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In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement and surrounding conversations on the need for increased inclusivity in dance education, the Decolonising the Dance Curriculum Roundtable was formed with One Dance UK providing the secretariat.
The Roundtable attendees are representatives from examination boards, dance companies, freelancers, dance organisations, teachers and students. The youth voice is particularly important when we are looking at the future of dance education.
Roundtable attendees worked together to create a resource designed to celebrate global majority dance, increase representation and affect positive change in dance education.
The RIDE resource (Representation in Dance Education) has three focus areas designed to support teachers to redress representation and access dance work by the global majority in the UK:

•Dance works that can be studied in schools
•Artists, workshops and CPD
Plans are in place for the resource to be updated annually. You can view the current resource by scanning the QR code.

We acknowledge that this resource is not fully comprehensive and doesn’t represent all global majority work in the sector. RIDE is a starting point to be developed and built on. If you have recommendations, please do get in touch.
If you are interested in your work being part of the resource or joining the Roundtable please go to www.bit.ly/RIDERoundtable.