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Brianna Hale

Livia’s back on her feet after a toxic dom/sub relationship that left her selfesteem in tatters. Now, Dom Fitness has opened on her street, reminding her of every terrible thing her ex made her believe about herself.

A place like Dom Fitness is dangerous, and especially dangerous is the gorgeous personal trainer Trey with his entrancing green eyes and luscious muscles.

Trey loves his job as a trainer at Dom Fitness, but he’s a daddy without a bunny and it hurts his heart. After meeting Livia, he can’t get the curvy blonde out of his head. The trouble is, Livia doesn’t trust any man who wants to tell her what to do, let alone change her body.

But Trey thinks Livia is perfect as she is. He just wants to make her sweat, inside the gym and out.

Even if he has to break every rule at Dom Fitness to make Livia his.

GYM BUNNY by BRIANNA HALE Copyright © 2021 Brianna Hale | All Rights Reserved | Cover design by Maria @ Steamy Reads No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher, except brief quotations for reviews. Thank you for respecting the author’s work. This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any similarities between persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Epilogue

Chapter One


He’s here again. The huge, muscled cutie with the pumped-up shoulders and even bigger smile. He’s wearing a black tank top with the word TREY emblazoned on the front in bold white letters. His vivid green eyes glow with health and intoxicating sex-appeal as he hands out flyers to passers-by and answers their questions with a flirty smile. Every time I pass this spot, there are a dozen women staring at him, talking to him, or fawning over him. At any other time, I might be fawning as well, but Trey McHandsome is standing out in front of Dom Fitness, the gym that’s recently opened up on my street. The premises are sleek and sophisticated, and healthy, happy people bounce in and out in brightly colored Lycra. The front window is emblazoned with one of their slogans: Just Say Yes (Sir). My stomach twists with panic. Sir. That’s what Piers made me call him while he was telling me I’d never amount to anything. I can still hear his voice snarling in my ears.

You can’t even lose two pounds. You’re hopeless with no self-control. It’s disgusting. Say, I’m disgusting, sir. I breathe in sharply, and glare at Dom Fitness, as if it being there is all Piers’ doing. I have to pass this way every day on my way to and from work. I never liked gyms, and one run by BDSM dominants sounds like a nightmare. I’ll just have to ignore it, and I focus straight ahead walk faster. My stiletto heels click on the sidewalk, and I like the way they sound and make me feel. Bigger girls can enjoy wearing high heels, too. I’ve given myself permission to feel good about myself. Muscly McHandsomeface steps right into my path and turns his one-hundred-watt smile right on me. He’s about thirty, just two or three years older than me. The expanse of his chest is just the right height for me to rest my cheek against. I bet he smells like really good aftershave and a deep, dark masculine scent that’s all his. Goddammit, Livia. Stop imagining what he smells like. He’s a trap. A big, gorgeous trap. “Hey,” says the six-foot-three Adonis with the thick, brown hair. “Have you got a moment to talk about your fitness goals?” I stare right at his chest rather than risk looking at his gorgeous face. His broad, snuggle-me chest.

Goddammit. The flyer he’s holding out to me reads Dom Fitness: Because we said so. It’s just the sort of overbearing nonsense I’d expect from a dom. I glare up at Trey. “Not in a million years.” His gorgeous smile drops from his face. “Sure. No problem.” He steps aside to let me pass. I hesitate. I didn’t mean to be rude, but I’m used to doms who don’t listen. Doms who don’t talk no for an answer. My hesitation is a mistake, because Trey smiles gently and says, “If you’re uncertain about what we do here, maybe I could answer any questions you have. I know we’re kind of kooky and kinky sounding, but we’re not.” He grins. “Okay, we are kinky, but it’s non-contact kink. We offer your first session for free if you’d like to try us out.” “Why? Because I need to exercise so badly?” Go on. I dare you to call me fat. I’m four sizes bigger than my ‘normal’ weight sister, but I happen to think that I look good. I’ve shed blood, sweat and tears to claw my way back to a happy mindset. I’m not letting anyone screw with it, no matter how angular his jaw is. Trey just watches me with those luminous green eyes. “My job is to make you feel good on the inside so that it shows on the outside.”

His easy smile is back, and despite my fuming anger, I feel my belly flip-flop. No wonder they stick Trey out here. The handsome face of abuse, exploitation and emotional manipulation. “Dom Fitness is for everyone,” he continues. “If you’re interested, come talk to me, or ask for me on reception. My name’s Trey.” “Yeah, I know,” I mutter, looking at his name emblazoned on his chest. He drops his gaze to the tank top, and then up at me again, smiling disarmingly. “Oh, yeah. I forget I’m wearing this sometimes. Have a good weekend, okay?” I move to my left just as he moves to his right. We both step back the other way at the same time, and I wonder if he’s blocking me on purpose or if I’m being paranoid. Finally, Trey holds up his hands in mock surrender and I move around him and walk as fast as I can to my front door. I take off my denim jacket and throw my purse onto the table as soon as I get into my apartment. Maybe it’s pokey and there’s a lot of street noise from people outside, but it’s all mine. There are potted plants everywhere, my favorite books on the shelves and fresh white paint on the walls. After removing my heels, I start making dinner right away. Tonight, it’s rigatoni carbonara, made the Italian way with egg yolk, pancetta and

plenty of fresh parsley, and a large glass of white wine. I need carbs and a wine buzz, because tonight I’m going dancing. By eight I’m putting the finishing touches to my makeup, adding some big loose curls to my blonde hair and slipping into my black sparkly dress, no Spanx required. I want to move feely tonight, and if my curves get in the way of anyone else’s fun, then tough titties. I meet the girls in the bar down the street and embrace my best friend, Cora. “Happy birthday, gorgeous girl!” Cora squeals and hugs me back. “It’s so good to see you out again! You look amazing. You’re glowing.” Cora saw me at my worst, when I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, couldn’t function because of the way Piers destroyed me. I wave her off, embarrassed. She’s the one who deserves all the compliments tonight. It’s her birthday. There are five of us pregaming and we have two cocktails each over the next hour. I’m not drunk, but I definitely feel a buzz as we walk down the street to the club. We queue for a little while, exchanging news and laughing our heads off. Finally, we get inside. It’s just right, not too hot or packed, and the music is calling to me. I can’t keep still.

“There are so many hotties here tonight,” Cora says, gazing around the dancefloor with big eyes. “It’s as if a gym full of hot guys has walked in.” She’s not wrong there. As I gaze around at all the muscles backs and biceps showing through dress shirts, I can’t help but think of Trey. I bet he’d look amazing dressed for a night out. I shake that thought off quickly. I don’t need the double-barreled nightmare of a dom and a fitness freak. Someone who would change me because the way I live my life is wrong to him. We all head toward the dancefloor, and the song changes to one of my favorites. I put my hands in the air and let out a whoop. The others join in and we’re all smiling at each other as we dance. Everything’s perfect, and I’m going to dance all night.

Chapter Two


“Come on! Come and dance with us, Trey.” Amelia holds my hand and pleads with me over the pounding music. I smile at her and shake my head. I don’t feel like dancing right now. I don’t know if I should have even come out. I’m still thinking about the blonde woman I encountered on the street earlier, the one who looked at me like I made her angry and scared at the same time. I wish I’d found out what that was about so I could have fixed it for her. “You and Dom go. I’ll mind your drinks.” The strawberry blonde, who’s also my boss’s girlfriend, pouts. “Come on, peaches. Leave Trey alone.” Dom lifts her up in one arm carries her to the dance floor. I chuckle as I watch him deposit her among the dancers and put his arms around her. I’m smiling, but I’m still insanely jealous that Dom has a partner and I’ve been single so long I’ve forgotten what it feels like to say good girl.

At least I have Dom Fitness. I get to make all the exercise plans and meals plans I want and see that my trainees follow them. They even call me sir. Not daddy, though. I’m waiting for one special girl who’ll call me daddy. Someone who actually needs me and will fill that hollow space in my chest that’s like a physical ache. I’ll know it’s been filled as soon as the right girl snuggles into me. As I sip my beer, I gaze around at the happy, smiling faces and dancing bodies. It’s been a good week at Dom Fitness. I’ve got three new clients, but the one I really want keeps slipping through my fingers. I see the blonde woman walking by me day after day, head held high, confidently strutting. She’s incredible. Today I actually got to talk to her, but the way she reacted I don’t think I’ll ever get to know her better. I remember the way her eyes flickered with mistrust as she looked at the flyer in my hand. That hurts because we’re not doing anything dangerous or cruel at the gym. If she were my client, I’d be able to show her she has nothing to fear from our methods. I won’t push it, though, because it’s her choice whether she wants a gym trainer who’s also a BDSM dom, just without the whips and rope. I just wish I could get her out of my head. There’s something alert and inquisitive about her, like a bunny. She looks cute like a bunny, too. Someone good to cuddle.

Damn, I’ve really got to stop thinking about her. The crowd on the dancefloor parts, and as if I conjured her into the club with my mind, I see her. She’s dressed in a tight, black spangled dress with a daring plunging neckline. Her eyes are closed and she moves sinuously to the music, expressing the beat as if she’s making it herself. A moment later she opens her eyes and looks at me, still dancing. She seems surprised to see me. Then she smiles, and it arrows right into my heart. I put my beer down and I’m impelled toward her by an unseen force. She watches my every step as if she’s as transfixed as I am. The next thing I know, I’m standing in front of her, and I draw her into my arms. It’s the magic of the music or the flashing lights or the intoxicating atmosphere, but it just feels right. She must think so, too, because she wraps her arms around my neck. We move together to the music, just gazing at each other. She’s making my body sing even louder than the dance music. I lean down and say into her ear, “You’re so gorgeous.” She smiles shyly, and her fingers thread through the short hair at the nape of my neck. Damn, that feels good. I want to talk to her, but it’s insanely loud on the dancefloor. “Want to get some fresh air?” I ask her, and she nods.

Taking her by the hand, I lead her through the crowd and out onto the club’s balcony, decorated with AstroTurf and fairy lights. I find us a table with a bench seat among the milling bodies and we sit down. Livia scoops all of her hair off her neck and fans it. “That’s so much better. I love dancing but I was getting so hot.” I can’t take my eyes off the curve of her neck and softness of her skin. “I can tell. You looked so amazing moving to the music that I had to come join you. I’m not usually much of a dancer.” She gazes at me, and there’s none of the misgiving that was in her face this afternoon. Only curiosity. “It’s so funny seeing you here. I somehow don’t expect to see the guy who works at my local gym to be in a dark and dirty club.” I can’t stop looking at her lips, which are glossy in the soft lights. Sometimes I like things dark and dirty. “We gym guys like to have fun, too. What’s your name?” “Livia.” She smiles at me again. “You don’t seem so scary anymore.” We’re sitting close together on the bench seat. Is it my imagination, or does she shift a little closer? “I’m not scary at all.” Her eyes drop to my mouth. Oh, fuck yes. She’s going to kiss me. I wait, breathing softly, for her to lean in closer and press that lush mouth

against mine. Come on, baby. Livia takes a deep breath. “I don’t normally do this, but I’ve been single for six months now and I’m…I’m starting to go a little…Oh, god, now I’m babbling.” She takes a deep breath. “My apartment is just two blocks away.” It takes me a moment to realize that she’s asking me to go home with her. I want to fist pump. I want to scoop her up in my arms. I want to leave with her right now, but she’s nervous and probably tipsy, and I want her relaxed and sober. “I’d love to, but just sitting with you is perfect. How about you and I get to know each other better?” I want to know what makes her tick and what gets her excited before I touch her. I want to know all of her, inside and out. Livia swears under her breath and scrambles to get to her feet. “Sorry, that was really presumptuous of me. I’ll go.” I take her hand. “Please don’t go. What I mean is I don’t want this to be a one-night thing. I’m looking for more, and you’re cute as hell.” Livia gazes at me in surprise and sits down again. “Thank you. And wow. There aren’t many men who would just come out and say that.” If other men in her life have made her feel like crap or scared her, then I’m definitely not like other men. I’ll show her the sort of man I am, not tell her, and she can see for herself.

I reach out and brush my knuckles over her cheek. I can’t help myself. Her skin is beautiful and I want to touch her in so many ways. “I prefer to just come out and say most things. Have you ever called a man daddy before? Or maybe sir?” Livia’s mouth drops open. That happens sometimes. Women think it’s gross or funny to call a man daddy. They don’t usually look terrified, though. I drop my hand because I’ve never terrified a woman in my life. “Livia? Are you okay?” She takes a shuddering breath and her fear coalesces into anger and disgust. She turns her face away and wraps her arms around herself. “No. I don’t feel well. I’m going to text my friends. Can you go?” I hesitate for just a moment. I brought up the word daddy just to gauge her openness to the idea, and it seems to be scoring a big fat zero. I guess she knows what it means, but she finds the idea of having a daddy dom disgusting. Disappointment washes through me, and I stand up. “Of course. I’m sorry if I offended you, Livia. Have a good evening.” The last thing I see as I head back into the club is Livia’s tense, unhappy face. I head downstairs for the exit without saying goodbye to the others. Another miss, and with a girl I’m really drawn to. Part of me wishes I’d never said anything to Livia, but this is better than going on dates and

getting close to her, and then finding out we’re not compatible. I’ve tried sacrificing what I crave to make a relationship work in the past, but it just leads to heartbreak. I have to believe it’s better, though it doesn’t feel like right now. It feels like shit. I really did like Livia.

Chapter Three


The moment I open my eyes the next morning, unhappiness crashes through me. I left the club ten minutes after talking to Trey, unable to shake off my disappointment. A gorgeous man who seemed to be attracted to me is just like my ex-boyfriend. I want to cry. Why do I keep being drawn to men who think women are empty-headed dolls to be played with and then cast aside like trash? I throw the covers back and get out of bed. I didn’t drink after getting to the club, so my head is pretty clear, but that just means I remember every moment I spent with Trey. The way he looked at me so tenderly. The way his arms felt around me. The soft brush of his knuckles over my cheek as he looked deep into my eyes. As I wait for the coffee machine to deliver me an enormous hit of caffeine, my face drops into my hands. It’s not fair. I take my coffee through to the sofa and spend the morning reading a fantasy novel, trying to lose myself in the world of an enchanted forest

and a grumpy, sexy wizard. Then I head out and do my grocery shopping for the week. It’s a beautiful morning and I grab a vegan caramel and pecan scone from my local bakery out of curiosity. I eat meat, but I’ve been interested in the idea of eating only from plants. To my surprise, the scone tastes amazing. Maybe it wouldn’t be hard to switch to vegan after all. I’m just finishing the scone and dusting my fingers off when my gaze lands on Dom Fitness. Trey’s out there, looking tall and strong in the morning sunshine. My stomach lurches with longing. Can’t he just kiss me and maybe even be my boyfriend without all that dom nonsense getting in the way? My instinct is to avoid anything difficult, but I’m learning that’s not how being happy works. You have to reach out for what you want with both hands, otherwise you never get anything. I take a deep breath and go over to him. After turning cold on him last night I expect him not to want to talk to me, but his eyes light up when he sees me coming toward him. “Livia. Hey, how are you?” “I wanted to explain what happened last night,” I tell him, getting right to it. “I like you, but I don’t like…all that other stuff, and what you do here.”

He turns and looks at Dom Fitness, and then back at me. “What is it you think we do here?” I feel a flash of irritation. He knows what he does, and what am I doing talking to someone like him? He feels strong by making someone else feel weak or in pain, and he probably thinks he needs to fix me. Maybe that’s why he’s been so friendly to me; because he thinks he needs to save me from my fat self. Suddenly I’m fighting back tears. I met a beautiful man and I sensed kindness in his heart, only to find out he’s hiding something cruel. Trey’s brow wrinkles in concern, and he says softly, “Livia, Dom Fitness isn’t about bullying you into a size or shape that someone else has decided is right for you. It’s about showing you that you’re already amazing.” That doesn’t sound anything like the dom/sub relationship that I experienced, and I have a hard time believing him. “And as for the daddy thing,” he continues, and then glances around, as if remembering where we are and what he’s supposed to be doing. “I’m on the clock right now and I have to keep my personal life separate from this place. Why don’t we have a coffee later and we can talk about it?”

He means talk to me about him being a dom. My fear ratchets up again. Maybe he’s a considerate dom or daddy or whatever, but it’s still about taking someone’s mind and soul prisoner and crushing them until they think they’re no better than dirt. “No, I don’t want to talk about it. I’m sorry for bothering you at work.” I walk away, and it feels like my heart’s being ripped out. Tears slip down my face, but I wipe them away quickly because it’s ridiculous crying over a man you don’t even know.


I spend the next few days feeling raw and emotional, and walking the long way around to work so I can avoid Dom Fitness and Trey. All the horrible memories of Piers have come flooding back, and I can hear his sneering voice rattling in my ears. You’re eating? I told you that you have to lose two pounds by the end of the week or you’re getting caned. I’m doing this for you. Say thank you, sir. I SAID, say thank you, sir. I don’t understand how I ended up in such a nightmare. I was always such a strong and happy person, but Piers manage to suck away all my happiness in the year we were together.

By Wednesday, I’m tired of being that scared, needy person that Piers turned me into. I’ve reclaimed so much of myself in the past six months and I’m strong enough to walk past Trey without falling apart. I grab my shopping bags, head out the door and start walking down the street. When I’m two doors down from the gym, I take a deep breath and look toward Dom Fitness. There’s a man there handing out flyers, but it’s not Trey. His tank top reads JOSHUA, and a throb of despair goes through me. Joshua sees me staring at him and comes over, probably thinking I’m interested in signing up. By the time he reaches me, his smile falters, because now there are tears pouring down my face. “Hey, are you all right?” Joshua asks, leaning down so he can look into my eyes. All the Dom Fitness guys are enormous. “Trey’s usually out here. I thought I’d see Trey. Where’s Trey?” Suddenly, my despair is overwhelming. What if I never see him again? “I’m sorry. I’m such a mess.” Joshua just looks sympathetic. “It’s all right. We’re used to a few tears at Dom Fitness now and then. Would you like me to take you to Trey? He’s inside.” I look up, sniffling. “He is?”

“Come on.” Joshua lays a gentle hand on my arm and steers me inside. At the front desk, he lifts the phone and places a call. I stand miserably in the middle of reception, wiping my face and wishing that Trey were there. A moment later he swipes through the barriers. He strides toward me, moving like panther, but in such a friendly way that if he were a panther I’d expect a fuzzy headbutt and a big purr. When he’s standing right in front of me, he says in his soft, deep voice, “Hey, Livia.” Just like that, my knees are made of rubber and his name is written on the walls of my heart. Trey notices the tears drying on my cheeks and his smile melts into concern. “Livia, are you okay? What’s happened?” “No. Yes. I’m here because…” I can’t stop thinking about you. I want to know what you’re all about, because you seem so lovely and so unlike my ex and yet you’re a dom, too. I’m scared and confused and I think I like you. “Um, I want to know what Dom Fitness is about.” “Oh. Sure.” Is it my imagination, or does he seem disappointed? If he is, he covers it up with a smile. “Let’s sit over here and I can tell you what we do.”

Trey gets a clipboard from Joshua and we sit together at one of the tables in the juice bar. I like the décor in here. It’s not aggressive or hypermasculine like I was expecting, but modern with clean lines. The juice bar attendant brings us water, and I take a grateful sip and wrap my hands around the glass. I can’t believe I’m being such an emotional mess in public. Trey gazes at me, his brow wrinkled in concern. “Has someone upset you?” “Rough week,” I mumble. “I thought some exercise would do me good.” Some Trey would do me good. I wish everything wasn’t so complicated. “Sure. Let’s see if we can figure out a way to help you. So, as you’re aware, we’re a little different to a normal gym. Every trainer here is a dominant of some variety, and we’re here to motivate you and help you achieve your goals.” He’s brisk and business-like as he talks, and it’s calming, but I can’t help but miss that other Trey, the one who put his arms around me at the club and looked at me like I was an ice cube he was dying to lick on a hot day. I realize he’s holding a clipboard out to me. “What’s this?” “The rules.”

I take the clipboard from him and read what’s written at the top of the page. Rule #1: There will be no physical contact between trainers and trainees, other than for instructional fitness purposes. I read the rule over twice, and the meaning finally sinks in. If I sign up here, that’s the end of anything romantic that could happen between me and Trey.

Chapter Four


“Is that rule okay with you?” I ask Livia. She’s staring at the clipboard like she’s struggling to come up with an answer. Say no, I silently urge her. Don’t sign up here. Ask me to show you what this dom/sub thing is about on our own time. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s fine.” Livia takes another sip of her water, her hand trembling slightly. It takes all my effort not to let my disappointment show on my face. “Okay. I know all these rules are daunting, but they’re for your safety and happiness and no other reason. Did you have any questions so far?” She shakes her head. Her beautiful face is pale, but she seems to be pulling herself together in front of my eyes. Her back straightens and she resettles her jersey dress across her shoulders. I could tell her that I don’t want her to sign up here and that we should get a coffee instead, but maybe she really does want some exercise and to get out of her head for a while. I’ve already pushed her enough.

“Let’s go through the other rules. Can you read them out for me, please?” Livia nods and picks up the clipboard. “Rule #2: The trainee is to speak to their trainer politely and respectfully at all times, and address them as ma’am, sir, mistress, master, mommy or daddy etc., to be agreed on between each trainer and trainee.” Livia’s eyes almost bulge out of her head. “You can call me Trey, it’s fine,” I say quickly, and she visibly relaxes. Another pang goes through me. I can’t even ask her to call me daddy here. “Rule #3: A trainee will commit one hundred percent to each workout and follow their trainer’s instructions to the letter. If a trainer feels as if a trainee is deliberately underperforming or being willfully disobedient, the trainer reserves to the right to set punishments for their trainee, including but not limited to: extra exercises, cold showers and corner time.” Livia’s mouth quirks at that. “Deliberately underperforming or being willfully disobedient? People actually do that after they sign up here?” I smile too, glad that the heavy mood is lifting a little. “Yeah, the brats do. They love pushing their boundaries and getting punished. Pushing boundaries is their cardio.”

“I don’t think I’m a brat. I break into a cold sweat if I forget to refill the coffee pot at work.” I don’t think she’s a brat, either. I think she’s a quintessential good girl who’s highly sensitive and has been through a rough time. She’ll put her heart into whatever she sets out to do, but I won’t be able to pull her into my arms for a deep kiss and tell her that daddy’s so proud of her. Fuck my life. This is torture. I clear my throat and tell her to read on. When we get to rule five, Livia bites her lip. “Rule #5: Trainees and trainers will act in a safe, sane and consensual manner toward each other at all times.” “Is something wrong?” I ask. “I’ve heard that phrase before. Safe, sane and consensual. That’s not really what people do though, is it?” I study her closely, apprehension threading my body. Who’s been telling Livia such bullshit? Or, worse, who’s been subjecting Livia to such bullshit? “What makes you say that?” Livia shakes her head, forcing a smile. “Nothing. No reason. Just asking questions.” “It’s a thing. It’s the thing, actually. It’s the most important rule of all.”

I want to delve deeper into why she thinks this way, but I can sense that if I push her too much too soon then she’ll run right out of here and I’ll never see her again. I’d rather have Livia as my trainee than no Livia at all. I launch into my usual spiel. “Those are the basic rules, but each of the trainers have additional ones, depending on what their focus is. I’m a planner, and I’m goal-oriented, so each of my sessions begins with a discussion of your goals and aims for the session, and then we revisit them at the end and see if we hit them. I expect you to do your best and focus on hitting your goals, or getting as close to them as possible.” “What happens if I don’t?” Normally it would be a lecture while my trainee holds weights aloft, or kneeling at my feet while they recite their goals for me three times over and promise to do better. I like an audience for my trainees while they do this so they feel like they’re being held accountable, so we do it right in the middle of the gym. I’m worried Livia will freak out if I tell her that, so instead I say, “Extra push-ups. Now, tell me your fitness goals.” “I don’t know if I have any. I think I’m fine as I am.” I think she’s fucking gorgeous, but this isn’t about me. “People go to gyms for all sorts of reasons. Some want to bulk up. Some people want an exercise high or more energy. Some just like the atmosphere and the chance to get out of their head and do something physical.”

Livia looks around at reception and the juice bar. “It is kind of cool in here. I think I’d like to get out of my head for a while and do something physical. I haven’t felt confident enough to put on yoga pants since P— since about a year ago.” P? Who’s P? Who the fuck is P and what has he been saying to Livia? “Trey, are you all right? Your eyes have gone all funny.” I realize I’m glowering, and make myself relax. “Sure, we can do that for you. Is there anything else you’re looking for?” Livia thinks for a moment. “I’m interested in nutrition, and I’ve been curious about going vegan. Is that something you can…?” She trails off, seeming to lose hope the further she gets into the sentence. I smile at her. “Me? Help you go vegan? I can probably do that. I’m vegan.” Her eyebrows shoot up and she runs her eyes over me. “But you’re so muscly.” I try to keep a professional mindset but it’s difficult when Livia is looking at me. I want to take her hands and press them against my chest. You can touch me. I want you to touch me. “You can build muscle with plant protein.”

She still looks skeptical. “It’s so weird hearing you say that. I thought vegan was a dirty word these days.” “It kind of is, which is why it’s been rebranded as a plant-based diet, but whatever you call it, it’s good for your mind and body and I’m thrilled you want to try it.” It also gives me lots to work on with Livia. “Why don’t you go home and grab something you’re comfortable working out in, and let’s have our first session. I’ll talk you through some exercise and meal plans as we go.” “Are you sure you have time right now? I showed up out of the blue.” Sweetheart, I’ll clear my entire schedule for you. “I can squeeze you in, but don’t be too long.” She gets to her feet with a smile. “Okay. I’ll be right back.” Ten minutes later, Livia returns in loose joggers, runners and a Tshirt, and with her hair in a ponytail. I’ve got to stop staring at her speechlessly every time she appears in front of me. It’s so unprofessional. I swipe us both through into the gym and set her up on an exercise bike. She sits on it confidently and starts peddling. It seems like she’s used a gym before so that makes my job a bit easier. I plan her workout with her

as she warms up, telling her how we’ll divide it up into warm-up, weights, cardio and cool down, and she takes it all in her stride. As we’re heading to the free weights area, we pass Dom and Amelia, who are in the middle of Amelia’s workout. From Amelia’s flushed and pouting face, she’s this close to a full-on brat melt down. I show Livia how I want her to do her squats and give her some weights, but her attention keeps drifting to the couple. Dom raises his voice. “Peaches, if you roll your eyes at me again, you’re getting a ten-minute cold shower.” Amelia is flat on her back with her arms spread, moaning like she’s on the brink of death. “But I’m tired, daddy.” “Three,” Dom says, folding his arms and staring straight ahead. I correct Livia’s movements, trying to get her to focus on her own workout. “Two.” Dom’s voice is as hard as granite. “Fine, if you want me to die,” Amelia announces dramatically, springs to her feet and pushes her dom out of her way. Oh, lord. It was nice knowing you, Amelia. Dom clamps his hand to his sub’s shoulder and steers her toward the cold shower room. Livia has stopped working out altogether and is staring at them. I lean down and murmur in her ear, “It’s not polite to stare at another

trainee’s workout unless their trainer asks for everyone’s attention.” “Oh, crap! Sorry.” Livia takes a better grip on her weights and stares at the floor, as if suddenly too afraid to look at anyone else. “It’s all right. This place takes some getting used to. Sometimes we want you to stare, but we’ll tell you when.” Livia does a squat, down-up, and asks, “Do you ever tell your trainees off in front of everyone?” I hesitate, wanting to say no but knowing it’s better not to lie about these things. “I do, actually.” Livia’s eyes spark with curiosity. “What sort of things do you say?” I study Livia’s face carefully, wondering if what I’m going to say will scare her or intrigue her. “I say, ‘I expected this and this from you this session. We were doing so well until you decided not to meet the expectations we both set for you. Everyone here is working hard, and it’s disappointing to me that you couldn’t bring the same commitment to your own workout.’” To Livia, I’d want to say, It’s disappointing to daddy. Livia winces. “Ouch, that’s excruciating. What happens then?” “I tell my trainee apologize to everyone in the room for the disruption, then to me, and then finally to themselves.” “Does that work? I mean, does it get the workout back on track?”

“It depends on the person.” On a brat, the attention is like a hit of sugar and only makes them worse. Brats get cold showers and time alone to think about what they did. On people like Livia? God, does it work. I can tell she’s a good girl who likes rules and hates causing trouble. I would only use it as a last resort though, because as she said, it’s excruciating. Livia does another squat and then looks up at me curiously. “Would it work on me?” I smile at her slowly. “Why, do you want to give it a go?” “No! Oh, my god. I would die.” “Then you’d better behave yourself, bunny rabbit.” Livia’s eyes grow round. “Bunny rabbit?” I cross my arms over the clipboard against my chest. Goddamn it, she was being so cute and receptive that I forgot we hadn’t agreed on what we’d call each other. “Sorry. I mean Livia.” She hesitates, adjusting her grip on the weights. “I’ve never had a cute nickname before. Didn’t the rules say we could choose what we call each other?” I look at her in surprise. Never? What have her ex-boyfriends called her? A deep throb of jealously and anger is making me want to ask about the worthless P and what he did to her. “What would you like me to call you?”

Is it my imagination, or does Livia’s gaze drift to my mouth for a moment? “Livia’s fine,” she murmurs, though I could swear she’s imagining me calling her other things. As she goes through her cooldown on the mats, I talk her through a vegan eating program and how to go about slowly making the switch to plant-based foods. “What do you think about the exercise and eating plan we’ve talked about? Do you think you can stick to it for da—me?” I stop before I call myself daddy. The way her eyes catch mine makes me think she knew what I was going to say anyway. My heart thumps painfully as I gaze down into her beautiful, flushed face. Having Livia as my trainee and not my sub is going to be torture.

Chapter Five


After my workout, we book my next session and Trey walks me out through the barriers. “That was a fantastic workout. You did great today.” He looks deep into my eyes like he did at the club, and I feel the same urge to put my arms around him and have him hold me close. “Thank you,” I whisper, hating to leave him but knowing I have to go. He’s my personal trainer, not my boyfriend. This is what I asked for. “Start introducing one or two plant-based meals a day, and we’ll check in about how it’s making you feel next time. Bye.” He smiles and waves and heads back into the gym, professional once more. At home, I throw out the milk, cheese and processed meats that are in my fridge. Then I go out and buy oat milk, avocados and jars of cashew butter. For dinner I eat linguine with vegan pesto and a sprinkling of nutbased cheese, and it’s surprisingly delicious. I feel buoyant, and better than I have in months.

The memory of Trey’s smile is giving me a boost, too. Who knew a personal trainer could be so sweet and so focused at the same time? He obviously enjoys his job. He even sounded like he enjoyed the punishment side of Dom Fitness, too, and the lectures. Everyone here is working hard, and it’s disappointing to me that you couldn’t bring the same commitment to your own workout. I wonder what he looks like when he talks like that. I wonder how it would feel if he talked like that to me, and I was sitting at his feet receiving a stern lecture. A warm, buzzing sensation cascades through me. Piers told me what to do all the time and I hated it. Trey makes it seem alluring. I eat avocado on toast with sliced tomato for breakfast, and buy a salad of sweet potato and tahini from a café next to work for lunch. I’m surprised how much vegan food there is everywhere now that I’m looking for it. I feel tired and heavy in the afternoon, but make it through the workday before collapsing on the couch at home. My muscles feel so sore after the workout so I guess that’s why I’m tired. I maintain plant-based eating all the next day, but in the afternoon I’m losing energy fast with every hour that passes. I can barely hold my head up as I’m walking along my street on the way home. There’s a buzzing

in my ears and black spots swarming in front of my eyes. I don’t know what’s happening to me. Maybe I’m allergic to avocadoes. “Livia?” Strong hands grip my arms. A familiar masculine scent fills my nose. I stare at the ground and the large feet in trainers that have appeared. Trey? Trey’s got really big feet. “Livia, are you okay? You’re pale.” “Just really…tired.” His hands squeeze me comfortingly and he moves me a little to one side until my shoulder touches something solid. “Wait here a second, okay? I’ll be right back and then I’ll help you get home.” “Sure,” I say, leaning against the wall, grateful that I don’t have to move just yet. Trey comes back a few minutes later with a paper carry bag, and wraps his free arm around my waist to help me back onto my feet. “Come on. Take your time. Don’t push yourself or you’ll faint.” I will? I feel weirdly hot and cold at the same time, so maybe he’s right. We walk slowly down the street, Trey murmuring encouraging words the entire time while the world spins around me. I manage to gesture toward my building and he digs the keys out of my purse. Finally, we’re inside my apartment and the buzzing in my ears has turned into a roar.

I collapse on the sofa with my head in my hands. “What’s happening me?” “Have you not been eating?” “No, I’ve been eating vegan food, like we talked about.” “I think it’s your blood sugar dropping. Here.” He passes me a paper coffee cup. “Almond milk mocha. Sip it till you feel better.” I take a mouthful of the sweet drink and the world steadies a little around me. After a few more sips, the sugar and caffeine work their way into my system and I’m able to sit up and look around. Trey is sitting next to me on the sofa, devouring a scone in big bites. I didn’t think a fitness freak would be into pastries. “That looks good,” I say enviously, suddenly dying for a scone of my own. “It’s heaven.” Trey passes me a paper bag. “Cranberry and orange. Got one for you, too.” “You’re my hero,” I gasp. I take out the scone and bite into it, and moan with pleasure. Trey’s drinking a mocha, too. “I didn’t imagine I’d see you eating like this.” He raises an eyebrow and swipes some crumbs from his lower lip. The gesture is so sensual that I feel like it’s my lip he’s touching. Maybe it’s not just a scone I’m hungry for.

“You didn’t? Why’s that?” “You’re a personal trainer with strict plans.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “I like to eat scones sometimes.” It is a big deal, though. I thought people threw themselves into a “healthy” lifestyle in an all-or-nothing way. “I actually allow myself three desserts or pastries a week, and I can have them whenever I like. One night of beer, too.” I sink back on the sofa and get comfortable as I finish my scone. “You plan for treats?” “Got to have nice things to look forward to.” He scrunches our empty paper bags and put them aside. “If you’re feeling better, would you like to share with me what you’ve eaten the past two days?” Am I imagining it, or does he seem stern all of a sudden? I finish the last bite of my scone and wash it down with a mouthful of mocha, enjoying his severe gaze. I feel cared for rather than bullied. It’s kind of lovely. After detailing the meals I’ve had, he looks seriously displeased. “Livia, we talked about you making these changes gradually. Your body is used to certain foods and it’s not healthy to shock it with a complete change of diet.” I stare down at the coffee cup I’m holding in my lap. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I was just trying to avoid meat and dairy.”

Trey’s still frowning, but then his brow smooths. “I should have been clearer. I’m sorry. Let’s set up a proper plan for you tomorrow during our next session.” I gaze at him, amazed to hear that word on his lips: Sorry. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a man say that before. “You’re kind of sweet for a dom.” I keep thinking about him that way. As a dom. If he’s a real dom, then I didn’t know that ones like him existed. The corner of Trey’s mouth lifts. “Yeah, I can be. I’m still strict, though.” I wish his eyes weren’t so beautifully, distractingly green, or they didn’t seem to soften as he gazes at me. “We were talking about nicknames the other day. What do you like to be called?” He rests his elbow along the back of the couch just behind my shoulder and props his head against the heel of his hand. “I like to be called daddy.” A warm feeling chases itself through me. When he brought it up at the club, the word scared me, but now that I know Trey better it doesn’t sound so dangerous. “You asked me what I thought about calling a man that when we were at the club.” “I like being called that all the time, from one special person.”

“All the time?” I echo. He nods, his eyes on my lips. “Yes, all the time. It’s my favorite thing, Livia.” His voice sounds so velvety as he says my name, and I feel myself sinking toward him on the sofa. “Just out of curiosity, what would you think if I called you daddy?” Instead of answering, he reaches out and strokes my cheek. The touch of his fingers sends sparkles through my body. The he leans forward and plants a slow, deliberate kiss against my mouth. His lips are plush and I feel myself melting against him as he wraps both arms around me and pulls me against his body. “I would love for you to call me daddy, little bunny,” he whispers against my mouth. “I crave it from you.” I slide my hands up into his hair, and before I know it we’re falling back on the couch with Trey on top of me. His bulk is warm and grounding, and I twine one leg around him, squeezing him with my thigh. His T-shirt rides up and my fingers trace the firm lines of his abs and the hard muscles of his chest. Trey groans and presses his hips against mine. There’s something hard and thick against my belly, and realize it’s his cock. His very large cock, from the feel of it. I reach down and explore the length of him,

vividly imagining how good his girth would feel as we had sex. I whimper against his mouth. It’s been quiet for so long, but my libido has come back with a vengeance. Trey hooks a finger into my top and tugs it down, and teases my nipples through the lace bra with his teeth. “Bunny, you’re just so delicious.” My skirt is riding up as we’re making out and moving against each other. Soon his cock is sliding against my sex over my underwear and through his sweats. He braces his hands either side of head and looks down at us. We can both see how wet I am through my underwear as he moves against me. He bites his lip and makes a nng noise of pleasure, sending waves of desire pounding though me. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. I’ve wanted to kiss you the moment I laid eyes on you.” His words make my heart sing. I want to just go with whatever is happening between us, but I need to understand a few things first. “Does everyone call you daddy at the gym?” “No. If I were your daddy then you’d be the only one to call me that. Ever.” Trey’s vivid green eyes hooded and hazy as he slides a hand into my hair and claims my mouth.

He’s in control, but I’m enjoying every touch, every word out of his mouth. Trey runs his fingers down my throat, between my breasts and over my belly. “Can I see more of you, bunny?” Getting naked with someone can be scary, but I feel totally safe with him. He sits up and helps me out of my top, but instead of taking off my bra he pulls the cups down. “You could take it off,” I point out. His smile is mischievous. “You look hotter this way.” He takes one of my nipples into his mouth and sucks hard, making me cry out and pant his name. As he goes on kissing and sucking me, he murmurs, “I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m breaking so many rules. Dom will fucking kill me.” “So, we should stop, that’s what you’re saying?” I tease. I have no intention of stopping. Judging from the way Trey is nipping me with his teeth, he doesn’t, either. “No way. I’ve been dying to kiss you for too long.” I slide his T-shirt up his torso and he helpfully reaches behind his head to pull it off in one smooth movement. I whimper at the sight of his naked chest and muscled shoulders. He’s sculpted like a Greek god. Laying beneath him, I suddenly feel self-conscious and cover myself up with his Tshirt.

“Hey. You’re beautiful. You know that, right?” I gaze up at Trey. “I always used to think I was.” “Well, you are. But take your time, bunny. It’s heaven just being here with you.” I touch Trey all over his body, and slip my fingers into the waistband of his joggers. Just enough to feel the silky skin of his hips and the firm curve of his cock. Damn, this man is hot. He strokes the lace of his underwear, and his fingers skim the seam of my sex. “Is that nice, little bunny?” he murmurs, just teasing my clit through my underwear. “Do you want daddy to make you come?” “Mm,” I manage, running my hands up his arms and holding onto his shoulders. I want to come so badly that my pussy is aching. I wonder if I’m brave enough to ask him to finger fuck me. “Is it okay if I call myself daddy when I touch you? You don’t have to say it back.” I nod quickly. I like hearing that name on his lips. Each time, it sounds sweeter and sweeter, and I start to yearn to say it myself. Trey hooks his finger inside my underwear. He groans, feeling how wet I am, and slides two fingers firmly up and down my sex, against my clit and through my folds. “Sink into me,” I whisper, begging him with my eyes.

The corner of his mouth quicks. “Say please, bunny.” “Please, please, please.” “Good girl for telling me what you want.” A champagne feeling fizzes through me at those two words. Good girl. I want to hear him say that again and again. His middle finger slides through my sex and pushes at my entrance, but before I can feel myself stretch around him, there’s a knock at my door. He looks up, annoyed. “Are you expecting anyone?” “Not that I can remember.” “Don’t answer it.” As much as I’m aching for Trey’s expert fingers to rub against my G-spot, I sit up breathlessly. I’ll feel bad if it’s a delivery and they have to come back. “It’s probably an order I forgot. I’ll be one minute.” I quickly rearrange my bra and pull my top back on. The door is around the corner and Trey stays where he is on the sofa. Trey, my personal trainer. Trey is in my apartment, and I think we’re going to have sex. This week is nuts. I’m so happy. When I open the front door, I discover just how nuts this week is. Standing in front of me is Piers, my stupid, asshole ex-boyfriend. He’s wearing a blue polo shirt tucked into jeans and gives me his familiar smirk. “Hey, Livia. Guess it’s your lucky day.”

It was my lucky day. All the rainbows and sparkles that have been bursting through my body for the last half an hour are replaced by a thrill of trepidation. “Piers? What are you doing here?” I hear footsteps behind me. Heavy, angry footsteps. A warm hand touches my shoulder. “Everything all right?” Trey murmurs, looking down at me. I wrap my arms around myself. Everything was all right but now I feel frozen with terror. Trey’s flinty gaze arrows into Piers. “Can we help you?” From anyone else, the presumptuous way he says we would irritate me, but from Trey I feel protected. Piers gazes at Trey with naked dislike, and then his eyes travel to me. I sense nasty words on the tip of his tongue. Couldn’t wait to spread your legs for another man, could you, Livia? Slut. Whore. I’m not a slut. It’s been six months since Piers dumped me and I spent all of that time feeling broken and lonely. It’s like he sensed I was moving on, and it brought him back to my apartment like a bad penny. “I’m here to talk to Livia, actually,” Piers sneers at Trey. Trey turns to me. “Do you want to talk to this man?” I shake my head.

Trey steps past me and forces Piers back from the doorway. When they’re both outside, he turns to me. “I’ll head out, too. I’ll see you tomorrow at the usual place.” Then he turns to Piers and claps a hand on his shoulder, steering him back toward the stairs. “Come on. I’ll see you out of the building.” Piers looks furious and shrugs Trey off on the way to the elevator. Trey turns back to wave at me. Thank you, I mouth at him, wishing he didn’t have to go, too. He gives me one of his beautiful smiles, and I watch him disappear into the lift after Piers. I give a ragged sigh and put my face in my hands. The last hour has given me whiplash.

Chapter Six


Piers rounds on me the second we leave Livia’s apartment building. “Who the fuck are you? How do you know Livia?” I eye him coldly. He’s got shitty ex-boyfriend written all over him. I’d lay bets that this is the toxic dom I’ve suspected of being in Livia’s life before me. The man who made her believe she was unattractive and worthless, and that ‘safe, sane and consensual’ isn’t a thing. It burns that I can’t tell this dickhead that I’m Livia’s boyfriend now and he needs to fuck off forever from her life. We’re not quite there yet, but we damn well are going to be. “It’s none of your damn business how I know Livia, or who the fuck I am.” His eyes drop to my T-shirt. I came from work and I’m still wearing the one that says TREY across the front. Piers snorts with derision. “Okay, Trey.” He stays where he is as if waiting for something. I am, too. I’m waiting for him to leave. Finally, this creep gets the message that I intend to

stand guard over her door, and turns and walks away. I stay where I am and the idiot actually comes back after five minutes, sees me still standing there, gives me the finger, and leaves. “Not on my watch,” I mutter to myself. After thirty minutes of no sign of the asshole, I head home. All evening, I can’t relax for thinking about that creep showing up at Livia’s apartment again. I wish I could call her. I consider going through the files at Dom Fitness to get Livia’s number, but that would be majorly overstepping boundaries. I’ll just have to wait and hope that she turns up for her session tomorrow. If she doesn’t, then I’ll start overstepping boundaries. To my relief, Livia’s waiting for me at Dom Fitness when I meet her at our appointed time. She seems pale and tired, but determined to get started, so I decide to save my questions for after our workout when she’s more relaxed. Livia doesn’t want to wait that long, though. As she sits on the stationary bike for her warm-up, she says, “I’m sorry about yesterday.” I study her face. Which part of yesterday? I’m not sorry for making out with her, or seeing off her toxic ex. “My ex can be a real jerk,” she finishes.

I want to ask her a hundred questions about her past with that man and what he did to her, but I’m conscious that that conversation is too personal for Dom Fitness and I’ve broken enough rules already. “I’m just happy I was there. Let me know if he comes back, okay?” We move to the free weights area, and Livia does everything I tell her to do but seems distracted the whole time. If I touch her shoulder or arm to correct her movements, then her eyes flick up to mine, big and liquid, as if she’s begging me to kiss her. I can’t. I want to, but I just can’t. All Livia’s movements are effortful and it’s taking all her strength and concentration to get through her workout. We get through the warm-up and the weights, and as we head over to the bikes for her cardio, I murmur, “Well done, bunny.” Livia’s face suddenly crumples and tears well in her eyes. Oh, god, I’ve made Livia cry and I was trying to be so gentle with her. “Livia?” She sobs into her hands, and people are starting to look despite the no-staring rule. I glare at a few of them and their trainers correct their focuses, but there are still too many people looking at Livia. This is her worst nightmare and I can’t bear it.

I take her gently by the arm and steer her toward a door marked STAFF, and then down a corridor into an empty meeting room. I close the door behind us and we’re alone. This isn’t allowed, but it’s Livia. Fuck the rules. I take her in my arms and wrap my arms around her. “It’s all right, bunny. No one can see you but me. Let it all out.” She sobs brokenly for several moments against my chest, and I just hold her. When she starts to get her breath back, she whispers, “I’m sorry for crying and messing up the workout. You were being so sweet to me and I didn’t deserve it.” I smooth her hair back from her damp face. “What do you mean, you didn’t deserve it?” “Just now. I wasn’t doing well with that workout at all. I was waiting and waiting for you to tell me how terrible I was doing and then you said, ‘well done’ and I couldn’t bear it. You should be punishing me.” My brow creases in concern. “But you were doing your best. I would never punish you for trying your best.” Livia sobs harder. I stroke her hair, a tight ball of anger forms in my guts. What the hell did that asshole do to Livia?

“I’m sorry,” she whimpers. “I feel so raw, like all my defenses have been stripped away and I’m overreacting to everything.” “You’re reacting, not overreacting. Would you like to talk about it?” She chews her lip and nods, but then seems lost as how to go on. “Have your feelings today got something to do with that man who showed up at your apartment yesterday?” Livia nods again. I’ll fucking kill him. Livia reacted with such violent dislike to this place and what we do here at first, and I think I’ve finally hit on the reason why. “Was he your dom? Did he make you call him sir or daddy?” “Yeah,” she whispers. “He told me to call him sir. We were dating for about a year. It was an ordinary relationship for a few months. Then he started introducing ropes and things into the bedroom and telling me what to wear. When I wasn’t sure about any of it, he dismissed me as frigid and boring, so I went along with it. I was so stupid. Things kind of snowballed from there.” I take a deep breath and try to rein in my temper, listening as she keeps talking. “I thought I might like some of the things he was asking for and I was interested in trying them, but I never seemed to feel happy afterward. I

don’t understand why I let him call me names and hurt me for so long. I must be so weak.” “You got away from him, didn’t you?” She nods. “Then you’re strong.” I’ve heard subs talk about toxic relationships and it sounds a lot like what Livia is describing. Selfish so-called doms who are attracted to the idea of hurting and belittling someone and don’t understand that that isn’t the same as caring for a sub. A sub is a privilege. Livia gazes up at me and her fingers tighten on my shirt. “I’m so confused. Are you my personal trainer or are we something more? I mean, you haven’t asked me out on a date so I don’t want to be presumptuous—” I cover her mouth in a swift kiss. I can’t help myself. She moans softly in my arms, twining her arms around my neck and giving into the kiss. I pull away and smooth her hair back from her face. “The only reason I haven’t asked you on a date is because I’m afraid you’ll say no and stop showing up here, and then I’ll never see you again.” “And because of the rules here?” “Those, too. Mostly I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you that taking you out to dinner would be the highlight of my year.”

She smiles shyly up at me. “Really? I don’t think I’ve ever been the highlight of anyone’s year.” That’s beyond my understanding because she’s lighting up my whole goddamn life. I kiss her again, my heart beating fast. I knew from the moment I set eyes on this girl that she was going to be special to me. Livia strokes the letter T on my shirt. “What is it you want in terms of us? I think I need a straight answer.” I’ll happily give her a straight answer. I’ve got nothing to hide. “I want to be your daddy.” “What does that mean, though?” “It means taking care of you and making you feel good. Correcting you when you go outside the lines that you draw for yourself. And most of all, making you feel happy.” Livia gazes up at me, doubt still flickering in her eyes. She doesn’t quite believe that that’s what a daddy/little girl relationship is. “Is that how it’s supposed to be?” “That’s how I love to be a daddy.” Her lips curve into a smile. “Then I want you to daddy me.” I give a soft growl at the back of my throat and press my forehead against hers. Those words just sound so fucking sweet from her. “I’ve found my little bunny. I’ve waited for you so long, sweetheart.”

My lips touch hers, and the door flies open. Both of us look up and see Dom standing there. His expression transforms into one of fury as he sees me holding a client in my arms, one of my hands cupping her ass. Slowly, I straighten up. I’m not going to shove Livia away just to assuage my boss. “You go finish your workout and head home, okay?” I tell her, putting my hand on her shoulder. Livia gives me a scared look, and then squeezes past Dom and out the door. Dom glares at her as she goes. “Hey. Don’t look at her like that.” Dom turns to me. “I’ll look at her how I want. You two are breaking so many goddamn rules. I thought I could trust you, Trey.” “I know the rules and I respect them. I met Livia before she became a client here.” “You respect my rules? Don’t lie to my face. She’s a member of this gym and so you shouldn’t be touching her, let alone bringing her back here into a staff area.” I feel my jaw tighten around the word hypocrite. Everyone knows that Amelia was a client here when things got heated between the two of them. “I kissed Livia before she ever stepped foot in here. She needs me. I need her.” “This is not a place you can pick up women.”

“I know that. I’m not using it that way. I’ve got dozens of clients, but Livia’s special.” Dom continues to glare at me. I’m not going to explain myself any more to him. If he wants to fire me, then he can fire me. He points a finger at me. “I’m not happy with you.” Then he slams out of the room. I push a hand through my hair and sigh. I guess that’s fair. I’ll just have to show Dom that what Livia and I have is something special, like how it is between him and Amelia. I’m not some player trying to fuck his way through the clients here. That can wait, though. Right now, I have to go and see Livia.

Chapter Seven


I pace up and down my lounge, feeling sick to my stomach. I think I got Trey fired. It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t burst into tears then he wouldn’t have had to comfort me. Trey’s going to be so angry with me. Dread and despair wash over me. What if he’s like Piers when he’s angry? I can’t go through that again. People think it’s easy to walk away from an abusive relationship, but they don’t understand how men like that can warp your mind so much that you don’t trust your instincts anymore. My thoughts weren’t, He’s hitting me, which makes him an asshole and a criminal and I need to dump him. They were, He’s hitting me because it’s all my fault and I screwed up again. I deserve this. There’s a knock at my door, and the sick feeling in my stomach doubles. I stand frozen to the spot, too scared to move. A muffled voice calls, “Livia? It’s me.” It’s Trey, and he doesn’t sound angry at all. Relieved, I run to the door and pull it open, and then throw myself into his arms. “I’m sorry, I’m

sorry, I’m sorry.” Trey holds me back as hard as he can. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. Are you all right?” I suck in a shuddering breath. “I’m all right. But I understand if you have to punish me.” Trey closes the door behind him and takes me through to the lounge. He sits with me on the sofa and holds my hands in his. “Sweet bunny, I could never punish you while you’re upset. And you didn’t do anything wrong.” “I caused so much trouble. You can’t call that doing nothing wrong. Were you fired?” Trey smiles. “The trouble was a joint effort, but mostly it was me causing the trouble, if you think about it. And no, I wasn’t fired. Not yet, anyway.” I grab his hands in panic. “I’m so, so sorry—” “If I am fired, then Dom’s an ass and I don’t want to work for a man like him. He’s got a temper, but when he calms down he’ll see sense. He and his partner met at Dom Fitness. You saw them together. She’s the bratty strawberry blonde.” I remember Dom and a woman with red-blonde hair from my first session. She was lying on the floor complaining how tired she was as Dom

didn’t look the least impressed or sympathetic. A brat and her daddy. Even though I’d never behave like that, they were pretty cute together. It’s a relief to know that Dom and Amelia broke a few rules, too. Maybe after he’s calmed down, Dom will be happy for us. I lift my tentative gaze to Trey’s handsome face. “So, you’re my daddy, then.” He breaks into a smile. “Yeah, I am. I feel pretty great about that. How about you?” “Excited, but nervous, too. I don’t know what to expect.” “It’s a lot like how we are at the gym. Rules and expectations, and lots and lots of charts. I’m pretty obsessed with charts.” “I bet you loved the group projects at school,” I joke, trying to hide my nervousness. He kisses my nose, and then kisses my mouth. “Most of all, though, it’s about us being happy, so don’t be afraid.” I feel some of the tension melt out of me. Trey’s not going to turn into a monster just because we’ve made this official. “Do you like the idea of having rules?” A buzz of anticipation goes through me. I’ve always enjoyed checklists and goals, but I’m hit and miss about sticking to them. Having someone manage them with me, keeping me focused and rewarding me

when I achieve my goals sounds amazing. “Yes, please. Where do we start?” He pulls my workout and meal plans from the gym. “Let’s start with these. Is there anything you’d like to change about them?” I look over them and shake my head. I’ve been enjoying my workouts and the vegan eating plan has been going well since the first blip. I grin down at the pages. Seeing them makes me feel stupidly proud. I’m so used to feeling like I’m always disappointing everyone and myself. “I love them. What other checklists and rules can we make?” “It depends on your goals. What else has been on your mind?” We decide on morning affirmations, no screen time an hour before bed and a set bedtime. Trey has me write out the chart and we stick it to my refrigerator. “What happens when I stick to my plans?” I ask, smiling up at him. Trey brushes his lips against mine. “You get told you’re a good girl. You get presents. And you get spanked.” “Spanked as a reward? I thought spankings were a punishment.” He nuzzles behind my ear and says in that rich, velvety voice, “Not the way I spank.” I brush my fingers down his large palms, imagining them on my ass, and a jolt of desire goes through me. “What happens when I don’t stick to

my plans?” Trey’s face becomes serious. “If we determine that you neglected your rules because you were careless or willful, I’ll ask you to explain why and then give you a suitable punishment like lines or pushups or explaining to another trainer at the gym what you did and why you’re sorry.” I shiver like I’m cold at the thought of telling one of the doms at Dom Fitness that I broke Trey’s rules. “I’ll be good.” He laughs softly. “We’ll see. Most subs like to test their boundaries. It makes them feel safe.” “Staying within the lines makes me feel safe,” I assure him. I think over what he said. “You said if we determine that I neglected my rules. We?” “Yes, of course we. I’m not going to punish you against your will or when you don’t feel sorry. You have to feel sorry first and ask for your punishment.” This is so different to the way I thought it would be, in which I step out of line and I’m forced painfully back into it. “Is that how other daddies and little girls do things?” “Sometimes. Some little girls like to be made to feel sorry, but that’s not my way and I don’t think that’s yours, either.”

I’m the first to tell myself when I’ve screwed up, so he’s probably right. I catch the edge of his T-shirt and tug it playfully. “What about today, though? Have I been good today?” He smiles his beautiful smile and kisses my nose. “You’ve been so good today, bunny. Would you like to choose a reward? You can have new stickers for your charts, or a new coloring book. Or we could try making a new recipe together.” It’s so little girlish, what he’s suggested, and hearing him say these things makes me feel happier than I have in a long time. Simple pleasures like stickers and coloring books. I could get used to that. But my mind has gone other places, back to what he said earlier. I’m dying to feel his hands on me. “Could we try a…reward spanking?” Trey smiles, and his eyes light with interest and he puts his arms around me. “I would love that. Are you comfortable being in your underwear and me touching you?” I lean into him, feeling breathless. Suddenly all I can think about is Trey touching me, and me touching Trey. “Yes, please. So comfortable.” He leads me over to the sofa and sits down. “If you lie face down over my lap, that’s a good beginner position.” Beginner position. That means there must be intermediate and advanced positions. I had no idea. Still in my gym gear of leggings and T-

shirt, I get on my knees and lay across his lap, my stomach against his thighs and my ass up. Trey gives me a cushion to hug. “How does that feel?” he asks, stroking his fingers through my hair. Surprisingly comfortable. I haven’t been this vulnerable in so long, not willingly anyway, and opening up to Trey is pleasurable as well as easy. I already feel a tingling between my legs. Maybe this really is a reward. “So good, daddy.” Trey strokes down my back and hips to my ass, and I breathe in sharply at the delicious sensations. He moves on down the backs of my legs and up again. “You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, still stroking me. I bury my face in the cushion, smiling at the unfamiliar compliment. He rolls the waistband of my leggings down a slow inch at a time as if he’s unwrapping a much-anticipated present. He lifts his hand, and then it descends in a swift, sharp smack. I let out a little squeal, more from surprise than anything else. “How was that?” Trey asks. I wriggle about, enjoying the feel of his palm against my sensitized skin. “Kind of cute. I liked it.” He laughs softly and does it again. There’s a burn, and then the heat feels pleasurable. As he continues, I feel myself sinking into his thighs and

my whole body getting warm. Deep in my core, there’s an ache for more. Trey lands a firm, loud spank, and instead of hissing in pain, I moan at how good it feels. “That’s what I like to hear, bunny,” he tells me, his voice husky, and does it again. Instead of hurting, all his spanks only make me feel amazing, until I’m moaning like we’re having sex. Trey slides two fingers along the seam of my pussy over my underwear. I can feel how wet I am against his fingers. “How’s that?” he whispers. “So good, daddy,” I pant, my eyes squeezed shut and my breath coming fast in anticipation. I’m so far overdue a Trey-induced orgasm. Please, please let it be now. He delves beneath my underwear and touches me with his bare fingers, making me cry out louder than I ever have before from pleasure. I walk my knees open a little, and as I shift about on his lap, I can feel his cock digging into my stomach. Trey has a possessive grip on my ass with one hand and finds my clit with the other, rubbing it hard and making the darkness behind my eyelids explode with fireworks. “Does that feel even better after a little spanking?” he murmurs. I can only make incoherent noises in reply. Yes, it feels so, so much better. I didn’t realize that a little bit of pain and heat, given in such a sweet

way, could actually be pleasurable. I’m a melty mess all over his lap. He draws his fingers up, and then sinks into my pussy. I groan loudly into the cushion. This is the release I need. He’s slow at first, just one finger running against my inner walls. Then he adds another and drives deeper, making me lift my head and gasp. I turn and look over my shoulder, needing to look at his face as he makes me feel so good. He’s breathing harder, too, his teeth sunk into his lower lip and his eyes dark with desire. “That’s it, bunny, show daddy how much you like his fingers thrusting into you.” My legs shake as my orgasm rises up, and then I’m crying out his name. “Trey. Yes, daddy, yes.” I collapse back against him and the sofa, my heart thundering and my brow sweaty. Trey’s eyes are dark and possessive as he looks down at me. “That was, oh my god, that was…” “Rewarding?” he asks, smoothing his hands over my reddened ass. I bite my lip and nod, making an mm noise as I push myself up to kiss him. So rewarding. I get what he means now. I get everything, especially the fact that Trey being my dom is meant to make me feel great, not awful.

His fingers slip inside me again, delving into my wet heat and making heat lick up my whole body. He pleasures me like it’s as much fun for him as it is for me, growling under his breath as I moan, “Daddy, oh god, yes that’s heaven.” He circles swiftly on my clit and I think he’s going to push me over the edge until he suddenly stops and helps me off his lap. “I want to look at you,” he says, his voice like dark velvet as he strips clothes off me. I grasp his T-shirt and help him out of it. Trey’s hands cup my breasts and pluck my nipples gently. “Such a pretty bunny.” I’m staring at him, too, because he’s sculpted like a Roman statue. “No, you are.” He presses his forehead against mine and nuzzles my nose. “Don’t argue with daddy, bunny. You’re beautiful.” Trey kisses me fiercely as we make our way toward the bed, shedding the last of our underwear as we fall onto the sheets. His body feels so strong against mine and he envelops me like he can’t get enough of me. I rub my fingers down the muscles of his chest as we kiss, one of his thighs between mine. I wrap my legs tightly around him and squeeze, and the pressure on my clit feels amazing. I’m so close to bursting that I rub myself against him without thinking.

I open my eyes and look up at him, and stop. “Sorry, I can’t seem to help myself.” He smiles and kisses me. “Needy, bunny? You can rub against me. Give me a condom first, though.” I retrieve one from my bedside table and watch him roll it on. Then he pulls me back against him and slips a thigh between mine. I’ve never done anything like this before, but arousal overcomes my shyness and Trey’s hands on me are encouraging. I work myself back and forth against him, slowly at first and then faster. Soon I’m running up and down the length of his cock, my slipperiness making it easy to rub hard. Trey’s holding my hips lightly and breathing hard as the tip of his cock slips inside a little and we both gasp. I angle my hips back, and then forward again, pushing him deeper. Trey growls and rolls me onto my back, and then impales me slowly with every inch of his cock. Panting in unison, we move against each other, unable to tear our eyes away. His lips fasten onto mine as he loses himself in the sensations, too, and I reach up behind my head to press against the headboard. I want him to pound me hard so I can feel the strength of him, and when he does, my orgasm rushes up so fast I can barely keep up with it. “Daddy—oh god—yes.”

Trey nips my shoulder with his teeth as he moves harder and faster against me. I’m whimpering now, feeling another orgasm build on the tail of the last one, hungry for the wild desire on Trey’s face. He holds my thighs with his hands, framing the sight of his cock pounding into me. It sends us both over the edge, and his thrusts become fast as deep as he comes, each one driving my own peak higher. We collapse back against the bed, still wound tightly around each other. “That was intense,” Trey says, kissing my cheeks and then my mouth. “Wild,” I agree, stretching luxuriously, aware that Trey’s looking at me. He strokes my hair, and murmurs, “I started to think I’d never find you, bunny. The moment I saw you, I knew you had to be mine.” I hide my face in his chest. It’s still so strange, hearing someone talk about me like that. I almost can’t believe it. As if he can hear my thoughts, Trey coaxes his face up to mine. “I mean it. I can’t wait to discover everything about you, inside and out.” I imagine long Sunday mornings in bed with Trey. Wearing his Tshirts while I make coffee. Strolling hand in hand down the street. It’s been so long since I’ve dared to hope for that. Just that. What’s more, I get to explore a side of me that I’ve been afraid of for so long. The side that

makes me want to submit to a man, but still feel like I’m his equal. That I’m valued and he loves me. I trace my fingers up the muscles of his biceps. “You too, daddy.” “Will you keep coming to Dom Fitness even though we’re together?” “Do you want me to?” I ask. “Of course, if it’s something you want. Being a personal trainer is my passion and I’d love to share that with you.” There’s no denying he’s sexy as hell when he’s working, and I love the way his eyes light up when he sees me doing well at my workout and hitting my goals. The gym has given me a healthy focus in my life. “I’d love to, if you’re sure it’ll be okay, us dating and training together at the same time.” “Absolutely. That place is like my second home, and I’d love to see you there, as often as you want to come.” He glances at the window, and then back at me. “It’s a beautiful evening. Do you want to go out for a drink?” “Yes, please.” A proper date with Trey. Our first date, in fact. “Let’s go somewhere with an outdoor area. I want to show you off.” “Silly,” I mutter, but my heart does little swoops as he says it. No one’s ever wanted to show me off before.

We walk through the dusky light hand in hand. There’s a Cubanthemed bar at the end of the street and we sit at a candlelit table under palm fronds. Trey orders us margaritas, and when I sip mine it’s deliciously cold and refreshing. Trey rests his chin in his palm and gazes at me. “There’s something I need to do to make this all above board and proper, if it’s okay with you.” “What’s that?” “Tell Dom we’re dating.” My eyes widen. “Oh, no. What if he fires you?” “Then he won’t be the man I thought he was, and I wouldn’t want to work for him anyway. But don’t worry. He likes to shout and growl a bit, but he’s reasonable man.” I watch with trepidation as Trey takes out his phone and calls his boss. Trey puts it on speaker so I can hear Dom’s voice when he picks up. “Trey?” His tone is terse and disapproving. “Dom. I’ve got some good news for you.” “What is it?” Trey’s lips twitch with amusement at the impatience in Dom’s voice but he smooths them out before he says. “Livia and I are dating. She just asked me to be her daddy.”

The seconds tick by, each one more excruciating than the last. I can’t bear it and I cover my face. What if Trey’s about to get fired because of me? “Did you decide this at the gym?” Dom snaps. “Of course not. We conducted our personal business outside the gym.” “Not all of it.” I like that Trey isn’t getting agitated or losing his temper, but can’t he hear that this is going terribly? “True, but there’s a reason for that. Livia has been going through some issues with a dom who mistreated her. She wasn’t sure if she wanted anything to do with this lifestyle anymore, so it’s been complicated between us. Everything’s been sorted out now, though.” Instantly, Dom’s tone changes. “Ah, shit, I’m sorry to hear that. Is Livia there?” Trey looks at me and then nods at the phone, smiling. “Hey, Dom,” I say uncertainly. If he starts yelling at me, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it together like Trey has. “Livia, I’m sorry for what you’ve been through. Is there anything I can do to help?”

I stare at phone in amazement, and then scramble to say, “Oh— thank you. No, it’s fine. I’m fine.” There’s silence on the line, and then Dom says, “When I started the gym, I didn’t consider how those who’d had a bad BDSM experience would approach it. Trey’s obviously got an instinctive approach to this. Do you think some guidance for the trainers would be helpful?” I feel my eyebrows rise. “If there are other subs who’ve been through what I’ve been through, then I can only imagine they’d be grateful for trainers who are sensitive to that.” “Was there anything about the induction process that made you wary about the place?” Trey clears his throat. “Dom, you’re putting Livia on the spot.” I give him a quick smile to let him know I’m all right, and I think for a moment. “I was so scared of all the rules at first, but Trey’s emphasis on them being for my safety and happiness made them seem less daunting.” Dom makes a noise of assent, deep and understanding, so different from his usually bossy tone. I have the feeling he’s scribbling notes. Dom’s in a position of power and authority and he’s still willing to listen to me. I can’t get my head around it. “Trey’s been the best part of my experience at the gym,” I add, because Dom should know what a wonderful employee he has in Trey.

“All right. I’m going to add this to my staff training. Thank you, Livia. And I’m happy for the two of you.” He hangs up, and I shake my head, smiling, still unable to believe how well that went. “I see now why you weren’t afraid to confide in him. He’s kind of lovely under that gruff attitude.” Trey grins and puts his phone away. “Dom’s great. He actually listens, and that makes all the difference.” He reaches across the table and twines his fingers through mine. “How does it feel, knowing that you’re officially my sub and that the news is out in the world?” I give Trey what I can only imagine is a blissed-out smile. “It feels wonderful. Every single part of me feels wonderful.” He leans across the table and kisses me. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me feel, bunny-girl. Let’s keep making each other happy, shall we?” Mentally, I add it to my chart. Make each other happy. Check. A warm feeling flows through me as I look at Trey. “That sounds like the perfect plan to me.”

Chapter Eight


Three weeks later I hear Livia singing in the kitchen before I open my eyes, and smile. I can hear notes of happiness in her pure, sweet voice, and they make my heart ring with pleasure. These have been the most blissful three weeks of my life. She comes through to the bedroom looking radiant, with a tray in her hands which she sets down on the nightstand. There are bowls, and big mugs of coffee as well. I roll onto my side and smile up at her. “Mm, looks good.” I don’t mean the food. I mean her. She’s wearing one of my T-shirts with bare legs and feet, and her blonde hair is rumpled around her face. “Morning, daddy,” she says in a sing-song voice. “You look so adorable I want to eat you up.” I reach for her, but she puts a bowl into my hands. “Breakfast first, daddy. It’s on the checklist.”

I laugh, but I can’t fault her there, and I peer down into my bowl. “What have you made?” “Apple, cinnamon and almond milk bircher.” She gets into bed next to me with her own breakfast and cuddles up against me. While we eat, she tells me about her week at work. I keep getting distracted by the cute way her tongue curls around her spoon as she licks it. When she finishes, she notices the way I’m looking at her, and blushes a little. “What are you thinking about?” “Daddy’s thinking about something he wants to lick.” I put our bowls aside and ease her back on the bed. As I hoped, she’s naked under my T-shirt and I only need to push it up to take a mouthful of one of her breasts, and then kiss my way down her belly to her pussy. I slide my tongue against her in a long, loving lick, and she lets out a moan. “Your pussy is perfect,” I whisper, in between lapping at her clit. She likes it exactly like this, firm and fast, and I have her panting and arching her back a few minutes later. She’s on the brink of coming and I watch her from my low vantage point, the way the blush of her orgasm flares in her skin right before she climaxes. Before she can open her eyes, I’ve rolled a condom on and slide my cock deep into her, making her cry out sharply.

“Pull my hair, daddy,” she whimpers. I reach into her blond curls, gather them up in my fist and squeeze. This is something she’s been asking for more and more. For me to hurt her a little or make her vulnerable while we have sex. She’s trusting me more and more and opening like a flower. Right before she comes again, I wrap a hand around her throat and squeeze firmly. Livia cries out, her arms flung above her head. “Good bunny,” I growl as I pound into her, my own climax racing through me. “Daddy’s good little bunny.” I withdraw, and then wrap my arms around Livia and roll until she’s laying on top of me, gasping and moaning a little still and working to catch her breath. The curves of her body look incredible in the morning sunshine and I plant kisses along her shoulder. I stay in bed with her for as long as I can, but soon she’s reminding me about work and gently pushing me toward the shower. When I emerge in a cloud of steam, she’s got a pair of yoga pants on and she models them for me. “What do you think? I haven’t worn yoga pants in years.” I spank her ass as I pass her on the way to my gym bag. “I think you look amazing, bunny. Ready for your work out?”

She does a little wiggle as she reaches for her purse. “You bet I am, daddy.” We head down the street and into the gym. Joshua greets us with a cheery, “Morning, guys,” as we swipe through the barriers. Livia’s my first client of the day and we chatter our way through our workout together. She’s doing so well that I only need to be stern with her when she pays too much attention to the other doms and trainees. She finds it fascinating to see all the different dynamics play out, and she has a habit of slowing down and slowing down until she’s staring, mouth agape. We overhear Dom say to Amelia, “You’re being so good today. I’m suspicious.” He folds his arms and narrows his eyes at his little girl as she blinks innocently up at him. “Why, daddy? I can be good for no reason.” Ten minutes later we hear Dom ask in a ringing voice, “Peaches, why has your exercise record been torn into six pieces and taped back together again?” I’m not looking and I’m trying not to listen, but I still hear Amelia mumble that she’s not sure, but maybe she got mad at him after her last session and tore it up. “You’re not sure?” Dom asks, even louder.

Livia’s mouth is twitching, but she keeps up the rhythm on the rowing machine. Out of the corner of my eye I see Amelia fold her arms and stand in stubborn, angry silence. Dom points wordlessly to the cold shower room, and Amelia heads over with a huge roll of her eyes. Livia has slowed right down to watch Amelia go. “Bunny,” I saw in a warning tone. Livia squeaks in surprise and scrambles to speed up again. “Sorry, daddy.” I grin down at her, and wink. My heart feels very full, looking at her. My inquisitive little bunny who’s happy now, every day. She’s told me more about her past relationship, but never with any tears. She’s putting her bad experience behind her and looking to the future. She’s doing so well at the gym, too. For her, it’s not about bulking up or shedding pounds. It’s a state of mind. Small wins like being able to lift a little more weight or touching your toes can bring a sense of accomplishment. She carries that with her wherever she goes. “I’ll see you later tonight?” I say to Livia as I walk her out. We’ve got into the habit of spending at least half the week at each other’s apartments. I can’t wait until it’s permanent and we’re actually living together.

“You bet,” she says, beaming, and heads out of the gym with a bounce in her step. “Look at you both. Smitten kittens,” Joshua says behind me, and it’s followed by a deep chuckle. I didn’t realize I was so lost in watching Livia. I turn around and see both Joshua and Dom grinning at me. “Smitten bunnies,” I correct, and then head back into the gym, whistling. The rest of the day is a lot of hard work, but it’s rewarding, and I arrive at Livia’s at six with bags of groceries. I plan on cooking satay noodles, and I have a bottle of white wine for us to share. She perches on the counter drinking a glass of wine while I chop vegetables for the stir-fry, and tells me all about the fantasy book she finished this afternoon. I stop every so often to kiss her on the lips, and she kisses me back and then resumes talking excitedly about a dragon. A few minutes later, there’s a knock at the front door. “I think that’s the next book in the series!” she exclaims. “I ordered it already.” I put down the knife and wipe my hands on a cloth. “Stay there. I’ll get it.”

When I open the door, I see, not a delivery driver, but Livia’s exboyfriend. I stare into his petulant, flushed face while every shitty thing he did to Livia runs through my mind. “Ah, for fuck’s sake,” he mutters, eyeing me up carefully, as if trying to gauge how much I know about him and Livia and how angry I might be. Everything. I know everything, you asshole. “I want to speak to Livia.” He sounds like a sulky boy. Livia’s voice calls behind me, growing louder as she comes through the lounge, “Who is it? Oh.” Her voice falls hard on the oh, and she comes to a halt by my side. I start to close the door, but she puts her hand on my arm. “Wait. Let me talk to him.” Livia steps past me and faces Piers. I want to grab this asshole by the collar and march him downstairs rather than let him spend even one second even looking at her. She studies his face carefully. “You’ve been drinking.” Piers rolls his eyes and gives an angry sigh. “I don’t remember that being against the law.” “No, but I would have expected someone who wanted a serious conversation wouldn’t wait until they’d had three beers to do it. You don’t

really want to talk, you just want to intrude on my life.” “Jeez, Livia, when did you get so fake-deep? Has this lentil-eating douchebag been giving you self-help talks?” “No. I just learned some basic self-respect since we broke up.” His expression becomes bitter. “You mean you turned into a bitch.” I step toward him and snarl in his face, “Don’t ever talk to Livia like that. Don’t talk to anyone like that, and get the fuck out of here.” Piers stares me down, breathing beer fumes all over me, but he’s not as confident as he was a moment ago. “I could say I feel sorry for you, but I don’t,” Livia tells him. “I feel sorry for whichever woman will come after me in your life. I wish I could go to her right now and tell her that she deserves better than you, like I deserved better than you.” I look carefully at Livia’s face, wondering if she’s upset, but she’s calm and clear-eyed. “Goodbye, Piers. Don’t come around here again. You’re not welcome.” She shuts the door in his startled face. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head, and murmur into her hair, “I’m so proud of you.”

She squeezes me hard, and then smiles up at me. “Thank you, daddy. I can’t tell you how good it felt to say that.” Then her expression grows serious. “I wish I could pre-warn every woman he meets what he’s really like. It makes me angry to think that there’s nothing I can do to stop him from hurting someone else like he hurt me.” “You did do something. You stood up to him and told him no. Maybe no one’s ever done that to him before and he needed to hear it.” She thinks for a moment, chewing her lower lip. “He didn’t even seem like he was listening to me.” “He heard. Maybe tomorrow, or next week, or sometime in the future what you said will get through to him.” “I hope so,” she says, heading back through to the kitchen. I follow her. I hope so, too. I hate the thought of any other women like Livia being subjected to a so-called dom like Piers. I pick up the knife and resume chopping. “I got a new client last week, and from our first meeting I sensed that she might have been through something like what you’ve been through. I told her the things that made a difference to you, and slowly she’s relaxed into the place and is opening up to me a little.” Sympathy wrinkles Livia’s brow. “Is she okay? Did she get away from the dom who mistreated her?”

“Yes. She was with this man for eight years, so her number one goal is to relearn her confidence. She says getting through her workouts is making a big difference, and seeing healthy power exchanges around her is showing her how the dynamics are supposed to work. That it can make her happy.” “It will give her hope that she can have something like it in her personal life again.” “I think that’s what I love best about Dom Fitness. It gives me the chance to feel like I’m making a difference in people’s lives.” “And that’s why I love you, daddy.” My eyes widen. We haven’t said I love you, yet. Livia suddenly claps both hands over her mouth and turns red. “Oh, my god. I didn’t mean to say it out loud.” I put the knife down and wrap my arms around her, kissing her cheeks and trying to get her to look at me. I can’t stop smiling. “You love me, bunny-girl? You love daddy?” Livia starts laughing and hides her face in my chest. “I guess the secret’s out.” I put my lips against her ear and whisper, “Don’t ever let it be a secret. Daddy loves you, too.” Livia looks up at me with big eyes. “You do?”

With my arms around her, I settle back against the counter, her body against mine. I breathe in her warm, sweet scent. These are the moments that mean so much to me. Private, quiet moments with my girl when I can feel her love and happiness, and it makes mine complete. I plant a kiss on her plush, pink lips. “Every bit of you, and I plan on telling you every day. I love my bunny.” Livia’s eyes shine. “I love my daddy.”



Six months later It’s late afternoon on New Year’s Eve and Dom and I are the last trainers in the gym. We’re closing early today so there are only a handful of members working out. And our girls, Peaches and Bunny, also known as Amelia and Livia. They’re supposed to be working out, anyway. Mostly they’re chatting over their exercises and reps as if they have all the time in the world, which they don’t. Dom and I are standing by the water fountain, discussing the big changes that have happened this year. Dom Fitness has grown more and more popular. It’s rarely quiet in the gym so this is our time to chill. We’ve earned it. The girls, though… I pause what I’m saying to frown at Livia, which would normally be all it takes to pull her up and make her focus. Except it doesn’t work

because she’s so deep into her conversation with Dom’s girlfriend and sub to notice my expression. Livia’s asked me to be stricter with her now that we’ve grown closer and she trusts me, including at the gym. She’s asked questions about what it feels like for me to lay down the law, a bright, interested expression on her face. So far I haven’t needed to punish her for anything as she’s followed all her rules that we agreed upon together. Maybe today’s the day that that changes. As Dom and I talk, each with an eye on our subs, we notice how they’ve stopped doing their exercises altogether in favor of talking. Dom calls across the gym to his girlfriend, “Peaches, baby. Have you forgotten that the gym is closing early tonight for New Year’s?” Livia and Amelia jump and glance at the clock. “Sorry, daddy!” Amelia calls back, and they head over to the stationary bikes together for the last thirty minutes of their workouts. I relax back against the wall, because one reminder to focus is all Livia ever needs. Except that a few minutes later, the two of them are so deep in conversation that their pedaling has slowed right down until they’re barely moving. Dom’s noticed, too. “Sorry, Trey. My girl’s distracting yours.”

“I think it’s mutual distraction,” I observe, eyes narrowed as Livia stops to exclaim over something Amelia has said. It’s not that they’re not allowed to talk, but they’re supposed to be working out, as well. Dom might be louder and shoutier than me and look scary with his flashing eyes and dark beard, but he’s actually a big softie on the inside. I’m the one who gets told he has a lovely smile, and I look sweet, but then I’m strict as hell. Let’s just say I don’t have a thing for good girls because I like to be disobeyed. I push away from the wall and make my way over to my sub, eyes still narrowed. Livia asked me to be stricter with her and if that’s what she wants, that’s what she’s going to get. “Livia. Care to explain to me what you’re doing right now?” I ask. Her eyes snap to mine and the smile drops from her face. “Uh… uh…I was getting on with my workout because the gym is closing early tonight. That’s what I was supposed to be doing, anyway. Sorry, daddy.” She puts on her best good-girl voice as she says sorry, daddy. Usually that would make me melt and have me smiling at her. Actually, it does make me melt, on the inside, but not enough. Today, I want more. “How many times were you reminded to get on with your workout?”

She starts pedaling fast. By her side, so does Amelia, who’s shooting furtive looks at her own dom. “I’ll get on with it now, I swear.” “Did I ask you to get on with your workout, or did I ask you a question?” Livia bites her lower lip, sensing that she’s crossed a line. “Sorry, daddy. You asked me a question. Twice now, daddy.” I point to the center of the room. “Off the bike, and go over there, please. Kneel on the floor.” Livia stares at the spot on the mats and then back at me, her eyes wide. She hesitates. Then she slips from the bike seat and walks quickly to the center of the room, head down. Blushing furiously. Her pink cheeks remind me how cute her ass looks after a spanking, and a ripple of pleasure goes through me. When Livia’s settled into place, I raise my voice slightly so it carries to everyone in the room. “I’d like you all to please observe that my trainee, Livia, is kneeling in the center of the room for punishment.” Everyone’s allowed to look at my sub. Everyone’s allowed to witness her punishment. On the floor, Livia blushes harder. She was curious about this when she first started at Dom Fitness, and now she gets to find

out what it feels like for herself. Now’s the perfect time as the gym is almost empty, and I won’t draw it out too long. Just long enough. To my right, I see that Amelia has redoubled her efforts on the bike, because if Livia’s being punished, then she’s definitely going to catch it from Dom. I stand in front of Amelia, my arms folded, gazing down at Livia kneeling on the mat. She risks a peep up at me, her eyes widen, and then she drops her gaze again. “Livia. Do you know why you’re being corrected?” She takes a deep breath. “Because I wasn’t doing what I’m here to do, which is workout.” “Do you know why that’s important?” “By not following the rules I’m distracting everyone who’s trying to be good.” “And what are you going to do now?” She’s witnessed this happen to other subs so often that she knows what comes next, and she winces. “Now I’m going to apologize to everyone and promise to do better.” I nod. “Off you go.” Livia gets to her feet, and I watch closely as she approaches each of the trainees in the gym, making sure they’re as respectful to her as she is to

them. Their responses are murmured “Okay, Livias” or “Thank you, Livias.” Their expressions are mostly sympathetic, because they’ve all been through the same thing themselves and know how embarrassing it is. When she reaches Dom, she visibly quails. Dom has his arms folded and he’s a foot taller and his shoulders a foot wider than she is. He’s also glaring at her with an expression that could melt metal. Dom stays silent as Livia stumbles through her apology, then he gives her a silent nod, and she scurries back to me and kneels before me again. “Is there anything else you want to say, bunny?” I ask in a softer tone. “Sorry, daddy.” “Anything else?” “Thank you, daddy.” I hunker down on my heels so we’re eye to eye and I cup her cheek. “What did you learn today?” “That I should focus on my workout when I’m here, because it’s not time to chat, it’s time to work.” “What else?”

She looks confused for a moment, and I glance meaningfully over at Dom and Amelia, who are working through the same thing that we are, only with more huffs and eyerolls from Amelia. “Oh—not to distract other subs from their workouts and get them into trouble?” I nod. “That’s right.” My hand is still against her cheek and she looks so deliciously penitent that I want to lean forward and slant my mouth over hers. Livia seems to know what I’m thinking. “It’s a shame about the rules, isn’t it, daddy?” Livia whispers, her eyes getting back their sparkle. “That you can’t kiss me here.” My mouth twitches, and I notice how she’s squirming where she sits. I whisper, “Are you horny, little bunny?” Livia nods, a shy smile on her face. I raise my voice back to normal level, and she jumps. “You should have thought of that before you were disobedient. Back on that bike.” “Yes, daddy,” she squeaks, scrambling to her feet and hurrying to obey. A moment later, once she’s settled, I pause to check the settings on her bike and murmur in her ear, “We’ll finish this at home.” Livia blushes again, but from pleasure, this time.

She finishes her workout and hits the showers, and Dom and I close up the gym and change back into our street clothes. Livia’s waiting for me in the foyer and I take her hand and we walk the short distance to her apartment. As soon as we get in the front door and I close it behind me, Livia falls to her knees. She presses her face against my thighs. “Sorry, sorry, sorry. I know you’re mad at me. I deserved that.” “Bunny, I’m not mad at you. I’m never mad at you.” I cup her chin and make her look up at me. “I’m holding up my side of our agreement, remember?” Sometimes Livia needs reminding that just because she’s punished, it doesn’t mean I’m mad at her. It’s not her fault she still thinks this way sometimes. It’s that fuckface’s fault, but we’re working through it. “Oh, yes. I remember.” “So what am I feeling?” I ask her. “You’re not mad, you’re disappointed.” Her brow creases as the agony of that washes over her. Her gaze lands on my belt. Then the zipper of my jeans. She reaches up and runs a finger down it, and I feel it in my cock. She’s agonized, but still horny.

I’ve been semi-hard since lecturing her at the gym but now I stiffen completely. She reaches up and unthreads the belt from my jeans, and hands it to me. Then she unzips my jeans and draws me out. I give a hiss of pleasure as she takes the head of my cock in her mouth. “You’re still getting spanked after this,” I say, showing her the belt that’s gripped in my hand. She looks up at me with big eyes and a mouth full of my cock, and nods. Jesus Christ, that’s a perfect picture of a good little girl. I gather her silky blonde hair up into my fist and start to fuck her mouth. Leather belt in one hand, my girl’s hair gripped in the other as she works her mouth up and down my cock, what a perfect way to end a wonderful year. Wonderful, because I found Livia. I push deep into her throat and hold it there, counting slowly to three as her eyes grow wide. Then I pull out. She gasps for air, a thread of saliva between her lower lip and the tip of my cock. “Good girl, Livia,” I murmur, stroking her cheek. She smiles up at me and licks her lips. I know that look. She really wants to come. “Now go and get ready for your forgiveness.” Livia goes over to the sofa, pulls her pants and underwear down her thighs and then gets on her hands and knees, her ass in the air.

I go over to her and squeeze her plump flesh. Goddamn, she looks especially incredible like this. “Why am I doing this?” “To forgive me,” she whimpers into the couch cushion, and wriggles her knees so she pushes her ass into my hand. We don’t call this part punishment. We call this forgiveness, because it’s the final part of the ritual and she knows I want her to feel good, even when it stings. “Good girl.” I lay the belt aside. I want to spank her with my hand first. I love doing this, and so does she. I start gently, giving her a smack, and her shoulders sink further into the sofa. I keep spanking her, increasing the intensity until her flesh is glowing with heat and turning bright red, and she’s moaning with every smack. “How does your forgiveness feel?” “So good, daddy,” she moans. “I’m going to finish with my belt now.” “Okay, daddy.” God, her voice is insanely hot when she’s being forgiven. My cock aches to be buried inside her. I wrap the belt around my hand in a loop, test it lightly against my palm, and then position it carefully and stroke it across

her ass. The leather against her already reddened flesh makes a pleasing smacking sound, and Livia yelps. I pause for a second for the stinging to die down, and to draw this part out. I only ever give her three of these so I want us both to enjoy it. I stroke her again, and she yelps louder. Her thighs shake but she holds herself obediently still. Then finally, a third, right across her bright red skin. I drop the belt and lean down and kiss her panting mouth. “Am I a good girl, daddy?” she asks breathlessly. “You are, baby. You’re daddy’s very good girl.” “How good?” she asks, edging her knees open and arching her back. Damn, she’s so horny after her drawn out punishment and forgiveness that she doesn’t even want a cuddle before she comes. I sit down on the sofa beside her and take her hand. “Get over here and sink down on my cock. I want to hold your red ass while I fuck you.” Livia does as she’s told, stripping off her pants and straddling my thighs. I grip the base of my cock and tease it against her wet pussy. Then she slides down my cock, tight and delicious and absolutely perfect. I cup her ass as she bounces on me, driving me deeper. Livia pouts. “Ow, daddy, you made my bottom all red and now you’re squeezing it.” “You know I can’t resist your cute ass when it’s all hot like this.”

She smiles as she works herself up and down my cock. “Am I cute?” “You’re the fucking cutest. You’re daddy’s good little girl and he can’t get enough of you.” Livia moans at my words. She moans louder as I pull her top down and suck on her nipples. “That’s my good bunny,” I whisper, gathering her closer to me. She’s got her eyes closed now and is crying out louder and louder. As she comes, I pull one of my hands away and give her one last smack, driving her higher. The sight of her arched against me is enough to send me over the edge, too, and I wrap both arms around her middle, bury my face in her tits and thrust up hard. Finally, I sit back with a groan and smile up at her. “Perfect, bunny. How do you feel?” Woozily, she wraps her arms around me and smiles. “So good.” “Your punishment was not too scary or too much?” I ask, watching her carefully. She shakes her head. “Scary, but not too scary. I like seeing you like that.” I like being like that, for her, and I’m so happy that she trusts me after all she’s been through.

“Excited for the party tonight?” I ask. We’re throwing a staff New Year’s Eve party on the roof at Dom Fitness, and partners are invited. “So excited!” she exclaims, smiling wider. I wrap both my arms around her waist and stand up, still deep inside her as I carry her to the shower. “Good girl. Let’s go clean up and get ready.”


The roof of Dom Fitness has been festooned with fairy lights and there are tables with food and drinks. There’s music playing when we arrive at ten and a few people dancing under colored lights. Livia looks incredible in a long golden dress and her hair in big curls, and I hold tight to her hand as we say hello to everyone. I give her a kiss and let her go as Amelia hurries over to give her a hug. Dom comes up beside me with two beers in his hand, and passes me one. “My little troublemaker is leading your good girl astray.” “She’s just testing her boundaries,” I say with a smile. It’s all part of the fun, and as long as Livia’s happy, I am, too. As Dom and I talk, we hear Livia and Amelia to our right.

“I’m sorry you got in trouble. Was Dom really fierce with you?” Livia asks. Amelia nods and clasps her ass in her hand. “I probably won’t sit down until next New Year’s.” But she’s grinning as she says it, and Livia laughs with her. We work our way through a few drinks each and some plates of pastry puffs and vegetable sushi as the time approaches midnight. Livia and I dance together, my arms wrapped around her waist and hers around my neck. “Do you remember the first time we danced together?” I ask her, remember running into her at the club six months ago. “Of course. I couldn’t believe my luck that the big, sexy man from the gym wanted to dance with me.” “I think you mean I couldn’t believe my luck that the beautiful girl who took my breath away whenever she walked past wanted to dance with me.” We had a few bumps in the road along the way but we ended up here, together, and I couldn’t ask for more than this. Livia dancing in my arms and smiling up at me with love like she is now. I’m the luckiest man in the world.

At two minutes before midnight, we all hurry to the side of the building closest to the river and watch the sky, waiting for the fireworks to begin. With ten seconds to go, someone starts a countdown and we join in, shouting the numbers at the tops of our voices. There’s a flash and a crack, and a shower of silver and pink sparkles in the sky. Livia and I turn to each other and kiss, and the night is filled with whoops of joy and the snap and pop of fireworks. “Happy New Year, daddy,” Livia whispers. “I love you.” “I love you too,” I say huskily. I scoop her deliciously against me and smile down at her and the colored fireworks light up her beautiful face. “Happy New Year, bunny. And here’s to all the Happy New Years to come.”

Available now from Brianna Hale

Rules for the new sugar baby: 1. Are you worth it? Hell yes you are, ten times over 2. Hustle big, hustle hard and get out fast 3. Never, ever fall for your sugar daddy I’ve always believed “I’m not that sort of girl,” but with my father’s debt to a bloodthirsty crime lord to pay off I have no choice but to dip into the sugar bowl. Misha, a handsome older billionaire, is willing to pay top price for me. Something about my daddy doesn’t add up but with a debt to pay I don’t have the luxury of being picky. I’m the luxury in his life, his fantasy to fulfil, and I’m going to play my part to the fullest. My name is Ciara, and when daddy calls, I come.

Book One of the LOVE DON'T COST A THING series

Available now from Brianna Hale

Total control. I need it in every aspect of my life. Some would say that makes me an asshole. A freak. But as long as everything’s exactly how I want it, I’m completely flexible. I’m kidding. Okay, I’m not kidding. Lacey needs someone in her life who’s bigger and scarier than her demons, and she wants that man to be me. Her boss. The Viking in a suit. I hope she understands what she’s getting into. This daddy isn’t going to pat her on the head and tell her she’s a good girl for nothing. Especially not when she’s spinning out of control. Author’s note: This book contains depictions of eating disorder recovery.

About the author There’s nothing Brianna Hale likes more than a large, stern alpha male with a super-protective and caring streak, and when she's not writing about them she can usually be found with a book, a cocktail, planning her next trip to a beautiful location or attending the theatre. She believes that pink and empowerment aren’t mutually exclusive, and everyday adventures are possible. Brianna lives in London. Get a free daddy book in exchange for joining my newsletter: Join Brianna’s reader group to keep in touch:

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