Festival of Ingenuity 2019 Programme

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10am -4pm

I NTERACTI VEACTI VI TI ES/MEETTHECOMPANI ES Vi s i tt heexhi bi t i onmar queef ul lofengagi ngact i v i t i esf ort hewhol ef ami l y , expl or i ngs us t ai nabi l i t y.Bui l dabr i dge,cont r olami ni at ur es ubs ear obot , t r ydus t i ngf i nger pr i nt s ,hav eagoatf l yi ngadr oneandmuchmor ef un! Cummi nsar ecel ebr at i ngt hei r100t hAnni v er s ar yandpr omi s et obr i ng ex cl us i v edi s pl ayst oi ns pi r et hei ngeni ouspeopl eoft hef ut ur e!


11am -6pm


11. 00-18. 00:FOOD&DRI NKS Enj oyr ef r es hi ngdr i nksandf oodf r om ourl ocalf oodpr ov i der s . 11. 00-18. 00:CI RCUSSKI LLSbyDot&Zooky 11. 00:LI VE!JOHNSTANTHORP&THELAUGHI NG HEARTS Root s yf ol kwi t hs onor ousv ocal sandf i nger -pi ckedgui t arr i f f s . 11. 30-17 . 30:WALKABOUTSTREETTHEATRE Spar kyt heRobot ,Lumber i ngTr eant s ,Gar yGi f f or dandSweepof Swal l owswi l lkeepyouent er t ai nedt hr oughoutt heday . 12. 00:LI VE!KOMPARRI SON Capt ur i ngt hehope,hear t br eakandhumourofyout hf ulr el at i ons hi ps wi t ht hei rwi t t yl yr i csandheav enl yhar moni es . 12. 30:DANCEPERFORMANCEbySTAGEDARLI NGTON 13. 00:LI VE!THEDEADSEAT Ecl ect i cquar t etpl ayi ngbi t t er s weet ,f oot -t appi ng,ol dt i megos pelbl ues . 14. 00:LI VE!THELULAS Or i gi nalpopf unkbandr eadyt of i l lyourear swi t hs ummerv i bes . 15. 00:LI VE!LOSCAPI TANES ASpani s h-i nf us ed3-pi eceacous t i cbandbr i ngi nghi ghener gy f l amencot or ockandpopcl as s i cs ,f orauni quel at i ns t r eets t yl ef us i on. 15. 30:DANCEPERFORMANCEbyPI ERREMOMTSCHOOLOFDANCE 16. 00:LI VE!THEPHATTYRTLES Pl ayi ngwel lknownnumber sbyTheBeat l es ,TheSt onesand TheKi nksal ongs i deawhol ehos tofot her60’ scl as s i chi t s . 17 . 00:LI VE!THEHOOTONES Si ngi ngi ns weethar monyt opopar t i s t sandbandss uchas Fl eet woodMac,TheSupr emes ,Bl ondi e,Eur yt hmi csandMadonna. * Pl eas enot e,t i mesmaychange


Ourf es t i v alpar t nerhos t sawi der angeoff un act i vi t i esf ort hewhol ef ami l yi nt heRi v er s i dePar k.

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