INTRODUCTIONS We are fully geared to meet not only your daily and weekly cleaning and maintenance needs but also to attend to emergen cy cleaning demands brought about by unexpected situations. Our specialty includes office cleaning, floor stripping and sealing, waxing, carpet, upholstery cleaning and maintenance and carpet cleaning. If you’re looking for creative ideas that drive high conversion rates, content that inspires action and design that just won’t let you look away then you’re in the right place. We’re Wani Creative and our mission is to create unforgettable communications that enable businesses to stand up, stand out and turn their ideas into extraordinary success. Work with us and we’ll figure out what you want (or what you need) and then make sure you get it.
we will be your best creative partners
SIMPLICITY IS THE BEST DESIGN EVER we will be your best creative partners
We are fully geared to meet not only your daily and weekly cleaning and maintenance needs but also to attend to emergen cy cleaning demands brought about by unexpected situations. Our specialty includes office cleaning, floor stripping and sealing, waxing, carpet, upholstery cleaning and maintenance and carpet cleaning.
we will be your best creative partners
At MCS, our major goal is to devel
We can achieve the standards of
We can achieve the standards of
op a pleasant and productive long
cleanliness and appearance your
cleanliness and appearance your
term relationship with all of our
business requires, with a price that
business requires, with a price that
makes sense. Price, while import
makes sense. Price, while import
ant is only one of several factors to
ant is only one of several factors to
We are committed to providing you
consider in choosing your building
consider in choosing your building
with the best possible services for
maintenance contractor. With our
maintenance contractor.
your premises. Maintaining your
service, you will not worry about
satisfaction is as important to us
With our service, you will not worry
as maintaining your office space
training, or the quality of mainte
about supplies, equipment, employe
according to the highest possible
nance your building receives, we
training, or the quality of mainte
have state of the art equipment and
nance your building receives, we
products. we believe in results that
have state of the art equipment and
in order to achieve these results we
products. we believe in results that
need listen to our customer.
in order achieve these results we
need listen our customer. We can offer references, proof of insurance, and demonstrate our
we can offer references, proof of
employee training programs. We
in surance, and demonstrate our
are a professional member of the
employee training programs. We
Building Service Contractors Asso
are a professional member of the
ciation International.
Building Service Contractors.
we will be your best creative partners
COMPANY VALUES Safe and Confidentiality
Skills & Capability
Royalthy & Transparency
We care about our work and rela
meeting or exceeding the highest
take your design to next level. We
tionships. The team at here strives
standards. does not want to meet
collaborate with you and all other
to ensure that clients not only love
your expecta tions, we want to ex
key project partners to get the job
the completed project.
ceed them.
Honesty & Integrity
Sprighly & Responsibility
Trusty & Credibility
take your design to next level. We
Construction were instrumental
Construction were instrumental
collaborate with you and all other
in creating an environment that
in creating an environment that
key project partners to get the job
was based on best for project out
was based on best for project out
we will be your best creative partners
VISION & MISSION Whether you live in a large house or modest apartment whether you live alone or with five messy children whether you need weekly or a single deep clean. We has flexible cleaning plan for your busy schedule and specific house cleaning needs. most accurate cleani ng estimate we need to know more about your house cleaning needs.
Our Best Vision
Our Best Mission
Whether you live in a large house or modest apartment
Whether you live in a large house or modest apartment
wheth er you live alone or with five messy children
wheth er you live alone or with five messy children
whether you need weekly or a single deep clean. We
whether you need weekly or a single deep clean. We
has flexible cleaning plan for your busy schedule and
has flexible cleaning plan for your busy schedule and
specific house cleaning needs.
specific house cleaning needs.
we will be your best creative partners
Visuals Designer
Mobile Apps Creator
Video Editorial
Promotion & Marketings
meeting or exceeding the
meeting or exceeding the
meeting or exceeding the
meeting or exceeding the
highest standards. does not
highest standards. does not
highest standards. does not
highest standards. does not
want to meet your expecta
want to meet your expecta
want to meet your expecta
want to meet your expecta
tions, we wants toy exceed
tions, we wants toy exceed
tions, we wants toy exceed
tions, we wants toy exceed
We are fully geared to meet not only your daily and weekly cleaning and maintenance needs but also to attend to emergen cy cleaning demands brought about by unexpected situations. Our specialty includes office cleaning, floor stripping and seal ing, waxing, carpet, upholstery cleaning and maintenance and carpet cleaning. orem ipsum dolorize sit amet consectetur adipiscing siva aprillia is most indonesian bitch.
we will be your best creative partners
We are fully geared to meet not only your daily and weekly cleaning and maintenance needs but also to attend to emergen cy cleaning demands brought about by unexpected situations. Our specialty includes office cleaning, floor stripping and sealing, waxing, carpet, upholstery cleaning and maintenance and carpet cleaning. If a customer visited your website but your name was missing, would they still know it was you? Your brand defines you it represents your values, sets you apart from your competitors. And if you don’t know who you are, chances are your customers won’t either. Wani Creative specialises in building instantly recognisable, inspiring brands. So whether you’re looking to capture more attention in a crowded marketplace, super-charge your established image.
we will be your best creative partners
We can achieve t standards of cleanliness and appearance business requires with a price that makes sense.
MARK ZUCKECH Cretive Designer
We can achieve t standards of cleanliness and appearance business requires with a price that makes sense.
we will be your best creative partners
We can achieve t standards of cleanliness and appearance business requires with a price that makes sense.
We can achieve t standards of cleanliness and appearance business requires with a price that makes sense.
OUR PORTFOLIOS Client : Envato Market Pty, Ltd. Sector : Visuals Designer Delivery : Design & Marketings Value : $10 Million
At MCS, our major goal is to devel op a pleasant and pro ductive long term relationship with all of our customers. We can achieve the standards of cleanliness and appear ance your business requires, with a price that makes sense Price, while import ant is only one of several factors to consider in choosing your building maintenance contract with our services listen to our customer.
we will be your best creative partners
02 Client : Envato Market Pty, Ltd. Sector : Visuals Designer
At MCS, our major goal is to devel op a pleasant and pro ductive longterm relationship with all of our customers. We can achieve the standards of cleanliness and appear ance your business requires, with a price that makes sense Price, while import ant is only one of several factors to
Delivery : Design & Marketings
consider in choosing your building maintenance contract
Value : $10 Million
with our services listen to our customer.
At MCS, our major goal is to devel op a pleas ant and pro ductive long term relationship with all of our customers. We can achieve the standards of cleanliness and appear ance your business requires, with a price makes sense price, term relationship with all of our customers.
we will be your best creative partners
At MCS, our major goal is to devel op a pleasant and pro ductive longterm relationship with all of our customers. We can achieve the standards of cleanliness and appear ance your business requires, with a price that makes sense Price, while import ant is only one of several factors to consider in choosing your building maintenance contract
03 Client : Envato Market Pty, Ltd.
with our services listen to our customer.
Sector : Visuals Designer
At MCS, our major goal is to devel op a pleasant
Value : $10 Million
Delivery : Design & Marketings
and pro ductive longterm relationship with all of our customers. We can achieve the standards of cleanliness and appear ance your business requires, with a price that makes sense Price, while import ant is only one of several factors to consider in choosing your building maintenance contract.
we will be your best creative partners
we will be your best creative partners
Glacialss, Inc
Creativemarket, Inc
Envato Market, Pty, Ltd
We can achieve the standards of cleanliness and appear ance your business requires, with a price that makes sense Price while import ant is only several factors to consider in choosing your building.
We can achieve the standards of cleanliness and appear ance your business requires, with a price that makes sense Price while import ant is only one of several fac tors to consider.
We can achieve the standards of cleanliness and appear ance your business requires, with a price that makes sense Price while import ant is only of several factors to con sider in choosing your building maintenance.
we will be your best creative partners
CREASIGN Address 189 Anfield Mainstreets, 2nd Floor Anfield Building, Liverpool UK - 18920
Phone : +00 123 4567 890 Mail : Website :