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Cockloft K.C. LYNN

Published by K.C. Lynn Cockloft Copyright © 2017 K.C. LYNN Kindle Edition First Edition: 2017 Editing: Wild Rose Editing Formatting: BB eBooks Cover Art by: Cover to Cover Designs Cover Image by: Lindee Robinson Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

COCKLOFT A firefighter term used as a structural space above ceiling and below rafters, often connecting adjacent occupancies and permitting fire to spread laterally, often unseen.

DEDICATION For all the sassy ladies out there who love a pair of Jimmy Choos and shoulder around designer handbags that are as big as their hearts. May you find your Prince Charming and have all your fairytales come true. Even if that “Prince” has no clue who Louis Vuitton is.

Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page About the Book Dedication Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty-One Chapter Twenty-Two Chapter Twenty-Three Chapter Twenty-Four Epilogue Excerpt from Beautifully Insightful Acknowledgments Author Bio


CeCe A piercing alarm yanks me from my blissful sleep. I shoot upright with a gasp, my thundering heart nearly beating out of my chest. Ripping off my sleep mask, I cover my ears to silence the god-awful sound. It doesn’t take me long before I realize it’s the fire alarm. Not again! Dropping back down, I check my bedside clock to see it’s three in the morning. Don’t these assholes know I need my beauty sleep? CeCe with bags under her eyes looks like Malibu Barbie after a night of being strung out on crack. Not that I’ve seen what that looks like, but I can imagine it’d be hideous, which is how I look with tired, puffy eyes. Pepper, my Chihuahua, scales up my chest, his poor little body shaking in fear. “It’s okay, boy, don’t be afraid,” I coo, holding him close. “It’s just another false alarm.” Because a bunch of young punks think it’s funny to mess with everyone’s sleep. I have no doubt it’s Mrs. Langley’s grandsons pulling this

crap. Those two fourteen-year-old brats are always up to no good. Just the other day I caught them in the elevator trying to peek up my dress. Little pervs. Although, I really shouldn’t complain since it’s the only form of action I’ve had in the past year… I let that pathetic thought trail off and try to block out the obnoxious sound. I refuse to evacuate, I’m not playing into these little shits’ hands again. Pepper burrows in closer to my neck as I stroke his back, hoping to calm him. We wait for the alarm to be shut off but it doesn’t happen. What the hell is taking them so long? A few minutes later, I get a whiff of something burning and realize there’s smoke. Then I hear the sirens. “Oh shit!” Panic grips me as I fling off the covers and leap from bed, sending poor Pepper sailing through the air in my haste. “Oh, Pep, I’m so sorry.” I scoop him up and pull him in close to my pounding heart. “It’s going to be okay, boy, but we have to get out of here. There’s a fire!” I dash into my walk-in closet to grab some clothes. My Victoria Secret silk tank top and panties are adorable but not something I want all of my neighbors to see me in, especially since the panties barely cover my ass cheeks. I’ll just bet Tweedledee and Tweedledum would

love that. As I’m swiping through the mounds of clothes in my closet, my eyes land on my very impressive shoe and purse collection. For a heart-stopping second I imagine them bursting into flames. As horrible as that would be, there’s one thing in particular that I cannot survive without. Dropping to my knees, I begin sorting through the pile. The dread in my stomach tightens when I can’t find what I’m looking for. “Come on, where are you?” I dig deeper into the back of my closet, chucking all the shoes and purses behind me. “Ow, fuck!” The heated curse penetrates the ringing alarm but I pay it no mind, my state frantic as I continue the search. I’m angry with myself for not paying more attention after the remodel of my closet last week. “Miss, you need to evacuate! There’s a fire in your building.” I ignore the deep order, my hope fading with each passing second. Please, God, let me find it. “Lady! Are you listening to me?” “Just a minute,” I yell back. “Jesus christ.” The curse is spewed seconds before my arm is grabbed and I’m spun around, coming face-to-face with a very pissed off

firefighter. A sexy firefighter but an angry one, if his narrowed chocolate eyes are any indication. For one brief second, I notice how incredible his lashes are. Long, dark, and thick. The kind of lashes I only get with extensions. “We’re leaving, now,” he grits, snapping me back into myself. “Hold on. I need to grab something real quick.” Pulling from his grip, I move to the last corner I haven’t searched but I’m twisted back around to face him. His eyes that were angry a second ago are now raging. “Listen, lady. There is nothing in here that’s worth risking your life over.” If he only knew how important this is to me. “Now you have two options. Either you come with me willingly or I’ll throw you over my damn shoulder and carry you out. What’s it going to be?” My back straightens at the ultimatum. “I told you to wait. This will only take a second.” I move back to my task, knowing if I don’t find it this time I’ll have to leave without it. The thought kills a small part of me. A low growl sounds in my ear the same time the fireman’s arms lock around my waist. Right at that moment, I spot the baby blue color I’ve been looking for. “Wait, I see it.” Reaching out, I snag the strap,

ripping it from its buried place. I also manage to snatch up Pep and shove him inside just as Mr. Pissy hauls me to my feet. I’m about to give him a piece of my mind but I don’t get the chance because he takes my arm in a firm grip and begins dragging me from the closet. When my bare leg brushes his pants, I’m reminded of my current wardrobe situation. “Excuse me. Can you give me just one more second? I need clothes.” His determined strides don’t falter. I dig my heels into the carpet, halting his quick pursuit. “Buddy, I said stop. I need pants.” He spins around, his expression furious. “Too bad. You should have grabbed them instead of a stupid purse!” Stupid purse? I’m about to shove this ‘stupid purse’ up his ass…well maybe not this one. I’ll go back and grab my last season Louis. Then I’ll shove it up his ass. Before I can do just that he lifts a radio to his mouth. “I’ve located the missing tenant. She’s fine,” he barks into it, his flinty eyes narrowed on me. I give him narrowed eyes right back. He has a serious attitude problem and should not be working with people. “Smoke up here is minimal. What’s our situation?” he asks.

“Fire is on the second floor.” The information is delivered through static. “The stairwell is now compromised. You’re gonna have to take the ladder.” Ladder? I don’t have time to ponder that because I’m ushered out of my room and led toward my balcony. The bossy firefighter slides open the door and steps outside, yanking me with him. Finally having enough, I rip my arm out of his firm grasp. “Stop dragging me around like a dog. God, what’s your problem?” He steps into my personal space, forcing my head to crane all the way back. I curl Pep closer into my chest, more for my sake than his. “You wanna know what my problem is? My brothers need help fighting a fire and I’m stuck here with you because you didn’t evacuate like you were supposed to!” “I thought it was a false alarm. We’ve had three in the past month.” “It doesn’t matter,” he bellows. “You always evacuate and you sure as hell don’t stop for a fucking purse.” “It’s not just a purse. It’s important to me.” He grunts. “I’m sure it is.” I’m about to tell him exactly what it means to me but I bite my tongue. I don’t owe this jerk anything, least of all an explanation.

Our heated exchange is interrupted when a steel ladder reaches my balcony. A really tall ladder. He grabs the straps that are attached to it then moves for me. I retreat, my back hitting the wall. “What are you doing?” “Putting a harness on you.” “No way.” He takes another threatening step forward. “Listen, Blondie.” Blondie? “My patience is running thin with you. You have jeopardized both of our lives enough. Now stop being a pain in my ass and let me put the harness on you!” Without giving me an option, he drops to his knees before me, forcing my leg into one loop then the other. He begins buckling me up, his face only an inch from my crotch that’s minimally covered by black satin. Remember when I said the most action I’ve had this past year was when Mrs. Langley’s grandsons were trying to peek up my dress? Well, not anymore. “Is a ladder really necessary?” I ask, hoping to break the awkward tension. “How is everyone else on my floor getting down?” He stands to his full height, towering over me.

By his hard expression it’s clear he’s not the least bit affected that he just had his face practically buried in my hoo-ha. I’m both equally relieved and insulted by it. Maybe he has his face buried between women’s legs often. Good god. What’s wrong with me? I’ve been in this man’s miserable presence for all of five minutes and I imagine him muff diving? “Everyone else is already down there because they evacuated like they were supposed to,” he explains, bringing me back from my strayed thoughts. For the first time since this crazy night unfolded, a sliver of guilt niggles at me. He’s right. I should have treated this like a real fire alarm whether I believed it was or not. After clipping my harness to his belt, he props a heavy boot on top of my glass railing and climbs onto the ladder like a pro. The twelve stories doesn’t seem to rattle him one bit. “Hand me your purse,” he says. I snort at the order. “Not a chance, buddy. My dog stays with me.” Based on my five minutes with him, I’ll bet he accidentally drops my purse. His jaw locks, my refusal striking another chord. “I need you to get your ass on this ladder and you can’t do that while carrying that piece of

luggage you call a purse. So, for just once, can you not argue and do what I say?” With or without the purse I’m screwed, and not the good kind of screwed. The bad kind. The deadly kind. I could fall to my death right here and now. Then what would happen to poor Pep? The terrifying thought robs me of air. Straightening my shoulders, I lift my chin, hoping to mask my fear. “I will give you my purse but I swear to God, Fireboy, if anything happens to my dog I will punch your dick off. Got it?” I expect an angry retort but instead a small smirk tugs at his full lips. It’s a nice smirk…for an asshole that is. “I promise not to let anything happen to your dog,” he says. Having no other option but to trust him, I press a kiss to Pep’s head and reluctantly hand over my most precious possessions. My dog and the last gift my father ever gave to me. Fireboy hooks it around his arm that’s holding the ladder before extending his other hand to me. I hesitate, terrified to take it. “You got this, Blondie. I swear I won’t let you fall.” My eyes lock on his chocolate ones, his gaze strong and sure. I place my trembling hand into his warm one then lift my bare foot onto the cold

railing and push off with my other. He helps me onto the ladder, banding his arm tight around my waist and caging me in with his large body. My heart hammers as I cling to the metal steps, holding on for dear life. “Bring it down,” he orders into the radio. The ladder jerks with our descent, sending panic through my veins. “Oh god. Oh shit!” I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see how far down the ground is. “Don’t be scared, I got you.” His warm breath grazes my ear as he crowds my back. Every muscle in my body stills. My breath races for a new reason and I become intimately aware of how close he is to my half naked body. “Do you still have my dog?” I ask, my voice ridiculously breathless. “Yeah, I got him.” Is his voice gruffer than before? The ladder finally comes to a stop, bringing a small reprieve to my anxious heart. That’s until sexy firefighter is about to step away from me. I grab his wrist, keeping his arm curled around me. “Please don’t go yet.” “Why?” he asks, his breath tickling my ear again. “Because if you do everyone is going to see my ass and I’ve had enough excitement for one night.” I figure he’s going to jump at the chance to

embarrass me but thankfully he remains where he is and speaks into his radio again. “Banks, bring us a blanket.” “Copy that.” “Thank you,” I whisper. An awkward silence settles between us. “What’s your name, Blondie?” I hesitate to tell him but figure he has a right to know since he’s seen me in my underwear. “CeCe.” “CeCe.” My name rolls off his tongue in the most beautiful way, eliciting a shiver to ripple down my spine. I never noticed before but he has the faintest accent. I’m about to ask for his but I don’t get the chance because the other firefighter joins us. Fireboy hands him Pepper in exchange for the blanket. “Take him down, will you?” His friend holds up my purse, inspecting it with a chuckle. I glare at him over my shoulder, wondering what he finds so funny. “Be careful with my dog.” “Yes, ma’am.” He salutes me then disappears down the side of the truck, taking Pep and his laughter with him. Fireboy wraps the blanket around my waist before stepping back. “This way.” He climbs down first then waits for me at the bottom. Bunching the blanket around my hips, I turn

around and take one step at a time. When I reach the last one his hands span my waist, lifting me down. He turns me to face him, his body close, closer than necessary, and I find myself short of breath again. “Next time, Blondie, evacuate like you’re supposed to.” The warning has my earlier annoyance rushing back. Before I can tell him he needs to work on his people skills, he takes off, grabbing more equipment as he runs back into the burning building. The man who brought us the blanket passes me Pep, an amused smirk on his face. “Miss.” He tips his helmet at me then follows his friend. I stand amongst my neighbors, the blanket cinched at my hips. Mrs. Langley’s grandsons point at me from across the way, their eyes lit up like the Fourth of July. This is, by far, the most humiliating night of my life.


Gabe My

blood still pumps hot hours later. Both in anger and…I don’t know what else. I don’t have a fucking clue how to explain what I’m feeling about the clusterfuck I encountered earlier with Blondie. When I showed up to the high-rise condominium located in one of the wealthiest areas of Atlanta and heard there was still a tenant inside, the last thing I expected to find was flying heels, purses, and some chick facedown, ass up. And what an ass it was. The pale round globes barely concealed by black satin were made for a man’s hands, among many other things. I was stunned stupid until a heel caught me right in the face. Then I went from shocked to pissed off in a matter of seconds. I’ve seen people risk their lives to save all sorts of valuables in the event of a fire. But a fucking designer purse has to take the cake. It’s definitely the most superficial one yet. Though, it shouldn’t surprise me, she looks like the superficial type. Rich and spoiled. I’ve had to deal with people like her my whole life. The kind who would never last a

second on my side of town. The ones who look at my kind like we’re only good enough to clean their pools and do their yard work… I shove the thought aside before I’m reminded of the one man I hate most in this world. We were able to contain the fire quickly. Other than the second floor where it originated, the damage was minimal throughout the rest of the building. How it started has yet to be determined. Slamming my locker shut, I sling my bag over my shoulder, ready to go home and crash for the day. I pass through the kitchen where the dayshift crew is starting to gather for breakfast. “Hey, Martinez, heard you had quite the night,” Russell Bryant says, his mouth curved in a knowing smirk. I’ll just bet he did. No doubt by Banks. That fucker hasn’t shut up about Blondie’s dog or her exquisite ass. “Do you think they have a medal for purse and puppy rescue?” His laughter, along with the rest of the crews’, echoes through the whole station. Flipping him the finger, I push through the back door, but not before I hear his parting shot. “Aw, come on. At least the hot blonde had a nice ass. Or so I hear.” She sure did and it’s an ass that will no doubt haunt me for days to come.


CeCe A

warm breeze lifts my hair from my shoulders and whips it around my face as I drive my pink Volkswagen Beetle convertible with the top down, Katy Perry blasting from the speakers. Pepper sits next to me in the passenger seat, enjoying the sunshine and looking all sorts of handsome in his new bow tie. It’s a beautiful morning, especially after finding out that I’ll finally be able to leave the hotel I’ve been staying in for the past week and move back home. Not that I’ve minded the hotel all that much. Room service comes in handy for a girl who can’t cook. But I’m ready to be back in my own bed and be reunited with all of my things, full wardrobe included. My easy smile vanishes when I pull into the parking lot and find it filled with fire trucks and police cars. For one agonizing second I fear something has happened to my boutique, until I realize the flurry of activity is at the end of the strip mall where Mr. and Mrs. Nelson’s flower shop is. Parking in my usual spot, I grab Pep, shove him

into my purse, then run as fast as my gold Prada heels will allow. I head straight for Mrs. Nelson who stands alone while Mr. Nelson speaks with a police officer. “Mrs. Nelson, are you guys all right?” “Yes, dear, we’re fine. Just had a little scare. We thought there was a gas leak but turns out it was a false alarm.” My heart plummets at the thought of what a gas leak could have done to this entire shopping center. Losing my boutique would kill me. It’s my whole life. “Well, I’m glad everything is okay.” “Me too,” she says, placing her worn hand on my arm. “It was sweet of you to come check on us.” “Of course. I was worried when I saw all the fire trucks. Especially after…” My words trail off when a couple of firefighters walk out of the flower shop, one of them being a man I had hoped to never see again. The man who has invaded my thoughts often this past week, more than I care to admit. This is not happening. He spots me immediately, both surprise and amusement flashing in those dark chocolate eyes of his. I hate dark chocolate. Always have. Always will.

“Well, if it isn’t Blondie and her little dog, too,” he greets, a cocky smirk forming on his lips. I also hate smirks, especially the sexy kind. I want to kiss—no, slap it off his rude face. His eyes sweep down my body as he strides toward me, taking in my outfit of white skinny jeans and mint green halter-top. My stomach does a little flip and I suddenly feel exposed, even though there is nothing revealing about my outfit. Although, the low-cut shirt does give me great cleavage. “Stalking me?” he asks, snapping me from the thought. “Hardly, Fireboy,” I return snidely. “For your information, I own the boutique at the other end of this mall.” The words are delivered with pride. His head turns to the side, checking out my store, and I can’t help but notice what a remarkable jaw he has. Strong and cut. The sharp angle is so perfect I get the urge to bite it. Bite it? What am I, a vampire? Oh god, this asshole is making me have weird fetishes now. Get a grip, CeCe! “Kensington Palace,” he muses, rubbing that bite-worthy jaw of his. “How…appropriate.” I don’t miss the underlying tone in his deep voice. “Why do you say that?” “A palace for a princess.”

I flinch, the words hitting me like a slap in the face. If he only knew how close to the truth he was. Except, he spews the word princess as if it’s a dirty thing. Whereas my father always said it with nothing less than pure adoration. I shove aside the memory before it can pull me under and lift my chin. “You don’t know me.” “True, but I know your type. All you rich, pretentious chicks are the same.” “Pretentious?” I repeat, my blood heating. “Yeah pretentious. Materialistic,” he adds. “Take your pick. After all, I did find you in the middle of a fire trying to save your designer purse.” My teeth grind so hard my jaw begins to ache. “I told you that it means something to me. Or did your pea-sized brain forget that?” He steps into my personal space, his mouthwatering scent invading my senses. I straighten my shoulders, refusing to cower, but the moment he dips his mouth close to my ear, all of my confidence vanishes. “Trust me, Bella. I haven’t forgotten a single thing from that night. Especially the black satin that barely covered your fine ass.” Heat explodes through my entire body, creating a wildfire. Quick, think of something witty. I can’t. My mind has completely shortcircuited. The only thing I can focus on is how good

he smells and the way his warm breath feels against my ear. I’m pulled out of my stupor when he steps away and flashes me yet another smug smirk followed by an infuriating wink. Then he walks past me, heading for his waiting fire truck. “It’s CeCe, asshole. Not Bella!” I correct him. My outburst only seems to amuse him further. He gives me a wave as the fire truck pulls away, leaving me to stand alone like an idiot. Oh the nerve of that jerk. I stomp across the pavement, the clicking of my heels matching the furious rhythm of my heartbeat. Pretentious. Materialistic. How dare he judge me after only one encounter. I come to a stop just in front of my boutique, my anger slowly fading at the sight of the purple crown on the glass window with the capital K woven into it. Kensington Palace. You will always be my princess and this home is forever your palace. Emotion burns in my throat as my father’s voice fills my mind and heart. There isn’t anyone or anything that will ever taint those words for me. Especially not some stupid judgmental firefighter. Unlocking the door, I walk in, turn off the alarm, then flick on the lights, unveiling…magic.

Racks upon racks of spring colors fill the space. Everything from designer dresses, to shoes, handbags, and even jewelry. This is my happy place. From the time I was a little girl I’ve had an obsession with fashion. Dressing up my Barbies, playing in my mother’s clothes. Now I get to help others look fabulous. I walk into the backroom, scoop Pep out of my purse and drop a kiss on his head before putting him down next to his food and water bowl. After filling them both, I move to the front counter and take care of last night’s closeout that was done by Jill. An employee I hired a few months ago whom I adore. She’s a couple years younger than me but fashion is a passion we both share, and I can see her being here for a long time. After tallying up all of the receipts, I’m delighted to see we had a very successful night. Once that’s all squared away, I pick up the phone and call my mom. She’s been gone for almost a month on a cruise with her sisters and I miss her dearly. Ever since my father died, she travels often. I think it’s her way of coping. As each ring passes, I become less hopeful of speaking with her and eventually get her answering machine. “You’ve reached Elizabeth, I’m away soaking up the rays in the Caribbean, leave me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Caio!” I wait for the beep. “Hey, Mom, it’s me. Just checking in. I guess you’re already out for the day. Hope you, Aunt Viola, and Aunt Sadie are having a good time. I…I miss you,” I confess, my voice softening. “I just wanted to hear your voice. Talk to you soon.” Hanging up, I decide to call my best friend whom I also miss terribly. Emily and I have been friends since birth. She’s the closest thing I have to a sibling and her friendship is one I cherish. I hated it when she moved away but I’m also happy for her because she got a second chance with the boy she fell madly in love with when we were in high school. The bad boy whom I deemed a killer and beat with my purse. Turns out he was far from it and even became an FBI agent. A growly one at that. Speaking of her husband… “Jameson residence,” Ryder answers, clearly not looking at the number. This is going to be fun. “Good morning,” I greet with a slight disguise to my voice. “This is Violet from Whoreilicious. I’m calling for our employee of the month, Emily Jameson. Is she around by chance?” There’s a long pause. I cover the receiver with my hand and snicker, imagining the look on his face.

“Hardy fucking har, Kensington,” he grumbles, not the least bit amused. “Aw shucks, how did you know it was me?” “Lucky guess.” His dry tone has me busting into laughter. “Do you lie awake at night thinking of ways to annoy the hell out of me?” he asks. “Not really. It just comes naturally. It’s a talent.” He grunts. “You need to lighten up, Jameson. All that growliness isn’t healthy for you,” I tell him. “You know what you need?” “To fuck my wife but you’re too busy cockblocking me.” Well that explains the extra pissiness this morning. I deliver myself a pat on the back for my impeccable timing. “Nope. You need the newest Louis man purse.” “I don’t think so.” “Trust me, you do. I’ll tell ya what. When I get my men’s line in here I’m gonna have a purse line named after you. You can even be the model. We’ll call it the Secret Agent line,” I say, knowing how much it pisses him off when I call him that. “What do ya say?” “Over my dead fucking body, that’s what I say.” Once again, I’m unable to contain my laughter.

“Are you calling for a reason or just to annoy me?” “Both. But I’m done the with latter so let me talk to your wife now.” He hands the phone off to Emily who is also laughing. “Would this happen to be my best friend in the whole world who loves to get a rise out of my husband?” “The one and only,” I announce proudly. “How are you and my sweet goddaughter?” Rosa is the most precious little girl in the world and I’m honored to not only be her aunt but also godmother. Just last month I had the honor of buying her, her very first designer purse. A Michael Kors wristlet. She loves it and carries it everywhere with her. Emily is constantly sending me pictures. Ryder was ecstatic about the gift. Not! “We are both doing wonderful, thank you for asking. How about you? How’s the apartment coming along?” “Good. I get to move back in this Thursday.” “That’s great. I bet you’re excited about that.” “You know it. I need my bed.” “And let’s not forget your shoe and purse collection,” she teases, making light of something that never would have rattled me before but does now.

“Yeah, I miss those, too.” I chuckle, trying to play along, but the laugh I toss out is as fake as my acrylic nails. “What’s wrong?” she asks, all amusement from her voice gone. She knows me better than anyone. “Can I ask you something?” “Anything.” “You promise to be honest with me? Even if it hurts my feelings?” “Always. You know that.” I do, which is why she’s the only one I’d ask. “Am I…” I pause, unsure of how to say it without sounding ridiculous. “Am I a good person?” “Of course you are. How can you even ask me that?” “Think about the question, Em. I mean really think about it.” “I don’t need to think about it. I already know the answer,” she says, getting a little heated. “What’s going on, CeCe? Where is all this coming from?” Sighing, I tell her about my encounter with Fireboy and don’t leave anything out. Well some stuff, like the part where he’s hot and I want to bite his jaw. But I fill her in on everything else, right down to him calling me pretentious and materialistic.

“What a jerk!” “Yeah, but…is he right? I mean, I do love all the stuff he’s accusing me of.” “So what? Everyone likes nice things, CeCe. That doesn’t make them bad people.” “You don’t care about stuff like that,” I remind her, thinking just how un-materialistic my friend is, despite the home she grew up in. “Sure I do, mine just differs from yours. We grew up with the finer things in life. The difference between us is it’s all you know. That does not make you a bad person. This jerk’s judgment speaks volumes about him as a person. Not you,” she adds vehemently. “The thing is, Em. The purse I was digging for when he found me was from my dad,” I confess softly. “It’s the last thing he gave to me and it’s engraved. I couldn’t leave it behind. It would have killed me if anything happened to it.” “Oh, CeCe,” she croaks, her voice thick with guilt, something that’s always there when we speak about my father. There’s a strong connection between Emily and my father’s death. He died by exposing a sex trafficking operation her father and many other prominent men in our social circle had been involved in. It was a huge shock to our community, but no matter how much I miss my father, I’ll always be grateful to him for saving Emily’s life.

“I understand. It’s a precious possession, and I would have done the same thing,” she continues. “If this guy can’t see the heart you possess then that’s on him, not you.” “You’re right,” I say, shaking myself of my pity party. “I don’t know why I even let him get to me.” “Never let anyone make you feel less than. You’re one of the best people I know.” “Thanks, Em,” I whisper, her words meaning more to me than she could ever know. “You’re welcome. Now with that out of the way, let’s talk about this men’s line you plan to launch,” she says, her excitement mirroring my own. “Where are you with that?” “I have an appointment at the bank soon with Graham Davis for the loan.” “That’s so exciting.” “I know. Let’s hope he likes the proposal I put together.” I could easily borrow the money from my mother but it’s the last thing I want to do. I started this boutique on my own and I want to continue that way. “He will. Not only is your boutique a success but Graham and your father also go way back. There’s no way he will turn you down.” It’s one of the reasons I asked to meet with him. Since my father’s death, I’ve stepped back from the social circle I was raised in but Graham and my

father were close. He’s a good man. Someone my father trusted. The beep on my door signals someone’s arrival. “Em, I have a customer, can I call you back?” “Of course.” “Thanks. Talk soon.” “Bye.” Hanging up, I walk around the counter to welcome the person and find Jill. “Hey,” I greet her in surprise. “Why are you here on your day off?” “I came by to grab this,” she says, snagging a thin black Donna Karan sweater off the table. “I meant to buy it last night before I left but completely forgot. It’s going to be part of my birthday outfit.” “It’s your birthday?” I ask, feeling guilty for not knowing. “This Saturday. My older brother and I share the same birthday but two years apart. Crazy, right?” “Very,” I agree. “We’re having a party at the lodge my uncle owns just outside of town.” “Sounds like fun.” “It’s going to be a blast, you should come.” The invite practically makes me cringe. “Thanks for asking but I have lots to do this weekend,” I lie. “Like what? Because the party is Saturday

night and if I’m not mistaken Monica is working the Sunday shift.” “Well, she is but I have loads of paperwork and…other things to do.” She doesn’t buy it and I don’t blame her. I’m a terrible liar. “Come on, CeCe. You never come out when I ask.” That’s because I always think she invites me out of pity. It’s no secret my life revolves around the boutique. Emily is pretty much my only friend and now that she’s gone I bury myself in work. It makes it less lonely. “My uncle is offering up free rooms to everyone who comes,” she continues. “It’s going to be a blast and I’d really love it if you’d join us. Please?” It’s the hopeful “please” that does me in. “Oh, all right.” “Yes!” she cheers. “On one condition,” I add. “What’s that?” “You let me give you this sweater and”—I reach over, taking a necklace off the rack that she’s had her eye on—“this as your birthday gift.” She smiles. “I love it. Thank you.” “You’re welcome.” As I gift-wrap them for her, she gives me directions to the lodge and fills me in on the plans

for the night. I have to admit it sounds like a lot of fun. “My brother has some hot single friends too, maybe you’ll hit it off with one of them,” she adds, waggling her brows at me. “Not likely. My luck when it comes to dating hasn’t been great this past year.” I shudder as I think about the last date I went on a few months ago. It was with a successful accountant who spoke all night about his boring life while staring at my boobs. Then he split the check with me. It was a disaster. I’ve come to accept that it very well may be Pep and me forever. The thought is depressing… “You never know. Maybe your luck will change.” With a wink, she takes her bag and starts for the door. “See you Saturday,” she calls over her shoulder. “Bye.” Once the door beeps with her departure, I start rummaging through the boutique, looking for the perfect outfit. I might show up alone at this party but I’ll be damned if I don’t do it in style.


Gabe You

have got to be shittin’ me! Out of all the places to see her again… Here? Johnny and I have known each other since we were kids. We have the same circle of friends; I thought I knew all of Jill’s friends, too. Clearly not. However, I did know she started working parttime at a boutique. Come to find out it’s at fucking Blondie’s. Someone is having a good laugh at the irony of it all. I find none of it funny. Ever since our first encounter, I’ve been haunted by the memory of her ass encased in black satin. Running into her everywhere has only added to the torture. And, of course, she walked into the party looking like every guy’s wet dream, wearing a dress that shows off her mile-long legs, and heels meant to claw into a guy’s back while he’s fucking her senseless. She looked about as happy to see me as I was her. The introduction by Jill was unnecessary and awkward to say the least. She got a kick out of the

fact that we already knew each other and was completely oblivious to the tension between Blondie and me. The kind that reels me in and calls to every primal instinct I possess. A girl I barely know has me all tied up in knots and I fucking hate it. Since the introduction, she has avoided me like the plague. Other than tossing me an occasional glare while sipping her pink drink, she has stayed on the other side of the room. I don’t blame her. I was a prick the last time we ran into each other. I can’t seem to help myself. There’s something about her that drives me crazy. It’s not just the fact that she’s a spoiled rich girl. It’s something more. The fire in her eyes challenges me, makes me want to see just how far I can push. I have no doubt there’s more to her than all that attitude she carries around, and a part of me craves to know what it is. “You gonna fill me in on the story with Barbie over there or continue to glare at her all night?” Johnny asks, leaning against the wall next to me. “Nothing to tell.” The lie is pathetic, even to my own ears. “Right, that’s why you look like you’re ready to knock someone out.” I want to hit someone all right but it’s not Blondie. My anger is directed at Travis, another longtime friend of mine who has taken it upon

himself to entertain her. From the moment she walked in, he’s been trying to charm himself right into her panties. No doubt they’re the black silk ones that barely cover her phenomenal ass. From across the room, I watch as she sits with him, my irritation growing when she throws her head back and laughs at whatever the fucker is saying. Her slender throat calls to me, my mouth watering to taste the delicate skin. Eventually, she excuses herself and heads to the bathroom. Travis makes his way over to Johnny and me, a cheesy grin lighting up his whole damn face. “Man, you see that chick? I knew your sister had some hot friends but she has to be the hottest one yet.” The remark makes me want to rip his throat out. His eyes shift to me and he rears back at my hard expression. “What’s your problem?” “Nothing,” I answer, voice tight. Johnny chuckles. “I don’t think he likes you getting cozy with the hot, new friend.” “Why, you know her? Do you two have something going on?” “No.” What am I supposed to say? She’s a pretentious, rich girl that I saved, and I’m not sure if I hate her or want to fuck her. I want to fuck her like I hate her. Jesus, I have problems.

Before any of us can say more, Jill walks over carrying a large beer mug with tiny pieces of paper in it. “Pick a name please,” she says, thrusting the glass in front of Travis. “What’s this for?” “Our first game of the night.” Johnny groans. “Do we really need games?” “Yes, we do. So stop fussin’.” She brings the mug to me next. I pull one out to appease her but I’m with Johnny. I don’t care for games. Johnny reaches for one too but Jill pulls the glass back. “Not you. You don’t need one. Your girlfriend is your partner.” “Partner for what?” he asks. “You’ll see.” She leaves us with the cryptic answer, moving about the room from guy to guy. “I hate this shit,” Johnny grumbles. “She does this every year and every year you bitch about it,” I remind him. “Why don’t you start celebrating on your own?” “You know how my sister is. Her feelings will get hurt. I’ll feel like shit for it, then Leah will give me even more shit and I won’t get laid for a week,” he says, talking about his longtime girlfriend. “No thanks. I’ll suffer through it.” He’s always had a soft spot for Jill. It’s hard not to. She followed us around everywhere while growing up and has major hero worship for her big

brother. Sharing their birthday means everything to her. “Who did you pick?” Johnny asks, pointing to the paper in my hand. Hope fills my chest but it punches me in the gut when I open up the paper and don’t find her name. “Trisha.” A friend of Jill’s that I’ve met a few times. She seems cool and is easy on the eyes. With long brown hair, a normal sized purse, and an attitude that doesn’t put my dick in a fucking twist. I bet she doesn’t even have a rat looking dog either. Yeah, she’s definitely my type. “Yes!” Travis’s excitement rips me from my thoughts. “I got exactly who I wanted.” He shows us who he picked, my blood pumping violently at the name he reveals. “The hell you did.” I rip the paper from his hand, staring down at the dainty handwriting. “Sure did.” My jaw tightens, every muscle in my body coiling as jealousy burns within me. Something I never feel. I’m not a jealous guy, never needed to be. Until now. “Fate is on my side and my dick is thankful for it,” he gloats with that stupid grin on his face. Fate my ass. “Okay, everyone, gather in,” Jill calls from the

bar. Travis holds out his hand. “Give it back.” I hesitate, using the moment to make a split second decision. Dropping the paper into his hand, I walk past him, my gaze finding Blondie’s. We make eye contact, the energy in the room shifting before she breaks the connection by looking away. “Men, line up on one side and, ladies, on the other,” Jill instructs. There’s about twenty of us that do what she says. Travis and Johnny squeeze in on my right. The eagerness on Travis’s face almost makes me feel bad for what I’m about to do…almost. “A few minutes ago I had each guy pick a name from the mug. I thought it would be fun to pair up since there are an equal number of men and women.” “What are we pairing up for?” someone asks. Jill beams with excitement. “We’re having a scavenger hunt.” Groans penetrate the air, most of them coming from my side of the room. “Don’t be such party poopers. It’s going to be fun and there’s a prize for the couple that wins. A big basket filled with alcohol.” All the guys perk right back up at the information. “I’m going to give you a list of fifty things that

you have to find and you have one hour to find them all. The first team to make it to the end with all fifty items wins.” Travis tilts his head close to mine. “I hope some of the places are hidden and dark.” He chuckles under his breath. The poor bastard is going to be very disappointed. Jill points to the first guy in my line. “Garrett, you start. Whose name did you pick?” “Cassandra.” Across the way, a tall redhead joins him, both of them high-fiving each other with the plan to kick ass. The line continues. Each girl who is called walks over to her partner for the hour. Then it’s my turn. “What about it, Gabe? Who did you get?” My gaze locks with the girl across from me, her eyes wide and nervous. I flash her a smile and hold up my paper. “Looks like it’s you and me, Blondie.” Horror washes over her face, giving me a sick sense of pleasure. In that same moment, I feel Travis stiffen next to me. “What the fuck?” He opens his paper to see that I switched the names. “You son of a bitch.” His words are nothing more than an angry whisper. Johnny laughs his ass off, finding it as funny as

I do. Blondie looks good and pissed as she walks over and takes the spot next to me, leaving a massive gap between us. Let the games begin. I wrap an arm around her waist and reel her in close, my eyes remaining on Jill as names are continued to be called down the line. CeCe tries to slip out of my hold as inconspicuously as possible but my grip tightens. When she realizes she isn’t going to pull this off without causing a scene, she crosses her arms over her chest, her body practically vibrating in fury. I’ve never loved pissing someone off as much as I do her. “Here is your list and a bag,” Jill says, passing one to each couple. “You have an hour. Starting… now.” Everyone disperses quickly. Travis throws me a glare, promising retribution, as he and Trisha walk off. I can kick his ass any day and we both know it. Pain explodes through my foot when my partner stomps on it, crushing it with her heel. “Ow! What the hell was that for?” I ask. She sweeps a blonde lock out of her pissed off face. “For picking my name and putting me on the spot like that.” “It’s not my fault,” I lie.

“Yeah, right.” “Do you really think I want to be your partner? Trust me, if I had the choice, I would have chosen someone I can win with.” The statement gets the reaction from her that I wanted. “Excuse me?” “You heard me. I like to win and I sure as hell won’t with you.” Her back straightens, that fire I’m growing to crave sparking in her eyes. “I’ll have you know that I’m a very competitive person and I always win.” I’ll bet she does. She probably throws all sorts of fits until she gets what she wants. She rips the list out of my hand, tears it in two then slaps it against my chest. “You go find your half and I’ll find mine. We’ll see who finishes first.” I snag her elbow before she can storm off. “Not so fast, Blondie. We’re a team whether we want to be or not. Which means we have to work together.” “Jill never stated that in the rules.” “Why else would she have us partner up? Besides, what if I need things on my list that you have?” Her teeth grind, knowing I’m right. “Fine. Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.” We head out into the lobby where a few others are going through their lists. She stops right in the middle and looks down at her torn piece of paper.

“I have some of these items in my purse. Hold this.” She thrusts her drink at me then digs into the massive handbag she has hanging in the crook of her arm. The first thing she pulls out is hand sanitizer. Then Kleenex, lip gloss, perfume, a compact mirror, and a safety pin. In the midst of her digging, I even see a heel slip out that she quickly shoves back inside. “Jesus, what the hell do you have in there? Your whole closet?” “So what if I do? You should be grateful considering I just crossed off seven of our needed items.” “Touché, Blondie. You got a condom in there?” Her eyes narrow but a slight blush stains her porcelain cheeks. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” “I do, since it’s on the list,” I say, showing her my half of the paper. “Oh.” She clears her throat. “Well…no, I don’t.” “No problem. I have a few on me.” I deliver the information with a wink then retrieve my wallet from my back pocket and pull out the condom, dropping it into the bag. With a sassy smile, she digs out the foil packet and holds it up to inspect it. “Let me guess, extra small?” My cock hardens at the taunt. I collect a step forward, coming so close that I can see the fast

thrumming pulse at the base of her neck. “Careful, Blondie. I have no qualms about bending you over and ripping off those expensive panties of yours to show you just how wrong your ‘guess’ is.” “In your dreams, Fireboy,” she sneers, but there’s no denying the heat in her eyes, the same one I have roaring in my veins. I lean in even closer, dipping my mouth next to her ear. “If you only knew the things I do to you in my dreams, especially that feisty mouth, you’d haul your high maintenance ass back to your side of town.” Her breath races, skimming across my jaw. “I know what you’re trying to do, but you don’t scare me.” My nose brushes against her creamy cheek, pushing it just one step further to see if she really means that. She doesn’t move a muscle, except for the shiver that claims her body. “Good to know, because I don’t bite unless you want me to.” I back out of her personal space, more for my benefit than hers. “Are you done?” The flush of her skin and need in her eyes contradicts her flippant attitude. “For now.” She grumbles something intangible before looking back down at the list she holds in her hand. “We need to go outside,” I inform her. “There’s things on my list that we will only find out there.”

“Like what?” “A pinecone, acorn, feather, and—jesus—a firefly?” “Firefly,” she repeats, as baffled as I am. “How the hell are we supposed to catch that?” My eyes zero in on her giant purse. “Forget it, bucko. This is genuine leather and a one-of-a-kind Kate Spade. Only five hundred of these bags exist. No bugs will be going in my purse, got it?” My lips curve into a smirk. “I guess we’ll improvise then, Bella.” Her eyes narrow once more, teeth grinding. “For the last time, my name is CeCe not Bella!” She blows past me, her heels clicking on the tile floor as she storms out the front doors. I follow her outside, unable to contain my laughter. She obviously never took Spanish in school. I could fill her in but, nah. This is much more fun. She uses the flashlight on her phone, casting it down on the cement to search for the items. The urge to roll my eyes like a fucking chick is strong. “We’re not going to find them here. We need to head over there.” I point to the woods behind the lodge, a dense forest I know well. “Are you crazy?” she sputters, appalled at the thought. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not dressed to be going on any kind of nature hike.”

My eyes sweep down her body, taking in her classy dress and heels. “Trust me, I noticed the moment you walked in. But you’re gonna have to suck it up, buttercup, because it’s the only place we’re going to find these items.” “Then by all means. Have fun, partner,” she says, gesturing for me to go on my own. “And here I thought you were competitive and always win. Guess not.” I head for the woods, leaving her with the challenge. “See ya on the other side, Blondie.” Her heated growl penetrates the night air as she catches up to me, just like I knew she would. “Lose the smirk, asshole!” she snaps. “Damn, you’re a spitfire. Anyone ever tell you that?” “Has anyone ever told you that you’re rude and completely obnoxious?” “Never. Only words of love have ever been directed toward me.” She scoffs at the lie, making me chuckle. She reaches for my arm as we enter the woods, her nails biting into my skin as she wobbles in her heels. The sting shouldn’t turn me on but it does. It makes me wonder how they would feel being raked down my back while I’m fucking us both into oblivion. I slow my strides, making it easier for her to keep up. As much as I get a kick out of torturing

her, I don’t want her to get hurt. The flashlight on her phone guides our way, dancing all over the place as she swats at the bugs in front of her face. “Maybe we should mark all the places we pass. The last thing I want is for us to get lost out here.” “I know these woods like the back of my hand. Johnny and I used to come out here every summer when we were kids.” “How long have you two known each other?” she asks, sounding genuinely interested. “Since elementary school. We lived on the same street for years until his family moved to a different neighborhood.” Where poor people didn’t live. “My bestie moved away to another state a few years back,” she shares, a hint of sadness in her voice. “She married her high school sweetheart who I always thought was a killer. I even beat him with my purse one time.” I grunt. I’ll bet those bags she shoulders can cause serious damage to someone, especially with a spitfire like her behind them. “Anyway, turns out he’s an all right guy. When he’s not stealing my best friend away.” I side-glance her, wondering why she’s sharing this with me. Before I can ask she comes to a hard stop, a gasp leaving her lips. “Wait. I found something.”

She bends down where her light is trained and picks up a pinecone. “Yes!” “Good eye, Blondie.” “I know.” Pride fills her voice as she drops the item in my bag. “What’s next?” She leans in close to look at my paper. Her scent, both sweet and intoxicating, penetrates my senses, my mouth watering for a taste. I clear my throat to answer the question when she lets out a blood-curdling scream and jumps on me. “What the hell?” “Snake! Snaaake,” she wails, climbing up my body like a damn koala bear. I fight to remain upright, her long legs locking around my waist, squeezing like a goddamn vice. My arms move to cradle her ass before we both careen over. “Whoa, Blondie, chill. It’s okay.” “No, it’s not. It slithered across my foot.” “It was probably just a twig.” “Gabe, get me out of here!” Her voice is thick with fear as she clings to me. “All right. Calm down. We’re leaving.” My boots crunch the dry earth beneath them as I walk out of the dense forest. Her breath is hot in my ear, coming out in short, frantic pants as her heart thunders against my chest. One arm remains under her ass while my other is banded across her back. Her grip around my neck is

so damn tight that it begins to cut off my oxygen. “Will you let up?” I ask. “You’re choking the shit out of me.” “I’ll let up when you get us out of here!” Once I step on the pavement, she unwinds her legs from around my waist and quickly finds her footing. “I should have never let you talk me into this,” she snaps, acting like it’s my fault. Typical. “What’s wrong, Princess? Daddy never took you camping?” I realize my mistake too late. Her entire body stiffens, a stark pain flashing in her eyes that strikes me to my core. “No, asshole, he didn’t and he never will because he’s dead.” Guilt slices through my chest like a hot blade. Before I have a chance to apologize, she turns her back on me and storms inside. “CeCe, wait!” I call out, following in after her. She gives me the finger over her shoulder, her heels tearing up the tile as she blows through the lobby. A few couples stop their search, watching our dramatic scene unfold. I finally catch up to her down one of the hallways. She stands outside her door, searching for the room key in her purse. “Will you fucking wait?” I growl, snagging her arm. “I’m trying to apologize.”

She turns on me and the pain that was in her eyes seconds ago is now replaced with fury. “I don’t want your apology! I’m done with your shit. It’s obvious you feel the need to tear others down to overcompensate for what you are so obviously lacking.” Her eyes dart to the center of my jeans, her insinuation loud and clear. It has every muscle in my body tightening. She takes a step forward, entering dangerous territory as she jabs her pink fingernail into my chest. “Well, Fireboy, you and your small penis can take out your bitterness on someone else.” Her purse hits my stomach as she turns on a heel to storm inside, attempting to slam the door in my face. A primal instinct comes over me, one so powerful there’s no stopping it. “I don’t think so, baby.” Catching the swing of the door, I follow her in and slam it behind me. “You are not going to challenge my dick like that and just walk away.” She spins around, eyes widening and mouth dropping. Before she has a chance to breathe one word, I pin her against the wall and take her sassy mouth like I’ve been wanting to since that first night.


CeCe It all happened so fast. I had no time to anticipate it. One minute I was blasting him, furious for his thoughtless comment, then the next minute I’m up against the wall, his mouth claiming mine in a hunger I’ve never known. A blinding, dangerous lust that can only be described as combustible. “God, I hate you!” I mumble, but fist his shirt to pull him closer, completely helpless against the spell he has over me. It’s infuriating. Crazy. And, oh god, it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. “Likewise, Blondie,” he fires back, never severing contact. “Jesus, you taste fucking incredible.” Our tongues duel in a passion of anger and unrelenting desire. My teeth sink into his bottom lip, hard enough that I taste blood. Sweet jesus, I really am a vampire. Growling, he lifts me off my feet. “You want it

rough, baby, I’ll give it to you rough.” His hips push forward, hard cock driving between my legs and pinning me to the wall. “Oh god!” The fiery whimper purges from my throat, exploding through the air between us. He grips my jaw and pulls back, his lips hovering just above mine while those dark chocolate eyes peel away every layer I fight to keep in place. “Tell me you want this. If you do, I’ll fuck you in a way you’ll never forget. If you don’t, then I’ll walk out of here and never turn back. It’s your call but I need to hear you say it.” I couldn’t tell him to leave even if I wanted to. Not now. Not when I’ve never felt more alive in my entire life. “Bring it, Fireboy,” I breathe with more confidence than I feel. “Let’s see what you got.” His lips curl into that infuriating yet sexy trademark smirk of his. “Buckle up, Blondie, I’m about to take you on the ride of your life.” Pushing from the wall, he tosses me on the bed, his large body following down on top, mouth claiming mine once again. His lips are like gasoline, setting my soul on fire one kiss at a time. Our hands are as urgent as our mouths. Mine pull at his shirt while his tear at my dress, ripping it from my body. He tosses what’s left of it onto the

floor without a care in the world. I should be horrified that he would do such a thing, especially since it’s an original piece that has yet to hit the market. But I can’t find enough forethought to care, not when his lips are passing over the bare skin he’s revealed. When his hot mouth closes over one taut nipple, all thoughts leave me on a rush of blinding heat. “Yes!” My fingers spear through his hair, back arching. “Goddamn, you’re on fire,” he growls. I am, my body is like an inferno. This need— the hunger I’m feeling—there are no words to describe it. I’ve never burned for someone like this —never. I’m sure this makes me certifiable since I hate him…kinda. His tongue lashes the fiery tip, inflicting the most exquisite torture before his teeth grip so hard it borders on pain. A beautiful pain that shoots to the center of my core and has me close to the edge of destruction. We need to get this show on the road before I embarrass myself and he finds out just how long it’s been for me. What a mood killer that would be. Before I can finish ridding him of his shirt, he climbs to his feet, taking his incredible mouth with him. I’m about to maul him like a sex-starved nymphomaniac until he reaches behind him and

pulls his shirt off. That’s when all coherent thought flees me. My eyes roam over his naked chest, admiring his bronzed skin and chiseled abs. His body is nothing short of perfection. He looks like he’s been sculpted by an artist, every line hard and profound, just like that bitable jaw of his. I’m brought out of my appreciation when he leans forward and slips his fingers in the edge of my panties. My breath stalls in anticipation as he slowly drags the material down my legs, leaving me completely naked for his view. He pushes my legs apart, lust raging in his eyes as he takes in my most intimate spot. “Oh, baby. Fucking hermosa eso es lo que eres.” Fucking beautiful is what you are. I have no idea what he just said. He could have cussed me out for all I care, because hearing Spanish fall past his lips is the hottest damn thing that’s ever graced my ears. Smiling, I milk his appreciation for all it’s worth and stretch out beneath his heated stare, my arms going above my head. “You gonna stare all night, Fireboy? Or are you going to take me on that ride you promised?” His eyes darken further, turning to molten lava. Grabbing my hips, he pulls me to the edge of the bed with one hard yank, stealing the air from my lungs.

“You know, Blondie,” he starts, the slightest hint of that accent peeking through his dark voice. “I’ve been wondering something.” “What’s that?” I ask, feeling ridiculously breathless. He kneels before me, the breadth of his shoulders spreading my legs further apart. “If this pretty pussy tastes as sassy as your mouth.” Before I can think of something witty to throw back at him, his mouth lands on my aching center. My back bows off the bed, an intense pleasure racing through my body. “So fucking good.” The vibrations of his words add to the sensations soaring through me. I’m not going to last, there’s no way, not with a skillful tongue like his. The heels of my Jimmy Choos dig into his shoulders as I begin fucking his mouth like a greedy whore, my fingers tangling in his hair—fisting and gripping. A guttural growl erupts from him, his tongue working harder and faster. When his fingers join that beautiful mouth of his, there’s no stopping my destruction. Lights explode behind my eyes as I’m swept up into a storm of divine oblivion, traveling to a place I’ve never been, where only he and I exist and the promise of endless mind-numbing pleasure. He’s relentless, devouring me until there’s

nothing left to take. My lungs continue to fight for air as I float back down from the orgasmic high. Skin damp and mind blown from the magnitude of what just happened. Now that is what I call an orgasm. Slowly, my eyes flutter open and I brace myself, fearing I’m about to be called out on how quickly I succumbed, but instead, I find Mr. Expert Pussy Licker staring down at me in smug amusement. Only, there’s no denying the desire in his eyes. “One down, plenty more to go,” he says, reaching for his belt. I lift a sarcastic brow, trying my damnedest not to let my eyes wander to where I really want to look. “You’re awfully confident.” I’m not fooling either of us, least of all myself. If his dick is as skillful as his tongue, I’m in for one hell of a night. “Oh, baby, I’m more than confident and I’m about to back it up.” Before I can anticipate it, he flips me to my stomach in one quick move then lifts me to my knees. Oh shit, that was hot. What’s even hotter is the dresser I’m facing with the mirror attached to it, leaving nothing to the imagination. My eyes collide with his, the reflection of us stealing my breath. “This pretty ass is all I’ve thought about since

finding it pointed in the air a week ago.” His large, warm hand coasts down my back and smooths over one round globe before he lays a resounding smack, the sound echoing through the room. A cry of pleasure spills past my lips, the delightful sting making my pussy ache for more. I push back—seeking—craving… “You like that?” He lays another one to my other side, dragging a whimper from my throat. “I am finally going to fuck the sass right out of you, Blondie.” His voice is dark, thick with promise. “Fuck away, Fireboy,” I toss out the challenge, my eyes remaining on his in the mirror as I silently dare him to do his worst. His chuckle trails into a groan. I hear the crinkling of a wrapper before his hard cock slips between my legs as he coats it with my arousal. Shivers rack my body as he passes over my sensitive clit, moving to the spot I need him most. His fingers dig into my hips as the head of his cock breaches me. My face drops into the mattress on a moan, back arching as he fills me with every impressive inch he has. “Chingado, que rico.” Fuck me, that’s good. The thickly accented words leave him in a heated rush. His first few strokes are slow but hard, hitting me deeper than I’ve ever felt. “So fucking tight,” he groans, his voice tight with restraint.

Panting, I grip the sheets, relishing in the stretch of my body and how perfectly he fills me. “It’s good, baby?” “So good,” I admit shamelessly. Growling, he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks my head back, bringing my face up to the mirror. “Watch!” he demands. “Watch me fuck you, and never forget it.” I’m riveted, witnessing our carnal connection as his powerful body hammers into me from behind, sheer dominance filling his expression. It’s raw, passionate, and unlike anything I’ve ever felt. One of his hands moves from my hip and dips between my legs, fingers delving—seeking. His other hand remains wrapped in my hair, anchoring me in place for his unrelenting thrusts. For the first time in my life, I finally know what it feels like to be dominated. Claimed. Taken. Fucked within an inch of my life. His slick fingers move to the crevice of my ass, hovering over the secret entrance. Every muscle in my body stiffens, my breath trapped within my burning lungs. “You ever been taken here before?” he asks, his gruff voice raking over my senses. I shake my head, unable to speak, my eyes remaining on his in the mirror.

“Lucky for me.” That’s all he says before slowly slipping a single finger inside, just barely breaching. “Oh shit!” I cry out the curse, overwhelmed by the burning pleasure. If he didn’t have a hold on my hair, I’d have dropped again. “Easy, baby,” he croons, slowly working his finger until it’s seated deep inside. “God, Gabe,” I whimper, unsure if I want more or for him to stop. My mind and body are at war, but in the end, my body wins as I submit to the dark desire he inspires within me. “Good?” “Yes,” I breathe. His hips pick up rhythm again, his finger matching each hard stroke of his cock. I push back, meeting him pound for pound. Our sweat-slicked skin slaps against one another, the carnality of it all fueling something within me that I never knew existed. “That’s it, baby. Take it. Take all of me.” If I took any more, I’m sure I’d die of pleasure. I already feel close to combusting, a fire raging inside of me like never before. “Touch yourself.” The dark command has my eyes colliding with his again. “Do it, let me see what your fingers look like when they’re touching that pretty pussy.”

A heated moan parts my lips, his filthy words bringing me close to the edge once again. So close that when I reach between my legs, my perfectly manicured nails skimming over the swollen bundle of nerves, I fall apart. I lose myself in another mind-numbing orgasm, this one even more intense than the last, which I didn’t think was possible. “Good girl, come all over my cock.” A few more hard pumps and he propels over the edge with me, my cries and his groans mingling together, filling the air between us. When he pulls out, I fall to my stomach, my mind and body sated. I feel him drop to his back next to me but I don’t dare move. I can’t. Not until I try to grasp the reality of what just happened. Minutes pass before I’m finally able to turn my head. I find him watching me with an expression I can’t decipher. “Just so we’re clear, I still don’t like you,” I tell him, trying to catch my breath. The smallest hint of a smirk tugs the corners of his mouth, making my heart skip a beat. “Noted, but for tonight, I say we continue to take out our hatred on each other.” “Deal,” I agree, almost giddy with the knowledge that he’s not finished with me yet. “Good, now get your pretty ass over here and let me hold you. We’ll rest up before tackling round

two.” I’m unable to hide my smile as I roll over to him, his strong arms engulfing me as I rest my head on his chest. If round two is anything like the first one, I might be in more trouble than I thought.


Gabe The distant sound of shuffling pulls me from sleep. A sleep I don’t want to wake from because I am that fucking exhausted. “Where the heck is it?” The mumbled whisper has me cracking an eye open. I become more alert when I see the beautiful, sassy girl I had the pleasure of touching last night running around in her underwear searching for something. Apparently, I’m not as tired as I thought because my cock stirs at the sight of her lacecovered ass as she bends down to pick up something. It ends up being my shirt that she throws over her head with a huff. “What’s the problem, Blondie?” I croak, my throat raw and dry. She spins around, giving me a view of the front, and it fuels the lust igniting in my veins. Legs that go on for miles, a flat stomach my lips cherished for hours, full, round tits that I swear were made for my hands, and a sassy mouth that I devoured all night long.

I’ve never fucked someone as hard or as much as I did her last night, and I still want her. The point was to get her out of my system, but I have a feeling it only accelerated the fire that burns within. “Oh good, you’re finally awake,” she says, planting her hands on her sexy hips. I’m certain she lives to torture me. “Do you have any idea what time it is?” Turning my head, I glance at the bedside clock to see it’s eleven in the morning. “It’s almost noon, Gabe. Noon!” she says, driving the point home. “So?” Her mouth drops in outrage. “So? So? I never sleep this late. I’m an on-the-ball kind of girl. I like to be at the boutique when it opens even if I’m not working. It’s part of owning a business, and the store opened an hour ago!” “Blondie, chill,” I say, her screeching voice giving me a headache. “We fucked long and hard all night. If anyone is allowed to sleep in it’s us.” The hint of a smile dances across her perfect lips, a smile that causes a weird shift in my chest. “Where is my dress?” she asks. “Who cares?” “I do. I can’t leave here looking like this.” “I think you look great.” She shakes her head, a small laugh escaping her. “I’m serious. Please try to remember where you

threw it.” Blowing out a tired breath, I sit up, feeling every one of my strained muscles. Jesus, I don’t even feel this worn out after a long shift. My eyes search the room and it doesn’t take me long to find it. “Is that it there?” I ask, pointing to the heap of material lying under a chair. “Yes!” She runs over, giving me a beautiful show as she bends down to retrieve it. Her excitement vanishes when she holds up the torn fabric. “Shit, I forgot you ripped it off me.” “Couldn’t help myself.” I grin, not the least bit apologetic. “Well your lack of self-control cost me three thousand dollars.” “Three thousand dollars!” I spew. “What the hell is it made out of, gold?” She cocks a hip. “For your information, this is a Vera Wang original that has yet to hit the market. It’s made from vintage silk.” “Yeah? Well, I think little Vera needs to take a trip down to the fucking Wal-Mart and scope out the silk they have there instead of ripping people off.” She rolls her eyes. “Whatever, lock up your judgment. No one asked for your opinion.” Her judgment remark reminds me of the hurt I inflicted on her last night when I made the comment about her father. It’s something I still feel

like shit about. “I’m sorry,” I tell her. She shrugs. “It’s not a big deal. I have more coming in.” “I’m talking about the remark I made about your father last night.” Her eyes lift to mine, pain darkening the light hazel irises. “I’m sorry, CeCe. If I had known, I wouldn’t have said it.” Her attention shifts to the floor. “It’s fine,” she whispers. It isn’t and seeing her acting as anything other than her feisty self bothers me, especially knowing I caused it. “You can borrow my shirt if you want,” I offer. “No, it’s okay. I’ll make this work.” She heads into the bathroom, taking her beautiful half naked body with her. Reaching for my jeans, I pull them on then grab my cell out of my pocket and find a text from Travis. T: Because of the stunt you pulled last night, you can find your own ride home, asshole.

I guess that means he’s still pissed. Whatever, all he cared about was getting pussy. It didn’t matter whom it was with. I didn’t intend to fuck her last night but I don’t regret it either. Besides, I met

her first. So he can fuck right off because he’s not touching her—ever. I’m about to shoot Johnny a text to see if he and Leah are still here when Blondie emerges from the bathroom. She’s swept up her long blonde hair on top of her head, leaving her delicate neck on display, including the mark I left on it last night. I smirk at the way she’s improvised with the tattered dress, the material tied around her body at all angles. Her eyes narrow as she points her finger at me. “Don’t say it.” “You sure you don’t want to borrow my shirt? It’s not vintage silk but…” I let that sentence trail off. “Shut up!” I love it when she gets riled up. It’s better than the sadness I witnessed in her eyes minutes ago. “I need to get going, are you coming or staying?” she asks, quirking an impatient brow at me. “Your boutique really isn’t my style, especially with three thousand dollar dresses.” The response earns me a smile. “I meant, are you staying here or leaving, too?” “I missed my ride so I’m going to text Johnny and see if he and Leah are still here.” “I can give you a ride.” The offer brings forth the image of her riding

me last night. Her pretty head thrown back, flawless skin glistening with sweat as she screamed my name… She rolls her eyes, knowing exactly where my thoughts are. “Let’s go, Casanova.” Chuckling, I climb to my feet, swiping my shirt off the floor in the process and throwing it over my head as I follow her out the door. She slows her stride as we walk down the hallway, using my body to shield her until she realizes there is no one in the lobby but the receptionist. “Thank god.” My eyes shift left, connecting with the side of her face. “Ashamed, Blondie?” The question comes out light but the thought strikes a chord, a big one. She’s probably used to being seen with rich guys in stiff suits. “Ashamed to be leaving my hotel room with my dress in ruins, looking like I’ve been fucked within an inch of my life by a guy I got into a fight with the night before that everyone witnessed? Oh no, not at all.” When she puts it that way, I guess I can see her point. I, however, am not the least bit ashamed and walk with my head held high. After all, I did give her seven orgasms. We step out into a heat wave, which is a typical summer day in Atlanta. As I follow her out to the

parking lot, I notice there aren’t many cars left. One in particular catches my eye. The pink Volkswagen Beetle has my long strides faltering. There is only one person I know that would drive something as ridiculous as this. Dread settles into the pit of my stomach when Blondie hits the locks… “You have got to be shittin’ me,” I say, coming to a stop just in front of the Barbie mobile. She turns on me. “Is there a problem?” “There is if you’re driving me home in that.” “What’s wrong with my car?” she asks, insulted. “I’m not going to fit in there. I used to own fucking monster truck toys bigger than this.” Her chin lifts, indignation resting on her face. “It’s actually very spacious, but if sitting in my pink car is a threat to your penis then by all means, feel free to walk.” My eyes hold hers, narrowing at the taunt. “Remember what happened last night when you challenged my dick, CeCe? If you’re looking for another round, all you have to do is ask.” “I don’t think so,” she sneers, but there’s no missing the pink tint to her cheeks. The truth is there, embedded in her eyes. She wants it again as bad as I do. “You know what? I don’t need this shit,” she says, reaching for the handle. “Have a nice walk

home, Fireboy.” Her fingers dance in the air with a sassy wave before she climbs into the car. Shit! Having no other option at the moment, I open the door and crawl into the tin can. My knees touch the dashboard as I slouch down to avoid hitting my head on the roof. But it ends up not being necessary since she drops the top down, exposing us for the whole fucking world to see. By the smile she flashes me, it’s obvious that’s her intention. She slides her sunglasses on her perfect nose then selects a song on her iPod, cranking the volume full blast to Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off.” “Oh yeah, this is my jam.” She throws her arms up, thrashing her head from side to side as she dances to the beat. “Come on, Gabe, shake it off.” I blink back at her, completely unamused by her attempt to humiliate me. My embarrassment only serves to please her and she throws her head back on a laugh. We’ll see who will be the last one laughing when I bend her over the door and fuck the sass out of her. “You done?” I ask. She shrugs. “For now.” It’s going to be a long ride home. Once we hit the road, I turn down the music and rattle off my address.

“Got it.” She hits a button on her steering wheel. “Felipe, please enter this address into my GPS.” My brows bunch in confusion as I wonder who the hell Felipe is. Seconds later, a thick male accent fills the car. “I’ll get right on that, Ms. Kensington. Anything else?” “Nope, that’s all. Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Have a nice drive.” I catch her side-glance me from behind her sunglasses. “I’ll try, but that will be hard to do with the company I have.” Get this. The chump actually laughs back. What kind of souped-up Barbie mobile is this? CeCe looks over at me. “Pretty cool, right? My godfather, who lives in Europe, got him for me. Any questions I have, Felipe has my back.” “Felipe is a dick,” I tell her. She gasps. “He is not. You’re a dick!” I smirk at the angry blush creeping up her neck. “You thinking about my dick again, Blondie? You just can’t get enough, can you?” “I am not thinking about your dick. I called you a dick because you called Felipe a dick. Ya dick!” “That’s a lot of dick coming from your mouth.” Her jaw clenches, teeth grinding. “You know what? Just be quiet or I will kick your ass out of my car and leave you on the side of the road.”

“Now you’re thinking about my ass?” The death glare she shoots me has me breaking into laughter. Who knew it could be this fun to argue with a chick, especially one like her. She shakes her head. “You are so obnoxious. How you have any friends is beyond me.” She didn’t have any problems being friendly with me last night while she took my cock. The thought has me adjusting myself from the pressure behind my jeans. Our bantering ceases when she gets a call from an employee at her boutique with a question, and it takes most of the drive home before she finishes. In the meantime, I debate how to end the morning. Should I take her number? Will she even give it to me? The deal was one night but there is no way in hell I am keeping that deal. Once we pull up to my condo, she puts the car in park. “There you go, Fireboy. Home safe and sound. Thanks to Felipe and my pretty car. You’re welcome.” Her sarcasm drives me to do the one thing I’ve been wanting to do all morning. Reaching over the console, I hook a hand behind her neck and yank her in for a kiss. She tenses for only a second before melting into me, giving in to what we both want—what we can no longer fight. A soft sigh breaches her lips, allowing me the opportunity to slip my tongue in

for one more taste. A flavor I could drown in forever. By the time I pull back, her lips are swollen and eyes hooded. I smirk, knowing I have her right where I want her, and decide to end the morning on that. “Later, Blondie.” I don’t wait for her to return the good-bye before exiting the car. She remains parked, her eyes boring into my back until I’m in my house. I have every intention of seeing her again and soon.


CeCe It’s

been three days since my world was rocked and flipped upside down. Devoured by a man I can’t stand yet crave with every fiber of my being. A man who has invaded my every thought. Even when I close my eyes, he’s all I see. All I feel. Oh god. The bastard ruined me. Ruined me for anyone else in just one damn night. How is that even possible? A part of me wishes I wouldn’t have run out so quickly the next morning. The truth is, I didn’t care that I wasn’t here for the store when it opened. I knew Monica could handle it. The reason I rushed to get out of there is because of the feelings I had when I woke up in his arms. Feelings I didn’t expect to feel. Safe, content, and even cherished. It’s been a long time since I’ve woken up in someone’s arms and it felt really good. Sighing, I stroke Pepper’s fur as I hold him close. “Who knows, Pep, maybe I’m chalking it up to more than it was. Maybe that entire night wasn’t as great as I remember.”

Yeah, right. It was more than great, it was life changing. Frustrated with my thoughts, I put Pep down and reach for my cellphone. Since the boutique is empty at the moment, I call Emily, needing someone to talk to. As much as I love Pep, I need some perspective. She answers on the second ring. “Good afternoon, best friend.” Her voice is as cheery as always, bringing a smile to my face. “Hey, you busy?” “For you? Never. Rosa and I are just out for our afternoon walk.” “Good, because I really need to talk to someone.” “Everything okay?” she asks, concerned. “I don’t know. I think I’ve lost my mind.” Her soft snicker floats through the line. “What happened?” “You remember that firefighter I told you about?” “The asshole?” I wince. “Yeah, him.” “Sure, I remember.” “Well…three nights ago we fucked each other’s brains out.” “What?” she screeches, forcing me to pull the phone from my ear. “Are you serious?” “Dead serious. And when I say we fucked, Em,

I mean we fucked hard. All—night—long!” “Oh my god, CeCe,” she says on a laugh. “How on earth did that happen?” I tell her the whole story, right from the beginning. From us both being at the party, and him picking my name for the hunt, then his hurtful comment about my father. “One minute we’re yelling at each other and then the next we started going at it like animals.” “Ohh, angry sex. That can be fun.” “It was more than ‘fun.’ It was mind blowing. He gave me seven orgasms.” “Seven!” “Yep, and each one was more intense than the last. The motherfucker even stuck his finger in my ass.” “Oh my god!” “His finger in my ass, Em!” I say, emphasizing the detail. “Have you ever had a finger in your ass?” Remembering who her husband is, I cut a hand through the air. “Never mind, don’t answer that, of course you have. Well, I hadn’t, and he just slipped it in like it was a perfectly normal thing to do. Who does that? First time you get a girl’s clothes off and you just stick a finger in her ass?” Her laughter fills the line. “Definitely a bold move.” “Yeah, but you know what?” “What?” she asks, anticipation edging her

voice. “I liked it. No…I loved it. You should have seen me; I could have put any porn star bitch to shame. He brought out this inner slut in me that I never even knew I had.” “Sounds like it was an incredible night.” “That’s the problem.” “It is?” she asks, confused. “Of course it is!” “Why?” “Because I hate him, Em, and he hates me. We aren’t supposed to have sex and like it. He was supposed to be a bad kisser and have a small penis. Let’s just say it was the exact opposite and don’t get me started on the things the man can do with his tongue.” “Well, maybe he turned out to be good at all those things because you guys are supposed to like each other,” she says, trying to be sensible, but there is nothing logical about any of this. “I don’t think so. I have a feeling this is a usual occurrence for him.” The thought leaves a bad taste in my mouth but it’s hard not to believe that, especially with the things he did to me. What’s even more bothersome though, is for him to think that was a usual thing for me because it’s not. I’m not inexperienced by any means but I can count on one hand how many guys I’ve been with and I have never had a one-night

stand. They were all relationships. Boring and quick relationships but relationships nonetheless. “Did he say anything about seeing you again?” Emily asks. “Not really. He did say, ‘Later, Blondie.’ Do you think he meant later as in he does intend to see me again?” I can’t deny the hope that flares in my chest at the thought. “It’s possible, does he have your number?” My newfound hope quickly deflates. “No.” I drop my head next to the till with a thud. “Oh god. I fucked a guy who doesn’t even have my phone number. I’m such a whore.” “Don’t be ridiculous. You are a beautiful, mature woman who had a passionate night with a man. There is nothing wrong with that.” Says the girl who lost her virginity to her husband. Before I can voice my thoughts, my door beeps, signaling a customer. “Crap,” I whisper. “Em, I’ll call you back. Someone’s here.” “Sounds good. I’ll be waiting.” “Love you, bye.” Hanging up, I walk around the counter to find Mrs. Nelson from the flower shop. “Mrs. Nelson, hi.” I greet her with a smile. “Hello, darling. I was hoping you’d be here.” “What can I do for you?” “I need some fashion advice,” she tells me.

“Well, you came to the right girl.” “I thought so.” She snickers. “You see, it’s my and Dale’s anniversary this weekend and he’s taking me to a really fancy restaurant. I want to wow him with a new dress.” “How wonderful. How many years are you celebrating?” “Forty-seven.” “Wow,” I say, completely in awe at the love that still shines in her eyes. The kind I always saw in my parents’. “Well, come with me. I have just the selection for you.” I lead her over to my more modest section but pull dresses that still have sex appeal. Like a high slit and thin straps. We manage to find about eight for her to try on. “Oh, I can’t wait. I have a feeling this little red number will be my favorite,” she says excitedly, stepping into the dressing room. It’s then that my door beeps again. “I’ll be right back, Mrs. Nelson.” “No problem, dear. Take your time. It will take me a bit to slip these on.” She chuckles. Smiling, I walk to greet the customer but stop in my tracks when I find the one man I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. The man who ruined me in one night. Gabriel Martinez. Expert pussy licker.

King of orgasms. The man I love to hate. As usual, he looks ridiculously sexy. His worn, faded jeans hang just right off his lean hips. A solid black T-shirt stretches across his impressive body but not too tight, add that with the red ball cap turned backwards and the man is a walking orgasm. For someone who scoffs at me for my fashion, he dresses damn well. He flashes me that lopsided grin of his. “Hey, Blondie.” “What are you doing here?” I’m surprised how even my voice is despite how breathless I feel. “Got a minute?” he asks. My eyes dart to the dressing room Mrs. Nelson is in. “Sure. A quick one.” I gesture for him to follow and lead him into the backroom. My skin prickles with every step I take, his close proximity doing things to me that I’m helpless to feel. Keep it together, CeCe. Don’t let him know how much you’ve been thinking about him or that magical tongue of his. Once we get into the back, I spin around to face him and prop my hands on my hips, hoping to mask all the unwanted feelings battling inside of me. “So, what do you want?” “This.” Snaking an arm around my waist, he pulls me against him and steals my mouth in a toecurling kiss.

That’s all it takes. A simple touch of his lips and I’m lost to him. His tongue does an erotic dance with mine; pulling me into a world I’m helpless against. Moaning, I fight not to melt into a puddle right here on the floor. A growl vibrates his chest, his hands gripping the back of my thighs to lift me off my feet. My legs curl around his waist as he sits me on the back counter, situating himself between my parted thighs. The rough denim of his jeans rub against my silk panties, making me thankful for the skirt I chose this morning. “You miss me, baby?” he asks, his beautiful lips never missing a beat. “No.” He chuckles at the blatant lie and pulls back, his gorgeous face hovering before mine. Time seems to stand still as we stare back at one another, nothing but the sound of my heavy breathing filling the space between us. He, on other hand, doesn’t sound the least bit out of breath. Asshole. “Go out with me.” “Huh?” I say, thinking I misheard him. “Tomorrow night. Go out to dinner with me.” “You want to take me to dinner?” I ask, slowly. “Yes. Why is that so hard for you to believe?” “Because we can’t stand each other.”

Smirking, he dips his face next to mine, his lips grazing my earlobe. “I think we can stand each other just fine, Blondie.” His warm hand, which rests high on my thigh, dances up my skin to slip under my skirt. “Say yes.” “I’ll think about it.” I refuse to give in to him so easily. He’s going to have to work for it. “You want to be persuaded, is that it?” His fingers tease the edge of my panties, turning the slow burn within my body into a raging inferno. “I’ll bet your pussy is so wet for me right now,” he says arrogantly, the erotic words tickling my ear. “Maybe a little,” I confess on a whisper, my breathing quick with anticipation. “Just say the word and I’ll take care of you.” I moan, my body trembling with the need to feel his touch again. “We really shouldn’t. I have a customer.” The excuse is weak, my mind and body battling with one another. “Don’t worry. It won’t take me long.” That’s the only warning I get before his fingers slip into my panties and delve through my wet slit. “Oh.” The whimper breaches my lips and my head falls back on my shoulders. He takes the angle as an invitation to rake his teeth along my neck, nipping the sensitive skin. “I knew it. Fucking soaked.” His lips descend to my collarbone, traveling all the way down to the beaded nipple poking through my thin tank top.

I gasp and squirm as he takes it in his mouth; gripping it between his teeth the same time he enters two fingers inside me. My teeth sink into my bottom lip to stifle my cries of pleasure. “This hot little pussy is all I’ve thought about, baby. The way my cock filled it, fucked it…” He’s so damn dirty and I love it. My hips move to the rhythm of his finger, seeking the release I desperately crave but it hovers just out of reach… “That’s my girl, fuck my fingers, show me how bad you want it.” “Gabe.” His name falls from me on a plea as I desperately beg to be put out of this sweet misery. “I got you, baby.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, he curls his fingers inside of me, stroking that hidden spot. Add the delicious things he’s doing to my clit with his thumb, and I shatter, my mind and body soaring to that beautiful world of pleasure I experienced the other night. His mouth covers mine, swallowing my heated moans. My arms curl around his neck as I anchor myself to the only reality I’m able to grasp. Eventually, my head drops to his shoulder as I fight to catch my breath. He turns his face into my neck, his lips pressing a gentle kiss as he withdraws his hand from my panties. The disconnection leaves me feeling cold until

he gathers me in his arms. His affection is a contradiction to what we just did. It’s sweet yet a little unnerving because I don’t know what to do with these feelings, not when it comes to him. A man I supposedly hate. “All right, dear, I finally got the first one on and I think it could be our winner.” I lift my head with a gasp, remembering Mrs. Nelson. “Shit.” The curse leaves me in a whispered rush. I push Gabe away and hurriedly begin fixing my clothes. He watches me, amusement dancing in his eyes. “It’s not funny,” I grumble. He and his skillful tongue need to take a hike before he causes me more trouble. Without a word, he steps back up to the counter, yanking me in for one more fiery kiss before resting his forehead on mine. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven.” The sexy, presumptuous jerk doesn’t even bother to wait for a response before he walks out of the room. Probably because we both know my answer has been yes from the beginning. “Hey, I know you.” Mrs. Nelson’s voice drifts into the back as she spots Gabe. “You’re one of the firefighters that came to my flower shop last week.” “I am. How are you doing?” he asks casually, acting like he didn’t just have his fingers inside of me.

I quickly jump down from the counter and finish righting my skirt before walking out to join them. “I’m very well, thank you. What are you doing here?” I open my mouth to shoot out a quick explanation but he beats me to it. “Miss Kensington had a wet spot in the back that needed to be taken care of.” Oh—my—god. My eyes narrow on him, cheeks aflame in embarrassment. “Oh no. Was it serious?” Mrs. Nelson asks, completely oblivious. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” His attention shifts back to me, and the bastard has the audacity to wink. “Have a good rest of your day, ladies.” He bids us good-bye then struts his sexy ass out of my store. “What a nice young man,” Mrs. Nelson comments. “I think he likes you.” All I can manage is a smile in her direction, my mind still reeling from everything that just transpired within the last five minutes. I have a feeling I’m in way over my head, but the challenge has never been more exhilarating.


Gabe Anticipation pumps through my body as I take the elevator up to CeCe’s apartment. A smile tugs at my lips, recalling the first time I came here to find her ass up, digging for a purse. Who would have thought I’d be back here picking her up for a date? I sure as hell didn’t but the pretentious girl I met two weeks ago has gotten under my skin like no other. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her or the night we shared. A night that will forever be ingrained into my memory. I have a feeling I’ve barely scratched the surface of finding out who she really is but I plan to keep digging until I know every single thing there is to know about her. It’s become somewhat of an obsession, which is damn scary because I don’t obsess over women. I’m a play-the-field kind of guy. It’s easier that way, especially with my job, but there’s something about Blondie that draws me in. I can’t figure out what the hell it is, because the truth is we are completely different. We were raised differently, come from

different ends of the spectrum. Things that matter to her don’t matter to me, yet for a girl I have nothing in common with, I can’t help but imagine her in my world. Coming to a stop at her apartment, I knock loudly; that rat dog of hers yapping behind the door. “Easy, Pep. It’s okay, boy.” The door swings open, revealing the beautiful woman that consumes my every thought. I barely notice the dog she cradles because my focus is only on her and the pink-gold shimmering dress she wears. A dress that shows off her mile-long legs, stopping at the top of her slender thighs and showing off every single curve she possesses. Her long blonde hair cascades down her shoulders, accentuating the low-cut dress that shows just the right amount of cleavage. My mouth waters, remembering the way those creamy mounds filled my hands and tasted against my tongue. “Oh, hey there,” she greets, feigning surprise. “What brings you by?” The biggest smartass I’ve ever met and for some reason I fucking love it. “I’m here to pick up the sassy girl who lives here and take her out for dinner.” “You mean the dinner I never agreed to?” “You sure as hell look like you’re ready to go

out with me.” The remark is delivered on a growl, my eyes traveling down the length of her again. “What, this old thing?” She acknowledges the outfit with a flick of her hand. “This is my usual Wednesday night attire. Pep and I have big plans to hang out here tonight.” My blood heats with the need to claim her feisty mouth. “Get your pretty ass out here, Blondie, and let me take you to dinner.” She cocks a hip. “Anyone ever tell you how charming you are?” “Anyone ever tell you what a pain in the ass you are?” “Nope, but that’s because I save this special attitude just for you.” I grunt. “Lucky me.” “I know.” I smirk, waiting for her to step out into the hallway because we both know she’s going to. She gives me a dramatic eye roll. “Fine, you win. You can take me out.” Pressing a kiss to her dog’s head, she says her good-bye to him then steps out of the apartment but not without retrieving her monster of a purse. She turns her back on me as she locks the door, revealing the backless dress, her flawless skin calling to me. The moment she turns around, I pull her into my arms and take her mouth like I’ve been dying to. She melts against me, her arms winding around

my neck as she lets out the sexiest noise that has my blood pumping hotter—faster. I’m about to say to hell with dinner and blow through her apartment door when the sound of muffled chuckles breaks up our heated moment. We look to the left and find two young teenage boys enjoying the show we unintentionally put on. “Unbelievable,” Cece mutters. “Come on.” Grabbing my hand, she pulls me behind her, shooting a glare at the boys. “Put your eyes back in your heads!” she snaps, stomping into the elevator. Once the door closes, I glance her way. “A little harsh, Blondie, don’t you think?” She scoffs. “Hardly, those little jerks are perverts. Every time I turn around they are spying on me. They even had the audacity to try peeking up my dress in this very elevator.” My body coils tight at the thought. Now I want to go back and slap the hell out of the little shits. “Anyway,” she says, dismissing the moment with a hand through the air. “Where are we going for dinner?” I lean against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest. “To the best Mexican restaurant in the state of Georgia.” She lifts a brow. “Is that so?” “Yep, owned by family.” “You own a restaurant?” she asks, her surprise evident.

“Not me, my aunt and uncle.” “Huh,” she muses then shrugs. “I’ll try it.” My eyes hold hers. “Try it? What does that mean?” “It means I’ve never had authentic Mexican. The closest I’ve ever had to it is Taco Bell when I was on my late night drinking binges back in high school.” I gape at her, unbelieving the shit she’s spewing. “First of all, Taco Bell is not fucking Mexican. So get that out of your head now. And secondly, you got authentic the other night and loved it so I’m sure you will again.” She gives me that famous eye roll of hers but I don’t miss the heat embedded in them. “Whatever, Romeo, quit flattering yourself.” Flicking her hair, she walks off the elevator, each dip of her hips in that dress taunting me. It’s going to be a long fucking dinner. We make small talk on the drive over to the restaurant, mainly discussing the fire that took place at her apartment. Turns out it was started by someone falling asleep with a cigarette in their hand, one of the most common causes for house fires. That and people leaving on their curling irons. So much destruction caused by something easily avoidable. CeCe’s easy demeanor changes when I pull into the restaurant’s parking lot, her eyes scanning the

older run-down area the building resides in. Probably because she has never stepped foot in this part of town. “Is it safe here?” she asks, a sliver of unease in her voice. “You’re always safe with me.” Her head turns, eyes softening, but there’s still uncertainty in them. “Poor people live around here, CeCe. Not criminals.” “I didn’t mean it that way,” she whispers. She did but it’s something I’m used to and she’s not the only person to think like this. Many do. I wonder what she would think if she knew I grew up in this area. Shoving the thought aside, I climb out of my truck and stride around to let her out. My fingers curl around hers as we walk into the restaurant, and I can’t deny how right it feels to do something as simple as holding her hand. Jesus, I’m fucking losing it. The place is packed as usual. Music pours from the speakers and colorful lights are strung across the ceiling, bringing the place to a glow. The atmosphere is loud and friendly. My uncle Hector spots us right away and comes striding over. “If it isn’t my favorite boy,” he bellows, pulling me into a firm hug. He’s always been more of a father to me than an uncle, mainly

because mine is a piece of shit. “Hey, Tio, good to see you.” “You too.” His beefy hand gives my shoulder a few hard slaps before releasing me. “And who’s this?” he asks, his gaze shifting to CeCe. My arm curls around her waist as I introduce her. “This is CeCe, the girl I told you I was bringing for dinner.” CeCe extends her hand. “Pleased to meet you.” My uncle waves away the gesture. “To hell with that. We hug in this family.” He yanks her into the same hard embrace he gave me, squeezing the breath out of her. I chuckle at the way she pats his back awkwardly. Uncle Hector steps back, looking her over. “What the hell is someone as pretty as you doin’ with the likes of him?” he asks, jerking his head in my direction. “I’m still trying to figure that out myself.” Her eyes dart to mine, a saucy smile teasing her lips. He finds her as funny as she finds herself, his boisterous laugh echoing through the whole damn restaurant. “I like her. Beautiful and sassy.” He’s got that right. A moment later my aunt Camila rounds the corner, her eyes lit up like the Fourth of July. “My handsome mijo.” Boy. She flings herself at me, kissing each cheek. No doubt leaving her bright red

lipstick for the world to see. “Hey, Tia.” She dismisses me quickly and moves for CeCe, cradling her face between her hands. “Oh you are gorgeous. Look how beautiful she is, Hector.” “She’s a beaut all right,” my uncle agrees. CeCe gives the best smile she can manage with her face squished between two hands. “Beautiful but skinny.” “Tia,” I growl, not bothering to hide my irritation. She throws her hands up innocently. “What? She is.” Her attention returns to CeCe as she pats her shoulder. “Don’t worry, honey. By the time you leave here you’ll have a few more pounds on ya.” I dart a look at my uncle for help. “All right, leave the girl be, Camila. Come,” he says, gesturing for us to follow. “I saved you a table in the back corner.” Grabbing CeCe’s hand, I drop a kiss on my aunt’s cheek then follow my uncle. “Sorry about that. People in my family speak without thinking,” I say, feeling the need to apologize. She shrugs, not seeming all that offended. “Could have been worse. She could have told me I needed to lose a few pounds.” I grunt. “Trust me, that is not something you’ll ever hear from the women in my family, but either way, you’re perfect the way you are.”

The smile that dances across her lips tells me it was the right thing to say. My uncle pulls out her chair before I can. “What can I get you to drink?” he asks. “Camila makes a mean margarita.” “A margarita sounds great. Thank you.” He shifts his attention to me next. “The usual?” I nod. “One Modelo and one margarita coming up.” Once he walks away, CeCe opens her menu, scanning over the several pages. I don’t bother to open mine because I always get the same thing. “I have no idea what any of this is.” I shake my head, still having a hard time comprehending that. “How have you lived in this city your whole life and never eaten Mexican food?” She shrugs. “We didn’t eat out much as a family and if we did it was at the country club.” Figures. She probably grew up eating meals that cost more than my whole month’s salary. “What do you recommend?” she asks. “Flautas,” my aunt answers, coming up to our table. She places our drinks down in front of us along with a basket of chips and salsa. “You can never go wrong with flautas.” “All right then, I’ll have that,” CeCe says, closing the menu. My aunt takes both booklets, slipping them

under her arm. “And I already know mi mijo will have his favorite. Tostadas de tinga.” She gives my cheek a hard love tap before walking off. CeCe leans over the table and gives me a slap on the other cheek. “Mi mijo.” She doesn’t even pronounce the words right but laughs her ass off anyway. I grunt, not the least bit amused. Her sexy lips close around her straw while she takes a sip of her drink. My cock hardens behind my zipper as I imagine those lips wrapped around my— “Do you have a big family?” she asks. Clearing my throat, I sit up in my chair, needing to alleviate the pressure within my jeans. “Four brothers, nine aunts and uncles, and don’t even ask how many cousins.” “Four brothers?” she squeaks. I nod. “No sisters?” “None.” Thank god. I had to grow up around hormonal female cousins, that was enough for me. “Your poor mother, especially if they are anything like you,” she throws out the jab with a teasing tone. “I’m her favorite.” She rolls her eyes, a laugh escaping her. “How old are your brothers?”

“Twenty-four, twenty-one, eighteen, and sixteen.” “You’re the oldest?” “And the wisest.” It earns me one of her pretty smiles. “What does your mother do?” “Cleans houses and helps out here from time to time. She’s also in the middle of getting her degree to be a teacher.” “Wow,” she says, impressed. “She sounds like the definition of supermom.” “She is.” I respect no one more than my mother, and I’m glad that after all she sacrificed for us that I am able to put her through school so she can do what she has always wanted to do. “What about your father?” My muscles tense, hate boiling in my blood. She winces, her expression softening. “Sore subject?” “More like off limits,” I say, managing to keep the bite out of my tone. “Got it.” “What about you?” I ask. “Any siblings?” “Nope. Only child.” The information doesn’t surprise me one bit. “Most of the time it was great. I got my parents’ love and affection all to myself, especially my father’s,” she tells me, a wistful smile claiming her

lips. “But I grew up with my best friend, Emily, who’s an only child too and we’ve always been more like sisters. So I wasn’t completely alone.” “And what about your boutique?” “What about it?” “How long have you owned it?” “Almost three years, and it’s doing better than I ever imagined,” she says, beaming with pride. She should be proud. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this restaurant, it’s that owning your own business isn’t easy. To be so young and successful is admirable but it doesn’t surprise me, not when it comes to her. You can tell she’s driven in every aspect of her life. “I’m actually in the middle of trying to expand. I have a meeting with the bank early tomorrow morning for a loan to start a men’s line. If you’re nice, maybe I’ll let you model for me.” “No fucking thank you.” My less than enthused response has her cracking into laughter, the beautiful melody making me feel things, foreign things. “What about the name?” I ask. “Why Kensington Palace?” Her expression softens, a pain darkening her light irises. “My father always called me princess and said our home was my palace.” She shrugs but I don’t miss the hard swallow she takes. “It’s my way of having a piece of him in the store. He died

before he was able to see it.” The memory of us in front of the flower shop surfaces as I recall the way she practically flinched when I called her a princess. Now I feel like the biggest dick ever. “How did he die?” I regret asking the question when the pain in her eyes deepens. “How about both fathers are off limits tonight?” she says. I lift my beer, tilting the bottle toward her. “Fair enough, Bella.” Her eyes narrow in annoyance. “Why do you do that?” “Do what?” “Call me by the wrong name? Are you wanting a chip to fly at your face?” Smirking, I rub my jaw and decide to take pity on her lack of knowledge. “When I call you Bella it’s another way of calling you beautiful, in Spanish.” “Oh.” She clears her throat and peers back at me sheepishly. “In case you haven’t noticed, I flunked Spanish.” I chuckle and refrain from saying that I more than noticed. “Wait a second,” she speaks again, her eyes narrowing. “You called me Bella that day outside of the flower shop when we were fighting.”

“So?” “So that means you thought I was beautiful even then.” I grunt. “I thought you were beautiful that first night when I found your half naked ass pointed up in the air while you were saving that damn purse. Ridiculous but beautiful.” An emotion passes over her face, one that has her smile vanishing. “All right, Fireboy. It’s time for the moment of truth.” I cock a brow. “That damn purse was the last gift my father gave me,” she says. “It’s engraved with his love, and I wasn’t going to leave it behind.” Guilt twists my stomach into a vicious knot as I realize how wrong I’ve been about her. Holding her gaze, I rest back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest. “Okay. I admit it. I’m an asshole. I misjudged you and the situation.” She lifts her chin. “Yes, you did.” “I’m sorry.” “Apology accepted.” “But…” Her back straightens. “What do you mean, ‘but?’ You can’t end an apology with a but.” My elbows rest on the table as I lean in closer. “I get why you didn’t want to leave that purse behind. But that item means nothing if you’re dead.”

The thought of what could have happened to her if the fire were more serious makes me physically sick. I’ve seen what a charred body looks like and it’s something I hope to never see again, especially hers. “Promise me, you won’t ever do that again, CeCe. There is nothing more important than your life, and I have a feeling your father would say the same thing to you if he were here.” “He would,” she admits on a whisper. “Does that mean I have your word?” “Do I still have your apology for being a judgmental ass?” I smirk. “Of course.” “Good, because you were. But since you gave me seven orgasms the other night, you’re forgiven.” I have every intention of breaking that damn record. I’d love nothing more than to eat her pussy all night just to see her fall apart repeatedly. “Tell me, Blondie. How the hell are you still single?” It’s something I’ve been wondering about a lot. She’s beautiful, successful, and has a mouth that could make any man hard. “Why are you still single?” she asks, insulted by the question. “Because I wasn’t looking to settle down.” “And now?” she asks, quirking a brow. “I’m not opposed to the idea if I met the right

woman.” “Same,” she says. I shake my head. “That’s my excuse, what’s yours?” Long seconds pass before she gives in and answers. “Because most of the time I don’t put myself out there. The boutique keeps me busy and whenever I have been set up I’ve been stuck listening to guys talk about themselves while staring at my boobs all night.” She shrugs but it’s obviously a sore subject. “Not quite the fairytale I’m looking for.” “You do have great boobs though,” I say, hoping to lighten the mood. “Keep your eyes on my face, Fireboy, and tonight will go just fine.” “Trust me, that’s not hard to do with a face like yours.” A shy smile steals her lips. “That was smooth.” “I’m half Puerto Rican and half Mexican, baby. We’re smooth motherfuckers.” Her beautiful laughter fills the air but it fades quickly. “I’m not surprised to hear that. After our night together, I figured you were.” A frown pulls at my face. “What does that mean?” She shrugs. “I’m just saying by our night together I assume it’s a regular occurrence for you.”

I stare back at her, not liking where this is going. “Are you really wanting to know how many girls I’ve been with, CeCe?” The thought makes me cringe. Not because I can’t keep track but that isn’t a topic of conversation I care to have with her, especially while on a date. Sighing, she shakes her head, almost seeming frustrated with herself. “No. I don’t. I’m sorry; I’m not saying this right. This is about me. I feel the need to clarify something.” “By all means. Just say it.” Her attention remains on her drink as she stirs it with her straw. “I just wanted you to know that, regardless of my actions the other night, I don’t sleep around.” “I never thought for a second that you did.” “Good. I just wanted to be clear about that.” She continues to avoid eye contact as she takes another sip of her drink. “CeCe, look at me.” Her lashes sweep up, eyes meeting mine, and the insecurity there is not something I’m used to seeing when it comes to her. “I asked you out tonight because I want to have dinner with you. Not for any other reason.” I hold her gaze, willing her to see the truth. “I want your company, and I want to get to know you. Got it?” “Got it,” she says, giving a hard nod. “But for the record, we can totally fuck after this. Just

throwing that out there.” My chuckle trails into a pained groan. This woman is going to be the death of me. Leaning in, I keep my voice low. “As much as I’d love to bury myself inside of you again, Bella, after we leave here I’m going to drive you home, kiss that tempting mouth of yours goodnight, then ask you out on another date. That’s it.” I’d be lying if I hadn’t hoped for our night to end with us in bed but I refuse to now. As much as I love touching her, I also respect the hell out of her, and I will make sure she knows it before I ever touch her again. “You’re starting to make me not hate you so much,” she says, her expression soft. “Good, because as much as I love the way we hate each other, I’m starting to like you.” The smile I’m rewarded with is worth the pain my cock will feel tonight when I leave her. The moment is interrupted when my aunt brings our meals. We waste no time digging in, and satisfaction fills me over the way CeCe moans with every bite she takes, but it also wreaks havoc on my good intentions. Our conversation continues over dinner. She talks a bit about her mom and all the traveling she does then tells me more about the aspirations she has for the men’s line while I talk about my job and how much I love firefighting. It’s easy—

comfortable even—and before we know it, three hours pass and there are only a few customers remaining. That’s when we decide to call it a night, even though the last thing I want to do is say goodbye to her. Before leaving, we bid my aunt and uncle goodbye then step outside into the humid night. “Okay, I’ll admit it, that was some of the best food I’ve ever had. My margaritas were a—maz— ing,” she sings. A chuckle escapes me as I watch her wobble in the fuck-me heels she wears. She tosses me a look over her shoulder, her eyes slightly glazed from the drinks she had. “Something funny, Fireboy?” The sassy remark puts me in motion. Curling an arm around her waist, I pull her in for a kiss, needing to touch her… Taste her. Her hands move to the edge of my shirt, slipping beneath the material. The skin-on-skin contact rocks me to the fucking core. “You sure you don’t want to rethink this no sex thing?” she murmurs against my mouth. “You’re fucking with my good intentions, Blondie.” “Good, because I like it when you’re bad.” Groaning, I reluctantly pull my mouth away, my gaze transfixed on her swollen, parted lips. My eyes

close, forehead resting against hers while I try to find my control. Once I open them, her hazel irises punch me in the chest. “I want you more than you’ll ever know, but I’m going to keep my word and end it here.” “Fine, be a gentleman,” she grumbles. My hands move to the side of her face, holding her in place. “Make no mistake, CeCe. I have every intention of losing myself in your warm body again… Just not tonight.” “I guess that means I’ll be seeing you?” She voices it as a statement but it comes out more like a question. “Yeah, Bella. We’re going to be seeing a lot of each other,” I promise. “Cool, I’ll have a chat with Pep and see about fitting you into our busy schedule,” she says, with a teasing smile. Shaking my head, I deliver a slap on her bottom. “Get in the truck, smart ass, so I can kiss you again at your door.” She complies to my demand, her giggle floating through the air as I open the door for her. On the drive back to her apartment I have a hard time keeping my eyes off her, especially her long toned legs that are crossed over in my direction. The memory of what they felt like wrapped around my hips is absolute torture. Once we arrive at her complex, I walk her up to

her door just like I promised and do my best to keep myself in check. Something she challenges by the sultry look she shoots me. “Did you change your mind by chance and want to come in?” Taking a step forward, I press her against the door. “No, but I think I might fuck this mouth instead.” Dipping my head, I take her lips possessively, making them mine, laying a claim I don’t intend to let go of any time soon. She clamors to get closer, our tongues tangling, fighting for dominance, but in the end, I win. My stiff cock presses into her stomach, showing her just how hard it will be to walk away from her tonight. Miraculously, I summon enough control to pull away, but not before dropping a final kiss to her cheek. “Night, Bella.” By the time I make it on the elevator, I see she’s still standing at her door, her mouth parted, needy breaths making her chest rise and fall. Just before the door closes, I flash her a smirk, the promise of more to come very soon.


CeCe There’s a new beat in my heart and dance in my step as I arrive at the bank the following morning. The date that I was so nervous about with Gabe turned out to be more than I could have ever hoped for, and the sweet bastard didn’t even give me an orgasm. Instead, he gave me a kiss that gave kisses new meaning, one that skipped its way through my whole body and made my heart sing. I probably could have had an orgasm just from that one kiss had he not turned and walked away with a sexy-assin smirk on his lips. He told me he liked me and wanted to see me again. He showed me respect and that changed everything. Changed the dynamic of the bizarre relationship we’ve found ourselves in. He’s no longer the arrogant fireman who made me want to punch him in the dick. He’s become so much more. Hearing him talk about his family and job last night showed me another side of him, one I desperately want to know more about.

We didn’t set an exact date to see one another again but he did take my number this time and even sent me a text as I was crawling into bed. The way my heart fluttered in my chest when I received that goodnight message is a little scary. I’ve decided to take things one day at a time. I need to take it slow because I have a feeling that man could ruin my heart the way he ruined my body in one damn night. A blast of cool air hits me as I enter the bank. Clutching the portfolio in my hands, I head up to the reception desk with a smile. It’s time to finish making my dreams come true. “Good morning,” the receptionist greets me. “Hi, I have a meeting scheduled with Graham Davis.” Her eyes scan over her computer screen. “CeCe Kensington?” “That’s me.” She returns my smile. “Mr. Davis is just finishing with a phone call. He should be done shortly. Would you like some coffee or tea while you wait?” I shake my head. “I’m fine but thank you.” I walk over to the waiting area, hitching one of my favorite Louis Vuittons higher on my shoulder. My good luck charm. This handbag has been in my life for a long time. We’ve had some good times together. I got it from Emily for my seventeenth

birthday. The hot pink Épi leather was handcrafted in Paris. It’s the kind of bag that will never go out of style. It even has a platinum four-leaf clover charm that hangs from the hook of the strap. It’s the perfect accent to my black floral Kate Spade sundress. “Ms. Kensington?” Turning around, I find the receptionist standing from her chair. “Mr. Davis can see you now.” Here goes nothing. Clutching my portfolio tighter, I follow her down to his office. She stands to the side of the open doorway and gestures for me to enter. “Thank you.” Walking in, I find Graham Davis, one of my father’s biggest confidants, a family friend who has been in my life since I was a little girl. One I haven’t seen since the funeral. “Well, if it isn’t Princess CeCe,” he greets with a charming smile, opening his arms for me. I don’t hesitate walking into his embrace. “It’s good to see you, Graham. Thank you for meeting with me.” He steps back, his hands gripping my bare shoulders. “Of course. I was delighted when you called. It’s been way too long.” “It most certainly has.” His eyes drift over me. “You look as radiant as

ever.” “So do you.” It’s the way of the social circle. It doesn’t matter how old one gets, there’s always Botox and plastic surgery to remain youthful. Graham is no exception to that rule. His salt and pepper hair works with his fake tan and bleached white teeth. There’s something in the way he gazes back at me, something that’s never been there before, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. It doesn’t help the nerves I’m already trying to fight off. Thankfully, his mouth pulls back into the familiar smile I’ve always known. “Let’s get down to business, shall we?” I nod, both excitement and hope surging in my heart. He moves to close his office door while I walk over to take a seat at the front of his desk. He doesn’t end up joining me. Instead, he moves for the leather sofa. “Join me over here, dear. We’ll be more comfortable and you’ll have plenty of space to lay everything out for me,” he says, tapping the coffee table in front of him. I find the suggestion odd but oblige him. Once I take a seat, he does too, sitting much closer than necessary. My earlier apprehension returns with a vengeance. Am I going crazy or is he giving off some weird vibes today?

Clearing my throat, I shove the internal thought aside and lift my portfolio onto the table, pulling out my business plan. The tension I felt moments ago fades as I present my proposal to him. He listens intently and even seems impressed with the plan I lay out. Which is something he confirms when I finish showing him the first year’s return on his investment. “You’ve really outdone yourself, young lady.” I straighten, beaming with pride. “You think so?” “Absolutely. Your father would be so proud of you, CeCe.” The compliment has my heart pinching in my chest and a lump forming in my throat. “Thanks.” “How are you dealing with everything?” he asks, softening his voice. “As good as I can, I guess.” I shrug but the pain in my heart contradicts the easiness I try to portray. “I miss him every day and wish he could be around to see all I have accomplished.” “He sees your successes, darling.” His hand finds its way on my bare knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. The lingering caress of his fingers yanks me out of my sadness. My eyes lift to his, that uneasy feeling burrowing deep in my gut as he peers back at me. I don’t know what has gotten into him but I

decide it’s time to end this meeting and quickly. Casually, I shift my knee out from under his hand and start gathering up all my papers. “So, what do you think? Will the bank back me?” I ask, avoiding his gaze that I feel burning into the side of my face. “I think you might have something really solid here but we should discuss all of your options. I have another meeting soon but how about we pick this back up tonight, over a drink perhaps?” Every muscle in my body tenses, dread sinking into the pit of my stomach. Pulling myself together, I turn to him, finally making eye contact. “I don’t understand what else there is to go over. I’ve given you all the details you need.” “There are still things I’d like to discuss.” “Okay. Well, why don’t we discuss them now?” The smile he flashes me sends those alarm bells banging around inside my anxious heart. “CeCe, you’re a beautiful, bright woman. I’m sure you see where I’m going with this.” “I’m not so sure I do,” I croak, refusing to believe this is actually happening right now. He scoots closer to me, his hand sweeping my hair off my shoulder. “You want something…I want something…” The graze of his fingers on my shoulder sends me to my feet. “Don’t touch me!” I snap. “What the hell are you thinking? You’re my father’s best

friend!” He’s not the least bit put off by my anger. If anything, he’s amused by it. “You’re not a little girl anymore, CeCe. There’s nothing wrong with us engaging in a little fun.” My teeth grind, disgust crawling up my throat. “What you’re doing is illegal. What would the bank think of their respected president offering up a loan in exchange for sex?” That wipes the smugness off his face. His eyes narrow as he stands. I grip the portfolio to my chest, my heart racing, feet retreating as he advances on me. “Are you threatening me?” My chin lifts, refusing to show fear, but my shaking body gives me away. “It’s not a threat. It’s the truth.” “Do you think anyone will believe you over me?” The back of my legs hit his desk and I realize I’m cornered, his body crowding me. “You breathe a word of this to anyone and I will ruin you. You can kiss that entire boutique good-bye. I have the means to do it. You know I do.” I stare back at him, having no idea who I’m looking at. This isn’t the man who laughed with my father. Or who came to all my birthday parties and bounced me on his knee… The image trails off and has bile inching up my burning throat. “Now you have a choice here,” he says. “You

can meet me tonight and the loan will be yours. Or, you leave here now without a word and I’ll let you keep what you already have. What’s it going to be?” My heart plummets at the thought of losing everything I’ve worked so hard for but not enough to sacrifice my self-respect. “Go to hell.” Lifting my knee, I nail him between the legs, hard enough that he doubles over. I tear out of his office, ignoring the look of concern on the receptionist’s face. Betrayal races through me on the ride home, my mind scrambling as I wonder how I could have been so wrong about him. Graham Davis is no different than the men who are responsible for my father’s death. My entire life feels like a lie and I’m beginning to wonder if I ever really knew anyone. By the time I stagger into my empty apartment, I’m a total mess. The first thing I do is take a hot shower, wanting to wash the filth from my body. Then I crawl into bed, my arms wrapped around myself as I cry into my pillow, feeling lost and alone.


Gabe I

press the button for the twelfth floor; determination pushing me to find out what the hell is going on. I sent CeCe a text earlier today asking how the meeting went but I didn’t receive a reply. So I went by the boutique to bring her flowers only to find out from Jill that she called her to take her shift and she sounded upset. That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands. So now I’m here, probably overstepping, but I don’t give a shit. I need to know she’s okay and I’m not leaving until I see for myself that she is. Walking off the elevator, I come up to her door and knock. The dog lets out his signature bark, confirming she’s here. I’m pretty sure she takes that damn Chihuahua with her everywhere. Silence. I knock again. “CeCe, it’s me. Open up.” “It’s really not a great time right now, Gabe.” Her voice is practically unrecognizable, soft and sad, not at all the usual flare I’m used to hearing from her.

“Sorry, Blondie, but I’m not leaving until I see you.” Several moments pass before I hear her defeated breath and the sound of her lock unlatching. The door opens and the sight that I’m met with has my chest constricting painfully. Gone is the blonde sassy girl I’ve come to know and in its place is a devastated one. She’s dressed in a pair of sleep shorts and tank top with a sweater folded over her chest. Her hair is damp, as if she took a shower not long ago. Tears stain her porcelain cheeks, the tip of her perfectly shaped nose red from crying. I get the urge to pull her into my arms but remain where I am, respectfully giving her space. “I take it the meeting didn’t go well?” I ask, my own voice sounding rough. She shakes her head, her mouth tight as she tries to stifle her emotion, but she doesn’t succeed. The saddest sob I’ve ever heard from someone falls past her lips. I’m about to reach for her but I don’t need to because she moves first. She falls against my chest, her body trembling with despair. My arms come around her, hating to see her so wrecked. “I feel like I don’t know anyone anymore,” she cries. I find the admission odd, but before I can think too much about it, the sound of a door opening

penetrates the moment. I look left and find the two boys from last night peeking out into the hall, watching the crying girl in my arms. Holding her close, I usher us into her apartment and kick the door closed behind me. Her head remains buried in my chest, sobs racking her body as I place the bouquet of flowers on the small bench beside us. “He was my father’s best friend. How could he do this to me?” My hand coasts up and down her trembling back. “Don’t take it personally, Blondie. We’ll find another bank, one that will know a good investment when they see it.” A laugh escapes her but there’s nothing funny sounding about it. “My business proposal was not the problem today.” I’m about to ask what the problem was but she speaks again. “God, Gabe. He put his hands on me.” I tense at the information, unsure if I just heard her right. Grabbing her shoulders, I force her back a step. “CeCe, what are we talking about here? What the fuck happened?” Her breath hitches as she tries to compose herself. “He offered me the loan in exchange for sex.” A dark rage blooms inside of me with unspeakable force, mingling with the shock surging through my blood.

“He was my father’s best friend,” she cries. “I’ve known him my whole life and he came onto me like I was some whore who just walked into his office.” “Have you told anyone? Did you fucking report him?” She shakes her head. “I can’t. He told me he’d ruin me; that he’d take everything I have. He’ll do it, Gabe. I know he will. I can’t lose my business. It’s all I have.” Another sob tears apart her chest, gutting me from the inside out. Shoving my anger aside for the moment, I pull her back into my arms. “That won’t happen, I promise.” She lifts her head from my chest, peering up at me with devastating eyes. Even a crying mess, she’s beautiful. “I’m sorry I didn’t answer your messages. I just needed time to think.” I wipe the tears from her face, wishing I could erase her pain as easily. “You don’t need to apologize. Just like I’m not going to apologize for coming here and checking on you. I’m glad I did.” “Me too,” she admits quietly. “Are you going to stay?” “Do you want me to?” “Yes,” she whispers without hesitation. “I don’t want to be alone anymore.” There’s so much loneliness bleeding in those last few words that I

find myself bending down to sweep her into my arms. The sudden act catches her off guard but only for a moment. She rests her head on my shoulder as I carry her into her room. There I find the TV on, its glow lighting the dark room. Pillows are stacked against her headboard and crumpled tissues litter the bed. “Welcome to my pity party,” she jokes, trying to lighten the mood, but there’s nothing funny about any of this. Stepping forward, I lay her across the bed then crawl in next to her. The moment I reach for her, she curls into me, resting her head on my chest. Her shampoo invades my senses, the warmth of her body a welcome distraction to the fury claiming me. Minutes pass, nothing but the sound of her cries filling the air while I rub her back. I decide it’s best to say nothing for the time being, not wanting to make her feel worse. Eventually, her tears begin to subside and she ends up being the one to break the silence. “I can’t help but wonder if he would have done what he did if my father were still alive.” “I don’t know, Blondie. It’s obvious he’s a bastard, so it probably would have only been a matter of time.” There are a few beats of silence before she

speaks again. “He used my father’s death against me,” she says, a hint of anger mixing with the tears in her voice. “Used it to get closer to me…to touch me.” Blood pumps ruthlessly in my veins, merging with the deep-seated anger burning inside of me. I try to breathe through the emotions, continuing to rub her back in an effort to comfort her. “I felt so dirty when I walked out of there,” she whispers. The defeat in her voice shreds the calmness I’ve been trying so desperately to hold onto. I roll her over, the top half of my body bracing above her. “You have nothing to feel dirty about, CeCe! This is on him, not you. He’s the fucking pervert. You didn’t do anything wrong. Do you hear me?” She gazes up at me, despair shining in her eyes. “I miss my dad.” The admission falls from her on a sob, ripping my heart in half. I drop down on top of her, making sure to bear my own weight. “Tell me what to do, Bella,” I whisper, feeling fucking helpless. “Tell me how to make this better for you.” I’ll do anything to make her not hurt like this. “Just hold me.” It’s the easiest thing she could have asked. Not only do I do exactly that, I kiss away every single one of her tears that fall, silently promising

vengeance to the man who caused them.


Gabe The

following morning, I quietly step out of CeCe’s apartment, planning to be back before she wakes up. As much as I want to stay in bed with her, I need to deal with this now. The rage consuming me isn’t going to go away until I do and that bastard needs to pay. Laughter greets my ears as I make my way down the hallway. Around the corner, I find the two boys from the other night sitting on the floor together, laughing over something on their phones. Perfect timing. “Hey.” They jump at my greeting, obviously not hearing my approach. Both of their heads crane back to look at me, their eyes wide and nervous. “Hey,” the one with brown hair greets back, uncertainty edging his voice. I drop down on one knee, looking them in the eye. “You know the girl in apartment 1204?” They nod. “She’s hot, right?” They look at one another, surprised by the

remark, before turning back to me with a hint of a smile. “Yeah, man. She’s super hot,” the other one says. “Well, she’s also mine,” I say, a possession I’ve never felt hardening my voice. “And I don’t like it when people look at what’s mine. I get even more pissed off if they upset her.” Their smiles are quickly stolen by fear. “If I find out you little fuckers try peeking at her again, I will break both of your legs. Understand?” They nod, their movements jerky. “Good. I’m glad we had this talk.” Clapping them both on their shoulders, I push to my feet and walk onto the elevator, facing them once again. “See you around.” The door closes, sealing off the warning that they best not forget. Two down, one to go. I pick up Johnny on my way just in case I need reinforcement. I texted him when I first woke up and told him I needed him to come take care of some business with me. He didn’t ask questions. He sits waiting on the front steps of his house with Leah, her arms wrapped around his neck. They share a kiss before he stands and walks toward my truck. I lower the passenger window and greet Leah with a wave. She returns the gesture. “Don’t be long. It’s his

only day off for a week and I want to spend it with him.” “I’ll bring him back soon,” I promise. “Good. See you later.” She walks back into the house the same time Johnny climbs into my truck, an almost giddy excitement lighting up his face. “What’s with you?” I ask, pulling away. “Dude, I just had the best morning sex of my life. I mean, we took down the fucking house.” “Congratulations on fucking your girlfriend,” I say dryly, not understanding what the big deal is. “My fiancée,” he corrects me. My head whips to the side, finding that cheesy ass grin of his even bigger. “What?” “I asked Leah to marry me and she said yes.” “Holy shit. Congratulations, man.” “Thanks. I’ve decided I’m going to ask her again tomorrow morning and see if I get the same results.” My chuckle fills the truck, his news easing some of the rage that’s been coiling inside of me. “You gonna be my best man?” he asks. The question doesn’t surprise me considering we’re best friends, but I’m still honored by it. “Hell yeah.” “Cool. I plan on asking Travis to be a groomsman so you two better get your shit together and get over this little spat.” I grunt. “There is no spat. Once he gets over his

little fit about not fucking my girl, everything can go back to normal.” “Your girl?” he asks, lifting a brow. I nod. I decided after our date that she was someone I planned to see a lot more of and after last night that feeling only intensified. I don’t know exactly where I stand with her but I do know I have every intention of seeing where this goes, and I’ll be damned to let anyone else take that from me. “Then I agree. He needs to get over it.” Damn straight he does. Knowing him, he’s probably already moved on. He’s just being a stubborn bastard to prove a point. “So where are we going anyway?” he asks. I’m saved from giving him an answer when we pull up at the bank. Confusion masks his expression. “What the hell do you need me for?” I consider sharing with him what’s about to go down but the last thing I want is to be talked out of it. “You’re about to find out. Come on.” He follows me out of the truck without question. A cold blast of air hits our faces as we walk in. The receptionist looks up, her eyes widening for a fraction of a second before appreciation reflects back at me. “Hi there,” she greets us, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Can I help you?”

“No thanks, we’re just here to pay Graham Davis a little visit.” I move down the hall where all the offices are, gesturing for Johnny to follow. “Wait! You can’t go in there without an appointment,” she calls to our retreating backs. Ignoring her, I check the name on each door we pass. Johnny remains close, beginning to look nervous. “You wanna tell me what the hell is going on? You look like you’re about to commit murder.” Once we reach the door I’m looking for, I finally acknowledge him. “Do you remember the access code to my account?” He frowns. “Yeah, why?” “Use it if I need bail money.” His eyes widen. “What?” I don’t waste time explaining further and grasp the door handle. “Gabe!” His heated whisper drifts behind me as I barge into the office, coming face-to-face with the bastard who made my woman cry. Graham Davis sits behind his mahogany desk, holding the phone up to his ear. “I see them, Amanda, thank you.” Hanging up, he stands and walks around to greet us. “Can I help you?” “You Graham Davis?” I ask, ensuring I have the right guy. He smooths his hands down the front of his expensive tie and buttons his suit coat. “Yes.”

I slam his office door, the loud crack echoing through the room. “I’m a friend of CeCe’s.” The flash in his eyes is instant. He turns to reach for his phone again but I’m faster. My fist strikes out hard, connecting with the side of his jaw. He loses his footing and crashes into his desk. Grabbing the back of his neck, I pin him there, crushing his face into the shiny wood. “It doesn’t feel good to have someone’s unwanted hands on you, does it, asshole?” “You have no idea who you’re messing with,” he says between clenched teeth. “What are you gonna do, call the cops?” I ask. “How about I do it for you? I have a lot of friends in the department who would love to hear about how you tried to blackmail my girl to have sex with you.” “She’s lying,” he spits out. Lifting his head, I slam his face back into the desk, relishing in the blood that spills from his nose. “You’re a sick fuck who preys on girls half his age, but this time you messed with the wrong one.” I lean down close, peering into his beady little eyes. “If you do anything to fuck with her business or ever come near her again, I will be back and I will not leave you breathing. Do you understand?” When I don’t receive an answer, I add pressure to the back of his head, making him howl in pain. “Answer me!”

“I understand,” he grits, his breathing choppy. I make no move to release him, a war battling inside of me, the need to shed more blood overpowering all else. “That’s enough, Gabe. Let’s get out of here and get back to CeCe,” Johnny says, his voice calm and cool as always. It’s the sound of CeCe’s name that has me releasing him but not without a final shove, his face smacking the desk again before he crumbles to the floor. He cups his bloody nose and glares up at me. “I mean it. Stay the fuck away from her or my face will be the last one you’ll ever see.” I storm out of his office, knowing if I don’t leave now there will be no stopping what happens next. Johnny follows closely, the receptionist watching us nervously as we tear out of the bank. Once we make it outside, I get a hard shove in the shoulder by my best friend. “You mind giving a guy a heads up before you fucking play hero?” I turn on him, my furious eyes colliding with his. “It needed to be done and nothing was going to stop me, Johnny. Not even you.” We glare back at one another, his anger reflecting the one twisting in my chest. “What would you have done, huh?” I ask. “What if he had done that to Leah?” His hard expression eases, a heavy breath escaping his chest as he drives a hand through his

hair. “Okay, I get it. So what now? You gonna go to the cops?” I shake my head. “I’ll leave that up to CeCe. I think I got my point across.” He grunts. “It was a nice right hook, I’ll give you that.” He deserved a hell of a lot more but the next step will be CeCe’s decision and hers alone. I have a feeling I’m already going to be in shit for this. Shoving the thought aside, I clap Johnny on the shoulder. “Come on. I’ll take you back home so you can fuck your fiancée again.” His bright smile returns full force, all the earlier tension disappearing. “You’re the bestest friend I’ve ever had.” We both cut into laughter as we climb back into my truck, leaving the heavy moment behind us.


CeCe The first thing I notice when I come awake is the warmth that I had wrapped around me all night is gone. My eyes flutter open and I stare into the face of my sweet Pep. “Morning, boy,” I coo, stroking his wet nose. My hand falters when I spot something beyond him. A single flower with a note attached to it. Smiling, I grab it and bring the white rose to my nose before opening the folded piece of paper. Went to grab us coffee and breakfast. Be back soon. Gabe P.S. You’re even pretty when you sleep. Warmth invades my heavy heart. Turns out the man not only knows how to give kick-ass orgasms but he’s also a great listener. He eased my pain last night more than anything or anyone else could have. His arms brought me the comfort I often long for. As the day went on yesterday, the pain I felt had less to do with that sleazeball Graham Davis

and more to do with missing my father. Sometimes I wonder if it will ever get easier. If the gaping hole in my chest will ever close. I have to admit that the more time I spend with Gabe, the less it hurts. It’s a little unnerving because I still don’t know where we stand with one another, but I do know I’m starting to really like the arrogant jerk. The sound of my phone vibrating pulls my attention over to my nightstand. Picking it up, I see it’s my mom. “Mom, hi,” I answer, relieved to hear her voice. “CeCe, honey, can you hear me all right?” she yells, making me have to pull the phone away. “Yes. I can hear you fine.” “Oh good. I am so sorry it’s taken me so long to call you back. We’ve been all over the place with very little reception.” “It’s all right. I knew you’d call when you could. I just wanted to check in and tell you I miss you.” “Oh, honey, me too. I miss you dearly. I can’t wait to hug my sweet girl again.” Sadness claims me, wishing she were here now. I could have used her hug last night. “Are you having fun with Aunt Viola and Aunt Sadie?” “You bet. As always.” “Good. I’m glad.” A moment of silence fills the line. “What’s wrong?” she asks.

“Nothing.” “Don’t lie to your mother. It’s a sin.” A genuine smile teases my lips. It’s her famous lecture. She always told me that if you sin you don’t get to shop in heaven. It was a clever thing to threaten me with while I was growing up. “Tell me what’s wrong,” she presses. “I can tell something is. I can hear it in your voice.” I don’t want to tell her about Graham, not yet. I want to do that face-to-face. “Just missing Daddy is all,” I say instead. The line is quiet and I have no doubt it’s because she’s choking back her own sorrow. “I miss him, too,” she admits quietly. “No matter where I go or how busy I keep myself, I’m always thinking about him.” “Me too.” My confession is thick with emotion. “Do I need to come home, CeCe?” Her offer takes me by surprise, and I even consider saying yes but she only has a few weeks left and I don’t want to ruin it. I know how much she needs this to keep preoccupied. “No. It’s okay.” “Are you sure? Because I’ll come back for you.” Her words are like a soothing balm to my wounded heart. She has no idea how much I needed to hear that right now. “No, you stay, but maybe…”

“What?” she asks when I trail off. “Maybe when you come back this time you can stay a while.” My words are laced with guilt, hating to even ask that of her, but lately I’m realizing I need my mother more. “Oh, CeCe. If my being gone is hurting you, why didn’t you tell me?” “It didn’t bother me at first but I miss our mom and daughter dates.” “I miss them, too,” she whispers. “I’m sorry, honey, I haven’t coped well with your father being gone. I’ve been selfish.” “No, you haven’t. I get why you do it, and I’m happy you have Aunt Viola and Aunt Sadie. Just don’t forget, you have me, too.” “I’d never forget you. You’re my life.” Those are exactly the words I needed to hear. “When I get home we’ll plan the best mother daughter date ever,” she says. “We’ll go shopping, hit the spa, and eat all the food.” “I can’t wait.” “I love you, honey.” “I love you, too,” I whisper. “I’ll call as soon as we have reception again.” “Sounds good. Tell Aunt Viola and Aunt Sadie I say hi.” “Will do. Bye.” “Bye.” My heart is much lighter when I hang up the

phone, and that peaceful feeling only grows when I look down at the flower I’m still holding. Glancing at the clock, I notice it’s almost noon. Holy crap! Climbing out of bed, I head into the bathroom and groan at my appearance. My eyes are red and swollen, face blotchy from crying all night. And Fireboy told me I was pretty. Liar. Throwing my hair up in a high ponytail, I splash water on my face, the coolness a welcome relief. Next, I brush my teeth then reach for the shower but end up hearing my apartment door open and close. I walk out to find Gabe holding two cups of coffee and a take-out bag. He turns around, his eyes colliding with mine. “Hey,” he greets me, his deep voice eliciting goose bumps across my skin. “Hey.” “You get my note?” I nod. “And flower.” His lips kick up in a sexy smirk. “It was a nice touch, wasn’t it?” “Very,” I agree, a matching smile claiming my face. He raises the items he’s holding. “I figured you’d be hungry since we didn’t eat last night.” “Thanks.” I walk over to take my coffee from him and catch sight of his swollen knuckles.

Gasping, I grab his wrist and yank it closer to me. “What happened?” My eyes lift to his and my stomach hollows out, the realization hitting me quickly. “Oh, Gabe, you didn’t. Please tell me you didn’t kill him then buy us breakfast?” “I didn’t kill him,” he says, but doesn’t reassure me of anything else. “Oh god!” My feet begin wearing out the floor, panic flooding my chest. “I’m going to lose everything. He’s going to ruin me and my boutique. I’ll have nothing left.” He grabs my shoulders, halting my frantic steps. “Listen to me. He’s not going to do anything. I made sure of it. He won’t ever come near you again!” Tears cloud my vision, blurring the man before me. “I can’t believe you did this, you big sweet dumb jerk.” I fall onto his chest, blubbering like a fool. His arms come around me, his hand coasting up and down my back in a comforting gesture. “He had to pay for what he did, CeCe. I couldn’t let him get away with hurting you like that.” “No one has ever beaten someone up for me before,” I cry, feeling touched he would defend my honor like that. “I’ll kick anyone’s ass for you, Blondie.” It’s the sweetest and hottest thing anyone has ever said to me. Sniffling, I lift my head. He wipes

my tears away with his thumb, erasing so much more than he could know. “Thank you for staying with me last night,” I whisper. “You don’t need to thank me. I’m glad I came when I did.” “Me too,” I admit. His gaze drops to my mouth, tension thickening the air. My heart races in anticipation, needing to feel his lips pressed against mine, but he holds back from giving us what we both want. “Gabe.” His name falls from me on a breathless whisper, my fingers gripping his shirt. “Yeah, Bella?” “Kiss me,” I plead. He closes the distance between us, the contact of his lips rocking the world beneath my feet. My arms curl around his neck, greedily seeking more. His growl penetrates the kiss as he cups my bottom and lifts me off my feet. My legs hug his waist, fingers spearing into his hair as I lose myself in him and all the beautiful feelings that come with it. “We should eat before the food gets cold,” he mumbles, but his mouth never misses a beat. “I don’t want food. I just want you,” I tell him. I want to be reminded of what it feels like to be touched by him. I want him to erase the dirty feelings Graham plagued me with and replace them

with the feeling of his body against mine. Unfortunately, he sets me on the counter and does the opposite, pulling his mouth away. His head drops on my shoulder, his breathing harsh. “What’s wrong?” I ask, wondering if I misread things somehow. The moment he lifts his head, the upsetting thought leaves me because I see the same need I’m feeling battling in his eyes. “I work the night shift,” he tells me, regret burning in his gaze. “Okay…” I say slowly, not seeing the problem. “If I get you in that bed, Blondie. I’m not fucking leaving it.” Shivers race across my skin, the dark promise in his voice fueling my desire. “Did you want me to call work and tell them you’re sick?” I offer. Another smirk curls his perfect lips. He cups my neck, his thumb tracing my racing pulse. “What I want is for you to eat breakfast with me then promise we can pick this back up when my rotation ends so I can touch you the way you deserve.” I clear my throat and squirm, trying to alleviate the ache between my thighs. “Well, when you put it like that, I guess I can wait. But I expect lots of orgasms.” His laughter trails into a groan. “Believe me, baby, when I get you back in bed I will have you begging for mercy.” The arrogant words are followed by another mind-drugging kiss.

My heart dances for not only the promise of another incredible night but also knowing I will be seeing him again, and if I’m really lucky, sleeping in his arms.


Gabe I’m struck by the summer heat as I walk out of the station, glad to be finished with what felt like the longest rotation of my life. I love my job and enjoy being here but it’s been a long week without CeCe. Texting and talking to her over the phone isn’t enough. I’m not able to see her smile or watch her cock a hip when she gets sassy with me, but most importantly, I’m not able to taste her lips, something I’ve come to crave on a daily basis. My phone vibrates in my pocket as I climb into my truck. A smile forms on my lips when I pull it out to see it’s the girl plaguing my every thought. “Blondie,” I answer. “I was just thinking about you.” “Good morning,” she greets back, sounding exceptionally cheerful. A far cry from the sad girl I found a week ago. “Guess where I just left?” “Tell me.” “Cliff Bidon’s office,” she informs me, talking about the banker whose number I gave her. “He loved my proposal, Gabe. He’s giving me the loan. I’m getting the men’s line!”

Her excited squeal has a huge grin breaking out across my face. “I knew he would come through for you. He knows a good thing when he sees it.” “He does. He was very impressed with my success so far and agrees the line will be the perfect addition.” “I guess that means he treated you right?” I ask, wanting the reassurance. “Yes. He was very professional.” “Good. Then I don’t have to kick his ass.” “Definitely not.” She chuckles but it trails off quickly, her voice softening with what she says next. “Thank you for giving me his number. This wouldn’t be happening if it weren’t for you.” “You got this on your own, CeCe. I had nothing to do with it.” “I disagree, but instead of arguing about it how about a celebration?” she suggests. “Dinner tonight?” Disappointment crushes me and my eager dick. “I’d love to but I can’t tonight. I have this thing at my mom’s that I can’t miss.” “Oh…that’s fine,” she says quickly. Too quickly. “We can do it another night. No biggie.” It’s a very big deal, especially when I’ve been missing the hell out of her. “Come with me,” I blurt out. Inviting her to meet my family is not something I would generally do, at least not this soon, but as

the words leave my mouth, they feel right. “Don’t be ridiculous. How about tomorrow night instead?” “No. I want to see you tonight.” “Okay, then how about you just call me after you’re done and we can decide from there?” “How about you just come with me?” “I’m not intruding on your family time, Gabe.” “You’re not intruding. I’m asking you to come,” I argue, refusing to give up. “You’re asking me because I’m a loser with no plans on a Friday night.” The ridiculous comment has a laugh barreling from my chest. “You’re too hot to be a loser, Blondie.” “Aw, you say the sweetest things,” she says, amusement thick in her voice. “Look, I’m asking you because I want you to come. I want you to meet my family.” The line goes silent but I can practically hear the wheels spinning in her pretty head. “It’s my grandma’s ninety-fifth birthday. There’s going to be a ton of people there with lots of food and drinking. It’s chaotic but a good time, I promise. Please come with me?” “Shouldn’t you ask your mom first?” I smile, knowing I have her. “I’ll let her know, but trust me, she will be thrilled to feed another person.”

“All right.” She sighs. “If you’re sure.” “I am.” “Promise it’s not because you feel sorry for me?” I grunt. “I feel a lot of things when it comes to you, Bella, but pity isn’t one of them.” I feel her smile through the phone and it makes me wish I was in front of her right now so I could see it, experience it—kiss it. I’ve lost my fucking mind. “When should I expect you?” she asks. “I’ll be there at five. I need to get some sleep first.” “Sounds good.” “Oh and, Blondie?” I call out before she can hang up. “Yeah?” “Pack an overnight bag. We’re going to my place after.” There’s a moment of silence before she answers, her voice breathless. “Okay.” I hang up with anticipation hammering through my blood. I plan to follow through on the promise I left her with the other day, and once she’s in my arms again, I’m not letting go.


CeCe My stomach is tangled into a giant knot as I wait for Gabe to show up, my knee bouncing incessantly. I don’t think I have ever been this nervous in my life. I’ve changed my outfit at least a dozen times; unsure of what one would wear to a grandma’s birthday. All the functions I’ve ever been to have been black tie affairs. I have a feeling showing up in an evening gown would be a little much. In the end, I settled on a soft yellow romper with pale purple daisies as the pattern. It’s from a hot new designer that has just hit the fashion world. The spaghetti straps and chiffon material make it light and airy. Vintage lace edges the shorts, resting at the tops of my thighs, and cinched at my waist is a satin tie that ends in a cute bow. The outfit is sweet and perfect for a family function…I think. Oh man, what have I gotten myself into? I’m still certain this was a pity invite, but I was unable to resist the request, because well, I’ve missed Gabe—a lot. I’ve missed his cocky smirk and dark chocolate eyes that see far more than I

wish they did. Turns out I actually like dark chocolate. A lot. But most of all, I miss his company, miss the way I feel when I’m with him. Three loud knocks rap against my door, startling me out of my thoughts. Standing, I smooth my hands down my outfit, do a little fluff to my hair, then straighten my shoulders before answering the door. The man on the other side has my breath catching in my throat. Gabe wears a pair of well-worn tattered jeans and a simple white T-shirt that does so many wonderful things for his magnificent body. Pair that with his famous lopsided grin and he has me melting into a puddle of need. “Hi,” I greet him, sounding ridiculously breathless because the man has a direct line to my brain, making it fail to function properly any time he’s around. His eyes sweep over me from head to toe, making every cell in my body tingle with life. The magical bastard. How does one possess such control over another’s body without even touching them? It isn’t right. Reaching out, he slips his fingers in the satin tie at my waist and reels me in for a knee-weakening kiss. His potent male taste floods my senses and draws me into his world. One I love being a part of. “You look fucking incredible,” he delivers the

compliment as his lips find the base of my throat. My head tilts to the side, allowing him more access. “Thanks. I’m going for the virgin look. I don’t want your mom to know I fucked her son like a greedy porn star.” Laughter rumbles from his chest but it trails into a groan, his large hands cupping my bottom. “That was a good night, Blondie.” “The best,” I agree. He stares down at me, his handsome face hovering before mine. “You ready for this?” “Are you?” “I’m more than ready to show you off, Bella.” His words settle some of my frazzled nerves. “Hopefully your family likes me.” “What’s not to like?” “This is true. I am a very likable person.” His mouth splits into another smirk. “Let’s get this over with so I can get you alone and do dirty things to you.” Heat flashes through my body, his promise from the other day rippling through me. “Sounds like a plan to me. Just let me get my things.” Walking into the kitchen, I grab my overnight bag off the counter along with the birthday gift I bought for his grandma. Gabe takes my bag from me then gestures to the gift in my hand. “You didn’t have to get her a present. You’re coming there as my guest.”

“It’s nothing big. Just a little something from the boutique.” “Little as in three thousand dollars little?” he asks, disapproval heavy in his tone. My hand cuts through the air. “Oh heck no. I spent far beyond that. After all, I want to make a good impression.” The lack of amusement on his face has me rolling my eyes. “Calm down, big spender. I’m kidding. It’s just a scarf. Old ladies love scarves.” I might not know much about grandma birthday parties but when it comes to presents, I got that shit covered. “Get your sweet ass out the door before I change my mind about the party and show you what happens to mouthy girls.” “Ohh, I love it when you talk dirty to me,” I mock. Puckering my lips, I blow him a kiss then grab my favorite oversized Chanel handbag hanging on the hook and walk out the door, locking up behind us. “You got that rat dog of yours in there?” he asks, pointing to my bag as we walk toward the elevator. “He is not a rat and no, he is not. He’s with Mrs. Bilson for the night. She loves Pep almost as much as me. Which is more than I can say for some people.” My insinuation is loud and clear. “I never said I didn’t like him.”

My eyes cut to his. “Calling him a rat is a dead giveaway.” He chuckles. “I’m joking, Blondie. If he’s important to you then he’s important to me.” My chin lifts. “Good, because we’re a package deal.” “Then I love the shit out of him.” I laugh at the ridiculous statement but can’t deny the way my heart skips. He really can be so charming. The door at the end of the hall opens, breaking into our moment. Tweedledee and Tweedledum are about to step out of their apartment until they see us. They come to a screeching halt, their eyes widening in fear before they quickly slam the door. I frown over at Gabe as we walk into the elevator. “What was that about?” He shrugs but his expression states he knows more than he’s telling me. I arch a brow. “I may or may not have told them that if they tried peeking at you again I’d break both of their legs.” “You didn’t,” I say, barely containing a laugh. “I don’t like people looking at what’s mine and I definitely don’t like anyone making my girl upset.” His girl. My heart soars at the claim, loving the idea of

being his. The elevator pings, announcing our arrival. “You are so getting laid tonight, Fireboy,” I tell him, stepping out into the lobby. The sound of his growl behind me tickles my spine. “I’m fucking counting on it, Bella.” Anticipation builds inside of me for what I am certain will be another unforgettable night. The drive to his mother’s house takes about forty minutes, located in a part of town I’ve never been to before. Several cars line the street and my nerves spike once again as we exit the truck. “You grew up here?” I ask, taking in the small, neatly kept home that does not look anywhere near big enough to raise five boys. “Yeah.” I drag my attention away from the house and find him watching me. His expression is hard to decipher. “I grew up poor but I grew up happy,” he says. “You can’t put a price on that.” His comment brings a smile to my face and only proves what I already know. Beneath that cocky exterior lies a really good man. A man that I am starting to fall head over heels for. It’s thrilling and terrifying all at once. “Come on,” he says, taking my hand. “Let me introduce you to the largest family you’ll ever meet.”

“I’m ready.” The lie flows seamlessly from my lips. I am so not ready. Loud voices pour from the house as we make our way to the front door, every step making my heart pound in my chest. “Just a warning, I may or may not puke,” I mumble. He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. “Relax, Blondie. They’re gonna love you.” I’m not so sure about that but I fake all the confidence I can muster. “Tio!” A little girl comes barreling from the house, leaping right into Gabe’s arms. “Hey, niña hermosa. Pretty girl. What’s shakin’?” “Nothin’, just waitin’ for Abuela.” “Late to her own party, is she?” Gabe turns toward me with the little girl in his arms and I have to admit, I’ve never seen him look sexier. “CeCe, this is my favorite little girl in the whole world, Milia. Milia, this is CeCe.” “Hi.” She waves shyly. “Hi, Milia, you have a pretty name.” “Thank you.” Gabe places her on her feet. “Lead the way, short stuff.” He takes my hand again as we climb the front steps. “Your niece?” I ask. “My cousin’s daughter but she’s more like a

niece to me.” I nod in understanding. Rosa will always be my niece, and she’s not even my blood but I love her as if she’s my own. The moment we enter the house the entire place erupts into loud greetings. A hoard of women bombard Gabe first, all of them wearing bright red lipstick, leaving lip smudges on his cheeks. He introduces them to me as his aunts. I don’t quite catch all of their names since there are so many and the house is noisy but I smile and acknowledge each one. “She’s pretty,” one comments, touching my hair. “But skinny,” another adds. Gabe scowls his disapproval but it doesn’t faze me in the least. “I told you,” the aunt I met from the other night chimes in. “But she can drink margaritas with the best of us. Isn’t that right, honey?” she says, pulling me into a brief hug. “You bet. Especially if they taste as good as the ones you make.” The compliment has her beaming with pride. “Ya see? She’s perfect.” I’m saved from having to say anything further when a deep voice cuts through the room. “Well if it isn’t my big brother.” A young man shoulders his way through the heavy crowd while three others

follow behind him. “And he brought Barbie with him,” another says, eyeing me in appreciation. By the good looks of these boys, I have a feeling I know exactly who I’m about to meet. The one who called me Barbie slings an arm over Gabe’s shoulders, a smirk that I know all too well resting on his face. “I don’t think they make Mexican Ken dolls, brother.” Gabe sends him an elbow. “Her name is CeCe, asshole. Be nice to her and I won’t kick your ass.” He chuckles, holding his ribs playfully. “You kiss her with that dirty mouth?” Gabe ignores the comment and introduces him as the youngest Martinez brother, Luis. “Nice to meet you, Luis.” “The pleasure is all mine, bonita.” I don’t have a clue what bonita means but judging by the smile on his face, I’m assuming it’s not an insult. Gabe introduces me to his three other brothers next, Michael, Nico, and Mateo. I greet each of them, noting that they all resemble one another but Gabe is the tallest, broadest, and of course, the hottest. “Damn, brother, you’ve done good,” Mateo says, his eyes sweeping down the length of me. “What is someone like her doing with you?” “Because she’s smart and knows quality when

she sees it. Now put your eyes back into your head.” Gabe follows up his words by putting the brother in a headlock, both of them delivering jabs to each other. “Not in the house!” a woman scolds, her voice rising above the noise. She emerges from the sea of people and I realize she’s not just any lady. With the same dark chocolate eyes, thick black lashes, and incredible bone structure, she cannot be mistaken for anyone other than Gabe’s mom. An affectionate smile curves her lips as she walks up to Gabe. “Mijo,” she whispers, pulling him into her arms. “Hey, Ma. Good to see you.” After the way he spoke about her the other night, it’s clear she means a lot to him. Maybe that’s why I am so nervous. If she hates me that will be the end of whatever this is between us. Sensing my nervousness, Gabe wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me in close to his side, the heat of his body the soothing touch I need. “Ma, this is CeCe.” I extend my hand, praying she doesn’t notice the slight tremble to it. “Ms. Martinez, it’s nice to meet you. Thank you for allowing me to join the party.” She clasps my hand in both of hers. “It’s nice to meet you too, and please call me Marisol.” I nod. “All right. Marisol it is.”

“I’m happy you could come. Anyone who is important to my Gabriel is welcome in my home.” Her hospitality and kindness puts me even more at ease. Gabe finishes the introductions, going through all the cousins and uncles. Milia’s mother, Ariadna is very friendly and even strikes up conversation with me, asking about my boutique. “Aren’t you going to introduce me?” a female voice asks. I turn around, coming face-to-face with an attractive woman who eyes me up and down. Her disapproval is very apparent before she directs a heated look at Gabe. “This is Catalina,” Gabe says, his tone harder than it was a moment ago. By the vibes he’s giving off I’d say there is some bad blood between them. “The ex,” she elaborates, extending her hand to me. Well that explains it. For the sake of pleasantries, I shake her hand. “CeCe,” I tell her. “The present girlfriend.” Her eyes narrow at my elaboration but I couldn’t care less. This bitch has another thing coming if she thinks she’s going to intimidate me. Gabe’s quiet chuckle rumbles next to me when he slings an arm around my neck and walks us in another direction. “Sorry about that. I didn’t know she’d be here. Her parents were invited, not her.”

“Don’t worry about it. I can handle her.” He stares down at me, amusement dancing in his eyes. “I have no doubt, Blondie.” “Gabe, Tia is here with Abuela,” Ariadna calls from the front door. “Can you help?” Gabe drops a kiss on my mouth. “Be right back. Don’t move.” I remain where I am, feeling all sorts of awkward and wishing I had one of his aunt’s famous margaritas in my hands. Thankfully, Luis and Mateo walk over to keep me company. “So what do you think, Barbie?” Luis asks, slinging an arm around my shoulders. “You ready to run out of here yet?” I quirk a brow at him. “This ‘Barbie’ is tougher than she looks.” My response only seems to amuse him. “You might survive this after all.” Before I can throw back another witty reply, my attention shifts to the front door as Gabe walks through it. He and another guy help the elderly woman in the wheelchair get situated. The crowd swarms her, greeting her with hugs and kisses. “I’ll let you in on a secret,” Luis says, dipping his mouth close to my ear. “If you want in good with this family, she’s the one you need to impress.” He gestures to the sweet old lady. “She’s the head of this family and no one is accepted into

it without her approval.” Great, and here I thought his mother would be my biggest concern. “Any tips?” I ask hopefully. “Greet her in Spanish,” Mateo says. “She will appreciate that. Especially from a white girl.” “I don’t know Spanish,” I admit, sheepishly. Luis shakes his head, looking disappointed in me. I’m feeling pretty disappointed in myself. I really do wish I had paid more attention in Spanish class. If only I knew back then I would be dating a hot Hispanic I would have totally put forth more effort. “All right. I’ll help you but don’t say I never did anything for you.” “Never,” I say dryly, biting back a smile. “Here is what you’re going to say, hola, me encanta la verga de su nieto.” My mouth drops open as I gape back at him dumbfounded. “I’m not going to remember all that.” “Yes, you will. Abuela can’t speak English so you need to do this. Come on, say it with me. Hola, me encanta…” “Hola, me encanta,” I repeat. “La verga.” “La verga.” “De su nieto.” “De su nieto.”

“Good, now say it all together.” He has me repeat the sentence a few times until he’s satisfied. “There you go. You got it.” “What exactly am I saying?” I ask. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you. You have a wonderful grandson.” I nod. “Okay, that’s good.” “It’s perfect. Now go introduce yourself. She will love you.” Taking a deep breath, I straighten my shoulders and push forward, feeling Luis and Mateo follow. Gabe’s eyes lift to mine from where he stands next to his grandmother. The flutter that ripples in my tummy is a good reminder why it’s important to get the approval of his family. His grandmother notices me walking toward her and offers a smile. It makes this that much easier. Returning her smile, I extend my hand. “Hola. Me encanta la verga de su nieto.” Her eyes widen in horror and gasps of outrage penetrate the room. Gabe sputters out a cough, choking on air. When I hear Luis and Mateo burst into laughter, I realize I’ve been set up. “Luis!” His mother slaps him upside the head, berating him in Spanish. Heat invades my cheeks, my heart pounding so loud I swear it’s about to beat out of my chest. The grandmother continues to gape at me with her hand

over her heart and I fear she’s about to go into cardiac arrest. Gabe comes to stand next to me, a smirk curving his lips as he rubs his jaw. “What did I just say?” I ask on a whisper, my mouth feeling as dry as sandpaper. He bends down, bringing his lips to my ear. “You just told her that you love my cock.” “Oh god.” The words leave me on a rush of air, my tummy churning. I worry I’m about to make things worse by chucking all over the poor old lady in front of me. “Don’t worry about it, Blondie. It’s not on you.” Gabe reaches over my shoulders, shoving Luis hard. My eyes narrow on both brothers, silently promising retribution. Luis shrugs, a cocky grin on his face. “Just seeing how tough you really are, Barbie.” He’s going to find out. This—means—war. “Abuela, this is CeCe,” Gabe introduces, trying to repair the damage I’ve caused. “Hello, CeCe,” she greets me. Other than a thick accent, her English is just fine. Those lying fuckers. Swallowing thickly, I shove aside my humiliation and extend my hand again. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m so sorry about before.”

“Don’t fret, my dear,” she says, clasping my one hand between both of hers. “It seems my grandsons got you good.” “That they did.” And revenge will be had. “All right, all of you take Abuela out in the backyard,” Gabe’s mother orders. “Ladies who are helping with dinner, come get your dishes ready.” My fingers wrap around Gabe’s, refusing to let go for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, that plan is squashed when his mother stops me with a hand on my shoulder. “You come with us in the kitchen, honey, we can get to know each other.” Dread seizes my chest. The kitchen and I are not a good mix. Rather than voice that, I nod and follow her into the kitchen, tossing Gabe a nervous look over my shoulder. His sexy wink does nothing to ease my apprehension. There’s at least ten women gathered in the small kitchen, all of them bustling around comfortably while I stand around being awkward. Much to my dismay, ex bitch is among them. She eyes me up like I don’t belong here. Let’s hope I am not asked to cook, otherwise she will be proven right. “Here. You can cut up the ingredients for my homemade salsa,” Marisol says, pushing me up to the counter where an array of fresh vegetables are

laid out. “Start with the cilantro. It’s always the most important ingredient.” My stomach tightens as I wonder what the hell cilantro looks like. Couldn’t she have asked me to cut a tomato? As if sensing my turmoil, the ex bitch watches me, a condescending smirk on her face. Ignoring her, I clear my throat and wash my hands then eye all the items in front of me. If I were cilantro what would I look like? I know it’s green but the problem is there are four different green items in front of me and they all look alike. I take a wild guess and pick one before grabbing the knife in front of me. “Oh, not that one. That’s parsley,” one of Gabe’s cousins says. Shit! Ex bitch laughs, making me feel dumber than I already do. Marisol shoots her a glare and walks over to me, placing her hand on my shoulder. “This one, honey.” She hands me what would have been my second guess. I offer her a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I don’t spend much time in the kitchen.” I’ve never had a problem admitting that before but right now it makes me feel inferior and that bothers me. “Don’t you worry about that. Carmen over

there can’t cook to save her life,” she says, cracking a joke at one of the cousins. “Her queso will make you violently ill.” Chuckles filter through the kitchen as Carmen whips a dishtowel at her aunt. “Ha ha. I am getting better. Just ask Mamá.” I smile, appreciating the light moment. Marisol taps my cheek affectionately. “If you ever want to learn, you call me,” she says. “I will teach you how to cook my Gabriel’s favorite meal.” “I’d like that.” Cooking really doesn’t interest me in the least but learning how to cook Gabe’s favorite would be worth the sacrifice of my pretty nails. “Good.” Smiling, she moves back to her task while I begin chopping up the cilantro, hoping I’m not screwing it up. “Tell us about your boutique, Cece,” Aunt Camila says. “Where is it?” “On the upper eastside. Over in Oakbrook.” “Oh that’s a beautiful part of town.” “It is,” I agree. “I grew up not far from there.” “Surprise, surprise,” Catalina mumbles under her breath but we all hear it loud and clear. I grit my teeth, fighting the urge to claw her eyes out. She has a serious stick up her ass. “What kinds of things do you sell?” another aunt asks, trying to mask the undeniable tension. I play along, knowing now is not the time to get

into a catfight. “I sell everything from designer handbags to shoes and clothes. I’ve also been approved to expand for a men’s line. I’m really excited about that.” “It sounds like a wonderful place,” his mother says. “Thank you. It is. It means a lot to me.” “What’s it called?” one of the cousins asks. “Maybe I’ll pop in one day.” “I’d love that. It’s called Kensington Palace.” Ex bitch scoffs, making things uncomfortable again. “Catalina,” Gabe’s mother snaps her name, a furious bite to her tone. “You can go out back now. We’re fine here and don’t need any more help.” She looks over at Marisol, hurt pinching her expression by the dismissal. “Are you sure? I’m almost done with the tamales.” “Leave it. We will finish them.” Her lips press together and she sends a glare in my direction before storming out. Thick silence fills the small space, making things even more awkward. “I have a feeling she wouldn’t be up to going for lunch with me at the country club,” I say, hoping to break the heavy moment. Thankfully, it works. All the women burst into laughter, sharing in my amusement, and things fall back into being easy again.

“Don’t worry about Cat,” Ariadna whispers, coming up next to me. “She’s always had it bad for Gabriel.” I figured as much but the information still has jealousy heating my blood. “Were they serious?” I ask, unable to help myself. She shakes her head. “Not as serious as she wanted it to be.” That makes me feel a little better. “Well, don’t worry about my feelings,” I say. “It takes a lot to rattle me.” “I can see that. If I had shared with Abuela what you did, I would have run out of this house in tears.” The other women chuckle, obviously listening in on our conversation. I shake my head, humiliation claiming me once again. “I will never live that down for as long as I live.” “Let me tell you something,” Marisol says. “My boys are full of shit, especially Luis. Next time you want to speak Spanish you come to me. I will translate.” “I appreciate that, but trust me, I will not make that same mistake again.” Those little fuckers will pay. I just have to wait for the right opportunity to present itself. Once I finish mangling all the vegetables, I ask where the bathroom is and go freshen up. I use the

opportunity to reapply my lip gloss and give my hair some extra tease. When I walk out I’m ready to face the large crowd in the backyard. Only I come up to a room where I hear a heated exchange being made and my name is in the mix. “I don’t understand what you’re doing with her. What are you trying to prove?” The snotty voice belongs to none other than ex bitch. “My relationship with CeCe is none of your damn business.” Gabe’s tone is thick with anger. “She’s the furthest thing from your type and you know it. She can’t even hack it in the kitchen with your mother and aunts.” I try not to let that remark sting, because unfortunately, it is the truth. “What the fuck does that have to do with anything?” “Because her designer heels and purses don’t fit in here. Why are you wasting your time?” My blood heats at her audacity. Let’s see how well my heel fits up her ass! “I’m warning you, Catalina. Back off. You don’t know me or what I want.” “Obviously I don’t. It seems you are more like your father than we all thought.” A cold silence settles over the room, and I swear the air drops in temperature. Before I can even wonder what her remark means, Gabe speaks, his tone dripping with disdain. “Get the fuck out of

my house.” “Excuse me?” “You heard me. You aren’t welcome here.” “I was invited.” “Your parents were invited.” “And they couldn’t make it. So I’m here on their behalf. Besides, this is your mother’s home.” “I pay the bills here, and I am telling you to leave now or I will physically throw you out.” I decide if she doesn’t listen my Jimmy Choos and I will gladly boot her ass out. “Whatever. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” My back presses against the wall, remaining out of sight as she storms from the room, heading out the front door. I hear Gabe let out a heavy breath and decide to give him a few moments of privacy before entering. His back is turned toward me, shoulders strained as he drives a hand through his hair. “Well she’s lovely, isn’t she?” I say, announcing myself. He spins around, his hard expression softening. “Hey, Blondie.” “Hey.” I smile, hoping to ease some of his tension. “How long have you been standing there for?” “Long enough,” I answer honestly. “I have a feeling she doesn’t care for me.” He closes the distance between us, pulling me

into his arms. “Forget her. She’s a bitch.” “Agreed, but she’s also right.” His eyes narrow. “About what?” “That I don’t fit in here very well, especially in the kitchen,” I whisper. “I can’t cook, Gabe. Like at all. My drawer in the kitchen is full of take-out menus. That’s how I roll.” “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I can cook then, isn’t it.” His effort to try and lighten the moment falls flat because the cold hard truth remains. I will never be like those women in the kitchen. “Look at me,” he orders, lifting my eyes to his. “I don’t give a shit about any of that. I don’t need you to cook for me. I can cook for myself and I’ll cook for you, too.” Warmth invades my heart, his words vanishing the small moment of insecurity I had. Smiling, I wrap my arms around his waist. “We’re the complete opposite of each other. You know this, right?” He hugs me closer. “Yeah, Bella. We’re the complete opposite, but somehow we fit.” His warm, chocolate eyes hold mine as his head dips, lips sealing over mine in a beautiful kiss that rocks the ground beneath my feet. He’s right. We do fit. Nothing has ever felt as right as this. By the time he pulls back I’m breathless, my

lungs grasping for air. “Come on, let’s go eat. The sooner we do, the sooner I will get you all to myself.” His possessive words set off a flock of butterflies in my belly. Taking my hand, he pulls me behind him, leading us out into the backyard where the party is in full swing. All the children are playing in the sprinkler, running around in their bathing suits while several groups are formed among the adults as they socialize. Aunt Camila brings me over one of her margaritas. “I saved this for you. The first batch always goes quick.” “Thank you. I appreciate you having my back.” She pats my shoulder. “Show them what you’re made of.” Smiling, I take a hefty sip, enjoying the liquid as it coats my throat. It’s not long before a crowd gathers around Gabe and me, most of them his cousins. Their conversation is filled with laughter as they rib one another. It’s obvious how close this large family is. It’s the total opposite of how I grew up. Our family gatherings were very small. No aunts, uncles, or cousins. Just the three of us, and even though I wouldn’t trade my parents for the world, I can’t help but wonder if maybe I did miss out on more, especially in the siblings department. Feeling a tug on my hand, I look down to find

Milia, her soaking wet hair tangled around her young face. “Want to come see me do a cartwheel over the sprinkler?” “I’d love to.” Releasing Gabe’s hand, I follow her over to the water and watch as she does an amazing cartwheel. “Wow, you’re good.” “Thanks.” She beams. “I take gymnastics.” “I can tell. I used to as well.” “You did?” she asks, her eyes lighting up with excitement. I nod. “I was even captain of my cheerleading team in high school.” “That’s what I wanna do, too.” “Well keep doing those cartwheels like you are and you’ll have no problem achieving that.” She does another one and a few of her other cousins follow, all of them wanting to show me their tricks. It brings a smile to my face and I can’t help but wonder what Rosa will be like at this age. She will be the best-dressed kid around if her auntie has anything to say about it, that’s for sure. Laughter pulls my attention over to a small group of guys to my left, one of them being Luis. He’s telling everyone a story, using his hands expressively that has them killing themselves with laughter. Eyeing the sprinkler not far from my feet, an idea forms.

Time to get my revenge. Kneeling down, I call the girls over. “Is it okay if I borrow this for a moment?” “Sure,” Milia says. “Thanks.” I tilt the sprinkler to the side and unscrew the hose then bend it to cut off the flow of water. Once I have that done, I slip off my heels, knowing I’ll need to be stealthy and fast. The young girls follow me as I keep the hose bent in my hand, dragging it behind me as I approach the group. I stop right behind Luis and tap his shoulder. He turns around; the same arrogant smirk on his face that I’ve seen on his brother many times. “What’s up, Barbie? Come to take some more Spanish lessons?” “Actually, yes. I was wondering how you say revenge in Spanish?” Before he can toss out what I know will be a cocky answer, I whip the hose out from behind me and press my thumb on the nozzle, spraying water all over him. “Whoa, shit!” The entire group disperses, running out of the line of fire as Luis’s arms flail. I manage to soak the center of his jeans before he escapes my wrath. I drop the hose on the ground and cover my mouth, feigning shock. “Uh oh! Look, girls, it seems Uncle Luis had a little accident.”

The entire party bursts into laughter as the girls jump up and down, pointing at Luis. “Tio peed his pants, Tio peed his pants,” they chant, adding insult to the wound. Luis’s eyes narrow but it doesn’t faze me one bit. Cocking a hip, I flick my hair over my shoulder. “You can call me Revenge Barbie.” A devilish grin claims his mouth. “It’s on, chica.” The second he reaches for me, I dart right, my feet tearing up the wet grass. Milia screams for me to run faster. Glancing over my shoulder, I find Luis right on my heels. I switch directions and manage to duck under his arm, evading him once more. A round of cheers penetrate the air on my behalf. That alone makes this all worth it. However, my time comes to an end, as I knew it would. Luis snags my wrist and yanks me back, his arms locking around my waist. Laughing, I fight to break free as he carries me back to the waiting hose, but I have no luck. “Milia, quick, grab the hose before he does.” My sweet little partner in crime runs for it but isn’t fast enough. Mateo grabs it first and hands it over to Luis. Little fucker. I should have got him, too. Holding the hose over my head, Luis soaks me entirely. I scream and laugh uncontrollably, begging

for mercy. It’s not until moments later that he finally releases me, tossing the hose aside. I wring out my hair, a stitch in my side from laughing so hard. Luis drapes an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. “Welcome to the family, Barbie.” I look up at him with a smile, his words making my cold, wet state worth it. My eyes find Gabe where he stands amongst the group I left him with. There’s a hint of a smirk on his lips, but there’s something more in his gaze, a look that has my heart tripping in my chest. That look alone makes every embarrassing moment I endured tonight worth it.


Gabe The

sun has set by the time we arrive at my townhouse. Lust hammers through my veins as we head up the walkway to my door, the girl next to me wreaking havoc on my barely restrained control. I’ve been thinking about this all week. The moment when we will finally be alone and I can touch and taste every inch of her. Tiny strands of hair still cling to the sides of her neck and the fabric of her outfit is still damp, showcasing all the incredible curves she possesses beneath it. Pride fills my chest as I recall the way she fought back against my brothers, and I have to admit she got Luis damn good. She garnered a lot of respect from my family tonight and even more from me. Hell, even Abuela was smiling by the time it was all said and done. She fit right in. She belonged there. As we take our final steps toward the door, her sweet scent invades my nostrils, every brush of her shoulder burning me from the inside out. Unlocking the door, I motion for her to walk in

then flick on the lights. She slips off her heels and walks in further to explore. My place is low-key. Simple. Far from what she’s used to but it’s mine. A place I bought on a foreclosure and fixed up. “How long have you lived here?” she asks. “About four years.” “I like it.” She walks around the coffee table, dragging her fingers along the shiny wood. “It suits you. It’s…manly.” “Well, I do like to do ‘manly’ things.” Smiling, she approaches the fireplace and picks up a picture of my brothers and me at my cousin’s wedding last summer. “Your mom sure has her hands full with you boys.” I move in behind her, curling my arms around her waist and brushing a kiss on her cheek. “She can handle it. She’s tougher than all of us put together.” “Agreed,” she says, relaxing back against me. “I had a really nice time tonight. Thank you for inviting me.” “Anytime, Blondie, but I think we need to work on your Spanish before the next family function.” She laughs, the sound vibrating against my chest. “I can’t believe those little fuckers did that to me. I thought your poor grandma was going to have a heart attack.” “Abuela knows how they are. She can handle

it.” She turns to face me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pull her in close, my hand resting just above the curve of her ass. It’s the perfect fit. “Teach me something in Spanish,” she whispers. I lift a brow, surprised by her request. “Now?” “Yes, now.” “What do you what to know?” “Hmm,” she muses for a moment before gracing me with a sassy smile. “How about, ‘I think you’re hot.’” “Yo creo que tú estás buenísimo.” “Aw that’s so sweet of you to say, thank you,” she teases, finding herself fucking hilarious. I grunt. “I already told you that’s why I call you Bella.” “Mmm, yes, you did.” She presses a kiss on my lips, keeping the contact brief. “I love it when you call me that. So much so that I’ve been considering changing my name.” “Don’t do that, Blondie. No one calls you that but me.” A smile claims her pretty lips, her eyes holding mine. “Yo creo que tú estás buenísimo.” She repeats the sentence back to me, her voice low and sultry, spiking the blood in my veins. “You only ever say that to me, understand?”

The possessive warning comes out on a growl; the thought of anyone else being on the receiving end makes me see red. “Always you.” Lifting to the tips of her toes, she teases my lips with hers, barely touching. My hands curl into the damp fabric of her outfit and it takes every ounce of control I possess not to rip it from her body. The space between us thickens with need, my hunger for her growing by the second. “How do I say ‘kiss me?’” she whispers. If my dick wasn’t already hard, the warm breath fanning my lips sealed the deal. My hands smooth over her ass, cupping the supple flesh. “Bésame.” Her eyes are focused on mine, the magnetic pull between us stronger than ever. “Bésame.” The one word falls on a heated plea and shreds the remainder of my control. Growling, I close the remaining distance between us, my lips claiming, possessing— dominating. Just like I plan to do to the rest of her. Sexy moans purge from her throat and I inhale every one of them, becoming intoxicated by my own raw need. She tugs up my shirt, her fingers urgent. I lean back just enough to help her clear it over my head then we’re mouth to mouth again. Her hands explore my chest, descending lower, my abs

twitching beneath her heated palms. She reaches the button of my jeans and wastes no time flicking it open. “Goddamn, Bella. You need it as bad as I do, don’t you?” “Probably more,” she confesses. There’s no fucking way. I need her as much as the air I breathe. Just as my hands move to the straps of her outfit, she drops to her knees before me. Lust seeps into my blood with heated force as she gazes up at me, seduction raging in her eyes. Harboring a wicked grin, she tugs my jeans down just enough to release my aching cock. A hiss yanks from my throat as her fingers wrap around the length of me, firmly stroking from base to tip. Her pink tongue darts out to wet her lips, teasing me—taunting. “Don’t fuck with me right now, CeCe. Put it in your mouth.” The order only seems to amuse her. “Impatient, Gabe?” “I’m always impatient when it comes to you.” Her smile softens seconds before she leans in and takes me deep inside her hot, wet mouth. “Carajo!” Fuck me. The heated curse leaves me on a rush, my knees threatening to buckle at the way my cock feels against her firm tongue. My fingers thread through her hair as she takes

me as far as she can go before sucking her way back to the top. “Good girl, suck my dick, just like that,” I groan. She shifts on her knees to move closer, eager to please. Her tongue swirls around the tip, giving me a show before taking me deep again. “Goddamn, Bella, that’s good,” I grit, my jaw tight with restraint. “You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth.” My fingers tighten in her hair, tugging her head back to take me even deeper. She whimpers around my shaft, her breathing turning shallow. “More?” I ask, my voice rough. She hums her response, the need reflecting in her eyes matching the one hammering through my blood. My hips surge forward, the tip of my cock hitting the back of her throat as I pump myself deep. She relaxes her jaw, relinquishing all control to me. “That’s my girl, take me. All of me.” She does. Every single fucking inch. Her cheeks hollow, sucking me harder as I thrust with quick, hard strokes. When I feel myself getting close, I try to pull back but she doesn’t let up. “I’m about to explode, Blondie. If you don’t want my cum down your throat you better pull back.”

She moans, hungry for it. Fire licks down my spine at her eagerness and I come on a roar, my cock pulsing as she takes every last drop from me. It’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever witnessed. She releases me from the heat of her mouth and licks her lips with a sassy little smile. It only feeds the dark hunger that continues to rage inside of me. Reaching down, I pull her to her feet and spin her around, bringing her back against my chest. Her shoulders rise and fall with heavy breaths as I brush her straps down her arms, pushing the one-piece outfit to her waist. My hands coast up her flat stomach, moving to the front clasp of her bra. With a deft flick of my fingers, the heavy weight of her tits tumbles into my waiting hands. Moaning, she drops her head back on my shoulder, arching into my touch. I lift my finger to her mouth, slipping it between her lips. “Suck.” Her tongue curls around it, much the same way it did my cock, then I use it to tease her tight little nipple, feeling the pebble harden further. “Gabe.” My name falls past her lips on a heated moan. I turn my mouth to her ear, lips brushing the soft skin. “Put your hands on the mantel.”

A shiver works down her spine as she follows the order. I finish pushing her clothes past her waist, the soft material pooling at her feet. “Step out.” She obeys. “So compliant tonight, Bella.” “You have no idea just how compliant I can be if I know I’ll be rewarded by you,” she admits, her breathing quick with anticipation. “Trust me, baby, you’re going to be rewarded.” I kick her feet apart, widening her stance. It earns me another deep moan. I press my lips to her shoulder, trailing them down her spine until I’m kneeling behind her. Her pretty ass that’s minimally covered in pink lace beckons me. My fingers slip beneath the edge, inching them down her legs. I cup the firm round globes, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh. “Fucking beautiful, just like the rest of you.” Rearing my hand back, I land a resounding smack to her creamy flesh. Her cry explodes through the room, echoing through every cell in my body. “And it’s even prettier bearing my handprint,” I murmur, soothing over the angry red mark. “Again.” The one word is delivered on panting breaths as she pushes back, seeking more. I give her what she wants, laying another one to the other cheek. Another scream tears from her, fueling the need

racing through my blood. Turning, I situate myself between her legs, her bare pussy inches from my mouth, glistening with need. I use my fingers to spread her open, the sweet smell invading my senses. “Please.” The plead quivers past her lips, her desire colliding with my own. “You want my mouth on your pussy again, baby?” “So bad,” she moans, thrusting her hips toward my face. My finger dips into her narrow slit, stroking her pulsing clit. Her body trembles, hips bucking toward my waiting mouth. “Stop torturing me, Gabe.” Her begging is my undoing. I bury my mouth against her flesh, the taste of her exploding on my tongue and rushing through my veins. “Yes!” Her fingers drive into my hair, twisting in a tight grip as she fucks my mouth, shamelessly taking what she wants. I devour her like a fucking animal, my tongue passing over her clit to spear her tight little hole while my finger moves behind her, teasing that forbidden entrance. “Oh shit!” Her knees almost buckle, fingers tightening further in my hair. “I can’t hold off. I’m going to come.” The warning yanks a growl from my chest. I

lick back to her clit, my lips closing over it the same time I press my hovering finger inside of her tight ass. The combination sends her over the edge. Her cries of pleasure invade my chest, filling a part of me that I never knew existed. A deep place only she can reach. Once her tremors subside, I kiss my way up her body, cherishing every patch of skin until I’m on my feet. My fingers curl behind her neck as I take her mouth in a heated kiss, the taste of her mingling on my tongue. “See how good you taste, Bella. I could eat your pussy for hours and never tire of it, but right now I need to be inside you.” Bending down, I grab the backs of her legs, lifting her off her feet. Her knees hug my waist, bare pussy gliding along my stomach as she skims hot kisses across my jaw. My steps are quick as I hurry toward the stairs, ready to toss her down on my bed and sink myself into her. I only make it to the second step when she wiggles down on me, her slick center teasing the tip of my cock. “Gabe, here—now,” she moans. A growl rips from my chest as I throw her to her back and drive myself deep inside of her. Fire explodes through my body, her gasp and my groan mingling in the hot air between us. “Damn, Blondie. I swear you were made just for me.”

“It’s so good,” she moans. “So fucking good.” With one hand braced on the stair above her head, I fuck her hard and fast, unleashing the hunger that’s been building for her all week. Every day. Every second. I crave her. She takes every inch of me, screaming for more while her nails claw into my shoulders. “You love it when my cock is pounding this pussy?” “God yes.” The admission only serves to drive my need for her further. Our bodies slap against each other, tongues dueling in a furious battle of domination. Her heat grips me, loving every hard, frantic thrust I deliver. It pulls me closer to the edge, one I can’t hold off for much longer. “You with me, Bella?” I grit as I fight to restrain myself. She gazes up at me, her eyes locked with mine. “I’m with you.” Everything in this moment changes. Our gazes never stray from one another as we both propel over the steep edge. The sounds of our pleasure and need merge together in a fire so hot there’s no way either of us will be the same after this. I break the connection first, burying my face in

her neck as I try to comprehend what the hell she’s doing to me. To understand the feelings she evokes. She hugs me close, anchoring me in a place I could live in forever. Once we catch our breaths, I scoop her back up into my arms and finish carrying her up the stairs, heading right into the shower. There, I wash her body, worshiping, exploring, and memorizing every angle and curve. Guilt floods me at the rug burn on her back, my fingers gently grazing the angry red mark. “Does it hurt?” “No,” she murmurs, resting back against me. “But even if it did it was well worth it.” Satisfied with that response, I finish washing her then carry her to bed. She curls into me, resting her head on my chest. Minutes pass as we lie together in comfortable silence, my fingers skimming up and down her soft skin while hers drag across my chest. Eventually, she reaches for my free hand and slides her palm over mine, twining our fingers together. “Want to know one of the things I love most about us?” “What?” I murmur. “How our skin looks against one another’s,” she says quietly. “Your warm tone against my light one.” I never really noticed before but now that she’s

mentioned it, I see the startling contrast. Her flawless porcelain skin against mine is significant— perfect. “It’s pretty cool,” I agree. Though, I think everything about us is awesome. “It’s more than cool, it’s beautiful,” she whispers, changing the moment to something more. I flip her over and settle between her parted legs, my hard body pressing into her soft one. “That’s because you’re beautiful, every perfect inch of you.” My lips touch hers in a brief caress. Smiling, she lays her hand against my face. “Want to know what else I love about you?” “My awesome personality and sexy as hell body?” Her giggle drifts through the air, washing over me like my favorite melody. “Besides those.” “What, Bella?” I ask, amused. “It’s going to sound a little weird but I have this really bizarre fascination with your jaw,” she says, dragging her fingers along the underside of it. “I don’t know what it is but I have this insane urge to bite it.” The strange admission has a laugh barreling from my chest. “I’m serious. It’s an amazing jaw line. Totally GQ worthy.” “Well, if it’s any consolation, I am fascinated with your ass and always have the urge to touch it.”

“Geez, thanks,” she returns with a heavy dose of sarcasm but a laugh tumbles out with it. My fingers lift to her parted lips, tracing the outline. “But your smile is my favorite.” Her mouth softens into the exact smile I’m talking about, making me feel things I can’t understand. “That was a good one, Fireboy,” she whispers, pulling me down for a kiss. Within seconds, I’m on fire for her again. Reaching between us, I grasp my cock and slip it between her wet folds, finding her ready. This time I enter her much more gently, slowly filling her inch-by-inch. Her breath catches, nails biting into my back. “God, I love the way you feel inside of me.” If she only knew how I felt. The constant need I harbor isn’t only for her body but also for her smile, laugh, and heart. The thought has me voicing words to her that only I can understand. “Me estoy enamorando, Bella, muy profundamente.” Her expression softens as she gazes up at me. “You’re not going to tell me what you just said, are you?” My only response is a smirk. One day, I will repeat those words to her in English but not yet. Instead, with every stroke, kiss, and touch, I show her what I’m not able to bring

myself to say.


CeCe “You

have to cook the chicken until it’s tender enough to shred,” Marisol explains, pulling a chicken breast from the sizzling pan and placing it on the cutting board. She takes a fork, using the prongs to pull back layers. “Ya see how easy it falls apart now?” I nod and pretend I get it but really I’m just trying not to remember how that piece of meat looked before she cooked it. Shudder. I shove aside my disgust though because this is for Gabe. The man who has not only claimed every inch of my body but also my heart. He’s come to mean a lot to me in such a short amount of time and I find myself wanting to leave my comfort zone and do something special for him. Something I’ve never done for anyone else before. And that’s learning to cook his favorite meal. I’m going to surprise him with it tonight after he finishes his shift at the station. Marisol shoves the fork into my hand. “You keep shredding and I’ll get the rest of our

ingredients together.” I try not to gag over how rubbery it feels. Meat is not something I’ve ever had a problem with but that was before I saw it raw. “Like this?” I ask, showing her what I’m doing to make sure I’m not screwing it up. “Yes, that’s perfect,” she says, patting my shoulder. Feeling proud, I continue my task at hand. “Thank you again for helping me with this. I’m close to my mother but she’s about as knowledgeable in the kitchen as I am. We bond over shopping, not cooking.” “No thanks needed. I was thrilled when you called, and I know my Gabriel will love this surprise.” Her excitement fuels my own. “He likes you a lot, you know,” she adds, her knowing eyes seeking mine. “You think so?” “I know so. I saw the way he watched you playing with the children. He had love in his eyes.” Hope warms in my chest, spreading throughout my entire body. I’m beginning to more than like that man, so to hear her say that means a lot. “He said the two of you met on one of his calls,” she says, digging for more information. “We did, but trust me when I tell you our first encounter was not a pretty one. Gabe thought I was

a stuck-up spoiled rich girl. The last thing I ever expected was a date with him,” I divulge with a snicker, recalling that first night. How times have changed. “Sadly, this does not surprise me.” She sighs, an almost sad note edging her voice. “That’s his own issues though. It had nothing to do with you.” My curiosity piques. “What do you mean?” A moment of silence ensues before she looks over at me, revealing a stark pain in her eyes. “Has he told you about his father?” “No. I asked about him once before but he said he was off limits. I take it their relationship is strained?” I ask, even though I shouldn’t. The last thing I want to do is betray Gabe’s trust but I’d be lying if I said I’m not curious to know more, especially after her comment. Her gaze shifts back down to her hands as she continues cutting up the vegetables, the knife slicing into the cutting board fills the tense silence. I begin to feel bad and think I’ve overstepped but before I’m able to apologize, she speaks. “Gabriel’s father left us when Luis was just a baby. He fell in love with another woman.” My fork stills from its shredding, my heart breaking at the agony in her voice. “She’s very wealthy. My husband was her gardener and I cleaned her home.” Oh my god.

My chest seizes with anger, betrayal slicing through me on this family’s behalf. “He walked away from us without ever looking back. We haven’t seen him in almost fifteen years.” “I’m so sorry,” I whisper, reaching out to touch her hand. Her eyes finally lift to mine and the unshed tears there are unmistakable. It’s obvious that even after all this time she still harbors heartache over this. “I probably shouldn’t be telling you this but knowing my son, he never will. He doesn’t like to talk about him. It was a rough time for us and we were all very hurt but Gabriel hurt so much more. He and his father were very close and when he walked away like that…” She shakes her head. “Gabriel has never been the same.” Pain infiltrates my heart to think about Gabe hurting in any way, but to lose a father so abruptly, I can certainly relate to that. “He stepped up and became the man of the house, even at eleven years old. He mowed lawns and did whatever jobs he could to help pay the bills. Our family would not have survived the way we did without him. Even now, he still takes care of us,” she says, a small smile lifting her sad lips. “He’s paying for me to go to school ya know. So I can live my dream to be a teacher.” I return her smile. “He said something about

that.” Of course he left out the important fact that he’s paying for it. “I think it’s very admirable that you are following your dreams,” I tell her. “Thank you, but I couldn’t do it without my Gabriel. The other boys are good too and help out, but not like Gabe. He’s been our rock.” Hearing all this only makes me fall that much harder for him. There’s no denying the man is a hothead at times, but he’s a good man. Next to my father, he’s the best I’ve ever known. “Over the years, the pain of his father walking out on us has turned to anger. A very deep anger,” she says. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the reason why he misjudged you at first.” After knowing all this I have to agree, but the thought of him thinking for even a second that I was anything like the woman his father left them for hurts me something fierce. Catalina’s remark to him last weekend now suddenly makes sense. It leaves me feeling angry on Gabe’s behalf yet also nauseous to be grouped into the same category as that home wrecker. I’m pulled out of my tormented thoughts when Marisol touches the side of my face. “My Gabriel may have misjudged you at first but I know he sees you for the wonderful woman you are. He’s a good man, his anger just misguides him sometimes

because of the pain he buries inside,” she says, tapping my chest. If anyone can understand what it’s like to harbor pain, it’s me. There are moments in our life that irrevocably change us and no matter how much we wish we could go back and change the past to spare us that kind of heartbreak there’s no going back. All we can do is learn how to live with that loss every day. “You have a beautiful family,” I tell her on a whisper. “Thank you for letting me be a part of it.” “You don’t need to thank me. Now that you are with Gabriel, my family is yours. As much as I love my boys, I always wanted a girl to do all the girly things with. Maybe now I will get to.” “I can definitely help with that. You don’t get much more girly than me.” She chuckles and delivers a love tap on my cheek, much the same way all the women seem to do in this family. “Then that’s settled. Today I teach you how to cook my Gabriel’s favorite, next time you take me shopping and teach me all the fashion tips.” It’s this precise moment that I know without a doubt that this woman and I are going to be great friends.


Gabe The hot water pounds down on my sore muscles, a welcome relief after the grueling shift I had. Three car accidents and two house fires. One fatality. Definitely not a great fucking day. It’s probably the only part of my job I don’t like, when someone’s life is out of your control. Sometimes you’re too late. The need to see CeCe is more profound than ever. I want to bury myself in her body and forget all about the day’s events. Unfortunately, she works late so I’ll have to wait. With that depressing thought in mind, I shut off the shower and head into my room to get dressed. After sliding on my jeans, I reach for a shirt and that’s when my doorbell rings. A scowl forms on my face as I head downstairs to answer it but it fades the moment I open the door, revealing the one woman I’ve been aching to see. CeCe holds a picnic basket while shouldering one of her ridiculous-sized purses, her little rat dog’s head peeking out from the top.

“Blondie,” I greet her, my surprise evident. “I thought you worked tonight?” She leans against my doorjamb, a suggestive smile curving her perfect pink lips. “Jill was a doll and said she would take my shift so I could surprise you with this.” She lifts the basket, excitement dancing in her eyes. “What is it?” “Let me in and you’ll find out.” Smirking, I step aside and she strolls right in, beelining for the kitchen. My gaze drops to her perky ass. The tennis skirt she’s wearing teases the top of her slender thighs and makes my cock harden on the spot. Stifling a groan, I rein in my need and follow her into the kitchen to see what she’s up to. My good intentions diminish the moment she turns and flashes me that smile of hers. That’s all it takes for my shitty day to fade away. My arm curls around her waist and I reel her in for a taste, the small contact of her lips against mine thrashes through my veins. I’m certain I could kiss the girl for the rest of my life and never tire of it. Our moment is interrupted when the dog shoves his wet nose between us. CeCe pulls away with a chuckle, stroking his back. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought him. I felt bad asking Mrs. Bilson to

watch him again.” “As long as he doesn’t piss in my house or cockblock me, he’s welcome here.” “No peeing or cockblocking, I promise.” She gives him a kiss on the head then places him on his feet. He wanders off, nose sweeping along the floor as he explores his surroundings. “Are you ready for your surprise?” she asks, that excitement lighting up her face again. “Yeah. Especially if it involves you taking your clothes off.” “Not quite yet. That’s for dessert,” she says with a sassy wink. “First, let’s have dinner.” She lifts the lid off the basket and tilts it to show me what’s inside. “Ta-da!” The aroma wafting from the basket has my stomach rumbling in hunger. “You know me so well, Blondie.” “Guess who made it?” My eyes widen, her answer reflecting back at me. “Seriously?” “Sure did. Your mom helped me.” Another bout of surprise fills me. “You went to my mom’s?” “Yep and we had a great time. This cooking thing isn’t as hard as I thought. Except for the raw meat,” she adds with a shudder. As amused as I am, I can’t deny the shift in my chest knowing she stepped out of her comfort zone.

“Come on, let’s eat before it gets cold,” she says, carrying the basket over to the table. While she does that I grab us some plates and utensils. By the time I come back, she has all the food laid out, including a beer for me and a margarita for herself. “You thought of everything,” I say, impressed. “I did, I’m very proud of myself. Now sit down and tell me how good it is even if it sucks.” There’s no way it sucks, especially if my mom helped her. We both take our seats and she watches in anticipation as I take my first bite. I consider fucking with her about how awful it is but the hope in her eyes has me doing the opposite and so does the paradise on my tongue. “It’s amazing, Bella,” I groan. “Yes!” She fist pumps the air. “Martha Stewart doesn’t have shit on me.” I chuckle but it trails off quickly as I stare back at her pretty face. “I appreciate all this, I do, but you know you didn’t have to do this, right? I meant what I said the other night, CeCe.” She shrugs. “I know but I wanted to. Not only for you but also for myself. I wanted to prove that I could do it, that I wasn’t just some stupid blonde like that ex bitch thinks I am.” My blood heats as I remember my confrontation with Catalina, hating that CeCe heard

it. Reaching over, I wrap my fingers around her delicate hand. “You’re far from stupid, Blondie, anyone who takes the time to get to know you can see that. It takes brains, confidence, and hard work to accomplish what you have.” Her fingers squeeze mine, a soft smile resting on her face. “I had a wonderful time with your mom today.” “I’m glad to hear it because, next to you, she’s the most important woman in my life.” “I can understand why. She is a wonderful mother and loves you very much. I admire her strength. She’s been through a lot. You all have.” There’s an underlying tone in her voice that has me tensing and by the look in her eyes, I have no doubt she knows about the one part of my life that I wish I could forget. “She told me about your father,” she whispers, confirming my suspicion. A heavy breath leaves my mouth as I release her hand and sit back in my chair. “Please don’t be angry. I wasn’t prying, I swear. We were just talking and sharing things about our families and he came up.” Hate sears my veins like it always does whenever I’m forced to think about him. Grabbing my beer, I tilt the bottle to my lips, hoping it will cool my heated blood. “Let’s get one thing straight

right now. That piece of shit isn’t my father. Got it?” She nods, remorse and something that looks a lot like pity darkening her eyes. Something I don’t need or want. “I’m sorry for bringing it up. I just wanted to be honest with you.” The sincerity in her tone has me fighting to lock up my anger. “I appreciate you telling me.” As much as I hate that she knows, I knew it would only be a matter of time. At least now I don’t have to be the one to tell her the details, though I’m sure it wasn’t easy for my mother either. I feel her gaze burn into the side of my face as I go back to eating but I’ve completely lost my appetite, every bite tasting like acid on my tongue. “Being with your mom today made me miss mine even more,” she starts quietly, changing the subject. “It also made me think about my father.” Pain and sadness threads through her voice, mixing with my already turbulent emotions. Reaching over, I take her hand in mine again. “I’m sorry.” “Me too,” she whispers, offering me a sad smile. “Do you want to know how he died?” “Only if you want to tell me.” “I do. It’s time.” I nod and wait patiently, knowing this subject is hard for her. Something I completely understand.

She inhales a deep breath, bracing herself for what she reveals next. “He was murdered.” Every muscle in my body tenses, shock flaring inside of me. I thought maybe he died in an accident or had a heart attack. Not something as heinous as murder. “Do you remember that political scandal a few years back involving the teenage girls who were being trafficked from the group home?” she asks. “Yeah, I remember. Senator Michaels was involved.” It was some sick shit and front-page news for months. “He’s Emily’s father.” My eyes widen at the revelation. “Emily as in your best friend, Emily?” “Trust me, it’s not something she’s proud of. She was dealt a shitty hand in the parents department.” I’ll say. I remember reading that even his wife was involved in trafficking those girls. If memory serves me right, she’s behind bars while hopefully her husband is burning in hell. Although, if you ask me, death was too good for a bastard like him. “Em has been my best friend since birth. Our parents were very close but not even my father knew how horrible Senator Michaels really was until it was too late.” The sorrow in her voice guts me. She should

never know this kind of loss and sadness. If I could carry it all for her, I would. “The night it all went down my father was there. He’d known for a few months what they were up to and was trying to gather evidence for the police. Only everything got screwed up and Emily was caught in the crossfire.” She pauses, taking another hard swallow. “My father took a bullet for her. He saved her life.” My mind spins with everything she says, disbelief coursing through me. Her eyes lift to mine, and the tears streaming down her red cheeks are like a punch to the gut. “It was bittersweet. I lost my father but my best friend’s life was spared.” My fingers squeeze hers, wanting to offer any kind of comfort I can. “He died a hero, CeCe. That’s more than a lot of people can say.” It probably doesn’t make her feel better but it’s the truth. She flashes me a watery smile. “Yeah, he did, but he’s always been my hero. And now I’ve found another one.” Her pinned gaze conveys exactly who she thinks that other person is. “I’m far from a hero, Blondie. I’ve never taken a bullet for anyone.” “Maybe not but you ran into a burning building for a girl you didn’t even know because she didn’t want to leave behind one of her most cherished

possessions.” “I’d run into a burning building for you any day.” Her expression softens as she pushes to her feet and comes to stand before me, her hands moving to my shoulders as she straddles me. My fingers dig into her hips, her tempting lips only inches from mine. “I know you would, because next to my father you’re the best man I’ve ever known. A man who stepped up and took care of his family when they needed it, despite only being a child himself.” My mom just fucking blabbed to her about everything, didn’t she? “It’s not a big deal. I just did what had to be done.” “I disagree. I think it’s a very big deal and so does your mom. She loves you very much.” “I told you I’m her favorite,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood but she doesn’t let me. Her hand moves to the side of my face, fingers fanning my jaw. “I’m so sorry he hurt you.” My teeth grind as I try to ward off the intense pain that penetrates me whenever I think about him. “Don’t be sorry. We’re better off without him.” “Can I ask you just one thing and then I’ll never bring this up again?” I find myself nodding even though he is the last

person I want to talk about. “Is that why you hated me when we first met?” she asks on a whisper. “Because you thought I was like her.” The hurt reflecting back at me makes me feel even more guilty than I already do. “I never hated you, CeCe,” I tell her honestly. “But I hated what I thought you stood for. I hated your expensive lifestyle, but more than anything, I hated the way you made me feel when I was around you, because it made me think I was like him.” “I’d never do what she did,” she whispers, a single tear trickling down her cheek. “I’d never break up a family like that.” “Don’t you think I know that? I was wrong about you in the beginning and you’ll never know how sorry I am about that. But make no mistake, CeCe, I know you are nothing like that bitch.” Reaching up, I cup her soft cheek. “You’re beautiful,” I whisper, leaning in to brush a kiss across her cheek. “Sassy and kind.” I take her bottom lip between mine, possessing her mouth before I pull back and look deep into her pale irises. “But best of all…you’re mine.” The moment the words leave me, she closes the remaining distance between us, our mouths fusing in a fevered hunger, tongues dueling in a pitch of give and take. A growl shreds my throat, my hands slipping

under her skirt to cup her perfect round flesh. She severs our heated connection for only a second, reaching down to grip the bottom of her tank top and removing it from her body. My eyes zero in on the sexy purple lace bra, admiring the way her creamy mounds spill from the top. “Let’s skip dinner and go right into dessert,” she says in her saucy little voice that has my cock tightening behind my jeans. “You always have the best fucking ideas.” Her laughter fills the air but trails off on a gasp when I sweep my arm across the table, our food crashing to the floor as I press her back to the shiny wood, laying her out before me. She gazes up at me, eyes hooded with need. “I should be really mad you just did that but I’m not. Not even a little bit.” Smirking, I reach behind me and pull my shirt over my head. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll make it up to you.” Taking my seat once again, I inch my hands up her smooth legs, shoving them under her skirt to rip her panties off. Another gasp flees her, hips lifting off the table. I drag her closer to the edge, bringing all that pink glistening sweetness in direct line with my mouth. My fingers lock around a slender calf as I grab one of her legs, draping it over my bare shoulder, then do the same with the other. Her

scent impales my nostrils, fueling the need barreling through me. “As much as I love what you made tonight, Bella, nothing compares to the taste of your pussy.” My mouth descends, tongue delving through her hot center. “Oh shit!” Her cries echo throughout the room as she grinds herself into my face, taking the pleasure I eagerly give her. I devour every bit of her, the length of my tongue covering her wet flesh. Over the top of her skirt, I watch as she coasts her hands up her flat stomach to cup her lace-covered breasts. Groaning, I lift my mouth from her and replace it with my fingers, stroking her clit. “Take off the bra, CeCe. I want to see your hands all over your pretty tits.” She does as I say, removing the lace cups and letting all that generous flesh fall into her hands. Sexy little moans spill past her lips as her fingers tweak her pink nipples. “Goddamn that’s fucking sexy.” My free hand moves to my belt, undoing the buckle before opening my jeans. I release my aching cock and stroke myself, needing to relieve the pressure. My eyes remain on hers as I drop my mouth back to her bare pussy, lapping at all the sweetness. The faster my tongue works her, the faster my strokes are.

“God, I’m going to come already,” she cries. “Do it, baby,” I groan. “Come all over my face.” The encouragement sends her careening over the edge. My tongue never falters as I lick every drop she gives me. When there is no more left to take, I push to my feet, my cock still hard and heavy in my hand. CeCe’s eyes become riveted; her lips parting on a sharp inhale. “You like seeing how hard I get for you, Bella?” “Yes,” she pants, eyes trained on my stroking hand. “I love knowing I make you feel this way.” “You have no idea the shit you make me feel.” Her eyes lift to mine, the moment growing heavier with our unspoken words. My gaze never strays from hers as I grip her hips again and enter her in one perfect thrust. The connection is so perfect it rocks the very foundation of who I am. Her wet lips part on a hungry gasp as her pussy stretches for me. I bury myself to the hilt, her back arching off the table. “How do you want it,” I ask, my voice rough. “Slow or fast?” “All of it,” she whispers. “I want all you have to give me.” She has all of me, especially the organ in my chest. However, I continue to keep that to myself. I

start off with slow, deep strokes, her snug pussy gripping and sucking me further into its hot depth. When she’s writhing and begging for more, I pick up speed. Her tits bounce as our bodies slap together, creating an unmistakable need. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she tries to stifle the sexy little mewling noises coming from her. “Don’t be silent, CeCe. Scream for me. I want every person in this goddamn world to know who you belong to.” I change the angle of my thrusts, my hips pumping harder as I hit that spot deep inside of her. Within seconds, she falls over the edge once again, my name pouring from her lips, banging around inside of my chest. I follow along with her, fighting to keep upright from the pleasure racing through my blood. We both groan as I pull out of her. I yank up my jeans just enough so I’m able to lift her into my arms, loving how perfectly she fits. “Tell me, Fireboy,” she murmurs, her voice soft and sleepy. “How many women have you carried like this?” “Never anyone as beautiful as you.” She rests her head on my shoulder, a smile claiming her perfect lips. I carry her straight to my bed, wanting to do nothing else but feel her naked body against mine.

The mattress dips with my weight as I crawl in behind her. She turns to face me, her hand resting on my jaw. “Want to know what else I learned today?” “What?” A shift happens within her eyes but nothing could have prepared me for what she says next. “Me estoy enamorando, muy profundamente.” The Spanish words I said to her the other night roll off her tongue flawlessly. I’m falling and I’m falling hard. My mouth pulls into a smirk. “You’ve been busy today, Bella.” “Mmmhmmm,” she murmurs, but her teasing tone softens along with that look in her eyes. “Did you mean it?” I brush a gold lock of hair out of her face, never severing eye contact. “Yeah, I meant it.” “Good, because me too.” Rising up on her elbow, she plants a kiss on my lips that has me aching for more, but unfortunately, she pulls back too soon. “I also Googled and found out that puta means whore. Did you know someone called me that back in high school?” she tells me, anger creeping into her voice. “This bitch from another cheer team we were competing against. At the time I didn’t know what it meant but it was obvious it wasn’t nice. Now knowing exactly what she said I want to find her and gauge her eyes out.”

“Let’s do it. You can kick her ass and if she has a boyfriend I’ll kick his ass.” “Deal but let’s have a nap first. I’m exhausted,” she says, dropping back down on my chest. “After all, I did slave over the hot stove all day.” I look down at her, raising a brow. “Okay, not all day but it was long enough.” A chuckle rumbles deep in my chest. Cooking or no cooking, she’s perfect and I plan to never give her up.


CeCe Pride fills me as I finish totaling today’s sales. Not bad for a Sunday. I’m certain these numbers will only increase once my men’s line is up and running. The grand opening is less than a week away and I cannot wait. There are some big names coming to the launch party. Including a reporter from Vogue, the biggest fashion magazine in this country. My dreams are finally coming true. I glance over at the stack of invites sitting next to me. My plan is to hand deliver a select few and my first stop will be to Gabe. After all, I need myself a hot date and he is the perfect candidate. Hopefully he doesn’t mind me showing up at the station unannounced, but he works late tonight and I don’t want to wait to give him this. Besides, it’s been three days since I last saw him. That is too long. I need to see him and kiss his handsome face. With that thought in my mind, I finish tidying up and reach for my purse when the door beeps with someone’s arrival. I bite back my annoyance, knowing I should have turned the open sign off. Perfecting a smile, I walk around to greet the

person but come to a hard stop when I see who it is. My feet remain planted, shock anchoring me to my spot. “Mom?” I whisper. She stands just inside the door, a warm smile on her face, but there is no denying the tears forming in her eyes. “There’s my baby girl.” Her arms open for me and I don’t hesitate, my heart exploding as she wraps me in a hug. The subtle scent of her perfume invades my senses, warming a part of me that’s been cold since she left. “Oh, honey. I’ve missed you,” she chokes out, her hand stroking down the back of my hair as she holds me close. “Me too.” Stepping back, I wipe the tears from under my eyes while she does the same. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t getting back for another week.” “I took an earlier flight. I needed to see you.” She pauses, her chin quivering as she tries to maintain her composure. “I’ve been so selfish, CeCe.” I shake my head. “Mom. No.” She puts her hand up, stopping me from going further. “Yes. I have. I’ve been thinking a lot since our talk and I’ve had to face things, things I’ve been avoiding. Like…reality,” she whispers, sorrow thick in her voice. “I’m so sorry I’ve left you so

often. I guess I just thought if I wasn’t here so much, I wouldn’t hurt all the time, but the truth of the matter is, no matter where I go it hurts. But it’s even worse because I’m not with you. I’m not here where I belong.” The admission has me pulling her in for another hug. “I miss him too, Mom. Every second of every day, but we can be here for each other.” “Definitely.” She releases me, her eyes meeting mine. “I made an appointment with a grief counselor, you’re welcome to join me if you want.” I smile. “I’d like that.” “Good. Now that we have that settled. How about dinner?” “Tonight?” She nods. “We can go to the country club and you can fill me in on everything that’s been going on with you.” The country club suggestion has my stomach twisting with dread, the chance of running into Graham there is too great to risk. He and his wife go often and I never want to see that man again for as long as I live. “How about Fredrick’s instead?” I suggest. I’ll fill her in on Graham when the time is right. She needs to know what a sleazeball he is but not tonight. “That works, too.” “Great, can I meet you there in a half hour? I

have a quick stop I need to make first.” “Of course, but if you’re busy, honey, we can do it another night. I shouldn’t have assumed you’d be free.” “No. I don’t have plans. I just need to stop by the fire station to drop off an invite to my…friend.” My hesitation has her mother sensors going off. She lifts a brow, curiosity smothering her face. “Friend?” “Actually, more than a friend,” I admit, deciding now is as good a time as any to tell her about Gabe. “It’s a guy I’ve been seeing.” “You have a boyfriend?” she shrieks. I nod, a massive smile stretching across my mouth. “How long have you been seeing each other? Is it serious? Tell me everything right now,” she demands, excitement lighting up her whole face. “It’s fairly new. A couple of months but…” I hesitate as I try to put my feelings into words. “It’s serious. I like him, Mom. A lot.” “Oh, honey, this is wonderful. I’m so happy for you.” The happiness in her voice mirrors the one in my heart. “When do I get to meet him?” “Soon,” I promise. “I would have never guessed firefighters are your type,” she says, waggling her eyebrows. “Me neither, but it turns out Hispanic firefighters are my favorite.”

We both break out into laughter. “I cannot wait to hear more,” she says. “You go on and do what you have to. I’ll head over and grab us a table.” “Sounds good. I won’t be long.” She’s about to run out the door but ends up turning back and pulling me into her arms for one more hug. “I love you.” Tears burn the backs of my eyes again but I do my best to blink them back. “I love you, too.” Once she leaves, I lock up the store then head to my car. On the way over to see Gabe my smile never deters and neither does the love in my heart. Everything is finally right in my world. When I pull up to the fire station, I find the overhead doors open and two trucks pulled out where a few firefighters are spraying them down. I park across the street, making sure I’m not in the way if they get a call. My nerves kick in again as I climb out of my car. A few of the firefighters spot me as I approach, their eyes widening in appreciation. “All right, which one of you wonderful assholes bought me the birthday gift?” one asks, his gaze drifting down the length of me. As nervous as I am, I can’t help the amused smile that stretches across my mouth, my confidence climbing just a little bit higher. Another steps forward to greet me, extending

his hand. “Hey. Can we help you with something?” “Hi. I’m looking for Gabe.” “Gabe?” “Yeah, Gabriel Martinez,” I elaborate, hoping I’m at the right place. How embarrassing would that be? I’m certain he said this is the station he works at. Another firefighter pokes his head out of the truck and I recognize him as the one who brought me the blanket that first night. Banks, I believe Gabe called him. Recognition dawns in his eyes as he jumps out of the truck. “Holy shit. It’s purse girl.” Purse girl? “I didn’t recognize you with all your clothes on.” Heat invades my cheeks but I do my best not to cower. “Ha, ha,” I say dryly. “Wait,” birthday guy cuts in, holding a hand up. “She’s the girl who Martinez found that night?” “The one and only,” Banks confirms. “That fucker gets all the luck,” birthday guy grumbles. Clearing my throat, I get back to the task at hand. “Right, well now that we all have established I am the girl who Gabe found in her underwear. Can I speak with him please?” A smirk breaks out across Banks’s face. “Yeah, hold on. I’ll get him.” He walks a few steps over to

a steel door and opens it. “Yo, Martinez. Get your ass out here. You have a package.” Everyone else remains where they are, staring at me awkwardly. I’m certain this moment can’t get any more uncomfortable. Seconds later, Gabe walks out, looking as sexy as ever in his station uniform. “What the hell are you shouting about?” Banks points to where I stand. “Hey.” I wave lamely, shifting from heel to heel. The smile that breaks out across his handsome face eases some of my apprehension. “Blondie!” His strides are purposeful as he starts toward me. He shoves birthday guy—who is still gawking at me —out of the way, hard enough that he falls into the truck. “Put your eyes back in your head, asshole.” A giggle slips past my lips before I can stop it. Gabe curls an arm around my waist and lays one heck of a kiss on me, right in front of all the guys. “Show off,” birthday guy grumbles. Smiling, I peer up into his mesmerizing brown eyes. “Hope you don’t mind I stopped by like this.” “You’re always welcome here, Bella.” “Yep, anytime,” birthday guy says. “Bring all the hot friends you want.” The intrusion has Gabe turning to face the group. “Did these yahoos introduce themselves to

you yet?” “No, but we established I’m purse girl and the one you found in her underwear.” “Roman here thought she was his birthday gift,” Banks says, amused. Gabe scowls over at birthday guy. “You fucking wish.” He nods. “I do.” Gabe grunts and starts the introductions with him. “This delusional asshole is Roman Bradley. It’s his birthday today and he’s made sure everyone knows it.” “Happy birthday,” I say. “Thanks, but it’s not as happy as it was five minutes ago when I thought you were single.” His honesty has me bursting into laughter. Gabe dismisses him with a shake of his head then moves on to the next guy. “This is Kurt Nguyen,” he says, pointing at the guy whose hand I shook when I first walked up. I greet him again with a wave that he politely returns. “The one in the back by the truck is Blair Davis.” The guy nods at me. “And lastly, Kevin Banks. I’m sure you remember him.” “I do. Thank you for the blanket and for taking good care of my dog.”

“Anytime, purse girl.” I guess “Purse girl” isn’t the worse thing he could call me, especially since I was in my underwear. Gabe dismisses the group by pulling me in close again. “You wanna stay for dinner?” “You’ll get to have pizza and birthday cake,” Roman adds temptingly. Gabe shoots an annoyed glance at him for the interruption. “Thanks for the invite but I have plans already,” I tell him regretfully. “But do you have a minute to talk?” “Yeah, come on. I’ll walk you to your car.” I bid the others a good-bye that they all reply to, but Roman has to throw in one last parting comment. “If you ever decide to break up with him, call me,” he shouts to my retreating back. I laugh but Gabe doesn’t seem to find him as funny as I do. “It seems like you all get along for the most part,” I say, smiling up at him. “We do when they aren’t checking out my woman.” My brow lifts. “Jealous, Martinez?” Something dark flashes in his eyes, something that has my breath skipping. Reaching my car, he turns me around and pins me against it, his arms going on either side of my

hips. “No, Bella, I’m not jealous because we both know that no one gets you but me.” I push to my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck. “That’s right. I’m all yours, Fireboy.” He claims my mouth in a long, deep kiss that pales in comparison to the one before. By the time he pulls back, I’m unsteady on my feet. “So what do we need to talk about?” he asks. “Talk about?” I repeat, having a hard time grasping reality. My mind and heart are still stuck in that kiss. His lips kick up in a sinful smirk. “You said we needed to talk. Or did you just come here for a kiss? I’m fine with either one.” I shake my head, trying to get rid of the fog clouding my mind. “Right, I came for both but the main reason for my visit is to give you this.” I reach into my bag then hand him the sealed black envelope. “What’s this?” he asks, taking it from me. “Your personal invite to my launch party. I need a hot date. Any chance you can help me out?” “Hell, yeah. There’s no way anyone else is going to be by your side.” His possessive words dance along my skin, creating a flock of butterflies in my tummy. “When is it?” he asks. “This Saturday. I was thinking you could invite your mom, too. Do you think she would come?”

He shrugs. “I don’t see why not. How fancy is it? My mom is simple and so am I. We don’t own anything worth three thousand dollars.” I refrain from rolling my eyes. I swear he is never going to get over that Vera dress. “You don’t need to worry about that. Some people will be dressed up and others more casual, but I got you covered.” Uncertainty masks his expression. “What does that mean?” “It means, I’m hoping you will wear one of the suits from my new line and show it off for me…” I say, looking up at him hopefully. “I don’t know, Blondie. I’m not much of a suit guy. I’m more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of dude.” “And I love that about you but no one will look as good as you in the suit I have picked out. For me…please?” I add, batting my lashes at him. “Fine,” he groans. I launch myself at him, planting a hard smooch on his cheek. “Thank you.” “Anything for you.” This man does all sorts of beautiful things to my heart. “So what are these dinner plans you have going on tonight?” he asks, setting me back down to my feet. “Actually, I’m meeting my mother,” I tell him, happiness soaring through me all over again.

“I thought she didn’t get back until next week?” “Me too, but turns out she took an earlier flight. She couldn’t wait any longer to see me.” My voice softens along with my smile. He reaches up, brushing a strand of hair away from my face. “Glad to hear. I know how much you’ve missed her.” “I have, and I told her all about you. She will be at the party.” “Good. I’m glad I’ll finally get to meet her.” We gaze back at one another, our need rivaling the other’s as my fingers clutch the starch material of his uniform shirt. “Come over after your shift tonight,” I whisper. His chocolate eyes darken further, arms tightening around me. “It’ll be late. After midnight.” “I don’t care. I miss you and I want to sleep in your arms.” “I miss you too, baby.” He pulls me in closer and there’s no denying the feel of his erection against my stomach. “I’ll be there. Give me a key so I don’t have to wake you.” I give him the spare one I have on my keychain. Afterward, he leaves me with another spellbinding kiss before strutting his sexy ass back into the station. My heart is full as I drive to meet my mother at the restaurant and the night only gets better. We

have a wonderful dinner together that lasts for hours. I tell her more about Gabe and what’s been going on at the boutique. She fills me in on her trip and the crazy shenanigans she and my aunts got into. But best of all, we talk about my dad. Sharing some of our favorite memories of him. It’s the best medicine for our healing hearts. Later that evening, I crawl into bed wearing the sexiest pair of bra and panties I own. A red lace set with a jeweled clasp between my breasts and matching rhinestones at my hips. It takes a good hour before I’m able to fall asleep, my body and mind racing in anticipation for what’s to come. The next thing I know, a noise startles me awake, yanking me from sleep. “It’s just me, Bella.” Gabe’s deep voice washes over me, soothing my frantic heart. He switches on the lamp next to my bed, the soft glow illuminating his handsome face. He reaches out, skimming his fingers across my cheek in a gesture that has my heart fluttering in my chest. I cover his hand with my own and turn my face to the side, pressing a kiss to his palm before shifting the blankets off me and revealing what I have beneath. His sharp inhale penetrates the room as his eyes turn to liquid fire, traveling down my half naked body. He removes his shirt then pants, his eyes never leaving mine as he climbs on top of me.

Every bit of air is stolen from my lungs, the hot feel of his darker skin upon mine altering my world. His hands are painstakingly slow as he removes the garments from my body. He spends time loving me with his mouth, bringing me to a mind-blowing orgasm before he enters me, claiming not only my body but my soul as well. Grabbing my hand, he interlocks our fingers before bringing it over my head, his eyes never straying from mine as he makes love to me like never before. It’s gentle and intimate, every stroke more heart stealing than the last. His lips brush the shell of my ear as he whispers phrases in Spanish. They roll off his tongue in the most beautiful way. I have no idea what he says but I don’t need to because his touch says it all. In this moment, I know without a doubt that I have irrevocably fallen in love with Gabriel Martinez, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him forever.


Gabe My truck rolls down my childhood street as I drive to my mother’s house, feeling ridiculous in this stupid monkey suit I agreed to wear. It’s restricting and not at all what I’m used to but I’ll shut my mouth and put a smile on my face because it’s for CeCe, and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. The red sports car parked in my mother’s driveway has a scowl forming on my face. Not only do I not recognize it but it also looks completely out of place on this street. My confusion turns to concern when I find Luis sitting on the front steps, his head cast down and shoulders slumped. What did the little shit do now? Parking across the street, I climb out of my truck and slam the door. Luis’s head snaps up at my approach. His eyes are wide as he jumps to his feet. The fear in his gaze has alarm bells banging around inside of me. “Hey,” I greet him, walking up the driveway. “What are you doing here?” “I’m here to pick up Ma for CeCe’s party.”

He swallows hard. “I don’t think she’s going anymore.” The nervous glance he tosses over his shoulder only ramps up the uneasiness coiling inside of me. “What’s going on? Whose car is that?” I ask. His silence has me pushing forward. He steps in front of me, his hand pressing on my chest. “Don’t go in there, Gabe. Trust me.” Anger begins to surface and I throw his hand off me, pushing him back a step. “Get your hands off me. What the hell is wrong with you?” “I’m tellin’ you, man, you don’t want to go in there!” The look on his face has dread sinking into my gut, heavy and hard. “Get the fuck out of my way, Luis.” When he makes no move to comply, I shove him to the side and charge into the house only to come to a cold, hard stop. Blood rushes in my ears, a million emotions slamming into me as I stare at the man sitting at the kitchen table with my mother. A man I haven’t seen in fifteen years. One I hate most in this world. My mother quickly stands. “Mijo!” The endearment purges past her trembling lips but I don’t look her way. I can’t. My narrowed eyes are glued on the man before me. He pushes to his feet, slowly standing. “Son.”

He nods the greeting. “Don’t you fucking call me that,” I bite out, my blood pumping hotter. “What the hell are you doing here?” He shifts nervously, clearing his throat. “I know this must be a shock to you but if you’ll let me explain.” “The hell I will. Get out of this house before I throw you out.” “Mijo, please,” my mother pleads. My attention finally shifts to her and I see she’s been crying, tears of devastation streaming down her cheeks. It conjures memories of the past, of all the nights I watched her fall apart because of this asshole. My eyes snap back to him, my rage spinning with a force so powerful it shreds any control I’ve managed up until this point. Reaching out, I grab his throat and throw him up against the wall. “What did you do to her?” “Gabriel, stop!” I ignore my mother’s terrified plea, my fingers gripping. The man before me claws at my hand, desperate for release. I stare back into his bulging eyes. Eyes that are the same color as mine, ones I used to cry for as a child after he walked away and never looked back. “You aren’t welcome here,” I grind out. My mother fights to pull me back but has no

success. “Luis, help me!” My brother manages to get between us and shoves me back with enough force that has me releasing the bastard’s throat. He keels over, coughing and sputtering as he tries to pull in air. “What the hell are you doing, man?” Luis bellows, directing his anger at me instead of the piece of shit who deserves it. “What am I doing?” I repeat in outrage. “What the fuck are you doing? Why would you let him into this house?” “Because he wants to talk to her. He’s trying to make things right, Gabe.” I blink at him, unbelieving the shit I’m hearing. “Are you really that stupid? He walked out, Luis, because he doesn’t give a shit about us. Not me, you, and definitely not Ma!” “That’s not true.” My father straightens, his fingers massaging his throat. “I made a mistake. I know that but I’m here to right my wrongs.” My eyes travel back to his. “Why? Did the whore get tired of you and trade you in for the next gardener?” The truth in his eyes says it all. A bitter laugh escapes me, a complete contradiction to the hot rage battling inside of me. “You’re crazy if you think you can make any of this right. This is not your home or your family and

it never will be. Now get the fuck out of here before you leave in a body bag.” “Gabriel, stop this. Please.” My attention reverts to my mother where she stands with her arms wrapped around herself, her eyes anchored on the floor. “What are you thinking, Ma? Huh!” I ask, leaning down to look at her face. “Are you seriously considering listening to what he has to say? Have you forgotten what he put us through?” She says nothing, only continues to cry. Luis steps in front of me, blocking her from my view. “Back off, Gabe. It’s her right if she wants to hear what he has to say. You need to leave. You’re making things worse.” Betrayal pumps furiously through my veins as I stare back at my brother. “You all have lost your fucking minds.” Backing away, I turn around and kick open the front door. It flies off its hinges and barrels out onto the front lawn. My mother’s sobs sound behind me as I storm across the yard to my truck. “Gabe, wait!” Luis calls, charging out of the house. I continue forward, my shoes pounding the grass. If I don’t leave now I won’t be able to control what happens next. My emotions are too strong, suffocating me, threatening to explode. My brother doesn’t take the hint.

“Will you just listen for one fucking second?” When he reaches for my shoulder, I grab him by the front of his shirt and pin him against my truck. “I don’t want to hear a goddamn word. Nothing you say will make me forgive him.” His eyes are hard but there’s no denying the emotion in them. “People make mistakes, Gabe.” “A mistake?” I repeat, disbelief coursing through me. “You don’t get it. You were just a baby. You didn’t watch him walk past every room in that house with his suitcase in hand and not look back. You didn’t listen to Ma fucking cry every single night until there were no tears left. And you sure as hell didn’t know what it was like to feel hungry and bust your ass to make sure your family could eat while he was off fucking some rich whore and building a new life with her!” His lips press together tightly but in the end it’s not enough to hold back the emotion he’s desperately trying to keep in. It pours out of him through the tears streaming down his face. Releasing his shirt, I step back. “That, my brother, is not a fucking mistake. That’s— unforgivable.” Those are the last words I leave him with before hopping in my truck and peeling away. It’s not until I turn the corner that the knot stuck in my throat tightens unbearably and my eyes burn like hell. Locking my jaw down tight, I try to keep the pain

buried. I haven’t cried since I was eleven years old and I’ll be damned if I shed a single fucking tear for him now.


CeCe My

boutique is a flurry of activity as workers move about, setting up for the party. I stand amongst the chaos, my nerves frayed, and I begin to worry I bit off more than I can chew by hosting this damn thing. Deep breaths, CeCe, you got this. Of all weekends, why did Jill have to go out of town? I could use her calm, collected personality to help me through this evening. A commotion happens at my front entrance, yanking me from my inner turmoil. “Watch where you’re going, asshole. You almost knocked into my wife.” My head snaps up at the hard voice that belongs to my best friend’s husband. A huge smile takes over my face, my heart exploding at the sight of Ryder and Emily standing in the doorway. Emily places her hand on Ryder’s chest, calming him before offering the worker an apologetic smile. Eventually, her eyes wander over the boutique until they land on me, a matching smile forming on her face.

We move at the same time, our heels tearing up the ceramic tile until we are locked in a tight hug. “I’m so glad you’re here,” I whisper, holding her close. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Because she knows the definition of loyalty. That’s why she’s my best friend. When we break apart, I shift my attention over to her brooding husband. “Lookin’ sharp, Secret Agent. Very GQ.” “Kensington, always a pleasure.” His dry tone states otherwise and makes both Emily and me laugh. “Where’s my sweet little Rosa?” I ask. “We left her with Nick and Katelyn for the night,” Emily says, talking about Ryder’s partner and wife. “We weren’t sure how well she’d do with the car ride and this way we have a night to ourselves.” She wraps her arms around her husband’s waist, love shining bright in her eyes. “I also didn’t want her corrupted by Aunt CeCe’s purse addiction,” Ryder adds with a smirk. “Aw, what’s wrong? Is seeing all these fabulous handbags bringing back bad memories for you?” He grunts. “They are fucking lethal.” “All the more reason why Rosa should have one.” “She doesn’t need protection. She has her dad for that,” he counters.

I can’t argue there. I never thought I would ever see him look at another person the way he looks at my best friend but I was wrong. That little girl has him wrapped around her finger. I’m so proud of her. “How about I hook you up with daddy daughter purses?” I suggest. “I bet Michael and Louis would make great friends.” The unimpressed look that adorns his face has me cutting into laughter. “Oh come on, I’m just teasing,” I say, giving him a gentle elbow to the ribs. “I’m glad you came, even if it’s only for my best friend.” “I didn’t just come for her.” I stare back at him with a dubious look, waiting for whatever insult he’s going to toss my way, but it never comes. “All joking aside, Kensington, you’ve done good. The place is great, even if it’s not my style.” My heart warms, surprised by his touching words. “It is,” Emily adds, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “We’re really proud of you and I know this line is going to be successful just like everything else has been so far.” Such few words can do wonders for the soul. “Thanks, guys,” I whisper, my voice thick with emotion. At that moment, my mom comes striding in the

door, looking as radiant as ever in the turquoise Marc Jacobs dress I loaned her to show off for the night. “There’s my beautiful daughter.” She pulls me into a hug and greets me with a kiss on the cheek. “Hey, Mom. You look great.” “Thank you and so do you, but that’s nothing new.” She’s so modest, I think to myself with a smile. “Emily, it’s good to see you,” she says, gathering my best friend into her arms. “You too. It’s been a long time.” “Too long,” my mother agrees. They embrace each other for a little longer than necessary and it has emotion welling up inside of me again. For a long time, Emily worried my mother blamed her for my father’s death but it was just the opposite. As sad as we are to have lost my dad, we’re proud that he fought for what’s right and saved my best friend’s life in the process. My mother moves to Ryder next, shaking his hand. “Mr. Jameson. It’s nice to see you again.” “You too.” She turns back to me, grasping my shoulders. “How are you holding up?” “Nervous but excited,” I tell her truthfully. “It’s going to be amazing. You are going to shine like you always do,” she says. “Now where is that famous firefighter of yours? Is he here yet?”

“Not yet but he should be soon.” Thank god for that. I have no doubt that his strong comforting presence next to me is exactly what I need to help me get through this nerveracking night. “I can’t wait to meet him.” “Me too,” Emily adds. “I am dying to meet the man that has managed to steal my best friend’s heart.” Oh he’s stolen it all right, and if I’m lucky I’m not ever getting it back. Our conversation ceases when, beyond my mother, I see a man climbing a tall ladder to hang the oversized picture I had framed. A picture that has my heart near bursting out of my chest. “Honey, what is it?” my mother asks, trying to gauge the tears in my eyes. When I point over her shoulder, she turns around and gasps at the gold-framed photo of my father. In loving memory of Paul Kensington. Do well. Live well. Dress well. “Oh, CeCe, it’s perfect,” my mother blubbers, digging in her purse for a tissue. “It really is,” Emily whispers, taking my hand in hers. We all take a moment of silence, and as I gaze up at my father’s photo, a memory surfaces… “Daddy!” I run into his arms as fast as my

little legs will carry me. He scoops me up, bringing me in close to his chest. “My princess. How was your day at the palace?” “Good, but I missed you.” “Well, I’m home now and back where I belong.” A tear trickles down my cheek, but for the first time since my father’s death it isn’t a tear of sorrow. It’s a tear of peace and admiration. I am proud to carry on his name through this boutique and he will be a part of my dreams forever.


Gabe Anger still burns in my veins hours later as I sit in the dark parking lot in front of the boutique, watching the party from afar. A party I have no desire to attend anymore. I’m over an hour late and even considered not showing up at all but the thought of bailing on CeCe only made me feel worse. Tonight is about her, not me. So here I am, trying to gather my composure before walking in and having to spend the evening with the rich and entitled, wearing a fucking suit that I would never wear any other time. Dread twists my gut as I force myself out of the truck. I catch sight of CeCe through the glass window as I approach, her smile lighting up the whole damn place as she poses for pictures. She looks beautiful in the long gold dress she wears. It shimmers, catching every light in the place, just like the girl herself. The moment I enter, a waiter approaches and offers me a glass of champagne. He too is dressed in a monkey suit, just like everyone else in the

place. So much for low-key. I decline his offer even though I could really use a drink right now. Champagne is not my drink of choice and even less so tonight. Sensing my presence, CeCe’s head turns my way. Her smile brightens as she excuses herself from the group she’s with and heads toward me. “There you are, I’ve been worried,” she says, wrapping her arms around my neck. I reel her in close, the feel of her slender body against mine easing my turmoil. “Sorry I’m late,” I murmur, burying my face in her hair. At my gruff tone, she steps back and covers my jaw with her hand, her eyes filled with concern. “Everything okay?” It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her no. To tell her everything that happened earlier but I refrain, knowing now is not the time. I won’t ruin her night. “Yeah, Bella. I’m good.” There is a flicker of doubt in her eyes but thankfully she doesn’t push. “Where’s your mom?” she asks, looking behind me. The single question has the pain in my chest intensifying. “She couldn’t make it anymore.” “That’s too bad,” she says, disappointment thick in her voice. “Well, I saved her a VIP bag. There’s a vintage silk scarf in there for her because I know how much you love that material.” Her tone

is teasing as she bumps me with her shoulder. “She doesn’t need that shit, CeCe. She’s simple. I told you that.” Her smile falters, hurt darkening her eyes. I shake my head, guilt restricting my chest. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. It’s just been a bad day.” “What happened?” she asks, reaching for my hand. “Tell me.” “Not here, Bella. Right now I want to forget about it and enjoy my night with you.” To show her I mean it, I lift her hand to my mouth, brushing a kiss across her fingers. “Okay. But we’re going to talk about this later.” I nod my agreement. “Come on.” She smiles, tugging on my hand. “My mother and Emily have been anxiously awaiting your arrival.” As she leads me through the throng of people, a woman catches sight of us over her shoulder and starts forward. By the blonde hair, green eyes, and prominent features, I have no doubt that it’s CeCe’s mother. Everything about her screams wealth but she has the same kind smile as her daughter. “Is this the man I’ve been waiting to meet?” she asks, her eyes remaining on mine. “It is. Mom, this is Gabe. Gabe, my mother, Elizabeth Kensington.” I extend my hand. “Mrs. Kensington, it’s nice

to finally meet you.” “You too, Gabe. I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about you from my daughter. Thank you for taking such good care of her while I’ve been gone.” “It’s been my pleasure.” CeCe flashes me one of her smiles that always knocks me on my ass, and the bad shit from earlier slips a little further away. Another couple walks over to join us, and I recognize them as Ryder and Emily from the wedding photo CeCe has in her apartment. “Is this him?” Emily asks. “This is him.” She beams with pride. “Gabe, meet my best friend, Emily.” “Nice to meet you,” I say, shaking her hand as well. “You too, Gabe. I’ve heard a lot about you over the last several weeks.” By the smile she and CeCe share, there’s no doubt in my mind that she knows it all. CeCe gestures over to Ryder. “And this bubbly guy here is her husband, Secret Agent Cody Banks. He’s badass. Even carries a gun.” He looks less than amused by the sassy introduction but not surprised. “Ryder,” he clarifies, shaking my hand. “You’re so lucky to have found a gem like her.” For the first time since the disaster at my

mother’s, I feel a smirk tug at my lips. CeCe chuckles, not the least bit offended by his dry sarcasm. “Come on, let me introduce you to everyone else.” Unfortunately, the other people I meet aren’t as cool and receptive as her mother and friends. Some side-glance me with a look of disapproval, some even turn their noses up at me. CeCe is oblivious to it all. As the night wears on, I feel even more out of place. Not for the first time, a niggling feeling of doubt creeps in as I wonder how the hell she and I are supposed to work when we come from two totally different worlds. Her world being one I’ve grown to resent. Just get through these next couple of hours then never agree to do this again. A photographer from some big shot magazine eventually walks over and asks CeCe if she can take a few more pictures of her. CeCe obliges and curls her arm around mine but the lady awkwardly clears her throat and asks if she could get some of just her. The brush-off is more than apparent, except to CeCe. Her smile never falters as she obliges. She really is clueless. It should piss me off but it doesn’t. She doesn’t see it, and I don’t think she ever will. “I’ll be right back, okay?”

After my nod, she rises up on her toes and brushes a kiss across my cheek. When she disappears into the crowd, I move to an empty corner of the room, needing a little reprieve. On my way, I decide to swipe a glass of champagne after all. Loosening the restriction of my tie, I down the bubbly contents in a single swig. “You look like you enjoy these functions as much as I do,” Ryder says, coming over to join me. “The function doesn’t bother me as much as the people.” I pause, thinking about how bad that sounded and glance in his direction. “No offense.” He smirks. “None taken. I belong here about as much as you do. But my wife fits in everywhere she goes so I suck it up for her benefit.” That is something I can understand, because that’s what I am trying to do. “So CeCe said you guys have known each other since high school,” I say, deciding to make small talk. “Yeah. We actually went to school together most of our lives but let’s just say we didn’t hang out in the same clique.” The information doesn’t surprise me in the least. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to hang out with any clique. “It wasn’t until our senior year when she beat the shit out of me with her purse that we first spoke to one another.”

I shoot him an amused glance, my lips pulling into a smirk. “She mentioned something about that.” “I’m sure she did. She enjoys telling everyone about it and overdramatizing the scene.” I chuckle. “That’s Blondie.” My phone vibrates in my pocket, interrupting our exchange. Digging it out, I see it’s my mother. The last thing I want to do is answer it but she has called at least four times, and knowing her, she’s probably worried I’m dead in a ditch somewhere. Excusing myself for a moment, I head toward the backroom for some privacy and accidentally knock into some guy’s shoulder where he stands with a group of people, drinking and socializing. I mumble an apology but get stopped in my tracks when he thrusts his empty glass at me. “I’ll take another one,” he says, not even bothering to look at me, his eyes remaining on the group of men before him. I stare down at the empty glass, making no move to take it. “Excuse me?” He finally makes eye contact, his annoyance and disapproval evident. “Another champagne, I said. Do you speak English?” Every muscle in my body tenses, blood roaring in my ears. When I don’t answer, he turns back to the others. “The language barrier with help nowadays

is out of hand.” His words snap what’s left of my precious control and all I see is red. My fist lands across his face, sending him to the floor with a single blow. “How’s that for a language barrier, asshole!” Gasps of horror penetrate the room and a bunch of people rush to help him to his feet. CeCe pushes through the crowd, horror and embarrassment twisting her features. Her eyes shift from the man to me, hurt and disbelief bright in her gaze. “What on earth are you doing?” It’s on the tip of my tongue to explain but the look of disdain on everyone’s faces has me keeping my mouth shut. Nothing I say will be justifiable to them so I don’t bother trying. Shaking my head, I start for the door, my shoes eating up the hardwood while everyone clears a path for me. “Gabe, wait!” CeCe calls, running out after me. I turn back, and the devastation I find on her face destroys another part of me, one that has only been reserved for her. “What’s going on with you? How could you do this? Of all nights.” “He thought I was the fucking help! What do you expect me to do? Lay down and take it.” “Of course not, but did it need to resort to violence? My party is ruined now.” Guilt spikes in my veins at the tears streaming

down her face but so does the inevitable. “This is exactly why I should have never come.” “Why would you say that?” “Because I don’t fucking belong here, CeCe, and I never will!” Taking off the stuffy coat, I rip the tie from my neck and chuck it in the open window of my truck. “This is never going to work.” She stares back at me, pain and confusion pinching her expression. “What are you saying?” “Me, you,”—I motion toward the boutique —“this. Can’t you see? It will never work. We’re too different.” “But we fit, remember? You and me. We fit.” “Not anymore, Blondie.” “Don’t do this,” she whispers, the words trembling past her lips. It has me wanting to reach out, but I decide against it. Prolonging it will only make it worse. “I’m sorry.” As hard as it is, I climb into my truck and pull away. I allow myself one final glance in the rearview mirror, watching the only woman I have ever loved fade into the night, leaving behind my heart and plunging me into a dark place I might never escape from.


CeCe Depleted

and devastated, I move around my boutique, putting things back in order as tears continue to streak down my face. They haven’t stopped since Gabe stormed out of the party and out of my life. The night ended in a total disaster. My entire career is probably over. My reputation will never be the same. I should be most upset about that but I’m not. None of that matters. Not when the man who managed to steal my heart, only to break it, has walked away from me forever. A gentle hand touches my shoulder and I turn to see Emily, a sympathetic smile on her face. “Your mom is seeing the last of the guests off.” I acknowledge the information with a nod, unable to speak past the burning pain in my throat. “You going to be okay?” she asks. I’m about to lie and say yes but a sob escapes me instead. She gathers me in her arms, hugging me tight. “I’m so sorry, CeCe.” “I can’t believe he did this—to me—to us.”

“Can you blame him?” My head snaps up to find Ryder walking out of the backroom. He leans against the wall, loosening his tie. “The guy was mistaken for the help because of the color of his skin. If you ask me, that asshole got what he deserved.” “That doesn’t give him the right to act the way he did,” Emily fires back on my behalf. “It wasn’t about him, Ryder. Tonight was about CeCe and her career.” “Sorry, Em, but that’s where you’re wrong. What happened had everything to do with him,” he says. “You two don’t get it. You can’t because you grew up with assholes like these. You were never treated like you weren’t good enough to breathe the same air as them. I know what that’s like and if Gabe didn’t before he sure as hell does now.” “He’s right,” my mother says, walking back in from outside. “I’m not excusing his actions, he should have handled his temper better, but I’m sure he’s pretty hurt.” He is. The pain in his eyes when he stormed out is a look I will never forget. “The way Victor treated him was uncalled for.” “Yes, it was,” I agree. “I’m angry on his behalf, too. But I would have handled it. I would have never allowed anyone to treat him like that. He didn’t even give me a chance.”

Sadness washes over my mother’s face as she walks over and drapes a comforting arm around my shoulders. “Just give him some time to cool down, honey. I’m sure he will see he made a mistake.” I shake my head, feeling uncertain. “I don’t know. Maybe we are too different after all.” The reasoning sounds weak, even to my own ears. We aren’t too different when we’re laughing together or touching one another. When it’s just the two of us, nothing feels more right. “Look at Ryder and me,” Emily says, gazing back at her husband. “We came from different upbringings and we made it work. If he cares about you the way I think he does, he’ll come back, CeCe.” I wish I had as much hope as they do, because the thought of not seeing him anymore is too painful to even think about.


Gabe Incessant

knocking pulls me from my tormented sleep. My gritty eyes barely open before I quickly slam them shut, the unwelcome sunlight spearing through my head. Two nights of heavy drinking was not a good idea, especially when it did nothing to ease the heaviness in my chest or erase the painful memories that have surfaced since that bastard showed up. Then there’s the image of the beautiful woman I walked away from the other night. It’s that memory that has haunted me most of all. When the knocking continues, I force myself out of bed and clumsily slide my jeans and shirt on before walking downstairs. By the time I reach the door, I have to brace my hand on the wall to steady myself, the ground tilting beneath my feet. As I reach for the handle, a flicker of hope penetrates my chest, praying it will be the one woman I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. That flicker burns out when I open it and find my mother.

“Mijo,” she greets me with a whisper. The devastation on her face as she stands on my front steps only serves to drive my conflicting emotions deeper. “I’ve been calling you.” “I’ve been busy.” Like drinking myself into oblivion and trying to forget the past couple of days. Turns out there is no amount of alcohol consumption that can mask the feelings battling inside of me. “Can I come in?” she asks. The last thing I want to do is hash shit out with her, because then I will have to talk about him and I don’t want that. I want to pretend he doesn’t exist just like I have for the past fifteen years. However, as I stare back at the one woman who gave me everything, I’m unable to deny the request. I step aside to let her enter then walk over to take a seat on the couch before I end up puking all over the place. My head rests back, eyes closing as I try to find my gravity. The cushion dips next to me as my mother sits down. She reaches up and turns my face toward her. “You look terrible.” My eyes pop open, meeting hers. “Betrayal will do that to you.” Hurt pinches her expression. “I didn’t betray you, mijo.” “It sure fucking felt that way considering I was told to leave so he could stay.”

“That was for your safety. You were so angry,” she whispers. “Damn straight I was, and I have every right to be.” “Yes, you do, but you need to learn to control your temper. It will consume you and eat away at you if you let it. It can destroy everything around you, including yourself.” My jaw locks as I fight the urge to argue that point because I can’t. After all, my temper did make me lose the only girl I’ve ever loved. “You let him in our house, Ma. Why would you do that?” “Because I wanted to hear what he had to say.” “Who gives a shit what he had to say?” “I do!” she fires back. “I deserve answers for what he did, Gabriel, even if they are unjustifiable. We all do.” “There’s nothing he can say to undo the damage he caused. Why even give him the chance?” “Because I need closure,” she chokes out, the tears she’s been trying to keep in begin tumbling down her face. “Even after all these years, I still love him.” Every muscle in my body tightens, disbelief burning in my gut. “You can’t be serious.” “A part of me will always love him. How can I not? He gave me five of the most precious gifts I

could ever ask for.” “Yeah, then he left you to raise them all on your own,” I remind her, my voice hard. She wipes her tears with the back of her hand. “Yes, he did. But you have to understand the man who walked out on me that day was not the man I fell in love with. It’s the first one I will always love, not the last.” “So what are you saying? Are you actually considering taking him back?” The thought has my already nauseous stomach viciously churning. “No. Despite my conflicted feeling I could never take him back. I’d never be able to trust him again.” I’m thankful for that because I would not be able to handle it if she did. It would change the dynamic of our relationship. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, grabbing my hand. “Not only for how badly he hurt you, but that you had to help me pick up the pieces all those years ago. It wasn’t fair. You deserved more as a child and for that I truly am sorry.” “You have nothing to be sorry for,” I tell her, my voice gruff. “I had a good life growing up and an even better mom. I don’t regret any of it.” A sob falls from her as she pulls me in for a hug. “I love you, Gabriel. I could have never gotten through that without you. You were my rock.” All of the anger I harbored toward her moments

ago melts beneath her embrace. “We were better off without him, Ma. You were too good for him then and you still are. He doesn’t deserve you.” She leans back, her tear-filled eyes colliding with mine. “I am not going to take him back, mijo, and he knows that. But he does want a relationship with his children.” Fury pumps through my heated blood once again. “Not fucking happening.” It will be a cold day in hell before I ever let that man back into my life. She nods. “I didn’t think so and that’s your choice, but some of your brothers might feel differently. I know Luis is considering it. You need to respect that, even if you don’t approve of it.” It’s a total mind fuck for me to understand how anyone can give that man another chance. My little brother might not remember him walking out on us but he does remember what it was like to grow up without a father. “Now, tell me what happened with CeCe.” My eyes cut to her, that burning in my chest intensifying. “How do you know about that?” “I called her looking for you since you weren’t answering my calls and she told me you guys weren’t together anymore. She sounded heartbroken.” I swallow thickly, guilt and regret battling in my chest as I remember the way I left her crying.

“What did you do, mijo?” “I fucked up,” I tell her, not bothering to sugarcoat shit. “Then you need to fix it.” “I don’t think I can, and I’m not sure I should. We’re too different, Ma.” “Nonsense,” she says, her voice heated. I shake my head. She doesn’t understand, she didn’t see how much I stood out at that party. Grasping my face, she forces my eyes to her. “Do you love her?” It’s a question I don’t have to think about. “Yeah. I love her.” “Then fix it, mijo, or you will regret it for the rest of your life.” “How?” A sad smile cracks her lips. “That is something you will have to determine on your own, but I have no doubt you will. If anyone can right their wrongs, it’s you, Gabriel. Show her how sorry you are. Win her back and once you do…never let her go.” A newfound hope surges in my chest, mixing with the determination burning in my veins. Let’s just hope I’m not too late.


CeCe I arrive at the boutique a little earlier than usual. I’d rather get a head start on my morning than spend another day in bed crying. It feels like that’s all I’ve done for the last five days. My heart is broken, a mangled mess, and by the way it’s looking, it might never be repaired. I knew I fell hard for Gabe but this has just shown me that I truly lost my entire heart to him over these past couple of months. Without him, I have no drive anymore, not even the sight of my boutique brightens my spirits. I miss his handsome face and cocky smirk. His warm chocolate eyes have been ingrained in my mind and heart forever. I’ve been such a mess that I even went and bought dark chocolate and ate it. Gained five damn pounds. The bastard. His scent lingering on my pillow doesn’t help matters either. It taunts me, and toys with my fragile emotions. I’ve considered contacting him, especially after finding out about his father. When I got the news

from his mother about what went down at her house, I was speechless and my heart ached even more for Gabe. It’s no wonder why he was so upset when he arrived at the party. Then Victor’s rude assumption only made things worse. I want to reach out and check on him, but since he has made no move to contact me, I’ll continue to give him his space. As much as I miss him, I’m not prepared to put my tattered heart back up on the chopping block. I don’t think it can take another beating like the one it’s had this past week. Sighing, I scoop up Pep from the passenger seat then climb out of the car. “At least I have you, boy,” I whisper, dropping a kiss to his tiny head. Mrs. Nelson from the flower shop pokes her head out of the store and waves at me, an excited smile on her face. I manage a wave back but don’t have the energy to return her smile. Reaching my door, I unlock it and walk inside. When I move for the alarm, I stop cold, seeing it’s already been disarmed. My feet are rooted to their spot, imprisoned by fear. I turn to run back outside but stop myself when I catch a glimpse of rose petals beneath my heels. My heart skips a beat as I take in a rainbow of colors coming to life on the floor before me. Hope thrums through my body as I place Pep on the ground and walk further inside.

The knot in my throat tightens when I turn the corner and find my entire boutique filled with an array of flowers. Dozens of vases are placed upon every flat surface. The best part though, the one that has my soul lighting up, is the man standing in the midst, holding a single white rose. I blink several times, praying I’m not dreaming. It’s not until he flashes me that sexy lopsided grin of his that I realize everything in this moment is very real. “Hey, Blondie.” His deep voice only feeds the warmth in my heart. My breath catches as I struggle to maintain my composure, but no matter how hard I try there is no stopping the instant tears from slipping down my cheeks. “How did you get in?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. “Jill let me in.” That sweet little traitor. “Why are you here?” I ask, twisting my hands before me, terrified to hear his answer. “Because I needed to see you. I want to apologize for what I did the other night.” My eyes fall shut on a rush of emotions, both hope and fear fighting for a foothold. I want so badly to believe what he’s saying but then again, I’m afraid to accept the words when he’s shattered my heart once already.

He steps forward, his large, warm hands framing my wet cheeks. The small touch alone has me close to breaking down. “Look at me, Bella.” My eyes spring open, his handsome face blurry before me. “I’m sorry for what I did. I was a fucking mess after seeing my father and when that asshole said what he did…” He trails off, his jaw ticking in anger. “I lost my cool and even though I don’t regret hitting him, I do regret ruining your party.” “The party doesn’t matter,” I choke out. “This boutique means a lot to me but so do you, and I would never let anyone treat you that way. I would have kicked him out, even if it meant losing his business. But you didn’t even give me the chance, Gabe. You just walked away from me like the past couple of months meant nothing to you.” He rests his forehead on mine, remorse reflecting in his dark eyes. “I know, and trust me, I’ve regretted it every second of every day that has passed. But make no mistake, CeCe, I care. I more than care… I love you.” A sharp inhale moves swiftly into my lungs. “What did you just say?” “I said I love you.” His fingers graze my cheek, wiping away the flowing tears. “I love everything about you. Your dog, your ridiculous-sized purses, even your sassy mouth,” he adds with a smirk.

“There isn’t one thing I don’t love about you.” The sob I’ve been trying to keep in claws its way to the surface and explodes past my lips. I drop my forehead on his chest and blubber like a fool. “I love you too, even if you did make me gain five pounds this week.” A chuckle vibrates in his chest as he enfolds me in his arms, his embrace bringing me the comfort I’ve longed for. His hands frame my face and he lifts my eyes to his. “Cásate conmigo,” he whispers, the words rolling off his tongue in the most beautiful way as his warm eyes penetrate my soul. Sniffling, I gaze back at him in confusion. “Can you not be sexy for a second and say that in English? I haven’t been keeping up with my Spanish this week.” A dashing grin curves his lips but it fades quickly, his expression sobering. “Marry me.” Every muscle in my body stills, shock rocking me to my core. “Hear me out,” he starts, lifting a hand up. “I know it’s quick and you’re probably thinking I’m fucking crazy right now. I could wait and ask you this a year from now or even two but the question will be the same, CeCe. I want you to be mine forever.” My belly flutters with excitement while my brain tries to comprehend the moment.

“There’s a lot I can’t give you,” he continues. “Like an expensive Barbie mobile or a threethousand-dollar dress from that Vera chick.” A small smile dances across my lips. “But I would walk through fire for you. I would run into a burning building for you.” He reaches up, cupping my neck, his thumb stroking my skin. “I’d die for you, CeCe.” His beautiful words send my heart into a tailspin. Reaching behind him, he grabs a white gift box with a red satin bow sitting next to a vase of flowers. “I don’t have a ring because I spent hours in every jewelry store in this damn city and couldn’t find one good enough. So I got you this instead.” He hands me the present. “What is it?” I ask. “Open it. It’s part of my speech.” I pull the red tie before lifting the lid. A gasp parts my lips when I see what lies inside. “Oh my god.” A glass slipper made of crystal rests on a satin pillow, sparkling with promise. “I know you’ll always be your father’s princess but I want you as my queen.” A sob tumbles past my lips, my mind reeling from his declaration and thoughtful gift. “If you say yes I promise to build a palace with you. I’ll cook for us every night, give you in-depth

Spanish lessons, and an abundance of never-ending orgasms.” Laughter explodes from me, my heart swelling with love. “What do ya say, Bella?” he asks, gathering me into his arms. Smiling, I peer up at him through blurry vision. “I say Barbie mobiles are overrated. I’ll take the orgasms any day.” The husky laugh that vibrates from his mouth filters into my own as he takes my lips in a kiss that solidifies what I already know. This man is all I’ll ever need. His love is more than I could have ever hoped for and I will cherish it until the day I die. “I’ve missed you,” I tell him between heated kisses. “I’ve missed you too, baby.” He severs contact, replacing his thumb where his mouth just was and brushes it across my lower lip. “We’ll go out together soon and pick a ring for you.” My fingers circle his wrist as I lean into his touch. “I don’t need a ring. I don’t need anything but you.” “You have me, forever.” Tears of joy stream down my face as our future flashes before my eyes. Palace or no palace, money or no money, he’s the prince I’ve been waiting for. His arms tighten around me. “How about you let me take you home for the day and start on all

those orgasms I’ve promised?” he says, with a cocky smirk. A smirk that used to irritate the hell out of me but now I crave to see it. “Jill is on standby, willing to work for the day,” he adds temptingly. The opportunity to be in his arms all day is one I cannot pass up. Rising to the tips of my toes, I brush a kiss across his lips. “Bring it, Fireboy. Let’s see what you got.” “Aw, Blondie, you know how much I love a good challenge.” Leaning down, he sweeps me up into his arms, yanking a laugh from my throat. My arms lock around his neck, a smile resting on my face as I stare back into his mesmerizing brown eyes. “Ready?” he asks. “More than ready.” I’m pretty sure my whole life has been leading up to this moment. I flip the sign over to closed as we walk out, Pep trailing behind us. My eyes are drawn to the purple crown on my glass window, my heart warming as I realize I’ve finally gotten the fairytale I always wished for. Only my Prince Charming turned out to be a cocky firefighter who doesn’t have the slightest clue about the importance of a pair of kick-ass heels and a designer handbag but he does know how to love me and, for me, that

even trumps a pair of Jimmys or my friend Louis.


CeCe The sun is bright and warm, shining down upon us as we all gather to celebrate Rosa’s fourth birthday. Emily and Ryder’s backyard is filled with their closest friends while at least a dozen children run around with chocolate smeared all over their little faces. Excitement dances in my belly when I think about the future and how someday our backyard will be filled with this much love and happiness. “Is it just me or are we the luckiest bitches alive?” Kayla says, a friend of Emily’s who lives here in Charleston. She points over at our husbands where they stand around having a beer together. “We got the Sheriff,” she says, gesturing to her husband. “FBI agents, Navy SEALs, and now a firefighter… The view doesn’t get better than this.” “Agreed.” Emily smiles. “We are very lucky and we’re covered if we ever find ourselves in trouble, that’s for sure.” “My husband is used to bailing me out,” Kayla says. “If I’m really lucky though, he’s the one arresting me.” Her suggestive grin has us all

bursting into laughter. She’s a total trip and reminds me a little of myself, I quite like her. Gabe and I fit in really well with this crowd. Our home is in Atlanta but if I were to ever move anywhere else it would be to this quaint city where my best friend resides. “Mama,” Rosa yells from across the lawn, “can I open my presents now?” “Sure, honey. Go sit in your chair and I’ll bring them over.” Rosa runs to the chair that’s decked out with pink tulle and colorful balloons. All of her friends gather around her feet, squeezing in to get as close as they can. Emily places a tiara on her head and hands her the first gift while the rest of us move in closer. My eyes shift to my husband as he makes his way over, my tummy dipping at his long, purposeful strides. His eyes are shielded by aviators but I swear I can feel them roaming over my body, the same way mine are wandering over his. He moves behind me, arms wrapping around my waist, his body heat warming me from the inside out. “Keep looking at me like that, Bella, and we will be leaving this party before it’s over.” I shiver at his hot breath in my ear, my body aching for his touch. It doesn’t matter that we made love only this morning, I crave this man every second of every day.

“Sorry,” I breathe, not the least bit apologetic. “My hormones have a mind of their own when you’re around.” His lips brush my cheek. “Don’t worry, baby, I was checking you out, too.” Ha! I knew it. His hands move over my stomach, his touch gentle and protective. It’s something he hasn’t stopped doing since finding out about the little life I have growing inside of me. A surprise neither of us were expecting. We talked about enjoying the married life for a little while before making this leap. However, it seems two months was long enough, at least where fate is concerned. As unexpected as it is, we couldn’t be happier. “You’re drawing attention to it,” I whisper, leaning back against his chest. “People will ask questions if you aren’t careful.” “I can’t help it. It turns me on to know you’re carrying my baby in this beautiful body.” It makes me feel all sorts of things I can’t explain. A deep sense of contentment and happiness I’ve never known. It’s killing me that I haven’t been able to tell people, especially Emily since she is pregnant again, too. Four months further along than I am. But we just found out a few days ago ourselves and we want to wait until we get the all clear from the doctor. Smiling, I watch as Rosa continues to tear

through her presents, her excitement palpable. “I can’t wait until she opens ours,” I whisper. “She’s gonna love it, Blondie. Ryder on the other hand…” His sentence trails off on a chuckle. No doubt he will be grumpy at first, thinking I’m corrupting his sweet little girl, but surely once he sees the smile on her face he will appreciate it, even Emily is ecstatic. By the time Rosa finishes opening all of the presents, I’m practically jumping out of my skin. “This last one is from Auntie CeCe and Uncle Gabe,” Emily announces, handing her the large, sparkly, wrapped gift. Rosa’s pale blue eyes lift to mine, a hopeful smile lighting up her face. “Is it what I think it is?” she asks excitedly. “Guess you’ll have to open it and find out.” After reading the card, because it’s the polite thing to do, she begins destroying the wrapping paper. “Why am I so scared for this?” Ryder mumbles but nowhere near quiet enough. It earns him an elbow from his wife. I flash him my best smile. “Because it’s from me and you know it’s going to be amazing.” By his bland expression that is obviously not the case but my smile never wavers, my eyes riveted on Rosa. Her high-pitched squeal penetrates the air when

she pulls out the pink handbag with a stuffed Chihuahua. “You did get it for me!” She rips the dog from the purse and hugs it close. “My very own Pepper and purse.” “Keep digging inside, there’s more,” I tell her. She places the dog on her lap and reaches into the handbag again, pulling out a pair of Coach sunglasses, tiny ones that match mine, lip gloss and…a set of keys. “What are these for?” “Why don’t you come to the garage and see,” Emily says, a knowing smile on her face. Ryder, however, is completely clueless, his eyes darting to me nervously. “The garage? What the hell have you done?” When all he gets from me is a smirk, his gaze shifts to Gabe. “Don’t look at me, man. This was all her idea. I just want the credit of being the cool uncle.” Ryder grumbles something that I can’t make out but I ignore it and follow the squealing little girl who can hardly contain herself. Once we reach the garage, Emily hits the button on the door, revealing the pink power wheel Volkswagen convertible. “You’ve got to be shittin’ me!” Ryder’s less than enthused reaction is overshadowed by Rosa’s scream of excitement. “My very own car, just like yours!” She launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around

my waist. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. And you, Uncle Gabe!” she says, giving him a hug, too. Gabe sweeps her up into his strong arms, bringing her in close. “You’re welcome, niña hermosa. There is just one rule.” “What’s that?” “No boys allowed in this car. Ever.” She laughs along with everyone else. “Deal!” Once Gabe places her back on her feet, she runs to the small vehicle and climbs inside, some of her friends squeezing in with her. “Buckle up,” she yells before reaching into her purse and slipping on her new Coach sunglasses. My heart stutters at how perfect she looks. Glancing over at me, she gives a thumbs up then directs her attention to Ryder. “See ya later, Daddy.” With the tap of her foot, the motorized car rolls forward, music blaring as she and her friends take off down the driveway. Smiling, I chance a look at Ryder and practically cringe at the glare directed at me. “A fucking car, CeCe? Seriously?” “So what?” I argue. “I’m the only aunt she has. I’m allowed to spoil her.” “She’s right,” Emily says, coming to my defense. “How can you be upset when Rosa is smiling the way she is?” His expression softens as he looks over at his daughter. “Fine,” he relents, his eyes meeting mine

once more. “But be prepared, because one day all this shit is coming back to you.” “Sorry, man, but I’m not having any girls,” Gabe says. “Only boys.” Ryder grunts. “Yeah, good luck with that.” He takes off after his daughter and Emily follows behind, snapping pictures along with everyone else. I turn to Gabe, quirking a brow at him. “Only boys, really?” His arms lock around my waist, pulling me in close. “Sorry, Blondie, but I decide the sex and no way in hell am I having beautiful girls who look like their mother. I’d never survive it, especially seven of them.” “Seven!” I screech. “Yep. That’s how many kids we’re having.” “I don’t think so, Fireboy, I am not popping seven babies out of my vagina.” “Fine, six.” “Three,” I counter. “Five.” “Four.” Silence ensues for only a moment before he flashes me that sexy smirk of his. “Okay, four.” My arms encircle his neck, body fitting snug against his. “Imagine if all four were girls?” His amusement vanishes. “That shit isn’t funny.” I find the horror on his face rather amusing.

“Come on, would having princesses like me be so bad?” His expression softens, dark chocolate eyes penetrating my soul. “No, Bella, I’d only be so lucky.” Smiling, I lift to my tiptoes and brush my lips across his. “The only thing that matters is that all of our children are as amazing and honorable as you.” He hugs me closer, slightly lifting me off my feet. “Princes or princesses, we’re going to have a good family, Blondie. I promise you that.” He’s already the best husband so I have no doubt he will be an amazing father to our children. Regardless if they are all boys or girls or a mixture of both, my hope is that they are all healthy and they grow to embrace his family’s heritage as well as carry my sense of impeccable style. His lips seal over mine, sending my heart soaring to that special place where only he and I exist. A palace filled with love. This is what real life fairytales are made of. The End Thank you for reading Cockloft, I hope you enjoyed CeCe and Gabe’s story as much as I did writing it. My next release will be Justice, book one in the Creed Brothers Series. You can find out more information about it and read the prologue on my

website www.authorkclynn.com. If you are curious about Ryder and Emily and have not yet read their story, turn the page for the first two chapters of Beautifully Insightful. Available now on all platforms.

Emily Michaels lives a life of privilege and prestige. She’s been afforded luxuries that most girls dream about but it’s only attributed to her lonely existence. Due to her disability, Emily doesn’t feel like she belongs in the elusive world she’s grown up in. That all changes her senior year when she meets Ryder Jameson, the tattooed bad boy who takes her breath away with a simple touch. A boy her parents would never approve of due to his lack of wealth and social status, but that doesn’t stop her from being with him. Ryder makes her feel beautiful in a way no one else ever has. For the first time in her life, Emily finally feels like she belongs. Until the day her world comes crashing down, destroying the one chance she had at being happy. FBI Agent Ryder Jameson has been given the opportunity to run one of the largest undercover operations of his career. The case that gets tossed in his lap will take him back to the town he swore he would never return to and to the only girl who has ever mattered to him. Ryder plans to not only bring down the corruption that has poisoned his hometown but he will also take back the one girl who was stolen from him when he was just seventeen years old. Ryder and Emily come from a world where

politics separates them and wealth defines them, but they will not let it divide them. This is their story.


Emily My heart pounds, stomach twisting nervously as I run my hands down the front of my dress, smoothing out any possible wrinkles there might be. “Well, Summer, what do you think, do I look okay?” I ask my dog who stands close to my left side. She gives a low whimper and brushes against my leg. Smiling, I lean down and run my fingers through her soft fur. “I know, girl, I’m going to miss you, too. I’ll be back before you know it then you will be my partner once again.” She releases another whine and nudges my cheek with the side of her nose. Giggling, I kiss the top of her head then hear my bedroom door open as I stand back up. I tense, worrying it’s my mother, then expel a sigh of relief when the familiar scent of warm sugar penetrates the air. “Oh, Emily, sweetheart, you look so pretty,” Rosa, our housekeeper, says as she steps into my room.

I turn toward the direction of her voice. “Really? I look okay? Do I look… normal?” I feel her step closer before framing my face between her well-worn hands. “You look perfect, because you are perfect.” I smile softly and wonder why she couldn’t have been my mother. Although, I suppose she has been in every way that matters. “Thanks, Rosa, but we both know that’s because my mother wouldn’t have it any other way.” “Nonsense!” she replies, her accent thickening like it does every time she gets upset. “She can fuss with you all she wants, but she does not control what is in here.” Her voice softens as she lays her warm hand over my beating heart. I swallow past the sudden ache in my throat and voice my biggest fear. “I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m scared my parents are right and I’m going to be nothing but a joke.” “Oh, Emily, you must know by now that your parents’ perceptions are very misguided. We’ve talked about this.” “I know, and I’m trying to remember that. It’s just…going back to school after all these years? What on earth am I thinking?” “You’re thinking that you want to spend your senior year with society and not be locked up here like you have been for the past ten years.” “What happens if my parents are right and I’m

not accepted by the others?” “Then it’s their loss, not yours.” When I don’t respond, she moves her hands to my shoulders, her touch loving and gentle. “This is going to be a good thing, Emily, I know it. You are going to shine like you always do. Besides, you will know a lot of the kids and you always have Cece.” I think about the one girl who is the closest person I have to a real friend. “Yeah, but a lot of the people I know are ones I wish I didn’t. I have a hard time relating to them.” “That’s why you are going to make new friends.” I shake myself out of my pity party and stand up straighter. “You’re right. Besides, I am doing this for myself, to prove that I can. It does not matter what anyone else thinks.” “There’s my girl.” I sense Rosa lean in and feel her press a familiar kiss to my cheek. “Now, let’s go downstairs, Cece will be here soon to pick you up.” I kneel down and give Summer, my guide dog, one more kiss on the head before grabbing my bag and following Rosa out of my room. I try to ignore the sudden emptiness I feel without her. Rosa senses it. “She will be okay, Emily. I’ll watch over her while you’re gone.” I nod. Leaving her is harder than I thought it would be. She’s my very best friend, and has been by my side for the last four years. If there is ever a

time I misjudge something, I know I can always count on her. You will be fine, I reassure myself. I walked that school repeatedly over the entire summer. I probably know it better than any person who can see, and if I do need help, I will have Cece. My hand reaches for the wooden banister that edges the long hallway leading to the stairs, Rosa following close behind me as I start my descent. I’m just about to ask her if my mother has come down yet but I don’t need to because I can sense her as I get closer to the bottom of the stairs. Her overwhelming perfume penetrates my senses and I swear the air drops in temperature as I feel her disapproving eyes on me. “Good morning, Mother,” I greet her carefully, knowing she’s going to be in even more of a foul mood than usual today. “I guess you’re still planning to go through with this stupid idea of yours.” I don’t let her condescending tone deter me. “Yes. I told you I am not changing my mind.” She huffs then steps closer. I try not to roll my eyes as she fixes my hair and fusses with my dress; I’m clearly not up to her standards. A whiff of vodka on her breath reaches me, something that isn’t uncommon. “I don’t remember your dress being this snug.” Grinding my teeth, I restrain myself from

replying back with a snide remark. I learned long ago not to waste my breath on my mother. Nothing I say will ever change who she is. Hopefully, this will be my last year in this house and all my plans will fall into place after I graduate. Rosa places a comforting hand on the small of my back. It only fuels my mother’s anger. “Rosa, leave us while I talk to Emily.” “Yes, Mrs. Michaels.” She leans in and kisses my cheek. “Bye, Miss Emily,” she says softly, adding the ‘miss’ for my mother’s sake. “Have a fabulous first day. I know you will shine like you always do.” “Bye, Rosa.” I hear her walk away before my mother starts in on me. “That woman babies you too much.” “She doesn’t baby me, she is kind to me.” Something my mother knows nothing about. Sometimes I wonder why she and my father bothered to have a child, but then I remember it’s all about image. “Would you stop looking at me like that?” she chides, disgust evident in her tone. “Where are your glasses and why are you not wearing them?” Reaching into my bag, I pull out my designer aviators. “They’re right here.” I sigh softly, knowing I should have put them on before I came down.

“Then put them on. You know the deal, Emily. This is embarrassing enough for your father and me. If I hear of you taking them off while you’re at school, I will pull you out so fast your head will spin. Got it?” Tears sting my eyes as I swallow past the hurt clogging my throat. I slip them on, shielding my pain from her. “Don’t you think I will look more ridiculous wearing them inside?” “No, I don’t, and you know that!” She’s right, I do. For some reason, my mother has never liked the color of my eyes; she says they stand out too much. After I lost my vision, she made me keep them covered as often as possible. She says they wander and frighten people. Rosa says she’s crazy and that my eyes are beautiful. I don’t remember much about them, since I was so young when I lost my sight. But Rosa tells me they are very unique, a pale blue that reminds her of a snow princess. When I don’t wear my glasses, I always try my hardest to focus, but I guess I didn’t do a very good job this morning. That, and my mother is in an even more hateful mood than usual, which I expected. “I’ll keep them on,” I promise quietly. Before she can say anything else nasty, my father walks in. “Emily, good, you’re still here.” I turn to my left at where I hear his voice and get a whiff of his expensive cologne.

“I wanted to let you know I was at the Prescott’s last night, and Kyle has graciously said he would watch out for you at school.” I tense, my stomach recoiling at the mention of the jerk’s name. “I told you I don’t need him to watch out for me. I don’t want anything to do with him.” “Stop being a brat,” my mother cuts in. “You are lucky someone like him is willing to include you, and—” “How am I lucky? You do remember me telling you he tried to force himself on me at the charity dinner, right?” “He didn’t try to force himself on you,” my father replies, annoyed. “We talked about this. His father and I think it would be good for you two to see each other, especially with the upcoming campaign. And—” “Good for you, but not for me. The jerk shoved his tongue down my throat after I said no.” “Oh stop being such a drama queen,” my mother chimes back in. “And if you ask me, it’s good for you. I mean, really, Emily, if someone like him is willing to date you, with your…disability then I wouldn’t be rejecting it. The chance of you getting another opportunity with someone like him is slim to none.” My teeth grind so hard I’m surprised my jaw doesn’t snap. Tears begin to slip down my cheeks,

which only makes me more angry that I let her get to me. “Yeah, well, I didn’t ask you, and I would rather have no opportunity than to have one with him.” Not wanting to stick around a second longer, I step past my mother and head to the front door. I try to push down my anger and concentrate on my direction. Just as I touch the door handle, she delivers one last blow. “Don’t come crying to me, Emily, when this all blows up in your face like I know it will.” I don’t bother to tell her that I would never come crying to her, because I know better. I’ve always known better. Opening the door, I walk out and make sure to slam it behind me. I take a moment and inhale a deep breath of fresh air, hoping to calm my angry heartbeat and the hurt trying to suffocate me. Thankfully, it isn’t long before I hear the familiar sound of Cece’s high-pitched horn as she does her usual double honk while driving up the long road to my house. I walk across my porch and down the three steps just as she pulls up. “Well hello, beautiful,” she greets me brightly. “Look at you, eagerly awaiting my arrival. Are you that excited for your first day of school?” I reach for the handle of her convertible. “Try, I was eagerly escaping my parents.” “Uh oh, bad morning?”

“That’s an understatement.” I try to say it easily but my pain is apparent. Cece grasps my hand gently. “I’m sorry, Emily. Are they still giving you a hard time about this?” Swallowing thickly, I shrug. “When are they not giving me a hard time?” I turn toward her. “Can you believe they told me to stay close to Kyle?” “Yes, I can,” she says, releasing my hand to drive away. “Apparently, Kyle told my dad he would watch out for me. The jerk has some nerve.” “Yeah, but he’s hot.” I shake my head, not surprised by her comment. “What? I’m just stating the truth. Don’t get me wrong, the guy is a total douche bag, but he is good-looking.” “There is nothing attractive about him, Cece.” “There is, trust me, but forget about all that. This year is going to be epic and we are going to have a blast finishing our last year of high school together.” “I hope so,” I reply unsure, feeling nervous again for the coming day. “I know so. Now, do you want to go over our meeting spots again?” “No, I remember. We ran through it a million times over the course of the summer.” “All right, well, I’ll be with you most of the time anyway, but you always have your phone if

you need me.” “I know. I’m good.” I feel her grasp my hand again. “Trust me, Emily, everything is going to work out and we are going to have a great year.” I smile and pray she’s right, because I do not want to hear I told you so.


Emily I lean against the wall, next to the water fountain, with my books in hand and wait for Cece. I listen to lockers slam shut, other kids bustling around in conversation, and feel the heat of their bodies as they pass me. I try really hard to calm my thundering heart, but all of it is so overwhelming, especially when I’m not used to being around crowds. I catch a few ‘bye Emilys’ that I make sure to smile and reply to, but unfortunately, I can’t tell who all addressed me. I have to admit that, all in all, today went well, even if it was overwhelming. I feel like I was able to keep up with the teachers, and once I waited for the hallways to clear, I was able to find my way around easily enough. I also made sure to stick with Cece when I could, which meant having to hang out with people I don’t care to, but it was better than being alone. It’s not that they’re terrible people, well, some of them aren’t anyway. It’s just that I can’t relate to them. They’re so…shallow. Most of them accept

me because of who my father is. They accept the governor’s daughter, not the real Emily Michaels. I have no delusions that if I did not carry this last name none of them would be seen with me—the blind girl. Shaking myself from my thoughts, I suddenly realize it’s gone quiet. I listen carefully and don’t even pick up the sound of distant footsteps. Pulling my phone from my bag, I hit my braille touch screen to hear what time it is and realize Cece is fifteen minutes late. I move my thumb over the voice app and wait for the beep. “Hey, Cece, I’m waiting by the fountain. Where are you?” Releasing my thumb, I wait for my phone to chime with her reply, but five minutes later, it still doesn’t come. What the heck? There’s no way she left without me, even if she had an emergency she would have let me know. After another five minutes pass, I decide to go check the parking lot and make sure her car is still here before I call for anyone else. Thinking about my direction, I turn to the left and start making my way down the hall. My fingers skim along the lockers as I count each one, knowing I will pass by eighteen before reaching the gym, then another twelve before making it to the school’s front entrance. Once I push through the double doors, I take a

deep breath of fresh air. The warmth of the sun beams down on me, bringing my jumbled nerves a small measure of peace. I hear the sound of birds chirping and vehicles far off in the distance, but everything else is eerily quiet. Walking a few steps with my hand slightly out in front of me, I come in contact with the warm metal railing. I descend down five cement steps before turning to the right, and making another seven strides until I hit the grass. Turning to the left, I continue straight forward, counting another nine paces, then reach out and feel the car. My fingers curl under the handle, making sure it’s Cece’s. I sigh in relief when I come into contact with the familiar grooves of her handle. Okay, so her car is still here which means she is too, but then where the heck is she? I’m just about to try her on my phone again when I catch the sudden sound of footsteps a second too late. “What are you doing?” With a startled yelp, I jump back and drop everything in my arms, including my phone. Quickly, I register whom the voice belongs to and rest my hand over my pounding heart. “Jesus, Kyle, you scared the shit out of me. What are you thinking, sneaking up on me like that?” “Sorry,” he replies, without so much as a hint of remorse. “Just wondering what you’re doing out here all by yourself?”

As much as I don’t want to answer him, I decide to keep my pride in check, knowing I need to find Cece. “I’m looking for Cece, have you seen her?” “Nope, but I’d be happy to give you a ride home.” Yeah, I’ll just bet you would… “No, I’ll wait for her. I’m sure she’s just running late.” I feel him step closer to me, too close. “You know, Emily, I promised your father that I would look out for you, and you are making that very difficult when you keep avoiding me.” My back kisses the car as I put as much distance between us as possible. “I don’t need you to look out for me. I told you to stay away from me and I meant it.” “Come on, Emily, there’s no need to be like that.” His hand grazes the inside of my bare thigh. I slap it away, my body recoiling at his touch. “Don’t touch me! I mean it, Kyle. Stay away from me!” His hard body slams into mine, pushing the air from my lungs. I shove against his chest, panic thrumming through my veins when I feel his erection against my stomach. “Stop it!” In the midst of my struggle, he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks my head back. I bite back a cry of pain, feeling his hot breath against my face.

“Why do you always have to be such a bitch? Do you know how many girls would love to be touched by me?” “Stop it!” I demand shakily, still struggling against him. “You need to start getting used to this, Emily, our fathers have big plans for us.” “Never,” I seethe through clenched teeth. “I will never have anything to do with you. No matter what my father says.” He groans. “Keep fighting it, because I fucking love it!” Bile rises in my throat, my panic escalating to a whole new level. “Kyle, I mean it. Get off of me!” I scream so loud that my voice becomes hoarse. Pushing with everything I have, I suddenly hit nothing but air. I lose my footing and fall forward, landing on my hands and knees with a hard thud. There’s the sound of a small scuffle off to my left then nothing but fast, heaving breaths. “You need to mind your own business, Jameson. This has nothing to do with you,” Kyle seethes, but I also catch a hint of something else in his tone, something that sounds a lot like fear. “I’m making it my business,” another male voice cuts in, this one sounding deep, smooth, and threatening. “Now, get the hell out of here before I kick your fucking teeth in.” Kyle chuckles arrogantly, but there’s a shaky

undertone to it. “We both know that’s not going to happen. Not after you’ve just been graciously granted that full scholarship from the board of directors.” Silence consumes the air around us. Fear skitters down my spine, worried that this Jameson guy left, but he ends up breaking the silence a moment later. “Try me, motherfucker, I dare you. After I’m done kicking your fucking teeth through the back of your skull, I will gladly tell the cops how you tried to force your dick in the governor’s daughter.” I flinch from the vulgarity of his words, even though they’re the truth. “Yeah? And who do you think they’re going to believe? Someone like me or white trash like you.” “They’ll believe me,” I cut in shakily, “and don’t think I won’t do it, Kyle.” “You’re making a mistake, Emily, and you know it.” He may be right, I know my father would have a conniption, but I don’t care, he went too far this time. “You’re the one making the mistake, Prescott, and if you don’t leave in the next three fucking seconds you’ll live to regret it.” Jameson’s threat rings with finality and truth. I remain still and silent, listening to the sound of distant footsteps and pray they’re Kyle’s.

It’s confirmed a moment later when Jameson speaks. “He’s gone.” I blow out a shaky breath, my hand trembling just as badly as I run it through my hair. “Thank you,” I choke out quietly. Hot tears spill down my cheeks while I feel around for all of the stuff I dropped. Footsteps move closer in my direction then I sense him kneel next to me. I gasp, startled, when he grasps my wrist in a gentle grip. “Here,” his voice is soft as I feel him place my phone in my hand. “Thank you.” After he releases me, I wipe my cheeks with the back of my hand and am thankful my sunglasses are still in place. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” I shake my head. “I’m fine. He just scared me is all. I can’t believe what a jerk he is.” He grunts. “Well believe it. I’ve gone to school with the arrogant prick my whole life, he’s always been like that.” I nod, knowing it’s true; luckily, I haven’t had to deal with him on a daily basis. An awkward silence settles over us now. “Um, well, thank you, uh, Jameson, for stepping in. I really appreciate it,” I stammer out nervously, sounding like a complete fool. “My last name is Jameson. My first name is Ryder,” he replies with a hint of amusement.

I feel my face flame with humiliation, and silently pray for the ground to swallow me whole. “Oh, sorry.” “It’s not a big deal.” Clearing my throat, I extend my hand to him. “I’m Emily Michaels.” His big, warm hand engulfs my small one, sending a ripple of awareness through me. “I know who you are.” The feeling vanishes, the words like a bucket of cold water. I quickly release his hand. “Of course, I’m sure everyone knows of the blind girl.” “Actually, we have trigonometry together, which is where I learned you are the governor’s daughter.” A ping of guilt strikes my chest and I chide myself for being so quick to jump to the defensive. “Hmm. Well, is it bad I would rather be known as the blind girl than the governor’s daughter?” I try to sound amused, but there is no denying the truth of my words. I sense him watching me and wish I knew what he is thinking. When I begin feeling around for my books, they are placed in my hands. “Thank you.” Bracing my hand on the door of Cece’s convertible, I pull myself up. He grasps my arm to help me, sending that flutter of awareness through me again. Once I’m steady on my feet, I hear the sound of

fast clicking heels. “Hey! What the hell are you doing? Get away from her!” Cece’s panicked voice fills the air along with two loud thumps. “Ow, what the fuck?” Ryder bellows. Oh my god, did she just hit him? “I mean it, get away from her or my pepper spray is next!” “Cece, stop, it’s okay. He was helping me.” “Yeah, right!” she sneers doubtfully. “Really, he was. I just had a run-in with Kyle and he stepped in to help me.” “With Kyle?” “Yes.” Tension fills the air, the silence deafening. “Oh,” she mutters. Rather than sound embarrassed, she sounds fearful, if the tremble in her voice is anything to go by. Ryder grunts. “Whatever.” Hearing his heavy boot falls as he starts away, I call out to him. “Ryder, wait!” When silence meets my ears, I assume he’s looking at me. “Thank you, again.” He’s silent and I think he isn’t going to reply, but he finally does a moment later. “I’ll see you around, Emily.” His words hold promise, and I’m not going to lie about the sudden excitement that ignites inside of me. I listen to him leave again then hear the sound of a loud motor start up before the squeal of tires.

“Oh shit. I’m so dead. I can’t believe I just hit him with my purse,” Cece breathes out, panicked. “You hit him with your purse?” I repeat, feeling horrible. “Poor guy.” “‘Poor guy?’” she screeches. “How about poor me, because I know that ‘poor guy’ is going to come murder me in my sleep! Oh god, oh shit! What have I done?” I frown at her ridiculous words. “What on earth are you talking about?” “Emily, do you have any idea who that just was?” “Yeah. He told me his name is Ryder.” “Exactly!” Not understanding, I wait patiently for her to explain further. “Emily, that is Ryder Jameson. The Ryder Jameson. The one guy no one fucks with, and the one every girl wants to fuck. He is seriously bad news.” “Well he didn’t seem bad to me. He was actually really sweet, and—” She belts out a shaky laugh. “Ryder Jameson is a lot of things. Sexy? Yes. Dangerous? Double yes. Sweet? Hell no. And when I say dangerous, Emily, I mean dangerous, and I just hit him with my fucking purse!” “Well, I think it was awfully sweet of him to help me. I don’t want to think about what would

have happened if he hadn’t shown up.” I swallow thickly, remembering the way Kyle’s body pressed against mine so forcefully. Cece grabs my hand. “I’m so sorry, Emily. What happened?” Instead of answering her, I ask a question of my own. “Where were you?” She growls. “Mrs. Thomas kept me after the bell to have a long, drawn-out talk with me about my attire. She said my skirt was too fucking short. I told the bitch that I had to go because you were waiting for me, but she made me stay and said if I interrupted her one more time she was going to keep me every day after school. She wouldn’t even let me voice message you. I’m sorry, Emily, but it won’t happen again, because I’m going to sic my father on her ass.” “It’s all right. Next time I’ll wait by the fountain until I hear from you.” “Good idea,” she agrees, opening the car door for me. “Now, let’s get home and you can help me figure out a way to stay alive after hitting Ryder with my purse.” Chuckling, I shake my head and listen while she climbs in on her side. “You’re being ridiculous. He isn’t going to murder you for heaven’s sake, and why don’t you just apologize?” She scoffs. “You don’t know him. I’ve gone to school with that guy most of my life. Believe me,

he’s capable of it.” I find that hard to believe after what he just did for me. “What does he look like?” I ask, curious. “He’s tall, taller than most of the guys in our grade. He’s ripped but lean, not bulky. Brown, messy hair, and green eyes, olive complexion… Girl, there are no words for a specimen like him. His sexiness cannot be described.” I try to picture what she just said, but can’t. I was so young when I lost my vision that most of the time I’m not even sure if what I remember is real. “But,” Cece continues, breaking into my thoughts, “he’s intimidating as hell. I’m serious, Emily, he doesn’t live the same lifestyle as us. I would make sure to stay as far away from him as you can.” “What do you mean?” “He lives on the other side of the railway tracks,” she explains, talking about the lower income part of the city. “His parents are real trash. I remember when we were kids he used to come to school with bruises and black eyes. Rumor has it they were from his dad, which doesn’t surprise me. Like I said, they’re trash. He definitely doesn’t fit into our world.” This is one of those times where I don’t even relate with Cece. I love her, I really do, but even her beliefs are skewed from our upbringing— labeling two worlds and thinking you can’t

intermingle. I would give up this world I live in if it meant having loving parents that weren’t ashamed of me. But not Cece, I don’t think she could ever live without the status and money. My heart breaks to think of someone hurting Ryder, especially when he was a little boy. My parents are very cruel, but they have never laid a hand on me. Heck, most of the time they ignore me. “I guess we have trigonometry together, but I’m sure after you thumped the crap out of him with your purse he probably won’t come anywhere near me anyway.” “Well, at least one good thing came out of it then.” I don’t respond, because the very idea of not getting to talk to Ryder again bothers me for some reason.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Rob, your support never ceases to amaze me. No one on this earth loves me more than you. I put so much time and energy into a story and you are always left dealing with everything, including my overwhelming up and down emotions. Instead of being frustrated, you love me even harder. Thank you for being the best husband and father our kids could ask for. My family, especially my mom and mother-inlaw, thank you for your support. My journey wouldn’t be what it is without you guys. Megan, you have been with me since the very beginning. I feel like this is not just my journey but our journey. I’ve learned so much from you and have grown because of you. I don’t thank you enough for everything you do for me. You never get upset when I constantly change my mind and give you back work that you’ve already done. Your patience and overwhelming support means more to me than you will ever know and the same goes with your friendship. Thank you for not only being a great editor but an amazing friend. Keshia, you are the bestest friend I have ever had. Thank you so much for always following me on my most difficult journeys and never leaving my

side. I’ve not only learned how to be an amazing writer from you but also a better person. You are what true friendships are made from. Kim, some of the most incredible memories of my life have been shared with you. Thank you for being one of my best friends. Through the good and the bad. Love ya. Jodi, I don’t think there are strong enough words to describe just what your friendship means to me. You are one of my closest friends and your loyalty knows no bounds. I promise to always cherish our friendship and you. Thank you for being my friend. 2018 will be our year and it can’t come soon enough. Love you, my sweet British. My betas, Natasha, Sian, Alycia, Andrea, Candace, Nineveh, Jade and Auntie Cindy. You will never know how much your support means to me. I love that you all are a part of my journey. Thank you for always giving me the truth and never steering me wrong. Most importantly, thank you for your friendships. Anna, you are one of my favorite people in this Indie world. I enjoy our very long conversations when it comes to this book life. You mean a lot to me, and I cherish our friendship. Thank you for being you. Beth, you have come to mean so much to me not only as a fellow author but also a friend. I love you dearly. I hope one day we will live out our

dream of sharing a writing room together while Chris and Rob run the household. HA! Love ya. Crystal, thank you so much for always being so supportive of me in this industry. Whenever I have a question or need anything you are always there, willing to share your experiences and knowledge with me. Thank you for not only being a fellow author and reader but also a friend. My proofreaders. Kim, Meg, Nancy, and now Rachel. Thank you for your sharp eyes and having my back to make this the best book it can be. Your support means a lot to me. A special shout-out to my Spanish 101 girls. Adilene, Frances, Ivette, Jamila, and Lily. Thank you so much ladies for your wealth of knowledge on the Mexican culture and helping me with the Spanish translation. I learned that Spanish is the most complex language in history. Ha Ha. I appreciate you ladies and all your help. Muah. To all of my Ladies of Honor, YOU GALS ARE LIFE. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for coming along this journey with me, for loving and supporting not just me but my family, too. I cherish the time we spend together and consider you all much more than readers, I consider you friends. Thank you for being the most amazing group an author can ask for. Kari and Lindee, thank you so much for making this an amazing cover. I love you all.

Alissa, thank you so much for all the work you put in for me when it comes to my release blitzes. I appreciate your hard work and am glad you are a part of my journey. And last, but certainly not least, bloggers, this is for you, B~ L~ O~ G~ G~ E~ R~ S~

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To all the bloggers who love and support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Author Bio

K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She grew up in a family of four children— two sisters and a brother. Her mother was the lady who baked homemade goods for everyone on the street and her father was a respected man who worked in the RCMP. He’s since retired and now works for the criminal justice system. This being one of the things that inspires K.C. to write romantic suspense about the trials and triumphs of our heroes. K.C. married her high school sweetheart and they started a big family of their own—two adorable girls and a set of handsome twin boys. They still reside in the same small town but K.C.’s

heart has always longed for the south, where everyone says ‘y’all’ and eats biscuits and gravy for breakfast. It was her love for romance books that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. It was then a beautiful world opened up and she found what she was meant to do…write. When K.C.’s not spending time with her beautiful family she can be found in her writing cave, living in the fabulous minds of her characters and their stories.

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