Honda S2000 (00-03) Service manual 02

Page 1

Transaxle Driveline/Axle 16-2 ............. SpecialTools 16-3 ......................... Driveshaft lnsoection 16-3 .......................... Driveshafts Removal 16-5 ................... Driveshafts Disassembly .................... 16-8 Driveshafts Reassembly ...................... 16-15 Driveshafts lnstallation 16-16 ................. Propeller ShaftInspection 16-17 .................... Propeller ShaftRemoval 16-18 Propeller ShaftInstallation..........................................

Driveline/Axle SpecialTools Ref. No.





Tool Number

0TrvtAc-s100200 07xAc-001020A

Descriotion B a l Jl o i n tR e m o v e r , 2m8 m Threaded Adaoter.24x 1.5mm

Oly 1

DriveshaftInspection 1 . Checkthe inboardboot (A) and outboardboot (B)

on the driveshaft(C)for cracks,damage,leaking grease,and loose boot bands(D).lJ any damageis found, reDlacethe boot and boot bands.

DriveshaftsRemoval Special Tools Required Balljoint remover,28 mm 07MAC-S100200 1. Loosenthe wheel nuts slightly 2. Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and supportit with safetystandsin the proper locations ( s e ep a g e1 - 1 3 ) . 3. Removethe wheel nuts and rearwheels.

Turn the driveshaftby hand,and make sure the splines(E)and joint are not excessivelyloose.

3 . Make sure the driveshaftis not twisted or cracked; if it is, replaceit.

4 . Lift up the lockingtab (A)on the spindle nuts (B), then removethe nut. Removethe cotter pin (A) from the lower arm ball joint castlenut (B),and removethe nut. NOTE; . T o a v o i dd a m a g i n gt h e b a l l j o i n t ,i n s t a l a l h e xn u t o n t o t h e t h r e a d so f t h e b a l l j o i n t . . Be carefulnot to damagethe balljoint boot when installingthe remover.

i " I

- 7 ." ..( ., '.'-: ' ' . '



6 . S e p a r a t et h e b a l l j o i n tf r o m t h e l o w e ra r m ( C ) w i t h t h e s p e c i atl o o l ( s e ep a g e1 8 - ' 1 0 : . (cont'd)


Driveline/Axle DriveshaftsRemoval(cont'dl 7. Removethe ABSsensorharness(A)fromthe u p p ea r rm,

1 1 . P u l l t h ek n u c k l eo u t w a r d a , n d r e m o v et h e driveshaftoutboardjoint from the wheel hub using a plastichammer.


Makereference marks(A)acrossthe inboardjoint (B)andthe reardifferential (C).

9 . Removethe six inboardjoint mounting bolts (D) and nuts (E),then removethe inboardjoint from the rear differential.

' 1 0 .Pull

the knuckleoutward,and removethe inboard joint from the rear differential.


12. Removethe driveshaft.

DriveshaftsDisassembly Special Tools Required . Threadedadaptet,24x 1.5mm 07XAC-0010204 . S l i d eh a m m e r ,c o m m e r c i a l l a yvailable

lnboardJoint Side:

2 . M a k ea m a r k( A )o n e a c hr o l l e r( B )a n d i n b o a r d j o i n t (C)to identifythe locationsof rollersand grooves in the inboardjoint. Then removethe inboardjoint on the shop towel (D).Be carefulnot to drop the rollerswhen separatingthem from the inboard ioint.

1. Removethe boot bands.Be carefulnottodamage the boot. . lf the boot band is a double loop type (A),lift up the band bend (B),and push it into the clip (C). . lf the boot band is a low profiletype (D).pinch the boot band using a commerciallyavailable boot band pincers(E). Double Loop Typâ‚Ź

M a k ea m a r k( A )o n t h e r o l l e r s( B )a n d s p i d e r( C ) t o identifythe locationsof rollerson the spider.then removethe rollers.

Low Profile Type

Removethe circlip (D). Make a mark (E)on the spider and driveshaftto identifythe positionof the spider on the shaft. Removethe spider using a commerciallyavailable bearingremover (F).



Driveline/Axle DriveshaftsDisassembly(cont'd) 7 . Wrap the splineson the driveshaftwith vinyl tape (A)to preventdamageto the boot.

OutboardJoint Side: 1. Pry up the three tabs (A)with a screwdriver,then lift up the end of the band. Be careful not to damagethe boot.

Removethe inboard boot. Be carefulnot to damage the boot. 9. Removethe vinyl tape.


2. Slidethe outboardboot to the inboardjoint side Be carefulnot to damagethe boot.

3. Wipe offthe greaseto exposethe driveshaftand the outboardjoint inner race.

8. Removethe stop ring from the driveshaft.

4. Make a mark (A) on the driveshaft{B) at the same positionof the outboardjoint end (C).

Wrap the splineson the driveshaftwith vinyl tape (A) to preventdamageto the boot.

5. Carefullyclamp the driveshaftin a vise. B

1 0 .Removethe outboardboot and boot band (B).Be carefulnot to damagethe boot. Removethe outboardjoint {A) using the special t o o l a n da c o m m e r c i a l la yvailable 5 / 8 " x 1 8s l i d e h a m m e r( B ) .

1 1 .Removethe vinyl tape.

7 . Removethe driveshaftfrom the vise.


Driveline/Axle DriveshaftsReassembly ExplodedView







Usethe greaseincluded in the inboardboot set.







o99 lt ," Itt

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Usethe greaseincluded in the inboardboot set.


--------_l a'DRIVESHAFT





- --.1



Special Tools Required . Boot bandtool, KD-3191or equivalent,commercially available . Boot band pincers,Kent-MooreJ-35910or equivalent, c o m m e r c i a l la yvailable NOTE:Referto the ExplodedView as neededduring this orocedure.

5. Fit the rollers(A) onto the spider (B)asshown,and note these items; . Reinstallthe rollersin their original positionson the spider by aligningthe marks (C). . Hold the driveshaftpointedup to preventthe rollersfrom falling off.

InboardJoint Side: 1. Wrap the splineswith vinyl tape (A) to prevent damageto the inboardboot.

6 . Packthe inboardjointwiththe jointgrease

includedin the newdriveshaft set. Greasequantily Inboardioint:150- 160g (5.3 5.6oz) lnstallthe inboardboot to the driveshaft,then removethe vinyl tape. Be carefulnot to damagethe inboardboot.

.ul J.sseet?-r=.r? l- .-__-h e g r e a s eI n c i u o e o n in the inboard boor sel.

i I

Installthe spider (A) onto the driveshaft(B)by a l i g n i n gt h e m a r k s( C )o n t h e s p i d e ra n d t h e e n d o f the driveshaft.

Fit the circlip (D) into the driveshaftgroove.Always rotatethe circlip in its grooveto make sure it is fully seated. (cont'd)


Driveline/Axle DriveshaftsReassembly(cont'd) 7. Fit the inboardjoint onto the driveshaft,and note these items:

10. lnstallthe boot bandswith the band end toward to front of the vehicle.

. Reinstalltheinboardioint onto the driveshaftby a l i g n i n gt h e m a r k s( A )o n t h e i n b o a r dj o i n t a n d the rollers. . Hold the driveshaftso the inboardioint points up to preventit from falling off.

1 1 .P u l lu p t h e s l a c ki n t h e b a n db y h a n d . 12. Mark a position(A) on the band 0 . 6i n . )f r o m t h e c l i p ( B ) .

Adjust the inboardjoint until the rollersare in the middle of the joint.

9 . Fit the boot (A) ends onto the driveshaft(B)and the inboardjoint (C).



14 mm (0.4

13. Threadthe free end ofthe band through the nose sectionofthe commerciallyavailableboot band tool KD-3191or equivalent(A),and into the slot on t h e w i n d i n gm a n d r e l( B ) .

16. Unwind the boot band tool, and cut off the excess free end ofthe band to leavea 5 .. 10 mm (0.2 0.4 in.)tail protrudingfrom the clip.

1 7 . Bendthe band end (A) by tapping it down with a nammer. 1 4 . Placea wrench on the winding mandrel of the boot

band tool, and tighten the band until the marked spot (C)on the band meetsthe edge olthe clip. tc.

Lift up the boot band tool to bendthe free end of the band 90 degreesto the clip. Center-punchthe c l i p ,t h e n f o l d o v e rt h e r e m a i n i n gt a i l o n t ot h e c l i p ,

NOTE: . Make sure the band and clip do not interferewith anythingand the band does not move, . Removeany greaseremainingon the surroundingsurfaces.




Driveline/Axle DriveshaftsReassembly(cont'dl OutboardJoint Side:

5. lnsert the driveshaft(A) into the outboardjoint (B) until the stop ring (C)is closeto the joint.

1. Wrap the splineson the driveshaftwith vinyl tape (A)to preventdamageto the outboardboot.

2 . Installthe new ear clamp band (B) and outboard boot. Be carefulnot to damagethe outboardboot. Removethe vinyl tape. Installthe new stop ring into the driveshaftgroove (A).


To completelyseatthe outboardjoint, pick up the driveshaftand joint, and drop them from about 10 cm (4 in.) onto a hard surface.Do not use a hammer as excessiveforce may damagethe driveshaft.Be carefulnot to damagethe threaded section(A) of the outboardjoint.

7. Checkthe alignmentof the paint mark (A) with the o u t b o a r dj o i n t e n d ( B ) .

9. Adjust the length of the driveshaftsto the figure below,then adjustthe boots to halfway between full compressionand full extension.Make sure the ends of the boots seat in the groovesof the driveshaftand joint. Left Driveshaft: Right Driveshaft:

579 584 mm {22.8 23.0 in.l 624 629 mm(24.6 24.8 in.l

Packthe outboardjoint with the joint grease includedin lhe new joint boot set: Grease quantity Outboardioint: 119 129914.2 4.5o2)

1 0 .Fit the boot (A) ends onto the driveshaft(B) and outboardjoint (C).



Driveline/Axle DriveshaftsReassembly(cont'd) 1 1 .Set the new ear clamp band (A) by threadingthe tab (B) into holes (C)of the band.

Checkthe clearancebetweenthe closedear portion of the band. lf the clearanceis not within the standard.closethe ear Dortionof the band farther.

3.0mm 10.r2in.)MAX

' t 2 .Closethe earportion(A)of the bandwith a c o m m e r c i a lal yv a i l a b lbeo o tb a n dp i n c e r s Kent-Moore J-35910 or equivalent {B).


14. Repeatsteps 12 and 13 Jorthe band on the other end of the boot.

DriveshaftsInstallation 1 . P u l l t h ek n u c k l eo u t w a r d .a n d i n s t a l l t h eo u t b o a r d joint into the rear hub.

3. Installthe knuckle(A) onto the lower arm (B).Be carefulnot to damagethe ball joint boot (C).Wipe off the greasebeforetighteningthe nut at the ball joint. Torquethe castlenut (D)to the lower torque specification,then tighten it only far enoughto align the slot with the pin hole. Do not align the nut by looseningit. NOTE:Make sure the balljoint boot is not damage or cracks.

2. Installthe inboardjoint (A) intothe rear differential (B) by aligningthe referencemarks (C),then install the six inboardjoint mounting bolts (D) and nuts {E).




'12x 1.25mm 69-78 N.m (7.0-8.0 kg{'m, 4s-51 rbf.ft)

Installthe new cotter pin (E)into the pin hole, and bend the cotter pin. Installthe ABS sensor harness(A) on the upper arm.



-/ 10 x 1.25mn 83 N.m {8.5kgf.m, 61 tbt.ft)

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m, (1.0kgf.m,7.2 lbf ftl



Driveline/Axle DriveshaftsInstallation(cont'dl Installa newspindlenut (A),thentightenthe nut. Aftertightening, usea driftto stakethe spindlenut shoulder(B)againstthe driveshaft.

PropellerShaft Inspection 1 . Shift into neutraiposition.

2 . Raisethe vehicleoff the ground,and suppon it with safetystandsin the proper locations (seepage 1-'13). Checkthe universaljoint bootsfor damageand deterioration.lf the boots are damagedor deteriorated,replacethe propellershaft. Checkthe joints for excessiveplay or rattle.lf the universaljoints have excessiveplay or rattle, replacethe propellershaft. 5. lnstalla dial indicator(A)with its needleonthe centerof the propellershaft (B).

A 24x 1.5mm 245N.m (25.0kgt.m, '181lbf.ftl

12x1.5mm 108N.m (11.0kgf.m, 79.6lbl.ft)

1 . Cleanthe mating surfacesof the brakedisc and the rear wheel,then installthe rear wheel with the wheel nuts,

8 . Turn the rearwheel by hand,and make sure the clearancebetweenthe driveshaftand circumferenceparts. 9 . Checkthe rearwheel alignment,and adjust it if necessary(seepage 18-5).

6. Turn the propellershaft slowly, and checkthe runout. lf the runout exceedsthe servicelimit, replacethe propellershaft. Runout: ServiceLimit:


1.5 mm {0.06in.l

PropellerShaft Removal 1 . Raisethe vehicleoff the ground, and make sure it's securelysupported.

5. lMakea referencemark (A) acrossthe propeller shaft (B)and the rear differentialflange(C).

Removethe propellershaft protector.

\- 't-rt, Make a referencemark (A) acrossthe propeller shaft (B) and the transmissionflange (C).

Separatethe propellershaft from the rear differential,then removethe propellershaft,

4. Separate t h e p r o p e l l e sr h a f tf r o m t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n .


Driveline/Axle PropellerShaft Installation ' t . Installthe propellershaft (A) onto the rear

3. Installthe propellershaft protector(A).

differential(B) by aligningthe referencemarks (C). NOTE:When the propellershaft is replaced,align the white marks (D) on the new propellershaft with the white mark on the differential, SPECIALBOLTS Replace. 8 x 1,25mm 32 N.m (3.3kgt m.24lbf.ftl

8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m 12.2kgf.m, '16lbf.ft)


lnstallthe oropellershaft {.A)to the transmission(B) by aligningthe referencemarks (Cl. NOTE:When the propellershaft is replaced,align the white marks (D)on the new propellershaft with t h e w h i t e m a r ko n t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n , SPECIALBOLTS Replace. 8 x 1.25mm 32 N.m {3.3kgf.m,24lbf.ft)


Steering Steering

Speciaf Tools ............. 17-2 Location Index ......................................... Component 17-3 Steering WheelRotational PlayCheck....................... 17-4 PowerAssistCheck.............. .............. 17-4 SteeringLinkage andGearboxInspection................. 17-5 Steering WheelRemoval............................................. l7-6 WheelDisassembly Steering andReassembly.........17-7 WheelInstallation......................................... Steering 17-8 SteeringColumnRemovalandInstallation............... 17-9 SteeringShaftRemovaland Installation .................... 17-10 Steering Column/Shaft Inspection .... 17-12 SteeringLockReplacement ......................................... 17-13 RackGuideAdiustment ..................... 17-14

Electrical PowerSteering(EPS)


Steering SpecialTools Ref.No.


Tool Number



LocknutWrench,43 mm



ComponentLocationIndex AIRBAG


Removal/lnstallation. page23-65

STEERING WHEEL Removal,page 17-6 Disassembly/Reassembly, p a g e1 1 - j page 17-8 Installation, STEERINGCOLUMN SteeringColumn Removaland Installation, page 17-9 SteeringColumn Inspection, page 17-12 SteeringLockReplacement, page'11-13

STEERINGSHAFT SteeringShaftRemovaland Installation, p a g e1 7 - 1 0 SteeringShaft Inspection, page 17-12

STEERING GEARBOX page17-14 RackGuideAdjustment, ELECTRICAL POWERSTEERINGIEPS) p a g e1 7 - 1 8


Steering SteeringWheelRotationalPlay Gheck 1. Turn the front wheelsto the straightahead position. 2, lvleasurehow fa r you can turn the steeringwheel left and right without moving the front wheels.

PowerAssistCheck '1. Stan the engine,let it idle. Attach a commerciallyavailablespring scaleto the steeringwheel.With the engineidling and the v e h i c l eo n a c l e a n ,d r y f l o o r ,p u l lt h e s c a l ea s shown and read it as soon as the tires beginto turn.

. lf the play is within the limit, the gearboxand l i n k a g ea r e O K . ' lf the play exceedsthelimit, adjustthe rack guide (seepage 17-14).lfthe play is still excessiveafter rack guide adjustment,inspectthe steering linkageand gearbox{seepage 17-5). ROTATIONALPLAY: 0-10 mm l0-0,39 in,)

lf the scalereadsno more than 34 N (3.5kgf, 7.7 Ibf), the power assistis OK. lf it readsmore, checkthe steeringlinkagefor damage(seepage 17-5),and c h e c kt h e r a c kg u i d ea d j u s t m e n(ts e ep a g e1 7 - 1 4 ) .


SteeringLinkageand GearboxInspection

STEERING COLUMN lnspect for loosecolumn mountinqboltsandnuts.

STEERINGJOINTS Checkfor looseioint bolts.

TIE.ROD LOCKNUT for looselocknut. Check

\r,.-*oo a"o,o,-,-,o,",

lnspectIor faulty movement ano oamage.

STEERINGGEARBOX Inspectlor loose mountingbolts. GEARBOXMOUNTING CUSHIONS Inspectlor deterioration.

BALLJOINTBOOT lnspectfor damageanddeterioration. BOOT Inspectfor damageand deterioration.


Steering SteeringWheelRemoval SRScomponentsare locatedin this area,Reviewthe SRScomponentlocations,precautions,and procedures in the SRSsectionbefore performingrepairsor service ( s e ep a g e2 3 - 1 0 ) . 1. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the radio stationoresets. 2. Align the front wheels straightahead,then remove the driver's airbagJromthe steeringwheel {seepage 23-65). 3. Disconnectthecruisecontrol switch connector(A) and horn switch connector{B).

5 . I n s t a lal c o m m e r c i a l l a yvailable s t e e r i n gw h e e l puller (A) on the steeringwheel (B).Freethe steeringwheel from the steeringcolumn shaft by turning the pressurebolt (C)of the puller, Note these items when removing the steering wheel: . D o n o t t a p o n t h e s t e e r i n gw h e e lo r t h e s t e e r i n g column shaft when removingthe steeringwheel. . l f V o u t h r e a d t h ep u l l e rb o l t s( D )i n t o t h e w h e e l hub more than five threads,the bolts will hit the cable reel and damageit. To preventthis, install a pair of jam nuts five threadsup on each puller bolt.

4. Loosenthe steeringwheel bolt {A). B

6 . Removethe steeringwheel puller,then removethe steeringwheel bolt and steeringwheel from the sleeflngcolumn.







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Steering SteeringWheelInstallation 1. Beforeinstallingthe steeringwheel, make sure the front wheels are alignedstraightahead,then center the cable reel (A). Do this by first rotatingthe cable reel clockwiseunlil it stoos.Then rotateit counterclockwiseabout two and half turns.The a r r o w m a r k( B )o n t h e c a b l er e e ll a b e lp o i n ts h o u l d point straightup.

3. lnstallthe steering wheet bolt and tighten it. 39 N m {4.0kgf m,29lbf.ft}

Connectthe horn switch connectorand cruise control switch connector. Installthe driver'sairbag,and confirm that the system is operatingproperly(seepage 23-66).

2 . Positionthe two tabs (A) of the turn signal cancelling s l e e v e( B )a s s h o w n ,a n d i n s t a l l t h e steeringwheel on to the steeringcolumn shaft, making sure the steeringwheel hub (C)engages the pins (D)of the cable reel and tabs of the cancelingsleeve.Do not tap on the steeringwheel or steeringcolumn shaft when installingthe steeringwheel.

Reconnectthe battery. 7 . Checkthe horn, cruisecontrol sevresumeswitch, and turn signalcancellingfor proper operation. Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. For'01-03models;resetthe clock.


SteeringColumnRemovaland Installation SRScomponentsare locatedin this area.Reviewthe SRScomponentlocations,precautions,and proceduresin the SRSsectionbefore performingrepairsor service(seepage 23-10).

Removal 1. Recordthe radio stationpresets,and disconnectthe battery. 2. Removethe d river'sa irbag (seepage 23-65).steeringwheel, and cable reel (seepage23-72). 3, Removethe column covers (A)


16 N.rn {'1.6kgl m. 12 lbf.ftl 22 N.m {2.2 kgf.m, 16 lbt ft)



4. Removethe combinationswitchassembly(B)from the steeringcolumn shaft by disconnectingthe connectors and removingthe screws. 5. Disconnectthe ignition switch connectorsfrom the under-dashfuse/relaybox. 6 . R e m o v et h e s t e e r i n gj o i n t b o l t( C ) . 7 . R e m o v et h e s t e e r i n gc o l u m n( D )b y r e m o v i n gt h e a t t a c h i n gn u t s { E }a n d b o l t s ( F ) .



Steering SteeringColumnRemovaland Installation(cont'dl

SteeringShaft Removaland Installation



1 . I n s t a l l t h es t e e r i n gc o l u m n ,a n d m a k es u r et h e wires are not caught or pinchedby any parts. 2 . Insertthe lower end ofthe steeringjoint (A) onto t h e s t e e r i n gs h a f t{ B )( l i n eu p t h e b o l t h o l e ( C ) w i t h the flat portion (D)on the shaft).

1 . Removethe steeringcolumn (seepage 17-9). M a r k( A ) t h es t e e r i n gj o i n t ( B )a n d p i n i o ns h a f t( C ) to identifythe positionof the joint on the pinion shaft.

Removethe steeringjoint bolts {D). Disconnectthe steeringjoint from the pinion shaft by pullingthe steeringshaft (E). 3. Pull on the steeringjoint to make sure that the steeringjoint is fully seated,but do not pull excessivelyon the joint. Then installthe steering joint bolt (E)and tighten it to the specifiedtorque. US thru VIN JHMAP 114.YT008411 Canadathru VIN JHMAP 114.YT800750 Torque: 22 N'm (2.2 kgf.m, 16 lbf.ft) US from VIN JHMAP 114.YT008412 Canadatrom VIN JHMAP 114.YT800751 Torque:29 N.m 13.0kgf m, 22 lbf.ftl 4 , F i n i s ht h e i n s t a l l a t i o na,n d n o t et h e s ei t e m s : . Make sure the wire harnessis routed and fastenedproperly. . Make sure the connectorsare properlyconnected. . Reinstallthe steeringwheel (seepage 17-8). . Reconnectthe batteryand resetthe radio presets. - Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio.then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. - F o r ' 0 1 - 0 3m o d e l s ;s e tt h e c r o c K . . Verify cruisecontrol,horn, and turn signalswitch opera on. . C h e c kw h e e la l i g n m e n (t s e ep a g e1 8 - 5 ) .


5 . Removethe steeringjoint (B)from steeringshaft. 6 . Removethe steeringshaft.

lnstallation greaseto the insidesurfaceof 1, Applymultipurpose t h ep i n i o nd u s ts e a l( A ) .

Insertthe steeringshaft (B) into the engine compartmentcarefullyto avoid damagingthe pinion dust seal.Make sure the shaft comes out of f r a m eh o l e . I n s t a l l t h es t e e r i n gc o l u m nw i t h t h e c o l u m n mounting nuts and column holder (seepage 17-9). Slip the joint (A) of the column shaft onto the steeringshaft {B),then looselyinstallthe joint bolt (C)(line up the bolt hole (D)with the flat portion (E) of the shaft).Pullthe steeringshaft toward the column.

steeringshaft (B) (from the engine companment). Be sure the steeringjoint and steeringshaft are alignedwith the serrations;the joint should slip on freelv. lf not, repositionthe serrationof the steering ioint.

Line up the bolt hole (C)with the flat portion (D)of the shaft (B),and looselyinstallthe upper joint bolt (E).Pullthe steeringjoint to make surethat the joint is fully seated. 7 . S l i p o n t h e l o w e re n d ( F )o f t h e s t e e r i n gj o i n t b y a l i g n i n gt h e m a r k s( G )o n t h e p i n i o ns h a f t( H )a n d joint. Line up the bolt hole (l) with groove around (J) the pinion shaft,and installthe lower joint bolt (K)and tighten it by band.Don't torque the bolt yet. Pullthe steeringjoint to make sure that the ioint is fully seated. Pull the steeringshaft toward the pinion shaft.Then tightenthe upper joint bolt {E}.The lower joint bolt (K) {both in the enginecompanment),and the ioint bolt on colum shaft (underthe dashboard)to the specifiedtorque. US thru VIN JHMAP 114.YT008411 Canadathru VIN JHMAP 114.YT800750 Torque: 22 N.m (2.2 kgf.m, 16 lbf.ftl US from VIN JHMAP 114.YT008412 Canadafrom VIN JHMAP 114.YT800751 Torque: 29 N.m (3.0 kqf.m, 22 lbf.ft)

5. Slip the upper end (A) ot the steeringjoint onto the


Steering SteeringColumn/SteeringShaft Inspection Checkthe steeringcolumn ball bearing{A) and the steeringjoint bearings(B)for play and proper movement.lf any bearingis noisy or has excessiveplay, replacethe steeringcolumn as an assembly. Checkthe retainingcollar (C)for damage.lf it is damaged,replacethe steeringcolumn as an assembly. Checkthe absorbingplates{D)for distortionor breakage.lf there is distortionor breakagereplacethe steering c o l u m na s a n a s s e m b l y . Checkthe steeringshaft (E)for bendingand damage. Checkthe joint dust seal (F)for deteriorationand damage.


US thru VIN JHMAP 11i1.YT008411 Canad. thru VIN JHMAP 114.YT800750 Torque:22N.m (2.2kgf.m, 16lbf.ftl US from VIN JHMAP 114.YT008412 Canadafrom VIN JHMAP 114.YT800750 Torque:29N.m (3.0kgf.m,22 lbf.ftl


6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2 lbt.ft)


SteeringLockReplacement 1. Removethe steeringcolumn (seepage 17-9), 2. CenterDUncheach of the two shearbolts,and drill their headsoff with a 5 mm {3/16in.) drill bit. Be carefulnot to damagethe switch body when removingthe shearbolts.

;-:' '

Removethe shearbolts from the switch body. Installthe switch body without the key inserted. 5 . Looselytighten the new shearbolts. 6 . Insertthe ignition key. and checkfor proper operationof the steeringwheel lock and that the ignition key turns ireely. 7 . Tightenthe shear bolts (A) untilthe hex heads(B) twist off. A


Steering RackGuideAdjustment Special Tools Roquired Locknutwrench,43 mm 07MAA-S100204

7. Tightenthe locknutto 25 N.m (2.5kgf.m, 18lbfft) while holdingthe rack guide screw.

1. Set the wheels in the straightaheadposition.

8. Installthe lower radiatorclamp.

2. Removethe sDlashshield.

9. Checkfor tight or loosesteeringfrom lockto lock.

3. Removethe lower radiatorhose bracket(A).

9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2lbt ftl

Loosenthe rack guide screw locknut(A)with the specialtooi, then loosenthe rack guide screw (B). 07MAA-S100200

, - \

5 . Tightenthe rack guide screwto 25 N.m (2.5kgf.m, 18 lbf.ft),then loosenit. 6 . Retightenthe rackguide screwto 3.9 N.m (0.4 kgf.m,2.9 lbf.ft)then backit off to the specified a n gr e . SpecitiedReturnAngle: 15 + 5"


10. Performfollowing inspections: . Steeringwheel rotationalplay (seepage 17-4). . Powerassistwith vehicleparked(see page 17-41.

ElectricalPowerSteering(EPSI EPSGomponents t/- to SoecialTools 17-17 LocationIndex .............. Component 17-18 Troubleshooting Information General 17-22 Index DTCTroubleshooting 17-23 Index ............... SymptomTroubleshooting 17-24 SystemDescription................. 17-26 CircuitDiagram I t-26 Troubleshooting ............... DTC ....................... 17-42 EPSIndicator CircuitTroubleshooting Memorizing theTorqueSensorNeutralPosition......17-45 17-46 GearboxRemovalandlnstallation Steering 17-53 Steering GearboxOverhaul 17-54 TorqueSensorReplacement 17-54 llation ............... RackGuideRemoval/lnsta 't7-55 Installation RackEndRemovaland 17-58 GearboxBracketRemoval/lnstallation 17-58 .................. BallJointBootReolacement 17-59 EPSControlUnitRemoval/lnstallation

EPSComponents SpecialTools Ref.No.

or a\ 11\


Tool Number

07MAC-S100200 07746-0010100 07749-0010000 07974-6790000




Description B a l Jl o i n tR e m o v e r , 2mSm Attachment. 32 x 35 mm Driver O i lS e a D l river



1 ,l ,l


ComponentLocationIndex DATALINK CONNECTOR I16PI




EPSCONTROL UNIT EPSControlUnitBemoval/ page17-59 STEERINGGEARBOX Installation,

TOROUE SENSOR page17-54 TorqueSensorBeplacement,

SteeringGearboxRemoval and lnstallation,page 17-46 SteeringGearboxOvâ‚Źrhaul,page 17-53 page 17-54 RackGuideBemoval/lnstallation, page 17-55 RackEnd Removaland Installation, page 17-58 GearboxBracketRemoval/lnstallation, page'17-58 BallJoint Boot Replacement,


EPSGomponents GeneralTroubleshootingInformation EPSIndicator Under normal conditions.the EPSindicatorcomes on when the ignition switch is turned to the ON (ll) position, then goes off after the engine is started.This indicates that the bulb and its circuitare operatingcorrectly. lf there is any trouble in the system after the engine is started,the EPSindicatorwill stay on, and the power assistis turned off. When EPSindicatorcomes on, the control unit memorizesthe DTC.In this case,the control unit will not activatethe EPSsystem afterthe enginestarts again,but il keepsthe EPSindicatoron. When DTC 11, 12,ot 13 is stored in the control unit, the EPSindicatorwill stay on until the DTCis erased.Even though the system is operatingnormally,the EPS indicatorwill come on under the following conditions: . When the vehicleis barely moving, 0.62mph (1 km/h) or stopped,and the engine speed is 2.000rpm or higherfor about 3 minutes. . When the enginespeed is 500 rpm or less,and the vehicleis travelling at a speedof 6.2 mph (10 km/h) or more for about 3 minutes. To determinethe actualcauseof the problem.question the customerabout the conditionsduring which the problemoccured,taking the above conditionsinto consideration.

DiagnosticTroubleCode(DTCI . lf the CPUcannot be activated.or itfails, the EPS indicatorcomes on, but the DTCis not memorized. . The memory can hold any number of DTCS.However, when the same DTCis detectedmore than once,the most recentDTCis written over the prior DTC. thereforeonly one occuranceis memorized. . The lowest DTCis indicatedfirst. The DTCsare indicatedin ascendingorder, not in the orderthat they occurred. . The DTCSare memorizedin the EEPROM(nonvolatile memory)thereforethe memorizedDTCs cannot be erasedby disconnectingthe battery. Performthe soecifiedDroceduresto ciear DTCS.

Self-diagnosis Self-diagnosiscan be classifiedinto two categories: . Initialdiagnosis:performedright after the engine startsand untilthe EPSindicatorgoes off. . Regulardiagnosis:performedright afterthe initial diagnosisuntil the ignition switch is turned OFF.


The EPScontrol unit performsthe following functions when a problem is detectedby self-diagnosis: '1.

Turns on the EPSindicator. 2. Memorizesthe oTC. 3. Stops power assistand manual steeringoperation resumes. NOTE: . When DTC23 (a problemwith the circuitfor enginespeedsignal)is detected,the power assistwill returnto normal when the vehicle speedis 6.2 mph (10 km/h) or above. , Fot OfCs21,22, and 23the EPSindicatorwill go and the system returnsto off automaticallV, n o r m al .

Restrictionon PowerAssist Operation Repeatedextremesteeringforce.such as turning the steeringwheel continuouslyback-and-forth with the vehiclestopped.causesan increaseof power consumotionin the EPSmotor. The increaseof electric currentcausesthe motor to heat uo. Becausethis heat adverselyaffectsthe system.the control unit monitors the electriccurrentof the motor. When the control unit detectsheat build-upin the motor. it reducesthe electriccurrentto the motor graduallyto protectthe system,and it restrictsthe power assist operation.The EPSindicatordoes not come on during this function. When steeringtorque is not appliedto the steering wheel, or when the ignition is turned off, the control unit will restorethe power assistgraduallyuntil it's fully restored(afterabout 8 minutes).

EPSControlUnit Noise A relay sound or "click" can be heardfrom the EPS control unit about 30 secondsafter the ionition switch is turned off. This sound is normal.

TorqueSensorNeutral Position The EPScontrol unit storesthe torque sensor neutral positionin the EEPROM.Memorizethe torque sensor neutralpositionwheneverthe gearboxis removedand installed,or when the lorque sensoror EPScontrol unit is reDlaced. NOTE:The toroue sensorneutraloositionis not effectedwhen erasingthe DTCs.

How to TroubleshootEPSDTCs The troubleshootingflowchart proceduresassumethat the causeof the problem is still presentand the EPS indicatoris still on. Followingthe flowchartwhen the EPSindicatordoes not come on can result in incorrect diagnosis. The connectorillustrationsshow the female terminal connectorswith a singleoutline and the male terminal connectorswith a double outline. 1. Ouestionthe customerabout the conditionswhen the problem occured,and try to reproducethe same conditionsfor troubleshooting.Find out when the EPSindicatorcame on, such as during EPScontrol,after EPScontrol.when the vehicle was at a certainspeed,etc.

2. Turn the ignition ON (ll),and follow the promptson the PGM Testerto displaythe DTC(S)on the screen. After determiningthe DTC,referto the DTC troubleshootingindex. NOTE:Seethe HondaPGM Testeruser's manual for specificinstructions. Service Check Signal Circuit Method: 1. With the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGM Tester(A) to the 16Pdata link connector(DLC) (B) locatedunderthe dash on the passsenger'sside of the vehicle.

, \

2. When the EPSindicatordoes not come on during the test drive, but troubleshootingis done basedon the DTC,checkfor looseconnectors,poor terminal contact,etc.,beforeyou starttroubleshooting. 3. After trou bleshooting.clearthe DTCand test-drive the vehicle.Be sure the EPSindicatordoes not c o m eo n ,

How to RetrieveEPSDTCs


Honda PGM Tester Method:


Short the SCScircuitto body ground usingthe Honda PGM Tester.

1. With the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGMTester(A)to the 16Pdata link connector(DLC) (B)locatedunderthe dash on the passenger'sside of the vehicle.

T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .




EPSComponents GeneralTroubleshootingInformation(cont'dl 4. The blinkingfrenquencyindicatesthe DTC.DTCS are indicatedby a seriesof long and short blinks. Add the long and short blinkstogetherto determine the DTC.After determiningthe DTC.referto the DTCtroubleshootingindex, The systemwill not indicatethe DTCunlessthese conditionsare met: . Set the front wheels in the straightaheaddriving position. . The ignitionswitch is turned ON (ll). . The engine is stopped. ' The SCScircuitis shortedto body ground before the ignition switch is turned ON (ll).

How to ClearEPSDTCs Honda PGM Tester Method: 1. With the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGM Tester(A)to the 16Pdata link connector(DLC) {B) locatedunder the dash on the passenger'sside of the vehicle.

li r

Exampleot DTC12 Short blinks {two times)




- -tt"=-=,,-.,,,




Examoloot DTC23

Turnthe ignitionswitchON (ll),andclearthe DTC(S) by followingthe screenpromptson the PGMTester. NOTE:Seethe HondaPGMTesteruser'smanual for specificinstructions.

Turn the ignition switch OFF. Disconnectthe HondaPGM Testerfrom the DLC.


Service Check Signal Circuit Method: NOTE:Usethis procedurewhen the PGM Tester softwaredoes not matchthe yearlmodelvehicleyou are working on. '1.With

the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGMtester (A)to the 16Pdata link connector(DLC) (B)locatedunderthe dash on the passenger'sside of the vehicle.

8. Within 4 secondsafterthe EPSindicatorgoes off, returnthe steeringwheel to the straightahead driving positionagain and releasethe steering wheel. The EPSindicatorblinkstwice 4 seconds after releasingthe steeringwheel, indicatingthat the DTCwas erased. NOTE:lf the EPSindicatordoes not blinktwice, an error was made in the procedureand the DTCwas not erased.Turn the ignition switch OFF,and repeatthe operationfrom the step 3. 9. Turn the ignition switch OFFwithin 5 secondsafter the EPSindicatorblinkstwice. NOTE:lf the ignition switch is not turned OFF within 5 secondsafterthe EPSindicatorblinks,the systemwill go to the memorizingmode of the torque sensor neutralposition.To avoid this, turn the steeringwheel 45 degreesto left from the straightaheaddriving positionand turn the ignition switch OFF.This will returnthe svstemto the alert mooe. 10. Disconnectthe HondaPGM Testerfrom the DLC.

Whith the vehicleon the ground,set the front wheels in the straightaheaddriving position. Short the SCScircuitto body ground usingthe HondaPGM Tester.

11, Performthe DTCcode output operation,and be sure that the code has been erased. EPSINDICATOB

4. Turn the steeringwheel 45 degreesto the left from

the straightaheaddriving position,and hold the steeringwheel in that position. STEEN{G

5 . Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).The EPSindicator comes on, then it goes off after 4 seconds. Within 4 secondsafter the EPSindicatorgoes off, returnthe steeringwheel to the straightahead driving positionand releasethe steeringwheel. The EPSindicatorcomes on again 4 secondsafter releasingthe steeringwheel. 7 . Within 4 secondsafterthe EPSindicatorcomes on, turn the steeringwheel 45 degreesto the left again and hold it in that position. The EPSindicatorqoes off after 4 seconds.


DTCTroubleshootingIndex Detection ltem




Power relay stuckON

(seepage 17-28)

Drc 2

Fail-saterelay stuckON

(seepage l7-28)


LOW FET(Motor drive transistor)stuckON

{seepage 17-28)


stuckON UPFET(Motordrivetransistor)

(seepage '17-29)


Open to body ground in the motor circuit

(seepage 17-30)


Differenceof high voltageand lower voltageon the torque sensor

(seepage 17'32)


A problemwith voltagefor torque sensorVT3

(seepage 17-33)


A problemwith averageof voltagefor torquesensorVTl andW2

{seepage 17-32}


Open or short to body ground in the torque sensorcircuit

(seepage 17-34)


A problemwith the voltagefor lG l

(seepage 17-35)


Excessivechangeof the vehiclespeedsensorsignal

( s e ep a g e1 7 ' 3 6 )

A problemwith averagefor vehiclespeedand enginespeed

{ s e ep a g e1 7 - 3 6 )


A problemwith the circuitfor enginespeedsignal

{seepage l7-37}


A problemwith the sub-microcomputer

(seepage 17-38)


A problemwith the initialcurrentsensoroffset

(seepage 17-38)


A problemwith the main currentsensoroffset

( s e ep a g e ' 1 7 - 3 8 )


A oroblemwith the current sensor

(seepage 17-38)


A problemwith the main microcomputer

{seepage l7-39)


A problemwith the sub-microcomputer

{seepage 17-39)


A problemwith the changeof the motor voltage

(seepage 17-39)


A problemwith the motor voltage

( s e ep a g e1 7 - 4 0 )

DTC;50 to 62

A problemwith the CPU in the EPScontrol unit

(seepage 17-42)


Symptom TroubleshootingIndex Symptom


EPSindicatordoes not come on

EPSIndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting(seepage 17'42)

EPSindicatordoes not go off and no DTC is stored

EPSIndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting(seepage 17-42)

EPSindicator doesnotstay on, no DTCis stored,and thereis no powerassist

1. Checkthe REDwire betweenthe EPScontrol unitandthe motor for a short to ground. Repairas needed. 2. lf the REDwire is OK, replacethe steeringgearbox(short in the motor).

Also check for


EPSComponents SystemDescription EPSControlUnit lnputsand Outputsfor ConnectorA (2P) A {2P} EPSCONTROLUNITCONNECTOR

W i r e s i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s .

Tormanal Wir6 color numbet GRN


Terminelsign {Terminalnamel



MOTOR {Motorminus}

Drivesthe actuatormotor


+ MOTOR {Motoro!us)

Drivesthe actuatormotor

2 Ground

Conditions llonition Switch ON llll)


EPSGontrolUnit Inputs and Outputs for ConnectorB (14P) A (14P} EPSCONTROLUNIT CONNECTOR

W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s .

Terminel numb€l 'l


Wirs color

Terminalsign {Terminalnarne)

tG1 (lonition1 WHT/BLK VSP (Vehicle speedpulse) YEL

Description Te.minals Power source for activating Detects vehicle speed signal the soeedometer


Detectstorque sonsor



{Voltaoesensor1 GND2 lGround2)

Groundforthe EPScontrol unt






NEP lEnqineoulse) GNDl (Ground 1

1-Ground l o n i t i o n s w i t c h O N ( l l )

Voltage Batterv voltaqe

l q n i t i o ns w i t c h O F F



Measurem€nt Conditions on Switch ON {ll)l

D e t e c t st a c h o m e t e rs i g n a l

2-Ground Turnthe rearwheel

5-Ground Sta(the ongine

A b o u t3 V 6 V

1 2 - G r o u n d Starttheenoine t o n r u o ns w t r c n u i i l 3 - G r o u n dS t a n t h e e n g i n e a n d t u r n t h e s t e e r i n gw h e e l 1.'{ulllock


G r o u n d l o r t h e E P Sc o n t r o l unit


BLU/RED l V o l t a o ef a d e )

8 11 12


WHT/GRN vs2 (Voltaqe sensor2)



Detectstorque sensor

( P o w e rs t e e r i n g s i g n a l )

Drivesthe EPSindicator lioht idlespeed'up Provades signalto the ECM

DLC iDaralinkconnector)

C o m m u n i c a t e sw i t h H o n d a PGM-Tester



Detects service check

(Service checksional)

Battery voltage

EPSControlUnit Inputsand Outputsfor ConnectorC (2P) EPSCONTROLUNIT CONNECTOR C I2PI

W i r es i d eo f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s .

Terminal numoea

Wire color 8LK


Terminalsign lTe.minalname) PG (Powerground)

WHT/BED + B (Plusbatterv)

Description Terminals Groundfor the actuator


Powersourcefot the


Measurement Conditions (lonitionSwitch ON {ll)} At alltimes




EPSComponents CircuitDiagram






Term nal side of female tef minals

GAUGEASSEMBTYCONNECTOFC {2OP) Wre side oi le male rerminals

W i r e s i d eo i f e m a l e r e r mn a l s


_+* h .L---r-_r


/-+' t 2 t l



e r m n a l s i d eo l f e m a l el e r m i h a l s



t 2 t 1 l T e r m i n a s i d eo f f e m a e t e r m n a l s


W r e s i d eo t i e m a e t e r m i n a l s


ffi W r r es i d eo t i e m a e l e . m i n a l s Termrnal side of fenale lerfi ina s


EPSComponents DTCTroubleshooting DTC1:PowerRelayStuckON RelayStuckON DTG2: Fail-safe 1 . C l e a rt h e D T C . 2. Start the engine.

DTC3: LowerFETStuckON 1, DisconnectEPScontrol unit connectorA (2P)and the motor 2P connector. 2. Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit c o n n e c t oA r ( 2 P )t e r m i n a lN o . 2 a n d m o t o r2 P t c o n n e c t o re r m i n a lN o . 1 .

3. Wait at least 10 seconds. Does the EPS indicatot come on and DTC 1 or DTC 2 indicated? YES- Checkfor loose EPScontrol unitconnectors. lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.l


FPSCONTROL UNIT I tzpt db-r'rrrriCrOn


NO The system is OK at this time.I Terminalside of femaleterminals

ls thete continuity? YES- Go to step 3. NO - Repairopen in the wire betweenEPScontrol unit and the motor.I 3. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe EPScontrol unit connectorA (2P)terminal No. I and motor 2P connectorterminal No. 2.



T e r m i n asl i d eo Jf e m a l et e r m i n a l s

ls thetecontinuity? YES Goto step4. NO Repairopenin thewire betweenthe EPS controlunitandthe motor.l


4. Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit c o n n e c t oAr ( 2 P )t e r m i n a l sN o . 2 a n d N o . 1 .

DTC4: UpperFETStuckON 1. DisconnectEPScontrol unit connectorC (2P). 2. Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit connectorC (2P)terminal No. 1 and body ground.




Terminalside of lemaleterminals

ts there continuity? YES Repairshort betweenthe REDand GRN wires for the EPSmotor circuit.l

Terminalsideof femaleterminals ls there continuity?

NO Replacethe steeringgearbox.(Shortcircuitto body ground insidethe gearbox).I

YES-Check for loose EPScontrol unit connectors. lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.l NO- Repairopen in the wire betweenthe EPS control unit and the body ground (G351).t


EPSGomponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC5: OpenIn TheMotorWireHarness

7. Measurethe voltagebetweenterminal No. 2 and body ground.

1 . C l e a rt h e D T C . 2. Start the engine. 3. Turn the steeringwheel to right or left, and wait 10 secondsor more.


Does the EPS indicator come on? YES Go to step 4. NO-Check for loosewires or poor connections.lf the connectionsare good,the system is OK at this time.l 4. Stop the engine,and verify the DTC

Terminalside of femaleterminals

ls therebatteryvoltage?

Is DTC 5 indicated?

YES Goto step8.

YES- Go to step 5.

NO- Repairopenin thewire betweenthe EPS (70A) fuseandthe EPScontrolunit.l

NO-Perform the appropriatetroubleshootingfor the code indicated.I 5 . C h e c kt h e E P S( 7 0A ) f u s e i n t h e a u x i l i a r yu n d e r hood fuse box, and reinstallthe Juseif it is OK. ls the f use OK?

8 . Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrolunit

ao l .I a n db o d yg r o u n d c o n n e c t oCr( 2 P ) t e r m i nN EPSCONTROLUNIT C {2P) CONNECTOR

YES Go to step 6. NO - Replacethe fuse and recheck.! 6. Make sure the ignitionswitch is OFF,then disconnectEPScontrol unit connectorC (2P). Terminalside of femaleterminals

ls there continuity? YES Go to step 9. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe EPS control unit and body ground (G35'l).1 9 . DisconnectEPScontrol unit connectorA (2P)and the motor 2P connector.


10. Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit connectorA (2P)terminal No. 2 and motor 2P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 1 .

12. Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit c o n n e c t oA r ( 2 P )t e r m i n a lN o . 1 a n d b o d y g r o u n d .




Terminalside of femaleterm;nals

Terminalside of femaleterminals

ls there continuity? ls there continuity?

YES- Repairshort to body ground in the wire betweenthe EPScontrol unit and the motor.l

YES Go to step 11. NO- Repairopen in the wire betweenEPScontrol unit and the motor.I

N O - G o t o s t e p1 3 . tJ.

11. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe EPScontrol unit connectorA (2P)terminal No. 1 and motor 2P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 2 .

Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit connectorA {2P)terminal No. 2 and body ground.


MoToR 2pcoNNEcroR


db-rrrrrrecron n tzpt


Moron+ f^T-\ { R E D. -} - z l l ,

(.o) IL Terminalside of femaleterminals

Terminalside of femaleterminals

ls there continuity?

Is therecontinuity?

YES Repairshort to body ground in the wire betweenthe EPScontrol unit and the motor.l|

YES Goto step12. NO Repairopenin thewire betweenthe EPS controlunitandthe motor.l

NO Checkfor IooseEPScontrol unit connectors.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol u n i ta n d r e c h e c k . I


EPSComponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC11,13:TorqueSensor 1. Clearthe DTC. 2. Start the engine. Does the EPS indicator come on?

7. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe appropraate torque sensor3P connectorterminal and body g r o u n d( s e et a b l e ) . Terminal name VS1 PVF

Torque Sensor terminal No. 'l

2 3

VS2 YES Go to step 3. NO-Check for loosewires or poor connections.lf the connectionsare good, the system is OK at this time.l 3. Stop the engine,and verify the DTC.


vs2 {WHT/GRN)



ls DTC 11 or 13 indicated? YES- Go lo step 4. NO - Performthe appropriatetroubleshootingfor the code indicated.l

T e r m i n a ls i d e o f f e m a l e t e r m i n a l s

ls there continuity? 4. Make sure the ignitionswitch is OFF,then disconnectEPScontrol unit connectorB (14P). 5 . C h e c kf o r c o n t i n u i t yb e t w e e nt e r m i n a lN o . 3 a n d body ground.

YES- Repairshort to body ground in the appropriatesensorcircuit betweenthe torque sensorand the EPScontrol unit.l NO Go to step 8.


8 . On the sensorside,checkfor continuitybetween the torque sensor3P connectorterminal No. 2 and body ground. TOROUESENSOR3P CONNECTOR

Terminalside of femaleterminals


ls therecontinuity? YES- Goto step6. NO- Goto step9. thetorquesensor3Pconnector. 6 . Disconnect

T e r m i n a ls i d e o f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

ls there continuity? YES The EPSsystem is OK at this time. Checkfor loose EPScontrol unit connectors.lf necessary, substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.l NO Replacethe torque sensor.l


9. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe appropriateEPS control unit connectorB (14P)and torque sensor3P connectorterminals{seetable). Terminal name

Torque Sensor terminalNo.




2 3


EPScontrol unit terminal No, 3 7 11


DTC12:TorqueSensorPVF 1 . C l e atrh eD T C . 2. Start the engine. 3. Waitat least10seconds. Doesthe EPS indlcatorcomeon? YES Goto step4. NO Checkfor loosewiresor poorconnections. lf the connections aregood,the systemis OKat this ttme.l 4. Verifythe DTC.

Terminals de ol femaleterminals

ls there continuity? YES Go to step 10. NO Repairopen in the appropriatetorque sensor circuitbetweenthe EPScontrol unit and the torque sensor.I

ls DTC 12indicated? YES Checkfor looseEPScontrolunitconnectors. lf necessary. substitute a known-good EPScontrol u n i ta n dr e c h e c k . l NO- Performthe appropriate troubleshooting for thecodeindicated.I

1 0 .On the sensorside,checkfor resistancebetween torque sensor3P connectorterminalsNo. 1 and No. 2 , a n d b e t w e e nt e r m i n a l sN o . 2 a n d N o . 3 . TOROUESENSOq3P CONNECIOR side of lenale termi.als

lsthe resistancebetween 12 14 Q (at 20", 68"F)? YES-The EPSsystem is OK at this time. Checkfor looseEPScontrol unit connectors.lf necessary, substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck,I NO Replacethe lorque sensor.l


EPSComponents DTGTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC14:TorqueSensor(Resistance)

7, Checkfor continuitybetweentorque sensor3P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o . 2 a n d N o . 3 .

1 . C l e a rt h e D T C . 2. Start the engine.


3. Turn the steeringwheelfully to the left,and hold it in that positionfor 10 secondsor more. Does the EPS indicator come on? YES Go to step 4. NO Checkfor loosewires or poor connections.lf the connectionsare good, the system is OK at this time.l 4. Stop the engine,and verify the DTC. ls DTC 14indicated? YES- Go to step 5. NO- Performthe appropriatetroubleshootingfor the code indicated.l

(BLU/RED} lerminal side of femaleterminals

ls therecontinuity? and YES RepairshortbetweentheWHT/GRN wiresin thetorquesensorcircuitbetween BLU/RED thetorquesensorandthe EPScontrolunit.l NO Goto step8. torquesensor3P 8 . Checkfor continuitybetween

5. Make sure the ignition switch is OFF,then disconnectthe torque sensor3P connectorand EPS control unit connectorB (14P).

c o n n e c t ot er r m i n a lN s o .1 a n dN o .3 . TOROUESENSOR3P CONNECTOR

6. Checkfor continuitybetweentorque sensor3P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a l sN o , 1 a n d N o . 2 . TOROUE SENSOR 3P CONNECTOR


(wHT/GRN) Terminal sideol lemaleterminals

ls there continuity? Terminalside of {emaleterminals

YES Repairshort betweenthe WHT/GRNand PNK wires in the torque sensorcircuitbetweenthe torque sensorand the EPScontrol unit.l

ls there continuity? NO Go to step L YES Repairshort betweenthe BLU/REDand PNK wires in the torque sensorcircuit betweenthe torque sensorand the EPScontrol unit.l NO Go to step 7.


9. On the sensorside,checkfor resistancebetween the torque sensor3P connectorterminalsNo. 1 and No.2, and betweenterminal No. 2 and No. 3. TOROUE SENSOR 3P CONNECTOR

ForlG1 DTC21:Voltage '1. c h e c kt h e I N S T R U M E NLTI G H T( 7 . 5A ) f u s ei n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox, and reinstallthe fuse if it is OK. NOTE:All indicatorsexceptthe chargingsystem i n d i c a t o r w i lnl o t c o m e o n w h e n t h e I N S T R U M E N T LIGHT(7.5A) fuse is blown. ls the tuse OK? YES Go to step 2. NO Replacethe fuse and recheck.l

T e r m i n as li d eo I m a l et e r m i n a l s ls the resistancebetween 12- 13 Q (at20', 68'F)? YES-The EPSsystem is OK at this time. Checkfor looseEPScontrol unit connectors.lf necessary, substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.l

2. DlsconnectEPScontrol unit connectorB (14P). 3 . Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). Measurethe voltage betweenterminal No, 1 and body ground. EPSCONTROL UNIT B {.l4P} CONNECTOR

NO - Replacethe torque sensor,I

Terminalsideof Iemaleterminals

ls there battery voltage? YES Checkfor loose EPScontrol unitconnectors. lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.l NO Checkfor an open in the wire betweenthe under-dashfuse/relaybox and the EPScontrol unit, and repair it if necessary.lf the wire is OK, check for an open circuit insidethe under-dashfuse/relay box.l


EPSComponents DTGTroubleshooting(cont'dl DTC22:VehicleSpeedSignat NOTE: . lf the l\4lLindicatoris ON, troubleshootthePGM-Fl system iirst. . When the engine is runningat 2,000rpm or above and the vehiclespeed is 0.62 mph ( l km/h) or below for 3 minutes,the EPSindicatorcomes on. 1. Test-drivethe vehicle.

6. Blockthe right rearwheel, and slowly rotatethe left rearwheel and measurethe voltage betweenEPS control unit connectorB {14P)terminal No. 2 and body ground. EPSCONTROLUNIT CONNECTOR B I14P}


ls the vehicle speedometer working correctly? YES Go to step 2. NO Performthe speedometersystem troubleshooting(seepage 22-53).a


Turn the ignition switch OFF. Does the voltage pulse 0 V and 5 V ? Blockthe front wheels and releasethe parking oraKe. Raisethe vehicle,and make sure it is securely supported. DisconnectEPScontrol unit connectorB (14P).


YES Checkfor loose EPScontrol unit connectors. lf necessary.substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.I NO Repairopen or short to body ground in the wire betweenthe EPScontrol unit and body ground, or faulty the speedometer.I


8. lvleasurethe voltage betweenthe No. 5 terminal and body ground.

NOTE:lf the MIL indicatoris on, troubleshootthePGMFl problemfirst, 1. Startthe engine and checkthe tachometer. ls the tachometerworking correctly? YES Go to step 2.


NO Go to step 5. 2. Connecta commerciallyavailablespring scaleto the steeringwheel. 3. Pull on the scaleto measurewhen the front wheels startto move. lf the system is in good condition, the scaleshould read no more than 34 N {3.5kgf, 1 .7 tbt).

YES Checkfor loose EPScontrol unit connectors. lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.l NO Go to step 9.

9 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 1 0 .DisconnectECMconnectorA (32P). 1 1 .Checkfor continuitybetweenEClvlconnector terminaA l ' 1 9a n d E P Sc o n t r o lu n i t( 1 4 P ) c o n n e c t o r t e r m i n a lN o . 5 .

ls there continuity? YES Go to step 12. NO - Repairthe open in the wire betweenthe EPS control unit and the ECM.I ls the measurement within the specification? YES The system is OK at this time.I

12. Disconnectgauge assemblyconnectorC (20P). 13. Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit connectorterminal No. 5 and body ground.

NO - Go to step 4. ]t

Test-drivethe vehiclewith the vehicleabove 6.2 m p h ( 1 0k m / h ) . Does EPS provide power assist? YES Go to step 5. ls thete continuity? NO Performthe troubleshootingfor DfC 22.a

5 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 6 . OisconnectEPScontrol unit connectorB (14P).

YES- Repairthe short in the wire betweenthe EPS c o n t r o lu n i ta n d t h e E C M . I NO Checkfor loose EPScontrol unit connectors.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol u n i ta n d r e c h e c k . I

7 . Startthe engine.


EPSGomponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl DTC30:Sub-Microcomputer


1 . C l e a rt h e D T C .

1. Clearthe DTC.

2 . S t a nt h e e n g i n e .

2. Stan the engine.

3. Wait at least 10 seconds.

3. Wait at least 10seconds.

Does the EPS indicator come on?

Does the EPS indicator come on?

YES Go to step 4.

YES Go to step 4.

NO Checkfor loosewires or poor connections.lf the connectionsare good,the system is OK at this time.l

NO Checkfor loosewires or poor connections.lf the connectionsare good,the system is OK at this trme.l

4. Verify the DTC.

4. Verifythe DTC.

ls DTC 30 indicated?

ls DTC 31, 32, ot 33 indicated?

YES Checkfor loose EPSconlrol unit connectors. lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol u n i ta n d r e c h e c k . l

YES Checkfor loose EPScontrol unitconnectors. lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.l

NO Performthe appropriatetroubleshootingfor the code indicated.l

NO Performthe appropriatetroubleshootingfor the code indicated.l



DTC36:Chargeof the MotorVoltage

1 . C l e a r t h eD T C .

1 . C l e a rt h e D T C .

2. Start the engine.

2. Startthe engine.

3. Wait at least 10 seconds.

3. Turn the steeringwheel to right or left, and wait 10 secondsor more.

Does the EPS indicatot come on? Doesthe EPS indicatot come on? YES Go to step 4. YES Go to step 4. NO Checkfor loosewires or poor connections.lf the connectionsare good,the system is OK at this time.l

NO Checkfor loosewires or poor connections.lf the connectionsare good,the system is OK at this time.l

4. Verifythe DTC. 4. Stop the engine,and verify the DTC. ls DTC 34 ot 35 indicated? ls DTC 36 indicated? YES Checkfor loose EPScontrol unit connectors. lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol u n i ta n d r e c h e c k . l NO Performthe appropriatetroubleshootingfor the code indicated.l

YES Go to step 5. NO - Performthe appropriatetroubleshootingfor the code indicated.! 5 . C h e c kt h e E P S( 7 0A ) f u s ei n t h e a u x i l i a r yu n d e r hood fuse box. and reinstallthe fuse if it is oK. ls the tuse OK? YES Go to step 6. NO- Replacethe fuse recheck.l DisconnectEPScontrol unit connectorC (2P).



EPSGomponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl 7. Measurethe voltage betweenterminal No.2 and body ground.




DTC37:MotorVoltage 1 . C h e c kt h e E P S{ 7 0A ) f u s e i n t h e a u x i l i a r yu n d e r hood fuse box, and reinstallthefuse if it is OK. ls the f use OK? YES- Go to step 2, NO Replacethe fuse and recheck.t 2. Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit connectorC (2P)terminal No. 1 and body ground.

Terminalside of femaleterminals EPSCONTROLUNIT CONNECTORC I2PI

ls therc battery voltage? YES Checkfor loose EPScontrol unit connectors, lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.l NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe EPS (70A) fuse and the EPScontrol unit.I Terminalside of temaleterminals

lsthere continuity? YES Go to step 3. NO-Repair open in the wire be&veenthe EPS c o n t r o lu n i ta n d b o d y g r o u n d( G 3 5 1 )t . DisconnectEPScontrol unit connectorA (2P)and the motor 2P connector.


4. Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit connectorA (2P)terminal No. 2 and motor 2P c o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . 1 .

6. Checkfor continuiw betweenEPScontrol unit connectorA {2P)terminal No. 1 and body ground.


FPSCONTROL UNIT dbirircron I tzpt

MOTOR+ {RED) Terminalside of femaleterminals

Terminalside of femaleterminals

ls there continuity? ls there continuity? YES Repairshort to body ground in the GRNwire betweenthe EPScontrol unit and the motor.l

YES-Go to step 5. NO Repairopen in the REDwire betweenthe EPS control unit and the motor.I 5. Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit connectorA {2P)terminalNo. 1 and motor 2P connectorterminal No. 2.



NO Go to step 7. 7 . Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit connectorA (2P)terminal No. 2 and body ground.


MoroR+afr) zlrl {RED) r----1

6 -L

Terminalside ol lemale terminals

Terminalsideof femaleterminals Is thete continuity? ls there conlinuity? YES Go to step 6. NO Repairopen in the GRNwire betweenthe EPS control unit and the motor.l

YES Repairshort to body ground in the REDwire betweenthe EPScontrol unit and the motor.l NO Checkfor loose EPScontrol unit connectors.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol u n i ta n d r e c h e c k . l


EPSComponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC50to 62:CentralProcessing Unit (CPU) 1. Clearthe DTC.

EPSIndicatorCircuit Troubleshooting 1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t l o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,s t a r t t h ee n g i n e , and watch the EPSindicator.

2. Startthe engine. Does the EPS indicator come on? 3. Wait at least 10 seconds. Does the EPS indicator come on?

YES- lf the EPSindicalorcomes on and goes off, it's OK. lf the EPSindicatorstayson or blinks,go to step 13.

YES Go to step 4. NO Go to step 2. NO Checkfor loosewires or poor connections.lf the connectionsare good, the system is OK at this tame.l 4. Verify the DTC.

2. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then ON (ll) again, and watch the brakesystem indicator. Does the brake system indicatot come on?

ls DTC 50 to 62 indicated?

YES Go to step 3.

YES Checkfor loose EPScontrol unitconnectors. lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol u n i ta n d r e c h e c k . I

NO Repairopen in the indicatorpower source circuit.l . B l o w nI N S T R U M E NLTI G H T( 7 . 5A ) f u s e . . Open in the wire betweenthe INSTRUMENT L I G H T( 7 . 5A ) f u s ea n d g a u g ea s s e m b l y . . Open circuit insidethe under-dashfuse/relaybox.

NO- Performthe appropriatetroubleshootingfor the code indicated.l

3. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 4 . C h e c kt h e E P Si n d i c a t o b r u l bi n t h e g a u g e assemory. ls the bulb OK? YES- Go to step 5. N O R e p l a c e t h eE P Si n d i c a t o b r ulb.t 5 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .


6, ConnectgaugeassemblyconnectorA (14P) terminal No. 14 to body ground with a jumper wire.

11. Checkfor continuitybetweenbody ground and EPS control unit connectorB {14P}terminalsNo. 4 and N o .6 i n d i v i d u a l l y .



4 12 3 1 8 9 0l) 11 3114



Wire side of femaleterminals

Terminalside of femaleterminals

Does the EPS indicator come on?

Is thete continuity? YES Go to step 7.

YES Goto step12. NO Replacethe bulb circuitboard in the gauge assembly.I

NO Repairopenin thewiresbetweenthe EPS a n dG 4 0 2 ) . 1 c o n t r oul n i ta n db o d yg r o u n d( G 2 0 1

7 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F . 8. DisconnectEPScontrol unitconnectorB (14P). 9. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll).

Measure the voltagebetweenEPScontrolunit c o n n e c t oBr( ' l 4 P ) t e r m i nNaol .1 a n db o d yg r o u n d . EPSCONTROL UNIT B I14PI CONNECTOR

1 0 . C o n n e cE t P Sc o n t r o lu n i t c o n n e c t o r B ( 1 4 P ) t e r m i n a lN o . 1 2 a n d b o d y g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e r wire. EPSCONTROLUNIT B I14PI CONNECTOR

Terminalsideof femaleterminals ls thete battery voltage?

Terminalsideof femaleterminals Does the EPS indicatot come on? Y E S G o t o s t e p1 1 .

YES Checkfor loose EPScontrol unitconnectors. lf necessary,substitutea known-goodEPScontrol u n i ta n d r e c h e c k . l NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe I N S T R U M E NLTI G H T( 7 . 5A ) f u s e a n dt h e E P S c o n t r o lu n r t . l

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe gauge assemblyand the EPScontrol unit.l {cont'd)


EPSComponents EPSIndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting(cont'dl 1 3 .Turn the ignitionswitch OFF.

20. Measurethe voltagebetweendata link connector ( 1 6 P ) t e r m i n aNl o . 1 a n d b o d y g r o u n d .

1 4 . DisconnectEPScontrol unit connectorB (14P). tc.


Disconnectthe connectorsfrom the following units. . ECM {32P) . ABS control unit . SRScontrol unit


scs (BRN)

Checkfor continuitybetweenEPScontrol unit c o n n e c t oB r ( 1 4 P t)e r m i n a lN o . 8 a n d b o d y g r o u n d . EPSCONTROL UNIT CONNECTOR B llilP) Wire side of femaleterminals

Is there about 6 V? YES Go to step 21. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe data link ) n d t h e E P Sc o n t r o lu n i t . l c o n n e c t o(r1 6 P a Terminalside of femaleterminals

2 1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F .

ls therc continuity?

22. Connectall disconnectedconnectors.

YES Repairshort to body ground in the SCS circuit.l

23. DisconnectEPScontrol unit connectorB (14P).

NO - Go to step 17.

24. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and startthe engine. Does the EPS indicator go off?

17. Turn the ignition switch OFF.then removethe Honda PGM Tester. 18. ConnectEPScontrol unit connectorB ('14P). 1 9 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .

YES Go to step 25. NO Repairshortto body ground in the wire betweenthe EPSindicatorand the EPScontrol unit. I 25. Inspectthe bulb circuit board in the gauge assembly(seepage 22-47). ls it normal? YES Checkfor loose EPScontrol unit connectors. lf necessarysubstitutea known-goodEPScontrol unit and recheck.l t h e b u l bc i r c u i tb o a r di n t h e g a u g e NO Replace assembly.l


Memorizingthe TorqueSensorNeutralPosition The toroue sensorneutraloositionmust be memorized wheneverthe gearboxis removedor installed,or when the torque sensoror EPScontrol unit is replaced.Note that the toroue sensorneutralDositionis not affected when erasingthe DTC. 1. With the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGM tester(A) to the 16PDataLink Connector (DLC)(B) locatedunderthe dash on the passenger's s i d eo f t h e v e h i c l e .

7. Within 4 secondsafterthe EPSindicatorcomes on, turn the steeringwheel 45 degreesto the left again and hold it in that position. The EPSindicatorgoes off after 4 seconds. 8. Within 4 secondsafter the EPSindicatorgoes off, returnthe steeringwheel to the straightahead driving positionand releasethe steeringwheel. Do not move the steeringwheel beforeturning the ignitionswitch OFF. NOTE;lf the steeringwheel is moved,the torque sensorneutralpositioncannot be written to memory. L The EPSindicatorblinkstwice 4 secondsafter releasingthe steeringwheel.then it blinksthree times 5 secondsafter.Then,the indicatorgoes off. T h e t o r q u es e n s o rn e u t r a p l o s i t i o ni s m e m o r i z e d . NOTE:lf the EPSindicatorstayson, there was an error in writing the torque sensorneutralposition to memory. Repeatthe procedurestartingfrom step 3. 10. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

2 . With the vehicleon the ground,set the front wheels in the straightaheaddriving position.

11. Disconnectthe Honda PGM Testerfrom the DLC.

S h o r tt h e S C Sc i r c u i t o b o d yg r o u n du s i n gt h e Honda PGMTester. 4 . Turn the steeringwheel 45 degreesto the left from the straightaheaddriving position,and hold the steeringwheel in that position. T u r nt h e i g n l t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .T h e E P Si n d i c a t o r comes on, then it goes off after 4 seconds. Within 4 secondsafterthe EPSindicatorgoes off, returnthe steeringwheel to the straightahead d r i v i n gp o s i t i o na n d r e l e a s et h e s t e e r i n gw h e e l . The EPSindicatorcomes on again 4 secondsafter r e l e a s i n tgh e s t e e r i n gw h e e l .


EPSComponents SteeringGearboxRemovaland Installation SpecialToolsRequired Balljoint remover,28 mm 07MAC-S100200

9. From the underthe dashboard;loosenthe joint bolt (A) on the column,and pull the steeringshaft (B) fullv to the column side.

Removal Note these items during removalr . Using solventand a brush,wash any oil and dirtoff the gearbox.Blow dry with compressedair. . Be sure to removethe steeringwheel before disconnectingthe steeringjoint. Damageto the cable reel can occur. 1. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio presetbuttons.Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the battery. 2. Raisethe vehicle,and make sure it is securely supported. 3. Removethe front wheels4. Removethe driver's airbag (seepage 23-65).

'10. From the enginecompanment;disconnectthe steeringjoint (A) and pinion shaft (8) by moving the steeringjoint toward the steeringshaft (C).

5. Removethe steeringwheel (seepage 17-6). 6. Placea mark (A) on the steeringjoint (B)and the pinion shaft {C)to identifythe positionof the joint on the pinion shaft.



7 . Removethe lower joint bolt {D)from the steering joint.

L Loosenthe upper joint bolt (E)on the steeringjoint, and pull the steeringjoint fully to the steeringshaft ( F )s i d e .




Removeand discardthe cotter pin (A)Jromthe 12 mm nut (B).then removethe nut.

14. Removethe stabilizerbar holder brackets{A) from the frame, and lower the stabilizerbar (B).

B 12x 1.25mm

66 07MAC-S100200 Separate t h e t l e - r o db a l l j o i n ta n d k n u c k l eu s i n gt h e s p e c i atlo o l ( s e ep a g e1 8 - 1 0 ) .

'13.Removethe sevenclips

Disconnectthe ground cable (A) and motor 2P connector(B).Loosenthe harnessband (C),and releasethe wire harness(D)from the gearbox. After disconnectingthe connector,put a pieceof tape over the steeringgearboxconnectorto protect it from dust, dirt, and foreign materials.

{A) and the two flange b o h s( B ) ,t h e n r e m o v et h e s p l a s hs h i e l d( C ) .




EPSComponents SteeringGearboxRemovaland Installation(cont'dl 16. Disconnectthe torque sensor3P connector(A). After disconnectingthe connector,put a pieceof tape over the steeringgearboxconnectorto protect it from dust, dirt, and foreign materials.




) t---:,tA


Removethe four gearboxmounting bolts.

Right side:



Left side:


18. Pullthe steeringgearboxtoward the front. Move the steeringgearboxto the passenger'sside and remove it.


3. Installthefour gearboxmounting bolts.

1. Beforeinstallingthe gearbox,centerthe steering rackwithin its stroke.

Right side:

2. Passthe driver'sside of the steeringgearbox through the left wheel housing.Placethe steering gearboxon the front subframe,and move it into the originap l osition.

{4.4kof m,32 lbf.ft)

10x 1.25mm (3 N.m




Left side: 10 x 1.25mm ,(l N.m 14.4ksf.m,32lbf.ftl



EPSComponents SteeringGearboxRemovaland Installation(cont'dl 4, Connectthe torque sensor3P connector(A).

6. Raisethe stabilizerbar (A)to the original position, a n d i n s t a l l t h es t a b i l i z ebr a r h o l d e rb r a c k e {t B ) .

Connectthe motor 2P connector(A) and ground cable (B).Securethe wire harness(C)with the

1 2 x 1 . 2 5m m 83 N.m (8.5 kgf.m. 61 tbt.ftl

7 . I n s t a l l t h es p l a s hs h i e l d( A ) w i t ht h e s e v e nc l i p s( B ) and two flange bolts (C).

ffi {1.0kgt.m,7.2lbt.ft}

6 x '1.0mm 9.8N.m {1.0kgf'm,7.2lbf.ft)


8. Wipe off any greasecontaminationf rom the ball joint taperedsectionand threads.Then reconnect the tie-rod ends (A)to the steeringknuckles(B),and tightenthe 12 mm nut (C)to the specifiedtorque. D

11. From the under the dashboard,push the steering shaft (A)fully to enginecompartmentside, but do not push excessivelyon the steeringshaft.Then tighten the joint bolt (B)to the specifiedtorque.


Installthenew cotterpins (D).and bend them as snown.

1 0 .From the enginecompanment,slip the lower

12. Line up the bolt hole (A) with the groove around (B) the pinion shaft,and installthe lower joint bolt (C) and the upperjoint bolt (D)to the specifiedtorque.

end {A) of the steeringjoint (B)by aligningthe marks (C)on the pinion shaft (D)and joint.

US rhru VIN JHMAP 114.YT008411 Canadathru VIN JHMAP 114.YT800750 Torque: 22 N m (2.2 kgf m, 16 lbf.ft) US from VIN JHMAP 114 YT008412 Canadafrom VIN JHMAP 114.YT800751 Torque: 29 N.m (3.Okgt.m,221b1.11, {cont'd)


EPSGomponents SteeringGearboxRemovaland Installation(cont'd) 1 3 . i n s t a l l t h es t e e r i n gw h e e l( s e ep a g e1 7 - 8 ) . 1 4 . I n s t a l l t h ed r i v e r ' sa i r b a g( s e ep a g e2 3 - 6 5 ) . 15. Reconnectthenegativecableto the battery. 16. Installthe front wheels,and adjustthe front wheel alignment(seepage 18-5). 17. After installation,perform the following checks. . Make surethe steeringgearboxwires are not caught or pinchedby any parts. . Make sure the steeringgearboxconnectorsare properlyconnected. . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l ) ,a n d c h e c kt h a t the EPSindicatorgoes off, ' lf you replacedthesteeringgearboxassembly, let the EPScontrol unit memorizethe torque sensor neutralposition(seepage 17-45). . Test-drivethe vehicle; - Checkthat the EPSindicatorlight does not c o m eo n . - Checkthe steeringwheel spokeangle.Recheck and adlustthe front wheel alignment,if necessary. . Resetthe radio presets. . F o r ' 0 1 - 0 3m o d e l s ;s e tt h e c l o c k .


SteeringGearboxOverhaul ExplodedView MOUNTING BUSHING Inspect for damageand deterioration.


/ ,/ r'


,o-RtNG ^"'"""'

,/ ,/






9' --,,*,"o



STEERING GEARBOX ASSEMBLY {MOTOR) ll thegearboxis faulty,replace it asan assembly.

TOROUE SENSOR ASSEMBLY lf thetorquesensoris faulty, replace it asan assemblv.


@ BOOTBAND Replace. BOOT Inspectfor damage and deterioration.



EPSComponents TorqueSensorReplacement


Note these items during replacement:

do not allow dust, NOTE:During removal/installation, din, or other foreign materialsto enterthe gearbox.

. Do not allow dust, din, or other foreign malerialsto enterthe gearbox. . Do not try to disassemblethe torque sensorassembly. lf the lorque sensoris faulty, replaceit as an assembly. . l f t h e t o r q u e s e n s oirs r e p l a c e d , t h E e P Sc o n t r o lu n i t must memorizethe torque sensorneutralposition ( s e ep a g e1 7 - 4 5 ) .


1. Centerthe steeringrackwithin its stroke.

2 . Removethe torque sensorassembly(A), D

8 x 1.25mm 20 N.m 12.0kgf.m. 14 tbf.ftl A

Apply multipurposegreaselo the sliding surfaceof the rackguide, and installit onto the gearbox h ou s r n g . Coatthe new O-ring(E)with multipurposegrease, and carefullyfit it on the rackguide screw groove. I n s t a l l t h es p r i n g ,r a c kg u i d es c r e w ,a n d l o c k n u t .


3 . Coatthe new O'ring {B)with multipurposegrease, and carefullyfit it on the torque sensorhousing. Apply multipurposegreaseto the needlebearing ( C )i n t h e g e a r b o xh o u s i n g . 5 . I n s t a l l t h et o r q u es e n s o ra s s e m b l y( A )o n t h e g e a r b o xh o u s i n gb y e n g a g i n gt h e g e a r . "AB") The alphabetstamping(for example {D) on the pinion shaft alignswith the rackguide screw (E) when the rack is in the straightaheaddriving position. When installingthe torque sensorassembly,make sure the "alphabet" stamping("48") is within the r a n g es h o w n . 6 . T i g h t e nt h e 8 m m f l a n g eb o l t s( F ) .


5 . Adjust the rackguide screw (seepage 17-14). After adjusting,checkthat the rack moves smoothly by slidingthe rack right and left.

RackEnd Removaland Installation Special Tools Required . Attachment,32 x 35 mm 07746-0010100 . Driver,07749-0010000

2. Unbendthe lock washer.

Removal Note these items during removal/installation: . Do not allow dust, dirt, or other foreign materialsto enterthe gearbox. . Do not disassemblethe steeringgearboxassembly (motor).lf the motor is faulty, replaceit as an assembly, 1 . R e m o v et h e b o o t b a n d s{ A )a n d d i s c a r d t h e m . Removethe tie-rodclips (B),and pull the boots away from the ends of the gearbox. NOTE:After removingthe boot,checkfor water, dirt, or other foreign matter on the ball screw surface(C)and interiorof the boot. lf contaminated, cleanthe ball screw,gearboxhousing,and boot completely.

Hold the flat surfacesections{A) on the passenger's side steeringrackshaft with one wrench,and unscrewboth rackends (B)with anotherwrench. Be carefulnot to damagethe shaft surfacewith the wrench.Removethe lock washer (C)and discardit.




EPSComponents RackEnd Removaland Installation(cont'd) 4, Checkthe rubberstop (A)for damageor deterioration.lf the rubber stop is damagedor deteriorated,reolaceit. Graspthe left rackend, and pull the rackshaft all the wav to the left. Carefullvremovethe rubber stop by prying it out ofthe gearboxhousing(B) with a flat tip screwdriver{C)on the cut-outportion {D) so as not to damagethe housing.

lf the rubberstop was removed,positionthe new rubberstop (A) in the gearboxhousing,then drive it in using the specialtools as shown. Make sure that the specialtool pressesagainstthe metal portion {B)of the rubber stop. 07746-0010100



lnstallation 1 . l n s t a l tl h e n e w l o c kw a s h e r{ A )o n t h e r a c k s h a f t . Align the lockwashertabs (B)with slots (C)in the r a c ks h a f t .I n s t a l l t h er a c ke n d ( D )w h i l e h o l d i n g with lockwasher in place.Repeatthis step for the other side of the rackshaft.

2. Hold the flat surfacesections{E)on the passenger's side of the steeringrack shaftwith a wrench,and tighten both rackends. Be carefulnot to damage the shaft surfacewith the wrench. 3. Bendthe lockwasher (A) backagainstthe flat spots o n t h e r a c ke n d j o i n t h o u s i n g .

Apply multipurposegreaseto the circumference (A)of the rackend joint housing.

8. lnstallthe new boot band (A) by aligningthe tabs (B)with holes (C)of the band.


a'.RE-As!x (P/N:08733-B070El

Apply a light coat of siliconegreaseto the boot grooves{B) on the rack ends. 6 . Centerthe steeringrackwithin its stroke.Installthe boots (A) in the rackend with the tie-rodclips (B). Cleanoff any greaseor contaminationfrom the groove around {C}on housing.

9 . Closethe ear portion (A) of the band with , e t i k e r1 0 9 8o r c o m m e r c i a l la y v a i l a b l ep i n c e r sO e q u i v a l e n(tB ) .



{bN '10. SIidethe rack right and left to be certainthat the boots are not deformedor twisted.

7 . After installingthe boots,wipe the greaseoff the thread section(D)of rackend.


EPSComponents GearboxBracketRemovaU lnstallation

BallJoint Boot Replacement SpecialToolsRequired Oil seal driver,07974-6790000

1. Removethe bracketclamo bolt (A) from the gearboxbracket(B),then pry open the bracketto remove it from the gearbox. A 8 x 1.25mm 25 N.m 12.5kgf.m, 18 tbf.ft)

1. Removethe boot from the tie-rod end, and wipe the old greaseoff the ball pin. 2 . P a c k t h el o w e ra r e ao f t h e b a l lp i n ( A ) w i t hf r e s h mult|purposegrease.



2 . Installthe gearboxbracketon the gearboxwith the bracketclamp bolt toward the rear. Adjust the distancebetweenthe bracketmounting bolt hole {A} and the gearboxmounting bolt hole (B)to the dimensionshown. Make surethe bracket mounting bolt holes are parallelwith gearbox mountlng bolt holes.

Packthe interiorof the new boot (B) and lip {C)with fresh multipurposegrease. Note these itemswhen installingnew grease: . Keepgreaseoff the boot installationsection(D) and the taperedsection(E)if the ball pin. . Do not allow dust, dirt, or other foreign materials to enterthe boot. 4. I n s t a l l t h en e w b o o t{ A ) u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o lT. h e boot must not have a gap at the boot installation sections(B).After installingthe boot,checkthe ball pin taperedsectionfor greasecontamination,and wipe it ii necessary. 07974-6790000

4. Installthe bracketclamp bolt, and tighten it to 25 N. m (2.5kgf.m, 18 lbf ft).


EPSControlUnit Removal/lnstallation 1 . Make sure you havethe anti,theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio presetbuttons.Removethe battery. Removethe EPScontrol unit.

3. Disconnectthe EPScontrol unit connectors. 4. lnstallthe EPScontrol unit in the reverseorder of removal. NOTE:lf the EPScontrol unit is replaced.the EPS control unit must memorizethe torque sensor neutralposition(seepage 17-45).


Suspension Frontand RearSuspension SpecialTools ............. 18-2 ComponentLocationIndex ......................................... 18-3 W h e e lA l i g n m e n t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .8 - 5 Wheel BearingEnd PlayInspection............................ 18-9 Wheel RunoutInspection .................. 18-9 BallJoint Removal ... 18-10

FrontSuspension Knuckle/Hub Reolacement BallJointBootReplacement .................. Stabilizer BarReplacement ...................... Stabilizer LinkRemoval/lnstallation LowerArmRemoval/lnstallation ............... UpperArm Replacement Damper/Spring Replacement

18-11 18-16 18-17 18-18 18-19 18-20 18-22

RearSuspension Knuckle/Hub Replacement BallJointBootReplacement ..................... Stabilizer BarReplacement .................... Stabilizer LinkRemoval/lnstallation LowerArm Remova l/lnsta llation ............... UpperArm Remova l/lnsta llation ............... ControlArm Replacement Damper/Spring Replacement

18-28 tat-55

18-34 18-34 18-35 18-37 18-38 18-39

Frontand RearSuspension SpecialTools

a) o\





@ /o (iE

07GAF-SD40100 07GAF-SD40200 07GAG-SD40700 or 07JAF-SH20330 07933-H83000A withoutadjustingbolt 07MAC-S100200 07746-0010400 07746-0010500 07746-0010600 07749-0010000 07965-SD90100

1 1 1

1 1 1 1

B a l l J o i n tR e m o v e r2. 8 m m Attachment.52 x 55 mm Attachment,62 x 68 mm Attachment,72 x 75 mm D r i v e r ,1 5x 1 3 5 1 SuDoortBase






Hub Dis/AssemblyTool, 42 mm Hub Dis/AssemblyTool B a l lJ o i n t B o o tC l i pG u i d e .4 2 x 4 4 m m B u s h i n gB a s e





Tool Number



ComponentLocationIndex FrontSuspension:

Removal,step 1 on page 18-23 Disassembly/lnspection, step 1 on page 18-24 Reassembly, step 1 on page 18-25 Installation, step 1 on page 18-26


page 18'20 Replacement,

STABILIZER LINK page18'18 Removal/lnstallation,

STABILIZERBAR page 18 17 Replacement,

KNUCKLE/HUB page18-l1 Replacement,

LOWERARM page 18,19 Removal/lnstallation,


Frontand RearSuspension ComponentLocationIndex{cont'dl RearSuspension: BAR

page 18-34 Replacement, REARDAMPER Removal,step 1 on page 18-40 step'l on page 18-41 Disassemblv/lnspection, step 1 on page 18-41 Reassembly, step 1 on page 18-42 Installation,

ARM UPPER page18-37 Removal/lnstallation,

LOWERARM page18-35 Removal/lnstallation, KNUCKLE/HUB page18-28 Replacement, ARM CONTROL page18-38 Replacement, STABILIZERLINK page 18-34 Removal/lnstallation,

18 -4

WheelAlignment The suspensioncan be adjustedfor caster,camber,and toe. However,each of these adjustmentsare interrelatedto each other,For example,when you adjusttoe, lhe camberchanges.Therefore,you must adjustthe fronvrear alignmentwheneveryou adjust caster,camber,or toe.

Pre-Alignment Checks For properlnspectionand adjustmentof the wheel alignment,do these checks: 1. Releasethe parkingbraketo avoid an incorrect measurement.

Bouncethe suspensionup and down severaltimes. 7 . Checkthe height of each suspension.Make sure the vehicleis empty, is parkedon a level surface, and has properly inflatedtires (the treadwear indicatormust not be showing).lfthe height is out of specification,adjustthe load as necessary. Height: Front:192 202 mm FRONT


2 , M a k es u r et h e s u s p e n s i o n is notmodified. 3. Checkthe tire sizeand tire pressure. Tire size: Front:205/55R1689W Rear: 225l50R15 92W Tire pressure: Front/rear: 220 kpa |2.2 kgt lcm",32 psil

The heightfrom the ground to the centerof the head of the lower arm's front bushingbolt.

Râ‚Źar:220 230mm 4. Checkthe runout of the wheels and tires. FRONT

5 . C h e c kt h e s u s p e n s i o b n a l lj o i n t s .{ H o l da w h e e l with your hands,and move it up and down and right and left to checkfor wobbling.)


The heightfrom the ground to the centerol the head of the lower arm's rear bushinobolt.



FrontandRearSuspension WheelAlignment (cont'dl Front CasterInspection/Adiustment

Front CamberInspection/Adiustment

Use commerciallvavailablecomputerizedfour wheel alignmentequipmentlo measurewheel alignment {caster,camber,toe, and turning angle) Followthe eouiDmentmanufacturer'sinstructions.

Use commerciallyavailablecomputerizedfour wheel alignmentequipmentto measurewheel alignment (caster.camber,toe, and turning angle) Followthe instructions. equipmentmanuJacturer's

1. Checkthe casterangle.lf adjustmentis required, go to step 2. Front casterangle: 6'00'+ 15' 2 . H o l dt h e f l a n g eb o l t ( A )o n t h e r e a ro f t h e l o w e r a r m , a n d l o o s e nt h e s e l f - l o c k i nngu t ( B ) . B '12\1.25 mm

1. Checkthe camberangle.lf adjustmentis requlred, go to step 2. Front camberangle: -0'30't


2 . H o l dt h e a d j u s t i n gb o l t ( A )o n t h e f r o n t o f t h e l o w e r arm, and loosenthe self-lockingnut (B). B '1.25 mm 12x 78N.m {8.0kgfm.58 lbfft)

, -- -11'',

Turn the adjustingcam collar (C) until the casteris correct. After adjusting,tighten the self-lockingnut while holding the flange bolt.


Turn the adjustingbolt untilthe camber is correct. After adjusting,tighten the self-lockingnut while holdingthe adjustingbolt.


Front Toe Inspection/Adjustment

Use commerciallvavailablecomDuterizedfour wheel a l i g n m e net q u i p m e ntto m e a s u r ew h e e la l i g n m e n t (caster,camber,toe, and turning angle).Followthe equipmentmanufacturer'sinstructions.

c o m p u t e r i z efdo u r w h e e l U s ec o m m e r c i a l l a yvailable a l i g n m e n et q u i p m e ntto m e a s u r ew h e e la l i g n m e n t (caster,camber,toe, and turning angle).Follow the equipmentmanufacturer'sinstructions.

1. Checkthe camberangle. lf adjustmentis requ ired. go to step 2.

1. Centerthesteeringwheel spokes. 2 . C h e c kt h e t o e .l f a d j u s t m e n its r e q u i r e dg, o t o s t e p


1"30'+ 10'

2. Hold the adjustingbolt (A) on the control arm, and loosenthe self-lockingnut (B).

Fronttoe-in: 0 + 2 mm (0 + 0.08in.l 3, Hold the tie-rodend (A),and loosenthe tie-rod locknut(B).

54 N.m (5.5kgf.m, 40 tbf.ft)

, . / Turn the adjustingbolt until the camber is correct. 4 . After adjusting,tightenthe self-lockingnut while

B 33 tbt.ftl

4 , Turn the tie-rod until the toe is correct.

holdingthe adjustingbolt. 5 , After adjusting,tighten the locknutwhile holding

the tie-rod end. Repositionthe rack-endboot if it is twisted or dislocated.



Frontand RearSuspension WheelAlignment(cont'd) RearToe Inspection/Adiustment


Use commerciallyavailablecomputerizedfour wheel alignmentequipmentto measurewheel alignment (caster,camber,toe, and turning angle).Follow the equiomentmanufacturer'sinstructions.

Use commerciallvavailablecomouterizedfour wheel alignmentequipmentto measurewheel alignment {caster,camber,toe. and turning angle).Followthe eouiDmentmanufacturer'sinstructions.


Releasethe parking braketo preventan incorrect measurement.

1. Turn the front wheel right and left while applying the brake.and checkthe turning anglesof both wneets.

2. Checkthe toe. lf adjustmentis required, go to step

Reartoe-in: 6.0 t 2 mm (0.25+ 0.08in.l

Turning angle: lnward wheel; 34"00' t 2" Outward wheel: 29'00' (reference)

3. Hold the adjustingbolt ofthe control arm (A),and loosenthe self-lockingnut (B).Hold the adjusting bolt of the lower arm {C),and loosenthe selfl o c k i n gn u t ( D ) . B 12x1.25mm 54 N.m(5.5kgf.m,ilolbf.ftl

lf the turning anglesare out of specificationor the inward turning anglesdiffer betweenthe right and left,checkthe toe, and adjustaccordingly.


1 2 x 1 . 2 5m m 74 N m 17.5kgl m.54lbt.ft)

Turn both adjustingbolts in oppositedirectlons until the toe is correct. NOTE:Adjust the reartoe by adjustingthe control arm and the lower arm by the same amount in oppositedirectionsto each other (for example, when you move the control arm out, move the lower arm in, and vise versa). After adjusting,tighten both self-lockingnuts while holdingthe respectiveadjustingbolts.


lf the toe adjustmentis correctbut the turning anglesare out of specification,checkfor bent or d a m a g e ds u s p e n s i o cn o m p o n e n t s .

WheelBearingEnd Playlnspection 1 . Raisethe vehicle,and suppon it with safetystands in the proper locations(seepage 1-13).

2. Removethe wheels,then reinstallthe wheel nuts. ?

WheelRunoutInspection '1.

Raisethe vehicle,and support it with safetystands in the proper locations(seepage 1-13). Checkfor a bent or deformedwheel.

Attachthe dial gauge.Placethe dial gaugeagainst t h e h u bf l a n g e .

Set up the dial gaugeas shown, and measurethe a x i a lr u n o u tb y t u r n i n gt h e w h e e l .


Front and rear wheel axial runout: 0 0.7 mm {0-0.03 in.) Standard: Servicelimit: 2.0 mm 10.08in.)


4 . Readjustthe dial gaugeto the positionshown. and measurethe radial runout. Fronl and rear wheel radial runout: Standard: 0-0.7 mm {0 0.03in.) Servicelimit: 1.5 mm (0.06in.)

M e a s u r et h e b e a r i n ge n d p l a ym o v i n gt h e b r a k e disc inward or outward. Standard: Front/rear:0 0.05mm (0 0.002in.l

lf the wheel runout is out of specification,checkthe wheel bearingend play.

l f t h e b e a r i n ge n d p l a y m e a s u r e m e ni st m o r et h a n the standard,replacethe wheel bearing.

lf the bearingend play is within the specification but the wheel runout is more lhan the servicelimit, r e p l a c et h e w h e e l .


Frontand RearSuspension BallJoint Removal Special Tools Required Balljoint remover,28 mm 07MAC-S100200 1. Installa hex nut onto the threadsof the ball joint. M a k es u r et h e n u t i s f l u s hw i t h t h e b a l l j o i n tp i n end to preventdamageto the threadedend of the ball ioint pin.

4. Oncethe specialtool is in place,turn the adjusting bolt (A) as necessaryto makethe jaws parallel. Then hand-tightenthe pressurebolt (B),and recheckthe jaws to make surethey are still parallel.

2 . A p p l yg r e a s et o t h e s p e c i a l t o ool n t h e a r e a s s h o w n (A).This will ease installationof the tool and preventdamageto the pressurebolt (B)threads.

After makingthe adjustmentto the adjustingbolt, make sure the head ofthe adjustingbolt (A) is in the positionshown to allow the jaw (C)to pivot.

3. Installthe specialtool as shown. lnsertthe jaws carefully,making sure not to damagethe ball joint boot. Adjust the jaw spacingby turning the Dressurebolt. 07MAC-S100200

1 2m m HEXNUT


With a wrench,tighten the pressurebolt (B) until the ball joint pin pops loosefrom the steeringor suspensionarm. lf necessary,apply penetrating type lubricantto loosenthe ball joint pin. 1 . Removethe tool, then removethe nut from the end o f t h e b a l l j o i n tp i n ,a n d p u l l t h eb a l l j o i n to u t o f t h e steeringor suspensionarm. Inspectthe ball ioint boot, and replaceit if damaged.

FrontSuspension Knuckle/HubReplacement ExplodedView 7 HUBCAP Checktotdelormationanddamaqe. //


,-,----{g /Y /

NUT SPINDLE 24x 1.5mm 329N.m (33.5kgf.m.2,|2lbf.ft) Replace.

BEARING Replace.

Checklor deformation a n oo a m a g e ,

SCREW 5mm 4.9 N.m (0.5kgt.m, 3.6 tbf.ft)

Appy a small amount of engineoil to the seatingsurface.


12x 1.25mm 64N.m (6.5kgf.m,47 lbf.ftl


FLAT-HEADSCREW 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbt-ft)

Checklor deformation, damage,and cracks,




FrontSuspension Knuckle/HubReplacement(cont'd) SpecialTools Required . Ball joint remover,28 mm 07MAC-S100200 . Bearingdriver attachment,T2 x 75 mm 07746-0010600 . Driver,07749-0010000 . Support base,72 x 78/82.6mm 07965-SD90100 . Hub dis/assemblytool, 07GAF-SD40200 '1.

5. Removethe flange bolts (A) and wheel sensor(B) from the knuckle(C).Do not disconnectthe wheel sensorconnector. A 9.8Nm (1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbl.ttl

Raisethe front ofthe vehicle,and suppon itwith safetystandsin the proper locations ( s e ep a g e1 -1 3 ) .

2. Removethe wheel nuts (A) and the front wheel.



6. Removethe 6 mm brakedisc retainingscrews(A). A 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m, 7.2lbt.ttl

3. Removethe brakehose bracketmounting bolt (A). 9.8Nm

(r.0kgt.m, 7.2 tbt.ttl


r tl

1 . Screwtwo 8 x 1.25mm bolts (B)into the discto push it away from the hub. Turn each bolt two turns at a time to preventcockingthe disc excessively, ', '

108N m ksf.m, 111.0 79.6tbf.ft)

Removethe caliperbracketmounting bolts (B),and r e m o v et h e c a l i p e ra s s e m b l v( C ) f r o mt h e k n u c k l e . To preventdamageto the caliperassemblyor brakehose,use a shon pieceof wire to hang the caliperassemblyfrom the undercarriage.Do not twist the brakehose with force.


Removethe brakediscfrom the knuckle. 9 . Checkthe hub for damageand cracks.

10. Removethe cotter pin (A)from the tie-rod end ball joint, then removethe nut (B).

14. Removethe lock pin (A) from the upper arm ball ioint, and removethe castlenut (B).

B 12 x '1.25mm 54 N.m 15.5kgf m.,l0 lbf ft)


12x 1.25mm 49-59 N m 15,0-6.0kgf.m,36-4:t lbf.ft) Removethe upper arm ball joint from the knuckle usingthe specialtool (seepage 18-10).

1 1 .Removethe tie-rod ball joint from the knuckleusing t h e s p e c i a l t o o(l s e ep a g e1 8 - 1 0 ) . Removethe cotter pin (A)from the lower arm ball j o i n t ,a n d r e m o v et h e c a s t l en u t ( B ) .

1 6 . Removethe knuckle. 1 1 . Removethe hub cap (A).

/a t'.-





14 x 1.25mm 56-69 N.m (6.0-7.0 kgt.m.43-51 lbt.ftl

1 3 . R e m o v et h e l o w e ra r m b a l lj o i n tf r o m t h e k n u c k l e u s i n gt h e s p e c i atlo o l ( s e ep a g e1 8 - 1 0 ) .


Raisethe stake(B)of the spindle nut (C),and removethe nut and pulser (D).



FrontSuspension (cont'dl Knuckle/HubReplacement 1 9 . Separatethe hub (A)from the knuckle(B) using a hydraulicpress.Be carefulnot to deform the splash guard. Hold the hub to keep it from falling when presseocrear. ,




2 1 . P r e s st h e w h e e lb e a r i n g( A )o u t o f t h e k n u c k l e { B } u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o l a s n da p r e s s . piess 49-0010000




Removethe screws (A),snap ring (B),and the s p l a s hg u a r d( C ) f r o mt h e k n u c k l e( D ) .



Pressthe wheel bearinginner race (A) out of the h u b ( B )u s i n ga c o m m e r c i a l lay v a i l a b l eb e a r i n g separator{C)and a press.

23. W a s ht h e k n u c k l ea n d h u b t h o r o u g h l yi n h i g hf l a s h point solvent before reassembly. 24. Pressa new wheel bearing(A) into the knuckle(B) usingthe old bearing(C).a steelplate (D),the specialtool,and a press,Placethe wheel bearing on the knucklewith the packseal side {metalcolor) facing inside.Be careful not to damagethe sleeve o f t h e D a c ks e a l .

2 7 . Wash the spindlethoroughly in high flash point solvent before reassembly,

28. I n s t a l l t h eh u b ( A )o n t ot h e k n u c k l e{ B )u s i n gt h e specialtools and a hydraulicpress.Takecare not to deform the splashguard.


I 2 9 . I n s t a l l t h ep u l s e r( A ) . B

n-'.X./ \#

e\'/ 2 5 . I n s t a l l t h es n a pr i n g ( A )s e c u r e l yi n t h e k n u c k l e( B )


?"rlidi.-, 242tbl.ftl

30. A p p l ya s m a l la m o u n to f e n g i n eo i l t o t h e s e a t i n g D 4.9N.m 10.5 ksf.m.3.6lbfft) I n s t a l l t h es p l a s hg u a r d{ C ) ,a n dt i g h t e nt h e s c r e w s (D).

s u r f a c eo f a n e w s p i n d l en u t ( B ) .I n s t a l l t h en u t ,a n d tighten it to the specifiedtorque. Stakethe nut shoulderagainstthe driveshaftwith a drift. I n s t a l l t h eh u b c a p ( C ) .



FrontSuspension Knuckle/HubReplacement(cont'dl

BallJoint Boot Replacement

32. Installthe knucklein the reverseorder of removal,

Special Tools Required Balljoint boot clip guide, 07GAG-SD40700

paying particularattentionto the following items: . Be careful not to damagethe ball joint boot when installing the knuckle. . Use a new spindle nut and new self-lockingnuts on reassemoty. . Tightenall mounting hardwareto the specified torque values, . Tightenthe castlenut to the lower torque specification,then tighten only far enough to align the slot with the ball ioint pin hole. Do nol align by looseningthe castlenut. . Installa new cotter pin or lock pin on the castle nuts after torquing. . Beforeinstallingthe brakedisc,cleanthe mating surfaceof the hub and the insideof the brake disc. . Beforeinstallingthe wheel, cleanthe mating surfaceof the brakedisc and the insideof the wneet, . Checkthe wheel alignment,and adjustit if necessary(seepage 18-5).


Removethe boot clip and the boot.

2. Packthe interiorand lip of the new boot {A) with fresh grease.Do not contaminatethe lower collar of the boot (B)with grease. A

Wipe the greaseoff the taperedsectionof the pin (C),and packthe base (D)with fresh grease. I n s t a l l t h eb o o t o n t ot h e b a l lj o i n t p i n ,t h e ns q u e e z e it gently to force out any air. Do not let dirt or other toreign materialsget into the boot. Adjust the specialtool with the adjustingbolt (A) until its base is just abovethe groove aroundthe bottom of the boot.Then slidethe clip over the tool into the position(B)on the boot.

After installinga boot, wipe any greaseoffthe e x p o s e dp o r t i o no f t h e b a l l j o i n tp i n .


StabilizerBar Replacement 1 . Raisethe front of the vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper locations ( s e ep a g e1 - 1 3 )R . e m o v et h e f r o n tw h e e l .

2 . Removethe clips (A) and flange bolts (B),then removethe splashguard (C).

4. Removethe bolts (A) and bushingholders(B).then removethe bushings(C)and the stabilizerbar (D). A 1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 39 N.m (4.0kgf.m.

5 . lnstallthe stabilizerbar in the reverseorder of removal. 9.8N.m{1.0kqf.m,7.2lbtftl

NOTE:Referto StabilizerLink Replacementto connectthe stabilizerbar to the links.

Removethe self-lockingnuts {A) while holdingthe joint pins (B)with a hex wrench (C),and disconnect t h e s t a b i l i z el ri n k s( D ) f r o mt h e s t a b i l i z ebr a r ( E )o n the right and left.

A 10 x 1,25mm 38 N.m {3.9kgf.m. 28 tbf.ftl


FrontSuspension StabilizerLink Removal/lnstallation 1 . Raisethe front of the vehicle,and supportit with safetystandsin the proper locations (seepage 1-13).Removethe front wheel. Removesplashguard (seepage 18-17). Removethe self-lockingnut (A) and flange nut (B) while holdingthe respeclivejoint pins (C)with a hex wrench (D).and disconnectthe stabilizerlink ( E )f r o m t h e s t a b i l i z ebr a r ( F )a n d t h e l o w e ra r m ( G ) .

lnstallthe stabilizerlink to the stabilizerbar and lower arm with the joint pins set at the centerof their range of movement.


5. lnstallthe self-lockingnut and flange nut, and lightly tighten. 6, Placea jack underthe lower arm, and raisethe suspensionto load the stabilizer. 7. Tightenthe self-lockingnut (A) and tlange nut (B)to the specifiedtorque valueswhile holdingthe respectivejoint pins (C)with a hex wrench (D). A 10x 1.25mm 38N.m

mm 10x '1.25 29 N.m

8 . After 5 minuteso{ driving, re-tightenthe selflockingnut of the joint connectedto the stabilizer bar againto the specifiedtorque value.

Lower Arm Removal/lnstallation SpecialTools Required . Balljoint remover,28 mm 07MAC-S100200

4. Removethe cotter pin (A)from the lower arm ball ioint, and removethe castlenut (B).

1. Raisethe front of the vehicle,and supportit with safetystandsin the proper locaions{seepage 1-13). Removethe front wheel. 2. Removelhe flange nut (A) while holdingthe joint pin (B)with a hex wrench (C),and disconnectthe s t a b i l i z el ri n k( D ) f r o mt h e l o w e ra r m ( E ) . A 10x 1.25mm 29 N m (3.0kgf.m,22 lbf.ft)

5 . Removethe lower arm ball joint from the knuckle using the specialtool (seepage 18-10). 6 . Removethe self-lockingnut (A) and self-locking cam nut (B).then removethe cam plate {C). adjustingbolt (D),cam collar (E),flange bolt (F), and the lower arm. 12 x 1.25fim 78 N.m (8.0kgf.m,58lbf.ft)

3 . Removethe flange bolt (A),and disconnectthe d a m p e r( B )f r o m t h e l o w e ra r m ( C )

B 12 x'l.25 nm 78 N.m {8.0 kgf rn, 58 lbf.ft} 10 x 1.25mm 64Nm (6.5 kgf.m, 47 lbf.ft)



FrontSuspension Lower Arm Removal/lnstallation {cont'd)

UpperArm Replacement Special Tools Required . Ball joint remover,23mm 07MAC-S100200

7 . l n s t a l l t h el o w e ra r m i n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f removal paying particularattentionto the following items: . Be careful not to damagethe ball joint boot when connectingthe lower arm to the knuckle. . Use a new self-lockingcam nut and a new selflockingnut on reassembly. . Tightenall mounting hardwareto the specified toroue values. . Firstinstallall the componentsand lightly tighten bolts and nuts,then placea jack underthe lower arm, and raisethe suspensionto load the weight beforefully tighteningto the specifiedtorque values, . Tightenthe castlenut to the lower torque specification,then tighten only far enoughto align the slot with the ball joint pin hole. Do not align by looseningthe castlenut. .Install a new cotter pin on the castlenut after torquing. . Beforeinstallingthe wheel, cleanthe mating surfaceof the brakedisc and the insideof the wheel. . Checkthe wheel alignment,and adjust it if necessary{seepage l8-5).

1. Raisethe front of the vehicle,and supportit with safetystandsin the proper locations (seepage 1-13),Removethe front wheel. 2. Removethe flange bolts (A) andthewheel sensor h a r n e s s( B ) f r o mt h e u p p e ra r m ( C ) .

A 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2 lbl ft)


Remove the lock pin (A) from the upper arm ball j o i n t , a n d r e m o v e t h e c a s t l en u t { B l . 07MAC-S100200

12 x 1.25mm 49-59 N.m

{5.0-6.0ksf.m,36-43lbt ftl

4 . Removethe upper arm ball joint from the knuckle u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o(l s e ep a g e 1 8 - 1 0 ) .


5. Removethe flange bolts {A).and the upper arm.

1 2x 1 . 2 5m m 103N.m(10,5kgt.m,75.9lbt.ftl I n s t a l l t h eu p p e ra r m i n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f removal paying particularattentionto the following items: Be careful not to damagethe ball joint boot when connectingthe upper arm to the knuckle. Tightenall mounting hardwareto the specified t o r q u ev a l u e s , Firstinstallallthe susDensioncomoonentsand lightlytighten bolts and a nut, then placea jack underthe lower arm, and raisethe suspensionto load the weight beforefully tighteningto the sDecifiedtoroue values. Tightenthe castlenut to the lower torque specification,then tighten only far enoughto a l i g nt h e s l o tw i t h t h e b a l lj o i n t p i n h o l e .D o n o t align by looseningthe castlenut. lnstalla new lock Dinon the castlenut after torquing. Beforeinstallingthe wheel, cleanthe mating s u r f a c eo f t h e b r a k ed i s ca n dt h e i n s i d eo f t h e wheel. C h e c kt h e w h e e la l i g n m e n ta, n d a d j u s ti t i f necessary(seepage 18-5).


FrontSuspension Damper/Spring Replacement ExplodedView


SELF.LOCKING NUT 10x 1.25mm 29N.m(3.0kgf.m,22lbf.ftl Beplace. coLLAR DAMPERMOUNTING



SPRING MOUNTING CUSHION Checkfor deteriorationand damage.



_.-ousr covERSLEEVE

for oenorng unecK Checkror bendingano and oamage' damage.


-,or.r aou.,."o

V .,r-

f= 5r'-

Checkfor deformationand damage.


\auupstop Checkfor weaknessand damage.

LOWER SPRING MOUNTING CUSHION Checkfor deterioration anddamage.


Special Tools Required Strut spring compressor,BranickMST-580Aor Model 7200,or equivalent.commerciallyavailable.

5. Removethe flange nuts (A)trom the top of the oamper.

Removal 1. Raisethe front of the vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper locations (seepage 1-13).Removethe front wheel. 2 . R e m o v et h e f l a n g eb o l t ( A )a n d b r a k e h o s e mounting bracket(B)from the damper.

Removethe flange bolt (A) at the bottom of the oamper.

Removethe cotter pin (A) from the lower arm ball joint, and removethe castlenut (B)


,--6. A


4 . Removethe lower arm ball joint from the knuckle u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o(l s e ep a g e1 8 - 1 0 ) .



FrontSuspension Damper/SpringReplacement(cont'd) 1 . Lower the lower arm, and removethe damper assembly(A).

Disassembly/lnspection 1. Compressthe damper springwith the commerciallyavailablestrut spring compressor{A) accordingto the manufacturer'sinstructions,then removethe self-lockingnut {B).Do not compress the spring more than necessaryto removethe nut.

2 . Releasethe pressurefrom the strut sprlng compressor,then disassemblethe damper as shown in the ExplodedView. 3 . Reassembleall of the parts,exceptthe spring. 4. Compressthe damper assemblyby hand,and

checkfor smooth operationthrough a full stroke. both compressionand extension.The damper should extendsmoothly and constantlywhen compressionis released.lf it does not, the gas is leakingand the damper should be replaced 5 . C h e c kf o r o i l l e a k s , a b n o r m anlo i s e so, r b i n d i n g during thesetests.





Compressthe damper spring with the spring compressor.

1. Assembleall of the damper componentsexceptthe self-lockingnut onto the damper unit. Align the spring bottom end (A),the steppedpan of the lower spring mountingcushion,and the step on the lower spring seat (B).

Installa new self-lockingnut (A) on the damper shaft.


1i . ,

lr'-- -r -

\ -'r> \







1 0 x ' 1 , 2 5m m






{3.0kst.m,22lbf.ftl Hold the damper shaftwith a hex wrench {B).and tighten the self-lockingnut to the specifiedtorque.

Installthe damper assemblyon a commercially availablestrut spring compressor(C).

3 . Positionthe damper mounting baseas shown. VIEWINGFROMTOP


,11t 3'

4 11 3 '



FrontSuspension Damper/SpringReplacement(cont'dl lnstallation 1. Lower the lower arm, and positionthe damper assembly{A) in the body.

3. Positionthe damper bottom on the lower arm (A), and connectthe lower arm and the lower ball ioint {B). t ; -\1,

1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 64Nm (6.5kgl.m,47 lbf.ftl

4 . Installthe flange bolt (C),and lightly tighten. 5 . Raisethe suspensionuntil the vehiclejust lifts off the safetystand.

2 . Looselyinstallthe flange nuts (A) onto the damper studs.

Installthe castlenut (A) onto the lower ball joint pin, and tighten it to the specifiedtorque.

A 10x 1.25mm 49N.m (5.0kgt.m,36lbt.ft)


14 x 1.25mm 59-69 N.m (6.0-7.0 kgt.m, il3-51 lbf.ftl

7 . I n s t a l l t h ec o f t e rp i n ( B ) . T i g h t e nt h e f l a n g eb o l tc o n n e c t i n tgh e d a m p e r bottom to the lower arm to the specifiedtorque.


9. Tightenthe flange nuts on the top of the damper to the soecifiedtoroue. 10. Installthe brakehose mounting bracket(A) and the flange bolt (B)to the damper,and tighten the bolt to the specifiedtorque. E x 1 . 2 5m m 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m,16lbf.ftl r(


RearSuspension Knuckle/HubReplacement ExplodedView KNUCKLE WHEELBEARING Replace. SNAP RING SPLASHGUARD Checkfor delormationand damage.



SCREW 5mm 4.9Nm l0.s kgf.m,3.6lbf.ft)

iAri LOWERARM BALL JOINT 12 x 1,25mm 64 N.m (6.5 kgf.m,47 lbf.ft)






FLAT-HEADSCREW 6 x '1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgt.m,7.2lbf.ft|

Checkfor de{ormation, damage,and cracks. 245 N.m (25.0kgt m. 181 lbf.ftl Replace.

BRAKEDISC A p p y a s m a l la m o u n to { e n g i n eo i l to the seatingsurface.


Special Tools Required . Hub dis/assemblytool attachment,42 mm 07GAF-SD40100 . Balljoint remover,28 mm 07MAC-S100200 . Bearingdriver attachment,62x 68 mm 07746-0010500 . Driver,07749-0010000 . Supportbase,72x 78182.6mm 07965-5D90100 . Attachment,52 x 55 mm 07746-0010400

4 . R e m o v et h e f l a n g eb o l t ( A )a n d w h e e ls e n s o r ( B ) from the knuckle.Do not disconnectthe wheel sensorconneclor. A 6x1.0mm 9.8N m {1.0kgf m.7.2lbf.ft)

1 . Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper locations ( s e ep a g e1 - 1 3 ) .

2 . Removethe wheel nuts (A) and rear wneer. A 108N.m {11.0kgf.m, 79.6 tbf.ftl



5 . R a i s et h e s t a k e( A )o f t h e s p i n d l e n u t ( B ) . a n d removethe nut.

A 24x 1.5mm 245N.m (25.0kgf.m,181lbf.ft) 3. Removethe caliperbracketmounting bolts (A).and removethe caliperassembly(B)from the knuckle. To preventdamageto the caliperassemblyor brakehose,use a short pieceof wire to hang the caliperassemblyfrom the undercarriage.Do not twist the brakehose with force. 10 x 1.25mm 55 N.m {5.6 kgf.m, il1 lbf ft)




RearSuspension Knuckle/HubRePlacement(cont'dl Removethe 6 mm brakedisc retalningflat-head screws(A).

1 1 . R e m o v et h e l o c kp i n ( A ) f r o mt h e c o n t r o la r m b a l l ioint, and removethe castlenut (B) B 12x 1.25mm 49-59 N.m

(5.0-6.0 kgf m,36-43 lbf ftl

,4$:.' I






l'1.0kgf m, 7 2 lbf ft) 7 . S c r e wt l v o 8 x 1 . 2 5m m b o l t s( B )i n t o t h e d i s c t o push lt away from the hub Tu rn each bolt tlvo turns at a time to preventcockingthe disc excessively

07MAC-S100200 1 2 . R e m o v et h e c o n t r o la r m b a l l j o i n tf r o m t he k n u c k l e u s i n gt h e s p e c i atlo o l ( s e ep a g e1 8 - 1 0 ) NOTE:Turn the control arm (C)outwardto install t h e b a l lj o i n t r e m o v e r '

8. Removethe brakedisc from the knuckle L Checkthe hub for damageand cracks. 10. Removethe self-lockingnut (A),cam plate (B),and adjustingbolt (C),then disconnectthe control arm (D)from the frame

13. Removethe control arm. 1 4 . R e m o v et h e c o t t e rp i n ( A ) f r o mt h e l o w e ra r m b a l l joint, and removethe castlenut (B). 07MAC-S100200

' . : ..y,.

'12x 1.25mm 54 N.m (5.5kgt.m,40 lbf ft)

1 2 x 1 . 2 5m m 68-78 N.m (7.0-8.0 kgf m, 51-58 lbf.ftl



R e m o v et h e l o w e ra r m b a l lj o i n tf r o m t h e k n u c k l e u s i n gt h e s p e c i atlo o l ( s e ep a g e1 8 - 1 0 1


Removethe lock pin (A) from the upper arm ball joint, and removethe castlenut (B).

19. Separatethe hub (A)from the knuckle(B) using the specialtool and a hydraulicpress.Be carefulnotto deform the splashguard. Hold the hub to keep it from falling when pressedclear.

r,...'\ -.._..,,:.

.;z +':. B 1 2 x ' 1 , 2 5m r n 49-59 N.m {5.0-6.0 kgf.m,36-iB lbt ft}

1 7 . Removethe upper arm ball joint from the knuckle u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o(l s e ep a S e' 1 8 - 1 0 ) .

20. Removethe screws(A),snap ring (B),and the s p l a s hg u a r d( C )f r o m t h e k n u c k l e( D ) .

1 8 . Removethe driveshaftoutboardjoint {A) from the knuckleby tapping the driveshaftend with a plastic h a m m e r( B )w h i l e p u l l i n gt h e k n u c k l e( C )o u t w a r d .




';l '.)



RearSuspension Knuckle/HubReplacement(cont'dl 2 1 . Pressthe wheel bearing(A) out of the knuckle(B) s n da p r e s s , u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o l a Pross 07746-0010,100





23. Wash the knuckleand hub thoroughly in high flash point solvent before reassembly. 2 4 . P r e s sa n e w w h e e lb e a r i n g( A )i n t o t h e k n u c k l e ( B ) u s i n gt h e o l d b e a r i n g( C ) ,a s t e e lp l a t e( D ) .t h e specialtool, and a press.Placethe wheel bearing on the knucklewith the packseal side (metalcolor) facing inside.Be carefulnot to damagethe sleeve of the packseal. BLACKCOLOR



:-.L|-='.u ' F : _


t ' r


2 2 . Pressthe wheel bearinginner race(A) out of the h u b ( B )u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o la, c o m m e r c i a l l y availablebearingseparator{C),and a press.




25. I n s t a l l t h es n a pr i n g ( A )s e c u r e l yi n t h e k n u c k l e( B ) . D 5x1.0mm 4.9 N.m (0.5kgf.m,3.6 lbf ft)






I n s t a l l t h es p l a s hg u a r d{ C ) ,a n d t i g h t e nt h e s c r e w s (D).


BallJoint Boot Replacement 2 7 . I n s t a l l t h eh u b { A )o n t ot h e k n u c k l e( B )u s i n g t h e specialtoolsand a hydraulicpress.Be carefulnot to deform the splashguard. Press 077,19-0010000

28. Installthe knucklein the reverseorder of removal paying particularattentionto the following items: . B ec a r e f u n l o t t o d a m a g et h e b a l lj o i n t b o o t w h e n installingthe knuckle. . Use a new spindle nut on reassembly. . Beforeinstallingthe new spindlenut, apply a small amount o{ engine oil to the seating sur{ace of the nut. After tightening,use a drift to stakethe spindlenut shoulderagainstthe driveshaft. . Tightenall mountjng hardwareto the specified torque values. . Tightenthe castlenut to the lower torque specification,then tighten only far enoughto a l i g nt h e s l o tw i t h t h e b a l lj o i n t p i n o r c l i p h o l e . Do not align by looseningthe castlenut. . I n s t a l l a n e w c o t t e rp i n o r I o c kp i n o n t h e c a s t l e nut after torquing. . Beforeinstallingthe brakedisc,cleanthe mating surfaceof the hub and the insideof the brake disc. . Beforeinstallingthe wheel, cleanthe mating surfaceof the brakedisc and the insideof the wneet. . Checkthe wheel alignment,and adjust it if necessary(seepage 18-5).

Special Tools Required Balljoint boot clip guide, 07cAG-SD40700 1. Removethe boot clip and the boot. 2. Packthe interiorand lip of the new boot (A)with fresh grease.Do not contaminatethe lower collar of the boot (B)with grease.

Wipe the greaseoff the taperedsectionof the pin (C),and packthe base (D)with fresh grease. 4 . Installthe boot onto the ball joint pin, then squeeze it gently to force out any air. Do not let dirt or other foreign materialsget into the boot. For the upper and lower arm ball joint, adjustthe specialtoolwith the adjustingbolt (A) until its base is just abovethe groove aroundthe bottom of the boot. Then slide the clip over the tool into the position(B) on the boot.

For the control arm ball joint, set the boot on the joint pin, and press it with the specialtool until there is no gap at the bottom of the boot (A).

7 . After installinga boot,wipe any greaseoffthe exposedportion of the ball joint pin.


RearSuspension StabilizerBar Replacement ' 1 .Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and suppon it with safetystandsin the proper locations . e m o v et h e r e a rw h e e l { s e ep a g e1 - 1 3 }R Removethe self-lockingnuts (A)while holdingthe joint pins (B)with a hex wrench (C).and disconnect the stabilizerlinks (D)from the stabilizerbar {E)on the right and left.

StabilizerLink Removal/lnstallation 1 . Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and supportit with safetystandsin the proper locations ( s e ep a g e1 - 1 3 )R . e m o v et h e r e a rw h e e l . Removethe self-lockingnut (A) and flange nut (B) while holdingthe respectivejoint pins (C)with a hex wrench (D),and disconnectthe stabilizerlink (E)from the stabilizerbar (F)and the lower arm (G).

A 10x 1,25mm 43 N.m (i1.4kgf.m,32 lbf.ftl

Removethe bolts (A) and bushingholders(B),then removethe bushings(C)and the stabilizerbar (D)

lnstallthe stabilizerbar in the reverseorder of removal. NOTE:Referto StabilizerLink Replacementto connectthe stabilizerbar to the links.


lnstallthe stabilizerlink to the stabilizerbar and Iower arm with the joint pins set at the centerof t n e r rr a n g e .

Lower Arm Removal/lnstallation 4. Installthe self-lockingnut and flange nut. and lightlytighten. 5. Placea jack under the lower arm, and raisethe suspensionto load the stabilizerbar. 6. Tightenthe self-lockingnut 1A)and flange nut (B)to the specifiedtorque valueswhile holdingthe respectivejoint pins (C)with a hex wrench (D).

Special Tools Required . Balljoint remover.28 mm 07MAC-SL00200 1. Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and supportit with safetystandsin the proper locations ( s e ep a g e1 - 1 3 )R . e m o v e t h er e a r w h e e l . 2. Removethe flange nut (A)while holdingthe joint pin (B)with a hex wrench (C).and disconnectthe stabilizerlink (D)from the lower arm (E).

'r-l 1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 29 N m (3.0kgf.m,22lbf.ft) 7. After 5 minutesof driving. re-tightenthe selflockingnut of the joint connectedto the stabilizer bar againlo the specifiedtorque value.

A 10 x 1.25mm 29 N.m (3.0kgf.m,22lbf.ft) Remove the flange bolt (A), and disconnect the

damper(B)fromthe lowerarm (C).



RearSuspension Lower Arm Removal/lnstallation(cont'd) 4 . Removethe cotter pin (A)from the lower arm ball joint, and removethe castlenut (B). / 07MAC-S100200

\ r-----'------

| ._ .,,

9-*-----. 12 x 1.25mm 69-78 N.m

{?.0-8.0kgl.m, 51-58 tbf.ft)

Removethe lower arm ball joint from the knuckle u s i n gt h e s p e c i a l t o o(l s e ep a g e1 8 - 1 0 ) . Removethe flange bolt (A),self-lockingnut (B), cam plate {C).adjustingbolt (D).and the lower arm ( E) . A 12 x 1.25mm 123N.m (12.5 kgf.m. 90.4 lbf.ft)

B 12x 1.25mm 1il N.m



lnstallthe lower arm in the reverseorder of removal paying panicularattentionto the following trems: . Be carefulnot to damagethe ball jointbootwhen connectingthe lower arm to the knuckle. . Use a new self-lockingnut on reassembly. . Tightenall mounting hardwareto the specified torque values, . First installall the componentsand lightlytighten bolts and nuts,then placea jack under the lower arm, and raisethe suspensionto loadthe weight beforefully tighteningto the specifiedtorque values. . Tightenthe castlenut to the lower torque specification,then tighten only far enoughto align the slot with the ball joint pin hole. Do not a l i g nb y l o o s e n i n gt h e c a s t l en u t . . Installa new cotter pin on the castlenut after torqurng. . Beforeinstallingthe wheel,cleanthe mating surfaceofthe brakedisc and the insideofthe wneet. . Checkthe wheel alignment,and adjustit if necessary(seepage 18'5).

UpperArm Removal/lnstallation Special Tools Required . Balljoint remover.28 mm 07MAC-S100200

5. Removethe flange bolts (A),and the upper arm.

1. Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and supportit with safetystandsin the proper locations ( s e ep a g e1 - 1 3 )R . e m o v et h e r e a rw h e e l . 2. Removethe flange bolts (A) and the wheel sensor h a r n e s s( B ) f r o mt h e u p p e ra r m ( C ) .

12 x 1.25mm 132N.m {13.5kgf.m,97.6lbf.ftl

6 . Inslalltheupperarm in the reverseorderof removalpayingparticular attentionto thefollowing items; A 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf m.7.2lbf.ft)

3 . Remove the

lock pin {A) from the upper arm ball joint, and remove the castle nut (Bl. 07MAC-S100200

. Be carefulnot to damagethe ball joint boot when connecting t h e u p p e ra r m t o t h e k n u c k l e . . Tightenall mounting hardwareto the specified toroue values, . Firstinstallallthe suspensioncomponentsand lightly tighten bolts and a nut, then placea jack under the lower arm, and raisethe suspensionto load the weight beforefully tighteningto the sDecifiedtoroue values. . Tightenthe castlenut to the lower torque specification,then tighten only far enoughto align the slot with the ball joint pin hole, Do not align by looseningthe castlenut. .lnstall a new lock pln on the castlenut after rorqurng. . Beforeinstallingthe wheel, cleanthe mating surfaceof the brakedisc and the insideof the wneel. . Checkthewheel alignment,and adjust it if necessary(seepage 18-5).

1 2 x 1 . 2 5m m 49-59 N.m {5.0-6.0 kgt m, 36-4:l lbl ft} 4 . R e m o v et h e u p p e ra r m b a l lj o i n tf r o m t h e k n u c k l e

u s i n gt h e s p e c i atlo o l ( s e ep a g e1 8 - 1 0 ) .


RearSuspension ControlArm Replacement Special Tools Required . Balljoint remover,28 mm 07MAC-S100200 1. Raisethe rear of the vehicle.and supportit with safetystandsin the proper locations . e m o v et h e r e a rw h e e l . { s e ep a g e1 - 1 3 )R 2. Removethe self-lockingnut (A),cam plate (B),and adjustingbolt (C),then disconnectthe conlrol arm (D)from the frame.

'12x 1.25mm 54N.m{5.5kgf.m,40lbf.ft) Removethe lock pin (A)from the conlrol arm ball joint. and removethe castlenut (B)

07MAC-S100200 4 . Removethe control arm ball joint from the knuckle

u s l n gt h e s p e c i atl o o l ( s e ep a g e1 8 - 1 0 ) . NOTE:Turnthe control arm (C)outward to install t h e b a l l j o i n tr e m o v e r . 5 . Removethe control arm.


6. Installthecontrol arm in the reverseorder of removal paying particularattentionto the following rrems: . Be careful not to damagethe ball jointbootwhen connectingthe control arm to the knuckle. . Use a new self-lockingnut on reassembly. . Tightenall mounting hardwareto the specified torque values. . F i r s ti n s t a l a l l l t h e s u s p e n s i o cno m p o n e n t sa n d lightly tighten a bolt and nuts,then placea jack under the lower arm, and raisethe suspensionto load the weight beforefully tighteningto the specifiedtorque values. . Tightenthe castlenut to the lower torque specification.then tighten it only far enoughto align the slot with the ball joint pin hole. Do not align by looseningthe castlenut. .Install a new lock pin on the castlenut after torquing. . Beforeinstallingthe wheel, cleanthe mating surfaceof the brakedisc and the insideof the wneet. . Checkthe wheel alignment,and adjust it if necessary(seepage 18-5).

Damper/SpringReplacement ExplodedView SELF.LOCKINGNUI 1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 49 N.m 15.0kgf m,36 lbf.ftl Replace.

H'*,' 16) \-,2

RUBBER MOUNTING BUSHING Checkfor deterioration anddamage.





COVERPLATE .,,/"DUSf /,i-:\



/DUST COVER SLEEVE Checkfor bendinganddamage. l )'


-/DUST COVEREND Checkfor deformationand damaqe.


\gUr'lpSrOp Checkfor weaknessand damage.

LOWERSPRINGMOUNTING CUSHION Checkfor deteriorationand damage.



RearSuspension Damper/SpringReplacement(cont'dl SpecialToolsRequired Strut spring compressor,BranickMST-580Aor Model 7200,or equivalent.commerciallyavailable

Removal 1. Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper Iocations (seepage 1-13).Removethe rear wheel.

2 . Removethe sparetire from the trunk. Removethe flange nuts {A) from the top of the oamper.

4. Removethe flange bolt (A) at the bottom of the damper.


5. Lowerthe lower arm, and removethe damper assembly(A).

Disassembly/lnspection 1, Compressthe damper spring with the commerciallyavailablestrut spring compressor{A) accordingto the manufacturer'sinstructions,then removethe self-lockingnut (B).Do not compress the spring more than necessaryto removethe nut.

Reassembly 1. Assembleall of the damper componentsexceptthe self'lockingnut onto the damper unit. Align the spring bottom end (A),the steppedpart of the l o w e rs p r i n gm o u n t i n gc u s h i o n a, n d t h e s t e po n t h e lower spring seat (B).

Releasethe pressurefrom the strut spring compressor,then disassemblethe damper as shown in the ExplodedView.

I n s t a l l t hdea m p ear s s e m b loyn a c o m m e r c i a l l y (C). available strutspringcompressor

Reassembleall of the parts,exceptthe spring.

Position the dampermountingbaseas shown.

Compressthe damper assemblyby hand,and checkfor smooth operationthrough a full stroke, both compressionand extension.The damper should extendsmoothly and constantlywhen compressionis released.lf it does not, the gas is l e a k i n ga n dt h e d a m p e rs h o u l db e r e p l a c e d .



C h e c kf o r o i l l e a k sa, b n o r m a n l o i s e s o, r b i n d i n g du ring thesetests.

25'30' a 3'

25'30' a 3"

4. Compressthe damper spring with the spring




Rear Suspensiton Damper/SpringReplacement(cont'd) nut (A)on the damper 5. lnstalla newself-locking shaft.

lnstallation 1. Lower the lower arm. and positionthe damper assembly(A) in the body.

A 10 x 1.25mm 29 N.m (3.0kgl.m,22 lbl.ftl


Holdthe damoershaftwith a hexwrench(B),and torque. nutto the specified tightenthe self-locking

2 . L o o s e l yi n s t a l l t h ef l a n g en u t s( A )o n t o t h e d a m p e r studs, 1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 49 N.m (5.0kgf.m, 36 tbf.ftl


3. Positionthe bottom ofthe damper on the lower arm (A).

Installthe flange bolt (B),and lightly tighten. Raisethe suspensionuntil the vehiclejust lifts off the safetystand. Tightenthe flange bolt (B)to the specifiedtorque. 1 . Tightenthe flange nuts on the top of the damperto the specifiedtorque.


Brakes ConventionalBrakeComponents ............. 19-2 SoecialTools 1 I n d e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9. .-.3. . . . . . . . . L o c a t i o n Comoonent 19-4 andTests ............................ BrakeSystemInspection BrakePedaland BrakePedalPosition ........19-6 SwitchAdiustment................... ParkingBrakeCheckand 19-7 .,............ Adjustment ...................... 19-8 BrakeSystemBleeding BrakeSvstemIndicatorCircuit -. .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 9. .1 Diagram 19-11 ................. ParkingBrakeSwitchTest 19-11 BrakeFluidLevelSwitchTest ...................................... Brake Pads lnspection/ Front 19-12 ........... ReDlacement ............... 19-14 FrontBrakeDiscInspection FronB t r a k eC a l i p eOr v e r h a u.l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.9. .-.1. .5. . . . . . Booster MasterCylinder/Brake ........... 19-16 Reolacement 19-17 ................ MasterCylinderlnspection Pushrod Clearance MasterCylinder .............. 19-17 Adjustment .......... 19-19 BrakeBoosterTest................... RearBrakePadsInspection/ ........... 19-20 Replacement 19-22 ................ RearBrakeDiscInspection .................... 19-23 RearBrakeCaliperRemoval/lnstallation '19-24 ....................................... RearBrakeCalioerOverhaul .... 19-26 BrakeHosesand Lineslnsoection 19-27 ................... BrakeHoseReplacement .............................. 19-28 ParkingBrakeCableReplacement

ABS (Anti-lockBrakeSysteml Components

... 19-31

BrakeComponents Conventional SpecialTools Rel.No.


Tool Number 07JAG-SD40100


PushrodAdiustment Gauqe

Otv 1

ComponentLocationIndex INDICATOR BrakeSystemIndicatorCircuit D i a g r a mp, a g el 9 - 1 0 ParkingBrakeSwitch Test,page 19-11 BrakeFluid LevelSwitch Test,page 19-11

BRAKEPEDAL ErakePedaland BrakePedalPosition SwitchAdjustment,page 19-6

FRONTBRAKES FrontBrakePads,Inspection/ page 19-12 Replacement, FrontBrakeDisc I n s p e c t i o np ,a g e1 9 - 1 4 FrontBrakeCaliper O v e r h a u lp, a g e1 9 ' 1 5 MASTERCYLINDER BrakeSystemBleeding,page 19-8 MasterCylinder R e p l a c e m e npt a, g el 9 - 1 6 MasterCylinder Inspection,page 19-17 MasterCVlinderPushrod ClearanceAdjustment,page 19-17

REARBRAKES RearBrakePadsInspectaon/ page l9'20 Replacement, RearBrakeDisc lnspection,page 19-22 RearBrakeCaliper paqe 19-23 Removal/lnstallation, RearBrakeCaliper Overhaul,page 19-24 BBAKEHOSES/LINES BrakeHosesand Lines lnsoection.oaqe 19-26 Braie HosesBdplacement,page'19-27 PARKINGBRAKECABLE ParkingBrakeCheckand Adjustment,page 19-7 ParkingBrakeCable page 19'28 Replacement, BRAKEBOOSTER BrakeBooster page 19''16 Replacement, '19'19 BrakeBoosterTest,page


Gonventional BrakeComponents BrakeSystemInspectionand Tests

M a s t e rC y l i n d e r

Lookfor damageor signs of fluid leakageat: . Reservoiror reservoirgrommets . L i n ej o i n t s Betweenmastercvlinder and booster L o o kf o r d a m a g eo r s i g n so f f l u i d l e a k a g ea t : . Line joints and banjo bolt connections . H o s e sa n d l i n e s ,a l s oi n s p e c t f o r t w i s t i n og r

Bulgingsealat reservoir cap,Thisis a s i g no f f l u i dc o n t a m i n a t i o n .

Lookfor damageor signs of fluid leakageat: . Pistonseal . Banjo bolt connections

S e i z e do r s t i c k i n gc a l i p e rp i n s .

Bulging,twisted,or bent lines.

Look for damageor signs of fluid leakageat: . Line joints

BrakeSystemTest Brake pedal sinks/fades when braking 1. Start the engine,and let it warm up to operatingtemperature. 2. Attach a 2-inchpieceof maskingtape along the bottom ofthe steeringwheel, and draw a horizontalreference marKacrosstI. 3. With the transmissionin Neutral,pressand hold the brakepedal lightly (aboutthe same pressure neededto keep an A,/T-equipped car from creeping),then releasethe parking brake. 4 . W h i l es t i l lh o l d i n gt h e b r a k ep e d a l ,h o o kt h e e n d o f t h e t a p e m e a s u r eb e h i n di t .T h e n p u l lt h e t a p eu p t o t h e

steeringwheel, noting where the tape measurelines up with the referencemark you made on the maskingtape. 5 , Apply steadypressureto the brakepedalfor 3 minutes. 6 . Watch the tape measure. . if it moves lessthan 10 mm, the mastercvlinder is OK. . if it moves more than 10 mm replacethe mastercylinder.


Rapid brake pad wear, Vehicle vibration (after a long drive),or High,hard brake pedal 1 . D r i v et h e v e h i c l eu n t i l t h eb r a k e sd r a g o r u n t i l t h e p e d a li s h i g h a n d h a r d .T h i sc a nt a k e2 0 o r m o r e brakepedal applicationsduring an extendedtest drive. 2 . W i t h t h e e n g i n er u n n i n g ,r a i s et h e v e h i c l eo n a l i f t , a n d s p i n a l l f o u r w h e e l sb y h a n d .

Loosenthe hydrauliclinesat the mastercylinder, then spin the wheelsto checkfor brakedrag. ls there brake dtag at any of the wheels? YES- Go to step 6. NO - Replacethe mastercylinder.l Loosenthe bleederscrewsat each caliper,then spin the wheels to checkfor brakedrag.

ls there brake drag at any of the wheels? ls there brake drag at any of the wheels? YES Go to step 3. NO- Look for other causesof the pad wear, high pedalo , r v e h i c l ev i b r a t i o n . l 3. Turn the ignition switchto lock (O),pump the brake pedalto depletethe vacuum in the brakeboosler, and then spin the wheels againto checkfor brake drag.

Y E S D i s a s s e m b laen d r e p a i rt h e c a l i p e ro n t h e wheel(s)with brakedrag.l NO Lookfor and replaceany damagedbrakelines. lf all brakelines are OK. replacethe ABS modulator.l

ls thete brake drag at any of the wheels? YES Go to step 4. NO-Replace the brakebooster.l 4. Without removingthe brakelines,unbolt and separatethe mastercylinderfrom the booster,then spin the wheelsto checkfor brakedrag. ls there brake drag at any of the wheels? YES-GotostepS. NO Checkthe brakepedal positionswitch adjustmentand pedalfree play.l


BrakeComponents Gonventional BrakePedaland BrakePedalPositionSwitch Adiustment PedalHeight ' t . Disconnectthe brakeDedalDositionswitch connector,loosenthe brakepedal positionswitch locknut(A),and back off the brakepedal position switch {B) until it is no longertouchingthe brake pedal.

3. Loosenthe pushrodlocknut{A),and screwthe pushrodin or out with pliers until the standard pedal heightfrom the floor is reached.After adjustment,tighten the locknutfirmly. Do not adjustthe pedal heightwith the pushrodpushedin.

Lift up the carpetand the insulatorcutout (C). Measurethe pedal height (D)from the middle of the right side cenerof the pedal pad {E). Standard Pedal Height (with carpet removed):179 mm (7 1/16 in.l


4 . Screw in the brakeDedalDositionswitch until its plungeris fully pushedin (threadedend (A) touchingthe pad (B)on the pedal arm).Then back off the switch 1/4turn to make 0.3 mm (0.01in.) of clearancebetweenthe threadedend and the Dad. Tightenthe locknutfirmly. NOTE:The brakeswill drag if there is no clearance. Connectthe brakeDedaloositionswitch connector. Make sure that the brakelightsgo off when the oedal is released.



'-.-, tt'tll-

p;,',' .

"' '--




0.3 mm (0.01in.)

5. Checkthe brakepedalfree play.


ParkingBrakeCheckand Adiustment PedalFreePlay 1. With the engine stopped,inspectthepedalfree p l a y( A )o n t h e p e d a lp a d ( B )b y p u s h i n gt h e p e d a l by hand.

Check 1 . P u l l t h ep a r k i n gb r a k el e v e r( A ) w i t h 1 9 6N ( 2 0k g f , 44 lbf) force to fully apply the parkingbrake.The parkingbrakelever should be lockedwithin the specifiedclicks{B).

F r e eP l a y :1 5 m m ( 1 / 1 6 3 / 1 6 i n . l Lever Locked Clicks: 9


P!lled up with 1gON {20 kgf,44lbfj

2. Adjustthe parkingbrakeif the lever clicksare out of specification.

Adjustment lf the pedalfree play is out of specification,adjust the brakepedal positionswitch (C).lf the pedalfree play is insufficient,it may result in brakedrag.

NOTE:After rear brakecaliperservicing,removethe c e n t e rc o n s o l e l,o o s e nt h e p a r k i n gb r a k ea d j u s t i n gn u t , startthe engine.and pressthe brakepedalseveral times to setthe self-adjustingbrakebeforeadjusting t h e p a r k i n gb r a k e . 1 . B l o c kt h e f r o n t w h e e l s t. h e n r a i s et h e r e a ro f t h e vehicle,and supportit with safetystandsin the p r o p e rl o c a t i o n s( s e ep a g e1 - 1 3 ) . 2 . M a k es u r et h e p a r k i n gb r a k ea r m i A ) o n t h e r e a r b r a k ec a l i p e rc o n t a c t st h e b r a k ec a l i p e rp i n ( B ) .



BrakeComponents Conventional ParkingBrakeGheckand Adjustment (cont'd) 5.

P u l l t h ep a r k i n gb r a k el e v e ru p o n e c l i c k . Removethe centerconsole(seepage 20-76). Tightenthe adjustingnut (A) untilthe parking brakesdrag slightlywhen the rearwheels are turned.

BrakeSystemBleeding NOTE: . D o n o t r e u s et h e d r a i n e df l u i d . . Always use Honda DOT3 BrakeFluid. . Make sure no din or other foreign matter is allowed to contaminatethe brakefluid. . Do not spill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damage the paint; if brakefluid does contactthe paint,wash it off immediatelywith water. . The reservoiron the mastercylinder must be at the MAX (upper)level mark at the start of the bleeding procedureand checkedafter bleedingeach brake ca\iDer.Add tluid as reouired. 1 . M a k e s u r e t h eb r a k e f l u i dl e v e li n t h e r e s e r v o iirs a t t h e M A X ( u p p e r )l e v e ll i n e( A ) .

6. Releasethe parkingbrakelever fully, and check that the parkingbrakesdo not drag when the rear wheels are turned. Readjustif necessary. 7 . M a k es u r et h e p a r k i n gb r a k e sa r e f u l l y a p p l i e d when the parkingbrakelever is pulled up fully. 8. Reinstallthe centerconsole.


2. Havesomeoneslowly pump the brakepedal severaltimes,then apply steadypressure.

Bleed Screw Locations FRONT:

Startingat the left-front,loosenthe brakebleed screwto allow air to escapefrom the system.Then tightenthe bleed screw securely. Repeatthe procedurefor eachwheel in the sequenceshown below until air bubblesno longer

appear in thefluid. 5. Refillthe mastercylinder reservoirto the MAX ( u p p e r l)e v e ll i n e . BLEEDING SEOUENCE:

, Front Right

0 RearRight


O FrontLeft

O RearLelt

Pressure Bleeding Installtheappropriatepower probe pressurebleeder adapteronto the mastercylinder. Use the bleedingsequenceabove,and follow the bleedinginstructionsthat come with your pressure bleeder.


BrakeComponents Conventional BrakeSystemIndicatorCircuitDiagram






I -: G30t


ParkingBrakeSwitch Test 1 . Removethe centerconsole,and disconnectthe connector(A)from the switch (B).

BrakeFluid LevelSwitch Test Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminals(A)with the float in the down positionand the up position. . Removethe brakefluid completelyfrom the reservoir. With the float down, there should be continuity. . F i l l t h er e s e r v o i r t ot h e M A X ( u p p e r l)e v e l( B ) .W i t h the float up, there should be no continuity.

2 . Checkfor continuitybetweenthe positiveterminal (C)and body ground: . With the brakelever up, there should be continuity. ' With the brakelever down. there should be no continuity. NOTE(Canada);lf the parkingbrakeswitch is OK, but the brakesystem indicatordoes not work, do the input test for the daytime running lightscontrol unit {seepage 22-66).


BrakeComponents Conventional Front BrakePadsInspection/Replacement

Frequentinhalationof brakepad dust, regardlessof materialcomposition,could be hazardousto your health. . Avoid breathingdust particles. . Never use an air hose or brushto clean brake assemblies.Use an OSHA-aoorovedvacuum creaner. '1.

4. Using verniercalipers,measurethe thicknessof each brakepad lining.The measurementdoes not i n c l u d et h e p a d b a c k i n gp l a t e( A ) t h i c k n e s s . Brake Pad Thickness: 9.5 10.5mm (0.37 0.41in.) Stsndard: ServiceLimit: 1.6 mm (0.06in.)

Loosenthe front wheel nuts slightly.Raisethefront of the vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper locations(seepage 1-13).Removethe front wheels.

2 . H o l dt h e c a l i p e rp i n ( A ) w i t ha w r e n c h ,b e i n g carefun l o t t o d a m a g e t h ep i n b o o t .R e m o v e t h e caliperbolt (B)with anotherwrench,and pivot the caliper(C)up out of the way. Checkthe hosesand pin bootsfor damageand deterioration.

lf the brakepad thicknessis lessthan the service limit, replacethe front pads as a set. Cleanthe caliperthoroughly;remove any rust,and checkfor groovesand cracks. 7 . Checkthe brakedisc for damageand cracks. Installthe pad retainers(A).

Removethe pad shims (A),pad retainers(B),and p a d s( C ) .


9. Apply MolykoteM77 greaseor Daikalub528D greaseto the pad side of the shims (A) and back of the pads (B).Wipe excessgreaseoffthe shim. Contaminatedbrakediscs or pads reducestopping ability.Keepgreaseoff of the discs and pads. A

' 1 0 .Installthe brakepads

and pad shims correctly. Installthe pad with the wear indicator(C)on the inside. lf you are reusingthe pads.always reinstallthe brakepads in their original positionsto preventa momentary loss of brakingefficiency.

1 1 .Push in the piston (A) so that the caliperwill fit over the pads. N4akesure the piston boot is in positionto preventdamaging it when pivotingthe caliper down. D 32 N.m(3.3ksf.m,24lbf.ftl

12. Pivotthe caliper(B)down into position,being carefulnot to damagethe pin boot. Hold the caliper pin (C)with a wrench, being carefulnot to damage the pin boot. Installthecaliper bolt (D),with anotherwrench,and torque it to proper soecification, 13. Pressthe brakepedal severaltimesto make sure the brakeswork, then road-test NOTE:Engagementof the brakemay requirea greaterpedal strokeimmediatelyafterthe brake pads have been replacedas a set. Several applicationsof the brakepedal will restorethe normal pedalstroke. 14. After installation.checkfor Ieaksat hose and line jo:nts or connections,and retightenif necessary.


BrakeComponents Conventional Front BrakeDiscInspection Thicknessand Parallelism

Runout 1. Loosenthe front wheel nuts slightly,then raisethe vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper locations{seepage 1-13).Removethe front wneets.

1. Loosenthe front wheel nuts slightly,then raisethe vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper locations(seepage 1-13).Removethe front w n e et s .

2 . R e m o v e t h eb r a k ep a d s( s e ep a g e1 9 - 1 2 ) .

2 . R e m o v et h e b r a k ep a d s{ s e ep a g e1 9 - 1 2 ) .

3. Inspectthe disc surfacefor damageand cracks. Cleanthe discthoroughly,and removeall rust.

3. Using a micrometer,measuredisc thicknessat eight points,approximately45" apart and 10 mm (0.4ln.) in from the outer edge of the disc.Replace the brakedisc if the smallestmeasurementis less limit. t h a nt h e m a x . r e f i n i s h i n g

4. Use wheel nuts and suitableflat washers(A)to h o l dt h e d i s cs e c u r e l ya g a i n s t h e h u b .t h e n m o u n t a dial indicatoras shown, and measurethe runout a t 1 0 m m { 0 . 4i n . )f r o m t h e o u t e re d g eo f t h e d i s c , Brake Disc Runout: ServiceLimit: 0.10mm (0.004in.)

BrakeDiscThickness: Standard:24.9-25.1mm (0.98 0.99in.) Max. RefinishingLimit:23.0mm {0.91in.) BrakeDisc Parallelism:0.015mm {0.0006in.} max. NOTE:Thisis the maximum allowabledifference betweenthe thicknessmeasurements.

108N m (11kgf m, 79.6,lbf ft) 5 . lf the disc is beyondthe servicelimit, refinishthe brakedisc. Max. RefinishLimit: 23.0 mm (0.91in.l NOTE; . l f t h e b r a k e d i s ci s b e y o n d t h e s e r v i c lei m i t f o r refinishing,replaceit (seestep 7 on page 18-12). . A new disc should be refinishedif its runout is g r e a t e r t h a n0 . 1 0m m ( 0 . 0 0 4i n . ) .


4 . l f t h e d i s ci s b e y o n dt h e s e r v i c el i m i tf o r p a r a l l e l i s m , refinishthe brakedisc. NOTE;lf the brakedisc is beyondthe servicelimit for refinishing,replaceit (seestep 1 on page 18-'12).

Front BrakeCaliperOverhaul

Frequentinhalationof brakepad dust, regardlessof materialcomposition,could be hazardousto your health. . Avoid breathingdust particles. . Never use an air hose or brushto clean brakeassemblies.Use an OSHA-aoorovedvacuum cleaner. Remove,disassemble,inspect,reassemble,and installthe caliper,and notethese items: Do not spill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damagethe paint;lf brakefluid gets on the paint,wash it off immediatelywith water. To preventdripping,cover disconnectedhosejoints with rags or shop towels. Cleanall parts in brakefluid and air dry; blow out all passageswith compressedair. Beforereassembling,checkthat all parts are free of dirt and other foreign particles. Replacepartswith new ones as specifiedin the illustration. Make sure no dirt or other foreign matter gets in the brakefluid, Make sure no greaseor oil gets on the brakediscsor pads. When reusingpads,always reinstallthem in their original positionsto preventloss of brakingefficiency. Do not reusedrainedbrakefluid. Always use HondaDOT3 BrakeFluid. Coatthe piston,pistonseal groove,and caliperbore with clean brakefluid. Replaceall rubber partswith new ones. After installingthe caliper,checkthe brakehose and line for leaks,interference,and twisting. -r

ac F r a s E iHJ :o n d a( a l i p c r

o r e a s e( P N 0 8 C 3 08 0 2 3 4 M )


8 x 1.25mm CALIPEB AOLT 32 N.m {3.3kgf m,



#.q!A9$ PtNAOOTS Replace.


PISTONBOOT BANJO BOLT 34Nm {3.5 kg{ m, 25 tbf.ftl


6-=^" q!!4s!n





0, l




t /

WEARINDICATON Installinnerpadw th itswearindicator downward. BRAKEPADS

BRACKET '12 x 1 . 2 5m m FLANGEBOLTS 108Nm{11.0kgt.m, 79.5 tbf.ft)


BrakeGomponents Conventional MasterCylinder/BrakeBoosterReplacement

NOTE: Do not spill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damagethe paint; lf brakefluid does contactthe paint,wash it off immediatelywith water. 1. Disconnectthe brakefluid level switch connectors. 2. Removethe brakefluid from the mastercylinder reservoirwith a syringe 3. Disconnectthe brakelinesfrom the mastercylinder.To preventspills,cover the line joints with rags or shop towels. 4. Removethe mastercylinder mounting nuts and washers. 5. Removethe mastercylinderfrom the brakebooster. 6, Disconnectthe vacuum hose from the brakebooster, 7. Removethe lock pin and clevis pin. 8. Removethe four brakeboostermounting nuts. 9. Pullthe brakeboosterforward, and removethe brakeboosterf rom the enginecompartment.Becarefulnotto bend or damagethe brakelineswhen removing it. 10. lnstalllhe brakeboosterand mastercylinder in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items. . Replaceall rubber partsand the gasketwith new ones wheneverremoved. . C o a t t h e l i p o ft h e n e w r o d s e a lw i t h r e c o m m e n d e sde a lg r e a s ei n t h e m a s t e rc y l i n d e rs e t . . I n s t a l l t h e r o d s e a lo n t o t h eb r a k eb o o s t e w r i t h i t s g r o o v e ds i d e t o w a r d t h em a s t e r c y l i n d e r . . Adjustthe pushrodlength before installingthe booster(seestep 5 on page 19-18) . Fillthe mastercylinder reservoir,and bleedthe brakesystem (seepage 19-8). . A f t e r i n s t a l l a t i o n , c h e c k t h e b r a k e p ehdeailg h t a n db r a k ep e d a lf r e e p l a y ( s e ep a g e1 9 - 6 a ) n d a d j u s ti f n e c e s s a r y . IODSEAL LOCXPIN


r 8 ( l



MasterCylinderInspection NOTE: . Beforereassembling,checkthat all parts are free of dust and other foreign particles. . Do not try to disassemblethe mastercylinder assembly.Replacethe mastercylinderassemblywith a new Dartif necessarv. . Do not allow dirt or foreign matterto contaminatethe b r a k ef l u i d . ,z-7--T\ .- RESERVOIR CAP f^ l ' C h e cfko r b t o c k a g e of ventholes. \E+_/ SEAL ,/RESERVOIR r?.\)\g

chF.k for.l^mane .n.l deterioratron.

MasterCylinderPushrodClearance Adjustment SpecialTools Required Pushrodadjustmentgauge 07JAG-SD40'100 NOTE;Mastercylinder pushrod-to-piston clearance must be checkedand adjustmentsmade, if necessary, before installingthe mastercylinder. 1 . S e t t h e s p e c i atlo o l ( A )o n t h e m a s t e r c y l i n d ebr o d y (B),push in the centershaft (C)until rhe top of it contactsthe end ofthe secondarypiston (D) by t u r n i n gt h e a d j u s t i n gn u t ( E ) .


STRAINER Removeaccumulated sediment.

MASTER CYLINDER Check {or leaks,rust,anddamage. Without disturbingthe centershaft'sposition. installthe specialtool (A) onto the booster. 15N.m {1.5kgl m, 11 tbt.ftl

(0 760mmHg.30 in.Hg)


3 . l n s t a l l t h em a s t e rc y l i n d e rn u t s( B ) ,a n dt i g h t e nt o the specifiedtorque. Connectthe boosterin-linewith a vacuum gauge ( C )0 1 0 1k P a( 0 7 6 0 m m H g ,3 0 i n . H g )t o t h e b o o s t e r ' se n g i n ev a c u u ms u p p l y ,a n d m a i n t a i na n e n g i n es p e e dt h a tw i l l d e l i v e r6 6 k P a( 5 0 0m m H g , 2 0 i n . H g )v a c u u m .



BrakeComponents Conventional MasterCylinderPushrodClearanceAdiustment (cont'd) 5, With a feelergauge {A),measurethe clearance betweenthe gauge body and the adjustingnut (B) as shown. lf the clearancebetweenthe gauge body and the adjustingnut is 0.4 mm (0.02in.),the pushrod-topiston clearanceis 0 mm. However,if the clearance betweenthe gauge body and the adjustingnut is 0 mm, the pushrod-to-pistonclearanceis 0 4 mm (0.02in.) or more. must be adjusted and rechecked. Clearance: 0

9. Checkthe pushrodlength (A) as shown if the boosteris removed.lf the length is incorrect, loosenthe pushrodlocknut(B),and turn the clevis (C)in or out to adjust. 116mm (i1.6in.)

0.4 mm (0 0.02 in.l

1 5N . m (1.5kgf,m, 11 lbf ftl

1 0 . I n s t a ltlh e m a s t e rc y l i n d e r( s e ep a g e1 9 - 1 6 ) .

6 . lf the clearanceis incorrect,loosenthe star locknut (A),and turn the adjuster(B) in or out to adjust. . Adjustthe clearancewhile the specifiedvacuum is appliedto the booster. . Hold the clevis(C)while adiusting.

0-0.4 mm {0-0.02in.)

A 22 N.m {2.2ksf m, 16lbf.ft}


7 . Tightenthe star locknutsecurely. R e m o v et h e s p e c i atl o o l { D ) .


BrakeBoosterTest FunctionalTest '1.

3. Disconnectthe brakeboostervacuum hose (check valve built-in)(A) at the booster(B).

With the engine stopped,pressthe brakepedal severaltimes to depletethe vacuum reservoir,then pressthe pedal hard and hold it for 15 seconds.lf the pedal sinks,eitherthe mastercylinder is bypassinginternally,or the brakesystem (master cylinder,lines,modulator,proportioningvalve,or c a l i p e r i)s l e a k i n g .

2. Startthe enginewith the brakepedal pressed.lf the pedal sinksslightly,the vacuum boosteris operatingnormally.lf the pedal height does not vary, the boosteror checkvalve is faulty. 3 . W i t h t h e e n g i n er u n n i n g p , r e s st h e b r a k ep e d a l l i g h t l y .l f t h e b r a k ep e d a ls i n k sm o r et h a n 1 0 m m (3/8in.) in 3 minutes,the mastercylinder is faulty,

LeakTest 1. Pressthe brakepedalwith the engine running,then stop the engine.lf the pedal height does not vary while pressedfor 30 seconds,the vacuum booster is OK. lf the pedal rises,the boosteris faulty. 2. Turn the ignition switch to lock (0) and wait 30 seconds,pressthe brakepedal severaltimes using normal pressure.When the pedal is first pressed,it should be low. On consecutive a p p l i c a t i o n st h, e p e d a lh e i g h ts h o u l dg r a d u a l l y rise. lf the pedal positiondoes not vary, checkthe boostercheckvalve.

Startthe engine,and let it idle.Thereshould be v a c u u ma v a i l a b l el .f n o v a c u u mi s a v a i l a b l et ,h e checkvalve is not working properly.Replacethe brakeboostervacuum hose and checkvalve,and retest. 5 . Startthe engine.and then pinch the brakebooster vacuum hose betweenthe checkvalve and the DOOSter. Turn the ignition switch to lock (0),and wait 30 seconds.Pressthe brake pedal severaltimes using normal pressure.When the pedal is first pressed,it should be low. On consecutiveapplications, t h e p e d a lh e i g h ts h o u l dg r a d u a l l yr i s e . . l f t h e p e d a lp o s i t i o nd o e sn o t v a r y ,r e p l a c e t h e brakebooster(seepage 19-16). . lfthe pedal positionvaries,replacethe brake boostervacuum hose/checkvalve assembly.


BrakeComponents Gonventional RearBrakePadsInspection/Replacement 4. Removethe pad shims (A) and brakepads (B). Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust. regardless of material composition, could be hazardous to your health. ' Avoid breathingdust Particles. . Never use an air hose or brushto clean brake assemblies.Use an OSHA-approvedvacuum cleaner. Raisethe rear of the vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper locations{seepage 1 - 1 3 )R . e m o v et h e r e a rw h e e l .

2. Releasethe parkingbrake. 3 . Hold the caliperpin {A) with a wrench, being carefulnot to damagethe pin boot. Removethe two caliperbolts (B)with anotherwrench and caliper(C)from the bracket. Thoroughlycleanthe outsideof the caliperto preventdust and dirt from enteringinside. Supportthe caliperwith a pieceof wire so it does not hang from the brakehose.

5 . Using verniercalipers,measurethe thicknessof each brakepad lining.The measurementdoes not includethe pad backingplate (A)thickness. BrakePadThickness: Siandard: 8.9 9.1 mm (0.35- 0.36in.) ServiceLimit: 1.6 mm (0.06in.)





6. Removethe pad retainers.


12. Rotatethe caliperpiston (A) clockwiseinto the cylinder,then align the cutout (B) in the pistonwith the tab (C)on the inner pad by turning the piston back.Lubricatethe boot with rubber greaseto avoid twisting the piston boot. lf the piston boot is twisted, back it out so it is positionedproperly.

23 N.m{2.3kgf m, 17tbf,ftl

7 . Cleanthe caliperthoroughly;remove any rust, and checkfor groovesand cracks.

8 . Checkthe brakedisc for damageand cracks. 9 . Installthe pad retainers.

1 0 .Apply MolykoteM77 greaseor Daikalub528D greaseto the pad side of the shims (A).Wipe excessgreaseoff the shim. Contamlnatedbrakediscsor pads reducestopping ability.Keepgreaseoff of the discsand pads.

I n s t a l l t h eb r a k ec a l i p e r( D ) . 1 4 . H o l dt h e c a l i p e rp i n ( E ) w i t ha w r e n c h ,b e i n gc a r e f u l

not to damagethe pin boot. Installthe caliperbolts (F)with anotherwrench,and torque the caliper boltsto the proper specification.

' It . I n s t a l l t h e b r a k ep a d s( B )a n d p a d s h i m so n t h e caliperbracket.Installthe inner pad with its wear indicatorlC) facing up ward.

1 5 . After installation,checkfor leaksat hose and line joints and connections,and retightenif necessary. to_

lf you are reusingthe pads,always reinstallthe brakepads in their original positionsto preventa momentaryloss of brakingefficiency.

Pressthe brakepedal severaltimesto make sure the brakeswork, then road-test. NOTE:Engagementof the brakemay requirea greaterpedalstroke immediatelyafter the brake pads have been replacedas a set. Several applicationsof the brakepedalwill restorethe normal pedal stroke.


BrakeComponents Gonventional RearBrakeDiscInspection Thicknessand Parallelism

Runout 1. Raisethe rearof the vehicle.and support it with safetystandsin the proper locations(seepage 1 -1 3) . 2. Removethe brakepads (seepage 19-20). 3. Inspectthe disc surfacefor damageand cracks. Cleanthe discthoroughly.and removeall rust 4. Use wheel nuts and suitableflat washers(A)to hold the disc securelyagainstthe hub, then mount a dial indicator(B)as shown, and measurethe runout at 10 mm (0.4in.)from the outer edge of the disc. Brake Disc Runout: Service Limit: 0.10 mm {0.004in.)

1. Loosenthe rear wheel nuts slightly,then raisethe vehicle,and support it with safetystandsin the proper locations(seepage 1-13).Removethe rear wneers. 2. Removethe brakepads (seepage 19-20). 3. Using a micrometer(A),measuredisc thicknessat eight points,approximately45'apart and 10 mm (0.4in.) in from the outer edge of the disc,Replace the brakedisc if the smallestmeasurementis less limit. t h a nt h e m a x . r e f i n i s h i n g Brake Disc Thickness: Standard: 11.9-12.1 mm (0.469-0.476in.l Max. RefinishingLimit: 10.0mm (0.39in.) BrakeDisc Parallelism: 0.015mm (0.0006in.) max. This is the maximum allowabledifferencebetween the thicknessmeasurements. 10 mm (0.4in.)

108N.m {11kgf.m,80lbf.ftl

lf the disc is beyondthe servicelimit, refinishthe brakedisc.Do not use an engine-drivenon-car brakelathe.Use only a motor-drivenon-carbrake lathe. Max. RofinishingLimii:

10.0mm (0.39in.)

NOTE:A new disc should be refinishedif its runout i s g r e a t e rt h a n0 . 1 0m m ( 0 . 0 0 4i n . ) .


4 . lf the disc is beyondthe servicelimit for parallelism, refinishthe brakedisc. Do not use an engine-driven on-carbrakelathe.Use only a motor-drivenon-car brakelathe. NOTE:lf the brakedisc is beyondthe servicelimit for refinishing,replaceit (seestep 7 on page 18-30).

RearBrakeCaliperRemoval/lnstallation 6. Removethe cablsclip (A)from the parkingbrake c a b l e( B ) . Frequent inhalalion of brake pad dust, regardless of material composition, could be hazardous to your health. . Avoid breathingdust particles. . Never use an air hose or brushto clean brake assemblies.Use an OSHA-approvedvacuum cteaner. . Thoroughlycleanthe outsideof the caliperto preventdust and dirt from enteringinside. Blockthe front wheels,loosenthe rearwheel nuts slightly,raisethe rear of the vehicle.and supportit with safetystandsin the proper locations{see p a g e1 - 1 3 ) .

7 . Disconnectthe parkingbrakecableend from the parkingbrakearm (C).

Removethe rearwheels. Removethe banjo bolt (A),and disconnectthe brakehose (B).Removethe two sealingwashers (C),and replacethem. Do not spill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damagethe paint; it brakefluid gets on the paint,wash it off immediatelywith waler.

3 . Releasethe parkingbrake. Removethe calipershield{A). 6x1.0mm 9.8N.m {1.0kglm, 1.2tbf.ft1

A 34 N.m {3.5kgl m. 25 tbf.ft,

5 . Removethe brakehose mounting bracket(A)from the rearcalioerbodv. 6x1.0mm 9.8Nm 11.0kgf.m,7.2 lbt ft)

E 23 N.m {2.3kgt.m,17 lbf ftl

Hold the caliperpin (D)with a wrench, being careful not to damagethe pin boot. Removethe two caliperbolts (E)with anotherwrench,and removethe caliper(F)from the bracket.

1 0 .Installthe rear brakecaliperin the reverseorder of removal.and note these items: . When installingthe caliper,align the cutout in the pistonwith the tab on the inner pad (seestep 6 o n p a g e1 9 - 2 1 ) . . Checkthe brakehose and caliperfitting for leaks, and tightenthe banjo bolt if necessary. . Checkthe brakehosesfor interferenceand twisting. . Contaminatedbrakediscsor pads reduce stoppingability.Keepgreaseoff ofthe discs and Daos.


BrakeComponents Gonventional RearBrakeCaliperOverhaul to your health. couldbe hazardous of materialcomposition, Frequent inhalation of brakepaddust,regardless . Avoidbreathing dustparticles. . Neverusean air hoseor brushto cleanbrakeassemblies. vacuumcleaner. Usean OsHA-approved Disassemble.inspect,and reassemblethe caliper,and note these items: . . . . . . . . .

s ithcompressed air. C l e a n a l lp a r t si n b r a k ef l u i d a n d a i r d r y ; b l o w o u t a l l p a s s a g e w Beforereassembling,checkthat all parts are free of dirt and otherforeign particles. Replacepartswith new ones as specifiedin the illustration. Make sure no dirt or other foreign matter gets into the brakefluid. Make sure no greaseor oil gets on the brakediscs or pads. Do not reusedrainedbrakefluid. Always use HondaDOT 3 BrakeFluid. Coatthe piston,pistonsealgroove,and caliperbore with clean brakefluid. Reolaceall rubberoartswith new ones.



:Hondacalipergrease(P/N08c30-Bo234M) PAD SPRING

6 x'l0 mm 9.8 N m {1.0ktq.m,7.2lbf.ft)


8 x 1.25mm 23 N.m (2.3 kts.m, 17 lbl.ft)


\ \

\ e






* dP L."-J

/ l3il,l"fu.," (s6ksf m"rlrbr'ftl

1l 'lffi /,



BLEED SCREW 8.8N.m10.9kgt.m,


8 x 1.25mm 23 N.m (2.3 kgf.m, 17 lbf.ftl

WIJ / @,-


CAMBOOT Beplace.












ConventionalBrakeComponents BrakeHosesand LinesInspection 1, Inspectthebrakehosesfor damage,deterioration,leaks,interference,and twisting. 2 . C h e c kt h e b r a k el i n e sf o r d a m a g e ,r u s t i n g a, n d l e a k a g eA. l s oc h e c kf o r b e n tb r a k el i n e s . 3. Checkfor leaksat hose and line joints or connections,and retightenif necessary. 4 . C h e c kt h e m a s t e rc y l i n d e ra n d A B S m o d u l a t o ru n i tf o r d a m a g ea n d l e a k a g e . NOTE:Replacethe brakehose clip wheneverthe brakehose is serviced. LINE MASTERCYLINoEB-to-BRAKE

HOSE BRAKELINE-to-BRAKE 15N.m(1.5kgf.m,11lbf.ftl

15 N.m (1.5kqf m. r1 lbf.ftl

MOOULATORUNIT-toBRAKELINES 1 5N . m {1.5kgf.m, 11 tbf.ftl {BANJO BOLTI 34 N m (3,5kgf.m,25 lbf.ft)

BRAKELINE-to'BRAKEHOSE 15N.m11.5kgf.m,11lbf.ft)

BRAKEHOSE-to-CALIPES IBANJOBOLTI 3,rN.m{3.5kgf m,25lbf.ftl



BrakeHoseReplacement NOTE; . Beforereassembling,checkthat all partsare free of dust and other foreign particles. ' Replacepartswith new ones wheneverspecifiedto do so. . Do not spill brakelluld on the vehicle;it may damage the paint;if brakefluid gets on the paint,wash it off immediatelywith water. '1.

Replacethe brakehose (A) if the hose is twisted, c r a c k e do, r i f i t l e a k s .

6 . l n s t a l l t h eb r a k eh o s e{ A )o n t h e k n u c k l ea n d damper bracketwith two 6 mm flange bolts (B)and the 8 mm flange bolt (C)first, then connectthe brakehoseto the caliperwith the banjo bolt (D) and n e w s e a l i n gw a s h e r s( E ) .

f' ,...-1. !'i. :-- -


. ; â‚Ź

; ' . "-.:

6x1.0mm 9.8N.m {1.0kgt.m, 1.2 tbt ltl D 34 N.m {3.5kgf.m. 25 tbf.ft)

8 x 1 . 2 5m m 22 N.m l2.2kglm,

7 . I n s t a l l t h eb r a k eh o s e( A )o n t h e u p p e rb r a k eh o s e b r a c k e (l B ) w i t ha n e w b r a k eh o s ec l i p ( C ) . D Disconnectthe brakehosefrom the brakeline (B) u s i n ga 1 0 m m f l a r e - n uw t r e n c h( C ) . 3 . R e m o v ea n d d i s c a r dt h e b r a k eh o s ec l i p ( A ) f r o m t h e b r a k eh o s e( B ) .

â‚Ź ;-.. 8 . C o n n e ctth e b r a k el i n e( D )t o t h e b r a k eh o s e . 9 . After installingthe brakehose, bleedthe brake system (seepage 19 8). 1 0 . Do the following checks:

4 . R e m o v et h e b a n j ob o l t{ C ) ,a n d d i s c o n n e ct th e brakehose from the caliper.

. C h e c kt h e b r a k eh o s ea n d l i n ej o i n tf o r l e a k s a , nd tighten if necessary(seepage 19-26). . Checkthe brakehosesfor interferenceand twisting.

Removethe brakehose from the knuckleand damper bracket.


Conventional BrakeGomponents ParkingBrakeCableReplacement ExplodedView PARKINGBRAKECABLE Checkfor faulty movement.

22 N.m (2.2kgf.m, 16 lbt.ftl

BIGHTPARKINGBRAKECABLE Checkfor faultymovement.


22 N.m

(2.2kgf.m,16lbt.ftl ---------------..I







NOTE: . The parkingbrakecablesmust not be bent oI distorted.This will leadto stiff operationand prematurefailure. . Referto the ExplodedView as neededduring this proceoure. 1 . R e m o v et h e c a l i p e rs h i e l d . 2. Releasethe parkingbrakeleverfully, and remove the brakehose clip (A)from the parking brake c a b l e( B ) .

A Disconnectthe parkingbrakecable end from the parkingbrakearm (C).


Brakes 19-1 BrakeGomponents................... Conventional ABS (Anti-lockBrakeSystemlComponents 19-32 Index ......................................... Location Component 19-33 Information....................... Troubleshooting General .............. 19-37 Index DTCTroubleshooting 19-38 Index ............................... SymptomTroubleshooting ........... 19-39 SystemDescription................. .........19-46 CircuitDiagram .......... 19-48 ............... DTCTroubleshooting 19-56 ...................... CircuitTroubleshooting ABSIndicator UnitRemovaland ABSModulator-Control 19-59 ............. Installation 19-60 ................... WheelSensorInspection .............. 19-60 WheelSensorReolacement

ABSComponents ComponentLocationlndex


LEFT.REAR WHEEL SENSOR page19-60 Inspection, page19-60 Replacement, RIGHT-FRONT WHEELSENSOR Inspection,page'19-60 page 19-60 Replacement,

RIGHT-REAR WHEELSENSOR Inspection,page 19-60 page 19-60 Replacement,

ABSMODULATOR.CONTROL UNIT Removaland Installation, page19-59 LEFT.FRONT WHEELSENSOR pagel9-60 Inspection, page19-60 Replacement,



Information GeneralTroubleshooting ABSlndicator


. l f t h e s y s t e mi s O K , t h e A B Si n d i c a t o gr o e s o f f2 secondsafter turning the ignition switch ON (ll) w i t h o u ts t a r t i n gt h e e n g i n e a . n dt h e n c o m e so n a g a i n and goes off 2 secondslaterafter startingthe engine. T h i so c c u r sb e c a u s e t h e A B S c o n t r o lu n i t i s t u r n e d on bv the lG2 oower source. . The ABS indicatorcomes on when the ABS control unit detectsa problem in the svslem. However,even though the system is operatingproperly,the indicator will come on underthese conditions: - Only the drive wheels rotate - One drive wheel is stuck - T h e v e h i c l eg o e si n t oa s p i n - The ABS continuesto operatefor a long time. - The vehicleis subjectedto an electricalsignal disturbance

. The memory can hold any number oJDTCS.However, when the same DTCis detectedmore than once.the more recentDTCis written over the earlierone. Therefore,when the same Droblemis detected repeatedly,it is memorizedas a single DTC. . The DTCSare indicatedin the order they occurred, beginningwith the most recent. . The DTCSare memorizedin the EEPROM(nonvolatile memory).Therefore,the memorizedDTCs are not clearedwhen the batteryis disconnected.the ignition switch is turned off, or the system returnsto normal,Do the specifiedproceduresto clear the DTCs.

To determinethe actualcauseofthe problem,question the customeraboutthe problem.taking the above-listedconditionsinto consideration. . When a problem is detectedand the ABS indicator comes on, there are caseswhen the indicatorstays on until the ignitionswitch is turned OFF,and cases when the indicatorgoes off automaticallywhen the system returnsto normal. - DTC61 or 62:The ABS indicatorgoes off automaticallvwhen the system returnsto normal. - D T C1 1 ,1 3 ,1 5 ,1 1 , 3 1 , 3 2 , 3 33, 4 ,3 5 ,3 6 ,3 7 ,3 8 ,5 4 , 7 1 .o r 8 ' 1 T : h e A B S i n d i c a t o sr t a y so n u n t i l t h e ignitionswitch is turned OFFwhether or not the system returnsto normal. - Dr c't2, 14, 16, 18,21, 22, 23, 24, 41, 42, 43, 44,51, 52, or 53:The ABS indicatorgoes off when the vehicleis driven again and the system is OK after t h e i q n i t i o ns w i t c hi s t u r n e df r o m O F Ft o O N { l l ) .

Self-diagnosis . Self-diagnosiscan be classifiedinto two categories: - I n i t i ad l iagnosis: Done right after the enginestartsand until the ABS indicatorgoes off - R e g u l ad r iagnosis: Done right after the initial diagnosisuntil the ignition switch is turned OFF . When a problem is detectedby self-diagnosis, the system does the following: - Turns the ABS indicatoron - Memorizesthe DTC - StopsABS control

Kickback The pump motor operateswhen the ABS is functioning, and the fluid in the reservoiris forced out to the master k t t h e b r a k ep e d a l . c y l i n d e rc, a u s i n gk i c k b a c a

PumpMotor . The pump motor operateswhen the ABS is functioning. . The ABS control unit checksthe pump motor oDerationwhen the vehicleis staned the first time afterthe ignition switch is turned ON (ll),You may hear the motor operateat this time, but it is normal.



ABSComponents GeneralTroubleshootingInformation (cont'dl How to TroubleshootABS DTCs The troubleshootingflowchart proceduresassumethat the causeof the problem is still presentand the ABS indicatoris still on. Followingthe flowchartwhen the ABS indicatordoes not come on can result in incorrect diagnosis. The connectorillustrationsshow the female terminal connectorswith a singleoutline and the male terminal connectorswith a double outline, 1. Ouestionthe customerabout the conditionswhen the problem occured,and try to reproducethe same conditionsfor troubleshooting.Find out w h e n t h e A B S i n d i c a t o cr a m e o n , s u c ha s d u r i n g ABS control,after ABS control.when the vehicle was at a certarnspeed,etc.

2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,a n d f o l l o wt h e prompts on the PGN4Testerto displaythe DTC{S) on the screen.After determiningthe DTC,referto t h e D T CT r o u b l e s h o o t i nIgn d e x . NOTE:Seethe HondaPGM Testeruser'smanual for sDecific instructions. Service Check Signal (SCSICircuit Method; 1. With the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGM Tester(A)to the 16Pdata link connector(DLC) lB) under the passenger'sside oi the dashboard.

2. When the ABS indicatordoes not come on during the test-drive,but troubleshootingis done basedon the DTC,checkfor looseconnectors.poor terminal contact,etc.,beforeyou starttrou bleshooting. 3. After troubleshooting,clearthe DTC,and test'drive the vehicle.Make sure the ABS indicatordoes not c o m eo n .

How to RetrieveABS DTCs Honda PGM Tester Method: 1. With the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGM Tester(A)to the 16Pdata link connector(DLC) ( B )u n d e rt h e p a s s e n g e r 'ssi d eo f t h e d a s h b o a r d .

2. Shorithe SCS c\rcurtto body ground usingthe HondaPGM Tester. 3. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll)without the brake pedal pressed. NOTE:lf the brakepedal is pressedwhen turning the ignition switch ON {ll),the system shiftsto the DTCclearing mode.


4. The blinkingfrequencyindicatesthe DTC.DTCsare indicatedby a seriesof long and short blinks.One l o n g b l i n ke q u a l s1 0 s h o r tb l i n k s A . d d t h e l o n ga n d shon blinkstogetherto determinethe DTC.After determiningthe DTC,referto the DTC TroubleshootingIndex.

How to ClearABS DTCs HondaPGMTesterMethod: 1. Withthe ignitionswitchOFF,connectthe Honda (DLC) PGfM Tester{A)to the l6Pdatalinkconnector ( B )u n d e trh ep a s s e n g e rs' isd eo f t h ed a s h b o a r d .

NOTE: . lf the DTCis not memorized,the ABS indicator will go off for 3.6 seconds,and then come back on. . lf the ABS indicatorstayson, troubleshootfor "ABS indicatordoes not go off" (seestep 1 on p a g e1 9 - 5 7 ) . The svstem will not indicate the DTC unless these conditionsare met: . The brakeoedal is not pressed, . T h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hi s t u r n e dO N { l l ) , . The SCScircuitis shortedto body ground before t h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hi s t u r n e dO N ( l l ) . ExamDleof OTC15

Short blinks {five times}

2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i r c ho N ( l l ) ,a n d c l e a rt h e DTC(s)by following the screenpromptson the PGM Tester. NOTE:Seethe Honda PGM Testeruser's manual for specificinstructions.

Exsmplâ‚Źof OTC22 Long blinks {two times}

Service Check Signal (SCS)Circuit Method: 1. With the ignition switch OFF,connectthe Honda PGM Tester(A)to the 16Pdata link connector(DLC) {B) underthe passenger'sside of the dashboard.

Turn the ignition switch OFF. 6 . Disconnectthe Honda PGM Testerfrom the DLC.



Short the SCScircuitto body ground using the Honda PGM Tester. Pressthe brakepedal.



ABSComponents GeneralTroubleshooting Information(cont'd) Turn the ignition switch ON (ll) while continuingto pressthe brakepedal. After the ABS indicatorgoes off, releasethe brake peoar. After the ABS indicatorcomes on, pressthe brake p e d a la g a i n . 7 . After the ABS indicatorgoes off, releasethe brake peoar. You cannotclearthe DTCunlessthese conditions are met; . The vehiclespeed is 6 mph (10 km/h)or less. . The SCScircuit is shortedto body ground before the ignition switch is turned ON (ll). . The brakepedal is pressedbeforethe ignition switch is turned ON (ll).


After a few seconds,the ABS indicatorblinkstwice and the DTCis cleared.lf the indicatordoes not b l i n k t w i c e r, e p e a ts t e o sl t h r u 7 . l f t h e A B S indicatorstayson after it blinkstwice, checkthe DTC,becausea problemwas detectedduring initial diagnosisbeforeshiftingto DTCclearingmode. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

1 0 .Disconnectthe Honda PGM Testerfrom the DLC.

I ndex DTCTroubleshooting DTC DTC:11 Df Ci'\2

DTC:13 DTC:14 DTC:15 DTC:16 DTC:17 DTC:18

DTC:21 DfC:22


Drc24 DTC:31 DTC:32

DTC:33 DTC:34 DTC:35 DTC:36 DTC:37 DTCr38 DTC:41 DfCt42

DTC:43 DTC:44

DTC:51 DTC:52 DTC:53 DTC:54 DTC:61

DTC:62 DTC:71 DTC:81

Detection ltem Rioht-frontwheel sensor{oDen/shortto bodv qround/shortto power) Rioht-frontwheel sensor(electricalnoise/intermittentinterruption) Left-frontwheel sensor(open/shortto body qround/shortto power) Left-front wheel sensor(electricalnoise/intermittentinterruption) Rioht-rearwheel sensor(oDen/shortto bodv qround/shortto power) Rioht-rearwheel sensor(electricalnoise/intermittentinterruption) Left-rearwheel sensor(ooen/shortto bodv qround/shortto power) Left-rearwheel sensor(electricalnoise/intermittentinterruption) Riqht-frontpulser Left-frontDulser R i q h t - r e apr u l s e r Left-rearDUlser Solenoid S o l en o i d S o l en o i d S o l en o i d Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Rioht-frontwheel lock Left-frontwheel lock R i q h t - r e awr h e e ll o c k Left-rearwheel lock Motor lock fvlotorstuckOFF Motor stuckON ABS fail-saferelay L o w F S R+ B v o l t a q e H i o hF S R+ B v o l t a q e Differentdiametertire CenlralProcessinoUnit (CPU)diaqnosis,and ROlvl/RAMdiaqnosis

Note (seepaqe 19-48 (seeDaoe19-49 see oaqe 19-48 {seeoaoe 19-49 see oaoe 19-48 see oaoe l9-49 see Daqe19-48) see Daqe l9-49 s e e o a o e1 9 - 5 1 ( s e eD a o e1 9 - 5 1 s e e p a q e1 9 - 5 1 ( s e eD a o e1 9 - 5 1 { s e eo a o e1 9 ' 5 1 ( s e ep a q e1 9 - 5 1 s e eD a q e1 9 - 5 1 { s e eo a q e1 9 - 5 1 ( s e eD a o e1 9 - 5 1 s e eD a q e ' 1 95 1 l s e eD a q e1 9 - 5 1 ( s e eo a q e1 9 - 5 1 lseepaqe 19-52 lseepage 19-52 see Daoe19-52 s e eD a o e1 9 - 5 2 s e ep a g e1 9 - 5 2 see oaoe 19-53 see paqe 19-53 see oaoe 19-54 '!9-54 see Daoe see Daoe l9-54 see Daqe19-55 s e eD a o e1 9 - 5 5

ABSComponents Symptom TroubleshootingIndex symptom ABSindicatordoesnotcomeon

Diacnosticprocedure ABSIndicator CircuitTroubleshooting {seepage 19-56)

ABS indicatordoes not go off and no DTC is stored

ABS IndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting(seestep 1 on oaoe 19-57)


Also check for

SystemDescription ABS Control Unit Inputs and Outputs for 25PGonnector



c) 10 DLC -'^




18 FRW (.)

2 )



ll 1 3 1 4 RF tv 1 6 SCSRLW (-) t ) tcz




Wire side of femaleterminals

Terminal Wire number color 2


Description Terminalsign (Terminal namel FRW{ ) Detectsright-front (Front-right w h e e ls e n s o rs i g n a l

the ABScontrolunit Measurement(Disconnect connector) _ Voltage Conditions Terminals 2 1 8

W h e e l S p i nw h e e l at 1 turn/second

AC: 0.053V or above Reference Oscilloscope 0 . 1 5V p - po r above


Battery Voltaqe

wneel neqalrve,



F L W( + ) Detects left-front (Front-left w h e e ls e n s o rs i g n a l wneel positive)

4 .GND




Detectsbrakeswitch srgnal



RLW(+) (Rear-left wneel positive)

Detectsleft-rear w h e e ls e n s o rs i g n a l





RRWH Detectsright rear ( R e ra- r i g h t w h e e ls e n s o rs i g n a l




R e l e a s e d B e l o w0 . 3V A C :0 . 0 5 3V o r W h e e l S p i nw h e e l at l turn/second above Reference Oscilloscope 0 . 1 5V p - po r above

wneel negatrve)






(Warning lamD) F S R+ B ( A B SI a i l safe relay batterv)

WHT/ M R+ B . B L U ( M o t or e l a y batterv) DLC LT ( D a t al i n k BLU

DrivesABS indicator



Powersourcefor the ABS fail-saferelay



Powersourcefor the motor relay



A B Si n d i c a t o r ON ( l g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N O F F t)) Battery Everytime Voltage


Battery Voltage

C o m m u n i c a t ews i t h t h e H o n d aP G M connector) Tester * 1: When measuredwith the ABS control unit 25Pconnectorterminal No. 7 connectedto body ground with a jumper




SystemDescription(cont'dl Terminal Wire numDer color 't2


Terminalsign (Terminal namel


Measurement{Disconnectthe ABScontrol unit connector, Terminals Conditions Voltaoe

FLWH Detectsleft-front {Frontleft wheelsensorsignal

Wheel S p i nw h e e l at 1 turn/second

AC: 0.053V or above Reference Oscilloscope 0 . 1 5V p - po r aoove

Wheel S p i nw h e e l at l turn/second

AC: 0.053V or aDove Reference Oscilloscope 0 . 1 5V p - po r above

wneel negatave)






BRN (Service cnecK sional) GRY/ RED

R L W( ' ) (Rear-left wheel neoatave)

Detects service check connectorsignal (DTCindicationor DTCclearinq) DetectsIeft-rear wheel sensorsignal

(+ ) G R N / RRW Detects right-rear WHT (Rear-right wheelsensorsignal wheel oositive) tG2 (lqnition2)

YEV Powersourcefor BLK activatinothe svstem (+) GRN/ F R W Detectsright-front (Front-right BLK wheelsensorsignal wheel positive)

15 6

16 GND 1 4 2

Battery Voltaoe Wheel Spin wheel at l turn/second

AC:0.053V or ADOVE

Reference Oscilloscope 0 . 1 5V p - po r above



GNDl ( Gr o u n d1




GND2 ( G r o u n2d)



14 5

Features When the brakepedal is pressedduring driving,the wheels can lock beforethe vehiclecomesto a stop. In such an event,the maneuverabilityof the vehicleis reducedif the front wheels are locked,and the stabilityof the vehicleis reducedif the rearwheels are locked,creatingan extremelyunstablecondition.The ABS preciselycontrolsthe slip rate of the wheelsto ensuremaximum grip force from the tires,therebyensuringthe maneuverabilityand stabilityof thevehicle. The ABS calculatesthe slip rate of the wheels basedon the vehiclespeedand the wheel speed,then it controlsthe brakefluid pressureto reachthe target slip rate. Grip Force of Tire and Road Surlace TARGETSLIPRATE




SystemDescription(cont'dl COMPONENTS Wheelsensor Modulatorcontrol unit

ABS control unit M o d u l a t o ru n i t

Motor reiay (insideof the ABS control unit) ABS fail-saferelay (insideof the ABS control unit)

MAIN FUNCTION The wheel sensoroutputsthe speedsignalto the ABS control unit accordinqto the Dulser'srotationsoeed. The ABS control unit processesthe signalfrom the wheel sensor, then outoutsthe ABS control sionalto the modulator unit. The modulatorunit receivesthe control signal,then controlsbrake fluid oressurefor each wheel. The motor relay drivesthe ABS pump motor. The ABS fail-saferelay cuts the power to the solenoidvalve when the Droblemis detected.



ABS GontrolUnit Main Control The ABS control unit detectsthe wheel speedbasedon the wheel sensorsignalit received,then it calculatesthe vehiclespeed basedon the detectedwheel speed.The control unit detectsthe vehiclespeedduring deceleration basedon the rate of deceleration. The ABS control unit calculatesthe slip rate of eachwheel, and transmitsthe control signalto the modulator unit s o l e n o i dv a l v ew h e n t h e s l i p r a t ei s h i g h . The pressurereductioncontrol has three modes:pressurereducing,pressureretaining,and pressureintensifying,

Self-diagnosis Function 1 . T h e A B S c o n t r o lu n i t i s e q u i p p e dw i t h a m a i n C P Ua n d a s u b - C P UE. a c hC P Uc h e c k st h e o t h e rf o r p r o b l e m s . 2. The CPUscheckthe circuil of the system. 3 . T h e A B S c o n t r ouln i t t u r n s o n t h e A B S i n d i c a t o r w h e n t h e u n i t d e t e c t s a p r o b l e m , a n d t h e u n i t s t o p s t h e s y s t e m . 4. The self-diagnosiscan be classifiedinto thesetwo categories: . l n i t i a ld i a g n o s i s . R e g u l ad r iagnosis On-boardDiagnosisFunction The ABS can be diagnosedwith the HondaPGM Tester. The ALB Checkercannot be used with this system.For air bleeding,and checkingwheel sensorsignals.use the Honda PGM Tester.Seethe HondaPGM Testeruser'smanualsfor specificoperatinginstructions.



ABSComponents SystemDescription(cont'd) ABSModulator The ABS modulatorconsistsof the inlet solenoidvalve,outlet solenoidvalve, reservoir,pump, pump motor, and the damping chamber.The modulator reducesthe caliperfluid pressure is a circulating-typemodulator b e c a u s e t h eb r a k e f l u i d c i r c u l a t e s t h r o u g h t h e c a l i p e r , r e s e r v o i r , a n d t h e m a s t e r c y l i n d e r , T h e h y d r a u l i chcaosn t r o l three modes:pressureintensifying,pressureretaining,and pressurereducing.The hydrauliccircuit is an independent four channeltvpe, one channelfor eachwheel. M A S T E EC Y L I N O E R


_.1 FH




H,,, li"'J.l1,Tiil^illt'iL.::...!..,, Pressureintensifyingmode: Inlet valve open,outlet valve closed M a s t e rc y l i n d e rf l u i d i s p u m p e do u t t o t h e c a l i p e r . Pressureretainingmode:

Inlet valve closed,outlet valve closed C a l i p e rf l u i d i s r e t a i n e db y t h e i n l e tv a l v ea n d o u t l e tv a l v e .


Inlet valve closed,outlet valve open Caliperfluid flows through the outlet valve to the reservoir.

Motor operationmode:

When staning the pressurereducingmode, the pump motor is ON. When stoppingABS operation,the pump motor is OFF. T h e r e s e r v o ifrl u i d i s p u m p e do u t b y t h e p u m p ,t h r o u g ht h e d a m p i n gc h a m b e rt,o t h e m a s t e rc y l i n d e r .


WheelSensors The wheel sensorsare the magneticcontactlesstype. As the gear pulserteeth rotate pastthe wheel sensor'smagnetic coil. AC current is generated.The AC frequencychangesin accordancewith the wheel speed.The ABS control unit detectsthe wheel sensorsignalfrequencyand therebydetectsthe wheel speed. GEARPULSEB




Wheel Speed and Modulator Control



MoroR I r



When the wheel speeddrops sharply below the vehiclespeed,theinlet valve closesand if necessary,the outlet valve opens momentarilyto reducethe caliperfluid pressure.The pump motor startsat this time. As the wheel speed is restored,the outlet valve closes,and the inlet valve opens momentarilyto increasethe caliperfluid pressure.


ABSGomponents CircuitDiagram



18PCONNECTOR {Onumbe'}

16PcoNNEcroR {Cnumber)




([number) 7PCONNECTOR


12PCONNECTOR {trnumber)



------_ tfiT;?l LE=!

I r l 2 l 3l l l4 5 6 7l Wire sideof female terminals


( 1 rl 2 F )


T e r m i n a l s i d eo f male terminals


ABSCONTROLUNIT25PCONNECTOR 2 l 3 i 4 l s l 6 i 7 l 9a

Wire side of femaleterminels


ABSGomponents DTCTroubleshooting WheelSensor DTC11,13,15,17: (Open/Short to Power) to BodyGround/Short '1.

5. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r( + ) c i r c u i t e r m i n a la n d b o d y g r o u n d { s e et a b l e ) .

DisconnecttheABS control unit 25Pconnector.

2 . S t a r tt h e e n g i n e . 3. Measurethe voltage betweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r{ * ) c i r c u i t e r m i n a lo f t h e A B S control unit 25Pconnectorand body ground (see table).

DTC 11 (Rlqht-front) 13 (Left-front) 1 5( R i q h t - r e a r ) 17 (Left-rear)

ADpropriateTerminal N o . 1 8 :F R W( + ) N o . 3 : F L W( + )

DTC 1 1( R i q h t - f r o n t ) 13 (Left-front) 1 5( R i q h t - r e a r )


Apptopriate Tetminal

N o .1 8 :F R W( + ) N o .3 : F L W( + ) N o .1 5 :R R W( i )

N o .5 : R L W( + )


N o .1 5 :R R W( + N o .5 :R L W i + )


ls there continuity? YES Go to step6. NO Go to step 7. Wire side of femaletermlnals

ls there battery voltage? YES Repairshort to power in the { + ) circuitwire betweenthe ABS modulatorcontrol unit and the appropriatewheel sensor.I NO Go to step 4. 4 . Turn the ignition switch OFF.

Disconnectthe wire harness2P connectorfrom the appropriatewheel sensor,then checkfor continuity b e t w e e nt h e ( + ) a n d ( ) t e r m i n a l so f t h e w i r e h a r n e s sa n d b o d y g r o u n d . ls there continuity? Y E S R e p a i rs h o r tt o b o d y g r o u n di n t h e ( + ) o r ( ) circuitwire betweenthe ABS modulator-control u n i t a n dt h e w h e e ls e n s o r . l NO Replace t h e w h e e ls e n s o r . l



7. Checkthe resistancebetweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r( + ) a n d ( - ) c i r c u i t e r m i n a l s( s e e table).

DTC 11 (Riqht-front) 13 (Left-front) 1 5( R i q h t - r e a r ) '17(Left-rear)

AoDroDriateTerminal {+ I Side ) Side N o . 1 8 : F R W ( -Nl o . 2 : F R( W ( + i No.12:FLW( N o . 3F:L W ) No,6:RR ( W N 0 . 1 5 : R (Br W


( No.14:RLW


DTC12,14,16,18iWheelSensor(Electrical Noise/lntermittent Interruption) NOTE:lf the ABS indicatorcomes becauseof electrical noise,the indicatorgoes off when you test-drivethe v e h i c l ea t 1 9 m p h ( 3 0k m / h ) . 1. Visuallycheckfor appropriatewheel sensorand pulser installation(seetable).Measurepulser-tosensorclearance.Inspectthe pulsersfor chippedor damageteeth {seepage 19-60).

DTC 14 16

Aoorooriate Wheel Sensor Riqht-front Left-front Riqht-rear




Are the wheel sensot and pulser installed cotrectly? FRWI+) {GRN/BLK)




Wire side of femaleterminals

ls the resistancebetween 450 2,000 Q ?

YES Go to step 2. NO Reinstallor replacethe appropriatewheel s e n s o ro r p u l s e r . l Disconnectthe ABS control unit 25Pconnector.

Y E S C h e c kf o r a l o o s eA B S c o n t r o lu n i t 3 l P connector.lf necessary,substitutea known-good ABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l NO Go to step L 8. Disconnectthe wire harness2P connectorfrom the appropriatewheel sensor,and checkthe resistance betweenthe (+ ) and { ) terminalsof the wheel sensor. Isthe resistancebetween450 2,000A? Y E S R e p a i ro p e ni n t h e ( + ) o r ( ) c i r c u i t w i r e , o r s h o r tb e t w e e nt h e ( + ) c i r c u i tw i r e a n d t h e ( ) circuitwire betweenthe ABS modulator-control u n i ta n d t h e w h e e ls e n s o r . l NO Replace t h e w h e e ls e n s o r . a



ABSComponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) Measurethe resistancebetweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r( + ) a n d ( - ) c i r c u i t e r m i n a l s( s e e t ab l e) . Appropriate Terminal ( )Side l+)Side 12 (Riqht-front) No.l8:FFW(* ) N o . 2 : F R W { ( + ) N o . 1 2 i F L( W N o . 3F:L W 14 (Left-front) (W ( R i q h t r e a r ) N o1 , 5:BRW{- No,6:BB 16



4. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe appropriate wheel sensor( + ) circuitterminal and other wheel s e n s o r( + ) c i r c u i t e r m i n a l s( s e et a b l e ) . Other Terminal

DTC Appropate Terminal 12

No.'181 F R W{ + )

N o .3




No.3: F L W( + ) N o .1 5 : RRW(+ ) No.5: R L W( + )


N o .1 5


'18 No.


N o .5

N o .1 8


N o .1 5

( ( + ) No,l4rRLW N o . 5R: L W




RLW(+) (YEL/RED} -\J

10 ls there less than 450 Q ?

2 3 4 5 6 7 12 1 4


YES Go to step 1. NO Go to step 4.

9t 24 25


FRW(+I {GRN/BLK) Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls there continuity? YES Repairshort in the wire betweenthe appropriatewheel sensorand the other wheel sensor.I NO Clearthe DTC.and test-drivethe vehicle.lf the ABS indicatorcomes on and the same DTCis indicared,replace the ABS modulator-control unit.I 5 . Disconnectthe harness2P connectorfrom the appropriatewheel sensor,and checkthe resistance betweenthe ( + ) side and the ( ) side of the wheel sensor. ls there lessthan 450 S)? YES Replacethe wheel sensor. NO Repairshort to wire betweenthe appropriate w h e e ls e n s o r( + ) a n d ( ) c i r c u i t s . l


DTC21,22,23,24: Pulser


1 . C l e a rt h e D T C( s e es t e p1 o n p a g e1 9 - 3 5 ) .

1. Clearthe DTC(seestep 1 on page 19-35).

2 . T e s t - d r i v teh e v e h i c l ea t 1 9 m p h ( 3 0k m / h )o r m o r e .

2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l } .

Does the ABS indicator come on, and are DTCs 21, 22, 23, 24 indicated ?

Doesthe ABS indicator come on, and are DTCs 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 indicated?

YES Go to step 3. NO The system is OK al this time. t 3. Checkthe appropriatepulsergearsfor a chippedor damagedtooth (seetable).

DTC .,1

22 23 24

3. Verify the DTC.

Appropriate Pulser Riqht-front Left-front Rioht-rear Left-rear

YES Checkfor looseterminalsin the ABS control unit 25Pconnector.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l N O - T h e s y s t e mi s O K a t t h i st i m e . l

Are the pulser gears OK? YES Checkfor looseterminalsin the ABS control unit 25Pconnector.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l NO Replacethe driveshaftor hub unit with the c h i p p e dp u l s e rg e a r . I


ABSComponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC41,42,t|(|,44:WheelLock 1 . L i f tu p t h e v e h i c l es o a l l f o u r w h e e l s a r e o f f t h e ground, and releasethe parkingbrake.

DTC51:MotorLock 1. Checkthe ABS MOTOR(30A) fuse in the main under-hoodfuse/relaybox, and reinstallthefuse if it is oK.

2. Checkfor brakedrag with the brakeshot. ls the f use OK? Do the brakes drag? YES Go to step 2. YES Repairthe brakedrag.l NO Replacethe fuse, and recheck.l NO Go to step 3. 2. Disconnectthe ABS control unit 25Pconnector. 3. Checkthe installationof the appropriatewheel sensor(seetable).

DTC 4'1

ADoroDriateWheel Riqht-front


42 43




ls it cotrect? YES- Go to step 4.

3. Measurethe voltagebetweenthe ABS control unit 25Pconnectorterminal No. 9 and body ground. ABS CONTROLUNIT25PCONNECTOF MR +B +B IWHT


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 6 t0 12 1 4


I YI lt


NO - Reinstallthe wheel sensorcorreclly.I Connectthe PGM Testerto the DLC. 5 . ChooseMISCTESTfrom the ABS menu, then selectfunction test. Choosethe out solenoidfor the appropriateDTC (seetable),and follow the on screenprompts. 7 . Apply the brakes,and have an assistantattempt to rotatethe appropriatewheel for the DTC,then . h e n t h e s o l e n o i di s a c t u a t et h e o u t s o l e n o i dW actuated.the wheel should rotate,and then lock up. Did the wheel rotate? YES- The probablecausewas that the vehicle s p u n d u r i n gc o r n e r i n gl.f t h e p r o b l e mr e c u r s , checkfor loose connectors,or try a known-good ABS modulator-controlunit. I NO Checkfor loose ABS modu lator-control unit conneclors.lf necessary,replacethe ABS m o d u l a t o r - c o n t r ou ln i t .I


Wiresideol femaleterminals

ls there battety voltage? YES- Go to step 4. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ABS MOTOR{30 A) fuse and the ABS control unit.I connect the ABS control unit 25Pconnector. Clearthe DTC(seestep 1 on page 19-35). 6 , Test-drivethe vehicleat 6 mph (10 km/h) or more. Does the ABS indicator come on, and is DTC 51 indicated? YES Replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.I N O T h e s y s t e mi s O K a t t h i st i m e . l

DTC52:MotorStuckOFF '1.

Checkthe ABS MOTOR(30 A)fuse in the main under-hoodfuse/relaybox, and reinstallthe fuse if it is OK. Is the tuse OK?

DTC53:MotorStuckON 1. Clearthe DTC(seestep 1 on page 19-35). 2, Test-drivethe vehicle. Does the ABS indicatot come on, and is DTC 53 indicated?

YES Go to step 2. NO - Replacethe fuse, and recheck.l

YES Replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.l NO The system is OK at this time.l

2. Disconnectthe ABS control unit 25Pconnector. 3. Measurethe voltage betweenthe ABS control unit 25Pconnectorterminal No. 9 and body ground. ABS CONTROLUNIT25PCONNECTOR

Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls there batt.ety voltage? YES Checkfor looseterminalsin the ABS control unit 25Pconnector.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ABS MOTOR(30 A) fuse and the ABS control unit.I


ABSComponents DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl Relay DTC54:ABS Fail-safe

DTC61,62:FSR* B Voltage

1. Clearthe DTC(seestep 1 on page 19-35).

1. Clearthe DTC(seestep 1 on page 19-35).

2. Test-drivethe vehicle.

2 . T e s t - d r i v teh e v e h i c l ea t 6 m p h { 1 0 k m / h )o r m o r e .

Does the ABS indicator come on, and is DTC 54 indicated?

Does the ABS indicator come on? YES- Go to step 3.

YES Replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.l NO The system is OK at this time.l NO Intermittentfailure;the vehicleis OK al this trme.l

3. Verify the DTC. ls DTC 61 or 62 indicated? YES- Checkthe chargingsystem.I NO- Do the appropriatetroubleshootingfor the DTC.I



DTC81:CentralProcessing Unit(CPU) Diagnosis, and ROM/RAM Diagnosis

1. Clearthe DTC(seestep 1 on page 19-35). 1. Clearthe DTC(seestep 1 on page 19-35). 2. Test-drivethe vehicle. 2. Test-drivethe vehicle. Does the ABS indicator come on, and is DTC 71 indicated?

Does the ABS indicatot come on, and is DTC 81 indicated?

YES- Make sure all four tires are the specifiedsize and are inflatedto properspecification.l

YES- Replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.l

NO - Intermittentfailure;the vehicleis OK at this time.l

NO lntermittentfailure;the vehicle is OK at this time.l


ABSComponents ABS lndicatorCircuatTroubleshooting ABSindicatordoesnot comeon 1. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and watch the ABS indicator. Does the ABS indicator come on?

9 . Disconnectthe gaugeassembly16Pconnector. 1 0 .Checkfor continuitybetweenthe gauge assembly 1 6 Pc o n n e c t rot e r mi n a l N o . 8 a n d b o d y g r o u n d . 16PCONNECTOR GAUGEASSEMBLY

YES The system is OK at this time.l NO - Go to step 2. T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F Ft h e n O N ( l l )a g a i n . Does the fuake system indicator come on? YES Go to step 3. Wiresideof {emaleterminals NO Repairopen in the indicatorpower source circuit.l . B l o w nI N S T R U M E NLTI G H T( 7 . 5A ) f u s e . . Open in the wire betweenthe INSTRUMENT L I G H T( 7 . 5A ) f u s e a n d g a u g ea s s e m b l y . . Open circuit insidethe fuse box. ?

ls there continuity? YES Repairshort to body ground in the wire betweenthe gaugeassemblyand the ABS control unit.l

Turn the ignition switch OFF. N O - G o t o s t e p1 1 . Disconnectthe ABS control unit 25Pconnector.

5 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . Does the ABS indicator come on?

1 1 .Connectthe gaugeassembly16Pconnector,and disconnectthe gauge assembly12Pconnector.

1 2 .Checkfor continuitybetweenthe gauge assembly 1 2 Pc o n n e c t otre r m i n a lN o . I a n d b o d y g r o u n d .

YES Checkfor looseterminalsin the ABS control unit 25Pconnector.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l


2 NO Go to step 6.


/ 1d

r u l bi n t h e g a u g e 6 . C h e c kt h e A B S i n d i c a t o b assemory.

3 4 5 I 10 11 12



ls the bulb OK? YES Go to step 7.

Wire side of femaleterminals

NO Replace t h e A B Si n d i c a t ob r ulb.l ls there continuity?

7 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 8 . Removethe gauge assembly(seepage 22-52).

YES Checkfor looseterminalsin the gauge assemblyconnectors.lf the connectoris OK, r e p l a c et h e g a u g ea s s e m b l y . I NO* Repairopen in the wire betweenthe gauge a s s e m b l ya n d b o d yg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) . 1


ABS indicatordoes not go off '1, C h e c kt h e A B S + B ( 2 0 A ) f u s ei n t h e m a i n u n d e r hood fuse/relaybox, and reinstallthe fuse if it is OK.

6. Measurethe voltage betweenthe ABS control unit 2 5 Pc o n n e c t o r t e r m i n aNl o . 1 6 a n d b o d y g r o u n d . ABS CONTROLUNIT25PCONNECTOR

ls the f use OK? t0

YES Go to step 2.

2 3 4 5 6 7 12 1 4 24 25 18



NO Replacethe fuse, and recheck.lf the fuse is blown, checkfor a short to body ground in this fuse circuit.lf the circuit is OK, replacethe ABS modulator-controlunit.I Checkthe R/CMIRROR(7.5A) fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox, and reinstallthefuse if ir isoK.

Wire side of temaleterminals

ls there battery voltage? ls the luse OK? YES Go to step 7. YES Go to step 3. NO Replacethe fuse, and recheck.lf the fuse is blown, checkfor a short to body ground in this fuse circuit.I

3 . Disconnectthe ABS control unit 25Pconnector, Measurethe voltage betweenthe ABS control unit 25Pconnectorterminal No. 8 and body ground.

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe R/C MIRROR(7.5A) fuse and the ABS control unit.I 1 . Turn the ignition switch OFF. 8 . Checkfor continuitybetweenthe ABS control unit 25Pconnectorterminal No. 24 and body ground. ABSCONTROL UNIT25PCONNECTOR


10 FSR

2 3 4 5 6 7 12 t o 24 25 18




2 3 4 5 6 1 12 I


^ t-



_ _l

\ tl


Wire side of femaleterminals

Wiresideof femaleterminals

Is therecontinuity? ls there battery voltage?

YES Goto step9.

YES Go to step 5.

NO Repairopenin thewire betweentheABS controlunitandbodyground(G303).I

NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe ABS + B ( 2 0A ) f u s e a n d t h e A B S c o n t r o lu n i t . t 5 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .



ABSComponents ABS IndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting(cont'd) 9 . Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). 1 0 .Connectthe ABS control unit 25Pconnector t e r m i n a lN o . 7 a n d b o d y g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e rw i r e . ABSCONTROL UNIT25PCONNECTOR



2 3 4 5 6 1 10 12 1 4 1 5 24 25 ]E



Wiresideof femaleterminals

Does the ABS indicator go otf? YES Checkfor looseterminalsin the ABS control unit 25Pconnector.lf necessary,substitutea known-goodABS modulator-controlunit, and recheck.l NO Gotostepll. 1 1 .Connectthe gauge assembly 16Pconnector t e r m i n a lN o . 8 a n d b o d y g r o u n dw i t h a j u m p e rw i r e . 16PCONNECTOR GAUGE ASSEMBLY

Wiresideof femaleterminals

Does the ABS indicator go ofl? YES Repairopen in the wire betweenthe gauge assemblyand the ABS control unit.l NO Checkfor loosegauge assemblyconnectors. lf the connectoris OK, replacethe gauge assembly.l


ABS Modulator-ControlUnit Removaland Installation NOTE: . Donotspill brakefluid on the vehicle;it may damagethe paint; if brakefluid gets on the paint,wash it off immediatelywith water. . Takecare not to damageor deform the brakelines during removaland installation. . T o p r e v e n t t h e b r a k e f l u i d f r o m f l o w i n g , p l u g a n d c o v e r t h e h o s e e n d s a n d j o i n t s w i t h a s h o p t oowr ee lq u i v a l e n t material.

Removal l n i t 2 5 Pc o n n e c t o(rC ) ,t h e n d i s c o n n e ct th e c o n n e c t o r . 1 . P u l lu o t h e l o c k ( B )o f t h e A B S c o n t r o u FLARENUT

To righl-tront To left-rear To right-rear To left-front

mm NUT

s.8 N m 11.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ftl


--G mm EOLT 9.8 N.m 11.0kcI m, 7.2lbf ft)

2. Disconnectthe six brakelines. 3. Removethe two 6 mm nuts. 4. Removethe ABS modulator-controlunit (A).

lnstallation 1. lnstallthe ABS modulator-controlunit, then tighten the two 6 mm nuts. 2, Alignthe connectingsurfaceof the ABS control unit 25Pconnector. 3 . P u s h i n t h e l o c k o f t h e A B s c o n t r oul n i t2 5 Pc o n n e c t o ur n t i ly o u h e a ri t c l i c ki n t o p l a c e , t h e nc on n e c tt h e c o nn e c t o r ' 4. Bleedthe brakesystem,startingwith the front wheels. 5. Startthe engine,and checkthat the ABS indicatorgoes off. 6. Test-drivethe vehicle,and checkthat the ABS indicatordoes not come on


ABSComponents WheelSensorInspection 1 . Inspectthe front and rear pulsersfor chippedor damagedteeth. Measurethe air gap betweenthe wheel sensorand pulserall the way around while rotatingthe pulser. Removethe rear brakedisc to measurethe gap on the rearwheel sensor.lf the gap exceeds1.0 mm ( 0 , 0 4i n ) ,c h e c kf o r a b e n ts u s p e n s i o a nrm.

WheelSensorReplacement NOTE;Installthe sensorscarefullyto avoid twisting the wires. Front: 6 mm BOLT 9.8 N m {1.0kgl.m, 7.2 lbf ft)

Standard: Front/Rear: 0.4 1.0 mm (0.02 0.04in.) Front/Bear

0 , 4 - 1 . 0m m 10.02-0.0itin.l

9,8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft)


\ mm BOLT 9.8 N.m (1.0kgI.m, 1.2 tbt.ftl

6 mm BOLT 9.8N.m (1.0kgf m, 7.2lbf.ftl WHEEL SENSOR


Body Doors Comoonent Location lndex ........20-2 DoorPanelRemoval/ Installation 20-4 DoorOuterHandle Replacement 20-5 DoorLatchReolacement............ 20-7 DoorGlassand Regulator Reolacement 20-8 DoorGlassAdjustment............... 20-'t'l DoorSashHolder Replacement 20-'15 DoorSashHolder Adiustment 20-16 DoorGlassOuterWeatherstrio Replacement 20-16 DoorWeatherstrip Reolacement 20-17 DoorWedgeandDoorWedge HolderReolacement ................ 20-17 DoorPosition and DoorStriker Adjustment 20-18 Mirrors Component LocationIndex ........20-20 PowerMirrorReplacement..,...,.20-21 MirrorHolderReDlacement ........20-21 RearviewMirror Reolacement 20-22 Glass Component Location lndex ........20-23 GlassReplacement Process.......20-25 Windshield Replacement ............ 20-29 RearWindowReolacement ........20-32 ConvertibleTop Component LocationIndex ........20-35 Convertible Top Assembly Replacement 20-38 Convertible Too Cloth Reolacement 20-40 RearWindowReplacement ........20-43 RearWindowLowerMolding/ RearWindowHarness Holder Replacement 20-47 Convertible Top ClothRepair.....20-48 Convertible Top LockHandle Replacement 20-49 Convertible Top LockHandle Operation Load Adjustment 20-49

Convertible Top Motor Replacement ..20-50 Convertible TooStriker Reolacement .. 20-50 A-Pillar-Header Weatherstrio a n dA - P i l l aM r olding Replacement 20-51 ......................... B-Pillar OuterWeatherstrip Replacement ..20-52 DrainTankandLowerDrain HoseReolacement ................... 20-52 Convertible TopCoverSnap Reolacement ..20-53 RemovableHardtop Comoonent Location lndex ........20-54 InteriorTrim Removal/ lnstallation ......20-55 Headliner Removal/ lnstallation ......20-56 RoofMoldingReplacement ........20-57 HardtopLowerWeatherstrip Reolacement ..20-60 RoofFrontTrim R e o l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0. -. .6. 1. . . HardtooLockHandle R e o l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0. -. .6. 1. . . RoofSideLockReolacement ......20-62 HardtopStrikerReplacement .....20-63 BodySideCatchAssembly Replacement ..20-63 BodySideCatch Reolacement ..20-64 RoofPosition Adjustment........... 20-65 InteriorTrim Component Location Index ........20-67 TrimRemoval/lnsta llation FrontRoofArea .................... 20-68 TrimRemoval/lnstallation DoorArea .... 20-69 Trim Remova l/lnstallatio n SeatSideArea ...................... 20-70 Trim Remova l/lnsta llation RearTrayArea ...................... 2O-71 TrimRemoval/lnstallation TrunkArea .. 20-73 CarpetReplacement ............... .....20-74 * CenterCarpetReplacement ...-....20-75

Gonsoles CenterConsoleRemoval/ 20-76 Installation WindDefector Replacement......20-77 RearConsoleRemoval/ 20-78 lnstallation RearConsoleBox 20-79 Replacement Dashboard PanelRemoval/ lnstrument 20-80 lnstallation RadioPanelRemoval/ 20-80 Installation FrontConsoleCoverRemoval/ 20-81 lnstallation Lower Dashboard Passenger's llation.....20-81 CoverRemoval/lnsta SideVent Passenger's 20-82 ................ Removal/lnstallation * Dashboard Removal/ 20-82 Installation Seats Index ........20-85 Location Component 20-86 l/lnsta llation........... SeatRemova bly SeatDisassem bly/Reassem - Driver's 20-87 SeatDisassembly/Reassembly 20-88 Passenger's 20-89 ............ SeatCoverReplacement Bumpers FrontBumperRemoval/ Installation RearBumperRemoval/ lnstallation

FuelFillDoor Adjustment


ExteriorTrim ........20-101 CowlCoverReplacement RearTrayOpeningMolding 20-102 Reolacement RearWindowLowerMolding 20-102 Reolacement ... E m b l e mR e o l a c e m e n. .t. . . . . . . .20-103 Trim A-PillarExterior 20-104 Reolacement Fenderwell ......20-105 InnerFenderReplacement 20-106 ............... Replacement Strakes FenderwellTrim 20-107 ......................... Reolacement RearAir Outlet 20-107 ......................... Reo1acement Openers LocationIndex .... 20-108 Component HoodOoenerCable 20-109 ......................... ReDlacement FuelFillDoorOpener .............. 20-110 CableReolacement Handle HoodRelease . .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0. .-.1. 1 . .1 R e o 1 a c e m e. n ........20-111 HoodLatchReolacement TrunkLid Latch 20-112 ......................... Reolacement TrunkLid LockCylinder R e o l a c e m e .n. t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0. .-.1. .3.

20-92 20-93

Hood 20-94 Adjustment ......20-96 Replacement HoodInsulator TrunkLid ........20-97 Adjustment TrunkLidTorsionBar ..20-98 Replacement TrunkLidRubberProtector ..20-99 Replacement TrunkLidWeatherstrip ..20-99 Reolacement

Frame FrontSubframe R e p l a c e m e .n.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0. .-.1. .4. RearSubframe R e p l a c e m e .n.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .0. .-.1. .5. * F r a m eR e p a iCr h a r t. . . . . . . . , , . . ,2. .0.-. 1 . 16

Doors ComponentLocationIndex WEDGEHOLOER

page20-17 Replacement,



page20-16 Replacement,

r) @

ts+a DooRwEDGE

page20-17 Replacement,


#'*e e^/ w>


ft \J \,/







i.%-. DOOR PositionAdjustment, page20'18



TWEETER GRILLE ('02-03 models)

qi \\..-


TWEETER ('02-03 models) PLASTIC DOORGRIP COLLAR ('02-03models)





/ / 8 s




GLASS page20-8 Replacement, Adjustment,page20-l'l



/DOORSASHHOLDER / Replacement, I page 20-15 / Adjustment, 20'16 f Page


DOORGLASS REGULATOB Beplacement, page20-8



o trF







* FAny '




usn /i'tl:\

DOORSTRIKER Adjustment, page20-18

/l:, J


DOORLATCH Replacement, page20 7





Doors DoorPanelRemovaUlnstallation SpecialToolsRequired Trim pad remover,Snap-onA 177A,or equivalent,commerciallyavailable. NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe door panel anddoor, . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. '1.

R e m o v et h e d o o r p a n e li n t h e n u m b e r e ds e q u e n c eR. e m o v et h e d o o r p a n e lw i t h a s l i t t l eb e n d i n ga s p o s s i b l et o a v o i dc r e a s i n go r b r e a k i n gl t .

2 . I n s t a l l t h ep a n e li n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e r o f r e m o v a l a , n d n o t et h e s ei r e m s : . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Make surethe connectorsare plugged in properly. . Checkthe window and power door lock operations. Fastener Locations

A > : S c r e w 1,

/.\ tlpr

B > : S c r e w1,

/\. ( F>

C > : S c r e w , ' t D > : C l i p ,I

/^\ (F::["

.---A L----l -


A J94 Er-r

95 mm {3.74in.) -

(1TwEETER CONNECTOR ('0203 models) Disconnect,

12 mm { 0 . 4 7i n . }




TRIM PAOREMOVER t 1mm {0.04in.l I

,tilPowER wtNDow SWITCH CONNECTOR Disconnect,

O INNERHANDLEcAsE Turnthe case,andslip the innerhandlethrough the holein the case.



DoorOuterHandleReplacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to scratchthe door . Takecare not to bend each rod. ' 1 .Removethese items: . D o o ro a n e l . Plasticcover,as necessary(seepage 20-2)

2. Removethe door outer handlein numberedsequence 3 . lnstallthe outer handlein the reverseorder of removal,and note these items:

. Make sure the cylinderswitch harnessis routed properly. . Make surethe cylinderswitch connectoris pluggedin properly,and each rod is connectedsecurely. . When installingthe lock cylinder,leavethe outer handle bolts looseso the outer handleprotectordoes not interferewith the lock cylinder installation,then tighten the handle bolts .Installtheretainerclipontheouterhandle,theninstallthelockcylinder.Besuretheretainerclipisfullyse in the slot on the lock cylinder. . Make sure the door locksand opens properly. . When reinstallingthe door panel,make sure the plasticcover is installedproperlyand sealedaround its perimeter. Fastener Locations

O Raisethe glassfully.

A>:Screw,1 B>rScrew,1

C=" O-




:-, \











CONNECTOR Disconnect,




Doors Door Outer HandleReplacement(cont'd) Fastener Locations

CO : Nut,1



> : Bolt,2

: Bolt, 1

I i lllllrr--1



I i I \tF,----:\





@ T u r nt h e o u t e rh a n d l e , and removeit from outer handlerod.



O S c r i b ea l i n ea r o u n d the outer handlerod on the joint to show the original adlustment.


OUTERHANDLE PROIECTOR ROD 06x1.0mm 9.8N.m (1.0kgf m, 7.2 tbl.ftl

@ Pull out the outer handle.



@ 6 x 1 , 0m m 9.8 N.m 11.0kgt.m. 7.2lbf.ftl


f'?5'\ i ' - r .1

lljl6x1.omm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m, 7.2tbl.ftl


c ' 1

, \.'

(?6x1.omm 6 N.m{0.6kgf m. 4



Door LatchReplacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to scratchthe door. . Takecare notto bend each rod. 1 . R e m o v et h e o u t e rh a n d l e( s e ep a g e2 0 - 5 ) . 2. Removethe door latch in numberedsequence. 3. Installthe latch in the reverseorder of removal,and notethese items: . Make sure the actuatorconnectorsare pluggedin properly,and each rod is connectedsecurely . l\,4ake sure the door locksand opens properly. . When reinstallingthe door panel,make surethe plasticcover is installedproperlyand sealedaround its perimeter. FastenerLocations



Disconnectthe inner h a n d l er o d .


@ Disconnectthe rear lockrodREARLOCKROD








" 6.'.-,- ..


1 . 1



Detachthe inner handlerod. Disconnectthe front lock rod.


Doors Door Glassand RegulatorReplacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare notto scratchthe door. . Takecare not to drop the window glass insidethe door. 1. Removethese items: . l n n e rh a n d l ea n d r o d c r a n k( s e ep a g e2 0 - 7 ) . Plasticcover (see page20-2) 2. Removethe door glassand regulatorin numberedsequence: ' Holdthe adjustingbolts with a hex wrench when removingthe locknuts. . Scribea line around the stabilizermounting bolt,the glass mounting bolts,and the regulatormounting nuts to show the original locations. Fastener Location

S c r i b ea l i n e aroundthe bolt.




OCarefully move the glassuntil you can removetne glassstop.

1 t . , *!s L



:-/ -jso_-__.._-.<





v^ ,



a .


6x1.0mm 5 N.m {0.5 kgf.m, 4 tbt.ft)




OLoosen the bolt. 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m (2.2 kgf.m, 16 tbf.ft)

Faslenel Locations

B> : B o l t . 3 O Carefullymove the glassdown Llntilyou can seethe bolts.

â‚Ź) Removethe glass from the requlator.

6 x 1 . 0m m I N.m{0.8kgf m, 6 rbt.ft)

I' I @ Scribea line aroundthe bolls (Threeplacesi.

/ ';,"io

'( :


'tt'"-' '"' t ""'tt: '








Doors Door Glassand RegulatorReplacement(cont'd) Fastener Locations


o O : N u t . 2 E> : Bolt,3



lrl@ (' Scribea line aroundthe nuts.

@8x1.25mm 12Nm(1,2kgf.m, lgf.ft)


'\ :--r--r1,,


Y,t;.)'', ,; b-(



6x1.0mm 8 N.m {0.8 k9f.m, 6 tbf.ftl Loosen.

@coNNEcToR Disconnect and detach.


@HARNâ‚Źss CLIP Detach.

/ OLOCKNUT 8 x 1.25mm 12N.m{1.2kgf.m, 9 tbf.ftl


Installthe glassand regulatorin the reverseorder of removal.and note these items: . Hold the adjustingbolts with a hex wrench when installingthe locknuts. . Beforeinstallingthe regulator,Apply multipurposegreaseto allthe sliding surfacesofthe regulator. . Make sure the connectoris pluggedin properly. . Roll the glassup and down to see if it moves freely without binding. 'Makesurethatthereisnoclearancebetweentheglassandroofweatherstripswhentheglassisclosed. . Adjust the positionof the glassas necessary(seepage 20-11). . Checkfor water leaks{seestep 17 on page 20-14), . Test-driveand checkfor wind noiseand rattles. ' When reinstallingthe door panel,make sure the plasticcover is installedproperlyand sealedaround its Derrmeler.


Door GlassAdiustment NOTE: . Checkthe A-pillar-headerweatherstrip,roof weatherstripsand B-pillarweatherstripfor damageor deterioration.and replacethem if necessary. . Wipe eachweatherstripand the front lower channel cleanwith a shop towel. . Lubricatethe front lower channelwithShin-Etsu greaseP/N08798-9013.

MeasuringPoint A


"8" Clearance

1 . Placethe vehicleon a firm, levelsurface. Securethe convertibletop with both convertible top lock handles. Make sure they are lockedsecurely.

MeasuringPoint B

Lower the glassfully.

,v \

4 . Removethese items: . Door panel (seepage 20-4) . Plastic cover (see page 20-21 . A-pillar-header weatherstrip,pillar portion (see p a g e2 0 - 5 1 ) . Roof side weatherstrip(seepage 20-40) . Roofcornerweatherstrip(seepage20-35) . B-pillarweatherstrip(seepage 20-40) 5 . Closethe door. Checkthe door fit to the body opening.

"H" Cle.rance "8" Clearance

Measuring PointC

"8" Clearance

R a i s et h e g l a s sf u l l y . 7 . At the measuringpoints (A, B, C), measureand "B" recordclearances"H" and betweenthe glass ( D )a n d t h e m o l d i n g( E )a n d t h e g l a s s( D )a n d t h e retainer(F).Adjustthe clearanceas describedin '10. steps9 thru

"H" Clearance

Clearance{Standaldclearancel U n i t :m m ( i n . )


l\4easuringPoint Clearance



? 4 ( 0 . 1 6 ) ( 0 . 11)

c I (0.31)

14 18 11 (0.43) (0.55) { 0 . 7 1 )

8. Move the door sash holder all the way forward (see p a g e2 0 - 1 5 ) .



Doors Door GlassAdjustment (cont'dl 9. Adjust clearance"H" as follows: -1 Loosenthe bolts (A) securingthe stop plates(B). -2 Loosenthe bolts (Clsecuringthe glass{D). -3 Move the glass up or down, as well as,forward and rearwardto align it with the retainerand molding.Move the glassuntil clearcnce"H" is within the specifiedlimits. -4 Tightenthe bolts securingthe glass. -5 Pressthe stop platesagainstthe glassstops (E). -6 Fastenthe stop plates.Checkthat the stop platescontactthe glassstops evenly. A 8 x 1.25mm 22 N,m 12.2kbt.rn,

.\\ )'-.i...\ :.



: ...//.\


"H" Clearance


6x1.0mm 8 N.m {0.8kgf.m, 6 tbf.ft)


10. Adjust clearance"8" as follows: - 1 Pushthe glass(A) outward 10 mm (0.39in.),then lightly push the stabilizer(B) againstthe glass. -2 Tightenthe bolt (C)securingthe stabilizer.Checkthatthe glassmoves smoothly. -3 Loosenthe locknuts(D). Turn the adjustingbolts (E)until the clearance"8" is within the specifiedlimits.Turn the front and rear adjustingboltsthe same amount to keepthe regulator(F)parallelwith the seatingsurfaceof the door. -5 Tightenthe locknuts.Make sure that the ends of the adjustingbolts still projectout of the locknuts. -6 Move the glassup and down to seat it, then measureclearance"8" at the designatedlocations. -7 Measureclearance"H" again to make sure it is still within the specifiedlimits at the designatedlocations. Repeatthe above steos until the correctclearanceare obtained. Adiusting Bolt Clockwise

Top Edge of Glass -

Moved out


ird "8" Clearance


8 x 1.25mm 22 N.n 12.2kgt m, 16tbf.ft)

D 8 x 1 . 2 5m m 12 N.m {1,2kgf.m, 9 rbf.ftl



Doors Door GlassAdjustment {cont'd) 'lt.

A l i g nt h e d o o r s a s hh o l d e rw i t h t h e g l a s su s i n gt h e adjustingbolt at the bonom of the door sash holder ( s e ep a g e2 0 - 1 6 ) .

1 2 . After the clearanceshave been adjustedproperly, reinstalI eachweatherstrip. 13. Checkthat the glassmoves smoothly. 1 4 . R a i s et h e g l a s s( A ) f u l l y ,a n d c h e c kt h a tt h e g l a s s contactseach weatherstrip(B)evenly.Measuring points are describedat step 7. Frontroof pillar:


Attachthe plasticcover,and installthe door panel (seepage 20-4).


Make sure that the top is lockedsecurely,then ralse the glassfully, and closethe doors.

1 7 . Checkfor water leaks.Run water over the roof and on the sealingarea as shown, and note these items: . . . .

U s ea 1 2 m m ( 1 / 2i n . )d i a m e t e rh o s e( A ) . Adjustthe rate of water flow (B). Do not use a nozzle, Hold the hose about 300 mm (12 in.) away from the door.

1 2 m m ( 1 / 2i n . )

i Rool :

150 mm (6 in.)

7-' t , I A



1 8 . lf there are leaks,recheckthe work performed,and checkthe door glass,weatherstrip,A-pillarmolding. and retaineradjustment. 1 9 . Test-driveand checkfor wind noise.


Door SashHolderReplacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to scratchthe door. '1.

Removethese items: . Door glass(seepage 20-8) . Door weatherstrip,as necessary{seepage 20-171 Removethe door sash holder in numberedsequence; . Holdthe adjustingbolt with a hex wrench when removingthe locknut. . Scribea line aroundthe locknutto showthe originaladjustment. Installthe holder in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . . . '

Adjustthe positionofthe door sash holder (seepage 20-16). Checkfor water leaks(seestep 17 on page 20-14). Test-driveand checkfor wind noiseand rattles. When reinstallingthe door panel,make sure the plasticcover is installedproperlyand sealedaround its peflmeler, FasrenerLocalions

A > : Screw,4



> : Bolt,2 ^a:\

c a: Nur,l

lLrro o


O6xl.omm 9.8N.m11.0 ksf.m, 7.2lbl.ttl @ HOIESEAL





ADJUSTING AOLT G] LOCKNUT 8 x 1 . 2 5m m 1 2 N . m { 1 . 2k g f . m , I

''!a Disconnect.




Doors Door SashHolderAdjustment

Door GlassOuterWeatherstrip Replacement

1 . R a i s et h e g l a s sf u l l y . 2 . L o o s e nt h e l o c k n u (t A )w h i l e h o l d i n gt h e a d j u s t i n g bolt (B)with a hex wrench. Adjusting Bolt

Top Edge of Holder

NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare notto scratchthe door and door molding. 1 . R e m o v et h e d o o r s a s hh o l d e r{ s e ep a g e2 0 - 1 5 ) .


2. Startingatthe rear,prythe outer weatherstrip(A) up, and detachthe clips (B, C).




B>:Clip,1 C):Clip,6

A 8 x 1.25mm 1 2N . m (1.2kgl.m, 9 rbt.ft)

3 . A l i g nt h e d o o r s a s hh o l d e r{ C ) w i t ht h e g l a s su s i n g the adjustingbolt at the bottom of the door sash holder,l\4akesure that there is no clearance betweenthe end of channel(D) and glasssurface. 4. Tightenthe locknutsecurely. 5. Reinstallall remainingremoved pans. 6, Checkfor water leaks(seestep 17 on page 20-'14). 7. Test-driveand checkfor wind noise and rattles.


lnstallthe weatherstripin the reverseorder of r e m o v a la , n d r e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s .

DoorWeatherstripReplacement NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe door. . Use a clip remover,to removethe clips. 1 . R e m o v et h e d o o r p a n e l{ s e e p a g e 2 0 - 4 ) .

Door Wedgeand Door Wedge HolderReplacement NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe door and body. 1. Removelhe door wedge and the door wedge h o l d e ra s s h o w n .

2. Removethe door weatherstripas shown. 3. Installtheweatherstripin the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Replaceany damagedclips. . lf the old weatherstripis to be reinstalled,scrape off all tracesof old EPTsealerand butyl tape, then cleanthe weatherstripsurfacewith alcohol. . Glue the new weatherstripinto placeusing EPT sealerand butyl tape.

2. Installthe wedge and wedge holder in the reverse order of removal,and when installingthe door wedge holder,adjust it up or down untilthe door wedge is centeredin the holder. Fastens.Locations ) : Screw, 2

B) : Screw, 2



6x1.0mm 9.8N.m(1.0kgf.m, 7.2tbl.ttl

FastenerLocations A): Screw,2 B

EPTSEALER Thickness:5 mm (0.2in.) Width:5mm {0.2in.l

BUTYLTAPE Thickness: 1 mml0.04in.l Wideth:5 mm {0.2in.l DOORWEDGE

DOORWEDGE HOLOER 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbf.ftl





Doors Door Positionand Door StrikerAdjustment NOTE: . A f t e r i n s t a l l i n g t h e d o o r , c h e c k f o r a f l u s h f i t w i t h t h e b o d y , t h e n c h e c k f o r e qguaapl sb e t w e e nt h e t r o n t ,r e a r ,a n d bottom door edgesand the body. Checklhat the door and body edges are parallel. . Placethe vehicleon a firm. level surfacewhen adjustingthe door. . P l a c e a s h o p t o w eol n t h e j a c kt o p r e v e n d t a m a g et o t h e d o o r w h e n h o l d i n gt h e d o o r . '1.

R e m o v e t h ed o o r w e d g eh o l d e r( A )( s e ep a g e2 0 - 1 7 ) .

I x 1.25mm 29 N.m13.0kgf.m, 22 tbt.ttl

D 8 x 1 . 2 5m m 29 N.m {3.0kgf.m, 22lbf.ttl

Slightly loosenthe strikermounting screws(B). Adjust the door alignmentin this sequence: . A d j u s ta t l h e h i n g e s( C ) : - L o o s e n t h ed o o r m o u n t i n gb o l t s( D )s l i g h t l y , a n d m o v e t h e d o o r i n o r o u t u n t iilt ' sf l u s hw i t h t h e b o d y . - Removethe inner fender (seepage 20-105),then slightly loosenthe hinge mountlng bolts (E).and move the door backwardor forward, up or down as necessaryto equalizethe gaps. 'Turnthedoorcushions(F),asnecessary,tomaketherearofthedoorflushwiththebody. 4 . Make sure the door and body edges are parallel,and the door is flush with the body. Tightenthe door and hinge

mounting bolts,and recheck.


5. Adjust the striker(A); . Move the strikerIn or Out to make the latchfit tighter or looser. . Move the strikerUp or Down to align it with the latch opening.

m \

8 x 1 . 2 5m m 18Nm(1.8kgf.m, 13 tbf.ft)

-i-:- ---


- ;

g i

6x1.0mm 9.8 N'm {1,0kgf.m, 7.2tbl,ftl

6 . Make sure the door latchesproperly.Tightenthe screws(B).and recheck. 7 . Align the door wedge holder (C)up or down until the door wedge (D) is centeredin the holder.Tightenthe screws (F),and recheck. 8. Apply multipurposegreaseto the pivot portionsofthe hinges(A) indicatedbythe arrows.

9 . A p p l yb o d y p a i n tt o t h e h i n g ea n d d o o r m o u n t i n gb o l t s ,a n d a r o u n dt h e h i n g e s . '10C . h e c kf o r w a t e r l e a k s( s e e

s t e p1 7 o n p a g e2 0 1 4 ) .

' I1 . Test-drive

and checkfor wind noise.


Mirrors ComponentLocationIndex POWERMIRROR page20-21 Replacement,


) , . . , 1 , r


POWEBMIRRORACTUATOR page22-106 Replacement,



g .'' \//



=---'. t-- 1 q."






REARVIEW MIRROB page20-22 Replacement,


PowerMirror Replacement

Mirror HolderReplacement

NOTE:To avoid scratchingthe door, be sure to hold the m i r r o rw h i l e r e m o v i n go r i n s t a l l i n g the nuts.

NOTE:Put on glovesto protectyour hands-

1. Removethese items: . D o o rs a s hh o l d e r( s e ep a g e2 0 -1 5 ) . Plasticcover,as necessary(seepage 20-2)

1. Carefullypull outthe bottom edge ofihe mirror holder {A} by hand.Takecare not to scratchthe mirror.

2. Disconnecttheconnector(A),and detachit from the door. Fastoner Locations



';';''li1' ) . '


,a a o

Separatethe mirror holderfrom the actuator(B) by slowly pullingthem apart while detachingthe clips (C)and releasingthe hooks (D).

6x1.0mm 9.8N.m (1.0kgf.m.7.2 tbt.ftl

Reattachthe hooksof the mirror holderto the actuator,then positionthe mirror holder on the actuator.Carefullypush on the clip portionsof the mirror holder until the mirror holder locks into prace.

Supportthe mirror (B)with one hand, removethe nuts (C).then removethe mirror.

Checkthe actuatoroperation. 4 . Installthe mirror in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . Make sure the connectoris plugged in properly. . Adjustthe positionofthe door sash holder (see p a g e2 0 - 1 6 ) . . Checkfor water leaks(seestep 17 on page2O-14). . Test-driveand checkfor wind noise and rattles. . When reinstallingthe door panel,make sure the plasticcover is installedproperlyand sealed around its perlmeter.


Mirrors RearviewMirror RePlacement NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe cover and mirror stay. . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage 1. Removethe rearviewmirror as shown 2. Installthe mirror in the reverseorder of removal. LUG MOUNTING


LOCKBOLT Turn counterclockwise to Ioosenenoughto slidethe mirror clown.



Glass ComponentLocationIndex





FASTENER,2 (Cliptype, body side)

:\ i, / i / _. MoLD|NG stDEsEAL,2 ill/.



Glass ComponentLocationIndex(cont'dl Removable Hardtop





p-... {- 2 \ \

e G




REARWINDOW page20-25 Process, GlassReplacemenl page20-32 Replacement,



(Self'adhesive{YPe, olassside)

2 LOWERFASTENER, (Self-adhesive-type, rooJside)



GlassReplacementProcess NOTE: . This procedureis a generaldescriptionofthe glass replacementprocess.For detailsabout fastenerand rubberdam locations,windshield{seepage 20-29), rear window (see page 20-32l,. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Wear eye protectionwhile cuttingthe glassadhesive with piano wire. . Use seatcoversto avoid damagingany surfaces. '1.

To removethe glass.first removethe relatedparts, windshield(seepage 20-29),rearwindow (see page20-32).

Using an awl, make a hole through the adhesive from insidethe vehicleat the corner portion of the glass,windshield(seepage 20-29),rearwindow (seepage20-32). 1 . Pusha pieceof piano wire through the hole, and wrap each end around a pieceof wood, With a helperon the outside,pull the piano wire {A) back and forth in a sawing motion. Hold the piano wire as closeto the windshieldas possibleto preventdamageto the body and dashboard. Carefullycut through the rubber dam and adhesive aroundthe entirewindshield.

2. Disconnectthe connectorsfrom the glassterminals. 3. Removethe molding (A) from the edge of the glass (B).lf necessary,cut the molding with a utility knife.

4 . lf the old glassis to be reinstalled,make alignment

marks acrossthe glassand body with a grease pencllat the four points. Apply protectivetape along the edge of the body and the relatedparts.



Glass GlassReplacementProcess(cont'd) 9. Carefullyremovethe glass. '10.With knife,scrapethe old adhesivesmooth to a a thicknessof about 2 mm {0.08in.) on the bonding surfacearoundthe entireglassopeningflange:

14. Glue the molding (A) with adhesivetape (B)to the edge ofthe glass(C),windshield(seep age20-291, rearwindow (seepage 20-32).Be carefulnot to touch the glasswhere adhesivewill be applied.

. Do not scrapedown to the paintedsurfaceof the body; damagedpaint will interferewith proper bonding. . Removeany remainingpartsfrom the body. 1


Cleanthe body bonding surfacewith a sponge dampenedin alcohol.After cleaning,keepoil, greaseand water from gettingon the cleansurface.

12. lf the old glass is to be reinstalled,use a putty knife to scrapeoff all of the old adhesiveand any remainingpartsfrom the glass.Cleanthe inside face of the glasswith alcoholwhere new adhesive is to be applied.Make sure the bonding surface is keptfree of water, oil and grease. 13, Glue the rubberdam (A),fastener(B),and other partsto the insideJaceof the glass(C).windshield (seepage 20-29),rearwindow (seepage20-32).Be carefulnot to touch the glasswhere adhesivewill be applied.


Inside N




-A..-" -N


Installthe fastener(A)to the body, windshield(see page20-29),rearwindow (seepage 20-321.

16. lf the new glass is to be installed,set the glass (A) in the opening,and centerit. Make alignment marks (B)acrossthe glassand body with a grease pencilat the four ooints shown. Be careful not to touch the glasswhere adhesivewill be applied.

19. With a sponge,apply a light coat of body primerto t h e o r i g i n aa l d h e s i v er e m a i n i n ga r o u n dt h e windshieldopeningflange,windshield(seepage 20-29),rearwindow (seepage 20-32).Let the body primer dry for at least 10 minutes. . Do not apply glassprimer to the body, and be careful not to mix up glassand body primer sponges. . Nevertouch the primed surfaceswith your hands. . Mask offthe interiorparts beforepaintingthe flange. : Apply body primâ‚Źr here.

't7. Remove glass. the 1 8 . With a sponge,apply a light coat of glassprimer aroundthe edge of the glass(A) betweenthe r u b b e rd a m ( B )a n d m o l d i n g( C )a s s h o w n ,t h e n lightlywipe it off with gauzeor cheesecloth, w i n d s h i e l d( s e ep a g e2 O - 2 9 1 r e, a r w i n d o w ( s e e page20-32). . A p p l yg l a s sp r i m e rt o t h e m o l d i n g . . Do not apply body primer to the glass,and do not get body and glassprimer spongesmixed up. . Nevertouch the primed surfaceswith your hands. lf you do, the adhesivemay not bond to the glass properly,causinga leak afterthe glass is i n s t al l e d . . Keepwater, dust, and abrasivematerialsaway from the primed surface.

Beforefilling a cartridge,cut a "V" in the end of the nozzle(A) as shown.

10 mm {0.39in.l

,./ ,ll : Apply glas3primerhere. lnside /)7



Glass Process(cont'd) GlassReplacement 21. Packadhesiveinto the cartridgewithout air pockets to ensurecontinuousdelivery.Putthe cartridgein a caulkinggun, and run a bead of adhesive(A) aroundthe edge oJthe glass(B) betweenthe rubber dam (C)and molding (D) as shown, windshield(seepage 20-29),rearwindow (see page 20-32).Apply the adhesivewithin 30 minutes after applyingthe glassprimer. Make a slightly thickerbead at each corner'

o\ \ A \

rnsiae fiJ

^-.,,\r fil'.. c

Use suctioncups to hold the glassover the opening, align it with the alignmentmarks made in step 3 or 16. and set it down on the adhesive Lightly push on the glassuntil its edges are fully seatedon the adhesiveall the way around.Do not open or close the doors until the adhesiveis dry.

2 3 . Scrapeor wipe the excessadhesiveoff with a putty knife or towel. To remove adhesivefrom a painted surfaceor the glass,wipe with a soft shop towel damoenedwith alcohol.

24. Let the adhesivedry for at least t hour,thenspray water over the glassand checkfor leaks.Mark leakingareas,and let the glassdry, then sealwith sealant: . Let the vehiclestandfor at least4 hours after glass installation.lf the vehiclehas to be used within the first 4 must be driven slowly. . Keepthe glassdry for the first hour after installation.


25. Reinstallatl remainingremovedparts.Installthe rearviewmirror after the adhesivehas dried thoroughly (windshield) NOTE:Advisethe customernotto do the following things for 2 to 3 days: . Slam the doors with all the windows rolled up. . Twist the bodv excessivelv(suchas when going in and out of drivewaysat an angle or driving over rough, uneven roads).

WindshieldReplacement NOTE:Familiarizeyourselfwith the glass replacementprocess(seepage 20-25).

PartsRemoval First removethese items: . . . .

Rearviewmirror {seepage 20-22) Frontroof rail trim (seepage 20-68) Windshieldwiper arms (seepage 22-114) Cowl cover (seepage 20-101)

Cutting Positions Slip the piano wire through the adhesiveat each positionas shown, and pull backthe piano wire in directionindicated by arrow. FASTENER





ltli '!l!

,'\ \




\T ii ri i \




i ii-l

-a-'\-"::8. ..


i .>.. t':;,i/ ' . .




Glass (cont'd) WindshieldReplacement RubberDamsand FastenerInstallation,and PrimerApplication . Be sure the rubber dams and fastenersline up with the alignmentmarks, 'Gluetherubberdamswithadhesivetape{N|TTO501l\il,orequivalent),andgluethefastenerwithadhesivetape (3M 4215,or equivalent). . To glue the molding, apply primer (3M N-200,or equivalent)to the areasbetweenthe alignmentmarks of the windshield. 13.5mm {0.53in.) FASTENER lrt mm {0.55in.)






Molding Installation . B e s u r et h e a l i g n m e n m t a r ko f t h e w i n d s h i e l d . t a r ko f t h e m o l d i n gl i n eu p w i t h t h e a l i g n m e n m . G I u et h e m o l d i n gw i t h a d h e s i v et a p e ( 3 M 4 2 1 2 ,o r e q u i v a l e n t ) . . G l u et h e m o l d i n gs e a l st o t h e m o l d i n g . A L I G N M E N TM A R K











Fastener(bodysidelInstallation/Body PrimerApplication 16 mm (0.63in.)

: Applybodvprimerhere. 6 mm {0.24in,l

16 mm 10.63in.l 5mm 10.2in.)

GlassPrimerand AdhesiveApplication .l',,jli : Apply glassprime. here. 9 mm 10.35 in.l 13 mm (0.51in.)

rnsiae I

--)&, // '--*<Y






E ]


8mm (0.31in.)




"",0" fl





1,4 f -

8xf,tER ibTf;''.r


Glass RearWindow Replacement RemovableHardtop NOTE: . To remove and installthe rearwindow, removethe roof from the body. . Placethe roof on paddedsupportsto preventdamage. . Havean assistanthelo vou removeand installthe rear window. . Familiarizeyourselfwith the glass replacementprocess{seepage 20-25}. . Removethe rear window and molding as an assembly.lf the molding is damaged.replaceit. LOCKHANDLE




PartsRemoval Removethese items.and disconnectthe rearwindow defoggerconnectors: . Headliner(seepage 20-56) . Rearwindow lowertrim (seepage 20-55)

Cutting Positions Slip the piano wire through the adhesiveat each positionas shown, and pull backthe piano wire in directionindicated by arrow. For the upper portion,cut the adhesivewith the utility knife from insidewhile pushingthe rearwindow out. Cut thls areawith a utility knife. FASTENER






RubberDams,Fasteners, and SpacersInstallation . Be sure the rubberdams, fasteners,and spacersline up with the alignmentmarks. . G l u e t h eu p p e rf a s t e n e w ( 3 M 4 2 1 5 ,o r e q u i v a l e n ta)n d t h e l o w er f a s t e n ew r ithadhesivetape r i t h a dh e s i v et aD e ( 3 M 5 3 1 2 ,o r e q u i v a l e n t ) . . G l u et h e r u b b e rd a m sa n d s p a c e r sw i t h a d h e s i v et a p e( NI T T O5 0 1 M ,o r e q u i v a l e n t ) . 16 mm





"u"".i oarrr



17"?ii?!i"*' $Ao.'nr".Nr


FASTENER (Two places)



Molding lnstallation To g\ue the molding, apply a light coat o{ pr'rmer (3M N-2O0, or equrvalent) to the bottom area on the ou$-rde of rhe rear window , and glue the molding with urethane adhesive.


Applyprimerand urethaneadhesive,



Glass RearWindow Replacement{cont'd) Fastoner{roof side}lnstallation/BodyPrimerApplication Glue the lower fastenerswith adhesivetape (3M 4256,or equivalent). li/i,i/tt I t ppty bodr p.imâ‚Źf.h?r'.e. U n i t m m{ i n . )


1610.631 31{1.21


GlassPrimerand AdhesiveApplication lAl portion:

il/i'///l : Apptr gl$s ptimet herc.


U n i t i m m{ i n . ) RUBBER DAM


t0.55) t0.o8t REAN

wtNDow [B] portion: SIDERUSBER OAM

2 to.oE) -TI

***)Lo--=--+ -\"o.o,"o

[C] ponion: ln3ide

1210.171 33.5 11.32)






ConvertibleTop ComponentLocationIndex '00-01Models CONVERTIBLE TOPCLOTH page20 40 Replacement, page20 48 Repair,

wtNDow Replacement, page 20-43










- / n EREAR , t n L v wLOWER En \












CONVERTIBLETOP LOCKHANDLE Replacement, page20-49 OperationLoadAdjustment, page20 49 CONVERTIBLETOP ASSEMBLY Replacement, page 20 38





ConvertibleTop ComponentLocationIndex(cont'd) '02-03Models CONVERTIBLE TOPCLOTH page20-40 Replacement, page Repair, 20-48 REARWINDOW LOWERMOLDING Replacement, page 20-47





LINKSTOPRUBBERSPACER (Withremovable hardtop)





roe -.-/SbitiHiiir-le RETAINER









TOP CONVERTIBLE LOCKHANOLE Replacement, page20-49 LoadAdjustment, Operation page20-49


CONVERTIBLETOP ASSEMBLY Replacement, page20-38

CONVERTIBLE TOPMOTOR Replacement, page20-50












TOP-STRIKER ., coNvERTIBLE Re?lacement' Page20'50

-43t \=,,.,



@ E

PIPE page ase 20-52

DRAINVALVE A.PILLAR MOLDING page20-51 Replacement,


ConvertibleTop ConvertibleTop AssemblyReplacement NOTE: . Havean assistanthelp you removethe convertibletop assembly. . Takecare not to scratchthe top cloth and body. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. 'lfthetopdoesnotmovewiththeconvertibletopswitch,disconnecttheemergencyconnectornearthepassenger's kick panel lsee page 22-'147l., and move the top by hand. 1. Removeboth reartray side trims (seepage 20-71). 2. Bemovethe top in the numberedsequence. 3. Installthe convertibletop in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Make sure the connectorsare plugged in properly. . Checkoperationofthe top. ' C h e c k t h a t e a c h t o p l o c k h a n d l e w o r k s s m o o t h llyf .n e c e s s a r ya,d j u s t h e h o o k p o s i t i o n( s e ep a g e2 0 - 4 9 ) . ' Checkthat each door glasscontactsthe weatherstripsevenly. . Checkfor water leaks{seestep 17 on page 20-14). . Test-driveand checkfor wind noise and raftles. Fastener Locations A>: Bolt,2

(8ody color)

B>: Bolt,12

Ca : N u r , 1 1






O RIGHTSIDE CONVERTIELE TOPRETAINER 6 x 1 . 0m m 9.8N.m 11.0kgt m, 7.2 tbt.ttl





6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m 11.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft)

<\-'""'-i*-t\\,, 1*. ' ' \ "


BAND ('02-03models)


;' .i







lrrl r'>'-

.. -,.

' "r,/*"*,* 6 x 1 . 0m m 9.8 N.m 11.0kgt.m,7.2 lbf ft)

,^i 8,7 Bt7 A{

(0 Pullbackthe carpet. !I] LEFTCORNERGUSSET


('0203 models)

Fatten6r Locations

E>:Bolt,10 '00 model


F > : C t i p . 2G > : C l i p , 2

'01-03 models


Flk.. -4E5tE,]urPrr'rr !/4)E\'4 ( ,

/Gt\ H


OMove the top lo this position usingthe convertibletop switch locatedin the centerconsole. @Lift up the top assembly.







BANO {'02-03models)

wectoa / onnecr / detach.//

!'a\ !

' BAND (Bothsides)

], ]i

('02-03modets) RA|NRAtL

,,(o^^ lliA 29 N.m 13.0kgf.m,22 lbf.ftl


r*/,'"--=-'* raillrom the body,and removethe top assembly.

('02 03 models)

@CONNECTOR Disconnecland detacn.



ConvertibleTop ConvertibleTop Cloth Replacement NOTE: . Takecare notto scratchthe top frame. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Wear eye protectionwhen removingthe rivetswith a drill. . When removingthe rivets,drill holes in the rivetswith a 4 mm {0.16in.) drill. ' T h i s i l l u s t r a t i o n s h o w s t h e l e f t s i d etohfe v e h i c l e r, e p e a t h e p r o c e d u r eo n t h e r i g h ts i d ei n t h e s a m em a n n e r .

Cloth Replacement 1. Removethe convenibletop assembly(seepage 20-38), 2. Removethe convertibletop cloth in the numberedsequence. 3, Installthecloth in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: ' T o p r e v e n t w r i n k l e s w h e n i n s t a l l i n g t h e c l o t h , m a k e s u r e t h e m a t e irsi aslt r e t c h e d e v e n l yo v e rt h e f r a m eb e f o r e securingthe screwsand rivets. 'Afterinslallingthecloth,reinstallthetopassembly.Checktheoperationofthetop,andinspecttheclothfor wrinkles. . Checkthat the weatherstripfit flush. ' C h e c k t h a t e a c h d o o r g l a s s c o n t a c t s t h e w e a t h e r s t r i p s e v elnf nl ye, c e s s a r ya.d j u s te a c hr e t a i n e (r s e ep a g e2 O - 1 1 ) . ' Checkfor water leaks(seestep 17 on page 20-14). . Test-driveand checkfor wind noiseand rattles. Fastener Localions


Scrgw. 7


B ) : Screw,2 (Black)


c ) , Screw.



@ Betoreremovingthe screws, scribea linearoundthe screws. When reinstalling the retainers, alignthemwith thesemarks.



FastenerLocations C > : S c r e w , 4 E ) : Screw (Silver)


F-:Rivet,6 Removal Installation




, . . . RIVET

O u t e dr i a m e t e4. m m ( 0 . 1 i6n . )



' ,Q'.t\




dXRemovethe rivet,then removethe tensionwire.

O Releasethe cloth from the front edge ofthe frame. O Releasethe cloth from the front and centerbows.

(it Bemovethe screw,and slip the tensionwire through t h e h o l ei n t h e f r a m e . TENSION WIRE


CONVERTIBLETOP CLOTH Removefrom the frame.

Remove the flvet, O R e l e a steh e t a s t e n ear n d cloth trom the rear bow. ('00-01modelsonly)


illt Remove tne flvet.





Beleasethe tensioncloth by releasingthe fastenerfrom

,al 11 , irI


l. i,

R e l e a steh e c l o t h {rom eachbow.

.!!]SEALTAPE Thickness: 3mm





Removethe cloth from the centerpillar portionof the frame.




ConvertibleTop ConvertibleTop Cloth Replacement(cont'dl Reinstalling the Clothto eachBow Make sure the alignmentnotch ofthe cloth is in the centerportion ofthe retainer.After reinstalling,presson the relarnerssecurety. CenterDonion: RETAINERS



Cloth and WeatherstripCheck The weatherstrip shouldfit flush. CONVERTIBLE TOPCLOTH Makesurethereare no wrinklesor scratches.



\ The door glasscontacts the weatherstrips evenly on eachside.

lf necessary, adjust eacnretatner.



RearWindow Replacement '00-01Models NOTE: . Takecarenotto scratchthetop frame. . Weareyeprotection whenremovingthe rivetswith a

6. Open the roof, and lift up the centerconsole(see page 20-761. 7. Removethe rear consoleand the rear consolebox (seepage20-78).

drill. '1.

Open the roof, and removethese items:

8. Closethe roof. Removeboth roll bars and the rear tray side trim (seepage 20-52).

' . . .

9 . R e m o v et h e 1 ' 1n u t s , t h e nr e m o v e t h er e a rl o w e r convertibletop retainer(A),right side convertible top retainer(B),and left side convertibletop r e t a i n e (r C ) .

Seat,both sides(seepage 20-86) Door silltrim, both sldes(seepage 20-69) Rearside trlm. both sides (seepage 20-70) Roll bar lower trim, both sides(seepage 20-70)

2. Closethe roof. Removethe clips that hold the rear tray trim, the reartray side trim, and the reartray ( s e ep a g e2 0 - 7 1 )

3 . Removethe sparetire cover and the sparetire,

Fastenea Locations


Nut, 1


Removethe reartray and the reartray trim th rough t h e t r u n ko p e n i n g . Lift the convertibletop cloth (A)that overlapsthe top of the rearwindow (B),and removethe patch (C)from the roof zipper.


20-43 .l

ConvertibleTop RearWindow Replacement(cont'd) 1 0 .Open the roof half-way,and removethe two clips (A, B) on each side of the top betweenthe quarter panel and the roof. FastenerLocations

14. Pullthe rain rail {A) up. and turn it inside-out.With the rain rail restingon the roof (B),drill out the r i v e t s( C ) w i t ha 4 m m ( 0 . 1 6i n . ) d r i l l( D ) .T h e washers(E)on the rain rail are not reused.

A>:Clip,2 B>:Clip,2



e Hte



-l:-,,.t-1 5 . Removethe rainrail,

11. Placea rear fender cover {A) on the trunk.



)' -'.t,



12. Lift up the rain rail (B),and placeit on top of the fender cover.

1 3 .Using a markeror white-out,draw a circle(C) a r o u n de a c ho f t h e ' 1 1a l u m i n i u mr i v e t s .


pry apartthetwo brass 1 6 . Usinga flat-tipscrewdriver, rivets(A)holdingthe lowerroof(B)to the lower partof thewindow(C).

17. Releasethe fasteners(A) to exposethe zipper(B), and removethe end stops (C)from both ends of the ziDDer.

19. Zip the new window (A) onto the roof (B),making sure the alignmentnotches(C)are lined up. It may take severalattemptsto line up the marks.

Turn the convertibletop cloth (A) insideout, and apply a new patch (B) on the zipper(C). Make sure the alignmentnotch (D)alignswith the middle of the rearwindow (E). 1 8 . Carefullyunzipthe rearwindow (D)from the roof (E),then removethe window. Holdthe zippertight to keep it from falling into any crevices.

'l .1



21. Placethe convertibletoD cloth on the rear window.



Top Convertible RearWindow Replacement(cont'd) 22. Securethe lower part of the rearwindow (A) to the lower part of the convertibletop cloth (B)with new two-piecebrass rivets(C).

2 4 . Setthe rain rail in position,and installthe clips betweenthe quarter panel and the roof. Reinstalltheleft side convertibletop retainer(A), right side convertible top retainer(B),and rear lower convertibletop retainer(C). FastenerLocations O: Nut,11

6x1.0mm 9.8N.m {1.0kgl.m,7.2lbfft}

23. Attachthe convertibletop cloth, rearwindow, and rain rail togetherwith new pop rivetsand washers. Make sure the crush end of each rivet is facingthe rear of the car when the rain rail is sifting in place. A>:

3/16' x 3/8" Rivet,3 B>:

3116 x112' C>: RivetS ,

3/16 W a s h e r 1, 1


2 6 . R e i n s t a l l a lrle m a i n i n gi n t e r i o rc o m p o n e n t sa n d trim pieces. 27. Checkfor water leaks(seestep 17 on page 20-14).


RearWindow Lower Molding/RearWindow HarnessHolderReplacement '02-03Models NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to scratchthe top cloth. . Use seatcoversto avoid damagingany surfaces. 1. Lower the convertibletop cloth by operatingthe convertibletop.

4. Apply primer (3M N-200,or equivalent)to the areas of the rear window (A)where the molding and h a r n e s sh o l d e rw i l l b e g l u e d ,a n d a p p l yp r i m e r( 3 M C-100,or equivalent)to the groove of the molding (B) and to the harnessholder (C).Be sure the h a r n e s sh o l d e rl i n e su p w i t h t h e a l i g n m e n m t arks {D). 'ti;',.t, : Apply primer here.

2. From outsidethe rear window, removethe molding (A)from the edge of the rearwindow (B).From insidethe rearwindow, removethe rearwindow harnessholdercover (C)from the rearwindow harnessholder (D),and disconnectthe rearwindow defoggerconnectors(E).Removethe rear window harnessholderfrom the insideface of the rear window. lf necessary,cut the molding with a utility knife.

o-. \J.


G l u et h e m o l d i n ga n d h a r n e s sh o l d e rt o t h e r e a r window with urethaneadhesive. 6 . Scrapeor wipe the excessadhesiveoff with a putty knife or towel. To remove adhesivefrom the rear window, use a soft shop towel dampenedwith alcohol.

Cleanthe edge of the rear window with alcohol w h e r en e w m o l d i n ga n d h a r n e s sh o l d e ra r et o b e installed.Make sure the bondingsurfaceis kept free of the water, oil, grease.


ConvertibleTop Conveftible Top Cloth Repair 1. The following tools and suppliesare requiredto repairthe top cloth. . . . ' .

Repaircloth Adhesive(Sunstar332,or equivalent) Utility knife Ruler Sandpaper

Cleanthe repaircloth where adhesivewill be applied. Apply the adhesive(A)to the repaircloth (B)and top cloth {C)as indicatedby the arrows.

2 . A p p l y a p i e c eo f t h e r e p a i rc l o t h( A ) t o t h e i n s i d e surfaceof the top cloth at the damagedarea.Cut through both the damagedcloth (B)and the repair c l o t hu s i n ga r u l e r( C )a n d a u t i l i t yk n i f e( D ) .


A 6 . P u s hf i r m l y o n t h e r e p a i r c l o t h .




3 . Cut a pieceof repaircloth (A) so it overlapsthe r e p a i ro p e n i n ga s s h o w n . 3 0 - 5 0m m { 1 . 2 - 2 . 0i n . )

1 . Scrapeor wipe the excessadhesiveoff with a soft s h o pt o w e l d a m p e n e dw i t h a l c o h o L . Let the adhesivedry. Followsthe manufacturer's r e c o m m e n d a t i o nf os r d r y i n gt i m e . 9 . C h e c kf o r w a t e rl e a k s( s e es t e p1 7 o n p a g e2 0 - 1 4 ) .


ConveftibleTop LockHandle Replacement

ConvertibleTop LockHandle OperationLoadAdiustment

NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe top frame.

NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe interiorparts.


Removethe convertibletop lock handleas shown.

2. lnstallthe handle in the reverseorder of removal, and apply multipurposegreaseto the springsand the moving ponions,

1. Removeboth reartray side trim (seepage 20-7'1). 2. Closethe top, then lock it securelywith both lock h a n d l e s{ A } .

FastenerLocations A): Screw.l B > : S c r e w1, '00 model '01-03models





3 . Loosenthe locknut(B) on the link stop (C)on each srde. 4 . Adjust the link stop (C)on each side until it makes contactwith the link set bracket(D).Thereshould be no clearancebetweenthe convertibletop striker ( E )a n d t h e h o o k( F ) . Tightenthe locknut,and checkthat the lock handle works smoothly on each side. Reinstallall removed parts.


ConvertibleTop ConvertibleTop Motor Replacement

GonvertibleTop Striker Replacement

NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe interior parts. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands.

NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe interiorparts. 1. Removethe windshieldheaderinteriortrim (see page 20-68).

1. Removethese items: 2. Removethe convertibletop strikeras shown. . R o l lb a r u p p e r t r i m( s e ep a g e2 0 - 7 1 ) . Cornergusset(seepage 20-38) 2. Removethe convertibletop motor as shown.

3. lnstallthe strikerin the reverseorder of removal. Fastonor Locations A > : Screw,2

3. Installthe motor in the reverseorder of removal. and note these items:


. Make surethe connectoris plugged in properly. . Apply multipurposegreaseto the gear ponion. . Checkthe motor operation. FastonorLocations Ait:Nut,3



,\ AA 6x l.0mm 9.8Nm11.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbt.lrl

TOP CONVERTIALE STRIKER ('00'01modelsshape)

s= 6x1.0mm 9.8Nm(1.0kgl.m, 7.2 rbf.ft)


TOP CONVERTIBLE STRIKER ('02'03modelsshape)

A-Pillar-Header Weatherstripand A-PillarMolding Replacement NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe body. . Use a clip remover,to removethe clips. 1. Removethe A-pillar-headerweatherstripand A-pillar-moldingas shown. 2. Installtheweatherstripand molding in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: .lftheoldmoldingistobereinstalled,scrapeoffthedouble-facedadhesivetape,thencleanthemoldingsurface with alcohol.Glue the new double-facedadhesivetape l3M 4252,or equivalent)to the molding. ' Wheninstalling t h e m o l d i n g ,f i r s tt i g h t e nt h e s c r e wa t t o p o f t h e m o l d i n g . . Replace a n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . .lftheoldwealherstripistobereinstalled,scrapeoffalltracesofoldEPTsealerandbutyltapes.lhencleanthe weatherstripsurfacewith alcohol.Glue the new EPTsealerand butyl tapesto the weatherstrip. . When installingthe weatherstrip,align the roof clip hole on the weatherstripwith the hole on the molding. . Beforeinstallingthe weatherstrip,fold the separatorof the butyl tape at the roof portion.After installingthe weatherstrip,carefullypull the separatoraway. . Pressthe butyltape portionsto makethe adhesivestick. ' Checkthateachdoor glasscontactsthe weatherstripevenly. . Checkforwater leaks(seestep 17 on page 20-14). Fastener Locetions



{8oth sides)



AB BUTYLTAPE Thickness:1mm ( 0 . 0 4i n . ) W i d t h :5 m m ( 0 . 2i n . )


SEALER Thickness: 3 mm ( 0 . 1a n . ) Widthr5 mm (0.2in.)


Thickness:1mm {0.04in.} W i d t h : 5m m ( 0 . 2i n . )



GonvertibleTop B-PillarOuterWeatherstrip Replacement

DrainTank and Lower Drain Hose Replacement

NOTE: . Takecare notto scratchthe body . Use a clip removethe clips.

NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe body . Takecare not to drop the screw.

1. Removethe B-pillarouter weatherstripas shown. 2. Installtheweatherstripin the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Replace a n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . lf the old weatherstripisto be reinstalled,scrape off all tracesof old butyl t8pe,then cleanthe weatherstripsurfacewith alcohol.Glue the new butyl tape into position. FastgnsrLocations A > : S c r e w ,1

B D : C l i p ,1


1. Removethe convenibletop assembly(seepage 2038). 2, Removethe drain tank and lower drain hose as shown. 3. Installin the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Replacethe clip if damaged. . Make sure the lower drain hose is insertedto the drain valve properly. . Make sure the drain tank is connectedto the lower drain hose properly. FastenerLocations A > : Screw, 1



@ BUTYLTAPE T h i c k n e s s : 1m. 5m (0.06in.) Width:4 mm {0.16in.)

,..1 :...-r...






\ '

ConvertibleTop CoverSnap Replacement NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe convertibletop cover. '1.

Using a snap ring pliers (A),removethe nut (B) from the snap (C).then removethe snap from the convertibletop cover (D).

Installthe cover snap in the reverseorder of removal,


RemovableHardtop ComponentLocationIndex ROOF Adjustment, Position page20-65




ComponentLocationIndex,page20-24 GlassBeplacementProcess,page20-25 Replacemenl,page20 32


WEATHERSTRIP page 20'60 Replacement,




ROOFFRONTTRIMS page20-61 Replacement,




lts\ 9r \

".r)*, t*,t


ROOFSIDELOCK Replacement, page20-62




Replac_e_ment, page20-6'l

_,,....--.\d ,r-rr--\\

{r"\ q'v" \





&{b -



ROOFMOLDING Replacement, page20'57

BODY SIDECATCH ASSEMBLY 20-63 Reolacement,oaqe -Replacement, page20 64 Bodv S,deCalih HardtopSwitchTest,page22'150

InteriorTrim Removal/lnstallation NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . To remove and installthe interiortrim, removethe roof from the booy. . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Use a clip removerto removethe rearwindow lower trim clips. . Takecare not to bend or scrachthe interiortrim. 1. Removethe trim as shown. 2. Installthetrim in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items; . Replacethe damagedadhesivetape and any damagedclips. . Pushthe clip ponions into placesecurely. 'Beforepeelingawaytheadhesivebackingfromtheadhesivetapeoftheendcap,installtheroofsidetrimon the roof tentativelyto checkthe positionof the trim end. ' When installingthe roof side trim, first installthe front end, and insertthe lower end into the end cap,then push lhe corner portion againstthe roof securely,Make surethere is no clearancebetweenthe trim and cap. FastenorLocations View from outside: Clip, I (bothsides)

Clip, 3

nb, tu ary SNf-


Bolt,4 ,







\ RooFsrDETR|M




6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf m, 7.2 tbf.ftt

DEFOGGERCONNECTOR (Leftside only) Slip the connectorthrough the hole in the rear pillartrim. B.PILLARTRIM




ADHESIVETAPE (3M5078,or equivalent) Thickness:1 mm (0.04in.) W i d t h : 5m m ( 0 . 2i n . )


Hardtop Removable HeadlinerRemovaUlnstallation NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . To remove and installthe headliner,removethe roof from the body. . Havean assistanthelp you remove and installthe headliner. . Takecare notto bend or scrachthe headliner. 1. Removethese items: . B-pillartrim, both sides(seepage 20-55). . Hardtoplock handle,both sides{seepage 20-61). . Upper door glassweatherstirp,front edge ponions from both sidesas necessary{seepage20-57) 2. Removeboth front edge portionsof the u pper door glassweatherstrips(A) (seepage20-57). Fastenea Locations B>:clip.8


A Releasethe clips (B) by slidingthe headliner(C)forward,then removethe headliner. Installthe headlinerin the reverseorder of removal,and checkthat the clip portionsare securelyattachedto the roof.


RoofMolding Replacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . To remove and installthe roof molding, removethe roof from the body. . Takecare not to scratchthe roof. . Use a clip removerto removethe clip. .lftheoldretaineristobeinstalled,scribealinearoundthemountingscrewsbeforeremovingtheretainer.

Removal Removethe rear pillar trim (seepage20-55),then removethe roof molding as shown. Fastene. Locations A>


B >: Screw, 't


: Screw,3

D > : S c r o w ' 4 E ) r Screw, 1 (Silver)

fi liiIicr"

F>: Nur,2



Be{oreremovingthe screws,scribe a line aroundthe screws(Six places).





RemovableHardtop RoofMolding Replacement(cont'd) lnstallation Installthe roof molding in the numberedsequence,and note these items: Beforereinstallingthe roof molding,cleanthe roof surfacewhere the sealantwill be applied. W h e n r e i n s t a l l i n g t hree t a i n e r . a l i gint w i t h t h e m a r k s f o r t h e o r i g i n apl o s i t i o n s . Checkthat the weatherstripis securelyinstalledto the retainer. Checkthat the door glasscontactsthe weatherstripevenly.lf necessary,adjustthe retainer, Checkfor water leaks(seestep 11 on page 20-66). Fa3tenerLocations ):Clip,1

hlll Yil

lrr#ffia I'.r]]]]]]]]]]]]]u

B > : S c r e w . 1 C):Screw,3

D > : S c r e w4,


lrr- tfi#r+'A ti ,Dir*rlrg

E > : S c . e wI , F > : N u t , 2 *


{l'}rlD \-./



l1.l;;,.;',11 336,or equivalontl : Sealant(Cemedine ROOFMOLDING

sealantto the back ofthe roof molding the roof as shown.

5x0.8mm 4 N'm (0.4kgf m,3 lbf.ft)

to the OApplysealant edgeof theroof asshown. @BOOFMOLOING

3 N.m (0.3kgf.m,2lbf.ftl

I OApply sealantto the edge of the roof molding,to the roof, into the holderofthe roof retainer, and into the gap underthe molding




WeatherstripCheck NOTE: . Make sure the hardtop is lockedsecurelywith both lock handlesand both roof side locks. . Checkthat the weatherstripis securelyinstalledto the retainer. . R a i s et h e g l a s sf u l l y . . Checkthat the door glasscontactsthe weatherstripevenlv. . Checkfor water leaks(seestep 11 on page 20-66). ROOFSIDEDOOR WEATHERSTRIP

- - -_t _ t _ . . - - . -_--- '..t..




ooor glasscontacts the weatherstripevenly on eachside.


lf necessary, adjust the retainer,



RemovableHardtop HardtopLower WeatherstripReplacement NOTE: . To remove and installthe hardtop lower weatherstrip,removethe roof from the body . Takecare not to scratchthe roof, . Use a clip removerto removethe cllps. 1. Removethe rearwindow lower trim (seepage 20-55). 2, Removethe hardtoplower weatherstripas shown. 3. Installthe weatherstripin the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Beforeinstallingthe weatherstrip,cleanthe roof bonding surfacewith alcohol. .lftheoldweatherstripistobeinstalled,scrapeoffthedouble-facedadhesivetape,thencleantheweatherstrip surfacewith alcohol.Gluethe new double-facedadhesivetape (3M 5304,or equivalent)to the weatherstrip. . Replaceany damagedclips. . Beforeinstallingthe weatherstrip,fold the edge of the adhesivebacklngfrom the double-facedadhesivetape. After installingthe weatherstrip,carefullypull the adhesivebackingaway. . Pressthe double-facedadhesivetape portionto makethe adhesivestick. FastenerLocations A):Screw,2


C p : Clip,19 EPTSEALER Thickness:3 mm (0.1in.) W i d t h : 5m m ( 0 . 2i n . )


.\e:> : l It -

DOUBLE. FACED ADHESIVE TAPE mm (0.03in.) Thickness:0.8 Width:6 mm (0.24in.)

lAl portions:


\ Adhesivetape area.





RoofFrontTrim Replacement


NOTE: . To removeand installthe rooffronttrim. removethe roof from the body. ' Take care not to scratch the roof.

NOTE: . To remove and installthe hardtop lock handle, removethe roof from the body. . Takecare not to scratchthe headliner.

1 . Scrapoff all tracesof the old trim, then cleanthe roof bonding surfacewith a spongedampenedin alcohol.After cleaning.keep oil, grease,and water from getting on the surface. Apply primer (3N4N-200,or equivalent)tothe areas where the roof front trim will be applied. Apply the roof front trim (A and B): -1 Peelthe adhesivebacking(C)from the front edge of the trim. -2 Centerand fit the trim againstthe roof. -3 Apply the trim to the roof while peelingthe remainingadhesivebacking(D)from it a little at a time. Checkthat the trim is paraileland free of wrinkles. -4 Removethe applicationtape.

1 . Removethe hardtoplock handleas shown. Installthe handle in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . Apply multipurposegreaseto the springsand the moving portions. . Apply liquid thread lockto the thread of the (A) screw before reinstallation. FastenerLocations A > : S c r e w , l B ) : S c r e w1, LIOUIDTHREAD LOCK

/D:n:-) 2mm 6mm 10.24in.)10.08in.l


6x1.0mm 12 N.m (1.2kgt.m, 8.7 rbf.ft)


RemovableHardtop RoofSide LockReplacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . To remove and installthe roof side lock,removethe roof from the body. . Takecare not to scratchthe roof. . l f t h e o l d l o c k i s t o b e i n s t a l l e d , s c r i b elai n ea r o u n d the mounting bolts before removingthe lock. 1. Removethe B-pillartrim {seepage 20-55). 2. Removethe roof side lock as shown. lnstallthe lock in the reverseorder of removal,and note these rtems: . l f t h e o l d l o c ki s t o b e i n s t a l l e da, l i g n t h el o c k w i t h the marksfor the original position. . Apply multipurposegreaseto the springsand the moving portions. . lf necessary.adjustthe lock alignment;referto the roof positionadjustment(seepage 20-65). FastenerLocations A >: Bolt,3

{1.0kgf.m,7.2 lbf.ftl


Grease Application


HardtopStriker Replacement NOTE: ' To removeand installthe hardtopstriker,removethe roof from the body. . Takecare not to scratchthe interiorparts. 1. Removethe windshieldheaderinteriortrim (see page 20-68).

Body SideCatchAssembly Replacement NOTE:Put on glovesto protectyour hands. 1. Removethe roof from the body. Takecare not to bend or scratchthe trim and panels. 2. Removethe rear side tirm (seepage 20-70).

2. Removethe hardtopstrikeras shown. 3. Inslallthe strikerin the reverseorder of removal.

3. On left side,detachand disconnectthe connector (A),then detachthe harnessclip (B).




C > : B o l r , 2 D> : B o l t . 2



6 x1.0mm '16 N.m {1.7ksf.m, 12lbf.ftl

4. Removethe bolts (C, D),then removethe body side

catch assemblv{E).



RemovableHardtop BodySide CatchReplacement

Body Side CatchAssembly Replacement(cont'dl

1 . Removethe body side catch assemblyfrom the body (seepage 20-63). Removethe lower clip (A)fasteningthe B-pillar outer weatherstrio(B)from outsideof the front door opening.Make sure the centerofthe clip hole alignswith the centerof the hole in the convertible top frame (C),lf necessary,loosenthe mounting bolt (D),and move the convertibletop frame slightly untilthe holes align.Then tighten the bolt, and installthe clip. FastenerLocations G>: Bolt,2 H >: Bolt,2

Installthe catch in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . Apply multipurposegreaseto each locationas indicatedby the arrows. . Apply liquid thread lockto the screw before reinstallation. FastenerLocation



Removethe body side catch as shown.

> : Screw,1 f\t",,,'\,,"

oi |




.'1' ,<


8 x 1 . 2 5m m 29 N.m (3.0kgf m, 22 tbt.ttl

t . /

6x1.0mm 9.8Nm (1.0kgf.m, 7.2tbl.ftl

BODYSIDECATCH 8x1.25mm , 29 N.m (3.0kgf.m. 22 tbt.ttl

Greasethe catch. 7 . Reinstallthe catch assembly(E)on the corner gusset(F)and the convertibletop frame; tighten the bolts (G. H).On left side, reconnectthe connector(l). Reinstallall of the removed parts.


5x0.8mm 4 N.m {0.4kst m.3 lbf.ft)

Grease Application

RoofPositionAdjustment NOTE:Havean assistanthelp you adjustthe roof position. 1. Removethe B-pillartrim from both sides(seepage 20-55),and make sure both lock handles(A) androofside

6x1.0mm 9.8N.m (1.0kgf m,7.2lbtftl

K 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m,16lbf.ft)

Measuing Point IA]


MeasuringPoint [B]

LOCK 8almm (0.31 0.04in.)

ROOFMOLDING UNLOCK 141lmm {0.55+ 0.04in.}

t .r)

6.6a1mm (0.26A 0.04in.)

184 mm 17.24in.l

2. Set the roof (C)onto the body (D): . l\/lakesure the lock pins {E)of both roof side locksare securelyinsertedinto the body side catches(F). . lMakesure the rear window defoggerharnessesare not pinched. Adjustthe roof alignment: - 1 C h e c k t h a t t h e r ies n o c l e a r a n c e b e t w e e nt h e s t r i k e r( G )a n d t h e b o s s( H )o f t h e l o c kh a n d l ea t t h e m e a s u r i n g points (A),and checkthat the clearance is wilh in specificationat the measuring points IBJ onthebottomof both rear pillars. -2 To fit the boss into the striker,and to adjustthe verticalclearanceto the specification,loosenthe roof side lock mounting bolts (l),then move the roof up or down, as well as. forward and rearward. - 3 T o a d j u s t t h eh o r i z o n t acll e a r a n c e b e t w e e nb o t hs i d e e d g e s o f t h er o o f a n d t h er e a r t r a y o p e n i n gm o l d i n g( J ) to the specification,loosenthe holder plate mounting bolts (K),then move the roof to the right or left. -4 Fastenboth roof side locks. -5 Lockthe roof securelywith both lock handlesand roof side locks. -6 Recheckthe roof alignment. (cont'd)


RemovableHardtop RoofPositionAdjustment (cont'dl 4. lf the roof alignmentis still not within specification,unlockthe roof, and repeatthe precedingsteps. 5. lf the roof alignmentis not within specification,checkthe body side catches,and checkfor body de{ormation. 6. Lockthe roof (A) securelywith both lockhandles(B)and roof side locks(C).Checkthelevel differencebetween the roof and body (D) at the measuringpoint LAl .lf the differenceis notwithin specification,removethe roof from the body, and adjustthe differencewith the spacers(E)that are installedbetweenthe lock handleand the roof, Thickness= 1 mm10.04 in.) SPACER:

MeasurlngPoint [AJ :

7. Set the roof onto the body, and lock it securely.Checkthat the weatherstripfits flush, and checkthat each door glasscontactsthe weatherstripevenly.lf necessary.adjustthe retainer;referto the roof molding replacement (seepage 20-57). 8. Removethe roof fromthe body, and reinstallthe B-pillartrim onthe roof. 9. Set the roof onto the body. and lock it securely.Reconnectthe rearwindow defoggerconnectorssecurely. 10. Make sure that the roof is lockedsecurely,then raisethe door glassfully, and closethe doors. 11. Checkfor water leaks.Run water over the roof and on the sealingarea as shown, and note these items: . . . .

U s ea 1 2 m m ( 1 / 2i n . )d i a m e t e rh o s e( A ) . Adjust the rate of water flow (B). Do not use a nozzle. Hold the hose about 200 mm (7.9in.) away from the door. 200 mm (7.9in.l

1 2 m m ( 1 / 2i n . )

*_r* CI

itY A


70 mm 12.8in.l

InteriorTrim ComponentLocationIndex TOPCOVERPIN CONVERTIBLE page20-70 REARTRAY page20-71 ROLLBAR UPPERTRIM page20-71 REARTRAY REARTRIM page20-71 REARTRAY SIDETRIM page20-71 A-PILLARINTERIOR TRIM page20-68




l .

CARPETS Beplacement, page20-14

ROLL BAR LOWERTRIM page20-70 CENTERCARPET page20-75 Replacement,

KICKPANEL page20-69




t -

TOOLBOX LID page20-73

TOOL BOX page 20 73 REARTRIM PANEL page20-73



lnteriorTrim Trim Removal/lnstallation- Front RoofArea NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare not to bend or scratchthe trim and oanels. 1. Removethe trim in numberedseouence. 2. Installthe trim in the reverseorder of removal.and note these items: . Replaceany damagedclips. . Make sure the connectoris plugged in properly. . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. . l f t h e t h r e a d s o n t h e v i s o r s c r e w s a r e w o r n o u t , u s e a n o v e r s i z e d s c r e w ( P / N 9 0 1 3 2 - 5 2 3 - 0m0a3d0e)s p e c i f i c a l l y for this application. F stenerLocations A >: Screw,2

d-\ (1r)lP -\.-r'

B ): Screw,2


D> : C l i p , 2

,K\ ill D Y-/



osulvrson ,/ lire

5x0,8mm ,lNm{0.4kgt.m, 3 tbf.ftt

/ q




Trim Removal/lnstallation- Door Area NOTE: . Puton glovesto protectyour hands. . Whenpryingwith a flat-tipscrewdriver, wrapit with protective tapeto preventdamage. . Takecarenotto bendor scratchthetrim andDanels. '1.

Removethe trim as shown. Installthe trim in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. F 3tenel Locations




c D ,Clip, 1


D : Clip,1


2im Tle


,,711 t q


tffi\ I:TTrFF I

Y) A.PILLAR.HEAOER WEATHERSTRIP Pull backas necessary.






; t/




l c ' r






InteriorTrim Trim Removal/lnstallation- Seat SideArea NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare not to bend or scratchthe trim and panels. 1. Removethe door sill trim (seepage 20-69). 2. Removethe trim as shown. 3. Installthetrim in the reverseorder of removal.and note these items: . Replaceany damagedclips. . Pushthe clip portionssecurelyinto place. . With removablehardtop:Makesurethe rear window defoggerconnectoris pluggedin properly eftside only). FastenerLocations A >: Screw,l

B ): Screw,2




[D]trn.]I1r]:]r" <-,/



CAP (Leftsidewith

convertibletop only)

REARWINDOW DEFOGGER CONNECTOR (Leftsidewith removable hardtoD onlv)

GROMMET (Leftsidewith removable hardtoponly)




.,fiii-; l.f\







REARSIOETRIM 4 N m 10.'lkgt.m,3 lbf.ftl

Trim Removal/lnstallation- RearTray Area NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. ' When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver.wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare not to bend or scratchthe top cloth, rearwindow, trim and panels. 1 , R e m o v et h e t r i m i n n u m b e r e ds e q u e n c e . 2. lnstallthetrim in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . . . .

Replaceany damagedclips. Apply liquidthread lockto the anchor bolts before reinstallation. Beforeinstallingthe anchorbolts,make sure there are no twists or kinksin the seat belt. Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely.



a '#!_


B>:Clip,7 lCl /@l





Vfo â‚Źr\e


1 i \

, '>----. . -


i -'

-'L -

REARTRAY STOPPER ('02-03 models)

x 1 . 0m m 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft} ('02-03models)



lnteriorTrim Trim Removal/lnstallation- RearTray Area (cont'dl O ROLLBARAND UPPERTRIMASSEMBLY Firstremovethetheseitems:

Fastener Locations C>: Bolt,8

D >: Screw,4

.Rearconsole .Rearside trim


@ @ r 6 x

t r

\"-,{:3*'.m.24'bf.ft) \6\"\


a/ D

Slip the seat belt throughthe hole in t h e r o l lb a r u p p e rt r i m .


CONVERTIBLE TOP COVER PIN '00-0lmodels: Outsideandmiddle. '02-03models: Outside only.

'02-03 models

8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m 12.2kgl m, 16 rbf.ft) '00-01 models shaoe


E > : C l i p1, @4 -4. S \ r/


F>:oip.1 .^-ts!-^\ 7:7n ! -/E\ fl+-




OSEATBELT LOWER ANCHOR BOLT 7/16-20UNF 32N.m,{3.2ksf.m, 24 tbt,ft) Firstremovetheseat.

cLIP O HARNESS Detach(leftsideonly). ('02-03 models)

G > : C l i p1 ,




- -:':::":: -





. . :' '

O HARNESSGROMMET Releaseit from the trim (left side only). ('02-03models)


- TrunkArea Trim Removal/lnstallation NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare not to bend or scratchthe trim and panels. 1 . R e m o v et h e t r i m a s s h o w n . 2. lnstallthetrim in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . P u s ht h e c l i p si n t o p l a c es e c u r e l y . Fastener Locations A>:



B > r C l i p ,a

c >: Clip,3

;.:i -Fl t ,.{trâ‚Ź]

, ^t









lnteriorTrim CarpetReplacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands, . Takecare not to damage.wrinkle,or twist the carpets. . B e c a r e f un l o t t o d a m a g e t h ed a s h b o a r do r o t h e ri n t e r i o rt r i m p i e c e s . 1. Removethese items,then removethe carpetas shown: . . . .

Seat (seepage 20-86) Kick panel {seepage 20-69) Frontconsolecover (seepage 20-81) Rearside trim (seepage 20-70)

2. Installthecarpet in the reverseorder of removal.and note these items: . . . . .

Make sure the seat harnessis routed correctly. R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . Apply liquid thread lockto the anchor bolt and seatmounting bolts before reinstallation. Beforeinstallingthe lower anchor bolts,make sure there are no twists or kinksin the seatbelts. Pushthe clips into placesecurely. FastenerLocations A>:Bolt,2 B>:Screw,4


D > : C l i p , 1 / r E > : C l i p , 1 0 F> : C l i p , 2








FASTENERS To centercarpet. PASSENGER'S CARPET SEATBELTLOWER ANCHORBOLT 7/16-20UNF 32 N.m (3.3kgt.m,2il lbt ft)


DOUBLE.FACED ADHESIVE TAPE (3M85603, or equiralent) FLOOBMAT HOLDEB models) 1'02-03 lf necessary,remove it.

CenterCarpetReplacement SRScomponentsare locatedin this area.ReviewtheSRScomponentlocations{seepage 23-9)and the precautions and procedures(seepage 23-10)in the SRSsectionbefore performingrepairsor service, NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to damage,wrinkle,or twist the carpet. . B e c a r e f unl o t t o d a m a g et h e d a s h b o a r do r o t h e r i n t e r i o r t r i mp i e c e s . . Beforedisconnectingthe negativecablefrom the battery,make sure you havethe anti-theftcode for the radio,then writedownthe frequeciesfor the radio'spresetbuttons. . Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the battery,and wait at least3 minutesbefore beginningwork. 1. Removethese items,then removethe centercarpetas shown: . . . .

Dashboard{seepage 20-82) Rearconsole(seepage 20-78) T h e h a r n e s sc l i p ss e c u r i n gt h e S R Sw i r e h a r n e s sa n d s t e e r i n gh a n g e rb e a mw i r e h a r n e s s . Cut the carpetin the areasshown.

2. Installthe centercarpetin the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Make sure the SRSwire harnessand steeringhangerbeam wire harnessare routedcorrectly,and clipped into p ta c e . . Replace a n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Pushthe clips into placesecurely. ' Refastenthe cut areaswith wire ties. . Reconnectthe negativecableto the battery. . Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresents. . Resetthe clock. . D o t h e P C Mi d l el e a r np r o c e d u r e ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) . FastenerLocations A>:Aok.2

B > : C l i p ,1 4



,,Th /If


6 x 1 , 0m m 9.8 N.m ('1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft)

/ \ / \ , / \ , \J







Cut here.


Consoles CenterConsoleRemovaUlnstallation NOTE: . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare not to scratchthe front seat,dashboardand relatedparts. . Removethe shift knob by turning it counterclockwise. 1. Removethe centerconsoleas shown. 2. Installthe centerconsolein the reverseorder of removal.and note these items: . . . .

Replaceany damagedclips. Make sure the connectorsare pluggedin properly. Pushthe clip ponions into placesecurely. Installtheshift knob in numberedseouence.


A> : C l i p , 5 B > : C l i p . 2


: Clip.


@SHIFTKNOB By hand,thread the shift knob on the shaft.

@ lVoveto proper posrtron.

)k *,-*.q o Forward





By hand,thread the locknutdown.

tA .\


v t \ c ,l ^N,,-1r

':' :;/8o j.,. B




Wind DeflectorReplacement '01-03Models NOTE: . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare notto scratchthe rear consoleupper lid and relatedparts. 1. Removethe wind deflectoras shown. 2. Installthewind deflectorin the reverseorder of removal. . Apply liquid thread lockto the th read of the A screwsbefore reinstallation. . Make sure the caps are installedsecurelyonto the screws. Fastener Locations A):Screw.2 LIOUIDTHREADLOCK




Consoles RearConsoleRemoval/lnstallation NOTE: . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape to preventdamage. . Takecare not to scratchthe front seat and relatedparts. 1. Removethese items: ' Centerconsole(seepage20-76) . R e a r t r a y( s e ep a g e2 0 - 7 1 ) . Roll bar lower trim, both sides(seepage 20-70) Removethe rear consoleas shown. Installthe rearconsolein the reverseorder of removal,and note these items; . Replace a n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Make sure the connectorsare plugged in properly. . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. Locations Fastoner A>:Scr.w,4



c > : Clip.5


+ -+


'fft::E:7l::.--'1 ,--9 I 1 t: .::j tt: ..






RearConsoleBox Replacement NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe front seat and relatedparts. '1.

Removethese items,then removethe rear consolebox as shown; . Roll bar upper trim, both sides(seepage 20-71] 'Sparetire

2. Removethe rearconsolebox as shown, 3. Installthe rear consolebox in the reverseorder of removal. Fastsne.Locations A>:Screw,4


5x0.8mm 4 N.m {0.4kg{.m, 3 rbf.ftl



Dashboard InstrumentPanelRemoval/ Installation NOTE: . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape, and apply protectivetape aroundthe relatedpans, to preventdamage. . Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand related parts, 1 . R e m o v et h e i n s t r u m e npt a n e la s s h o w n . 2. Installthe panel in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Make sure the connectorsare plugged in properly. . Pushthe clip ponions into placesecurely.


NOTE: . When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver,wrap lt with protectivetape, and apply protectivetape aroundthe relatedparts,to preventdamage. . Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand related pans. 1 . R e m o v et h e r a d i op a n e la s s h o w n . 2 . I n s t a l l t h ep a n e li n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l . and note these items: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. FastenerLocations ) : Clip,5


.raa =-

Fastener Locrtions A>:Screw,2


C F : Clip,4

,/:i .â‚ŹI, TABS ) : Clip.2

) : Clip.2








Front ConsoleCoverRemoval/ Installation

Passenger'sDashboardLower GoverRemoval/lnstallation

NOTE: . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver.wrap it with protectivetape, and apply protectivetape around the relatedparts,to preventdamage. . Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand related parts.

NOTE: . When prying with a flat-tipscrewdriver,wrap it with protectivetape,and apply protectivetape aroundthe relatedparts,to preventdamage. . Takecare not to scratchthe dashboardand related parts.

1. Removethe front consolecover as shown. 2. Installthecover in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. FastenerLocations ) : Screw, 1



1. Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover as shown, 2. Installthe cover in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . Replaceany damagedclips. . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. FastenerLocations A):Clip,6

l5=,.' i;';-


Dashboard SideVent Removaland Passenger's lnstallation 1. Wrap a flat-tipscrewdriverwith protectivetape, and apply protectivetape aroundthe relatedparts to preventdamage.Carefullyinserta flat-tip screwdrivernext to the clip (A),and detachthe clips by prying on the passenger'sside vent (B).Take care not to scratchthe dashboardand relatedparts. FastenerLocations A>:Clip,2

DashboardRemovaUlnstallation SRScomoonentsare locatedin this area.Reviewthe SRScomponentlocations(seepage 23-9)and the precautionsand procedures(seepage 23-10)in the SRS sectionbelore performingrepairsor service. NOTE: . When prying with a flst-tip screwdriver,wrap it with protectivetape, and apply protectivetape aroundthe relatedpartsto preventdamage. . Havean assislanthelp you when remove and install the dashboard. . Takecare not to scratchthe dashboard,body and other relatedparts. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. 1. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's Presetbuttons.

---.2- - a / . .-. '... .\___t

2. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the battery,and wait at least3 minutes beforebeginningwork. 3. Removethese items: . . . .

2 . Removethe vent by releasingthe hooks (C).

3 . Reinstallthe hook portlonsot the vent first.then push the clip portionsinto placesecurely.


. . . .

Radiopanel (seepage 20-80) Audio unit {seepage 20-89} Steeringcolumn (seepage 17-9) Passenger'sdashboardlower cover {seepage 20-81) Frontconsolecover, both sides (seepage 20-81) Passenger'sairbagassembly(seepage 23-65) Kick panel,both sides(seepage20-69) Front pillartrim, both sides(seepage 20-68)

4. Disconnectthe enginewire harnessconnector(A),enginecompartmentwire harnessconnectors(B),door wire harnessconnectors(C),rearwire harnessconnector(D),steeringhangerbeam wire harnessconnectors(E),SRS main harnessconnector{F),radio antennaharnessconnector(G),ECMconnector(H}.keylessentry control unit connector(l), and convertibletoD control unit connector(J).

K 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m ('1.0kg't.m, 7.2 tbt.ftl

- = - .


K 6 x 1 . 0m m 9.8N.m {1.0kgf.m, 7.2rbf.ft)

Removethe ground bolts (K). Detachall of the harnessand connectorclips.



Dashboard DashboardRemoval/lnstallation(cont'd) 7. From outsidethe doors. removethe caps (A),then removethe bolts (8, C, D) and screws{E),and lift up on the dashboard(F)to releaseit from the guide pins (G). Takecare not to scratchthe centerconsoleand shift knob. Fasten6rLocations



C> : Bolt,2

D>: Scrow,2




6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m 11,0kgt.m, 7.2 tbt.ttl



6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kqf.m, 7.2 tbt.ftl

Carefullyremovethe dashboardthrough the front door opening. lnstallthe dashboardin the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Make sure the dashboardfits onto the guide pins correctly. . Beforetighteningthe bolts, make sure the dashboardwire harnessand steeringhangerbeam wi re narnessare not pinched. . Make surethe connectorsare pluggedin properly. . Reconnectthe negativecableto the battery. . Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. . Resetthe clock . D o t h e P C Mi d l el e a r np r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) .




paqe20-86 Removal/lnstallation, Disassembly/ReassenibltDriver's,page 2O-87 Disassembly/ReassemblyPassenger's,page2O-88 Seat Cover Replacement;page 2O-8r-9

Seats Seat Removal/lnstallation NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe body or tear lhe seatcovers. 1 . Removethe seat as shown.

2 . Installthe seatln the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Slip the seat belt through the slits in the seat belt guide properly . Make surethe seat belt switch connectoris plugged in properly, . Apply liquidthread lockto the seat mounting belts before reinstallation FastenerLocations A>:Bolt,2

B ) : Bolt.2



SEATBELT {romthe Remove seatbeltguide. 1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 29 N.m{3.0kgl.m, 22tbl.ftl

SEATBELT SWITCHHARNESS (Driver's) I x 1.25mm 22 N.m {2.2 kgt.m,




- Driver's Seat Disassembly/Reassembly NOTE: . Makesurethe bushingandpivotwasherare installed correctly. . Applymultipurpose greaseto the movingportionof thâ‚Ź seattrack. . To preventwrinklesin the seat-back cover,stretchthe malerialevenlyoverthe pad, . Reinstallthe connecting wirethroughthe holesin the hooks. HOOK

Pull back.

PIVOTNUT 8 x 1.25mm 22Nml2.2ksl.m, 16tbf.ftt






> \u\ -? xdox i BUSHING


sEArBELr I swfTcH |




,// /

cLrP 10x 1.25mm ,07N.m 14.8kgt.m, 35 rbr.ft)



Release theclipsas necessary, thenpull backthe seat-back cover.


t I




r. lol"a- -

10 x 1.25mm ,17N.m (4.8 kgf.m,


8 x 1.25mm 22 N.n 12.2ksi.m, r6lbt.ftl RECLINEKNOB 10x 1.25mm 47N.m(4.8kgf.m,35lbt.ftl


Seats - Passenger's Seat Disassembly/Reassembly NOTE: . lMakesure the bushingand pivotwasher are installedcorrectly. . Apply multipurposegreaseto the moving portion of the seattrack. ' T o p r e v e n t w r i n k l e s i n t h e s e a t - b a c k c o v e r , s t r e t c h t h e m a t eervi aeln l yo v e rt h e p a d ' . Adjustthe connectingcable as necessary. . Make surethe connectingcable is connectedproperly HOOK


PIVOTNUT 8 x 1.25mm 22N m 12.2kgt.m, 16tbf.ft)

Releasethe clips as then pull necessary, backthe seat-back


SEATCUSHION ' l: BUSHING 10 x 1.25mm 47Nm 14.8kgf.m,



d 10 x 1.25mm 47Nm (4.8kql.m. 35 tbf.ftl

I x 1.25mm 22N.n l2.2kgl m, 16rbf.ftl RECLINEKNOB


1 0x 1 . 2 5m m 47Nm {4.8ksf.m,35lbf.ft)

Seat CoverReplacement NOTE: . Takecare not to tear the seamsor damagethe seatcovers. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands,

Seat-backCover 1. Removethe seat-backcover in numberedsequence. 2. Installthe cover in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: ' T o p r e v e n t w r i n k l e s w h e n i n s t a l l i n g a s e a t - b a c k c o v e r , m a k e s u r e t h e m a t iesrsi at rle t c h e de v e n l yo v e rt h e p a d beforesecuringthe clips,fastenersand hooks. . Replacethe releasedclips with new ones using commerciallyavailableupholsterypliers. . Replaceany damagedheadrestcover clips. FastenorLocations


B>:Screw'2 C>;Clip,4 li,,-:r HEAOREST COVER

@sE, GU

1r,/ @ / d .)




Seats Seat Cover Replacement(cont'dl

O CLIP Pull backthe edgeof the cover on the centerpad allthe way around,and releasethe clips.

backthe centerPad --/""11

CLIP Releasefrom underthepenterpad.


i.{. i ... r. .\ -\\


@SEAT.BACKCOVER Pull backtheedge o{the cover all the way around,and release the fastener,then removethe cover.

I SeatCushionCover 1. Removethe seat (seepage20-86). 2, Removethe seat cushion,driver's{seepage 20-87),passenger's(seepage 20-88). 3. Removethe seat cushioncover in numberedsequence. 4. Installthecover in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items; ' T o p r e v e n t w r i n k l e s w h e n i n s t a l l i n g a s e a t c u s h i o n c o v e r , m a k e s u r e t h e m a t ei sr isat lr e t c h e de v e n l yo v e rt h e p a d b e f o r es e c u r i n gt h e c l i p s . . Replacethe releasedclips with new ones using commerciallyavailableupholsleryring pliers. ID CLIP Release from underthe seatcushion

OcLtP Release.

OPull backthe edge of the coverall the

OSEAT CUSHIONCOVER Removethe coverfrom the pad/frame.

SEATCUSHION Clip installation:

TRIM CORDS lCoverside)



WIRE (Padside)


Bumpers Front BumperRemovaulnstallation NOTE: . Havean assistanthelp you remove and installthe front bumper. . Takecare notto scratchthe front bumper and body. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. 1. Removethe front bumoer as shown. 2. Installthe bumDerin the reverseorder of removal,and make surethe front bumper engagesthe hooksof the corner upper beams and front fenderssecurely FastonorLocations A>:Bolt,5






\gF. 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbf.ftl


=_l:-.----J L




' ' -



t-"..--.+ l


A l




6 x 1 . 0m m 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbt.kl

RearBumperRemoval/lnstallation NOTE: . Havean assistanthelp you removeand installthe rear bumper. . Takecare notto scratchthe rear bumoer and bodv. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. 1 . R e m o v et h e r e a rb u m D e ra s s h o w n . 2. Installthe bumper in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Make sure the rear bumper engagesthe hooks(bumper spacersand under the taillight)on each side securely. . Make sure the licenseplate light connectoris plugged in properly. . Replaceany damagedclips. FastenerLocations A > : Screw,2


C > : Clip,5 I E*>.




";'.-.:l -1 L---/-\f-'-'-'-'-


r'l "


t ,



Hood Adjustment 1 . Slightly looseneach hood hinge bolt. ) Adjust the hood alignment: . A d j u s tt h e h o o d r i g h ta n d l e f t ,a s w e l l a s f o r w a r d a n d r e a r w a r d , b y u s i n g t h e e l o n g a t e d h o l e s o n t h e h o o d h i n g e (A). . Turn the hood edge cushions(B),as make the hood fit flush with the body at front and side edges.

6x1.0mm 9.8N.m11.0kgt m, 7.2lbf.ft) . 1.1 i

.,.i' .i:...


6 x 1 . 0m m 9.8N.m{1.0kgt.m, 7.2tbf.ft)

Adjust the hood latch (C)to obtain the proper height at the forward edge,and move the hood latch right on left untilthe striker(D) is centeredin the hood latch. Tighteneach bolt securely.


Checkthat the hood opens properlyand locks securely. Apply body paintto the hinge mounting bolts and aroundthe hinges. 7 . Removethe air guide plate cover (seepage 20-111), then removethe latchcover (A).Apply multipurposegreaseto each locationof the hood latch (B)and hood hinge (C)as indicatedby the arrows.


Hood Hood InsulatorReplacement NOTE: . Takecare notto scratchthe hood. . Use a clip removerto removethe clips. 1. Removethe hood insulatorin numberedsequence. 2. lnstallthe insulatorin the reverseorder of removal.and note these items: . Replaceany damagedclips. . Pushthe clips into placesecurely. . Make sure the windshieldwashertubes are connectedproperly. FastengrLocations A>:Clip,10

B> : C l i p . 2


o cLrPs

O HooK

TUBES WASHER OWINOSHIELD Belease fromthe I clips, anddisconnect.




Adjustment 1 . Slightly looseneach bolt. 2 . A d j u s tt h e t r u n kl i d a l i g n m e n t : . Adjustthe trunk lid right and left,as well as forward and rearward,by using the elongatedholes on the trunk lid hinges(A). . Turn the trunk lid edge cushions(B) in or out as make the trunk lid fit flush with the body at the rear and side edges. . Adjust the fit betweenthe trunk lid and the trunk lid opening by moving the striker(C).

/.1 / /,/;,/.,/i

6 x '1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbf.ftt

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m, 1.2 tbt.ttl


i3. Tighteneach bolt securely. 4. Make sure the trunk lid opens properlyand lockssecurely. 5. Apply body paint to the trunk lid mounting bolts and aroundthe hinges.


TrunkLid Trunk Lid TorsionBar Replacement NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe bodv. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . U s e a t o r s i o nb a r t o o l t o r e m o v ea n d i n s t a ltl h e t o r s i o nb a r s . . First remove right torsion bar, and removethe left torsion bar. 1. Removethe trunk lid torsion bar as shown, 2. Installthetorsion bar in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . T h e r i g h t t o r s i o n b a r h a s a p i e c e o f r u b b e r o n i t a s s h o w nI n. s t a ltlh e r i g h t a n d l e f t t o r s i o n b a r s i n t h e i r p r o p e r locations. . Make sure the trunk lid opens properlyand lockssecurely.



Trunk Lid RubberProtector Replacement NOTE; . Takecarenotto scratchthetrunklid. . Usea clip removertoremovetheclips. ' t . Remove the trunk lid rubber protectoras shown. Installthe protectorin the reverseorder of removal, and note these items:

Trunk Lid Weatherstrip Replacement 1. Removethe trunk lid weatherstripby pulling it off. 2 . L o c a t et h e p a i n t e da l i g n m e n m t a r k( A )o n t h e t r u n k lid weatherstrip(B).Align the paintedmark with the alignmenttab in the centerof the trunk, and install the weatherstripall the way aroundfacing in the directionshown. Make sure there are no wrinkles in the weatherstrip.

. R e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. FastonelLocations A > : Clip,8 RUBBER PROTECTORS



FuelFillDoor Adjustment 1. Slightly loosenthe hinge mounting bolts (A).

5. Apply multipurposegreaseto each location indicatedby the arrows.

I l,t

_ _1---. 1-l

o . Apply body paint to the hinge mounting bolts and

around the hinges.

6x1,0mm 9.81{.m11.0kgf.m,

Adjust the fuel fill door (B) in or out until it's flush with the body, and up or down as necessaryto equalizethe gaps. Tightenthe hinge mounting bolts. Checkthat the fuel fill door opens properlyand lockssecurely.


ExteriorTrim Cowl CoverReplacement NOTE; . Takecare not to scratchthe body. . Use a clip removerto removethe clips. 1. Removethe windshieldwiper arms lsee page22-112). 2 . R e m o v et h e c o w l c o v e r a s s h o w n . Installthecover in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Replaceany damagedclips. . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. FastenerLocations A >: Clip,7 B>: Clip,9

n \ /








ExteriorTrim RearTrayOpeningMolding Replacement

RearWindow Lower Molding Replacement

NOTE: . Takecare not to scratchthe body. . Be carefulnot to pry too far or you may bend the molding. . Put on glovesto protectyour hands.

NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe body.

1. Removethese items:lhen removethe rear tray o p e n i n gm o l d i n ga s s h o w n : . Convertibletop assembly(seepage 20-38) ' B-pillarouter weatherstrips,both sides (seepage 20'52) . Draintank, both sides(seepage 20-52)

1. Removethe rearwindow lower molding as shown. 2. Installthe molding in the reverseorder of removal, and replacethe clip if it's damaged. FastenerLocations A>:Screul


I >: Clip.1



2. Removethe reartray opening molding as shown. Fastenel Locations A>:Bolt,10




6 )( 1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgl.m, 7.2 tbl.ltl

3. Installthe molding in the reverse order of removal.




EmblemReplacement NOTE:When removingthe emblems.take care not to scratchthe body. Apply the emblemswhere shown, and note these items: . Cleanthe body surfacewith a spongedampenedin alcohol. . After cleaning.keep oil, greaseand water from gettingon the surface.

Adhesivetape:3M ,12'13E, or equivalent in.) Thickness 0.8mm 10.03 Unit mm {in.) '00-01 modelsi







ExteriorTrim A-pillarExteriorTrim Replacement NOTE: . Keepdust away from the working area. . When working at lower temperatures,heatthe body and trim with a hair dryer. Body:about 59'F ( 15"C) Trim: about 86"F (30'C) . When heatingthe trim, heat it evenly and graduallyto preventdeformation, . Cleanthe body bonding surfacewith a sponge dampenedin alcohol. . After cleaning.keep oil, greaseand water from getting on the surface. 1. Removethese items,then peel up the old trim while heatingit with a hair dryer. . A-pillar-headerweatherstrip(seepage 20-51) . A-pillar molding, both sides(seepage 20-51) 2. Apply the trim in the numberedsequence,and note these items: . Align the applicationtape with the A-pillaras shown. . When pressingthe trim, slowly pressit from the cornerto preventair bubblesand wrinkles. . l f t h e r e a r e a i r b u b b l e s i n t h e t r i m , p e e lu p t h e t r i m ,t h e n r e a p p l yi t . . After reinstallingall removed parts,checkthatthe body color is coveredbythetrim. ALIGNMENTMARK OWINDSHIELDHEADER ALIGNMENTMARKS TRIM Align them with the end ofthe EXTERIOR

windshield header exterior trim.



A l i g n t h e a p p l i c a t i o nt a p e with the A-pillar.





InnerFenderReplacement NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe body. 1. Removethe front wheel. 2 . R e m o v et h e i n n e rf e n d e ra s s h o w n . , n d r e p l a c ea n y d a m a g e dc l i p s . 3 . I n s t a ltlh e i n n e rf e n d e ri n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l a FastenerLocations A>:Bolt,5


C D r Clip,


{rl}rF '-t-/

( } ltr> \-/





un:c . c

/"f i;'t{A

I,i49 .i:


6x1.0mm 9.8Nm(1.0kgl.m, 7.2 tbl.ttl

a 20-105 I

Fenderwell StrakesReplacement NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe body. 1. Removethe strakesas shown. 2. lnstallthe strakesin the reverseorder of removal FastenerLocations A>:Bolt,2






...6. , I




6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0 7.2 rbf.ftl




FenderwellTrim Replacement

RearAir Outlet Replacement

NOTE:Thesteelcore in the fenderwelltrim cannot be restoredto it originalshapeonce it is bent. Replacethe fenderwelltrim when the steelcore is bent.

NOTE:Takecare not to scratchthe body. 1. Removethese items: . Reartrim panel (seepage 20-73) . Rearbumper {seepage20-93)

1. Removethe fenderwelltrim by pulling it out. 2. Installthefenderwelltrim,and note these items: . Cleanthe body bonding surlacewith a sponge dampenedin alcohol. . After cleaning,keep eil, greaseand waterfrom gettingon the cleansurface. . Apply clear sealantin the groove of the trim at the area indicatedby the arrow. . Scrapeor wipe the excesssealantoff with a soft shop towel dampenedin alcohol.

2 . Removethe rear air outlet as shown. ?

I n s t a l l t h ea i r o u t l e ti n t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f r e m o v a l , and note these items: . Replaceany damagedclips. . Pushthe clip portionsinto placesecurely. FastenerLocations A>:Clip.2

Sealant:CemedineP/N 08712-0004, or equivalent

(1.r4 -





Openers ComponentLocationIndex

TRUNKLID LOCKCYLINOER page20-113 Replacement, TRUNK LID LATCH page20-112 Replacement,



HOODRELEASEHANOLE page20'111 Replacement,

HOODLATCH page20 111 Replacement, HOODOPENERCABLE page20-109 Replacement,


Hood OpenerCableReplacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands. . Takecare not to scratchthe body and relatedparts. . Takecare notto bend the cable. 1. Removethese items: . . . .

Innerfender (seepage 20-105) Kick panel (seepage 20-69) Front bumper (seepage 20-92) Air guide plate

2 . D i s c o n n e ct h t e h o o do p e n e r c a b l e( A ) f r o m t h eh o o d l a t c h( 8 ) a n d h o o d r e l e a s e h a n d l e ( C ) ( s e e p a g e 2 0 - 1 1 1 ) . FastenorLocations D>: Clip,1

E> : C l i p , 6

##) 'rl)




3 . Using a clip remover,detachthe clips (D. E) and removethe grommet {F)from the body, then removethe hood openercable.Takecare not to bend the cable, 4 . Installthe cable in the reverseorder of removal.and note these items; . Replaceany damagedclips. . Routethe cablethrough the hole (G) in the body.


Openers FuelFill Door OpenerCableReplacement NOTE: . Put on glovesto protectyour hands . Takecare not to scratchthe body and relatedparts . Takecare not to bend the cable. '1. Removethese items: . Rearside trim (seepage 20-70) . Reartray (seepage 20'71) . Trunk side trim panel,left side (seepage 20-73) 2. Removethefuel fill door opener knob (A)from the fuel fill door opener bracket(B)byturning lt90', and remove the fuelfill door latch (C)from the body in the same way. Location Fastener E>: Cablecushion,l


'fl -lvl . ;-t /


3 . Removethe fuel fill door openercable{D). 4 . lnstallthe cable in the reverseorder of removalwith a new cablecushion (E).



Hood ReleaseHandleReplacement

Hood LatchReplacement

NOTE:Takecare not to bend the caore.

NOTE:Takecare not to bend the cable.

1. Removethe kick panel (seepage 20-69). 2, Removethe hood releasehandleas shown, 3. Installthehandle in the reverseorder of removal, and note these items: . lMakesurethe hood openercableis connected propefly. ' Make sure the hood opens properly. Fa3tenorLocations A):Bolt,2



Replacement 1. Removethe air guide platecover,then removethe hood latch as shown. 2. lnstallthe latch in the reverseorder of removal,and note these ttems: . Apply greaseto the hood latch. . Make sure the hood openercable is connected propefly. . Adjustthe hood latch alignment{seestep 3 on page 20-94). . Make sure the hood lockssecurely. FastenerLocations A>:Bolt,3


B>:Oip,3 5x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgt.m, 7.2 tbf.ttl

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbt.ttl




Openers Hood LatchReplacement(cont'd)

Trunk Lid LatchReplacement


NOTE: ' P u to n g l o v e s t op r o t e c t y o u rh a n d s . . Takecare not to scratchthe body . Takecare not to bend the cylinderrod

1. Removethe latchcover, and Apply multipurpose greaseto each locationof the hood latch indicated by the arrows.


R e m o v et h e t r u n kl i d l a t c ha s s h o w n . lnstallthe latch in the reverseorder of removal,and note these rtems: . N4akesure the connectoris plugged in properly and the openercable is connectedproperly. . Make sure the trunk lid opens properlyand locks securely. FastenerLocations ) : Bolt.2 lnl


' i ^

rnuruxLtDLArcH -l



--' 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m { 1 . 0k g f m , 7 . 2 l b ff t }


'01-03modelsshape {With handle}

Trunk Lid LockCylinderReplacement NOTE: . Takecare notto scratchthe body. . Takecare notto bend the cylinder rod. 1 . R e m o v et h e t r u n kl i d l o c kc y l i n d e ra s s h o w n . 2. Installthe cylinder in the reverseorder of removal, and notethese items: . Make sure the cylinderrod is connectedproperly. . l\4akesure the trunk lid opens properly. FastenerLocations A > : Bolt,2 ,Sc.r{\

{UI]E ]


TRUNKLIO LOCKCYLINDER 6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m, 7.2 rbf.ft)


Frame Front SubframeReplacement After looseningthe subframemounting bolts,be sure to replacethem with new ones' Referenceholes alignment:



I x 1.25mm 22N.m l2.2kgl..n, 16 rbf.ftl




To bodv. to oooy. To body.

Y ia.. __ -: -,'

8 x 1.25mm 22N.m 12.2kgl.m, 16rbf.ftl


LEFTGUSSET 12x 1,25m.n 59 N.m (6.0ksf.m, 43 tbf.ftl Replace.


E 10 x 1.25mm 38 N.m (3.9kgf m, 28 tbt.ftl


/ 99 I /./


1 0x 1.25mm 38N.m{3.9kgf.m, 2a tbt.ftl




10 x L25 mm 38 N.m 13.9kgf.m, 28 tbf.ftt

1il x 1.5 mm 1 1 6N . m {11.8kgf.m, 85.3 tbt.ftt Replace.

RearSubframeReplacement After looseningthe subframemounting bolts,be sure to replacethem with new ones. Referenceholes alignment:







To body. To body.

-/,_\\,tt, L,t--7--J

)t \ oi fAi )




} V f l o


e - $ * \




l /

tr) ,.ru,,'.


59 N.m (6.0 ksf.m,,|:} tbf.ftt Reptace.

]1 I

10 x 1.25mm 45 N.m (,1.6k91.m,33lbt.ft) 1 4 x 1 . 5m m

76rbr'ft1 {105ksr'm' lg?rT;T


Frame FrameRepairChart Top View Unitrmm (in.) d: lnner diameter

POINT Forbumperbeam010{0.4) a For tie down s23 x 30 (0.9x 1 21 b For stabilizerd24 {0.91 For stabilizerd24 {0.9} o For upper arm al3 (0.5) Dampercenter t s Forsubtrameo17(0.7)

POINT h Forupperarm 613 {0.5) i Forsubframes17 10.7) j For subframe617 {0.7) k Locatehole o25 (1.01 mountbracketd13l0 5l I Fortransmission m For transmissionmount bracketo13 (0.5) n For transmissionmount brackst613 {0.5)






POINT o Locate hole o15 10.59) p For rear subframe11610.63l q For rear subtrame616 {0.631 r Reardampe. câ‚Źnter 650 12.01 s For rear subfr.rne 616 10.6i|l t Locatehol6 r20 {0.81



Frame FrameRepairChart{cont'd) SideView Unit mm (in.) o: lnnerdiameter

POINT For bumper beam o10 {0.41 a b For tie down o23 x 30 {0.9 x 1 2) For stabilizer s24 10.9) c For stabilizer s24 {0.91 d For upperarm ol3 (0.51 e Dampel centet f g F o r s u b t r a m e6 1 7 ( 0 . 7 1

POINT h Forupperarm s13 {0 51 i F o r s u b f r a m eo 1 7 { 0 . 7 ) For subframe s17 {0.7) i k L o c a t eh o l e 6 2 5 l l . 0 ) I Fortransmission mount bracket 613 (0 5) m For transmission mount btacket 613 {0 5) n For transmission mount bracket t13 {0.5)




POINT o Locatehole s15 10.59) Cs\ rsar s\bhaNsd$\$S3\ $ q For rear subframe016 {0.631 r Râ‚Źerdamper centor ,50 (2.0) s For rear Bublramo116 lo.fill t Localehole s20 {0.8}




HVAC(Heating,Ventilation, and Air Conditioningl HeatingandAir Conditioning Speciaf Tools ............. 21-2 C o m p o n e nLto c a t i oInn d e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. .1. .-.3. . . . . . . . . A,/CService TipsandPrecautions ............................... 21-6 A"/CRefrigerant Oil Replacement ................................ 2'l-6 General Troubleshooting Information....................... 21-8 DTCTroubleshooting Index .............. 21-9 SymptomTroubleshooting Index ............................... 21-10 SystemDescription................. ........... 21-11 CircuitDiagram .........21-14 DTCTroubleshooting ............... .......... 21-16 Recirculation ControlMotorCircuit T r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........21-24 HeaterControlPowerandGroundCircuits T r o u b l e s h o o t i n. .S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........21-25 Condenser FanCircuitTroubleshooting .................... 21-27 Radiator andCondenser FansCommonCircuit TroubfeshootinS ..................... ........21-28 Compressor ClutchCircuitTroubleshooting ............. 21-29 Ay'C Pressure SwitchCircuitTroubleshooting ........... 21-31 Air Mix ControlMotorTestandReplacement ........... 21-33 ModeControlMotorTestand Reolacement .............. 21-34 Recirculation ControlMotorTestand Replacement .........21-35 EvaporatorTemperature SensorTest........................ 21-36 PowerTransistor Test .............. .......... 21-36 HeaterControlPanelRemovalandInstallation ......... 2'l-37 Blower/Evaporator UnitRemoval and Installation .... 21-38 Blower/Evaporator UnitComponents Replacement .........21-39 * HeaterUniVCore Reolacement ......... 21-40 DustandPollenFilterReplacement .. 21-42 HeaterValveCableAdjustment.................................. 21-43 Compressor Replacement ........,...,.,,, 21-44 Compressor ClutchCheck ................. 21-46 Compressor ClutchOverhaul...................................... 21-47 CompressorThermal ProtectorReplacement ........... 21-49 Compressor ReliefValveReplacement ...................... 21-49 Rre o l a c e m e n t Condense .............2 . .1. .-.5. 0 Refrigerant Recovery ......................... 21-51 .................. SystemEvacuation ........... 21-52 SystemCharginS...................... .......... 21-53 Refrigerant LeakTests ....................... 21-54 ................. 21-55 fuc systemTests ..............

Blower/EvaporatorUnit ComponentsReplacement Note these items when overhaulingthe blower/evaporatorunit: . The recirculationcontrol motor (A),the powertransistor(B),and the blower motor (C)can be replacedwithout removingthe blower/evaporatorunit. . l f y o u ' r e i n s t a l l i n g a n e w e v a p o r a t o r c o r e ( D ) , a d d r e f r i g e r a n (t o KiEl I H I N S P - 1 0()s e e p a g e 2 l - 6 ) . . lf necessarV,removethe expansionvalve (E). . Replace t h e O - r i n g sw i t h n e w o n e sa t e a c h f i t t i n ga n d a p p l y a t h i nc o a t o f r e f r i g e r a not i l b e f o r ei n s t a l l i n g them. Be sure to use the correctO-ringsfor HFC-134a{R-134a)to avoid leakage. . lmmediatelyafter usingthe oil. reinstallthecap on the container,and seal it to avoid moisture absorption. . Reinstallthe evaporatortem perature sensor (F)in its original location. . Beforereassembly,make surethatthe recirculationcontrol linkageand doors move smoothly. . After reassembly,makesurethe recirculationcontrol motor runs smoothly (seepage 21-35). . Make sure no air is leakingfrom the upper housing{G) and the lower housing(H)fitting.


HeatingandAir Conditioning HeaterUnit/CoreReplacement SRScomoonentsare locatedin this area.Reviewthe SRScomponentlocations,precautions,and procedures in the SRSsectionbeforeperformingrepairsor service (seepage 23-10). 1. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's Dresetbuttons.

Removethe mounting bolt from the heatervalve. Slidethe hose clamps (A) back,then disconnectthe inlet heaterhose (B) and the outlet heaterhose {C) from the heaterunit. Enginecoolantwill run out when the hosesare disconnected;drain it into a clean drip pan. Be sure not to let coolantspill on the electricalpans or the paintedsurfaces.lf any coolantspills,rinse it off immediately. 6x1.0mm 9.8N.m {1.0kgt.m, 7.2 tbt.ttl

2. Disconnectthenegativecablefrom the battery. 3. Removethe heat shield of the exhaustmanifold (see step 16 on page 6-27l,. 4. From under the hood, open the cable clamp (A), then disconnectthe heatervalve cable (B)from the heatervalve arm (C).Turn the heatervalve arm to the fully openedpositionas shown.

7 . Removethe mounting nut from the heaterunit. Takecare not to damageor bend the fuel lines,the brakelines,etc.

j.' ..:, 5 . When the engine is cool, drain the enginecoolant from the radiator(seepage 10-8).



8 x '1.25mm 13 N.m ( 1 . 3k s f . m , 9 . 4 l b l f t )

8. Removethe dashboard{seepage 20-82). 9. Removethe blower/evaporatorunit ( s e ep a g e2 1 - 3 8 ) .

Disconnectthe connectors(A) from the mode control motor and the air mix control motor, then removethe wire harnessclip {B).Removethe mounting nuts,the mounting bolt, and the heater u n i t( C ) .

10. Removethe mounting bolts,the centerbrackets(A), and the audio brackets(B). 8 x 1,25mm 22 N.m12.2kgf.m,16lbtft)

l -

6x1,0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ftl

8 x 1.25mm 22Nm {2.2kgf.m,16lbf.ft}

1 1 .Removethe SRS unit {seepage 23'75),

1 2 . Removethe self-tappingscrewsand the defroster outlet (A),then removethe wire harnessclips (Bi.

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbf.lrl


\ 6x1.0mm 9.8Nm 11.0ksf.m, 7.2lbf.ftl

4. Removethe self-tappingscrew and the passenger's heateroutlet (A),then removethe self-tapping screw and the clamp (B).Be carefulnot to bend the inlet and outlet pipes during the heatercore (C) removal,and oull out the heatercore.

t ___|.+





HeatingandAir Conditioning HeaterUnit/CoreReplacement (cont'dl 15. Installthe heatercore in the reverseorder of removal. '16.

lnstallthe heaterunit in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Do not interchangethe inlet and outlet heater hoses,and installthe hose clamps securely. . Refillthe cooling systemwith enginecoolant(see page 10-8). . Adjust the heatervalve cable (seepage21-43). . Make sure that there is no coolantleakage. . Make sure that there is no air leakage. . For evaporatorand Ay'C-related information,refer to blower /evaporatorunit removal and installation(seepage 21-38). . Do the ECM idle learn procedure { s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) . . Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio station presets. . For'01-03 models, resetthe clock.

Dust and PollenFilterReplacement The dust and pollen filter should be replacedevery 30,000miles under normal conditions,or every 15,000 miles under extremelydusty or sooty conditions. Reolacethe filter more often if the air flow is lessthan u s u aL 1 . O p e nt h e h o o d . 2. Removethe clips (Aland the hood seal (B).Liftthe right side of the cowl cover (C)up, and removethe dust and pollenfilter (D)as shown. Be carefulnot to damagethe hood sealwhen removingthe clips. C


Removethe filter (A)from the housing(B).Replace the filter.

4. lnstallthe filter in the reverseorder of removal


HeaterValveCableAdjustment 1 . From under the hood, open the cableclamp (A), then disconnectthe heatervalve cable (B)from the heatervalve arm (C).

From underthe hood,turn the heatervalve arm (C) to the fully closedpositionas shown, and hold it. Attachthe heatervalve cable(B)to the heatervalve arm. and gently pull on the heatervalve cable housingto take up any slack,then installthe heater valve cable housinginto the cableclamp {A).

From underthe dash,disconnectthe heatervalve c a b l eh o u s i n gf r o m t h e c a b l ec l a m p( A ) ,a n d disconnectthe heatervalve cable (B)from the air m i x c o n t r o l i n k a g e{ C ) .

Set the temperaturecontrol dial on Max Cool with t h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 4 . Attachthe heatervalve cable{B)to the air mix

control linkage(C)as shown above.Hold rhe end of the heatervalve cable housingagainstthe stop ( D ) ,t h e n s n a pt h e h e a t e rv a l v ec a b l eh o u s i n gi n t o t h e c a b l ec l a m p( A ) .


HeatingandAir Conditioning CompressorReplacement 1. lf the compressoris the engine at idle speed,and let the air conditioning work for a lew minutes,then shut the engineoff.

8, Disconnectthe compressorclutchconnector,then removethe mounting bolts and the compressor.

2. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's preset buttons. 3. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the battery. 4. Recoverthe refrigerantwith a recovery/recycling/ chargingstation(seepage 21-511. 5. Removethe air cleanerhousing(seestep 5 on page 6-25). 6. Remove the alternator (see page 4-26). 7. Removethe nuts,then disconnectthe suctionline (A) and the dischargeline (B)from the compressor. PIugor cap the lines immediatelyafter disconnectingthem to avoid moistureand dust contamination.

10x 1.25mm il4 N.m (4.5kgt m, 33 rbf.ftt 9. lf necessary.removethe mounting bolts and the compressorbracket,

x 1 . 0m m 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbl.ltl


8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m 12.2kgl.m, 16 tbf.ft)


1 0 . l n s t a l l t h ec o m D r e s s oi rn t h e r e v e r s eo r d e ro f removal,and note these items: . lf you're installinga newcompressor,you must calculatethe amount of refrigerantoil to be removedfrom it (seepage 21-6). . Replacethe O-ringswith new ones at eachfitting, and apply a thin coat of refrigerantoil before installingthem. Be sure to use the correctO-rings f o r H F C1 3 4 a( R - 1 3 4 a ) t ao v o i dl e a k a g e . . U s e r e f r i g e r a not i l ( K E l H l NS P - 1 0 ) f o H r FC-134a KEIHINspiraltype compressoronly. . To avoid contamination,do not returnthe oil to the containeronce dispensed,and never mix it with other refrigerantoils. . l m m e d i a t e l ya f t e ru s i n gt h e o i l , r e i n s t a l l t h ec a p on the container,and seal it to avoid moisture aosorplron. . D o n o t s p i l lt h e r e f r i g e r a not i l o n t h e v e h i c l e ; i t may damagethe paint. lf the refrigerantoil contactsthe paint,wash it off immediately. . Chargethe system {seepage 21-53). . Do the ECM idle learn procedure ( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) . . Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. . For '01-03models. resetthe crocK.


HeatingandAir Conditioning CompressorClutchCheck 1 . Checkthe armature platefor discoloration,peeling, or other damage.lf there is damage,replacethe clutchset (seepage 21-47). Checkthe rotor pulley bearingplay and drag by rotatingthe rotor pulley by hand. Replacethe clutchset with a new one if it is noisy or has excessiveplay/drag{seepage 21-47).

Measurethe clearancebetweenthe rotor pulleV(A) and the armatureplate {B) all the way around.lf the clearanceis not within specifiedlimits, removethe armature plate (seepage 21-47)and add or remove shims as neededto increaseor decreaseclearance.

4. Releasethe field coil connectorf rom the holder, then disconnectit. Checkthe thermal protectorfor continuity.lf there is no continuity,replacethe thermal protector(seepage 21-49). NOTE:The thermal protectorwill have no continuityabove 252to262F 1122to 128"C).When the temperaturedrops below 241to 219'F ('116to 104'C),the thermal protectorwill have continuity.

Clearance: 0.5+0.15 mm {0.02040.006in.)

Checkresistanceof the field coil. lf resistanceis not within specifications,replacethe coil (seepage 21-47).

NOTE:The shims are availablein four thicknesses: 0 . 1 m m , 0 . 2 m m . 0 . 4m m , a n d 0 . 5 m m .

Field Coil Resistance: 3.05 3.35 ohms at 68"F {20'C)




CompressorClutchOverhaul Special Tool Required '10204, A,/Cclutch holder,Robinair Kent-MooreJ37872, or HondaTool and EquipmentKMT-J33939, c o m m e r c i a l la yvailable

3, lf you are replacingthe field coil, removethe snap ring {A) with snap ring pliers,then removethe rotor pulley (B).Be carefulnot to damagethe pulleyand compressor.

1. Removethe centernut (A) while holdingthe armatureplatewith a commerciallyavailableA,/C clutchholder (B). '17.5N.m 11.8kgf.m, 13 rbf.ftl




ffi Removethe armatureplate (A) and shim(s){B), takingcare not to lose the shim(s).lf the clutch needsadjustment,increaseor decreasethe number and thicknessof shims as nesessary,then reinstallthe armatureplate,and recheckits clearance(seepage 21-46).

Removethe bolt and holder (A),then disconnect the field coil connector(B).Loosenthe clamp screw (C)to free the field coil wire. Removethe snap ring ( D )w i t h s n a pr i n g p l i e r s t, h e n r e m o v et h e f i e l dc o i l (E).Be carefulnot to damagethe field coil and comDressor.


NOTE:The shims are availablein four thickness: 0 . 1m m , 0 . 2m m , 0 . 4m m , a n d0 . 5m m .

7 . 4N . m {0.75kgf.m,5 lbf.ft)



HeatingandAir Conditioning CompressorClutchOverhaul(cont'd) 5. Reassemblethe clutch in the reverseorder of disassembly,and note these items: ' l n s t a l l t h e f i e l dc o i lw i t h t h e w i r e s i d ef a c i n g down, and align the boss on the field coil with the hole in the compressor. . C l e a nt h e r o t o rp u l l e ya n d c o m p r e s s osr l i d i n g surfaceswith contactcleaneror other non-petroleumsolvent. . I n s t a l l n e w s n a p r i n g s ,n o t et h e i n s t a l l a t i o n direction,and make sure they are fully seatedin the groove. . Make sure that the rotor pulley tu rns smoothly after it's reassembled. . R o u t ea n d c l a m pt h e w i r e s p r o p e r l yo r t h e y c a n be damaged by the rotor pulley.







1 . R e m o v et h e b o l t ,t h e g r o u n dt e r m i n a l{ A ) , a n d t h e holder (B).Disconnectthe field coil connector(C), then removethe thermal protector(D). 7.4 N.m (0.75kgf.m,5 lbf.ftl


Recoverthe refrigerantwith a recoverylrecycling/ c h a r g i n gs t a t i o n( s e ep a g e2 1 5 1 ) .

R e m o v et h e r e l i e fv a l v ei A ) ,a n d t h e O - r i n g( B ) .P l u g the openingto keepforeign matterfrom entering t h e s y s t e ma n d t h e c o m p r e s s oor i l f r o m r u n n i n g out.

9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m,


3 . Cleanthe mating surfaces. Replacethe O-ringwith a new one at the relief valve,and apply a thin coat of refrigerantoil before i n s t a l l i n gi t . Removethe plug, and installand tighten the relief valve. C h a r g et h e s y s t e m( s e ep a g e2 1 - 5 3 ) .


3 . Installthethermal protectorin the reverseorder of removal.


HeatingandAir Conditioning CondenserReplacement 1 . Recoverthe refrigerantwith a recovery/recycling/ c h a r g i n gs t a t i o n( s e ep a g e2 1 - 5 1 ) . R e m o v et h e a i r c l e a n e rh o u s i n g( s e es t e p5 o n p a g e 6-25).

3 . Removethe bolts,then removethe upper mount bracketsfrom the radiator.

5. Removethe bolts and the upper mount brackets(A), then removethe condense.(B) by lifting it up. Be carefulnot to damagethe radiatoror the condenser fins when removingthe condenser.


s-------\ B


6x1.0mm 9,8 N.m {1.0kgf.m.7.2lbt.ft)

4 . Removethe bolts.then disconnectthe discharge

l i n e ( A )a n dt h e c o n d e n s elri n e ( B )f r o m t h e condenser.Plug or cap the lines immediatelyafter disconnectingthem to avoid moistureand dust conramtnaI|on.

,- a.

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m (1.0kgf.m, 7.2 tbl.ttl

6x1.0mm 9.8 N.m {1.0kgf.m,7.2lbt.ft)


6x1.0mm 9.8N.m{1.0kgt.m,7.2lbf.ftl Installthe condensorin the reverseorder of removal.and note these items: . lf you're installinga new condenser,add r e f r i g e r a not i l ( K E l H l NS P - 1 0()s e ep a g e2 ' 1 - 6 ) . . Replacethe O-ringswith new ones at eachfitting, and apply a thin coat of refrigerantoil before installingthem. Be sure to usethe correctO-rings f o r H F C - 1 3 4(aR - 1 3 4 a ) t ao v o i dl e a k a g e . . lmmediatelyafter usingthe oil, reinstallthe cap on the container,and seal it to avoid moislure absorDtion, . Do not spillthe refrigerantoil on the vehicle;it may damagethe paint. lf the refrigerantoil contactsthe paint,wash it off immediately. . Be careful not to damagethe radiatoror the condenserfins when installingthe condenser. . Chargethe system {seepage 21-53).


Air conditioningrefrigerantor lubricantvapor can irritateyour eyes,nose,or throat. Be carefulwhen connectingserviceequipment. Do not breatherefrigerantor vapot.

Use only serviceequipmentthat is U.L.-listedand is certifiedto meet the requirementsof SAE J2210to r e m o v eH F C - 1 3 4(aR - 1 3 4 a ) f r o m t h e a i rc o n d i t i o n i n g sysrem.

1. Connecta R-134arefrigerantrecovery/recycling/ chargingstation(A) to the high'pressureservice port (B)and the Iow-pressureserviceport (C)(see p a g e2 ' 1 - 3 )a,s s h o w n .f o l l o w i n gt h e e q u i p m e n t manufacturer'sinstructions.

=,,'- I r.1i.,.',,,-':ir--


i-.-':l:: .

lf accidentalsystem dischargeoccurs,ventilatethe work area before resumingservice Additionalhealthand safetyinformationmay be obtainedfrom the refrigerantand lubricant manufacturers.

Measurethe amount of refrigerantoil removed from the A,/Csystem after the recoveryprocessis completed.Be sure to put the same amount of new refrigerantoil backinto the A,/Csystem before cnargrng.


HeatingandAir Conditioning SystemEvacuation

. Air conditioningrefrigerantor lubricantvapor can irritateyour eyes,nose,or throat. ' Be carefulwhen connectingserviceequipment. ' Do not breatherefrigerantor vapor.

2. Connecta R-134arefrigerantrecovery/recycling/ chargingstation(A) to the high-pressureservice port (B)and the low-pressureserviceport {C)(see page 2l-3), as shown, followingthe equipment manufacturer'sinstructions.Evacuatethe svstem.


U s eo n l y s e r v i c ee q u i p m e ntth a t i s U . L . - l i s t eadn d i s certifiedto meet the requirementsof SAEJ2210to r e m o v eH F C - 1 3 4(aR - 1 3 4 af r) o m t h e a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g system. lf accidentalsystem dischargeoccurs.ventilatethe work area before resumingservice



i i|]ll

Additionalhealthand safety informationmay be obtainedfrom the refrigerantand lubricant manufacturers. 1. When an 4!/Csystem has been openedto the atmosphere,such as during installationor repair,it must be evacuatedusing a R-]34a refrigerant recovery/recycling/charging station (lf the system has been open for severaldays,the receiver/dryer should be replaced,and the system should be evacuatedfor severaihours.)


lf the low-Dressuredoes not reachmore than 93.3 kPa(700mm Hg, 27.6in.Hg)in 15 minutes,there is probablya leak in the system.Partiallychargethe system,and checkfor leaks(seestep 3 on page 21541.




SystemCharging 2. Evacuatethe system (seepage 21-52). . Air conditioningrefrigerantor lubricantvapor can irritateyour eyes,nose.or throat. ' Be carefulwhen connectingserviceequipment. . Do not breatherefrigerantor vapor.

Use only serviceequipmentthat is U.L.-listedand is cenifiedto meet the requirementsof SAE J2210lo remove HFC-134a(R-134a)from the air conditioning system. lf accidentalsystem dischargeoccurs,ventilatethe work area belore resumingservice. Additionalhealthand safety informationmay be obtainedfrom the refrigerantand lubricant manufacturers.

3. Add the same amount of new refrigerantoil to the systemthat was removedduring recovery.Use only KEIHINSP-10refrigerantoil. 4. Chargethe systemwith the specifiedamount of R-134arefrigerant.Do not overchargethe system; the compressorwill be damaged. Selectthe appropriateunits of measurefor you r refrigerantchargingstation. Refrigerant capacity: 550 to 600 g 0.55 to 0.60 kg 1.2to 1.3 lbs 19.4to 21.2 oz 5. Checkfor refrigerantleaks(seepage 21-54).


1. Connecta R-'134a refrigerantrecovery/recycling/ chargingstation(A)to the high-pressureservice port (B)and the low-pressureserviceport (C){see page 21-3),as shown, following the equipment manufacturer'sinstructions.

6. Checkfor system performance(seepage 21-56).

1,7 ,,_,, .,, - ,..



I l

i 'l , r ;i l ; l lt ,.




Heatingand Air Conditioning RefrigerantLeakTest Special Tool Required Leakdetector.HondaTool and EquipmentYGK-H-10PM c o m m e r c i a l la yvailable

1. Connecta R-134arefrigerantrecovery/recycling/ chargingstation(A)to the high-pressureservice port (B)and the low-pressureserviceport (C)(see page21-3),as shown, following the equipment manufacturer'sinstructions.

. Compressedair mixed with R-134aforms a combustiblevapor. . T h e v a p o rc a n b u r n o r e x p l o d ec a u s i n gs e r i o u s injury. . Never use compressedair to pressuretest R - 1 3 4 as e r v i c ee q u i p m e not r v e h i c l ea i r c o n d i t i o n i n sg y s t e m .

. Airconditioning r e f r i g e r a not r l u b r i c a nvt a p o r can irritateyour eyes,nose,or throat. ' Be carefulwhen connectingserviceequipment. . Do not breatherefrigerantor vapor.

Use only serviceequipmentthat is U.L.-listedand is certiifiedto meet the requirementsof SAE J2210to r e m o v eH F C - 1 3 4(aR - 1 3 4 af r) o m t h e a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g system. lf accidentalsystemdischargeoccurs,ventilatethe w o r k a r e ab e f o r er e s u m i n gs e r v i c e . R -1 3 4 as e r v i c ee q u i p m e n ot r v e h i c l ea i r c o n d i t i o n i n g systemsshould not be pressuretested or leaktested with compressedair. Additionalhealthand safetyinformationmay be obtainedfrom the refrigerantand lubricant manufacturers.

Open the high pressurevalveto chargethe system to the specifiedcapacity,then closethe supply valve,and removethe chargingsystem couplers. Selectthe appropriateunits of measurefor your refrigerantchargingstation. Befrigerant capacity: 550 to 600 g 0.55to 0.60kg 1 . 2t o 1 . 3l b s 19.4to 21.2 oz Checkthe systemfor leaksusing a R-134a refrigerantleak detectorwith an accuracy of 14 g (0.5oz) per year or better. 4 . lf you find leaksthat requirethe systemto be

opened(to repairor replacehoses,fittings,etc.), recoverthe system. 5 . After checkingand repairingleaks,evacuatethe system.


A/C System Tests PressureTest Testresults

Discharge(high) pressure abnormallyhigh

lJrscharge pressure abnormally low

Related svmDtoms Probabls causo Atter stopprngcompressor, Air in system pressuredropsto about 196kPa(2.0 kgt/cm',28 psilquickly,and then falls oraduallv. Reducedor no air flow through Cloggedcondenseror conoenser radiatorfins Condenseror radiatorfan not workino orooerlv Lineto condenseris excessivelyhot. Hestrictedtlow of relrigerantin

Remedv Hecover,evacuate(seepage2l-51), and rechargewith specifiedamount (seepage21-53). Clean Checkvoltageand fan rpm. Checkfan direction. Restrictedlines

High and low pressuresare Faultycompressordischarge Replacethe compressor. balancedsoon afterstopping compressor.Low side is higherthan Faultycompressorseal normal. . Replace Outletof expansionvalve is not Faultyexpansronvalve . Recover,evacuate,and rechatge f rosted,low-pressuregauge Moisturein system indicatesvacuum. with soecifiedamount. . Recover,evacuate,and recharge Suctron Expansionvalve is not frosted,and {low) Frozen valve expansron pressure (Moisture low-oressureline is not cold. Low, in system) with specif;edamount. . Reolace abnormally low oressureoauoe indicatesvacuum. Faultv exoansion valve Dischargetemperatureis low, and l_rozenevaporator Run the fan with compressoroff, the air flow from vents is restricted. then checkevaporatortemperature sensor. Expansionvalve is frosted Cloqqedexpansionvalve Cleanor replace. Receiver/dryer outletis cool, and Cloggedreceivetdryer Fleplace inlet is warm (shouldbe warm du.inq oDeration)pressure Low-pressurehoseand checkIoint txpansronvalveopen too long Repairor replace. Suctron abnormally high are coolerthan the temperature aroundevaoorator. Suctionpressure is loweredwhen Excessiveretrigerantin system Recover,evacuate,and recharge condenser is cooledbv water. with soecifiedamount. High and low-pressureare Faultygasket HePlacethe compressor. equalizedas soon as the Faultyhigh-pressure valve compressoris stopped,and both Foreignpaniclestuckin highoauoesfluctuatewhile runnino. Suctionand Reducedair flow through Cloggedcondenseror ulean discharge condenser, radiatorfins Checkvoltageand fan rpm. pressures Condenseror radiatorfan not Checkfan direction. abnormallvhioh workino orooerlv Suctionancl Low-pressurehoseand metalend Cloggedor kinkedlow-pressure Bepairor replace. discharge areasare coolerthan evaporatof. nose oans pressure Temperaturearoundexpansion Cloggedhigh-pressureline Heparror replace. abnormallylow valveis too low comparedwith that around receiver/rlrver Refrigerantleaks ComDressorciutch is d irtv. Compressorshaft seal leakinq ReDlace the comDressor. Compressorbolt(s)are dirty. Leakingaround bolt(s) I rghtenbolt(s)or replace comoressor. ComDressoroasketis wet with oilGasketleakinq Replacethe compressor.

HeatingandAir Conditioning {

A/C SystemTests(cont'dl PerformanceTest

Compressedair mixed with R-134aforms a combustiblevapor. T h e v a p o rc a n b u r n o r e x p l o d ec a u s i n gs e r i o u s injury. Never use compressedaarto pressuretest R - 1 3 4 as e r v i c ee q u i p m e n ot r v e h i c l ea i r conditioningsystems.

3 . Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover (seepage 20-81). 4 . lnserta thermometer(A) in the centervent, and placeanotherthermometer{B) near the blower unit.

Air conditioningrefrigerantor lubricantvapor can irritatevour eyes,nose,or throat. s e r v i c ee q u i p m e n t . B e c a r e f u l w h e nc o n n e c t i n g Do not breatherefrigerantor vapor.

The performancetest will help determineif the air conditionersystem is operatingwithin specifications. U s eo n l y s e r v i c ee q u i p m e ntth a t i s U . L . - l i s t eadn d i s certifiedto meet the requirementsof SAEJ2210to t h e a i rc o n d i t i o n i n g r e m o v eH F C1 3 4 a( R - 1 3 4 a ) f r o m system. lf accidentalsystemdischargeoccurs,ventilatethe work area before resumingservice. R - ' 1 3 4sae r v i c ee q u i p m e n ot r v e h i c l ea i r c o n d i t i o n i n g systemsshould not be pressuretestedor leaktested with compressedair. Additionalhealthand safety informationmay be obtainedfrom the refrigerantand lubricant manufacturers.

5 . Test conditions: . . . .

Avoid direct sunlight,putthe top up. Open the hood. Open the front doors. Set the temperaturecontrol dial on Max Cool,the mode control dial on Vent, and the recirculation control switch on Recirculate. . Turn the A,/Cswitch on and the fan switch on Max. . R u nt h e e n g i n ea t 1 , 5 0 0r p m . . No driver or passengersin vehicle.


A f t e r r u n n i n gt h e a i r c o n d i t i o n i n fgo r 1 0 m i n u t e s underthe abovetest conditions,readthe delivery temperaturefrom the thermometerin the center vent, the intaketemperaturenearthe blower unit, and the high and low system pressurefrom the A,/C gauges.

1. Connecta R 134arefrigerantrecovery/recycling/ chargingstationto the high-pressureserviceport and the low-pressureserviceport, following the e q u i p m e nm t a n u f a c t u r e r 'i sn s t r u c t i o n s . 2 . D e t e r m i n et h e r e l a t i v eh u m i d i t ya n d a i r lem peralUre.

a 21-56

7. To completethe charts: . . . . . . . .

Markthe delivery tem perature along the verticalline. Mark the intaketemperature(ambientair temperalure)along the bottom line. Draw a line straightup from the air temperatureto the humidity. M a r ka p o i n t 1 0 % a b o v ea n d 1 0% b e l o w t h eh u m i d i t yl e v e l . From each point, draw a horizontalline acrossthe deliverytemperature. The deliverytemperatureshouldfall betweenthe two lines. Completethe low-sidepressuretest and high-sidepressuretest in the same way. Any measurementsoutsidethe line may indicatethe needfor further inspection. (!rrl!m') 2900 -l (301 | ta3ol I

2500 {25) t3601


2000 t20l I2Bol







980 n0l {trol



300 (31 l13l



fc) 86 t30)





200 \21 l2al




68 t20)

11 (251

86 (30)

95 {351

(40) fc)



Body Electrical *Audio System

Body Electrical G e n e r a lT r o u b i e s h o o t i n g Information


Relavand Control Uriit Locations ........22-5 Connectorsand Harnesses 22-9 Fuse/RelavBoxes .......22-32 Power Disiribution ..... 22-35 Ground Distribution .. 22-38 8 a t t e r v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-39 ...... R e l a v s '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-40 ...... *lgnition Switch



Componen! Location Index........22-93 CircuitDiagram..................... 22-94 T e s t . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-43 . . . . . . . . - . . . - . . AccessoryPowerSocket *Gauges TesVHeplacement ............. 22 95 Comoonent Location Index........22-44 Horn GaugeBulbReplacement.... 22 46 Component Location Index........22-96 CircuitDiagram 22 41 CircuitDiagram 22-91 GaugeAssembly HornTest ..........-........-........... 22 91 Beplacement 22-52 SwitchTest 22-9a VSSReplacement ..........-...... 22-52 Trunk Opener VSSCircuit Component Location Index..-.-.,. 22 99 Troubleshooting ..............-. 22-53 CircuitDiagram 22-100 Maintenance Required TrunkOpenerSwitchTest ... 22 101 Indacator BesetProcedure..22-54 TrunkOpenerSolenoid Tachometer Circuit Test ......-.-............................ 22.101 Troubleshooting ................ 22-55 PowerMirrors CoolantTemperature Gauge Component Location Index...-....22.102 CircuitTroubleshootina .... 22-55 CircuitDiagram 22-103 Liqhts-on,Kev-in,Seat Belt FunctionTest 22 104 Reminder System PowerMirrorSwitchTest .... 22-105 CircuitDia9ram..................... 22-56 PowerMirrorActuator SvstemlnputTest................. 22-57 Test -........-.......-.,...,.,..,,,.,.,., 22 105 ExteriorLights PowerMirror Actuator C o m p o n e nLto c a t i o Inn d e x . - . . . . . .22-59 Replacement 22-106 C i r c u i tD i a g r a m 22-61 Wiper/Washer B r a k eL i g h t s Component Location Index........22 101 C i r c u i tD i a 9 r a m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . 64 CircuitDiagram 22-108 B a c k - u pL i g h t sC i r c u i t IntermittentWiper Control D i a 9 r a m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-64 ......... Circuit1nputTest............... 22-110 C o m b i n a t i o nL i g h t S w i t c h Wiper,A/Vasher Switch T e s V R e p l a c e m e n t . . . . . . - . . . . 22 . . 65 TesVReplacement ............. 22111 D R LC o n t r o l U n i t WiperMotorTest-......-........-. 22-1t2 I n p u t T e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-66 ........ WasherMotorTest ............... 22-112 HIDLamp System WasherReservoir T f o u b l e s h o o t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-64 .. Beplacement H I D B u l b R e m o v a l . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 . . . 69 Windshield WiperMotor H e a d l i g h tR e p l a c e m e n t . . . . . . . .2 2 t 1 Replacement 22-114 H e a d l i g h t A d j u s t m e n t . . . . . . . . .22 . t2 Side Turn SignalLight Replacement 22-115 Replacement 22 14 mmobilizer System T a i l l i g h t R e p l a c e m e n t . . . . . . . . . .22-7 . 4 Component Location Index.,.,..-.22-1t6 H i g h M o u n t B r a k eL , g h t SystemDescription.............. 22-117 Replacement 2215 CircuitDiagram 22-119 L i c e n s eP l a t e L i g h t Troubleshooting 22-120 Replacement lmmobilizer Receiver Unit Turn Siqnal/Hazard 22 121


Component Localion Index........22-16 CircuitDiagram 2211 TurnSignal/Hazard Relay InputTest ..................._._._... 2214 Hazard WarningSwitch T e s t . . . . . , . . . , . , , , - , . . . _ . . .2. .2. .1. 9. . . . . . . ,


Component Location Index,,,,,...22 80 CircuitDiagram 22-81 Ceilin9/Spotlights Test ....-.... 22 82 TrunkLightTest 22 A3 Trunk Lid LatchSwitchTest . 22-83


ComponentLocation Index........22-A7 CircuitDiagram..................... 22'88 AudioUnitRemoval............. 22 89 AudioUnitConnector Rep1acement ...................... 22-eg RadioRemoteSwitchTest... 22-90 SpeakerReplacement .......... 22-91 MastAntenna Rep1acement ...................... 22.92

Dash Liqhts Briqhtness Contr-oller

CircuitDiagram 22-84 Controller InputTest............. 22-45


Component Location Index........22-122 CircuitDiagram 22-123 lMaster SwitchTest ........-...... 22 124 MasterSwitch InputTest ........................... 22-125 Passenger's Window Switch T6d/ea^l2.amonr 22 124 Driver'sWindow MotorTest ...............-......-... 22-129 Passenger's WindowMotor Test 22 129

Keyless/Power Door Locks Component Location Index........22 130 CircuitDia9ram..................... 22-131 KeylessDoor LockControl UnitfnputTest ...................... 22-132 lgnitionKeySwitchTest .......22-135 Driver'sDoor LockKnob SwitchTest ........................ 22-136 Driver'sDoor Lock ActuatorTest..................... 22-136 Passenger's Door Locl ActuatorTest ..................... 22-137 Driver'sDoorKeyCylinder SwitchTest ........................ 22-131 Transmitter Test .................... 22-138 TransmitterProqrammina ... 22-138

onvertible Top

Component Location Index........22-139 CircuitDia9ram..................... 22-140 SystemDesciption................ 22-142 ConvenibleTop Switch Test,..., 22-143 Convâ‚ŹrtibleTop Control UnitlnputTest................... 22-144 ConvertibleTop Motor Test 22-141


Component Location Index........22'149 Convertible Top Disable SwitchTest ........................ 22-150

Rear Window Defogger

Component Location Index........22'151 CircuitDiagram..................... 22-153 SwitchTest ............................ 22-155 FunctaonTest ......................... 22-156 Defogger WireRepair........... 22-157

Body Electrical (

GeneralTroubleshootingInformation Tipsand Precautions Betore Troubleshootin g 1. Checkapplicablefuses in the appropriatefuse/relay box.

. Some connectorshave a clip on their side used to attachlhem to a mount bracketdn the body or on anothercomponent.This clip has a pull type lock. . Some mountedconnectorscannot be disconnected unlessyou first releasethe lock and removethe connectorfrom its mount bracket(A).

2. Checkthe balteryfor damage,state of charge,and cleanand tight connections.

. Do not quick-chargea batteryunlessthe battery ground cable has been disconnected,otherwise you will damagethe alternatordiodes. . Do not attemptto crankthe enginewith the batteryground cable looselyconnectedor you w i l l s e v e r e l yd a m a g et h e w i r i n g . belt tension. 3. Checkthe alternator-comDressor Handling Connectors . Make sure the connectorsare clean and have no loosewire terminals, . Make sure multiple cavity connectorsare packedwith dielectricgrease(exceptwatertightconnectors). . All connectorshave push-downreleasetype locks(A).

Nevertry to disconnectconnectorsby pulling on their wires; pull on the conneclorhalvesinstead. Always reinstallplasticcovers.


Beforeconnectingconnectors,make sure the terminals(A) are in placeand not bent.



J Checkfor loose retainer(A) and rubber seals(B).

The backsof some connectorsare packedwilh dielectricgrease.Add greaseif necessary.lf the greaseis contaminated,replaceit.

Handling Wires and Harnesses . Securewires and wire harnessesto the frame with their respectivewire ties at the designatedlocations. . Removeclips carefully;don't damagetheir locks(A).

S l i p p l i e r s( A ) u n d e r t h ec l i p b a s ea n d t h r o u g ht h e hole at an angle,then squeezethe expansiontabs to releasethe clio.

(P/N 08798-90011

Insertthe connectorall the way and make sure it is securelylocked. Positionwires so thal the open end of the cover faces down.

After installingharnessclips, make sure the harness doesn't interferewith any moving parts, Keepwire harnessesaway from exhaustpipes and other hot parts.from sharp edges of bracketsand holes,and from exposedscrewsand bolts. Seat grommets in their grooves properly(A).Do not leavegrommets distorted(B).

l / o ) t / r1J\ t/

't t, I



R It



BodyElectrical GeneralTroubleshootinglnformation(cont'dl Testing and Repairs . Do not use wires or harnesseswith brokeninsulation. Replacethem or repairthem by wrapping the break with electricaltape. . After installingparts,make sure that no wires are pinchedunderthem. . When using electricaltest equipment,follow the manufacturer'sinstructionsand those describedin t h i sm a n u a l . . lf possible,insertthe probe of the testerfrom thewire side (exceptwaterproo{connector).


in the HondaTerminalKitfor Referto the instructions terminals. of connector andreplacement identification




Five-stepTroubleshooting 1. VerifyThe Complaint Turn on all the componentsin the problemcircuit to verify the customercomplaint.Note the symptoms.Do not begin disassemblyor testing untilyou have narroweddown the problem area. 2. AnalyzeThe Schematic Look up the schematicfor the problemcircuit. Determinehow the circuitis supposedto work by tracingthe currentpathsfrom the power feed through the circuitcomponentsto ground. lf severalcircuitsfail at the same time, the fuse or ground is a likelycause, Basedon the symptoms and your understandingof the circuitoperation,identifyone or more possible causesof the problem. 3. lsolateThe ProblemBy TestingThe Circuit Makecircuitteststo checkthe diagnosisyou made in step2. Keep in mind that a logical,simp,e procedureis the key to efficienttroubleshooting. Test for the most likelycauseoI Iailurefirst. Try to maketests at pointslhat are easilyaccessible.

Wire Color Codes The following abbreviationsare used to identifywire colors in the circuitschematics: W H T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W . . .n. r. r. .e Y E 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .Y. .e. .l l. o. .w . B 1 K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. .l.a. c. .k. . B 1 U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. .l .u. e. . . G R N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G . . r. e . .e. .n. R E D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R ..e . .d. . . . O R N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O . . r. a . .n. .g. e P N K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. i. n. .k. . . B R N . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B . . r. o . .w . . n. G R Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G . . r. .a. y. . . P U R . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P . . u. .r.p. .l.e 1 T 8 1 U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L.i.g. .h. t B t u e 1 T G R N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L. l.g. .h. t G r e e n The wire insulationhas one color or one color with anothercolor stripe.The secondcolor is the stripe.


4. Fix The Problem Oncethe specificproblem is identified,make the repair.Be sure to use propertools and safe procedures. 5. Make Sure The CircuitWorks Turn on all componentsin the repairedcircuit in all modesto make sure you've fixed the entire problem.lfthe problemwas a blown fuse, be sure to test all of the circuitson the fuse. Make sure no new problemsturn up and the originalproblem does not recur,


RelayandControlUnit Locations {














Dashboard l{lGH BEAM CUT RELAYlcanadal f Wire colors:RED/BLU,ORN, I LBLU and BLU/RED I INTERMITTENTWIPERRELAY modelsl {'00-01 CAru, I IWire colors:GRN/REO, L GRN/BLK,BLKand BLUAr'YHT .l REARwlNDOW DEFOGGERRELAY modelsl {'02-03



ZTN 7=<




3 q7t /





' -:: --L-l L_l






Relayand ControlUnit Locations Dashboardand Door IG2RELAY fwire colors:BLK/RED, I andYEL I LLTBLU,BLUAVHT POWERSOCKETRELAY WirecolorsrWHT/RED, LT BLU,YEUREDand BLU,lwHT







Connectors and Harnesses ConnectorIndex

Tl, T6 end (+ )

( s e ep a g 6 2 2 1 4 )

C204,C303and C402 throughC404,C451 C501throughC504

. 2:'02-03models


and Harnesses Gonnectors Connestorto HarnessIndex EPSSubharness Connectoror Terminal C EPScontrolunitconnector

2 I

T1 T6

l 7



Location Cavities RightsideoI enginecompanment 2 Leftside of enginecompartment 2



wire Leftenginecompartment harness(seeoaoe22-16)

Rightsideof enginecompanment

Main under hood fuse/relay

Leftsideo{ enginecompartment

AuxiliaryundeFhood fuse

Rightsideof enginecompartment 8afterv

BodygroundviaEPS suDnarness Battervoositiveterminal

Location Rightside o{ enginecompartment

Body ground via battery



Location Leftsideofenginecompartment Leftsideof enginecompartment Left sideot enginecompartment

Connectsto Stanermotor Engineblock f use Auxiliaryunder-hood

Left side ot enqine compartment

B o d v q r o u n d v i a s t a r t e rc a b l e

Location Lettsideof enqinecompartment Rearbeam

;onneclsto Enqineblock Rearbeamgroundvia engine oroundcable




Battery Ground Cable Cavities

Connectoror Terminal 4



StarterCable r2

Connectoror T€rminal



I 1l 6




EngineGround Cable ConnectororTorminal




EPSGearboxGround Cable Cavities

Conn€cto.or Terminal 14 G4




Leftsideof enqinecompartment Frontbeam

E P Sq e a r

Frontbeamvia EPSgearbox oroundcable








Gonnectors and Harnesses Connectorto HarnessIndex (cont'dl Engine Wire Harness Connectoror Terminal IVC compressorclutch Alternator lightswitch Back-up CKPsensor CMP{TDC)sensorA CMP{TDC)sensorB ECMconnectorB ECMconnectorC (ECT) Enginecoolanttemperature sensor ldleaircontrol{lAC)valve Intakeairtemperature(lAl sensor Knocksensor Map sensor No.1 ignitioncoil No.2 ignitioncoil No.3 ignitioncoil No.4 ignitioncoil No. 1 injector No.2 injector No.3 injector No.4 injector Primaryheatedoxygensensor tPHO2S) Seconda.yheatedoxygensensor

11 6 34

5 7 32 30 33 22 I

3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4

Left sideofengine compartment Leftsideof enginecompartment Middleofengine Leftsideofenginecompartment Middleof engine Middleof engine Middleof engine Middleofengine Middleofengine Middleofengine Middleofengine N4iddle ofengine Middleoftransmission




c r0 1

29 12 2 36 14

1 3 3 2 1 16

Leftside ol enginecompanment Leftside ofengine compartment Middleottransmission Rightsideofenginecompartment Rightsideof enginecompanment Behindleftkickpanel

C102{Junctionconnector) C103(Connect to C104) c104{connectto c103}

18 19 17

20 2 2

T10t r102


Eehindleftkickpanel Behindleftkickpanel Behindleftkict oanel Main under-hoodfuse/relaybox Alternator


Stanersolenoid Throftleposition1TP)sensor Vehiclespeedsensor(VSS) VTECoil pressureswitch VTECsolenoidvalve


Location C.vitie3 1 Left sideofengine compartment Leftsideofenginecompartment 2 Middleoftransmission 3 N,liddle ofengine 2 MiddleoI engine 2 Rightsideof enginecompartment Behindleftkickpanel Behindleft kick panel 2 MiddleoI engine

28 24 3


( Dashboard wire harnessA lseepage22-22)

Fndine nil nrc.crrrp qwit h



3 2 1



Maddle ofengine




mff \-1...-'16 17 18



and Harnesses Gonnectors


Connectorto HarnessIndex(cont'dl Bight Engine Compartment Wire Harness Connectoror Terminal ABSrightfrontwheelsensor Ay'Cpressureswitch Condenser fan motor ELDunitlseepage22-321 A EPScontrolunitconnector I EPScontrolunitconnector EPStorquesensor EPSmotor Horn(low) Horn(high) Mainunderhoodfuse/relay box connectorA (seepage22-32) {use/relay box Mainunder'hood connectorB (seepage22-32) box Mainunde.hoodfuse/relay connector C (seepage22-32) box Mainunde.hoodfuse/relay connectorD (seepage22-32) Radiator fan motor Rightfrontparkinglight Rightfrontturn signallight (highbeam) Rightheadlight (lowbeam) Bightheadlight Rightsideturn signallight Windshield washermotor c201

Cavitie3 2 2 2 3 2 14 3 2 1 1

Location Rightsideof enginecompartment Middleof enginecompanment Leftside of enginecompartment box Underhoodfuse/relay Rightsideof enginecompanment Rightsideof enginecompanment Left sideof enginecompartment Leftsideof enginecompanment Middleof enginecompartment Bightsideof enginecompartment


Rightsideof enginecompartment



Rightsideof enginecompartment






Rightsideof enginecompartment

6 'll

2 2 2 3 2 2 2

Bightsideof enginecompartment Behindrightheadlight Behindrightheadlight Behindrightheadlight Behindrightheadlight Rightsideof enginecompartment Rightsideol enginecompartment Behindrightsideot dash

Ret 10 1 14 2 5

12 8 I 17 20




Behindrightsideof dash








Behindrightsideof dash



Rightside of enginecompartment



'02-03 mooers

wire harnessB Dashboard (seepage22-18) wire harnessB Dashboard (seepage22'18) Dashboard wire harnessB (seepage22-18) A wire harness Dashboard tseenaoe22-22) Bodygroundvia right wire enginecompanment






Connectorsand Harnesses Connectorto HarnessIndex(cont'd) Left Engine Compartment Wire Haness Connec-tor or Terminal ABS left front wheel sensor ABSmodulatorunit Air pumpelectriccurrentsensor Air pumpelectric currentsensor connectorB A i rp u m p Air pumprelayconnectorA Air pumprelayconnectorB Auxiliaryunder'hoodfusebox A (seepage22-34) connector Auxiliaryunderhoodfusebox connectorB {seepage22-34) Brakefluidlevelswitch cruise control actuator EVAPcanisterpurgevalve Intermittent wiperrelay Lefttront parkinglight Leftfrontturnsignallight (highbeam) Leftheadlight Leftheadlight llow beam) Leftsideturn signallight Radiatorfan switch Secondaryair controlvalvevacuum controlsolenoidvalve Testtachometer connector wipermotor Windshield c30'!

10 26 '14 15



5 7 4 24

2 2 2 2

Leftside of enginecompartment Left sideof enginecompartment Leftside of enginecompartment fusebox Auxiliaryunder-hood



Auxiliaryunder-hoodfuse box


2 4 2 6

Leftsideof enginecompartment LeItside oI enginecompartment Leftside oI enginecompartment Left sideof enginecompartment

1 29

2 2 3 2 2 2 2

Behindleftheadlight Eehindleftheadlight Eehindleftheadlight Behindleftheadlight Leftsideof enginecompanment Leftsideof enginecompanment Left sideof enginecompartment

18 23 20

2 5 14

Left sideof enginecompartment Leftside ol enginecompartment Underleft side ol dash

2A 27 17 9 11 6 8





c35r G301

Location Cavities 2 Leftside ol enginecompaftment 25 Leftside ofengine compartment 2 Left sideof enginecompartment


Under left side of dash 14

tJnderleft sideof dash


Leftside of enginecompartment Leftside ofengine compartment


Left sideofengine compartment


Leftsideof enginecompartment



Dashboardwire harnessB (seepage22-18) Dashboard wire harnessB {seepage22-18) Dashboard wire harnessA \see page 22 221 EPSsubharness {seepage ,2-1.)\ Eodygroundvia leftengine wrreharness compartment Eodygroundvia leftengine harness compartmentwire Bodygroundvia leftengine .^mn.rtmpnt



wirp hrrness





'17 '16 t5


/i'; -r.,ffi-...'




and Harnesses Gonnectors Connectorto HarnessIndex(cont'd) Dashboard Wire Harness B (Left branch) Location Underleft side of dash Underleft sideof dash L,nderlettsideof dash Underleftsideof dash Underleft side of dash Underleft side ol dash Underleft side of dash Underleftsideof dash Underleftsideot dash

Connectoror Terminal Brakepedalpositionswitch Cablereel Clutchpedalpositionswitch Clutchinterlockswitch lightswitch Combination Cruisecontrol unit Highbeamcut relay lgnitionkeyswitch Intermittenlwiper relay



t8 8 10 't1

2 2

I 6 3 1


lmmobilizer receiverunit Rearwindowdeloggerrelay

2 7

5 5

Under left sideof dash UnderleftsideoI dash

wiper/washer switch Windshield c301


14 't4

Under left side of dash Underleft side of dash


Underleft side of dash

Canada '00-0'1 '02-03 mooets


Behindleft kickpanel




Underleft sideol dash



Underleft side of dash Underleftsideof dash

c403 c404







c302 c401




Underleft side oI dash Underleft side oI dash

Leftenginecompa.tmentwire harness(seepage22-16) Leftenginecompartmentwire harness(seepage22-16) Rearwireharness(seepage 22-24') '00,01 Dashboardwire harnessA mooers lsee page 22-22) '02-03 wire harnessA Dashboard page 22-221 lsee Dashboard wire harnessA \see page 22-221 Dashboard wire harnessA lsee oeoe22-22\ Bodygroundviadashboard wire harnessB

't', 1?




( C o n t i n u etso r i g h tb r a n c h )




( c o n t ' d)


Connectorsand Harnesses {

Connectorto HarnessIndex{cont'dl DashboardWire HarnessB (Rightbranch) ConnectororTorminal Accessorypower socketrelay Air mix controlmotor Blowermotor Convertible top motoremergency Convertible top motoremergency connectorB Convertibletop controlunit connector

2 8 12

Cavitios 5 7 2 2

Location Undermiddleof dash Undermiddleof dash Underrightsideof dash Underrightsideof dash



Underrightsideof dash



Underrightsideof dash

6 14

Middleof floor betweenseats Undermiddleof dash Undermiddleof dash

Canada '00-01

Undermiddleof dash

models '02-03

Convertibletop switch Daytimerunning lightscontrol unit Datalinkconnector lDLC)

5 7



DiodelDFL) Evaporator temperature sensor Hazardwarningswitch lG 2 relay Mode control motor Parkingbrakeswitch PGM-Flmain relay Rearwindow de{oggerswitch

I 23 I 6 22 3 10 24

Recirculationcontrolmotor c201 c202










2 2 10 5 7 1 7 5 5

Undermiddleof dash Underrightsideot dash Middleoffloor betlveenseats Undermiddleof dash Undermiddleof dash Middleof floor betweenseats Undermiddleof dash Underrightsideof dash lvliddleot floor betlveenseats


Underrightsideof dash Underrightsideof dash

6 '7

Underrightsideof dash Underrightsideof dash Underrightsideof dash


Underrightsideof dash

Connects to



H a r d t o Pi

Rightenginecompartment wire harness(seepage22'14) Rightenginecompanment wireharness(seepage22 14) Fightenginecompartment wireharnesslseepage22-14) Dashboard wire harnessA lseepage22-221 Roofwireharness(seepage 22-26)


Body ground via dashboard





(Continuesto left branch)





14 15



and Harnesses Connectors


Connectorto HarnessIndex(cont'd) DashboardWire HarnessA Conn6ctoror Teraninal 11 Antenna amplifier Audiounit topcontrolunitconnector 1 8 Convertible

Cruisecontrolmainswitch A ECMconnector Enginestartswitch A Gauge assembly connector B Gauge assembly connector Gauge assembly connector C o Gauge assembly connector Heatercontrolpanel Keyless doorlockcontrolunit Radioremoteswitch Rearwindowdefogger switch

5 6 22





I 1 14 12 11

c303 c402




Location Cavitie3 2 Behindaudiounit 20 Behindaudiounit 10 Underrightsideof dash

6 5 14 12 20 30 18 6 6

Underleftsideof dash Behindleftkickpanel Underleftsideof dash Behindgaugeassembly Behindgaugeassembly Behindgaugeassembly Behindgaugeassembly Undermiddleof dash Underleftsideof dash Underleftsideof dash Undermiddleof dash Behindleftkickpanel


Underleftsideof dash


Underleftsideof dash Underleft sideof dash



Underleftsideof dash Underleft sideof dash





Underrightsideof dash













Underleftsideof dash



c503 c504






Under left sideof dash


'02-03 Enginewire harness(see page22 12]' Rightenginecompanment wire harness{seepage22 14) Leftenginecompartmentwire harness(seepage22-'16) Dashboard wire harnessI lseepage22-18) Dashboard wire harnessB lseepage22-18) wire harnessI Dashboard {seepage22-18) wire harnessB Dashboard lseepage22-18) Dashboard wire harnessB {seepage22-18) Rearwireharness(seepage 22-24') Rearwire harness(seepage 22-24) Driver'sdoorwire harness {seepage22-28) SRSmainharness{seepage 22-27) Passenger's doorwire harnessiseeoaoe22-29)

'00 01 mooets '02-03

a '00-01 models '02 03

Body ground via dashboard Body ground via dashboard



o 1o 8 i \

11 12 13 14



Gonnectors and Harnesses Connectorto HarnessIndex(cont'd) Rear Wire Harness {Left blanch) ConnectororTâ‚Źrminal ABS left rearwheelsensor Condenser

1 11


Cevitios Locetion 2 2 Leftside oltrunk

Behindleft cornergusset Underdriver'sseat Leftside of underfloor Leftsideof underlloor Middleoftueltank Left sideot undertloor Middleoftrunklid Behindleft cornergusset Behindiefttaillightassembly Behindleftlaillightassembly Eehindlefttaillightassembly Behindlefttaillightassembly Leftsideoftrunk Middleoftrunk Behindrearconsolebetweenseatback Middleoftrunklid Behindleft kick panel Dashboard wire harnessB (seepage22-18) Behindleftkickpanel Dashboard wire harnessA lsee page 22-22) Eehindleft kick panel Dashboard wire harness A



2 2

Trunkopenersolenoid/latch switch c40l

19 1

3 22








'02-03 mooets

c601 c602

mooels '02-03 models

Leftside oltrunk

I 2 2 2 5 3 2 2 2 3 2 2

Leftside oftrunk 14


Leftside oftrunk

Hardtopsubharness(see page 22-30l, Rearwindowdefogger srbharness lsce nadc 22-31)



Notes '02,03


Driver'sdoor switch Driver'sseatbelt switch EVAPbypasssolenoidvalve EVAPcontrolcanistervent shut valve Fuelpump/fuelgauge sendingunit Fueltankpressure sensor Highmountbrakelight Leftconvertibletop motor Left back-uplight Left brake/taillight Left rearside markerlight Leftrearturnsignallight Rearwindowdefogger changerelay Trunklight Trunkopenerswitch

3 9 10 23 8 20 5 '17


Bodyg.oundvia rearwire

'00-01 mooets '02-03 mooels Hardtop '02-03

(Continues to rightbranch)

( C o n t i n u e st o r i g h t b r a n c h)



and Harnesses Gonnectors Connectorto HarnessIndex(cont'd) Rear Wire Harness (Right branch) Connectoror Terminal ABS right rearwhee,sensor Accessorypowersocket

4 3

platelight License Passenger's doorswitch Rightconvenible top motor Rightbackup light Rightbrake/taillight Rightrearsidemarkerlight Riohtrearturn sionallioht

I 1 2 7 6 5 a




Location Cavities 2 Bjghtsideoftrunk Behindrearconsolebetlveenseat2 2 1 2 2 3 2



Behindrearbumper Behindrightcornergusset Eehindright cornergusset Behindrighttaillighr Behindrighttaillight Behindrighttaillight achinrlrioh ailliohr Bodygroundvia rearwire

RoofWire Harness Connector or TeIminal Ceiling/soptlights


Cavities 1 2

4 2



Roofarea L,nderrightsideof dash

Dashboard wire harnessB iseeoaoe22-18)

(Continuesto left branch)


(Continuesto left branch)





SRS Main Hamess Connectoror Terminal Cablereel Driver'sseatbelt tensioner Memoryerasesignal(MES)connector Passenger's airbaginflator Passenger's seatbelttensioner Under-dashfuse/relaybox connector A (seepage22-33) c503

7 8 6 2

C.vitie3 2 2 2 2 2 18 2



5 9 'l



Location Underleftsideot dash Behinddriver'sseat-back fuse/relay Under-dash box Und€rrightsideof dash Behindpassenger'sseat-back Middleoffloor Under-dash luse/relay box


Underleftsideot dash

Dashboard wire harnessA

Middleof floor

Bodygroundvia SRSmain


lgnition Switch Lead Conn€ctoror Terminel Under dashfuse/relaybox connector B lseeoaoe22-33)




Conn6cts to

Location L.Jnderleft side of dash








and Harnesses Gonnectors Connectorto HarnessIndex(cont'd) Driver'sDoorWire Harness Connectoror Terminal Driver'sdoorkeycylinderswitch Driver'sdoorlockactuator Driver'sdoorlockknobswitch Driver'sdoorspeaker Driver'swindowmotor Left power mirror actuator Letttweeter

1 I 9 3 6 1 10

Powermirrorswitch Powerwindow masterswitch c502

5 4 2

Cavities 2 2 3 2 3 2 '10 14 '18

Locltion Driver'sdoor Driver'sdoor Driver'sdoor Driver'sdoor Driver'sdoor Driver'sdoor Driver'sdoor

Connocts to

'02-03 moo6rs

Driver'sdoor Driver'sdoor Behindleft kick panel

Dashboardwire harnessA Isea oa(,e22-221




Passenger's DoorWire Harness Connoctoror Torminal Passenger's door lockactuator Passenger's door speaker Passenger's window motor Pass6nger's window switch Rightpowermirroractuator Righttweeter c504

6 3 5 4 2 1

Cavitios Localion 2 Passenger's door 2 Passenger'sdoor 2 Passenger'sdoor Passenger'sdoor 3 Passâ‚Źnger's door 2 Passenger's door 14




'02,03 Dashboard wire harnessA (seeoeoe22-221



and Harnesses Connectors {

Connectorto HarnessIndex(cont'd) HARDTOP:

2 4

Rearwireharness{seepage 22 241

R e a r w i n d o w d e f o g g e r c o n n e c t o r( + )






Left side ot rearwandow Leftsideoftrunk

,/. /






Boxes Fuse/Relay {

Connectorto Fuse/RelayBox Index Main Under-hoodFuse/RelayBox


Ref It

Ay'Ccompressorclutch relay B Blower motor relay


3 14 11 IJ


Condenserfan relay D Diode E L DU n i t H o r nr e l a y 'l Headlightrelay H e a d l i g hrte l a y2 Radiatorfan relav

9 4 10 7 8 2

T1 T101


Terminal '18 'l 4 3 4 16 2 3 4

Connectsto Rightenginecompartmentwire harness(seepage22-14) Rightenginecompartmentwlre harness(seepage 22-14) R i g h t e n g i n ec o m p a r t m e nwt i r e h a r n e s s( s e ep a g e2 2 - 1 4 ) Rightengine compartmentwire harness(seepage 22-14) Rightengine compartmentwire harness(seepage22-14)

BattervDositivecable (seeDaoe22-10) E n q i n ew i r e h a r n e s s( s e ep a q e2 2 - 1 2 )





Under-dash Fuse/Relay Box




2 7 ,|




D E Memory erasesignal(MES) connector Rearwindow defoggerrelay ('00-01models) Staner cut relay Taillight relay Turn sional/hazardrelav

1 7 8 9 5

1 1

Connectsto SRS main harness(seepage 22-27) lgnition switch harness(seepage 22-27) Optionalconnector Optionalconnector Optionalconnector SRS main harness(seepage 22-27)


4 3




Lt L_lL_lL_l

t t t

l l


fr3l ltzl L rr l frol fsl f ef

f27l lza_) fzsl fzrl fzgl fzzf

I zl-1 f- z .- l t -2 0I 1

! "-1 f r s l =

l i !

= t





i l


L 17_l 16

l z ) , . . . Lr_t f11 I


Boxes Fuse/Relay Connectorto Fuse/RelayBox lndex (cont'dl Auxiliary Under-hood Fuse Box Socket



Connects to Ret Terminal 2 2 L e f te n g i n ec o m p a r t m e nwt i r e h a r n e s s( s e e p a g e 2 2 - 1 6 ) 3 L e f te n q i n ec o m D a r t m e nwt i r e h a r n e s s( s e e p a q e 2 2 - 1 6 ) 1

PowerDistribution )


Fuseto ComponentsIndex Main Under-hood Fuse/Relay Box

Fuse Number


Wire Color



Battery,Power distribution lgnition switch {BAT} BEDAr'r'HTDaytimerunning lightscontrol unit (Canada),Right headlight(high/low oeam,





45 46 47

20A' 15A

'r0A*'l 154*2

48 49




10A 40A



52 53


54 55 56 57

30A 204 40A 20A. 204


Component{s} or Circuit{s}Protected


Not used RED/YEL Daytimerunning lightscontrol unit (Canada),Gaugeassembly,High beam indicatorlight, High beam cut relay (Canada),Left headlight(high/low beam) WHT/GRN Data link connector(DLC),PGM-Flmain relay WHT/GRN ABS modulator unit, Brakelights,Cruisecontrol unit, ECM,Hlgh mount brakelight, Horn(s) WHT/GRN ABS modulator unit WHTiBLK Hazardwarning lights

WHT/BLU ABSmodulatorunit WHT/BLK No. 17 and 18 fuses (in the under-dashfuse/relaVbox) GRY/RED Rightconvertibletop motor Not used No.22,29! 24,25, 26 and 27 fuses (in the under-dashfuse/relavbox) GRY Leftconvertibletop motor BLU,^/VHTBlower motor BLU/BLK Radiatorfan motor


BLUIYEL Condenser fan motor BLU/RED A,/Ccompressorclutch

59 * 1 : ' 0 0 - 0 1m o d e l s * 2: '02-03models

Not used

frnn]q L__lLl Ll 42 t5d car u L\Zl


ll-- )

? *53 l5olE -F.]f l tr-rl I t\

lill [i]ro:lrr I

E ta.l:lu x Fllrr &ra I I |



| 1611 It


J (cont'd)


PowerDistribution {

Fuseto ComponentsIndex(cont'dl Under-dashFuso/RelayBox


systemlight,Cruisecontrolunit, Cruisecontrolmainswitch,ELDunit,EVAPbypasssolenoidvalve'EVAPcanistervent


fan relay,Heatercontrol Condenser



light,Cruisecontrolmainswitchlight,Frontparkinglights,Gaugel'ghts' A-udio-unit warn;ngswitchlight,Heatercontrolpanellights,Keylessdoot lockcontrolun't' Hazard top switchlights,Radioremote Convenible platelight,Optionconnector, License


E c l t 4 -G. u r g e a s s u m b l v .H p a l e rc o n t r o l p a n e l l m m o b i l i l e r


II , 'I


l' fl

f27l f26l

ro -el f8l

f21l f23l frrl f 21-




f13l f12l

T 1-1








AuxiliaryUnder.hoodFuseBox Fuse Numbor

Amps 60A 70A

34 36


Wire Color

Component(s) or Circuit(s)Protected

WHT Air pumpelectriccurrentsensor WHT/RED EPScontrolunit WHT/GRN Rearwindow defogger Not used

Not used


GroundDistribution I

Groundto ComponentsIndex Componentor circuit grounded

Ground G2 G4 G1 0 1



Battery block Engine block Enqine EPSqearbox ,U , C M( P G 1a n d P G 2a r e B L K ;L Gl a n d L G 2a r e B H N / Y E L I)A . a t al i n kc o n n e c t o(rD L C )E C K Ps e n s o r D pressure switch vTEc oil relay, vss, main PGM-Fl valve,lqnition coils, lmmobilizerreceiverunit,

wires:cKPsensor,TDCsensor1 and2 haveBRNryEL shelilng betweenthe EcMthesecomponents HO2S,Knocksensor {cMPsensorA andB).PrimarvHO2S.Secondarv Blr."r "r"t"r *E C-d"*"r f"n motor,ELDunit,EPScontrolunit,Frontparkinglight(right),Front t e a d l i g h( lto wb e a m )s, i d et u r ns i g n alli g h t( r i g h t ) , , i g hh t u r ns i g n atti g h t( r i g h t )R, a d i a t of ar nm o t o r R r otor W i n d s h i ew l da s h em

G 3 0 1 Alr pu-p tâ‚Źla,/,Br"Le fluid levelswitch,cruise control actuator,Frontparkinglight (left),Frontturn G302 G303

signaliight fieft),Radiatorfan switch,Left headlight(low beam),Side turn signal light (left),Windshield wiper motor, lntermittentwiper relay ('02-03modelq) Air pump A B S m o d u l a t o ru n i t( 2 w i r e s )

u55 |

EPS COntrOlUntt

G801 G9 0 1

CtLrtct'p"aat positionswitch,Clutchinterlockswitch,Combinationlight switch,Datalink connector (DLC),lgnition key switch,Intermittentwiper relay {'oo-01models).Turn signallhaza.drelay' Windshieldwiper/washerswitch,Rearwindow defoggerswitch ('00-01models) dise cortrrohjnit,Da'1ime running lights control unit (Canada)(2 wires),EPScontrol unit, Heater control Danel,Convertibletop control unit (3 wires). Po*er transistor crul"" |.nains*ircr', Driver'sdoor key cylinderswitch,Driver'sdoor lock actuator,Enginestart swjtch, window Gaugeassembly(2 wires),Keylessdoor lock control unit, Power mirror switch,Passenger's window Rear remote switch, Radio control unit, top convertible switch,Powerwindow masterswitch. ('02-03 models) switch defoqqer A u d i ou n i t AcceCory power sockd, Driver'sseat belt switch,Fuelgaugesendingunit (2 wires),High mount brake llght,Trunk openersolenoid/latchswitch, Rearwindow defoggersubharnessconnector(option) ('00-01models).Condenserand Diode (for rear window defoggerchangecircult){'02-03models),Rear window defoqqer(convertibletop for'02-03 models).plus eveMhing groundedthrough G901 aa"l"up ligt't (iefvright).Licenseplate light, Rearturn signal light {lefvlight).Rearside marker light llefr/rioht).Taillioht(lefurioht) S R Su n i t ( 2 w i r e s ) conrerribl" t.D di""bl" switch,Rearwindow defoggerrelay ('00-01models),plus everythinggrounded


Rearwindow defoqqer


G402 G5 0 1





Battery Battery Test

A batterycan explodeif you do not follow the proper procedure,causingseriousinjury to anyone nearby.Follow all procedurescarefullyand keep sparksand open flames away from the battery. Use either a JCI or BearARBSTtester,and follow the manufacturer'sprocedures.lf you don't have one of these computerizedtesters,follow this conventional test procedure: 1. Be surethe temperatureof the electrolyteis between70'F (21'C)and 100'F(38"C). 2. Inspectthe batterycasefor cracksor leaks. . lf the case is damaged,replacethebattery.l . lf the case looksOK, go to step3. 3. Checkthe indicatorEYE. . lf the EYEindicatesthebatteryischarged,goto step 4. . l f t h e E Y Ei n d i c a t e s al o w c h a r g e g , otostep7. 4. Apply a 300 amp load for 15 secondsto removethe surfacecharge. 5. Wait 15 seconds,then apply a test load of 280 amps for 15 seconds. 6. Recordbafteryvoltage. . lfvoltage is above9.6 volts,the bafteryis OK.l . l f v o l t a g ei s b e l o w 9 . 6 v o l t sg, o t o s t e p 7 . 7. Chargethe batteryon Hlgh (40 amps) until the EYE shows the batteryis charged,plus an additional30 minutes.lf the batterycharge is very low, it may be necessaryto bypassthe charger'spolarity protectioncircuitry. . lf the EYEindicatesthe batteryis chargedwithin 3 hours,the batteryis OK.l . lf the EYEindicatesthe batteryis not charged within 3 hours.replacethe battery.I


Relays PowerRelayTest Use this chartto identlfythe type of relay,then do the test listedfor it. NOTE:For the turn signal/hazardreiay input test (see page 22-781. Relay Accessorvpower socketrelay AJCcomDressorclutch relay


{anrelav Condensor Headliqhtrelav 1 Headliqhtrelav 2 Hiqh beam cut relay (Canada) See page 22-40 N o r m a l l yo p e n H o r nr e l a y type A l G 2r e l a v Radiatorfan relav

Startercut relay T a i l l i q h rt e l a y Rearwindow defoqqerrelay Blower motor relay lntermittentwioer relav * 2

Inlermittentwiper relay * 1 Rearwindow defogger chanqerelav * 2 Rearwindow defogger (elav * 2 * 1 : ' 0 0 - 0 1m o d e l s * 2 : ' 0 2 - 0 3m o d e l s


See page 22-41 N o r m a l l yo p e n tvDe B See page 22-41 Fiveterminal tVDeA See page 22-42 Fiveterminal type B

Normally-opentype A: Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminals. . There should be continuitvbetweenthe No. 1 and No.2 terminalswhen power and ground are connectedto the No. 3 and No. 4 terminals . Thereshould be no continuiw betweenthe No. 1 and No. 2 terminalswhen power is disconnected.

Five-terminal type B: Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminals. . Thereshould be continuitybetweenthe No, 1 and N o . 2 t e r m i n a l sw h e n p o w e ra n d g r o u n da r e connectedto the No. 3 and No. 5 terminals. . Thereshould be continuitybetweenthe No. 1 and No. 4 terminalswhen power is disconnected.

Intermittent wiperrelay('00-01models) Rearwindowdefoggerrelay('02-03models) Rearwindowdefoggerchangerelay{'02-03models)


l,-a \5y



Relays PowerRelayTest (cont'd) type B: Normally-open

Five-terminaltype A:

Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminals.

Checkfor continuily betweenthe terminals.

' Thereshould be continuitybetweenthe No. 1 and No. 3 terminalswhen power and ground are connectedto the No. 2 and No. 4 terminals. . Thereshould be no continuiw betweenthe No. 1 and No. 3 terminalswhen power is disconnected.

. There should be continuitybetweenthe No. 1 and No. 2 terminalswhen power and ground are connectedto the No. 3 and No. 5 terminals. . Thereshould be continuiw betweenthe No.2 and No. 4 terminalswhen Doweris disconnected.

Intermittentwiper relay('02-03models)


lgnition Switch J

rest SRScomponentsare locatedin this area.Reviewthe SRScomponentlocations,precautions,and procedures in the SRSsectionbeforeperformingrepairsor service (seepage23-10). 1. Make sure you havethe anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's presetbuttons.

4. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table. \rorminal t."'t..1\

o {LocK) I tacc)


WHT/ RED tacc)

"t+, Er1

WHT B L K / ORN {BAT. YEIl t G l - A ) tG2-A) A) ltGl-B)

o- --o C+



2. Disconnectthe batterynegativecable. 3. Disconnectthe 7P connectorfrom the under-dash fuse/relaybox.

lf the continuitychecksdo not agreewith the table, replacethe electricalswitch. After reconnectingthe battery,enter the anti-theft code for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio statronpresets.

\ _ t







Gauges a


VEHICLESPEEDSENSOR{VSS} page22-53 Troubleshooting, page22 52 Replacement,

GAUGEASSEMBLY page22 46 BulbFeplacement, page22 52 Replacement,








Gauge/Tarminal Location Index: CONNECTORA


A 1 . . . - - - . . - .A >6

A 7 . . . . . . .. > A 1 4

B 1 - . . . . - . - ->- - -8 5

8 6 - ' . . . . . . - . - >8 1 2

D9''....--> D16



c11...------C -.2 >0 CONNECTORC



Gauges GaugeBulb Replacement






















DRL !DrcATON UGI{T l1.r2w)


: I I






Gauges CircuitDiagram(cont'dl

l" . E?S c0rvn0t UI{IT ' co[vEFn&t T0t c0Nnot UMT . cSulsE MMIOL UI{IT








/'F\ [ -l] Y 11 8Ll(



_o Gr01

lcl'llllol'l rGY SWITCH qo$d. 8lx

I G6o1



Gauges CircuitDiagram(cont'd)





sns UI{II

I'{0.6{1541 FUSE



^Di,,orn _,2 \

EUNr'ltNG | ucHrs CONTBOT {Cdrdal


Gauges GaugeAssemblyReplacement 1 . Lower the steeringcolumn, and removethe driver's

airbag,steeringwheel. steeringcolumn covers cable reel,and combinationswitch assembly{see p a g e1 7 - 9 ) .

VSS Replacement 1 . Raisethe vehicle,and make sure it is securely

supported. Disconnectthe 3P connectorfrom the vehicle speedsensor(VSS).

2 . Removethe instrumentpanel (seepage20 80). ?

Removethe screws(A)from the gaugeassembly {B),and spreada protectivecloth (C}on the steenngcolumn.

3 . Removethe mounting bolt,then removethe VSS. lnstallin the reverseorder of removal.



Disconnectthe connectors(D),and removethe gauge assembly. Removethe screwsand the gauge assembly brackets,

6. lnstallin the reverseorder of removal.




VehicleSpeedSignalCircuitTroubleshooting Note; lf the MIL indicatoris ON, troubleshootthe PGMFl problemfirst. 1 . R a i s et h e v e h i c l ea, n d m a k es u r ei t i s s e c u r e l y supponed.

5. Measurevoltage betweenthe VSS 3P connector No.1 terminaa l n d b o d yg r o u n d VSS3PCONNECTOR

2. Disconnectthe VSS 3P connector. 3 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N { l l } .

ls thete apptox.5 V? YES Goto step6. NO- Repairshonin theYEUBLUwire between t h eV S Sa n dt h eE C M . I



Checkfor voltage betweenthe VSS 3P conneclor N o .3 t e r m i n a a l n d b o d yg r o u n d . VSS3PCONNECTOR

ls thete less than 1 V? YES Go to step 5. NO Repairopen or high resistancein the BRN/ YELwire betweenthe VSS and G 101.I


J (cont'd)

22-53 ___a-

Gauges VehicleSpeedSignalCircult Troubleshooting(cont'dl Reconnectthe VSS 3P connector,and put the car in neutralwith the ignition switch ON (ll). 7 . Slowly rotatethe propellershaft.

RequiredIndicator Maintenance ResetProcedure How to Reset: Pushand hold the trip button.turn the ignition switch O N ( l l ) ,a n d c o n t i n u eh o l d i n gt h e t r i p b u t t o nI o r m o r e than 10 seconds.

the gauge assembly 8 . Measurevoltagebetr,/veen connectorC (20P)No. 3 terminal and body ground. C {2OP} GAUGEASSEMBLYCONNECTOB

Wire side of femaleterminals

Does voltage pulse trcm 0 to approx. 5 V? YES Checkconnections,and if necessary,replace the printedcircuit board.l NO Go to step 9.

9 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 1 0 .Disconnectthe 3P connectorfrom the vehicle speed sensorlVSS). 1 1 .T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 1 2 . Measurethe voltage betweenthe vss 3P connectorNo.2terminal and body ground. ls there approx. 5 V? YES Replacethe VSS.! NO -- Replacethe short to ground or open in the BLU,^/vHT wire.t


At 5,900(9,440) B l i n k sf o r 1 0 s e c o n d sw h e n t h e to 6.100(9.760 A t 7 , 4 0 0( 1 1 , 8 4 0 ) Comeson and stayson while 1 . 6 0 0t 1 2 . 1



TachometerCircuit Troubleshooting NOTE:lf the MIL indicatoris on, troubleshootthe PGlMFl Droblemfirst.

CoolantTemperatureGaugeCircuit Troubleshooting 1 . Checkfor PGM-FlDTCS. l s D T C P 0 11 6 ,P 0 1 1 7 ,o r P 0 1 1 8i n d i c a t e d ?

1. Removethe gauge assembly(seepage 22-52). 2. Disconnectthe gauge assemblyconnectorC (20P) a n d t h e E C Mc o n n e c t oA r (32P) 3. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe gaugeassembly connectorC {20P)No. 5 terminal and ECM c o n n e c t oA r { 3 2 P )N o . 1 9t e r m i n a l .

Y E S G o t o t h e E C MD T CT r o u b l e s h o o t i nIgn d e x . l NO Go to step 2.

2. R e m o v et h e g a u g ea s s e m b l y{ s e ep a g e2 2 - 5 2 ) .


3 . Disconnectthe gauge assemblyconnecterC (20P) and the ECMconnecterA {32P). Checkfor continuitybetweenthe gauge assembly c o n n e c t oC r ( 2 0 P )N o . 7 t e r m i n a la n d E C M c o n n e c t oA r ( 3 2 P )N o . 1 t e r m i n a l . GAUGEASSEMBLYCONNECTOR C {2OP}

ls thete continuity? YES Go to step 4.



NO Repairopen in the BLU wire betweenthe g a u g ea s s e m b l ya n d t h e E c N i l . l

Wire side of femaleterminals

4 . Checkfor continuitybetweenthe gaugeassembly

c o n n e c t oC r ( 2 0 P )N o . 5 t e r m i n a la n d b o d y g r o u n d . ls thete continuity? Y E S R e p a i rs h o r tt o g r o u n di n t h e B L Uw i r e betweenthe gaugeassemblyand the EClvl.I

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls there continuity? NO Go to step 5. YES Go to step 5. 5 . Reconnectthe gauge assemblyconnectorC (20P) and the ECMconnectorA {32P). 6 . Checkthe EPSsystem tot DfC 22 ot 23. ls DTC 22 or 23 present? YES Go to the EPSsystemTroubleshootingIndex. lf OK, substitutea known-goodECM and relestthe c i r c u i t l.f O K , r e p l a c et h e E C l M . l



NO Checkfor continuitybetweenthe gauge a s s e m b l yc o n n e c t oA r 1 4t e r m i n a a l n dt h e E P S c o n l r o lu n i tc o n n n e c t o8r 1 2t e r m i n a l a , n dt h e g a u g ea s s e m b l yc o n n e c t oC r 5t e r m i n a a l n dt h e E P S c o n t r o lu n i tc o n n e c t oB r 5 t e r m i n a l l.f O K . r e p l a c e the main printedcircuitboard in the gauge assembly.l

NO Repairopen in the YEVGRNwire betweenthe g a u g ea s s e m b l ya n d t h e E C M . I Checkfor continuitybetweenthe gauge assembly c o n n e c t oC r ( 2 0 P )N o . 7 t e r m i n a la n d b o d y g r o u n d . ls there continuity? YES Checkthe output from the ECMfirst, if OK, repairshon to body ground in the YEL/GRNwire b e t w e e nt h e g a u g ea s s e m b l ya n d t h e E C M . I N O C h e c kc o n n e c t i o n sl f, O K , r e p l a c et h e m a i n p r i n t e dc i r c u i tb o a r di n t h e g a u g ea s s e m b l y . I

22-55 I

Lights-on,Key-in,SeatBeltReminderSystem CircuitDiagram EOX FUSARELAY MAINUNOEi.IIOOO


swrTcH fc56.d: I Looo. opan J


ORIVEBS SEAT 6ELT stvtlcS fctcad: l L',YlrnunhctLdJ



Systemlnput Test 1 . Removethe gauge assembly(seepage 22-52).

2. Inspecttheallconnectorsand socketterminalsto be surethey are all makinggood contact. . l f t h e t e r m i n a la r e b e n t ,l o o s e ,o r c o r r o d e d r, e p a i r t h e ma s n e c e s s a r ya.n d r e c h e c k t h es y s t e m . . lf the terminalslook OK, go to step 3.


f e m a l et e r m i n a l s




Wiresideof femaleterminals





Lights-on,Key-in,SeatBeltReminderSystem SystemInput Test (cont'dl With the connectorsconnected,back probe the connectorsand makethese input tests. .lfanytestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesystem. . lf all the input tests prove OK, the gaugeassemblymust be faulty; replaceit. Cavity


Wire YEL

Possiblecauseil resultis not obtained Test: Desir€d resull Test condition . B l o w nN o . 5 ( 7 . 5A ) f u s e i n t h e lgnition switch Checkfor voltageto ground: under-dashfuse/relaybox Thereshould be batteryvoltage. o N( l r ) . An oDenin the wire


WHT/RED U n d e a r ll conditions

Checktor voltageto ground: Thereshouldbe batteryvoltage.

BlownNo.25 (7.5A) fusein the f use/relay box under-dash An oDenin thewire


RED/BLK Combination

Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be batteryvoltage.

Blown No. 23 (10 A) fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox Faultytaillight relay Faultycombinationlight switch An ooen in the wire Faultyignition key switch P o o rg r o u n d( G 4 0 1 ) An open in the wire

light switch ON

RED,A/VHTlgnitionkey is


B8 Ito

B4 B5 B8


insertedinto the ignition switch lgnition key not in iqnition BLU/RED lgnitionswitch O N ( l l )a n d driver'sseat belt unbuckled lgnition switch O N ( l l )a n d driver'sseat belt buckled


Undea r ll conditions

Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshouldbe 1 V or less. Checkfor voltageto ground. Thereshould be 5 V or more. Checkfor voltageto ground: '1 Thereshould be V or less.

Faultyignition switch. Shortto qround in the wire. Faultydriver'sseat belt switch P o o rg r o u n d( G 6 0 1 ) An open in the wire

Checkfor voltageto ground. There should be 5 V or more.

Faultydriver'sseat belt switch. Short to ground in the wire.

Checkfor continuity to ground: Thereshouldbecontinuiw.

Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be 1 V or less. Driver'sdoor Checkfor voltageto ground. ctoseo Thereshould be 5 V or more. lgnition switch Checkthe beeperoperation. YEL WHT/RED O N ( l l )a n d t r i p The beepershould come on. BLK reset button oresseo GRN

Driver'sdoor oDen

. P o o rg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) . An oDenin the wire

Faultydriver'sdoorswitch An ooenin thewire . Faultydriver's door switch. . Short in the wire. Faultybeeper P o o rg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) An open in the wire Faultvqauoeassemblv

ExteriorLights ComponentLocationlndex

r ) A f---, i- ;-

n nl LJ t_I L 1 -

L rL=rLr L I l L


f= :


HEADLIGHTRELAY1 {Rightl Test,page22-40


HEADLIGHTS/FRONTPARKINGLIGHTS Replacement, Daqe22-71 page22-69 HID Bulb Remova-I, Adjustment,page22-72 HfD Troubfeshooting, page 22-68


HIGHMOUNT BRAKELIGHT page22-75 Replacement,

LICENSEPLATELIGHT page22-75 Replacement,




ExteriorLights ComponentLocationIndex(cont'd)

DASH LIGHTSBRIGHTNESS CONTROLLER InputTest,page22-85 LIGHT BEAM INOICATOR Bulb Locations,page22 46 DRL INDICATORLIGHT{Canada) Bulb Locations,page22-46






page22-65 TesVReplacement,

(Canadal HIGHBEAMCUTRELAY oRN,I fWirecolors:RED/BLU, .l LBLUandBLU/RED Test,page22-40

IG2RELAY YELI fWirecolors:8Ll(RED, andLTBLU l LBLUAVHT Test,page22-40



, =

T-t t l l





WHT/GRN, [Wirecolors:RED/BLK, I andBLU I LWHT/GRN Test,page22-40


CircuitDiagram- USA



fff* ;15s199 LlGNI



ExteriorLights CircuitDiagram- Canada 8OX MAN UNO€R-HOOO FUSE/FELAY









I iHh*' I i,lfltu




@isu+, ILe'..' uel


II -



I^L I*-I




i5sw) '-i-_-





(.r\ 9 /r\( 9 ,+\( 9,,r\( 9i ( t t) ( t t








liF[* l:A'd; llt"^{ l!i['o'., p^R!|iG lh',[ I P^8(NG I I SD! | SrqE | {5!v) I LIGHT I LGHT


lo, l,*, lllff, liiil |


l t


I; t: G401


l l





lou lii8il t

8 LX





{ G5m

ExteriorLights CircuitDiagram- BrakeLights MAINUMEN HOOO FUSE/BELAY BOX

CircuitDiagram- Back-upLights t{A|t ut{0ln-8000 FUSE/8ELIY BOX





i i21wl



CombinationLight Switch Test/Replacement 1 . Removethe steeringcolumn covers(seepage 17-9).

2. Disconnectthe16Pconnector(A)trom the combinationlight switch {B).

3 . Removethe two screws,then pull out the combinationlight switch. 4 . Inspectthe connectorterminalsto be sure they are all making good contact.



. lf the terminalsare bent, looseor corroded,repair them as necessary, a nd recheckthe system. 'lftheterminalslookOK,checkforcontinuitybetweentheterminalsineachswitchpositionaccordingtothe tables. - lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe switch. Light switch:








oHeadlight switch






ON Turn signal switchi

l--___Ig-'9 Position









22-65 ___-.4.

ExteriorLights DaytimeRunningLights ControlUnit Input Test - Canada 1. Disconnectthe14Pconnector(A) from the daytime running lightscontrol unit (B).




Wiresideof {emaleterminals 2 . Inspectthe connectorand socketterminalsto be sure they are all making good contact' . lf the terminalsare bent,loose orcorroded, repairthem as necessary,and recheckthesystem' . lf the terminalslook OK. go to step 3.


3. Makethese input test at the connecror. .lfanytestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesystem, . lf all the input tests prove OK,thecontrol unit must befaulty; repracerr. Cavity



Test condition

RED/BLU U n d e r . a l l condtttons


Y E U B L K lgnitionswitch ON


Test: Desired result Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshould be batteryvoltage.

Possiblecauseif resultis not obtained Blown No.54 (30 A) fuse in the under-hoodfuse/relaybox Blown No. 27 (10A) fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox An open in the wire . Blown No. 19 (7.5A) fuse in the Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshould be batteryvoltage. under-dashfuse/relaybox . F a u l t yl G 2 r e l a y . An ^nah

4 7




U n d e ra l l conditions BLK U n d e ra l l conditions RED/YEL C o m b i n a t i o nl i g h t switch ON (=D)

REDA/VHT C o m b i n a t i o nl i g h t switch ON (3D)


REDANHT Combinationlight switch ON (=D), a n d d i m m e rs w i t c h in HIGH


RED/ORN C o m b i n a t i o nl i g h t switch ON (=D), and dimmer switch inHIGH


6 I 9

RED/BLU C o mb i n a t i o nl i g h t

Checkfor continuityto ground: Thereshould be continuitv. Checkfor continuityto ground: Thereshould be continuitv. Checkfor voltageto ground; Thereshould be batteryvoltage.

in tha \^,ir6

. Poor ground (G402) . An open in the wire

. P o o rg r o u n d( c 4 0 2 ) . An openin the wire

B l o w n N o . 4 5 ( 2 0A ) f u s e i n t h e under-hoodfuse/relaybox F a u l t yh e a d l i g hrt e l a y2 Faultycombinationlight switch An open in the wire Checkfor voltageto ground: Elown No. 43 (20 A) fuse in the Thereshould be bafteryvoltage. under-hoodfuse/relaybox Faultyheadlightrelay 1 Faultycombinationlight switch An open in the wire Connecta jumper wire between j . B l o w nb u l b N o .3 a n d N o . 1 t e r m i n a l s . I . Faultyhigh beam cut relay . Faultycombinationlight switch L e f th e a d l i g h(t H l c H )a n d h i g h . P o o rg r o u n d( G 4 0 1 ) beam indicatorlight should . An open in the wire come on. Connecta jumper wire between Blown bulb N o .5 a n d N o . 1 1t e r m i n a l s . Faultyhigh beam cut relay R i g h th e a d t i g h(tH I G Hs) h o u l d Faultycombinationlight switch c o m eo n . P o o rg r o u n d( G 4 0 1 ) An open in the wire . Faultyhigh beam cut relay Checkfor continuityto ground: . Faultycombinationlight switch Thereshould be continuity. . P o o rg r o u n d( c 4 0 1 ) - An open in the wire Checkfor continuityto ground: Faultyparkingbrakeswitch

switch ON {=D}, a n d d i m m e rs w i t c h inHIGH GRNA/VHT Parkingbrakelever up There should he c.jntinr riiw B L U / R E D U n d e ra l l Checkfor voltageto ground: conditions Thereshould be battervvoltaoe. BLU/'|/HT lgnitionswitch ON Attach to ground; 1 {||) T h e D R Li n d i c a t o lri g h ts h o u l d come on. G R N / R E Dl g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N Attachto ground: flr) The brakesystem light should c o m eo n .



i^ +l'-


Faultyheadlightrelays A n o p e ni n t h e w i r e

Blownbuib An openin thewire Blownbulb A n o p e ni n t h ew i r e


ExteriorLights HIDLampSystemTroubleshooting 5 . C h e c kf o r v o l t a g eb e t w e e nt h e N o . l t e r m i n a l o f t h e inverterunit 2P connectorand bbdy ground. Neverturn on the combinationlight switch before fitting the HID bulbs to their bulb socketsand c o m p l e t i n gt h e r e a s s e m b loy f t h e h e a d l i g h t assembly.



1 . C h e c kt h e N o . 4 3 ( 2 0A ) a n d N o 4 5 ( 2 0A ) f u s e i n the main under-hoodfuse/relaybox.


Are the fuses OK? YES Go to step 2. NO Replacethe fuse (s),and recheckl 2. Substitutea known-goodHID bulb and recheck.

W i r e s i d eo f l e m a l et e r m i n a l s

Does the headlight low beam come on?

ls there lessthan 1 V ?

t h e H I Db u l b . l YES Replace

YES Substitutea known-goodinverter,and recheck.lf the symptom/indicationgoes away, r nit.I r e p l a c et h e o r i g i n a il n v e r t e u

NO Go to step 3. 3. Turn the combinationlight switch ON 4. Measurethe voltage betweenthe No 2terminal of the inverterunit 2P connectorand body ground. TNVERTER UNIT 2P CONNECTOR



Wiresideol femalelerminals Is lhere bauery voltage? YES Go to step 5. NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe under-hoodfuse/relaybox and the inverterunit.l


NO Repairopen in the wire betweenthe inverter unit and body ground. lf the wire is OK, checkfor p o o r g r o u n da t G 2 0 1o r G 3 0 1 . t

HIDBulb Removal

A transienthigh tension (25,000V) occursat the bulb socketsof the high intensitydischarge(HlD) lamps when the combinationlight switch is turned ON. lt may causeseriouselectricalshockor electrocutionif you do not observethe cautions below.

. Neverturn on the combinationlight switch belorelitting the HID bulbs to their bulb sockets and completingthe reassemblyofthe headlight assemotv. . Do not servicethe headlightsassemblyin wet conditions,such as rain or snow, near a sprinkler system.or when your handsare wet to prevent electrocution. . Do nottouch the surfaceofthe HID bulbs with your bare hands and do not stain it with anv oils and fats. . Do not disassemblethe invener unit and the igniter unit. . Do not turn on the HID bulb by using a power sourceother than the batterymounted in your vehicle.

1. Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio. then write down the frequencies for the radio,s presetbuttons. 2. Turn the combinationlight switch OFF. 3. Disconnectthebatterynegativecable,then disconnect the positive cable. 4. Removethe front part of the inner fender as necessary(seepage 20-105). 5. Disconnect2P connector(A)trom the inverterunit.

RemovetheTorxboltusinga tamper-proof Torx T25bit. 7 . Turnthecover(B)45ocounterclockwise to remove

it fromthe headlightassembly.



ExteriorLights HIDBulb Removal(cont'dl 8. Pullthe retainingspring(A)awayfromthe bulb(B), thenremovethe socketandthe bulb(C).

9. Turn the bulb 45" counterclockwiseto remove it from the socket.


10. lnstallthenewbulbin the reverseorderof removal. the battery,enterthe anti-theft 11. Afterreconnecting radio codefor the radio,thenenterthecustomer's statronDresets.

HeadlightReplacement 6. Installthe headlightin the reverseorder of removal. Headlightsbecomevery hot during use;do not t o u c ht h e m o r a n y a t t a c h i n gh a r d w a r ei m m e d i a t e l y after they have beenturned off.

7 . After replacement,adjustthe headlightsto local requirements(seepage 22-721.

1 . Removethe front bumper (seepage20-92). 2 . Removethe front part of the innerfender as necessary(seepage 20-105).

3 . Disconnectthe connectors(A) from the headlights.

4. Removethe four bolts,then removethe corner upper beam (B). (High)i Headlight (Low): Headlight Front Turn Signal Light: Front Parking Light:

55W 35W 21 W 5W

5. Removethe four bolts,then removethe headlight assemoty.


ExteriorLights tl

HeadlightAdiustment Parkthe vehicle7.5 m (25ft) awa.yfrom a wall or a scrâ‚Źen(A). Headlightsbecomevery hot during use; do not touch them or any attachinghardwareimmediately after thev have beenturned off.

7.5m (25ftl

Betore adiusting tho headlights: ' Parkthevehicleon a level surface. . Make surethe tire pressuresare correct. . The driver or someonewho weightsthe same should sit in the driver'sseat. 1, Cleanthe outer lens so that you can seethe center oi the headlights(A).

3. Openthe hood.




Turn the low beamson.

6. lf necessary,adjustthe he,adlights to local requirementsby turning the verticaladjuster(A).

Determineif the headlightsare aimed properly. A

Vertical adiustment: Measurethe height ofthe headlights(A).The lights should reflect52 mm (2.1in.) below headlight h e i g h r{ B ) .



ExteriorLights SideTurn SignalLight Replacement TaillightReplacement 1 . P u s ht h e s i d et u r n s i g n a l i g h t ( A )f o r w a r d t, h e n remove it from the fender. Side Turn Signal Light Bulb: 5 W

NOTE;For bulb replacement,seethe owner's manual. 1 . O p e nt h e t r u n kl i d a n d p u l l b a c kt h e t r u n kt r i m panel (seepage 20-73). 2. Disconnectthe connectors(A)from the taillight. Brake/Taillight: Back-upLight: Turn Signal Light: Side Marker Light:

2115W 21W 21W 5W

2. Disconnectthe 2P connector(B)from the light.

Removethe four mounting nuts (B),then pull out thetaillight. ]t

Beforeinstallingthe taillight,checkthe gasket.lf it is distortedor stayscompressed,replaceit.

5 . Installthe taillight in the reverseorder of removal. 6 . After installingthe water over it to make sure it does not leak,


HighMount BrakeLight Replacement

LicensePlateLight Replacement 1 . Removethe licenseplate light assembly,and disconnectthe 2P connectorfrom it.

1 . O p e nt h e t r u n kl i d . License Plate Light Bulb;5 W 2 . Disconnectthe 2P connector(A)from the high m o u n tb r a k el i g h t( B ) .


Removethe five mounting nuts,then pull out the high mount brakelight. 4 . Installthe high mount brakelight in the reverse order of removal.

2. Takethe lens off. then reolacethe bulb.

After installingthe high mount brakelight, run water over it to make sure it does not leak.


Flasher TurnSignal/Hazard


ComponentLocationIndex LIGHTS INDICATOR TURNSIGNAL (lnthegaugeassembly) page22 46 BulbLocations,

-i\- - .


,-9 \"'=



I '-

= L













6 \ o-;LN';LT=r-t t * " , . 1 L



(r0A) N0.23



I l l rJ DASHLIGHTS BRIGNTI{ESS co.lTRol.lER /{nth. ga'{6\














Flasher TurnSignal/Hazard Turn Signal/HazardRelayInput Test 1. Removethe turn signal/hazardrelay {A)from the under-dashfuse/relaybox (B)

InsDectthe connectorand socketterminalsto be surethey are all makinggood contact. . lf the terminalsare bent, loose,orcorroded, repairthem as necessary,and recheckthesystem . lf the terminalslook OK, go to step 3. Make these input tests at the fuse/relaybox. .lfanvtestindicatesaDroblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesystem. . lf all the input tests prove OK,theturn signal/hazardrelay must befaulty; replaceit.


Test condiiion U n d e ra l l c o n d i t i o n s


l g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l )




Test:Desiredresult Checkfor continuityto ground: Thereshould be continuity. Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshould be batterYvoltage.

Hazardwarning switch ON, ignition switch OFF

Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshould be batteryvoltage.

Hazardwarning switch ON and connectNo. 1 a n d N o .2 t e r m a n a l s l g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) and connectNo. 1 and N o . 2 t e r m i n a l st;u r n s i g n a ls w i t c hi n r i g h to r left Dosition.

H a z a r dl i g h t ss h o u l dc o m e o n .

Rightor left turn signal lights s h o u l dc o m e o n ,

Possiblecauseif resultis not obtained

P o o rg r o u n d( G 4 0 1 ) A n o p e ni n t h ew i r e B l o w nN o . 7 ( 7 . 5A ) f u s ei n t h e u n d e r dash fuse/relaybox Faultyhazardwarning switch A n o D e ni n t h e w i r e Blown No. 49 (10A) fuse in the underhood fuse/relaybox Faultyhazardwarning switch An oDenin the wire , 3 0 1 .G 5 0 1 , P o o rg r o u n d( G 2 0 1G G602) Faultyhazardwarning switch Faultyturn signalswitch An open in the wire

HazardWarningSwitch Test 1. Removethe centerconsole(seepage20-76), 2. Disconnectthe I0P connector(A)from the hazard warning switch (B).

Removethe two screwsand the hazardwarning SWITCN.

4 . Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each

switch positionaccordingto the table. \

Terminal ;""tta"








o o




-o o o


o -@ O


lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe i l l u m i n a t i o nb u l b { C )o r t h e s w i t c h .


InteriorLights ComponentLocationIndex












I s*t,"^

| ,Y" l_i




OSIVEBS 000R SW]TCN fobsed l


TBUNK LAICFl swtTcH f cbs€d: I Llrunk lidoten.J





InteriorLights Test Ceiling/Spotlight 1 . Turn the ceiling/spotlightsswitch OFF.

5. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto thdtable.

2 . Pry off the lens {A). Ceiling/SpotlightBulb: 5W



Terminal ---tl\






o r @ ----o




3 , Removethe two screws and the ceiling/spotlight h o u sI n g . 4 . Disconnectthe 4P connector(B)from the housing


lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe b u l b so r t h e l i g h t .


Trunk Light Test

Trunk Lid LatchSwitch Test

1 . O p e nt h e t r u n kl i d .

1 . O p e nt h e t r u n kl i d .

2 . P r yo u t t h e t r u n k l i g h ta s s e m b l y .

2. Disconnectthe 3P connectorfrom the trunk latch.

Trunk Light Bulb: 5W

Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each t r u n kl i d p o s i t i o na c c o r d i n gt o t h e t a b l e . 3, Disconnectthe 2P connectorfrom the housing. 4. Open the trunk light cover. 5 . C h e c kf o r c o n t i n u i t yb e t w e e nt h e N o . 1 a n d N o . 2 termrnals.



ill'l";-ll\ OPEN





6. lf there is no continuity,replacethe bulb or the light. 4 . lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe t r u n kl a t c h .


DashLightsBrightnessController CircuitDiagram UiIDERDASH FUS[/NELAYEOX


|L-+r/,il\ >F \ lc1-r/








ControllerInput Test 1. Removethe gaugeassembly(seepage 22-52). 2 . I n s p e c t t h e g a u g e a s s e m b l y c o n n e c t o r B ( 1 2 P ) t e r m i n a l s t o b e s u r e t h e y amr eaakliln gg o o dc o n t a c t . . lf the terminalsare bent, loose,orcorroded. repairthem as necessary,and recheckthe system. . lf the terminalslook OK. go to step 3. RED/BLK



Wire side of femaleterminals





22-85 A

DashLightsBrightnessGontroller 1

ControllerInput Test (cont'dl 3. Reconnectthe connectorsto the gauge assembly. 4. Backprobe the connectorand make these input tests. .lfanytestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesystem. .lfalltheinputtestsproveOK,thecontrollerswitchboardorthemainprintedcircuitboardinthegauge assemblymust be faulty; replaceit.

Cavitv B3

B4 B5 B8

B9 810

Wire Test condition RED/BLK C o m b i n a t i o n


Possiblecauseif resultis not obtained B l o w nN o . 2 3 { 1 0A ) f u s ei n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox light switch F a u l t yt a i l l i g h tr e l a y ON {)00!)or Faultycombinationlight switch P o o rg r o u n d{ G 4 0 1 ) A n o D e ni n t h e w i r e B l o w nN o . 5 ( 7 . 5A ) f u s ei n t h e YEL lgnition switch Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be batteryvoltage. underdash fuse/relaybox oN (I) An open in the wire . B l o w nN o . 2 5 ( 7 . 5A ) f u s ei n t h e WHT/RED U n d e a Checkfor voltageto ground: r ll There should be batteryvoltage. under-dashfuse/relaybox conditions . A n o o e ni n t h e w i r e P o o rg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) BLK Checkfor voltageto ground: U n d e ra l l Thereshould be lessthan 1 V. A n o D e ni n t h e w i r e conditions P o o rg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) BLK Checkfor voltageto ground: U n d e ra l l A n o o e ni n t h e w i r e Thereshould be lessthan 1 V. conditions A n o p e ni n t h ew i r e RED Combination Connectto ground: light switch D a s hl i g h t ss h o u l dc o m eo n f u l l ON (i001)or bright. Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be batteryvoltage.




AudioSystem GomponentLocationIndex ACCESSORY POWERSOCKETRELAY LTBLU;l [Wi.ecolors:WHT/BED, andBLUAVHT LYEL/RED l Test,page22-40

I ' t

/ ',-4



,.,\ r,,



I 1

AUDIOUNIT page22-89 Removal, page22-89 Connector Beplacement,

RADIOREMOTESWITCH Test,page22-90 LEFTTWEETER {'02-03modelsl page22-91 Replacement,

('02-03modelsl TWEETER

page22-91 Replacement,

PASSENGER'S DOORSPEAKER page22-91 Replacement,

ORIVER'S DOORSPEAKER Feplacement,page22-91

ANTENNALEAD ANTENNA page22 92 Replacement,

AudioSystem CircuitDiagram


E SIE srAiT slvtTcH








0008 sPflxES

lu']lnu ]l:r*" ll"',








LIGHT l0.55wril

DlsHLictlls BB|GHflESS c0f{Ti0tun

| lij


Audio Unit Removal 1 . Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio. then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's presetbuttons.

2 . Removethe radio panel (seepage20-80). 3 . Removethe four mounting screws(A).

Audio Unit ConnectorReplacement When replacingan audio unit connector,matchthe w i r e st o t h e c a v i t i e sl i s t e di n t h e f o l l o w i n gt a b l e . C a v i t i e s4 , 5 , 6 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 5a n d 1 6 a r e n o t u s e d . Cavitv 1 2

3 7 8 9 10 14 17

18 lq

Wire Connect to Y E L / G R N A n t e n n aa m p l i f i e r WHT/RED ACC (Main stereopower suoDrv, G R N / R E DRadioremoteswitch

G R N / B L KPassenger's doorspeaker(+ ), R I GH TT w e e t e(r+ ) ' (+ ), GRNI/EL Driver'sdoorspeaker L E F T w e e t e(r+ ) ' R E D / B L K Liohts-onsional

WHT/BLU Constantpower YEL/BLU Radioremoteswitch (MUTEI L TG R N

Passenger'sdoor speaker( R I G H TT w e e t e r( ) '


GRY/RED Driver'sdoorspeaker( ) LEFTTweeter( )' RED Dashlights brightness

20 BLK : ' 0 2 - 0 3m o d e l s

controller Gr o u n d{ G 5 0 2 )

Disconnectthe 20Pconnector{B) and antennalead ( C ) f r o mt h e a u d i ou n i t . 5 . Installin the reverseorder of removal. 6 . Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets.


AudioSystem J

Radio RemoteSwitch Test 1 . Removethe instrumentpanel (seepage 20-80). t

Disconnectthe 6P connector(A) from the switch.

5. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table. lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe illuminationbulb{s)(B)or the switch.

3. Removethe three mounting screws(B). \








t ""-


With the MUTE switch ON, checkfor continuity betweenthe No.2 (+) and No. 1 ( ) terminals. Thereshould be continuity.lf there is no continuity, reolacethe switch.

J 4 . Measureresistancebetweenthe No. 5 and No.6

terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table. lf the resistanceis not as specified,replacethe switch.

Position OFF




Resistance Aoorox. 10 k Q Approx. 307.3k Q

kQ Approx.46.8 A D D r o x . 9 0 6 .k6 Q Aoorox. 2.6 k O




SpeakerReplacement Speaker:


Tweeter ('02-03modelsl:

1. Removethe door panel (seepage 2O-4).

1. Removethe door panel (seepage 20-4).

2. Removethe three mounting screws.

2. Removethe two screws.

3. Disconnect the 2Pconnector fromthe soeaker.

3. Disconnectthe 2P connectorfrom the tweeter.


AudioSystem Mast AntennaReplacement 1 , Open the trunk lid.

4. Removethe antenna(A).

2 . Removethe right side trunk trim panel (seepage 20-731. Disconnectthe 2P connectorfrom the antenna amplifier.


5 . Removethe antennanut (B)and spacer(C). 6 . Disconnectthe antennalead (D)from the antenna amplifier. 7 . Loosenthe mounting bolt from the antenna amplifier. Removethe antennaamPlifier.


AccessoryPowerSocket J


ACCESSORY POWER SOCKET page22-95 TesVReplacement,

t ,,

) z


AccessoryPowerSocket GircuitDiagram IGNTIONSWTCH











l 8LU/WIiT























Test/Replacement 1 . Removethe rear console(seepage20-78).

5. Removethe housingand socket.

2 . Disconnectthe 2P connector. 3 . Inspectthe connectorterminalsto be sure they are all making good contact. . lf the terminalsare bent, looseor corroded, repairthem as necessary,and recheckthe system. . l f t h e t e r m i n a l sl o o kO K ,g o t o s t e p4 .



WHT/RED Wiresideof femaleterminals 4 . Turn the ignition switchACC (l),and checkfor

voltage betweenthe No. '1and No. 2 terminals. . Thereshould be batteryvoltage. . lf there is no batteryvoltage,checkfor: - b l o w nN o . 9 ( 1 0A ) f u s e i n t h e u n d e r - d a s h fuse/relaybox. - faulty accessorypower socketrelay - p o o r g r o u n d( c 4 0 1 ,G 6 0 ' 1 ) - a n o p e ni n t h ew i r e .



22-95 A

Horn ComponentLocationIndex






HORN{low) ('00-03models) page 22'97 Test/Beplacement,





('02-03models) page22-97 TesVReplacement,



Horn Test/Replacement 1 . Removethe front bumper (seepage 20-92) ('00-03models).

2. Open the hood ('02-03models). 3 . Disconnectthe 1Pconnector(A),and removethe h o r n( B ) .

Testthe hornby connecting batterypowerto the terminal(A)andgroundingto the bracket{B).The h o r ns h o u l ds o u n d .


5. lf it fails to sound, replaceit.




Horn Horn Switch Test 1 . R e m o v et h e s t e e r i n gc o l u m nu p p e ra n d l o w e r cover {seepage 17-9).

2. Disconnectthe dashboardwire harnessB 4P connector(A)from the cable reel (B).

4. Removethe driver's airbag (seepage 23-65).

Checkfor continuitybetweenthe cable reel No. 2 terminal (A) and the horn switch posltiveterminal (B). . l f t h e r el s n o c o n t i n u i t yr,e p l a c e t h e c a b l ree e l (seepage 23-72)and checkfor proper operation. . lfthere is continuity,replacethe horn switch.

3 . Checkfor continuitybetweenthe cable reel No. 2 t e r m i n a la n d b o d y g r o u n di n e a c hs w i t c hp o s i t i o n accordingto the table. . lf there is continuity.the horn switch is OK. . lf there is no continuity,go to step 4. Terminal \ Position Pushed Released



Body ground



TrunkLidOpener ComponentLocationIndex


f ,_, /t



':':'t':' " ltt -'t' \: \-

"-'-..-=-- r



TRUNK OPENERSOLENOIO/ LATCHSWITCH SolenoidTest,paqe22 101 LatchSwitchTestpage 22-83

TrunkLid Opener .l



KEYLESS D@N L@K co.{?Rol



I I t2












soLENo,D jl :*sl-





Trunk OpenerSwitch Test 1 . Removethe rearconsole(seepage 20-78||. 2 . Disconnectthe 2P connectorfrom the switch.

Trunk OpenerSolenoidTest 1 . Open the trunk lid.

Disconnectthe 3P connectorfrom the trunk latch.

Termihalside of male terminals

3. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. l and No.2 terminals. . Thereshould be continuitywhen the switch is pusneo. . Thereshould be no continuitywhen the switch is released. 4. lf the continuitycheckis not as specified,replace the switch.

3. Checksolenoidoperationby connectingpower and ground accordingto the table.To preventdamage to the solenoid,apply batteryvoltageonly momentarily. \









lf the solenoiddoes not operateas specified, replaceit.


PowerMirrors ComponentLocationIndex



POWERMIRROR Function Test,Page22-104 Test,Page22-105 Actuator Reolacement, Daqe20-21 AciuatorReplacehent, Page22 106






PowerMirrors I

FunctionTest 1 . Removethe driver'sdoor panel (seepage20-4). Disconnectthe 10Pconnector{A) from the power mirror switch (B),and inspectthe terminals.lf the terminalsare OK, go to step 3.

5. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 10 terminal and body ground. Move the mirror selectorswitchto the left or right and hold down the mirror switch in any direction Thereshould be lessthan 1 V. . lfthere is no more than 1 V, checkfor: - a n o p e n i n t h e B L Kw i r e . - poor ground (G50'l). . lf there is lessthan 1 V, checkboth mirrors i n d i v i d u a l l ay s d e s c r i b e di n t h e n e x tc o l u m n . Left miror 6, Connectthe No. 9 terminalto the No. 7 terminal. and the No. 5 (or No. 4) terminalto body ground with jumper wires.The left mirror shouldtilt down (or swing left)with the ignition switch ON (ll).


3. Choosethe appropriatetest basedon the symptom: . Both mirrors don't work, go to step 4. . Left mirror doesn'twork, go to step 6. . Right mirror doesn'twork, go to step 7. Both mirrors 4. Reconnectthe 10Pconnector,and checkfor voltage betweenthe No. 9 terminal and body ground with t h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . Thereshould be batteryvoltage. lvlovethe mirror selectorswitch to the left or right and hold down the mirror switch in any direction. . lf there is no batteryvoltage,checkfor: - blown No. '19{7.5A) fuse in the under-dash fuse/relaybox. - a n o p e ni n t h e Y E V B L Kw i r e . . lf there is batteryvoltage,go to step 5.

' lf the mirror does not tilt down (or does not swing left),checkfor an open in the GRN/WHT(or RED) wire betweenthe left mirror and the 10P connector.lf the wire is OK, checkthe left mirror actualor. . lf the mirror neithertilts down nor swings left, repairthe REDI/ELwire. . lf the mirror works properly,checkthe mirror switch.


Right mirror 7. Connectthe No. 9 terminal to the No. 6 terminal, a n dt h e N o . 5 ( o r N o . 3 ) t e r m i n atl o b o d y g r o u n d wlth jumper wires.The right mlrror shouldtilt down (or swing left)with the ignition switch ON (ll). . l f t h e m i r r o r d o e sn o t t i l t d o w n{ o r d o e sn o t s w i n g left),checkfor an open in the GRNMHT (or BLU/ WHT)wire betweenthe right mirror and the 10P connector, lf the wire is OK, checkthe right mirror actuator. . lf the mirror neithertiltsdown nor swings left, repairthe RED/BLUwire. . l f t h e m i r r o r w o r k sp r o p e r l yc, h e c k t h em i r r o r switch.



PowerMirror Switch Test

PowerMirror ActuatorTest

1 . R e m o v et h e d r i v e r ' sd o o r p a n e l( s e e p a g e 2 0 - 4 ) .

1. Removethe door panel (seepage 20-4).

2. Disconnectthe 10Pconnectorfrom the power m i r r o rs w i t c h .

2. Disconnectthe 3P connectorfrom the Dowermirror.


3 . Checkfor continuitVbetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table.










Dol/vll L.



. DoryN : R LTI o-




o o



Checkactuatoroperationby connectingpower and ground accordingto the table.

r,_ ]1ry1 _{-+-{l

--.-.--! -o - --:: - o ---t-O o ,Fo


RIGHT I orp-



c---. o-_















4 . lf the mirror fails to work properly,replacethe

mtrror acIualor.

lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe switch.


PowerMirrors PowerMirror Actuator Replacement ' t . Removethe power mirror from the door (seepage 20-21).

6. Removethe screwsand the actuatorfrom the housrng.

2 . Recordthe terminal locationsand wire colors. 3 . Cutthe wire harnesswith a wire cutter.

7 . Rovtethe wire harnessof the new actuatorthrough the hole of the mirror housing,then installthe new actuatorin the reverseorder of removal. Carefullypull out the bottom edge of the mirror holder by hand. Separatethe mirror holderfrom the actuatorby slowly pullingthem apart.

8 . lnsertthe terminalsinto the connectorin the originalarrangementas shown below. Lsft and right

Terminalsideo{ maleterminals

9 . Reassemblethe mirror in the reverseorder of disassembly. Be carefulnot to breakthe mirror holderwhen reinstallingit to the actuator.

'10.Operatethe power mirror to checkthat the actuator works smoothly.


Wiper/Washer J


WINDSHIELO WIPERARMS and LINKAGE page22-114 Replacement,

WINOSHIELD WASHERTUBE page22-115 Replacement,


J WIPER/WASHERSWITCH page22-l 11 TesVReplacement,

INTERMITTENT WIPERRELAY models) {'00-01 fwirecolors:GRN/BLK, I , R N / R E DI I G R NB, L KG LandBLU/WHT I Test,page22 40 INTERMITTENT WIPERCIRCUIT (lnthegaugeassembly) I n p uT t e s tp, a g e2 2 - 1 1 0 INTERMITTENT WIPERRELAY ('02-03 models) 'l fwirecolors:cBN/BLK, , RN/RED I G R NB, L KG Land BLU,/WHT l Test,page22-40 WINDSHIELDWASHERMOTOR Test.page22-112


WINDSHIELD WIPERMOTOR Test,page22-'112 page22 114 Replacement.



Wiper/Washer CircuitDiagram I\1AN UNDERNOODFUSE/RELAY BOX











ool"' I dlutf









!"'l,T.i9J D>-


f33loo^) F*



Wiper/Washer {

IntermittentWiper ControlCircuitInput Test 1. Removethe gauge assembly{see page22'52). 2. lnspectthe all connectorsand socketterminalsto be sure they are all making good contact. . lf the terminalsare bent, loose,or corroded,repair th em as necessary, and recheckthe system . lf the terminalslook OK, go to step 3. GAUGE ASSEMBLYCONNECTORB (I2P) YEL

? 6





1 0 11






W i r e s i d e o f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s




11 12





8 ,/





WHT/BLK BLU/BLK W i r e s i d e o f f e m a l et e r m i n a l s

3. Make these input tests at the connector. .lfanvtestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesystem. . lf all the lnput tests prove OK, the gauge assemblymust be faulty; replaceit.

Cavity B4

Wire YEL

Test condition l g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N

0r) B5

WHT/RED U n d e ra l l conditions

B8 B9


U n d e ra l l conditions



l g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N

flr) c'11

B L U / O R N lgnitionswitch ON ( )


BLU/BLK lgnitionswitch ON ( l l )a n d w i p e r switch at INT


WHT/BLK lgnitionswitch ON ( ll ) a n d w a s h e r switch ON

Test:Desiredresult Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshould be battery voltaoe. Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be battery voltage.

Checkfor continuityto ground; Thereshould be continuitv Check{or voltageto ground: Thereshould be battery vorrage. Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshould be battery voltage. Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be battery voltage. Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be battery voltage.

Possible causeif resuhis notobtained


Blown No. 5 (7.5A) fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox An open in the wire B l o w nN o . 5 4 { 3 0A ) f u s e i n t h e main under-hoodfuse/relaybox B l o w nN o . 2 5 ( 7 . 5A ) f u s ei n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox An ooen in the wire . P o o rg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) . An open in the wire B l o w nN o . 8 ( 2 0A ) f u s ei n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox FaultyIntermittentwiper relay A n o p e ni n t h e w i r e B l o w nN o . 1 3 ( 7 . 5A ) f u s e i n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox Faultywiper motor A n o p e ni n t h e w i r e B l o w nN o . 1 2 ( 1 5A ) f u s e i n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox Faultywiper switch An open in the wire B l o w nN o . 1 2 ( 1 5A ) f u s e i n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox Faultywasherswitch An ooen in the wire J



Wiper/WasherSwitch Test/Replacement 1. Lower the steeringcolumn, and removethe steeringcolumn covers(seepage 17-9). 2. Disconnectthe

'14P connectorfrom the wiDer/washerswitch.

3. Removethe two screws,then pull out the wiper/washerswitch. 4. Checkfor continuity between the term inals in each switch positionaccording to the ta ble. lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe switch.

J Terminal









Mist switchON



o- --o








Washer switch ON


22-111 .a

Wiper/Washer WasherMotor Test

Wiper Motor Test 1. Open the hood and removethe cap nuts and the wiper arms (seepage 22-1'14]-. 2. Removethe hood seal and cowl cover (seepage 22-114],.


1 . Removethe right inner tender {seepage 20-105). Disconnectthe 2P connector(A) from the washer m o t o r( B ) .

3. Disconnectthe 5P connectorfrom the wiper motor.


Test the washer motor by connecting battery power to terminal No. 1 and ground to terminal N o .2 .

batterypowerand Testthe motorby connecting groundaccording to thetable.lf the motordoesnot run or failsto run smoothly,replaceit. Terminal Position








lf the motor does not run or fails to run smoothly, replacethe motor.


5 . Connectan analogvoltmeter betweenthe No. 5 ( + ) and No. 3 ( ) terminals,and run the motor at low or high speed.The voltmetershould indicate0 V and 5 V or more alternately.lf it does not, replace the motor,



WasherReservoirReplacement 1. Pull away the right inner fender. 2. Disconnectthe washertube (A) and washer motor 2P connector(B). USA: 9.8N m 110tgt m,7,2lbl hl


3. Removethe bolts,then separateand removethe filler neck(C)from the washer reservoir(D). 4. Removethe washer reservoir. 5. Installin the reverseorder of removal.Checkthe washer motor operation.


WiperlWasher I

Wiper Motor Replacement 1 . Open the hood, and removethe cap nuts and the wrper arms. 1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 18 N m {1.8kgf.m, 13lbf.ftl

5. Removethe three mounting bolts and nut from the wiper linkage(A)to removethe wiper motor (B).


2. Removethe hood seal and cowl cover. ?

Disconnectthe 5P connector(A) from the wiper motor (B). 6x1,0mm

9.8 N.m (1.0kgf m, ?.2 lbf.ft)

6. Installin the reverseorder of removal,and note these items:


. Greaseall moving parts. . Beforereinstallingthe wiper arms,turn the wiper switch oN, then OFFto returnthe wiper shaftsto the park position. . lf necessary,replaceany damagedclips . Checkthe wiper motor operation,

4. Removethe bolts,then removewindshieldwiper l i n k a g ea s s e m b l y( C ) .





WasherTube Replacement 1. Removethe front bumper and the right inner fender (seepage 20-105). 2. Removethe washer nozzlesand cliDs,then removethe tube.


la+ -mr


3 . I n s t a l il n t h e r e v e r s e o r d e r o f r e m o v a l , T a k e c a r e n o t t o p i n c h t h e w a s h e r t u b e . C h e c k t h e w i n d s h i e l d w a s h e r oDeraI|on.


lmmobilizerSystem ComponentLocationIndex


IMMOBILIZERRECEIVER UNIT page22-'120 Troubleshooting, page Replacement, 22-121 TRANSPONDER (Builtinto the ignitionkey)

IGNITIONKEY (Masterand valet keys)





SystemDescription The vehicleis equippedwith an immobilizersystemthat will disablethe vehicleunlessthe proper ignition key is used. This system consistsof a transponderlocatedin the ignition key,an immobilizerreceiverunit, an indicatorIight,and theEcM. The vehiclehas two kindsof kevs. . The blackmasterkey for: - ignition switch. - door locks. - trunk lock. . The gray valet key for: - ignition switch. - door locks. When the key is insertedin the ignitionswitch and turned to the (ll) position,the immobilizerreceiverunit sends power to the transponderin the ignition key.The transponderthen sendsa coded signal backthrough the immobilizer receiverunit to the ECM.


. The immobilizersystem can store up to six key codes, . l f i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o r e w r i t e t h e E C l v l , t h e d e a l e r n e e d s t h e c u s t o m e r ' s v e h i c liet s. a l s t e rk e y sa n d v a l e tk e y s ,a n d ml a the HondaPGM Testerequippedwith an immobilizerprogram card with the latestversionof PGM Testersoftware. Any key that is not learnedduring rewritingwill no longer startthe engine,exceptkeys duplicatedwith the llco Code Key Duplicator. .lfthecustomerhaslosthiskey,andcannotstarttheengine,contactHondaCustomerRelations. . lt is possibleto add ONE new key without reprogrammingall of the keys (follow the prompts in the PGM Tester lMl\4OBlmenu).






lmmobilizerSystem {

SystemDescription(cont'd) . l f t h e p r o p e r k e y h a s b e e n u s e d , t h e i m m o b i l i z e r i n d i c a t o r l i g h t wciol lm e o n f o r a b o u t2 s e c o n d st,h e n g o o f f . . l f t h e w r o n g k e y h a s b e e n u s e d o r t h e c o d e w a s n o t r e c e i v e d o r r e c o g n i z e d b y t h e E C M . t h e i n d i c a t oc rol m i geh t w i l l immobilizer system For accurate is turned OFF. it will blink until the ignition switch for 2 seconds, then on about diagnosis,get as much informationfrom the customeras possible.A blinkingindicatorlight meansthe key was not recognized. . l f t h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hi s t u r n e dO F F , t h ei n d i c a t o r w i lbl l i n kf o r a b o u t5 s e c o n d st o s i g n a lt h a tt h e i m m o b i l i z esr y s t e m has been set correctly,then the indicatorwill go off, NOTE:Large metal objects,key fobs, other immobilizerkeys.and other transponderscan interferewith the immobilizersignal.lf an intermittentproblem is suspected,removethe ignition key from the key ring Part set

Problem O Masteror valet key has been lost or additional masteror valet kev is reouired. CDAll masterand valet keys have been lost. t lmmobilizerreceiverunit does not work. @ ECNIdoes not work. O lgnition switch does not work.

6) Door kev cvlinder is broken.

B l a n kk e y B l a n kk e vx 2 . o r 3 l m m o b i l i z erre c e i v e ur n i t

ECM lgnition switch Masterkeys,and valet key (rekeyall lock cvlindersto the new kev). Door kev cvlinder (rekevthe cvlinder)

PGM-Tester reouiied7 YES YES NO YES YES NO




CircuitDiagram UIDER-0ASli FUST/8ELIY 8OX



<--l ---1__J fl I No5{7.54) FUST











lmmobilizerSystem Troubleshooting Follow this procedureif the vehicledoes not start.or after rewritingthe ECMwith the PGM-Testerand the vehicledoes not start. Note these items belore troubleshooting: . Due to the actionof the immobilizersvstem,the enginetakesslightly more time to startthan a vehicle without an immobilizersystem. . When the system is normal,and the proper key is inserted,the indicatorlight comes on for 2 seconds, then it will go off. . l f t h e i n d i c a t o r s t a r t s t bo l i n k a f t e r 2 s e c o n d so,r i f t h e enginedoes not start,repeatthe staning procedure. lf the engine still does not start,troubleshootthe system. 1. Using a scantool. checkfor a DiagnosticTrouble C o d e( D T C )( s e ep a g e1 1 - 3 ) . ls DTC P1607 indicated? RED/BLU YES Replace t h e E C M( s e ep a g e1 1 - 4 ) . 1 NO

Wire side of femaleterminals

Go to step 2.

{ 2. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll) with the proper key.

Checkfor voltagebetweenthe No. 1 terminal and body ground with the ignition switchturned ON (lll.

3 . Checkto see if the immobilizerindicatorIight c o m e so n .

ls there battety voltage?

Does the indicatot tight blink?

YES Go to step 6.

YES Go to step 4.

NO Checkfor these problems:

NO Checkfor these problems:

. a b l o w nN o . 2 ( 1 5A ) f u s e i n t h e u n d e r - d a s h fuse/relaybox, . a blown No. 46 (15 A) fuse in the main underhood fuse/relaybox. . an open in the YEL/BLKwire betweenthe PGM-FI main relay and immobilizerreceiverunit. . afaulty PGI\4-Fl main relay.t

. an open in the PNKwire betweenthe gauge a s s e m b l ya n d E C M . . a f a u l t yi m m o b i l i z eirn d i c a t o lri g h t . l





lmmobilizerReceiverUnit Replacement 6. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 4 terminal a n d b o d yg r o u n d . 1 . Removethe steeringcolumn covers(seepage 17-

lsthere continuity? YES Go to step 7.

Disconnectthe 5P connector(A) from the i m m o b i l i z erre c e i v e ur n i t ( B ) .

NO Repairopen in the BRNwire betweenthe i m m o b i l i z erre c e i v e ur n i ta n d G 1 0 1 t. 7. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 2 terminal a n dt h e E C M . ls there continuity? YES Go to step 8. NO Repairopen in the RED/BLUwire betweenthe i m m o b i l i z eur n i ta n d E C I V l . l 8, Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 3 terminal a n dE C M . ls there continuity?


YES Replacethe immobilizerreceiverunit. lf the enginestill won't start.substitutea known-good E C M ,a n d r e c h e c k l NO Repairopen in the PNVBLU wire betweenthe i m m o b i l i z eur n i ta n d E C M . I

Disconnectthe 7P connector(C)from the ignition key switch. Removethe four screws,and removethe immobilizerreceiverunit from the ignition key cylinder. 5 . Installin the reverseorder of removal. 6 . After replacement,make sure the immobilizer indicatorlight blinkscorrectly. NOTE:The Eclvldoes not needto be reprogrammedif only the receiverhas been reptaceo.




PowerWindows ComponentLocationIndex

SWITCH PASSENGER'SWINDOW page22-128 TesVReplacement,



Y-.)'.'i ;-\






(Hasbuilt-incontrolunit) InputTest,page22-125 f e s t ,p a g e 2 2 - 1 2 4

Q\ DRIVER'SWINDOWMOTOR f e$, page22-129



























PowerWindows {

Master Switch Test 1 . Removethe driver'sdoor panel (seepage20-4). 2 . Disconnectthe 14Pconnectorfrom the power window masterswitch.





9 10 11 12 t 3 t 4




3. Checkthe masterpassenger'sswitch for continuity betweenthe terminalsin eachswitch position accordingto the table. Driver'sSwitch NOTE:The driver'sswitch is combinedwith the control unit so you cannot isolatethe switchto test it. lnstead,run the masterswitch input test procedures(seestep5 on page 22-1261. Passenger'sSwitch Terminal







swtTcH UP









o-t-o __ 'o






lf the continuityis not as specified.replacethe switch.




MasterSwitch Input Test 1 . Removethe door panel (seepage 20-4). 2 . Removethe power window masterswitch (A) from the door panel.



Wiresideof femaleterminals BLU/ORN





Disconnectthe 14Pconnector(B)and the l Opconnector(C)from the power window masterswitch. Inspectthe connectorsand socketterminalsto be sure they are all making good contact. . lf the terminalsare bent, looseo r corroded,repairthem as necessary,and recheckthe svstem. . lf the terminalslook OK, go to step 5,



PowerWindows {

MasterSwitch Input Test (cont'd) With the masterswitch still disconnected,make these input tests at the 14Pconnector' .lfanytestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesystem. . l f a l l t h e i n p u t t e s t sp r o v e O K ,g o t o s t e p 6 Cavitv 4


Test condition G R N / B L K l g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N

flr) BLK

U n d e ra l l conditions

BLU/RED Connectthe No. 4


12 11



Test: Desired result Checkfor voltageto g round: Thereshould be battery voltaqe. Checkfor continuityto ground: T h e r es h o u l db e c o n t i n u i t v . Checkfor passenger's window motor: It's should run (thewindow m o v e su p ) .

t e r m i n a tl o t h e N o . 1 3t e r m i n a l and connectthe RED/1/VHTN o . 4 t e r m i n a tl o t h e N o . 1 2t e r m i n a l , then turn the ignition switch ON (l l ) . Checkfor passenger's BLU,^/VHTConnectthe No. 4 window motor: terminal to the It's should run (the window REDivVHT N o . 6 t e r m i n a l . moves oown,. Checkfor voltageto r ll GRNA//HTU n d e a grouno: conditions There should be battery voltaoe. Checkfor driver'swindow RED/BLK Connectthe No. 5 (2)terminalto the motor: It should run (the window N o . 1 1t e r m i n a l moves up). the and connect N o . 3 t e r m i n a tl o the No. 1terminal. Checkfor driver'swindow REDI/EL Connectthe No. 3 motor: terminalto the It should run (the window N o . 1 1t e r m i n a l moves oownl. and connectthe N o . 5 t e r m i n a tl o the No. 1terminal.

Possiblecauseif resultis not obtained . B l o w nN o . 8 ( 2 0A ) f u s ei n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox . An open in the wire

. P o o rg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) . An openin thewire Blown No. 18 (20A) f use in the under-dashfuse/relaybox Faultypassenger'swindow motor Faultypassenger'swindow switch Faultyconvertibletop control unit P o o rg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) An open in the wire

{ . Blown No. 17 (20A) fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox . A n o p e ni n t h e w i r e Faultydriver'swindow motor An open in the wire



6. Reconnectthe masterswitch,and perform the following input tests. .lfanytestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesvstem. . lf all the input tests prove OK, go to step 7. Cavity 8






Test condition W h i l eo p e r a t i n g the driver's window switch

Test: Desired result Checkfor voltage between t h e N o .8 a n d N o . 2 I e r mI n at s : T h e r es h o u l db e 0 - 5 V o r more re0eatedlv.

U n d e ra l l conditions

. Faultypower window master Checkfor continuityto grouno; swrlcn Thereshouldbe continuitv. ' An open in the wire

B L U / O R N lgnitionswitch ON

Checkfor voltage between ( l l ) ,a n d c o n v e r t i b l e t h e N o . 1 4 a n d N o . 1 top switch ON. terminals; Parking brakelever T h e r e s h o u l d b e 0S V o r UP, more reoeatedlv.

Possiblecauseif resultis not obtained Faultydriver'swindow motor Faultypower window master swtrcn A n o p e ni n t h e w i r e

Faultyconvertibletop control unit Faultypower window master swrlcn An open in the wire

7. lfall the input tests proveOK,the power window masterswitch mustbefaulty; replaceit,


PowerWindows Window Switch Test/Replacement Passenger's 1. Removethe switch and switch panelfrom the door p an e l .

4. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table. Teiminal Position











_o oo


lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe switch.

2. Disconnectthe 6P connectorfrom the switch, 3 . Removethe two mounting screwsfrom the switch p an e l .



Driver'sWindow Motor Test Moior Test:

Passenger's Window Motor Test 1 . Removethe passenger'sdoor panel (seepage204t.

1. Removethe driver'sdoor panel (seepage 20-4). 2. Disconnectthe 4P connectorfrom the window moror.

Testthe motor in each directionby connecting batterypower and ground accordingto the table. When the motor stops running,disconneclone lead immediately. Terminal









o o


4, lf the motor does not run or fails to run smoothly, reptacett.

Disconnectthe 2P connectorfrom the window moIor.

Checkwindow motor operationby connecting power and ground accordingto the table.When the motor stops running,disconnectone lead immediately, Telminal \ Direction







o o

lf the motor does not run or fails to run smoothly, replaceit.

Detect Circuit Test; 5. Connectthe test leadsof an analogohmmeter to t h e N o .3 a n d N o . 4 t e r m i n a l s . 6. Run the motor by connectingpower and ground to t h e N o . 1 a n d N o . 2 t e r m i n a l sT. h e o h m m e t e r needleshould move backand fonh alternately.lf it does not, replacethe motor.


DoorLocks Keyless/Power {

ComponentLocationIndex LOCKBUTTON



PANICBUTTON TRANSMITTER Test,page22 138 Proqramming,page22-'138













BL,(YEL f\-o-f


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No23110) FUSE

G^ucE ^ssEMBrY











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DoorLocks Keyless/Power


KeylessDoor LockControl Unit Input Test 1 . D i s c o n n e c t t h 1e 8 Pc o n n e c t ofrr o m t h e k e y l e s s d o o lro c k c o n t r oul n i t '






Inspectthe connectorand socketterminalsto be sure they are all making good contact' . lf the terminalsare bent,loose or corroded,repairthem as necessary,and recheckthe system' . lf the terminalslook OK, go to step 3.



3, Make these input tests at the connector. .lfanytestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesvstem. . l f a l l t h e i n p u t t e s t sp r o v e O K ,g o t o s t e p 4 . Cavity 17

5 8





Wire BLK

Test condition U n d e ra l l conditions

BLVYEL U n d e a r ll conditions WHT

Test: Desired result Checkfor continuityto ground: There should be continuitv

Checkfor continuity to ground: Thereshouldbe continuitv.

U n d e ra l l conditions

Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshould be battery voltaqe. YEL lgnition switch ON Checkfor voltageto ground: flr) Thereshould be battery voltage. Y E V G R N Connectlhe No. 7 Checkdoor lock operation: terminalto the The driver'sdoor should N o . 8 t e r m i n a l a, n d untoct(. the No. 6 terminal to the No. 17 terminal momentarilv. PNI(BLU Connectthe No. 18 Checkdoor lock operatlon: terminalto the The passenger'sdoor should N o . I t e r m i n a l a, n d unlock. t h e N o .6 t e r m i n a l to the No. 17 terminal momentarily. PNI(BLK Connectthe No. 6 Checkdoor lock operation: terminalto the Both doors should lock. N o .8 t e r m i n a l a , nd t h e N o .7 a n d N o . 1 8t e r m i n a l st o the No. 17 terminal momenlantv. RED/BLK Lightingswitch ON Checkfor voltageto ground:

Thereshouldbe battery voltage. ORN

* 1 ; ' 0 0 - 0 1m o d e l s * 2: '02-03models


U n d e ra l l conditions

Checkfor vollage to ground: Thereshould be battery vottage.

Possiblecauseit resultis not obtained P o o rg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) An open in the wire

Faultytrunkopenersolenoid P o o rg r o u n d( G 6 0 1 ) An openin thewire B l o w nN o . 2 6 ( 1 5A l f u s e i n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox An ooen in the wire

B l o w nN o .5 ( 7 . 5A ) f u s ei n t h e under-dash fuse/relay box An openin thewire Faultyactuator B l o w nN o . 2 6 ( 1 5A l f u s e i n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox An open in the wire

B l o w nN o . 2 3 ( 1 0A ) f u s ei n t h e under-dashfuse/relaybox Faultytaillight retay An open in the wire B l o w nN o . 4 7( 1 0A ) " o r ( 1 5A ) ' ' fuse in the under-hoodfuse/ relay box Faultyhorn relay An open in the wire

J {cont'd)


Keyless/PowerDoorLocks J

KeylessDoor LockControl Unit Input Test (cont'd) 4. Beconnectthe connectorto the control unit, and perform the following input tests at the keylessdoor lock control unit connector, .lfanytestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecausethenrecheckthesystem' ' lf all the inout tests prove OK, the control unit must be faulty; replaceit' Cavity 14


10 I 13



Test condition Wire BLK/VVHT Driver'sor passenger's door oDeneo GRNI/EL All doors closed

Tsst:Desiredresult Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be 1 V or less. Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshould be battery voltage.

and ceiling/ spotlightswitch oosition"MIDDLE" YEUBLK Driver'sdoor lock Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be 1 V or less. knob in LOCK

Driver'sdoorlock k n o bi n U N L O C K Checkfor voltageto ground: RED,A/VHTlgnitionkey is in YEL


the ignition switch

There should be 1 V or less.

Key cylinder switch position "UNLOCK"

Checkfor voltageto ground: There should be 1 V or less.

Possiblecauseit resultis not oblained . Faultydoor switch . A n o p e ni n t h e w i r e Blown No. 24 (7.5A) fuse in the under-dashfuse/relaybox Blown ceiling/spotiightsbuib An oDenin the wire Faultydriver'sdoor lock actuator Poor ground {G50'1) An ooen ln the wire

Faultyignitionkeyswitch P o o rg r o u n d( G 4 0 1 ) An openin thewire Faultydriver's key cylinder switch P o o rg r o u n d( G 5 0 1 ) An open in the wire


lgnition KeySwitch Test 1 . Removethe steeringcolumn upper and lower covers(seepage 17-9).

2 . Disconnectthe 7P connector.

3. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. 1 and No.3 terminals. . Thereshould be continuitywith the key in the ignition switch. . Thereshould be no continuitywith the key removedfrom the ignition switch. 4. lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe ignition key switch.



DoorLocks Keyless/Power J

Driver'sDoor Lock Knob Switch Test 1 . R e m o v et h e d r i v e r ' sd o o r p a n e l( s e e p a g e 2 0 - 4 ) .

Driver'sDoor LockActuatorTest 1 . R e m o v et h e d r i v e r ' sd o o r p a n e l( s e e p a g e 2 0 - 4 ) 2. Disconnectthe 2P connector(A)from the actuator tB).

2. Disconnectthe 3P connector(A)from the door lock a c t u a t o (r B ) .


Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table. Terminal


Telminal A1





Checkactuatoroperationby connectingpower and ground accordingto the table,To preventdamage to the actuator,apply batteryvoltageonly momentarily.




lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe door lock actuatorassemblY.










4 . It the actuatordoes not operateas specified, reDlacethe door lock actuatorassembly.



Passenger'sDoor LockActuator Test '1.

Removethe passenger'sdoor panel (seepage 204).

Disconnectthe 2P connector(A)from the actuator (B).

Driver'sDoor KeyCylinderSwitch Test 1 . Removethe door panel (seepage 20-4). 2 . Disconnectthe 2P connector(A) from the key cylinderswitch.



3. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordinglo the table. Checkactuatoroperationby connectingpower and ground accordingto the table.To preventdamage to the actuator,apply batteryvoltageonly momentarily.



Position OFF










o o



4 . lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe


4 . lf the actuatordoes not operateas specified, replacethe door lock actuatorassembly.



DoorLocks Keyless/Power TransmitterTest


NOTE: . lf the doors unlockor lockwith the transmitter,but the LEDon the transmitterdoes not come on, the LED is faulty; replacethe transmitter. . l f a n y d o o r i s o p e n ,y o u c a n n o t l o c k t h ed o o r w i t h t h e transmitter. . lf you unlockedthe doors with thetransmitter,but do not open any of the doors within 30 seconds,the doors relockautomatically. . The doors do not lock or unlockwith the transmitterif the ignition key is insertedin the ignition switch.

Storingtransmittercodes:The codesof up to three transmitterscan be programmedinto the keyless receiverunit memory. (lf a fourth code is stored,the code which was input first will be erased.) N O T E :l t i s i m p o r t a n t o m a i n t a i nt h e t i m e l i m i t s kretweenthe steps.Make sure the doors,the hood and the trunk are closed. 1 , T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) .

1. Pressthe lock or unlockbutton five or six times to resetthe transmitter. . lf the lockswork, the transmitteris OK.l . lf the locksdon'twork, goto step 2. 2. Open the transmitterand checkfor water damage. . l f y o u f i n d a n y w a t e rd a m a g e ,r e p l a c et h e transmitter.l . l f t h e r ei s n o w a t e r d a m a g eg, o t o s t e p3 .

2. Within 1 to 4 sec.,push the transmitterlock or unlockbutton with the transmitteraimed at the receiverunit behindthe driver'sside dash. 3, Within 1 to 4 sec.,turn the ignition switch OFF. 4. Within 1 to 4 sec.,turn the ignition switch ON (ll). 5. Within 1 to 4 sec.,push the transmitterlock or unlockbutton with the transmitteraimed at the receiverunit behindthe driver'sside dash. 6. Within 1 to 4 sec.,turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 7. Within 4 sec.,turn the ignition switch ON (ll).

3. Replacethe transmitterbattery(A)with a new one, and try to lock and unlockthe doors with the transmifterby pressingthe lock or unlock button five or six times.

8. Within 1 to 4 sec.,push the transmitterlock or unlockbutton with the transmitteraimed at the receiverunit behindthe driver'sside dash.

. lf the doors lock and unlock,thetransmitteris

9. Within I to 4 sec.,turn the ignitionswitch OFF.


. l f t h e d o o r sd o n ' t l o c k a n du n l o c k g , otostep 4.

1 0 . W i t h i n4 s e c . .t u r n t h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) , 11. Within 1 to 4 sec.,push the transmitterlock or unlockbuttonwith the transmitteraimed at the receiverunit behindthe driver'sside dash. 1 2 . Confirmyou can hear the sound of the door lock 'l actuators.Within to 4 sec.,push the transmitter lock or unlockbutton again.The keylessreceiver unit is now in the program mode. You must push the transmitterlock or unlockbutton of the first transmitteragainto program that remote.

Reprogramthe transmifter,then try to lock and unlockthe doors. . lf the doors lock and unlock,the transminer is


. lf the doors don't lock and unlock,replacethe transmitter.l


Within 10 sec.,aim the transmitters(up to two additionalones)whose codesyou want to store at the receiverunit, and Dressthe transmitterlock or unlockbuttons. Confirmthat you can hear the sound of the door lock actuatorsafter eachtransmittercode is stored. 1 4 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F ,a n d p u l l o u t t h e k e y , 15. Confirm proper operationof the transmitterswith the new code{s).

ConvertibleTop ComponentLocationIndex

DRIVER'SWINDOW MOTOR fest, page 22 129

TOPSWITCH Test,page22-143 CONVERTIBLE TOP CONTROL UNIT InputTest,page22-'144





ConvertibleTop CircuitDiagram

vsssrcNrl DBrV[\lG CFCUII

f7 Y







I{o.l2l1sAl FUSE


\-7 T







swIc1r lolor.d




ConvertibleTop SystemDescription The convertjbletop can automaticallybe openedand closedby operatingthe convertibletop switch The convertibletop system consistsof the convertible top switch,control unit and the motors locatedon the convertibletop assembly.The top switch outputsopen and closesignalsto the control unit.The control unit opensthe driver's and the passenger'spower windows then about 0.5 secondafter the windows startto open, the control unit operatesthe top motors to open or closethe toD.

BasicOperation 1 . P u l l t h ep a r k i n gb r a k el e v e ru P . 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). NOTE:The vehiclemust be parkedor travelingat no more than 3 mph (5 Km/h). 3- Reieasethe convertibletop lock handles. 4. The top opens while pressingthe top switchto the OPENposition. 5. The top closeswhile pressingthe top switchto the CLOSEposition. 6. Releasethe top switchto stop the operationof the top.




ConvertibleTop Switch Test 1. Removethecenterconsole(seepage 20-761, 2. Disconnectthe 6P connector(A)from the switch.


3. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table. Terminal \ \ Position





oo _o o-


4 . lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe illumination b u l b ( B )o r t h e s w i t c h ,


ConvertibleTop ConvertibleTop Control Unit Input Test 1 . Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover (seepage 20-81). 2 . Disconnectthe 14Pconnector(A) and 10Pconnector(B)from the convertibletop control unit (C).



A4 A5 A6

Wire side of femaleterminals

A8 A9 At0 A l l 412A13

RED/BrK / dLr iwxiliii



*: WithHardtoP

Inspectthe connectorand socketterminalsto be surethey are all makinggood contact. . lf the terminalsare bent, loose or corroded,repairthem as necessary,and recheckthesystem . lf the terminalslook OK, go to step 4.


4. With the connectorsstill disconnected,maketheseinput testsat the connectors. . lf anytestindicates a problem,find andcorrectthe cause,then recheck the system. . lf all the input testsproveOK, go to step5. Wire


A1 A8 411 810

Test condition Under all conditions

WHT/RED U n d e r a l l c o n d i t i o n s BLK



Underall conditions

Test:Desiredresult Possible causeif resultisnotobtained Checkfor voltageto ground: BlownNo. 18(20A)fusein the Thereshould be batteryvoltage. fuse/relay under-dash box An ooenin the wire C h e c kf o r v o l t a g e t o g r o u n d l E l o w nN o . 2 5( 7 . 5 A ) f u sien t h e There should be baftery voltage. underdashfuse/relay box An ooenin thewire Checkfor continuity to ground: Poorground(G402) Thereshouldbe continuity. An openinthewire checkfor continuityto ground: The.c shorl.l be.ontinrirv


A3 A5

GRY/RED U n d e r a l l c o n d i t i o n s GRY

Underall conditions

RED/VHT Disconnect the lefttopmotor2P connector. Connect the A5 terminalto the 46 terminal{power)and44 terminaltothe A11terminal(ground). Assistthe left sideof the top with your LT GRN/



Disconnectthe left top motor 2P connector, ConnecttheA4 terminalto the A6 terminal(power)andA5 te.minalto the A11terminal(ground). Assisttheleftsideofthe top with your

RED/BLU Disconnectthe righttopmotor2P Connect the A2 termanal to the 43 terminal(power)andA1 terminaltothe A7 terminallground). Assisttherightsideotthetopwith your




. Poorground(G501) . An ooenin the wire

C h e c k{ o r v o h a g e t o g r o u n d : There should be battery voltage.

E l o w n N o . 5 2 { 2 0 A ) f { r s ei n t h e m a i n u n d e r h o o d f u s e / r e l a yb o x An ooen in the wire

Checkfor voltageto ground: Thereshouldbe batteryvoltage.

ElownNo.55(20A)fuseinthe mainunder-hood fuse/relay box An ooen in the wire Faultyrighttopmotor An openin the wire

Checkthe righttopmotor operation: Itshouldrun {thetop moves opens),

Checkthe righttop motor operatron: It shouldrun (thetop moves croses,.

Faultyrighttopmotor An openin the wire

Check the left top motor operation: I t s h o u l d r u n ( t h et o p m o v e s opens).

Faulty left top motor An open in thewire

Disconnect the right top motor 2P connector, C o n n e c tt h e A 1 t e r m i n a l t o t h e 4 3 terminal (poweri and 42 terminalto the 47 terminal (ground). A s s i s tt h e r i g h t s i d e o f t h e t o p w i t h y o u r

Checktheleft top motor operation: It shouldrun (thetop moves

C o n v e r t ; b l et o D d i s a b l es w i t c h c l o s e d

Checkfor continuity to ground: Thereshouldbe continLrity.

. Faultyleft top motor . An openin thewire

Faultyconvenible top disable Poorground(G60'1, G901) An oDeninthewire

*: With Hardtop



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