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Market Watch
opportunities for shipments as our primary competitor, Argentina, has suffered devastating weather in drought, eight heat waves and an early frost.
China needs peanuts for crushing to make peanut oil. However, the higher-priced U.S. peanuts most recently have caused China to look elsewhere. Good U.S. quality commands a price China isn’t willing to pay for crushing.
United In Our Goal
It is time to decide whether to plant peanuts, corn, cotton or even soybeans. Check with your local peanut buying point. The buying point managers are waiting for an offer from the shellers, and acreage will likely be limited. Be aware that Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus has been on the increase and could hit again. Follow Peanut Rx, the disease risk index, and invest in your management of TSWV.
Peanut teams will be in Washington D.C. soon meeting with all other Farm Bill participants hoping to save the peanut program. Our goal is to stay united and bring home a strong program that allows farmers to prosper while providing America and buyers around the world with a safe, abundant food supply.