Indonesian Beauty

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Presenting the best from indonesia, make the world stunning Š Indonesian_Photography

Little boy respects the Indonesian’s Flag. / 2018 Š Indonesian_Photography


Indonesian Secret Beauty

Presenting the best from indonesia, make the world stunning Š Indonesian_Photography

Why I Love Indonesia “Indonesia has a well-preserved natural ecosystem with 57% of the rainforest of Indonesia, Indonesia has the longest coastline in the world of 54,716 kilometers.� _


Indonesian Secret Beauty


WELCOME TO MY INDONESIA Made up of over 17,000 islands, Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, stretching 3,200 miles from east to west and straddling the equator between the Australian and Asian Continents. Indonesia is a colourful riot of many rich, traditional cultures and breathtaking natural beauty. immerse in the picturesque views of the volcanoes set against lush vegetation or be enchanted by the scenic waterfalls and lakes dispersed throughout the region. discov er the invigorating hot springs and visit the numerous ancient temples across the many islands. filled with warm and generous people, Indonesia are always ready to extend their warmest welcome to all and amaze you with their multi-cultural content.

A Land of Charm It has all the facilities in accordance with international standard of conveniences and ser vices : hotels, communications, business, travel-connection to all parts of the country and the world. it has modern facilities to cope with growing international demand but it also preserves its local culture proudly, where visitors could enjoy with excitement. In the near future, in Solo or Surakarta, the existing airport should be developed into an international airport, thus it is believed to be very convenient for foreign visitors wishing to visit directly the magnetic place of tourist attraction : Yogyakarta and Central Java.


Indonesian Secret Beauty

smile makes the world easier. A Land of Charm It has all the facilities in accordance with international standard of conveniences and ser vices : hotels, communications, business, travel-connection to all parts of the country and the world. it has modern facilities to cope with growing international demand but it also preserves its local culture proudly, where visitors could enjoy with excitement.

Indonesian Secret Beauty




The ecological area of ​​the western part of Indonesia that comes from the Asian fauna and the eastern part of Indonesia, which comes from many Australasian species has made the fauna in Indonesia has a high level of deversiveness and also the natural beauty of the tropical islands. Indonesia is one of the countries with high diversity of fauna. This is because Indonesia is a vast and tropical archipelago. It is also caused by the Wallace line that divides Indonesia into two zones of Asian zoogeography zone (influenced by Asian fauna) and Australasian zoogeography zones (influenced by the Australian fauna). Indonesia is also home to 165 species of mammals, 397 species of birds, 150 reptiles, and 100 species of amphibians all of which are endemic animals. Some Indonesian endemic animals such as Flores Eagle, Beruk Mentawai, Halmahera Bidadari Bird, Bald Cendrawasih, Rote Snake Neck Turtles, Anoa Pegugungan and Lowland Anoa, Komodo, Red Arwana Fish, Bali Starling and Red Cats Borneo.


Indonesian Secret Beauty

Paradise for tropical animals A Land of Charm It has all the facilities in accordance with international standard of conveniences and ser vices : hotels, communications, business, travel-connection to all parts of the country and the world. it has modern facilities to cope with growing international demand but it also preserves its local culture proudly, where visitors could enjoy with excitement.

Indonesian Secret Beauty


Best Indonesian’s Landscape Nature. / 2016 Š Indonesian_Photography


Indonesian Secret Beauty

Indonesia which consists of archipelagic clusters has a charm that is not owned in other parts of the world. There is a sea with an abundance of rare biota and a beautiful island, there is a unique cave with beautiful staklaktit and staklagmit, there is the driest place, there is also wettest place. Then Indonesia also has a volcano that is included in the ranks of the ring of fire, and many other things that make anyone fall in love with this country.

So, whatever is complicated in donesia, but it ‘s always be mean ingfull to come and visiting.

Indonesia lies between two continents of Asia and the Continent of Australia. Then Indonesia is also located between two oceans namely Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. very strategic affects economic sector because Indonesia is in the crossroads of trade and shipping traffic is quite crowded. Meanwhile, if viewed from geological location, the area in Indonesia can be divided into three areas namely the Sunda, Sahul and the area between Dangkalan Sunda and Dangkalan Sahul. Due to the geological location resulted in the Indonesian archipelago has an active volcano, the sea in the eastern part of West and East Indonesia while the sea part of central Indonesia including the deep sea. Indonesia is also rich in mineral mining, Indo nesia is a volatile and vulnerable area of tectonic ​​ and volcanic earthquakes and mountains Indone sia which is a ridge of the Mediterranean.

Indonesian Secret Beauty


NAUTICAL LEGACY OF INDONESIAN TREASURE With rich coral reef ecosystems as well as a variety of species and marine biota, marine destinations Indonesia has become one of the world’s tourist destinations.




Indonesian Secret Beauty

Beautiful Sea for diving and snorkling Indonesia is one of the countries with high diversity of fauna. This is because Indonesia is a vast and tropical archipelago. It is also caused by the Wallace line that divides Indonesia into two zones of Asian zoogeography zone (influenced by Asian fauna) and Australasian zoogeography zones (influenced by the Australian fauna). Indonesia is also home to 165 species of mammals, 397 species of birds, 150 reptiles, and 100 species of amphibians all of which are endemic animals. Some Indonesian endemic animals such as Flores Eagle, Beruk Mentawai, Halmahera Bidadari Bird, Bald Cendrawasih, Rote Snake Neck Turtles, Anoa Pegugungan and Lowland Anoa, Komodo, Red Arwana Fish, Bali Starling and Red Cats Borneo.

Indonesian Secret Beauty


THE TASTE OF INDONESIAN Indonesia which consists of archipelagic clusters has a charm that is not owned in other parts of the world. There is a sea with an abundance of rare biota and a beautiful island, there is a unique cave with beautiful staklaktit and staklagmit, there is the driest place, there is also wettest place. Then Indonesia also has a volcano that is included in the ranks of the ring of fire, and many other things that make anyone fall in love with this country. Indonesia lies between two continents of Asia and the Continent of Australia. Then Indonesia is also located between two oceans namely Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. This very strategic location af fects the economic sector because Indonesia is in the crossroads of trade and shipping traffic is quite crowded.


Indonesian Secret Beauty

BAKSO UNIQUE INDONESIAN FOODS Indonesia lies between two continents of Asia and the Continent of Australia. Then Indonesia is also located between two oceans namely Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. This very strategic location af fects the economic sector because Indonesia is in the crossroads of trade and shipping traffic is quite crowded.


Indonesia lies between two continents of Asia and the Continent of Australia. Then Indonesia is also located between two oceans namely Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. This very strategic location af fects the economic sector because Indonesia is in the crossroads of trade and shipping traffic is quite crowded.

Indonesian Secret Beauty




Indonesia with a population of about 252

Indonesian culture also influenced by

million people consisting of thousands of

other great cultures such as Chinese, Indi

ethnic groups that gave birth to culture

an and Arab cultures. ultimately makes In

as well as different and distinctive mo

donesia has acculturation of culture and

res. the motto of this distinction is known

religion. For example, Indian culture that

as “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika� which means

entered into Indonesia, causing the spread

different but stills one. The difference is

of Hinduism and Buddhism in the era of

what makes Indonesia so beautiful is re

the kingdom. Then Arab culture brought

flected in the various forms of tradition

by Arab traders who stop and spread the

al houses, regional clothes, weapons, and

religion of Islam.

cultural ceremonies. Some forms of art and culture of Indone

Indonesian people are famous for their

sia such as saman dance, kecak dance, ba

hospitality. So do not be surprised if you

tik, angklung, wayang, and reog ponoro

are in Indonesia you biajak chatting by

go have been famous and recognized the

local residents. They love to share stories

world as a cultural heritage. These are all

about so many things. In addition Indone

assets that need to be maintained and

sia is also known for the nation that up


hold the value of mutual cooperation.


Indonesian Secret Beauty

Indonesia also has unique rituals such as Ma’Nene in Sulawesi which is a ritual of digging, bathing and dressing the body of a loved one who has died. This ritual takes place in August each year. then there is the tradition of Tau-tau which is a wooden statue made to resemble the corpse of the deceased. Usually this tau-tau is placed near the burial site. Then there is Debus from Banten which is a martial arts that in its attraction do creepy things like slicing tongue with saw, eating fire, chewing glass to show faith and belief to God. Then there is Ikipalin tradition from Papua that is expression of deep sadness due to the departure of the nearest person by cutting a finger. Then the Pasola tradition of Sumba is a kind of war and bloodshed. Local residents there believe that the more spilled blood will have a good impact on their harvest. Not only this but many other traditions that are far more interesting and calling you to visit Indonesia. Indonesia consists of thousands of ethnic groups that gave birth to the culture as well as different and distinctive mores. difference is what makes Indonesia so beautiful is reflectsed various of traditional houses, regional clothes, weapons, and many more

Indonesian Secret Beauty


OUR BEST TESTIMONIALS EVA GREEN foreign tourists / actress Indonesia is a country with tremendous appeal.s it’s so diversity, family and etiquette greatly make interesting who come to visiting.

MARK ZUCKERBERG foreign tourists / Facebook, Inc tourism, culture and culinary make Indonesia very impressed in the hearts of the visitors. well-managed diversity is very much the value of Indonesia in the eyes of the world.

NICKY LAATZ foreign tourist / entrepreneur Indonesia lies between two continents of Asia and the Continent of Australia. Then Indonesia is also located between two oceans namely Indian Ocean and Pacific. Then Indonesia is also located between.


Indonesian Secret Beauty


Come & Visiting Us

Presenting the best from indonesia, make the world stunning Š Indonesian_Photography

Indonesian Secret Beauty



51 A Citralake boulevard, Indramayu Residential, West Java Phone : (021) 8700 1234 - Mail : Š 2018 | onegraphics

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