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Beautifully Insightful K.C. Lynn

Beautifully Insightful Copyright © 2015 K.C. LYNN Kindle Edition Published by: K.C. LYNN All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form without written permission except for use of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

Dedication This book is dedicated to my girl Kim, aka Ryder’s girl. Kimmie – thank you for always being there to listen to me talk out my stories, and boosting me up when I need it. You never let me second-guess myself, and you were a huge part of this story. Thank you for loving my books as much as I do. You are one of the best things to happen to me in this Indie world. We have an amazing year ahead of us; Rome is going to be epic and a memory of a lifetime. I’m so happy I’m experiencing it with you. Love you forever, girl.

Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20

Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Epilogue Dear Reader Acknowledgements About the Author

Chapter 1 Emily MY HEART POUNDS fast and my stomach twists with nerves as I run my hands down the front of my dress, smoothing out any possible wrinkles there might be. “Well, Summer, what do you think, do I look okay?” I ask my dog who stands close to my left side. She gives a low whine and brushes against my leg. With a smile I lean down and run my fingers through her soft fur. “I know, girl, I’m going to miss you too. I’ll be back before you know it then you will be my partner once again.” She releases another whine and nudges my cheek with the side of her nose. Giggling, I kiss the top of her head then hear my bedroom door open as I stand back up. I instantly tense, thinking it’s my mother, then expel a sigh of relief when the familiar scent of warm sugar penetrates the air. “Oh, Emily, sweetheart, you look so pretty,” Rosa, our housekeeper, says sweetly as she steps into my room. I turn toward the direction of her voice. “Really? I look okay? Do I look… normal?” I feel her step closer before framing my face between her well-worn hands. “You look perfect, because you are perfect.” I smile softly and wonder why she couldn’t have been my mother. Although, I suppose she has been in every way that matters. “Thanks, Rosa, but we both know that’s because my mother wouldn’t have it any other way.” “Nonsense!” she replies heatedly, her accent thickening like it does every time she gets upset. “She can fuss with you all she wants, but she does not control what is in here.” Her voice softens as she lays her warm hand over my heart. I swallow past the sudden ache in my throat and voice my biggest fear. “I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m scared my parents are right and that I’m going to be nothing but a joke.”

“Oh, Emily, you must know by now that your parents’ perceptions are very misguided. We’ve talked about this.” “I know, and I’m trying to remember that. It’s just… Going back to school after all these years? What on earth am I thinking?” “You’re thinking that you want to spend your senior year with society, and not be locked up here like you have been for the past ten years.” “What happens if my parents are right and I’m not accepted by the others?” “Then it’s their loss, not yours.” When I don’t say anything she moves her hands to my shoulders in a gentle, yet firm grip. “This is going to be a good thing, Emily, I know it. You are going to shine like you always do. Besides, you will know a lot of the kids, and you always have Cece.” I think about the one girl who is the closest person I have to a real friend. “Yeah, but a lot of the people I know are ones I wish I didn’t. I have a hard time relating to them.” “That’s why you are going to make new friends,” she responds strongly. I shake myself out of my pity party and stand up straighter. “You’re right. Besides, I am doing this for myself, to prove that I can. It does not matter what anyone else thinks.” “There’s my girl.” I sense Rosa lean in and feel her press a familiar kiss to my cheek. “Now let’s go downstairs, Cece will be here soon to pick you up.” I lean down and give Summer, my guide dog, one more kiss on the head before grabbing my bag and following Rosa out of my room. I try to ignore the sudden emptiness I feel without her and Rosa senses it. “She will be okay, Emily. I’ll watch over her while you’re gone.” I smile and nod. Leaving her is harder than I thought it would be. She’s my very best friend, and has been by my side for the last four years. If there is ever a time I misjudge something I know I can always count on her. You will be fine, I remind myself. I’ve walked that school repeatedly over the entire summer. I probably know it better than any person who can see, and if I do need help I will have Cece. I grab onto the wooden railing that edges the long hallway leading to my stairs, and feel Rosa follow close behind me as I start my descent. I’m just about to ask her if my mother has come down yet but I don’t need to because I can sense her as I get closer to the bottom of the stairs. Her

overwhelming perfume penetrates my senses and I swear the air drops in temperature as I feel her disapproving stare. “Good morning, Mother.” I greet her carefully, knowing she’s going to be in even more of a foul mood than usual today. “I guess you’re still planning to go through with this stupid idea of yours.” I don’t let her condescending tone deter me. “Yes. I told you I am not changing my mind.” I hear her huff then feel her step closer. I try not to roll my eyes as she fixes my hair and fusses with my dress; I’m clearly not up to her standards. I also get a whiff of vodka on her breath, something that isn’t uncommon. “I don’t remember your dress being this snug.” I grind my teeth and restrain myself from replying back with a snide remark. I learned long ago not to waste my breath on my mother. Nothing I say will ever change who she is. Hopefully this will be my last year in this house and all my plans will fall into place after I graduate. I feel Rosa place her hand on the small of my back reassuringly, which makes my mother snap. “Rosa, leave us while I talk to Emily.” “Yes, Mrs. Michaels.” She leans in and kisses my cheek. “Bye, Miss Emily,” she says softly, adding the ‘miss’ for my mother’s sake. “Have a fabulous first day. I know you will shine like you always do.” “Bye, Rosa.” I hear her walk away before my mother starts in on me. “That woman babies you too much.” “She doesn’t baby me, she is kind to me.” Something my mother knows nothing about. Sometimes I wonder why she and my father bothered to have a child, but then I remember it’s all about image. “Would you stop looking at me like that?” she snaps with disgust. “Where are your glasses, and why are you not wearing them?” I reach into my bag and pull out my designer aviators. “They’re right here.” I sigh softly, knowing I should have put them on before I came down. “Then put them on. You know the deal, Emily. This is embarrassing enough for your father and me. If I hear of you taking them off while you are at school I will pull you out so fast your head will spin. Got it?” Tears sting my eyes as I swallow past the hurt clogging my throat before putting them on. “Don’t you think I will look more ridiculous wearing them

inside?” “No, I don’t, and you know that!” She’s right, I do. For some reason, my mother has never liked the color of my eyes; she says they stand out too much. After I lost my vision she made me keep them covered as often as possible. She says they wander and frighten people. Rosa says she’s crazy and that my eyes are beautiful. I don’t remember much about them, since I was so young when I lost my sight. But Rosa tells me they are very unique, a pale blue that reminds her of a snow princess. When I don’t wear my glasses I always try my hardest to focus, but I guess I didn’t do a very good job this morning. That, and my mother is in an even more hateful mood than usual, which I knew she would be. “I’ll keep them on,” I promise quietly. Before she can say anything else nasty, my father walks in. “Emily, good you’re still here.” I turn to my left at where I hear his voice and instantly get a whiff of his expensive cologne. “I wanted to let you know I was at the Prescott’s last night, and Kyle has graciously said he would watch out for you at school.” I tense and my stomach recoils at the mention of the jerk’s name. I grind my teeth. “I told you I don’t need him to watch out for me. I don’t want anything to do with him.” “Stop being a brat,” my mother cuts in. “You are lucky someone like him is willing to include you, and…” “Lucky!” I interrupt with a shout. “How am I lucky? You do remember me telling you he tried forcing himself on me at the charity dinner, right?” “He didn’t try to force himself on you,” my father replies in annoyance. “We have talked about this. His father and I think it would be good for you two to see each other, especially with the upcoming campaign. And…” “Good for you, but not for me! The jerk shoved his tongue down my throat after I said no.” “Oh stop being such a drama queen,” my mother chimes back in. “And if you ask me, it’s good for you. I mean, really, Emily, if someone like him is willing to date you, with your… disability then I wouldn’t be rejecting it. The chance of you getting another opportunity with someone like him is slim to none.”

I grind my teeth so hard I’m surprised my jaw doesn’t snap, and feel tears start to slip down my cheeks, which only makes me more angry that I let her get to me. “Yeah, well, I didn’t ask you, and I would rather have no opportunity than to have one with him.” Not wanting to stick around a second longer, I step past my mother and head to the front door. I try to push down my anger and concentrate on my direction. Just as I reach out and grasp the handle, she says: “Don’t come crying to me, Emily, when this all blows up in your face like I know it will.” I don’t bother to tell her that I would never come crying to her, because I know better. I’ve always known better. Opening the door, I walk out and make sure to slam it behind me. I take a moment and inhale a deep breath of fresh air, hoping to calm my angry heartbeat and the hurt trying to suffocate me. Thankfully, it isn’t long before I hear the familiar sound of Cece’s highpitched horn as she does her usual double honk while driving up the long road to my house. I walk across my porch and down the three steps just as she pulls up. “Well hello, beautiful,” she greets me brightly. “Look at you, eagerly awaiting my arrival. Are you that excited for your first day of school?” I reach for the handle of her convertible. “Try – ‘I was eagerly escaping my parents’,” I reply dully as I get in the car. “Uh oh, bad morning?” “That’s an understatement.” I try to say it easily but the hurt is evident in my tone. Cece grasps my hand gently. “I’m sorry, Emily. They’re still giving you a hard time about this?” I swallow thickly then shrug. “When are they not giving me a hard time?” I turn toward her. “Can you believe they told me to stay close to Kyle?” She grunts then releases my hand before driving away. “Yes, I can.” “Apparently Kyle told my dad that he would watch out for me. The jerk has some nerve.” “Yeah… but he is hot.” I shake my head, not surprised by her comment. “What? I’m just stating the truth. Don’t get me wrong, the guy is a total douche bag, but he is good looking.” “There is nothing attractive about him, Cece.”

“There is, trust me, but forget about all that. This year is going to be epic and we are going to have a blast finishing our last year of high school together.” “I hope so,” I reply unsure, feeling nervous again for the coming day. “I know so. Now, do you want to go over our meeting spots again?” I shake my head. “No, I remember. We ran through it a million times over the course of the summer.” “All right, well, I’ll be with you most of the time anyway, but you always have your phone if you need me.” “I know. I’m good.” I feel her grasp my hand again. “Trust me, Emily, everything is going to work out and we are going to have a great year.” I smile and pray she’s right, because I do not want to hear ‘I told you so’.”

Chapter 2 Emily I LEAN AGAINST the wall, next to the water fountain, with my books in hand while I wait for Cece. I listen to lockers slam shut, other kids bustling around in conversation, and feel the heat of their bodies as they pass me. I try really hard to calm my pounding heart, but all of it is so overwhelming, especially when I’m not used to being around crowds. I catch a couple of ‘bye Emily’s that I make sure to smile and reply to, but unfortunately I can’t tell who all addressed me. I have to admit that all-in-all today went well, even if it was overwhelming. I felt like I was able to keep up with the teachers, and once I waited for the hallways to clear I was able to find my way around easily enough. I also made sure to stick with Cece when I could, which meant having to hang out with people I don’t care to, but it was better than being alone. It’s not that they’re terrible people, well, some of them aren’t anyway. It’s just that I can’t relate to them. They’re so… shallow. Most of them accept me because of who my father is. They accept the governor’s daughter, not the real Emily Michaels. I have no delusions that if I did not carry this last name none of them would be seen with me… the blind girl. Shaking myself from my thoughts, I suddenly realize it’s gone completely quiet. I listen carefully and don’t even pick up the sound of distant footsteps. Pulling my phone from my bag I hit my braille touch screen to hear what time it is, and realize Cece is fifteen minutes late. I move my thumb over the voice app and wait for the beep. “Hey, Cece, I’m waiting by the fountain. Where are you?” I release my thumb and wait for my phone to chime with her reply, but five minutes later it still doesn’t come. What the heck? There is no way she left without me, even if she had an emergency she would have let me know. After another five minutes pass, I decide to go check the parking lot and make sure her car is still here before

I call for anyone else. I think about where I am in the school then turn to the left and start making my way down the hall. I drag my fingers along the lockers and count each one, knowing I will pass by eighteen before reaching the gym, then another twelve before making it to the school’s front doors. Once I push through the double doors I take a deep breath of fresh air. The warmth of the sun beams down on me, bringing my jumbled nerves a small measure of peace. I hear the sound of birds chirping and vehicles far off in the distance, but everything else is eerily quiet. I walk a few steps with my hand slightly out in front of me then come in contact with the warm metal railing. I walk down five cement steps before turning to the right, and walk another seven strides until I hit the grass. I turn left and continue straight forward, counting another nine paces, then reach out and feel the car. Making my way to the passenger side I feel under the handle to make sure it’s Cece’s, then let out a sigh of relief when my fingers come into contact with the familiar grooves of her handle. Okay, so her car is still here which means so is she, but then where the heck is she? I’m just about to try her on my phone again when I catch the sudden sound of light footsteps a second too late. “What are you doing?” I yelp and jump back startled, dropping everything in my arms including my phone. I instantly register who the voice belongs to and rest my hand over my pounding heart. “Jesus, Kyle, you scared the shit out of me. What are you thinking, sneaking up on me like that?” “Sorry,” he replies smugly, without so much as even a hint of being truly apologetic. “Just wondering what you’re doing out here all by yourself?” As much as I don’t want to answer him I decide to keep my pride in check, knowing I need to find Cece. “I’m looking for Cece, have you seen her?” “Nope, but I’d be happy to give you a ride home.” Yeah, I’ll just bet you would… “No, I’ll wait for her. I’m sure she’s just running late.” I hear him let out a sigh and feel him step closer to me, too close. “You know, Emily, I promised your father that I would look out for you, and you are making that very difficult when you keep avoiding me.”

I back up against the car, putting as much distance between us as possible. “I don’t need you to look out for me. I told you to stay away from me and I meant it.” “Come on, Emily, there’s no need to be like that.” I feel his hand graze the inside of my bare leg and I quickly slap it away. “Don’t touch me! I mean it, Kyle. Stay away from me!” Since I can’t see him I’m unable to brace myself when his hard body slams into mine, knocking the air out of my lungs. I instantly push against his chest, alarm rushing through me when I feel his erection against my stomach. “Stop it!” In the midst of my struggle, he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks my head back painfully. I bite back a cry and feel his hot breath hit my face. “Why do you always have to be such a bitch? Do you fucking know how many girls would love to be touched by me?” “Kyle, stop it!” I demand shakily, still struggling against him. “You need to start getting used to this, Emily, our fathers have big plans for us.” “Never!” I seethe through clenched teeth. “I will never have anything to do with you. No matter what my father says.” He groans. “Keep fighting it, because I fucking love it!” Bile rises in my throat and my panic escalates to a whole other level. “Kyle, I mean it! Get off of me!” I scream so loud that my voice becomes hoarse from it. Pushing with everything I have, I suddenly hit nothing but air, which has me flying forward and landing on my hands and knees painfully. I hear a small scuffle off to my left then nothing but fast, heaving breaths. “You need to mind your own business, Jameson. This has nothing to do with you,” Kyle seethes, but I also catch a hint of something else in his tone, something that sounds a lot like fear. “I’m making it my business,” another male voice cuts in, this one sounding deep, smooth and threatening. “Now get the fuck out of here before I kick your fucking teeth in.” Instead of leaving, like any sane person would do, Kyle chuckles arrogantly, but there’s a shaky undertone to it. “We both know that’s not going to happen, Jameson. Not after you have just been graciously granted that full scholarship from the board of directors.”

Silence consumes the air around us, and my heart pounds with panic, wondering if this Jameson guy left, but he ends up breaking the silence a moment later. “You try me, motherfucker, I dare you. After I’m done kicking your fucking teeth through the back of your head, I will gladly tell the cops how you tried to force your dick in the Governor’s daughter.” I try not to flinch from the vulgarity of his words, even though they’re the truth. “Yeah? And who do you think they’re going to believe? Someone like me, or white trash like you.” “They will believe me,” I cut in shakily, “and don’t think I won’t do it, Kyle.” “You’re making a mistake, Emily, and you know it.” He may be right, I know my father would have a conniption, but I don’t care, he went too far this time. “You’re the one making the mistake, Prescott, and if you don’t leave in the next three fucking seconds, you’re not even going to get to live to regret it.” Jameson’s threat rings with finality and truth. I stay still and silent, listening to the sound of distant footsteps and pray they’re Kyle’s, which is confirmed a moment later when Jameson says: “He’s gone.” I blow out a relieved breath then run a trembling hand through my hair. “Thank you,” I choke out quietly. Hot tears spill down my cheeks while I feel around for all of the stuff I dropped. I hear footsteps move closer in my direction then sense him kneel next to me. I gasp, startled, when he grasps my wrist in a gentle grip. “Here,” his voice is soft as I feel him place my phone in my hand. “Thank you,” I say again with a sniffle. After he releases my wrist, I wipe my cheeks with the back of my hand and am thankful my sunglasses are still in place. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” I shake my head. “I’m okay. He just scared me is all. I can’t believe what a jerk he is.” I hear him grunt. “Well believe it. I’ve gone to school with the arrogant prick my whole life, he’s always been like that.” I nod, knowing it’s true; luckily I haven’t had to deal with him on a daily basis. An awkward silence settles over us now. “Um, well, thank you, uh, Jameson, for stepping in. I um, I really appreciate it,” I stammer out nervously, sounding like a complete idiot.

There is a moment of silence as I feel him stare at me. “My last name is Jameson. My first name is Ryder,” he replies with a hint of amusement. I feel my face flame with humiliation, and silently pray for the ground to swallow me whole. “Oh, sorry.” “It’s not a big deal.” I clear my throat then stick out my hand. “I’m Emily Michaels.” His big, warm hand engulfs my small one, and for some reason the simple touch sends a flutter low in my tummy. “I know who you are.” The flutter vanishes and I quickly release his hand. “Of course, I’m sure everyone knows of the blind girl.” Silence stretches between us until he breaks it. “Actually, we have trigonometry together, which is where I learned you were the Governor’s daughter.” I feel like an idiot for how quickly I jumped to the defensive. “Hmm. Well is it bad I would rather be known as the blind girl than the Governor’s daughter?” I try to sound amused, but there is no denying the truth of my words. I feel him watch me and wish I knew what he is thinking. I start feeling around for my books when they suddenly get placed in my hands. “Thank you.” Putting my hand on the car to help myself up, I feel him grasp my arm and help me, sending that same flutter to my tummy again. Just as I get to my feet, I hear the sound of fast clicking heels. “Hey! What the hell are you doing? Get away from her!” Cece’s panicked voice fills the air along with two loud thumps. “Ow, what the fuck?” I hear Ryder bellow. Oh my god, did she just hit him? “I mean it, get away from her or my pepper spray is next!” Oh no… “Cece, stop, it’s okay. He was helping me.” “Yeah right!” she sneers doubtfully. “Really, he was. I just had a run-in with Kyle and he stepped in to help me.” “With Kyle?” “Yes.” The air becomes consumed with tension as awkward silence surrounds us. “Oh,” she mutters, and rather than sound embarrassed she sounds

fearful, if the tremble in her voice is anything to go by. Ryder grunts, sounding angry. “Whatever.” He begins to walk away and I quickly call out to him. “Ryder, wait!” I hear him halt and assume he is looking at me. “Thank you, again.” He’s silent and I think he isn’t going to reply, but he finally does a moment later. “I’ll see you around, Emily.” His words hold promise, and I’m not going to lie about the sudden excitement that rushes through me. I listen to him start off again then hear the sound of a loud motor start up before the squeal of tires. “Oh shit. I’m so fucking dead. I can’t believe I just hit him with my purse,” Cece breathes out, clearly panicked. “Oh my god, you hit him with your purse?” I repeat, instantly feeling guilty. “Poor guy.” “Poor guy?” she screeches. “How about poor me, because I know that ‘poor guy’ is going to come murder me in my sleep! Oh god, oh shit! What have I done?” I rear back in shock. “What on earth are you talking about?” “Emily, do you have any idea who that just was?” “Yeah. He told me his name is Ryder.” “Exactly!” Not understanding, I wait patiently for her to explain further. “Emily, that is Ryder Jameson. ‘The’ Ryder Jameson. The one guy no one fucks with, and the one every girl wants to fuck. He is seriously bad news.” “Well he didn’t seem bad to me. He was actually really sweet, and he…” She belts out a shaky laugh. “Ryder Jameson is a lot of things. Sexy? Yes. Dangerous? Double yes. Sweet? Hell no! And when I say dangerous, Emily, I mean dangerous, and I just hit him with my fucking purse!” “Well, I think it was awfully sweet of him to help me. I don’t want to think about what would have happened if he hadn’t shown up.” I swallow thickly, thinking about Kyle’s body pressing against mine forcefully. Cece grabs my hand. “I’m so sorry, Emily. What happened?” Instead of answering her, I ask a question of my own. “Where were you?” She growls angrily. “Mrs. Thomas kept me after the bell to have a long drawn-out talk with me about my attire. She said my skirt was too fucking short. I told the bitch that I had to go because you were waiting for me, but

she made me stay and said if I interrupted her one more time she was going to keep me every day after school. She wouldn’t even let me voice message you. I’m sorry, Emily, but it won’t happen again, because I’m going to sic my father on her ass.” I release a tired breath. “It’s all right. Next time I’ll wait by the fountain until I hear from you.” “Good idea,” she agrees while opening the car door for me. “Now let’s get home and you can help me figure out a way to stay alive after hitting Ryder with my purse.” I chuckle and wait for her to enter on her side before I say: “You’re being ridiculous. He isn’t going to murder you for heaven’s sake, and why don’t you just apologize?” She grunts. “You don’t know him. I have gone to school with that guy most of my life. Believe me, he’s capable of it.” I shake my head, finding it hard to believe after what he just did for me. “What does he look like?” I ask, curious. “He’s tall, like taller than most of the guys in our grade. He’s ripped but lean, not bulky. Brown, messy hair, and green eyes, olive complexion… Girl, there are just no words for a specimen like him. His sexiness cannot be described.” I try to picture what she just said, but can’t. I was so young when I lost my vision that most of the time I’m not even sure if what I remember is real. “But,” Cece adds, breaking into my thoughts, “he’s intimidating as hell. I’m serious, Emily, he doesn’t live the same lifestyle as us. I would make sure to stay as far away from him as you can.” “What do you mean?” I ask, even though I know exactly what she’s saying. “He lives on the other side of the railway tracks,” she explains, talking about the lower income part of the city. “His parents are real white trash. I remember when we were kids he used to come to school with bruises and black eyes. Rumor has it they were from his dad, which doesn’t surprise me. Like I said, they’re trash. He definitely doesn’t fit into our world.” This is one of those times where I don’t even relate with Cece. I love her, I really do, but even her beliefs are skewed from our upbringing – labeling two worlds and thinking you can’t intermingle. I would give up

this world I live in if it meant having loving parents that weren’t ashamed of me. But not Cece, I don’t think she could ever live without the status and money. My heart breaks to think of someone hurting Ryder, especially when he was a boy. My parents are very cruel, but they have never laid a hand on me. Heck, most of the time they ignore me. “I guess we have trigonometry together, but I’m sure after you thumped the crap out of him with your purse he probably won’t come anywhere near me now anyway.” She grunts. “I guess one good thing came out of it then.” I don’t respond, because the very idea of not getting to talk to Ryder again bothers me for some reason.

Chapter 3 Ryder THE ENTIRE RIDE to work my body is jacked with rage, yet my dick is hard as fuck after being so close to her. What the fuck is it about her? Just this morning I had heard about the Governor’s daughter coming to our school to finish out her final year of high school. I didn’t know anything about her, or where she had been before. But on my way to trigonometry I passed by Jimmy and the guys as they were talking about her. “Hey, Jameson, have you got a look at the Governor’s daughter yet?” Jimmy had asked. “Who knew a blind chick could be so fucking hot.” That was how I actually found out she was blind, not in trigonometry. After hearing the insecurity in her voice, I couldn’t bring myself to tell her the truth. I shook my head at Jimmy’s remark, not giving a shit. I don’t follow politics because I personally think all politicians are nothing but a bunch of lying assholes. Of course I know of Governor Michaels, everyone does, but I had no idea he had a daughter, let alone a blind one. I also didn’t give a shit because I knew she would be like the rest of them – high on herself. Looking down her nose at people while she walked around in her designer clothes, making sure not to break a fucking nail. Yet, when I walked into trigonometry and spotted Emily Michaels, my step had faltered and my dick instantly turned hard. She was not hot. I don’t know if there is a word powerful enough to describe how beautiful she is. Long, light brown hair fell past her shoulders in loose waves and shone as if the fucking sun was shining on it. Her face was soft and sweet with full pouty lips. You could tell her sun-kissed complexion was natural and not fake like all the other girls in our school. It was weird to see her wearing sunglasses but I figured that had to do with her being blind. When I noticed the seat behind her was empty I couldn’t stop myself from taking it. Which was stupid because then I got a whiff of her scent, something that smelled like rain, yet there was a hint of something sweet in

it. I don’t know, I can’t fucking explain it, all I know is it made my dick even harder than it already was. As class started, I became curious how a blind chick was going to do what we all did, but somehow she did, and she did it well. When we pulled out our books she pulled out hers. Hers looked a little different and I watched her, intrigued, as she followed along by skimming her delicate fingers along her book. I peeked over her shoulder and saw there were bumps on her pages. When Mr. Wesson had asked for someone to read the formula out loud, and she put her hand up, I watched in fascination as she read with her hands. And the sound of her voice was like a punch to the fucking gut. It was soft, sweet and the most innocent sound I have ever heard in my life. After class was over she waited until almost everyone had left before she stood up to walk out. My dick had done another jump at the sight of her classy sundress that showcased long, toned legs and hugged a tight, lithe body. For a slender girl she had the best rack I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen my share. Mr. Wesson had asked if she wanted assistance but she declined it. She walked slowly, yet she was confident in her steps. She lightly skimmed her fingers over certain things as she passed them, like the walls or lockers, and I would see her lips move slightly as if she were counting. It was intriguing and I couldn’t stop thinking about her all fucking morning. I swear everywhere I went I could still smell her. So at lunch, for the first time in years, I went into the cafeteria to eat, hoping to catch another glimpse of her. I sat at the far back with Jimmy and the guys, and watched her walk in with her arm linked with her crazy-ass friend Cece. They went and sat with exactly who I expected them to sit with. The rich assholes who thought they were better than everyone else. Only again, what I saw of Emily Michaels is not what I expected. She smiled politely to the people who talked with her, but she never engaged with any of them. Her body language spoke like she would rather be sitting anywhere else, which fascinated me even more. I didn’t see her for the rest of the day, that is until I walked out of the school after talking with Mrs. Johnson, the guidance counselor, to see that prick Prescott pressing her up against the car. At first glance I thought they were fucking around, and for the first time in my life a foreign feeling took

root inside me. I’m pretty sure it was jealousy, which is fucked up because I don’t get jealous. I don’t give a fuck about anyone enough to get jealous, yet, for some reason, with her I did. Except then I heard her screaming for him to stop, and that jealousy turned into rage. My body is still wound lethally tight, and I wish I had knocked that motherfucker’s teeth out like I threatened. If he fucks with her again then I will. Scholarship or not. I didn’t think I could become any more intrigued than I already was with Emily Michaels, but I was wrong. After our brief meeting I’m even more curious about her, especially after her comment about how she would rather be known as the blind girl than the Governor’s daughter. What the hell did that mean? I get pulled from my thoughts when I drive up to work. I park my bike in my usual spot then walk into Hector’s garage. “Hey, there’s our college boy,” Hector, my boss, bellows from across the garage. I grunt and ignore his proud smile, not wanting a big deal made about it. Even though it is. It’s not often a kid who grows up on this side of the tracks gets to go to college, but I busted my ass in school, praying I would get the chance because I knew it would be the only thing to get me out of this hellhole and away from my useless parents. Only a few more months. “Hey, Hector. Sorry I’m late.” “I almost sent a search party out for you. You’re never late,” the older man says, waiting for an explanation. “I got into it with Prescott and thought I was going to have to kick his ass.” Any easiness my boss had earlier vanishes. “Now don’t go getting yourself into trouble after working so hard on that scholarship, boy. Especially with someone like Prescott. You know his father will cause you nothing but trouble.” I know he’s just looking out for me like he always has, but it still has my back going straight because I don’t like anyone telling me what to do. “Yeah, well I don’t give a fuck what his dad tries to do, and if they’re smart they won’t do anything about it. Otherwise the entire city will find out about him trying to force his dick in the Governor’s daughter.” Hector’s eyes go wide. “Governor Michaels’ daughter?” “Yeah. Why, you know her?”

“Not personally, no, but I know of her. I’m surprised to hear she’s going to your school. She’s blind.” I shrug. “She didn’t seem to have any problems. She got along fine, just like the rest of us.” The older man’s eyes narrow in suspicion. “Oh yeah? Tell me, is she as beautiful as she looks in the papers?” I didn’t know about her being in any newspapers but I guess she would be. Like I said, I don’t follow that shit. I don’t answer him, but he still sees the answer in my eyes. He expels a breath and shakes his head. “Ryder, don’t you go and mess with her now. I know you’re a good boy, but their side won’t see that. They only see where you come from and I have no doubt her father would bring the wrath of hell down on you if you get involved with her.” I have no illusions about where I stand with Emily Michaels. I know she is way out of my fucking league. Not because of her money or who her father is, but because of who she is. After our meeting I realize she’s as sweet and innocent as she looks. Way too innocent for the likes of me. I nod at Hector but know I’m lying. I know we can never have anything, but I can’t leave her alone. Not yet. Not until my curiosity is filled. Although, I have a feeling I could find out everything there is to know about Emily Michaels and it still won’t be enough.

Chapter 4 Emily “ARE YOU READY for this, girl, or what?” Cece asks excitedly as we speed through the night in her convertible, heading to the beach party that happens every year once school lets in. “Yes, I’ve been intrigued ever since you told me about it.” Though as curious as I am, there is really only one reason why I’m going, and that’s in hopes of running into Ryder. A week has passed since the Kyle incident and my first meeting with Ryder. Since then he has made brief appearances throughout my days. It turns out he sits right behind me in trigonometry, the one class I now look forward to every day, all because I will get to be near him. I will get to smell his clean, masculine scent that wraps around my senses and makes my heart beat faster. I will get to hear his deep, smooth voice that always sends a low flutter in my tummy when he greets me as he takes the seat behind me. I don’t know what it is about him, but I fear I have become obsessed and I can’t seem to help myself. I’ve been craving to know more about the mysterious bad boy who everyone has an opinion about. Because boy do they have an opinion. I have never heard one person be talked about by so many people in my life. The guys made very few comments and you can tell they were careful about what they said. I asked Jimmy Newman, who happens to be in a few of my classes, about the rumors one day, because I heard if Ryder associates with anyone it’s him, but he said that Ryder doesn’t associate with anyone. He said he’s the kind of guy who likes to keep to himself, doesn’t do any attachments, and he was someone you didn’t screw with. Which is something I had already heard from Cece. It amazes me to hear how many people fear him. I know I don’t know a lot about him, but from my brief encounters with him he did not seem

threatening. I guess, when I think back to the way he was with Kyle, he was, and boy did he do it well, but that was for good reason. Then there were the girls’ opinions. They either bragged about a night they spent with Ryder, or you heard them talking about wanting to spend a night with him. And for some reason that really bothered me. I don’t know why, I can’t explain it and I know I have no right to feel that way, but when it comes to Ryder Jameson it seems like my feelings, or rather my hormones, have a mind of their own. Unfortunately, for as much as I want to know more about Ryder, all his appearances have been brief and I haven’t gotten much more than a greeting from him. That was until yesterday morning, after class, when Jimmy had asked me if I was going to the beach party the next night. I told him yes and that I would see him there. After I walked out of the classroom and was headed to my next class, Ryder stopped me in the hallway. “Em, wait up!” I halted and couldn’t stop the small flutter in my tummy at the nickname he had given me. He started calling me it the day after the Kyle incident, but my flutter vanished quickly when he said, “Don’t go to that party tomorrow night.” His sudden hard tone had me perplexed. “Why?” “Because it’s not a good place for someone like you.” I reared back, insulted and angry yet also hurt, but I made sure to swallow back the latter. “Someone like me?” I asked though clenched teeth. “Shit, that came out wrong. That is not what I meant. I’m just saying…” I put my hand up to silence him. “I’ll have you know, Ryder Jameson, that just because I am blind I’m not a complete invalid. I’m actually capable of a lot of things, and…” “Damn it, Emily, that isn’t what I meant.” “Really? Then enlighten me, what did you mean?” He released a frustrated breath. “Look, I just meant that a lot of assholes go to these parties and…” “Are you going?” “What?” he asked, clearly caught off guard by the question. “I said, are you going?” He paused before answering. “I thought about it, yeah.” “That’s what I thought. I guess I’ll see ya there… No pun intended,” I bit out before stalking off.

When I reflect back on it I guess it wasn’t fair of me to say, but I was hurt. I had hoped that he would have noticed how independent I am, but a lot of people don’t, they only see a blind girl. Which is okay, I know they just don’t understand it. I do believe his concern was genuine and he was probably just looking out for me, which was sweet. But now all I want to do is show up at this party and prove to him that I could be a part of something like this. And if I was being honest, I wanted to prove it to myself too. “We’re here,” Cece announces excitedly, pulling me from my thoughts. We both get out of the car and she comes over right away to link arms with me. “Don’t worry, girl, I got your back and I won’t leave you.” “You can come and go as you please. I don’t need a babysitter,” My tone is a bit harsher than I intended it to be. Her step falters. “My aren’t we touchy tonight,” she replies, not really sounding offended, “but you’re right, you don’t need a sitter. I will get you familiar with the surroundings then I’ll mingle on my own if you don’t want to come. You have your phone if you need me.” “Thanks,” I mumble, feeling guilty now for being touchy. “You’re welcome,” she responds before kissing my cheek. Even if we don’t agree on a lot of things, she really does have a good heart and I am very lucky to have her as my friend. “And may I just say how stunning you look tonight.” I scoff. “Yeah, I’ll just bet I look all sorts of sexy with my sunglasses on at night.” “I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I can…” We both burst out laughing at Cece’s horrendous voice singing the popular eighties song. “Okay, all joking aside you do look beautiful. I’m telling you, girl, you are rocking that dress.” “Thanks, Cece,” I respond thickly, my heart warming at her compliment. “I’m sure you look beautiful too.” “Yup, I sure do.” We both giggle at her not-so-subtle modesty. Once we reach the sand we toe off our sandals and start across the beach to where I hear nothing but chaos. Music thumps loudly through the air, laughter and shouts from both males and females fill the night. I know the moment we reach the party because I instantly feel bodies surround me, knocking into me.

My heart begins to pound with anxiety, but I quickly tamp it down and take a deep breath. You can do this, Emily. You are more than capable. Just breathe and tone your senses down. It’s something I have to tell myself often when I’m around a crowd. Being blind, my other senses are very heightened to make up for what I lack. Which means I am extremely attuned to my surroundings and sensitive to people’s energies, it can become overwhelming if I don’t ground myself. Cece walks me around the party, letting me get a feel for the surroundings. A few people greet me and I’m able to figure out who most of them are by the sound of their voice, though it’s a little tricky with all the noise. After getting drinks we settle by the fire, but it isn’t long before Cece is off doing her own thing. Which unfortunately leaves me alone next to Jimmy Newman. Don’t get me wrong, he’s nice and all, but sometimes a little too nice. It seems he always has to touch you when he talks to you. I was surprised to hear he and his friends would be here. Mainly because I’ve always been told we never mingle, but Cece says that doesn’t count for the beach parties. That only counts when the parties are at someone’s house. Our side doesn’t go to theirs and they don’t come to ours, but this is mutual territory. I personally think the whole thing is ridiculous, but I gave up trying to understand any of that nonsense a long time ago. I feel Jimmy sloppily sling an arm around my shoulder, and get a whiff of his beer breath. “Ya know, Emily, you’re cool. You’re not stuck up like the rest of the bitches that come from your side.” I bite back an amused smile. “Er, thanks. I guess.” “And you’re pretty too. Even with your sunglasses on.” I giggle at his slurred words and shake my head. I’m just about to throw his arm off me when I suddenly feel a large presence looming over us. A strong, masculine scent penetrates my senses, mixing in with the ocean breeze, and makes my heart skip a beat. I instantly know who it is by my body’s reaction. Jimmy’s arm suddenly vanishes from around my shoulders. “Uh… I’ll catch you later, Emily.” I put my hand out to stop him from leaving. “You don’t have to leave, Jimmy.” I tell him firmly, knowing Ryder’s presence is making him want to tuck tale and run.

“Uh…” “Actually, he does.” Ryder’s hard, bossy tone grates on my nerves. It also makes me feel something else, something I don’t want to acknowledge. Before I can argue further, Jimmy is already gone. I tilt my head up to the person in front of me. “Ryder,” I greet, not hiding my annoyance. “I’m surprised you’re here. Although I guess I shouldn’t be. You did say lots of assholes come to these sort of things.” Oh that was a good one, Emily. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling at my witty greeting. I hear him grunt before I feel him sit beside me. Oh heck. My heart falters, and the heat of his body engulfs mine, warming me more than the fire does. Damn traitorous body. “I guess that means you’re still pissed at me.” “Nope.” I lie. “I appreciate your warning, but as you can see I am getting along here just fine, blind and all. I didn’t even walk into the fire.” I feel him watch me, a long moment of silence stretching out between us. “I didn’t mean it how you took it, Em.” I soften at his sincere tone and the use of my nickname. “Actually, you did, but it’s okay. I’m used to it and I do know that your concern was genuine.” “No, you’re wrong. I wasn’t talking about your blindness, I was talking about your innocence.” I falter, not understanding what he means. “Come again?” I hear him release a deep breath. “I was talking about your innocence. Something that many of the assholes here would take advantage of, if given half the chance. And the thought of that shit with Kyle happening to you again makes me fucking insane. It had nothing to do with your sight.” I think about his answer and guilt instantly plagues me. “I’m sorry for assuming differently, but the same goes for this reason as the last. Innocent or not, I am capable of taking care of myself. I know it doesn’t seem that way because of what happened with Kyle, but I really am smart about the choices I make and I try to avoid putting myself in a situation where that could happen.” I feel him watch me again, the cackling of the flames seeming louder as I wait for him to say something. “Leave here with me.” “Huh?” I ask, thinking I misunderstood him. “I want to take you somewhere.”

My heart speeds up with excitement at the thought. “Where?” “It’s a quiet place where I like to go at night. It’s not far from here.” This is one of those situations I try to be smart about and avoid, but I’d be lying if I said the idea wasn’t completely captivating. I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to get to know him better. “I would never hurt you, Emily. Despite what you may have heard,” he adds quietly, mistaking my silence for something else. “I know you wouldn’t.” And it’s true. Despite everything I’ve heard, I know in my heart he wouldn’t hurt me, actually, if anything, I feel safe with him. Which is why I don’t waste another second thinking about it. “Okay, I’ll go with you.” Grabbing my hand, he stands and pulls me up with him. The warmth from his simple touch shoots all the way up my arm like a bolt of electricity. “I need to let Cece know.” “We will look for her on our way to my bike. Do you have your phone? Can you call her or leave her a message?” I nod then follow his lead as he tugs on my hand. He slows his strides when I have a hard time keeping up. I am not a fast walker. “So, uh, we are going on your bike?” I ask cautiously. The entire thought is both nerve wracking and exciting. I’ve never been on one before. “Yeah. You aren’t dressed for it but we won’t be riding for long, and I’ll give you my jacket.” “Oh, that’s okay, you can keep it. I’m sure I’ll be fine.” He grunts, clearly not agreeing. The noise from the party gets further away, and when we don’t run into Cece I pull out my cell and send her a voice message. “Hey, Cece, it’s me. Listen, um, I’m leaving the party with Ryder, so don’t worry about a ride home for me. Have fun and I’ll talk to you later.” I drop my phone back in my purse and know she is going to be pissed. Like really pissed. We come to a stop, where I’m assuming Ryder’s bike is, when suddenly I feel something warm envelop me. I instantly know it’s his jacket from the amazing scent that surrounds me. “It’s really okay. The night is warm, I’m sure I will be fine.” “You’re wearing the jacket, Emily,” he responds sharply, his tone brooking no argument.

Well geez, he doesn’t have to be so bossy about it. I startle out of my thoughts and gasp when I feel him try to put something over my head. He freezes. “Sorry, I should have warned you. It’s just my helmet.” I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment then nod my permission. The helmet is heavier than I expected and it encloses most of my face. “Here, I’ll flip the visor up since you have glasses on.” I feel my face heat once again, knowing how stupid I must look with sunglasses on in the dark. Once he flips the visor up I feel a lot more air on my face and don’t feel so confined. I lift my chin as I feel him fiddle with the strap. “I’ll bet this looks killer with my outfit,” I joke, trying to imagine how silly this all must look with my yellow, strapless sundress. “Oh, Emily, you have no fucking idea.” Whoa. All the oxygen suddenly gets sucked out of my lungs from his rough, husky voice. I have a feeling our ideas of what constitutes a killer outfit are completely different. “Come here,” he commands before grabbing both of my hands and placing them on the seat of the bike. I feel him lean in closer to me. “Now take this leg,” he whispers in my ear and softly touches my left leg, causing a shiver to flow through my whole body, “and swing it over the seat.” I follow his instruction and lift my leg high enough to swing it over the soft leather. His hands move to my hips in a firm grip then lifts me just enough to push me back on the seat. Oh lord that was hot. I hear him clear his throat before getting on in front of me. I sit with my hands on my lap, not knowing where I am supposed to place them. “Baby, you better hold on to me or you’re going to fly off this bike.” Baby? My stomach does a flip at the endearment. I have never been called that before, but boy do I like it. I quickly shake myself from my thoughts when I realize he’s waiting for me to follow instruction. Get a grip, Emily. Awkwardly, I slide my hands up his back, and don’t miss the toned definition of muscle I pass before finding my place on his broad shoulders. As soon as he starts up the bike, the loud rumble and massive vibration has me sucking in a sharp breath and quickly moving my arms down to wrap tightly around his stomach. I feel him shake with laughter, and it makes me want to slap him. My heart begins to pound wildly in my chest

and I start thinking this isn’t such a good idea after all. “Ryder, I’m not sure I want to do this anymore. I’m really scared.” His laughter stops abruptly at the fear in my voice. “I’ve got you, Emily, I promise. Just hold on and you’ll be okay. If you hate it, just yell at me and I’ll stop. Okay?” I take a deep breath and nod. “Okay.” I feel him shift, and when the bike kicks forward I let out a squeal and grip him as tight as humanly possible. Oh god. My heart rate escalates to a whole new level when I feel us turn onto the highway and we pick up speed. Adrenaline rushes through every part of my body as a million sensations plague me at once. Taking another deep breath I calm my thundering heart, and it’s not long before I let go of my fear and let myself feel. The fast wind on my face is invigorating, the smell of the earth around us is refreshing, and the feel of my body against Ryder’s hard, warm one is, well… I am not sure there is a word for it. The entire experience is both terrifying and exhilarating, but more the latter. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like experiencing the world in a whole new way. It’s a sense of freedom I have never felt before, a freedom I have desperately craved for so long. “You doing okay, Em?” Ryder’s question is muffled from the whipping wind, and it isn’t until he asks that I realize I have the biggest smile on my face. “Yes. Go faster,” I yell bravely. My heart jumps in my throat when he speeds up and I belt out a giggle, loving the rush. I soak in everything about this moment, not wanting it to ever end, but unfortunately, a few minutes later, I feel us slow. We lean slightly to the left as Ryder turns into our destination and comes to a stop. He shuts off the bike and sits for a moment. “Em?” “Yeah?” I breathe out softly, a huge smile gracing my face. “You need to let go.” His voice is laced with amusement and I realize I still have a death grip on him. “Oh sorry.” I apologize with a giggle then wince at how stiff I am from holding him so tight. I instantly miss his warmth as he climbs off. “Was it as scary as you thought it was going to be?” he asks as he takes my hand and helps me from the bike.

I feel my smile grow bigger as he works the straps under my chin and removes the helmet. “Yes, but it was also incredible. It was the most exhilarating experience of my life and I can’t wait to do it again.” I quickly realize how presumptuous that sounds of me. “I mean, uh… I just meant if I ever get the chance to go again that is.” Oh god, Emily, just shut up. I blow out a heavy breath, feeling like a complete idiot. I feel him lean in close to me, his breath lightly grazing my ear. “I’ll take you for a ride anytime you want to, Emily, all you have to do is ask.” My mouth goes dry and my body becomes hyperaware from how close he is, the night air suddenly thick with tension. Before I can respond he tugs on my hand, leading me forward. “Where are we?” I ask as I follow his direction. “A place I like coming to when I want to be alone. It’s a cliff that overlooks the city.” I feel him stop and turn to me. “Are you warm?” “Yes,” I answer, wondering what’s with the sudden question. He removes his jacket from me then places it on the ground for me to sit on. I feel him take the spot next to me a second later and have to restrain myself from leaning into him like I so desperately want to. Raising my knees, I wrap my arms around them then listen to the soft sounds of the night and feel the warm evening breeze whisper over every inch of my bare skin. “Describe to me what we’re looking at, Ryder.” It takes him a moment to answer. “The clear sky above us is dark and covered in stars. Way off in the distance are thousands of lights from homes and buildings that light up the entire city. It looks like we are a world away, rather than minutes.” It sounds beautiful and I try really hard to imagine what we are looking at but can’t. “Can you picture it?” he asks, as if reading my thoughts. “No. I was so young when I lost my sight that it’s hard to remember what things looked like, or if it looks the same as what I remember.” “You used to be able to see?” There is a note of surprise in his voice. “Yes.” Silence stretches out between us, and I know he’s curious but won’t ask. “Have you ever heard of conversion disorder?” “No.” “It’s a psychological disorder that’s caused by severe emotional trauma. There can be a few side effects from it. Paralysis can be one and so is blindness. Obviously in my case, I’m the latter,” I pause briefly. “One

morning, when I was seven years old, my father found me unconscious in the woods that surround our plantation. We have a small wishing well, actually it’s just a well but I call it a wishing well, anyway,” I wave my hand realizing that isn’t important, “I often used to sneak out of my bedroom at night and go to it. That night I couldn’t sleep because my father was hosting one of his political parties, so I snuck out of my room and started walking there. The next thing I remember is waking up and being surrounded by darkness.” I pause again and nervously clear my throat. “The doctors say I saw something in the woods that night. Something that terrified me enough that it put me into hysterics, but I don’t remember anything.” “Jesus,” he mutters, which makes me wonder what he’s thinking. When he says nothing else, I continue, “Intense psychotherapy or hypnosis could potentially unblock my mind, but my parents said they tried it when I was very young and I ended up in the hospital for a few days.” He’s silent while trying to absorb everything I’ve just said. “Wait, so this is a psychological disorder? There isn’t anything wrong with your eyes?” “Right.” “So what’s with the sunglasses then?” I tense. “What?” “If there is nothing wrong with your eyes then why do you wear the sunglasses?” I take a moment to think how I should answer then decide with the truth. “Because my mother forces me to. She finds it embarrassing that I can’t always keep my eyes focused and stop them from wandering. It’s one of the stipulations if I leave the house, I must wear them at all times, and…” I gasp in alarm when he suddenly snatches my sunglasses off, and I quickly turn my face away before he can see. “Ryder, what are you doing?” “Let me see, Em.” I shake my head, panic flooding my system as I think about him seeing the ugly parts of me. Worrying that he will see what my mother sees and be disgusted like her. “Please give me back my glasses,” I plead with a note of hysteria in my voice. I feel him move in front of me and I quickly close my eyes before feeling his warm hands frame my face. “Open your eyes, Emily.”

“Ryder, please don’t do this.” “What are you so afraid of?” I don’t want to voice it, don’t want to tell him it’s my biggest insecurity, thanks to my mother. I swallow past the sudden burn in my throat. “Only a very few people have seen them.” “I’m asking you to let me be one of them. I’m not going to judge you, Em, I swear. I just want to know you.” His sincere words have me relenting. Letting out a resigned sigh, I open my eyes and concentrate hard, hoping to stop them from wandering. My stomach drops when I hear him suck in a sharp breath. I try to turn my face away, but his hands hold me in place. “Don’t hide from me!” His voice holds a command that has me following the order. I sense him staring at me, and wait anxiously for him to say something. The silence drags on but I can no longer stand it and break it, “Tell me what you’re thinking.” “I think your mother is fucking crazy. Because what I see staring back at me is beautiful and should never be covered up.” Warmth explodes through my body, reaching the very depths of my soul. I let out a relieved breath then smile when I think about what he just said about my mother. “My mother is definitely a different type of person, but I gave up fighting with her a long time ago. She can be very cruel.” “How cruel?” His voice turns hard and I quickly realize what he must be thinking. “Not physically if that’s what you’re asking,” I pause and think how I should explain it to him. “My parents have a certain standard you must meet, especially my mother, and let’s just say, thanks to my disability, I don’t meet that standard.” I shrug. “They are who they are and I learned a long time ago that nothing I say or do will ever be good enough for them, but that’s their problem not mine.” I feel him watch me again and wish I knew what he was thinking. “You know, Em, you’re pretty insightful for someone who can’t see.” I smile at his observation. “Actually, I can be quite insightful. I just see differently than all of you. You see with your eyes and I see with my hands.” “I noticed in trig you were reading with your hands.”

“Yes. It’s called braille.” I reach into my purse and pull out my phone to show him. “Here, give me your hand.” I take his fingers and trace them over my touch screen. “This is the letter A, and this is the number one.” The phone repeats the letters and numbers back as we trace over them. Without meaning to I hit the message button, and the sound of an enraged Cece fills the silence. “Emily Michaels, are you fucking crazy? I am going to kick your ass if you aren’t already chopped up into a million pieces somewhere.” Oh god. “Did you not hear anything that I have been telling you all week about that guy? I am seriously going…” I quickly shut it off before Ryder can hear any more. “I’m so sorry,” I whisper guiltily, feeling horrible he just heard that. “How do you respond?” “What?” “How do you respond to her?” I place his finger over the reply button. “You have to hold down while you speak.” He takes the phone from me, and my heart pounds like crazy, wondering what he’s going to do. I hear the sound of the beep, signaling for him to speak. “Sorry, Emily is no longer here, but if you ask me nicely I may just tell you where I hid her body.” Oh my god, I can’t believe he just said that. I cover my mouth to muffle the laughter that bubbles up my throat and wait for her to respond. It’s only seconds before my phone chimes, signaling her response. “Jameson, you better be fucking with me right now. Because if you have done anything to her, my friend Louis and I are going to bring the wrath of hell down on your ass.” Cece’s voice is hard as she threatens to beat Ryder with her Louis Vuitton purse. “Do you hear me, buddy. Now put her on the…” I cut off her message by ripping the phone from Ryder and hitting the reply button. “Cece, calm down, I’m fine. I promise I’ll message you as soon as I get home. Have fun and I love you.” I put my phone back in my purse and ignore the chime I get a second later. I shift uncomfortably as I

feel Ryder watch me. “Sorry about that. She’s a little protective.” I apologize again, still feeling guilty he heard her say that. “Don’t worry about it, I’m used to it.” I think about his easy response. “Why is everyone afraid of you?” I hear him grunt. “Because they’re pussies.” I smile and shake my head, letting him know that answer doesn’t suffice. “Come on, you have to give me more than that. It’s only fair after everything I’ve shared with you.” Silence surrounds us and I start to think he isn’t going to bite, but he finally does. “Because I know how to take care of myself, and I’ve had to shut people up a time or two. But a lot of it is also their imagination. I don’t let people in my personal life, and since they don’t get to see it that scares them, and they conjure up all sorts of shit.” “Why don’t you let anyone in your personal life?” “Because I just don’t.” By his abrupt answer I know he isn’t going to clarify further and it makes me wonder why I’m here. “Why did you bring me here?” “Because I wanted to be alone with you.” “Why?” I ask again softly, needing to know more. “Because you intrigue me, Emily Michaels.” I smile at the use of my full name and think about his answer. “I intrigue you, or my disability intrigues you?” “Both,” he answers truthfully. “But more you.” I nod, appreciating his honesty. “And now that you know, are you satisfied?” There’s a moment of silence. “No, but I have a feeling I could know everything there is about you and it still won’t be enough.” Something shifts in the humid night air between us, it’s something powerful and something I have never felt before. “I want to see you, Ryder. Will you let me?” My heart thunders wildly while I wait for his answer, scared for his rejection. “Yeah, Em, you can see me.” He encircles my wrists and raises my hands to frame his face. Moving in a little closer, I feel my way to the top then run my fingers through his hair, and it surprises me how soft it feels. “Your hair is longer than I expected,” I muse as I reach the ends, which brushes over the top of

his ears. Starting at the back of his neck, I begin lightly dragging my fingers across his rough jaw, feeling light stubble. “Your jaw is square and strong,” I state softly before moving up to his eyebrows to trace the slight arch. “Your eyes are dark green.” When I feel him tense, I can no longer keep a straight face and bust out laughing. “Cece told me.” I hear him grunt, unimpressed, clearly not finding me as funny as I find myself. “Oh come on, you have to admit it was funny.” “Hilarious,” he replies dryly, which makes me laugh even harder. “Okay, sorry, I’m done now,” I lie as a few more snickers escape me. Composing myself, I continue my path and trace the length of his nose, feeling a small bump. “Is this visible?” “No.” I nod then drag my fingers down to his lips. They’re warm and softer than I expected. I spend extra time tracing the outline of them, and try really hard to picture what they look like. Suddenly, a low growl penetrates the air. “Emily, I’m trying really hard to do the right thing here, but I’ve decided I don’t give a fuck what’s right anymore.” My breath catches in my throat, his husky tone sending a shiver of awareness down my spine. “What do you mean?” I blurt out stupidly, knowing exactly what he’s saying. His warm hand cups the side of my face as his thumb brushes over my bottom lip. “I want to kiss you, Em. I’ve been fucking dying to know what you taste like.” Oh god. I want that so bad too, but I’m also scared. I have a feeling I am way out of my league here. “Okay, but I must warn you, I’m probably not going to be any good at it.” I feel him falter. “Are you fucking telling me that you have never kissed a guy before?” I nod; I refuse to count Kyle forcefully shoving his tongue down my throat a kiss. I know that probably makes him want to back away now, but I felt like I had to be honest. “I’ve been really sheltered from the outside world, unless it’s political parties I’ve been forced to attend. And any guys who I’m forced to associate with do not appeal to me.” “But I appeal to you.”

It’s more of a statement than a question but I find myself answering anyway. “Yes.” I feel him move in closer, and my heart thunders in anticipation for what’s to possibly come. “I guess that’s lucky for me then.” Before I can question that further, his warm lips suddenly brush mine and I gasp, feeling the soft touch through my entire body. His mouth is demanding, yet gentle, and when his tongue lightly licks the seam of my lips I open and grant him the permission he seeks. A whimper escapes me at the first sweep of his tongue, his incredible taste flooding my senses. Releasing a deep groan that reverberates against my lips, Ryder’s hands move to my hips, gripping them firmly before lifting me and bringing me over to straddle him. My fingers weave through his hair as our mouths create a heated passion, our tongues stroking and exploring one another intimately. I never thought my first kiss would feel like this. That it would feel so natural, and that it would reach the very depths of my soul. “I knew you would be the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever tasted,” he mutters against my lips before pulling back and trailing his hot, wet mouth down the column of my throat. I take in lungfuls of much needed air, and want to tell him how good he tastes too, but can’t seem to form words. All I can manage is an incoherent moan while I tilt my head to the side to give him more access. My body comes alive with sensations I’ve never felt before, a foreign ache starting between my legs. My hips start moving on their own accord and I whimper, the hard feeling of his erection giving me the friction I so desperately crave. “Fuck, Em, we have to stop.” “Why?” I ask breathlessly, not liking that idea at all. “Because I’m close to fucking losing control and I don’t want to fuck this up.” I pull back slightly, keeping our faces close while the sound of our heavy breathing mingles in the silent night. “And what is this, Ryder?” I ask softly, wondering if it means anything. After everything Cece has told me about him, it’s very possible this does not mean the same to him as it does to me. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’m only at school for one semester then I’m leaving for college.” Disappointment crushes me, knowing that he’s only

here for a few months. “I’m not going to lie, Em, I’m not the kind of guy that thinks past the first night with anyone.” I swallow past the hurt clogging my throat when I realize I’m no different to him than anyone else, but I should have known better. I’m just about to push away from him when I feel him reach up and cup the side of my face. “But, for some reason, you’re different. I know I should stay far away from you but I don’t think I can, not even if I wanted to.” His confession has relief and pleasure embracing my heart. I lay my hand on the side of his face and trail my fingers over his lips. “I don’t want you to stay away from me. I like you, Ryder, and I like being around you.” I’m not sure I should have revealed that quite yet but I’m not someone who has ever been good at hiding my feelings. “Me too, baby,” he replies, calming my doubt. Grabbing my wrist, he places a soft kiss on the inside of my palm before laying it back on his face. The whole gesture warms my heart. “My parents won’t ever be okay with this,” I whisper sadly. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but they won’t.” I feel his jaw clench under my hand and feel guilty for upsetting him. “I know, Em, and you don’t have to be sorry about it. I told you I’m used to it, but the thing is, no one is going to be okay with it. Our sides… they don’t mix – not ever.” I get angry thinking about how divided our worlds are. “It’s stupid and I don’t care what anyone says, not even my parents.” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in closer. “Yeah, baby, it’s fucking stupid, but it’s the world we live in. Here anyway. I don’t want to cause problems for you, Em, or me for that matter. So let’s tread carefully and keep shit on the down low… for now.” “When will we ever get to see each other if we can’t be together around school?” “I’ll find a way,” he whispers before trailing his warm lips on my neck again. “And believe me, Em, when I say nothing, or no one, will fucking stop me.” A shiver travels down my spine, both from pleasure and fear. Because I know if we get caught then all hell will break loose, but I have a feeling losing Ryder would be worse than any wrath my father could bring us.

Hours later, after more talking and lots of heavy kissing, Ryder takes me back to my house. Thankfully, he’s able to drop me off right at my door since my parents are out of town. After giving me a very long kiss goodnight, that leaves my body aching and my heart content, I reluctantly walk in. Closing the door, I lean back against it with a sigh and touch my lips. I’m so lost in my post bliss that I don’t hear Rosa until she says: “Emily, who was that?” I smile and straighten from the door. “That, Rosa, was Ryder Jameson, the most amazing guy I have ever met.” “The boy who helped you with Kyle?” I nod, a smile still gracing my face. I hear her let out a worried sigh and know what she’s going to say. “Oh, Emily, you have to be careful, honey. We talked about this, if your father finds out…” “I don’t care what my parents say. I can’t stay away from him, Rosa, and I don’t want to either. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. He- he makes me feel beautiful.” I sense her move closer to me then feel her familiar, warm hands frame my face. “That’s because you are beautiful.” She pauses. “I’m just worried about your father, please be careful, Emily.” “I will. We are keeping it quiet, for now.” I smile again. “Did you get a look at him?” I ask, wanting to know what she thinks. “Yes, I did, and I must say he is very handsome.” Before I can stop myself, I giggle like a giddy little schoolgirl. “Rosa, he’s perfect.” “Oh, dear girl, you are starting to scare me. Come on, let’s go to bed.” She takes my hand and I let her lead me to my room, even though it’s not necessary. Her worry does nothing to take away from the wonderful feeling I have flowing inside of me, because I meant what I said. I don’t care what anyone says. I don’t care where Ryder comes from. All I care about is when I get to see him next, and feel his perfect lips against mine again.

Chapter 5 Ryder THE HALLWAY IS empty as I wait for the one girl, who has plagued my every waking thought for the last three fucking months, to walk out of the classroom. The same girl I should have stayed away from because she is way too good for the likes of me, but as it turns out I have no control or common sense when it comes to Emily Michaels. I left the classroom quickly so I could wait for her while everyone headed to their next class, but she’s taking longer than I expect her to and I start wondering if somehow I missed her. But as soon as the thought emerges she finally walks out, and even though I was just sitting behind her, the sight of her still hits me like a punch to the chest. Jesus she is fucking perfect. My eyes roam down her beautiful, slender body the closer she gets, taking in her no-nonsense, classy sweater that I’m sure her bitch of a mother forced her to wear, but I can’t complain because it hugs her in all the right places. Her designer jeans mold to her like second skin, and are paired with the sexiest fuck-me boots I’ve ever seen. I watch as she drags her delicate fingers along the lockers, and her perfect lips move slightly as she counts. Lips that I’ve been aching to taste. She falters the closer she gets and I know it’s because she can sense me. I have no idea how the fuck she does it, but she always does. “Ryder?” she whispers, worrying who is around to hear. “Yeah, baby, it’s me.” Not being able to hold back another second, I pick her up around the waist and blow through the janitor’s door. I swallow her gasp of surprise as I slam her up against the wall and kiss her like I’ve been aching to. And fuck does she taste good. I swear no one in the world tastes as good as this girl. Like strawberries and innocence. The strawberries is from her lip-gloss she wears all the time, but the innocence – that is all her. Who the fuck knew innocence had a taste.

It takes her no time to respond. Releasing a whimper that spikes my cock to full intensity, she wraps her slender legs around my waist, and her body goes from cold to hot in a matter of seconds. “Damn, I’ve fucking missed you.” In reality it’s been less than fortyeight hours since I last got to touch her, but it feels longer than that. Much fucking longer, and lately I’m finding that I constantly need to be around her or I feel like I can’t fucking breathe. I can’t explain it, all I know is this girl does shit to me that no one else ever has, makes me want things I never thought I would. Things I have no business feeling for a girl like her. “Me too. I always miss you.” She mumbles into the kiss, “I’m tired of hiding, Ryder.” The sad note to her voice has me pulling back to look at her. Reaching up, I rip the fucking sunglasses off her face and unveil the prettiest ice blue eyes I’ve ever seen, ones that make my chest constrict with something I can’t name. I stare into her innocent expression that’s soft with sadness and wish I could change this. That I could change our situation, and all the political bullshit that we live in. “Let’s get out of here.” “What? But where? And what about school?” she rambles, clearly caught off guard at my suggestion. “Fuck school. For today let’s leave all this shit behind us. We’ll go grab lunch in Fairfield, where no one will recognize us, then come back and go park at the cliff.” I watch her contemplate it and can tell she wants to say yes. I lean in and rest my forehead against hers. “Say yes, baby. I want to be alone with you.” She relents on a sigh. “Okay. I just have to make sure I’m back in time to leave with Cece.” “I promise I’ll have you back by then.” I give her a brief kiss, making sure not to linger or we won’t be leaving this closet for a while, and let her down to her feet. “We’ll go grab your coat then leave out the side door.” Swinging the door open, I look both ways before taking her hand and leading her to her locker. I turn back to see her quickly slide her sunglasses back into place, which pisses me off but I decide to leave it for now since she will need them on when we ride anyway. After grabbing her jacket we slip out of the school quickly and easily.

Once we get to my bike I put my helmet on her and she lets out a resigned sigh. “I really wish you wouldn’t be without a helmet, Ryder. It’s dangerous.” I roll my eyes. “I’ll be fine, Em. Now get your pretty ass on the bike.” Giggling, she takes my hand and lets me help her. Once she’s situated, I get on in front of her and my cock jumps to attention when she comes flush against my back. Her legs hugging mine in a way that I have dreamed about, only in my dreams they are bare and reversed. Damn, I need this girl in the worst way, but I’ve been treading carefully. Not only because of how innocent she is, but also because I know, when the day finally comes that I take her, it’s going to fucking change me in every way imaginable, and that scares the living shit out of me. * AFTER EATING LUNCH at the small diner in the next town over, I pull up to the cliff and park in our usual spot. Rather than getting off the bike, I reverse our positions so she’s in front, straddling me. I remove my helmet from her, then reach up and rip her sunglasses off. “Take this shit off!” I didn’t mean for it to come out as harsh as it did, and I feel like an asshole when she flinches. I pull her against me and cup the side of her face. “Sorry, I just don’t want any part of you hidden when you’re with me, not when everything about you is perfect, Em.” By the small smile she gives me it was clearly the right thing to say. Her beautiful ice blue eyes focus slightly to my left while her soft hands find my face, her fingers tracing my features like always when we talk. It’s her way of seeing me, and if I was being honest, for a girl who couldn’t see, she saw me far better than anyone else ever has. Reaching up, I encircle her wrist and turn my face to kiss the palm of her hand. “This was a very good idea, Ryder Jameson.” “I know, Emily Michaels.” She giggles her cute little giggle, which brings a smile of my own. Something that never used to happen until her. “Any word on Florida yet?” she asks, bringing up where I plan to go to college, a subject that I always try to avoid. And no matter how hard she tried to hide it there was no denying the sad note to her voice.

“Not yet. I’m going to meet Mrs. Johnson tomorrow, but with my grades and her knowing the dean, she figures it will work out.” It’s something I should be fucking ecstatic about. All I’ve ever wanted is to get out of this fucking place and make something of myself. To prove to everyone that I’m more than the trash who raised me. Yet lately, leaving isn’t all that appealing as it once was. Actually, the very thought of not seeing this girl in front of me every day, to touch her or kiss her, brings on a panic I don’t want to think about. With her hands framing my face, Emily leans in and rests her forehead on mine. “I’m going to miss you, Ryder, but I’m proud of you and I know that no matter where you go you will succeed.” She says shit like this often, she holds me in too high regard. I have often wondered if her feelings for me would be different if she could see. Would she see what all the others see? I have no problem getting chicks, never have, even the bitches from her social circle. But with Emily, she has no idea what I look like. She doesn’t want me for my looks; she doesn’t see the kid who grew up poor and from the wrong side of the tracks. Knowing that, it makes me feel shit I don’t want to feel, but, like always, I’m helpless against it. I’m helpless against her. Not wanting to say something I may regret, I move in and take her mouth in a way that’s hot and desperate. She’s only caught off guard for a second before she moans and matches my every stroke, giving just as good as she gets. Her sweet taste explodes on my tongue and rushes through my veins. I swear I could kiss this girl every second of every day and never tire of it. I cup her ass to bring her in as close as I can, but it’s not enough. Unzipping her jacket, I pull it down and remove it from her body. I break the kiss to trail my lips down the slender column of her throat. “Mmm, Ryder.” Jesus, the way she moans my name is enough to make me come in my pants. I have not been without pussy for this long, since before my first fuck. When I have an itch I scratch it, and finding willing participants is not a problem. But for the last three months it has been me, my right hand and the image of the girl in front of me. I have been treading carefully, not wanting to push her. Other than some heavy kissing, and groping on my part, that’s as far as I have taken her, but right now it’s time to take her to

the next level. I want her to come apart for me. I want to show her what her body is capable of. Slipping my hand under her sweater, I coast it up her smooth, toned stomach and cup the heavy weight of one of her perfect tits. Feeling her nipple strain under the thin lace of her bra, I roll it between my thumb and forefinger with enough pressure that makes her gasp and whimper before grinding down on my aching cock. I groan at the pressure then start pulling up her sweater. “Lift your arms, baby.” She stills and bites her bottom lip, unsure. “Out here? What happens if someone sees us?” “No one comes out this way, especially at this time of day.” Leaning in, I press a reassuring kiss to her lips. “I promise, Em, I’m not going to let anyone see what’s mine.” And that’s the fucking truth. It’s hard enough for me at school, to see the wandering eyes as she walks past and not take them out. After another second of debate, she finally relents and lifts her arms, allowing me to slip her sweater over her head, unveiling the best set of tits I’ve ever seen covered in black lace. With my heart pounding in anticipation, I flick the front clasp of her bra and reveal her to my stare. And fuck me, is she a sight. “Ryder?” The soft, unsure sound of my name draws my attention up to her face. A slight blush stains her cheeks as she waits for me to do something. It’s easy to forget sometimes that she can’t see me and know what I’m doing unless I’m touching her or talking to her. “Sorry, Em, just got caught up in the view.” Her cheeks turn pinker and her expression remains unsure. I quickly realize she doesn’t understand what I’m saying. “You’re fucking perfect, Emily.” Her worry softens, a shy smile now gracing her pretty face. Not wanting her to think, just feel, I reach up and cup both of the firm, round globes in my hands then lean down and take one of her pink, stiff nipples in my mouth. She gasps and arches, her fingers spearing into my hair with a firm grip that shoots to my cock. “Oh god.” I’ve never had another girl respond like she does, her body is so sensitive to my every touch and I fucking love it. I also love knowing that

I’m the only one to touch her like this, because the thought of anyone else doing it makes me see red. I take turns going back and forth between each tight tip, her body writhing against me as she tries to get closer, and it has me craving to bring her more. To bring her to highs she’s never known. I coast my hand down her toned stomach until I reach the button of her jeans. She stiffens as I undo them and I pull back to gauge her expression. Her bronzed complexion is flushed with arousal and need, but her expression is hesitant. “Let me touch you, Em, just with my fingers, nothing else. I want to make you feel good, baby.” I keep my hand where it is and wait for her approval, fucking praying she says yes. A second later she nods her permission. Leaning in, I kiss her lush mouth before slipping my hand into her panties. “Ah fuck,” I groan, ready to blow my load when I feel her soaked and bare. Shit, I did not expect her to be bare. I slide my fingers through her wet slit, grazing over her swollen nub before making my way to her entrance. A low growl erupts from my throat as I enter a single finger into the hottest, tightest pussy I’ve ever felt. “Oh god, Ryder!” she cries out, her legs clamping around my arm to keep my hand trapped inside of her. “Easy, Em, I got you, baby.” I pry her legs apart and start pumping my finger in and out of her hot, wet heat. Her cries and moans fueling me with a need I’ve never felt before. I grind my teeth, trying not to lose control, and remind myself this is about her and not me, but fuck is it hard. Especially when all I can think about is how good it would feel to have this surrounding my cock, instead of my finger. Her hips begin rocking to the thrust of my finger, taking the pleasure she craves. “That’s it, Em, take my finger, baby.” Her breathing speeds up with her impending climax. “God, Ryder, it feels so good. But I need- I need…” She trails off and I know she doesn’t understand what she needs, but I do. Keeping the momentum of my finger, I lean down and take one of her beaded nipples into my mouth again, grazing it with enough pressure to send her over the edge. Her pussy clamps down on my finger as she explodes. I lean back to look at her soft, innocent face, watching her

expression twist with pleasure as her cries and moans fill the silent air around us. I didn’t think she could get any more beautiful but I was wrong. After her final tremors subside, I slip my hand out of her panties and reluctantly do back up her pants. A small breeze kicks up making her shiver and I watch goose bumps break out over her soft skin. I know I should put her shirt back on but I’m not ready for her to be covered from me just yet. So instead, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her bare body up to my chest and hold her close. I see her expression soft and sated, yet also uncertain. “What are you thinking, Em?” I hope I didn’t rush things for her. Her hands go to my face again, her ice blue eyes focusing just to the left of me, like usual. “I’m thinking that I like the way you make me feel, and I really liked it when you touched me.” I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding and press a soft kiss to her lips. “I liked it too. A lot.” “I just…” “What?” I ask as she trails off into a whisper. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.” She clears her throat. “Am I supposed to return the favor?” I smirk when her cheeks flush pink with embarrassment. “No, baby, you don’t have to return the favor. That was just for you.” Her cheeks turn pinker. “Sorry, that probably was a stupid question. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do, or how I’m supposed to act since I have, uh, never done that before.” My amusement vanishes at the uncertainty in her voice and I cup the side of her face. “No, it wasn’t stupid. Whenever you’re uncertain how to act, Em, just be yourself and then you can never go wrong. Because you’re perfect.” She gives me a genuine smile and wraps her arms around my neck, bringing herself that much closer to me. “In case you didn’t already know, I like you, Ryder Jameson. A lot.” “I had a feeling, Emily Michaels.” She giggles then rests her forehead on mine. “And,” she whispers, her lips only a breath from mine, “you make me feel beautiful.” I grind my teeth, hating that she’s never felt it until now. It’s the only thing I resent about her blindness – that she doesn’t get to see how

incredibly beautiful she really is, and to know her mother is full of shit. “Jesus, Emily, you have no idea how beautiful you are, every single part of you, especially your eyes.” I lean in and kiss the corner of one eye before moving to the next. Showing her that what her mother thinks is a flaw, I think is beautiful. Her eyes fall closed and a single tear drops to my lips, which makes me feel like someone punched me in the throat. After holding her for a few minutes, I reluctantly say, “We should go. I want to make sure we make it back in time before the bell rings.” She hugs me tighter. “I wish we could stay here forever, just like this.” “Me too, baby.” After I help her get her clothes back on, I get her situated on the bike again, then take off. The entire way back to school I try to think of ways we can make this work when I leave for college, because I can’t lose her. I’ve never wanted anything or anyone as badly as I want her. We arrive back at the school with ten minutes to spare. I park down the street then help her off and begin walking her back. Panic starts to strike me, not knowing when the next time will be that we will get to be alone again, but I do know that it won’t be soon enough. Just as we get a few feet from the school grounds, I stop and pull her against me before taking her lush mouth in a heated kiss. Her arms go around my neck and her soft body melts against my hard one. I meant for it to be a quick kiss, but the longer I hold her and taste her, the more my panic eases. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” I tense at the familiar cocky voice, and my blood instantly turns hot with rage. Emily starts to jump back but I keep her close, not wanting to give the asshole the satisfaction. I turn to see Prescott with some of his buddies from the football team, all of them wearing smug smiles at busting us. Well fuck, this isn’t going to turn out good at all. He’s always a cocky prick, but even worse in front of his buddies, which means I am going to have to shut him up. “This isn’t your business, Prescott, so I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I have to embarrass you in front of your friends.” He doesn’t acknowledge me, only Emily, and my blood burns hotter at the way his eyes sweep down her. “I have to admit, Emily, I would have never guessed you were the type to go slumming.”

I take a step toward him but Emily holds me back, her hand trembling on my chest. “Shut up, Kyle. Ryder is right – this isn’t your business. Now leave.” “Actually, it is my business. I told your father I would keep an eye on you. What is he going to say when he hears about this?” “I don’t need you to watch out for me and I do not care what anyone has to say about Ryder and I seeing each other. That includes my father.” “Better yet, Prescott,” I jump in, “keep your fucking mouth shut or I will shut it for you.” The prick finally swings his eyes from Emily to me. “You need to stick with your own kind, Jameson.” “And what kind is that, asshole?” I shout, taking another step toward him. “Come on, say it, I fucking dare you. Say it!” Emily has both hands on my chest now, trying to push me back. “Stop it now. Kyle, leave before this gets out of hand.” I halt my pursuit at the fear in her voice, stopping only a few feet from the asshole, but my body vibrates with the violence I am trying so hard to rein in. The prick’s smile turns more smug, thinking he has me and I won’t come at him because of Emily. “You know, I have to say, Jameson, it surprises me you’re wasting your time with her, not only because she’s blind, but the bitch is also locked together at the knees. Believe me, I’ve fucking tried… Hard.” My control snaps. Emily’s arms forgotten, I rush toward him, and for a split second his expression resonates pure fear, just before I take him to the ground. He tries blocking his face but I don’t hold back, my fists rain down on him blow after blow. “You motherfucker. You don’t know when to shut your fucking mouth!” He manages to bring his own fist up and clips the side of my jaw, but I feel nothing, only the violence that rushes through my veins. “Stop it! Ryder, please stop!” Emily’s desperate and fearful pleas sound distant to my ears. I feel arms try to pull me back but my fury make it impossible. I know I need to stop, that I am going to seriously harm him if I don’t, but my rage has me losing all common sense. Suddenly, I’m plowed to the side by two bodies. I’m just about to start beating the shit out of whoever they are when one person quickly stands and holds their hands up. “Easy, man, take it easy. Johnson and Thomas are

both coming.” With my breathing heavy and my head starting to clear, I stand and realize it is Jimmy Newman. I look around and quickly notice a crowd forming around us, and people piling out of the school. Prescott struggles to stand; his face a swollen, bloody mess. “Ryder?” At the sound of Emily’s tearful voice, I search through the crowd then rush over to her. “I’m here, baby.” I pull her trembling body against me. “I’m sorry I left you.” “What is going on here?” Mrs. Thomas pushes her way through the crowd with Johnson following behind her. Everyone clears a path for her, and when she gets a look at Prescott’s face she halts and gasps. “Mr. Prescott, what on earth happened to you?” It takes her no time to search me out, and her eyes widen briefly when she notices me holding Emily. “Is someone going to tell me what happened?” When no one speaks up she looks back at me. “Mr. Jameson?” I offer her no response, which really pisses her off. “Fine! I want both of you in my office, right now.” “But it wasn’t Ryder’s fault…” Emily tries speaking up but I shut her up by pressing a quick, hard kiss to her mouth, tasting the saltiness of her tears. Shocked whispers fall around us, but I ignore them and wipe her tears away with my thumb. “It’s okay, Em. Just go home and I’ll call you later.” I search the crowd for Cece and see her make her way over to us. “No, I don’t want to leave you.” “I’ll be okay, I promise.” I give her one last kiss on the forehead before walking off. I feel Prescott follow behind me, and that familiar rage begins to build again but I rein it in. “I’ll take Ryder in my office,” Mrs. Johnson says, speaking up now. Thomas doesn’t seem keen on the idea, but reluctantly agrees with a nod. “Then I will take Mr. Prescott to the nurse.” Before she takes him away, I point at him. “That was your only warning, Prescott. You stay the fuck away from her or next time I won’t be gentle.” “Ryder, enough!” Mrs. Johnson snaps, pulling my arm and dragging me into her office. It’s the most pissed I’ve ever seen her. Under most circumstances I wouldn’t give a shit if a teacher is mad at me, but she’s different. She’s been the only teacher to ever give a shit about me. She helped me work my way to a full academic scholarship. A scholarship I

probably just blew to shit now, but thinking about what that prick said about Emily, I know I would do it all over again. I take a seat just as she slams the door. “Are you crazy, Ryder? What were you thinking?” I try to keep my temper reined in because I respect the hell out of this lady. “The asshole deserved it. I warned him to keep his mouth shut and he didn’t. I will take a lot of insults, but no one fucking insults Emily and gets away with it.” She doesn’t scold me on my language, it’s another thing I’ve always liked about her. Her face softens with worry now rather than anger. “Ryder, out of all the girls in the school did it really have to be Emily Michaels?” I glare at her. “What the hell does that mean?” I know I’m not good enough for Emily, I know where I come from, but I’m surprised that she thinks it too. “Not what you’re thinking. I think in any other circumstance Emily would be lucky to have you. But don’t you realize the problems this can cause for you? You have worked so hard, Ryder, don’t throw it all away on a girl that you don’t have a future with.” “Says who?” She rears back in shock, and I’m not sure if it’s by my shout or the fact that I want a future with Emily. “Do you really think I am risking all the shit I’ve worked so hard for because of some chick I just want to screw around with for a while?” “How are you going to have any kind of relationship when you are going off to college in just over a month?” “I’ll deal with it when the time comes. I’ll find a way.” She looks doubtful but I don’t really give a shit. “What if I told you that you could leave sooner?” I narrow my eyes at her. “What are you talking about?” She releases a heavy sigh. “You and Emily may have gone unnoticed by a lot of people, but not me. I know you care about her, Ryder, I can see it, but you have worked too hard to have everything ripped away from you for this, and we both know her father will do it when he finds out.” She moves to stand in front of me. “I talked with my friend, who is the Dean at the University of Florida. He has set up a dorm room for you; I think you should take it and leave soon.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I’m not even done this semester and I have two finals I still have to pass.” She nods. “And we both know if you challenge them you will pass. It’s also something I have requested from both of your teachers, and they complied. Even Mrs. Thomas agreed.” I stare at her in shock and try to tamp down the panic that threatens to take hold of me. I shake my head. “No. I’m not leaving Emily earlier than I have to.” And if I have my way, I won’t part from her at all. “Ryder, please consider this. If you stay here any longer I may not have any power to help you out of the trouble her father and Kyle’s will cause you.” Her words have me feeling angry and helpless, which makes me lash out. “No!” I stand up and knock the chair back in my haste. “I’m not fucking leaving her, and you better hear me now – no one will keep me from her. Not you, not her fucking dad, and definitely not fucking Prescott.” With that, I storm out of her office and make my way to my bike. The entire way to work a million emotions plague me: anger, resentment, helplessness and most of all fear. Something I am not used to feeling. I’m fucking terrified of losing Emily, that I won’t be able to stop the politics of the world we live in, and it will divide us.

Chapter 6 Ryder THE NEXT NIGHT I’m on my way home from work, feeling no better since walking out of Johnson’s office yesterday. I miss Emily like fucking crazy. Other than a few texts and getting to see her in class this morning, I haven’t gotten the chance to be alone with her. So far nothing has come up with her father and I’m hoping that’s because Prescott decided to keep his mouth shut, but I have a feeling that’s not the case. I know it’s only a matter of time until the asshole strikes. I just wish he would do it already. It’s like waiting for your impending doom and it makes me feel fucking helpless. I have exhausted myself in trying to come up with ways to make everything work out and I have come up with only one. I’m just hoping Emily will go for it. I shake myself from my thoughts, feeling too fucked up to think about it any more tonight. As I park in front of my piece of shit, run-down house I realize my mood is only about to get worse when I hear the sound of shattering glass and my father yelling. I debate whether to just leave and come back when I know they will both be passed out from whatever bottle they drank from tonight, but decide against it when I hear my mother start to scream. Fuck, I did not need this tonight. My mother’s screams escalate so I rush into the house just in time to see my father backhand her, knocking her to the ground. Something that has happened many times before. “You fucking whore! How many times do I have to tell you?” When he begins to drag her back up, I rush to stand in front of her and intercept his efforts by pushing him back. “Back off!” His eyes widen in shock before they narrow in hatred – the only thing I have ever received from him. “You mind your own business,” he seethes, pointing at me, “or I will fuck you up worse than her.” That may have been the case years ago, but not any more. This drunk asshole used to rain his fists down on me almost daily, but then, one day, I

grew up and fought back. It was the last time he ever used his fists on me. Tonight though, he seems more fucked up than usual, so that may change. “Not any more, old man, and we both know who will be the one to come out on top if you do. Now get the fuck out and sober up before coming back.” It was clearly the wrong button to push. “You worthless piece of shit.” He charges at me, throwing a right hook, clipping the side of my jaw. “You don’t kick me out of my house!” All the pent-up rage and helplessness I have been feeling over the last two days unleashes. When he comes at me again, I meet him halfway and run into him with enough force that we fall to the ground with me on top and I don’t hold back. I hit him with all the strength I have and feel his nose shatter under my fist. “Ryder, stop it!” my mom screams, of course – wanting to save the prick. I do stop, but only after a few more shots. I stand up with my lungs heaving from fury and adrenaline. I point down at my father, whose nose is busted and face is bloody. “I fucking warned you to never hit me again.” My mom pushes me out of the way and crouches down next to my father to help him. She looks up and glares at me. “What the hell are you thinking? You know better. You need to stay out of things that aren’t your business!” I shake my head, not surprised by her blaming this on me. “You’re right, I do know better. I’ve known since I was a kid. I guess I should have just stood by and watched him beat the shit out of you, like you used to do with me.” With that parting comment I storm out of the house, slamming the half-broken door behind me. I hop on my bike, needing to get the hell out of here and away from this shitty life. Normally, when I feel like this I park at the cliff, but right now I’m feeling even more fucked up than usual, like there is no end in sight. I need something more, or rather, someone.


I’M LAYING IN bed with Summer next to me, my arm over her neck and her face close to mine, soaking in her comfort. Ever since everything went down with Ryder yesterday, my heart has been heavy and my anxiety uncontrollable. I’m terrified for what my parents are going to do when they find out about Ryder and me. Though as nervous as I am for their wrath, I’m more nervous about losing Ryder. Just the thought has agony striking my heart. No, that won’t happen. I will not let my parents dictate who I see. I’m suddenly startled out of my thoughts when I hear a ruckus at my window. What the… Summer jumps from my bed and starts to growl. My heart stops when I hear my window lifting. I shoot up and am just about to scream with everything I possess when a familiar, deep masculine voice penetrates the silence. “Easy, Em, don’t be scared it’s just me.” “Ryder?” I whisper both in shock and relief. “Are you freaking crazy? You do not sneak into a blind girl’s room, not ever,” I scold, even though I am really not upset, if anything I’m thrilled he’s here, and maybe a little scared at getting caught. “Sorry,” he apologizes, sounding different. There’s something in his tone I can’t quite name but it has me worried. I fix my nightgown, making sure I’m proper, before turning and letting my feet hang off the side of my bed. “Ryder, are you okay?” I feel him kneel in front of me a moment later, just before his strong arms wrap around my waist and he buries his face into my stomach. “I just needed to see you. I need to hold you.” My heart clenches at the vulnerability in his voice, something I’ve never heard from him before. He’s always so strong and seems so unaffected, but right now the air around us is so thick with whatever is tormenting him that it’s almost suffocating. I wrap my own arms around his neck and run my fingers through his soft, messy hair, trying to offer him as much comfort as I can. “Do you want to talk about it?” I feel him shake his head. “No, I just… I just need you, Em.” “You have me. Always,” I whisper thickly, my heart breaking at the sound of his voice. What on earth happened to him? He lifts his head and I feel him rise a little higher on his knees before taking my mouth with a desperation I’ve never felt from him. It sets my body on fire and distracts me from my worry. His tongue strokes mine

intimately, his incredible taste and scent infiltrating my senses. I twine my fingers in his hair as I kiss him back just as desperately; getting lost in the passion we always create together. His rough hands slip under my nightgown, sliding up the outside of my thighs until they are grasping my hips possessively. He breaks the kiss to trail his mouth down my throat, while I take in lungfuls of much needed air. I hold him close, never wanting this to end. His mouth doesn’t stop its descent, making its way down my chest until he finds my nipple through the thin fabric of my nightgown. I release a whimper and my need spikes to a whole new level. I begin rocking my hips against his stomach, desperately seeking relief from the throbbing between my legs. He groans and starts pulling up my nightgown. “I need to touch you, Em,” he states, but stops at my ribcage waiting for my permission. “Yes,” I approve breathlessly, quickly remembering the pleasure he brought me yesterday. He wastes no time ridding me of my nightgown, and cupping my breasts in his large, rough hands. I moan and arch into his possessive touch. Leaning in, he takes one of my sensitive nipples into his hot, wet mouth, and sucks with enough pressure that my head falls back on a cry. “Ryder, it feels so good.” He goes back and forth, tormenting me and making my body burn so hot it becomes almost unbearable. But my heart yearns for more, craving an intimacy I’ve never wanted until him. I reach for his shirt and start dragging it up his back. “Take this off, I want to feel you against me.” He leans back, breaking contact from my breast and I hear him shed his shirt just before I feel his hard, bare body envelop mine. He pulls me flush against him and electricity shoots through every part of my body. We both moan at the skin-to-skin contact. It’s a connection that steals my breath, and has me wanting to burst into tears but I hold back, not wanting to look like a lunatic. “Fuck, you have the softest skin I’ve ever felt, Emily.” My hands roam his back, my fingers getting lost in the grooves of his muscles. He feels so hard, yet smooth. I continue my exploration, wanting to know every part of him, but it’s not enough, I want more. I want to get lost in everything we are rather than everything we aren’t. “Ryder?” I whisper softly.

“Yeah, baby?” he asks, running his mouth along the side of my jaw. “I want you to make love to me.” He tenses then leans back. I feel him stare at me and I bite my lip nervously, my heart racing in fear of his rejection. “I didn’t come here for that, Em, I swear. I just wanted to be with you. To hold you.” “I know you didn’t,” I rush to reassure him. A long moment of silence surrounds us, and my stomach drops when he doesn’t respond. “You don’t want me,” I state softly. “Fuck. No, that’s not it, baby, I swear,” he rushes to say, his forehead dropping on mine. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you. I just don’t want you thinking I came here for this.” “I know that. This doesn’t have anything to do with what brought you here.” I wrap my arms around his neck and move in closer. “I want to feel you. I need you, Ryder. I’ve been so scared since yesterday. I just want to forget about everything but us. I want to get lost in the world we create together, rather than the one we live in.” I sense his breathing turn heavy and I swear I can hear his teeth grind. He cups the back of my neck and leans in closer. “You sure about this, baby?” “Yes. I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life. I want…” My words get cut off by his kiss, one that has my body igniting all over again. He pulls back a long minute later and lays a hand between my breasts, coaxing me to my back. He stays kneeling between my legs and I sense him lean over me before I feel his warm lips on my stomach. I gasp and my body quivers from the simple touch. He slowly slides my panties down as his mouth descends, and my pleasure suddenly turns into trepidation the lower he gets. I stiffen and feel my face flame when I hear him inhale a deep breath and groan. “Ryder, what are you doing?” I ask shakily. “I’m going to taste you, Emily, and I’m going to make you come really hard while doing it, because I don’t know how long I am going to last once I get inside of you.” I swallow nervously. “Well, uh, that’s okay we could just… Oh!” I trail off on a gasp and my back bows off the bed as I feel his warm, wet tongue take a long, leisurely lick of my most sensitive part.

“Oh fuck, I knew you would taste so damn good,” he growls, just before splaying a hand low on my tummy, to hold me in place, while he delves in a second time. My embarrassment forgotten, my feet find their place on his shoulders and my hips thrust up against his mouth greedily, taking everything he gives. If I thought what his fingers did to me yesterday was good, that is nothing compared to this. I’ve never felt anything like it. “Oh god, Ryder, it’s so good.” My fingers grip his hair tightly as my body soars to highs I’ve never known. I’m so close already, my body teetering on the edge of explosion, but I try to hold back, not wanting this to end. Somehow Ryder senses it. “Don’t hold back, baby, come apart for me.” His words vibrate against my clit just before he takes the swollen nub between his lips, causing me to shatter. Sensations slam into me, drowning out the sound of my pleasure. I am so thankful my house is huge and my parent’s bedroom is on the opposite side of mine. Ryder doesn’t let up until he takes every ounce of pleasure from me. He kisses the inside of my thigh while I try to catch my breath and float back down to reality. I feel him stand a moment later and sense him stare at me. Even though what he just did to me was so intimate I still feel rather exposed, so I grab my blanket to cover myself, but his hands stop my efforts. “Please don’t hide from me, Em, you’re fucking perfect, baby.” My stomach does a little flip at the sincerity of his words and I give him a small smile before letting go of the blanket. I’ve never had anyone make me feel as beautiful as he does. I hear the sound of his belt a moment later as he rids himself of his pants. Next is the sound of a wrapper being ripped open, and my heart thunders in both nervousness and anticipation. I feel him come over me a moment later, his bare body blanketing mine, and again it’s like a shock to my system, but even more so it has warmth flooding my heart. “Are you sure about this, Em?” Ryder whispers. “We can stop now, and I can just hold you.” I shake my head, dismissing his suggestion right away. “I’m sure. I want to feel you everywhere.”

I hear him release what sounds like a relieved breath before pressing a soft kiss to my lips. He rises up a moment later and I feel the tip of his erection slip into me. My legs clamp around his hips and I gasp at the tight invasion. “Oh fuck!” he groans. “Try to relax, baby.” I loosen my grip on his hips and breathe through the fiery, yet exquisite pleasure my body is going through. He stills once he’s buried as deep as he can go, giving me time to adjust. “You okay, Em?” he grinds out huskily, concern evident in his tone. “Yes, it feels a little better, just go slow.” He does, slowly rocking in and out of me, filling my heart as he fills my body. “Open your eyes, Em.” I open them, not realizing they were even closed until he said something. I sense his face close to mine, and he plants a soft kiss at the corner of my eye. “You’re so beautiful, and you feel so fucking perfect.” I swallow thickly, the insecurities my mother scarred on my heart, about my disability, disappearing with every sincere word he breathes. “You do too,” I whisper softly. My hands immediately find his face, needing to see him, but, for the first time in my life, my touch isn’t enough. I swallow back my resentment at not being able to truly see him. To look into his incredible, dark green eyes I hear so much about while he completes my soul. Before I can stop it a single tear escapes, which has Ryder stilling. “What’s wrong, baby, do you want me to stop?” I shake my head. “For the first time in my life I’m resenting my disability. I hate that I can’t see you right now.” My breath hitches as I struggle to hold in my pain. His hand encircles my wrist and he presses a soft kiss to the inside of my palm before laying it back on his face. “You see me, Em, far better than anyone else ever has. All you need to do now is feel me, baby. Just feel me.” I think about his words and smile. He always knows what to say to make everything right. My fingers trace the familiar curves and lines of his face, and I notice one side is more pronounced than the other, which is not how it normally is. I quickly remember his earlier upset tonight. “Ryder?” I feel him shake his head. “Forget it, Em, just think about this, only me inside of you and how perfect it is.”

I know someone hurt him tonight, which in return hurts me, but I try to tamp it down and do what he says, not wanting anything to ruin this moment. I wrap my arms around his neck to bring him closer and press a careful kiss to the swollen part of his jaw. “I love you, Ryder.” I feel him falter but I don’t stop. “I love everything about you and I think you’re absolutely perfect,” I tell him truthfully, knowing no one has ever told him that before, but they should have because it’s the truth. He drops his forehead to mine and I feel his breathing turn heavy. “No one is going to fuck with this, Em. You hear me? You are mine!” he grinds out and starts thrusting into me possessively. “Yes, yours!” I agree breathlessly, because it’s the truth. For the first time in my life I finally do feel like I belong, that I am where I was always meant to be. With Ryder. “That’s right, baby, and I will not let anyone keep you from me.” His pace increases and turns almost desperate. I know he’s talking about my father and the impending doom we are waiting for. I wrap one of my legs around his hip, wanting to feel more of him. “Never, I won’t ever leave you, no matter what,” I whisper reassuringly, wanting him to know that nothing my father says or does will ever make me leave him. He buries his face in my neck but doesn’t let his thrusts falter. My nails dig into his shoulders and I hold on to him with the same desperation. “Oh fuck! I don’t think I can hold back much longer, baby. You feel too damn good.” “Don’t hold back, just let go.” I lift my hips to match his frantic thrusts, my body more accepting of his now. “Fuck,” he groans a moment later then stills when he’s seated deep inside of me, finally letting go. He settles more on top of me but is careful to keep from crushing me with his weight. I hold him close while we catch our breaths and reflect on what just happened. “You okay?” he whispers, his lips close to my ear. “Yes, I’ve never been more okay in my entire life.” Giving me a long kiss on the forehead, he pulls out of me with a groan and I instantly miss his connection. He leaves to use my washroom and I feel Summer jump back up on the bed. Oops. I guess she kind of lost her spot. I giggle, feeling a little weird at what she just witnessed, and give her

a kiss on the head. “Sorry, girl.” She gives me a lick and rubs against the side of my face, not seeming all that upset. “That dog better not be taking my spot.” I bite my lip with a smirk. “This dog’s name is Summer. She is my guide dog and my very best friend.” “Guide dog?” “Yes, and this is actually her spot, but I’m sure I can work something out for you.” He grunts, which makes me giggle, and I lead Summer to the foot of my bed so Ryder can crawl back in. He wastes no time doing so and he gives me a long, slow, leisurely kiss before pulling me down next to him and wrapping me in his arms. It’s my very favorite place to be, not only because I love being so close to him but also because he makes me feel safe. When he holds me like this I feel like we are in our own world, one that’s impenetrable, and no one can take it away from us. “So tell me about your dog. What does she do?” Smiling, I turn on my side and his fingers find their place on my bare back, drawing lazy, soft circles. “She’s probably one of the smartest dogs you will ever meet. She is trained to do amazing things. To press elevator buttons, to judge height and width of something so I don’t run into anything, she stops at curbs and doesn’t cross unless it’s safe do so. I only put her harness on and use her as my guide dog if I’m not familiar with my surroundings. We have to work together, but she really does take care of me. She always has my back if I ever misjudge anything. I never have to worry about her leading me in the wrong direction.” “I have to admit that’s pretty cool and I’m glad she takes care of you even though I know you’re fine on your own.” I smile. “You’re right I am, but I love having her too.” A comfortable silence settles over us, and my hands find his face so I can see him. I trace his lips, which has him pressing a kiss to my fingers. I move across the swollen part of his jaw and gentle my touch, remembering his earlier upset. “Do you want to talk about what happened earlier tonight?” “Not really, no,” he replies quietly. I push on nervously, hoping he will open up. “Are you sure? You seemed pretty upset.”

He’s quiet for a long moment before he finally opens up. “I just hate it here, Em. I fucking hate it so much. I especially hate who and where I come from and that it completely defines me.” “It doesn’t define you,” I reply softly, running my fingers through his hair. “Other people may let that define you, but that doesn’t mean it’s who you are. That just means they’re judgmental assholes.” “Did you just say assholes?” he asks with a hint of amusement in his tone. “Yes, I did, now be quiet, I’m not finished.” He chuckles and pulls me closer. “Damn, Em, I like this riled up side of yours.” “Oh be quiet.” I giggle, but quickly become serious once again. “I mean it, Ryder. No one defines who you are but yourself, and anyone that knows you, and I mean really knows you, will see you’re amazing and perfect. Just like I do.” I sense him staring at me and I wait for him to say something, but instead of answering I notice his fingers change direction from the lazy circles they were just drawing moments ago. They start drawing sharp lines and I try to follow its pattern. My heart stalls in my chest when I think he just spelled something out but I can’t be sure. When he moves back up to the top and starts again, I pay closer attention and realize I was right, that he’s spelling a message. After he finishes for the second time I know he just spelled ‘I love you’. I lay still, not knowing if I should respond, just in case I’m wrong, but thankfully I don’t have to. “Do you know what I just wrote, Em?” he asks softly, with an edge of vulnerability in his voice. “Yes. I- I think so.” He suddenly flips me over so I’m on my back and the top half of his body comes over mine. I feel his face close, his breath whispering across my lips. “Come with me, Emily.” “Where?” I ask in confusion. “I’ve been accepted to the University Of Florida and I want you to come with me.” Shock has me stilling. “What? But- but how? I have school.” “We can get you distance learning or something. I’ll help you.”

“But what about money? I can’t work right now, Ryder, and with my disability…” “You don’t have to. Thanks to Hector, I have a job lined up already with his cousin who owns a garage there. He is going to take me on and let me work around my classes.” I shake my head, my mind having a hard time comprehending all this, and then feel him rest his forehead on mine. “I’ll take care of you, Em. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” My throat burns with emotion and I swallow thickly before laying my hand on the side of his face. “Oh, Ryder, I know you would, it’s not that, but I don’t want you to take care of me, at least not like that. You’re going to have school, a job, I don’t want you to have to worry about taking care of me too.” “I don’t give a shit about any of that. This is the only way I can think of that we can be together. We can get the fuck away from all this shit and live in a place where no one knows us. Where we come from won’t matter there.” I think about everything he says, my mind running a million miles a minute. I desperately want to say yes, but… I know I can’t. At least not yet, not until I’m more independent. I don’t want to have to rely on him. I want to be able to contribute. If only my trust fund from my grandmother was accessible then it would at least help, but right now I have nothing to offer. He senses my answer through my silence. “Never mind, it was a stupid idea,” he says before laying back down beside me. “No, it wasn’t,” I rush to say and sit up. “I want to say yes so badly, Ryder, but I just…” “Em, it’s fine, really, just forget about it.” The finality of his tone has me lying back down. He puts an arm over me, but it’s not the same as it was a few minutes ago. I can sense he’s upset, which has my throat clogging with emotion. Not only because I don’t want him to be mad at me, but also because I know he’s been accepted and will be leaving for Florida soon. Tears begin to spill down my cheeks, I try to keep them silent but a little sniffle escapes before I can stop it. Ryder releases a deep breath before coming over top of me again. “Come on, Em, please don’t cry.” I shake my head and try to swallow past my tears so I can respond. “I just don’t want you to be mad. I want to say yes so badly, Ryder, I really do.

I love you so much, but…” “I know, baby. I’m not mad, I promise. It was just a thought.” “I don’t want to lose you,” I tell him, my words falling off on a small sob. “You aren’t going to lose me, I promise. We will think of another way. Let’s just enjoy tonight for what it is and worry about it tomorrow, okay?” I nod and he leans in to give me one more kiss. One that completely connects our souls and locks us in our own world, one I never want to live without.

Chapter 7 Ryder THE SOUND OF a gasp pulls me from a deep sleep. My eyes snap open and I see a Mexican lady staring at Emily and me in horror, which has me realizing I fell asleep. Oh fuck! I look down at Emily draped across my chest and I’m thankful to see her nightgown is back in place. I clear my throat, wondering how I should start damage control when Emily lulls from sleep. “Emily Michaels, are you crazy?” the lady shouts in a loud whisper before closing the door behind her. Emily shoots up in a panic, still half asleep. I quickly steady her and glare at the bitch who’s yelling at her. “Rosa… I-I.” “It’s my fault, not hers,” I say as I grab my shirt off the floor and throw it over my head. The lady watches me nervously, and I’m fucking thankful my pants are on. I fully intended to leave last night, but Emily felt so damn good next to me. I don’t remember sleep taking me. I lean over now and pull Emily into my arms. “I accidentally fell asleep. Sorry, Em.” She lays a hand on my face. “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean to.” I encircle her wrist and kiss the palm of her hand. “You are lucky your father left early this morning,” the lady cuts in, still sounding pissed, but her expression is a little softer as she watches us. “But your mother is in the shower. So you need to get out right now!” she adds, pointing directly at me. “I’ll see you in trig, baby.” Since we are already busted I don’t hold back from kissing her. Her cheeks turn pink but she gives me her usual smile that knocks me on my ass. “Bye, Ryder.” I stand and move to make my exit out the window when the lady intercepts me. “What are you doing, you stupid boy? Are you trying to get

yourself killed?” I rear back in shock. Jesus, she’s feisty for being little. She shakes her head then grabs me by the arm. “Come, now, I’ll sneak you out the front, but we have to hurry.” I let her drag me out of the room and hear Emily giggle just as the lady closes the door behind us. I follow along beside her through the massive house and try to ignore her questioning eyes, hoping that will keep her silent, unfortunately it doesn’t. “You must end this.” I shake my head. “No, I won’t. No one is going to keep me from her.” She expels a worried sigh and stops me once we get to the bottom of the stairs. “Listen to me. I know you guys care about each other, I can see that, but you do not know what you are getting involved in when it comes to her father. You are not only putting yourself in danger but you are risking Emily’s safety as well.” Emily’s safety? “What the hell are you talking about?” She looks away for a split second before swinging her gaze back to mine and I’m shocked to see the fear in it. “Governor Michaels is a ruthless man, more than you will ever know. That is all I will tell you. I am begging you, for both of your sakes, you need to let her go.” “If her safety is in danger then why the hell would I leave her?” “She won’t be in any danger if you leave her be.” I think about her words and just the thought has my chest constricting with panic. I shake my head. “No,” I state firmly and head for the door. “I’ll take care of her. I won’t let anyone hurt her, not even her father.” “You are no match for him. You have to end this, Ryder, it’s the only way Emily will be safe, and…” “Save your breath. I’m not leaving her!” I close the door before she can say any more. I try to keep her words out of my head the entire way back to my bike, but can’t. You are risking Emily’s safety as well. What the hell does that mean? Em said her parents have never laid a hand on her and I know she wouldn’t lie to me. I quickly snap out of my thoughts when I reach my bike that I parked a ways down from her property, to see a sleek, black car parked next to it. Well fuck! I guess it was only a matter of time, but I did not want to deal with it this morning, though I’m glad Emily isn’t here and has to deal with it.

As I get closer, the driver of the car gets out and opens the back door because the asshole in the back thinks he’s too good to do it himself. Low and behold none other than Governor Michaels steps out. I’ve only seen him a few times, but even if I hadn’t there is no denying this man is Emily’s father. He has the same light brown hair as she does, and identical ice blue eyes, only where they look innocent on Em they look manipulative on him. I don’t falter my step and continue to my bike, not wanting him to think he intimidates me, because he doesn’t. “Mr. Jameson, we finally meet.” Ignoring his greeting, I straddle my bike and hold my helmet on my lap before turning to him. I’m surprised when he walks up and offers me his hand. I stare at it for a long second then accept it. For two reasons: one – I want to know what his deal is, and two – he is Emily’s father after all, no matter how much I hate him. “Governor,” I greet civilly. He backs up and I hold his stare, waiting for him to say whatever he needs to say. “I’ve learned an awful lot about you the last few weeks, Mr. Jameson.” Weeks? I grunt, of course he has, I’ll bet even that prick Prescott knew before yesterday. “I have to admit, I am surprised how long you and Emily have been able to hide this little farce of yours from me. I never knew my daughter had it in her, maybe she’s more like me than I thought.” I glare at him, all civility gone now. “She’s nothing like you.” I don’t know him well, but I do know he’s your typical politician – lying and manipulative. Emily doesn’t have a calculating bone in her body. He smirks. “Are you trying to tell me I don’t know my daughter, Mr. Jameson? Do you think because you have known her for exactly three months that you know her better than me? Although, if you have been sleeping at my house, in her bed, then I guess you do know her better than I do.” I clench my jaw and have to restrain myself from knocking him the fuck out. “It’s not like that,” I grind out. “No?” “No, it’s not. Emily and I care about each other, and I’m not going to let anyone – including you – keep us apart.”

He rubs at his jaw. “Well that just goes to show how little you know about me.” I hold his stare, showing him I’m not going to back down. “But like I said, I have gotten to know you quite well. I know where you come from, or rather who. Your parents are quite the, how should I say this?” “White trash?” I offer, not having a problem admitting it. He looks a little surprised. “Well sure, if that’s the term you want to use, that would work.” “It does work because it’s the truth. It’s too bad we can’t pick our parents, isn’t it? I’m sure if many of us could, we would.” He smirks, not missing the intention of my words. “Come on now, Mr. Jameson, you don’t really believe Emily would give all this up if she could, do you? Especially to be with someone who could never give her any of it.” “Yeah, I do, but that goes to show how much you know about your daughter. She doesn’t give a shit about any of this.” “Think logically about this. She is a sheltered, blind girl, and you’re the first guy to ever show her any attention, of course she is going to think she cares about you.” I keep silent and try not to let his words get to me. He releases an exaggerated breath and shakes his head. “I have to admit, I’m a little surprised to know how warped your view is of my daughter, but women… they sure can mess with our judgment, especially when they are spreading their legs for us.” “You shut the fuck up,” I seethe, barely hanging on to my control. “I swear to fucking God, I don’t care who you are, if you disrespect Emily I will knock you out!” He smirks, knowing he’s got to me, which pisses me off more. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a white, folded piece of paper before handing it to me. I rip it from him, curious to know what it is. Opening it, I see it’s a check for a hundred thousand dollars. I look up at him, wondering if he’s serious. “You have got to be kidding me. You fucking think you can pay me off?” “I’m being kind enough to give you an out, Mr. Jameson. Use the brains that you did to score that full academic scholarship, and take the money to Florida with you. There is plenty there for you to live off of. The other option isn’t going to be so generous.” I grind my teeth at his threat. “Yeah, and what option is that?”

“Believe me, son, you don’t want to find out, but I will tell you that more than your future will be at stake. I’m a very powerful man, Mr. Jameson. I would really hate to have to use that power on innocent people. Like, let’s say your friend Hector.” I falter in surprise. “He has worked so hard to build his business. Imagine if it were taken away from him, how would he be able to support his family? Especially his sick wife.” A dangerous violence rushes through my veins, but more than that I feel fucking helpless. I consider my options, wondering what I can do. “If you care about my daughter as much as you say you do, then leave her alone. You have nothing to offer her. You will never be able to give her what she already has. Do everyone a favor and leave, or else Hector will be first, and losing his business will be the least of his worries.” With that last threat he gets in the car and the driver pulls away. I sit stunned for a second before my rage breaks loose. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I throw my helmet against the tree in front of me, smashing it. I drop my head into my hands, gripping my hair tightly, hoping the sting will calm some of the rage coursing through me. I sit, feeling helpless, and think about Hector. I think about everything he has done for me, I think about his kids, his wife who has cancer and needs chemo treatments. Then Rosa’s words replay in my head: You have to end this, Ryder, it’s the only way Emily will be safe. I look down to see the check still in my hand and rip it up into a million pieces. Starting my bike up, I take off, knowing what I have to do. The entire ride to school my chest pulls so fucking tight that I can’t take in a breath, and I wonder if I will ever be able to fully breathe again.

Emily I PULL AT the long strands of dry grass as I sit, leaning against the small wishing well that I love so much, and wait for the sound of a motorcycle to approach. My fingers run through Summer’s soft fur while her head rests on my lap. I listen to the water rush from the creek, just a short distance away, and the sound of crickets become more pronounced, telling me that night is wearing on. “Come on, Ryder, where are you?”

The more time that passes, the more my anxiety increases. I haven’t seen or heard from him since he left my house yesterday morning, which is not like him. I figured he never came to trigonometry because he was too tired, but he hasn’t been to school at all and he hasn’t returned my messages. I’m praying he’s okay and his father hasn’t hurt him for not coming home the other night. After what Cece has told me about his parents, and Ryder being so upset the night he came to me, I have been worried that’s the case. But wouldn’t he have at least answered my messages? I left him another message after school today, telling him to meet me here. We have met at this spot a few times before, late at night after he’s finished work. It’s a far enough distance from the main house that my parents wouldn’t know any better, especially because they are always so caught up in themselves. I quickly startle out of my thoughts at the sound of an approaching car, its motor is familiar and I’d know it anywhere. Summer stands to attention next to me as the vehicle stops. At the sound of the car door opening, I instantly smell my father’s expensive cologne mingle with the woodsy scent in the air. “Father,” I whisper nervously, wondering what he’s doing here. Please, God, don’t let it be what I’m thinking. “Emily, get in the car now.” With my anxiety spiking at his tone, I grab the ledge of the well and stand up shakily. “Why?” “How long did you really think you were going to fool me for?” Knowing I’ve been found out, I try reasoning with him. “Father, please listen. Ryder and I love each other, and…” He laughs bitterly, cutting me off. “Please, Emily, you are smarter than that. I knew letting you go to that school was a mistake. Not even three months in and you had to shame this family’s name by spreading your legs for the first piece of trash that pays you any attention.” I swallow thickly and ignore the sting of his words. “It isn’t like that. I don’t care what you or mother says, I’m not going to stop seeing him.” “He’s gone, Emily, and he’s not coming back.” Pure fear washes over me, and my heart pounds hard and fast. “What do you mean? What have you done to him?”

“I didn’t do anything to him. I was actually very generous; I gave him enough money to help get him get through college. He accepted it graciously.” I shake my head, denying his words right away. “You’re lying, he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t leave me, not for money.” “Of course he did, and can you blame him? Look at where he comes from. What person wouldn’t take the money?” “YOU’RE LYING!” I scream as tears start rushing down my face. My father loses his patience. “I am not. Now get in the goddamn car!” He grabs my arm angrily but I pull against his force. Summer starts growling through our struggle. “No, let go of me. I am not going anywhere. He’s coming; I know he is. RYDER?” I shout, praying he walks out any second. “Stop it, Emily, you are acting like a fool.” He pulls me harder but I resist. “No, I’m not leaving! Let go of me!” The blow across my face catches me off guard and knocks me back. Pain radiates behind my eyes and I grab hold of the well to keep myself upright. I lay my hand against my stinging cheek, stunned that my father just hit me. Summer snarls and barks like crazy before my father lets out a yelp. “Summer, come!” I command quickly, not wanting him to hurt her. I feel her come to stand in front of me, guarding me. “Fine!” my father seethes. “Fucking stay here and you will see for yourself. If you really thought you were more to him than a piece of ass you are dumber than I thought, Emily.” I ignore his cruel words and hear him enter the car a moment later, before it takes off. I stand on shaking legs, my heart pounding in my ears and my lungs trying to take in a breath through the severe pain in my chest, as I try to comprehend what just happened. He’s gone, Emily, and he’s not coming back. I shake my head as my father’s words replay in my mind. “No. No, no, no,” I whisper past my tears. “Ryder!” I start screaming for him, desperately willing him to come. He wouldn’t leave me. He wouldn’t take the money. I scream repeatedly for him, my voice becoming hoarse from it. When he doesn’t come the pain becomes too much to bear. I drop to the ground and feel Summer follow suit next to me, her cries mixing with my own.

“Please come back. Please,” I plead through the gut-wrenching sobs that rip from my chest. I have no idea how much time passes but I know it’s late because the night air has turned increasingly colder. Summer is curled up against my stomach, her head in my chest, as I lay broken and pleading. A long while later I hear speedy footsteps. “Emily, there you are.” Rosa’s voice is thick with tears as I hear her rush toward me. Summer moves out of her way as she kneels down beside me and drapes a blanket over my cold body. “Are you hurt?” she asks in concern. Thinking about her question for a minute, I nod then clutch at my chest, pointing to the excruciating pain in my heart. “Oh, Emily, I am so sorry, honey,” she says before lifting the top half of my body and cradling me against her. I breathe in her warm, sugar scent but it does nothing to ease my pain. Gut-wrenching sobs start falling past my lips again. Rosa rocks me back and forth. “I know it hurts right now, sweetheart, but this is truly for the best. It would have been worse if you fought your father on this.” I shake my head because I can’t get any words past my pain. My heart completely shatters and is forever altered, because the one boy, who loved me for my every flaw and made me feel beautiful, has been ripped away from me and he’s never coming back. Even though I knew this, I still waited for him for months. I prayed he would come back, but he never did. Instead I got lost in my lonely world again, one I didn’t want to live in and one I never felt like I truly belonged in.

Chapter 8 Ryder Six Years Later

“JAMESON, THE CHIEF wants to see you,” Caffrey yells as he walks out of my boss’ office, looking pissed. Crowley, Higgins and Ramsey all make over-dramatic sounds, acting like I’m walking the death plank. I roll my eyes and throw my empty coffee cup at Higgins, which he catches with a chuckle. I head to my boss’ office not the least bit worried. Frank Reynolds is the one guy I look up to the most in this industry, he has been my biggest mentor and I respect the hell out of him, even if he can be a crabby son of a bitch. As I get to his office I see Nick Stone, another special agent who just transferred to our field office, sitting on the far side of the room. “Hey, Chief, what’s up?” “Close the door and have a seat, Jameson.” I do what he says and take the chair across from him. “I have an opportunity for the both of you. One that will make your career, if you pull it off.” My interest peaks and I look over at Stone, who seems just as interested. “I’m listening.” “I received a phone call late last night from a friend who needs a favor. He called me in confidence, and the case is to remain quiet because he isn’t sure who we can trust just yet. He’s a Senator, was elected into office two years ago. Some allegations have been made that he just got wind of that involves the opposing Senator.” “What are the accusations?” Stone cuts in, asking the same question I’m wondering. “Forced sexual acts with a minor, trafficking, gang rape… You name it, it was pretty much said.”

He slides a brown file across his desk toward us. Grabbing it, I open it to see a picture of a young teenage girl. Her dark hair, pale complexion and thick black make up makes her look on the worn side. But what is most offputting with the picture is the hollow look in her eyes. “That is Cassie Flannigan, the fifteen-year-old girl who made the allegations and who is now missing.” My head snaps up at that information. “Foul play?” He shrugs. “Depends who you talk to.” “What does that mean?” “Apparently she confided to her school counselor that the group home she was staying in is sending the girls to high society parties where they’re being bought for the night. She said they get taken into separate rooms where they’re beaten, raped, forced to perform sexual acts on multiple men, and sometimes even on each other.” “What the fuck?” Stone mutters my thoughts. “She named some pretty high-profile people. I’m talking judges, politicians, lawyers – you name it. The group home says she ran away, but if you ask the counselor she thinks something happened to her.” “I’m assuming this was all brought to the local authorities?” I ask. “Yes, the school counselor went to the police immediately.” “Let me guess, they didn’t find anything that lined up with the girl’s story,” Stone says, anger now prominent in his tone. “Right, and it’s not hard to discredit when the only allegation is from a troubled teen at a group home.” “And now she’s missing,” I add. Chief nods. “Now she’s missing.” “So what about your friend? He obviously thinks there may be some truth here, or he wouldn’t have come to you,” Stone speaks up again. “He started to question it. Some things just weren’t adding up, so when he started asking his own questions, and wanted to see the police report, he got a phone call telling him to stop and that he needed to let it go.” I grunt, not that I had a hard time believing this story from the beginning, but if I did have any doubt I don’t now. “So what does he want from us?” I ask, wondering where he’s going with all of this. “We are going to do some digging of our own, boys, or rather, I should say the two of you.” He pushes another file toward us and Stone grabs it

first this time. “I want eyes on the Senator, while the other will investigate the group home, but this has to be handled delicately and quietly. I’m doing this for my friend. This isn’t our jurisdiction but, Jameson, you should be familiar with the area since it’s where you grew up.” I falter, wondering if I just heard him right. “What?” Stone hands me the file, and when I see the picture of the man staring back at me, my stomach bottoms out and my blood turns cold. “You’re going back to Georgia. I’m sure you recognize Senator Michaels; he is where our focus needs to be. I have a feeling he’s heading this, or at least is one of the top. Cassie’s statement talked about him being a real sadistic son of a bitch. The interesting thing about his involvement is his wife is a huge advocate against sex crimes and human trafficking. They host many charity functions to raise awareness and there is one coming up in a couple of weeks. I want in there.” My heart pounds so loud in my ears it’s hard to comprehend anything the Chief is saying. Jesus, I knew the guy was manipulative, but this? “According to Cassie the rapes were recorded. We need to find those tapes.” “So who do you want where?” Stone asks. Before the Chief has the chance to answer, I finally find my words. “I’m taking Michaels.” I feel Stone’s eyes on me but I only watch the Chief. “You know him?” “A little.” “And from the little you know of him, would you say he’s capable of this?” I think about his question and shrug. “Maybe. I’ve only met him one time. He’s a manipulative son of a bitch who likes to throw his power around.” A memory briefly flashes through my head. Governor Michaels is a ruthless man, more than you will ever know. “How did you meet him?” he questions, suspicion now evident in his tone. “I used to know his daughter.” Just thinking about Emily causes a storm of turbulent emotions to swirl inside of me. “How well?” I don’t respond, knowing he won’t like to hear it, and I don’t want to get pulled from this. “If this is too personal for you, Jameson, you need to speak up now.”

I shake my head. “It’s fine, Chief. I can get into that charity function.” He watches me for another moment, his eyes assessing before he finally gives in and nods. “All right, you take Michaels and, Stone, you dig more into the group home. Especially the past. If the allegations are true, which I think they are, then there has to be more somewhere. We trust no one, not even local authorities. Not until we know who’s all involved.” The Chief stands, signaling the end to the meeting. “You have twenty-four hours before you go in. Jameson, I’ll have a new cover for you by tonight. You’re going to be rich, let me know how it feels.” I grunt in sarcasm, but it’s half-hearted. My mind elsewhere, or rather on someone else. “Why us?” Stone asks before we walk out. “What do you mean?” “Why did you pick the two of us?” I was wondering the same thing. The Chief watches us for a moment and I wonder if we are about to get some bullshit answer, but he ends up surprising me with a detailed explanation. “There are two reasons. First, and most importantly, I believe I can trust you two. There are some pretty powerful people involved in this, people who will try to buy their way out of it. I’ve been doing this a long time, money can make people do stupid things, I’ve seen agents go rogue because of it. When trying to buy you off doesn’t work, they will try to intimidate you with their power, but I know the two of you are not easily intimidated.” He’s right, I am not someone who is easily intimidated, but I can’t stop myself from remembering six years ago and why I left the only girl who ever mattered to me. The thought has a slow rage building in the pit of my stomach. “And reason two?” Stone asks when the Chief doesn’t offer it up. He smirks. “Because only great things can come from pairing up two minds like the both of yours.” I’m not sure what he means by that but I’m feeling the fucking pressure. Stone and I walk out of the office, and for the rest of the day I think about the only girl who has ever mattered to me, the one I was forced to leave and have never forgotten. I have a feeling this case is going to do more than change my career. It’s going to change my life.

Chapter 9 Ryder TWO DAYS LATER, I pull up in front of the ritzy high-rise condominium building that resides in one of the most expensive areas in Atlanta Georgia. A city that is just a few miles away from the one town I loathe and never thought I would return to… Allendale. I double check the address to make sure I’m at the right place before getting out of the SUV the agency rented for me. I was surprised to find out Emily lived on her own, not because of her disability, but for the simple fact that she was out from under her parent’s control. When Pam, our field office assistant, looked her up I was fucking relieved to find out she wasn’t married or had any kids. I know it shouldn’t matter, I haven’t seen her in six years, but for some reason the thought of her with anyone else drives me fucking crazy. She’s pretty, Jameson, behave yourself now, Pam had lectured with a teasing smile. I never doubted for a minute that Emily wouldn’t still be beautiful, but I’m curious to see what she’s like after six years. Is she the same Emily I remember? I walk into the building, taking note of the plush lobby and bypass the elevator, already knowing she’s on the main floor. As I make my way down the hall, toward her apartment, my heart starts pounding and my palms begin to sweat. Shit, I feel like I’m seventeen again. I’ve thought of a thousand different ways on how to play this. I have no idea how she’s going to react to seeing me again after all this time. Especially considering the way I left. Will she be upset? Should I explain why? Will she even care? It has been six years. I often wondered what happened with her when I left. I wanted to say goodbye, I wanted to explain to her why I was leaving, but I couldn’t. I knew if I saw her again I wouldn’t leave, and who knew what her father would have done. Now knowing what I do about him, I know it was the right decision. It still fucking sucks but I was seventeen, I wouldn’t have been able to protect

both Emily and Hector, but now is a different story. I am not the helpless kid from the wrong side of the tracks anymore. I made something of myself and now I have the opportunity for payback. If that son of a bitch is involved in this, which I have no doubt he is, I’m going to bring him down and bring him down hard. Reaching her apartment, I shake myself from my thoughts and get my head in the game. I don’t want to lie to Emily but I can’t jeopardize this case, especially when I don’t know where I stand with her. I’ve decided I will keep my cover with her for now, then once I regain her trust and know where she stands I’ll decide from there. Taking a deep breath, I knock, then feel like a pussy when my heart rate kicks up again. Jesus, Jameson, get a fucking grip. Just as I finish the internal pep talk the door swings open, and my gaze collides with a pair of long, slender, tanned legs. I quickly take notice of the dog next to her, and I’m pretty sure it’s the same one she had in high school. “Can I help you?” My gaze snaps to her face at the familiar sound of her soft, innocent voice, and all the air gets sucked out of my lungs as I stare back at the one girl I’ve never forgotten. Emily Michaels looks almost exactly how I remember her. She’s still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on, but there is one thing that is different, one very big thing. Her ice blue eyes that I remember so well, the same ones I used to fucking dream about now look me straight in the eyes. She looks right at me as if she can see me. I quickly falter, feeling like I’ve just been sucker punched. What. The. Fuck.

Emily I STARE UP at the sexy stranger, hoping my cheeks aren’t as red as they feel, and wait for him to say something. Good god, I didn’t even know someone this good-looking existed. Why is he looking at me like I have two heads? I’m just about to ask him again why he’s here but before I get the chance he finally speaks: “You can see me?” I gasp and shock has me freezing in place, my heart kicking into overdrive at the sound of his familiar voice. It’s a voice I would know anywhere, one I have never forgotten. But it can’t be him… can it? I assess

him closer now, taking in his brown, messy hair and strong jaw that’s graced with barely-there stubble, before staring into his intense, dark green eyes, ones I remember hearing so much about a long time ago. Oh my god… “Ryder?” I ask unsure, my voice barely above a whisper. He looks taken aback at the mention of his name before a slight smile tugs at his lips, and I take notice it’s a real sexy smile, just like the rest of him. “Yeah, Em, it’s me.” A million emotions slam into me at once. I gape at him like an idiot, wondering how to respond, and my body ends up reacting before my mind can. Stepping into him, I rise up on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck. He stiffens in surprise and I instantly feel stupid, realizing it was the wrong move. Just as I’m about to step back, his strong arms come around me and he pulls me against his hard body. My heart skips a beat and his warmth envelops me from the inside out. I close my eyes and absorb the feel of him against me, he feels familiar yet so foreign. His body is stronger than I remember and he seems taller, or maybe it’s just me. It has been so long. Why is he here? Why now? The internal question has me stepping back to look up at him. His eyes lock with mine, and the intensity of them steals my breath. “How…” We both start at the same time and I laugh nervously, feeling awkward now that some of the shock is wearing off. I step back into my apartment and wave him in. After closing the door, I turn to see Summer inspecting him. Smiling, I lean down and pat her. “It’s all right, girl, he’s okay.” She seems unsure but takes my word for it. I look back up at Ryder to see him watching me. We stare at each other for an awkward second before I clear my throat nervously. “Um, well, come on in.” I lead him into my living room and watch him take in my apartment. “Can I get you something to drink?” I ask, trying to mask my nervousness as he takes a seat on the couch, his large presence seeming to make the large living area feel smaller. “Or I can make you something to eat if you’re hungry. I have stuff to make a sandwich, or if you’re hungrier than that I could, um, like order something, or something…” I close my eyes as I realize what a complete idiot I sound like. God, just shut up, Emily. Ryder smirks, clearly finding my stupidity amusing. “No, I’m okay.” He encircles my wrist and pulls me down next to him, my bare leg touching his

jean-clad one. Is it just me or is it warm in here all of a sudden? “You look really good, Em.” I feel my cheeks heat at the compliment and my stomach does a little flip at my nickname, he has been the only one to ever call me that. “Oh, thank you. So do you.” His expression sobers at my response and I quickly realize how shocked he must be to find out I can see. “It’s recent. I just got my sight back a month ago,” I mumble quietly. “How?” As I look back at him my own questions arise, but I decide to get this out of the way first. “Honestly, I’m still not sure how it happened. I went to bed one night, and had a horrifying nightmare. When I woke up from it… II woke up to light. I could see everything around me clearly.” He studies me for a long moment, his expression seeming suspicious, or maybe intrigued is a better word. “What was the nightmare about?” “I don’t remember. Not much of it anyway.” I shake my head and expel a heavy breath, suddenly feeling overwhelmed like I always do when I talk about it. “I’ve had a lot of doctor appointments the last few weeks, trying to figure out how it happened. It’s not completely unheard of, but it’s rare. Only five percent of people with the same disorder have had this happen to them, but all of the documented cases have been through hypnosis and extensive psychotherapy. One doctor thinks my nightmare was about whatever I saw in the woods that night. He thinks I relived it and it unlocked my mind, but now I’m blocking the memory subconsciously.” “What do you think?” I shrug. “Does it really matter how it happened or why? The fact is it did and I’d rather just deal with it and move on.” I don’t share with him how much of a struggle it’s been, and that I don’t like thinking about it. Because the fear I felt after waking up from that nightmare is something I never want to feel again. “No, I guess in the end it doesn’t matter, not if it doesn’t to you,” he responds quietly, his eyes seeming to study me again. It makes me uncomfortable so I decide now would be a good time to change the subject. “So what brings you back here?” “Business.”

“Business?” I repeat in surprise, attempting to mask my disappointment. What did you think, Emily, he came back just to see you? After six years? I give myself a mental slap for the thought. “Remember the garage I used to work at in high school that Hector owns?” I nod, and keep from telling him I remember everything about him. “I’m thinking about buying it. I own a few businesses back in Florida and I’m looking at expanding. When Hector told me he was thinking about retiring I decided to come check his out and see if it’s something that would be lucrative for me.” “Really, you own your own businesses? What are they?” I ask intrigued, happy to hear he is doing so well. He clears his throat. “We do custom paint jobs on motorcycles.” “Motorcycles,” I muse with a smile. “I can see that. It suits you, or at least the Ryder I remember.” “Yeah, I like it. So how about you? What do you do?” Okay, that was a quick topic change. “I work at Meadow of Hope. It’s a rehabilitation clinic for the visually impaired. I work in the children’s ward. We mainly work with people who recently lost their sight. We help them learn to adjust and cope to their new lives. Kind of ironic considering what I am going through right now.” He gives me a small smile, and again I can’t help but notice how incredibly sexy he is. I completely understand why all the girls made a big deal about him back in high school, if he looks the same as he did back then. I get the overwhelming urge to run my hands along him so I can see for myself. It’s so strong that I quickly link my fingers together to stop myself. “I’ll bet you’re really good at that, Em. Especially with the kids.” I shrug modestly but my heart warms at his words. “I don’t know how good I am, but I really like it. I work with some amazing children.” “How long have you lived here?” he asks, changing the topic again. “Almost four years.” “I have to admit, I was surprised to find out you lived on your own.” I tilt my head in question. “Really? Why?” “Didn’t think it would be parent approved.” His tone is light, but something dark passes over his expression at the mention of my parents. It

instantly has my own questions rising to the surface. Ones I am not sure I want to know the answers to. “I’m twenty-four-years-old, did you really expect me to live at my parents’ house my entire life?” He shrugs as if the thought is possible, which jacks up my annoyance. “Considering how controlling they were when it came to you, I figured it wasn’t a far off assumption.” “It’s been six years, things change.” Okay, not really, but I’m feeling a little pissed at his know-it-all attitude right now to admit to it. “Are you trying to tell me your parents were okay with you moving out from under their control?” he asks doubtfully. What the hell is his problem? “I’m telling you I’m not a child, Ryder. I make my own decisions.” He grunts and it makes me want to slap his sexy face. “What do you care anyway?” We both glare off with one another, the room thick with angry tension. I hate thinking about how accurate his assumption is. It makes me remember the stipulation that was enforced on me – having to live in this upper class high-rise that’s owned by a friend of my fathers. Ryder releases a deep breath and shakes his head. “Look, I’m sorry, Emily, I’m being an asshole. This is not what I came here for.” “Why did you come here?” I ask, a little nervous to hear the answer. “I wanted to see you. I thought maybe we could grab some dinner and catch up.” I rear back in surprise. “That was your way of extending a dinner invitation?” “Yeah. Charming, aren’t I?” I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling and turn my face away, not ready to forgive him for being so rude. Even if his assumption was correct. I feel him move closer before his warm, rough hand cups my cheek, the simple, long forgotten touch sending a jolt of electricity through my body. He turns my face toward his. “I came here because you were the first person I thought of when I knew I was coming back, and I wanted to see you.” His intense, dark green eyes shine with sincerity, and have me desperately wanting to say yes. I want to spend time with him; I have thought about him so much these past six years, more than I care to admit.

But the other part of me, the one that still holds scars from when I was seventeen, is too afraid. Just seeing him again has proven he still has some hold on me, if the way my body reacts to him is any indication. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” “You can’t?” I shake my head, my heart heavy with disappointment. “Why? Are you seeing someone?” His expression tightens, seeming bothered by the thought, which I find odd. Why would he care? I think about lying, the thought of him feeling jealous brings a small level of satisfaction, but I don’t want to be petty, and I’ve never been a good liar. “No. I’m not seeing anyone. At least not anymore,” I add, wanting him to know I haven’t just sat here pining for him all these years. Which isn’t a complete lie, I did have a relationship with Richard, but he doesn’t need to know it ended over a year ago. I briefly think of Kyle, and how my parents have been so pushy the last few weeks. Especially since my sight has returned. I quickly shove the thought away since it only upsets me more. “Then why?” he asks, clearly wanting a reason. “I’m busy.” He shrugs easily. “That’s fine, we can do it tomorrow night.” “Sorry, I’m busy again.” Damn, I’m a terrible liar. “Doing what?” he asks suspiciously. “Uh…” Come on, Emily, think. “I’m going out with Cece.” That’s actually happening tonight, but if I get him to leave soon he will never know any different. He smirks seeing right through me. “That’s fine. I’ll be here for a few weeks so there are plenty of other nights.” Weeks? His gaze moves to my coffee table where my cellphone is and I’m just about to grab it but he ends up snatching it first. “Hey, what are you doing?” I try to swipe it from him but he holds it up over his head where I have no way in hell of reaching it. Seriously, who is this tall? I watch him tap the screen then hear a ding come from his pocket a moment later. He hands me back my phone with a cocky grin. “Thanks. Now that I have your number I’ll call you soon and we will set up a time when you aren’t busy.”

I glare at him and rip my phone out of his hand. “It seems you are even more arrogant and bossy than you were in high school, Ryder Jameson.” I throw his whole name into the equation, not bothering to hide my annoyance. He doesn’t seem the least bit offended, if anything his cocky smirk only spreads. He steps closer, and before I can register what he’s about to do, he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me flush against him. I suck in a sharp breath at the feel of his erection against my stomach. My heart thumps wildly and heat shoots through every part of my body, including the spot between my legs. He bends down, bringing his lips to my ear. “And you are a terrible liar, Emily Michaels.” His voice is husky and smooth as he throws back my full name at me. “You seem to have forgotten that when I want something, Em, I don’t quit until I get it.” What is it he wants? Me? Just dinner? Me for dinner? Oh lord, the last thought has heat exploding through me. I try to think of a witty response but my brain is short-circuiting from the feel of him against me, and boy does he feel good, and he smells really darn good too. He leans back slightly and cups the side of my cheek in a gentle gesture. The tender and familiar action from so long ago has my eyes falling closed. And for the first time since seeing him, I remember him the only way I have ever known him, through feeling. It’s my comfort zone and it brings me back to a time when this man completely owned me – heart and soul. I feel his forehead drop on mine. “I’ve missed you, Em.” His words have my eyes snapping open and I stare back into his dark green ones. The one question I have wanted to know for six long years, the one that left my heart pained, rises to the surface. I dig deep for courage and I’m just about to ask it when a loud bang on my door startles me. I jump back from him with a yelp. My heart pounds a million miles a minute as we stare back at one another, the air thick with tension. When there is another knock I quickly move forward, and try to compose myself before answering it, which is really hard to do when I can feel Ryder’s eyes on me. I open it to see Cece on the other side. Well shit! “Hey, babes, you almost ready for our big night out?” she asks as she steps in. “Gah, I can’t wait for some Channing Tatum, that man is one fine piece of aaaa…” She comes to an abrupt halt at seeing Ryder standing not

far behind me. Her eyes bug out of her head and her mouth drops open. “What. The. Fuckburger!” she blurts as she gapes at him in shock. I would find the entire situation funny if I weren’t still shaken up myself. “Cece…” Ryder greets easily. “I see you still like carrying your big purses around,” he muses before turning to me and quirking an eyebrow. “Plans with Cece two nights in a row?” I glare at him silently, not having anything to say now that I’ve been busted. He chuckles arrogantly as he strides toward me and I’m taken by surprise again when he pulls me against him. “I’ll be seeing you, Em.” His words hold promise, and after pressing a quick, hard kiss to my forehead, he struts his sexy, arrogant ass out my door as if he didn’t just tilt my world on it’s axis. Cece stands staring at me, her expression still one of complete and utter shock. “Emily? What the hell was Ryder fucking Jameson doing here?” I look out in the hallway to make sure he is gone then close the door before turning back to her. “He said he’s here on business and wants to have dinner with me.” “Business?” she asks doubtfully. I nod. “What kind of business? Wait, let me guess. I’ll bet he’s in a motorcycle gang. Or part of the mafia, or no… an assassin. Yeah, an assassin, he probably kills for a living.” I roll my eyes at her outrageous guesses. “He is not any of those things, Cece. He owns his own businesses and he’s thinking about expanding.” The thought has me smiling, I’m really happy for him. I always knew he would be successful at whatever he did. “He’s lying, that’s just his cover. Assassins have to say shit like that. They can’t tell you what they really do.” I shake my head at her ridiculousness. “I’m serious, Emily. I mean, look at him. The guy looks even more dangerous than he did in high school. Still hot as hell, but fucking dangerous.” I don’t think he looked dangerous. Powerful? Yes. Sexy? Heck yes, but not dangerous. “So what did you tell him?” “About what?” She looks at me like I’m stupid. “About dinner.” “Oh, I told him I couldn’t, that I had plans with you. Well actually, I told him it was tomorrow night since he wouldn’t take no for an answer and I was running out of excuses.”

“Did he give you an explanation about why he left without so much as a goodbye?” I shake my head sadly and try to ignore the sharp sting I get in my chest. She scoffs. “Figures, the guy has some serious balls to come here and expect you to have dinner with him without so much as an apology, or an explanation for what he did. I’m sure his dick is big enough to hold them, but that’s besides the point.” I feel my face heat at the mention of his equipment. “And what the fuck was up with his dig about my purses?” she asks, sounding insulted. I shrug. “I guess he still remembers you hitting him with your purse.” “Whatever, he needs to get over it. I thought he was attacking you. He was lucky it was my purse and not my pepper spray.” I bite back a smile, remembering how scared she was that Ryder was going to murder her in her sleep. “Speaking of purses.” She holds up the dark purple one she has with her. “Meet my new friend. First name Louis, last name Vuitton.” I burst out laughing at the introduction. “Hi, Louis, nice to meet you.” She giggles. “Ain’t he a beaut?” “He sure is,” I agree with a smile, my heart feeling lighter for the first time since seeing Ryder, but it vanishes quickly when Cece’s expression turns serious once again. “So what are you going to do when he comes back?” I think about her question and blow out a heavy breath, my heart feeling like a twisted mess. “I don’t know, Cece. A part of me wants to catch up with him. You know how much I’ve thought about him over the years. But I’m scared, seeing him again, after all this time, has affected me even more than I thought it would. And I have so much going on right now, with everything that has happened this past month. I’m not sure my emotions can withstand anymore.” She walks over and wraps me in a hug. “I’m sorry, Emily. I know you’re feeling really overwhelmed right now with getting your sight back, and you didn’t need this. You know how I feel when it comes to him, but I also know you see him differently than I do, you always have. Just…” “What?” I ask when she trails off. “Just whatever you decide, be careful. A lot has changed, but one thing that we both know haven’t are your parents. Your dad will shit when he finds out Ryder is back in town. I’m scared what he will do if you go out

with him, especially with how much your parents have been pushing you toward Kyle.” My temper spikes just thinking about it. “I know, but I’m not seventeen anymore, Cece, and I have to start taking a stand. This crap with Kyle is getting out of hand. The guy has come here almost every day since I’ve gotten my sight back. Of course he’s been on his best behavior, and has tried to be charming, but he doesn’t fool me. I know who he really is, who he has always been. No matter what my parents say, I will never have anything to do with him. So they can all shove their political marriage bullshit up their asses.” She rears back in shock at my heated language. “Well damn, girl, look at you. Now hold on to all that feisty confidence for the next time you see your parents.” “I’ve never had a problem telling my parents how I feel, the issue is they just don’t listen to me.” “They can’t force you to be with Kyle. Just keep standing your ground and they will give up eventually, and we both know there is only so much rejection Kyle will withstand. The asshole’s ego can only take so many hits.” I have to agree; I’m surprised he’s come around as much as he has, considering I am not very pleasant to him. “And where Ryder is concerned, maybe you’re worrying for nothing. Maybe he won’t come back.” “You seem to have forgotten that when I want something, Em, I don’t quit until I get it.” Cece is right, the man is dangerous, and after his parting comment I have no doubt he will be coming back. Instead of feeling aggravated like I ought to be, a little thrill of excitement shoots through me. I’m in very serious trouble.

Chapter 10 Emily A FEW DAYS later I’m walking home from my doctor’s appointment with Summer by my side, feeling incredibly overwhelmed. The warm afternoon sun doing nothing to ease the storm of emotions coiling inside of me. I must admit, as conflicted as I feel after leaving the doctor’s office, I’m glad I went to see Dr. Ross again. It was the second time I’ve been to him, and he seems to genuinely care about my well-being. Whereas Dr. Shepard, the one my father has made me see since the time of my incident, only does whatever appeases my father. I just wish Dr. Ross didn’t want to dig deeper into my past, his suggestion today has left me feeling panicked. Releasing a deep breath, I shake myself from my thoughts and pay attention to my surroundings. I let Summer do most of the leading, because even though I have walked this area a thousand times it feels completely different to me now that I can see. I’ve been trying to walk everywhere, rather than taking the driver my father hired for me when I moved out. I have no doubt that Andrew is more of a set of eyes than just my driver – my father’s attempts to make sure I’m keeping up to his standards and not doing anything to embarrass him or my mother. When I turn down my street I come to an abrupt halt upon seeing Ryder parked outside my building, leaning against a sleek black SUV. My heart skips a beat at the sight of him, his stance radiating confidence. He has texted me every single day since leaving my house, asking me to have dinner with him. Thanks to the app I had installed, I was able to listen to his messages. I don’t think he realizes I can’t read, and it’s not something I care to tell him either. I always decline his invitation, telling him I’m too busy but he never buys it, and usually we just end up bantering back and forth. His last text said if I continued to decline him, he would come to my apartment and not take no for an answer. I’m not going to lie, the threat

excited me, because I really did want to see him again, even though I should stay far away. He notices me right away and gives me a sexy smirk. One I bet girls drop their panties for in a heartbeat… Don’t go there, Emily. I start forward, portraying a confidence in my step that I don’t feel, and before I can stop myself, my eyes travel down the length of him, taking in all his masculine glory. He really isn’t your typical businessman; at least he doesn’t dress like one. Most businessmen wear suits or dress clothes, but Ryder’s attire is much more casual. Like right now – his loose, faded jeans sport a few holes in them and hang enticingly low off his lean hips. He wears a long sleeve, plaid shirt that is left unbuttoned, showing off a white T-shirt that stretches across his defined chest. His sleeves are rolled three quarters of the way up and displays black ink that’s woven up his cut forearms. Yeah, definitely not business attire. Most businessmen I’ve seen (at least in the last month) are clean cut, always keeping their hair fairly short and their faces cleanshaven. Ryder is definitely more rugged and unkempt, but in a sexy way. His brown hair is always messed, and you know it wasn’t done on purpose, but rather by him running his hand through it. It makes my own hands twitch, remembering how soft it used to feel between my fingers during our heavy make out sessions all those years ago. That thought has my gaze dropping to his mouth that is tilted into a cocky grin, and I realize I’ve been busted ogling him. Well crap! I feel my face heat with embarrassment. “See something you like, Em?” I ignore his arrogant question as I stop in front of him and try to act indifferent to his sexiness. “What are you doing here?” “I was just in the neighborhood and figured I’d stop in to tell you I’m taking you out for supper tonight.” I quirk an eyebrow. “You’re telling me?” “Yup. Since asking hasn’t been working, you leave me no choice.” “Well darn,” I reply with fake disappointment. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t. I’m busy again tonight.” His smirks at the lie. “Really? And what’s the reason this time?” “I’m washing my hair.” He chuckles at the poor excuse, and the husky sound washes over me and has my stomach doing a flip. I hate that stupid flip… Kinda.

Ryder steps away from the SUV, standing at his full, intimidating height then crowds me until our positions are suddenly reversed and I’m the one backed up against his vehicle. How the heck did he just do that? He cages me in, his elbows leaning on either side of my head, bringing his face only inches from mine. His delicious scent penetrates the air around us, and my heart pounds wildly from his close proximity. “Emily, if you say no then you leave me no choice but to come here tonight with dinner. And I’m warning you right now, I will not be responsible for my actions if I’m alone with you in your apartment again.” Oh lord, what on earth does that mean? Never mind, I don’t want to know. Actually, I do… No, I don’t. Ahh! I hate how conflicted this man makes me feel. I stare up at him and desperately want to say yes. As worried as I am about my fragile heart, I’m starting to worry more about whether I will regret not seeing him before he leaves. I need closure. I need to know why he left without so much as a goodbye. The problem is I’m not sure I can handle the truth of it, especially tonight. Blowing out a heavy breath, I drop my head back against the SUV, suddenly feeling exhausted. I so did not need this today. Ryder’s expression turns from teasing to serious. “What’s wrong?” I shake my head and look at the ground. “Nothing.” He takes his aviators off then grabs my chin and forces my gaze to his. “Don’t lie to me, Emily. What’s wrong?” “Did you ever stop to think it’s your pesky persistence?” “No, it’s something else. I can tell.” His intense, green eyes bore into mine with determination and I realize he’s not going to let it go. “I just had an appointment with my doctor that has left me feeling a little off-kilter is all,” I mumble. “Why, what did he say? Is something wrong?” he asks worriedly. “No, no, it’s nothing like that.” I wave away his concern. “I just…” I trail off and shake my head. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” I hold his stare, showing him I mean it, and he finally relents. “All right. I’ll let it go for now, but you have to let me take you out for dinner then.” I scoff. “I don’t have to do anything, Mr. Bossy.” Instead of sniping back like I expect him to, he steps in closer and cups the side of my face tenderly. “Come on, Em, it’s only dinner, baby, and it will help take your mind off whatever is bothering you.”

Oh man, it’s the ‘baby’ that does me in. I’m weak! Weak, I tell ya. “Fine. I’ll move my schedule around and wash my hair a little earlier.” He gives me a sexy, triumphant smirk then backs out of my personal space, and I suddenly feel chilled, even though it’s a blistering hot afternoon. “Good. I’ll be back at six, I already made us reservations.” My mouth drops in exasperation. “What do you mean, you already made reservations? What if I had said no again?” He shrugs. “It wouldn’t have mattered because I told you I wasn’t taking no for answer.” I gape at him, not believing his audacity. He chuckles at my infuriated expression, then leans down to kiss my forehead. I rear back before he can make contact, but he slings an arm around my neck and pulls me back in. I consider ordering Summer to sic him, but I know she wouldn’t hurt a fly. Well, maybe if she thought I was really in danger she would. “I don’t remember you being this obnoxious back in high school, Ryder Jameson,” I retort, trying to act unaffected by the simple kiss, when in reality my body is humming with pleasure. “And I don’t remember you being this difficult, Emily Michaels,” he returns with a smug grin before leaning down to my ear. “But I’ll admit I like the challenge, baby. It makes my dick harder for you than it already was, and I didn’t think that was possible.” I suck in a sharp breath, his dirty words hitting me right between my legs, making my panties turn damp. He winks, knowing his affect on me. “I’ll see you at six.” He gets into his vehicle and pulls away, leaving me to gape after him like an idiot. Oh the man is infuriating. Sexy, but infuriating. Maybe I won’t answer the door when he comes tonight… Oh, who am I kidding? I’m going to answer and I hate myself for how excited I am for it.

Chapter 11 Ryder AS SOON AS I walk into Emily’s building my phone goes off. I pull it out and see it’s Nick. “Jameson.” “Can you talk?” I stop in the lobby. “Yeah, but make it quick. I just got to Emily’s.” He grunts. “I feel like I got the shaft here, Jameson. While you get to take out a beautiful girl, I get to deal with the old hag at the group home.” “It doesn’t matter because Emily would have been off limits to you anyway.” There’s a long moment of silence while he lets that statement sink in. “Ah, so she is the reason why you chose to cover Michaels. I see now.” No, he doesn’t. There are a lot of reasons why I chose Michaels; Emily is only one of them. “What do you need, Stone? I got shit to do.” “More like a beautiful woman to do,” he grumbles. “Anyway, I wanted to fill you in on my meeting with Janice Pike, the old bitch who runs the group home. I met with her today to see if it’s a good place for my fourteenyear-old sister who is a meth addict.” I roll my eyes, knowing he has no siblings. “And what did you think of her?” “She seems like a heartless bitch, which I expected considering she’s handing these girls off for money. The place was more fucked up than I thought though, and anyone who steps foot in there would know it.” “How do you mean?” “You drive up to this beautiful plantation that makes you think of sunshine and rainbows, but as soon as you step inside… it’s fucking weird, man. The entire place was silent and let’s face it¸ there are over twenty-four teenage girls living there, there should be nothing fucking quiet about it.” I grunt in agreement. “The entire time I was there I saw only two of them, and their heads were down while they were walking, as if they were scared

to look anywhere else other than the floor. When I was leaving I saw a girl at the side of the house, sitting on the grass reading a book. I walked over to ask her what she thought of the place, but as soon as she saw me she jumped up and tried to run off.” “Tried?” I ask, wondering what the hell that means. “Yeah, I grabbed her arm before she could make her escape, which made me feel like shit because I scared the hell out of her. I told her the story about my sister and that I just wanted to know what she thought of the place. She stumbled over every word she tried to speak, and her entire body was trembling. I’m telling you, Jameson, I’ve never seen fear like that before.” “As if the cops didn’t see that when they were asking their questions about Cassie.” “My thoughts exactly, but that’s not all. Before she could even get out whatever bullshit she was trying to spew, she glanced up at something behind me, and when I turned around I saw the old lady watching us from the top window of the house.” “I assume that shut her up.” “Well, it did, but before she shut up I got the first real response from her since talking with her.” “What did she say?” “Four words: don’t bring her here. It was mumbled since her head was down and she was walking away, but I know what I heard.” I think about what he just said, my mind running with options. “We need to get those girls alone. If she caved that quickly with you then I’m sure you could get more from her if the old bitch wasn’t around watching.” “I don’t know how I’m going to do that. Pike watches them like a hawk. Cassie was the only one still going to public school, and that’s only because she was the newest one there. I’m going to see the school counselor tomorrow, so we will see what stems from that.” “What is your cover with her?” “No cover. The Chief thinks she can know we are looking into it.” He’s probably right. She seems to be the only one who is concerned about Cassie. If anyone is going to help us get information, it’s her. “Now tell me what your plan of action is, besides banging some high school crush you have.”

I tense at his joke, not finding it funny. “Watch it, Stone. It isn’t like that.” He grunts. “Chill the fuck out, I was only kidding. I do want to know what your plan is though. I know Chief wants you at that party in a few weeks, but after what I saw today I am not sure we have that much time.” I blow out a heavy breath. “I know. I’ll see what I can do. I have a few ideas, but don’t have time to explain right now. Call me tomorrow after you meet with the counselor and we will go from there.” “Will do. Have fun on your date with your non high school crush,” he adds with a chuckle then quickly hangs up before I can respond. “Asshole!” I mutter as I make my way down the hall. Actually, he isn’t that bad. Out of all the guys at the office I probably relate to Stone the most. He’s quiet and sticks to himself most of the time. I’ve never seen him with the same girl past one night. Which is something we definitely have in common. Anytime one of the guys asks about his past he avoids the question, which I can understand. I don’t like to think about my past, let alone talk about it. I shake myself from my thoughts as I reach Emily’s apartment. Just as I raise my hand to knock, the door swings open and I come face to face with a little Mexican lady I remember so well. Her eyes widen in surprise before they narrow sharply. She quickly glances behind her before moving into the hallway and pulling the door halfway closed. She steps into my personal space and pokes me in the chest hard enough that I am surprised her finger doesn’t break off. “What on earth do you think you’re doing back here?” I stare down at her calmly. “I’m here on business.” “You need to leave Emily alone.” I shake my head. “Not going to happen.” Her expression turns furious. “You don’t listen! Emily has enough going on right now to deal with. You should not be here making it harder on her.” I glare back at her, my own temper starting to spike. “What the hell are you talking about? I’m not here to make anything harder on her.” “Nothing has changed, Ryder. Her father is the same man from when you left six years ago. You need to leave before he finds out you’re back.” “The hell I will! I’m not seventeen anymore, and neither is Emily. No one will be fucking dictating our lives, and no one will keep me from her. Not ever again!”

The same fear that I saw in her eyes all those years ago reappears as she stares up at me. “You will not win against him. You have no idea what he is capable of.” But she does. I realize now she knows. She has to; this has to be what she meant all those years ago. “What if I told you I do know? That I know exactly what he’s capable of?” Her gaze turns suspicious and her fear becomes more apparent. “Who are you?” she asks shakily. I stare back at her silently. I can’t tell her. Not yet. Not until I know where Emily stands. She cuts a hand through the air. “Never mind! I do not want to know. But I will tell you this. Whatever you are up to, you leave Emily out of it. I will not let her get hurt and I…” “I am not going to let anyone hurt her. I will fucking kill anyone who tries!” “Rosa? Ryder? What’s going on?” My gaze snaps to the door to see Emily watching us in concern, and all my anger evaporates, leaving me to gape at the beautiful sight before me. Holy shit! My eyes roam down her perfect body, taking in her soft pink, strapless dress that hugs her in all the right places and shows off her every delicate curve. Yet the soft cotton still flows loosely from her body, and stops just at the top of her slender thighs. My dick spikes to full intensity as I remember what it felt like to be between those sweet thighs. I drag my gaze up to hers, and smirk when I see her cheeks flushed pink at my blatant eye-fuck. Walking over, I pull her against me then lean down and kiss the top of her head. “Hey, Em, you look incredible, like always.” Her face turns redder at the compliment. “Oh, uh, thank you, so do you,” she stammers out shyly, which makes me want to chuckle. “Is everything okay?” she asks, looking between Rosa and me. “Everything is fine.” “It didn’t sound fine. It sounded like you guys were arguing.” I look over at Rosa, warning her to back me up. She pastes a fake smile on her face and shakes her head. “No, we weren’t arguing, sweetheart. Ryder is right, everything is fine.” She walks over and pulls Emily from me, enveloping her in a hug. “You have a good night, and call me tomorrow.” “Okay, I will. I love you, Rosa. Thank you for coming to see me. It brightened my day.”

Her words remind me of how upset she was after her appointment. Something I intend to push about later, I’ve been worried about it ever since. “I love you too, my sweet girl. It will all work out. You’ll see.” Her response spikes my concern another notch. Emily nods then leans down to say bye to her dog. Rosa glares and points her finger at me in warning. Yeah, well, I’m not finished with you yet either, lady. I have a feeling she is where my focus needs to be until I can get into the Michaels’ house. She probably has a ton of information. I’m just not sure I’ll be able to get it out of her. Not with how scared she seems of the asshole. Emily and Rosa say one more goodbye before Rosa walks back into the apartment. “Does she live with you?” I ask, curious since she wasn’t here the other day. “No, she’s just hanging with Summer for a bit. She stopped working for my parents shortly after I moved out. I think she only stayed as long as she did because she didn’t want to leave me. But she still helps them out when they need her, mainly for dinner parties. Although I don’t know why she does it, they have never treated her very well.” I file that last part away, knowing it will be something I need to question later. I have to say I’m thankful she stayed all those years. She clearly cares a lot about Emily, so I’m glad to know she had someone watching out for her. It’s something I always worried about after I left. I grab her hand as we walk out of the building so I can lead her over to where I’m parked. The gesture makes her falter but I don’t let go, or pay notice to it. “So are you going to tell me what you two were arguing about?” “We weren’t arguing, we were talking.” She looks up at me doubtfully. “About what?” I shrug. “Not much. Mainly she just said how happy she was I was taking you out, and told me how much more attractive I’ve gotten with age.” She throws her head back and laughs at the blatant lie. The sound and sight of it does funny shit to my chest and brings a smile of my own. “Yeah right. I’ll bet that’s what she said,” she giggles, shaking her head. “You, Ryder Jameson, need to get over yourself.”

Reaching my vehicle, she pulls on the handle and opens the door. Catching her off guard, I move in behind her and crowd her into the open space. She releases a startled gasp when I wrap one arm around her waist and the other possessively across her chest, bringing her body back snug against mine. Her sweet scent consumes the air around us and infiltrates my senses. I lean down, bringing my lips to her ear. “Now, Emily, you aren’t trying to tell me you disagree, are you?” “What if I am?” Her breathless challenge has my dick aching to fuck the sass out of her. “Then I say you are a liar, because I see the way you eye-fuck me, baby. The way those pretty, blue eyes of yours beg me to do all sorts of dirty things to you.” I know I’m being an asshole, calling her out, but it’s the truth. The way she looked at me yesterday when she turned the corner – it took every ounce of restraint I possessed not to haul her ass into her apartment and fuck the shit out of her. She scoffs but it’s shaky. “In your dreams, Jameson.” I chuckle. “Oh, Em, you have no idea what I do to you in my dreams, but I promise you, everything I do, you fucking love it.” I hear her quick intake of breath and feel her heart pound against my forearm, almost to the same force as mine. Before I’m able to stop myself, I lightly lick her earlobe then graze the tender flesh with my teeth. She releases the sexiest moan, and thrusts her tight ass back into my aching cock. Oh fuck! Growling, I grip her hips firmly in warning. “Baby, I’m going to step back now, because if I don’t I’m going to end up lifting up this sexy dress of yours and fucking you right here, bent over the seat for everyone to see.” Since my control is hanging by a thread, I don’t wait for her to respond. I press a quick kiss to her soft cheek then give her a boost up into her seat. She looks down at me, her face flushed with arousal and her eyes heavy-lidded with desire, yet I also see hesitancy in her gaze. She’s scared, which I already knew. I knew that’s why she kept declining me. Whether I want to or not, the past is something we are going to have to talk about, but not tonight. As we drive to the restaurant I try to make small talk, but there is so much sexual tension in the vehicle it’s stifling. It’s going to be a long

fucking night. “Do you still have your bike?” she asks softly. “Actually, I just bought a new one from Hector.” I think about my meeting with my old boss. I have kept in touch with him over the years, but I hadn’t seen him since the day I left, that was up until a few days ago. It was good to catch up with him and be back at the garage. Business seems to be doing well and I couldn’t resist buying his latest project. I’ll be riding it back to Florida instead of flying. He agreed to be part of my cover, but I didn’t miss his apprehension. I know he’s worried because of Michaels. He thinks the asshole is too powerful to bring down, but he’s wrong and I’m going to prove it. Emily nods then clears her throat. “Where are we going for supper?” “Crustacia,” I reply, telling her the name of the fancy, upscale restaurant I would never, ever step foot in any other time. The bill will probably be more than my month’s salary, but I know she is used to places like that so I figured it was a safe bet. “I- I have never been there before.” “I know. It’s new, they just opened a few weeks ago.” I glance over to see her looking fucking panicked. “Is there a problem?” She shakes her head and gives me a wobbly smile. “No, of course not. I’ve heard good things about it. I’m sure it will be great.” The girl is the worst liar in the world, but I decide not to push her on it. When we arrive at the restaurant, Emily’s unease only seems to increase. She excuses herself to the bathroom as soon as we enter and it takes her a while before she comes out. By the time we’re seated and the waiter comes over, she is a nervous mess. What the fuck is up with her? “Good evening, my name is Halthzaar, and I will be your waiter for the evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?” When Emily doesn’t answer first, I order some sort of fancy beer I’ve never heard of and hope it’s good. The waiter looks to Emily and I see her visibly swallow. “Um… can I just order whatever house wine you have?” “Yes, of course. White or red, miss?” “White, please.” When he walks away she glances back down at her menu, so I do as well. I look over all the weird fucking names trying to figure out which one

is steak. When I glance back up at Em, I see her hands trembling as she stares in a daze at the menu. “Emily, what is the damn problem?” I ask firmly, my patience starting to wear thin. She finally lifts her eyes to mine and I see them glassy with tears. What the fuck? Leaning over, I cover her shaking hands with my own. “What is it, baby?” She bites her trembling lip and mumbles something I can’t hear. “What? Speak up, I can’t hear you.” “I can’t read,” she grinds out a little louder, her voice thick with tears. I falter in surprise at her response then sit back in my chair stunned, feeling like a complete ass. Her head lowers as if she’s embarrassed, but not before I see her first tear escape, and it makes me feel as if someone just punched me in the fucking throat. I look around the upscale restaurant, a place I would never come to, and realize I made a mistake. Before I can say anything, the waiter walks back over and sets our drinks down in front of us, oblivious to Emily’s upset. “Have you both decided what you would like to order? I could go over some of our specials if you would like?” Emily swipes at her cheek. “Yes, please. I…” “Actually, no. That’s okay,” I interrupt. “We’ve changed our minds, but thanks anyway.” Standing up, I throw down a few bills to cover more than our drinks then take Emily’s hand and pull her from the table. I lead her out of the restaurant quickly, leaving our waiter in sputtering shock. “I’m so sorry I embarrassed you,” she whispers just as we reach the vehicle. And it’s those soft, sad words that finally do me in. Spinning her around, I pin her against the truck. I register her shocked expression just before my mouth lands on hers. She gasps against my lips and is only stunned for a second before she wraps her arms around my neck and finally gives in to what we both want. I pull her in closer to me and lick the seam of her lips, asking for permission, and she eagerly grants me the access I crave. A low growl erupts from my throat when her familiar taste of innocence, one I’ve never forgotten, explodes in my mouth and rushes through my veins. Jesus, I forgot how good this girl tasted. I swallow her sexy whimper as we get lost in each other, remembering the past and exploring the new.

It isn’t until the sound of a horn blares that I quickly remember we are on the sidewalk, out in the open. I pull back slightly, keeping her face framed between my hands, and stare down at her closed eyes and soft expression. When she opens them a moment later, the ice blue orbs hit me like a blow to the chest. She is fucking beautiful. “First, let’s get one thing straight. There is nothing about you that embarrasses me,” I say firmly. She tries to look away but I hold her face securely. “I’m fucking serious, Emily. You’re perfect!” She stares up at me with tears in her eyes. “I tried calling Rosa and Cece in the bathroom, to read me the menu online, but I couldn’t get ahold of them. It bothers me she didn’t trust me enough to help her. “You didn’t need to do that. I would have helped you.” “I know. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been embarrassed to tell you.” “No, you shouldn’t have. There is nothing embarrassing about it. You’ve been blind almost your entire life, Em, of course you can’t read.” She nods. “I know. To be honest I didn’t expect you to take me somewhere like this.” “What do you mean?” She shrugs. “I just never really thought of it as your kind of place.” “It isn’t. I fucking hate it. I only brought you here because I figured it was the kind of place you were used to.” Something passes over her expression just before she says: “It is the kind of place I’m used to, which is why I looked forward to wherever you were going to take me, Ryder. Because you have always taken me to a place where I belonged, not where I was expected.” Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. She drops her gaze as if not meaning to have said that but I’m done with the games. “Come on.” I pull her from the door before opening it. “Are you taking me home?” she asks softly, her tone sounding disappointed at the thought. “No, Em, I’m nowhere near done with you.” She smiles up at me, and before I can stop myself, I lean down and press a quick kiss to her lush mouth, making sure not to linger, then help her up in the truck. I glance back at the restaurant one more time and realize what an idiot I truly was. I should have realized that the Emily I knew six years ago would still be the

Emily she is now. She never cared about this shit, never cared about this lifestyle. I get into the truck to see her watching me uncertainly. “So where are we going now?” “Somewhere I should have taken you to begin with.”

Emily THE FURTHER WE drive, the more curious I become. After grabbing some fast food, something I haven’t had in years because my mother would have a heart attack, we started on our way to wherever Ryder is taking me. We’ve been driving for about thirty minutes and I don’t recognize anything, but I haven’t ventured out much since getting my sight back. Only to work, doctor appointments and the mall with Cece. I look across the dark vehicle at Ryder, his strong profile lit by the cars that pass us on the highway, and think about tonight’s events. I shouldn’t have been so ridiculous earlier, I should have asked for his help with the menu but I was embarrassed. Because there I sat, looking at this incredibly attractive and intelligent man who could have any woman he wanted and here he was with me, someone who couldn’t even read the menu. I know it’s silly. Like he said, I’ve been blind most of my life, of course I can’t read, but it did not matter and I let my insecurity get the better of me. I think about the way he kissed me, and the way my soul remembered it so well. My lips are still tingling from the sweet contact. This is not how I expected tonight to go. My plan was to catch up with him, and find the courage to ask him what happened between him and my father all those years ago, and why he left without so much as a goodbye. I need the closure; it will be the only way I will truly be able to move on. But, since that kiss, I have a feeling I will not find any closure, not when my heart is still so conflicted when it comes to him. I get pulled from my thoughts when we pull up in front of an old, dirty building I can’t distinguish. The entire place is dark and looks abandoned. Ryder parks off to the side then turns to me with a smirk. “Let’s go.” He grabs his jacket off the seat and gets out of the vehicle.

I follow suit and look around the vacant lot, trying to figure out where we are. Ryder takes my hand easily, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world then leads me over to the massive building. I try to ignore the way my body is humming just from the small contact. He punches a bunch of numbers on a keypad and the big garage door rises automatically. The strong smell of oil and gas immediately infiltrates my nostrils. When he tries to pull me into the dark building I resist, my heart beginning to pound with panic. I don’t like the dark; it has become my number one fear since regaining my sight back. “Where are we?” I try to hide my anxiety but know I don’t succeed. “It’s all right, Em. It’s Hector’s garage.” He steps away then flicks on the lights. I squint at the sudden brightness, and once my eyes adjust I take in my surroundings. Big, heavy machinery litters the massive space; old, beat-up cars are raised up high and tools scatter the floor, leaving the place in chaos. “This way.” He tugs on my hand and leads me over to the opposite corner. A big smile spreads across my face as we walk up to a black motorcycle. “Are we going to ride this?” I ask hopefully. “Yeah, this is the new bike I bought from Hector.” “Eeeek!” I clap excitedly and Ryder chuckles at my obvious enthusiasm. I look down at my attire. “Er, I guess I’m not dressed great for it.” A dirty grin tilts his sexy lips. “I like it better that way.” He winks suggestively and I feel my face heat. Sheesh, I really hate that. “Here.” He passes me his jacket but I push it back at him. “No, no, I’ll be fine. It’s a warm night.” He glares at me and thrusts the jacket my way again. “No, you won’t. Take the jacket.” “Ryder, I’ll be fine.” “Emily, would you not argue with me for once, and just take the fucking jacket.” I roll my eyes then rip the stupid jacket from him. “Geez, you have a serious problem with being bossy,” I tell him as I put the damn coat on. Oh man, maybe it’s not such a bad idea after all, it smells really darn good, but

there is no denying I look ridiculous in it. I throw my arms up showing him how long the sleeves are. “I look stupid!” His eyes roam down my body, suddenly making me think I might not look like an idiot after all. Sitting on the bike sideways, he grabs the lapels of the jacket and pulls me between his legs. “You look fucking sexy in anything you wear, but especially my clothes. And you look as good now as you did six years ago when we left that beach party and I took you on my bike for the first time. Except back then your dress was yellow, not pink.” My heart turns over in my chest at his words. The night he talks about is a night I have never forgotten, and clearly he hasn’t either. The fact that he remembers it so vividly, right down to what I wore, repairs a small part of my scarred heart. “I can’t believe you remember what I wore that night,” I whisper. “Baby, there isn’t a second of our time together that I don’t remember. You, Emily, are not someone I could ever forget.” I stare at him speechless, a sudden storm of emotions roiling inside of me. Then why? I want to scream. Why did you leave me? He stares back at me, his gaze intense as if he knows what I’m thinking. I consider asking him, right here, right now, but as I dig for courage he ends up breaking the moment by grabbing his helmet and putting it on my head. It’s probably better. I will ask him eventually. I will. But maybe not tonight. For tonight – I want to forget about all the bad, forget about what took him from me and just be in a place that I haven’t been for six years, a place that only Ryder and I create. “Lift your chin.” I do as he asks. After he tightens the straps, he straddles the bike, and oh boy does he look good on it. Heat pools low in my tummy when I think about what we did on his bike back in high school, or rather, what he did to me… I suddenly notice he’s watching me with an arrogant smirk. “This is one of those times, Emily, when I know exactly what you’re thinking. It’s written all over your pretty, flushed face.” Crap! “If you want to go for a ride on this bike I suggest you get your sexy ass on the back of it before I change my mind and end up taking you for a ride right here.”

Oh god, just the thought of riding him instead of the bike has an ache starting between my legs. I scoff, hoping to hide his affect on me. “Settle down, Jameson. I was just noticing how completely awkward you look on the bike is all.” He bursts out laughing, and it’s so infectious I can’t stop from laughing with him; we both know I’m full of it. “You are the shittiest liar.” “I know,” I agree with a giggle, not bothering to deny it. I get on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, bringing my front flush against his hard, warm back. My smile dies and my heart flutters at the familiar feeling of being this close to him again. It’s a feeling I didn’t think I would get to experience again. “You ready?” he asks, his voice sounding huskier than it did a minute ago. “Yes,” I whisper so quietly I’m not sure he heard the reply. He starts up the bike, the powerful vibration and loud motor has anticipation pounding through my system. Kicking back the stand, he starts out of the garage slowly, and hits a button on the keypad as we pass it, closing the oversized door behind us, as we start out of the parking lot. Once we get onto the highway, he lets go and hits the throttle. I suck in a sharp breath and squeeze him tighter. Fear, anxiety and adrenaline slam into me, and completely overwhelm me. I close my eyes and my heart instantly begins to calm as I let myself use the only senses I’ve known for as long as I can remember. I take in the warm wind on my face, the smell of nature around us, and, most of all, I absorb the feeling of Ryder’s hard body warming mine. I forgot how completely exhilarating this could be. Once I’m more grounded, I reopen my eyes and try to take in our surroundings, but the dark night and our rapid speed make it difficult. So instead, I take the experience for what it is and just let myself feel. It takes me back to a time I remember so well, one I loved and one only Ryder ever gave me. Freedom. It isn’t too long before Ryder slows and pulls off to the side of the road in what seems like the middle of nowhere. I look around, wondering what he’s doing, but as we drive further in I get a glimpse of the view before us, and my heart stalls in my chest when I realize where we are. He parks the bike and I’m climbing off before he even has it turned off. I remove my helmet and jacket before walking closer to the edge of the

cliff. I make sure to stop a fair distance away as my gaze becomes riveted to the incredible view stretched before me. “Describe to me what we’re looking at, Ryder.” “The clear sky above us is dark and covered in stars. Way off in the distance are thousands of lights from homes and buildings that light up the entire city. It looks like we are a world away rather than minutes.” I swallow past the sudden ache in my throat as his words replay in my head. His description was incredibly accurate, but I never understood the true beauty of it… Until now. I look up at the clear night sky to see a million stars, but they quickly become blurry as tears begin slipping down my cheeks. My heart becomes so overwhelmed from finally seeing what I always missed out on, that I cover my face and cry. Ryder comes up behind me and turns me around before enveloping me in his strong arms. He doesn’t say anything; he just holds me and lets me cry everything out. “You have no idea how many times I tried to picture this place,” I mumble into his chest, feeling the need to try and explain what I’m feeling. “Anything I ever pictured never came close to this.” He rubs soothing circles along my back in a comforting gesture, and the warmth of his embrace has some of my tears subsiding. “It doesn’t matter, Em. The best part about coming here was us getting to be together. The view was just an added bonus. You always experienced the best part of it.” Warmth blooms across my chest, my heart melting at his words. I nod, realizing he is right; the best part of that time was us – getting to be together. This was a place where we both escaped to and created a world of our own. One where wealth and politics never defined us. “Come on. Let’s sit down.” He lays down his coat for me to sit on then takes the spot beside me. I bring my knees up and wrap my arms around them, feeling cold without Ryder’s arms around me anymore. “Sorry,” I whisper, feeling the need to apologize as I wipe away the remainder of my tears. “Nothing to be sorry about, Em. I can imagine it must be pretty overwhelming at times.” I nod. “Yeah, it is. This is all so new to me still and I’m struggling to find my way.” “How so?”

I take a moment to think of a way to explain it to him. “It’s like I’m having to learn to live all over again. When I lost my sight I learned to live in the dark. It was a different world, but I figured it out and I eventually strived in it. Now I’m thrown into what seems like a whole new world. People think it’s easier because now I can see, but it’s not at all. Something as simple as a place I have walked to a hundred times is now confusing because my entire direction is screwed up. But if I close my eyes then I can find my way.” I shake my head, feeling frustrated just thinking about it. “Even the stupid street lights. I’ve had to learn colors, something that we all learn in kindergarten, and it makes me feel like a complete idiot.” I turn my face away, feeling exposed as I admit to him everything I have been feeling for the past month. “Emily, look at me.” His warm hand cups my cheek and he turns my face toward his. “There is nothing even remotely stupid about you, you are the smartest chick I’ve ever met.” I shake my head but he stops the movement with his hand. “I’m serious. I mean, how many people can read with their hands?” Looking back at him, I decide to tell him something I haven’t expressed to anyone. “Sometimes I wish it never came back,” I whisper thickly. “I know that is such an awful and ungrateful thing to say, but it’s how I feel most of the time.” His intense, green eyes are soft with understanding. “No, it’s not awful, it’s normal, Em. Your entire life has been flipped upside down for a second time. I know it’s hard right now, but you’re going to figure it out and you will strive in it, just like you did before. It’s just going to take time.” He’s right. I know he is, but I’m having a hard time finding my patience right now. I suddenly think about my appointment with Dr. Ross. “You know how I went to that appointment earlier today.” He nods, his expression piquing with interest. “Well, the doctor I saw made a suggestion that he wants me to try.” Just the thought has panic bubbling up to the surface. “What did he suggest?” he asks when it takes me a moment to find my words. “He wants me to try hypnotherapy. He thinks it would be beneficial for me to remember what happened in the woods all those years ago. Or, at the

very least, try to unlock the nightmare I had, to see if it could have any correlation to what brought my sight back.” “Are there risks involved with that?” he asks, sounding concerned. I shrug. “He said typically no, the risks are not great, nor serious, but my case is also rare so he can’t guarantee anything a hundred percent. But he did say he feels like everything would be okay. He’s strongly encouraging me to try it.” “And what do you think?” “The entire thought terrifies me, because whatever I dreamt that night, Ryder, it scared me so bad that I never want to feel fear like that again.” I can’t stop the hitch in my breath, or the tears I had been trying to hold at bay from slipping down my cheeks. “Jesus, Em.” Catching me off guard, he lifts me in one smooth motion and brings me over to straddle him. He wipes my tears before cupping my face affectionately. “Don’t be afraid, baby, whatever happened is over now. But maybe this is something you should consider. I know you’re scared, but if this does have to do with whatever happened all those years ago, if you don’t deal with it – who knows what would happen if you have another nightmare. Have you thought about that?” I nod. I have thought about it. I don’t want to go to sleep and have something happen that reverses this and I’m thrust back into the dark again. Although, with the way things are feeling right now maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I stare back at Ryder’s handsome face and know I don’t mean that. As hard as things have been for me, one thing I can’t be unhappy about is getting to see all the people I love: Summer, Rosa, Cece and now the one boy who captured my heart so many years ago. Releasing a tired sigh, I close my eyes and do the one thing that I have wanted to do since Ryder came back. My hands find his face and I let myself see him how I used to, through touch. He keeps still and lets me explore. I start at his hair, my fingers running through the soft, messy strands until I reach the ends that brush the back of his neck. It has me remembering how much I loved to feel it when we would kiss, especially our desperate kisses, the ones where I would grip so tightly because I never wanted him to stop. Dragging my fingers forward, I drift them across his strong jaw that is rough with minor stubble, just like it was six years ago. Does he look much

different now than he did back then? He feels much the same, the only thing I notice is his body is a little more muscular, not that he was lacking that back in high school, but he is definitely harder, more… defined. At least from what I could tell with the little contact I’ve had with being against him. He is as good looking as I expected. Not because of what everyone else told me about him, but because I knew him deep down, I knew the very depths of him. And one thing I had learned with my disability was that is where true beauty lies. Ryder, though, is lucky to have both. I run my finger down his nose now and pass over the familiar bump. “Is this visible?” “No.” At the memory, I reopen my eyes to see that it is, in fact, not visible, even being this close up. I also see Ryder’s expression is intense, his green eyes dark with something I can’t name, but it has my heart pounding wildly and my mouth going dry. I hold his warm gaze and move to his soft, firm lips. I trace their outline and remember how incredible they felt all those years ago, and even more so a few hours ago. As I explore, he encircles my wrist and presses a kiss to the inside of my palm. The intimate and familiar gesture has my heart warming. I don’t know who moved first – him or me – but suddenly our mouths are connected in a heated passion that is both hot and demanding. I moan the moment his tongue slips past my lips, his erotic taste flooding my senses and reaching all the way to my soul. Oh god, I’ve missed this, I’ve missed him. “I’ve missed you too, Em, so fucking much.” I hadn’t realized I said the words out loud until now, but I don’t care. I don’t care about anything except for feeling what this man does to me, what he has always done to me. I slide my fingers in his hair and grip the soft strands with desperation, wanting to get lost in him, wanting him to take me back to a time where nothing in the world mattered but us. “Goddamn, you are the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever tasted,” he mumbles before pulling his mouth away to run his warm lips down the column of my throat. I want to tell him he tastes good too, but he has completely robbed me of speech and all I can manage is incoherent sounds. His lips descend to my

collarbone, my breasts becoming swollen and achy, craving his touch. As if knowing my thoughts, he pulls down the front of my dress, bunching it at my waist, and wastes no time ridding me of my strapless bra. My sensitive breasts tumble free into his waiting hands and I gasp at the warm contact, my panties growing wetter by the second. A low growl erupts from his throat, his gaze hot and hungry as he stares at my exposed breasts. “I forgot how perfect your tits are,” he grates roughly before leaning in and taking a puckered, aching nipple into his hot, wet mouth. An explosion of fire erupts through my body and my head falls back on a cry. I gaze up at the clear, dark sky that is blanketed in a million stars, as I get lost in a storm of pleasure. Ryder’s hand moves to cup my other breast, giving it the greedy attention it yearns for. His thumb and forefinger pinch the sensitive tip with enough force that pleasure and pain become one. “Ryder!” I whimper and grind down on his erection, desperately seeking relief for the fierce ache between my thighs. He growls from the contact and lifts his hips for more pressure. “Jesus, Emily, you are going to burn me alive. I can feel the heat of your pussy through my fucking jeans.” His erotic words cause another wave of heat to pass through me. “Then take them off,” I say boldly, surprising myself. He groans in what sounds like disappointment. “No, baby, not here. I’m not fucking you here. I need a bed for when I get back inside of you, because I’m not going to stop fucking you for hours, Emily. I’m going to fuck you so goddamn hard you will feel me inside of you for weeks to come.” Oh god. Will it be tonight? Do I invite him inside when we get back to my house? Do I want to? My body most certainly does, but my scarred heart is a little hesitant. Do I really want him to consume me – body and soul – only to leave me again? “Stop that shit, stop fucking thinking. It’s not happening tonight, I know we have shit to sort out.” Is he talking about my father? About why he left? I get pulled out of my thoughts and cry out in pleasure when he takes a sharp nip at my beaded nipple. “I said stop fucking thinking, only feel, baby.”

I follow his command, and push his open dress shirt down his arms then pull up the T-shirt he wears underneath. “Take this off so I can feel you against me.” He sheds himself of the shirt within seconds then pulls me in close, wrapping me in his strong embrace. Electricity shoots through my entire body, and all the oxygen flees from my lungs. “Damn, you have the softest skin I’ve ever felt,” he mumbles, burying his face into my neck. We do nothing for a moment but hold each other, feeling a connection that I know I will never feel with anyone else. I’ve tried, god I have tried to move on, but I couldn’t. I thought it was because I had no closure, but now that he’s back I know that isn’t the case. It’s because he still holds so much of my damaged heart. Ryder pries my knees apart from his hips before running his hands up the inside of my thighs. I moan, my body trembling in anticipation for what’s to come. He reaches my panty line then gently runs a knuckle down the center of my wet panties, causing slight shock waves to travel through my body. I gasp and he groans. “Fuck me, you are soaked.” My response is another moan as I thrust my hips toward his touch, craving more pressure. “Ryder, please,” I plead breathlessly. “Don’t worry, baby, I got you.” He pushes my panties aside and runs two fingers through my wet flesh, skimming over my swollen clit before inserting a single finger inside of me. “Oh god!” I cry out at the sweet invasion. His groan is guttural. “Oh fuck, your pussy is as hot and tight as I remember it.” He begins pumping his finger in and out of me. “Look, baby. Look between us, watch what my finger is doing to your sweet pussy.” I glance between our bodies, and the erotic sight has my inner walls clamping down around his finger. The need for release becomes so fierce, so overwhelming, that I feel like my body is about to combust. I grab onto his broad shoulders, my nails digging into the grooves of hard muscle, and I begin moving my hips in rhythm to his thrusts. “That’s it, take it, baby, fuck my finger.” I whimper at his dirty words and my body teeters on the edge, so close to shattering, and Ryder senses it. “Look at me, Emily!” My eyes snap to his at the command and I suck in a sharp breath at the intensity of them. He gives me a dirty grin. “Good girl. I want to see your pretty eyes when you come all over my hand.” With those words, he

flicks his wrist and changes the position of his hand. His palm now stroking against my swollen, aching clit and his finger reaching a spot inside of me I didn’t know existed. “Oh, Ryder, it’s so good, I’m going to come,” I whimper breathlessly. “Goddamn right you are, and you are going to come fucking hard!” Leaning in, he takes one of my nipples into his mouth and bites down on it hard enough that the pain shoots straight to my clit and rocks my body with the best sensations. My eyes fall closed at the strength of my orgasm. “Keep your eyes open!” I snap them back open and stare into his heated gaze, his eyes conveying so many emotions it’s hard to name even one, and it does all sorts of things to my already tattered heart. After the final tremors of my orgasm, I drop my forehead on his, my body feeling exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Ryder withdraws his hand from between my legs then shocks me when he puts it into his mouth and sucks my wetness off of it. I gasp in surprise, and he expels a growl before locking his mouth with mine. His delicious taste, mixed in with my arousal, is beautifully erotic. He doesn’t pull away until we are both needing air. He brings me in closer and wraps me in his powerful embrace. I turn my face into his neck and breathe in his incredible scent. “You okay, Em?” he asks softly. “Yes, I’m more than okay,” I reply truthfully. I wish there were words to describe how I’m feeling in this moment. “Good.” He presses a kiss to the top of my head then I feel him reach for something beside him before covering me with it. I quickly realize it’s his dress shirt. I snuggle in closer to his hard, warm body, never wanting this feeling to end. The feeling of safety and contentment. A feeling I haven’t felt in six years.

Chapter 12 Emily I WOKE UP the next morning feeling a light heartedness I haven’t felt in a really long time. My body was still humming with pleasure from Ryder’s intimate touch at the cliff, and my heart was warm from the kindness he showed me. The way he took care of me, and talked to me about my insecurities and fears is something I will never forget. Unfortunately, my good mood went to hell the moment my father called and demanded I meet him and my mother for lunch. He did not sound pleased, so I knew that this meeting was probably going to be more unpleasant than usual. When Andrew, my driver, pulls up and lets me out in front of the country club, I take a deep breath and dig deep for courage, knowing I’m going to need it. I’ve decided I’m going to tell my parents about trying hypnotherapy. The more I think about it, the more I realize that Dr. Ross is right; it’s important I try to find out what caused my disability in the first place. I also know that the more we find out, the more it can also help others in my situation. When I walk in, the hostess recognizes me instantly and leads me over to my father’s table in the back corner. My stomach clenches at first glance of my parents. Out of all the people I finally got to see, my parents were the least shocking to me. They look the same as I remember, just a bit older. They’re an attractive looking couple who scream class and wealth, only I know who they are deep down, and there is nothing beautiful about either of them. My mother’s disapproving gaze roams over me, most likely not liking my choice of sundress, but she pastes a fake smile on her face before leaning in to kiss my cheek. “Darling, how are you?” she greets for show. “I’m doing well, thank you,” I reply quietly.

My father stands next and leans over to kiss my other cheek, but doesn’t bother with pleasantries. His entire demeanor is colder than usual, so I know he’s really upset about something. The waiter comes over right away, bringing me a mimosa that my parents already took the liberty of ordering for me. I know they will have already ordered my meal too and I’m sure it will be the usual dry salad. My mother’s way of making sure I don’t gain weight. My mother starts with small talk, but there is no denying the awkward tension surrounding us. Once our meals are brought and my father knows we won’t be interrupted for a while, he finally brings up what he called me here for. “I spoke with the Rutherfords this morning,” he begins, mentioning friends of theirs who are just as stuck-up as my parents. “Oh?” I stare down at my salad, wondering why he thinks I care about this. “They were at Crustacia last night for dinner.” My head snaps up and my stomach bottoms out at the silent fury in my father’s eyes. “Who were you with, Emily? It better not be who I’m thinking it is, but from the description Henry gave me it sure sounded like it.” I swallow nervously. Don’t show fear, Emily, you have done nothing wrong. “If you are thinking it was Ryder Jameson, then yes, that is who I was with. He’s in town on business and asked me out for dinner.” “How dare you speak so blatantly, as if what you have done is okay,” my mother scolds, acting as if I committed murder rather than go out with someone she doesn’t approve of. “It’s bad enough you broke the rules, Emily, but to show up at Crustacia with trash like him is unacceptable,” my father berates. “He is not trash,” I grind out quietly, “he never has been, and for your information he is doing quite well. He can more than afford to take me somewhere like that.” “Really? Is that why he pulled you out of there when your waiter brought your drinks?” Those damn nosy Rutherfords. “It wasn’t like that. He didn’t pull me out because he couldn’t afford the bill.” He grunts in disbelief. “It’s true!” I defend loudly. “Keep your voice down!” my mother snaps under her breath. “You have humiliated us enough.”

“It doesn’t matter why he pulled you out of there,” my father starts again. “You are not to see him again while he is here, do you understand me?” “I am not a child anymore. You can’t tell me who I can or can not see,” I argue through clenched teeth. “That is where you are wrong, Emily. You have a certain obligation to this family and it’s name. Which is why I have arranged for Kyle to accompany you to the Wilmington’s charity dinner tonight.” I gape at him, wondering if he’s serious. “You can’t force me to go out with Kyle.” “The hell I can’t. You will do this or you will not like the consequences.” My blood runs hot at his threat. Before I can argue again, my mother speaks up. “I have to tell you how completely disappointed I am in you, Emily. Kyle has been so kind to you, especially this past month since your sight has come back, and you have been treating him like garbage.” “You know how I feel about him, and what he has done to me in the past. Why are you doing this?” “Like your father said, you have a certain obligation to this family, and dating people within our social class is one of them. You’re not going to push him away for a piece of trash you spread your legs for when you were seventeen-years-old.” My fists clench and my heart pounds with anger. “My rejection of Kyle has nothing to do with Ryder. I have a lot of personal stuff I am dealing with since getting my sight back. I’m not interested in a serious relationship right now.” Which was true – until Ryder returned. But I know the probability of that is slim to none, considering he doesn’t plan to move back. The entire thought has me feeling even more upset. “What do you mean you have a lot of personal stuff going on? Has something happened we don’t know about?” my father asks. Most people would think his question is from concern, but it’s not. It has to do with making sure it’s nothing that will embarrass our family’s reputation. “I’ve had a lot of adjustments. This hasn’t been easy you know, and…” “Oh please, Emily, stop feeling sorry for yourself! I am sick and tired of you being nothing but an embarrassment to this family,” my mother chides, cutting me off.

Tears begin to blur my eyes, which makes me even more angry. I ignore her cruelty and decide now is a good time to tell them about Dr. Ross. I look only at my father as I speak. “I went and saw my doctor.” His eyes narrow in confusion. “What are you talking about? Dr. Shepard never said anything about seeing you.” “I didn’t see him. I saw a different doctor. I found him on my own when my sight returned.” “What the hell do you mean, you have a doctor of your own? You are only supposed to deal with Dr. Shepard. You know this!” he shouts, getting more upset than I expected. “I wanted a second opinion, and Dr. Ross is great. He thinks it’s crucial to my well-being to know what happened all those years ago. He has suggested I try hypnotherapy, and…” My mother gasps and my father’s face drains of color. He looks almost panic-stricken for a moment before complete rage takes over his expression. What on earth? “You will do no such thing! Do you hear me?” My mother leans over and touches his arm in alarm. “William, keep your voice down. People are staring.” I stare back at my father’s enraged face, not believing how upset he is over this. “I don’t understand why you are getting so angry. Dr. Ross thinks this is a good thing for my mental health.” “The man is clearly an idiot!” “You don’t even know him.” “I only work with the best, which is why Dr. Shepard works for me.” I shake my head and am about to interrupt but my father doesn’t let me. “I’m serious, Emily, this nonsense stops right now. You will not see that Doctor again, there will be no hypnotherapy, and you sure as hell will not be seeing that piece of trash again.” I stand up, refusing to listen to this crap for another second. “Sit down now!” The low warning in my father’s voice along with the fury in his expression has a shiver of apprehension running down my spine. I have dealt with his anger before, but never anything like this. “No, I won’t,” I whisper shakily, trying to hold on to my courage. “I am tired of you dictating every single aspect of my life. I’m tired of never being good enough. From now on I am choosing what is right for myself, not what you think is right for the family name. And until you can respect that

then don’t contact me again!” Turning, I rush out of the restaurant before they can stop me. As soon as I get outside I see Andrew waiting for me but I walk past him, not trusting where I will end up if I let him take me. “Miss Michaels, where are you going?” Ignoring his question, I quicken my stride and turn the corner. I search for a taxi, but there isn’t one in sight. Worrying about Andrew coming to find me, I rush into one of the shops, and the smell of coffee immediately penetrates my senses. I take in my surroundings and quickly realize I’m in a cafe. Swiping at the tears streaking down my cheeks, I go take a seat by the window and pull out my cell. I speak into the mic, asking for it to call Cece. When I get her answering machine right away I worry her phone is turned off. I try again, only to get the same thing. “Shit!” I mutter, my panic escalating, wondering how I’ll get home. The country club isn’t close to where I live. I think about calling Rosa but remember her telling me last night that she had a full day planned with friends, and I do not want to ruin it for her. Staring at my phone, I call the only other person I can think of who will help me. My heart pounds wildly as it rings, praying he picks up. “Jameson.” “Ryder?” I whisper, sounding as distressed as I feel. “Emily, what’s wrong?” “I’m really sorry to bother you, but can you pick me up? I just had a horrible lunch with my parents and I have stranded myself. I don’t know my way home and I tried Cece, but…” “Where are you?” he asks, cutting me off. I hear scuffling in the background as if he’s already moving. “By the country club at a coffee shop. Umm,” I look around trying to figure out the name, “hold on.” I walk over to a group of girls sitting at a table not far from me. “Excuse me, could you please tell me the name of this place?” They look at me in annoyance and I realize my mistake too late. The blonde one picks up the small sign that sits in the center of their table. “Um, how about you read the fucking sign, idiot. ‘That’s A-r-o-m-a’,” she replies slowly, making me feel stupid. They all laugh, finding the situation hilarious.

I walk away and try to speak past the humiliation clogging my throat. “I’m…” “I fucking know where you are. I’ll be there in less than ten minutes. Don’t move!” he barks furiously, clearly hearing everything that was said, which only makes me feel worse. I look back at the girls who are still laughing at me and can’t take the humiliation any longer. Rushing outside, I sit on a set of stairs that lead up to a space for lease, the wall giving me a small measure of privacy. As I wait for Ryder I try really hard to reign in my emotion, but the pain becomes suffocating, desperately needing to be released. “Oh please, Emily, stop feeling sorry for yourself! I am sick and tired of you being nothing but an embarrassment to this family.” “Um, how about you read the fucking sign, idiot. ‘That’s A-r-o-m-a’.” Not being able to stop myself, I drop my head in my lap and cry out all the hurt and humiliation I’ve just endured in the past hour. I don’t know how much time has passed before I feel someone lean down in front of me. I immediately know it’s Ryder by the amazing scent that penetrates through my sadness. I try to stop my tears, but now that I have let go I can’t seem to stop. His strong hands run up my bare arms in a comforting gesture. “Em, look at me.” I shake my head, not wanting him to see how broken I am. I hear him sigh before he pries my arms out from under my face and wraps them around his neck. I hold him close and soak in his comfort, desperately needing his strength. Eventually he leans back, then reaches up and cups either side of my jaw, lifting my gaze to his. The sympathy on his face, when he sees mine, has me crying harder. “Shhh. It’s okay, baby. Please don’t cry,” he murmurs, bringing his lips against my wet cheek. I thread my fingers in his hair as he kisses away my tears. “Are you hurt?” “Just my feelings,” I whisper truthfully. His jaw flexes and his eyes spark with fury. Just when he’s about to say something, a female voice penetrates the air. “Well hey there, sexy.” I hear a bunch of giggles and stiffen in recognition. You have got to be kidding me. Ryder stands and looks over at the group of girls from the coffee shop in annoyance. They stop short and gape at me when they realize he isn’t alone. I quickly turn my face away, feeling even more embarrassed now that they

know they’ve made me cry. I see Ryder out of the corner of my eye look back and forth between us, putting the pieces together. “Come on, baby.” Bending down, he catches me off guard by picking me up and cradling me in my arms. I bury my face in his neck, feeling mortified that he’s carrying me away, but not enough to let him go because it feels good to be in his arms. It feels safe. “Get the fuck out of my way,” he barks, trying to walk past them to his vehicle. Their quick shuffles sound distant the further we get. Once we are headed back to my apartment, I rest my head against the passenger window, feeling emotionally exhausted. “Thank you for picking me up. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important for you,” I whisper a few minutes later, breaking the silence. “You didn’t interrupt anything, Em, and even if you did it wouldn’t have mattered. I still would have come for you.” I feel a small smile touch my lips, his sincere words bring a small measure of warmth to my heavy heart, but it vanishes quickly when he says: “Are you going to tell me what happened with your parents?” I think about the original reason my father called me there, but don’t want to hurt his feelings with my parent’s judgment so I decide to skip that part. “I told them I want to try the hypnotherapy.” “It didn’t go well?” he prompts when I explain no further. A bitter laugh bubbles up my throat. “That is a major understatement.” I think about my father’s furious expression and shake my head. “My father was so angry, Ryder.” “Did he hurt you, Emily?” My head snaps up at the anger in his tone and I see pure violence hardening his expression. “No, of course not. He just scared me is all.” I think about how upset both my parents were. “It doesn’t make any sense that he would be that mad over me getting hypnotherapy.” I guess he was already pissed about me going out with Ryder, but still. “Unless there is a reason he doesn’t want you to remember what you saw.” “What?” I ask, thinking I misunderstood him. He shrugs. “It seems to me he might not want you to remember what you saw all those years ago.”

I think about that, my mind running at the possibility but I quickly reject the thought. “No, it’s not that. If he didn’t want me to remember he wouldn’t have had me try it when I was younger.” “Are you certain he did?” “Of course.” “So you remember doing it.” “I…” I close my mouth and think about it for a moment. “Actually, no I don’t, but I don’t remember a lot from back then.” He grunts. “It’s something to consider, Emily. Why else would he get that angry about you potentially regaining your memory?” I think about the quick flash of panic I saw in my father’s expression before his angry outburst. Could it be because he’s worried what I will remember? Is that why I have only ever seen Dr. Shepard? If so, what on earth could he be hiding? I try to think of different scenarios but none of them feel right. By the time we pull up in front of my apartment building I’m even more conflicted. “What did you end up telling him?” Ryder asks as he puts the vehicle in park. “I told him that I was going to be making whatever decision was right for myself, and if he couldn’t respect it then not to contact me again. Then I got the hell out of there before he could bring the wrath of hell down on me. I was pretty tough,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood, even though there is nothing funny about any of this. It’s worth it when I look over to see a smile on Ryder’s handsome face. Good god the man is seriously sexy. His smile turns into a smirk as if he knows what I’m thinking. Grabbing my wrist, he pulls me across the seat until I’m straddling him. Then, cupping my face between his strong warm hands, he kisses me. Warmth explodes through my entire body in all the right places, especially my heavy heart. The kiss is not desperate or frantic like last night. This one is slow and thorough, but just as intense. It steals my breath and eases some of the pain that was suffocating me just minutes ago. By the time he releases my lips we are both breathless. I feel him watch me but I keep my eyes closed, wanting to bask in this moment for as long as possible. My hands find his face, going back in time. I smile when he encircles my wrist and presses his usual kiss to my palm.

“What is something you’ve been wanting to do since getting your sight back?” His question catches me off guard. Opening my eyes I see him watching me, his gaze hot and intent. “Hmmm,” I muse, thinking about it. “Going to the movies. I was supposed to go with Cece the other night, but instead we stayed in because I was feeling a little off-kilter by this sexy, bossy guy who had just barged back into my life.” He smirks at my teasing. “Sexy, huh?” I roll my eyes. “And you heard the word ‘bossy’ too, right?” “Yeah, but I like the sexy part better.” He chuckles before leaning in and trailing his mouth down my throat. I moan and tilt my head to the side to give him better access. “I guess that means I owe you a movie date.” His husky voice vibrates against my sensitive skin, the same time his hands snake up under my dress to cup my bottom. “Mmmm. Sorry, I can’t.” “Why is that?” “I’m washing my hair.” I giggle when I feel him falter, but my laughter dies abruptly and trails off into a gasp when I feel a sharp sting on my ass that was just delivered from his hand. My clit swells at the sharp contact, and before I can stop myself I grind down on his erection to seek relief. He groans and thrusts up against my eager motions. “You liked that, Em?” “Yes,” I pant breathlessly, not sounding like myself at all. “If you liked that, baby, then just wait until I spank your pretty ass while my cock pounds into your sweet pussy.” I whimper at his dirty words, my panties growing insanely wet. My hips start moving frantically, creating a friction I desperately need. Unfortunately, he ceases my movements with a low growl. “Time to stop or I am not going to be able to control myself from slipping into you right here.” “That’s okay with me,” I reply truthfully, and fight against his tight grip on my hips. He chuckles then groans. “Soon, Em, I promise. First let me take you to the movies.” I let out a frustrated breath when I realize this isn’t going any further. “Okay, when?”

He quirks a brow, surprised at how easily I agreed. After what he just did to me I’m willing to do almost anything he says at the moment, which is dangerous. “How about I come back around six? I have a few things I have to do first. We can grab supper after.” I nod. “Okay.” He gives me one more delicious kiss before letting me out, and the moment he drives away I feel a sudden emptiness.

Chapter 13 Emily “WELL, GIRL, WHAT do you think? Do you think Ryder will like it?” I ask Summer, who lays comfortably on my bed watching me get ready for my movie date. Her eyebrows raise, seeming to assess my outfit that Cece told me to wear. The faded jean skirt is short and flirty but not indecent, and the soft yellow lace tank hugs my body in all the right places. It shows just enough cleavage to tease but still remains classy. The outfit is dressy casual and perfect for the movies, Cece had said. I really had no other choice but to take her word for it. Summer lifts her head and responds with a low howl of approval. Giggling, I sit next to her on the bed and run my fingers through her soft fur. “Thanks, girl, you always know the right thing to say, huh,” I croon as she licks my face with her sweet kisses. “You are the bestest friend a girl can have.” Everyone thinks I’m odd for saying she is my best friend, but it’s the truth. Most people don’t understand that a dog will be the greatest friend you’ll ever have. They are loyal, compassionate, and accept you for who you are – faults and all. They don’t discriminate or hold grudges, they don’t care what brand of clothes you wear or how much money you have. They will love you unconditionally until their last breath, and, to me, that is the true meaning of friendship. The knock on my door interrupts our moment. Grabbing my cell phone I hit the button for the time, and hear Ryder is ten minutes early. “Wish me luck, girl. I’ll see you in a few hours.” I give Summer one last kiss on the head then grab my thin cardigan in case it gets cold in the theatre. As I make my way to the door my heart kicks up in anticipation, my body still remembering his love tap from earlier and his promise for later.

Doing a quick fluff of my hair, I open the door with a smile. “Hey, you’re early, I…” My words trail off and my stomach sinks when I see the person on the other side of the door isn’t Ryder, it’s Kyle. Shit! His eyes sweep down my body. His predatory gaze doesn’t make me feel pretty like Ryder’s does, it makes me feel sick and exposed. I put my cardigan on over my tank top to cover myself as much as possible. “Kyle, what are you doing here?” I keep my tone light but I’m not friendly by any means. I quickly take notice of the suit he wears then remember what my father said earlier at the country club. “I’m here to pick you up for the charity dinner. I have to say, Emily, as much as I love your outfit it’s not really great attire for tonight’s occasion. But you can wear it for me another night.” He winks and gives me a charming smile, one so many girls find attractive. I guess if you judged him by looks only you could say he was good looking. His clean-cut blonde hair, blue eyes and dazzling smile with perfect white teeth make most girls swoon. But I know what he looks like on the inside and there is nothing attractive about him. “I told my father earlier that I wasn’t going.” “I was hoping I could change your mind.” I shake my head. “Sorry, but no. I don’t want to be anywhere near my parents tonight.” Or you… “Come on, Emily, it will be fun. And I promise I will be on my best behavior.” He tries convincing me with the most insincere smile. “I’m not going, Kyle. Sorry you wasted your time coming here.” I begin to close the door but he slams his hand against it, the loud bang making me flinch. His blue eyes flicker with impatience. “What the hell is your problem? Why are you fighting this so much?” “You know what my problem is. We don’t get along, we never have. I am not going out with you just to appease my parents.” “You aren’t even giving this a fucking chance!” I realize this is getting us nowhere. “Look, it doesn’t matter. I have already told you I’m not interested in a relationship right now. I have a lot…” I gasp when he grabs me by my arm and pulls me against him. My heart jackhammers at his furious expression.

“You are a fucking liar. I know all about your date last night. Decided to go slumming again, hey, Emily. When are you ever going to fucking learn?” “Ryder is none of your business!” I seethe through clenched teeth. “That’s where you’re wrong. It is my business and you’re bringing yourself a lot of trouble if you keep fighting everyone on this. Now my patience is wearing thin when it comes to you. You need to pull the stick out of your ass and accept this.” “Never! I will never have anything to do with you. Now let go of me!” His grip tightens painfully as I try to break free from his hold. One minute we’re struggling then the next he’s gone and I’m free. I stumble back but catch my balance quickly. “What the fuck!” I race back to the door to see Kyle slammed up against the wall, an enraged Ryder pinning him there by his throat. Oh shit! “What the fuck are you doing here, Prescott?” Kyle glares back at him but there is no denying the fear in his eyes. “I should be asking you the same question, Jameson. Still don’t know your place after all these years?” Ryder applies pressure to Kyle’s throat, making him sputter and his face turn the color of a tomato. “And you still don’t know when it’s smart to shut your fucking mouth!” “Ryder, stop!” People begin poking their heads out of their apartment to see what all the ruckus is about. I rush over and try to do damage control before this gets anymore out of hand. “Ryder, please stop,” I plead. “Someone is going to call the police.” I start to think he isn’t even hearing me through his rage, but then he flicks me a glance before leaning in closer to Kyle’s now purple face. “If you ever put your hands on her again I will fucking kill you!” he threatens, before pushing himself away. Kyle doubles over with his hands on his knees, inhaling lungfuls of the oxygen he was deprived of. Ryder pulls me against his side and wraps an arm around my waist. “You all right, Em?” “Yes, I’m fine,” I respond shakily, not sounding fine at all. Once Kyle finally catches his breath, he stands and glares at both Ryder and me. The violence in his eyes causes a shiver of fear to run down my spine. “I’m sure your father will be thrilled when I show up at the dinner

and tell him you completely disobeyed his order from earlier today,” he says like an immature tattletale. Ryder goes at him again. “You talk to me, asshole, not her!” I jump in front of him and put a trembling hand on his chest. “Ryder, just let it go,” I say firmly, before looking back at Kyle. “I told my father today that all decisions are my own and I won’t be forced by any of you to change them. This crap stops here, Kyle. Leave now and don’t ever come back.” He watches me for a moment then shakes his head. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Emily.” Ryder stiffens and I apply pressure to his chest, making sure he doesn’t go after him again. “You better listen to her warning. Don’t come back here, or next time you won’t be walking away from it.” Kyle smirks arrogantly and I consider letting Ryder at him again, but thankfully he walks away. I blow out a relieved breath and run a shaky hand through my hair. I glance up at Ryder who seems to be looking more pissed by the second. “You ready?” his tone is clipped and he doesn’t look at me. “Yeah, just let me get my purse.” I grab it off my counter then lock the door behind me. Silence surrounds us as I follow him out to the vehicle, his body radiating pure fury the entire time. Is he mad at me? As soon as we get into his SUV he slams the door so hard that I jump. He grips the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white and his chest heaving with angry breaths. “What the fuck was he doing there, Emily?” His accusing question pisses me off, but I try to tamp down my anger since I’ve had enough drama for one day. “My father wanted him to take me to a charity dinner tonight. I told him at lunch I wouldn’t go, but clearly he ignored me, like always, and sent Kyle anyway.” “So that’s what the fight was about today with your father – me, not the hypnotherapy?” “He called me there because family friends saw us last night at Crustacia. The lunch ended with us in a fight about the hypnotherapy.” “You shouldn’t have fucking lied to me.” “I didn’t lie to you. I just left that part out. I…” He laughs bitterly. “Same fucking thing, Emily. What – didn’t want me to find out that daddy didn’t approve once again?”

Tears begin to blur my eyes at what a dick he’s being. “No, I didn’t want you to know because I didn’t want your feelings hurt, and it didn’t matter what he said because I was making my own decision. Just like I am now and I’ve decided this date is over.” I go to open the door and get out, but he grabs my arm. “Em, wait, baby, don’t go.” His soft tone has me looking back at him. “Look, I’m sorry I’m being an asshole. I’m not mad at you. I’m just pissed at the entire situation. Seeing Prescott’s hands on you like that made me fucking insane!” “I’m okay,” I mumble quietly, sitting back in my seat. “Does he come often?” “I’ve had to deal with him a little over the years. Our parents really want us together, but it was never this bad. Not until my sight returned. Now he’s shown up almost every day.” His teeth grind so hard I’m surprised his jaw doesn’t snap. “You should have told me everything about your father today.” “I didn’t want my parent’s ignorant opinions to hurt your feelings,” I whisper, feeling guilty that he knows about it even now. Reaching over, he cups my face. “Their opinions don’t bother me, baby, the only thing that can hurt me is if they hurt you.” I place my hand over his. “I don’t care what they say about us. I never did.” We watch one another for a moment, six years ago hanging heavy between us. I wait to see if he will say anything about why he left, but he doesn’t. Instead he kisses me until all the bad fades away and nothing else matters but us. He eventually pulls back then rests his forehead on mine. “We’ll talk about all of it later, Em, but let’s go see a movie first, okay?” “Okay.” He gives me another quick kiss before putting the SUV in drive and pulling away. The entire way to the theatre I can’t help but feel nervous for him to tell me what happened all those years ago. I just pray, that whatever it is, it won’t leave any more scars on my heart. Hopefully it will heal it. A short ten minutes later we walk into the theatre that shares the same street with a bunch of boutiques and antique shops. The sound of popcorn popping and the delicious smell has me craving to buy some. The place is fairly busy, from couples holding hands, to families with small children. My

gaze lands on a group of high school girls laughing, looking like they are having a blast with each other. I instantly feel a pang of sadness, knowing that’s something I always missed out on. Ryder’s arms wrap around me from behind and he pulls me back against him. “What movie do you want to see, baby?” His deep, smooth voice in my ear has my body wracking with shivers. I try to keep my wits about me and look at the movie posters but I have a hard time distinguishing what they’re about. “I don’t really know.” “Well, do you want to watch something scary, funny, or action-packed? I’ll sit through a chick flick if I have to, since this is for you, but I’m not going to lie, I’d rather not.” I giggle at his honesty. “I don’t care. You pick. I’m just excited to be here.” “All right, come on.” He leads me over to the ticket booth, and purchases tickets for some sort of crime thriller movie. I tried to take out my wallet to help pay but the nasty look he shot me had me depositing it back in my purse quickly. Getting popcorn and some sort of candy called Milk Duds we head to our theatre. “I can’t believe you’ve never had Milk Duds, baby, this is an abomination.” I smile and shake my head at his teasing. He doesn’t realize that there is a ton of candy I haven’t tried. It was yet another luxury I was denied because my mother was worried I would gain weight, and it would only further ruin the image that my disability already put a damper on. If it weren’t for Rosa I would have never had any sugar, but lucky for me she would always bake for me and hide it from my mother. Her cinnamon buns were always my favorite. Our theatre isn’t as busy as I anticipated, but Ryder says it’s because the movie has been out for a few weeks. Taking my hand, he leads me up the dim-lit stairs and sits in the empty, last row at the very top. I use a moment to take in my surroundings, noticing most people are sitting either in the middle or lower down. The screen, that is front and center, is absolutely massive, and a rush of excitement flows through me at finally getting to experience this. I glance over at Ryder to see him watching me with a smirk and I can’t help but get a smile of my own. “This is pretty cool.”

“I think you’re fucking cool,” he replies, making me giggle. It trails off into a moan when he gives me one of his delicious kisses. Suddenly the lights go down, leaving the theatre in total blackness. I gasp and grab on to Ryder, my heart pounding in fear. The big screen quickly comes alive, dimly lighting the theatre back up. I release a breath and see Ryder watching me inquisitively. I ignore his questioning gaze and turn my attention to the movie. All talk ceases, and Ryder drops a hand on my bare leg. It’s hard not to be intimately aware of him in the dark room. His body heat and clean masculine scent wraps around my senses, making it difficult to concentrate. An hour later, I’m completely enraptured by the movie. Some parts are scary, and others a little disturbing. I’ve had to close my eyes at some of the killing, but mostly I’m intrigued at finding out who the murderer is. Ryder made a guess at the start of it, but I don’t think he’s right. My money is on the nosy neighbor. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with what is happening, and I think I’m driving Ryder nuts with all my whispered questions, but he always patiently explains. I’m surprised he can even hear me, considering how loud it is. Things start to get steamy between the cop and victim in her hotel room. What the… Holy moly. My mouth drops open and my eyes bug out when the guy rips the girl’s clothes off, leaving her stark naked for all of us to see. My face flushes with heat and I feel like I should be looking anywhere else but the screen. But I can’t seem to take my eyes off of it. The room becomes really hot, and I squirm in my seat feeling uncomfortable. I sense Ryder watching me, but I don’t look over since this is awkward enough. Geez Louise, I feel sorry for anyone who is here with their family, this is just… awkward. I tense when Ryder begins trailing his hand up my bare leg. I slap it away when he tries slipping it under my skirt and I look over at him, wondering what the hell he’s doing. He gives me a dirty grin, as if he knows what my thoughts were just moments ago. Loud moans fill the silence and I feel myself flush a darker shade of red before I look away from him. His quiet chuckle makes me want to slap his sexy face. He tries putting his hand between my legs again, but I have them squeezed together tightly. I’m not sure if this is because I don’t want him there, or because I’m trying to alleviate the minor ache that has started between them. Probably both.

“Come sit on me.” My gaze snaps to his, wondering if he’s serious, and I quickly realize he is by the smirk he still has on his face. “What? No!” I whisper harshly. “Now stop it!” He chuckles again at my outrage and leans in close to my ear. “Come on, baby, come over here and sit on me. Let me feel how wet your pussy is.” Oh god. I hate it when he says stuff like that… Kinda. When I don’t budge, and attempt to ignore him, he starts tugging on my arm. “Would you stop it? Someone is going to see us!” He rolls his eyes. “No one is going to see us, now get your sexy ass over here, Emily, and let me give you a new experience for the both of us.” For the both of us? Meaning he hasn’t done this to another girl here, right? I’m not going to lie, I like the sound of that. I don’t think there’s much I’ll be able to do with him where it will be a first for both of us. His sly smirk spreads, knowing he has me, and he pats his leg. My body aches for his touch, but my heart pounds in fear at being caught. Oh to hell with it. I’m barely out of my chair when he pulls me down on top of him, his huge erection directly under my ass. I hear him groan and I’m glad to know I’m not the only one worked up. He spreads my legs, draping them over top of his, then he brings my back snug against his chest. I frantically look around, making sure no one can see us, but thankfully they all seem to be engrossed in the movie. One of his hands wraps gently around my throat and he tilts my head back, bringing his mouth to my ear. “Watch the movie, Em.” His low demand has heat blazing through my body. I do as he says, focusing on the big screen in front of me, where the cop and victim are now in full mode. The guy has the girl against the wall, screwing her senseless while her screams of pleasure fill the theatre. Oh this is so, so dirty and wrong, but boy do I like it. My breathing kicks up as Ryder’s hand snakes between my spread legs. “The best decision you made tonight was wearing this fucking skirt.” Pushing the center of my wet panties aside, he wastes no time sliding his fingers through my aching flesh. I gasp at the sensation of his touch, remembering the pleasure it brought me last night. “I knew you would be soaked. Is this for me, Em, or the movie?”

He knows damn well it’s for him, but I decide to stroke his ego anyway and play along. “You,” my response is breathless. “I’ve been like this since I left you this afternoon.” His low growl in my ear has goose bumps breaking out over my heated flesh. “You’re dying for me to smack that tight ass of yours again, aren’t you, baby?” Oh, am I ever, but I wasn’t about to admit that. “You see how that guy is fucking her?” he murmurs huskily while lubing his fingers with my arousal. “That is nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you later.” With that arrogant comment, he slides first one finger inside of me then quickly follows with another. “Oh god,” I moan at the exquisite burn and grip onto his arm tightly. “Shhh. Easy, baby,” he murmurs in my ear before starting to pump his fingers in and out of me. I whimper at the incredible sensations ripping through me, my body so sensitive, so turned on, I feel close to exploding already. I rock my hips to the rhythm of his hand, my ass sliding against his erection under me. He releases a low growl. “Stop fucking moving or I’m going to come in my goddamn pants.” The rough command has me stilling, but it’s torture, my body needing more. I am so close to the edge, so close. Ryder senses it and slides his hand down my throat into my tank top. My breathing becomes erratic and my body desperate for release. His skilled fingers find my puckered nipple and pinches with enough force that the pleasure shoots between my legs and sends me over the edge. He removes his hand from my breast and slaps it over my mouth, muffling my cries of pleasure. And thank god for that because I couldn’t have stopped if I tried. He doesn’t let up until every ounce of pleasure spills from my body. Once my tremors cease I lay back against him, limp and sated. He removes his hand from between my legs and wraps his arm around my waist, while the other locks possessively across my chest. His warm lips trail down the side of my throat as I catch my breath. “You’re so beautiful, Em.” My heart melts at his sincere whisper in my ear. He has always made me feel beautiful, which means everything to someone who was always told they weren’t good enough. Turning in his arms, I bring my mouth to his and kiss him with everything I am and everything I feel. I show him how much I have missed

him and I don’t stop until my lungs are craving air. His intense green eyes shine bright with so many emotions. Lust, restraint and something else, something that has my heart turning over in my chest. “Take me home, Ryder. I don’t want to wait any longer to feel you inside of me.” He doesn’t need any convincing. Giving me one more deep, hard kiss, I stand and attempt to fix my skirt, but Ryder grabs my hand then starts hauling ass down the stairs. I try to keep up with him but clearly I’m not moving fast enough, because once we get to the bottom of the stairs he picks me up around the waist and blows out of our theatre’s door. I wrap my arms around his neck with a giggle. “There is nothing funny about how hard you make my dick, Em.” He races to the exit doors but I stop his quick pursuit. “Wait!” “What?” He looks down at me impatiently. “I need to go to the bathroom.” He stares at me in utter disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I shake my head and try to keep a straight face at his expression. He blows out a heavy breath. “Fine. Hurry up or I’m coming in there and we are fucking in the girls’ bathroom.” I don’t doubt for a moment he’s serious, not after what he just did to me in the theatre. “I promise. I’ll be quick.” The entire walk to the bathroom I can feel his eyes on me, roving as if it were his hands. Lord I cannot wait to get home.

Ryder I WATCH EMILY walk into the bathroom and want to fucking weep. My cock is so goddamn hard I fear it’s going to fucking break off. I run a hand through my hair and get a whiff of her sweet scent still on my fingers. Seeing her face when she saw that sex scene for the first time, and the way she came apart for me watching it… Fuck, it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I hope I can hold back long enough to say what needs to be said. I know we have to deal with the past and I have to tell her the truth before we move forward. I can’t keep it from her any longer. It’s one thing to touch her and

another to fuck her. I just hope she understands, hell, I will make her understand. My cell phone rings and I see it’s Stone. I go find a quiet corner to answer. “Jameson.” I get a bunch of static so I plug my ear and turn into the corner until it’s clearer. “Hello?” “We need to talk.” I can tell by his tone this can’t wait. I look behind me to see Emily is still in the bathroom, but I get static again so I turn back around. “What’s going on?” “I just saw the school counselor, Marianne Olsen. I have some new information and it sounds like this shit is even bigger than we anticipated, Jameson.” “What are you talking about?” “When Cassie went missing, and no one would help her, she did some digging on her own. She has a good friend who works for Child Protective Services, who told her rumors circulated in the office about Michaels before. Apparently there was a social worker who tried bringing him down sixteen years prior.” “Sixteen?” Jesus, how the fuck has he gotten away with it for this long? “Yeah, and supposedly she was building quite the case, but most of her evidence was circumstantial. So she decided to play detective. Marianne’s friend said she heard that this social worker decided to go undercover at one of his charity functions; she said something big was going down and she would be able to get solid evidence. Only she was never seen again.” I grunt, not surprised to hear that. “Now this is where shit gets twisted. Her friend said that the circumstantial evidence she had involved high profilers – the majority were politicians from other states and countries. Girls were being trafficked within the web of the involved parties. I think we have more than just this group home, Jameson, I think we have stumbled upon a major human trafficking ring.” Well shit! “We need to bring this to Senator Adams, when I spoke with him today this was far from what he was suspecting, but he may have some insight as to who else may be involved. I’m thinking there has to be someone higher up, because sixteen years ago Michaels would have only been Lieutenant Governor, maybe even lower on the chain. Not saying he isn’t one of the big fish now, but back then there must have been someone more influential who was able to keep this quiet.”

“If what this lady says is true it sounds like a lot of this shit is going down at his charity functions, which are being held at his plantation. You need to speed shit along with your girlfriend, Jameson. No more pussyfooting around with her. I can’t get that fucking girl from the group home out of my head, and I want this shit solved now – before those girls are moved to god knows where.” My temper spikes. “And you think I don’t? I’m an FBI Agent, Stone, not a fucking magician. This shit takes time. I haven’t seen this girl for six years and…” The sound of a gasp has me realizing my mistake too late. Turning around I see Emily standing behind me, her blue eyes filled with shock and betrayal while tears stream down her face. Fuck! Clearly she heard more than just the last part. Before I have a chance to say anything she takes off. “Shit! I gotta go!” Hanging up, I start after her. “Emily, wait!” She ignores me and runs out of the theatre. I bolt out the door into the dark night, almost plowing people down in my haste. I catch up to her quickly and snag her arm. “Em, will you just fucking wait!” She spins around and I don’t anticipate the blow to my face, her hand leaving a good fucking sting on my cheek. “Don’t touch me!” “Baby, just let me explain…” “I heard enough,” she sobs, backing further and further away from me. The pain on her expression makes me feel like someone just punched me in the throat. “God I am so stupid, I can’t believe I fell for your shit! Well never again, Ryder, you can go to hell!” She turns back around and I’m about to go after her again when the squeal of tires catches my attention. Turning, I see a dark car peeling out of its spot with its lights turned off. That was my first warning; the second was the back window rolling down. Fuck! I spring into action, adrenaline fueling my speed. “EMILY, GET DOWN!” My warning shout has her spinning around. Her eyes widen in fear as she sees me charging at her then suddenly everything happens in slow motion. Gunshots and screams sound behind me just as I plow into her and take her down. I try to take the brunt of our fall then roll over top of her. Glass shatters and rains down on us from the store windows, the crashing sound mixing in with Emily’s screams. Reaching down, I grab my

gun that’s strapped to my ankle, but by the time I have it aimed the car is turning the corner and everything is over within seconds. I quickly rise up on my arms to check Emily, and see her face pale with fear and her eyes wide with shock. There is a small gash at the top right corner of her forehead. “Shit.” I push her hair back to make sure there is no glass in it. “You okay, baby?” “I- I think so. What was that? Gunshots?” “Yeah,” is my only response because I’m still trying to figure out what the fuck just went down. Putting my gun back in its holster, I help her sit up and take a closer look at her gash. Thankfully it doesn’t seem too deep. “Is your head okay? Can you see clearly?” “Yes, I can see fine,” she answers numbly. I help her up carefully, and then look behind me to see a large crowd in front of the theatre. Taking Emily’s hand I rush over, dragging her behind me. “Is everyone okay, anyone hurt?” Most people shake their head. “No, man, cops are on their way and this dude here is a doctor,” a teenage boy explains. A guy in a suit stands up, after assessing an older lady. “Yes, I’m a doctor. I work across the street. I was doing paperwork when I heard the gunshots and came running over.” “Did you get a good look at the car by chance, or the driver?” He shakes his head. “No. I just saw the back of it when it was turning the corner.” “Did you see anything?” I ask the kid next. “No, my buddies and I were walking out when glass started shattering and we instinctively dropped to the ground. Good thing we did or else we would be toast right now. Why the hell would anyone shoot up a theatre?” Why indeed. I think about the timing of the car pulling out onto the street, suspicion rearing it’s ugly head. “Are you a cop?” I feel Emily tense behind me at the doctor’s question. “No. I’m not a cop.” She tries pulling her hand out of mine but I grip it tightly. The doctor nods then goes back to checking on everyone. The sound of approaching sirens echo in the distance, and my suspicion becomes stronger. “We need to get out of here,” I mumble to no one in particular. Looking at my vehicle, that’s parked down the street, I decide to leave it and see if

my suspicions are confirmed. “Come on.” I tug on Emily’s hand but her feet stay planted. “Shouldn’t we wait and talk to the police?” “No.” I pull on her hand again but she resists. “What? But why? We…” “Emily, I don’t have time to fucking explain everything right now. We just need to get fucking moving!” I feel like an asshole when she flinches, but I don’t have time to sugarcoat shit. She doesn’t resist me when I pull her forward again and I move quickly, making sure to keep an eye on our surroundings. Slowing for just a second, I reach down and grab my gun again before turning down an alley between two buildings. Grabbing my cell from my pocket I call Nick, and he answers on the first ring. “What the hell happened?” “I need you to come pick us up. I’m at the corner of Eighth and Bouchard. Meet us at the back.” He doesn’t hesitate or ask questions. “I’ll be there in five.” I hang up then look at Emily who’s leaning against the wall, watching me with the gun in my hand. She looks away when I make eye contact and crosses her arms over her chest. I notice her tremble, her body probably still in shock. I shrug off my plaid button-down and pass it to her. “Here.” She doesn’t acknowledge me. “Come on, Em, just take the shirt.” “No, thank you!” she grinds out. With a frustrated sigh I step closer to put my shirt over her, but she pushes me away. “I said no th…” Her words trail off on a gasp. “Oh my god, Ryder, you’re bleeding.” Huh? I look down to see the left side of my white T-shirt soaked with blood. What the fuck? Lifting it, I realize a bullet grazed me. “Oh god!” I look up to see Em’s face ghost-white. “We have to go back, Ryder, we have to get that doctor to look at you.” She pulls at me in a panic. “Oh never mind, you stay here. I’ll run and get him.” She bolts for the street but I grab her from behind before she can make it. “Hold up, baby.” She pulls away then spins around. “You need to get looked at. You’ve been shot. You’re going to bleed to death… Oh god, oh god.” Her breathing turns erratic and she looks like she’s about to pass out.

I grab her upper arms and shake her before she can go into complete hysterics. “Whoa, Em, it’s okay. I’m fine, it’s just a graze.” “A graze?” She stares at me wide-eyed, not understanding what that is. “Yeah, the bullet just skimmed me. It didn’t penetrate. I just need to clean and bandage it. I’m not going to bleed to death.” Although now that I know about it, the fucking thing is starting to sting like a bitch. She swallows thickly then looks back down at my shirt, which was a mistake. “Oh god.” I put my fist under her chin and lift her gaze to mine. “It looks worse than what it is. Don’t look at it.” She stares at me as if she can’t process what’s happened, and her bottom lip begins to tremble. “What the hell is going on, Ryder?” I pull her against me when she starts sobbing and drape my shirt over her shaking body. “I’ll explain everything soon, Em. We need to get out of here first.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, Nick pulls up at the end of the street. “Come on.” I lead her down the alley quickly then crawl in the back behind her. “What the fuck happened to you?” Stone asks, looking at my bloody shirt. “It’s just a graze. Drive and I’ll tell you the story.” I give him Emily’s address then relay the events of the shooting. I sense Emily look back and forth between us, piecing together that Nick is my partner. I reach for her hand but she moves to the far side of the seat, her intention of not wanting me to touch her loud and clear. It fucking sucks. By the time I finish telling Stone the story, we arrive at Emily’s complex. He parks behind the building and we walk in the back exit unnoticed. Emily unlocks her door but I hold her back from entering, and signal for Nick to do a quick check. She watches me with questions but she doesn’t ask any. When her dog runs over she drops to her knees, burrowing her face in its neck, clearly needing it’s comfort. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of the little fucker, because I want to be the one to comfort her, but I doubt that will be happening anytime soon. Nick comes back, giving it the all clear. “Do you have a first aid kit?” I ask, needing to attend to my ribs. “Yeah.” She goes and grabs it from her bathroom then hands it to me without looking at me, then walks to her room without another word, the

dog following closely behind her. Nick quirks a brow at me. “Busted I take it?” I glare at him, wanting to blame him for it because of the stupid phone call, but I know I have no one to blame but myself. Ignoring his question, I take my shirt off and head to her kitchen. As I clean and bandage myself I try not to think about the fact that this bullet would have hit Emily if I hadn’t made it in time. “So I take it you don’t think that shooting was coincidental,” Nicks says, sensing my suspicion. I shrug. “It’s possible, but no, I don’t think so. Something doesn’t feel right. Especially with the timing the car pulled out.” “Are you thinking it was meant for you or her?” “I…” “Me?” Emily shrieks, cutting off my reply. Looking over, I see her standing at the edge of the kitchen. She’s changed into a pair of black yoga pants that mold to her lithe body like second skin, and an oversized sweater folded over her as if she’s trying to keep warm. She stares at Nick like he’s lost his mind for even suggesting it. “It’s not me, no one wants to shoot me.” “But they want to shoot him?” he asks with a smirk, pointing at me. She shrugs. “It’s possible. I know I do.” I grunt and Nick chuckles, finding her sassy ass amusing. “I like her, Jameson.” He walks over to her and formally introduces himself. “I’m Nick Stone, Ryder’s partner.” She accepts his hand timidly. “Hi. I’m Emily Michaels, which I guess you already know since it seems I’m part of whatever case you guys are working on.” Her tone drips with betrayal, making me feel like shit. “Actually, the case is on your father.” “Back off, Stone.” Not that I don’t intend to tell her, but he can be a little more sensitive about the situation. Emily glares at me. “I think it’s time I know the truth, Ryder. Now what the hell do you want with my father?” Nick glances over at me, waiting for me to explain. I run a hand through my hair, trying to think of a way to tell her this without hurting her, but I realize it’s inevitable. “Come sit down, Em.” I gesture to the living room. She looks ready to fall over.

“No, I’ll stand.” I grind my teeth at how stubborn she’s being. “There is a lot to tell you. So if you want to know the entire story then go sit down, now!” We glare off at one another for a long moment before she finally relents. With a huff she makes her way toward the couch, but stops and looks back at Stone. “Can I get you something to drink, Nick?” I don’t miss the fact that she doesn’t offer me one and neither does Nick, by the amused smirk that is plastered on his face. Asshole! “No, I’m good, but thanks for asking.” She nods before sitting down then looks back at me. ‘Tell me what’s going on.” I take a seat at the other end of the couch and face her. “As you heard earlier, Nick and I are FBI Agents. Last week we were given a case to investigate that involves your father.” She swallows thickly, hurt and anger darkening her expression. “What has he done?” She doesn’t even question if he has done something. Her knowing he is capable of breaking the law makes this a little easier, but I know it’s going to be hard for her to hear just how twisted he is. I start to explain the story, first telling her about Cassie’s allegations and the group home, only to have her cut me off by throwing her hand up. “Whoa, just wait a minute. There has to be a mistake. I know my father is capable of a lot of things, but not this. He and my mother are huge advocates against human trafficking. Also, the group home you are talking about is one of many my father donates to, and my mother runs charity functions for.” Before I can explain further, Nick speaks up: “The allegations have the assaults taking place after the charity functions.” “What? No way.” She shakes her head, discrediting the accusation right away. “I’m at most of these functions. I would know.” “I don’t know how it’s happening yet, Em, but there have been a lot of incidents to back up Cassie’s story.” I tell her about Senator Adams being threatened when he tried to look into the allegations, and everything Nick learned earlier tonight from the school counselor. I also mention how Cassie has been missing since she came forward. By the time I’m done she looks like she’s going to be sick. She looks so lost that I don’t hold back any

longer. Moving in next to her, I wrap an arm around her shoulders and kiss the side of her head. “I’m sorry, baby, I know this isn’t easy to hear.” Nick clears his throat. “Did you ever see anything unusual happen at any of these functions?” Emily’s head snaps up and I quickly realize I never told him about her disability. Thankfully, she doesn’t seem put off by it. “No, up until a month ago I was blind.” Nick rears back in shock then glances at me before looking back at her. “Oh sorry, I didn’t know.” She shrugs. “Nothing to be sorry about. But to answer your question, no, I never encountered anything unusual at any of the charity functions, and I have been going to them for as long as I can remember.” That one statement has me suddenly remembering something she said a long time ago. “Didn’t you say the night you lost your sight your parents had a charity function?” She ponders it for a moment. “Well, yeah, I was put to bed early, like usual, but I snuck out to the well and…” Her words stop abruptly and she looks at me, pure fear washing over her expression. I know her mind is going where mine is. “Do you remember anything at all from that night, or the nightmare you had?” She shakes her head. “Nothing from that night. All I remember from my nightmare are screams, but they could have been mine as I woke myself up that way. We really don’t know if my dream was even a memory, I mean the possibility is slim.” “I don’t know, Em,” I tread carefully. “Too much shit is happening for it to be coincidental, and tonight…” “What do you mean tonight? Why would anyone want to kill me, Ryder? Maybe it’s you. Or hell, maybe it’s someone else who was walking out of that theatre at the same time!” Her voice rises and I know she’s scared of the thought, but right now I can’t sugarcoat anything. We need to look at this from all angles, but the thought that those bullets were meant for her has a dangerous violence rushing through me. “I saw that car pull out just as you began to walk away. Earlier today you told your father that you’re going to try hypnotherapy, to see if you can remember what happened that night, and he goes fucking ballistic. Then we

just happen to be part of a drive-by shooting. If you ask me, it’s a big fucking possibility.” Getting up, she moves away from me to the other side of the room and crosses her arms, looking lost and alone. “I know my father doesn’t care about me, but to suggest him having someone try to kill me?” She shakes her head sadly, as if she can’t fathom the possibility. Nick cuts back in. “Your parents have another charity function in a few weeks. Do you know anything about it?” She nods. “Yes. I’m attending it. It’s actually to raise money for the group home you guys are talking about.” “I need you to get me in there, Em.” Her gaze snaps to mine, betrayal and anger darkening her expression. “Well, Ryder, all you had to do was ask. You didn’t have to pretend to want to fuck me.” I tense at her words, my temper igniting hot and fast. “Watch it, Emily, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!” “Okay, well that’s my cue,” Stone breaks in awkwardly. “I’ll talk to you later, Jameson. Call me if you need a ride back to your vehicle.” “Actually, you can take him with you. He isn’t staying.” Nick stops halfway to the door then turns back to me, but I don’t take my eyes off Emily. “I’m not fucking going anywhere.” We glare off at one another, and I hear Nick eventually let himself out. Mentally preparing myself, I get ready for the shit-storm that’s about to hit.

Emily I STARE AT the man who broke my heart all those years ago. I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he walked back in, only to be slapped in the face again. Hurt, fury, betrayal and a big dose of utter disbelief at this entire situation storms inside of me. I feel close to breaking, but I keep myself in check. I refuse to let him see how much he has hurt me for a second time. “I was planning on telling you.” I scoff, not believing a word he says. “Before or after you fucked me?” His jaw flexes in anger. “Before. I had planned to tell you everything when we got back here.”

“How convenient.” “What do you expect, Emily? I haven’t seen you in six years, I couldn’t tell you until I knew where you stood with your parents. This is a big fucking deal. A lot of people’s lives are at stake over this. I had to make sure I could trust you!” “What I expect would have been for you to keep your fucking hands to yourself and not pretend to care about me!” Just thinking about the way he touched me only a few hours earlier has my stomach twisting. “Em, baby, listen. I…” “Don’t call me that! I don’t care what you have to say. Leave now!” “I am not fucking leaving you. Not until…” “Why not? You did before.” Guilt flashes in his eyes, but I don’t fall for it and I finally ask the one question that has been burning inside of me since seeing him again. “Did you take the money?” His eyes narrow dangerously. “What the fuck do you think?” I swallow thickly and try to keep my voice level. “For six years I said no, but now I don’t know. I don’t know you at all. I don’t think I ever did.” “Bullshit!” he yells. “You goddamn know me and you know I didn’t take that fucking money!” “No, I don’t! I don’t know anything anymore! You left and you never came back!” My pain becomes evident and I can’t hold back my tears any longer. “I told you I loved you. How could you just leave me like that?” I watch his jaw flex as he tries to reign in whatever he’s feeling. “You forget that I asked you to come with me, Emily, and you said no.” Anger begins to override my hurt. “That is not fair and you know it! I was seventeen, with no money and blind. I had nothing…” “I would have fucking taken care of you! I would have never let anything happen to you.” “I didn’t want you to take care of me!” I scream back. “I didn’t want to be a burden. You had your entire future laid out for you and my needs would have only held you back, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t love you. I also didn’t think I would never see you again!” My breath hitches as I think back to the most heart wrenching time in my life. “I waited for hours at the well the next day, only to be met by my father. I was left alone in trying to defend our relationship, only to have him tell me he paid you off and you accepted the money graciously.”

“He fucking lied to you. He threatened Hector and his family; he said he would shut down his business or worse. I was told if I stayed you were in danger too. I was only seventeen, I couldn’t fucking protect you all! I did what I had to do to keep you safe. But if you think I left easily, Emily, you’re wrong!” “You didn’t even say goodbye,” I whisper brokenly. He takes a step toward me but I hold my hand up to keep him back. I can’t let him touch me or I will cave, and I can’t. Not again. He expels a frustrated breath. “I couldn’t fucking say goodbye. It was too hard. If I saw you again or heard your voice I wouldn’t have left.” That has my temper flaring all over again. “Well I’m glad you made it easier for you! Meanwhile I was left to ponder, what happened to the boy I fell in love with. Did he take the money? Did he use me? Was my father right and I was just a piece of ass to him? But as long as it was easier on you, then by all means, I’m glad you left without so much as an explanation!” “What do you want me to fucking say? That I made a mistake by not telling you? Fine, let’s play it where I did come and say goodbye, but then I couldn’t fucking leave you. Where would Hector be now? Where would we be? Look at what he’s capable of, Emily. It’s worse than I thought, but I’m not some fucking helpless kid anymore and I am going to fucking bring him down for all of it!” I stare back at the hatred in his eyes and realize this is revenge for him. I have no doubt he cares about what’s happening to these girls, and wants to bring them justice, but this is about him and my father. I’m just his foot in the door. I shake my head not having anything left, my heart at its breaking point. “I will help you and Nick,” I whisper, needing to wrap this up before I completely lose it in front of him. He releases a breath. “Thank you.” “I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for the girls. I’m done with your games, Ryder. I’m just… done with all of it.” With that parting comment I quickly walk away and ignore him when he tries calling me back. Once I’m in the privacy of my room, I let the dam break free. I turn my face into my pillow to keep my sobs silent. Summer jumps up next to me and curls into my body, her nose rubbing against my wet cheek. I wrap my arm around

her and hold her close, soaking in her comfort. It isn’t long until exhaustion grips ahold of me and I succumb to it, not wanting to feel the pain anymore.

Chapter 14 Ryder THE NEXT MORNING I lie awake on the most uncomfortable couch I’ve ever slept on, my mind running with doubt and my chest painfully tight since my fight with Emily last night. I told you I loved you. How could you just leave me like that? I didn’t sleep worth a shit, unable to get her heartbroken expression out of my head. I thought once she knew the truth about what happened all those years ago she would understand, but I hurt her more than I realized, especially by not saying goodbye. I’m not surprised her old man said I took the money, I figured he would and, to be honest, a part of me hoped she would have believed it. Because it would have been easier to have her hate me than love me, but she knew I didn’t take it. She always saw more in me than anyone else. Which only makes me feel more like shit. I doubted my decision all night, but every time I thought about what would have happened if I’d stayed, I know it was the right thing to do. But I should have said goodbye to her. No matter how hard it would have been she deserved an explanation, and it’s a decision I will regret for the rest of my life. I hear movement down the hall again, like I have for the last hour. She woke up to have a shower first thing, and I couldn’t help but picture her under the hot spray. It took every ounce of control I possessed not to go in there, bend her over and do what I have been aching to do since seeing her again. Hell, what I have wanted to do with her for the last six years. I haven’t dated anyone else in the time I have been gone. Fucked – yes, dated – no, and even fucking was never satisfying, because they didn’t smell like Emily, or taste like her, and they didn’t feel like her. This case might have been what brought me back, but it doesn’t change the fact that from the moment I saw her again I knew I still loved her. She’s the only person I’ve ever loved. I understand she’s pissed right now, but I

am not going to give up on her. I will make her forgive me and prove to her that she’s mine, that she has always been mine. Not wanting to think about it anymore, I decide to get up and make a pot of coffee. Grabbing my jeans from the floor, I put them on then look at my bloody shirt and decide to forgo it. I shoot Stone a quick text, asking him to stop by my room and grab some clothes for me. I plan to stick to Emily like fucking glue until this shit is solved. There is too much of it surrounding her, and too many unanswered questions. My gut is telling me that this case entwines with her somehow. Heading into the kitchen, I start going through her cupboards, looking for the coffee maker. I notice everything looks strategically placed, and I quickly realize that it would be from when she was blind. I make sure not to mess with her set-up, and finally find what I’m looking for in the last cupboard. When I close the door I see Emily standing in the entryway, freshly showered, looking incredibly fuckable in a pair of white designer jean shorts that showcase her sexy, toned legs and a pale blue tank that enhances her exotic ice blue eyes. The tightness in my chest increases when I catch sight of her swollen, puffy eyes. I get the urge to wrap her in my arms but I know she won’t welcome it. “Hey, Em.” “Hey,” she responds softly. Her eyes roam over my shirtless body then focus on my bandage. “Are you sure you shouldn’t get that looked at?” “No, it’s fine.” She mumbles something intangible, clearly not believing me, then walks up and rips the coffee pot from my hand. “Just go sit down and I’ll make it.” “I can do it.” “Just go sit down.” She pushes against my chest with more force than I thought her capable of, but before she can remove her hand I encircle her wrist and pull her to me. She gasps in surprise and stares up at me hesitantly. Moving her hand so it lays over my beating heart, I cup her face with my other, and trace my thumb under her puffy eye. “I’m sorry.” Her eyes turn glassy and she tries turning her face away, but I don’t let her. “I mean it, Em, I’m sorry.” “For what part?” she asks, her tone barely above a whisper. “For every part that hurt you, but most of all for not saying goodbye. I’m going to make it up to you though, I promise.”

She watches me, a long moment of silence stretching between us. “Some things can’t be taken back.” Her voice cracks and a single tear slips past the corner of her eye. Leaning in, I catch it with my lips and hear her breath catch. “You’re right, some times they can’t be, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop trying. This case may be what brought me back, but it doesn’t change what I feel for you, what I have always felt for you. No matter how long it takes, Em, I will not give up,” I tell her truthfully, making sure she knows where I stand. Her gaze is watery and mistrustful. I know she doesn’t believe me, not yet, but I didn’t really expect her to. Giving her one last kiss at the corner of her eye, I decide to back off and go take a seat at the table. She goes back to filling the coffee pot, and I don’t miss the tremble of her hand. I watch her move around the kitchen with precision and notice her grab for things without even looking, knowing exactly what her hand will encounter. She clears her throat, pulling me from my thoughts. “So when are you leaving to get your vehicle and go back to your hotel?” “I’m not.” Her gaze snaps to mine in surprise. “I was serious, Emily, when I said I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying glued to your fucking side until this case is solved.” If I have my way I won’t be leaving her side ever. “Well that’s impossible. You can’t come with me to work, and…” “You can’t go to work.” “What the hell are you talking about? Of course I can.” “No, you can’t. It’s not safe for you to be anywhere without me.” She gapes at me aghast. “Ryder, I work at a rehabilitation clinic with children. Not…” “Exactly! After what happened last night do you want to risk bullets flying at them?” I feel like an asshole when her face pales. “No, of course not, but you don’t even know if what happened last night has to do with me.” “No, I don’t, but I intend to find out soon.” “And how are you going to do that?” “There’s a reason why I left my vehicle at the theatre last night.” She frowns. “Why?” “Because when the cops run the plates they will be able to track me down.” She continues to stare at me in confusion, not understanding my intention. “Witnesses saw us flee the scene. Any cop in their right mind is

going to find out why. If they don’t come asking questions then I know it’s being kept quiet and they aren’t seeking us out for a reason.” She pours both of us a cup of coffee while mulling over what I just said then walks over and puts mine down in front of me. “I just can’t believe my father is capable of any of this. I know he’s vindictive, but to sexually assault young girls? To want me dead? I’m his child, Ryder, he may not love me but I’m still his daughter.” Her voice catches and she turns to walk away, but I grab her hips before she can and bring her down on my lap. I wrap my arms tightly around her so she can’t escape. “I know this must be hard to accept, Em, even if you aren’t close to him. Maybe I’m wrong about the shooting. I guess we’ll find out by how it’s handled, but I’m not willing to risk it, I’m not willing to risk you. So until this is over I’m not leaving your side.” I hear her sniffle as she swipes at her cheeks. “I can’t stop thinking about those girls. I feel sick to think he could do that to them, that anyone could. And does my mother know? Would she even care? Some days I think she’s worse than he is.” “I don’t see how she couldn’t know, she must at least suspect something.” She shakes her head and I feel her back tremble from crying. I decide to stay quiet and just hold her, knowing there is nothing I can say to make this better. It feels really goddamn good to hold her like this; I just wish it were under different circumstances. A few minutes pass before she speaks again. “So what’s the plan? And what do I tell people about you?” “You tell them the truth, except leave out the part that I’m an FBI Agent.” She tries making sense of that. “How am I supposed to tell them the truth if I can’t say you’re an FBI Agent?” “You tell them everything else.” I hold her closer and bring my mouth to her ear. “You tell them I’m a part of your life again and I’m not going anywhere.” “Since when is that the truth?” She means to be sassy but her tone is soft and unsure. “Since the day I came back, and everyone is going to know it, including your parents.”

She stiffens. “Don’t, Ryder. I told you I would help you, but I won’t let you use me just to piss my father off as part of your revenge.” She tries escaping from my arms but I hold her tighter. “This has nothing to do with pissing your father off. This has to do with taking back what was taken from me, Emily, and that’s you. You are fucking mine, you have always been mine, and I’m not going to let anyone get in my way from getting it back – including you.” She keeps silent and I know it’s because she doubts every word I just said. Sweeping her hair to one side, I press a kiss to her bare shoulder and watch goose bumps break out over her soft skin. “Say it, baby,” I whisper, placing another kiss, but this time to her slender neck. “Tell me, you’re mine.” Her breathing turns erratic and the room becomes thick with tension. Right when I think I have gotten through to her, and things are about to take a turn in my favor, I hear the front door fly open. “Emily?” I instantly recognize the Mexican lady’s voice. Fuck, what bad timing. Emily immediately jumps up. “I’m in the kitchen, Rosa.” Rosa comes rushing in and pulls Emily into her arms. “Oh, honey, are you all right?” she asks, her voice thick with worry, clearly knowing about last nights events. “Yes, I’m okay.” She cups Emily’s face and inspects it before turning to me. She takes in my shirtless state and bandaged ribs, and if looks could kill I would be ten feet under right now. “You!” She spits my name accusingly before grabbing the dishtowel off the sink and starts slapping the shit out of me with it. “I told you to leave my girl out of this!” Emily gasps in horror then tries reaching for the dishtowel while I’m blocking the soft blows from my face. “No, Rosa, stop! This isn’t Ryder’s fault.” “Oh yes it is!” she argues, continuing to hit me. I finally get a good grip on the towel and rip it from her, but that doesn’t stop her from one last blow. With her bare hand she slaps my arm hard enough that I swear she leaves a fucking imprint. Jesus, she’s a feisty one. “Really, Rosa, it’s not Ryder’s fault. He saved my life.”

“It is his fault!” She exclaims while pointing a finger at me. “You don’t listen! I told you this would happen!” Emily looks back and forth between us, her face pinched in confusion. “What do you mean you told him this would happen? What are you talking about?” Realization quickly dawns on her expression. “Is this what you guys were arguing about the other day? Does she know who you really are? Is there anything I haven’t been lied to about?” she asks hurtfully. “No, she doesn’t know. It’s not what you’re thinking, Em. It’s…” I get cut off when the sound of the door flies opens again. Jesus, don’t people fucking knock around here? “Emily! Where are you? We need to talk to you right now!” The cold and demanding female tone has me tensing. Emily glances over at me nervously. “It’s my parents,” she mouths before rushing into the living room. Rosa follows close behind her, looking terrified as hell. I decide to stay where I am for now, and wait to see what they want. “Were you ever going to tell us that you were at the scene of a crime last night?” I hear her mother ask snidely, sounding as big of a bitch as I figured she was. “How did you find out already?” “Cece told her father after your phone call to her this morning, then Paul called your father. He figured he had a right to know.” I’ll bet the motherfucker already knew. “I was planning on telling you. It happened late last night and I’m fine. I…” “We weren’t worried if you were fine.” My blood heats at not only the asshole comment, but at the sound of her father’s voice again after all this time. I hear Em sigh. “No, I suppose you wouldn’t be.” “Oh stop the pity party, Emily!” Okay, fuck this! Her mother’s words have me standing. “You need to pack your stuff, you’re moving back home immediately!” her father demands. “Like hell she is.” Everyone’s gaze snaps to me as I enter the room. Emily watches me in trepidation, her mother stares at me in shock, but it quickly morphs to disapproval as she looks me up and down, taking in my

half-naked state. I have to admit it’s awkward not having a shirt on for this, but I don’t let it deter me. Ignoring everyone else in the room for the moment, I focus on the one person I have hated for so long, the one who took away the only thing I’ve ever loved. “Mr. Jameson, we meet again,” he greets calmly, but there is no denying the silent fury in his eyes. “Unfortunately.” I walk over to Emily and pull her against me. “You all right, baby?” “Yes,” she responds quietly. Her mother harrumphs. “This is a family matter, both you and Rosa need to leave.” “No, they don’t,” Emily cuts in angrily. “Rosa is a part of this family, and…” “It’s all right, Miss Emily. I should be going anyway. I just wanted to stop in and make sure you were all right. Call me later, sweetheart.” She walks over and gives her a quick kiss then glances at Emily’s father cautiously on her way to the door. “I will see you on Thursday for the dinner party, sir.” He nods while Emily’s mother glares at her until she’s out the door. “It’s ridiculous how that woman babies you.” “She does not, and you had no right to kick her out of my house.” “This isn’t your house,” her father cuts in. “It belongs to a business associate of mine and I pay for it.” “Only because you enforced it. I didn’t want your money then and I still don’t. I can live somewhere else off my own income.” “Stop being ungrateful!” her mother snaps. “We weren’t about to let you go slumming, but it looks like you did anyway.” She sneers and flickers a disapproving glance my way, making her intention loud and clear. I smirk, letting her know I don’t give a shit what she thinks, but her words piss Emily off. “Don’t talk about him like that. If all you did was come here to fight then you can leave.” “We came here because you are coming back home with us,” her father says again. “No, I’m not.”

He points his finger at her. “I warned you yesterday, and you didn’t listen. The decision was made the moment you sent Kyle alone to that dinner last night.” “And I told you I will have nothing to do with him. I am twenty-fouryears-old, you can’t force me to live with you and you can’t force me to see Kyle.” “I can and I will!” I’m just about to intervene and tell the asshole to back off when Emily lets out a frustrated huff and moves toward the door. I see him reach for her but I intercept him just before he can grab her arm. I push him hard enough that he stumbles back into the wall. Her mother gasps but I don’t take my eyes off him. “Don’t you put your fucking hands on her.” He straightens from the wall, shock and rage contorting his expression. “If I were you, Mr. Jameson, I’d remember who you are dealing with. What I said six years ago hasn’t changed.” “Wrong, old man, a lot has changed. For one, I’m not a helpless kid anymore.” He smirks. “Yes, Emily said something about you having money now, and being successful. I’m glad to know my check helped get you there.” I start toward him, my temper spiking hot and fast. “You’re a fucking liar and she knows it.” Emily jumps in front of me and puts a shaking hand on my chest. “Ryder, please. He’s only trying to bait you.” She turns back to her father. “Leave, now! Ryder is a part of my life again, whether you like it or not, and I meant what I said yesterday – if you can’t respect that then don’t contact me again.” He stares back at her furiously. “We aren’t done here, Emily.” “Yes, you are, now get the fuck out before I throw you out!” I start thinking I’m going to have to do exactly that, but thankfully the prick comes to his senses. “Let’s go, Caroline.” Emily’s mother follows him out the door but then turns around for one final blow. “You have always been nothing but an embarrassment, but this, Emily, is…” Before the bitch can finish I slam the door in her face. Turning around, I see Emily staring at me, her hands on either side of her pale face. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you just put your hands on my

father like that.” I’m trying to tell if she’s mad or just shocked. “So do you think I blew my chance of getting invited over for supper?” She stares at me incredulously then bursts out laughing, but it quickly trails off into a sob and she covers her face. “This is such a mess.” Walking over, I pull her against me. “I know, baby, but I’m not sorry. I saw him reach for you and there was no way in hell I was going to let him touch you.” She looks up at me, her pretty, ice blue eyes sad and scared. “That’s how mad he got at me yesterday. I’ve dealt with his anger before, but…” She trails off and shakes her head. I think about the way her father went after her. “I need to ask you something, Em, and I want you to tell me the truth, no matter what.” “All right,” she responds hesitantly, clearly nervous for what I’m about to ask. “Has he ever hurt you before? I mean physically, in anyway.” I’m praying she says no, but something flickers in her eyes, something that tells me I’m not going to like what I’m about to hear. “Just once – the day I waited for you at the well.” A dangerous violence rushes through me, but I try really fucking hard to rein it in. “What did he do?” She visibly swallows, and it takes her a moment to answer. “When he showed up and told me you took the money, I told him he was lying. It turned into a horrible fight. I refused to leave with him, because I said you would come, that you wouldn’t leave me.” A stark pain washes over her expression, the sight hitting me like a physical blow to the chest. “He grabbed my arm and tried dragging me into his car, but I refused to go. I was screaming for you, thinking you were going to come and he slapped me across the face, hard enough that it knocked me back. I didn’t even sense the blow coming and I never expected it because he had never hit me before.” Guilt consumes me and I grind my teeth so hard from the pain in my chest that my jaw fucking aches. I frame her tear-streaked face between my hands and drop my forehead to hers. “I swear he’s going to fucking pay for this, Emily.”

Her breath catches as she struggles to speak. “The pain I felt from his hand was nothing compared to the agony in my chest at knowing you left and you were never coming back.” Those words are almost enough to bring me to my knees. A sob escapes her as she pulls away from me and runs to her room. I let her go, frozen to my spot. For the first time since coming back, I fear that I’m not going to be able to fix this and I won’t get back the only girl who’s ever mattered to me.

Chapter 15 Emily LATER THAT EVENING I wake up with a minor headache from the cry fest I had earlier. I literally cried until exhaustion gripped ahold of me and didn’t let go. I slept most of the day away. Looking around, I see Summer isn’t with me, and a blanket is draped over my body that wasn’t there before. I quickly realize Ryder must have come in to check on me. Guilt instantly plagues me as I think about what I said to him earlier. I don’t want to keep bringing up the past. I really do believe he only left because he felt like he had no other choice, but I still have so many scars from all of it. I’m terrified to trust him and give him my heart again. Although, I fear he already has it. I think he always has. The sound of soft male murmurs, coming from outside my bedroom, pulls me from my thoughts. Getting up, I throw on my cozy, grey wool cardigan over top of my camisole and sleep shorts then take a quick glance in the mirror and groan at my appearance. Good grief, I look like hell. Knowing there is nothing I can do about my swollen, puffy eyes, I run my fingers through my sleep-tumbled hair, trying to tame the craziness, then head out of my bedroom to see who’s here. As I walk down the hall, I instantly recognize the other male voice as Nick’s. I stop at the edge of the living room to see both him and Ryder on the couch, their heads bent over a piece of paper as they quietly talk back and forth. A half-eaten box of pizza sits on the coffee table in front of them, and I’m happy to know Ryder hasn’t starved the entire time I’ve been sleeping. I have to admit both men are lethal to a girl’s hormones, especially when in the same room together. Nick may not make my heart beat faster, the way Ryder does, but he’s definitely in the same class when it comes to his looks. He also has tattoos, and is built much the same as Ryder – tall and lean with solid muscle. His brown hair is darker than Ryder’s, and where

Ryder’s eyes are green, Nick’s are a unique grey color with a hint of blue. Both men exude a lethal confidence that seems threatening, yet at the same time makes me feel safe. Summer sits on the floor next to Ryder’s feet, her chin propped up on his knee while his fingers run through her fur. The sight of them warms my heart. I clear my throat awkwardly, suddenly feeling like I’m intruding. Both heads snap up and Ryder’s eyes immediately collide with mine. My heart pinches at the guilt on his expression, knowing I’m the one who put it there. “Hey,” I greet lamely. “Hey, Em.” His reply is soft and we watch each other for a long moment, a silent exchange happening between us. I’m not sure what it is but it has my throat feeling tight. I tamp it down, since I have done enough crying over the last two days to last me a lifetime. I look away and over at Nick. “Hey, Nick.” “Hi, Emily.” Summer comes over and I lean down to pet her. “Hi, baby. Sorry I slept the day away. You’re probably in major need of a washroom break and exercise.” “I’ve been with her in the back most of the day, throwing the ball around,” Ryder says, bringing my gaze back to him. “I know it’s not a very big space, but I tired her out pretty good.” That explains her being so close with him moments ago; she normally isn’t really affectionate with people, other than Rosa and me. Especially those she doesn’t know well. “Thank you.” He nods and Nick clears his throat, breaking our moment. “I brought a list of names that Cassie gave her school counselor. I was hoping you could go over them and tell us how many you know, if any at all?” “Oh, uh sure, but, um, I can’t…” “I’ll help you, Em,” Ryder breaks into my stammering, knowing what I was about to say. “Okay, thanks.” They both move to make room for me, so I take that as my cue and go sit between them. “I’ve recognized a few,” Ryder says. “Really? Who?” “Prescott.”

“Kyle?” I ask aghast. “No, his father, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that prick is involved in all of this too. I mean, just look at the shit he pulled with you back in high school, or hell, what I walked in on yesterday.” His jaw flexes in anger. I remember that time vividly, and realize he’s right; Kyle is very capable of something like this. “Anyone else on the list you recognize?” “Other than your father, just one more.” His cautious tone has my nerves even more on edge. “Who?” “Paul Kensington.” I gasp. “Cece’s father?” He nods. “Oh my god.” I drop my head in my hands; my heart breaking because I know this is going to kill Cece when it all comes out. She is so close with her father. He’s always been so protective over her; he would kill anyone who hurt her. How could he possibly hurt someone else’s daughter? “I’m sorry, Em,” Ryder says regretfully while his hand finds its place on my back. His comforting touch brings a small measure of peace to my heavy heart. “I know,” I reply quietly, then blow out a deep breath and pull myself together so he can go through the list of names. He reads off at least twenty. There are a lot I don’t know, but a few I do. They are men who I have been in the same room with many times before. Politicians, judges, lawyers – men who are in positions of power and who are supposed to help protect our country, not corrupt it. The last name he says is a big one: Archer Benedict. “You know he’s the Attorney General, right?” Ryder frowns. “No, I didn’t, but this is the first time I’ve seen his name mentioned in all of this.” I nod. “He and my father have been friends for a long time. His nephew is also the Chief of Police.” “What?” he snaps in shock. “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure, and before his nephew it was his cousin or something.” He exchanges a look with Nick. “Well now we know how it’s been kept quiet for so long, and the quick ruling of last night’s events,” Nick says, making me confused. “What do you mean last night?”

“The shooting was on the news earlier. They’re saying it was gang related.” “Well maybe it was.” I can tell they don’t believe it. “No, Em, even if they suspected this was gang related they wouldn’t rule it out that quick, especially without seeking us out and talking to us first.” “Maybe no one told them about us being there, Ryder. Have you thought about that?” I ask, a little panic-stricken, grasping at anything so I don’t have to think those bullets were meant for Ryder or me. “I spoke to the doctor today.” My attention swings back to Nick as he cuts in. “He thought I was a cop with the Atlanta PD since I was asking questions. He asked me if we found you guys. He had told one of the officers about speaking with the two of you, and seeing you guys leave just before the cops got there. Defeat washes over me. I close my eyes and drop my head back against the couch. On top of this entire horrific situation, I now have to come to terms with the possibility that someone attempted to kill me last night. Why? What do I have to do with any of this? Is Ryder right and it’s my father, or is it someone else? The thought that it could be my father, and that he hates me this much, has a sharp pain slicing through me. I sense someone hovering over me, seconds before I hear the door closing. Opening my eyes, I stare into Ryder’s intense, green gaze. His hands are on either side of my hips, and his face is only a breath from mine. I quickly realize we are alone and Nick just left. “Talk to me, Em.” “I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that someone hates me enough that they want me dead, and that person could be my father.” My throat begins to ache. “I’m left with a million questions as to why, and the scary truth is, if he wants me dead, he will make it happen.” Cupping my face, he drops his forehead to mine. “No one’s going to hurt you, Em, I fucking promise I will not let anything happen to you.” His eyes burn with intensity and his words ring with truth. “Tell me you believe me, baby. Tell me you trust me to take care of you.” I think about the way he ran at me yesterday. The way he jumped into action at a moment’s notice, and the fact that he took a bullet to save my life. “I do,” I whisper truthfully. No matter what has happened between us, there is no one else in this world I feel safer with than him.

“Good.” He leans in and briefly presses his warm lips against my cheek. I get the urge to wrap my arms around his neck but I hold myself back. “We are going to figure this out, Em. I promise.” “How? I know you want in that charity function, but that’s two weeks away.” “Nick has a few things he’s checking into, and in the meantime I have a few ideas of my own we can start with.” “What’s that?” “How much do you think Rosa might know about all of this?” I rear back, shocked by his question. I open my mouth to quickly reject the thought, but then snap it shut and think about the possibility. Rosa has been with my parents a long time, she’s worked those charity functions for years. Could she know? Or at least suspect? “She was one of the people who told me you were in danger if I didn’t leave. She said I had no idea what your father was capable of,” he adds, shocking me again. “I want to say she knows nothing, because I believe she would try to stop it if she knew.” “She’s scared, and by that I mean fucking terrified. I saw her fear all those years ago, and I saw it again earlier today when your parents showed up.” Scared? I think about the way she has always obeyed my parents, yet still secretly did what was in my best interest, even if it went behind their backs. I always thought it was because she didn’t want to lose her job, but maybe it is because she’s scared. The thought breaks my heart. “I don’t think she will tell me shit, but I’m hoping she might open up with you.” “I’ll try. I can call her tomorrow to see if she can come by, or we can go see her.” He nods. “I think it’s a good place to start.” “Okay, and if she doesn’t know anything? What will be the next step?” He watches me a moment, as if weighing some sort of internal battle. “That’s enough for one night. Let’s just take it one step at a time.” I think about arguing because I can tell he has something else in mind, but I decide against it. I’m not sure how much more I can withstand for

tonight. My head feels like it’s about to explode and I’m exhausted despite the fact I just slept most of the day away. “You’re probably starving.” He reaches back and grabs the pizza box. I shake my head; my stomach is in too many knots to eat anything right now. His eyes narrow disapprovingly. “You need to eat something, Emily, you haven’t eaten all day.” “I’m not hungry, Ryder!” I snap, not appreciating his bossy tone. We glare off, but I quickly realize I won’t win this. I roll my eyes and take a slice of pizza. He grins smugly at his victory and it makes me want to slap his sexy face. We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes until he breaks it. “Do you mind if I use your shower?” Heat immediately pools low in my tummy at the thought of him naked in my shower. Oh lord, don’t go there, Emily. “Of course,” I say easily, trying to act like my mind wasn’t just in the gutter. Clearly I don’t do a good job of it by the smirk he gives me. I hate that stupid smirk… “I don’t have any soap or shampoo that doesn’t smell girly though, sorry.” I give him a smug smile back, not really all that sorry. “Doesn’t matter, I have my own. Stone brought me my bag.” He winks at me, jacking up my annoyance another notch. “Glad to know you just assumed I was going to allow you to stay here.” “You didn’t have a choice in the matter.” He stands up and grabs a black duffle bag that sits by the door then turns back to me, his smirk spreading. “You want to join me, Em?” Oh god… My cheeks heat at the idea and an ache starts between my legs. He chuckles, knowing his affect on me, which really annoys me. He walks away, not bothering to wait for a response, probably because he’s smart enough to know the answer. Hearing the shower turn on, I grab the blanket at the end of the couch then lay down and try not to think about him in there. Wet, glistening, water dripping down his abs… ugh! I huff, annoyed with myself, then look over at Summer. “I’m in serious trouble, girl.”

Chapter 16 Ryder I SHUT OFF THE water thirty minutes later with my dick still hard as fuck even though I just jacked off twice. Emily’s scent surrounding me made it impossible not to, but it brought no relief. Only she can sate this intense need rushing through me. I consider what my chances are of being allowed to sleep in the same bed as her tonight, but I assume it’s not great. Getting out, I re-bandage my ribs then throw on a pair of athletic pants and decide to forgo a shirt. As I walk out of the bathroom I can’t help but smirk, knowing the blush I will see on her pretty face from that decision. “Hey, did you want to watch a movie or…” I trail off when I get to the living room and see her fast asleep. Seriously… Again? My annoyance vanishes when I take in her vulnerable state. Her innocent face should be soft with sleep but instead is furrowed with worry. The pale blue marks under her eyes are a good indication of how hard the last few days have been on her, or hell, the last month. The dog lays curled up behind her legs, surprisingly fitting in the small space. Her chin rests on Emily’s knee and her eyes raise at me, as if wondering what the fuck I’m doing just standing here watching them. Dropping my bag at the side of the couch I lean down and pick up Em, cradling her delicate body in my arms. She stirs only enough to snuggle her face closer into my chest. The dog follows close behind me as I make my way into her room, which is dimly lit from the lamp she left on. I decide to lay her on top of the bed instead of turning down her covers, not wanting to wake her. I cover her with the blanket I had used previously as she snuggles into her pillow. The dog jumps up and curls in next to her. Lucky bastard. Not being able to hold back, I lean down and press a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Night, Em.”

She expels a sigh as I stand back up, and just as I turn to leave she mumbles: “I love you.” My heart stops and I spin back around to see she’s still fast asleep. Was she talking about me? Looking at the dog, I realize it’s likely she was talking about her. I shake my head, pissed at myself for acting like a pussy, then turn off her lamp and close the door, leaving it open just a crack. Heading back to the living room, I get myself settled in for another long night, wishing I were lying next to Emily and not on this fucking couch alone. I know she’s hurting and I fucked up. I’m going to give her time, but not much. I will prove to her she is mine. That is my last thought before I slip into a deep slumber. Sometime in the middle of the night I’m awoken by a blood-curdling scream. I shoot off the couch, my heart pounding in fear when I register it’s coming from Em. Grabbing my gun, I race down the hall and plow into her room. It’s completely black, her scream still piercing through the air. Flicking on the light, I see her on the floor, huddled in a corner. I take in our surroundings, training my gun around the room, only to see there is no one here. I rush over and kneel down in front of her, then frame her tear-streaked face in my hands. “Hey, hey, Em. Baby, what’s wrong, what happened?” She finally snaps out of her hysterics and it takes her a moment to register me. She looks around the bright room, a little disorientated, before her watery gaze comes back to mine. “Who turned off my light?” “What?” I ask through heavy breathing, my heart still pounding like a fucking drum. She starts sobbing. “Someone turned off my light!” “I did.” “I sleep with it on, I don’t like the dark.” The memory of the way she reacted in the theatre when the lights went down suddenly pops into my head, and my stomach instantly twists with guilt. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, baby.” She drops her head in her knees and cries harder. “I was so scared when I woke up and couldn’t see.” Picking her up, I cradle her trembling body in my arms then sit on the bed, bringing her down on my lap. I hold her close and apologize

repeatedly, feeling like complete shit. She calms down a few minutes later and tries to pull away, looking embarrassed, but I don’t let her. Cupping her face, I force her to look at me, and the emotion in her eyes hit me like a punch to the gut. “I’m so fucking sorry,” I say again for the thousandth time. “It’s okay. You didn’t know,” she whispers. “It’s just… I lived in the dark for so long, Ryder, and the thought of being forced back into it is terrifying. I know I said my life was easier before, but…” Her breath catches and she shakes her head, frustrated. “Never mind, it makes no sense.” “Yeah, baby, it does. It makes complete sense.” She gives me a sad smile. “Sorry I worried you.” Worried is a major fucking understatement; she scared the living shit out of me. But I keep that to myself, not wanting to make her feel worse. “It’s okay.” Leaning over, I turn back on her lamp then I stand up to shut off the light. She startles from the sudden movement and quickly wraps her arms around my neck. I walk us back over to the bed then turn down her covers before laying her down and stretching out next to her. She tenses in surprise. “Let me hold you for tonight, Em,” I whisper, not wanting to be away from her. “Please, baby. Just this, nothing else, I promise.” She relents with a sigh then turns on her side to face me. I don’t hold back from wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her in close. “Tell me about you,” she whispers. “What do you want to know?” She shrugs. “Anything and everything. What have you been doing the last six years? What made you decide to become an FBI Agent and not a motorcycle shop owner?” She gives me a sassy smirk, throwing my cover back in my face. I’ll take it because it’s better than her being pissed at me. I take a deep breath and try to figure out where to start. “When I moved to Florida I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to major in. I was so pissed and fucked up after leaving you that I thought about not even going to college.” Pain flashes in her eyes, the same pain that I felt all those years ago. I quickly move on, not wanting to dwell on that part. “I actually considered joining the Army, but after all the effort Mrs. Johnson went through to get me there I figured I owed it to her to at least take a couple of

courses. One of them was criminology, and not only did I end up liking it but I kicked ass at it.” She smiles. “I don’t know how to explain it but I knew right away I wanted to do something along the lines of law enforcement. I thought about looking into a few different police departments to find out exactly what I needed, but before I could Professor Roth approached me. He asked if I had ever thought about looking into the FBI. When I got back to my dorm I researched the hell out of it and knew it was what I wanted to do. It’s not easy to get into, they get thousands of applicants, but I got lucky because my Professor knew someone over there. Frank Reynolds, who is now my boss, saw my grades and brought me into the internship program. I worked my ass off to prove myself, and I guess it paid off because here I am.” She watches me with her smile still in place. “I’m not surprised. I always knew whatever you did you would kick ass at.” Her words have me feeling all sorts of shit. “So what exactly do you do, Officer Jameson?” she asks with a smile. “It’s Special Agent Jameson, baby.” She arches a brow doubtfully. “Special Agent?” “Yeah, the FBI is a little different. We aren’t referred to as officers. Check my badge if you don’t believe me.” “That’s all right. I’ll take your word for it.” I smirk. “Does that make you hot, Em.” “Hardly,” she replies dully, but her blush gives her away. I chuckle. “To answer your original question at what I do, I work in the Criminal Investigative Division.” “Which means what exactly?” she asks, seeming genuinely interested. “It means we deal with numerous types of investigations. It could be financial crime, violent crime, organized crime, public corruption, and violation of individual civil rights. There’s a lot.” She watches me for a moment, her expression suddenly somber. “What category does my father fall into?” I think of how to answer. I don’t want to make her feel worse but I decide to tell her the truth. “Honestly, if he’s guilty of everything he’s suspected of then he falls under a whole bunch of shit.” “He’s probably going to prison for a long time, isn’t he?”

The sadness in her voice has me feeling like shit. The truth of the matter is, if he’s convicted of what I suspect he’s done, he will be lucky if life in prison is all he gets. “Yeah, baby, probably.” She nods sadly. “I know he deserves it. What he’s doing is horrible, but there’s a small part of me, deep inside, that feels bad. I know I shouldn’t, he’s never cared about me, but I can’t seem to help it.” “You care because you’re a good person, it’s just how you’re wired, Em.” She’s definitely a better person than me, because I don’t give a shit about my parents. She stays silent, but burrows her face into my chest. I quickly register her silent tears against my skin. Pulling her in closer, I kiss the top of her head. “Everything will be okay, Em. I promise I’ll help you get through this.” I feel her nod, and that’s the last of our conversation. It isn’t long before I feel her breathing even out and her body relax. Even though there are thousands of reasons why I shouldn’t, I can’t help but feel a peace I haven’t felt in over six years. One only Emily has ever been able to bring me.

Chapter 17 Ryder THE NEXT DAY I’m sitting at the kitchen table watching Em bustle around the kitchen, talking on the phone to Rosa. “Okay, we will come by after lunch then,” she says. “Yes, I promise I’m fine, but I need to talk to you and I want to do it in person.” I get pulled from their conversation when I hear the door rattle as someone attempts to get in. Emily hears it and starts over, but I put my hand up to keep her back. My suspicion quickly turns into annoyance when I look through the peephole to see Cece reefing on the doorknob and banging her hip into the door, trying to get in. Unlocking it, I swing it open fast and she comes stumbling in. I grab hold of her just before she face plants. She steadies herself then glares up at me. “Jameson,” she snaps in greeting. “Kensington,” I mock. Her eyes narrow even more. “What are you doing here? Where is my friend?” she asks suspiciously, as if I have done something to her. “And why was the door locked? What have you been up to?” I roll my eyes, but before I have a chance to shut her up Emily comes in. “I’m right here. Sorry, I was on the phone with Rosa.” “Why on earth was your door locked? It’s never locked.” It irritates the fuck out of me to know that. “It’s so people don’t just walk in like they own the place,” I tell her, not bothering to hide my annoyance. She scoffs and lifts her big ass purse higher on her shoulder. Seriously, the girl’s purses are the size of fucking luggage. “Well, it clearly isn’t doing a very good job at keeping criminals out,” she replies sassily. If only she knew how far from a criminal I am, but her perception of me has always been skewed, just like everyone else’s around this fucking place.

“Okay you two, that’s enough,” Emily cuts in. “And to answer your question about the door – I haven’t left the house yet this morning. I only took Summer out in the back today, so it’s still locked from last night.” “It should always stay locked,” I say firmly. Both girls roll their eyes at me, not taking me seriously, which jacks my irritation up another notch. Shaking my head I go take a seat on the couch. “Anyway, I was on my way to my meeting with the social committee and thought I would stop by to check on you. I tried calling yesterday afternoon to come by but your cell went straight to voicemail.” She darts a suspicious glance my way again, as if that’s my fault. “I know, sorry, I slept the day away after getting into it with my parents.” “Yeah, about that, um, I’m really sorry, Emily. I didn’t think my father would blab so fast.” She gives Em a quick hug then turns her attention back to me. “I have to admit, Jameson, you have some serious balls putting your hands on her father like that. It makes me hate you just a little less,” she adds with a smug smile. I grunt, not really caring if she hates me or not. Okay, well maybe a little, but only because she’s Em’s best friend. “No one puts their hands on her, I don’t give a fuck who they are,” I reply truthfully. “You heard about that?” Emily asks her. “Yeah, I was visiting my dad when yours came over, hollering up a storm. I have never seen him so pissed.” “It was a mess, that’s for sure,” Em responds somberly. “So how are you feeling? I saw the shooting on the news; they’re saying it is gang related. It’s a really good thing no one was seriously injured.” Emily glances at me and I give her a silent warning. We talked about this earlier; no one else can know what I suspect or what I’m really doing here. We are going to let Rosa in on it but that’s it. That alone has me feeling fucking nervous, but I think it may be our only choice to get her to open up to us. “Yeah, thankfully no one was seriously injured. I wasn’t, thanks to Ryder.” She gives me a sad smile and it makes me want to kiss the shit out of her. “What do you mean?” Cece asks, noticing our silent exchange.

“Ryder reacted quickly and took me to the ground. If he hadn’t I would have been hit with a bullet, but it hit him instead.” “You were shot?” “It was just a graze, and worth it,” I add, not taking my eyes off Emily. “Huh. That also makes me hate you a little less. Keep this shit up, Jameson, and my hate may turn to only a very strong dislike.” Emily giggles, finding her funny. I personally find nothing funny about her, but it’s clear she cares about Emily, so I’ll stand her. “Well, I just wanted to pop in and check on you.” She gives Em one more hug. “I need to get to my meeting, but let’s do lunch soon.” Yeah, that isn’t happening until shit is wrapped up. “For sure. We will set something up in the next few days.” Emily walks her to the door. “Thanks for…” She trails off when Cece opens it. “Richard,” she greets in surprise to someone who’s standing on the other side of the door. Richard? Who the fuck is Richard? “Emily, are you all right?” I hear a second before some motherfucker walks in and wraps Emily in his arms. What. The. Fuck! I shoot up off the couch, my blood boiling hot, wondering who the fuck this asshole is that’s holding my woman. Cece is the only one who notices my sudden change and smirks. “Actually, I may not have to rush out after all,” she mumbles, amused. Emily steps back from the prick and shoots a nervous glance my way. “Yes, of course I’m okay. What are you doing here?” “Joanne just told me what happened. She said you wouldn’t be at work for a little while and I had to see for myself that you were all right,” he replies while intimately running his knuckles down the side of her soft cheek. My motherfuckin’ cheek! “Oh, well yes, I…” I cut her off when I yank her back and stand in front of her. The prick’s head cranes back and his eyes widen in surprise, clearly only now registering that I’m in the room. His gaze narrows as he takes in my possessive stance. “Excuse me, and who are you?” “I’m the guy that’s going to lay you out if you put your fucking hands on her again.” Emily gasps. “Ryder, stop it!”

“Bring on the popcorn.” Cece chuckles, finding something fucking amusing. I watch the asshole’s gaze roam over my tattoos in distaste. “Emily, how do you know this criminal?” “Criminal? I’ll show you criminal, motherfucker.” Emily jumps in front of me as I start at him. “Ryder, I mean it, back off! And, Richard, stop the insults. He is not a criminal, he is a friend of mine.” Friend? Oh I don’t fucking think so. She is not going to play the fucking friend card! Just as I’m about to explode and lose all control, Cece jumps in and pats the dick on the back. “All right, I’m going to do you a favor here, Richard, and save your life. Come on now, let’s go.” She tries leading him out but he throws her hand off in annoyance. “I’ll see you at work, Emily. Call me if you need anything,” he grinds out before storming off. Cece clears her throat. “Well, it’s been entertaining to say the least. I’ll check ya guys later.” She quickly closes the door, leaving me with a really pissed off Emily. Good, because I’m pissed off too. “What the hell is the matter with you?” she snaps, stomping past me. I ignore her question and ask one of my own. “I want to know, right fucking now, who that asshole was!” “He’s a doctor at the rehabilitation clinic I work at.” “He sure seemed a lot fucking friendlier than a co-worker by the way he was touching you!” “Not that it’s any of your business, Ryder, but he’s also my ex. We dated for awhile and remained friends.” That has my rage jacking to a whole new level. It shouldn’t surprise me she has dated, it has been six years, but I don’t fucking like it. Not one fucking bit! Before I can think better of it I let my anger get the best of me, and I point my finger at her. “You are not going back to that fucking job when this is over. Got it?” She gapes at me, aghast. “Excuse me?” “You heard me. My woman is not working with her ex, Mr. McFucking Touchy!” “You listen here, Ryder Jameson!” She snaps my full name. “First of all, I am not your woman!”

What? Did she really just fucking say that? “And secondly, no one, and I mean no one, tells me what I can and can not do! So put your dick back in your pants, and quit trying to piss on me and mark territory that doesn’t belong to you!” That’s fucking it! She turns to storm out of the room but I’m quicker. Grabbing her around the waist, I spin her around, pick her up and slam her against the wall. Then I stake my fucking claim. I crush my mouth to hers and swallow her gasp of surprise. She resists for only a second before melting against me. I thrust my tongue past her lips demandingly, not waiting for permission. Her fingers weave through my hair, gripping with the same desperation I feel, and she gives just as good as she gets. The kiss is raw, aggressive and fucking perfect. I pin her to the wall with my pulsing cock between her sweet thighs. My one hand slips under her sundress and cups her tight ass, while my other grabs either side of her jaw, holding her in place while I fuck her mouth like I want her body. I feel like an animal, but I can’t seem to help it, all I can think about is proving to her she’s mine. It clearly works for her because she whimpers and starts rubbing her hot pussy along my aching cock. I run my hand along the curve of her ass and bring my fingers to stroke the center of her wet panties. A low growl rumbles up from deep inside of my chest. “You feel this, Em? You are mine; every fucking part of you belongs to me. Your pussy knows it, you know it and I know it. I don’t want to hear different any more, and I definitely don’t want to hear about that fucking loser ever again.” Her eyes narrow and her jaw clenches under my hand, but there is no denying the lust raging in her eyes. “You are acting like a Neanderthal, Ryder. Don’t try to tell me you haven’t been with anyone else since you left.” My anger dissipates at the hurt in her voice. “No one who’s mattered, baby,” I tell her truthfully. “You’re the only girl who has ever fucking mattered to me, Emily. Even in the years I was gone, you owned me – all of me.” Leaning in, I rest my forehead on hers. “Tell me you get me, Em,” I whisper, touching my lips to hers. “Tell me you believe me, baby.” She stares back at me, a long moment stretching out between us. My heart pounds as I wait for her to answer. “I believe you, Ryder.”

Those were the words I have been waiting to hear since our fight the other night. For the first time in two days I feel like I can finally take in a full breath, because I know she believes me. “Good. Now no more fighting, baby. Let’s go to Rosa’s so we can come back and makeup.” What I really want to do is fuck her right here, right now, but there isn’t enough time because I plan to be inside of her for hours. Her eyes narrow in annoyance. “I told you I believed you, Ryder, I never said I forgive you.” “Trust me, baby, by the time I’m done with you, you will forgive me,” I reply with a smirk. Rolling her eyes, she pushes away from me and I let her down to her feet. “You are so full of yourself, Ryder Jameson,” she quips as she grabs her purse off the couch. I can’t help but bait her. “You like it, Em, and you know it.” Stopping at the door, she turns back to me and gives me a saucy smile. “Maybe.” My dick twitches at her remark; it’s taking all my fucking control not to claim her now. She chuckles at my expression before walking her sassy ass out the door. In a few short hours that ass will be mine. * AN HOUR LATER we’re sitting at Rosa’s kitchen table. Emily holds her trembling hand comfortingly, trying to ease the lady’s fear. She hasn’t stopped shaking since Emily told her everything. “Don’t be scared, Rosa. I won’t let my father hurt you.” That causes tears to begin streaming down Rosa’s face. “Oh, Emily, honey, it’s not me I fear for, it never has been. It’s you I’m worried about. Do you have any idea what your father will do to you if he finds out just how badly you are betraying him?” “Nothing, because I won’t let anyone fucking hurt her,” I state firmly, cutting in for the first time. Emily glances over and gives me a small smile before turning back to Rosa. “Ryder’s right, he won’t let anything happen to me. This has been really hard to take in, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around this. But those girls need us, Rosa. Please, if you know anything… please tell us.”

Releasing a deep breath, she shakes her head in defeat. I see the moment she makes her decision to finally open up and tell us something. “I really don’t know much. I have suspected what you just told me for quite some time now, but as awful as it is I minded my own business.” Her expression turns remorseful. “Do you have any idea what happened to your nanny before me?” Emily frowns in thought. “I’m pretty sure she ended up moving back to Puerto Rico. I really don’t remember much about her. Actually, I don’t remember much of anything before you.” I can tell by Rosa’s expression that the previous nanny never moved anywhere. “About a year after I came to live with you, I walked in on your father in a meeting with someone in his office. I overheard them talking about something to do with payment and the price of a girl. When he realized I might have heard their conversation, he stopped me in the hallway and told me it was in my best interest to keep quiet about anything that happens around the house. He said he would hate for what happened to the last nanny to happen to me because I got too nosy, like she did. That’s when I realized just how ruthless your father is.” She visibly swallows and cups Emily’s face affectionately. “You are all I have ever cared about, Emily. There were so many times I thought about taking you and running. I hated that you had to live in that house with them, hated the way they treated you. But I didn’t have the resources, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before your father found us. So I stayed and minded my own business, because if I hadn’t he would have taken me from you, and I couldn’t let that happen. I had to protect you no matter what.” “Oh, Rosa,” Emily chokes softly, trying to rein in her emotion. “I’m so sorry you had to live with them just for me.” “Don’t be sorry, sweetheart. I’m not. You are my girl, in every way that matters, and I thank God every day for you. Putting up with them was a small price to pay.” Emily drops to her knees in front of Rosa, and wraps her arms around her waist. “I love you so much, Rosa. Thank you for loving me and taking care of me. You made me who I am today and I could never picture my life without you.” “Me too, honey.”

I have to admit I respect the hell out of this lady, and I am selfish enough to say I am so fucking glad she stayed to take care of Emily. I hate to even think about what would have happened to her if Rosa hadn’t been there for her. Emily stands to get back in her seat, but before she can sit I grab her hips and pull her down on my lap, needing to hold her. I fucking hate seeing her upset, but it’s all she’s been the last few days. I kiss her bare shoulder. “You all right, baby?” She nods. Rosa watches us, her expression softening. “Like I said, I really don’t know much, but I have heard some talk about a party after the functions. At first I just thought it was a party for your father and his friends to talk business. I caught on once I realized these parties only happened if the girls were in attendance.” Hearing that has me asking one question I have been mulling over for the last few days. “Why are these girls at the function in the first place? If the charity is for the group home, wouldn’t the only representative be the director?” Emily answers. “No, not usually. Most of the time you will raise more money when the contributors can meet who the donations are going to. It gives them knowledge on who they are helping, and gives them a chance to connect with them. I always assumed it was an image thing for my parents – getting pictures with the organization and the girls they are helping – but obviously that’s not the case.” She turns back to Rosa. “Do you think my mother is in on this?” “I believe she knows, how could she not? But no, I don’t think she is a part of it. I think it’s one of the reasons your mother drinks as much as she does. She likes to be oblivious and live in her own world.” “Do you know where the party takes place?” I ask. She shakes her head. “It’s on the property somewhere, but not the main house, at least I don’t think so. There might be a way of finding out though.” My interest piques at that. “How?” “There’s a key Mr. Michaels keeps in his office, in the top drawer of his desk. It’s always there except for the night of the functions. I believe he keeps it with him, as I assume it unlocks wherever they have their afterparty.”

Emily turns to me. “I could go home and sneak into his office to get it. If we have it we can search the property and see what it opens.” “No!” Both Rosa and I say at the same time. “What? Why?” “Because I don’t want you going to that house, especially without me. Not with everything that has been going on.” “He’s right, honey, it’s too dangerous.” “I could go when my parents aren’t there. How else are you going to get it if I don’t?” I’m just about to tell her we’ll think of another way when Rosa speaks up. “I can get it. I’m working a small dinner party your parents are having in a couple of days.” “I don’t know, Rosa, what happens if my father catches you?” “He won’t, honey. I’ll sneak in while they’re eating.” I’m thinking it may be our best chance. If not, Nick and I may need to look at getting in on our own, which will be a lot more difficult. “Why do you still help them out?” Emily asks quietly. “I’m gone now, you don’t have to still work for them, Rosa.” “I worry your father will think I know more than I do and get suspicious. I also want to stay close so I know you’ll be okay. If I didn’t stay then maybe they would take you from me.” Emily reaches over and grasps Rosa’s hand. “No one could keep me from you, not ever.” Rosa smiles sadly at her. “Have you thought more about the hypnotherapy?” She nods. “A little, but I haven’t thought much about it since everything went down. I want to do it, but I’m not sure now is the right time. I’m feeling really overwhelmed with everything as it is. Ryder thinks what I saw that night could have something to do with all of this.” “I think he might be right. I always thought what you saw had something to do with your father. I figured that’s why he kept you so isolated and only let Dr. Shepard ever see you, but I think as years went on he was confident you wouldn’t remember.” She swings her attention to me now. “I will get you that key on one condition.” I tense, not liking being given any conditions. “What’s that?” “You keep my girl out of this, and don’t let anything happen to her.”

That was the easiest condition I’ve ever heard. “I promise, no one will fucking hurt her. I would die before I let anything happen to her.” “Oh god, don’t say that,” Emily says, clearly upset at the thought. “Nothing is going to happen to either of us, baby.” I look back to Rosa. “Be careful getting that key. Don’t do it if something doesn’t feel right, or if it isn’t safe to do so. If you can’t get it I will find another way.” She nods. “Well, young man, I may have underestimated you. I think if anyone is a match for him, it might just be you.” We aren’t a match because I know I will win this time. I have no choice but to conquer – for all those girls and everything the motherfucker has done to Emily.

Chapter 18 Emily STANDING IN FRONT of my dresser with the massive mirror attached to it, I lean in and stare at my reflection. It’s something I do often, since getting my sight back. I check to see what I look like in the morning when I first wake up, then again after my shower, after I workout, eat, laugh and cry. Pretty much anytime I do something throughout the day I check to see what I look like after, for no reason in particular, mainly just because I’m curious. But right now, as I look myself over, my stomach twists painfully at my reflection, because, for the first time, I realize how much I look like my father. A man who has brought so much harm and has caused so many people pain. Our eyes are the same ice blue color, our hair the same light brown, even my heart-shaped face matches his. It makes me wonder how Ryder can even stand to be around me, considering how much he hates my father. Or how Rosa can love me as much as she does after the amount of grief he has caused her over the years. My heart is still heavy since leaving her house earlier, knowing she endured it all just for me. As if I somehow summoned him with my thoughts, I sense Ryder’s eyes on me. I can tell he’s watching me from my bedroom doorway. “I look just like him,” I whisper, telling him my thoughts as I continue to stare at myself. I hear him move from the door and my gaze meets his in the mirror as he comes to stand behind me. His green eyes are hard and intense. “You look nothing like him.” “Yes, I do,” I argue quietly, hating that it’s the truth. His strong arms come around me and he pulls me back against him. One arm stays wrapped around my waist while the other comes across my chest, his hand wrapping delicately around my throat while he keeps me faced to the mirror. His possessive hold has my heart rate accelerating and my body flooding with warmth; I have felt nothing but cold since leaving Rosa’s.

“Look, baby,” he whispers in my ear, his eyes staying locked on mine in the mirror. “Really look at yourself. Your eye color may be similar, but when you look into yours there’s warmth and beauty. Your hair may be similar in color, but yours is long, beautiful and it smells really fucking good.” My lips twitch. “You don’t think his smells good?” I tease lightheartedly. “I don’t give a fuck what his smells like. I’m telling you, Em, when I look at you I don’t see him.” His sincere words have relief flooding me, and my throat burning with emotion. “You are the polar opposite of him. He’s a sadistic son of a bitch, and you, baby, don’t have a calculated bone in this beautiful body of yours. You are absolute fucking perfection and I am going to show you right now.” He sweeps my hair to the side and rains soft kisses down my neck as his hands move to my shoulders, sliding down the straps of my sundress. Anticipation hums though me because I know what’s about to happen and I’m ready for this. I’m ready for his touch. I’m ready to let go of the past, and look to the future. I want to feel only him in this moment, and let him take away all the bad, even if it’s just for a short time. My dress slips easily from my body and pools at my feet, leaving me only in a pair of hot pink, lace panties. The cool air in the room hits my overheated flesh and my nipples instantly strain for his touch. A low animalistic growl erupts from his chest as I stand bared to him in the mirror. “Look how fucking pretty you are, Em.” He steps back briefly only to rid himself of his shirt then he comes up flush against me again. The heat from his hard, bare body warms me from the inside out. His intense green eyes burn bright with lust as his arms come around me once again. My tummy quivers as his hands splay against my bare skin before moving up and cupping my swollen, achy breasts. I drop my head back on his chest with a moan while I raise my arms and link them around his neck. He presses a kiss to the corner of my eye before staring back at our reflection. “I’m going to show you how perfect you are. It’s the only thing I ever regretted about your disability. I didn’t give a shit that you couldn’t see me, but I fucking hated that you weren’t able to see how beautiful you are.” His words embrace my soul, washing away some of the damage and insecurities

my mother has left on me. It’s something he’s always been good at; he’s always made me feel beautiful. “We look beautiful together,” I whisper truthfully, my gaze locking with his in the mirror. “Yeah, baby, we’re fucking perfect together.” I whimper as he begins tugging and rolling my sensitive nipples between his thumb and forefinger. I thrust back against him, my ass connecting with his erection as I try to seek relief for the burning ache igniting between my legs. I feel his growl vibrate against my back seconds before both of his hands move to my left hip and he tears my panties from my body. I gasp, not expecting the aggressive act, but it quickly trails off to another loud moan as his fingers find my wet, aching flesh. My eyes train on his hand in the mirror as he spreads me open, baring my most intimate part. I should be embarrassed, but I’m so turned on that when the cool air from the room whispers across my throbbing clit, it almost makes me explode. “Such a pretty pussy.” His rough voice is like sandpaper in my ear, and it sends shivers along every nerve ending in my body. “I fucking love that you’re bare here, baby, nothing hiding your perfection from me.” Keeping me open with one hand, he uses the middle finger from his other hand to slide down my wet center, skimming over my clit. A fiery whimper escapes past my lips, seconds before he slips it deep inside of me. “Oh god!” My arms drop from around his neck and I fall forward, bracing my hands on the dresser in front of me. His low groan fills the air around us. “So fucking tight.” I thrust my back against him, needing more, feeling so close. “Ryder, please!” I beg, wanting to be put out of this sweet misery. Instead of giving me what I desperately plead for, he slips his finger out of me. “No, no, no,” I whimper in disappointment. “Shhh. You aren’t coming on my finger, baby, not this time.” Our gazes meet in the mirror and he gives me a dirty grin. “This time you’re going to come on my tongue.” Grasping my hips firmly, he kicks my feet apart to widen my stance then drops down on the floor behind me. I feel him turn before his head comes between my legs, and his mouth immediately latches on to me. I cry

out at the sweet ecstasy and my knees almost give out from under me, but Ryder cups my ass to keep me upright. His groan vibrates against my clit and reverberates through my entire body. His tongue slowly gliding through me, exploring skillfully, bringing me to highs I’ve only ever experienced with him. “God, you make me feel so good,” I moan breathlessly. “You taste so fucking good, baby,” he growls, adding to the incredible sensations tearing through me. I stare in the mirror, barely recognizing myself. My face is flushed pinked with arousal, my blue eyes glazed and sparkling with desire. I cry out when I suddenly feel a sharp sting across my ass, the exquisite pain rocking my body with the best sensations. I meet his gaze between my legs and see him staring up at me. The sight is so intimate and erotic, my tummy pulls tight and I know I’m not going to be able to hold out much longer. Removing one hand from the dresser, I thread my fingers in his soft, silky hair and grip tightly as I thrust against his mouth. My body close to combustion. “That’s it, Em, fuck my mouth.” He urges me on. “Ryder, I’m going to come.” His eyes darken just before he sends another slap against my ass. The sting shoots to my clit and he’s already there, capturing the fluttering bud between his lips, causing me to shatter into a thousand pieces. I scream out the intensity of my orgasm as sensation after sensation slams into me. Ryder keeps his momentum, dragging out my ecstasy until every ounce of pleasure is wrung from my body. I fall over onto the dresser, my elbows bracing my weight as I try to keep from dropping to the ground. Ryder kisses the inside of each thigh before placing one on my tummy. “You good, Em?” “Ahhmmm,” I mumble incoherently, not being able to think straight, let alone talk. With a chuckle, he rises a little higher and nips at one of my oversensitive nipples. I gasp and shiver, my clit igniting all over again from the light bite. I’m shocked my body is even capable of the reaction at the moment. His arms come around my waist when he stands, picking me up as if I weigh nothing. My legs instinctively wrap around his lean waist while my

arms encircle his neck. He takes my mouth in a searing kiss and I moan at the erotic taste of my arousal on his tongue. “See how fucking good you taste, baby?” he mumbles against my lips as he walks us over to the bed. “I could eat your pussy for hours.” My clit swells from his dirty words. Lord, the man has a filthy mouth, and for some reason I really like it. The cool mattress meets my back and Ryder follows down on top of me. I keep my arms locked tight around his neck as we devour one another. I lift my hips, my wet center grinding against his rough jean-clad erection. Groaning, he pulls away and stands at the end of the bed. His gaze never wavers from mine as he begins to remove his belt, his eyes alight with fire and promise. My heart pounds in anticipation as my eyes take in his impressive body. Bronzed skin stretches over lean, cut muscle; his powerful arms are decorated with black intricate design. I can understand why Cece would think he’s dangerous and lethal. He looks the part, and his body is definitely capable of it, but anyone who takes the chance to know him would see what I see – a man of integrity. One who is honorable, courageous and who risks his life every day for what’s right. Getting the urge to touch the perfection I’m seeing, I get to my knees and make my way to the end of the bed. He stops the works of his pants as I approach, the button and zipper left undone. I hesitate for a moment, feeling unsure. As if reading my thoughts, he encircles my wrist and lays my hand flat against his chiseled abdomen. “Touch, baby, all you want, it’s all yours.” All mine? I like the sound of that. Smiling, I roam my hands along his hard, warm body. Starting at his powerful chest, I feel his heart thrum rapidly under my palm as I learn every line and curve. I move to his right shoulder and trace the intricate black ink of his tribal tattoo that’s woven down to his forearm. “Did you have this in high school?” “Yes, the ones on my arms I did. But the one on my ribs I got done after I graduated from Quantico.” I look to the left side of his ribs and see a script. I had briefly noticed it when he didn’t have a shirt on the other day, but obviously I couldn’t read it. “What does it say?” I ask softly. He clears his throat, seeming a little uncomfortable now. “Against all odds; but in the end I prevailed.”

My breath catches at his words, the quote so fitting for him. I glance up to see him watching me with an expression I can’t decipher. I trace the writing with my fingers. “That you did, Ryder,” I whisper before placing my lips on the tattoo and giving it a gentle kiss. His fingers thread through my hair, urging me to continue my exploration. I trail my lips down to his abs, my tongue darting out to lick along the dips and grooves of his muscles. With a rough groan, his fingers grip my hair tightly, but not painfully. Once I finish exploring him with my mouth, my hands move to the waistband of his jeans and I look up at him, suddenly feeling a little nervous. “This is going to be the first time I ever see a penis,” I blurt out my thoughts stupidly, then feel my face immediately flame. Seriously, Emily? You could have kept that to yourself. “And it’s going to be the only one you ever see, baby. So get well acquainted,” he replies with a sexy smirk. My laughter erupts around the room, breaking the awkward tension, and I quirk a brow at him. “Feeling pretty confident, Jameson?” “Not confident, it’s a fact.” “Hmmm, maybe.” He grunts, not amused by my teasing. Not wasting any more time, I slowly begin to push down his jeans, but it clearly isn’t fast enough for him because he takes over and disposes of them quickly, taking his underwear with it and leaving him gloriously naked before me. With wide eyes I stare at his massive erection. Oddly enough, it looks similar to what I expected… I think. Reaching up, I grasp him in my hand, loving the hard, but smooth, feel of him. He hisses in a breath and pumps himself into my firm grip. “Fuck, Em, your touch feels so goddamn good.” His voice is tight and strained. A drop of clear fluid spills over the top. Getting the urge to know what he tastes like, I lean in and lick the smooth tip then moan, loving the salty, erotic taste. He growls, his hips jerking, as he pumps himself into my hand. Pleasure warms inside of me, loving that I can make him feel that good. I want to take him in my mouth but I’ve never done it before and I don’t want to do something wrong. I look up at him hesitantly and see his eyes wild with lust. I don’t have to voice my thoughts, he already knows them. “Open up, Em, take me in your mouth. I’ll help you.” I look back down at his

erection in my hand then lick my lips before leaning in again and taking his hard length into my mouth. “Ah, fuck yeah!” he groans, his fingers now causing a slight sting that shoots straight between my legs. “Take me a little deeper.” He moves my hand to the base of his shaft and guides my head to take more of him. I hum my approval at his control. “Now suck back to the top.” I do as he says. Hollowing my cheeks, I suck back to the top and swirl my tongue around his tip. It’s something I remember Cece telling me when we would have our sex talks. “There you go, baby, fuck that’s good.” His words spur me on and I start sucking him with more confidence. “You have no idea how many times I thought about fucking this sweet, hot mouth of yours, Emily. I jacked off to the image in my mind so many times.” I whimper at his dirty words, the ache between my legs becoming so strong it’s almost painful. He starts flexing his hips, thrusting himself deeper in my mouth. He stills when he hits the back of my throat and I instinctively swallow. “Fuck!” he growls and pulls out of my mouth. “All right, baby, no more, it feels way too fucking good. I need inside of you, right now.” “In a hurry, Jameson?” I ask sassily, feeling a little proud that I could make him feel that good. He doesn’t smile like I expected him to, instead he reaches up and cups the side of my face, his intense gaze holding me captive. “Yeah, I am. I’ve been waiting six years for this moment, Em, and I don’t want to wait another fucking second.” His words have my breath catching and my heart turning over in my chest. I lay my hand over top of his then turn my face to the side and press a kiss to the palm of his hand. “Me too,” I whisper truthfully. The only difference is instead of waiting for this moment, I prayed for it, because I didn’t think I would ever see him again. Taking his hand, I lean back, pulling him with me. He comes over top of me, blanketing me with his warmth before taking my mouth in another kiss, one that reaches the very depths of me. I wrap my leg around his hip and try to urge him on, needing to feel him inside of me, but he hesitates. “Em, are you on the pill?” His question catches me off guard and I quickly realize I should have thought about protection too. “Yes.”

“I’ve never been without a condom, but I don’t want to use one with you, baby. I need to feel all of you.” “Yes,” I whisper again, wanting that just as badly. Richard is the only other person I have been with, and he always used a condom. I don’t want that with Ryder. I want to feel all of him too. Leaning in, he presses a soft kiss to the corner of my eye, my heart melting at the familiar act from all those years ago. He slightly rises up on one arm and grasps his erection before sliding it through my slick, wet folds, lubricating it with my arousal. I whimper when it skims over my clit and wiggle underneath him. “Ryder, please. I need… Ahhh!” I scream as he enters me in one powerful thrust, stealing the breath from my lungs. He freezes. “Oh fuck! You okay, baby?” “Yes,” I moan breathlessly, and reassure him by lifting my hips to bring him deeper. With a growl he starts thrusting inside of me with deep, hard strokes, filling me completely – body and soul. “Goddamn, Emily, you feel even fucking better than I remember, and I didn’t think that was possible.” I never forgot how incredible this felt with him. Never forgot a moment of our time together. Six years ago Ryder and I created a world of our own, one where money and status never mattered. Nothing mattered but the two of us. As I stare into his heated gaze while he fills me with utter perfection, I can’t help but get thrown back into the past, to the night he snuck in my bedroom window and claimed not only my body but my heart. “I hate that I can’t see you right now.” “You see me, Em, far better than anyone else ever has.” Closing my eyes, I reach up with both hands and frame his face, seeing him the way I did all those years ago. He slows his pace and encircles my wrist before kissing the inside of my palm. “No one is going to fuck with this, Emily. You hear me? You are mine and no one is going to take you from me.” My throat goes tight as I remember that feeling of impending doom, the fear of us not getting to be together and what my father would do when he found out. It turned out to hurt so much worse than what I could have ever expected. My heart swells painfully with the remembered pain of the past, and before I can stop it a single tear escapes.

Ryder stills, staying buried deep inside of me then drops down and rests his forehead on mine. I keep my eyes closed with my hands framing his face. I don’t need to tell him what’s wrong because he knows. Like always. “I thought about you, Em. All the fucking time, baby, I thought about you. I wish I would have came back sooner, I wish I wouldn’t have been scared.” My eyes shoot open at his admission, shocked to hear he was scared. I didn’t think it was something he was capable of feeling. “Why were you scared?” He stares at me indecisively, conflicted on whether to answer. “I was fucking terrified to come back and find you with someone else. Leaving you all those years ago gutted me, but if I would have come back to find out you belonged to someone else, to know you couldn’t be mine, it would have fucking destroyed me.” For the first time, I realize how much this also hurt him. The pain that I felt all those years ago at the well he felt too, and it’s all thanks to my father. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face into his neck. “I never stopped being yours, not in my heart. I missed you so much it hurt.” “I missed you too, baby.” I feel his breathing turn heavy as he struggles to hold in whatever emotions he’s feeling. “No one is going to take you from me ever again, Emily. You are mine!” He follows up his statement with a hard thrust. I gasp and my back arches off the bed at the exquisite burn. “Yes, yours.” “That’s right. You have always been mine and you will always be mine.” Rising up, he unwraps my legs from around his waist, draping them in the crook of his arms and changes the angle of his thrusts. I cry out as he hits that spot deep inside of me, and it has my inner walls fluttering around him. He groans. “You’re close, Em. I can feel it.” He’s right, I’m so close. I fist the sheets, my body wound tight as I teeter on the edge. “Look, baby. Look between us, watch my cock fuck what’s mine.” Slightly rising on my elbows, I look between us and watch his erection slide in and out of me. “Oh god.” The sight is so intimate and arousing that it has me crashing over the edge. I fall back on a scream as ecstasy slams into me. “Ah yeah, that’s it, baby, milk my cock.” He increases his pace, pounding into me relentlessly, fucking me through the most intense orgasm

of my life. I’m barely coming down from my high when he drops on top of me, bracing his weight on his elbows and spills himself inside of me. I hold him close through his own release, my fingers threading in his hair and my lips close to his ear. I get the desperate urge to tell him I love him, that I never stopped, but I decide to wait a little longer before admitting those words to him. We both heave for breath as we lay in a sweaty, tangled mess. He rests his forehead against mine intimately. “You okay?” “Yes. It was perfect.” Framing his face in both my hands, I lift up and press a soft kiss to his mouth. “You’re perfect.” His expression softens. “You’re the perfect one, Em.” “How about we’re perfect together?” He grins back. “Deal, baby.” As he pulls out of me with a groan, his phone rings. Leaning over, he pulls his cell from his jeans then looks at the number. “Sorry, I have to take this.” “It’s fine, go ahead.” He gives me a quick, delicious kiss before answering. “Jameson.” Sitting up, I swipe his shirt off the floor and throw it over me before making my way to the bathroom. I clean up quickly then assess my reflection in the mirror as I wash up. My tumbled hair is messy from Ryder’s urgent hands, and my skin has a glow I’ve never seen before. I touch my swollen lips and smile as I think about how they got that way. Feeling happier and lighter than I have in days, I walk out of the bathroom to see Ryder sitting up against the headboard, still talking on his phone. The sheet is draped low on his hips, displaying his incredible, decorated perfection for my viewing. His intense gaze devours my body that’s covered only by his shirt. “Yeah, I figured as much,” he says to whoever is on the phone, then pulls the sheets aside for me to get in. I make my way over, but instead of getting in beside him I crawl on top and straddle him. His eyes darken and he grips one of my hips possessively. I smile and quirk a brow when I feel him grow hard under me, but my flirtatious demeanor vanishes with what he says next: “No, she doesn’t know where, but she does think it’s on the property. If she isn’t able to get the key we will find another way.”

I slam back into reality and my heart becomes heavy once again. This horrific situation was easy to forget when I was wrapped in the safety and pleasure of Ryder’s arms. “I imagine security is tight, but if we find out what he uses we can work around it and explore the perimeter at night.” He watches me, my expression clearly giving away my feelings. “Listen, I need to go, we’ll talk more about it tomorrow. Let me know what Senator Adams has to say and I’ll let you know when I get the key.” After saying goodbye, he reaches over and puts his phone on the nightstand. “Nick?” I ask quietly, even though I already know the answer. He slides his hands up underneath the shirt and grips my hips firmly. “Yeah. He was checking in to see how it went with Rosa before he had his meeting with Senator Adams.” “I’ve met Senator Adams before, he seems nice.” “He seems to be, but he’s still a politician so…” He trails off with a shrug. “You don’t like any politicians?” I ask, his response intriguing me. I always thought he just hated my father. “I don’t necessarily hate them all. I just think the majority of them are nothing but fucking liars.” “It’s definitely hard sometimes to know who you can trust,” I admit truthfully. “You can’t trust the majority of the people in this world, baby, believe me.” His statement doesn’t surprise me, and I can even understand why he thinks that. He must see a lot of corruption in his line of work; not to mention he grew up with people he couldn’t trust. I suddenly remember that night all those years ago, when he showed up in my room vulnerable and hurt. He never talked about his parents when we were together. I brought them up once but he shut it down quickly, telling me they were off limits. It makes me wonder if he still feels the same. “Have you seen your parents since you’ve been back?” I ask cautiously. He tenses under me for a brief second before forcing himself to relax. “No. I haven’t seen or spoken to them since I left, and I don’t plan to.” I try to gauge his expression, wanting to know what he’s feeling, but he shows no emotion. I tread on carefully. “Maybe you should. Maybe they’ve

changed and they miss you.” A bitter laugh erupts from his throat. “No. Believe me, they don’t give a shit about me, they never did.” My heart swells sadly to hear that. I never had parents who loved me either but at least I had Rosa and Summer. Ryder never had anyone. “I’m sorry,” I whisper sadly. He shrugs. “Don’t be. It is what it is and I really don’t give a shit. It’s not like they were good parents. I never relied on them a day in my life. I’ve been on my own for as long as I can remember, and I like it that way.” I’m sure it’s more complicated than that. No matter how terrible they were to him it must hurt to have nobody. Staring down at him, I reach up and trace his lips with my finger. “You will always have me, Ryder,” I tell him truthfully. “You can trust me.” He grasps my wrist gently and places a familiar kiss on the inside of my palm, his gaze intense as he stares back at me. “There is no one in the world I trust more than you, Emily.” My heart explodes with happiness to know that, because I know he doesn’t trust easily. I squeal in surprise when he swiftly flips me over onto my back and comes over top of me. His shirt rises past my hips and I moan when I feel his erection settle over my wet heat. Leaning down, he presses a soft kiss to my lips before entering me in one smooth thrust. I gasp then whimper at the ecstasy of being filled by him. He stills deep inside of me and gazes down at me with an intensity that captures my breath. “You can trust me too, Em. I’m going to figure out what the fuck is going on here and I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you. I’ll take care of you and protect you. Just like I was always meant to.” Before I have a chance to think about that he begins moving inside of me with perfection. This time he makes love to me with slow, tender precision. There is nothing rushed or frantic about it, but no less intense than the last. As I stare into his warm, green eyes I pray that whatever my future holds he is a part of. Because the thought of losing him again brings on a pain so deep I’m not sure I would survive it.

Chapter 19 Emily A FEW MORNINGS later I’m bustling around my room, getting dressed. My body feeling a glorious tenderness, and muscles aching that haven’t been used in a long time, especially as well used as they have been. I smile thinking about all the dirty things Ryder has done to me the past two nights. I swear the man is a machine, and I love it. I know I will never tire of his touch, or the pleasure he brings not only to my body but also to my soul. I slip on a pair of dark jean shorts and a white tank top, knowing we will most likely be staying in again. We haven’t left the house in days, much to my dismay, but I understand why Ryder is being cautious. Tomorrow we will go see Rosa, which I’m looking forward to. I’m praying everything goes well for her tonight at my father’s. Spotting Ryder’s plaid button-down hanging off my dresser, that he wore the previous night, I grab it and throw it on over my tank top, loving being surrounded by his yummy scent. It reaches the tops of my thighs, and I roll up the massively long sleeves to my forearms like he always does. Leaving my room, I start down the hall in search of the man himself and find him on the couch, leaning over his laptop that’s on the coffee table in front of him. Summer sits on the floor next to his feet with her chin resting on his knee. I’m starting to think I should worry that she’s trading me in for him, but, to be honest, the sight of them warms my heart. I lean against the wall and watch Ryder deep in concentration, typing furiously, my eyes drinking in all of his sexy perfection. “You going to stare at me all day, or are you going to bring your sweet ass over here and come sit with me?” He glances up at me from his computer with a sly grin. “How did you know I was here? You didn’t even look up.” “Because I’m a special agent, baby, I know everything.”

I roll my eyes with a giggle then start over to him. His gaze sweeps down the length of me, and by my body’s reaction I’d swear it was his hands. As soon as I get within an arm’s reach of him, he grabs my hips and pulls me down on his lap. His erection nestled in my ass. “What are you working on?” I ask, not being able to read anything on the computer screen in front of me. It reminds me that I need to get back on my programs and resume learning what I need to. Lately I’ve pushed that to the back burner, but I shouldn’t because it’s important. He brushes my hair aside and places a soft kiss on my neck. “Just writing a progress report for my chief.” I nod, even though I don’t quite understand what that entails. Leaning over, I trail my fingers along the keys softly, making sure to be mindful and not mess anything up for him. He encircles my wrist in a gentle grip, then surprises me by taking my finger and pressing a key. “E,” he says before moving to another. “M,” he whispers, bringing his lips close to my ear. “I,” he states, causing a delicious shiver to travel through me. “L.” I smile as he moves to the last letter. “Y.” My heart warms and my throat grows tight at how kind he is to me, never making me feel dumb. I lean the side of my face closer to his as I stare at my name on the computer screen. “That spells brilliant,” I whisper, before belting out a giggle that I can’t hold back any longer. He chuckles and flips me to the side so I’m cradled in his arms. “Yeah, baby, you’re fucking brilliant,” he presses a kiss to my mouth, “and sexy,” he mumbles, moving his lips to the underside of my jaw, “and sweet.” He trails his tongue down the column of my throat, drawing a moan past my lips. “And… did I mention sexy?” “Yeah, you’ve said it a time or two,” I respond breathlessly. “That’s because you are. Always, every day, especially in my fucking clothes.” He growls, cupping one of my ass cheeks in his large hand. “I guess that means it’s okay I borrowed your shirt?” He grunts. “Baby, I don’t mind one fucking bit. Hell, keep it and wear it every day. I like seeing you in my clothes, it makes my dick hard as fuck.” I roll my eyes at his dirty mouth, but can’t deny the minor ache it creates between my legs. “I should probably let you get back to work,” I

say weakly, then completely contradict my words by tilting my head to the side to give his lips more access. “Fuck work. I hate paperwork, I’d rather work you.” I giggle, but his statement makes me curious. “What’s your favorite part of your job?” He ignores me and starts sliding his hand up my shirt but I stop his attempt. “You didn’t answer my question,” I say, biting back a smile. “That’s because I don’t want to talk, baby, I want to fuck.” He brings his mouth to mine again, and as hard as it is for me to do, I push him away then sit up and straddle him. “That’s what I’m talking about.” He groans, gripping my hips and bringing his mouth to my collarbone. Chuckling, I push him away again. “I’m serious. I want to know.” When he realizes I’m not going to let it go, he drops his head back on the couch with a frustrated breath. “What was the question?” “I said, what’s your favorite part of your job?” I watch him think about it before his eyes drop to my chest, blatantly staring at my boobs. Grabbing his face between my hands I bring his gaze back to mine. “Focus, Ryder!” I scold firmly, but bite my lip and try to stop the smile that wants to break free. He gives me a dirty grin, not ashamed in the least. The man is seriously cute sometimes. “Okay, okay.” He finally relents. “What’s my favorite part of my job?” He repeats my question then shrugs. “I don’t know. I like almost everything about it other than the paperwork. But I guess, if I had to pick one, I’d say it’s delivering justice. Especially for people who don’t get a voice.” I tilt my head in question. “You mean the victims?” “Yeah. Some of my cases deal with victims of civil rights. People who are considered lower class and get fucked over by assholes who are in positions of power.” Like my father. He voices my thoughts, treading carefully. “Take these girls for example. They’re kids who got delivered a shitty hand. They don’t have any family that give a shit about them, and no one cares to look for them, which is why they are in a group home to begin with. They are perceived as troubled teens, or junkies, which is what makes them easy targets. People don’t see they’re humans with just as many rights as anyone else. I

remember what that was like, how it was to be judged because of where you came from, or rather who. People would fuck you over in a blink of an eye because they had the money and power that you didn’t. I couldn’t do a goddamn thing about any of it most of my life, but now I can. And I love bringing these assholes down as much as I love fighting for all the people who don’t get a voice because they’ve already been labeled.” I sit stunned, his words completely breaking my heart. He’s right, he was labeled years ago, and he never had anyone to fight for him. But in the end he prevailed, he worked hard and never gave up. Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I frame his face then lean in and kiss his lips. “I’m so proud of you,” I tell him softly, knowing no one has ever said that to him before. “I’m proud of you for working so hard and never giving up. I’m proud of you for being strong and fighting for what’s right. And most of all, I’m proud of who you are. These girls are lucky to have you…” I shake my head. “No, scratch that, this country is lucky to have you fight for them. I’m lucky to have you, and I will fight for you, Ryder. Always.” Something passes over his expression, something painful yet beautiful, and before I can anticipate it, he crushes his mouth to mine, kissing me with an intensity that steals my breath. I wrap my arms around his neck and give just as good as I get, wanting to show him just how much he means to me. “Ryder?” I mumble against his lips. “Yeah, baby?” “We can fuck now,” I tell him, smiling into our kiss. He growls. “Fuck yeah.” I let out a giggle which turns into a squeal of surprise when my back suddenly hits the couch, his body covering mine. Lifting my hips I grind against his erection and whimper, my panties growing wetter by the second. He groans and cups my ass to bring me closer while his mouth begins trailing down my neck. I start clawing at his shirt frantically, desperately wanting to feel his hard, naked body. Just as I start pulling it off, someone knocks on my door. I still, but Ryder continues his delicious assault. “Ryder, someone is at the door.” “Fuck them, they can wait, or better yet, go away.” He slips his hand under my shirt and I moan when he cups my breast. I think about agreeing

until the knock on my door becomes more insistent. “Emily, open up. I know you’re in there.” We both freeze at the sound of my father’s voice, and Ryder’s expression turns dangerously hard. “Stay here,” he commands before getting up. I quickly sit up and fix myself as he walks to the door. He glances back at me to make sure I’m decent before opening it. My heart thunders in my chest, scared for what’s about to happen. Ryder leans against the door, blocking me from my father’s view. “What do you want?” he greets coldly. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m here to see my daughter.” “Wrong. She is my business, and you aren’t going to see her until you tell me what you want.” There’s a moment of silence before my father speaks again. “Listen, you let me see my daughter now or there will be serious repercussions.” My stomach sinks at the icy disdain that drips from his threat. “Better be careful, Senator, sometimes we don’t realize just who we’re threatening.” I stand up and quickly make my way over to the door before things get out of hand. I step in front of Ryder and feel him tense behind me, clearly not happy that I didn’t stay put. “What do you want, father?” “I want to talk to you for a minute… Alone,” he adds, glancing at Ryder. Before I have a chance to respond, Ryder does: “Not going to happen, old man.” “Both of you stop it already,” I snap, knowing this is getting us nowhere. “Ryder is right, whatever you have to say, you can say in front of him. If you’re here to fight then leave. I don’t need it.” My father registers how serious I am, and although his jaw is hard, he finally backs off. “I’m not here to fight. I just… I came to check on you.” I falter in surprise. “To check on me?” He nods and Ryder expels a disbelieving grunt. I too know he’s full of shit. He hasn’t worried about me a day in his life. “Can I come in?” he asks, gesturing behind me. I back up, bumping into Ryder, and he walks in, heading straight to the far corner of the living room. I go to sit over on the couch, but Ryder holds

me back, keeping me close to him. We stare at my father and wait for him to say something. I have no idea what he’s up to, but I’m hoping he won’t be here long. He clears his throat before finally breaking the awkward silence. “I just wanted to see how you’ve been. At brunch you said you were having a hard time adjusting and that you were thinking about trying hypnotherapy again. I was wondering if that’s still the case, and what doctor you plan to see. I want to make sure they’re qualified enough.” Yeah, right. Ryder touches my back, warning me to tread cautiously. “I haven’t thought about it lately. I have other things I’m focusing on at the moment.” He nods, seeming pleased about that. “Have you had any more nightmares?” Anyone who didn’t know my father would think he was calm and cool right now, but I know better. He’s nervous. How did I never piece this together before? “No, I haven’t,” I grate out, angrily, even though I try hard not to. It enrages me to know I’ve lived a lie almost my entire life. To know I lived in the dark for so long because of something he did. Relief flickers in his gaze. “Well that’s good.” I don’t respond because I’m finding it hard to keep my patience. “Your mother wanted me to make sure you were still coming to the charity dinner next week.” “Of course she did. She wants to make sure this false image she has portrayed of our perfect little family doesn’t get squashed publicly.” His eyes narrow in disapproval. “Watch your attitude, Emily.” “This is her fucking house,” Ryder replies, his tone low and threatening. I jump back in before things escalate. “I’ll come on one condition. Ryder gets to come with me.” “No!” “Fine, then I won’t be going.” He points at me angrily. “You have an obligation to this family. You will not back out now! Do you hear me?” “You watch your fucking tone with her!” Ryder barks, startling me. I can tell he’s close to losing his patience. Something he already doesn’t have much of when it comes to my father. “If you want me at that dinner then that’s my condition. I told you Ryder is a part of my life now, and if he isn’t welcome then I won’t go.”

His jaw clenches in rage. “Fine!” he snaps and starts heading for the door. “Make sure you’re there on time, and don’t embarrass us!” Ryder tenses and starts toward him, but thankfully my father leaves, slamming the door on his way out. “Jesus, I seriously fucking hate that guy.” I stand frozen, feeling… I don’t know – tired, sad, angry? Ryder pulls me against his hard, warm body. I wrap my arms around his waist, and breathe him in, soaking in his comfort. “You okay, Em?” “I just want this over already.” He hugs me closer. “I know, baby. Soon, I promise.” Before I can say anything more there’s another knock at the door. My heart rate spikes thinking it’s my father again. Ryder answers it, and I let out a breath of relief when I see it’s Nick. He walks in and senses the tension. “Hey. Bad time?” I wave away his concern. “No, not at all. Come in.” I glance at the folder in his hand and realize he’s probably here to do some work with Ryder. “You guys go ahead and do what you need to do. I’m going to go work in my room for a bit.” I start to walk away but Ryder grabs my wrist, halting my pursuit. “You don’t have to leave, Em.” I give him a small smile. “I know, but I need to work on some things that I’ve been neglecting.” He watches me uncertainly and I rise up on my tiptoes to give him a quick, reassuring kiss. “I’m good, I promise. Help yourselves to whatever you want.” I walk down the hall with Summer trailing behind me, then close us in my room. I expel a heavy breath and flop down on my bed, feeling ready for a nap, and I just woke up. Summer jumps up beside me and lays her face next to mine. Smiling, I turn on my side to face her and put my arm over her neck. “You always know when I need ya, huh?” I coo while stroking her soft velvet ears. “I see you like Ryder.” She groans then licks my nose, making me giggle. “Yeah, me too.” After a few minutes of Summer’s sweet kisses and cuddles, I sit up and pull out my iPad then open my app to practice distinguishing my letters. It isn’t long before I forget my troubles, and get wrapped up into my new world of learning.

Ryder NICK LEAVES HOURS later, and I’m thankful to be done the grueling paperwork. My brain is completely exhausted from going over every scenario for what should be our plan of action. Hopefully Rosa gets that key and we won’t have to wait until the charity dinner. We need to move faster; I got a call from Hector earlier saying Michaels was snooping around, asking questions and making not-so-subtle threats. I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before he did. We locked up my cover airtight, but it still makes me fucking nervous. A heavy dose of rage pumps through me when I think back to Emily’s father’s visit. Fuck, I lose all control when it comes to that guy. I can’t wait to bring him down; not only for these girls, but every other person he’s fucked over, including the years lost between Emily and me. I’ve been kicking myself the last few days for not coming back sooner for her. What I told her was true, I didn’t want to know she was with someone else; it would have ripped me apart. But the other reason, that I didn’t share, was because the more time I was away from her, the more I thought she was better off without me. Hell, I still think I’m not good enough for her, I know I’m not. But now that I have her back there is no fucking way I am letting her go. Not ever. I’m hoping when all of this is over she will come back to Florida with me. I don’t want to move here – I hate this place. It reminds me too much of where I come from, and it holds nothing but bad memories. Emily is the only good one. Actually, she’s the best thing to ever happen to my pathetic life. With that thought, I head down the hallway, needing to see her. She only came out of her room once in the last few hours and that was to grab a sandwich. Opening her door softly, I see her sitting up in bed, engrossed in her iPad. Her lips are moving as she stares at the screen. I lean against the door to watch her a moment, my eyes drawn to her long, smooth legs that are showcased by her short, sexy jean shorts. My dick jolts to life at seeing her in my shirt still. Fuck, I wasn’t kidding, she looks sexy as hell in my clothes.

“L,” she whispers, still lost in concentration, before tapping something on the screen. The iPad repeats the letter back to her. “Yes!” she shouts with a smile, fist pumping the air, then leans over and hugs her dog. “That’s five right in a row, girl.” Something shifts in my chest at her excitement and I smile with her. She sits up then finally notices me, and it scares the living shit out of her. She jumps and lets out a startled scream. “Jesus, Ryder.” She lays her hand over heart. “What the hell are you doing, sneaking up on me?” I chuckle. “Sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Walking over, I lean down and give her a hard kiss before flopping down beside her. “What are you working on?” I grab the iPad from her and look at the screen. “Just learning some letters and numbers,” she mumbles. “Want some help?” She clears her throat nervously. “Ummm…” I glance back at her to see her looking embarrassed or some shit, which pisses me off. “Stop it, Emily!” “What?” “You know what. Stop acting like there’s something to be fucking ashamed of. We’ve been over this.” She turns her face away but not before I see her vulnerability, which makes me feel like shit. I blow out a frustrated breath, wondering how I can help her without her feeling embarrassed. Suddenly, the perfect idea forms. “Let’s play a game.” “What kind of game?” she asks suspiciously. “A fun one.” Her eyes narrow at my suggestive smirk. I grab one of her pillows and lay back at the end of the bed, facing her. “I’m going to quiz you on your letters. If you get any wrong you have to take off an article of clothing.” She throws her head back and laughs, the sound of it doing strange shit to my chest, but her expression sobers when she realizes I’m not kidding. “You’re serious?” “Yeah, baby, I’m fucking serious.” She rolls her eyes. “Well, what do I get if I get it right?” “Whatever you want.” She smirks. “Okay, well if I get it right then you have to take your clothes off, too.”

I shrug. “Sounds good to me.” Either way the end result will be the same, but if I have my way she will be completely naked in record time. “All right,” she agrees with a smile. It’s a smile I should have been suspicious of. “All right, let’s see.” I look at the screen on the iPad and it doesn’t take me long to figure out the program. For a warm up, I decide to start with one that she knows by showing her an L. She smiles and repeats it back to me. “Good girl.” I go to pick another one when she interrupts me: “Um, excuse me?” “What?” She flicks her hand at me. “Take something off, Jameson.” I grunt. “That was a practice one, baby.” She shakes her head. “Uh-uh. Rules are rules. Come on, take it off.” I smirk. “You want to see me naked that bad, Em?” She shrugs. “This is your game. I’m just following the rules.” I grunt, not impressed with her sass, then take off my hat. “That’s hardly an article of clothing,” she scoffs. Jesus, she’s lippy. “Rules are rules, baby.” I mock back. I decide no more Mr. Fucking-nice-guy for her. I scroll through trying to find a letter I don’t think she will know, which is mean, I know, but her lippy ass deserves it. I pick a P and show her the screen. She stares at it for a long moment, and by her hard concentration I know I’ve got her. I’m about to tell her to shed her shirt when she repeats the right letter back to me. Huh, I didn’t expect that. She smiles at my surprised expression. “Next, Jameson, and this time it better be your shirt.” I glare at her smugness then sit up and take my shirt off. My semi-erect cock, goes painfully hard when I watch her innocent eyes roam my body with appreciation, her cheeks flushing pink. Yeah, this game isn’t going to last long. I scroll through the letters again and pick a Q. There is no way she knows this one. I flip the screen toward her with a smirk. “Hmmm,” she muses, one of her fingers tapping her lip as she stares at it for a long moment, a really long moment. “Shirt off, babe, now,” I order, before turning the screen back to me. “Q,” she blurts out. My gaze snaps back to her. What the fuck? “How did you know that?”

She shrugs. “I’ve been practicing.” I watch her suspiciously, something not feeling right. “Pants off, babe, now,” she mimics back and bursts out laughing, thinking she’s fucking hilarious. This game is seriously starting to piss me off. I take my belt off instead of my pants and she rolls her eyes, clearly not happy with my choice. She’s goddamn lucky I don’t skip this shit altogether and rip her fucking clothes off instead. I’m close to doing just that. I carefully select my next choice, skimming through every letter. Emily waits patiently with a smug smile, one I’m becoming more and more suspicious of. I decide on the letter B. I show her the screen and pay really close attention to her. I watch her stare at it, and my eyes drop when I notice her arm just barely moving, but I can’t see her hand. “Hey, what the fuck are you doing?” I point at her accusingly. She stills. “What?” “Put your fucking hands up!” She throws her hands up with a laugh. “Am I under arrest, Special Agent Jameson?” I’d find her cute if I weren’t busy busting her ass. “You were fucking cheating.” “No, I wasn’t.” She scoffs then bites her lip guiltily. “Yes, you were. You were tracing the letters next to you, weren’t you?” She would know what they are by drawing them out. Fuck, I can’t believe I never caught on. “No.” She lies again, laughing hysterically. That’s it. I toss the fucking iPad aside then pounce on her. She squeals as I flip her under me and away from the headboard so we’re horizontal. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I would have told you, I swear.” I grunt. “Before or after I had all my clothes off?” “Duh, after of course,” she sasses back, jacking my dick harder. Rising up, I cup her between her legs, feeling the heat of her pussy through her shorts, and her laughter trails off on a moan. “That smart mouth of yours is about to get you into trouble, Emily.” “Then by all means, punish away,” she taunts breathlessly, lifting her hips to grind into my touch. White-hot lust erupts through me. “Be careful what you ask for, baby.” I’ve been fairly careful with her the last few days, not wanting to unleash

this burning desire I have for her, the need to fuck her without abandon so strong it even scares me. She looks up at me earnestly, then reaches up and curls her hand around my neck, pulling me down to her mouth. I kiss her long, deep and thoroughly, her innocent taste, one I will never be able to live without ever again, rushes through my veins and completely intoxicates me. As hard as my dick is right now, I could just do this with her for hours. Just touch and taste her. Her fingers grip my hair aggressively as we devour one another. “Don’t hold back on me, Jameson,” she mumbles just before she shocks the shit out of me by taking my bottom lip and sinking her teeth into it. The sting shoots like a bolt of electricity straight through my body and right to my cock. My restraint snaps. With a growl, I rise up and grab the top of her tank top then tear it down the middle. She gasps in shock before a fiery whimper escapes her lips. I throw the tatted material of her top aside and stare down at her sexy, pink lace bra with my plaid shirt marginally covering her. My hand reaches up to cup her delicate throat, my thumb running back and forth on her thrumming pulse point. “Everything about you is beautiful, Em, and delicate. The way I want to take you, the things I want to do to this sweet body of yours.” I shake my head and groan. “It’s so fucking consuming, I find it hard just to breathe.” “I’m not going to break, Ryder,” she whispers. “No, you won’t, but you deserve sweet and soft just like you.” She reaches up and touches my mouth, her fingers tracing my lips. “I deserve you, and everything you have to give me.” She is not ready for everything I want to give her, but I’ll definitely start getting her prepared for it. I encircle her wrist and press a kiss to the inside of her palm, giving her one last moment of tenderness before removing her shorts. I rid her of them quickly, leaving her in her matching pink panties and my shirt. “Fuck, you’re sexy.” I reach up and flick the front clasp of her bra, freeing the best set of tits I’ve ever had the pleasure to touch and taste. Leaning down, I take a pink tortured bud into my mouth and suck it before biting down with force.

“Ah, god.” She whimpers, her nails digging into my shoulders, the painful pleasure spiking my dick harder than I thought possible. I get to my feet and stand at the edge of the bed before grabbing her ankles and pulling her closer to me. Her eyes burn with lust and anticipation, but there is no denying the trepidation in them. “Sit up for a moment, baby.” When she does as I ask, I rid her of my shirt and her bra before coaxing her to her back again. I stare down at her innocent perfection, she looks like a fucking angel – one I’m about to corrupt. I trail my hand between her breasts and down her quivering stomach before cupping her hot, lace covered pussy, feeling her fucking soaked. She moans and arches into my touch. “Do you trust me, Emily?” Her eyes snap open, her pretty gaze holding mine with confidence. “Yes.” It’s the only word I needed to hear. Grasping her hips, I bend down and give her soft, toned tummy a gentle kiss before flipping her to her stomach, she gasps at the sudden movement. I lift her to her knees so her perfect ass is perched for my pleasure… or hers, depending how you want to look at it. I cup her soft, round flesh, loving how perfectly it fills my hands. “I swear, Em, your ass was made for my hands, just like the rest of your body.” She moans and thrusts back greedily. “Ryder, please do something.” I smirk. “What do you want me to do to you, baby, hmm?” When she doesn’t respond, I chuckle, knowing she doesn’t want to ask for it. “This maybe?” I lean down and kiss each side of her round globes. She shakes her head and pushes back, seeking more. “No? Then how about this?” I rip the lace from her body before running two fingers through her wet flesh, tracing lightly over her throbbing clit. A fiery, sound erupts from her. “Ryder, please, you know what I want.” I chuckle. “Yeah, baby, I know, and I love hearing you fucking beg for it.” I bring my fingers from her pussy and suck her arousal off. I groan from her sweet taste then bring my hand down on her ass, delivering a sharp slap. “Ahhh, yes,” she cries and thrusts back eagerly for more. I give her what she wants, bringing my hand down again, a little harder this time, making her scream. I groan, feeling ready to explode from just the sound of her pleasure. I watch her soft flesh turn red and I soothe it with my palm. “Tell me, Em,

tell me how much you like it when I spank this tight ass of yours.” “I love it. I love everything you do to me.” She pants heavily. “That’s because this ass is mine, isn’t that right?” I ask before laying down another hard slap to her tender flesh. “Yes, yours, always.” She whimpers, pushing back for more. I growl and undo my pants, freeing my cock. “That’s right, baby, and one day, I’m going to fuck this ass. I’m going to take you where no one has before. I’m going to invade every inch of this body of yours so you never forget who it belongs to.” I lay down two more smacks, one to each cheek before reaching under and slapping her pussy, right over her clit. “Oh god, Ryder!” As soon as her orgasm hits, I slam inside of her, right into fucking paradise. She screams again at the invasion, her pussy clenching and fluttering around me, griping me like a tight vise. “Ah fuck, you’re perfect, baby.” I swear I’ve never felt anything as good as her. I still and grip her hips firmly. “You still good, Em?” “God, yes, don’t stop.” I let go and fuck her without abandon. I pound into her relentlessly, fucking her harder than I have fucked anyone in my entire life. Her screams and cries fueling me, making me feel like a fucking animal. I lean back and watch my cock plunge in and out of her. “Fuck, your pussy is so greedy for me, baby.” Knowing I’m not going to last long, I change my angle, stroking her sweet spot. “Oh god, oh god, oh god.” I agree and I would tell her so, if my dick weren’t bathed in tight, hot perfection right now. It isn’t long before her inner walls clamp down on me. “Fuck yes!” I growl before falling over the edge with her, coming harder than I ever have before. As soon as I pull out of her she drops down on her stomach. I lean over and kiss her soft, slender back. “Are you good, Em?” I ask worriedly. When she doesn’t respond, my panic escalates. “Em, baby, answer me, are you okay?” “Can you give a girl a minute? I was just screwed within an inch of my life, sorry if I’m having a hard time speaking at the moment,” she mumbles into the blankets.

I smirk, taking her sass as an indication she’s okay. Standing up, I shed myself of my pants then head into her bathroom and start the shower. I walk back to the bed then pick Emily up, cradling her in my arms. “What are you doing?” she mumbles, her eyes closed. “Taking you into the shower, baby.” “No shower, only sleep.” I grin. “Shower first, then sleep.” “I hate it when you’re bossy.” I chuckle and ignore her grumpiness then step into the shower, under the hot spray. I put her down in front of me, keeping my arms locked around her body so she can stay upright. She leans back, slack against me, and considering her eyes are still closed, I decide to wash her. I watch the soap run down her beautiful body, loving every fucking moment of it, and I’m shocked as shit when my cock turns semi hard again. “Don’t even think about it, Jameson.” I chuckle and kiss her wet cheek. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll collect later.” I feel her smile and I finish washing her quickly, but don’t bother with her hair. I need to get her back to bed for both our sakes. Shutting off the water, I drape a towel around my waist then quickly dry her off before wrapping one around her. I carry her back to the bed then lay her down under the covers before climbing in next to her. The same time I reach for her, she’s already moving in to snuggle against me. She places a kiss over my beating heart then lays her cheek against it. I drag my fingers along her back, soaking in her warmth and scent. This is my favorite place to be in the entire world, it was six years ago and it still is. Before I can think better of it, I whisper the words I’ve been terrified to tell her: “I love you, Em.” My heart jackhammers in my chest as I wait for her response. When she doesn’t answer, I rise up slightly to glance at her face and see she’s sound asleep. “You’ve got to be shitting me.” I expel a disbelieving chuckle. I pull her closer and kiss the top of her head. There’s always tomorrow and every day after that, hopefully. With that thought, it isn’t long before I follow her into a peaceful slumber.

Chapter 20 Ryder THE NEXT DAY we’re driving to Rosa’s in comfortable silence. I glance over at Emily in the passenger seat when I feel the weight of her gaze on me. A small smile graces her face as she watches me deep in thought. “Everything okay, baby?” “I like that after all these years I get to see what you look like.” She shrugs. “Or anyone for that matter, but especially you. I used to try so hard to picture what you looked like.” Reaching over, I grab her soft hand in mine and link our fingers together. “Am I how you pictured?” Her expression turns thoughtful. “I think so. It’s hard to say. When I think back to how Cece described you and I look at you now, then yes, you match the description. But even all those years ago it was hard for me to picture you, because I wasn’t sure if what I remembered was accurate. But when I touch you and look at you, then you also look how I pictured.” She shrugs and gives me a sexy smile. “Either way, I knew you were hot, Jameson, and you definitely lived up to it.” “You’re the sexy one, Em,” I respond with a smirk before bringing her hand to my mouth and kissing the inside of her delicate wrist. “Do I look the same as I did back then?” she asks softly. “I haven’t had a chance to look at pictures of myself, and, to be honest, I doubt my parents took many.” “Yeah, baby, you pretty much look the same. You were the most beautiful girl in the world back then and you still are.” She smiles softly at the compliment. “What constitutes as beautiful though, and what doesn’t? I mean, for me, I always saw people for who they were on the inside, I saw… I don’t know, their souls? Take Kyle for example.” My blood instantly heats at the mention of the arrogant prick. “If you saw him from a distance and only judged him on his looks you could

consider him attractive.” I grunt. “I said attractive, Jameson, not sexy.” She chuckles. “But I know him, I know what he looks like on the inside and he’s ugly. The same rule applies to you, except the opposite. Yes, I knew you were physically attractive because of how you were described and what all the girls always said when they talked about you, and yes, you are sexy, but what makes you beautiful is your soul.” Something shifts in my chest at her words, just like it always does when she says shit like this to me. “That’s what I’m saying, Em. That’s what made you better than everyone else. Don’t get me wrong, on looks alone you still exceeded any other girl in that school, but it was your insight, baby, that set you apart from the rest. When I told you, all those years ago, that you saw me far better than anyone else I meant that. Yeah, those bitches thought I was attractive, but they also saw me as trash. You could have believed the rumors about me being dangerous and stayed away, but you didn’t.” I hear her seatbelt unlatch and sense her sit up before she reaches over the seat and wraps her arms around my neck. Her sweet scent penetrates my senses as she kisses along my jaw, bringing her mouth to my ear. “I never saw you as trash, Ryder. I saw you as a boy who fought against the world because the odds were stacked against him. And for someone who was supposed to be dangerous, you are the only person I’ve ever felt safe with. You stepped in to save me that day when you could have kept walking. A lot of people would have, they wouldn’t have wanted to take the chance of getting reprimanded by Kyle or his father. But you didn’t care – you helped me. No matter what anyone said, I knew you, and I knew the boy I fell in love with. I also knew the man you would become. A man of integrity.” I pull into Rosa’s driveway at the last of her words. Putting the vehicle in park, I haul her over the console to straddle me then frame her face and take her mouth in a hot, fucking kiss. I inhale her sweetness and let it flow through my veins, allowing it to wash away all the taint of where I come from. It was always like that with her. When we were together all those years ago it was easy to forget the reasons of why we weren’t right for each other. With Em and me it was always nothing but the best, and it still is. I pull back a long moment later and rest my forehead on hers. I stare into her innocent, ice blue eyes that I hope to stare into for the rest of my life and get the urge to tell her I love her. But since we are sitting in Rosa’s

driveway, and I don’t have time to follow up my words by showing her, I decide against it. Instead I say: “The best thing that ever happened to me was the day I walked into Mr. Wesson’s trigonometry class and got to sit behind the most beautiful girl in the world. One who had every reason to stay away from me but instead became the only girl to ever matter to me.” She gives me a sweet smile then catches me off guard and attacks my mouth; I chuckle but then release a tortured groan and force myself to pull away. “Let’s get inside, baby, so I can get you home and naked soon.” I open the door to help her out first and get a peek at the sexy, purple lace panties under her white sundress as she crawls out. Memories come flooding back of me getting to spank that tight ass of hers last night. Yeah, we need to get this meeting over with fast. Just as I exit the car my cell phone rings. I look at the number to see it’s Nick. “Go on in, baby, I’ll be right there.” “Okay, but, Jameson?” I look at her when she addresses me. She steps closer then grabs my shirt and pulls me down for a kiss. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me too, and when we get home I hope you spank me again.” My dick jerks in my pants and before I even have a chance to respond she sashays her sweet ass across the lawn and into the house. I blow out a breath and pull myself together before answering. “Jameson,” I croak, my voice sounding husky even to my own ears. “Hey, any word from the housekeeper yet?” “No, we just got here and…” I trail off as an agonized scream rips from the house. My heart instantly stops and my blood turns to ice when I register it’s Emily’s. I hang up, not bothering to say bye, and pull my weapon before rushing into the house. “Emily?” I shout and train my gun around the still house, searching for any kind of threat. My panic escalates when she doesn’t respond. I follow the sound of her tortured cries and I end up finding her in the master bedroom. Oh fuck! The sight I’m met with will forever be ingrained in my head. Emily on her knees, covered in blood as she holds a lifeless Rosa in her arms. “Ryder, hurry, come here and help her, you need to help her. I don’t know what to do.” She sobs, her hands covering Rosa’s bloody chest as she cradles her in her arms. Even from here I can see she’s dead, her eyes open and lifeless. “Hurry!” she screams again. “Why aren’t you doing anything?”

I walk over and kneel down beside her. “Em, baby,” I whisper, finding it difficult to talk past the excruciating burn in my throat, the sound of her pain hitting me like a physical blow to the chest. “It’s okay, Rosa, just hang on, Ryder’s going to help you.” She sobs, kissing her forehead. I’m not sure if she really doesn’t know she’s dead or she just doesn’t want to believe it. “Em, I’m sorry but it’s too late. We…” “No, it’s not!” she screams, grabbing my shirt in desperation. “You help her now! You bring her back right fucking now!” She loses her breath from her uncontrollable sobs and starts hitting me in the chest. I grab her wrists to restrain her blows.” Listen to me, goddammit!” I shout, trying to break through her grief. “It’s too late, baby. I’m so fucking sorry, but she’s gone, Em. We can’t do anything to help her.” “Nooooo!” Her hands cover her ears as she screams the most agonized screams I’ve ever heard in my life. I lock my arms around her and pull her against me, the sound of her anguish completely shattering me. Her screams are ones I will hear for the rest of my life.

Emily I SIT AT the bottom of the shower, trying to feel the hot water pounding down on me but can’t. I can’t feel anything but the excruciating pain in my chest. I scrub my hands mercilessly, trying to get the blood off of them, and sob when I think about how it got there. “Em?” I hear Ryder’s voice distantly as he enters the bathroom and kneels beside the tub. “Shit, stop.” He grabs my wrists to stop my insistent scrubbing. “I need to get the blood off,” I explain with a choked whisper. “It’s gone, baby, you’re rubbing them raw.” I stare down at them, not being able to see through my burning, watery eyes. Ryder reaches over and shuts off the shower. I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around myself, desperately trying to get warm but can’t. But he pulls them apart before I register him wrapping a towel around my body. Lifting me, he carries me to bed then lies down next to me,

pulling me back snug against his chest. His arms hold me close but I don’t feel their warmth. I feel nothing, I feel dead inside. “Tell me what to do, Em. Tell me how to make it better, it’s fucking killing me to see you like this.” “Bring her back,” I whisper achingly, knowing I’m asking the impossible. I hear him blow out a gruff breath. “If I could trade places with her, baby, I would.” Silent tears pour down my face as I think about him being where Rosa is. “I just want you to be okay, tell me you’re going to be okay, Emily?” I don’t respond because I can’t. I don’t think I’m going to ever be okay again, not without Rosa, not without the only person who ever loved me.

Ryder A FEW NIGHTS later, I awaken from the sound of soft sobs, but am confused as to why I have a raging hard-on. I open my eyes to find Emily on top of me, straddling my hips. Tears stream down her cheeks, her face twisted in grief and despair. “I need you,” she sobs. “I need you to make me feel something other than this excruciating pain.” She clutches at her chest showing me where it hurts before shedding herself of my shirt, baring me to the most beautiful, but heartbreaking sight of my life. I jump into action and flip her over, coming over top of her. I kiss her sweet lips that tremble with agony and taste her tears. Sweeping my tongue in, I try to inhale all of her pain and make it only my own, wanting her to stop hurting so bad. “Ryder, please,” she pleads with a cry, pushing at my underwear. I pull them down just enough to free my cock then run my fingers through her wet heat, testing her readiness. When I find her ready, I line my cock up and plunge inside of her. She gasps and her fingernails bite into my shoulders. I keep my strokes slow and deliberate. “Faster,” she chokes out, trying to speed up my rhythm. I grind my teeth in restraint and shake my head. “No, baby, just like this.” For days I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to help her in some way. No matter how hard I tried she wouldn’t let me in, and now that she is

I don’t want to fuck this up. I don’t want just her body. I want her; I want my girl back. She stares up at me with the saddest fucking eyes I’ve ever seen. “It hurts so bad,” she says with a sob, her words slicing through me like a hot blade. “I know, baby. I’m sorry. So fucking sorry, Em,” I whisper, then kiss her wet cheeks, wanting to erase her tears. I move down past her collarbone and press my lips over her heart, feeling it tremble with her grief. She weaves her fingers in my hair with desperation, holding me to her. “She was all I had,” she chokes out, “she was the only person who’s ever loved me.” I still and my head snaps up. “That’s not true,” I grind out heatedly. “You have me, Emily. I love you. I loved you six years ago and I still do, I never stopped.” I rest my forehead on hers and soften my tone. “Are you listening to me? You have me, always and forever, you have me. I fucking love you more than anything in my entire life and I always will, Em.” She stares back at me and, for the first time since Rosa’s death, I feel like she’s finally seeing me again. She says nothing but drops her hands from my hair to my face, her delicate fingers exploring. “I’m going to help you, Emily. I’m going to get you through this. Will you trust me to help you?” She nods, her expression still sad but it’s a start. I encircle her wrist and press a kiss to the palm of her hand before pinning it over her head and entwining our fingers. “Feel me, baby. Feel how much I love you.” I start thrusting into her tight heat with steady strokes. She moans and arches against me. “I do, but I need more, Ryder, I want…” She gasps as I flip us over and reverse our positions, my cock seated deep inside of her as she straddles me. “Take what you need you, Emily. Show me what you want, baby.” She licks her lips and braces her hands on my abs. As hard as it is for me, I stay still, letting her take the lead. At first her movements are slow and unsure so I grab her hip to help guide her. Soon she finds her own rhythm, and fuck me is she a sight to behold. Her tousled hair tumbles down her shoulders, framing her perfect tits. Her expression is soft and sweet; her exotic ice blue eyes are now lit more with desire than pain. Her

flawless, golden skin glows from the sweat our bodies are creating. She looks like a motherfucking angel, my angel. Reaching up, I palm the heavy weight of her breasts, tugging and tweaking her pretty, pink nipples. With a moan, her hands cover my own and she increases her pace. “That’s it, baby, fuck me.” I jerk my hips up into her and feel her pussy flutter around me. Her head falls back on a whimper. “God, Ryder, you’re so deep like this. I feel you everywhere and it feels so good.” Jesus, she is going to kill me. I’m so close to the fucking edge already. I’ve fucking needed to feel her like this for days, needed to know she was going to be okay. I slip my hands out from under hers, and place hers where mine just were. “Touch yourself, Em, show me what you like.” She stills and bites her bottom lip. Sensing her shyness, I help her start, making her knead the soft flesh. Her hips pick up pace again, and when I feel her let go of her inhibition I remove my hands and watch while she abandons herself to her touch. “That’s it, baby, fuck that’s sexy.” I grab one of her hips now in a firm grip while I take my other hand and slide my knuckle through her wet slit. The same time I find her swollen nub, I slam up inside of her. “Oh god, that feels so good.” She whimpers. “Don’t stop, Ryder, please, fuck me.” With a growl that’s exactly what I do. Keeping my grip firm on her hip, I pound up inside of her while continuing to circle her clit. Her cries sound around us and I feel the nub get firmer with ever stroke of my finger and every hard thrust of my cock. “Oh god, I’m going to come.” “Give it to me, Em, come all over my cock.” As soon as the words leave my mouth that’s exactly what she does. I feel her pussy clamp down on me as she throws her head back in ecstasy. “Fuck, yes!” I keep my pace, fucking her through her pleasure, until her tight, wet heat triggers my own release. Fire spreads through my body moments before I still and come inside her hot depths. She drops down on top of me and buries her face in my neck, her body limp and sated. Once we finally catch our breath, I roll her under me and pull out of her.

I go to get up but she wraps her arms tightly around me and turns her face in my neck. “Don’t leave me.” My chest constricts at the soft plea and I bury my face in her sweetsmelling hair. “Never, baby. I’m just going to get something. I’ll be right back.” I kiss the side of her head then head to the bathroom. I wet a cloth with hot water then ring it out before walking back to Emily. The sheet is partly draped over her now as she stares up at the ceiling. She acknowledges my presence by looking up at me, and although her eyes are still sad I can see her in them. Sitting next to her on the bed, I pull the sheet off her body then open her legs. She watches me as I clean her with the hot cloth, her expression soft but a little unsure. I lean down and press a kiss to her smooth stomach, and she threads her fingers in my hair, holding me to her. “I’m sorry I’m so sad. I’m sorry I’m hurting you,” she whispers through the dark and silent room. I look up to see her staring at the ceiling again. I quickly finish cleaning her then throw the rag in the hamper across the room before lying down beside her. I arrange her so she’s facing me then pull her in close. “You don’t have to be sorry for being sad, Em. I know you’re hurting, baby. Your pain hurts me, but you aren’t.” “I just can’t believe she’s gone and that I’m never going to see her again.” The last of her words trail off on a sob, her expression twisting with grief. I hold her closer, wishing more than anything I could take her pain away. “Other than Summer she’s the only true family I’ve ever had. How am I supposed to live without her, Ryder?” I swallow thickly, feeling like someone just punched me in the fucking throat. “You live for me because I need you. I know it hurts right now, but I swear, Em, I will help you through this.” “It kills me to know my father did this to her. How could he just kill her like that, and what the hell happened? What went wrong?” “I don’t know, but I fucking promise you I’m going to find out and I’ll make sure that every single fucking person who had a hand in her death pays.” She looks up at me. “I’ve decided to do the hypnotherapy. I’m going to call Doctor Ross tomorrow and get in as soon as possible.” “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Em. You have been through a lot the last little while, I’m worried it will be too much for you, and…”

“No more waiting, Ryder. I need to do this. For myself, for Rosa. I know you and Nick have been putting plans in place for the charity dinner, but if I can remember what happened all those years ago we might have more to go off.” I inhale a deep breath, panic threatening to choke me as I think about something happening to her over this. “Please tell me you’re with me,” she whispers. I lean down and kiss her head. “Yeah, baby, I’m with you. I’m always with you, whatever you decide I’ll be there.” She gives me a sad smile but it’s the first smile I’ve seen on her since Rosa. She reaches up and lays her hand on the side of my face. “I love you too, Ryder. I never stopped.” Even though I figured she did, it still feels fucking good to hear her say it, she’s the only person who’s ever said those words to me. I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead. “Me too, Em. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. We’ll get through this.” And I meant what I said. I’m going to find out what happened to Rosa, and I’m going to make every fucking person pay.

Chapter 21 Ryder A FEW

later we’re standing in Doctor Hughes’ therapy clinic, a therapist who Doctor Ross referred Emily to for her hypnotherapy session. The place is empty and quiet like we requested. Other than the doctor and Emily, the only other people who are here is Nick and myself. I had asked Emily if it was okay for Nick to come because I needed a second set of ears for anything regarding our case. My head is too goddamn messed up from worrying about her through all of this to focus on much else. And considering the information could be extremely critical to our investigation, I had to make sure someone had a clear head for it. “Hello, Miss Michaels, it’s nice to finally meet you in person.” Doctor Hughes greets Emily with a smile and a handshake. She smiles back but it’s forced. Even though she’s been trying to hide it I can tell she’s scared, and I’m not going to deny the fact that I am too. Probably even more than she is. “It’s nice to meet you too, Doctor Hughes, and please, call me Emily.” He nods. “All right, Emily it is.” Em gestures toward me. “This is my boyfriend, Ryder, who I told you about.” He takes my hand in a firm handshake. “Ah yes, also known as Special Agent Jameson who answered the phone the other day, and told me he will kick my ass if anything goes wrong,” he says with a smirk, not seeming all that pissed about my threat. Too bad Emily isn’t as understanding about it. “Yes, that would be him. Again, sorry about that.” Her face turns furiously red as she glares at me. He chuckles. “It’s fine, I’ve had worse said to me, believe it or not. But like I said, I promise to use all caution, and after reviewing your history I feel confident everything will be just fine.” Yeah, well, he isn’t fucking promising it either, and I don’t like that. DAYS

“Yes, I’m sure it will be too,” she adds then gestures to Nick. “This is Special Agent Nick Stone. He will be the other FBI Agent listening in.” The doctor shakes his hand. “Well, you’re a pretty big guy too.” “Don’t worry, Doctor, I don’t plan on doing any bodily harm. I’m just here to listen.” “Good to know,” he grins then points to one of the rooms. “That is where you both will watch and listen in. The room has a two-way mirror and audio.” No fucking way. “And Emily will…” “I don’t think so, Doctor.” I cut him off. “I go where she goes.” He clears his throat cautiously. “I understand you want to be with her, Special Agent Jameson, but it’s best that Emily is by herself in the room with me. It doesn’t…” “I said no!” Emily puts her hand on my arm. “If he says this is best then he knows better than we do.” “We’ll be in the room right next door, and you will be able to see and hear everything. I promise,” he adds, trying to reassure me, but it doesn’t. Not at all. “I’ll be okay, Ryder.” I look down at Emily’s soft expression, my chest constricting with panic at the thought of anything happening to her. I step closer and frame her face. “If at anytime you want to stop, or you change your mind, just say the word and we’re out of here.” “I will.” She turns her face and kisses the palm of my hand. “I love you. Everything will be fine, I promise,” I tell her, sounding a lot more confident than I feel. She nods and gives me a shaky smile. “I know. I love you too.” I reluctantly step back and let her go. The doctor shows Nick and me into our room before taking Emily to his. He gestures to the two-way mirror, showing her where we are. She smiles and blows me a kiss. “That was for me you know,” Stone says with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood. I grunt, as I watch Em lay down on the couch while the doctor takes the chair next to her. My heart starts pounding like a fucking drum. “I don’t like

this. Not one fucking bit.” Nick claps me on the back. “She’ll be all right, man. We’ll make sure of it.” She better fucking be… “How’s she been doing since the funeral?” I shrug. “As good as she can be. She still fucking cries every night, but since her old man tried pulling the sympathy card, and paid for Rosa’s funeral, she’s more angry now than anything. I still feel like shit over the whole thing. She lost her life trying to help our investigation.” Nick nods. “I know, but it was our best chance. You told her not to get the key if it wasn’t safe to do so, and who the fuck knows what actually happened. Maybe it never even had to do with the key.” I’ve wondered that too, but the chance that she got busted trying to get that key is the most likely scenario. “Either way, I’m going to make that son of a bitch pay for it.” He goes silent and I know what he’s going to say before he even says it. “Listen, Jameson, promise me you’re going to do this clean. It’s obvious you have a past with this guy, and I don’t blame you for wanting to cause him some serious harm. I hate him myself, but we do this the right way.” As bad as I want to extract some serious revenge on the guy, I wouldn’t cross that line. I took an oath and I won’t break it, especially not for a piece of shit like him. “Don’t worry, I’m good. I won’t be crossing any lines.” Unless it comes down to Emily’s safety, because her life goes before anyone’s, including mine. But I keep that to myself. He nods. “Everything is in place for the dinner tomorrow; Crowley and Higgins should be arriving tonight. Let’s fucking pray all this shit will come to an end and we bust the fucker.” Oh we will, because there is no other option. I refuse to fail. Our talk ceases when the doctor dims the light to start the session. “Are you comfortable, Emily?” “Yes.” “Good. I’m going to put you in a more relaxed state now. Remember there is nothing to fear, although you’ll be in a deep part of your subconscious you will hear my voice and you will be able to communicate back with me the entire time. Do you understand?” She nods. “Good. I want you to look up at the ceiling and focus on the red dot up there. Now take a really deep breath through your nose then hold it… and exhale slowly through your mouth. Great, and again, another deep breath… Now I want

you to focus more intently on that light and I’m going to count back from ten. When I get to one your eyes will close and you will be in a deep part of your subconscious. Ten… Nine… Eight.” The doctor does something on his computer as she continues to stare at the ceiling. “The area around the red dot is starting to blur. Seven… Six… Your body is feeling weightless and your eyes tired.” “Jesus, this is making me fucking tired,” Stone mumbles and looks away for a minute. I agree, the guy’s voice alone could put anyone to sleep, but I refuse to take my eyes off Emily. “Three.” By this time Em’s eyes start to flicker heavily. “Two… One.” They close. “Can you hear me, Emily?” “Yes,” she whispers, not really sounding all there, which just freaks me out. I took psychology courses in college knowing it would help my chances of getting in to the FBI. The mind is a fucked up thing and incredibly powerful. I remember when I first started I had attempted to research some of Emily’s condition but didn’t find much information on it. At least not anything she hadn’t already told me. “I want you to go back to the night you lost your sight. Do you remember it?” “Yes.” “Good. What is the first memory you have of this night? You said your parents are hosting a charity function at your house. Are you in attendance?” “No. I’m with my nanny, Isa, she just put me to bed and walked out.” “Do you fall asleep?” “No, I can’t because I can hear my parent’s party downstairs and it’s too loud.” “Okay, so what do you do?” “I sneak out of my bedroom window to go to the wishing well.” “Wishing well?” I watch a small smile grace her face. “Yes. It’s in the woods by my house. I love going there and I go a lot when I can’t sleep.” “Why do you have a hard time sleeping?” Her brow furrows in concentration. “I don’t know.” “Okay, that’s all right. Are you walking to the well now?” “Yes.”

“How is the weather? Is it cold or…” “No, it’s warm. I’m only in my white nightgown and slippers, but I’m not cold.” “What do you see on the way to the well?” “Flowers from our beautiful garden that Manuel takes care of. I even pick one to bring with me.” “That’s nice. What color is it?” “White. I don’t know the kind, but it’s…” She trails off with a gasp, her entire body tensing. “Emily, is everything okay?” “No. Someone is screaming,” she replies shakily, fear evident in her voice. I sense Nick glance at me but I don’t take my eyes off Em. “Do you know who it is?” She shakes her head. “Is it a man or a woman?” “A woman,” she whispers, her body now trembling. “Can you hear any other voices?” “A few men, but I don’t know who. One sounds like my father.” “What are they saying?” “I don’t know. I can’t hear them, it’s muffled and I’m too far away.” “Emily, I want you to follow the voices. I want you to go where you did that night.” “No, I don’t want to. I’m too scared.” My chest pulls tight at the panic in her voice. “It’s all right. Nothing can happen to you. You are safe. These are only your memories, they can’t hurt you. Take a deep breath.” She does, but when she exhales it’s shaky. “Good job. Now be brave and follow the voices. I promise nothing will hurt you… Are you walking?” “Yes,” she chokes out. “Are the voices leading you to the well?” “No, in the opposite direction. I’m in the woods now, far from the house.” A whimper escapes her. “Her screams are getting louder. She’s begging for help.” “Keep going, Emily, you’re doing good. What…” She gasps. “I can see them.” “Who?”

“My father, Mr. Prescott, and… I can’t see the third guy clearly. I can’t tell who it is.” “Can they see you?” “No, I’m hiding behind a tree.” “What are they doing?” A small sob falls escapes her lips. “They’re hurting a lady. Mr. Prescott is holding her down on her knees while my father hits her.” “Do you recognize the woman?” “Yes, she was at the party but I don’t know who she is. She was really kind to me… Oh god, they’re hurting her really bad.” She cries. “I want to help her, I want to tell my father to stop but I’m scared. So scared that I can’t move.” “Can you hear what they’re saying to her?” “She’s telling them to let her go. She says that she has proof at work and people know where she is.” “Holy fuck!” Nick says, realizing who the lady is at the exact moment that I do. “The fucking social worker.” I nod at the possibility. The timeline matches up. “My father laughs at her and breaks something. A camera I think…. Oh no, the man has a gun!” “Who, Emily, who has a gun?” “The man I can’t see clearly. He’s pointing it at her… No stop! Please don’t hurt her,” she screams and flinches, her entire body jolting. “Oh god, they just shot her.” She sobs. “And they see me now. They’re going to kill me…” I watch her start to go into hysterics, her body thrashing. I slam on the glass and shout at the doctor to pull her out, but he ignores me. “Emily, it’s okay, you need to keep calm.” Her head thrashes back and forth. “No, they’re after me, help me please… Ahhhh!” Panic grips me as her scream fills the air, her body shakes uncontrollably and her back spasms off the couch. “Fuck!” I charge out of the room and try to get into hers but it’s locked. “Motherfucker!” I kick it in and see Emily on the floor, looking like she’s having some sort of fucking seizure. The doctor is next to her trying to calm her down, but it isn’t doing a damn bit of good. With my heart in my throat, I race over and wrap her in my arms, trying to hold her still. “Bring her the

fuck out now!” I yell, deciding if he doesn’t follow the order in the next two seconds I will pull my fucking gun on him. He nods vehemently. “Emily, I want you to listen to me. Focus on my voice. I’m going to count back, again from ten, when I reach one you will wake up and remember everything. Ten… Nine…” She continues to scream and thrash. I hold her tight and bring my mouth in her ear. “I’m here, Em. It’s okay, baby, don’t be scared. I’m here.” Her body stills immediately and the doctor nods his head at me to continue talking to her as he counts down. “I got you, Em. Nothing’s going to hurt you.” “One.” As the doctor speaks the last number Emily’s eyes snap open, and she gasps, inhaling a huge breath. I continue to rock her and hold her tight, her body still trembling. She pushes away and stands to her feet with her hands out in front of her as she looks around the room, trying to get her bearings. I stand and approach her slowly. “Em, it’s okay. You’re in the doctor’s office.” At the sound of my voice, her wet, emotional eyes finally focus on me. “Ryder?” “Yeah, baby, it’s me. It’s okay.” “Oh god,” she croaks out, her voice hoarse from her screams. “They killed her.” She sobs. “That man shot her in the head. I tried to stop them but I couldn’t.” I reach out and pull her against me. “They saw me, Ryder. They ran after me. The man with the gun grabbed me.” My chest pulls tight at the fear in her voice. “It’s okay, baby. Everything is okay now. No one is going to hurt you.” “Do you know who it was? The man with the gun?” Nick asks a few moments later. She shakes her head. “No, for some reason I couldn’t see his face. I could see everyone else’s but his. Even when he was facing me, I still couldn’t see him.” “Your mind wouldn’t you let you see him.” The doctor speaks up now for the first time, and my blood boils hot with rage. Before I can stop myself, I step back from Emily then, quickly grab the prick by his shirt and get into his face. “I told you to pull her the fuck out!

Why didn’t you do it? What’s wrong with you? You knew how fucking critical this could be for her!” I feel Nick grab at me but I don’t let go. He sputters in fear. “I’m sorry. I was trying to get the other name for you.” “She comes before that shit and I fucking told you that. You locked the fucking door on me, you son of a bitch!” “That’s enough, Jameson, back off now, you’ve made your point.” I let Nick pull me back but not before I shove the asshole. I look back at Emily to see her arms wrapped around herself, looking scared and alone, still trying to breathe through her sobs. “Ryder, I want to leave. I just want to go home.” I rush back over to her and don’t think twice about picking her up. “We’re out of here, baby.” She wraps her arms tightly around me and buries her face in my neck. I look back at the doctor and try to push my anger aside. “Is it safe to take her?” He nods shakily. “Yes, but I have something I can prescribe to help make her more relaxed so she can sleep tonight.” He walks around his desk then writes something down before handing me a prescription. I take it because I have a feeling she’s going to need it. “I’m sorry, Emily, I hope you sleep well.” He sounds sincere, but I still want to punch the prick in the face, especially for locking me out. Em turns her face to address him. ‘It’s all right; it’s not your fault. Thank you, Doctor, for helping me.” Nick nods at me. “Go ahead. I’ll take care of the rest here.” “Thanks.” I walk out with Emily in my arms. She turns her face back into my neck and I feel her body tremble with her tears. “Everything’s going to be okay, Em. I promise.”

Chapter 22 Emily THE NEXT NIGHT I stand in front of my floor length mirror and stare back at my reflection, seeing myself in a whole new way. The gold, silk evening gown falls nicely down my body, hugging me in the right places but flows loosely in others. The thin spaghetti straps show off my slender shoulders and the front dips low enough to show minor cleavage while keeping it classy. The back is my favorite part though; it’s completely open, leaving me bare until the soft material molds just above my backside. My hair is swept to the side with a big, sparkly, rose gold barrette clipped in the midst of loose curls. My eye make up is smoky and intense with matching rose gold shimmering shadow. It makes my ice blue eyes look almost like glass. My lips are moist and shiny with soft pink gloss. Cece most certainly did her magic on me. Even though I can put my own make up on, and do my hair, I could not do it to the extent that I needed it for tonight, so, again, she rescued me. I wish she was coming, but then I figured it’s probably a good thing she isn’t. I feel horrible that I’ve been avoiding her. She knows I’m heartbroken over Rosa, and thankfully she thinks that’s why I’ve kept my distance. When, in fact, it’s hard for me to be around her and keep this horrendous secret, especially knowing her father is involved. She’s going to be devastated when this all comes out, and I pray she forgives me for not telling her. As scared as I am for this to come out, I hope Ryder and Nick are successful in bringing it all down tonight. I don’t know how much longer I can go on with this farce. To be around my parents and pretend I don’t know what my father has done, especially to Rosa, is killing me. The way he stood at her funeral and watched her be lowered in the ground while acting like the grieving boss – I don’t think I’ve ever hated him more than I did in that moment.

Ryder enters the room, breaking me from my thoughts. “Hey, baby, can…” He stops short and sucks in a sharp breath when he sees me. His eyes widen and storm with something powerful as they sweep down my body. “Jesus, you look fucking incredible.” “Thank you,” I reply softly and feel my cheeks heat. “You look pretty good yourself, Jameson. You clean up nice.” I tease with a small smile. I would have never pictured seeing Ryder in a suit, but lord does he fill it out nicely. I mean, exceptionally nice. Although, I don’t think there is anything that he wouldn’t look amazing in. He smirks and takes a seat on the edge of my bed. “Yeah, well, since I have to try and pull off the part of not being a piece of trash from the wrong side of the tracks, I figured this would help.” Although he says this jokingly, my heart pinches at his words. I walk closer to him and he opens his legs before pulling me in between them. His hands hold the back of my thighs while mine frame his face. “You’re not trash and you never have been. You have more class and integrity than anyone else who will be there tonight. And I’m proud to have you there with me.” Leaning down, I press a kiss to his forehead and feel him release a deep breath before burying his face in my stomach. “I don’t fucking like this, Em. I don’t want you anywhere near that fucking house or those people.” I wrap my arms around his neck and thread my fingers through the back of his hair as I hold him close against me. I know all of this has been hard on him too. It’s been killing him to see me so upset, and for me to be involved in it. I also know he harbors guilt over Rosa, no matter how many times I tell him it’s not his fault. The only person who is to blame is my father. “I know, but it’ll be okay, and hopefully everything works out tonight and I will never have to be near them again.” He hugs me closer. “Never, Em. I swear to God, no matter what happens after tonight, this is the last time I will let you near them.” He looks up at me. “I want you to promise me you will stay in the midst of the party. That you won’t go anywhere alone.” I nod, my stomach twisting with nerves over this whole mess, but I don’t want him to worry even more so I try to hide it as best as I can. “I promise.”

He reaches in his pocket and pulls something out that I don’t recognize. “This is an audio device. You, Nick and I are going to be linked together the entire time. We will all hear each other and be able to communicate, but this is only used for you if you need help. Otherwise, try to pretend it’s not even there.” He hands me this tiny looking wire that has a small mic attached to it. “Clip this inside your dress to your bra.” I take it from him. “But I’m not wearing a bra.” He stiffens and stares at me for a shocked moment before his gaze drops to my chest and he lets out a tortured groan. “Are you fucking kidding me right now, Em? Why the fuck would you tell me that? How am I supposed to concentrate?” “You told me to clip it to my bra, so I told you the truth. What else am I supposed to say?” “Fucking lie to me and just clip it to the inside of your dress then.” I bust out laughing, but he finds nothing funny about it. Rolling my eyes, I reach inside and clip the tiny wire to the material. “Make sure the mic is facing your mouth.” My eyes snap to his at hearing how gruff his voice is. His gaze is afire, holding promise, and it ignites a small burn low in my tummy. I welcome the feeling, the one he always brings me because it feels a hell of a lot better than the heartache that has consumed me since Rosa’s death, or the fear from remembering everything last night… Don’t go there, Emily. Ryder stands and comes to my right side before adding something in my ear. It’s so tiny I can barely feel it. “Won’t someone see this?” “No.” I falter when I hear him through the wire. “No one will see or hear anything, no matter how close they are. This isn’t your regular run-ofthe-mill wire, baby. This is high tech shit for the big boys,” he adds with an arrogant wink. “That’s pretty cool,” I muse with a smile. “I think you’re fucking cool.” I giggle but he cuts it off with a delicious kiss. I moan into his mouth, desperately wanting to get lost in him, because when I’m with him like this nothing hurts. “Do you guys mind getting a move on?” I gasp and pull away at the sound of Nick’s voice. Ryder grunts. “I guess that means you’re linked in?”

“Sure am. Hey, Emily.” “Hi, Nick,” I reply, feeling embarrassed he just heard us kissing. “Just pretend the asshole isn’t here,” Ryder says. “Yup, you pretend I’m not here and I’ll pretend I didn’t hear you say you weren’t wearing a bra.” My face turns furiously red and a warning growl erupts from Ryder’s chest. “Fucking watch it, Stone.” Nick chuckles, not in the least put off by Ryder’s warning. Shaking his head, Ryder steps closer and frames my face. “You ready, baby?” I inhale a deep breath. “I think so.” He leans in and kisses my forehead. “Everything will be okay.” “Don’t worry, Emily. We got your back.” I smile at Nick’s assurance. “Thank you.” Reaching over, I grab my purse off the bed then as I turn to walk out I hear Ryder suck in a sharp breath. “What the fuck?” I spin around to see his eyes bugged out of his head. “What?” “Where the fuck is the back of your dress?” “What do you mean? It’s backless.” “I can fucking see that, and so will everyone else. I can’t concentrate knowing guys are going to be staring at my half-naked woman.” I roll my eyes. “I’m not half-naked. My back is naked…” “Okay, now I want to see this dress,” Nick chimes in, amused. “Shut up, Stone.” Ryder growls which makes Nick chuckle again. Shaking my head, I walk up to him, grab him by the lapels of his suit then pull him down to my mouth and lay one hell of a kiss on him. I forget all about Nick listening in and show him exactly who my heart belongs to. I pull back a moment later and stare up into his heated gaze. “I love you, Jameson, even when you’re acting like an idiot. Now stop being ridiculous and let’s go.” Grabbing his hand, I start out of the room and ignore his tortured groan at seeing my back again. More than anything I wish we could stay here and get wrapped up in our own world, and skip what I know will be a night that will change my life forever. *

I WAS BOMBARDED the moment we walked in. Everyone under the sun has been telling me how happy they are that I’ve regained my sight, and they all want to know how I’ve been adjusting to the change. I’ve had to piece together faces with voices for people I have known since I was a little girl and it’s incredibly overwhelming. I should have expected it, and even prepared myself for it, but I make sure to paste a smile on my face and answer as best as possible. On top of it all, I’m having a hard time playing the charade of happy family with my parents. My mother seems intoxicated already, which is a little earlier than usual for her, but I figure that has to do with Ryder being here with me tonight. She hasn’t hidden the fact that she’s furious about it. While she was placing fake kisses on my cheek she was whispering in my ear, telling me I’m nothing but an embarrassment. Thankfully, she shut up after the look Ryder shot her. Only because I know she didn’t want him to cause a scene and ruin her perfect image. My father has been more distant than usual, which is fine by me. It makes my skin crawl to even be in the same room with him. Ryder has stayed close, keeping his hand on me at all times, his touch bringing a small measure of comfort. During introductions I made certain everyone was aware of who he is to me, much to my parent’s dismay. Most people didn’t bat an eye because they don’t know him, but the few who do didn’t bother to hide their dirty looks. I wanted to throw my drink at them for it, but Ryder just smirked, seeming happy to piss them off. I also haven’t missed the majority of the women here eyeing him, or smiling at him in a way that has jealousy burning inside of me. Ryder is completely oblivious to it all, his eyes have been trained around the party, constantly searching and watching. Leaning down, he kisses my cheek. “What time do the girls usually show?” I look around, finding it odd they aren’t here yet, considering dinner is soon. I wait until my father finishes speaking to a colleague and ask him. “Where are the girls from Serenity Hills?” He clears his throat. “There has been a change of plans and they won’t be coming tonight after all. But the director, Ms. Pike, will still be here on the facilities’ behalf.”

My heart plummets and I feel Ryder tense next to me while Nick curses in my ear. “That’s too bad, I was looking forward to seeing them.” Knowing we need a little privacy, I excuse us and lead Ryder over to the far corner of the room, pretending to show him some paintings. “Great, now what the fuck are we going to do?” Nick snaps. “Something doesn’t feel right,” Ryder mumbles. “Why, all of a sudden, are they not doing it?” “Who the fuck knows, all that matters is they aren’t, which means we need to come up with another plan.” “I could search for the key in my father’s office then you could at least have that?” I offer. “No!” they both snap at the same time. “I don’t want you leaving this party. I’ll sneak out at some point and look for it. I just need you to tell me where his office is.” I think it’s silly Ryder would go when I already know where it is, but I know there’s no sense in arguing about it. So I give him directions and hope I’m explaining it right, since the only sense of direction I have is from when I was blind. “Just be careful, please,” I tell him, terrified at the thought of something happening to him like Rosa. He pulls me against him. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll be fine. I’ll sneak out when the time is right.” Nick chimes in: “If you can get it to me right afterward, Higgins, Crowley and I can search the property while you keep eyes on everyone in there.” I’m assuming Higgins and Crowley are the other FBI Agents they called in to be on standby with Nick. “That works, if I can get outside to you unnoticed.” “You can go through the side door that leads to the garden,” I suggest. “I don’t think there is a camera there.” “There is one off to the right. We’ll disarm it before then,” Nick says, obviously familiar with my father’s security system. “All right,” Ryder agrees, but seems distracted as he stares at something over my shoulder. “My attention keeps getting drawn to Kensington, he’s been looking nervous as hell since I got here, and now he seems to be in an argument with Prescott Senior.”

I turn and find him next to the bar. Ryder’s right, he seems to be in a heated argument with Kyle’s father. For the second time tonight I’m glad Cece wasn’t able to come, because, if something goes down, I would hate for her to have to witness her father being put in handcuffs. Although I know she’s going to be crushed either way. After a little more talk of their plan, we take our assigned seats, which is unfortunately at the same table as my parents. Although I knew we would be – image is everything. To say dinner is awkward is a major understatement. If my father and Ryder aren’t glaring off with one another then it’s Ryder and Kyle. I was hopeful he wasn’t coming, since I hadn’t seen him when we first arrived, but no such luck. Thankfully his table is away from ours, but it doesn’t stop him from staring at Ryder and me. His gaze holds so much hatred I can feel it without even having to look at him. I pull Ryder’s attention back to me by kissing him, hoping it will also make Kyle stop watching us, but all it does is piss my mother off. She leans in with a fake smile. “Do you mind not acting like a whore?” I feel Ryder tense and I quickly put my hand on his leg, hoping to stop him from reacting. “Please don’t,” I whisper, knowing it’s what my mother wants. “What a bitch.” I hear Nick mumble in my ear, which has me feeling embarrassed that he knows how horrible she is to me. Ryder grinds his teeth with restraint and I feel his body vibrate with fury, but he thankfully holds back. It makes my mother thrilled to know she got to him. So she continues with her usual insults to me. Telling me to watch how much I’m eating because I can’t afford to gain weight. She also remarks how unflattering my dress is on me because it’s a style that suits only pretty, slender girls. Of course I know what she says is untrue. I’m a size six, which is in no way, shape or form overweight, but even if I was a healthy twelve, fourteen or even a sixteen I’d still love myself because I know I’m a good person. Its times like these where I think it would do the world good if the majority of people couldn’t see. That way they could only judge someone’s beauty on their souls and not on their looks. Ryder’s patience snaps at the last insult and he doesn’t hold back any longer. He leans in and gives her the same smile she gave me a few

moments ago. “If you don’t shut the fuck up I’m going to make sure everyone at this party knows what a bitter lush you are, who is jealous of her own daughter.” My father steps in now. His demeanor is relaxed but his voice drips with icy disdain. “You watch yourself, boy, this is my house.” “I don’t give a fuck. If you don’t want a scene then put a fucking muzzle on her or else the next insult will be her last.” Oh god… I grab my glass of wine, hoping to calm my pounding heart. Right when I take a hefty sip I hear Nick say: “Just tell him to take her in the back and fuck the bitterness out of her.” The wine gets stuck in my throat and comes sputtering back to the surface, making me cough like a fool. Ryder pats my back, barely containing his smirk. “You all right, Em?” I nod but continue to sputter. I eventually get myself under control and try to ignore my mother’s disgusted glare. “Sorry about that, Emily.” Nick apologizes with a chuckle. “It’s okay,” I mumble then realize I shouldn’t have replied. Thankfully no one calls notice to it and all talk ceases for the rest of dinner, including my mother’s insults. The speeches begin with the director, Ms. Pike, thanking everyone for their contributions and support for Serenity Hills. My blood boils at the way she carries on about how much she cares for the girls and their future. She talks about what a safe and loving environment they are in and what a difference Serenity Hills has made in their lives. “What a piece of work,” Nick mumbles. “I can’t wait to lock her up and throw away the key.” My father’s speech is last. Near the end Ryder excuses himself to the restroom. I squeeze his hand, suddenly afraid for him to leave. He leans in and kisses my cheek. “I’ll be okay, baby. I’ll try to be quick.” I reluctantly let him go, but the entire time I’m sick with worry. Once my father’s speech ends a few minutes later everyone stands and begins to mingle. I decide to go to the restroom so I can check in on Ryder. As I make my way over I am intercepted by an older gentleman who looks oddly familiar, though I don’t know why. “Miss Emily, it’s so nice to see you again.” I recognize his voice but can’t put my finger on who it belongs to. The man smiles warmly at my

confusion and extends his hand. “Forgive me, I should reintroduce myself since I’m sure you don’t recognize me, it’s Archer Benedict.” I falter, knowing his name was on the list. “Keep him talking for me, Emily.” Nick encourages in my ear. I smile and shake myself out of my stupor before reaching for his hand. “Of course, Mr. Benedict, how…” I trail off the moment my hand connects with his and a memory slams into me, stealing the breath from my lungs. I run through the woods as fast as my legs will carry me. Tears blurs my vision and my heart pounds in fear from the men chasing me. “Someone help me. Please!” No one hears me screaming, no one comes for me. I’m no longer fast enough and I’m grabbed. I get spun around and stare up into the face of Mr. Benedict, the man who just shot that nice lady. He raises his gun at me and I scream louder than I ever have in my life, then suddenly everything goes black. I snap back into myself with tears streaming down my cheeks, blurring the man in front of me. “Em, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Ryder asks through the wire. Archer watches me, knowing that I know, but I try to compose myself as best as possible. “Excuse me, I was on my way to the restroom.” He doesn’t believe me but he releases my shaking hand. “Of course.” I rush out of the dining room and head down the deserted hallway that leads to the bathroom on the opposite end of the house. “Oh my god, Ryder, it’s him. It’s him,” I whisper frantically. “He’s the one who shot that lady. He…” I gasp when, out of nowhere, I’m grabbed from behind. A hand slams over my mouth with bruising force and drags me through a door I didn’t even know existed. “Em! What the fuck is happening?” Ryder shouts. Terror robs me of breath as I kick and fight against whoever has me. They squeeze me painfully and bring their mouth to my ear. “I tried to warn you, Emily, but you didn’t listen.” I whimper in fear at the sound of Kyle’s voice. “Stop, man, you need to calm the fuck down.” I hear Nick shout through the wire. “Get your head screwed on and use your fucking training.

You can’t go in guns blazing or everything will fall to shit, and you could end up hurting her more.” Panic pounds in my ears as I try to comprehend what’s happening. Is Kyle pulling his normal shit or am I in serious trouble here? I feel like it’s a safe bet to assume the latter. “Take her down. I’m going to make sure the boyfriend is taken care of then we’ll meet you there before heading to the cabin.” I can’t see the person speaking but I register it as Vincent Prescott, Kyle’s father. When Kyle starts moving again, I fight harder for escape, scared of what will happen if I let him take me. Suddenly, a sharp blade presses against my neck. “Stop fighting or I will slit your fucking throat right here, and don’t think I won’t.” A terrified sob slips free but Ryder’s voice quickly breaks through my hysteria. “Em, baby, stop fighting. Just do what he says. We’re coming, I promise.” I stop struggling and follow his instruction. Kyle drags me through another set of doors and down cement stairs. His hand stays over my mouth with so much pressure I have a hard time breathing. “Pay attention to your surroundings, baby. I want you to hint to me where you are, but only do it when you’re speaking to him. Do not let him find out you’re wired.” I feel Kyle’s hot breath in my ear that’s opposite of the wire and I’m terrified he’s going to hear them. I know Ryder said no one could but I don’t think he anticipated someone being this close to me either. I try to see as much as I can, but it’s difficult since I’m being dragged backwards. I have no idea where the hell we are, or that any of this even existed. I still don’t even know where he jumped out from. Once we reach the bottom of the stairs, Kyle finally eases the pressure over my mouth. “I’m going to remove my hand, Emily. Do not scream, or you will regret it. Do you understand?” I nod. “That’s my girl.” I ignore his my girl comment, and when he finally removes his hand I suck in lungfuls of much needed air. I look around the long, dark hallway, seeing a row of closed doors on either side of it. “Where are we?” I ask shakily, trying to figure out how I’m going to get information to Ryder. “I’ve never been down here before.”

He pushes me to keep moving. “No, you haven’t, but you will see everything soon enough.” I wrap my arms around myself to ward off the chill, the cool temperature and the terror coursing through my body has me shivering uncontrollably. I hear lots of ruckus and shuffling through the wire but the guy’s voices are mumbled. We reach the end of the hallway and enter into a massive open area. When Kyle flicks on the lights I take in my surroundings. The room is plush, fancy and looks like it’s used to entertain. There’s a bar off in the corner and a stage in the center with a microphone standing in the middle of it. Spotlights hang right above it and seats circle it at all angles. My stomach drops when I realize this is where they bid on the girls. I turn to see Kyle smirking at me. “What is this place? I don’t understand how we got down here. I was close to the bathroom when you pulled me through a door I never knew existed.” “Good girl, Em. Keep talking, baby. I need more.” Before I can continue, Kyle cuts me off. “Never mind that.” His gaze sweeps down my body, and the look in his eyes has bile rising in my throat. “I have to say, Emily, I love the dress. It’s going to be so easy for me to get it off, or maybe I’ll leave it on while I fuck you.” I grind my teeth, feeling more anger than fear now. “You’re not going to get away with this.” He smirks. “No? And who’s going to stop me? Your boyfriend?” He chuckles when I keep silent and then shakes his head. “No one can help you. If you would have just listened to me I could have protected you. Instead you had to be a self-righteous bitch and spread your legs for that fucking piece of trash.” Fury ignites in his eyes as he steps closer and I’m completely caught off guard when he slaps me, the blow so powerful it knocks me back. “Motherfucker, I’m going to fucking kill him!” I barely make out Ryder’s roar through the pain pounding in my ears. My cheek throbs violently, making my head feel like it’s about to explode. I have no time to get my bearings before Kyle yanks me back to him by my hair. “You’re so fucking stupid. I warned you to stay away from that loser, but you didn’t listen. You let him fuck what was always supposed to be mine, and now you’re going to pay for it.”

I stumble forward as he starts dragging me across the room, his grip still tight in my hair. “Stop it, let go of me.” He opens a door at the far end of the room and pushes me through it. I land on my hands and knees on the cold, wet, cement floor. A dim light glows from above, barely lighting the dark cellar that reeks of something awful. “Em, baby, you still with me? Where are you now?” Ryder asks. I can hear pounding footsteps as if they’re running. “A cellar,” I mutter without thinking. I’m just about to mentally kick myself when a noise draws my attention to the corner of the room. I gasp when I see a young girl gagged and chained to the wall, her face a swollen, bloody mess. She sobs uncontrollably and screams behind her gag. “Oh my god!” Getting up, I rush forward and drop to my knees next to her. I quickly realize the foul smell consuming the air is coming from her. She’s so dirty I can’t tell if she’s seriously injured, and the sound of her cries completely breaks my heart. “Shhh, it’s okay, everything is going to be okay.” I try to ease her, but know I don’t do a good job since I’m so terrified myself. I look back at Kyle through my watery gaze. “What have you done to her?” He smirks. “Emily, meet Cassie. She, like you, has been a very bad girl.” “Holy fuck!” I hear both Nick and Ryder curse. I quickly recall that Cassie is the missing girl and realize my father must have had her here for weeks. “Kyle, please, you don’t have to do this. I’m begging you…” “Save your breath, Emily. This goes way above me, but like I said, if you would have fucking listened to me I could have protected you. Instead you chose Jameson.” He shakes his head in disappointment. “I do believe though that I have convinced them to spare your life. You’re just going to have a new life now, somewhere far away.” He smirks tauntingly and walks closer to me. The girl shirks back in fear the closer he gets. I try hard not to do the same, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. He leans down then grabs me by my hair and yanks my head back. I bite back a cry at the stinging pain. He brings his face only a mere inch from mine. “But they

don’t get you until I’m done with you, and I am going to fucking collect what you so self-righteously have kept from me all of these years.” The way he talks about me as if I belong to him makes my blood boil. “No part of me has ever belonged to you and I never will,” I choke out. He chuckles but there’s nothing funny-sounding about it. Shaking his head, he releases my hair then slaps me again, knocking me over. My head hits the cement floor with a loud crack. I grab it and scream at the sheer agony ripping through me. Ryder’s roar through the wire has my head feeling like it’s going to explode. He’s yelling something at me, but I can’t understand him. The pain becomes too much and before I can stop myself I reach in and quickly rip the tiny ear bud out. Kyle doesn’t pay notice to it and thinks I’m just grabbing at my head. “You still haven’t learned when to shut that pretty mouth of yours.” I cry out again when his foot connects with my ribs. My breath stalls in my lungs and I desperately try to gasp for breath, the pain robbing me of air. “That’s enough, Kyle.” Kyle hauls me up and locks an arm around my throat, keeping me snug against him. I try to focus through my blurry vision, and stare into the faces of the men who ruined my life. Archer Benedict, Vincent Prescott and my father. I make eye contact with my father, a moment of silence stretching between us. “Why?” I ask, not knowing what else to say. “I tried to warn you, Emily, but you went against me.” That’s all he says, no explanation, no hint of remorse. Nothing. “You killed Rosa,” I state through clenched teeth. “I did what I had to do. If she hadn’t gotten snoopy she would have been fine. But when she found Cassie…” He shrugs. “I had no choice.” Fury erupts through me as he talks about it so nonchalantly, acting as if he didn’t rip away from me one of the most important people in my life. Like he didn’t murder a beautiful, loving woman in cold blood. “I hate you!” I scream on a sob. “How could you do that to her? How could you do this to me? Your own daughter!” “You have no one to blame but yourself for this predicament you’re in. You refused to listen to reason, Emily.” I stare back at him aghast, but my attention gets drawn away when Paul Kensington comes rushing in looking panicked. When he gets a good look

at me his gaze darts away, seeming remorseful. “Yes, this is true.” Archer cuts in now with a sigh. “It’s unfortunate it has come to this, Emily, but you left us no choice. After you got your sight back I figured you had remembered, but when your father assured me you hadn’t I was nice enough to leave you be. But then you wanted to do the hypnotherapy, and we couldn’t let that happen.” “It’s your fault I went blind. It’s all of your faults,” I seethe. “I wasn’t a part of it, Emily,” Paul mutters. Again I notice how regretful he looks. Why is he involved in this then? Archer chimes back in. “I wouldn’t be upset by that. Your disability was the only thing that kept you alive all of these years. And, thanks to your boyfriend, you were saved a second time in front of that theatre. By the way, where is he? We are having difficulties finding him and I’d like to tie up all of my loose ends tonight before we leave.” I ignore his question about Ryder. “So it wasn’t a drive-by shooting. It was you?” I ask, wanting to get his confession on tape. He nods. “I felt like I had no other choice at the time, but thanks to Kyle here, he suggested another alternative and I have to agree it’s a good one. I think you will make us a lot of money.” I quickly realize what he’s talking about and I look to my father again. “You’re going to sell your own daughter?” “Yes, he is,” Kyle responds, bringing his mouth to my ear, “but he agreed to let me have my fill first.” Complete disgust fills me, knowing my father promised him my body. But my revulsion quickly turns into panic when he begins sliding his hand in the top of my dress. I try to wiggle away but I can’t, his grip is too tight. Then the unthinkable happens – he finds the wire. I feel him freeze behind me. “What the fuck?” Pure fear washes over me when he rips out the mic. “She’s fucking wired!” Everyone’s expression turns to utter shock. “How is that possible?” Vincent shouts in alarm. Kyle is the one to figure it out first. “It’s fucking, Jameson. I told you that asshole was lying. He’s a fucking cop! That’s why we can’t find him.” Archer turns to my father, pure fury transforming his expression. “You told me you checked into his background.”

For the first time, my father looks fearful. “I- I did. It said…” A loud gunshot goes off and I watch my father drop to the ground, a bullet firmly implanted in his head. A scream bubbles up my throat but before it can escape me Kyle drops the wire and smashes it with his foot then slams his hand over my mouth. My shocked gaze looks back at Archer to see a gun in his hand, and I quickly comprehend he just killed my father. “Holy shit! What the fuck are you doing, Archer?” Paul shouts in alarm, seeming just as shocked as me. “He’s been listening the entire fucking time,” Kyle yells. “We have to get the fuck out of here before they find us. Who knows how many fucking cops are here right now.” “Grab her!” Archer orders, pointing over to Cassie. Kyle’s father runs over and unties her. “Listen, I think we need to reassess our situation. Everything is out now; they have this all on recording. We can’t…” Paul shuts up when Archer points the gun at him. “You are not pulling out! We are sticking to the fucking plan. Now get moving before I blow your brains out too.” Kyle follows the others, dragging me to the other end of the room. I watch Archer put a key into a panel then suddenly an overhead door opens above us, unveiling the dark night sky and leading to god only knows where. Where are you, Ryder?

Chapter 23 Ryder I PACE BACK and forth like an animal, a dangerous violence rushing through my veins like hot lava. Fear has my chest constricting so fucking tight I have not been able to breathe for the past ten minutes. At first when I heard Emily get grabbed by Prescott it took all three agents to take me down. Then it took some rationalizing from Stone before I could calm down enough to think straight. I knew he was right, if I went in guns blazing and they were alerted of feds they would kill her. I’m trying my best to treat this as any other case and use my training, but fuck is it hard. Because this is not just any case, this is my girl, the one I promised to protect. Somehow I managed to get my rage to a simmering calm so I could focus. We went through blueprints trying to figure out where the fuck they could be, but when I heard that motherfucker strike her, all bets were off. I ran and grabbed the first security guard that was out searching for me and Nick grabbed the second, then we brought them back to the surveillance van for questioning. I was pulled back from it after I smashed my fist into the first guy’s face and threatened to shoot his dick off if he didn’t tell us where this hidden room is. These assholes are swearing they don’t know where it is, that they were only instructed to find me then report back to Michaels. Now, five minutes later, we are still nowhere closer to finding Emily. To say this has been the longest ten minutes of my life is the biggest fucking understatement. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that they have Cassie and she’s still alive. It’s hard for me to try and comprehend anything right now, as I listen to that bastard Prescott talk about Emily like she belongs to him. “No part of me has ever belonged to you and I never will,” Emily chokes out.

When I hear the smack and her cry out in pain again, I fucking lose it. I start punching the van repeatedly, wishing it were Prescott’s face. It’s exactly what I’m going to do when I get my hands on him. “Fuck this! We aren’t waiting anymore.” Ripping my jacket off, I grab a vest from the back of the van then look at Higgins and Crowley. “Call the Chief and have him get us more backup from whoever we can trust.” Then I glance at Nick. “We’re fucking going in guns blazing.” He nods, agreeing we can’t wait anymore. Crowley and Higgins call in for backup and secure the guards in the van. As I’m suiting up, and loading extra ammo, I hear new voices over the wire. I listen carefully to Benedict, Prescott and Michaels. That bastard is really planning to sell his own fucking daughter. I shake my head, I really shouldn’t be surprised but for some reason I am. The more I’m listening to their plans the more I realize we need to move faster, but we aren’t fast enough. “What the fuck?” I freeze in fear at Prescott’s shock. “She’s fucking wired!” “Shit! Move, move, move!” All of us haul ass to the house, my heart in my throat. “Emily, we’re coming, baby, just hold on…” The sound of a gunshot has terror gripping me and almost bringing me to my knees. Then I hear the mic get smashed. “Fuck! No, no, no!” Once we reach the house, I kick the door in and we rush in guns drawn. “FBI, nobody move! I want everyone’s hands in the air, now!” Screams sound throughout the house as everyone follows Nick’s order. My gaze searches for only one person, and when I find her I waste no time. I grab Caroline’s arm in a painful grip. “Where the fuck is she?” She stares at me in shock, her face pale. “You- you’re a cop?” Knowing we don’t have time for this shit, I drag her through the house to the hallway where Emily said she was taken. “Show me now! Where the fuck did he take her?” She glares at me. “I’m not telling you anything.” The last of my control snaps. Grabbing her by her throat, I pin her against the wall then put my gun to the center of her forehead. “Easy, Jameson.” Nick warns, but I ignore it. Nothing matters right now except getting to Emily.

Please, God, don’t let that gunshot have been for her or Cassie. “Tell me where the fuck she is or I will put a fucking bullet through your head.” She stares back at me defiantly, but there’s no denying the fear in her eyes. “What will you give me in return?” “What?” I ask, thinking I misunderstood her. “If I tell you where she is then I want something in exchange.” Unfuckingbelievable. “I don’t think so, bitch. You tell me where the fuck she is, or I will make sure you suffer so miserably that you will be wishing for the fucking death penalty.” I feel her swallow under my hand, but she still says nothing. “Now!” She flinches. “Okay, I’ll show you.” I release her throat and follow close behind her as she walks down the hall to an arch that’s built into the wall. I notice her visibly shake as she reaches in behind one of the pictures and presses something that has the wall sliding open. I take in the dimly lit cement stairs before shouting for Crowley. He comes to the end of the hall and I push Caroline toward him. “Don’t let her out of your sight.” He nods. “Go ahead, we got it covered up here. Backup is fifteen minutes away.” I turn back and start down the stairs with my gun drawn and Nick following close behind me. Everything is silent as we reach the bottom. We kick open every closed door we walk past to see empty bedrooms. My stomach twists at torture devices hanging on the walls. At the end of the hall we walk into a wide-open room and I know immediately by the set up this is where the bidding takes place. When I spot the open door at the far end that leads into a cellar, I raise my gun. “FBI! Come out with your hands up.” Everything remains silent. Nick moves to one side of the door and gets into position before I go in. My heart pounds like a fucking drum the closer I get, terrified at what I’m going to find when I walk in. As soon as I enter I see the body. I’m both shocked and fucking relieved to see it’s Michaels. Nick leans down and feels for a pulse then shakes his head at me. I continue to move through the room, but I know they aren’t here anymore. “Fuck! Where did they fucking go?” “Over here!”

I maneuver around the furnace and water tank to the back of the room where Nick is. Looking up, I stare into the dark night sky up to where they made their escape. I put my gun back in place then jump and swing myself up. I draw my weapon again and turn on my tactile light so I can take in my surroundings. I look around the deserted woods and realize we’re quite far from the house. Once Nick gets up, I shine my light on a path of footsteps in the dirt. “They talked about a cabin, there has to be one around here. Maybe if…” Suddenly another gunshot goes off and I hear Emily scream, not sounding very far away. We haul ass toward the direction of the scream. “You go left, I’ll stay right,” I shout then push myself harder. Please let me fucking make it to her in time.

Emily “COME ON, MOVE faster, bitch.” Kyle spits out while dragging me behind him. I continue to stumble and try to ignore the pain of the sharp earth cutting into the bottoms of my bare feet. My shoes were taken from me when I kept tripping. Archer leads the way, his gun in hand while he mutters furiously to himself. I look over to see Cassie barely conscious as Vincent carries her over his shoulder. I don’t know what they did to her, but she couldn’t even walk. Tears stream down my cheeks and my fear escalates the further we get. I’m terrified Ryder isn’t going to find us in time. How can he when I don’t even know where we are? I’m trying to think of a way out of this for both Cassie and me, but it’s completely dark out and I have no clue what direction the house is. Paul walks not far behind me and I can feel him staring at me the entire time. When I glance back at him, I see him mouth something to me, but as I try to make out what he’s saying I stumble again, which pisses Kyle off. “That’s it, you’re too fucking slow.” He’s just about to pick me up when Paul runs at him and takes him to the ground. “Run, Emily, now!” I falter for a second, thinking about Cassie,

but quickly realize the only thing I can do is get help. So I start running faster than I ever have in my life. “What the fuck are you doing?” A gun shot rings out. I scream and cover my head as I continue to run, not knowing if it was aimed at me. I glance behind me to see Archer just shot Paul, and Kyle already up and chasing me. Just as I turn back, another shot goes off, and I feel the bullet whiz past my ear. “Oh god.” I dart left then right, weaving in and out of trees, praying they lose sight of me. My lungs burn something fierce but I don’t stop. It feels like déjà vu all over again. I have no idea which direction I’m headed in any longer, but I don’t think it’s toward the house. My suspicion is confirmed when I reach an opening that leads to the end of a cliff. I turn around to run in another direction, only to find Kyle charging toward me. I scream again, trying to keep my pace, but I’m not fast enough. He takes me to the ground hard, knocking the air from my lungs in one painful swoosh. “You fucking bitch!” He rages before sending another blow across my already battered face. I don’t cry out at the pain, because I can’t breathe. “You’re going to fucking pay for that.” He hauls me up by my hair and starts dragging me toward the edge of the cliff. “Let her go, Prescott, now!” I sob in relief at the sound of Ryder’s voice. Kyle freezes for only a split second before locking an arm around me and bringing his knife against my throat. The sharp blade biting painfully into my sensitive skin. “How nice of you to join us, Jameson. I’m glad you’re here to catch the show.” He taunts, but there is no denying the fear in his voice. I stare at Ryder through blurry vision; his eyes are cold and lethal as he trains his gun on us. “It’s over, Prescott. Just let her go.” “Actually, it’s not over. It’s just about to start. Put the gun down or I will slit her throat right now!” Ryder shakes his head. “My bullet will reach your head before that blade even makes your attempt. Now drop the fucking knife and let her go.” I feel Kyle walk us back, closer to the edge of the cliff. “Yeah? Will your bullet reach me before I push her off this fucking ledge? It’s a long way down, Jameson, want to find out?”

My panic escalates when I hear the rushing creek far below as we get closer to the edge. “Ryder.” I whimper in fear, feeling myself slipping into hysterics. “Emily, baby, stay calm. Everything’s going to be okay,” he says, moving closer to us. “Everything is not going to be okay!” Kyle screams psychotically, his tone sounding desperate. Ryder’s only a few feet from us now. “This is your last warning, Prescott, stop fucking moving or I will shoot.” He finally stops moving and I think everything’s going to be okay until he says: “I will stop, but not her.” Suddenly everything happens in slow motion. I get shoved the same time a series of gunshots go off. A scream locks in my throat as I stumble backwards; my hands flail, grabbing at air. Ryder rushes at me and I watch his mouth move as he shouts but I hear nothing, only silence. It feels like I’m not even in my own body anymore, it’s as if I’m looking from the outside. Through it all, I see Kyle fall over the same time as me, and it’s in one heart-stopping second that I realize this is it. I close my eyes, not being able to bear the thought of seeing me crash to my own death. But then I instantly slam back into myself with jarring impact when I smash against rock, the landing not as hard as I anticipated. My eyes snap open in confusion and it takes me a minute to realize I’m hanging. I look up to Ryder on his stomach, my wrist gripped firmly in his hand. “I’ve got you.” I can barely hear him through the sound of the water rushing below and the pounding in my ears. I make the mistake of looking down, seeing nothing but blackness, it’s too dark to see anything but I can tell it’s a really far ways down. “Don’t look down, Emily. Look up at me.” I do as Ryder says, my gaze locking with his intense one. “I’ve got you, baby, I promise. Reach up with your other hand and hold on.” I follow the order and hold on tight while he pulls me up. I weep with relief once I’m locked safely in his arms. He rolls us away from the edge and pins me under him. “Are you okay? Please fucking tell me you’re okay,” he asks with a gruff whisper. “I think so,” I mumble, still having a hard time grasping reality. He starts peppering soft kisses all over my face. “I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Em.” I have no idea why he’s apologizing but I quickly

realizing he’s crying, something that I didn’t think he was capable of. His hot tears hit my face and mix with my own. I wrap my arms around his neck and revel in the feel of him against me, something I never thought I would feel again. “I was so scared you weren’t going to be able to find me. When they found the wire I…” I gasp, remembering the others. “Oh my god, Ryder. Cassie – they still have her. We have…” “Shhh. Nick has her, baby, she’s okay. We reached them before I found you.” I sigh with relief and pray she’s all right. My throat burns at the thought of everything she was put through by the hands of my father. I look back up at Ryder as I think about what happened tonight. “My father’s dead.” His expression is somber as he nods. “I know.” “He was going to sell me,” I mumble numbly, still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact. Ryder’s jaw clenches in fury before he rests his forehead on mine. “It’s over, Em. All of it. I’m going to take you away from here and I swear I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.” His comment pulls me from my sad thoughts. “You’re going to take me away from here?” I ask quietly, hoping he’s saying what I think he is. He trails his soft lips across my battered cheek. “Yeah, baby, I’m taking you back to Florida with me, where you were always meant to be.” Pleasure warms me from the inside out, and I can’t help but rib him on his bossy insinuation. “What if I don’t want to go to Florida?” I whisper. He freezes then swings his gaze back to mine. I try really hard to keep a straight face but his expression has a small giggle escaping me. He doesn’t find it funny, and glares down at me moodily. “That shit’s not funny, Emily.” I smile and slip my hands under his police vest to pull him closer. “I’d follow you anywhere, Jameson. I love you, even when you’re bossy. Now shut up and kiss me.” He smirks before leaning in and giving me what I want. He brings his lips softly to mine, but I refuse to let him be gentle. I lock my arms around his neck and kiss him with a desperation I’ve never felt. Our moans mingle as we immediately get lost in each other. I hear the distant sound of sirens and a helicopter sounding overhead, but we don’t break. Nothing matters

right now but the two of us, and feeling what I thought, only moments ago, I would never feel again.

Chapter 24 Emily TWO

I stand in my living room and take in my empty apartment as Ryder loads up the SUV with the last of my small stuff. A feeling of nostalgia washes over me as I say goodbye to my old life before starting my new one. Though I’m not sure why. The only good parts left of my life here were my job and Cece, and although I will miss the children I worked with, I’m excited to see what the future has in store for my career when I get to Florida. As for Cece… I swallow past the ache in my throat and tears immediately sting my eyes at the thought of her. She hasn’t answered my phone calls, so I’m taking it that she’s not going to forgive me, and, to be honest, I’m having a hard time forgiving myself. Her father is dead from saving my life. If that didn’t make me feel horrible enough, it turns out he wasn’t a part of the sadistic sex ring my father and the rest of them were a part of. At least not in the way we thought he was. A large brown envelope was found in a safe at his home office. It was filled with video evidence from the after parties, and a letter of admission stating exactly who was all involved. As it turns out, Paul was only recently aware of what my father and Archer were a part of. He stumbled upon it accidentally, and Archer had threatened Cece’s life if he didn’t keep quiet. It was then that he started collecting as much evidence as he could gather, but when he realized just how many people were in on it, he had no idea who he could trust. Because of that evidence, along with what Ryder and Nick have, it’s enough to put away a lot of people for a long time. Including my mother. Though she never partook in the after parties, she knew about them. Her reasoning for keeping quiet was all for money, or so I imagine. I haven’t spoken to her nor do I plan to. There’s no point, nothing she says will undo the damage she and my father have done. WEEKS LATER

Ryder says there’s a good chance Archer will get the death penalty for the murders of Paul and the social worker, let alone any other possible victims he has killed. There is still so much to uncover when it comes to him. It makes me sick to know that poor lady’s body was buried in the well on my parent’s property all of these years. A place that I used to spend so much time at, and thought was so magical, now makes me sick to my stomach. I hope he pays, I hope they all pay for the lives they ruined and the people they hurt. One good thing that came from that night was finding Cassie. She has a long road to recovery, both mentally and physically, but she’s a very strong girl and I know she will pull through. I spent a few days with her in the hospital as I knew she had no family and I wanted to make sure someone was there to support her. But Marianne Olsen, her school counselor, is amazing and truly cares about her. When Nick told her about Cassie being found and alive she came right away, and has stayed by her side ever since. She even plans to take Cassie in to live with her. We’ve promised to keep in contact, and I’m hoping once Cassie is better they will come visit us in Florida. I get pulled from my thoughts when I feel strong arms envelop me from behind, bringing the most amazing warmth and safety with them. They’re arms that make everything right in my world. “Hey, baby,” Ryder mumbles against my neck, sending a sweet shiver down my spine. “There’s just two more things to load then we’re ready.” I smile and tilt my head to the side, giving his delicious lips more access. “What else is left?” A startled yelp escapes me when he swiftly lifts me off my feet. “My girl and her dog.” I wrap my arms around his neck with a giggle. “Well you can’t forget about us.” “I’d never forget your sweet ass,” he responds with a smirk then lays a smack to my behind. Before I can stop it an illicit moan slips past my lips. His eyes heat at my reaction. “That’s it, we’re fucking, before we leave.” I bite back a smile. “As much as I like your idea, Jameson. How are we going to do that when there’s no furniture in here anymore?” “Fuck furniture, we have the wall, I don’t need anything else but you.”

“Oh, well in that case.” I attack his sexy mouth, catching him off guard for only a second before he growls and takes control of the kiss like always. Just as he starts walking to the door to close it, someone clears their throat. “Uh, knock, knock.” My gaze snaps to the door. “Cece, hi,” I greet softly, shocked that she’s here. “Hey.” She gives me a small smile, but it’s a really sad one and it completely breaks my heart. An awkward silence settles over us before Ryder clears his throat and sets me on my feet. “Why don’t I take Summer out to the car so you two can have a moment alone. Or do you want me to stay?” I shake my head. “No, go ahead. If you don’t mind taking Summer out that would be great.” He nods then kisses me on the head. “Take your time.” He pats his leg for Summer to follow him, then hesitates as he passes Cece. He surprises me when he greets her with his usual annoyance. “Kensington.” She watches him for a moment and my stomach twists, worrying what her reaction to him will be, but it vanishes when she greets him back with her usual sassiness. “Jameson.” “Nice luggage,” he quips, pointing to her massive purse. She tilts her head and smirks. “I’m starting to think you have a thing for my purses. You know they have ones for men now? My friend Louis makes them. I could get you one if you wanted.” Ryder grunts. “No guy in their right mind would carry that shit around.” I smile, my anxiety easing at their bantering but it kicks up once again when Ryder walks out and closes the door behind him, leaving Cece and I alone. We watch one another, silence surrounding us once again. Her gaze darts to the ground. “So Florida, huh?” “Yeah,” I reply softly. She nods but doesn’t look up at me. “Sorry it’s taken me so long to come see you.” “It’s okay. I’m glad you’re here now. I’ve been really worried about you,” I whisper, trying to keep my tears at bay. “I know. I’m sorry, I just needed time to sort through everything and I needed to do it on my own.” She swallows, trying to hold back her own

emotion. “I’m not mad at you. I mean, I was at first, but after I thought it through I understood you couldn’t tell me what was going on.” “I wanted to,” I tell her truthfully. “I hated having to keep it from you, but if it makes you feel better I only found out a week before you did. I didn’t know about the case when Ryder first came back.” She finally looks back up at me and my heart shatters at the tears rushing down her face. “I just can’t believe any of this happened. I can’t believe my dad is gone,” she says on a sob. I don’t hold back any longer. Walking over, I wrap her in my arms. “I’m sorry, Cece, I’m so, so sorry. Please forgive me,” I tell her, my own tears rushing hot and fast. She steps back and looks at me confused. “Forgive you for what?” I swallow, trying to get words past the emotion clogging my throat. “He died only because he saved my life.” She shakes her head. “No, I don’t blame you, Emily. No matter how hard it’s been on me and my mom, we’re both glad he was there to help you.” Her words mean everything to me, and eases a little of the guilt that has been suffocating me. “I don’t know where I would be right now if he hadn’t done what he did.” “He died a hero,” she whispers. “Yes, he did.” She reaches up and touches the cut on my forehead. “How are you doing with everything? It looks like you got pretty banged up,” she says, acknowledging my faded bruises. I shrug. “The physical marks will heal fast, but my heart’s going to take a little longer, especially over Rosa.” A sharp pain slices through me like always when I think about her. Cece’s eyes well again but her expression turns fierce. “A lot of people’s lives were ruined over this, and I hope that everyone involved fucking pays. Especially Archer Benedict,” she grinds out. “Ryder says he will make sure of it.” And I know he will. He and Nick have been making sure they have everything in order to bring everyone involved down. “I can’t believe Jameson is a cop. I thought for sure the guy was an assassin,” she says with a smirk, lightening the mood.

I chuckle through my tears. “I assure you he’s not a hired killer, he’s an FBI Agent and it turns out he’s a real good one. I don’t know what I would have done without him through all of this,” I add softly. “You always did see the good in him, and I have to admit, the guy is growing on me. I don’t like that he’s taking my best friend away, but he’s good to you and I know he’ll take care of you,” she pauses and visibly swallows. “I’m really going to miss you, Emily.” We’re back in each other’s arms, blubbering all over again. “I’m going to miss you too, Cece. You’re the bestest friend I’ve ever had and you always will be.” “I’m the only friend you’ve ever had.” I chuckle. “This is true, but even if I had my pick I’d always choose you.” She scoffs. “Well, I am pretty awesome.” “Yes, you are,” I reply with a smile. She gives me one last squeeze then steps back. “All right, enough sap.” She wipes her tears then slings an arm around my shoulders. “I’ll walk you out. We don’t want to keep the purse police waiting too long.” I pause and take one last look around my apartment before walking out. We leave out the back entrance and I’m happy to see no reporters. They have been like vicious vultures, or at least they were until Ryder scared them off. I’m pretty sure the one guy almost pissed his pants by the time Ryder was finished with him. And speaking of my guy… my eyes take him in as he leans against the SUV in all of his sexy glory. Summer’s head sticks out the opened back window next to him. “I have to admit, Emily, the guy is one hot piece of ass,” Cece mumbles quietly. I smile. “Yes, he is.” “I hope one day I find someone to look at me the same way he does you,” she says softly. “You will.” Cece is one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen, and although she loves her high-end lifestyle she still has a beautiful heart. I have no doubt that she will find someone who will love her as much as Ryder loves me. Once we reach the vehicle, I turn and pull Cece into a hug again. “I’m going to miss you, but know you can come visit anytime you want.”

She squeezes me back tightly. “I will be coming to visit, and soon.” “Good.” She steps back. “And who knows, maybe I’ll love Florida and want to move there too.” She glances briefly at Ryder as she says this and I know she’s only messing with him, but the thought of her living there too has excitement rushing through me. “I’d love that. You could even live with us until you found a place.” She turns to Ryder. “You hear that, Jameson? She says I can come live with you guys, do you have a closet big enough to store all of my purses?” He grunts. “I have a feeling your luggage wouldn’t even fit in my entire apartment, let alone a closet.” She looks to me with a smile. “I’m so buying him a man purse, I’ll make sure there’s even a little compartment for his badge.” We both burst into a fit of laughter. The thought of Ryder with a purse is absolutely comical. By his glare he clearly doesn’t find it as funny. “Oh calm down, Secret Agent Cody Banks, I’m just screwing with you.” I’m laughing so hard now there are tears running down my face. “Ha, ha, so fucking funny,” he mumbles, clearly unimpressed. “And it’s Special Agent, not Secret Agent.” His grumbling only has us laughing harder. After we get control of ourselves, Cece pulls me in for one last hug. “All right, I better get going. Call me when you get there.” “I will, I promise.” Letting go, she starts walking backwards out of the parking lot. “Take care of my best friend, Jameson, and if you’re lucky you’ll see me soon.” “I can’t wait,” Ryder mumbles unenthusiastically. With a sassy wink she turns around and disappears around the corner. I look up at Ryder, trying to bite back a smile. “You have to admit she is funny.” He grunts. “She’s not even a little bit funny. Now get your sexy ass in the vehicle and let’s hit the road.” Giggling, I give Summer a kiss on her nose through the opened window then get in. On our way out, Ryder drove into Allendale. He stopped at the garage where he used to work and made arrangements to have his bike shipped down to Florida. I got to meet his old boss, Hector. He was a very nice

Hispanic man, and it was easy to see how proud he was of Ryder and all he has accomplished. From there, Ryder took me by our old high school to show me what it looked like. Since it was lunch break for the students, he took me inside and showed me around. The halls were packed with students and I didn’t miss all the teenage girls giggling and eyeing Ryder. I have a feeling that’s how it always was back when we went there too. First he took me to the classroom where we had trigonometry together, and even showed me which desks we sat in. Mr. Wesson was doing paperwork and was pleasantly surprised to see us. After exploring most of the school we stopped in at the counselor’s office to see Mrs. Johnson. She was thrilled to see us, especially Ryder. It seemed she knew he became an FBI Agent, but she hadn’t known he was back. She didn’t bring up the case on my father but I’m sure she guessed that’s what he was here for. She had tears in her eyes when he told her I was moving with him to Florida, and she seemed genuinely happy for us. Even though my time at the school was short-lived, it’s a place that holds some of my most treasured memories. It was there I met the boy who was forbidden to me; the one I gave my whole heart to. When we got back in the car Ryder asked if it was okay if we made one more stop. He seemed anxious, but I nodded and didn’t ask questions. I become more curious the further we drive, but once we turn into a rundown neighborhood I have a pretty good guess where we’re going. Ryder parks across the road from one of the worst houses on the street. The tiny, beat-up home has cardboard taped over its broken windows and the unkempt lawn is littered with garbage. “This is where you lived?” I ask softly. “Yeah.” I swing my attention over to him at his quiet response. My heart swells painfully at his vulnerable expression as he stares at the house. It’s easy to tell this place holds a lot of painful memories for him. Not being able to stay away a moment longer, I take my seatbelt off then crawl over the console and into his lap. He never takes his gaze off the house, but welcomes me with open arms and I’m thankful he accepts my comfort. I link my own arms around his neck and rest my forehead on the

side of his. “Tell me what you’re thinking?” I ask, hoping I’m not overstepping. He releases a heavy sigh. “I don’t know, Em. When I’m far away from this place it’s easy to forget I come from this, and now that I’m here I’m reminded of what I am.” His quiet admission breaks my heart. “This isn’t who you are, Ryder, and it never was. It’s just where you lived. When you look at this house you shouldn’t feel ashamed, you should feel proud, because it’s everything you’re not. You rose above it.” I reach down and touch the place on his ribs where I know his tattoo is. “You beat the odds,” I whisper. He stares at the house for another long moment before looking at me. Reaching up, he cups the side of my face. “We’re going to make our own family, Em. One where our kids will never grow up feeling scared or not loved. They will never know pain, or what it’s like to go hungry.” His words cause a storm of sadness to well up inside of me. It kills me to know he suffered so much. Laying my hand softly over his, I turn my face and kiss his palm. “Are you saying you want to have babies with me, Jameson,” I whisper, trying to lighten the mood. He doesn’t smile like I hoped for him to. “I want to do everything with you.” My breath catches at his sincere words. “I want you forever, Emily.” “You have me, always,” I reply thickly, finding it hard to get words past the emotion clogging my throat. “I swear I’m going to take really good care of you.” “I know, and I’m going to take care of you, too.” Leaning in, I press my mouth to his. He cups the other side of my face to hold me in place as we seal our words with a kiss. It’s a soul touching kiss with nothing rushed or desperate about it, just slow and deliberate. It’s a kiss that’s full of promise for what our future holds. Our perfect moment gets broken at the sound of a loud crash and a muffled curse. We look out the window to see a worn man who looks like he hasn’t showered in weeks. He stumbles down the steps in his housecoat, kicking empty beer cans around as he reaches for the paper. I know by Ryder’s tense body and hard expression that this man is his father. “Did you want to go talk to him?” I ask, even though I already know his answer. “No. I just want to get the fuck out of here.”

I nod then kiss his cheek before crawling back over to my spot. Before I even have my seatbelt back on he guns the vehicle and peels away. Seeing how upset he is, I reach over and grab his hand, hoping to offer as much comfort as I can. I don’t say anything. I decide to keep quiet and leave him with his thoughts. The further away we get from Allendale the more at ease he becomes. That town holds a lot of painful memories for the both of us, but it also holds some of the best. We were kids who were told we would never make it because we came from two different worlds, but in the end we proved everyone wrong. Ryder and I created our own world. One where wealth and politics don’t matter. It’s a world where we both equally belong, and one I am happy to live in for the rest of my life.

Epilogue Emily One Year Later


the FBI headquarters with Summer next to me and head straight into the elevator. I let her hit the button that will take us to the tenth floor since my hands are filled with a giant box of doughnuts. I’m starting to regret the purchase, my pregnancy cravings have me wanting to devour the entire box, but thankfully I managed to control myself and only indulge in two. At the ping of our arrival, we walk out and I’m immediately greeted with friendly smiles then mauled when all the guys catch sight of the box in my hands. “Have I ever told you how much I love you, Emily?” Agent Crowley says as he swipes the box from my hands and kisses my cheek. “I think you have mentioned it a time or two,” I reply with a smile. “Don’t let Jameson hear you say that,” Agent Higgins chimes in with a grunt. “Last time I did I couldn’t piss right for a week, and all I said was pregnancy looked good on her.” A collection of agreements are made over Ryder’s possessive nature. I smile and shake my head. “Speaking of my husband, is he around?” “Yeah, he’s in his office,” Agent Wilkins answers with his mouth full of doughnut. “He was on a call but he might be done now.” “Okay, thanks.” I decide I’ll just pop my head in, and if it’s not a good time then I’ll wait until he gets home to tell him the news. I just pray he forgives me and isn’t too mad. Grabbing two napkins, I place a doughnut on each one for Nick and Ryder, knowing if I don’t they won’t get any. “Leave Summer with us,” Agent Crowley says. “Are you sure?” INTO

He nods then turns and shouts across the room. “Hey, Larson, get your ass over here. You have to see what this dog can do, it can push elevator buttons and shit.” With a smile I leave Summer with them, knowing she is more than happy to oblige by showing off her skills. She loves the attention. I stop at Nick’s office first and see him at his desk, bent over paperwork. I tap on his door with my foot since my hands are full. “Knock, knock.” His head shoots up in surprise. “Hey, Emily, what’s up?” I walk in, holding up a doughnut. “I thought I should bring you this before they’re all gone.” He grunts. “Thanks, those greedy bastards would have eaten them all like last time.” “That’s what I figured.” I snicker. Leaning over, I put the doughnut down in front of him and accidentally knock over a picture at the corner of his desk. “Oh shoot. I’m so sorry.” I put down both doughnuts then pick up the frame making sure I didn’t break it. I’m surprised when I see the picture is of a younger Nick, in his teen years, with the most beautiful girl hanging on his back. They’re outside, surrounded by lush, green trees with the glow of the bright sun shining down on them. The girl’s long, dark hair, olive skin and warm chocolate eyes have her looking like an Amazonian. She’s the one holding the camera to take the picture, her warm smile is just as beautiful as the rest of her, and although you can tell Nick’s trying to seem annoyed, his eyes say differently by the way he is staring back at her. He looks at her the same way Ryder looks at me. “It’s all right,” he says, breaking into my thoughts and taking the frame from me. “Who is that?” I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me. “Just a girl I used to know.” “A girlfriend?” “Nope. You know I don’t date, at least not exclusively,” he adds with a smirk. I roll my eyes. Yes, I do know that, the man spends many nights with women, but never the same one twice. I’ve always wondered about his past but never pried… until now. “So what? She’s just an old friend?” It can’t be a sister because I know he doesn’t have any siblings, but for him to have the picture he must care about her.

“You’re not going to let this go, are you?” I shake my head with a smile and he finally relents with a frustrated sigh. “She’s the younger sister of a guy I used to be best friends with.” “Used to be?” “Yup.” He answers abruptly. “You don’t talk to her anymore?” “No.” “What’s her name?” He looks at me annoyed. “Katelyn, all right. Now stop with the nosy questions and go bug your husband.” I decide to try one more time, since this is the most I’ve ever gotten from him and I don’t know if he will ever open up again. “How come you’re not friends anymore?” He shoots me a death glare and I finally know I’ve overstepped. “Okay, okay.” I hold my hands up with a giggle. “I’m out of here.” I grab Ryder’s doughnut, then just before I make it out the door Nick calls out to me. I stop and turn back to him. “Thanks for the doughnut.” “You’re welcome. Thanks for the top secret information.” He shakes his head but I don’t miss his smirk. I head to Ryder’s office next, which is just a little ways down the hall. He and Nick got promoted shortly after they came back from Georgia, and with it came the luxury of their own offices. Much to the other agents’ dismay. I believe they still get heckled from them about it, but it’s all in good fun. They deserve the promotion, they’re very passionate about their jobs and I’m proud of them both. The only part I don’t like about the job is that Ryder’s hours can be very long, but I’ve learned it comes with being the wife of a cop, so I deal. Actually, I’ve had to learn to cope with a lot of stuff when it comes to being a cop’s wife. The biggest one is dealing with the fear of something happening to him… Don’t go there, Emily. I quickly shake myself of the horrific thought and lightly tap on his door. Peeking my head in, I see he’s still on the phone. He looks over at me in surprise and I mouth the word ‘sorry’ before holding up the doughnut. I’m just about to slip back out, not wanting to disturb him, but he waves me in. I make sure to close the door behind me so the outside noise doesn’t distract his phone call. As I walk the doughnut over to his desk, his intense, green eyes devour my body, his hungry gaze instantly turning my panties damp.

Lord, the things this man can make me feel with just a look. I’m glad he finds my minor baby bump sexy because I have been jumping his bones every chance I get. As I set the doughnut down on the corner of his desk he grabs my wrist then pulls me around until I’m standing in front of him. He puts the phone between his shoulder and ear, still keeping his conversation going, and then lifts me up to sit on his desk. I slip my flip-flops off and put my feet on either side of his chair while his hands slip under my dress and grab my hips possessively. I bite my lip to keep from moaning, the simple touch has pleasure erupting through my body. “Yeah, that sounds good. Just meet me at the courthouse later and we can go over the case files then. Okay, yeah, see ya.” I take the phone from him and hang it up since his hands are under my dress and I really don’t want him to remove them. “Hi,” I greet softly. “Hey, baby.” He leans in and kisses my small baby bump, completely melting my heart. “Sorry to bother you.” “You’re not a bother, Em, but you sure are a sight for sore eyes. Jesus, I really like this fucking dress.” His tone is gruff as he takes in my new, soft blue sundress. “What brings you here? Not that I mind, but you better tell me Summer is out there.” He nods at the door, telling me if she isn’t I’m in big shit, which I already knew. He doesn’t like me going anywhere without him unless I’m with her. To say he’s a little over-protective is an understatement, but I understand it’s just the way he’s wired, especially because of his job. And even though I have learned a lot of the area I still don’t know it all, but Summer does. Ryder made sure of it. “Of course she is. Agent Crowley has her showing all the guys what she can do,” I tell him with a smile. “And I had a meeting with Kristin at Future of Hope. Oh, Ryder, the place is looking so good. I can’t wait until it’s all done.” He smiles. “I bet it looks great, baby, because you’re amazing, and what you’re doing is amazing.” I am definitely not amazing, but this group home is going to be. I inherited a lot of money after everything happened with my parents. It was money I didn’t want, and Ryder refused to spend it on our lives in any way.

It wasn’t long before an idea formed and I knew what I wanted to do with it. I decided to start a group home for young girls who are less fortunate. I figured what better way to spend my father’s money than to give back to a cause that he had tarnished by hurting so many. It’s going to be a place that will give the girls a chance at a bright future. Therapy will be provided to them, along with the opportunity to finish school and get their diplomas. It will be a caring environment, that will hopefully give them the family they were never blessed to have. It’s been a huge process in the making, but I found a wonderful team to work with and I am so excited for the finished product. Even Cassie is going to come for the grand opening. I can’t wait to see her. “I know I’ll never be able to right the wrongs my father did but I’m hoping I can make a difference,” I say with a shrug. “It’s not your job to right his wrongs, Em. We’ve talked about this.” “I know.” Though I can’t help but feel guilty. It’s probably something I will always feel bad about. “Anyway,” I wave my hand through the air and change the subject, “after we left there I thought I’d bring you guys doughnuts. I snuck one for you and Nick since they acted like vultures the moment I stepped off the elevator.” He watches me with a sly smile. “Are you sure that’s the only reason why you came to see me, baby?” he asks before leaning down and kissing the inside of my thigh. The small touch sets my body on fire, but his question reminds me of the real reason for coming here. “Umm, well actually…” My words trail off on a gasp when his fingers skim over the center of my lace panties. His sly smile now turns downright cocky. “Are you sure it’s not because your pussy is wet and aching for me, Em?” Oh lord. Why must he distract me with dirty talk? Tell him fast, Emily, before things get carried away. Right when I’m about to do exactly that his fingers slip under the lace and glide through my wet flesh. “Oh, god.” I whimper and lean back on my hands to bring myself closer to his touch. He groans. “I knew it, fucking soaked.” His hand circles my swollen clit, only teasing, never touching. “Ryder.” I moan and thrust my hips up for more. “What, baby?”

“You know what.” He chuckles. “Yeah, I do. Sit up and pull your dress down. I want to see your pretty tits.” Another wave of heat soars through me at his erotic words. Sitting up, I pull down my strapless sundress to my waist, the built-in bra leaving me bared to his stare. My nipples instantly strain for his touch, but he does nothing except stare, his hungry gaze fixated on my exposed breasts. “Jesus, Em, you’re fucking sexy.” His rough words have the ache between my legs igniting to a painful intensity. “Touch me,” I plead breathlessly. “Oh, baby, I’m going to fucking touch you.” He growls then skims his finger over my swollen clit, causing a fiery whimper to escape me. “Come closer to me so I can taste them, my hands are a little busy right now,” he adds with a dirty grin. I move closer to the edge of his desk. He captures one of my nipples into his mouth at the same time that he inserts a finger deep inside of me. My head falls back on a moan and my fingers thread through his hair with a desperate grip to hold him captive to me. He moves back and forth between each tortured bud, sending a flare of hot sensations to travel through my body. My hips start bucking to the rhythm of his finger, my body craving for a different part of him. “Ryder, I want you inside of me so bad,” I whimper. He releases another growl before pulling back. “And that’s what you’re going to get.” He swiftly removes his hand from inside of my panties then is out of his chair and moving to the door. He clicks the lock in place then turns back to me. “Stand up and lose the dress.” His command has a shiver of anticipation traveling down my spine. Standing, I push the dress down my hips, letting it pool at my feet, leaving me in nothing but my matching blue lace panties. His green eyes turn to liquid fire as he stares at my naked body. Reaching up behind him he swiftly removes his shirt, and my eyes do their own traveling, taking in every inch of his hard, lethal perfection. He stalks toward me slowly, reminding me of a predator. As soon as he reaches me, his hand wraps around to the back of my neck and his mouth descends hard. Our moans collide as our tastes

intermingle and I completely lose myself in him, as always. It never matters if our kisses are slow and deliberate or fast and desperate, they always consume me and reach the very depths of my soul. He pulls back a long moment later for us to take in air. Opening my eyes, I see him watching me, his expression softening just before he drops to his knees. His arms wrap around my waist before he leans in and presses a kiss to my bare tummy. “My baby,” he whispers softly, warming my heart. I thread my fingers in his hair and hold him close, soaking in the intimacy of this precious moment. “I didn’t think it was possible for you to get even more beautiful, Em, but I was wrong. Seeing your body carrying my baby is fucking perfection, and it makes my dick so fucking hard.” I love carrying our baby. To know someone will be gracing this earth that was created by the both of us… well, there is no feeling like it. Ryder breaks the moment by standing swiftly. He turns me around, bringing my back flush against his chest, then cups the heavy weight of my breasts, his fingers plucking my oversensitive nipples. A wave of heat explodes through me and I drop my head back on his shoulder with a whimper. “I have a meeting in an hour, baby, so this is going to be a hard, fast fuck, but tonight, when I get home, I promise to worship every inch of you like you deserve.” I smile. “Hard and fast works for me, Jameson. Just as long as you’re inside of me, I’m happy.” Another growl erupts from him. “Oh, baby, I’m going to bury myself inside of you as deep as I can fucking go. Now brace your hands on the desk so I can claim what’s mine.” My heart rate kicks up at his possessive words. Leaning over, I brace my hands on the desk and make sure to keep my arms straight. I hear him undo his belt behind me, and before I can anticipate his next move he shreds my panties from my body. I gasp at the unexpected act, not happy that I’m going to have to walk home with no underwear on now. Just as I’m about to scold him for it, he steps closer and grabs my ass in his hands, kneading the soft flesh and causing my words to die in my throat. “Best ass in the world and it’s all fucking mine.”

He sends a soft love tap across one cheek, and I push back on a moan, desperately needing more. “Ryder, please don’t make me wait any longer.” I feel his erection swipe through my warm center, skimming over my swollen nub that desperately aches for attention. “You want my cock, Emily?” “Yes,” I whimper. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.” “I want you to fuck me. I want… Ahhh!” I cry out in pleasure as he enters me in one powerful thrust. His hand quickly cups over my mouth. “Shhh, not too loud, baby. I don’t want all those assholes out there knowing what my wife sounds like when I’m fucking her into oblivion.” He removes his hand then grabs onto my hips, his fingers digging into my flesh. “You ready, Em?” he asks, his voice sounding like sandpaper. “Yes,” I respond breathlessly. “Hold on tight, baby.” My grip tightens on the desk as soon as he says it, and thank goodness for that because he starts pounding inside of me with fast, hard strokes. I bite my lip to keep from screaming at the pleasure racing through my body. “I swear, Em, you were made just for me. There is nothing in the world that feels as good as having my cock bathed in your tight, hot pussy.” I want to tell him the same – that I love feeling him inside of me, but I have lost all coherent thought. He removes one hand from my hip and brings it around to the front, his fingers finding my aching clit. “Oh god yes.” He keeps his thrusts fast and powerful as his fingers circle skillfully, giving just the right amount of pressure, bringing me higher and higher. My inner walls start to flutter around him, gripping him with my impending release. “You’re close, Em, I can feel it.” He growls just before laying a light slap right over my clit that sends me crashing over the edge. “Ah fuck. There you go, baby, come all over my cock.” Sensation after sensation slams into me. I try to keep as quiet as possible, my soft moans getting lost in the animalistic sounds coming from Ryder as he allows himself his own release. He doesn’t stop his delicious assault until we are both utterly depleted.

He falls over top of me as we float back down to reality, making sure to bear his own weight. I feel his lips trail softly down my spine, peppering me with gentle kisses. “I love you, Em.” I smile at his whispered admission. His tenderness a contradiction to what he was doing to me just a minute ago. It’s one thing I love about him – that he can set my body on fire yet at the same time warm my heart. “I love you, too,” I mumble back, still finding it hard to talk. “Don’t move, baby. I’ll clean you up.” I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. I fight to keep upright as he pulls out of me, my legs feeling like jelly. I hear him shuffle around behind me while I stay in position. He cleans me up quickly then has me standing upright so he can slip my dress back down my body. “I’m going to have to walk home now without any underwear on, thanks to you.” I grumble halfheartedly. He grunts. “You’re not walking home without underwear on, baby. I’ll drive you and drop you off on the way to my meeting.” He gives me a soft kiss on the lips then lifts me back on top of his desk before leaning down and slipping my sandals back on my feet. I smile and my tummy does its usual flip when he does things like this. Even though I’m more than capable of doing it myself, it’s really nice to be taken care of sometimes. He rolls his chair closer now and grips my hips before kissing my knee. “I have to tell you, Em, I’m happy as fuck you decided to stop in and bring us doughnuts today,” he says with a smirk. My forgotten anxiety quickly surfaces as I think of the real reason why I came and I know I can’t wait any longer to tell him. I clear my throat nervously. “Well, there’s another reason why I came to see you.” He senses my unease. “Oh?” “I have to tell you something, but you can’t get mad.” His gaze quickly turns suspicion. “What is it?” “First you have to promise you won’t get mad.” “I’m not promising shit. Tell me.” “No. Not until I know you won’t get mad at me.” He releases a frustrated huff. “Fine. I won’t get mad.” “Promise?” “Yes, I fucking promise.”

“You’re already getting mad.” “Em, fucking spit it out already.” I bite my lip nervously, knowing I can’t stall any longer. “Okay, well, I got a call from my doctor and…” “What?” he asks in alarm. “Did something happen? Is everything okay with you and the baby? Did…” “No, no, it’s nothing like that.” I wave away his concern. “He was just calling to assure me my ultrasound results were great and we set up my next appointment.” He sighs with relief. “Oh okay, that’s good.” I nod. “Yeah, but… when we got talking about the ultrasound, I… Umm… I,” I pause and swallow. “I found out the sex of the baby.” He rears back in shock. “Em, what the fuck? We said we weren’t going to find out.” “I know, I’m sorry, Ryder, I don’t know what came over me. But when I found out the tech could see the sex I just had to know.” He sits back in his chair and crosses his arms, looking pissed. “You said you wouldn’t get mad.” I remind him. “I never said I was mad.” “I can tell you are.” “We said we weren’t going to find out.” “Well you still don’t have to know if you don’t want to. I’ll keep it to myself.” He stares at me in exasperation. “Fuck that. Of course I want to know now.” When I keep silent he presses. “So what is it?” “Are you sure you want to know?” “Emily.” He growls, making me laugh. “Okay, I’ll tell you, but you have to stop being mad at me and kiss me first.” He grunts in annoyance but leans over and lays a hard kiss on my lips. He keeps his face close, his intense eyes boring into mine. “Tell me, baby, what are we having?” I smile and tell him by giving him the name we chose. “We’re going to have a Rosa.” Silence consumes the room as he absorbs what I just said. “We’re having a girl?” he asks quietly.

I nod, my throat feeling a little tight all of a sudden. Something passes over his expression, softening his features. Blowing out a breath, he leans down and buries his face in my stomach. “That’s really cool, Em, and scary as fuck.” I thread my fingers in his hair and hold him close. “It’s a little scary, but I’m really happy we’re going to have a Rosa.” “Me too, baby, and I know she’s going to be beautiful just like you,” he whispers then presses a kiss to my stomach. “I’m going to take good care of you guys, Em. I promise.” My heart swells at his words. “I know you will. You’re going to be an amazing dad.” And it’s true, he will. I know he’ll love her and take care of her the same way he always does me. “I love her so much already,” he admits quietly. “Me too.” With a smile I lift his face to mine. “And I hope one day she falls in love with someone as amazing and honorable as you.” His soft expression vanishes in an instant. “I hope she never fucking falls in love.” I giggle but he doesn’t find it funny. “I’m serious. She doesn’t need anyone but me.” “Eventually she will, but you’ll be the first man she’ll love, and no one can take that from you.” He grunts, still not liking that response. Lord help the boy she meets and falls in love with. It’s incredible to know that in six months a precious girl is going to grace this earth. A girl that we created. I meant what I said – I hope she falls in love with someone like Ryder. My hope for all of our future children is to find what we have. They will grow up knowing money, class, politics and race don’t matter. What matters is finding that one person who will love and cherish every part of you until their last breath. The End

Dear Reader, I hope you enjoyed Emily and Ryder’s story as much as you enjoyed my Men Of Honor Series. And if you haven’t read my Men Of Honor yet, you’re missing out. Just sayin’. Ha, ha. Okay, but in all seriousness, I hope you enjoyed Beautifully Insightful. I have been planning this story since I began writing my first book, Fighting Temptation, which is why I took a brief break from my Men Of Honor series. Ryder and Emily had a story that needed to be told right now, and I really enjoyed writing them. A lot of research went into this book. I’ve learned the things a visually impaired person can do is absolutely amazing. I was also lucky enough to meet a pretty cool guy who was previously a highly trained government intelligence operative. He has led and run many SEAL teams and special operation missions. He now owns his own security firm and was my inside to the workings of the FBI. All in all, he’s pretty badass. Although this story is fiction there is one thing that is hauntingly real, and that is sex trafficking. For those of you who have been following me since my Men Of Honor series you know that this is a cause I am highly passionate about. Human trafficking has become a serious problem in our world today. Every thirty seconds someone is abducted into the human trafficking industry. The A21 Campaign is an amazing non-profit organization that helps to aid and change the lives of people who have been victims of human trafficking. If you’d like to read more about them, you can find information here www.thea21campaign.org. Help make the change today. Beautifully Insightful has a message behind it, like most of my books do. I once read something that helped my inspiration behind this book, and it was this: we were all humans until race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us and wealth classified us. The message I hoped to convey is to not judge others, to refuse to allow politics to separate us and, most importantly, to love with our entire hearts. For information on what’s to come for my future books, please visit my website: www.authorkclynn.com. Under “Upcoming Books” I have an entire news section on The Final Temptation, Kayla and Cooper’s Novella, which is the last book in the Men Of Honor Series. There is also information on the upcoming spin-off series, Acts Of Honor, where you can

get a glimpse of the series and the characters I will reintroduce. I have so much in store for the future and I can’t wait to share it with you all. In closing, I just want to express my extreme gratitude for all of you, my readers. Y’all help make my dreams come true by loving my stories and believing in me. I hope I continue to live up to this pedestal that you have so graciously put me on. Much Love, Author K.C. Lynn XO!

Acknowledgements I have so many people to thank for this amazing journey I am on and I hope I don’t miss anyone. So here we go: To my husband, Rob – Thank you for loving me, and bearing through all the chaos that comes with this writing business. On the days that I am fighting to make my deadline, thank you for never complaining about a dirty house when you get home, or supper not being ready and, most importantly, thank you for taking such good care of our amazing children on the days I am MIA. I would never be able to do this if not for you, thank you for always supporting me. Along with this acknowledgement, I want to add in our family member who is now in puppy heaven. Summer, I miss you, girl. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. You were the best dog a family could ask for and I loved writing you into this book. It filled a little of the giant hole I’ve had in my heart since you’ve been gone. Although my heart breaks with your absence, I know you are going for long walks with Papa Les. Love you forever. XO! My editor/amazing friend, Megan – What a whirlwind of a year, and it really does just keep getting better and better. I love that you are by my side through this amazing journey, and I know we will have many more incredible years together in this wonderful Indie world. Thank you for believing in me, and, most importantly, thank you for making me believe in myself. None of this would have ever been possible without your love and support. You are a rare gem, my friend. Love you to the moon and back. XO! Kayla – Again, you helped me through another creation and never steered me wrong. As always, thank you for all the massages, wings and book talk. I am also proud to know Ryder and Emily pulled you out of your book funk and back into loving the Indie world once again. And guess what’s next? You and Cooper, yay! Oh boy, this is gonna be fun to write. ;) XO!

Shelley – I promised you I would not make you cry in these acknowledgments anymore, so I will keep it short and sweet once again. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you for not only being an amazing sister-in-law but also an incredible proofreader. I love you and, like I always say, you are more than a sister-in-law to me, you are a true sister in my heart. XO! Mom – What can I say, Karebear, even though you drive me crazy most of the time, I love you. Thank you for giving up on the too-much-sex talks, and loving my books for what they are. And thank you for always telling me how proud you are of me, because sometimes a girl just needs to hear that from her mom. I also want to add something in here for my dad, although he probably will not be reading this. Lol! Thank you for helping me, Dad, on all the cop talk and suspense portions of my book. Who knew your years of police service, along with your conspiracy theories, would come in handy. Love you both. XO! Gis – I could not ask for a better mother-in-law. Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. And thank you for still loving me afterward. Ha, ha! But most importantly, thank you for helping to take care of my family on the days when I’m needed elsewhere, whether it is in my writing cave or out of the country for a signing. Love you. XO! Stephanie, my sister from another mister. How on earth did I ever survive without you for so long? Seriously. Our friendship may be fairly new, but it feels like I’ve known you forever and I could never picture my life without you. Thank you for being one of the best friends I’ve ever had. I love you, soul sister, and I cannot wait to watch you succeed in this Indie world. XO! My Betas – Kim, Sierra, Margie and Natasha – Thank you ladies for helping me through the creation of Ryder and Emily. You all steered me in the right direction, and on the days I struggled you pushed me to keep going. Thank you for believing in me and always having my back. Love you! XO! Kristin – Oh, my Tink. We have a fun year ahead of us for signings and I can’t wait. Thank you for coming and taking care of me, because lord knows I need it most days. Love ya, girl. XO! To my Cupcakes – Megg, Lauren, Alissa, Margie, Nancy, Tonya, Sierra, Kim, Aimee and Christy. I have said this before and I will say it again; y’all

are one of the best things to happen to me in this Indie world. You began as readers but now continue on as my friends. Thank you for always being there for me and having my back. I don’t know what I would do without you girls. XO! Nicolette, Jenn and Kari – Thank you for the most amazing cover I could have asked for. Nicolette, you were the perfect Emily and you brought her to life like no one else could have. Jenn, you captured it perfectly. Kari, your finishing touches made it one of my favorite book covers. Also a BIG thank you to my amazing friend Sierra for styling Nicolette, and to her amazing company – Bella Ella Boutique – for donating the clothing for the shoot. Love you all! XO! Sierra, aka Bubblegum – I know you are mentioned in these acknowledgements a few times but I feel I need to single you out, too. You always know what to say to make me laugh when I need it most. You fill my heart in so many ways and I don’t know what I would ever do without you. Thank you for being one of the truest friends I’ve ever had. “To the lair, bubblegum.” Blair Hawkins – Thank you for helping me once again on another story by giving me quick access to information, and for your patience on answering all of my questions. But most of all, thank you for all the honorable work you do to try and make the world a better place. In the words of my mother, you are truly badass. XO! To all the blogs – As The Pages Turn; Two Unruly Girls; Bestsellers & BestStellers Of Romance; A Is For Alpha, B Is For Books; KYBO; Submit & Devour; Crazy Bitches Book Blog; Sizzling Pages Romance Reviews; Crikette’s Bookshelf, Midnightmadness and Daytime Dreamers; and I know I am missing so many more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the promoting you do for me, and for always having my back. My success would be nothing without you all. XO! And last, but not least, to my street team: K.C. Lynn’s Ladies Of Honor – Thank you, ladies, for all the endless hours you put into pimping me. Your continued support is amazing; it’s the love that you all constantly show me that keeps my head high and my fingers typing. Thank you and I love you all. XOXO!

About The Author K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She married her high school sweetheart and they have four amazing children: two lovely girls and a set of handsome twin boys. It was her love for romance books that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. When she is not in her writing cave, pounding out new characters and stories, she can be found living between the pages of a book, meeting new, tattooed, hot alpha males with very big… Hearts.

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