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Strategic Review and Governance
We are in the final stages of a strategic review conducted by the Board and Senior Management Team to ensure our resources and operations continually maximise the impact and benefit to our members and beneficiaries.
The strategic planning process encompasses:
• Understanding changes in the dance environment
• Reviewing our Mission and Vision
• Embedding the plan in our Governance, monitoring, reporting and organisational structures
• Developing activities that deliver our Mission with suitable performance measures
• Communicating our updated Mission Statement and strategy to staff and the public.
The Trustees promote regular reviews of the charity’s strategy in line with the Charity Governance Code. Board reports and meetings are being adjusted to keep track of and monitor the progress on the updated strategic plan. The latest strategic review is in 2022.
Review and trial new benefits to ensure our membership benefits remain relevant, responsive, sector needs
We saw a decline in individual membership in 2020 and a further 78 individual members did not in the period between March 2021 - March 2022. Post pandemic, we want to ensure membership remains accessible and critical to the development and future of our sector. We will develop a new individual member offer to improve individual member acquisition and retention.
The implementation of our new CRM database will remain a key priority, automating the processing of memberships, improving member experience, and providing a deeper understanding of the needs of
As we transition into a new normal, we will continue to test hybrid, live and digital events, reviewing uptake and member engagement
One Dance UK Awards 2022 take place in Bristol on 29 October at The Mount Without. This 2022 Awards are in partnership with Impermanence Dance and champion an organisation which celebrates and spotlights the local dance ecology in Bristol as well as the achievements of the entire

DAD Live Activity 2022
DAD Live is a cross department project for five events working towards addressing the outcomes of the 2019 mapping report. Fundraising for Global Majority 101, a fully accessible workshop, shared the experiences of Global Majority experts and addressed the specific funding concerns of our DAD and wider Global Majority community in May 2022. The workshop was funded by Widen European Access to Cultural Communities via Europeana (WEAVE). 100% of survey respondents felt this event improved their confidence in fundraising and would be interested in more funding training and skills development.