a l si n d i v i d u a l l y .

DTCPl362:CMP(TDC)SensorA No Signal DTCP1366:CMP(TDC)SensorB Intermittent Interruption DTCP1367: CMP(TDC)SensorB No Signal N O T E :I n f o r m a t i o n m a r k e dw i t h a n a s t e r i s k( * ) a p p l i e s to DTCP13660r DTCP1367. '1. R e s e t t h eE C M ( s e e p a g el 1 - 4 ) 2. Startthe engine. ls DTC Pl361, Pl362, P1366and/or P1367 indicated? YES- Go to step 3. NO Intermittentfailure, system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat CMP (TDC)sensorA, CMP (TDC)sensor B * and at theEcM.I



l--r--rri | ?r l

9-L 9 _L Terminalside of male terminals

Is therecontinuity? YES Replace the CMP(TDC)sensorA and/orCMP (TDC)sensorB x (seepage6-3).1 NO Goto step7.

3 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 4 . Disconnectthe CMP (TDC)sensorA and CMP {TDC) sensorB * 2P connectors.

l\4easureresistancebetweenCMP (TDC)sensor2P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 .


T e r m i n a ls i d e o f m a l e t e r m i n a l s

Is there 1,850 2,450 Q ? YES Go to step 6. NO Replacethe CMP (TDC)sensorA and/orCMP ( T D C s) e n s o rB * ( s e e p a g e 6 - 3 ) . I (cont'd)


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting{cont'd) 7 . ReconnectCMP {TDC)sensorA and CMP (TDC) sensor B * 2P connectors. d,

'10. Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and ECMconnectorteminal C20(C29)* . ECMCONNECTOR C (31P)

DisconnectECI\4connectorC (31P).


9 . lvleasureresistancebetweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sC 2 0a n d C 2 1( C 2 9a n d C 3 0 )* . C I31P} ECMCONNECTOR TDC1P IGRN) 1


1 l 12





t 4 15 16 1 7 1 8

24 25

26 21 2A


o \9




20 21 22

Wire side o{ femaleterminals




Wiresideof femaleterminals ls thete 1,850- 2,450 Q ? YES Go to step 10. NO Repairopen or short in the faulty sensor wire{s).1


ls therc continuity? YES- Repairshort to body ground in the faulty sensorwire(s).1 NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe originalECM.I

DTCP0335: CKPSensorNo Signal DTCP0336:CKPSensorlntermittent Interruption

5. Checkfor continuitybetweenCKPsensor3P connectortermlnal No. I and body ground and t e r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d b o d y g r o u n di n d i v i d u a l l y . CKPSENSOR3P CONNECTOR

1 . R e s e t t h eE C M { s e ep a g e l 1 - 4 1 . 2. Startthe engine. ls DTC P0335 and/or P0336 indicated? YES Go to step 3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the CKPsensorand at the ECM.I

Terminalside of male terminals

Turn the ignition switch OFF. ls there continuity? 4 . Disconnectthe CKPsensor3P connector,and measureresistancebetweenCKPsensor3P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 .

YES Replacethe CKPsensor(seepage 6-3).1 NO-Go to step 6.




lr-E-l-Jl " tl | __T--Tl # l

6. Reconnectthe CKPsensor3P connector. 1 . DisconnectECMconnectorC (31P),and measure resistancebetweenthe ECMconnectorterminals C8 and C9.

t l L-----r cKP- | CKP+ (wHrl |--\4/^\ l(Btul




T e r m i n as li d eo f m a l et e r m i n a l s l

lsthere 1,850 2,450 Q ?





E 9 t0

1 1 12 l 3 1 4

17 18

20 21 22

24 25

27 2E


YES Go to step 5. NO Replacethe CKPsensor(seepage 6-3).1

Wiresideof temaleterminals

ls there 1,850 2,450 Q ? YES Go to step 8. NO- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C8, C 9 )a n d C K Ps e n s o r . l



PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl 8. Checkfor continuitybetweenECMconnector terminalC8andbodyground. ECMCONNECTOR C 13,IP)


Wire side of femaleterminals

ls therc continuity? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenECM t e r m i n a lC 8 a n d t h e C K Ps e n s o r . I NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe original ECM.I




10. MeasurevoltagebetweenECMconnectorterminal C 2 8a n d b o d y g r o u n d .

1 . R e s e t h e E C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) 2. Startthe engine.Hold the engineat 3,000rpm with n o l o a d{ i n n e u t r a l u) n t i l t h er a d i a t o r f a nc o m e so n , then let it idle.





11 12

Test-drivewith the transmissionin 2nd gear accelerateto 4,000rpm, then decelerateto 1,500 rpm with the throttlefully closedfor at least5 seconds.

E 9 10


t 9 20 21 22

15 16 1 1 24 %

26 21 2E




4. Checkfor a DTCwith the scantool. ls DTC P0500 indicated?

Wire side oI temaleterminals

YES Go to step 5.

ls there about 5 V?

NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminals betweenthe VSS and at the ECM.I

YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C28a ) n dV S S . I

5. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes l CM.I a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E

6 . R a i s et h e v e h i c l e .

1 1 .Measurevoltage betweenthe VSS 3P connector 7. Disconnectthe VSS 3P connector. 8 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .

t e r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 3 . VSS 3P CONNECTOR

9. lvleasurevoltagebetweenVSS 3P connector t e r m i n a lN o . 1 a n d b o d y g r o u n d .



Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls there about 5 V? Wire side of femaleterminals

ls thereabout5 V?

YES Go to step 12. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe Eclvl {820, 822) and the VSS.t

'1 YES Goto step 1. N O G ot o s t e p1 0 . {cont'd)


PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl 12. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

21. MeasurevoltagebetweenECMconnector terminalsA9 and B20.

13. Reconnectthe VSS 3P connector. ECM CONNECTORS

1 4 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .

B (25P)

1 5 . R a i s et h e r e a ro f t h e v e h i c l ea, n d m a k es u r ei t ' s securelysupported.Hold one wheel, and slowly rotatethe other. '16.

lvleasurevoltage betweenECM connector t e r m i n a l sA 9 a n d 8 2 0 . ECM CONNECTORS

B l25Pl Wire side of femaleterminals

Does voltage pulse between 0 V and about 5 V? YES Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I

Wire side of femaleterminals

Does voltagepulse between 0 V and about 5 V? YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicariongoes away, replacethe originalECM.t NO Go to step 17. 1 7 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F . 18. DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P). '19. T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l ) . 20. Hold one wheel, and slowly rotatethe other.


NO Repairshort or open in the wire betweenthe VSS and the ECM,if the wire is OK, replacethe VSS {seepage 22-52).!

nce DTCPl106:BAROSensorRange/Perfoma Problem 1 . R e s e t h e E C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) 2. Startthe engine.Hold the engineat 3,000rpm with n o l o a d{ i n n e u t r a l u) n t i lt h e r a d i a t ofra n c o m e so n , thenletit idle.

DTCPl107:BAROSensorCircuitLowVoltage DTCPl108:BAROSensorCircuitHigh Voltage 1 . R e s e t t h eE C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .

3. Test-drivewith the transmissionin 4th gear.

l s D T C P 1 1 0 7o r P 1 1 0 8i n d i c a t e d ?

4. Acceleratefor 5 secondsusingwide open throttle.

YES Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes l CM.I a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E

5. Checkfor a TemporaryDTCwith the scantool. ls TemporaryDTC P1106indicated?

NO- Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time.I

YES Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes l CM.I a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time.l


PGM-FI System DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTCP1297:ELDCircuitLow Voltage 1. Resetthe ECI\4(seepage 11-4). 2. Stan the engine.

8. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 9. DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P). 10. Checkfor continuitybetweenECMconnector terminaA l 3 0 a n d b o d yg r o u n d .

3, Turn on the headlights. ECMCONNECTOR A (32PI

ls DTC P1297 indicated? 2

YES Go to step 4.

12 t3

NO lntermittentfailure,system is OK at this tlme. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the ELDand at the ECM.t




t5 25 26 21

17 18





28 29 30 ELD {GRN/RED}


4. Turn the ignition switch and headlightsOFF. 5. DisconnecttheELD3P connector.

WiresideoI femaleterminals

6. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). ls Ihere continuity? 7. Measurevoltage betweenELD3P connector t e r m i n a lN o . 3 a n d b o d y g r o u n d ELD3PCONNECTOR





Wire side ot Iemaleterminals

ls thereabout5 V? Y E S .R - e p l a cteh eE L D . I NO Goto step8.


YES- Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM (A30)and the ELD.! NO Substitutea known,goodECMand recheck {seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away. replacethe original ECM.I

ELDCircuitHighVoltage DTCP1298:

9. ConnectELD3P connectorterminal No. 3 to body ' g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e rw i r e .

1 . R e s e t t h eE C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) ELD3PCONNECTOR 2 . S t a r tt h e e n g i n e . 3, Turn on the headlights. ls DTC P1298 indicated? YES Go to step 4. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat t h e E L Da n d a t t h e E C M . I 4. Turn the ignition switch and headlightsOFF.

Wiresideof femaleterminals

1 0 .DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P)

5. Disconnectthe ELD3P connector.

1 1 .Checkfor continuitybetweenthe ECMconnector 6 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l )

terminal (A30)and body ground.

7. Measurevoltage betweenELD3P connector t e r m i n a lN o . 1 a n d b o d y g r o u n d .





14 26 27







28 29 30


E 9






Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls thete continuity? Wiresideof femaleterminals YES Go to step 12. ls there battery voltage? YES Go to step 8.

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (A30)and the ELD.a

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe No. 6 A C G ( 1 5A ) f u s ea n d t h e E L D . I T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F .



PGM-FISystem DTCTroubleshooting{cont'd) 12. Checkfor continuitybetweenELD3P connector t e r m i n a lN o , 2 a n d b o d y g r o u n d .

DTCPl607:ECMInternalCircuitMalfunction 1 . R e s e t t h eE C M ( s e ep a g e ' l ' l - 4 ; .


2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l ) . 3. Wait 30 seconds. ls DTC P1607 indicated? YES- Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I

Wire side of femaleterminals

NO Go to step 4. 4. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF.

ls therecontinuity? 5. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).

YES Goto step13. 6 . W a i t 1 0s e c o n d s .

NO Repairopenin thewire betweenELD c o n n e c t ot er r m i n aNl o .2 a n dG 2 0 1 . 1 13. Reconnect the ELD3Pconnector andECM connectorA (32P).

ls DTC P1607 indicated? YES- Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck {seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I

1 4 . S t a r tt h e e n g i n ea n d l e t i t i d l e . tc.

While measuringvoltage betweenECMconnector terminalsA30 and 820, turn the headlightson (low). ECM CONNECTORS

A {32P)

Wire side of femaleterminals

Does the voltage drcp? YES Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11'5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe original ECM.I NO Replacethe ELD.t


NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Ask the customerif the batteryever went dead.l

MIL CircuitTroubleshooting 1 . Turn the ignition switch ON {ll), and watch the Malfunction I n d i c a t oLr a m p( M l L ) .

3. Try to stan the engine. n^a.

rha andiha


Does the MIL come on and stay on?

YES- Go to step 4.

YES lf the MIL alwayscome on and stayson, go to step 21. But if the MIL sometimesworks normally,first checkfor these problems.l

NO Go to step 7.

. An intermittentshort in the wire betweenthe E C M( A 1 0 )a n dt h e d a t al i n kc o n n e c t o{rD L C ) . . An intermittentshort in the wire betweenthe E C M{ A 1 8 )a n dt h e g a u g ea s s e m b l y . N O l f t h e M l L i s a l w a y s o f f . g o t o s t e p 2 .B u t i f t h e MIL sometimesworks normally,first checkfor these problems.l

4. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 5. ConnectEclvlconnectorterminalAlS to body ground with a jumper wire. A {32P} ECMCONNECTOR



12 13

. A l o o s eN o . 5 I N S T R U M E NLTI G H TB A C KU P LIGHT(7.5A)fuse in the under-dashfuse/relay box, . A l o o s eA C GS ( 1 5 A ) f u s ei n t h e u n d e r - h o o d fuse/relaybox. . A l o o s eN o . 2 F U E LP U M PS R S( 1 5 A ) f u s ei n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox. . A poor connectionat ECMterminal418. . An intermittentopen in the GRN/ORNwire betweenthe ECM(A18)and the gauge assembly. . An intermittentshort in the wire betweenthe ECM(C19)and the MAP sensor. . An intermittentshort in the wire betweenthe ECM(C28)and TP sensor,vehiclespeedsensor (VSS),air pump electriccurrentsensor,or fuel tank pressure(FTP)sensor. . P G M - Fm l a i nr e l a y . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F Fa n dt h e n O N ( l l )a g a i n .



t5 E 26 27

6 1 7 16






29 30

24 32


Wire side of femaleterminals

Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). ls the MIL on? YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck {seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe originalECM.I NO Checkfor an open in the wires betweenthe ECM{A18)and the gauge assembly.Also checkfor a b l o w nM I L b u l b . l

ls the Iow oil ptessure light on? YES-"Go to step 3. NO Checkfor these problems.l . A b l o w n N o . 5 I N S T R U M E N LTI G H TB A C KU P LIGHT(7.5A)fusein the under-dashfuse/relay box. . A short or open in the wire betweenNo. 5 INSTRUI\4EN LT I G H TB A C KU P L I G H T( 7 . 5 A } f u s e a n d t h e g a u g ea s s e m b l y .



PGM-FISystem (cont'd) MIL CircuitTroubleshooting 1 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. I n s p e ctth e A C G S ( 1 5 A )f u s e i n t h e m a i n u n d e r hood fuse/relaybox.

1 0 .D i s c o n n e cEt C N c4o n n e c t oC r {31P). 1 1 .Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and E C Mc o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sC 1 9a n d C 2 8i n d i v i d u a l l y .

ls the f use OK?


YES Go to step 9.


NO - Checkfor these problems.l


11 12 t 3 1 4


24 25

. A s h o n i n t h e w i r e b e t w e e nt h e A C G S ( 1 5 A ) f u s e l a i nr e l a y . a n d t h e P G M - Fm . A short in the wire betweenthe PGM-FImain relay and the ECM,injectors,or IACvalve.

1 7 18

26 27 28



9 . I n s p e ctth e N o . 2 F UE L P U M PS R S( 1 5 A )f u s e i n t h e under-dashf use/relaybox.




2A 21 22

n 30

(YEL/BEDI o(Ovccl

W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

ls the f use OK?

ls there continuity?

YES Go to step '10.

YES Go to step 12.

NO Checkfor these problems.I

N O G o t o s t e p1 3 .

. A s h o r ti n t h e w i r e b e t w e e nt h e N o . 2 F U E L P U M PS R S( 1 5A ) f u s ea n d t h e P G M - Fm l a i nr e l a y o r t h e S R Su n i t . . A short in the wire betweenthe PGM-Flmain relay and the fuel pump. . A faulty PGM-Flmain relay or faulty fuel pump.


12. Disconnectthe 3P connectorfrom eachof these sensors,one at a time, and checkfor continuity betweenbody ground and ECMconnectorterminal C 1 9a n d C 2 8i n d i v i d u a l l y . . . . . .

MAP sensor Vehiclespeedsensor(VSS) Fueltank pressure{FTP)sensor TP sensor A i r p u m p e l e c t r i c aclu r r e n ts e n s o r

Is therc continuity? YES Repairshon to body ground in the wire ) n dt h e M A P s e n s o r o, r t h e b e t w e e nt h e E C M( C 1 9 a ECM (C28)and the TP sensor,VSS, FTPsensoror a ; r p u m p e l e c t r i c aclu r r e n ts e n s o r . NO Replacethe sensorthat made continuityto body ground go away when disconnected.l Disconnectthe injectorsand IACvalve connectors.


1 4 . Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). t5.

Measurevoltagebetweenbody ground and ECIM c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sB 1 a n d 8 9 i n d i v i d u a l l y . ECM CONNECTORB {25P}



Turn the ignition switch OFF.

1 7 . Reconnectthe connectorsto the sensors,then reconnectECMconnectorC (31P). 1 8 . Turn the ignition switchON (ll). 1 9 . Measurevoltage betweenbody ground and ECM connectorterminals82, 810, 820, and B22 individually. B {25P} ECMCONNECTOR

W i r es i d eo t t e m a l et e r m i n a l s

ls there battery voltage? YES- Go to step 16. NO Checkfor these problems: . An open in the wire(s)betweenthe PGfM-Fl main relay and ECMconnectorterminalsB1 and 89. . Poorconnectionsat the PGM-FImain relay. . A f a u l t yP G M - Fm l a i n r e l a y( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 2 ) . Repairor replacepartsas needed.


LGI (BRN/YELI Wire side ot lemale terminals

ls there less than 1.0 V ? YES Substitutea known-goodECfvland recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes l CM.I a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E NO Repairopen in the wire(s)that had more than 1.0V betweenG'101and the ECI\4(82, Bl0, 820, B22l.a

20. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 2 1 .Connectan OBD ll scantool/HondaPGM Tester ( s e ep a g e11 - 3 ) .

22. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). Readthe OBD ll scantool/HondaPGMTester. Are any DTCs indicated? YES Go to the DTCTroubleshootingIndex.l NO Go to step 24.



PGM-FISystem MIL CircuitTroubleshooting(cont'dl 24. Turnthe ignitionswitchOFF.

27. Turnthe ignitionswitchON (ll).

25. Disconnect ECMconnector A (32P).

28. MeasurevoltagebetweenECMconnector terminal 4 1 0a n db o d yg r o u n d .

26. Checkfor continuitybetweenbodygroundand (DLC)(16P)terminalNo.15. DataLinkConnector



scs {BRNt l


12 1 3




t6 25 26 ?

1T t6 1 9




B 29

24 32

Wire side ot temaleterminals Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls there about 5 V?

ls therecontinuity? YES Go to step 29.

YES Repairshortin thewire betweenthe DLCand t h eE c M( A 2 1 ) . t

NO - Repairshort in the wire betweenthe DLCand the EcM (A10).1

NO Goto step27. 29. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 30. DisconnectECMconnectorA {32P). 31. Reconnectthe negativecableto the battery. 3 2 , T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . ls the MIL on? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe gauge a s s e m b l ya n d t h e E C M( A 1 8 )f. NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe original ECM.I


DLCCircuitTroubleshooting lf the ECM does not communicatewith the OBD ll scan tool, Honda PGMTester,or l/M test equipment,do this troubleshooting procedure. 1. MeasurevoltagebetweenDLCterminal No.8 and body ground.

3. Measurevoltage betweenDLCterminalsNo.8 and No.13. DATA LINK CONNECTORIDLC) (16P}


Wire side of femaleterminals

ls there battety voltage? Wiresideof femaleterminals YES Go to step 4. Is there battery voltage?

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenDLCterminal N o . 8 a n d b o d y g r o u n d( G1 0 1 )I.

YES Go to step 2. 4 . Turn the ignition switch ON ( ll).

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenDLCterminal N o . 8 a n d t h e A C G S( 1 5 A ) f u s ei n t h e u n d e r - h o o d fuse/relaybox.l MeasurevoltagebetweenDLCterminalsNo.8 and N o .1 2 .

5 . Measurevoltage betweenDLCterminalsNo. 13 and N o .1 5 . DATA LINKCONNECTOR {DLCI


Wiresideof femaleterminals

W i r es i d eo f f e m a l e terminals

ls there 8.5 V ot mote? YES Go to step 10.

ls there battery voltage? NO Go to step 6. YES Go to step 3. 6 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F . NO Repairopen in the wire betweenDLCterminal N o . 8 a n d b o d y g r o u n d{ G 4 0 1 ) . I



PGM-FISystem DLCCircuitTroubleshooting(cont'd) 7 . DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P).Make sure the OBD ll scantooi or Honda PGM Testeris disconnectedfrom the DLC. Checkfor continuitybetweenDLCterminal No. 15 and body ground.

ls there continuity? YES Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lfthe symptom/indicationgoes a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I NO Repairopen in the wire betweenDLCterminal No. 15 and the ECM (A21).After repairingthe wire, checkthe DTCwith the OBD ll scantool/Honda PGMTesterand go to the DTCTroubleshooting Index.l


10. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 11. DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P).Make sure the OBD ll scantool or HondaPGM Testeris disconnectedfrom the DLC. Wiresideof femaleterminals

1 2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l ) . 13, MeasurevoltagebetweenDLCterminalsNo. 13 and N o .1 5 .

ls there continuity? YES Repairshort to ground in the wire between DLCterminal No. 15 and the ECM (A21).After repairingthe wire, checkthe DTCwith the OBD ll scantool/HondaPGM Testerand go to the DTC Troubleshootingindex.I


NO Go to step 9. 9. Checkfor continuitybetweenDLCterminal No. 15 a n d E C Mt e r m i n a 4 l 21. DATALINKCONNECTOR {DLC)(16P) 5lr/

12 t 3

K-L|NEI (cRY) |

ls there 0 V? /.




12 t 3

1 7 1E 1 9


Wiresideot temaleterminals


a 29

)|s m 21l ./





Wire side of femaleterminals


YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I


NO - Repairshort to power in the wire betweenthe , fter D L Ct e r m i n a lN o . 1 5 a n d t h e E C M( A 2 1 )A repairingthe wire, checkthe DTCwith the OBD ll scantool/HondaPGM Testerand go to the DTC Troubleshootingindex.!

lnjectorReplacement 1 . Relievethe fuel pressure(seepage'11-105). 2 . Removethe fuel rail cover (A),then disconnectthe connectorsfrom the injectors(B).

{1.2kgf m, 8.7 rbf.ftl

1 2N . m (1.2kgf,m, 8.7lbf.ft)

3 . D i s c o n n e ct h t e v a c u u mh o s ea n d f u e l r e t u r nh o s e f r o m t h e f u e lp r e s s u r er e g u l a t o{rC ) .P l a c ea r a g o r s h o pt o w e l over the hosesbeforedisconnectingthem. 4 . D i s c o n n e ct h t e f u e l h o s e ( D )f r o m t h e f u e l r a i l( E ) .R e m o v et h e v a c u u mp i p e s( F ) . 5 . R e m o v e t h er e t a i n e r n u t {sG )a n d b o l t s ( H )f r o m t h e f u e l r a i l a n dh a r n e s sh o l d e r( l ) . 6. DisconnectthePCVvalve (J). 7. Disconnectthe fuel rail. 8. Removethe injectorsfrom the intakemanifold(K).



PGM-FISystem InjectorReplacement(cont'dl 9. Slide new cushion rings (A) onto the injectors(B).

12 N.m 11.2kgf.m,8.7lbt ft)

10. Coat new O-rings(C)with clean engineoil, and put them on the iniectors. 11. Insertthe injectorsinto the fuel rail (D). 1 2 . C o a t n e w s e a lr i n g s ( E ) w i t h c l e a n e n g i n e o i l , a n d p r e s s t h e m i n t o t h e i n t a k e m a n i f o l d . '13.

Installthe injectorsin the intakemanifold.

14. Installand tighten the retainernuts. 1 5 . C o n n e c t t h e i u ehl o s e t o t h e f u e lr a i lw i t h n e w w a s h e r s . 16. Connectthevacuumhosesandfuel return hose to the fuel pressureregulator. '17.

Connectthe PCVvalve.

18. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),but do not operatethe starter.After the fuel pump runs for approximately2 seconds,the fuel pressurein the fuel line rises.Repeatthis 2 or 3 times, then checkwhetherthere is any fuel reaKage.


PrimaryHO2SReplacement 1. Disconnectthe primary HO2S4Pconnector(A).

SecondaryHO2SReplacement l. Dlsconnectthe secondaryHO2S4P connector(A).


2. Removethe primary HO2S(B).

2. Removethe secondary HO2S(B).


,/'.,' ,' ., . _ . / , ,



44 N.m {4.5kgf m.33lbf ft}

3 . InstalltheprimaryHO2Sin the reverseorderof removal.

44N.m (4.5kgf.m,33lbt.ft) Inslallthe secondaryHO2Sin the reverseorder removal,


ldleGontrolSystem ComponentLocationIndex

- - "";t -- -''"--




DTCTroubleshooting DTCP0505:ldleControlSystemMalfunction

7. Blockboth the upper and the lower ports (A) in the throttle body with your fingers.

NOTE:lf DTCPl519 is stored atthe same time as DTC P0505,troubleshootingDTCP1519first, then recheck for DTCP0505. '1. S t a r t t h ee n g i n e H . o l dt h e e n g i n ea t 3 , 0 0 0r p m w i t h no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on, then let it idle. 2. Checkthe enginespeedat idle with no'load conditions:headlights,blower fan, radiatorfan, and air conditioneroff. ls the idle 800+ 50 rpm? YES Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this t i m e .t NO lf the idle speed is lessthan 750 rpm, go to step 3; if ifs 850 rpm or higher,go to step 4. 3. Disconnectthe3P connectorfromthe IACvalve.

Does the engine stall? YES- Replacethe IACvalve.t NO Checkfor vacuum leaks,test the throttle body (seepage 11-122l,, and repairas necessary.l

Dose the engine speed increase or fluctuate? YES Checkthe idle speed (seepage 11-100).lf the idle will not adjust properly,cleanthe ports in the throttle body.t NO Replacethe IACvalve.l 4. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 5. Removethe intakeair duct from the throftle body. 6. Startthe engine and let it idle.


ldleControlSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTCPl519:IACValveCircuitMalfunction

8. Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and IAC v a l v e3 P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 1 .

1 . R e s e t h e E C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ; .


2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . ls DTC P 1519indicated?


YES Go to step 3,



NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the IACvalve and at the ECM.I 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

Wire side of femaleterminals

4. DisconnecttheIACvalve 3P connector. ls there continuity? 5. Turn the ignition switch ON (lli. YES Go to step 9. 6. MeasurevoltagebetweenIACvalve 3P connector t e r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d b o d yg r o u n d . IAC VALVE 3P CONNECTOR

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe IACvalve a n dG ' 1 0 1 . 1 9 . DisconnectECMconnectorB (25P).



1 0 . Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and ECMconnectorterminal B23.




2 10

3 'lt


W i r es i d eo f f e m a l tee r m i n a l s


12 21 22


,/1,/,/ ,/ ,/1,/,/ 23 ,/1,/ ia'

ls there battery voltage?


YES Go to step 7. Wiresideof femaleterminals NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe IACvalve a n dt h e P G M - Fm l a i nr e l a y . I ls there continuity? 7 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. YES Repairshon in the wire betweenthe IAC v a l v ea n dt h e E C M( 8 2 3 ) . I NO


Go to step 11.

11. ConnectIACvalve 3P connectorterminalsNo. 1 and No. 3 with a iumoer wire.

13. Removethe jumper wire from the IACvalve 3P connector,then reconnectthe IACvalve 3P connector.

't4. Turn the ignition


switch ON (ll).

1 5 .Measurevoltage betweenbody ground and ECM connectorterminal 823.





Wiresideof femaleterminals






3 11






21 22




Checkfor continuitybetweenECMconnector terminal B23 and body ground.

Wire side ot femaleterminals ECM CONNECTORB {25PI

2 I




1 l 12


21 22

,/ ,/1,/


,/1,/1,/),/ ,/1,/

23 tAcv (BLK/REO}


ls therebattery voltage? YES-Substitute a known-good ECMandrecheck goes {seepage1l-5).lf the symptom/indication away,replace the originalECM.t NO Replace the IACvalve.I

Wiresideof femaleterminats

ls there continuity? YES Go to step 13. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe IACvalve a n dt h e E C M( 8 2 3 ) . 1


ldleControlSystem A/C SignalCircuitTroubleshooting 1. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF.

8. MomentarilyconnectECMconnectorterminalsA17 and B20with a iumoerwire severaltames.

2. Disconnectthe A/C pressureswitch connector. 3 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .


4. Measurevoltage betweenECM connector terminalsA27 and 820. ECM CONNECTORS

WIRE JUMPER Wiresideof femaleterminals ls there a clicking noise lrom the NC comptessor clutch? YES Go to step9. Wire side of femaleterminals

NO Go to step 16.

ls thercabout5v?

9 . Start the engine.

YES Goto step5.

1 0 .Turn the blower switch ON.

NO Goto step12.

the Ay'Cswitch oN. 1 1 Turn ,

5. Turnthe ignitionswitchOFF.

Does the NC operate?

switchconnector. theA'lCpressure 6. Reconnect

s i g n a li s O K . l Y E S - T h e a i rc o n d i t i o n i n g

7. Turnthe ignitionswitchoN (ll).

N O - G o t o s t e p1 6 .

12. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 1 3 .DisconnectEcM connectorA (32P)


14. Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and ECMconnectorterminal 427.


Measurevoltage betweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sA 2 7 a n d 8 2 0 . ECM CONNECTORS









1 7 1 8 19 20 21

25 26 21

2A 29 30

24 32


f) W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s Wire side of lemale terminals

ls therc continuity?

ls there less than 1.0 V ?

YES Repairshort in the wire betweenECM{A27) and the Ay'Cpressureswitch.I

YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe original ECM.lf not, inspectthe Ay'Csystem (seepage 21-8).t

NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck ( s e ep a g e ' 1 1 - 5l)f,v o l t a g ei s n o w n o r m a l ,r e p l a c e the originalECM.lf not, checkthe A,/Csystemfor other symptoms.l

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECI\4 (A 27) and the Ay'Cpressureswitch,or betweenthe Ay'Cpressureswitch and the heatercontrol panel.l

1 5 . Momentarilyconnectmain under-hoodfuse/relay box l6P connectorterminal No. 11 to body ground w i t h a j u m p e rw i r e s e v e r atl i m e s . NOTE:The main under-hoodfuse/relaybox 14P connectoris on the bottom of the fuse box. When you unbolt and invertthe fuse box, leavethe upper cover on it to preventshort circuits. MAIN UNDER.HOOD FUSE/RELAY BOX CONNECTOR D (15P)


1 1


,/ 1,/

4 ll




Wire side of femaleterminals

ls therc a clicking noise f rom the A/ C compressor clutch? YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM ( A 1 7 )a n d t h e A , / Cc l u t c hr e l a y . t NO Checkthe Ay'Csystemfor other symptoms.I


ldleControlSystem AlternatorFRSignalCircuitTroubleshooting 1. Disconnectthe alternator4P connector.

11, Connectalternator4P connectorterminal No 4 to body ground with a jumPerwire.

2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) ALT 4PCONNECTOR

3. Measurevoltage betweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sB 2 0a n d C 5 .





Wiresideof femaleterminals

12. Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and Wiresideof femaleterminals

ECMconnectorterminal C5. ECM CONNECTORC (31P)

ls thete about 5 V? ALTF(WHT/RED} YES Go to step 4. 1 NO Go to step 14. 4. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

-r '.)\



11 12



9 10




2A 21 22




26 27 28

ZJ 30

5. Reconnectthe alternator4P connector. 6. Startthe engine.Holdthe engine at 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on, then let it idle. 7. lvleasurevoltage betlveenECMconnector t e r m i n a l s8 2 0 a n d C 5 . Does the voltage decrease when the headlights and rear window defogger are turned on? YES The alternatorFRsignalis OK I N O - G o t o s t e p8 . 8. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 9. DisconnectECI\4connectorC (3'lP). 10. Disconnectthealternator4P connector.


Wire side of femaleterminals

Is there continuitY? '1 YES Testthe alternator(seestep on page 4-23). I NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C5) and the alternator.l 13. Turn the ignitlon switchOFF. 14. DisconnectECMconnectorC (31P)

StarterSwitch SignalCircuit Troubleshooting 15. Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and ECMconnectorterminal C5. NOTE:The clutch pedal must be pressed. ECMCONNECTOR C 13lPI


A \2)




l l 12

15 24 25

7 1 7 18

26 27 28


9 10

1. Measurevoltage betweenEclvlconnector terminalsA24 and 820 with the lgnition switch in the ON {ll) positionand the engine start button pressed.

2A 21 22




Wire sideof femaleterminats

ls therc continuity? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM (C5)and the alternator.t NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf prescribedvoltage is now normal, r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I

Wiresideof femaleterminals ls there battery voltage? YES The starterswitch signal is OK.l N O - G o t o s t e p2 . 2. Inspectthe No. 21 STARTERSIGNAL(7.5A) fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox. ls the f use OK ? YES- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (A24}ANdthE NO.21 STARTERSIGNAL(7.5A) fuse.I NO - Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM (A24)and the No. 21 STARTERStcNAL {7.5A} fuse o r t h e P G M - Fm l a i n r e l a y .R e p l a c e t h e N o .2 1 STARTER S I G N A L( 7 . 5A ) f u s e . l


ldle GontrolSystem ElectricalPowerSteering(EPS)SignalCircuitTroubleshooting 1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .

9, Measurevoltage betweenEPScontrol unitterminal N o . 1 3 a n d b o d yg r o u n d .

2 . MeasurevoltagebetweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sA 2 6 a n d 8 2 0 . EPSCONTROLUNIT 14PCONNECTOR ECM CONNECTORS

A (32P1


Wire side of femaleterminals wire side of femaleterminals

ls there battery voltage?

ls thete battery voltage? YES Substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit a n dr e c h e c k . l

YES Go to step 6. N O - G o t o s t e p3 .

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (426)and the EPScontrol unit.l

3. Startthe engine.

1 0 .T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F . 4. Turn the steeringwheel to the full lock position. 5. Measurevoltage betweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l s4 2 6 a n d 8 2 0 . ls there battery voltagebrietly? Y E S T h e E P Ss i g n a li s O K . l N O G o t o s t e p1 0 . 6. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 7. DisconnecttheEPScontrol unit 14Pconnector. 8 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l ) .


' 1 1Disconnect . the EPScontrol unit 14Pconnector. T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N {l l ) .

BrakePedalPositionSwitch Signal CircuitTroubleshooting 13. lMeasurevoltagebetweenEPScontrol unit terminal N o . 1 3 a n d b o d yg r o u n d . 1 , C h e c kt h e b r a k el i g h t s . EPSCONTROLUNIT 14PCONNECTOR

Are the brake lights on withoutprcssing the brake pedal? YES-lnspectthe brakepedal positionswitch adjustment(seepage 19-6).t EPSLDIBLU/BLK}

NO Go to step 2. 2. Pressthe brakepedal,

Wire sideof female terminals

Do the brake lights come on?

ls there battery voltage?

YES Go to slep 3.

YES-Substitute a known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck,l

NO Go to step 4. 3. Measurevoltage betweenECMconnector terminalsA32 and 820 with the brakepedal pressed.

NO Go to step 14. 1 4 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. t5.

DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P).


Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and ECMconnectorterminal 426.







1 5 / 1 1 1 t 8 t 9 2A 2 l 25 26 27

a 29



ls there battety voltage? YES-The brakepedal positionswitch signal is



NO - Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (A32)and the brakepedal positionswitch.l Wiresideof female terminals

Inspectthe STOP('l0A)fuse in the under-hood fuse/relaybox.

ls thete continuity?

ls the f use OK?

YES- Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM (426)and the EPScontrol unit.l

YES-'Repairopen in the wire betweenthe brake pedal positionswitch and the STOP(10A)fuse. Inspectthe brakepedal positionswitch (seepage 4471.a

NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck ( s e ep a g e11 - 5 ) l.f t h e v o l t a g ei s n o w n o r m a l , r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I

NO - Repairshort in the wire betweenthe ECM {A32)and the STOP(10A)fuse. Replacethe STOP ( 1 0 A )f u s e r.


ldleControlSystem ldle SpeedInspection NOTE: . Leavethe IACvalve connected . Beforecheckingthe idle speed,checkthese items: - The MIL has not been reportedon - l g n i t i o nt i m i n g - Sparkplugs - Ail cleaner - PC\


' On Canadianmodels.pullthe parkingbrakelever up. Startthe engine,then checkthat the headlightsare off. 1. Disconnectthe EVAPcanisterpurgevalve 2P connecror. 2. Connecta tachometer. 3, Startthe engine.Hold the engine at 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on, then let it idle. 4. Checkthe idle speedwith no-loadconditions: headlights.blower fan, radiatorfan. and air conditioneroff. ldle speedshould be: 800t50 rpm 5. ldle the enginefor 1 minute with the heaterfan switch on Hl and the air conditioneron' then check t h e i d l es p e e d . ldle speedshould be: 900a50 rpm NOTE: lf the idle speed is not within specification,see Symptom Chart. 6. Reconnectthe EVAPcanisterpurge valve 2P connecror,


ECMldle LearnProcedure The idle learn proceduremust be done so that the ECM can learnthe engine idle characteristics. Do the idle learn procedurewheneveryou do any of these actions: . Disconnectthe batterY. . Replacethe ECMor disconnectits connector' . Resetthe ECM. NOTE.Eras\ng DTCSN\th Honda PGM Testei does requirethe idle learn procedureto be done again. . R e m o v et h e N o . 6 E C U( E C M )( 1 5 A ) f u s ef r o m t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox. . Removethe No. 41 BATTERY(100A)fuse from the under-hoodfuse/relaybox. . Removethe PGM-FImain relay. . Removethe batterywire from the under-hoodfuse/ relay box. . Disconnectany of the connectorsfrom the underhood fuse/relaybox. . Disconnectthe connector(C404)betweenthe dashboardwire harnessA and dashboardwire harnessB, . Disconnectthe Gl terminal. . Adjustthe idle speed. To completethe idle learn proceduredo this: 1. Make sure all electricalitems (A/C,audio,rear window defogger,lights,etc.)are turned off 2. Startthe engine.Hold the enginespeedat 3,000 r p m w i t h n o l o a d( i n P a r ko r n e u t r a l u) n t i l t h e radiatorfan comes on, or the enginecoolant r e a c h e s1 7 6 ' F( 8 0 " ) 2 1 2 " F{ 1 0 0 " ) . temperature 3. Letthe engineidle for about 5 minuteswith the throftiefully closedand with all electricalitems off. NOTE:lf the radiatorfan comes on during this step,the time when it is operatingmust not be includedin the 5 minutes.

FuelSupplySystem ComponentLocationIndex FUELPRESSURE REGULATOR page11-113 Replacement,


FUELTANK page11115 Replacement, FUELPUMP Test,page11l07 page11 114 Replacement, FUELFILTER page11-113 Replacement, FUELGAUGESENOINGUNIT Testp , a g e1 1 1 1 9 page11 114 Replacement, FUELTUBE/OUICK.CONNECT FITTINGS Precautions,page 11-'l10 Disconnection,oaqe 11-110 C o n n e c t i o n . p aI g1e- 111 FUELRETURNLINE page11 108 Inspection,

PGM.FIMAIN RELAY page11-102 Troubleshooting,


FuelSupplySystem PGM-FlMain RelayCircuitTroubleshooting 1 . Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe PGM-Flmain relay 7P connector. Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and PGM-Flmain relay 7P connectorterminal No. 3. PGM.FIMAINRELAY7PCONNECTOR

4 . Checkfor a blown ACG S (15A) fuse in the underhood fuse/relaybox. ls the luse blown? YES Repairthe short in the wire betweenthe P G M - Fm I a i n r e l a ya n dt h e A C GS ( 1 5 , A ) f u s e . l NO - Repairthe open in the wire betweenthe PGlMF l m a i n r e l a ya n d t h e A c G s ( 1 5 A )f u s e . l Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and measure voltage betweenbody ground and PGM-Flmain relay7P connectorterminal No. 5. PGM.FIMAINRELAY7PCONNECTOR


ls thete continuity?



Wire side of femaleterminals





YES Go to step 3. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe PGM-FI m a i n r e l a ya n d G 1 0 1 . 1 Measurevoltage betweenbody ground and PGM-Fl main relay 7P connectorterminal No. 7. PGM.FIMAINRELAY7PCONNECTOR

Wiresideo{ temaleterminals ls there battery voltage? YES Go to step7. NO Go to step 6.


6 . Checkfor a blown No. 2 FUEI PUMP SRS (15A) fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox. ls the luse blown?

Wiresideof femaleterminals ls there battery voltage? YES Go to step 5. NO

Go to step 4.


YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe PGI\4-Fl m a i n r e l a ya n d t h e N o . 2 F U E LP U M PS R S( 1 5 A ) fuse.l NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe PGM-Fl m a i n r e l a ya n dt h e N o . 2 F U E LP U M PS R S( 1 5 A ) fuse.I

7. Pushthe clutch pedal in, then turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and pressthe enginestart bufton. Measurevoltage betweenbody ground and PGM-Fl main relay7P connectorterminal No. 2. PGM.FIMAINRELAY7PCONNECTOR

Wire side of femaleterminals

10. Checkfor continuitybetweenPGM-FImainrelayTP connectorterminal No. 1 and ECMconnector terminaA l 15. PGM.FIMAIN BELAY7P CONNECTOR

ls there continuity?

ls there battety voltage?

YES Go to step 12.

YES- Go to step 9.

NO- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe PGM-FI m a i n r e l a ya n dt h e E C M( A 1 5 ) . r

NO Go to step 8. 8 . Checkfor a blown No. 21 STARTERSIGNAL(7.5A) fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox.

1 1 .ReconnectECMconnectorA (32P)and the PGM-Fl main relay 7P connector.

12. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll),and measure ls the f use blown? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe PGM-Fl main relay and the No. 21 STARTERSIGNAL(7.5A) fuse.l NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe PGM-Fl m a i n r e l a ya n dt h e N o . 2 1 S T A R T E R SIGNAL (7.5A).t

voltage betweenECMconnectorterminalsB1 and B20,and betweenBg and 820 individually.


IrcP0 l 3


1 1 1Z

L Turn the ignition switch OFF,and disconnectECM connectorA (32P).

21 22



Wire sideof female terminals

ls there battery voltage? YES- Go to step 13. NO Checkfor an open in the wires betweenthe P G M - Fm l a i n r e l a ya n dt h e E c M ( 8 1 ,B 9 ) .l f r h e w i r e sa r e O K , r e p l a c et h e P G M - Fm l a i nr e l a y . l



FuelSupplySystem PGM-FlMain RelayCircuitTroubleshooting(cont'd) 1 3 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F ,t h e n O N ( l l )a g a i n , and measurevoltage betweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l s4 1 5 a n d 8 2 w i t h i nt h e f i r s t2 s e c o n d s after the ignition switch is turned ON (ll). ECM CONNECTORS

15. Connectbatterypower to PGM-FImainrelayTP connectorterminal No. 2 and connectground to the P G M - Fm l a i n r e l a y7 P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 1 . Then checkfor continuitybetweenPGM-Flmain relay7P connectorterminalsNo. 5 and No. 4. NOTEU : s et h e t e r m i n a ln u m b e r ss h o w n .l g n o r e the terminal numbersmolded into the relay.

A l32Pl

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls there 1.0 V or less? YES The PGM-Flmain relay may be faulty; go to s t e p1 4 . 1 NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the voltage is now normal, r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CfM.I

ls there continuity? YES Go to step 16. NO Replacethe PGM-Flmain relayand recheck t h ec i r c u i t . l

1 4 . R e m o v et h e P G M - Fm I a i nr e l a y . 16. Connectbatterypower to PGM-FlmainrelayTP connectorterminal No. 5. and connectground to PGM-Flmain relay 7P connectorterminal No. 3. Then checkfor continuitybetweenPGM-FImain r e l a y7 P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 7 a n d N o . 6 . ls there continuity? YES Go to step 17. NO Replacethe PGM-Flmain relay and recheck t h ec i r c u i t . I 17. Connectbatterypowerto PGM-FImain relay7P connectorterminal No. 6, and connectground to P G M - Fm l a i n r e l a y T P c o n n e c t o r t e r m i nNaol . 1 . Then checkfor continuitybetweenPGM-Flmain r e l a y7 P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 5 a n d N o . 4 . Is thete continuity? Y E S T h e P G M - Fm l a i n r e l a yi s O K . l t h e P G M - Fm l a i n r e l a ya n d r e c h e c k NO Replace thecircuit.I




Beforedisconnectingfuel linesor hoses,release pressurefrom the system by looseningthe fuel pulsationdamper on top of the fuel rail.

Special Tools Required . Fuel pressuregauge07406-004000A . Fuel pressuregauge adapter07VAJ-0040100

1. Make sure you havethe anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's presetbuttons.

1, Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenclesfor the radio's presetbuttons.

2, Disconnectthenegativecablefrom the battery.

2. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the battery.

3 . R e m o v el h e f u e lf i l l c a p .

3 . R e m o v et h e f u e lf i l l c a p .

4. Removethe intakemanifoldcover (A).

4. Removethe intakemanifoldcover (A).

Use a wrench on the fuel pulsationdamper (A) at t h ef u e lr a i l .

Use a wrench on the fuel pulsationdamper (A) at the fuel rail. A 22 N.m l2.2kgl m. 16 tbf.ft)

22 N.m 12.2kgl n, 16 tbf.ftl

' Placea rag or shop towel (B)over the fuel pulsation oamper. 1 . Slowly loosenthe fuel pulsationdamper one completeturn.


Placea rag or shop towel (B)over the fuel pulsation damper. 1 . S l o w l yl o o s e nt h e f u e l p u l s a t i o nd a m p e ro n e completeturn,

NOTE:Replaceall washerswheneverthe fuel pulsationdamper is loosenedor removed. (cont'd)


FuelSupplySystem FuelPressure Test{cont'd) 8 . Removethe fuel pulsationdamperfrom the fuel rail. 9 . Attachthe fuel pressuregauge attachmentand fuel pressuregauge.

1 4 . W i t h t h e e n g i n er u n n i n g ,u n p i n c ha n d r e c o n n e c t the vacuum hose and readthe gauge again. The pressureshould be 260- 310 kPa 12.7- 3.2 kgllcm',38 - 46 psi). . l f t h e f u e l p r e s s u r ei s O K ,t h e t e s ti s c o m p l e t e . . l f t h e p r e s s u r ei s o u t o f s p e c ,g o t o s t e p 1 5 .

07vaJ-0040100 '15.

1 0 .Disconnectthe vacuum hose (A) from the fuel pressureregulator(B)and pinch it closedwith a c l a m p( C ) .

Disconnectthe vacuum hose from the pressure regulatoragainwhile you watch the pressure gauge.The pressureshould risewhen you disconnectthe hose, . l f t h e p r e s s u r ed i d n o t r i s e ,r e p l a c e t h e f u e l pressureregulator(seepage '1'1-115). ' lf the pressurerises,but all your readingswere lower than specified,checkfor a cloggedfuel filter and for leaksin the fuel lines. . lf the pressurerises,but all your readingswere higherthan specified,checkfor a pinchedor cloggedfuel return hose or line.

1 1 ,Reconnectthe negativebattery cable,then start t h e e n g i n ea n d l e t i t i d l e .

16. Reconnectthe vacuum hose,removethe pressure gauge,and reinstallthe fuel pulsationdamperwith a new washer.Tightenthe fuel pulsationdamperto 22 N.m (2.2k9f.m,16 lbf.ft).

. lf the enginestarts,go to step 13 . lf the enginedoes not stan, go to step 12.

NOTE:Disassembleand cleanthe fuel pressure gauge attachmentthoroughlyafter use.

1 2 .C h e c kt o s e ei f t h e t u e l p u m p i s r u n n i n g :r e m o v e t h e f u e lf i l l c a p a n d l i s t e nt o t h e f u e lf i l l p o n w h i l e an assistantturns the ignition switch ON (ll),you should hear the pump run for about 2 seconds w h e n t h e i g n i t i o nt u r n e dO N ( l l ) . . lf the fuel pump runs,go to step 13. . lf the fuel pump does not run, test it (seepage 11-107J. Readthe pressuregauge (with the fuel pressure regulatorvacuum hose disconnectedand clamped). The pressureshould be 320 - 370 kPa {3.3- 3.8 kgficm', 47 - 54 psi). . l f t h e p r e s s u r ei s O K a n d t h e e n g i n ei s r u n n i n g , go to step 14.lf the engine is not running,repair t h e c a u s e t, h e nc o n t i n u et h i s t e s t . . l f t h e p r e s s u r ei s o u t o f s p e c ,g o t o s t e p1 4 .


FuelPumpTest lf you suspecta problemwith the fuel pump, checkthat the fuel pump actuallyruns;when it is ON, you will hear some noiseif you listento the fuel fill port with the fuel fill cap removed.The fuel pump should run for 2 secondswhen ignition switch is first turned on. lf the fuel pump does not make noise.checkas follows; ' 1 .R e m o v e t h er e a r t r a y( s e ep a g e2 0 - 7 1 ) . 2, Removethe accesspanelfrom the floor.

Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).

7 . Checkthat baneryvoltageis availablebetweenfuel pump 5P connectorterminal No. 5 and body ground when the ignition switch is turned ON (ll). . lf batteryvoltageis available,checkthe fuel pump ground. lf the ground is OK, replacethe f u e l p u m p ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 1 4 ) . . lf there is no voltage,checkthe wire harness(see p a g e1 1 - 1 0 2 ) .

3. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 4. Disconnectthe fuel pump 5P connector.


5 . C o n n e ctth e P G M - Fm I a i nr e l a y T P c o n e c t o r t e r m i n a l sN o . 4 a n d N o . 5 w i t h a j u m p e rw i r e . PGM.FIMAIN RELAY7P CONNECTOR




Wire side of femaleterminals






JUMPER WIBE Wiresideof femaleterminals


FuelSupplySystem FuelLine Inspection Checkthe fuel system lines,hoses,and fuel filter for damage,leaks,or deterioration,and replaceparts as needed. 22 N.m(2.2kgt.m,16lbf.ft)

37 N.m (3.8 kgt m, 27 lbf.ft)


Checkall hose clamps and retightenif necessary. : Do not disconnectthe hose from the line at these ioints.

Clamo in the middle.

; *

10-15 mm {0.39-0.59in.)

Clamp in the middle.


FuelSupplySystem FuelLine/Ouick-Connect Fittings Precautions The fuel tube/qulck-connect fittings assemblyconnects the in-tankfuel DumDto the fuel feed line and the fuel r e t u r nl i n e .W h e n r e m o v i n go r i n s t a l l i n g t h ef u e lp u m p and fuel tank, it is necessaryto disconnector connect the quick-connectf ittings. Pay attentionto the following: . Thefuel tubes{A) and quick-connectfittings (B)are not heat-resistanU be carefulnot to damagethem during welding or other heat-generatingprocedures. . The fueltubes and quick-connectfittings are not acid-proof;do not touch it with a shop towel which was used for wiping bafteryelectrolyte.Replacethem if they came into contactwith electrolyteor s o m e t h i n gs i m i l a r . . When connectingor disconnectingthe fueltubes and quick-connectfittings,be careful not to bend or twist them excessively.Replacethem them damaged. A disconnectedquick-connectfittings can be reconnected,but the retaineron the mating line cannot be reusedonce it has been removedfrom the line. Replacethe retainerwhen . replacingthe fuel pump. . r e p l a c i n gt h e f u e l f i l t e r . . r e p l a c i n gt h e f u e l f e e dl i n e . . replacingthe fuel return line. . it has been removedfrom the line. . it is damaged.


FuelLine/Ouick-Connect Fittings Removal 1 . R e l i e v ef u e l p r e s s u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 5 ) . Checkthe fuel quick-connectfittingsfor dirt, and clean if necessary. H o l dt h e c o n n e c t o{rA ) w i t ho n e h a n d ,a n d s q u e e z e the retainertabs {B)with the other hand to release t h e m f r o m t h e l o c k i n gp a w l s( C ) .P u l l t h ec o n n e c t o r off. NOTE: . Be carefulnot to damagethe line (D) or other parts.Do not usetools. . lf the connectordoes not move, keepthe retainer tabs presseddown, and alternatelypull and push the connectoruntil it comes off easily. . Do not removethe retainerfrom the line;once removed,the retainermust be replacedwith a new one.

Fittings FuelLine/Ouick-Connect lnstallation 4. Checkthecontactarea (A) o{ the line (Bl for dirt and oamage. . lf the surfaceis dirty, clean it.. . lf the surfaceis rusty ordamaged, replacethe fuel pump, fuel filter,fuel Jeedline or fuel return ltne.

1. Checkthe contactarea (A) of the line (B)for dirt and damage,and clean if necessary.

5 . To preventdamageand keepforeign matterout, cover the disconnectedconnectorand line end with plasticbags (A).

2 . I n s e r t an e w r e t a i n e (r A )i n t o t h e c o n n e c t o(rB )i f t h e retaineris damaged,or after . r e p l a c i n gt h e f u e l p u m p . . replacingthe fuel filter. . r e p l a c i n gt h e f u e lf e e d l i n e . . replacingthe fuel return line, . removingthe retainerfrom the line.

NOTE: . The retainercannot be reusedonce it has been removedfrom the pipe. Replacethe retainerwhen - replacingthe iuel pump. - replacingthe fuel filter. - r e p l a c i n gt h e f u e lf e e dl i n e . - replacingthe fuel returnline. - it has been removedfrom the line. - it is damaged.



FuelSupplySystem FuelLine/Ouick-Connect FittingsInstallation(cont'dl 3. Beforeconnectinga new fuel tube/quick-connect fitting assembly{A), removethe old retainerfrom t h e m a t i n gl i n e .

Reconnection to existing retainer:

5. Make sure the connectionis secureand that the pawls are firmly lockedinto place;checkvisually and by pullingthe connector.

4. Align the quick connectfittingswith the line (A), a n d a l i g nt h e r e t a i n e {r B )l o c k i n gp a w l sw i t h t h e connector(C)grooves.Then pressthe quickconnectfittings onto the line until both retainer pawls lockwith a clickingsound NOTE:lf it is hard to connect.put a small amount of n e w e n g i n eo i l o n t h e l i n ee n d . Connection with new retainer:

6. Reconnectthe negativecableto the battery,and t u r n t h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l ) .T h e f u e l p u m pw i l l run for about 2 seconds,and fuel pressurewill rise. Repeat2 or 3 times, and checkthat there is no leakagein the fuel supply system.


FuelPressureRegulator Replacement 1. Placea shop towel underthe fuel pressure regulator,then relievefuel pressure(seepage 11105).

FuelFilterReplacement The fuel filter should be reDlacedwheneverthe fuel pressuredrops belowthe specifiedvalue (320 370 kPa, 3 . 3 3 . 8 k g f l c m ' , 4 7 5 4 p s iw i t h t h e f u e lp r e s s u r e regulatorvacuum hose disconnectedand pinched)after making surethat the fuel pump and the fuel pressure regulatorare oK.

2. Disconnectthevacuum hose and fuel return hose. 1 . R e m o v et h e f u e l t a n ku n i t( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 1 4 ) . 3. Removethe two 6 mm retainerbolts (A) and the fuel pressureregulator(B).

2. Removethe fuelfilter (A).

4 . Apply cleanengineoil to a new o-ring (C),and carefullyinstalllt into its proper position. Installthe fuel pressureregulatorand the 6 mm retainerbolts. Reconnectthe vacuum hose and fuel return hose. 7 . Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),but do not operate the starter.After the fuel pump runs for about 2 seconds,the fuel pressurein the fuel line rises. Repeatthis two or three times,then checkwhether t h e r ei s a n y f u e l l e a k a g e .

D Installthe pan in the reverseorder of removalwith a new base gasket,then checkthese items: . When connectingthe wire harness,make sure the connectionis secureand the terminal 1B)is firmlv lockedinto the Dlace. . Checkthat the tab of the clamp (C)does not interferewith the wire harness, . Do not push the lower part ofthe suctionfilter (D). . When installingthe fuel gauge sendingunit (E), make sure the connectionis secureand the connectoris firmly lockedinto place.Be careful not to bend or twist it excessively.


FuelSupplySystem FuelPump/FuelGaugeSendingUnit Replacement 1. Removethe reartray (seepage 20-71). 2. Removethe accesspanelfromthefloor.

9. Removethe bracket(A),the fuelfilter (B),the fuel g a u g es e n d i n gu n i t ( C ) ,t h e h o s e( D ) ,a n dt h e w i r e h a r n e s s( E ) .

3. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 4. Disconnectthe fuel pump 5P connector. 5. Removethe fuel fill cap. 6 . R e l i e v e t h e f u epl r e s s u r e( s e es t e p To n p a g e1 1 103). 7. Disconnectthe quick-connectfittings from the fuel pump. 8 . R e m o v et h e b o l t s( A )a n d t h e f u e lt a n k u n i t { B ) .

9e ^E -


1 0 .When connectingthe fuel pump, make sure the connectionsare secureand the suctionfilter (H) is firmly connectedthe fuel pump (l). 1 1 .lnstallthe unit in the reverseorder of removalwith a new base gasket,then checkthese items: . When connectingthe wire harness,make sure the connectionis secureand the terminal (F)is firmly lockedinto the place. . C h e c kt h a tt h e t a b o f t h e c l a m p( G )d o e s n o t interferewith the wire harness. . Do not push the lower part of the suctionfilter. . W h e ni n s t a l l i n g t h e f u e l g a u g es e n d i n gu n i t , make sure the connectionis secureand the connectoris firmly lockedinto place.Be careful not to bend or twist it excessively. . Checkfor fuel leaks.


FuelTank Replacement Removal

7, Disconnectboth ABS rear wheel sensors2P connectors(A),and push the connectorsout (B).

1 . R e m o v et h e f u e l f i l lc a p . 2 . R e l i v et h e f u e l p r e s s u r e { s epea g e1 1 - 1 0 5 ) . 3 . D r a i nt h e f u e l t a n k :R e m o v et h e f u e l t a n ku n i t( s e e p a g e 11 - 1 1 4 )U. s i n ga h a n dp u m p ,h o s e ,a n d a containersuitablefor gasoline,draw the fuel from the fuel tank. Removethe brakefluid from the mastercylinder reservoirwith a syrlnge. NOTE:Do not spill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damagethe paint;if brakefluid does contactthe paint,wash it off immediatelywith water. 5 . R e m o v e t h er e a r t r a y( s e ep a g e2 0 - 7 1 ) . 6 . Removethe accesspanel (A)from the floor, and disconnectthe fuel tank 5P connector(B).

Removethe fuel pipe cover (A),and disconnectthe fuel fill necktube (B),the fuel tank vapor recirculationtube (C)and the fuel tank vapor signal t u b e ( D ) f r o mt h e f u e lf i l l p i p e s( E ) ,

9. Loosenthe rearwheel nuts slightly,then raisethe vehicleand make sure it is securelysupported. 1 0 . R e m o v et h e r e a rw h e e l s .



FuelSupplySystem FuelTank Replacement(cont'd) 11. Removethe boltsfrom bothABSrearwheelsensor (A). harnessbrackets

13. Disconnectboth parkingbrakecables(A),and move them out of the way

6x1.0mm 9.8N.m{1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft) NoTE: Left side is shown

12. Remove both caliper shields (A).


9.8 N D (1.0kgf m,7.2 lbt.ftl 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m (2.2 kgf.m, 16 lbt.ftl NOTE:Left side is shown. 14. Disconnectthe brake hoses from both rear brake

l i n e su s i n ga 1 0m m f l a r e - n uwt r e n c h .

NOTE:Left side is shown.



t l

NOTErLeft side is shown.


15. Removethe flange bolt (A)from both rear dampers (B).

17. Removethe muffler {A).

- '')/,.





g -J

10 x 1,25mm

33N.m{3.4kgf.m,25lbt.ftl NOTE:Leftsideis shown. to.

R e m o v et h e c a n i s t e cr o v e r{ A ) ,r e a rs u s p e n s i o n stiffener(B),and the propellershaft (C) (seepage 16-17).

1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 45 N.m {4.6kgf.m, 33 tbf.ft)

1 8 . Disconnectthe quick-connectfittings (A) (seepage 11-110).

6 x 1 . 0m m 9.8 N.m n.0 kst m.7.2 lbt.ftl



FuelSupplySystem FuelTank Replacement(cont'd) 19. Disconnectthe fueltank vapor vent tube (A).then removethe bolt (B) and the EVAPcanister(C).


B 12N.m, l2.2kgi n, 16tbt.ftl

20. Disconnect the hose(A)andfuelventtube{B},then removethefueltankvaporventtubefromthetube holder(C).Removethe bolts(D)andthefuelvent a s s e m b l(vE ) .

21. Placea jack or other support under the rear suspensionsubframe(A).Removethe mounting bolts (B) and the rear suspensionsubframe(A).

B 1 4x 1 . 5m m 103N.m, 110.5kgf.m,7.6lbf.ftl 1 2 x 1 , 5m m 59 N.m, (6.0 kgf m, iA lbf.ftl

22. Placethejackor supportunderthefueltank(A)and removethe mountingbolts(B)andthefueltank.

8 x 1.25mm 45 N.m, {4.6 kgf.m, 33 lbl.ft}


FuelGaugeSendingUnit Test Installation

NOTE:For the fuel gauge systemcircuitdiagram,refer t o t h e G a u g e sC i r c u i tD i a g r a m( s e ep a g e2 2 - 4 4 ) .

1 . I n s t a l l t h ef u e lt a n ki n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l . 2. After installing,bleedthe brakesystem (seepage 1 9 - 8 )a, n d a d j u s t t h ew h e e la l i g n m e n(t s e ep a g e1 8 ' 5). 3. Checkfor fuel leaks.

1 . C h e c Kt h e N o . 5 I N S T R U M E NLTI G H TB A C KU P LIGHT(7.5A) fuse in the under'dashfuse/relaybox. . l f t h e f u s ei s O K , c h e c k f o r a no p e ni n t h e Y E L wire betweenthe gauge assemblyand the No. 5 I N S T R U M E NLTI G H TB A C KU P L I G H T( 7 , 5A ) fuse. . l f t h e f u s e i s b l o w n ,r e p l a c ei t , a n d c h e c k f o r a n open in the YELwire betweenthe gauge a n dt h e N o . 5 I N S T R U M E NLTI G H T assemblV B A C KU P L I G H T{ 7 . 5A ) f u s e . Removethe reartray (seepage 20-71). Removethe accesspanelfrom the floor. 4. Disconnectthe fuel pump 5P connector.

Measurevoltage betweenfuel pump 5P connector terminalsNo. 1 and No.2 with the ignitionswitch ON (ll).There should be about 5 to 8 V. . l f t h e v o l t a g ei s a s s p e c i f i e dg, o t o s t e p 6 . . lf the voltage is not as specified,checkfor: - an open or short in the YEL/BLKor BLKwire. - p o o r g r o u n d( G 6 0 1 ) . - a faulty main printedcircuit board in the gauge assemory.


Wire side of femaleterminals



FuelSupplySystem FuelGaugeSendingUnit Test (cont'd)

Low FuelIndicatorTest 1 . Do the fuel gauge sendlngunit test (seepage 11119).

6. Turnthe ignitionswitchOFF. 7. Removethe boltsandthefueltankunit(seepage 11-114). betweenthe No.1 and 8. Measurethe resistance LOW No.2 terminalswiththefloatat E (EMPTY). LIGHTISON),1/2(HALF {LOWFUELINDICATOR FULL)andF {FUtL)positions. replacethe lf you do notgetthefollowingreadings, fuelgaugesendingunit. FloatPosition

Resistance( Q )


52 58


114.4 120.4


130 ' l32

H e i g h t( m m ) ( i n .)

8 2 . 9a 1 , 9 (3.26+ 0.0748) 154.2+ 't.2 (6.07a 0.0472) 215.5 (8.48) 2 2 2 . 4X 1 . 9 (8.77+ 0.0748)

To preventthe fuel pump from running.removethe N o . 2 F UE L P U M PS R S( 1 5A ) f u s ef r o m t h e u n d e r dash fuse/relaybox.

1 0 .Connectthe fuel pump 5P connector. 1 1 .Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) with the float at F (FULL)position. . l f t h e f u e l g a u g ei n d i c a t e "sF " , t h e s y s t e mi s O K . . lf the fuel gauge does not indicate"F", replace the gauge assembly.


. lf the system is OK, go to step 2. . lf the system has any malfunction,repair it. Turn the ignition switch oN (ll)with the float at E (EMPTY)position. . l{ the low fuel indicatoris on, go to step 3. . l f t h e l o w f u e l i n d i c a t o r i sn o t o n . r e f e r t o t h el o w fuel indicatorCircuitDiagram (seepage 22-47) and checkthe circuit. 3. Lift the float above LOW position. ' lf the Iow fuel indicatorgoes off, the system is OK. . lf the low fuel indicatoris still on, referto the low fuel indicatorCircuitDiagram (seepage 22-47) and checkthe circuit.


IntakeAir System ComponentLocationIndex

,,.,,,r,,?i-. e


AIR CLEANER page 11-123 Replacement,

THROTTLE CABLE pageI 1-'124 Adiustment, R e m o v a l / l n s t a l l apt a i ogne1, 1 - 1 2 5 THROTTLEBOOY Test,page 11-122 paqe 11-126 Removal/lnstallat;on, paqe 11-127 Disassembly/Reasseniblt,


hake Air System Throttle BodyTest NOTE;Do not adjustthe throftlestop is preset al the factory. 1. Wlth the engine off, checkthe throttlecable operation.Thecableshould operatewithout b i n d i n go r s t i c k i n g . . lf the cableoperatesOK, goto step 2. . lf the cablebinds or sticks,checkit and its routing. lf it's faulty, rerouteit or replaceit and adjust it ( s e ep a g e1 1 - ' 1 2 4t )h,e n g o t o s t e p2 . 2. Operatethe throttle lever by hand to see if the throttlevalve and/or shaft are too looseor too tight, . lf there is excessiveplay in thethrottle valve shaft,or any binding in the throttlevalve at the fully closedposition.replacethe throttle body. . lf the throttlevalve and shaft are OK, go to step 3. 3. Checkfor clearance(A) betweenthe throttlestop screw (B)and the throttle lever (C)ar rhe fully closedposition.lf there is any clearance,replace the throttle body (seepage '1'l-126).Do not ad.iust the throttlestop screw.


Air CleanerElementReplacement



\ \=


/,1 i ,. ,//2,1.:^


I l'.. ')


\ \. t....






IntakeAir System Throttle CableAdjustment 1 . Checkcablefree play at the throttle linkage.Cable f r e e p l a y( A ) s h o u l db e 4 6 m m ( 3 / 1 6 - l i a i n . ) .

2 . l f f r e e p l a y( A ) i s n o t w i t h i n s p e c ( 4 - 6 m m , 3 / 1 6 1 / 4 in.) loosenthe locknut(B),turn the adjustingnut (C)until the free play (A) is as specified,then retightenthe locknut(B).

3 . With the cable properlyadjusted,checkthe throttle valve to be sure it opensfully when you push the acceleratorpedalto the floor. Also checkthe throftlevalve to be sure it returnsto the idle positionwheneveryou releasethe accelerator oeoar.


Throttle CableRemoval/lnstallation 1. Fully open the throttlevalve,then removethe throttlecable{A)from the throttle link (B).

5. Removethe throttlecable (A) and the actuator cable (B)from the acceleratorpedal bracket(C).

6. Installin the reverseorder of removal.

R e m o v et h e c a b l eh o u s i n g( C ) f r o mt h e c a b l e bracket(D).

7. After installing,start the engine.Hold the engine at 3,000rpm with no load (in neutral)untilthe radiator fan comes on, then let it idle.

Removethe nuts (A),then removethe accelerator pedal (B)along with the throttlecable (C)and the actuatorcable (D).

8 . H o l dt h e c a b l es h e a t h r, e m o v i n ga l l s l a c k f r o m t h e cable. L Turn the adjustingnut (A) until it is 3 mm ('ll8 in.) away from the cable bracket(B).

3 m m { 1 / 8i n . l

@ @

t \

A 8 x 1,25mm 1 3N . m (1.3kgf m, 9,4 tbf.ft)

Pullthe throttlecable (C)and the actuatorcable (D) out toward the passengercompartment.

9.8N m, {10 kgf'm, 7.2tbt.ftl

1 0 .Tightenthe locknut(C).The cablefree play should now be 4 6 mm 13116 1/4 in).lf free play is not within specs,loosenthe locknut,turn the adjusting nut until the free play is as specified,then retighten the locknut. 'l '1.


With the cable properlyadjusted,checkthe throttle valve to be sure it opensfully when you push the acceleratorpedalto the floor. Also checkthe throttlevalve to be sure it returnsto the idle positionwheneveryou releasethe accelerator pedal.


IntakeAir System Throttle Body Removal/lnstallation NOTE; . Do not adiust the throttle stop screw. . After reassembly, adjust the cruise control actuatorcable (seepage 4-46),and the th rottlecable (seepage 11-124). . The TP sensoris not removable.



22 N.m (2.2kgf.m. 16lbf.ft)


Throttle Body Disassembly/Reassembly 2 1N m 10.21kgf m. 1.5lbt.ft)






CatalyticConverterSystem DTCTroubleshooting DTCP0420:CatalyticSystemEfficiency BelowThreshold NOTE:lf some of the DTCSlisted below are storedat the same time as DTCP0420,troubleshootthose DTCS first, then recheckfor DTCP0420. P0137,P0138:SecondaryHeatedoxygen Sensor (secondaryH02S) (Sensor2) P0141:SecondaryH02S (Sensor2) heater 1 . R e s e t t h eE C M{ s e ep a g e I 1 - 4 ) , t h e n c o n t i n u e t o steps2 through 5 to resetthe readinesscode. 2. Startthe engine.Holdthe engineat 3.000rpm with no load (in neutral)until the radiatorfan comes on. Driveon a highwayfor about 10 minuteswithout stopping.Your speedcan vary. With the transmissionin 4th gear,drive at a steady s p e e db e t w e e n5 0 6 2 m p h ( 8 0 1 0 0 k m / h ) f o r 3 0 seconds. Repeatstep 4 three times. Betweeneach repetition, '1 closethe throttlecompletelyfor 2 seconds.lf the engine is stoppedduring this part of the procedure,go to step 3 and do the procedureagain. Checkfor a TemporaryDTCwith the scantool. Does the scan tool indicate Tempotary DTC P0420? YES- Checkthe three way catalyticconverter (TWC).lf necessary,replacethe TWC.I NO - Checkfor readinesscode completion.lf the readinessis complete,it was a intermittentfailure, system is OK at this time. lf the readinessis incomplele,repealsteps2 through 5.!



PCVSystem PCVValve Inspectionand Test 1 . Checkthe PCVvalve (A),hoses(B),and connectionsfor leaksor restrictions.

At idle, make sure there is a clickingsound from the PCVvalve when the hose betweenthe PCVvalve and intakemanifold is lightly pinched{A)with your f i n g e r so r p l i e r s . lf there is no clickingsound,checkthe PCVvalve grommet for cracksor damage,lf the grommet is OK, replacethe PCVvalve and recheck.


EVAPSystem ComponentLocationIndex



t'",.:';':" ( " t --.,,,, 2

' j




' |. ... -. .:- . . ... :





DTCTroubleshooting DTCP0451:FTPSensorRange/Perfo rmance Problem

5. Disconnectthe hose betweenthe EVAPtwo way valve and the FTPsensorat the EVAPtwo way valve end.

Special Tools Required Vacuum Pump/Gauge,0 30 in. Hg A973X-041-XXXXX 1 . R e m o v et h e f u e lf i l l c a p . Ait973X-041-

2. Turn the ignitionswitch ON(ll). 3. Monitor FTPsensorvoltagewith the HondaPGlvl Tester,or measurevoltage betweenECM c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sA 2 9 a n d C 1 8 .


6. Connecta vacuum pump to the open end of the hose. SG2{GRN/YELI Wiresideof femaleterminals ls there about2.5 V?

7 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 8. Monitor FTPsensorvoltagewith the Honda PGM Tester,or measurevoltage betweenECM connectorterm inals A29 and C18,and very slowly to squeezethe vacuum pump.

YES- Go to step 4. NO Replacethe FTPsensor.I 4. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

L The voltageshould smoothly drop from about 2.5 V down to about 1.5V. Stop applyingvacuum when the voltagedrops to about 1.5V or damageto the FTPsensor may occur. Does the voltage drcp to about 1.5 V and hold? YES lntermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsat the FTPsensorand the EcM.I NO - Replacethe FTPsensor.l


EVAPSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl DTCP0452:FTPSensorCircuitLowVoltage 1. Checkthe vacuum lines of the FTPsensorfor m i s r o u t i n gl,e a k a g eb, r e a k a g ea, n d c l o g g i n g . Arc the vacuumlines OK?

6. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 7 . R e i n s t a l l t h feu e lf i l l c a P 8. Disconnectthe FTPsensor3P connector' 9 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l )

YES Go to step 2. N O R e p a i ro r r e p l a c ev a c u u ml i n e sa s necessary.I

10. Measurevoltage betweenFTPsensor3P connector t e r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 FTPSENSOR3P CONNECTOR

2. Resetthe ECM (seepage 11-4) 3 . R e m o v et h e f u e lf i l l c a P .


4 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 5. Monitor FTPsensorvoltagewith the Honda PGM Tester.or measurevoltage betweenbody ground and EClvlconnectorterminal A29.



3 6


6 1T 1 a 1 9





a 29 30

Wire side of femaleterminals





Is thereabout5 V? '1. YES Goto step1 NO- Repairopenin thewire betweenthe FTP sensorandthe ECM(C28).4

Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls there about2.5 V? YES Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor Iooseterminalsat t h e F T Ps e n s o ra n d a t t h e E C M . I NO Go to step 6.


I 1. MeasurevoltagebetweenFTPsensor3P connector t e r m i n a l sN o . 2 a n d N o . 3 . FTPSENSOR3P CONNECTOR

DTCP0453:FTPSensorCircuitHighVoltage 1. Checkthe vacuum linesof the FTPsensorlor misrouting,leakage,breakage,and clogging. Are the vacuumlines OK?


YES Go to step 2. N O R e p a i ro r r e p l a c ev a c u u ml i n e sa s necessary.I


2 . R e s e t t h eE C M ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 3 . R e m o v et h e f u e lf i l l c a p .

Wire side of {emaleterminals

Is there about 5 V? YES Replacethe FTPsensor.I

4 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 5. lvlonitorFTPsensorvoltagewith the Honda PGM Tester.or measurevoltage betweenbody ground and ECMconnectorterminal A29.

NO Go to step 12. 1t

Turn the ignition switch OFF.


DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P)

1 4 , Checkfor continuitybetweenFTPsensor3P

connectorterminal No. 3 and body ground.


2 12 13






17 1 81 1 9m 21

25 26 n

6 l 2 s 30

t0 24 32


Wiresideof femaleterminats

ls there about2.5 V? P T A N KI L T G R N '

W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

YES Intermittentfailure.system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat t h e F T Ps e n s o ra n d a t t h e E C M . I NO Go to step 6.

Isthere continuity? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe FTP sensorand the ECM (A29).t NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage I 1-5).lf the FTPsensorreadingare now n o r m a l ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I



EVAPSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) 6 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 7 . Reinstallthe fuel fill cap.

11. Measurevoltage betweenFTPsensor3P connector t e r m i n a l sN o . 2 a n d N o . 3 . FTPSENSOR 3PCONNECTOR

8 . Disconnectthe FTPsensor3P connector. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).


1 0 . Measurevoltage betweenFTPsensor3P connector t e r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 . FTPSENSOR3PCONNECTOR


Wire side of femaleterminals

ls thereabout5 V? YES Replace the FTPsensor.l NO Goto step12. Wiresideof {emaleterminals

ls there about 5 V?

12. Measure voltagebetweenECMconnector terminalsA29andC18. ECM CONNECTORS

'l YES Go to step 1. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe FTP s e n s o ra n dt h e E C M( C 1 8 ) . I


SG2 (GRN/YEL) Wire side of femaleterminals

ls there about 5 V? YES- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe FTP s e n s o ra n d t h e E C M( A 2 9 ) , I NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the FTPsensorreadingsare now l CM.I n o r m a l ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E


DTCPl456:EVAPControlSystemLeakage (FuelTankSvstem)

EVAP Canister Purge Valve Test 3. Disconnectthe vacuum hose from the EVAPpurge joint (A),and connecta vacuum pump to the hose.

The fuel system is designedto allow specified maximum vacuum and pressureconditions.Do not deviatefrom the vacuum and pressuretests as indicatedin these procedures.Excessivepressure/ vacuumwould damagethe EVAPcomponentsor cause eventualfuel tank failure. Special Tools Required V a c u u mP u m p / G a u g e , 0 3- 0 i n . H g A 9 7 3 X - 0 4 1 - X X X X X This is a two-trip code;once cannot be reproducedin one trip. Also, certainspecificdriving and ambientconditionsmust occur beforethe ECMwill complatethe systemchecks.additionaltest drives may still not meet the specificconditionsneededto reproducethe code. lf necessary.usethe test drive proceduresfor settingthe readinesscode (seepage l138). Followthesetroubleshootingprocedurescarefullyto ensurethe integrityof the systemand to confirm the causeof the problem or code. NOTE:Freshfuel has a highervolatilitythat will create greaterpressure/vacuum. The optimum conditionfor testing is fresh fuel, and must be lessthan a full tank of gas. lf possible,to assistin leakdetection,add 1 gallon of fresh fuel to the tank {as long as it will not fill the tank),just beforestartingthese procedures.

A973X-041-XXXXX Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 5 . Apply vacuumto the hose. Does the valve hold vacuum? YES-The EVAPcanisterpurge valve is OK. Go to s t e p1 2 . NO Go to step 6. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 7 . Disconnectthe EVAPcanisterpurge valve 2P conneclor.

FuelFill Cap Check 1 . C h e c kt h e f u e lf i l l c a p ( t h ec a p m u s t s a y " l f n o t tightened3 clickscheckengine light may come on"). ls the proper tuel fill cap installed and properly tightened? YES Go to step 2. NO Replaceor tightenthe cap.l 2 . C h e c kt h e f u e lf i l l c a ps e a l . Is the fuel fill cap seal missing or damaged? YES Replacethe fuel fill cap (gray or black c o l o r e dc a p ) . 1 N O T h e f u e lf i l l c a p i s O K . G o t o s t e p3 , (cont'd)


EVAPSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) 8 . Checkfor continuitybetweenEVAPcanisterpurge

EVAP Bypass Solenoid Valve Test

v a l v e2 P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d b o d y g r o u n d . EVAPCANISTERPURGE VALVE2PCONNECTOR

11. Disconnectboth vacuum hosesfrom the EVAPtwo way valve (A),and connecta vacuum pump to the canisterport on the two way valve.





4973X-041 Wire side of femaleterminals

ls therecontinuity? YES Goto step9. NO- Replace the EVAPcanisterpurgevalve.l

ConnectECMconnecterterminal43 to bodv ground with a jumper wire.

ECMconnector A (32P). 9 . Disconnect


1 0 .Checkfor continuitybetweenEVAPcanisterpurge valve2Pconnector terminalNo.2 andbodyground.





1Z 13 6



15 / 1 1 716 1 9 m 21 26 21 6 29 30

t0 24 32




Wiresideol {emaleterminals

1 3 .T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) , 1 4 .Apply vacuum to the hose. Wiresideof femaleterminals Does the valve hold vacuum? ls there continuity? YES Go to step 15. YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe EVAP c a n i s t ep r u r g ev a l v ea n d t h e E C M( 4 6 ) . 1 NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck ( s e ep a g e1 l - 5 ) .l f t h e s y m p t o m / i n d i c a t i ogno e s a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l CM.I


NO Go to step 20.


Turn the ignition switch OFF.

t o . Disconnectthe EVAPbypasssolenoidvalve 2P

1 8 .Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). 1 9 .Measurevoltage betweenEVAPbypasssolenoid valve 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground.

connector. 1 7 . Checkfor continuitybetweenEVAPbypass solenoidvalve 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and body ground.






Wire side o{ femaleterminals

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls therecontinuity? YES Goto step18. NO- Repairopenin thewire betweenthe EVAP bypasssolenoidvalveandthe ECM(A3).I

ls there battery voltage? YES Replacethe EVAPbypasssolenoidvalve (A) a n d t h e o - r i n g s( B ) . 1 NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe EVAP bypasssolenoidvalve and No. 6 ACG (15 A) fuse.!



EVAPSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) 20. Plugthe upper port (A) of the EVAPtwo way valve.

EVAPCanisterVent Shut ValveTest 22. Disconnect thevacuumhosefromthe EVAP filter,andconnecta vacuumpumpto the canister hose.



21. While monitoringFTPsensorvoltagewith the Honda PGM Tester,or measuringthe voltage betweenECMconnectorterminalsA29 and C18, slowly pump the vacuum pump until the voltage drops to about 1.5volts.

23. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).

Does the voltage drop to 1.5 V and hold for at least 20 seconds?

24. Apply vacuum to the hosewith 5 strokesof the pump.

YES-The EVAPbypasssolenoidvalve/EVAPtwo way valve is OK. Go to step 22.

Does the valve hold vacuum? YES- Go to step 25.

NO Repairleakfrom the EVAPbypasssolenoid valve, EVAPtwo way valve,FTPsensor,or o-rings. I

NO The EVAPcanistervent shut valve is OK. Go to step 30.

25. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 26. Disconnectthe EVAPcanistervent shut valve 2P conneclor.

2 7 . Checkfor continuitybetweenEVAPcanistervent shut valve 2P connectorlerminal No. 2 and body grouno. EVAPCANISTER VENT SHUTVALVE2PCONNECTOR

2 vsv


a Wire side of Jemaleterminals


Vacuum Hoses and Connections Test

30. Performthe fuel tank vapor control valvetest {see p a g e1 1 - 4 ) , lsthetuel tank vapor control valveOK? YES-Go to step 31. NO - Replacethe fuel tank vapor controlvalve.I 5 t.

"clicks". then monitor the Tightenthe fuel cap 3 FTPreadingswith the HondaPGM Tester.

32. Startthe engine,and let it idle for 5 minutes. ls there continuity?

33, Checkthe FTPsensorreading. YES- Go to step 28. NO- Replacethe EVAPcanistervent shut valve (A) a n d o - r i n g( B ) . I

28. DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P) 29. Checkfor continuitybetweenEVAPcanistervent shut valve 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and body ground. VENT EVAPCANISTER SHUTVALVE2PCONNECTOR


ls the reading abovâ‚Ź 4 mmHg pressure or below 4 mmHg vacuum?


YES-Substitute a known-goodECMand retest.lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe o r i g i n aE l CM.I




NO Checkthe following partsfor leaks:I Wire side ol temaleterminals

ls there continuity? YES- Repairshort in the wire betweenthe EVAP canistervent shut valve and the EcM {A4)I. NO-Substitute a known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes l CM.I a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E

. . . . . . . .

Fueltank (A) F u e lf i l l c a p ( B ) F u e lf i l l p i p e ( C ) F u e l t a n kv a p o rc o n t r o l v a l v e( D ) F u e l t a n kv a p o rr e c i r c u l a t i ovna l v e( E ) Fueltankvapor recirculationtube (F) F u e l t a n kv a p o rs i g n a l t u b e( G ) Fueltank vapor control vent tube (H) - Repairor replacepartsas needed,


EVAPSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl DTCPl457:EVAPControlSystemLeakage (EVAPCanisterSvstem)

2. ConnectECMconnectorterminal 46 to bodv g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e rw i r e . ECMCONNECTORA I32P)

The fuel system is designedto allow specified maximum vacuum and pressureconditions.Do not deviatefrom the vacuum and pressuretests as indicatedin these procedures.Excessivepressure/ vacuum would damagethe EVAPcomponentsor cause eventualfuel tank failure. Special Tools Bequired . Vacuum pump/gauge,0 30 in.HgA973X-041-XXXXX . Vacuum/pressug r ea u g e , 0 4 i n . H g0 7 J A Z - 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 This is a two-trip code; once cleared,it cannot be reproducedin one trip. Also, certainspecificdriving a n d a m b i e n tc o n d i t i o n sm u s t o c c u rb e f o r et h e E C Mw i l l complatethe system checks.additionaltest drives may still not meet the specificconditionsneededto reproducethe code, lf necessary,use the test drive proceduresfor settingthe readinesscode (seepage 11 38). Follow thesetroubleshootingprocedurescarefullyto ensurethe integrityof the system and to confirm the causeof the Droblemor code.

Wire side of femaleterminals

3 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l ) . 4 . A p p l yv a c u u mt o t h e h o s e .

Does the valve hold vacuum? YES Go to step 5. NO-The EVAPcanisterpurge valve is OK. Go to s t e p1 0 . 5. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF.

NOTE:Freshfuel has a highervolatilitythat will create greaterpressure/vacuum. The optimum conditionfor testing is fresh fuel, at leasthalf. but lessthan a full tank. lf possible,to assistin leakdetection,add 1 gallon of fresh fuel to the tank (as long as it will not fill the tank), just beforestartingthese procedures. EVAP Canister Valve Test

6. Disconnectthe EVAPcanisterpurge valve 2P connector. 7 . Checkfor continuitybetweenEVAPcanisterpurge v a l v e2 Pc o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d b o d yg r o u n d . EVAPCANISTER PURGE VALVE2P CONNECfOR

1. Disconnectthe vacuum hose from the EVAPpurge joint (A),and connecta vacuum pump to the hose.


o Wire side of iemale terminals

ls therecontinuity? YES Goto step8. A973X.041-XXXXX


NO Repairopenin thewire betweenthe EVAP c a n i s t epru r g ev a l v ea n dt h eE C M( 4 6 ) . I

8 . Turnthe ignitionswitchON (ll).


9 . Measure voltagebetweenEVAPpurgecanister

10. Disconnect bothvacuumhosesfromthe EVAPtwo wayvalve{A),andconnecta vacuumpumpto the canisterporton thetwo way valve.

terminalNo.1 andbodyground. valve2Pconnector EVAPCANISTERPURGE VALVE2P CONNECTOR



Wiresideo{ fâ‚Źmaleterminals ls there battery voltage?

1 1 .Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).

YES Replacethe EVAPcanisterpurge valve.I 1 2 . Apply vacuum to the hose. NO - Repairopen in the wire betweenthe EVAP canisterpurge valve and the No. 6 ACG (15A) fuse.l

Does the valve hold vacuum? YES The EVAPbypasssolenoidvalve/EVAPtwo way valve is OK. Go to step 18, NO Go to step 13. t5.

Turn the ignition switch OFF.

't4. Disconnectthe EVAPbypasssolenoidvalve 2P connecror. Checkfor continuitybetweenEVAPbypass solenoidvalve 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and body ground. EVAPBYPASSSOLENOID VALVE2PCONNECTOR





Wire side of femaleterminals



EVAPSystem DTCTroubleshooting{cont'd) EVAPCanisterVent Shut ValveTest 18. Disconnect thevacuumhosefromthe EVAP canisterventfilter,andconnecta vacuumpumoto the hose.


ls therc continuity? YES- Go to step 16. NO-Replace the EVAPbypasssolenoidvalve (A) a n d o - r i n g s( B ) . 1 lo.

1 9 . ConnectECMconnectorterminal 44 to bodv g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e rw i r e .

DisconnectECM connectorA (32P). ECMCONNECTOR A I32PI

1 7 . Checkfor continuitybetweenEVAPbypass solenoidvalve 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and body ground. EVAPBYPASS SOLENOIO VALVE2PCONNECTOR



12 13


15 / 117IE 1 9 m 21 26 n a 29


10 24 i2


Wiresideof femaleterminals

20. T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) Wire side of femaletâ‚Źrminals

Apply vacuum to the hose. Does the valve hold vacuum?

Is there continuity? YES Repairthe short in the wire betweenthe EVAPbypasssolenoidvalve and the ECM (A,3). t

YES The EVAPcanistervent shut valve is OK. Go to step 27. NO Go to step 22.

NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe original ECM.I

22. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 23. Disconnectthe EVAPcanistervent shut valve 2P connector.


24. Checkfor continuitybetweenEVAPcanistervent shut valve 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and body g round. SHUTVALVE2P CONNECIOR


2 l

l-_-f-' vsv ILTGFN/WHTI

Canister System Leak Test 27. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 28. Connecttwo three-wayT-fittings(A) intothehose from the EVAPcanisterto the EVAPtwo way valve Connectthe FTPsensorto one of the tee T-fittings and the vacuum pump to the other.

@ L Wne side oflema â‚Ź terminals

lsthere continuity? YES Go to step 25. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe EVAP c a n i s t e vr e n ts h u tv a l v ea n d t h e E c M { A 4 ) . 1

25. Turn the ignitionswitch ON {ll). MeasurevoltagebetweenEVAPcanistervent shut valve 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground.

29. Removethe vent hosefrom the EVAPcanistervent shut valve (A) and cap the port (B)to sealthe fresh air vent for the EVAPcanister.


l G 1

tr r 1r t zI l

(BLK/YELI I ,()\ \7

Wire side of f e m 6 l et e r m i n a l s


30. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). J t .

ls there battety voltage? YES Replacethe EVAPcanistervent shut valve ( A )a n dt h e o - r i n g( B ) . I

While monitoringFTPsensorvoltagewith the HondaPGM Tester,or measuringvoltagebetween ECM connectorterminalsA29 and C18,slowly p u m pt h e v a c u u mp u m p .

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe EVAP c a n i s t e vr e n ts h u tv a l v ea n dt h e N o . 6 A C G( 1 5A ) fuse.I



EVAPSystem DTCTroubleshooting{cont'd) 3 2 . C o n t i n u et o p u m p v a c u u mu n t i l t h ev o l t a g ed r o p s t o a b o u t1 . 5V . M a k es u r et h a tt h e e n g i n ec o o l a n t temperatureis still above g5'F {35'C)and your v a c u u mp u m p h a sn o l e a k . 33. Checkthe voltagefor 20 seconds. Does the voltage drop to 1.5 V and hold I or at least 20 seconds? YES Inspectthe EVAPcanistervent shut valve l i n ea n d c o n n e c t i o n s , I NO Go to step 34.

39. Monitor the voltagecontinuouslyfor 20 seconds. Does the voltage drop to 1.5 V and hold for at least 20 seconds? YES Inspectthe fuel tank vapor control line and connections.l NO Go to step 40. 40. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 4'1. Disconnectthe purge line hose (A) from the c a n i s t e ar t t h e m e t a ll i n ea n d p l u gt h e h o s e ( B ) .

34. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 35. Disconnectthe quick-connectfitting (A)from the EVAPcanister,and plug the canisterport(B).

-' :---- -ta


42. T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 43. While monitoringFTPsensorvoltagewith the 36. T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . While monitoringFTPsensorvoltagewith the HondaPGM Tester,or measuringvoltage between ECMconnectorterminalsA29 and C18,slowly pump lne vacuum pump. 38. Continueto pump vacuum untilthe voltagedrops t o a b o u t1 . 5V . M a k es u r et h e e n g i n ec o o l a n t temperatureis still above 95'F (35'C)and Vour v a c u u mo u m o h a sn o l e a k .

Honda PGM Tester,or measuringvoltagebetween E C Mc o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sA 2 9 a n d C 1 8 ,s l o w l y p u m p t h e v a c u u mp u m p . 44. c o n t i n u et o p u m p v a c u u mu n t i l t h ev o l t a g ed r o p s t o a b o u t' l . 5V . M a k es u r et h a tt h e e n g i n ec o o l a n t temperatureis still above 95'F (35"C)and your vacuum pump has no leak. 45. Checkthe voltagefor 20 seconds. Does the voltage drop to 1.5V and hold at least 20 seconds? YES Inspectthe EVAPcanisterpurge valve line and connections.lf they are OK, test the EVAPtwo way valve,and fuel tank vapor control valve test ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 4 5 ) . I NO Replace t h e E V A Pc a n i s t e r . l


EVAPTwo Way ValveTest t . R e m o v et h e f u e lf i l l c a p . Disconnectthe vapor line from the EVAPtwo way valve (A).Connectit to a TJitting (B)from the v a c u u mg a u g ea n dt h e v a c u u mp u m p a s s h o w n .

5. Slowly pressurizethe vapor line while watchingthe gauge.The pressureshould stabilizemomentarily a b o v e1 . 0k P a( 8 m m H g , 0 . 3i n . H g ) . . lf the pressuremomentarilystabilizes(valve o p e n s )a b o v e1 . 0k P a( 8 m m H g ,0 . 3 i n . H g t)h, e valve is OK. . lf the pressurestabilizesbelow 1.0 kPa(8 mmHg, 0.3 in.Hg),installa new valve and retest.


3. Apply vacuum slowly and continuouslywhile watchingthe gauge. The vacuum should stabilizemomentarilyat 0.8 2 . 1k P a{ 6 - 1 6 m m H g , 0 . 2 0 . 6i n . H g ) . lf the vacuum stabilizes(valveopens)below 0.8 kPa ( 6 m m H g ,0 . 2i n . H g )o r a b o v e2 . 1k P a{ 1 6 m m H g . 0.6 in.Hg),installa new valve and retest. 4. Move the vacuum pump hose from the vacuum fitting to the pressurefitting, and move the vacuum gauge hose from the vacuum side to the pressure side (A) as shown.


EVAPSystem FuelTank Vapor ControlValveTest SpecialToolsRequired V a c u u mp u m p / g a u g e , 0 3 0 i n . H gA 9 7 3 X - 0 4 1 - X X X X X

ValveTest 1 . M a k es u r et h e f u e lt a n ki s l e s st h a n h a l ff u l l .

FloatTest '1.

2 . R e m o v et h e f u e lf i l l c a p . M a k es u r et h e f u e lt a n k i s l e s st h a n h a l ff u l l .

2 . R e m o v e t h e f u efli l l c a p t o r e l i e v e t h e f u etla n k pressure,then reinstallthe cap.

3. Removethe fuel pipe cover. Disconnectthe fuel t a n kv a p o rs i g n a lh o s e( A ) .


3. Removethe luel pipe cover. Disconnectthe fuel tank vapor recirculationtube (A),and connecta v a c u u mp u m p t o t h e h o s e .



....f. tt.

4. Disconnectthe vacuum hoses{A) from the EVAP canister{B).and then plug the ports with plugs (C). A973X-041-XXXXX

A Plugthe fuel tank vapor recirculationpipe (B). 5 . Apply vacuumto the fuel tank vapor recirculation h o s e{ A ) . . lf the vacuum holds, replacethe fuel tank vapor controlvalve (seepage 11'147). . lf the vacuum does not hold, the float is OK. Go 'l to step of the valve test.





5 . Disconnectthe vacuum hose (D)from the EVAP t vacuum c a n i s t e vr e n t s h u tv a l v e( E ) ,a n d c o n n e c a pump to the EVAPcanistervent shut valve. P u m pt h e v a c u u mp u m p 8 0 t i m e s . ' l f t h e v a c u u mh o l d s ,g o t o s t e p7 . . l f t h e v a c u u md o e sn o t h o l d ,g o t o s t e p 9 .


FuelTankVapor ControlValve Replacement 7. Connecta secondvacuum pump to the fuel tank vapor signal hose (A).

1 . R e m o v et h e f u e lt a n k( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 1 5 ) . Removethe fuel tank vapor control valve (A) from t h e f u e l t a n k( B ) .

8. Apply vacuum (1 pump) to the fuel tank vapor signaltube (A),then checkthe vacuum on the pump in step 6. . lf the vacuum holds,replacethe fuel tank vapor c o n t r o vl a l v e( s e ep a g e1 1 ' 1 4 0 ) . . lf the vacuum is released,the fuel tank vapor c o n t r o l v a l v ei s O K . 9. Disconnectthe fuel tank vapor quick disconnect from the EVAPcanister,then plug the port on the canister.Reapplyvacuum (80 pumps).

Replacethe basegasket(C). 4 . Installthe fuel tank vapor control valve (A). I n s t a ltl h e f u e lt a n k{ s e ep a g e ' 11 - 1 2 1 ) ,

. l f t h e v a c u u mh o l d s ,r e p l a c e t h e f u et la n k v a p o r c o n t r o lv a l v e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 4 0 ) . . l f t h e v a c u u md o e sn o t h o l d ,i n s p e c t t h eE V A P canistervent sut valve o-ring.lf the o-ring is OK, replacethe EVAPcanisterand repeatstep 4.


PulsedSecondaryAir InjectionSystem ComponentLocationIndex AIRCONTROLVALVEVACUUM CONTROL SOLENOIO VALVE page11-'153 Troubleshooting,

AIRCONTROL VALVE page11-153 Troubleshooting,




Ii 'l-i'' \r..



AIR PUMP page'11-159 Removal/lnstallation, Troubleshooting,page 11-149

AIRPUMPRELAY paqe11-159 Removal/lnstallation, Test,pagel'1-160



ELECTRICALCURRENTSENSOR page 11-160 Removal/lnstallation, Troubleshootjng,page 11-156

DTCTroubleshooting Air PumpCircuitMalfunction DTCP0410: 1 . R e s e t t h eE C I M( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . isover 2 . M a k es u r et h e e n g i n ec o o l a n t e m p e r a t u r e 32 'F (0 'C) and below 158'F (60 "C)with the scan tool.

11. At the left enginecompartmentwire harnessside, measurevoltage betweenair pump electrical currentsensol 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground. CURRENT SENSOR AIRPUMPELECTRICAL 2PCONNECTOR

3 . S t a r tt h e e n g i n e D . u r i n ga i r p u m p o p e r a t i o nh, o l d the engine at idle speedwith no load (in neutral)for at least 10 seconds. 4. Checkfor a TemporaryDTCwith the scantool. ls Tempotaty DTC P0410indicated? YES Go to step 5. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the air control valve vacuum control solenoidvalve a n da t t h e E C M . I

Wiresideof femaleterminals ls there battery voltage? YES- Go to step 12.

Does the air pump operate?

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe air pump electricalcurrent sensorand the AIR PUMP(60A) f u s eb o x . l f u s ei n t h e a u x i l l a r yu n d e r - h o o d

YES Go to step 36.

Turn the ignition switch OFF.

NO Go to step 6.

At the air pump electricalcurrentsensorside,check for continuitybetweenair pump electricalcurrent s e n s o r2 Pc o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 .

5 . C h e c kt h e a i r p u m p .

6. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 7 . C h e c k t h eA I RP U M P( 6 0A ) f u s e i n t h e a u x i l l a r y under-hoodfuse box.


ls the luse OK? YES Go to step 8. NO Repairshort in the wire betweenAIR PUMP ( 6 0A ) f u s e a n d t h e a i r p u m p .T h e n r e p l a c et h e A I R P U M P( 6 0A ) f u s e . I 8. Removethe left-frontinner fender (seepage 20105). 9 . D i s c o n n e ct h t e a i r p u m p e l e c t r i c acl u r r e n t s e n s o r 2 Pc o n n e c t o r .

(WHT/RED} T e r m i n asl i d eo f m a l et e r m i n a l s

ls therccontinuity? YES Goto step14.

1 0 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c ho N ( l l ) .

current the air pumpelectrical NO Replace sensor.l (cont'd)


PulsedSecondaryAir InjectionSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) 14. Reconnectthe air oum o electricalcurrentsensor.

21. Connectlarge air pump relay 2P connector t e r m i n a l sN o . 1 a n d N o . 2 w i t h a i u m o e rw i r e .

15. Disconnectthe largeair pump relay 2P connector. LARGEAIRPUMPRELAY2PCONNECTOR 16. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) 17. Measurevoltage betweenlarge air pump relay 2P connectorterminal No. 1 and body ground. LARGEAIRPUMPRELAY2PCONNECTOR (WHT/REDI



Wire side ot temaleterminals

Does the air pump opetate when the jumper wite is connected? YES- Go to step 22. Wire side of femaleterminals

N O G o t o s t e p3 1 . ls there battery voltage? 22. Turn the ignition switch OFF. YES Go to step 18. NO- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe air pump electricalcurrentsensorand the air pump relay,I

23. Disconnectthe jumper wire from the large air pump relay 2P connector. 24. Disconnectthe small airpump relay 2P connector.

18. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 19. Do the air pump relaytest (seepage 11-160). ls the air pump relay OK?

25. Checktor continuitybetweensmall air pump relay 2P connectorterminal No. 2 and body ground. SMALLAIRPUMPRELAY2PCONNECTOR

YES- Go to step 20. NO Replacethe air pump relay. I 20. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).

Wire side o{llemale termina\s

ls therecontinuity? YES Goto step26. NO Repairopenin thewire betweenthe air pump r e l a ya n db o d yg r o u n d . I


26. DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P).

29. Checkfor continuitybetweenECMconnector terminal A28 and body ground

2 7 . Checkfor the continuitybetvveenECMconnector terminal A28 and body ground.


A (32P) ECMCONNECTOR 2 2 12 13




15 26


17 1 8





2A 21


12 13 24





17 1 8 19 20 21

% 26 2 l

m 29 30


t0 24 32





Wire side of femaleterminals Wire side of temaleterminals

ls there continuity? ls there continuity? YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E l cM.l

YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe air pump relay and the EcM (A28).1

NO- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe air pump relay and the Ecl\4(A28).I

NO Go to step 28. Connectsmall air pump relay 2P connector terminaN l o . 1 t o b o d y g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e rw i SMALLAIRPUMPRELAY2PCONNECTOR

30. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 5 t .

D i s c o n n e ct h t e j u m p e rw i r e f r o m t h e l a r g ea i r pump relay 2P connector.

32. Disconnectthe air pump 2P connector.

Wire side of femaleterminals



PulsedSecondaryAir lnjectionSystem (cont'd) DTCTroubleshootang 33. Checkfor continuitybetweenlargeair pump relay 2 P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d a i r p u m p 2 P connectorterminal No. 1.

35. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 50.

D o t h e a i r p u m p r e l a yt e s t( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 6 0 ) . ls the ait punp relay OK?


YES Go to step 37. NO Replace the air pumprelay.l

3 7 . DisconnectECMconnectorA {32P). 38. Reconnectthe negativecableto the battery. 3 9 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 40. MeasurevoltagebetweenECMconnectorterminal Wire side ot femaleterminals

A28 and body ground.

ls thete continuity?


YES Go to step 35. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe pump r e l a ya n dt h e a i r p u m p .!

2 12 t3



25 26





17 1 8 t 9 20 21


34. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe air pump 2P



24 32


connectorterminal No. 2 and body ground. AIR PUMP2P CONNECTOR

Wire side o{ temaleterminals

ls there voltage? YES Repairshortto power in the wire uetw€€o t h e a i r p u m p r e l a ya n d t h e E C M( A 2 8 ) . 4

Wiresideof temaleterminals Is there continuity? YES Replace the airpump.l NO-Repair open in the wire betweenthe air pump a n d b o d yg r o u n d . I


NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck lsee page 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe original ECN4.I

DTCP0411: Injection SecondaryAir System lncorrect Flow

9. Disconnectthe vacuum hose from the air control valve (A),and connecta vacuum gaugeto the hose.

1 . R e s e t t h eE C M( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 2. Make sure the enginecoolanttemperatureis over 3 2 " F ( 0 ' C ) a n d b e i o w1 5 8" F ( 6 0" C ) w i t ht h e s c a n IOOI.

3. Startthe engine.While the air pump operates,let t h e e n g i n ei d l ew i t h n o l o a d ( i n n e u t r a l ) f o a r t least 1 0s e c o n d s .

1 0 .Startthe engine.While the air pump operates,let 4. Checkfor a TemporaryDTCwith the scantool.

the engine idle with no load (in neutral).

ls TemporaryDTC P0411indicated?

ls there vacuum while the air pump operates?

YES Go to step 5.

Y E S G o t o s t e p1 1 .

NO lntermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the air control valve vacuum controlsolenoidvalve a n da t r h e E c M . l

NO Go to step 17.

5. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 6. Checkthe vacuum lines of the air pump systemfor misrouting,leakage.breakage,and clogging. Are the vacuumIines OK? YES Go to step 7.

1 1 .Turn the ignition switch OFF. Disconnectthe air control valve vacuum control solenoidvalve 2P connector. Checkfor the continuitybetweenthe air control valve vacuum control solenoidvalve 2P connector terminal No. 2 and body ground. AIRCONTROL VALVEVACUUMCONTROL SOLENOID VALVE2PCONNECTOR

N O R e p a i ro r r e p l a c ev a c u u ml i n e sa s necessary.l 7 . R e s e t h e E C M( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 8. Make sure the enginecoolanttemperatureis over 32 'F (0 'C) and below 158"F (60 "C) with the scan tool. Wiresideol lemaleterminals ls therc continuity? YES Go to step 14. NO Replacethe air control valve vacuum control s o l e n o i dv a l v e !.



PulsedSecondaryAir IniectionSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl 1 4 . DisconnectECMconnectorA {32P),

1 5 .Checkfor continuitybetweenair control valve vacuum control solenoidvalve 2P connector t e r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d b o d yg r o u n d . VALVEVACUUMCONTROL AIRCONTROL SOLENOID VALVE2PCONNECTOR

1 8 . Disconnectthe air control valve vacuum control solenoidvalve 2P connector.

1 9 .Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). 20. Measurevoltagebetweenair control valve vacuum control solenoidvalve 2P connectorterminal No. 1 a n d b o d yg r o u n d . VALVEVACUUMCONTROL AIRCONTROL VALVE2PCONNECTOR SOLENOID

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls there continuity?

Wire side oI {emaleterminals

YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe air control valve vacuum control solenoidvalve and the Ecl\il(A2).t

Is there battery voltage? YES Go to step 21.

NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck {seepage 11-5).lf the symptom/indicationgoes l CM.I a w a y ,r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a E to.

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe No. 6 yox A C G ( 1 5A ) f u s ei n t h e u n d e r - d a sfhu s e / r e l a b and air control solenoidvalve.l

Turn the ignition switch OFF. a1

1 7 . C h e c kt h e N o . 6 A C G ( 1 5A ) f u s e i n t h e u n d e r - d a s h fuse/relaybox.

Turn the ignition switch OFF.

22. Reconnectthe air control valve vacuum control solenoidvalve 2P connector.

ls the luse OK? YES Go to step 18. NO Repairshort in the wire betweenNo. 6 ACG ( 1 5A ) f u s ea n dt h e g a u g ea s s e m b l yT. h e nr e p l a c e t h e N o . 6 A C G ( 1 5A ) f u s e . l

DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P). 2 4 . Turn the ignition switch oN {ll),and measure voltagebetweenECMconnectorterminal A2 and body ground. ls there less than 1.0 V? YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe air controlvalve vacuum control solenoidvalve and the ECM(A2).lf the wire is OK, replacethe aar control valve vacuum control solenoidvalve.I NO Substitutea known-goodECM and recheck (seepage 11-5),lf the symptom/lndicationgoes away, replacethe original ECM.I


DTCPl410:Air PumoMalfunction 1 . R e s e t h e E C M{ s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 2. Make sure the enginecoolanttemperatureis over 32 'F (0"C)and below 158'F (60'C)with the scan tool. Startthe engine.While the air pump operates,let the engine idle with no load (in neutral)for at least 1 0s e c o n d s , 4 . Checkfor a TemporaryDTCwith the scantool. ls TemporaryDTC P1410indicated? YES Replacethe air pump.l NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat t h e a i r p u m pa n dt h e a i r p u m p r e l a y . I


PulsedSecondaryAir IniectionSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) Current DTCPl415:Air PumpElectrical SensorCircuitLowVoltage 1 . R e s e t h e E C M( s e ep a g e1 1 4 ) . 2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 3. Checkfor a DTCwith the scantool. ls DTC P1415indicated?

8. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 9. DisconnecttheECIMconnectorC (31P). 10. Checkfor continuitybetweenair pump electrical currentsensor3P connectorterminal No. 3 and body ground. AIR PUMP ELECTRICALCURRENTSENSOR 3P CONNECTOR

YES- Go to step 4.


NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Checkfor poor connectionsor Iooseterminalsat the air pump electricalcurrentsensorand the ECM.





4 . Turn the ignition switchOFF, 5 . Disconnectthe air pump electrlcalcurrentsensor 3P connector.

W i r es i d eo f f e m a l tee r m i n a l s ls there continuity?

6 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 7 . Measurevoltagebetweenair pump electrical currentsensor3P connectorterminalsNo. 1 and No.2. CURRENT SENSOR AIRPUMPELECTRICAL 3PCONNECTOR

r-Fir I l , -1-l-vcc2

L,()J \+/


r l

YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe air pump electricalcurrentsensorand the ECI\4

lc24l.a 'l NO Go to step 1. 1 1 .Connectair pump electricalcurrentsensor3P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 2 a n d N o . 3 w i t h a j u m p e r CURRENT SENSOR AIRPUMPELECTRICAL 3PCONNECTOR



Wiresideof femaleterminals (WHT/BLK) ls there about 5 V? YES Go to step 8. NO Go to step 17.


W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

12. Checkfor continuitybetlveenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sC 2 4a n d C 1 8 .

16. Measurevoltage betweenbody ground and ECM connectorterminal C24.




11 12


4 t3




/_l:-^ t| c- F| t| . t". ^| .t o' |1t .. n:l l Ecs ( \9IWHTIELKI


9 10

20 21 22 lcol:mn,/


t1 12

4 to

5 tc


24 25



17 18



2A 21 22

26 27 28




Wire side of lemale terminals

Wire side ol femaleterminals

ls there continuity?

ls there about 0.5 V?

YES Go to step 14.

YES Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 1l-5). lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, replacethe originalECM.I

NO - Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C24)and the air pump electricalcurrentsensor.I Disconnectthe jumper wire from the air pump electricalcurrentsensor3P connector. 1 4 . ReconnectECMconnectorC (31P)and the air pump electricalcurrentsensor3P connector. t5.


NO Replacethe air pump electricalcurrent sensor,l 17. Measurevoltage betweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sC 1 8a n d C 2 8 . ECM CONNECTORC {3IP}

Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll).




1 l 12

15 25

I I I 110

5 11 ?6

1 9 t 2 0 1 2 1t 2 2 23 l

la 30

vcc2 IYEL/BLUI WiresideoI femaleterminals ls there about 5 V? YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C28)and the air pump electricalcurrentsensor.I NO - Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck {seepage 11-5).lf voltage is normal,replacethe originaE l CM.I


PulsedSecondaryAir lniectionSystem DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) CurrentSensor DTCPl416:Air PumpElectric CircuitHighVoltage

8 . Measurevoltage betweenECMconnector t e r m i n a l sC 1 8a n d C 2 8 . C (31PI ECMCONNECTOR

1 . R e s e t h e E C M( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) .


2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l ) 3, Checkfor a DTCwith the scantool.



11 1Z ls DTC P1416indicated?


8 I 9 r0



11 l


26 27 23 t

YES Go to step 4.

1 9I Z A I U1 2 2



NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time, Checkfor poor connectionsor looseterminalsat the air pump electricalcurrentsensorand at the ECM.T

{YEL/BLU) Wire side of lemale terminals

ls there about 5 V? 4 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 5 . Disconnectthe air pump electricalcurrentsensor

YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ECM (C18a ) n dt h e a i r p u m p e l e c t r i c acl u r r e n ts e n s o r . l

3P connector, 6 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 7 . Nleasurevoltage betweenair pump electrical currentsensor3P connectorterminalsNo. 1 and No.2. SENSOR AIRPUMPELECTRICAL CURRENT 3PCONNECTOR


l 1 1 2 l 3 l


\+/ vcc2 IYEL/BLU)

sG2 (GRN)

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls thereabout5 V? current the air pumpelectrical YES Replace sensor.l NO Goto step8.


NO Substitutea known-goodECMand recheck (seepage 11-5).lf voltageis normal.replacethe o r i g i n aE l CM.I

Air Pump/AirPumpRelayRemoval/lnstallation 'L

Removethe front bumper (seepage 20-92).

2. R e m o v et h e a i r p u m p ( A ) ,a n dt h e a i r p u m p r e l a y( B ) .

8 x 1.25mm 22N.m 12.2kgt m, 15 tbf.ft) 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf m, 7.2 tbt.ttl


5x1.0mm 9.8Nm(1.0kgI.m, 7.2lbt.ft)


3. Installin the reverseorder of removal.


PulsedSecondaryAir InjectionSystem Air PumpElectricalCurrentSensor RemovaUlnstallation

Air PumpRelayTest Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsaccordingto t h et a b l e . . Thereshould be continuitybetweenthe 41 and A2 terminalsof the air pump relay 2P largeconnector when power and ground are connectedto the B1 terminao l f t h e a i r p u m p r e l a y2 P s m a l lc o n n e c l o r . . Thereshould be no continuitybetweenthe 41 and 42 terminalswhen power is disconnectfrom the air pump 2P small connector. Terminal


;"r""r (s1) Connected






1. Pull away the left innerfender as necessary{see p a g e2 0 -1 0 5 ) . 2. Disconnectthe air pump electricalcurrentsensor 2P connector(A),and removethe lower cover (B), then disconnectthe air pump electricalcurrent sensor3P connector{C).


3 . Removethe air pump electricalcurrentsensor(D). 4 . Installin the reverseorder of removal.



Transaxle Glutch SpecialTools .........12-2 Component Location Index ..................................... 12-3 ClutchPedal,ClutchPedalPositionSwitch, andClutchInterlock SwitchAdjustment............. 12-4 ClutchMasterCylinder Replacement ..................... 12-5 SlaveCylinderReplacement .......... 12-6 CfutchReplacement ................... .....12-l

Clutch SpecialTools Tool Number


o) (a o @

100 or 07924-PD20003 07LAB-PVO0 07LAF-PT00110 07746-0010200 07749-0010000 07936-3710100


.a )/ .f,





R i n gG e a rH o l d e r ClutchAlignmentShaft 32 x 37 mm Attachment, Driver R e m o v eHr a n d l e

Oty 1 1 'l 1 1


CLUTCHPEOAL Adjustment,page l2-4







SLAVECYLINDER page12-6 Replacement, CLUTCHDISC page127 Removal, l n s t a l l a t i osnt e, pI o n p a g e1 2 - 1 1


RELEASEBEARING Inspection,page 12 7

FLYWHEEL q e1 2 - 9 I n s o e c t i osnt e, p1 o'ln p a-page Replacement, step on 12I

PRESSURE PLATE page12-7 Removal, lnstailation, step1 on page12-11


Glutch ClutchPedal,ClutchPedalPositionSwitch, and ClutchInterlockSwitch Adjustment NOTE: . To checkthe clutch pedal positionswitch (seepage 44 7) . . To checkthe clutch interlockswitch (seepage 4-6). . The clutch is self-adjustingto compensatefor wear. . lf there is no clearancebetweenthe mastercylinder piston and push rod, the releasebearingis held againstthe diaphragmspring,which can result in clutchslippageor other clutch problems. 1. Loosenlocknut(A),and backoffthe clutchswitch (B) until it no longertouchesthe clutch pedal (C). H 9.8 N.m (1.0kgt.m,7.2 lbt.ftl

5. Turn the clutch pedal positionswitch {B) in an additional3/4 to 1 turn. 6. Tighlen locknut(A). 7. Loosenlocknut(H)andthe clutchinterlockswitch (t ) . 8. Pressthe clutch pedalto the floor. ' 1 5 - 2 0 m m ( 0 . 5 9 - 0 . 7 9i n . ) t h e c l u t c hp e d a l 9. Release from the fully depressedposition,and hold lt there. Adjust the positionof the clutch interlockswitch (l) so that the enginewill startwith the clutch pedal in this position. 1 0 . T i g h t e nl o c k n u t( H ) .

{1.0kgf m, 7.2 tbf.ft)

2. Loosenlocknut(D),and turn the push rod (E)in or out to get the specifiedheight (F)and stroke(G) at the clutch oedal. Clutch PedalStroke: 115 125 mm {4.53 4.92in.) Clutch Pedal Height: 189 mm (7.44 in.) 3. Tighten locknut(D). 4. With the clutch pedal released,turn the clutch DedalDositionswitch {B) in until it contactsthe clutchpedal (C).


ClutchMasterCylinderReplacement NOTE:Do not spill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damagethe paint; if brakefluid does contactthe paint. wash it off immediatelywith water 1. The brakefluid may be suckedout through the top of the mastercylinder reservoir(A) with a syringe.

4. Bemovethe clutch mastercylinder(A).

-.--1i:,.'1. ,-_-::-:-:=---_-,;.,1,'a)

15Nm(1.5kgf.m, 11 tbt.ft)

Disconnectthe clutch line (B)from the clutch mastercylinder.Plugthe end of the clutch line and reservoirhose with a shop towel to preventbrake fluid from coming out.

Installtheclutchmastercylinderin the reverse orderof removal.Tightenthe mastercylinder m o u n t i nn g u t s t o1 3N . m( 1 . 3k g f . m , 9 .l4b ff t ) . Bleedthe clutchhydraulicsystem(seestep6 on p a g e1 2 - 6 ) .

Pry out the lock pin (A),and pull the pedal pin (B) out of the yoke. Removethe nuts (C).


Clutch SlaveCylinderReplacement NOTE;Do not spill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damagethe paint; if brakefluid does contactthe paint, wash it off immediatelywith water. '1. Removethe banjo bolt (A) and washers(B),then disconnectthe clutch hose {C)from the slave cylinder{D).Plugthe end of the clutch hosewith a shop towel to preventbrakefluid from coming out.

5 . I n s t a l l t h es l a v ec y l i n d e ri n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f removal.Use new banjo bolt washers, N O T E :M a k es u r et h e b o o t i s i n s t a l l e do n t h e s l a v e cylinder. 29 N m 13.0kgl.m,22lbf.ft)

8 x 1.25mm 22N m {2.2kgfm.16lbf ftl 6. Bleedthe clutchhydraulicsystem.Tightenthe bleederscrewto 9.8 N m (1.0kgf.m,7.2 lbf ft). E

NOTE:Be carefulnot to damagethe slavecylinder by overtighteningthe bleederscrew.

Removethe two boits (E)and slavecylinder, P u l l t h eb o o t( A )b a c ka n d a p p l yb r a k ea s s e m b l y lube or equivalentrubber greaseto the boot and slavecylinder rod (B).Reinstallthe boot.

(BrakeAssâ‚ŹmblyLubel 4 . A p p l ys u p e rh i g h t e m p u r e ag r e a s et o t h e t i p o f t h e

s l a v ec y l i n d e r o d .


. Attach a hoseto the bleederscrew (A),and suspendthe hose in a containerof brakefluid. . Make sure there is an adequatesupply of fluid at the clutch mastercylinder,then slowly pump the clutch pedal until no more bubblesappearat the bleederhose. . Refillthe clutchmastercylinderwith fluid when done. . Always use only HondaDOT3 brakefluid. . Confirmclutchoperation,and checkfor leaking fluid.


ClutchReplacement Special Tools Required . Clutchalignmentshaft 07LAF-PToo110 . R e m o v e rh a n d l e0 7 9 3 6 - 3 7 1 0 1 0 0 . Ring gear holder07LAB-PVoo100 or 07924-PD20003 . Driver07749-0010000 . Attachment,32x 37 mm 07746-0010200

5. Inspectthe fingers of the diaphragmspring (A) lor wear at the releasebearingcontactarea.


PressurePlateand GlutchDiscRemoval 1 . C h e c kt h e d i a p h r a g ms p r i n gf i n g e r sh e i g h t variationusingthe dial indicator(A).lf the variation is more than the servicelimit, replacethe pressure plate. Standard(New): 0.4 mm (0.016in.) max. 0.6 mm (0.024in.l ServiceLimit:


\-q,yz Inspectthe pressureplate surfacefor wear, cracks, andburning. 7 . Inspectforwarpageusing a straightedge (A) and feeler gauge (B).Measureacrossthe pressureplate (C).lf the warpage is more than the servicelimit, replacethe pressureplate.


StandardlNewl: ServiceLimit:

0.03mm {0.001in.) max. 0.15mm {0.006in.)


2. Installthe specialtools.

07LAF-PT00110 07936-3710100

07LAB-PV00100 or 07924-PD20003 To preventwarping, unscrewthe pressureplate mounting bolts {A) in a crisscrosspatternin several steps,then removethe pressureplate (B). R e m o v et h e r e l e a s eb e a r i n g( C )f r o m t h e p r e s s u r e plate. (cont'd)


Glutch ClutchReplacement(cont'd) 8. Removethe clutchdisc and sDecialtools.

11. Measurethe rivet depth from the lining surface(A) to rivets (B),on both sides.lf the rivet depth is less than the servicelimit, replacethe clutchdisc. StandardlNew): ServiceLimit:

@rj 9 . Inspectthe lining of the clutch disc for signs of s l i p p i n go r o i l . l f t h e c l u t c hd i s ci s b u r n e db l a c ko r oil soaked,replaceit.

1 0 .Measurethe clutchdisc thickness.lf the thickness is lessthan the servicelimit, replacethe clutch disc. Standard{Newl; ServiceLimit:


8.2 8.9 mm (0.32-0.35 in.l 6.0 mm {0.24in.,

1.2 1.7 mm {0.047-0.067in.) 0.2 mm (0.00ein.l

Flywheellnspection 1. lnspectthe ring gear teeth for wear and damage.

FlywheelReplacement 1 . I n s t a ltl h e s p e c i a l t o o l .

2. Inspectthe clutchdisc mating surfaceon the flywheelfor wear, cracks,and burning. 3. Measurethe flywheel (A) runout using a dial indicator(B)through at leasttwo full turns. Push againstthe flywheel each time you turn it to take up the crankshaftthrust washerclearance.lf the runout is more than the servicelimit, replacethe flywheel and recheckthe runout.Resurfacingthe flywheel is not recommended. 07LAB-PVo0100 or 0792{-PD20003

Standard(New): 0.05 mm {0.002in.) max. 0.15 mm (0.24in.l ServiceLimit:

Removethe flywheel mounting bolts in a crisscross patternin severalsteps,then removethe flywheel. Removethe ball bearing(A) from the flywheel (B).

4 . Turn the inner raceof the ball bearing(A) with your finger.The ball bearingshouldturn smoothly and quietly.Checkthat the ball bearingouter racefits tightly in the flywheel. lf the racedoes not turn smoothly,quietly,or fit tight in the flywheel, r e p l a c et h e b a l lb e a r i n g .


,-:': I r!,


Clutch \

ClutchReplacement(cont'dl 4. Drivethe new ball bearinginto the flywheel using the specialtools as shown. Apply a light coat of oil to the bearingsurface. 07749-0010000

ReleaseBearingInspection Checkthe releasebearingfor excessiveplay by spinning it by hand.if there is excessiveplay, replace the releasebearingwith a new one NOTE:The releasebearingis packedwith grease.Do not wash it in solvent.

Align the hole in the flywheelwith the crankshaft dowel pin, and installthe flywheel. lnstallthe washer and mounting boltsfinger-tight. lnstallthe specialtool. then torque the flywheel mounting bolts in a crisscrosspatternin several steps. 12 x '1.0mm 127 N.m {13,0kgf.m,94lgf.ftl

'j.l@7..1 '\-'\------2,'â‚Ź

iii:.- - ..2J


Clutch Discand PressurePlateInstallation 1 . A p p l ya t h i n ,u n i f o r mc o a to f s u p e rh i g ht e m p u r e a grease(P/N08798-9002) to the splines(A) of the c l u t c hd i s c( B ) .S l i d et h e c l u t c hd i s co n t ot h e mainshaft,and remove extra overflow grease.

6. Torquethe mounting bolts in a crisscrosspattern. Tightenthe bolts in severalstepsto prevent w a r p i n gt h e d i a p hr a g ms p r i n g . PLATEMOUNTINGBOLTTOROUE: PRESSUBE 25 N.m (2.6kgf.m, r9lbf'ft)

2 . I n s t a ltlh e r i n gg e a rh o l d e r .

/zo - o\

o7s36'371o10o Pl ,', -PIoo11o 0TLAF I lt ,.,,. l l , / '

â‚Ź^" 't ' (4_9!E!-E!_it


t'lt' t

. 5. 4!::--!-\.




/@^ -. O i._,

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u 9,'

07LAB-PV00'100 07924-PD20003 .


\ \ _'.a'





1 . Remove the specialtools.

s r ea l l t h e s p r i n gf i n g e r a M a k es u r et h ed i a p h r a g m sameheight.

Installtheclutchdisc using the specialtools. 4 . Apply super high temp urea grease{P/N087989002)into the groove (A) of the releasebearing{B}. then installthe releasebearingon the pressure plate (C).

+'iFEASEH lPlN 08798-90021

Installthe pressureplate and the mounting bolts ( D l f i n g e r t i g h tM . a k es u r et h e r e l e a s eb e a r i n gd o e s not come off.


Transaxle 13-41 Reassembly.......... Countershaft ShaftDisassembly... 13-45 13-2 Secondary SoecialTools ShaftInspection.......13-45 Secondary TransmissionFluidInspection ShaftReassembly.... 13-46 13-3 Secondary a n d R e o l a c e m e n.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ShiftForksClearance Back-upLightSwitchTest ..........13-3 .......13-47 fnsoection GearshiftMechanism Forks Disassembly Shift R e o l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 1 3 - 4 ... 13-49 13-5 Remova1............... Transmission /Reassembly SynchroRingand Transmission Disassembly....,...13-12 13-50 GearInsoection........................ Mainshaft AssemblyClearance and Hub Synchro Sleeve 13-27 Inspection .... 13-51 Inspection and Reassembly 13-30 Mainshaft Disassembly 13-31 Oil PumoClearance Inspection Mainshaft .......13-52 lnsoection 13-32 Reassembly Mainshaft ShaftPreload Secondary ShiftArm RodAssembly .....13-53 Adjustment .......13-35 Disassembly/Reassembly ThrustClearance Mainshaft CountershaftAssembly .....13-54 13-36 Adiustment Inspection Clearance ,l ?-?e Reassembly.........13-55 Transmission Disassembly......... Countershaft 13-66 Installation........... Transmission 13-40 Inspection............. Countershaft


ManualTransmission \

SpecialTools Ref.No.


Description M a i n s h a fH t older M a i n s h a fB t ase q H o l d e rH a n d l e A t t a c h m e n t , 4 x0 5 0 m m l . D . o MainshaftHolder I F l a n g eH o l d e r I '(I AdjustableBearingPuller,20 - 40 mm Attachment,42 x 47 mm I g Attachment,62 x 68 mm q0 Attachment,72 x 75 mm q Driver,40 mm l.D. Attachment, 30 mm l.D. I(9 Attachment,35 mm l.D. Driver I '9 Driver3 , 0 mm l.D. Attachment. 45 mm I a, Attachment.35 mm LD. * Must be usedwith commerciallyavailable3/8"- 16 slide hammer. * * Partof MainshaftInspectionTool Set,07GAJ-PG2010A.

"q "(9


Tool Number

07GAJ-PG20110 07GAJ-PG20130 07JAB-0010204 07LAD-PW5060'r 07PA8,0014300 I 07RAB-T840108 I 07736-4010008 07746-001o3oo I 07746-0010500 07746-0010600 I 07746-0030100 07746-0030300 I 077460030400 07749-0010000 07946-M800000 I 07947-68s0300 | 07965-5450500

I l a ':: ' "l\-' :,'

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FluidInspectionand Transmission Replacement

Back-UpLight Switch Test 1. Disconnecttheback-uplight switch (A) 2P connector,

1 . P a r kt h e v e h i c l eo n l e v e lg r o u n d ,a n d t u r n t h e e n g i n eO F F .


2 . R e m o v et h e o i l f i l l e rp l u g ( A )a n dt h e w a s h e r( B ) , checkthe conditionof the fluid, and make sure the fluid is at the proper level (C).

25 N.m12.5kst.m,18lbfft) 3. lf the transmissionfluid is dirty, removethe drain p l u g( A )a n d d r a i nt h e f l u i d .


44 N.m {4.5kgf.m, 33 rbf.ftl

2 . Checkthe continuitybetweenthe terminals.There should be continuitywhen the shift lever into reverse,

3 . lf necessary,replacethe switch. 4 . Removethe shift lever knob, boot holder,shift boot, shift lever,and the shift lever spring (seepage 13Removethe three way catalyticconverter(TWC) (seestep 20 on page 13-8). 6 . Removethe propellershaft (seepage 16-17). 1 . Placethe floor jack under the transmission,and removethe three transmissionrear mount bolts (seestep 31 on page 13-10).

Fluid Capacity 1.480 (1.56US qt) at fluid change 1.62Af .l1US gt) at overhaul

rearend65 mm (2.56in ), 8. Lowerthetransmission thenremovethe back-uplightswitchusinga 3/8" c r o w f o ow t r e n c h( 1 9m m )( B ) .

A l w a y su s eH o n d aM a n u a l T r a n s m i s s i oF n l u i d( M T F ) l.f i t i s n o t a v a i l a b l ey,o u m a y u s ea n A P Is e r v i c e S G ,S H o r S J g r a d em o t o ro i l w i t h a viscosityof SAE 10 W-30 or 10 W-40 as a temporary replacement. 5 . R e i n s t a tl lh e o i l f i l l e rp l u g ( C )w i t h a n e w w a s h e r( D )


ManualTransmission GearshiftMechanismReplacement t'vER KN.B .ttt"''n LOCKNUT 1 0x 1 . 2 5m m

9 N.m {0.9kgf.m,7lbf ft)



6x1.0mm 9.8 N m 11.0kgf m,


'" tEVERHOUSING 5x1.0mm 9.8 N.m 11.0kgt m,



TransmissionRemoval NOTE:Use fender coversto avoid damaging painted surfaces,

Removethe centerconsole (seepage20-76). 4 . Removethe boot holder{A) and the shift boot (B).

1 . D i s c o n n e ct h t e n e g a t i v e( ) c a b l e f i r s t , t h e n t h e positive(+ ) cablefrom the battery.Removethe battery. 2- Loosenthe locknut,then removethe shift lever knob.

5. Removethe three bolts,then removethe shift lever (A) and the shift lever spring (B)




ManualTransmission TransmissionRemoval(cont'd) 6 . R e m o v et h e a i r c l e a n e rh o u s i n ga s s e m b l y .

9 . Removethe alternator-comDressor belt and the alternator(seepage 4-25).


1 0 .Disconnectthe 1Pconnector{A),then removethe four mounting bolts and the Ay'Ccompressor(B).

7 . Turn the steeringwheel to the straight-ahead position,then removethe key from the ignition switchto lockthe steeringcolumn. Make a referencemark (A) acrossthe steeringjoint (B), 1 1 . Removethe four exhaustmanifoldcover mounting bolts.

Loosenthe upper steeringjoint bolt (C),and removethe lower steeringjoint bolt {D).Disconnect the steeringjoint from the gear box.


12. Removethe heatshield (A),then removethe exhaustmanifoldcover.

14. Disconnectthe TDC1(A) and TDC2{B)sensor connectors.

'15. R e m o v et h e s D l a s hs h i e l d .

13. Removethe upper startermotor mounting bolt (A) and upper intakemanifold bracketmounting bolt (B).Disconnectthe hose (C)from the suctionvalve.

e â‚Ź

4 6



ManualTransmission TransmissionRemoval(cont'dl 16. Disconnectthe 2P connector(A) from the steering

1 9 .Disconnectthe heatedoxygen sensor(HO25){A), secondaryheatedoxygen sensor{secondary HO2S)(B),and the back-uplight switch (C) connectors,then removethe wire harnessfrom the transmission.

17. Disconnectthe torque sensor3P connector(C),and removethe wire harnessclamp (D). '18.

Removethe wire harness(A) and mounting bolt, then removethe intakemanifoldstay (8).

Removethe three way catalltic converter(TWC) (A) and gaskets(B).


a 21. Removethe exhaustmanifold bracket(A) and the exhausm t a n i f o l d( B ) .

24, Removethe releasefork boot (A),then carefully removethe slavecylinder (B).Do not operatethe clutch pedal once the slavecylinderhas been removed.

2 2 . Removethe propellershaft (seepage 16-17). 23. Removethe four shift boot holder mounting bolts.

Pull out the releasefork (A) from the releasefork hanger.Wedge a shop towel (B) betweenthe opening in the clutch housingand the releasefork to hold the releasefork in place.



ManualTransmission TransmissionRemoval(cont'dl Removethe five lower transmissionmounting bolts.

Lower the front subframe in until it touchesthe four loosenedmounting bolts. Placethe floor jack under the transmission,and removethe three transmissionrear mount bolts.

1 . 1\

. -...-t

2 1 . Placea floor jack underthe front sub frame and the engine mounting stiffener. Lower the transmission.Disconnectthe oick-uD sensorconnector(A),then removethe wire h a r n e s s( B )f r o m t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n .

mm ) in.)

28. Removethe two centermounting bolts. 29. Loosenthe four mounting bolts 75 mm (3.0in.) as snown.


33. Removethe three uppertra nsmission mounting bolts.

Pullthe transmissionaway from the engine until it clearsthe mainshaft,then lower the transmission o n t h ej a c k . Removethe transmissionrear mount from the t r a n s m i s s i o hn o u s i n g .

13-11 )

ManualTransmission TransmissionDisassembly ExplodedView-RearCover

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(D27 mm LOCKNUT Replace. '162* 0 - 162N.m(16.5- 0 * 16.5kgt.m, 119*0*'l19lbf.ftl WASHER O 27 mm SPRING RING O BACK-UP O O.RING Replace. FLANGE O COMPANION G)40 x 60 X 9 mm OILSEAL Replace. O BALLBEARING Replace. @ REARCOVER O SHIFTARMB SPRING WASHER @ CONICAL Replace.

O 8 mm SPECIALBOLT 31 N.m {3.1kgf.m,22lbf.ttl @ SHIFTLEVERHOUSING (} 6 mm FLANGEBOLT 12 N m 11.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ft) @ 8 mm FLANGEBOLT 27 N.m {2.8 kgf.m,20 lbf.ft) @ HARNESSBRACKET





ManualTransmission TransmissionDisassembly(cont'd) Housing ExplodedView-Transmission







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.]) 29 mm LOCKNUT{Left-hand threads) Replace. 172 *0 * 172N.m (17.5- 0 * 17.5kgf,m, 127-0-127lbf.ltl (2)29 mm SPRINGWASHER O 30 x 64x20 mm NEEDLEBEARING O, sEcoNoaRY DRtvE GEAR O OIL PUMP SHAFT @ oIL PUMPGEAR O 6 mm FLANGEBOLT 12 N.m {1.2kgt.m,8.7lbf.ft) @ OIL PUMP PLATE o SPRINGL. 19.1mm {0.75in.} (s)STEELBALL O otl PUMPRoroR @ BEARINGOUTERRACE @ SHIM Selection. (} otl GUTDEPLATEs @ WASHER Beplace. @ DRATNPLUG 39 N.m {4.0kgf.m,29lbf.ft} @ 14 x 20 DowEL PtN

(Do-RrNG Reolace.


12 N.m (1.2kgf m.8.7 lbt ft)

Q])FILLERPLUG 44 N.m (4.5kgt.m,33lbf ft) @ WASHER Replace. @ SET SCREW @ SPRINGL. 27.4 mm 11.08in.l @ STEELBALL @ 16x 26 x 7 mm olL SEAL Replace. @ 12 mm WASHER Replace. @ 12 mm DRAINPLUG 39 N.m lil.o kst.m,29 lbf.ft) @ SPRINGL.23 mm (0.91in.) {BLACK) @ 8 mm FLANGEBOLT 27 N.m {2.8kgt.m.20lbt.ft) @ TRANSMISSIONHANGERA @ TRANSMISSIONHANGER @ OIL GUIDE PLATEM @ 82 mm sHlM Selection. @ SUGTIoNGUIDE




ManualTransmission TransmissionDisassembly(cont'd) ExplodedView-ClutchHousing

61 -\







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e.., FJ-.-




( l8x,l0PlN (} SELECTRETURNSPRING @ CLUTCHRELEASEHANGER EDRELEASEHANGERSPRING (} 8 mm SPECIALBOLT 27 N.m {2.8kgf m.20 lbf.ft} @ EREATHERPLATE @ 6 mm FLANGEBOLT 12 N m (1.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ftl 6 €] mm FLANGEBOLT 12 N.m {1.2kgf,m,8.7tbf.ftl q' RELEASE BEARINGGUIDE @ 28 x il3 x 7 mm OIL SEAL Replace. €'8x63PlN €0 10 mm FLANGEBOLT 44 N.m 14.5kgt.m,33 lbt.ft) @ CLUTCHHOUSING @ 1.2 SHIFTFORK O REVERSEsHIFT FoRK QAT-2 SHIFTLEVER @ MAGNET



ManualTransmission TransmissionDisassembly(cont'd) Special Tools Required . F l a n g eh o l d e r0 7 R A B - T B 4 0 1 0 8 . Adjustable b e a r i n gp u l l e r , 2 0 4 0 m m 0 7 7 3 6 - 4 0 1 0 0 0 8 . Mainshaftholder07PAB-0014300 . H o l d e rh a n d l e0 7 J A B - 0 0 1 0 2 0 A

3. Removethe I mm flange bolts in a crisscross patternin severalstePs,

RearGover Removal 1. Removethe four bolt, and removethe shift lever housing.

B E _




Removethe rear cover {A) and 14 x 20 dowel pins {B). Removethe shift rod tube and O-ringsfrom the rear cover.

2. Lower the shift rod (A),then removethe 8 mm specialbolt (B),spring washer (C),and shift arm B (D).

R t l lt





6. Raisethe 27 mm locknuttab from the qroove in the secondarvshaft.

8. Removethe 27 mm locknut(A),spring washer (B). b a c k - u pr i n g ( C ) ,a n d O - r i n g{ D ) ,

7 . Installthe specialtool onto the companionflange, and loosenthe 27 mm locknut.

Removethe companionflange (A) using a c o m m e r c i a l la y v a i l a b l eb e a r i n gp u l l e r( B )a s s h o w n . a'::.1-.:,



ManualTransmission TransmissionDisassembly{cont'd} 1 0 . R e m o v et h e o i l s e a l .

13. Removethe bearingouter race(A) and shim (B) from the rear cover (C).

shaft(A)fromthe rear 1l. Removethe secondary (C) cover(B)usinga press as shown.

'14.Removethe bearingouter race (A)from the rear cover (B) using the specialtools as shown. -I6 SLIDEHAMMER


' 1 2 .R e m o vteh eb a l lb e a r i n (gD ) f r o m t h e rearcover'


Transmission HousingRemoval l . R e m o v et h e o i l p u m p g e a rs h a f ta n d o i l p u m p g e a r . I

3 . I n s t a l l t h es p e c i a l l o o ol n t ot h e m a i n s h a fst p l i n e , and loosenthe 29 mm locknut(left-handthreads). 07PAB-001A300

- l

l'-"1 t l H

2. Raisethe 29 mm locknuttab from the qroove in the countershaft. 4. Removethe 29 mm locknutand spring washer,


ManualTransmission TransmissionDisassembly(cont'd) Removethe needlebearing(A) using a c o m m e r c i a l lay v a i l a b l eb e a r i n gp u l l e r( B )a s s h o w n .

7. Removethe 6 mm flange bolts,then removethe oil pump plate (A),spring,steel ball, and oil pump rotors (B).



^--.----...: u. I


Removethe secondarydrive gear (A) using a c o m m e r c i a l la y v a i l a b l eb e a r i n gp u l l e r( B )a s s h o w n .


8 . R e m o v et h e d r a i np l u g ( A ) ,f i l l e rp l u g ( B ) ,1 2 m m drain plug (C),washers,set screws(D),springs, steel balls,and pick-upsensor(E).

'12. Removethe bearingouter race (A) usingthe specialtool as shown, then removethe shim (B) a n d o i l g u i d ep l a t eS . 3/8" .16 SLIDEHAMMER (commerciallvavailable)

' @

bd 07736-A010008

Removethe 8 mm tlange bolts in a crisscross oatternin severalsteos.

R e m o v et h e 1 6 x 2 6 x 7 m m o i l s e a lf r o m t h e transmissioh nousing.

wd"'m - e e ee ? F

1 1 .Removethe transmissionh o u s i n ga n d 1 4 x 2 0 dowel pins (A).



ManualTransmission TransmissionDisassembly(cont'dl 1 4 . Remove the circlip(A).thenremovethe suction

1 6 . R e m o v et h e o i l g u i d e t u b e ( A )a n d m a g n e t ( B ) .

g u i d e( B )a n do i l p u m ps t r a i n e(rC ) f r o mt h e t r a n s m i s s i ohno u s i n g .


Removethe I mm flange bolt and washer,then removethe reverseshaft holder (A),thrust washer (B),reversegear shaft (C),and needlebearing(D).

1 5 .Removethe 82 mm shim(s)(A) and oil guide plate M.

@*-^ ti.,


L 13-24

1 8 . R e m o v et h e 1 0 m m f l a n g eb o l t ,t h e n r e m o v et h e I x 63 pin (A) and l-2 shift levers(B).




2 1 . R e m o v et h e 1 - 2s h i f t p i e c e .


/ 2 2 . Removethe 34 mm sealingbolt (A) from the clutch n o u sI n g .

1 9 . Removethe 5 x 25 spring pin (B)from shift arm A with a 5 mm pin driver,then removethe shift rod


20. Removethe shift arm A from the interlock(D),then removethe selectreturnspring (E)and the 8 X 40 pin(F).

23. Expandthe 68 mm snap ring (B)on the countershaftball bearing,and remove it from the g r o o v eu s i n ga p a i r o f s n a pr i n g p l i e r s .

24. Removethe mainshaft,countershaft,and shift forks assemblies(C),and removethe 64 mm spring washer,reverseidler gear (D),thrust washer.



ManualTransmission TransmissionDisassembly(cont'dl Removethe 6 mm flange bolts and releasebearing g u i d e( A ) .

26. Removethe I mm specialbolts,clutch release h a n g e r( B )a n d r e l e a s eh a n g e rs p r i n g( C ) .

2 7 . Removethe 6 mm flange bolts and breatherplate (D).

24. Removethe oil sealfrom the clutch housing.


MainshaftAssemblyClearanceInspection NOTE: . lf replacementis required,always replacethe synchrosleeveand hub as a set. . Supportthe bearinginner race,and push down on the mainshaftas shown.

2. lvleasurethe distanceof the distancecollar. . lf distanceis notwithin the standard,replacethe distancecollar with a new one . l f d i s t a n c ei s w i t h i n t h es t a n d a r dg, o t o s t e p 3 Standard:35.23 35.28mm (1.387 1.389in.)

1 . Measurethe clearancebetween3rd gear (A) and t h e b a l l b e a r i n g( B )w i t h a f e e l e rg a u g e , . lf the clearanceis more than the servicelimit, go to steD2. . lf the clearanceis within the servicelimit, go to step 4. Standard:0.05-0.19 mm (0.002 0.007in.l ServiceLimit: 0.3 mm (0.012in.)

3 . Measurethe thicknessof 3rd gear. . l f t h e t h i c k n e s s o3f r d g e a r i s l e s s t h a n t h e s e r v i c e limit, replace3rd gear with a new one. . lf thethickneso s f 3 r d g e a r i s w i t h i n t h es e r v i c e limit, replacethe 3rd/4thsynchrohub with a new one, Standard:35.09-35.17 mm (1.381 1.385in.l ServiceLimit: 34.97mm {1.377in.)



ManualTransmission MainshaftAssemblyClearanceInspection{cont'd) 4. Measurethe clearancebetween4th gear (A) and d i s t a n c ec o l l a r( B ) .l f t h e c l e a r a n c ei s m o r et h a nt h e servicelimit, go to step 5. Standard:0.06-0.19 mm {0.002-0.007in.} ServiceLimii: 0.3 mm 10.012in.) B

6. fMeasurethe thicknessof 4th gear. . lf thethickneso s f 4 t h g e a r i s l e s s t h a ns e r v i c e limit, replace4th gear with a new one. . lf the thicknessof 4th gear iswithin the service limit, replacethe 3rd/4thsynchrohub with a new one. Standard:31.89 31.97mm (1.256 1.259in.l ServiceLimit: 31.77mm {1.251in.)

.... -'.--.-..,,a.' ,1.,,,,.'---

MeasuredistanceO on the distancecollar. . l f d i s t a n c e Oi s n o t w i t h i n t h e s t a n d a r dr ,e p l a c e the distancecollar with a new one. . l f d i s t a n c e Oi s w i t h i n t h es t a n d a r dg, o t o s t e p 6 . Standard;32.03-32.08 mm {1.261 1.253in.l

7 . Measurethe clearancebetween5th gear (A) and the distancecollar (B).lf the clearanceis more than the servicelimit, go to step 8. Standard:0.06-.0.19mm (0.002-0.007in.l ServiceLimit: 0.3 mm {0.012in.}


8, MeasuredistanceO on the distancecotrar. . l f d i s t a n c eO i s n o t w i t h i n t h e s t a n d a r dr ,e p l a c e the distancecollarwith a new one. . l f d i s t a n c e @i s w i t h i n t h es t a n d a r dg, o t o s t e p 9 .

between6thgear(A)and the clearance 10. Measure (B).lf theclearance is morethanthe the mainshaft servicelimit,go to step11. in.l Standard:0.06 0.19mm (0.002-0.007 ServiceLimit: 0.3mm (0.012in.)

Standard:32.03 32.08mm {1.251- 1.263in.l

1 1 . Measurethe thicknessof 6th gear. 9 . Measurethe thicknessof 5th gear. . lf the thicknessof 5th gear is lessthan the service limit, replacesth gear with a new one. . lf the thicknessof 5th gear is within the service limit, replacethe 5th/6thsynchrohub with a new one. Standard:31.89 31.97mm {1.256- 1.259in.) ServiceLimit: 31.77mm (1.251in.)

t : - - -

. lf thethicknessof 6th gear is lessthan the service limit, replace6th gear with a new one. . lf thethicknessof 6th gear is within the service limit, replacethe 5th/6thsynchro hub with a new one. Standard:28.89 28.97mm (1.137-1.141in.) ServiceLimit: 28.77mm 11.133in.









ManualTransmission MainshaftDisassembly l . Support ball bearing(A) with a commercially

availablebearingseparator,and removethe ball bearingusing a pressas shown.

4 . Removethe 42 x 47 x 30.5mm needlebearing, distancecollar,sth gear,synchroring, and synchro spring. Support6th gear (A)with a commerciallyavailable bearingseparator,and removethe 5th/6thsynchro hub/sleeve(B),synchroring, synchrospring.and 6th gear using a pressas shown. PRESS

R e m o v et h e 3 r d g e a r , 3 5x 3 0 x 3 5 m m n e e d l e bearing.distancecollar,double cone synchro, synchrospring,and 3rd/4thsynchrosleeve. Support 4th gear (A) with a commerciallyavailable bearingseparator,and removethe 3rd/4thsynchro hub (B),double cone synchro,and 4th gear using a oressas snown, PRESS


Removethe 39 x 44 x 26 mm needlebearing. 1 . Support ball bearing(A)with a commercially availablebearingseparator,and removethe ball bearingusing a pressas shown.

MainshaftInspection 1. Inspectthe gear surfaceand the bearingsurfacefor w e a r a n oo a m a g e . 2. Measurethe mainshaftat DointsA, B, C, and D. lf anv Dartof the mainshaftis lessthan the service limit, replaceit with a new one. Standard: A (Rearcover end ball bearing contact area): 2 7 . 9 8 7 2 8 . 0 0 0m m ( 1 . 1 0 1 8 1 . 1 0 2 4 i n . 1 B {4th/5th gears contact area}: 34.987-35.000mm (1.3774 1.3780in.) C (6th gear contact area): 38.984-39.000mm (1.5348 1.5354in.) D (Clutchhousingendballbearingconiactareali 28.002 28.015mm (1.102/r 1.1030in.1 Service Limit: A : 2 7 . 9 4m m ( 1 . 1 0 0i n . ) B: 34.94mm (1.376in.) C: 38.94mm (1.533in.) D : 2 7 . 9 5m m ( 1 . 1 0 0i n . )

3. Inspectfor runout by supportingboth ends of mainshaft.Rotatethe mainshafttwo complete revolutionswhen measuringthe runout.lf the runout is more than the servicelimit. replacethe mainshaftwith a new one. Standard:0.02 mm 10.001in.l max. ServiceLimit: 0.05 mm {0.002in.}

Clutchousing end

Rearcover eno


ManualTransmission MainshaftReassembly ExplodedView

Thin edge of the outer race faces 3rd gear

ANGULAR BALL BEARING Checkfor wear and operation. Notethe directionof installation.



GEAR '//,,.3RD 35x40x35mm NEEOLEBEARING Checkfor wear ano operat|on. 28 x 35 x 36.2mm DISIANCE COLLAR





39x44x26mm NEEDLEBEARING Checkfor wear ano opetaton. CONESYNCHRO 4TH GEAR


Thin edge of the outer lacq faces 6th goar

x 47 x 30.5 mm

NEEOLEBEARING Checkfor wear anooperaton.


"4.. ,6,


(a s}*d5 \





Rtl*,?:iL'$f." of insrallation.

\oammsPRrNc WASHER



42x 47 x 30.5mm NEEDLE BEARING Checkfor wearandoperation.

Special Tools Required . D r i v e r , 4 0m m 1 . D . 0 7 7 4 6 - 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 . Attachment,30 mm l.D.07746-0030300 NOTE:Referto the ExplodedView as neededduring this procedure. '1.

Support2nd gear (A) on steel blocks,then install s n da t h e b a l l b e a r i n g{ B )u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o l a pressas shown.

4. Pressthe 5th/6thsynchro hub usingthe specialtool as shown. After installing,checkthe operationof the 5th/6thsvnchro hub and sleeve. PRESS


NOTE:The thin edge of the outer racefaces6th gear, PRESS

Installthe synchrospring,synchroring, 42 x 47 x 30.5 mm needlebearing,5thgear,distancecollar, and 4th gear. I n s t a l l t h ed o u b l ec o n es y n c h r o( A )a n d s y n c h r o s p r i n g{ B )a s s h o w n .

2 . I n s t a l l t h e3 9 x 4 4 x 2 6 m m n e e d l eb e a r i n g , 6 t hg e a r , synchroring, and synchrospring. Installthe5th/6thsynchrohub (A) and sleeve(B) by a l i g n i n gt h e s t o p s( C ) .



ManualTransmission MainshaftReassembly(cont'd) '1.

Installthe 3rd/4thsynchrohub (A) and sleeve(B) by aligningthe stops (C).

8 . Pressthe 3rd/4thsynchrohub usingthe specialtool as shown. After installing,checkthe operationof the 3rd/4thsynchrohub and sleeve PRESS



9. Installthe double cone synchro(A)and synchro sprlng (B) as shown.

1 0 .I n s t a l l t h ed i s t a n c ec o l l a r( A ) , 3 5x 4 0 x 3 5 m m n e e d l eb e a r i n g( B ) ,a n d 3 r d g e a r( C ) .

Shift Arm Rod Assembly Disassembly/Reassembly 1 1 . I n s t a l l t h e a n g u l abra l l b e a r i n g( A ) w i t h t h e t h i n edge of the outer racefacing 3rd gear (B).Use the specialtool and a press.

Referto reassembling,clean all the parts in solvent,dry them, and apply lubricantto any contactparts.





ManualTransmission GountershaftAssemblyGlearanceInspection NOTE:lf replacementis required,always replacethe synchrosleeveand hub as a set.

2. Measurethe thicknessof 2nd gear. . l f t h e t h i c k n e s s o2f n d g e a r i s l e s s t h a n t h e servicelimit, replace2nd gear with a new one. . l f t h e t h i c k n e s s o2f n d g e a ri s w i t h i n t h es e r v i c e limit, replacethe 1sV2ndsynchrohub with a new one. Standard:32.88-32.96 mm (1.294 1.298in.) ServiceLimit: 32.76mm {1.290in.)

--:----=-=> 1 . Measurethe clearancebetween2nd gear (A) and the countershaft(B)with a feeler gauge.lf the clearanceis more than the servicelimit, go to step 2. Standard:0.04 0.17 mm (0.002 0.007in.l ServiceLimit: 0.3 mm 10.012in.) Measurethe clearancebetween'1stgear (A) and the distancecollar (B).lf the clearanceis more than the servicelimit, go to step 4. Standard:0.04 0.22mm (0.002 0.009in.) ServiceLimit: 0.3 mm (0.012in.)


4. MeasuredistanceO on the distancecottar. . lf distanceO is notwithinthe standard,replace the distancecollarwilh a new one. . l f d i s t a n c e Oi s w i t h i n t h es t a n d a r dg, o t o s t e p 5 .

6. Measurethe clearancebetweenreversegear (A) and the distancecollar {B).lf the clearanceis more than the servicelimit, go to step 7. Standard:0.04-0.22 mm (0.002-0.009in.) ServiceLimit: 0.3 mm (0.012in,.

Standard:28.03 28.08mm (1.104 1.106in.l

5. Measurethe thicknessof 1st gear. . lf thethickneso s f 1 s t g e a r i sl e s s t h a n t h e s e r v i c e limit, replace1st gear with a new one. . lf thethicknessof 1stgear iswithin the service limit, replacethe 1sV2ndsynchro hub with a new one.

7 . Measuredistance@ on the distancecollar. . lf distance@ is notwithin the standard,replace the distancecollarwith a new one. . l f d i s t a n c e Oi s w i t h i n t h es t a n d a r dg, o t o s t e p 8 . Standard:25.53 25.58mm {1.005 1.007in.)

Standard:31.18- 31.26mm {1.22A- 1-231in.l ServiceLimit: 31.06mm {1.223in.)



ManualTransmission CountershaftAssemblyClearance lnspection(cont'dl

CountershaftDisassembly 1. Removethe needlebearing.

8. fvleasurethe thicknessof reversegear. . lf the thicknessof reversegear is lessthan the servicelimit, replacereversegear with a new one. . lf thethicknessof reversegear is within the servicelimit, replacethe reversesynchrohub with a new one. Standard:26.38 26.46mm (1.039 1.042in.) ServiceLimit: 26.26mm (1.034in.)





Removethe inner race (A) using a commercially availablebearingseparatorand a pressas shown.


3. Raisethe 27 mm locknuttab from the groove in the countershaft.

6. Removethe ball bearingusing a pressas shown.

4. Securelyclamp the 4th and 5th gearsin a bench vise with wood blocks(A).

7. Removethe remainingpartsfromthe countershaft.




| ' . ' l

R e m o vteh e2 7m m l o c k n u(tB )a n ds p r i n gw a s h e r



ManualTransmission Gountershaftlnspection 1. Inspectthe gear surfaceand the bearingsurfacefor w e a ra n dd a m a g e . 2. fMeasurethe countershaftat pointsA. B, C, and D. lf any part of the countershaftis lessthan the service limit, replaceit with a new one. Standard: A (Rearcoverendneedlebearingcontactareal: 3 0 . 0 2 0 3 0 . 0 2 9m m ( 1 . 1 8 1 9 - 1 . 1 8 2i2n . ) B (Transmission housing end needle bearing contact areal: 3,1.002 34.018mm (1.3387 1.3393in| C l2nd gear contast area): 'tr3.98i[ 44.000 mm |'1.7317 1.1323in.l D {Clutchhousingendball beafingcontactareal: 28.002- 28.015mm 11.1024-1.1030in.l Service Limit: A: 29.97mm (1.180in.) B: 33.95mm (1.337in.) C: /8.93 mm (1.730in.l D: 27.95mm 11.100in.l

Rearcover end


3. Inspectfor runout by supportingboth ends of countershaft.Rotatethe countershafttwo complete revolutionswhen measuringthe runout.lf the runout is more than the servicelimit, reDlacethe countershaftwith a new one. Standard;0.02mm (0.001in.) max. ServiceLimit: 0.05 mm (0.002in.)

CountershaftReassembly ExplodedView HUS /R\ lST/2NDSYNCHRO i.wj------=..-34


X a*'

x s7 x 20 mm


DOUBLECONE SYNCHRO FRICTIONDAMPER lST GEAR 5 1x 5 7 x 2 3 m m NEEDLEBEARING Checkfor wear and operation.

38 x,(l x 26 mm NEEDLEBEARING Checkfor wear and operation.

44x50x28mm NEEDLEBEARING Checkfor wear and operation.


@-/A r3r*



REVERSE SYNCHROSLEEVE 28x58x l8 mm BALL BEARING Checkfor wear ano operaoon.





27 mm LOCKNUT Replace. 162-0-152Nm 116.5-0--16.5kgt.m, 119*0-119|bf.ft)



ManualTransmission CountershaftReassembly(cont'd) Special Tools Required . Driver4 , 0 mm 1.D.07746-0030100 . Attachment,30 mm 1.D.07746-0030300 . Aftachment,35 mm l.D.07746-0030400

4 . I n s t a l l t h es y n c h r os p r i n g( A )a n d d o u b l ec o n e synchro{B) as shown.

NOTE:Referto the ExplodedView as neededduring this procedure. 1 . I n s t a l l t h e4 4 x 5 0 x 2 8 m m n e e d l eb e a r i n ga n d 2 n d gear, 2, Installthe friction damper {A),double cone synchro ( B ) ,a n d s y n c h r os p r i n g( C )a s s h o w n .

Installthe friction damper on the 1st gear,then installthe '1stgear by aligningthe groovesas snown.

I n s t a l l t h e1 s V 2 n ds y n c h r oh u b ( A )a n d s l e e v e( B )a s snown.


I n s t a l l t h e5 l x 5 7 x 2 3 m m n e e d l eb e a r i n gd, i s t a n c e c o l l a r ,a n d 3 8 x 4 3 x 2 6 m m n e e d l eb e a r i n g . 7 . Installthe reversegear.

8 . l n s t a l l t h es y n c h r or i n ga n d s y n c h r os p r i n g .

1 0 . I n s t a l l t h eb a l lb e a r i n g{ A ) u s i n gt h e s p e c i atl o o l s ano a oressas snown. PRESS

1 1 .S e c u r e l yc l a m pt h e 4 t h a n d 5 t h g e a r si n a b e n c h vise with wood blocks(A).

9 . Installthe reversesynchrohub (A) and sleeve{B).

' t 2 .I n s t a l l t h es p r i n gw a s h e r( B )

a n d 2 7 m m l o c k n u (t C ) .

1 3 .Tightenthe 27 mm locknutto the specified-value. T o r q u e 1: 6 2 - 0 - - t 6 2 N m (16.5-*0--16.5kgt.m, 119-t0-119|bf.ft)



ManualTransmission GountershaftReassembly(cont'd) 14. Stakethe locknuttab into the groove.

16. lnstallthe needlebeafl ng.


1 5 . l n s t a l l t h en e e d l ebearinginnerrace(A)usingthe specialtoola s n d a pressas shown. PRESS



SecondaryShaft Disassembly 1 . Removethe taperedroller bearingsusing a commerciallyavailablebearingseparatorand a pressas shown. PRESS

SecondaryShaft Inspection '1. Inspect the gear surfaceand the bearingsurfacelor w e a ra n dd a m a g e . 2. Measurethe countershaftat pointsA, B, and C. lf any part of the secondaryshaft is lessthan the servicelimit, replaceit with a new one. Standard: A {Ballbearingcontact area}: 31.002- 31.013 mm 11.2205- 1.2210in.l B {Plopeller shaft end tapered roller bearing contact areal: 4 1 . 0 0 2 4 1 . 0 1 8m m { 1 . 6 1 4 2 1 . 6 1 4 9 i n . ) C (Transmission end taper6d roller bearing contact areal: 35.009 35.025mm (r.3783- 1.3790in.) Service Limit: A: 30.95mm {1.219in.) B: 40.95mm {1.612in.) C: 38.94mm {1.376in.)



ManualTransmission SecondaryShaft Inspection(cont'd) lnspectfor runout by supportingboth ends of secondaryshaft.Rotatethe secondaryshaft two completerevolutionswhen measuringthe runout. lf the runout is more than the servicelimit, replace the secondaryshaft with a new one.

SecondaryShaft Reassembly Special Tools Requir€d . Attachment.45 mm 07947-6890300 . Bearingattachment07LAD-PW50601 '1.

I n s t a l l t h et a p e r e dr o l l e rb e a r i n g su s i n gt h e s p e c i a l tool and a Dressas shown,

Standard:0.02 mm (0.001in.) max. ServiceLimit: 0.05 mm {0.002in.l Rotatetwo complete revolutions.




Shift ForksClearanceInspection NOTE:lf replacementis required.always replacethe synchrosleeveand hub as a set. 1. Measurethe clearancebetweenthe each shift fork (A) and its matchingsynchrosleeve(B).lf the clearanceexceedsthe servicelimit, go to step 2.

3. Measure theclearance betweeneachshiftfork, reverseshiftpieceandshiftarmA. lf theclearance exceeds the servicelimit,go to step4. Standard:0.2 0.6mm 10.008-0.024 in.) ServiceLimit: 0.7mm {0.028in.)

Standard:0.35 0.65mm {0.014 0.026in.) ServiceLimit: 1.00mm (0.039in.)

2 . Measurethe thicknessof the shift fork finoers.

4. Measurethe width ofthe shift arm A.

. lf the thicknessof the shift forkfinger is lessthan the standard,replacethe shift fork with a new one. . lf thethickneso s f t h e s h i f tf o r k f i n g e ri s w i t h i n the standard.replacethe synchrosleevewith a new one.

. l f t h e w i d t h o f t h e s h i f ta r m A i s l e s s t h a n t h e servicelimit, reDlacethe shift arm A with a new one. . l f t h e w i d t h o f t h e s h i f ta r m A i s w i t h i n t h e s e r v i c e limit, reolacethe shift fork or the reverseshift piecewith a new one.

Standard: 1-2 Shift Fork: 7.4-7.6 mm (0.29 0.30in.) 3-4. 5-6, ReverseShift Fork: 6.2 6.i[ mm 10.2i+ 0.25 in.]

Standard: 16.8 17.0mm {0.661 0.669in.} ServiceLimit: 16.7mm (0.657in.)



ManualTransmission Shift ForksClearanceInspection(cont'dl Measurethe clearancebetweenthe 1-2shift lever and each shift fork and shift piece.lf the clearance exceedsthe servicelimit, go to step 6.


Standard:0-0./r mm (0-0.016 in.l Service Limit: 0.5 mm (0.020in.)

6 . M e a s u r e t h e w i d t ho f t h e 1 - 2s h i f tl e v e r .


. l f t h e w i d t h o f t h e 1 - 2s h i f tl e v e r i sl e s s t h a n t h e servicelimit, replacethe 1-2 shift leverwith a n e wo n e . . l f t h e w i d t h o f t h e 1 - 2s h i f tl e v e r i s w i t h i n t h e servicelimit, replacethe shift fork or shift piece with a new one. Standard: 17.0- 17.2mm {0.669-0.677in.) ServiceLimit: 16.9mm (0.665in.)



Shift ForksDisassembly/Reassembly Priorto reassembling,cleanall the parts in solvent,dry them, and apply lubricantto any contactparts.







x 22 SPRINGPIN Replace.



ManualTransmission SynchroRingand GearInspection 1. Inspectthe insideof the synchro ring (A) for wear.

Inspectthe synchrosleeveteeth and matching teeth on the synchroring (B)for wear (roundedoff).

4. Inspectthe gear hub thrust surface1A)for wear.

Inspectthe cone surface(B)for wear and rougnness, 6. Inspectthe teeth on all gears(C)for unevenwear, scoring,galling.and cracks. 7 . Coatthe cone surfaceof the gear (B)with oil, and placethe synchroring on it. Rotatethe synchroring, making surethat it does not slip.




Inspectthe synchrosleeveteeth (C)and matchjng teeth on the gear for wear (roundedoff).

@" \





8 . Measurethe clearancebetweenthe synchroring (A) and gear (B)all the way around. Holdthe synchro ring againstthe gear evenlywhile measuringthe clearance.lf the clearanceis less than the servicelimit, replacethe synchroring and syncnrocone. Synchro Ring-to-GearClearance Standard: 5th, 6th gear:0.75- 1.00mm (0.030- 0.039in.) Reversegear:0.85- 1.10mm (0.033 0.043in.l ServiceLimit:0.4 mm (0.016in.)

SynchroSleeveand Hub lnspection and Reassembly Double Cone Synchro-to-Gear Clearance Standard: O: Outer Synchro Fing to Synchro Cone 1st,2nd, gear:0.70 1.09mm (0.028 0.043in.) 3rd.4th gear:0.90 1.39mm (0.035 0.055in.) @: Synchro Cone to Gear lst,3rd,4th gear: 0.50 1.04mm

(0.020 0.04rin.) 2nd gear; 0.65 1.78mm {0.026 0.070in.l O: OuterSynchroRingto Gear lst,3rd,4th gear: 0.95 1.68mm (0.037 0.066in.l 2nd gear: 0.70- 1.82mm (0.028 0.072in.l Service Limit: O: 0.3 mm (0.012in.) O : 0 . 3 m m { 0 . 0 1 2i n . ) O: 0.6 mm {0.024in.)

1. lnspectgear teeth on all synchrohubs and synchro sleevesfor roundedoff corners,which indicate wear. 2. Installeach synchrohub {A} in its mating synchro sleeve(B),and checkfor freedom of movement.Be sure to match the three sets of longerteeth (C)(120 degreesapart)on the synchrosleevewith the three sets of deepergrooves(D) in the synchrohub. Do not installthe synchrosleevewith its longerteelh in the 1sV2ndsynchrohub slots {E)becauseit will damagethe spring ring. NOTE:lf replacementis required,always replace the synchrosleeveand synchro hub as a set. B

o I


ManualTransmission Oil PumpGlearanceInspection 1 . Measurethe radialclearancebetweenthe inner rotor (A) and the outer rotor (B).lf the clearance exceedsthe servicelimit, replacethe pump rotor' lnner Rotor-to-Outer Radial Clearance Standard:0.14 mm 10.006in.l max ServiceLimii: 0.20 mm {0.008in.}

3 . M e a s u r et h e a x i a lc l e a r a n c e o n t h ep u m p r o t o r .l f the clearanceexceedsthe standard,selectthe appropriaterotor for the correctclearancefrom the chart below. Rotor-to-Transmission Housing Axial Clearance Standard:0.03 0.07 mm (0.001 0.003in.) Outer and Inner Botor Set

Thickness PartNumber 2 1 1 6 8 - P C Y - 0 0 0 0 9 . 9 5 9 . 9 7m m { 0 . 3 9 2 0 . 3 9 3i n . ) 2 1 1 6 9 - P C Y - o 0 0 0 9 . 9 3 9 . 9 5m m ( 0 . 3 9 1 0 . 3 9 2i n . )


2 . fvleasurethe radialclearancebetweenthe outor rotor (B)and the transmissionhousing(C).lf the clearanceexceedsthe servicelimit. replacethe pump rotor. Rotor-to-Transmission Housing Badial Clearance Standard:0.1 0.2 mm (0.004 0.008in.l ServiceLimit: 0.22 mm 10.009in.)


2'1170-PCY-0000 9 . 9 ' l- 9 . 9 3m m ( 0 . 3 9 00 . 3 9 1i n . )

SecondaryShaft PreloadAdjustment 1 . I n s t a l l t h eo i l g u i d ep l a t eS , s h i m ( A )a n d t h e bearingouter race(B)on the transmissionhousing (seestep 16 on page 13-58).

5. lf the preloadis not within the standard,selecta shim that will providecorrectpreload. Shim Part Number



D E F n



lnstallthe rear cover,then tightenthe I mm flange bolts in a crisscrosspanern in severalsteps.


o 8 x 1 . 2 5m m 27 N.m (2.8 kgf.m, 20 lbf.ft)


o R

Rotatethe secondaryshaft in both directionsto seatthe taperedroller bearing.

s T


41381-PCY-0000 0 .90mm (0.0354n . 41382-PCY-00000 .93mm (0.0366n . 41383-PCY-o0000 .96mm {0.0378n , 41384-PCY-o000 0 .99mm (0.0390n . 41385-PCY-00001 . 0 2m m ( 0 . 0 4 0 2 n. 41386-PCY-00001 . 0 5m m ( 0 . 0 4 1 3 n. 41387-PCY-0000'L08mm (0.0425 in. 41388-PCY-00001 . 11 m m ( 0 . 0 4 3 7i n 41389-PCY-00001 . 1 4m m ( 0 . 0 4 4 9i n 41390-PCY-00001 . 1 7m m { 0 . 0 4 6 1i n 4 1 3 9 1 - P C Y - 0 0 0'1.2O 0 mm 10.0472 41392-PCY-00001 . 2 3m m ( 0 . 0 4 8 4 n. 41393-PCY-00001.26mm (0.0496n . 41394-PCY-00001 . 2 9m m ( 0 . 0 5 0 8 n. 41395-PCY-00001 . 3 2m m ( 0 . 0 5 2 0 n. 41396-PCY-o0001 . 3 5m m { 0 . 0 5 3 1n , 41397-PCY-00001.38mm (0.0543 n . 41398-PCY-00001 . 4 1m m ( 0 . 0 5 5i5n . l 41399-PCY-00001 . 4 4m m ( 0 . 0 5 6 7i n . 4' ]400-PcY-00001 . 4 7m m ( 0 . 0 5 7i9n . )

Measurethe turning torque ofthe secondaryshaft by rotatingit in both directionswith a torque wrench. Standard: 1.86-2.84N'm {19 29 kgf'cm. 16.5-


ManualTransmission MainshaftThrust ClearanceAdiustment Special Tools Required . M a i n s h a fht o l d e r0 7 G A J ' P G 2 0 1 1 0 . Mainshaftbase07GAJ-PG20130 1 . I n s t a l l t h em a i n s h a fat s s e m b l yi n t h e c l u t c h h o u s nt g .

5. Seatthe mainshaftfully by tapping its end with a p l a s t i ch a m m e r . 6 . T h r e a d t h em a i n s h a fht o l d e rb o l t i n u n t i li t j u s t contactsthe wide surfaceof the mainshaftbase. 7 . Zerc a dial gauge (A) on the end of the mainshaft.

2 . I n s t a l l t h eo i l g u i d ep l a t eM a n d 8 2 m m s h i m ( s )( A ) into the transmissionhousing.

07GAJ-PG20110 07GAJ-PG20130

3 . I n s t a l l t h et r a n s m i s s i o hn o u s i n go n t ot h e c l u t c h housing,then tighten the 8 mm flange bolts in a crisscrosspatternin severalsteps. 8 x 1.25mm 27 N.m (2.8kgf m, 20 lbf.ft)

Turn the mainshaftholder bolt clockwise;stop turning when the dial gauge has reachedits maximum movement.The readingon the dial gauge is the amount of mainshaftend play. NOTE:Do not turn the mainshaftholder bolt more than 60 degreesafterthe needleof the dial gauge stops moving may damagethe transmission.

4 . Attachthe specialtool to the mainshaftas follows:

. Back-outthe mainshaftholder bolt (A) and loosen t h e t w o h e x b o l t s( B ) . . Fit the holderover the mainshaftso its lip is t o w a r d st h e t r a n s m i s s i o n . . A l i g nt h e m a i n s h a fht o l d e r ' sl i p a r o u n dt h e groove at the insideof the mainshaftsplines, then tighten the hex bolts.


9 . lf the readingis within the standard,the clearance is correct.lf the readingis not within the standard, r e c h e c kt h e s h i mt h i c k n e s s . Standard:0.14- 0.21mm (0.006 0.008in.)

TransmissionReassembly 82 mm Shim



D E F G n



o P

o R S


PartsNumber Thickness 23931-PR8-F000 0 . 6 0m m ( 0 . 0 2 3i6n 23932-PR8-F000 0 .63mm (0.0248n 23933-PR8-F000 0 . 6 6m m ( 0 . 0 2 6 0n 23934-PR8-F000 0 . 6 9m m { 0 . 0 2 7 1n 23935-PR8-F000 0 .72mm (0.0283 n . 23936-PR8-F000 0 . 7 5m m ( 0 . 0 2 9 5 n. 23937-PR8-F000 0 .78mm (0.0307n . 23938-PR8-F000 0 . 8 1m m ( 0 . 0 3 1 9 n, 23939-PR8-F000 0 . 8 4m m ( 0 . 0 3 3 1 n, 23940-PR8-F000 0 , 8 7m m ( 0 . 0 3 4 3 n. 23941-PR8-F000 0.90mm {0.0354n . 23942-PR8-F000 0.93mm (0.0366in. 23943-PR8-F000 0 . 9 6m m ( 0 . 0 3 7 8i n

23944-PR8-F000 0 .99mm (0.0390 in 23945-PR8-F0001 . 0 2m m ( 0 . 0 4 0i2n 5 23946-PR8-F000'1 . 0m m { 0 , 0 4 1i3n . 23947-PR8-F000 1 . 0 8m m { 0 . 0 4 2i5n . 23948-PR8-F0001 . 1 1m m ( 0 . 0 4 3 7i n .

Special Tools Required . Driver07749-0010000 . Attachment,42 x 47 mm 07746-0010300 . Attachment,62x 68 mm 07746-0010500 . Driver,30 mm LD. 07946-M800000 . Attachment,35 mm l.D.07965-5450500 . Mainshaftholder 07PAB-0014300 . Attachment,T2 x 75 mm 07746-0010600 . Attachment,40 x 50 mm LD. 07LAD-PW50601 . D r i v e r , 4 0m m 1 . D . 0 7 7 4 6 - 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 . F l a n g eh o l d e r0 7 R A B - T 8 4 0 1 0 B . Holderhandle, 07JAB-0010204

TransmissionHousing Installation NOTE:Priorto reassembling,clean all the parts in solvent,dry them, and apply lubricateto any contact surfaces. 1 . I n s t a l l t h eo i l s e a l( A )u s i n gt h e s p e c i atl o o l s .

'1.14 23949-PR8-F000 m m ( 0 . 0 4 4 9i n . 23950-PR8-F000 1 . 1 7m m ( 0 . 0 4 6 1i n .

23951-PR8-F0001 . 2 0m m ( 0 . 0 4 7i2n .

4.0-1t.5 mm 1 0 . 1 6 0 . 1 8i n . l

2. Installthe releasebearingguide (A),the clutch r e l e a s eh a n g e r( B ) ,r e l e a s eh a n g e rs p r i n g( C ) ,a n d the breatherolate (D).



D ,,1< p\ )\d.




ManualTransmission TransmissionReassembly(cont'd) Installthe thrust washer (A) and 64 mm spring washer (B).

6 . I n s t a l l t h e1 - 2s h i f tp i e c e .

7 . lnstalltheselectreturnspring(A)andthe8x40 pin

(B)ontothetransmission. theninstallthe interlock

(c). 69 N.m (7.0 ksf m, 51 lbf.ft)

Installthe shift arm A by aligningthe interlock finger and the shift fork grooves. 4. lnstallthe reverseidler gear (C),mainshaft,

countershaft,and shift fork assemblies(D)with the snap ring pliers,and set the 68 mm snap ring (E) into the groove ofthe countershaftbearing. NOTE:Checkthat the snap ring is securelyseated in the groove of the countershaftbearing. Standard:0-6.93 mm (0 -0.273 in., to the threads Apply liquid gasket(P/N08718-0001) of the 34 mm sealingbolt (F),then installthe 34 mm sealingbolt.


9 . I n s t a l l t h e s h i frto d ( A )i n t o t h e i n t e r l o c ka s s e m b l y (B)with it recessedhole (C)toward the top of the transmission{D),then installthe 5 x 25 spring pin ( E) .

12. Installthe needlebearing(A),reversegear shaft (B), thrust washer (C),and reverseshaft holder (D),then installthe washer and 8 mm flange bolt.

34 N.m {3.5kgl.m, 25 rbt.ftt

1 0 .Installthe outer side 'l-2shift lever (A)first,then

1 3 . I n s t a ltl h e o i l g u i d e t u b e( A )a n d m a g n e t ( B ) .

i n s t a ltl h e i n n e rs i d e 1-2shift lever (B).

t .










1 4 , I n s t a l l t h eo i l g u i d ep l a t eM a n d 8 2 m m s h i m ( s )( A ) . il4 N m {4.5kgf m, 33 lbf.ftl 1 1 .I n s t a ltlh e 8 x 6 3 p i n ( C ) ,t h e nt i g h t e nt h e 1 0 m m flange bolt (D),




ManualTransmission TransmissionReassembly(cont'd) t5.

Installthe oil pump strainer(A),suctionguide (B), a n d c i r c l i p( C ) .



A' \ --"\1^\

1 7 . I n s t a l l t h eo i l g u i d ep l a t eS a n d s h i m { A ) ,t h e n i n s t a l l t h eb e a r i n go u t e rr a c e( B )u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l tools as shown.


/l-\ \l-



1 6 . l n s t a l l t h e1 6 x 2 6 x 7 m m o i l s e a l( A )a s s h o w n .

1 8 . Removethe dirty oil from the transmissionhousing sealingsurface.Apply liquid gasket(P/N087180001)to the sealingsurface.Be sure to sealthe entirecircumferenceof the bolt holesto preventoil reaKage. NOTE: . lf 5 minutes have passedafter applyingliquid gasket,reapplyit and assemblethe housings. . Allow it to cure at least20 minutesafter assemblybeforefilling the transmissionwith oil.

- -


Liquid gasket

1 9 . I n s t a l l t h e1 4 x 2 0 d o w e lp i n s( A ) ,t r a n s m i s s i o n h o u s i n g( B ) .I m m f l a n g eb o l t s ,t r a n s m i s s i o n n a n g e rA ( D ) . h a n g e r( C ) ,a n dt r a n s m i s s i o h

to the threads 21. Apply liquid gasket(P/N08718-0001) of the set screws(A),then installthe steel ballsand spnngs, C 25Nm

A 22 N.m (2.2kgt.m, 16 lbf ftl \\ ,-Lt27.1mm

-., rb

i??Ji';,'' *._1 ----ffi \no@t' _ --.






22Nm l2.2kgt .n, 16rbf.ft)

{2.2kgf.m. 15lbt.ft)

22. Installthewasher(B)andback-uplightswitch(C). 23. l n s t a lt lh ew a s h e r1s A )d, r a i np l u g( B ) f, i l l e rp l u g( C ) , 1 2m m d r a i np l u g{ D ) a, n dp i c k - u spe n s o(rE )w i t ha newO-ring. 39 N.m {4.0kgf.m,29 lbf.ftl L: 27.4mm ( 1 . 0 8i n . )

F 22 N.m l2.2 kgl m, 16 tbf.ft) L: 23 mm {0.91in.) (Black)

@\ I 6 x Lo mm

{l.s t<gt.m, 33 tbf.ftl

12 N.m 11.2kgf.m.8.7lbf.ft)

to the threads 24. Apply liquid gasket(P/N08718-0001) of the set screws(F),then installthe steel ballsand spnngs.



ManualTransmission TransmissionReassembly{cont'dl Installtheoil pump outer rotor S, steel ball (A), s p r i n g{ B ) ,o i l p u m p p l a t e( C ) .

27. Installthe needlebearing(A) on the countershaft using the specialtool as shown.

12 N.m (1.2kgf.m,8.7lbt.ftl ,y'

_ 1il x 1.5 mm L. 40 mm {2.76 in.l MlN.



28. Installthespring washer and 29 mm locknut.

26. Installthe secondarydrive gear (A) on the countershaftusingthe specialtool as shown.

F-''-- i ,j,i



j'i-r. t



29. Installthe specialtool on the mainshaft,then tightenthe 29 mm locknut(left-handthreads)to the specifiedvalue. Torque 172- 0 -- 172N.m (17.5-0-*17.5k91.m, 127- o - 127 lbf.ttl

31. Installthe oil pump gear and oil pump gear shaft.

c f=l

r.l fF,h ftffii Y


. -- --:: -:)'-I

, l/+.:. rr' i-@

u,:l]*â‚Ź?,i'i: .-.==l ,1.1-'=1 :.

30. Stakethe 29 mm locknuttab into the groove.



ManualTransmission TransmissionReassembly(cont'dl RearCoverInstallation

3. Installthesecondaryshaft assemblyinto the rear cover,

NOTE:Priorto reassembling,clean all the parts in solvent,dry them, and apply lubricateto any contact surfaces. 1 . I n s t a l l t h eb e a r i n go u t e rr a c e( A )u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l tools as shown.

Installthe new ball bearing(A) usingthe special t o o l sa n d o l d b e a r i n g( B ) .

I n s t a l l t h es h i m a n d t h e b e a r i n go u t e rr a c ei n t ot h e rear cover using the specialtools as shown.

I/A\ v


5 . I n s t a ltl h e o i l s e a l( A l u s i n gt h e s p e c i atlo o l s .

7 . I n s t a l l t h eO - r i n g( A ) ,b a c k - u pr i n g ( B ) ,s p r i n g washer (C),and 27 mm locknut{D).

49-0010000 4.5-5.0 mm



6 . l n s t a l l t h ec o m p a n i o nf l a n g e( A )u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l tool as shown. 00

8 . I n s t a l l t h es p e c i atl o o l o n t h e c o m p a n i o nf l a n g e , then tighten the 27 mm locknutthe to the specified vatue. Torque 162- 0 -* 162N'm (16.5-*0-*16.5kgf.m. 119-- 0 -* 119|bi.ft) OTRAB-TB4O1OB





ManualTransmission TransmissionReassembly(cont'd) 9. Stakethe 27 mm locknuttab into the oroove.


Removethe dirty oil fromthe rear cover sealing surface.Apply liquid gasket(P/N08718-0001) to the sealingsurface.Be sure to sealthe entire circumferenceof the bolt holesto preventoil reaKage. NOTE: . lf 5 minutes have passedafter applying liquid gasket,reapplyit and assemblethe housings. . Allow it to cure at least20 minutesafter assemblybeforefilling the transmissionwith oil,

10. Installthe shift rod pipe and O-rings.

R t l







,. .')

t l

ll v '.1

- -


12. Installthe 14 x 20 dowel pins (A),rearcover assembly(B),harnessbracket(C),harnessclamp { D ) ,a n d 8 m m f l a n g eb o l t s .



13. Tightenthe 8 mm flange bolts in a crisscross patternin severalsteps. 8 x 1 . 2 5m m 27N.m{2.8kgf.m,20lbfft)

1 5 . I n s t a l l t h es h i f tl e v e rh o u s i n g . 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgt,m.7.2lbt.ft)

14. Lower the shift rod (A),then installthe shift arm B (B),spring washer (c), and 8 mm specialbolt.


ManualTransmission Transmission Installation 1 . I n s t a l l t h et r a n s m i s s i o rne a rm o u n tl A i .

1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 38 N.m(3.9kgf.m.28lbf.ft) Checkthe two dowel pins are installedin the clutch housing. Apply super high temp urea grease(P/N087989002)to the releasefork {A), releasehanger(B), a n d r e l e a s eb e a r i n gg u i d e( C ) .I n s t a l l t h er e l e a s e f o r k i n t ot h e o p e n i n gi n t h e c l u t c hh o u s i n g .

{P/N 08798-9002}


4 . P u l l t h er e l e a s ef o r k ( A )o u t u n t i li t s t o p s . t h e n wedge a shop towel (B) betweenthe releasefork and clutch housingto hold the releasefork in place.

B P l a c et h e t r a n s m i s s i o o n n a t r a n s m i s s i ojna c k ,a n d r a i s ei t t o t h e e n g i n el e v e l . 6 . lnstallthe three uppertransmissionmounting bolts. 12x 1.25mm 64 N.m (6.5kgf m. 47 lbt ftl

7 . I n s t a ltlh e w i r e h a r n e s s( A ) t o t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n , then connectthe Dick-uosensorconnector(B).

9. Placea floor jack under the front subframeand the engine mounting stiffener,and raiseit to the frame. SPECIALBOLTS Replace. 1 4x 1 . 5m m 1't6N.m (11.8ksf.m,85.3lbf.ft)


r ar'-] I


8 . Raisethe transmission,then installthe three transmissionrear mount bolts.








BOLTS SPECIAL Replace. 1 2x 1 . 2 5m m 59 N.m 16.0kgf.m,43 lbf.ft) 10. Tightenthefourmounting bolts,and installthe two centermounting bolts. 11. Installthe five lower transmissionmounting bolts. 10x 1.25mm

10 x 1.25mm 38 N.m (3.9kgf.m,28 lbf.ft)

12x 1.25 mtn 64 N.m {6.5kgf m.47 lbt ft)



ManualTransmission TransmissionInstallation(cont'd) 1t


Removethe shop towel, and installthe releasefork onto the releasehanger, Apply super high urea greese(P/N08798-9002)to the end of the slavecvlinderpush rod (A).Install t h e s l a v ec v l i n d e r( B )a n dt h e r e l e a s ef o r k b o o t ( C ) .

1 5 . Installthe propellershaft (seepage 16-18). t o . Installthe gasket{A),exhaustmanifold(B),and the exhaustmanifold bracket(C).


SELF.LOCKING NUT Replace. 8 x 1 . 2 5m m 31 N.m13.2kgt.m. 23 rbf.ftl

ria. (P/N08798-90021 14. Installthefour shift boot holder mountinq bolts. l



SELF.LOCKINGNUT Replace. 10 x 1.25mrn 33 N.m {3.4kgf.m,25 lbf ftl


6x1.0mm 9.8 N m (1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ftl


1 7 . Installthe gaskets(A) and three way catalytic converter(TWC)(B).

SPECIALBOLT Replace. 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m (2.2ksf m,16lbl.ftl

18. Installthe wire harness(A) onto the transmission, then connectthe heatedoxygen sensor(H02S) (B), secondaryheatedoxygen sensor(secondary HO2S){C),and the back-uplight switch (D) connectors.

20. Reconnectthe torque sensor3P connector(A),and i n s t a l l t h ew i r e h a r n e s sc l a m p( B ) .

x 1 . 2 5m m 24 N.m {2.4kgf.m. 17 rbf.ft)

21 Reconnectthe 2P connector(C)to the steering gearbox(D). I n s t a ltl h e s p l a s hs h i e l d .

19. lnstallthe intakemanifold bracket(A) lower mounting bolt, then lnstallthe wire harness(B)on the intakemanifold bracket. 10 x 1.25mm ,tl N.m 14.5kgf.m. 33 tbt.ft)



ManualTransmission Transmissionlnstallation(cont'd) 23. Connect theTDC1(A)andTDC2(B)sensor connectors.

24. Installtheupperintakemanifoldbracketmounting bolt(A)andupperstartermotormountingbolt(B). Connect the hose(C)to the suctionvarve.

25. Installthe heat shield.

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ftl Install the exhaust manifold cover.

A 8 x 1,25mm 22N.m l2.2kgl n, 1 6 l b lm )

B 10x 1.25mm 44 N.m (,t.5kgf.m,33lbt.ftl


8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m {2.2kgf.m, 16lbf.ftl

27. Installthe Ay'Ccompressor,then connectthe 1P connecror.

3 0 . I n s t a ltl h e a i r c l e a n e rh o u s i n ga s s e m b l y . 6x1.0mm 12N.m11.2kgf.m,8.7lbf.ft)

10 x '1.25mm 44Nm (4.5kgt.m, 33 tbf.ft)

31. Installthe shift lever spring and the shift lever. Installthe alternatorand the alternator-compressor belt (seepage 4-25).

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbt.ftl

29. Connectthe steeringjoint (A) by aligningthe referencemarks {B). 8 x 1.25mm 22N rn (2.2kgf.m,16lbf.ft)

'. .l

. .




- . . , r



ManualTransmission TransmissionInstallation(cont'd) 32. Installthe shift boot and the boot holder.

35. Installthe battery.Connectthe positive(+ ) cable first, then the negative( ) cableto the battery.

36. Checkthe transmissionfluid {seepage l3-3). 3 7 . Test-drivethe vehicle. 38. Checkthe clutchoperation. 39. Checkthe transmissionfor noiseand smooth operatron.

40. Checkthe front wheel alignment(camberangle. casterangle,and front toe) (seepage 18-5).

Installthe centerconsole(seepage 20-76). Installthe shift lever knob, and tighten the locknut.

1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 9 N.m 10,9kgf.m, 7 tbf.ftl


Transaxle RearDifferential ............. 15-2 SoecialTools nsfor TorsenType Precautio (LSD)................................. 15-3 LimitedSlipDifferential TorsenTypeLimitedSlip (LSD)Operation 15-3 Check......................... Differential ........... 15-4 SystemDescription................. 15-6 ............. Differential Oil Inspection and Replacement 15-7 Removal .......................... Differential Differential CaseAssemblyRemoval and ............. 15-9 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . .5. .-.1. .0. O i lS e a R l eplacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . .5. .-.1. .1. . B a c k l a sl h nspection .................... 15-12 Disassembly Differential ..................... 15-18 Differential Reassemblv ....................... 15-26 Differential Installation ................................. 15-29 Differential MountReolacement

RearDifferential SpecialTools Ret.No.

(t @ @ @ @ @ @ ao


Tool Number

07JAD-P190100 07JAB-001020A 07LAD-PW50601 07MAC-S100200 07MAD-PR90100 07NAD,PX40100 OTRAB-TB4O,1OB 07725-0030000 07746-0030100 07746-0030300 07749-0010000

Description Oil Seal Driver H o l d e rH a n d l e Attachment,40 x 50 mm l.D. Ball Joint Remover.28 mm Attachment,45 x 55 mm l.D. Attachment,78 x 80 mm C o m p a n i o nF l a n g eH o l d e r UniversalHolder Driver,40 mm l.D. Attachment,30 mm l.D. Driver

19lz I @ I

,9 tFfl'


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Precautionsfor TorsenType LimitedSlip Differential(LSD)

TorsenType LimitedSlip Differential(LSDIOperationalCheck

. The Torsendifferentialsare mechanicallimited slip differentialswhich deliverthe availableDowerto the wheels and axleswith the most grip or resistanceas the enginetorque output increases. . Avoid repair proceduresthat requirethe engine runningwith one rearwheel raised;such as an oncar-wheelbalancer. . Do not tow the vehiclewith the rearwheels on the g rouno. . Neverdismantleany part ofthe differentialother than right and left taperedroller bearings. . To optimizethe Torsendifferentials,equip your vehiclewith reartires of the same brand.the same size,and with even wear.

The Torsentype limited slip differential(LSD) distributesoptimum power betweenthe two driving axlesaccordingto the differencein torque demanded by the driving wheels. U nder no circumstancesshould the engine be startedwith eitherwheel raisedoff the ground,such as using an on-car-wheelbalanceror when transportingthe vehiclein the event of accident. 1. Set the parkingbrake,and blockthe rearwheels. 2. Raisethe rear ofthe vehicle,and make sure it is securelysupported. 3. With the engine off. shift the transmissioninto 1st gear,and releasethe parkingbrake. 4. Rotateeither rearwheel by hand,and checkthat the other wheel rotatesin the oDDositedirection. Checkboth wheels. 5. lf the oppositerear wheel does not rotate,or if you c a n n o ts p i nt h e r e a rw h e e l sa t a l l ,t h e l i m i t e ds l i p differentialis faulty and should be replaced.


RearDifferential SystemDescription The vehicle usesthe Torsentype limited slip differential(LSD)which is rubber mountedto the sub-frame Construct'ron . The Torsentype LSDassemblyconsistsof the two side gears,eight planetarygears,three side washers,tvvocenter washers,a gear casecover and a gear case. . The planetarygear consistsof the short and long planetarygears,and the long planetarygear mesheshorizontally with the side gear.The two planetarygears mesh with the side gearsat both ends. . The planetarygearsare housedin the pocketsof the gear case. . The left and right output shaftsare engagedwith the side gears . T h e T o r s e n t y p eL S D a s s e m b l yi s a n o n - s e r v i c e a bpl ea r t e x c e p t t h e t a p e r erdo l l e rb e a r i n g sl.f t h e T o r s e n t y p e ( L S D ) assemblyis faulty, it must be replacedas an assembly. GEAR SIDEWASHEB



15 -4

Operation . Straight-roaddriving The differentialcarriel and gearsrotatetogetheras a unit when both wheels rotateat the same speed.Turning eflort from the final driven gearsare directlvtransmittedto both wheels. . When roundinga curve When the vehicleroundsa curve,the differentialallows the outer wheel to rotatea littlefasterthan the Innerwheel. When this takes place,the short and long pinion gears rotate,and walk aroundthe side gears in the directions shown lf, for example,the right shaft is rotatedin a counterclockwised irectionwith the differentjal carrierhetd stationary,the force is transmittedthrough the right side gear, short pinion gearsand long pinion gearsto the left side gear,causingthe left shaftto rotate in a clockwisedirection.This allows the outerwheel to tua ao.".,."a t h a nt h e i n n e rw h e e lw h e n t h e v e h i c l eg o e sa r o u n da t u r n . (1t


tt Rotation of thegear by I Gearoperation thrusttorque




When limiting differentialaction The limited slip differentialactsto limit the differentialactionwhen eitherwheel slips on ice or snow or on rurns. This is done by usingthe frictioncreatedbetweeneach gear and differentialcarrier: (1)The pinionsare forcedagainstthe differentialcarrier by the force as they are rotatedand repelledoutward. (2)The ends of the pinion gearsare held firmly againstthe differentialcarrier due to the side thrust from the h e l i c a l l yc u t g e a r s . l2l PINIORGEARS

ir Rotationofthe gear

by t Gearoperation tnrusltorque





With the pinion gearslocked,the torque appliedto the slippingwheel is reducedand the torque deliveredto the other wheel is increased.


RearDifferential DifferentialOil Inspectionand Replacement l . With the vehicleon level ground, inspectthe

differentialoil with engineOFF. Removethe oil filler plug (A) and sealingwasher (B),then checkthe conditionof the oil, and make sure the oil is at the proper level (Cf,

5 . C l e a nt h e d r a i np l u g ,t h e n r e i n s t a lwl i t h a n e w w a s h e r ,a n d r e f i l l t h ed i f f e r e n t i a l w i tthh e recommendedoil to the Droperlevel. Oilcapacity 0.740 (0.78US $), at oil change O.77A Q.A1US qt). at overhaul Recommended oil Hypoid gear oil API Classification GL5 or GL6. Viscosity: SAE # 90 6 . R e i n s t a tl lh e o i l f i l l e rp l u gw i t h a n e w w a s h e r .

3 . The oil level must be up to the fill hole. lf it is below the hole, add the recommendedoil until it runs out, then reinstallthe oil filler plug with a new sealing washer, 4 . lf the dlfferentialoil is dirty, removethe drain piug ( D ) ,a n d d r a i nt h e o i l .


DifferentialRemoval Special Tools Required Balljoint remover,2Smm 07N4AC-S100200

5. Make a referencemarks (A) acrossthe inboardioint (B)and the rear differential(C).

1. Make a referencemarks acrossthe propellershaft, the transmission,and the rear differential,then removethe propellershaft (seepage 16-17). 2. Removethe cotter pin from the lower arm ball joint castlenut, and removethe nut. NOTE: . T o a v o i dd a m a g i n gt h e b a l l j o i n t ,i n s t a l a l h e xn u t on to the threadsof the ball joint. . Be carefulnot to damagethe ball jointbootwhen installingthe remover,



F1 07MAC-S100200

6 . Removethe six inboardjoint mounting bolts (D) and nuts (E),then removethe inboardjoinl from the rear differential. 7 . Removethe rear suspensionstiffener(A).


,,"f .3.

Separatethe ball joint from the lower arm with the specialtool (seepage 18-10). 4. Removethe ABS sensor harnessfrom the upper arm.



RearDifferential DifferentialRemoval(cont'd) 11. Removethe four differentialmount A mounting bolts,

8. Removethe canistercover.

Placea floor jack underthe rear differential

'12.Lower the rear differentialonthefloorjack.

1 0 .Removethe four differentialmount bracketB mountangnuts.


,af .--:=



Removethe right and left differentialmount bracketA from the differential(seepage 15-29).

DifferentialCaseAssemblyRemovaland Installation 1. Removethe output shafts{A) from the differential c a s ea s s e m b l yu s i n gt h e p r y b a r s( B ) .

3. Removethe dirt and oilfrom the sealingsurfaces. Apply liquid gasket(P/N08718-0001) to the sealing surface.Be sure to sealthe entirecircumferenceof the bolt holesto preventoil leakage. NOTE: . lf 5 minutes have passedafter applying liquid gasket,reapplyit and assemblethe housings. . Allow it to cure at least20 minutesafter assembly beforefilling the differentialwith oil.

2. Removetheten mountingboltsin a crisscross patternanseveralsteps,thenremovethe differential caseassemblv.

Liquidgasket Installthedifferentialcase assembly,then torque the 10 mounting bolts in a crisscrosspatternin severalsteps.

s B Hgo H u T I ] UBS 'o1l*T,.-.',r,0*, --------------S ff fiq -


RearDifferential OilSealReplacement Special Tools Required Oil seal driver 07JAD-P190100

s sshown. 3 . l n s t a l l t h eo i l s e a lu s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o l a 07JAO-P190100

1. Removethe output shafts1A)from the differential case assemblyusingthe pry bars (B),




'l 4. Repeatsteps through 3 for the other side.

2. Removethe oil sealfrom the differentialcase assembly,


BacklashInspection 1. Removethe output shaftsand differentialcase assembly(seepage 15-9). 2 . T h o r o u g h l yc l e a nt h e r i n gg e a ra n d d r i v ep i n i o n teeth,and paint the ring gear teethwith Prussian B l u el i g h t l ya n d e v e n l y . 3. Rotatethe pinion three full turn in the forward and reversedirectionsto producea contactpatternon the ring gear.

4. Measurethe backlashof the ring gear, . S e tt h e d i a l g a u g et i p a t a r i g h ta n g l et o t h e r i n g gear teeth. . Measurefour pointson the ring gear 90'apart. . Backlashwill be within the standardif at one p o i n tt h e r i n g g e a r b a c k l a s hi s w i t h i nt h e standard,minimum measurementof 0.05 mm or above and the differencebetweenthe maximum and minimum measurementsdo not exceed0.07 mm. . Both adjustmentscrews must be adjusted. For example;if you turn one adjustmentscrew one notch clockwise,you must turn the other adjustmentscrew one notch counterclockwise. Backlash: Standard:0.09- 0.11mm (0.0035 0.0043in. ) Minimum: 0.05mm {0.0020in. I Difference range: 0.07 mm (0.0028in. )

Good contact pattern


RearDifferential DifferentialDisassembly ExplodedView





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A:24 N.m 12.4kgf m, 17 lbf.ft) B: 45 N.m (4.6kqt.m,33 lbt.ft) C:22 N.m {2.2kgf.m, '16lbf.ftl D: 75 N.m (7.6kgt.m,55lbf.ft) E: 11 N m (1.1kgf.m.8lbt.ft)



Replace. q, FILLERPLUG 45 N.m ('r.6kgf.m.33lbf.ft) qOSEALING WASHER Reolace. CASE @ DIFFERENTIAL @SEALINGWASHER Replace. O' DRAIN PLUG 45 N m 1,1.6kgf.m, 33 lbt.ft) €, OIL SEAL Replace. @ CLIP Reolace. @ OUTPUTSHAFT @ LOCK PLATE @ EEARINGCAP 13}BREATHERPLATE



RearDifferential DifferentialDisassembly(cont'dl Special Tools Bequired . H o l d e rh a n d l e0 7 J A B - 0 0 1 0 2 0 A . C o m p a n i o nJ l a n g eh o l d e r0 7 R A B ' T 8 4 0 1 0 8

3. Removethe outputshafts.

1. Carefullyclamp the rear differentialin a vise.

4 . Removethe 10 mounting bolts in a crisscross Datternin severalsteps,then removethe differentialcaseassembly.

2. Pryoutthe outputshafts(A)withthe pry bars(B).



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5. Make a mark on the bearingcap. adjustscrew,and differentialcarriercase.

7. Removethe adjustmentscrews (A),bearingouter races(B),and TorsenLSD assembly(C).

Removethe lock platesand bearin g c a p s . a





8. Installthespecialtools on the companionflange, then removethe locknut{A) and pinion washer (B).

9 E

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RearDifferential DifferentialDisassembly(cont'dl Removethe companionflange using a commerciallyavailablebearingpuller as shown.

11. Removethe bearingouterrace(A),taperedroller bearing(B),thrustwasher(C),andoil seal(D)from carrierhousing. the differential

1 0 .Removethe drive pinion (A) and pinion spacer(B) by tapping on the drive pinion with a plastic hammer.


12 Removethe bearingouter racefrom the differential c a r r i e rh o u s i n g .

13. Removethe taperedroller bearing(A) andthrust washer (B)from the drive pinion (C)using a commerciallyavailablebearingseparatorand a Dressas snown.

15. Removethe ten mounting bolts in a crisscross patternin severalsteps,then removethe ring gear.

1 6 . Removethe breatherplate (A),filler plug (B),drain p l u g ( C ) ,a n d s e a l i n gw a s h e r s . 1 4 . Remove thetaperedrollerbearings from the

TorsenLSDassemblyusinga commercially r ss h o w n . a v a i l a b lbee a r i n p gullea





RearDifferential DifferentialDisassembly(cont'd)


1 7 . R e m o v et h e o i l s e a l s .

Special Tools Required . Attachment,40 x 50 mm l.D.07LAD-PW50601 . D r i v e r , 4 0m m 1 . D . 0 7 7 4 6 - 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 . Attachment,30mm l.D.07746-0030300 . A t t a c h m e n t , 4 x5 5 5 m m l . D . 0 7 M A D - P R 9 0 1 0 0 . Driver07749-0010000 . Attachment,TSx 80 mm 07NAD-PX40100 . F l a n g eh o l d e r0 7 R A B - T 8 4 0 1 0 8 . Holderhandle07JAB-001020A . Universalholder07725-0030000 . Oil seal driver 07JAD-PLgo100 1. Apply Hondalock1 (P/N08713-0001)tothe surface o f t h e r i n gg e a ra n d 1 0 m o u n t i n gb o l t s Hondalock 1

o (a\ C


2 . I n s t a l l t h er i n gg e a r .t h e nt i g h t e nt h e 1 0 m o u n t i n g bolts in a crisscrosspatternin severalsteps.





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- "-1'1

3. Installthe taperedroller bearingusingthe special tools and a Dressas shown.

5. Installthe bearingouter races{A) into the differentialcarrier housingusingthe specialtools asshown,


4 . lnstallthe standardthrust washer 3.47mm {0.1366 in.) (A) onto the drive pinion (B).Then installthe taperedroller bearing{C)usingthe old pinion sDacer{D) and specialtools as shown.



RearDifferentaal DifferentialReassembly(cont'd) 6. Apply lubricantto the tapered roller bearing,then installthe drive pinion and pinion spacerinto the differentialcarrier housing.

8 . I n s t a l l t h eo i l s e a lu s i n gt h e c o m p a n i o nf l a n g ea n d soecialtool as shown.



7. Apply lubricantto the tapered roller bearing,then installthe lapered roller bearingand thrust washer (A) using the specialtools while holdingthe drive p i n i o n( B ) .




9 . Apply molybdenumgreaseto the surfaceend of t h e c o m p a n i o nf l a n g e t, h e n i n s t a l l t h ec o m p a n i o n flange,drive pinion washer.and locknut.

1 0 . I n s t a l l t h es p e c i a l t o o l t ot h e c o m p a n i o nf l a n g e , then tighten the locknutto 20 N.m (2.0kgf.m, 14 tbf.ft).

1 2 . T i g h t e nt h e l o c k n u t t o1 2 7N . m ( 1 3 . 0k g f . m . 94 lbf.ft),then removethe sDecialtool.




' I.

Rotatethe drive oinion severaltimes to assure propertaperedroller bearingcontact.Measurethe drive pinion turning torque.

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Rotatethe driveoinionseveraltimesto assure propertaperedrollerbearingcontact.Measure the drivepinionturningtorque. ' lf the drivepinionturningtorqueexceedsthe standard, replacethe distancepiece. . l f t h e d r i v ep i n i o n t u r n i n g t o r qluees s t h a n t h e standard, adjustby tighteningthe locknuta little at a time,but keepthe torquewithin127- 284 N . m( 1 3 . 0 2 9 . 0k g f . m , 9 4 2 1 0 l b f . f tl)f.t h i si s not possible, replacethe pinionspacer. TurningTorque: 0.88 1.37N.m (9.0 7.8 12.t Tp:Actualmeasurement of drivepinionturning torque



RearDifferential DifferentialReassembly(cont'dl 1 4 . Installthe Torsen LSD assembly(A),bearingouter races(B),adjustmentscrews(C)onto the differentialcarrier housing. NOTE: . Reinstalltheadjustmentscrewsin their original positionon the differentialcarrierhousing. . Align the threadsof the adjustmentscrewsand differentialcarrierhousing.

16. Measurethe backlashof the ring gear. Set the dial gaugetip at a right angleto the ring gear teeth. Measurefour points on the ring gear 90" apan. Backlashwill be within the standardif at one point the ring gear backlashis within the standard,minimum measurementof 0.05 mm or above and the differencebetweenthe maximum and minimum measurementsdo not exceed0.07 mm. Both adjustmentscrewsmust be adjusted. Backlash: Standerd:0.09'- 0.11 mm 10.0035 0.0043in.) Minimum: 0.05mm (0.0020in.) Difference range: 0.07 mm (0.0028in.)


I n s t a l l t h eb e a r i n gc a p s{ A )w h i l e a l i g n i n gb o t ht h e ma rks (B)on the threadsof the adjustmentscrews a n d b e a r i n gc a p s ,t h e n i n s t a l l t h em o u n t i n gb o l t s fingertight.


17. Tightenthe bearingcap mounting bolts. 45 N.m {4.6kgt.m,33lbf.ftl

18. Thoroughlycleanthe ring gear and drive pinion teeth,and paint the ring gear teethwith Prussian B l u el i g h t l ya n d e v e n l y .

20. Checkthe tooth contact,and adjust it if needed. . Toe Contact:Use a thinnerthrust washerto move the drive pinion away from the ring gear. . HeelContact:Use a thickerthrust washerto move the drive piniontoward from the ring gear. . FlankContact:To move the ring gear away from the drive pinion,tightenthe adjustmentscrew on the drive pinion side and loosenthe adjustment screw on the ring gear side. Recheckbacklash after adjustingthe adjustmentscrews.lf out of specification,adjustas describedunderToe Contact. . FaceContact:To move the ring gear toward the drive pinion,tighten the adjustmentscrew on the ring gear side and loosenthe adjustmentscrew on the drive pinion side. Recheckbacklashafter adjustingthe adjustmentscrews.lf out of specification,adjust as describedunder Heel Contact. CorrectToothContact


19. Rotatethe pinionthree full turns in the forward and reversedirectionsto producea contactpatternon the ring gear. Duringthis operationresistance should be appliedto the ring gear.

Toe Contact





r -:



RearDifferential DifferentialReassembly(cont'dl 21. Rotatethe Torsen LSDassemblyseveraltimesto assurepropertaperedroller bearingcontact. Measurethe Torsen LSDassemblypreloadusing t h e p u s h / p u lgl a u g e .

Heel Contact

. lf theTorsen LSDassemblypreloadexceedsthe standard.adjustby looseningthe adjustment screwsa notch at a time. . l f t h e T o r s e nL S D a s s e m b l yp r e l o a di s l e s s t h a n the standard,adjust by tighteningthe adjustment screwsa notch at a time.


Standard: FaceContast



D E F G t-l



o P

o R



PartNumber 41361-PCZ-003 41362-PCZ-003 41363-PCZ-003 41364-PCZ-003 41365-PCZ-003 41366-PCZ-003

3 . 0 8m m ( 0 . 1 2 1 3 n, 3 . 1 1m m ( 0 . 1 2 2 4 n. 3 . 1 4m m ( 0 . 1 2 3 6 n. 3 . 1 7m m ( 0 . 1 2 4 8 n, 3 . 2 0m m ( 0 . 1 2 6 0 n. 3 . 2 3m m ( 0 . 1 2 7 2 n.

41367-PCZ-003 41368.PC2"003

3 . 2 6m m ( 0 . 1 2 8 3n . 3 . 2 9m m { 0 . 1 2 9 5 n.


2-."1N G)i-o;


41369-PCZ-003 3 . 3 2m m ( 0 . 1 3 0 7 n. 41370-PCZ-003 3 . 3 5m m ( 0 . 1 3 1n9. 4 1 3 7 1 . P C 2 - 0 0 33 . 3 8m m ( 0 . 1 3 3 1 n. 4't312-PCZ-003 3 . 4 1m m { 0 . 1 3 4 3 n, 41373-PCZ-003 3 . 4 4m m { 0 . 1 3 5 4n . 41314,PCz.-003 3 . 4 7m m ( 0 . 1 3 6 6 n. 41375-PCZ-003 3 . 0 9 5m m ( 0 . 1 2 1 9n . )

41376-PCZ-0033 . 1 2 5m m ( 0 . 1 2 3 0 n,) 41377-PCZ-003 3 . 1 5 5m m ( 0 . 1 2 4 2n . l 41378-PCZ-003 3 . 1 8 5m m { 0 . 1 2 5 4n . ) 4't379-PCZ-003 3 . 2 1 5m m ( 0 . 1 2 6 6 n.) 41380-PCZ-0033 . 2 4 5m m ( 0 . 1 2 7 8 n.) 41381-PCZ-003 3 . 2 7 5m m ( 0 . 1 2 8 9n . ) 41382.PCz.-OO33 . 3 0 5m m ( 0 . 1 3 0 1n . ) 41383-PCZ-003 3 . 3 3 5m m ( 0 . 1 3 1 3n . ) 41384-PCZ-003 3 . 3 6 5m m ( 0 . 1 3 2 5 n 41385-PCZ-0033 . 3 9 5m m ( 0 . 1 3 3 7 n

41386-PCZ-003 3.425mm (0.'1348 n.) 41387-PCZ-0033 . 4 5 5m m ( 0 . 1 3 6 0 n.)

N ": Standard

14 -30 N ( 1 . 4 - 3 . 1 k g t , 3 . 1 6 . 8l b f l

22. Installthe lock plates(A). 22 N.m (2.2 kgf m, 16 lbl ft)

2 3 . I n s t a l l t h eo i l s e a lu s i n gt h e s p e c i atlo o l sa s s h o w n . 07JAO-P190100

25. Removethe dirty oilfrom the differentialcase sealingsurface.Apply liquid gasket(P/N087180001)to the sealingsurface. Be sure to sealthe entirecircumferenceof the bolt holesto preventoil leakage. NOTE: . lf 5 minuteshave passedafterapplying liquid gasket,reapplyit and assemblethe housings. . Allow it to cure at least20 minutesafter assemblybeforefilling the differentialwith oil.

2 4 . I n s t a l l t h eb r e a t h e pr l a t e( A ) ,f i l l e rp l u g ( B ) ,d r a i n p l u g( C ) ,a n d s e a l i n gw a s h e r s .

^\ A


45Nm (4.6kgt.m, 33 rbt.ft)

- -'

9-- 9'. }3\ \..-z

L i q u i dg a s k e t

26. lnstallthe differentialcaseassembly.




RearDifferential DifferentialReassembly(cont'd) 2 7 . Tightenthe 10 mounting bolts in a crisscross patternin severalsteps. 24 N.m {2.4kgf.m, 17 lbf.ft)

Differentiallnstallation 1 . Installthe right and left differentialmount bracketA to the rear differential(seepage 15-29). Placethe rear differentialon the floor jack,and raiseit to the mounting level.

2 8 . I n s t a l l t h ec l i p s( A )o n t h e o u t p u ts h a f t st,h e n i n s t a l l the output shafts(B).

Installthe four differentialmount bracketB mounting nuls. 12 x 1.25mm 75 N.m (7.6kgf m,55lbf ftl

1 l

I ili . l l -J.'

i:_ -.

_-j =



4. Installthe right and left differentialmountbracketA mounting bolts.

1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 45 N.m (4.6kgf.m,33 lbf.ft)

6. Installthe rear suspensionstiffener,

10 x 1.25mm 45Nm14.6kgf.m, 33 tbf.ft)

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft)

7 . Installthe inboardjoints (A) onto the rear differentialby aligningthe referencemarks (B).

lnstall the canister cover.

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf ft}



SPECIALBOLT Replace. '10x 1.25mm 83 N m {8.5kgt.m,61



RearDifferential DifferentialInstallation(cont'dl Installthe ball joints onto the lower arms (A),then installthe castlenuts (B)and new cotter pins. NOTE:Make sure the ball joint boot is not damage or cracks.


\mr{-B 6<

69-78 N.m {7.0-8.0kgf.m. 51-58 tbt.ftl

9, InstalltheABS sensorharnessonto the upper arm.

,/__-.-' 6 x 1 . 0m m 9.8 N.m (1.0kgl.m,7.2 rbf.ftl

1 0 .Installthe propellershaftto the transmissionand the rear differentialby aligningthe referencemarks ( s e ep a g e1 6 - 1 8 1 .


DifferentialMount Replacement NOTE:lf the installingthe rear differentialand mount assembles,tighten the differentialmount bracketB mounting nuts first, then the differentialmount bracketA mounting bolts,

12 x 1,25mm 64 N.m 16.5kst.m, 47 lbt.ftl

12 x'1.25mm 75 N.m (7.6kgf.m,55lbt.ft)

10 x 1.25mm 45Nm (4.6 kgf m, 33 tbf.ft)


12 x 1,25mm 64 N.m (6.5 kgf.m, 47 lbf.ftl 10 x 1.25mm 45 N.m (4.6 kgl.m,33 lbl.ft)

'12x 1.25mm 64N.m(6.5kgfm,47 lbf.ftl


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