Honda S2000 (00-03) Service manual 03

Page 1

Top Gonvertible


ConvertibleTop Control Unit Input Test (cont'd) RED








't A9 41041 N 2 4 1 3414






Test condition Wire BED/BLU Connectthe 83 terminaltothe Al4

B1 412 A9 A10 B7 B8


Connectthe B4terminalto the A14 terminaland 83 terminalto the 810



B3 B4

B6 87 BB B9 810


terminaland 84 terminalto the 810 termrnal, B4

B1 82

A4 A5 A6

A1 A2 A3



Wire side of temaleterminals


Test Oesiredresult window Checkthe passenger's motor operationi It shouldrun (thewindow Checkthe passenger'swindow motor operalron: It shouldrun (thewindow

Possible causeifresultis notobtained window Fauhypassenger's motor An openin thewire Faultypassenger'swindow moror An openin thewire

BlownNo.5 (7.5A) fuseanthe undeFdashfuse/relaybox. An ooenin the wire Checkfor continuity to ground: ' Faultyparkingbrakeswitch GRN,ryVHTParkingbrakeleverup . An onenin the wire Thereshould be continuitv. BlownNo. 12(15A) fusein the RED/BLK lgnitionswitchON (ll),top switchOPEN Checklorvoltageto ground: fuse/relay box Thereshouldbe battervvoltaoe. under-dash Faultytopswitch RED/YEL lgnitionswitchON {ll),top switchCLOSE Checkfor voltageto ground: Tha.c <hoDl.l hc haterv voltaoe. An ooenin thewire E l o w nN o . 8( 2 0 A ) f u s ien t h e C h e c kt o r v o l t a g e t o g r o u n d : BLUAVHT lgnitionswitchON (ll),power window undeFdashfuse/relaybox There should be battery voltage. masterswitchmainswitchON,and Faultypowerpowerwindow nassenocr'swin.lows switch DOWN. masterswttcn Checkfor voltageto ground: 8LU/RED lgnitionswitchON {ll},powerwindow Faultvpassenger's window Thereshouldbe batteryvoltage. masterswitchmainswitchON,and passenger'swindow switch UP. YEL

lgnitionswitchON {ll)

Check for voltage to ground: There should be battery voltage.


An onen in the wire


RED/BLU lgnitionswitchON (ll),powerwindow masterswitchmain switchON

Checkforvoltageto ground: Thereshouldbe batteryvoltage.

Faultypowerwindowmaster window Faultypassenger's An d6en in the wire

connectors to thecontrolunit,and makethe inputtestsattheconnectors. 5, Reconnectthe .lfanvtestindicatesaproblem,findandcorrectthecause,thenrecheckthesystem . lf allthe inputtestsproveOK,thecontrolunitmustbelaulty;replaceit. 82

Testcondition Wire BLU/ORN l g n i t i o n s w i t c h O N ( l l ) ,p a r k i n g b r a k e lever up, operate the toP switch

Test:DesiredrGsult Check for voltage between the 92 and bodyground: T h e r es h o u l db e 0 S V o r m o r e

Possible caureif resuhianotobtainod F a u l t yt o P c o n t r o l u n i t F a u l t yp o w e r w i n d o w m a s t e r An ooen in the wire


WHT/BLK lgnitionswitchON {ll),raisethe rearof the vehicle.and rotateone wheel slowlv

Checkfor voltageon the B6 and A8 terminals: Thereshouldbe 0 5 V or more

FaultyVSS FaultyVSSsignaldrivingcircuit An openin the wire



ConvertibleTop Motor Test Right Top Motor:

1 . Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover ( s e ep a g e2 0 - 8 1 ) .

l. Removethe right corner gusset(seepage 20-38). 2. Disconnectthe 2P connector(A)from the right top m o t o r( B ) .

Disconnectthe convertibletop motor emergency 2P connector(A).

9 . C l o s et h et o p m a n u a l l y .

T e r m i n as li d eo f m a l et e r m i n a l s

3 . Assistthe left side of the top with your hands. Testthe motor in each directionby connecting batterypower and ground accordingto the table. Te.minal I






o e

lf the motor does not operateas specified,replace the motor. 6 . lf the top does not work becauseof a top motor failure.go to step 7 to closethe top manually.



ConvertibleTop ConvertibleTop Motor Test (cont'dl Left Top Motor:

7 . Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover (seepage 20-81).

1. Removethe left corner gusset(seepage 20-38).

8 . Disconnectthe convertibletop motor emergency 2. Disconnectthe 2P connector(A)from the left top motor {B).

2P connector(A).

9. Closethe toD manuallv.

Terminalside of male terminals

3. Assistthe right side of the top with your hands. 4. Testthe motor in each directionby connecting batterypower and ground accordingto the table. Terminal 1









lf the motor does not operateas specified,replace the motor. lf the top does not work becauseof a top motor failure,go to step 7 to closethe top manually.





CONTROL UNIT InputTest,page22'144



RemovableHardtop J

ConvertibleTop DisableSwitch Test NOTE:For the convertibletop disableswitch circut diagram,referto the ConvertibleTop CircuitDiagram {seepage 22-140}andthe RearWindow Defogger C i r c u i tD i a g r a m( s e ep a g e2 2 - 1 5 3 ) .

3. Pushthe convertibletop disableswitch.

1. Removethe left rear side trim (seepage20-70). 2. Disconnectthe2P connector(A) from the convertibletop disableswitch {B).



-----,-..J-lr {

Terminalsideof maleterminals Checkfor continuitybetweenthe No. I and No. 2 terminals. Thereshould be continuity. lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe swtlcn.


RearWindowDefogger ComponentLocationIndex


REARWINOOW DEFOGGERSWITCH ('0203 models) T e s t ,p a g e 2 2 1 5 5


REARWINDOWDEFOGGER RELAY !02-03models) Wirecolors:BL(RED,WHT/GnN,I andYEUBLK LYEUBLU I Test,page22'40 REARWINDOWOEFOGGER SWITCH { 00-01rnodels) Test,page22-155




RearWindowDefogger \.



REABWINDOWDEFOGGER Function Test,page22-156 DefoggerWireRepait,page22-157

CONDENSER DIODE ('02-03 models) 1'02-03 models) REARWINDOW DEFOGGER CHANGERELAY ('02-03models) Test,page22-40



CircuitDiagram '00-01models



(10) N0.12


) - l


N o 2 3 ( 1)0 FLJSE

f7 II


) t 22-153

RearWindowDefogger CircuitDiagram(cont'd) '02-03 models



--l-g<lor-, wirT--F wHT/slK uf I I



1-,,*, l9+Jo,.^| ' BrK"vFl O_t

No.A{10) FUSE









F7 oAsNLto.frs




'-.E t<l












COIIVERTlBLE TOPDISABLE stvtTcH (oc.d: I lHaftIopin I [y'a€ on vdrid€J

Switch Test '02-03models:

?0-01 models: 1. Removethe centerconsole(seepage 20-55).

1 . R e m o v et h e i n s t r u m e npt a n e l( s e e p a g e 2 0 - 5 7 ) .

2. Removethe rear window defoggerswitch (A) from the centerconsole,then disconnectthe 5P connector{B}.

2, Removethe rearwindow defoggerswitch (A),then disconnectthe 6P connector(B).

( )





3 4

-\ 5

3. Checkfor continuty betweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table. \






3. Checkfor continutybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table. Terminal



Pi.iti"" OFF ON





o- -@- -o oo o o- -o-







o o

o O



G rl

o @ o oo

lf the continuityis not as specified,replacethe illumination b u l b s( C )o r t h e s w i t c h .


lf the continuityjs not as specified,replacethe illuminationbulbs (C)or the switch


RearWindowDefogger J

FunctionTest NOTE:Be carefulnot to scratchor damagethe defogger wires with the testerprobe. 1. Checkfor voltage betweenthe positiveterminal (A) and body ground with the ignitionswitch and defoggerswitch ON. Thereshould be batteryvoltage. . lf there is no voltage,checkfor: - faulty defoggerrelay. - faulty defoggerchangerelay ('02-03models). - f a u l t yd i o d e( ' 0 2 - 0 3m o d e l s ) . - a n o p e ni n t h e w i r e . . lfthere is batteryvoltage,go to step 2. Hardtop:

Checkfor continuitybetweenthe negativeterminal ( B )a n d b o d y g r o u n d . lf there is no continuity,checkfor an open in the defoggerground wire. Touchthe voltmeter positiveprobe to the halfway point of each defoggerwire, and the negative probeto the negativeterminal, Thereshould be approximately6 V with the ignition switch and the defoggerswitch ON. . l f t h e v o l t a g ei s a s s p e c i f i e d , t hdee f o g g e r w i r ei s

oK. . lf the voltage is not as specified,repairthe defoggerwire. - lf it is more than 6 V, there is a breakin the negativehalf of the wire. - lf it is lessthan 6 V, there is a breakin the positivehalf of the wire.


Convertible Top {'02-03models): A t+)

B{ )


DefoggerWire Repair NOTE:To make an effectiverepair,the brokensection m u s t b e n o l o n g e rt h a n o n e i n c h . '1.

Lightlyrub the area aroundthe brokensection(A) with fine steelwool, then clean it with alcohol.

2 . Carefullymask above and below the brokenDortion of the defoggerwire (B)with cellophanetape (C).

Thoroughlymix the silver conductivepaint using a small brush,apply a heavycoat of the paint extendingabout 1/8" on both sidesofthe break. Allow 25 minutesto drv.

Checkfor continuityin the repairedwire. Apply a secondcoat of paint in the same way. Let it dry 3 hours before removingthe tape.


Restraints Restraints SpecialTools

............. 23-2

Seat Belts Component LocationIndex ..........,.............................. 23-3 SeatBeltReplacement ....................... 23-4 fnspection .................. 23-7

SRS(Supplemental RestraintSysteml

Component LocationIndex ......................,............,..... 23-9 Precautions andProcedures ............. 23-10 General Troubleshooting lnformation........,,,,,.....,,,., 29-17 Erasing the DTCMemory ................... 23-19 Troubleshooting Intermittent Fai1ures....................... 23-19 DTCTroubleshooting Index .............. 23-20 SymptomTroubleshooting Index ............... ................ 23-21 SystemDescription................. ........... 23-22 CircuitDiagram .........2g-23 DTCTroubleshooting ............... .......... 23-24 SRSlndicator CircuitTroubleshooting ....................... 23-55 ComponentReplacement/lnspection AfterDeployment.................... .......23-64 Driver's AirbagReplacement ............ 23-65 Passenger's AirbagReplacement ..................... .......... 23-67 AirbagDisposal....................... ........... 23-69 CableReefReplacement .................... 23-72 SRSUnitReplacement ....................... 23-75

) { ,

Restraints Special Tools Tool Number


o-' at

@ @ aa*?

07HAZ-SG00500 07PAz-0010100 07SAZ.TB4011A 1A 07TM-52501 07TAZ-001020A

Description DeploymentTool SCSServiceConnector SRSInflatorSimulator S R SS i m u l a t o rL e a dC BackorobeAdaDter,17 mm

* 1 : l n c l u d e di n S R ST o o l S e t0 7 M A Z - S M 5 0 0 0 8 *2: Use with the stackingpatchcords from T/N 07SAz-001000A, BackprobeSet.





Oty 1 1 1 1




SEATBELT page23 4 Replacement, paqe23-8 Inspection,


SEAT BELTBUCKLE step'l on page23-6

J 23-3

SeatBelts Seat Belt Replacement SRScomponentsare locatedin this area.Reviewthe SRScomponentlocations{seepage 23-9)and the precautionsand procedures(seepage 23-'10)in the SRS sectionbefore performingrepairsor service. NOTE:Checkthe seat beltsfor damage,and replace them if necessary.Be carefulnot to damagethem d u r i n gr e m o v a la n d i n s t a l l a t i o n .

ANCHORBOLT iZ]UPPER OROLLBARand UPPER TRIMASSEMBLY 7 / 1 6 - 2 0U N F 32 N m (3.3kgf.m,24lbf.ft) , OUPPER ANcHoRcAP "ta



'00-01models snape

NOTE: . Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the preset butlons. . Disconnectthenegativecablefrom the battery,and wait at least3 minutesbefore beginningwork

/- a - y

1 . Removethese items: . . . .

Seat {seepage 20-86) Rearside trim (seepage 20-70) Sparetire cover (seepage 20-73)and sparetire Reartray/roll bar and uppertrim assembly(see page 20-711

2 . Removethe seat belt and retractorin numbered sequence.



Disconnect the seat tensioner connector,


{3.3kof - m. 24lbf ftl



ANCHORBOLT 7/16-20 UNF 32 N.m 13.3kgf.m. 24 tbf.ft)

a RETRACTOR MOUNTING scREw 6x1.0mm ,l N.m {0.4 kgf.m, 3 lbf ftl '02-03 models snape

(t LOWER ANCHOR BOLT 7/16-20 UNF 32 N.m (3.3kgf.m, 24lbl.lrl



3. Installthe belt in the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Checkthat the retractorlockingmechanism functions(seepage20-8). . Assemblethe washers,collar and busing on the upper and lower anchor bolts.Referto the Anchor Bolt Construction(seepage 20,7). . Apply liquid thread lockto the anchor bolts beforereinstallation. . Beforeinstallingthe anchorbolts,make sure there are no twists or kinksin the seat belt. . Make sure the seat belt tensionerconnecloris pluggedin properly. . Reconnectthe negativecableto the battery. . Enterthe anti-theftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio station presets. . Resetthe clock. . Dothe PCM idle lean procedure(seepage 11100).



Seat Belts J

Seat Belt Replacement(cont'd) SeatBelt Buckle 1. Removethe seat (seepage 20-86). NOTE:To get to the seat belt switch connector,removethe seatcushion from the inner seattrack. 2. Removethe seat belt bucklein numberedsequence 3. Installthe bucklein the reverseorder of removal,and note these items: . Assemblethe washerson the centeranchor bolt. Referto the Anchor Bolt Construction . Apply liquid thread lock to the centeranchorbolt before reinstallation. . Apply liquid thread lock to the seat mounting bolts beforereinstallation O Pull up the seatcushion. Do not pull up it in too far.


a!)10 x 1.25mm ,t? N.m (4.8kgl.m, 35 tbt.ft)


6 )8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m 12.2kgl m, 16 tbf.ftl


ANCHORBOLT â‚Ź]CENTER 7/16-20 UNF 34 N.m13.5ksI.m,25lbf.ft)















le --r "v/IlYil BOLT




'02-03models WAVEWASHER





Seat Belts ./

Inspection SRScomponentsare locatedin this area.Reviewthe SRScomponentlocations(seepage 23-9)and the Drecautionsand procedures(seepage 23-10)in the SRS sectionbeforeperformingrepairsor service.

Retractor '1.

Beforeinstallingthe retractor,checkthat the seat belt can be pulledout freely.

2. Make sure that the seat belt does not lockwhen the retractor(A) is leanedslowly up to 15'from the mounted position.The seat belt should lockwhen the retractoris leanedover 40'. Do not attemptto disassemblethe retractor.

ln-vehicle 1. Checkthat the seat belt is not twisted or caughton a n y l nI n g . 2. After installingthe anchors,checkfor free movementon the anchorbolts.lf necessary, removethe anchorbolts and checkthat the washersand other partsare not damagedor improperlyinstalled. 3. Checkthe seat beltsfor damageor discoloration. Cleanwith a shop towel if necessary.Use only soap and water to clean. NOTE:Dirt build-upin the loops of the upper anchorscan causethe seat beltsto retractslowly. Wipe the insideof the loops with a cleancloth dampenedin isopropylalcohol. 4. Checkthat the seat belt does not lockwhen pulled out slowly. The seatbelt is designedto lock only during a suddenstop or imPact. Make sure that the seat belt will retract automaticallywhen released. 6 . On the passenger'sseat belt,checkthe seat belt retractorlocklngmechanismALR (automatic lockingretractor).This function is for child seats:



t'i\t- |


lt r, P l| ) t-Tl-r \f1 r




Forwgrd Replacethe seat belt with a new assemblyif there is any abnormality.Do not disassembleany part of the seat belt for any reason.

-1 Pullthe seat belt all the way out to engagethe ALR.The seat belt should retractwith a ratchetingsound, but not extend.This is normal. -2 To disengagethe ALR, releasethe seat belt and allow it to fully retract,then pull the seat belt out part-way.The seat belt should retractand extend normally.

1 . Replacethe seatbelt with a new assemblYit there is any abnormality.Do not disassembleany part of the seat belt for any reason.



sRs ComponentLocationIndex

CAALEREEL page23-72 Replacement,


g, page23-55 Troubleshootin

PASSENGER'S AIRBAG page23-67 Replacement, page23-69 Disposal, DATALINK CONNECTOR {DLCI(16PI UNIT

page23,75 Replacement,

PASSENGER'SSEAI BELT TENSIONER Reolacement. oaae23-4 Diiposal,page23'-59 DRIVER'SS€AT EELTTENSIONER page23-4 Replacement, Disposal,page23-69



sRs Precautionsand Procedures GeneralPrecautions Readthe following precautionscarefullybefore performingairbagsystem service.Observethe instructionsdescribedin this manual,or the airbags c o u l da c c i d e n t a l ldye p l o ya n d c a u s ed a m a g eo r i n j u r i e s . . Exceptwhenperformingelectricalinspections, alwaysturn the ignition switch OFF,disconnectthe negativecablefrom the battery,and wait at least3 minutes beforebeginningwork. NOTE:The memory is not erasedeven if the ignition swiich is turned OFFor the batterycablesare disconnectedfrom the battery. . Use replacementpartswhich are manufacturedto the same standardsand quality as the original parts.Do not install used SRS partsfrom anothervehicle.Use only new partswhen making SRS repairs.

. Use only a digital multimeterto checkthe system lf it is not a Hondamultimeter,make sure its output is 10 mA {0.01A) or lesswhen switchedto the lowestvalue in the ohmmeter range.A testerwith a higheroutput could causeaccidentaldeploymentand possible injury. . Do not put objectson the passenger'sairbag. . The original radio has a coded theft protectloncircuit. Be sureto get the customer'sradio code and write down the frequenciesfor the radio presetstations beforedisconnectingthe batterycable. . Beforereturningthe vehicleto the customer,enter the customer'sradio code,and radio stationpreset, and set the clock.

Steering-relatedPrecautions CableReelAlignment

. Carefullyinspectany SRSpart beforeyou installit. Do not installany part that shows signsot being droppedor improperlyhandled,such as dents,cracks, or deformation.

. M i s a l i g n m e not f t h e c a b l er e e lc o u l dc a u s ea n o p e ni n the wiring, makingthe SRSsystemand the horn inoperative.Centerthe cable reel wheneverthe following is performed(seestep 6 on page 23-73). -

Installationofthe steeringwheel Installationof the cable reel Installationofthe steeringcolumn adjustmentor installation Other steering-related

. Do not dlsassemblethe cable reel. . Do not apply greaseto the cable reel. . lf the cable reel shows any signs of damageor contamination,replaceit with a new one. For example,it does not rotatesmoothly. Beforeremoving any of the SRSparts (including disconnectionof the connectors),alwaysdisconnect the SRSconnector.


Airbag Handling and Storage D o n o t d i s a s s e m b laen a i r b a g .l t h a sn o s e r v i c e a b l e parts.Once an airbag has been deployed,it cannot be repairedor reused.

. Storethe removed airbagon a secure,flat surface away from any high heat source(exceeding200'F/ 93'C).

For temporarystorageof an airbagduring service, observethe following precautions. . Storethe removedairbagwith the pad surfaceup. N e v e rp u t a n y t h i n go n t h e r e m o v e da i r b a g .

Never perform electricalinspectionsto the airbags, such as measuringresistance, Do not positionyourself in front of the airbag during removal,inspection.or replacement.

To preventdamageto the airbag,keep it free from a n y o i l ,g r e a s ed, e t e r g e n to, r w a t e t .

Referto the scrappingproceduresfor disposalof a damagedairbag.



sRs Precautionsand Procedures(cont'dl SRSUnit Precautions . Be carefulnot to bumo or imoactthe SRSunit wheneverthe ignition switch is ON (ll),or for at least for 3 minutesafterthe ignition switch is turned OFF. . D u r i n gi n s t a l l a t i o on r r e p l a c e m e n tb, e c a r e f u n l otto (by the area wrench, hammer, etc.) impact bump aroundthe SRS unit.The airbagscould accidentally deploy and causedamageor injury.

After a collisionin which the airbagswere deployed, replacethe SRSunit and other relatedcomponents (seepage 23-64).After a collisionin which the airbags were not deployed,inspectfor any damageor any deformationon the SRS unit. lf there is any damage, reDlacethe SRS unit.

. Do not disassemblethe SRSunit. . Turn the ignition switch OFF,disconnectthe battery negativecable,and wait at least3 minutesbefore beginninginstallationor replacementof the SRSunit. or disconnectingthe 18Pconnectorfrom the SRSunit. . Be sure the SRSunit is installedsecurelywith the m o u n t i n gb o l t st o r q u e dt o 9 . 8 N . m ( 1 . 0k g f . m , 7.2 tbfittl. . Do not splllwater or oil on the SRS unit, and keep it away from dust. . Storethe SRSunit in a cool (lessthan 104"F/40'C) and dry (lessthan 807orelativehumidity, no molsture)area.


Wring Precautions

Precautionsfor ElectricalInspections

Some of the SRSwiring can be identifiedby a special yellow outer covering,and the SRSconnectorscan be identifiedbv their vellow color. Observethe instructionsdescribedin this section.

. When using electricaltest equipment,insertthe Drobeof the tester into the wire side of the connector. Do not insertthe Drobeof the tester into the terminal side of the connector,and do not tamper wlth the connecror.

. Never attemptto modify. splice,or repairSRSwiring. l f t h e r ei s a n o p e no r d a m a g ei n S R Sw i r i n g ,r e p l a c e the harness.

Use a U-shapedprobe.Do not insertthe probe fo rcibly.

Besureto installthe harnesswiresso theydo notget pinched, or interfere with otherpans.

. Make sure all SRSground locationsare clean,and groundsare securelyfastenedfor optimum metal-tometal contact.Poorgroundingcan causeintermittent problemsthat are difficultto diagnose.

Usespecified serviceconnectors in troubleshooting, Usingimpropertoolscouldcausean errorin inspection dueto poormetal-to-metal contact.

sRs Precautionsand Procedures(cont'd) LockConnector Spring-loaded


Some SRSsystem connectorshave a spring-loaded lock.

When checkingvoltageor resistanceon this type of connectorthe first time, vou must removethe retainer (A)to insertthe tester probe from the wire side.

Disconnecting To releasethe lock,pullthe spring-loadedsleeve(A) toward the stop {B)while holdingthe oppositehalf of the connector.Then pull the connectorhalvesapart. Be sure to Dullon the sleeveand not on the connector.

Connecting 1. To reconnect,hold the pawl-sideconnector,and oresson the backof the sleeve-sideconnectorin the directionshown. As the two connectorhalves are pressedtogether,the sleeve(A) is pushed back by the pawl (C).Do not touch the sleeve.

When the connectorhalvesare completely connected,the pawl is released,and the springloadedsleevelocksthe connector.


NOTE:lt is not necessaryto reinstallthe removed retainer;the terminalswill stay lockedin the connector h o u si n o .

To removethe retainer{A), inserta flat-tip screwdriver(B) betweenthe connectorbody and the retainer,then carefullypry out the retainer.Takecare not to breakthe connector.

DisconnectingSystemConnectors Beforeremovingthe airbag or SRS relateddevices(the SRS unit, the cable reel,and the seat belt tensioner connectors),disconnectingconnectorsfrom relateddevices,or removingthe dashboardor the steeringcolumn, disconnectthe airbagconnectorsand seat belt tensionerconnectorsto preventaccidentaldeployment. Turn the ignition switch OFF,disconnectthe negativecablefrom the battery,and wait at least3 minutes before beginningthe following procedures. . B e f o r e d i s c o n n e c t i n g t h e S R S u n i t c o n n e c t o r ( (1A8)Pf r)o m t h eS R Su n i t ,d i s c o n n e cbt o t ha i r b a g2 P c o n n e c t o r(sC , D) and both seat belt tensioner2P connectors(E,F). . Beforedisconnectingthe cable reel 2P connector(B),disconnectthe driver's airbag2P connector(C).

sRs 4

Precautionsand Procedures(cont'd) 1. Disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait at least3 minutes. Driver's Airbag

Seat Belt Tensionar: 4. Removethe roll baruppertrim(seepage20-7'l), thendisconnect the seatbelttensioner2P connector {A)fromthe SRSmainharness.

2. Removethe accesspanelfrom the steeringwheel, then disconnectthe driver'sairbag 2P connector (A)from the cable reel.

Passenger'sAirbag 3. Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover (seepage 20-81),then disconnectthe passenger's airbag 2P connector{A} from the SRS main harness.

':- - "-^\'. l --""'=-\

\ \''



GeneralTroubleshootingInformation DTC(DiagnosticTroubleCodesl The self-diagnostic functionof the SBS allows it to locatethe causesof system problemsand then storethis informationin memory. For easiertroubleshooting,this data can be retrievedvia a data link circuit, . When you turn the ignition switch ON (ll),the SRSindicatorwill come on. lf it goes off after 6 seconds,the system is normal. .lfthereisanabnormality,thesystemlocatesanddefinestheproblem.storesthisinformationinmemory,andturns the SRS indicatoron. The data will remain in the memory even when the ignitionswitch is turned off or if the battery is disconnected. . When you connectthe Honda PGMTesterto the 16Pdata link connector(DLC)toshort the SCSterminal,and turn the ignition switch ON (ll),the SRSindicatorwill indicatethe diagnostictroublecode (DTC)by the number of blinks. . When you connectthe Honda PGMTesterto the 16Pdata link connector(DLC),you can retrievethe DTCin the H o n d aS y s t e m s" S R S " m e n u . . After readingand recordingthe DTC,proceedwith the troubleshootingprocedurefor the code indicated.


Precautions . Use only a digital multimeterto checkthe system.lf it is not a Honda multimeter,make sure its output is 10 mA {0.01A) or lesswhen switchedto the smallestvalue in the ohmmeter range.A testerwith a higher output could damagethe airbagcircuitor causeaccidentalairbagdeploymentand possibleinjury. . W h e n e v e r t h e i g n i t i o n s w i t c h i s O N { l l } , o r h a s b e e n t u r n e d O F F f o r l e s s t h a n 3 m i n u t e sn , boet tcoabr u em f upl t h e SRSunit; the airbagscould accidentallydeploy and causedamageor injuries. . Beforeyou removethe SRS main harness,disconnectthe driver'sairbagconnector,the passenger'sairbag connector,and seat belt tensionerconnectors. . Make sure the battery is sufficientlycharged. lf the batteryis dead or low, the measuredvalueswill notbecorrect. 'DonottouchatesterprobetotheterminalsintheSRSunitorharnessconnectors,anddonotconnecttheterminal with a jumper wire. Use only the backprobeset and specialtools.

Readingthe DTC When the SRSindicatoris on, read the DTCusing eitherof the following methods: PGM Tester "SRS" Menu Method Connectthe Honda PGMTester(A) to the 16Pdata link connector(DLCXB),and follow the Tester'sprompts in the "SRS" menu. lf the Testerindicatesno DTC,DTC9-1,or DTC9-2,double-checkby using the "SCS" menu method.




sRs GeneralTroubleshootingInformation(cont'd) "SCS" Menu Method (Retrieving the flash codes) PGM Tester The SRSindicatorindicatesthe DTCby the number of blinkswhen the Honda PGM Testeris connectedto the DLC (datalink connector)(16P). 1. Make sure the ignition switch is OFF. 2. Connectrhe Honda PGM Tester(A) to the data link connector(16PXB),and follow the Tester'sprompts in the "SCS" menu to ground the SCS line (seethe Honda PGM TesterOperator'sManual).

3. Make sure the SCS line is grounded,then turn the ignition switch ON {ll).The SRSindicator(C)should come on for about 6 seconds,and then go off. Then it will blinkto indicatethe DTC(seethe table below). .Includingthemostrecentproblem,uptothreedifferentDTCScanbedisplayed. . In case of a continuousfailure,the DTCwill be indicatedrepeatedly(seeexample 1 below). . l n c a s e o f a n i n t e r m l t t e n t f a i l u r e . t h e S R S i n d i c a t o r wi inl ld i c a t e t h eD T Co n e t i m e , t h e ni t w i l l s t a y o n ( s e e example2 below). .lfacontinuousandanintermittentfailureoccur,bothDTCSw b ei l il n d i c a t e da s c o n t i n u o u fsa i l u r e s . ' I n c a s e t h e s y s t e m i s n o r m a l ( n o D T c ) ,t h e s R S i n d i c a t o lri g h tw i l l s t a yo n ( s e ee x a m p l e3 ) ' 1. Continuotls failur€, SRS lndic8tor blinks likethis: 125125

OFF Bulb chock period



n ? sq 0.3

M e i n c o d e { 2 ) s u b c o d e1 1 l

M a i n c o d e { l l Subcode {3) M a i n c o d 6 { 1 1 S u b c o d e( l }

DTC 2-1 Mon r6c6nt ploblom 2. lntormittent tsilure, SRS Indic.tor blinks lik€ this:

ON OFF Bulb chock p€riod


3. Normal {no feilure), SRS Indicatot blinks likethis:

ON OFF Bulb ch€ck period

4. Readthe DTC. 5 , Turn the ignition switch OFF,and wait tor 10 seconds. o , Disconnectthe Honda PGMTesterfrom the DLc ('l6P). 7 . Do the troubleshootingprocedurefor the DTC.




DTC 1-3 S€cond-mostracsnt problem

DTC 1-1 Third-mostrocsnt problem



Erasingthe DTCMemory

Troubleshooting IntermittentFailures

Special Tools Required SCSServiceConnector07PAZ-0010100

lf there was a malfunction,but it doesn't recur,it will be stored in the memory as an intermittentfailure,and the SRSindicatorwill come on.

To erasethe DTC(S) from the SRSunit, use a Honda PGM Tester(seethe HondaPGM TesterSRSVehicle SystemSupplement)or the following procedure. 1 . M a k es u r et h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hi s O F F . 2. Connectthe specialtool (A)to the MES 2P connector(B).Do not use a jumper wire.

After checkingthe DTC,troubleshootas follows: "Readingthe DTC"). 1. Readthe DTC(see "Erasingthe DTC 2. Erasethe DTCmemory (see Memory"). 3. With the shift lever in neutral,startthe engine,and letit idle. The SRSindicatorwill come on for about 6 seconds and then go off. Shakethe wire harnessand the connectors,take a test drive (quickacceleration,quick braking, cornering),turn the steeringwheel fully left and right,and hold ittherefor 5to 10 seconds.lf the problem recurs,the SRSindicatorwill come on. lf you can't duplicatethe intermittentfailure,the svstem is oK at this time.

3 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 4. The SRSindicatorwill come on for about 6 seconds, and then go off. Removethe SCSserviceconnector from the MES connectorwithin 4 secondsafterthe indicatorgoes off. 5 . T h e S R Si n d i c a t ow r i l l c o m e o n a g a i n .R e c o n n e c t the SCSserviceconnectorto the MES connector within 4 secondsafter the indicatorcomes on. 6. When the SRS indicatorgoes off, removethe SCS serviceconnectorfrom the MES connectorwithin 4 seconos. 7 . T h e S R Si n d i c a t ow r i l l b l i n kt w o t i m e si n d i c a t i n g that the memory has been erased. 8 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO F F ,a n d w a i t f o r 1 0 seconds. . h e S R Si s 9 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l )a g a i n T OK if the SRSindicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off.


sRs DTCTroubleshootingIndex DTC

Detsctionltem ODenin driver'sairbaq inflator

1-2 1-3 1-4 t-c


, _') 2-3 2-4 2-5

3-1 3-2 3-4 3-5 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 5-1

5-2 5-3 5-4 o-l

lncreased resistance in driver'sairbaoinflator Short to anotherwire or decreasedresistancein driver's airbaq inflator Short to oower in driver's airbaqinflator Short to qround in driver's airbaq inflator ODenin oassenqer'sairbaq inflatol Increasedresistancein oassenqer'sairbaq inflator Short to anotherwire or decreasedresistancein passenger'sairbag inflator Short to Dower in Dassenqer'sairbaq inflator Short to oround in Dassenoer'sairbao inflator Ooen in driver'sseat beli tensioner lncreasedresistancein driver'sseat belt tensioner Shon to anotherwire or decreasedresistancein driver'sseat belt tensioner Short to Dowerin driver's seat belt tensioner

Shonto qroundin driver'sseatbelttensioner Ooen in oassenoer'sseat belt tensioner

in oassenoer's seatbelttensioner lncreased resistance Short to anotherwire or decreasedresistancein passenger'sseatbelt tensioner Short to oower in oassenoer'sseat belt tensioner Short to oround in oassenoer'sseat belt tensioner

lnternalfailureof SRSunit NOTE: voltage. DTCs5-1through8-6,checkbattery/system Beforetroubleshooting the lf voltageis low,repairthe chargingsystembeforetroubleshooting SRS.

Notes (seeDaoe23-24) (seeoaqe 23-241 {seeDaoe23-26) (seeDaqe23-28) {seeDaoe23-30) (seeoaoe 23-32) (seeoaoe 23-32)

(seepage23-33) {seeDaqe23-35) (seepaqe 23-36) (seepaqe 23-38) (seeoaqe 23-38) {seepage 23-40) (seeoaoe 23-42) (seeDaoe23-44) {seepage 23-46) (seeDaqe23-46) (seepage 23-48) (seepaqe 23-50) (seepaqe 23-52) (seepage 23-54)


6-2 6-3 6-4


a-2 8-3 8-4 8-6


it couldmeaninternalfailure (seepage 23-54) Internalfailureof the SRSunit.lf intermittent, of the unitor a Jaultyindicalorlightcircuit.Referto Troubleshooting Intermittent Failures(seepage23-19). voltage.lf the DTC9-1,checkbattery/system NOTE:Beforetroubleshooting the SRS. voltaoeis low.reDairthecharqinqsvstembeforetroubleshootinq


Internalfailure of the SRSunit. lf intermittent,it could mean internalfailure of the power supply (VB line).Referto TroubleshootingIntermittent Failures(seepage 23-19). NOTE:BetoretroubleshootingDTC9-2.checkbattery/systemvoltage.lf the voltaqe is low. reoairthe charqinqsvstem beforetroubleshootinqthe SRS. Seat belttensionersland airbao(s))deDloved.





Symptom TroubleshootingIndex svmptom SRSindicatordoesn'tcome on SRSindicatorstayson when in "SCS" menu method

Diagnostic procedure S R SI n d i c a t oTr r o u b l e s h o o t i n(gs e e steo 1 on Daqe23-55) SRSlndicatorTroubleshooting(see step 1 on page 23'57)

Also check for

Inabilityto retrieveDTCSwith the PGM Tester.Retrievethe flash codes usingthe SCS menu method { s e eD a o e2 3 - 1 8 ) .

) J 23-21

sRs SystemDescription SRSComponents Airbags The SRS is a safetydevicewhich, when usedwith the seat belt, is designedto help protectthe driver and passengerin a frontal impact exceedinga certainset limit. The system consistsofthe SRS unit, includinga safingsensorand an impact sensor(A),the cable reel (B).the driver's airbag (C)and the passenger'sairbag (D). Seat Belt Tensioners The seat belt tensioner1E)is linkedwith the SRSairbagsto further increasethe effectivenessof the seat belt. In a front-endcollision,the tensionerinstantlyretractsthe belt firmly to securethe occupantsin their seats.

SRS Operation The main circuit in the SRSunit sensesand judgesthe force of impact and, if necessary,ignitesthe inflatorcharges.lf batteryvoltage is too low or power is disconnecteddue to impact,the voltageregulatorand the back-uppower circuit respectivelywill keepvoltageat a constantlevel. For the SRS to operate: (1)The impact sensormust activateand send electronicsignalsto the microprocessor. {2)The microprocessormust computethe signalsand send them to the airbag inflators(and seat belttensioners). {3)The inflatorsmust ignite and deploy the airbags(and activatethe tensioners).

Self-diagnosis System A self-diagnosiscircuit is built into the SRS unit; when the ignition switch is turned ON (ll),the SRSindicatorcomes on and goes off after about 6 secondsif the SRSis operatingnormally. lf the indicatordoes not come on, or does not go off after 6 seconds,or if it comes on while driving, it indicatesan a n d r e p a i r e da s s o o na s p o s s i b l e . a b n o r m a l i t yi n t h e S R S .T h e S R Sm u s t b e i n s p e c t e d For betterserviceability,the SRSunit memory storesa DTCthat relalesto the causeof the malfunction,and the unit is connectedto the data link connector(DLC).This informationcan be readwith the Honda PGM Testerwhen it is connectedto the DLC(16P)(seepage 23-11).



CircuitDiagram !-'oo-oztvoo"tt [,'ornooe




lGl lOT in0N lll)




\ I iEldi'i

:t,' F


t MAI_E \ II





hASt'tEss a

I t







|u-' ,'--r..1-JI





\, G501



23-23 )

sRs DTGTroubleshooting DTC1-1:Openin Driver'sAirbagInflator

6. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable.

DTC1-2:Increased Resistance in Driver's AirbagInflator

7. Erasethe DTCmemory. 8. Readthe DTC.

Special Tools Requirod . SRS inflatorsimulator07SAZ-T840'11A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TAZ-S25011A

ls DTC 1-1or DTC 1-2indicated? YES Go to step 9.

1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19). 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRSindicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off. Does the SBS indicatot stay on? YES- Go to step 3.

NO-Open or increasedresistancein the driver's airbag;replacethe driver's airbag {seepage 23-65).1 Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.

1 0 .Disconnectthe cable reel 2P connectorfrom the SRS main harness(A).

NO Intermiftentfailure.system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see page 23-19). 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe driver's airbag2P connectorfrom the cable reel (A).


07TAZ-S2501 1A


"rt^.^;;mj 1 1 .Connectthe SRSinflatorsimulator(2 Q connector) and the simulatorleadto the SRS main harness,

12. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 1 3 . Erasethe DTCmemory.

Connectthe SRSinflator simulator(2 Q connector) and the simulatorlead to the cable reel.


17. Disconnectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector(A) fromthe SRS unit. Do not disconnectthe specialtool from t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .

14. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 1-1or DTC 1-2indicated? Y E S - G o t o s t e p1 5 , NO Open or increasedresistancein the cable reel; replacethe cable reel (seepage 23-72).1 1 5 . Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 1 6 . Disconnectthe passenger'sairbag2P connector(A) and both seat belt tensioner2P connectors(B). .


'1 8. Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 1 and No. 13 t e r m i n a l so f t h e S R Su n i t l 8 P c o n n e c t o rT. h e r e s h o u l db e 2 . 0 3 . 0 Q . SRSUNIT 18PCONNECTOR




l r o I r i r 3z 1i 4l rt 5







W i r es i d eo f f e m a l e terminals ls the rcsistanceas specilied? YES - FaultySRS unit or poor contactat the SRS u n i t 1 8 Pc o n n e c t oar n dt h e S R Su n i t .C h e c kt h e connectionbetweenthe connectorand the SRS u n i t .l f t h e c o n n e c t i o ni s O K , r e p l a c et h e S R Su n i t ( s e ep a g e2 3 - 7 5 ) . 1 NO Open or increasedresistancein the SRS main h a r n e s sr;e p l a c et h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . l

J 23-25

sRs DTGTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC1-3:Shortto AnotherWire or Decreased Resistance in Driver'sAirbagInflator

8 . Readthe DTC. ls DTC 1-3indicated?

Special Tools Required . s R s i n f l a t o rs i m u l a t o r0 7 s A z - T B 4 o 1 1 A . S R Ss i m u l a t o rl e a dC 0 7 T M - S 2 5 0 1 1 A '1.

Erasethe DTCmemory {seepage 23-19).

2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off.

YES Go to step 9. NO Short in the driver'sairbag;replacethe driver's airbag (seepage23-65).! 9 . Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.

1 0 .Disconnectthe cable reel 2P connectorfrom the Does the SRS indicator stay on?

S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s( A ) .

YES Go to step 3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see page 23-19). Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.

07TAZ-S25011A ---.-----.._--.-



Disconnectthe driver's airbag2P connectorfrom the cable reel (A).



\v It


07sAz-TB4o'l'lA :

't1. Connectthe SRS inflatorsimulator(2 Q connector) and the simulatorleadto the SRSmain harness. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable.

1 3 .Erasethe DTCmemory. 07TAZ-S25011A

1 4 . Readthe DTC, ls DTC 1-3indicated? YES Go to step

Connectthe SRSinflator simulator(2 Q connector) and the simulatorlead to the cable reel. 6 . Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 1 . Erasethe DTCmemory.



NO Shon in the cable reel;replacethe cable reel ( s e ep a g e2 3 - 7 2 ) . 1

J t5.

Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.

1 6 . Disconnectthe passenger'sairbag2P connector(A) and both seat belt tensioner2P connectors(B).


1 7 . Disconnectthe specialtool from the SRSmain harness. 1 8 . Disconnectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector(A) from the S R Su n i t .


'19. Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 1 and No. 13 terminalsof the SRSunit 18Pconnector.There s h o u l db e a n o p e nc i r c u i t o , r a t l e a s t1 M 0 . SRSUNIT 18PCONNECTOR

t:v |"t]

l,oI rrIrzilr


6 l 7 I




17 t8


Wiresideof femaleterminals ls the rcsistance as specilied? YES FaultySRSunit; replacethe SRSunit (see page23-75).I NO Short in the SRS main harness;replacethe S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . l

J 23-27


Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.

17. Disconnectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector{A)from the S R Su n i t .

1 6 . Disconnectthe passenger'sairbag2P connector(A) and both seat belttensioner2P connectors{B).

18. Disconnectthe specialtool from the SRSmain harness. 19. Reconnectthebatterynegativecable. 20. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll). 21. Checkfor voltage betweenthe No. l terminal ofthe SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground, and betweenthe No. 13 terminal and body ground. Thereshould be 0.5 V or less. SRSUNIT18PCONNECTOR

Wire side of lemale terminals

ls the voltage as specified? YES FaultySRS unit; replacethe SRSunit (see p a g e2 3 - 7 5 ) . I NO '. Short to power in the SRS main harness; r e p l a c et h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . l


sRs DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC1-5:Shortto Groundin Driver'sAirbag lnflator

Readthe DTc. ls DTC 1-5indicated?

Special Tools Required . SRSinflatorsimuiator07SAZ-T8401'lA . SRSsimulatorleadC 07TAZ-S25011A 1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19). 2. Turn the ignition swltch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRSindicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off. Does the SRS indicator stay on?

YES- Go to step 9. NO Shortto ground in the driver'sairbag;replace the driver'sairbag (seepage 23'65).1

9 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 1 0 . Disconnectthe cable reel 2P connectorfrom the S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s( A ) .

YES Go to step 3. NO lntermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see p a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe driver's airbag2P connectorlrom the cable reel (A).


----R(N \p


07sAz-T84011A '-'

1 1 .ConnecttheSRSinflatorsimulator(2 Q connector) a n d t h e s i m u l a t o lre a dt o t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 1 3 . Erasethe DTCmemory. 07TAZ-SZ501rA

ConnecttheSRS inflatorsimulator(2 Q connector) and the simulatorlead to the cable reel. 6. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 7 . Erasethe DTCmemory,



14. Readthe DTC.

17. Disconnectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector(A)from the S R Su n i t .

ls DTC 1-5indicated? YES- Go to slep 15. NO Shortto ground in the cable reel; replacethe cable reel (seepage23-72).I 15. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then djsconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 16. Disconnectthe passenger'sairbag2P connector(A) and both seat belt tensioner2P connectors(B).

1 8 . Disconnectthe specialtool from the SRSmain harness. 1 9 . Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 1 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground, and betweenthe No. 13 terminal and body ground. Thereshould be an open circuit,or at least 1 M e . SRSUNIT18PCONNECTOR

Wire side of Iemaleterminals

ls the resistanceas specified? YES FaultySRSunit;replacethe SRSunit(see p a g e2 3 - 7 5 ) . I N O - S h o r t t og r o u n di n t h eS R Sm a i nh a r n e s s ; r e p l a cteh eS R Sm a i nh a r n e s s . l


sRs DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl Airbaglnflator DTC2-1:Openin Passenger's

6. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable.

in Passenger's Resistance DTC2-2:Increased AirbagInflator

7. Erasethe DTCmemory.

SpecialToolsRequired . SRS inflatorsimulator07SAZ-T840'l1A . S R Ss i m u l a t o rl e a dC 0 7 T M ' S 2 5 0 1 1 A

8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 2-1 or 2-2 indicated? YES Go to step 9.

1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19). 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the S R Si n d i c a t o lri g h tc o m e so n f o r a b o u t6 s e c o n d s and then goes off. Doesthe SRS indicator light stay on? YES Go to step 3.

NO Open or increasedresistancein the passenger'sairbag;replacethe passenger'sairbag (seepage 23-67).I 9. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. g P c o n n e c t o(rA )a n d 1 0 . D i s c o n n e c t t hder i v e r ' s a i r b a 2 both seat belt tensioner2P connectors(B).

NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see p a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe passenger'sairbag2P connector f r o m t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s( A ) .

5 . C o n n e c t t h eS R Si n f l a t o rs i m u l a t o r( 2 Q c o n n e c t o r ) a n dt h e s i m u l a t o ire a dt o t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .



11. Disconnectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector(A) from the SRSunit. Do not disconnectthe sDecialtool from the SRS main harness.

DTC2-3:Shortto AnotherWire or Decreased Resistance in Passenger's AirbagInflator Special Tools Required . SRS inflatorsimulator07SAZ-T84011A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TAZ-S25011,A 1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19). 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off. Does the SRS indicator stay on? YES- Go to step 3.

12. Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 10 and No. l4 terminalsof the SBS unit 'l8Pconnector.There s h o u l db e 2 . 0 3 . 0 Q . SRSUNIT18PCONNECTOR

NO - Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see p a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF.then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe passenger'sairbag2P connector from the SRS main harness(A)

Wiresideof femaleterminals lsthe resistance as specified? YES FaultySRSunit or poor contactat the SRS unit connector.Checkthe connection;if the connectionis OK, replacelhe SRSunit (seepage 23-751.f NO Open or increasedresistancein the SRSmain harness;replacethe SRSmain harness.!



'r^r-r;;,-El]fi Conneclthe SRS inflatorsimulator(2 0 connector) and the simulator leadto the SRSmain harness.



sRs DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl 6. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable.


1 . Disconnecithe specialtool from the SRS main harness.

7. Erasethe DTCmemory.

12. Disconnectthe SRSunit 8. Readthe DTC.

'l8P connector(A) from the

S R Su n i t .

ls DTC 2-3 indicated? YES Go to step 9. NO Short in the passenger'sairbag;replacethe p a s s e n g e r 'asi r b a g( s e ep a g e2 3 - 6 7 ) . 1 9. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. '10.

Discon nectthe d river's airbag 2P connector{A) and both seat belttensioner2P connectors(B). 13. Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 10 and No. 14 terminalsof the SRSunit 18Pconnector.There should be an open circuit.or at least 1 M Q . SRSUNIT18PCONNECTOR

8 I '18










15 16 11



wire sideof femaleterminals ls the resistance as sqecified? YES FaultySRSunit; replacethe SRSunit (see p a g e2 3 - 7 5 ) . I NO Short in the SRSmain harness;replacethe S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . l


DTC2-4:Shortto Powerin Passenger's AirbagInflator

6. Reconneclthe batterynegativecable. 7. Erasethe DTCmemory.

Special Tools Required . SRSinflatorsimulator07SM-TB401'1A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TAZ-S25011A

8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 2-4 indicated?

1. Erasethe DTCmemory {seepage 23-19). 2. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off. Does the SRS indicator stay on? YES Go to step 3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see p a g e2 3 -1 9 ) . 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe passenger'sairbag2p connector f r o m t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s1 A ) .

5. Connectthe SRS inflatorsimulator(2 e conneclor) and the simulatorlead to the SRS main harness.

YES Go to step 9. NO Short to power in the passenger'sairbag; replacethe passenger'sairbag (seepage 23-67).t 9. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 10. Djsconnectthe driver's airbag2P connector(A) and both seat belt tensioner(B).

sRs DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) ' 1 1 .D i s c o nn e c tt h e S R S u n i t l 8 P c o n n e c t o r ( Af)r o m t h e SRS unit.

DTC2-5:Shortto Groundin Passenger's r AirbagInflato SpecialToolsRequired . SRS inflatorsimulator07SAZ-T84011A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TAZ-S25011A 1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage23-19). 2. Turn the lgnition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off. Does the SRS indicator staY on? YES Go to step 3.

Disconnectthe specialtool from the SRS main haress.

1 3 .Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 1 4 .T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . 1 5 .Checkfor voltage betweenthe No. 10 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground, and betweenthe No. 14 terminal and body ground. T h e r es h o u l db e 0 . 5V o r l e s s .

NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see p a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4, Disconnectthe passenger'sairbag2P connector f r o m t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s( A ) .


Wiresideof femaleterminals ls the voltage as specified? YES FaultySRSunit; replacethe SRS unit (see page 23-15).a NO Shortto power in the SRSmain harness; r e p l a c et h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . I


5 . Connectthe SBS inflatorsimulator(2 0 connector) a n d t h e s i m u l a t o rl e a dt o t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .

6. Reconnect the batterynegativecable.

11. Disconnectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector(A)from the SRS unit.

7. Erasethe DTCmemory. 8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC2-5 indicated? YES Goto step9. NO- Shortto groundin the passenger's airbag; replace the passenger's airbag(seepage23-67).1 Turnthe ignitionswitchOFF.thendisconnect the batterynegativecable,andwait for 3 minutes. 1 0 . Disconnect (A)and the driver'sairbag2Pconnector (B). bothseatbelttensioner2Pconnectors

' t 2 .Disconnect

the specialtool from the SRSmain


1 3 .Checkresistancebetweenthe No, 10terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground,and the No. 14 terminal and body ground.The.e should be an open circuit,or at least 1 M Q . SRSUNIT18PCONNECTOR ,l


10 l 1 12 GRN




t o 14 t 5




1 6 1 7 18


Wire side of femaleterminals

ls the resistanceas specified? YES- FaultySRSunit;replace the SRSunit(see page23-75).1 N O - S h o n t og r o u n di n t h eS R Sm a i nh a r n e s s ; replacethe SRSmainharness.l


sRs DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC3-1:Ooenin Driver'sSeatBeltTensioner

cable. the batterynegative 6. Reconnect

in Driver's DTC3-2:IncreasedResistance SeatBeltTensioner

7. Erasethe DTCmemory.

Special Tools Required . SRSinflatorsimulator07SM-TB4011A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TAZ-S25011A 1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19). 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll).and checkthat the SRSindicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off. Does the SRS indicator staY on? YES Go to steD3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see p a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . 3. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe driver'sseat belt tensioner2P connectorfrom the SRSmain harness{A).


Connectthe SRSinflatorsimulator(2 Q connector) and the simulatorlead to the SRSmain harness.


8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 3-1or DTC 3-2 indicated? YES-Goto step9. in thedriver's resistance NO-Open or increased replace the driver'sseatbelt seatbelttensioner; (seePage23-4).1 the 9. Turnthe ignitionswitchOFF,thendisconnecl cable,andwaitfor 3 minutes. batterynegative

(Al. 10. Disconnect the driver'sairbagconnector (B), passenger's passenger's airbagconnector and (C). seatbelttensioner connector

11. Disconnectthe SRSunit 18Pconnector(A) from the SRSunit. Do not disconnectthe sDecialtool from the SRSmain harness.

12. Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 4 terminal and the No. 11 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnector. T h e r es h o u l db e 2 . 0 - 3 . 0 Q . SRSUNIT18PCONNECTOR




+ 5 6


lofulTllts 1 4


7 8 to


17 18


Wiresideot temaleterminals ls the resistance as specified? YES- FaultvSRSunit or poor contactat the SRS unit 18Pconnectorand the SRSunit. Checkthe connection;if the connectionis OK, replacethe SRSunit (seepage 23-75).1 NO-Ooen or increasedresistancein the SRSmain harness;replacethe SRS main harness.l


sRs DTCTroubleshootinglcont'd) DTC3-3:Shortto AnotherWire or Decreased in Driver'sSeatBeltTensioner Resistance

6 . Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 1 . Erasethe DTCmemory.

Special Tools Required . SRS inflatorsimulator07SAZ-TB4011A . SRSsimulatorleadC 07TM-S25011A

8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 3-3 indicated?

1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19). YES Go to step 9. 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off. Does the SRS indicator stay on?

NO Short in the driver's seatbelttensioner; replacethe driver'sseat belt (seepage 23-4).t 9. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes,

YES Go to steD3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootinglntermittentFailures(see page 23-19). 3. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4, Disconnectthe driver's seat belt tensioner2P connectorfrom the SRS main harness(A).

rr^rt;am Connectthe SRSinflatorsimulator(2 Q connector) a n d t h e s i m u l a t o lre a dt o t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .



(A), 10. Disconnectthe driver'sairbagconnector (B),andpassenger's passenger's airbagconnector (C). seatbelttensioner connector




Disconnectthe specialtool from the SRS main harness. Disconnectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector(A) from the S R Su n i t .

1 3 .Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 4 terminal and the No. 11 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnector. Thereshould be an oDencircuit,or at least 1 M o. SBS UNIT I8P CONNECTOR

Wiresideof femaleterminals ls the resistance as specified? YES- FaultySRS unit; replacethe SRS unit (see p a g e2 3 - 7 5 ) . 1 NO Short in the SRS main harness;replacethe S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . l


sRs DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC3-4:Shortto Powerin Driver'sSeatBelt Tensioner

6. Reconnectthe batterynegative cable. 7. Erasethe DTCmemory.

Special Tools Required . SRSinflatorsimulator07SAZ-T84011A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TAZ-S25011A

8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 3-4indicated?

1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19).

YES-Go to step9. 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off. Does the SRS indicator stay on?

NO- Shortto powerin driver'sseatbelttensioner; replace the driver'sseatbelt(seepage23-4). ! 9. Turnthe ignitionswitchOFF.thendisconnect the batterynegative cable,andwaitfor 3 minutes.

YES Go to step 3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see page 23-19). 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe driver's seat belt tensioner2P connectorfrom the SRS main harness(A).

.r.^r6;am Connectthe SRSinflatorsimulator(2 O connector) and the simulatorlead to the SRS main harness.



(A), 10. Disconnectthe driver'sairbagconnector passenger's passenger's airbagconnector {B),and (C). seatbelttensioner connector





11. Disconnectthe SRSunit 18Pconnector(A)from the SRS unit.

12. Oisconnectthe specialtool from the SRSmain harness.

1 3 .Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 1 4 .Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). 1 5 .Checkfor voltage betweenthe No. 4 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground. and the No. 11 terminal and body ground.Thereshould be 0.5 V or less. SRS UNIT 18PCONNECTOR

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls the voltageas specitied? YES-FaultySRSunit;replacethe SRSunit(see page23-75).I NO Shortto powerin the SRSmainharness; r e p l a cteh eS R Sm a i nh a r n e s s . l

J 23-43

sRs DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC3-5:Shortto Groundin Driver'sSeatBelt Tensioner

batterynegative 6. Reconnectthe cable. 7. Erasethe DTCmemory.

Special Tools Required . SRSinflator simulator07SAZ-T84011A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TAZ-S25011A

8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 3-5 indicated?

1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19).

YES- Goto step9. 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off.

NO Shortto groundin the drive/sseatbelt tensioner; replace the driver'sseatbelt(seepage 23-4l.a

Does the SRS indicatot stay on? YES Go to step 3. NO- Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see page 23-19). 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe driver's seat belt tensioner2P connectorfrom the SRS main harness(A).

ConnecttheSRSinflatorsimulator(2 O conneclor) and the simulatorlead to the SRS main harness.


9. Turnthe ignitionswitchOFF,thendisconnect the batterynegative cable,andwaitfor 3 minutes.

3 (A), 10. Disconnect the driver'sairbagconnector (8),andpassenger's passenger's airbagconnector (C). seatbelttensioner connector

11. Disconnectthe SRSunit 18Pconnector(A)from the S R Su n i t .

12. Disconnectthe specialtool from the SRSmain harness.

\.] Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 4 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground,and the N o . 1 1t e r m i n a la n d b o d y g r o u n d .T h e r es h o u l db e an open circuit,or at least 1 M Q . SRSUNIT18PCONNECTOR

Wire side ot Iemaleterminals

ls the resistance as specitied? YES- FaultySRS unit; replacethe SRSunit (see p a g e2 3 - 7 5 ) . 1 NO Short to ground in the SRSmain harness; r e p l a c et h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . l

23-45 )

sRs DTCTroubleshooting{cont'd) DTC4-1:Openin Passenger's SeatBelt Tensioner

6. Reconnectthebatterynegativecable. 7. Erasethe DTCmemory.

DTC4-2:Increased Resistance in Passenger's SeatBeltTensioner Special Tools Required . SRS inflatorsimulator07SAZ-T84011A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TAZ-S25011A 1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19). 2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,a n d c h e c kt h a tt h e SRSindicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off.

8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 4-1 or DTC 4-2 indicated? YES Go to step 9. NO-Open or increasedresistancein the passenger'sseat belt tensioner;replacethe passenger'sseat belt (seepage23-4).1 9. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.

Does the SBS indicator stay on? YES Go to step 3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see page 23-'19). 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe passenger'sseat belt tensioner2P connectorfrom the SBS main harness(A).


\orroa.rroor,,o Connectthe SRSinflatorsimulator(2 O connector) a n d t h e s i m u l a t o rl e a dt o t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .



10. Disconnectthedriver'sairbagconnector(A), passenger'sairbagconnector{B),and driver'sseat belttensionerconnector(C).

1 1 . D i s c o n n e c t t hS e R Su n i t 1 8 Pc o n n e c t o(rA ) f r o mt h e SRS unit. Do not disconnectthe specialtool from t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .


Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 5 terminal and t h e N o . 1 2t e r m i n a lo f t h e S R Su n i t 1 8 Pc o n n e c t o r . T h e r es h o u l db e 2 . 0 3 . 0 Q . SRSUNIT 18PCONNECTOR



+ l s ti 1 o !L,.lo

rl rl r z] r sI r a15 l , ollcRN




16 17

Wiresideof femaleterminals ls the tesistance as specilied? YES FaultySRSu nit or poor contactat the SRS 'l8P c o n n e c t oar n d t h e S R Su n i t .C h e c kt h e unit connection;if the connectionis OK, replacethe S R Su n i t{ s e ep a g e2 3 - 7 5 ) . 1 N O O p e no r i n c r e a s e d r e s i s t a n c ien t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s sr;e p l a c et h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . l

sRs DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTG4-3:Shortto AnotherWire or Decreased Resistance in Passenger's SeatBelt Tensioner SpecialToolsRequired . SRS inflatorsimulator07SAZ-T84011A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TM-S250114

6. Reconnectthebatterynegativecable. 7. Erasethe DTCmemory. 8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 4-3 indicated?

1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19).

YES Go to step 9.

2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off.

NO-Shon in the passenger'sseatbelttensioner; replacethe passenger'sseat belt (seepage 23-4).1 9. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes,

Does the SFISindicator stay on? YES Go to step 3. NO Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures{see p a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe passenger'sseat belt tensioner2P connectorfrom the SRS main harness(A).


\or"or-r"oorro Connectthe SRSinflatorsimulator(2 0 connector) a n d t h e s i m u l a t o rl e a dt o t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .


'10.Disconnect (A), the driver'sairbagconnector (B),anddriver'sseat passenger's airbagconnector (C). belttensionerconnector

12. Disconnectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector1A)fromthe S R Su n i t .

1 3 .Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 5 terminal and t h e N o . l 2 t e r m i n a lo f t h e S R S u n i t 1 8 P c o n n e c t o r . There should be an oDencircuit,or at least 1 M Q . SRSUNIT 18PCONNECTOR

Wiresideof femaleterminals ls the resistance as specified? YES FaultySRSunit; replacethe SRS unit {see page 23-75l.a NO Short in the SRS main harness;replacethe S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . l

1 1 .D isconnectthespecialtool (2 Q connector)from t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .



sRs DTCTroubleshooting(cont'dl Seat DTC4-4:Shortto Powerin Passenger's BeltTensioner

6. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 7. Erasethe DTCmemory.

Special Tools Required . SRSinflatorsimulator07SAZ-T840'l1A . SRSsimulatorleadC 07TAZ-S25011A

8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 4-4 indicated?

1 . E r a s et h e D T Cm e m o r y( s e ep a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . YES Go to step9. 2 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,a n d c h e c kt h a tt h e SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off.

NO Short to power in the passenger'sseat belt tensioner;replacethe passenger'sseat belt (see p a g e2 3 - 4 ) . 1

Does the SRS indicatot stay on? 9. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.

YES Go to step 3. NO - Intermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see p a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe passenger'sseat belt tensioner2P connectorfrom the SRS main harness.




C o n n e ctth e S R Si n f l a t o rs i m u l a t o (r 2 Q c o n n e c t o r ) a n dt h e s i m u l a t o rl e a dt o t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .


(A), 10. Disconnect the driver'sairbagconnector passenger's (B),anddriver'sseat airbagconnector (C), belttensioner connector

11. Disconnectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector(A) from the SRSunit.

Disconnectthe specialtool from the SRSmain harness,

1 3 .Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 1 4 .Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). t5.

Checkfor voltagebetweenthe No. 5 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground,and the '12 No. terminal and body ground.Thereshould be 0 . 5V o r l e s s . SRSUNIT 18PCONNECIOR

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls the voltage as specilied? YES FaultySRSunit; replacethe SRSunit {see p a g e2 3 - 7 5 ) . I NO Short to power in the SRSmain harness; r e p l a c et h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . l



.. :r

sRs f,\

DTCTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC4-5:Shortto Groundin Passenger's Seat BeltTensioner

6. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 7. Erasethe DTCmemory.

Special Tools Required . SRS inflatorsimulator07SAZ-T8401 1A . SRSsimulatorlead C 07TM-S25011A

8. Readthe DTC. ls DTC 4-5 indicated?

1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19). YES- Go to step9. 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRS indicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off.

NO - Short to ground in the passenger'sseat belt tensioner;replacethe passenger'sseat belt (see page 23-4).1

Does the SRS indicator stay on? 9. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.

YES Go to step 3. NO- Intermiftentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to TroubleshootingIntermittentFailures(see p a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . 3. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF,then disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnectthe passenger'sseat belt tensioner2P connectorfrom the SRSmain harness(A).



\orro.-rrnorro Connectthe SRSinflatorsimulator(2 Q connector) a n d t h e s i m u l a t o lre a dt o t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .

TL 23-52

10. Disconnectthedriver's airbagconnector(A), passenger'sairbagconnector(B),and driver'sseat belt tensionerconnector(CI.

1'1.Disconnectthe SRSunit 18Pconnector(A)from the S R Su n i t .

1 2 . Disconnectthe specialtool from the SRSmain harness. t5.


Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 5 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground,and the N o . 1 2t e r m i n a la n d b o d y g r o u n d .T h e r es h o u l db e an open circuit,or at least 1 M Q. SRSUNIT18PCONNECTOR

Wire side of femaleterminals

Is the resistanceas specified? YES FaultySRS unit; replacethe SRS unit (see p a g e2 3 - 7 5 ) . 1 N O S h o r t t og r o u n di n t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s ; r e p l a c et h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . I

)r, 23-53

sRs DTGTroubleshooting(cont'd) DTC5-1,5-2,5-3,5-4,6-1,6-2,6-3,6-4,7-1,7-2, 8-4,8-6,9-1,9-2:Internal 7-3,8-1,8-2,8-3, Failureof the SRSUnit NOTE:Beforetroubleshootingany of these DTCs,check the battery/systemvoltage.lf the voltage is Iow, repair the chargingsystem beforetroubleshootingthe SRS.lf the battery/systemvoltageis now OK, ask the customer if the batteryever went dead. 1. Erasethe DTCmemory (seepage 23-19). 2. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and checkthat the SRSindicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off. Does the SRS indicator stay on? YES- Replacethe SRS unit (seepage 23-75).I NO- lntermittentfailure,system is OK at this time. Go to Troubleshootinglntermittentfailures(see p a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) .


DTC10-1:Airbagsand/orSeatBelt Deployed Tensioners The SRS unit must be replacedafter any airbagsand/or tensionershave deployed(seepage 23-75).

SRSIndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting TheSRSIndicatorDoesn'tGomeOn 1 . T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) ,a n d s e ei f t h e o t h e r indicatorscome on (brakesystem,etc).

4. Checkfor voltagebetweenthe No.4 terminalof gaugeassemblyconnector A (14P)andbody groundwithinthe first6 secondsafterturningthe ignitionswitchON (ll).Thereshouldbe 8.5V or less.

Do the other indicators come on? GAUGE ASSEMBLYCONNECTORA (14P}

YES - Go to step 2. NO - Go to step 8. 2. Turn the ignition switch OFF,then removethe gaugeassembly(see page 22-521. Disconnect gaugeassemblyconnectorA and B from the gauge assemDty. Wire side of femaleterminals

ls the voltage as specified? YES FaultySRSindicatorcircuit in the gauge assembly;replacethe gauge assembly.l NO Go to step 5. Turn the ignition switch OFF.

Checkresistancebetweenthe No. I terminal of gaugeassemblyconnectorB (12P)and body g r o u n d .T h e r es h o u l db e 0 - ' 1 , 0 Q . GAUGEASSEMBLYCONNECTOR B {12P) 2 6







10 t l



Wire side of female terminals

ls the resistance as specified? YES Go to step 4. N O O p e ni n t h e B L Kw i r e o f d a s h b o a r d wire h a r n e s sA o r f a u l t yb o d y g r o u n dt e r m i n a l( G 5 0 1 )l.f the body ground terminal is OK, repiacedashboard w i r e h a r n e s sA . I (cont'd)


sRs SRSIndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting(cont'd) 6. DisconnectSRS unit connector18Pconnector(A) from the SRS unit

7. Disconnectgauge assemblyconnectorA (14P). Connecta voltmeterbetweenthe No. 4 terminal of gaugeassemblyconnectorA (14P)and body ground.Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and measurevoltage.Thereshould be 0.5 V or less.


Wire side of femaleterminals

ls the voltage as specified? YES FaultySRSunit; replacethe SRSunit (see page 23-75).r NO Short to power in the PNKwire of dashboard wire harnessA or in the SRSmain harness;replace the faulty harness.l 8 , Turn the ignitionswitch OFF.Checkthe No. 5 (7.5A) Jusein the under-dashfuse/relaybox, ls the fuse blown? YES Go to step 10. NO Go to step 9.


-0 9. Connecta voltmeterbetweenthe No. 4 terminal of gaugeassemblyconnectorB (12P)and body ground,Turn the ignition switch ON fll),and measurethe voltage.There should be battery voltage. GAUGEASSEMBLYCONNECTOR B {12P)

Wire side of femaletermrnals

ls there battery voltage? YES FaultySRS indicatorcircuitin the gauge assemblyor poor contactat gaugeassembly connectorB { 12P)and the gauge assembly;if the connectionis OK, replacethe gauge assembly.l NO Open in the under-dashfuse/relaybox No. 5 (7.5A)fuse circuit,or open in the YELwire of dashboardwire harness.lf the under-dashfuse/ r e l a yb o x i s O K , r e p l a c et h e f a u l t yh a r n e s s . I

TheSRSIndicatorStaysOn Whenln "SCS" MenuMethod NOTE: . lf you retrieveDTCSwith the PGM Testerusing the SRSmenu method, retrieveflash codeswith the Testerin SCSmode (seepage 23-18). . A new SRSunit must sensethe entire system is OK beforecompletingits initialself-test.The most common causeof an incompleteself-testis the failureto replaceall deployedparts after a collision, in panicular,seat belt tensioners. . An incompleteself-testpreventsthe PGM Testerfrom retrievingDTCS,althoughflash codesare availablein the Tester'sSCS mode. 1. Erasethe DTCmemory using the MES connector { s e ep a g e2 3 - 1 9 ) . Does the SBS indicator go off while you are erasing the DTC memory? YES Go to step 37. NO Go to step 2. 2 . C h e c kt h e N o . 1 ( 1 0 A ) f u s e i n t h e u n d e r - d a s h fuse/relaybox. ls the f use OK? YES Go to step 17.

1 0 .Replacethe No. 5 (7.5A)fuse,then checkto see if the indicatorscomes on.

NO Go to step 3.

Do the indicators come on?

3. Replace t h e N o . 1 ( 1 0A ) f u s e .

YES The system is OK at this time.t

4. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll),and wait for 30 seconds.Then turn the ignition switch OFF.

N O R e p a i rs h o n t o g r o u n di n t h e u n d e r - d a s fhu s e / r e l a yb o x N o . 5 { 7 . 5 A ) f u s e circuit.l

5 . C h e c kt h e N o . 1 ( 1 0A ) f u s e . ls the tuse OK? YES The sysremis OK at this time. t NO Go to step 6. 6 . R e p l a c et h e N o . 1 ( 1 0A ) f u s e .



sRs SRSIndicatorCircuitTroubleshootinglcont'd) 7 . Turn the ignition switch OFF.Disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.

9. DisconnecttheSRSunit 18Pconnector(A)from the SRSunit.

Disconnectthe driver's airbagconnector(A), passenger'sairbagconnector1B),and both seat belt tensioner2P connectors(C).

1 0 .Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 1 1 .Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll),and wait for 30 seconds.Then turn the ignition switch OFF.

't2. Checkthe No. 1 (10A) fuse in the under-dash fuse/relaybox. ls the tuse OK? YES- Short to ground in the SRSuniUreplacethe SRSunit (seepage23-75).1 NO Go to step 13.

1 3 .Replacethe No. I (10A) fuse in the under-dash fuse/relaybox. 1 4 . Disconnectthe SRSmain harnessconnectorA (2P) from the under-dashfuse/ralaybox.


-0 15. Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll),and wait for 30 seconds.Then turn the ignition switch OFF. '16. C h e c kt h e N o . 1 ( 1 0 A ) f u s ei n t h e u n d e r - d a s h fuse/relaybox.

18. Disconnectthedriver'sairbagconnector(A), passenger'sairbagconnector(B),and both seat belt tensioner2P connectors(C).

ls the f use OK? YES Short to ground in dashboardwire harness A; replacedashboardwire harnessA.I NO Short to ground in the under-dashfuse/relay box; replacethe under-dashfuse/relaybox.l 17. Turn the ignition switch OFF.Dlsconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait for 3 minutes.



sRs SRSIndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting(cont'd) 19. Disconnetthe SRS unit 18Pconnector(A) from the SRS unit.

23. DisconnectSRS main harnessconnectorA (2P) from the under-dashfuse/relaybox.

20. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable.

24. Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 3 terminal of the

Connecta voltmeter betweenthe No.3 terminal of the SRSunit 18Pconnectorand body ground.Turn the ignition switch ON l ll), and measurevoltage. Thereshould be batteryvoltage.

'l8P SRS unit connectorand the No. 1 terminal of SRSmain harnessconnectorA. Thereshould be 0 1 . 0Q . CONNECTOR A (2P) SRSMAINHARNESS

SRSUNIT I8P CONNECTOR Wire side ol temaleterminals

Wiresideof femaleterminals

Wiresideof femaleterminals ls the resistance as specified?

ls thete battery voltage? YES Go to step 25. NO Go to step 22, Turn the ignition switch OFF.


YES- Open in the under-dashfuse/relaybox or poor contactat SRS main harnessconnectorA; checkthe connection.lf the connectionis OK, replacethe under-dashfuse/relaybox.l NO Open in SRSmain wire harness;replacethe S R Sm a i n w i r e h a r n e s s . l


25. Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 26. Connectthe No. 3 terminal and the No. 6 terminal

then 33. Removethe gauge assembly(see page22-521, disconnectgauge assemblyconnectorA from the g a u g ea s s e m b l y .

of the SRS unit 18Pconnectorwith a jumper wire.









l 0 t1 12 13








Wire side ot femaleterminals

34. Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 6 terminal of the 2 7 . Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll). 28. Checkthe SRS indicator.


SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground.There should be an oDencircuit,or at least 1 M Q. SRS UNIT 18PCONNâ‚ŹCTOR

Did the SBS indicator go ofl? Y E S - F a u l t yS R Su n i t ;r e p l a c et h e S R Su n i t . l NO Go to step 29. 29. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 30. Disconnectthe jumper wire betweenthe No. 3 terminaa l n dt h e N o .6 t e r m i n a o l f t h e S R Su n i t 1 8 P connector. 3 1 . C h e c k t h eN o . 1 ( 1 0 A ) f u s ei n t h e u n d e r - d a sfhu s e / retayoox. ls the f use OK? YES- Go to step 35. NO Go to step 32.

Wiresideof femaleterminals

ls the resistance as specilied? YES FaultySRSindicatorcircuit in the gauge assembly;replacethe gauge assembly.I N O - S h o n t o g r o u n di n t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s so r i n dashboardwire harnessA; replacethe faulty harness.l

32. Replacethe No. 1 (10A)fuse.



sRs SRSIndicatorGircuitTroubleshooting(cont'dl 35. Removethe gauge assembly(seepage 22-52),then disconnectgaugeassemblyconnectorA from the g a u g ea s s e m D r y .

3 7 . Turn the ignitionswitch OFF. 38. lf necessary,removethe SCSserviceconnector from the MES connector. T u r nt h e i g n i t i o ns w i t c hO N ( l l ) . Does the SRS indicator come on lor about 6 secondsand then go otl? YES-The system is OK at this time.I NO

Go to step 40.

Disconnetthe SRSunit 18Pconnector(A)from the S R Su n i t .

36. Checkresistancebetweenthe No. 4 terminal of gauge assemblyconnectorA (14P)and No. 6 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnector.There s h o u l db e 1 Q o r l e s s . GAUGEASSEMBLY CONNECTOR A (14P) PNK l






| ^ l,zl/


1 0l


Wire side ol lemale terminals GRN

3 10


11 12







1 7 18


SRSUNIT18PCONNECTOR ls the resistance as specified? YES FaultySRSindicatorcircuit in the gauge assemblyor poor contactat gauge assembly connectorA (14P);Checkthe connection.lf the connectionis OK, replacethe gauge assembly.l N O O p e ni n t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s so r i n dashboardwire harnessA; replacethe faulty harness.I


41. Connecta HondaPGM Tester(A)to the data link connector(B) and follow the Tester'sprompts in "SCS" menu (seethe Tester'soperating the m an u a r r .

42. Checkresistancebetweenthe No.9 terminal ofthe SRS unit 18Pconnectorand body ground.There s h o u l db e 0 - 1 . 0Q . SRS UNIT 18PCONNECTOR

Wire side of femaleterminals

ls the rcsistance as specitied?


YES- FaultySRSunit or poor contactat the SRS unit 18Pconnector;checkthe connection;if the connectionis OK, replacethe SRS unit (seepage 23-751.. NO Open in the SCS line betweenthe No. 9 terminal of the SRS unit 18Pconnectorand the No.9 terminal (BRNwire) ofthe data link connector (DLC)or open betweenthe No. 4 terminal of the DLCand body ground. Repairthe open wire (s).


sRs ComponentReplacement/lnspection After Deployment NOTE:Beforedoing any SRS repairs.usethe PGM TesterSRS menu methodto checkfor DTCS;referto the DTCTroubleshootinglndex for the lessobvious deployedparts (seatbelt tensioners,etc.) After a collisionwhere the airbag(s)deployed,replace these rtems: . S R Su n i t . Deployedairbag{s) . Seat belt tensioners Duringthe repair process,inspectthese areas: . I n s p e cat l l t h e S R Sw i r e h a r n e s s e sR. e p l a c ed. o n ' t repair,any damaged harnesses. . I n s p e c t t h e c a b l ree e lf o r h e a t d a m a g el.f t h e r ei s a n y damage,replacethe cable reel. After the vehicle is completelyrepaired,turn the ignition switch ON (ll).lf the SRSindicatorcomes on for about 6 secondsand then goes off, the SRS is OK. lf the indicatordoes notfunction properly,use the PGM TesterSRS Menu Method to readthe DTC{S). lf this doesn't retrieveany codes,usethe Tester'sSCS menu method {seepage 23-18).lf you still cannot retrievea code, go to SRS IndicatorCircuitTroubleshooting.



Driver'sAirbag Replacement Removal 1. Disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait at least3 minutesbefore beginningwork.

3. Removethe cover (A)from the steeringwheel, removethe two Torx bolts (B) using a Torx T30 bit, then removethe driver's airbag {C).

2. Removethe accesspanel (A) from the steering wheel,then disconnectthe driver'sairbag 2P connector(B)from the cable reel.

Disconnectthe horn connectorfrom the steering wneet.





Driver'sAirbag Replacement(cont'd) Installation 1. Placethe new driver's airbag (A) inthesteering wheel, and secureitwith new Torx bolts (B).Install the covers(C).

2. Connectthe cable reel 2P connector to the driver's a i r b a g( A ) ,t h e n i n s t a l l t h ea c c e s sp a n e l( C )o n t h e steeringwheel.

B 9.8N.m{1.0kgf.m,7.2lbf.ft)

Connectthe batterynegativecable. After installingthe airbag,confirm proper system operatron: . Turn the ignition switch ON (ll);the SRS indicator should come on for about 6 secondsand then go off. . Make sure the horn works.



Airbag Replacement Passenger's Removal 1. Disconnectthebatterynegativecable,and wait at least3 minutesbefore beginningwork. 2. Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover (seepage 20-81).then disconnectthe passenger's airbag2P connector(A) from the SRSmain harness.

3. Removethe three mounting nuts (A)from the bracket.Coverthe lid and dashboardwith a cloth. and pry carefullywith a screwdriverto lift the passenger'sairbag (B)out of the dashboard. NOTE:The airbag lid has pawls on its side that attachit to the dashboard.

:--- '



sRs Passenger's Airbag Replacement{cont'dl Installation 1. Placethe new passenger'sairbag (A) into the dashboard.Tightenthe passenger'sairbag mounting nuts {B).

2. Connectthe passenger'sairbag2P connector(Alto t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s . Attachthe passenger'sairbagconnectorto the connectorholder (B),then reinstallthepassenger's dashboardlower cover {seepage 20-81).

Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. B 9.8N.m{1.0kgt.m,7.2lbf ft)

After installingthe airbag,confirm propersystem operation:Turn the ignition switch ON (ll);the SRS indicatorshould come on for about 6 secondsand then go OFF.

I 23-68

Airbag Disposal SpecialToolRequired DeploymentTool 07HAZ-SG00500 Beforescrappingany airbags(includingthose in a whole vehicleto be scrapped).the airbagsmust be deployed.lf the vehicleis still within the warranty period.the HondaDistrictServiceManagermust give approvaland/or specialinstructionsbefore deploying the airbags(and seat belttensioners).Only afterthe airbags(and seat belt tensioners)have been deployed {asthe resultof vehiclecollision,ior example),can they be scrapped.lf the airbags(and seat belt tensioners) appearintact(not deployed),treat them with extreme caution.Follow this procedure.

Passenger'sAirbag: 5. Removethe passenger'sdashboardlower cover, then disconnectthe passenger'sairbag2P connector(A)from the SRS main harness.


DeployingAirbagsIn the Vehicle lf an SRSequippedvehicleis to be entirelyscrapped,its airbags(and seat belt tensioners)should be deployed while still in the vehicle.The airbags(and seat belt tensioners)should not be consideredas salvageable partsand should never be installedin anothervehicle. l. Turn the ignition switch OFF,disconnectthe battery negativecable,and wait at least3 minutes.

Seat Belt Tensioner: 6. Removethe seat belt tensioner(see page23-41, then disconnectthe seatbelt tensioner2P connector(Alfrom the SRS main harness.

2. Confirmthat each airbag and each seat belt tensioneris securelymounted 3. Confirmthat the specialtool lsfunctioning properly by following the checkprocedureon the tool label. Driver's Airbag: 4. Removethe accesspanel (A),then disconnectthe driver's airbag2P connector(B)from the cable reel.



sRs Airbag Disposallcont'd) 7. Pull the seat belt (A) out all the way and cut it.

9. Connecta 12 volt batteryto the tool. . l f t h e g r e e nl i g h t o n t h e t o o lc o m e s o n , t h ei g n i t e r circuitis defectiveand cannotdeDlovthe components.Go lo Disposalof Damaged Components, . lf the red light on thetool comes on, the componentis readyto be deployed. 10. Pushthe tool's deploymentswitch.The airbagsand tensionersshould deploy (deploymentis both h i g h l ya u d i b l ea n d v i s i b l e a : l o u d n o i s ea n d r a p i d inflationofthe bag,followed by slow deflation).

Cut off the airbag or seat belt tensionerconnector, strip the ends of the airbagwires and seat belt tensionerwires(A),and connectthedeployment tool alligatorclips (A)to the airbagsand seat belt tensioners.Placethe deploymenttool at least30 feet {10 meters}away from the vehicle.

. l f t h e a i r b a g s d e p l o y a n d t hg e r e e nl i g h t o n t h e tool comes on, continuewith this procedure. . lf an airbag doesn'tdeploy,yet the green light comes ON, its igniter is defective.Go to Disposal of DamagedComponents. . During deployment,the airbags,can becomehot enoughto burn you. Wait 30 minutesafter deploymentbeforetouchingthe airbags. 11. Disposeofthe completeairbag.No part of it can be reused.Placeit in a sturdy plasticbag (A) and seal it securely.


DeployingComponentsOut of the Vehicle lf an intactairbag or seat belt tensionerhas been removedfrom a scrappedvehicle,or has beenfound defectiveor damagedduring transit,storage,or service, it should be deDlovedas follows:

DeploymentTool Check '1.

Connectthe yellow clipsto both switch protector handleson the tool; connectthe tool to a battery.

2. Pushthe operationswitch:green meansthe tool is OK; red meansthe tool is faulty. 3. Disconnectthe batteryand the yellow clips.

Confirmthat the specialtool is functioningproperly by following the checkprocedureon this page or o n t h et o o l l a b e l . 2. Positionthe airbagface up, outdoorson flat ground at least30 feet (10 meters)from any obstaclesor Deoole. 3 . F o l l o w s t e p s S t h r o u g1h1 o f t h e i n - v e h i c l e deploymentprocedure.

Disposalof DamagedComponents 1. lf installedin the vehicle,follow the removal procedurefor the driver's airbag(seepage 23-65), passenger'sairbag(seepage23-67),and seat belt tensioner (see page 23-4). 2. In all cases,make a short circuit by cutting, stripping,and twistingtogetherthe two airbag inflatorwires and seat belt tensionerwires. Packagethe airbagor seat belt tensionerin the same packagingthat the new replacementpart c a m ea n . "DAMAGEDAIRBAG ,,DAMAGED SEATBELT NOT DEPLOYED,' oT TENSIONERNOT DEPLOYED"so it does not get confusedwith your partsstock.

4 . Mark the outsideof the box

Contactyour Honda DistrictServiceManagerfor how and where to return it for disposal.


sRs CableReelReplacement Removal 1. Make sure the front wheels are alignedstraight ahead.

6. Disconnectthe SRSmain harness2P connector{A) from the cable reel (B),then disconnectthe dashboardwire harness4P connector(C)from the cable reel.

Disconnectthe batterynegativecable and wait at least3 minutes. Removethe driver'sairbaglsee page 23-65). Removethe steeringwheel (seepage 17-6). Removethe column cover screws(A),then remove the column covers(8, C).




Removethe screws{A) from the cable reel,then removethe cable reel from the column.

Installation 1. Beforeinstallingthe steeringwheel,the front wheels should be alignedstraightahead. 2. Disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait at least3 minutes,

Installthe steeringcolumn covers. lf necessary,centerthe cable reel.(New replacementcable reelscome centered.)Do this by first rotatingthe cable reel clockwiseuntil it stops. Then rotateit counterclockwise(aboul2 1/2 tu'ns) u n t i l t h ea r r o wm a r ko n t h e c a b l er e e ll a b e lp o i n t s straightup.

3. Set the cancelsleeve(A) so that the projections(B) are alignedvertically.

4 . C a r e f u l l yi n s t a l l t h ec a b l er e e l( A )o n t h e s t e e r i n g column shaft.Then connectthe 4P connector(B)to the cable reel,and connectthe 2P connector{C)to t h e S R Sm a i n h a r n e s s .

7 . Positionthe two tabs (A) of the turn signal cancelling s l e e v e( B )a s s h o w n ,a n d i n s t a l l t h e steeringwheel on to the steeringcolumn shaft, m a k i n gs u r et h e s t e e r i n gw h e e lh u b ( C )e n g a g e s the pins iD) of the cable reel and tabs of the cancellingsleeve,Do not tap on the steeringwheel o r s t e e r i n gc o l u m ns h a f tw h e n i n s l a l l i n gt h e steeringwheel.



sRs CableReelReplacement(cont'd) 8. Installthe steeringwheel bolt (A),and tighten it to 38 N.m (3.9kgf.m,28 lbf.ft).

12. After installingthe cable reel,confirm proper system operat|on: . Turn the ignition switch ON (ll);the SRS indicator should come on for about 6 secondsand then go off. . After the SRSindicatorhasturned off. turn the steeringwheel fully left and right to confirm the indicatordoes not come on. . Make sure the horn works.

9 . Connect the cruisecontrolswitchconnector. 1 0 . Installthedriver'sairbag(seepage23-66). 1 1 . Reconnect the batterynegative cable.


SRSUnit Replacement Removal 1. Disconnectthe batterynegativecable,and wait at least3 minutesbefore beginningwork. 2. Disconnectthe airbagconnectorsand seat belt tensionerconnectors(seepage 23-16). 3. Removethe centerconsole(seepage 20-76)and audio unit (seepage22-89).

lnstallation 1 . I n s t a l l t h en e w S R Su n i t ( A ) w i t hT o r x b o l t s( B ) ,t h e n connectthe SRS unit 18Pconnector(C)to the SRS uniUpush it into positionuntil it clicks. NOTE:When tighteningthe Torx bolts to the specifiedtorque after carefulto t u r n t h e m i n s o t h a tt h e i rh e a d sr e s ts q u a r e l yo n t h e brackets.

4 , D i s c o n n e ct h t e S R Su n i t 1 8 Pc o n n e c t o(rA ) f r o mt h e S R Su n i t( B ) .

9.8 N.m {1.0kgf m,7.2lbf ft}

2. R e i n s t a l l t h ce e n t e rc o n s o l e( s e ep a g e2 0 - 7 6 a) n d a u d i ou n i t ( s e ep a g e2 2 - 8 9 ) . 5 . Removethe three Torx bolts (A) from the SRSu n r t , then Dullout the SRS unit from the bracket.

3 . Reconnectthe airbagconnectorsand seat belt t e n s i o n e cr o n n e c t o r (ss e ep a g e2 3 - 1 6 ) . 4. Reconnectthe batterynegativecable. 5 , After installingthe SRSunit, confirm propersystem operation:Turn the ignitionswitch ON (ll);the SRS indicatorshould come on for about 6 secondsand t h e ng o O F F .


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