Cotton Farming Ginners Marketplace March 2025

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Ginners Marketplace

TCGA Gin Show: Year Two Of The Cotton Belt Gin Connection

Editor’s note: The Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association will host its 117th Gin Show April 3-4 in Lubbock at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center. Once again, the goal is to reach out to gins all across the Cotton Belt and enhance the show experience for both attendees and exhibitors. TCGA recently described its rebranding e orts and talked about some of the details for this year’s event. Here is what they had to say:

Last year, we re-branded the show with a new logo and broadened our outreach to ginners across the Cotton Belt. For years, we have delivered a show focused on the cotton ginning industry. Being the Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association, we focused our e orts here at home rather than the entire Cotton Belt. Our focus will continue to be Texas, but we want this show to be for everyone.

Since we have the only show in the world where the focus is cotton ginning, we wanted to be sure everyone across cotton belt was o icially invited to the show. We did this through a national mailer that went to every gin in the United States. Our “cotton gin focused” show is unique, and we want everyone involved in cotton to take advantage of this “once a

year” opportunity. We were happy to see that many of our friends throughout the belt came to see us in Texas last year. Hopefully, many will join us this year in Lubbock for our 117th annual meeting and cotton trade show. Thanks to our fellow regional cotton gin associations for sharing their membership addresses, allowing us to advertise our event to all gins. Each year, we have around


130 exhibitors invest money into our show by renting booth space from us. Let’s reward our exhibitors with a good turnout in Lubbock.

Texas producers and ginners have been negatively impacted by drought-like conditions for three consecutive years. Production wise, you will not find a three-year stretch that has been worse. Our industry is a resilient and intelligent group of people. Those still fighting and clawing are a testament to that. Hopefully, the di icult years will make you stronger. The old saying, “if it were easy, everyone would be doing it” comes to mind, and we are anxiously waiting for the pendulum to swing back in a positive direction.

Turning Cotton Great Again

Each year, we are tasked with coming up with a theme for our show. This year we chose “TCGA — Turning  Cotton Great Again.” It will take a bit of a monumental lift to make it happen, but timely moisture and an increase in cotton prices could quickly turn these lingering challenges into positive vibes.

On this page, you can access event information including hotel availability and a pre-registration form. Pre-registering is a tremendous help to the TCGA sta so we will have your badge waiting for you at the Gin Show! There are also registration forms for both the golf and domino tournament, along with a chronological list of events and activities that will take place the week of the show.

It seems like everything else has increased in price, so hopefully the price of cotton can take a turn upward as well. Surely, after three brutal years of drought, we are due for some timely moisture throughout the growing season here in our great state. Let’s “Turn  Cotton Great Again” in 2025.

Please help us promote our cotton trade show. Call and email your friends in the cotton industry. That is helpful in getting the word out. Go to your social media accounts and share the details of our show. You can find event details at You can also download the TCGA app to your smart devices. Just search for “TCGA” in your app store.

Now is the time to make arrangements for your trip to Lubbock. We hope you will support our exhibitors who will be investing valuable time, resources and energy to make our show a successful event. We still have a little available booth space. Please reach out to Aaron Nelsen at 512-476-8388 if you are interested in obtaining booth space.

Hopefully, our exhibitors can provide some answers to questions you have about the coming year. They cannot make it rain, but they can certainly help you better prepare for another crop year. Our show continues to be a valuable resource as it brings so many in the cotton industry together. Come join us and bring your friends!

Where To Find More Information

Let’s get into the show details. All meeting and trade show information is available on our website at https://www.tcga. org/trade-show/.

The hotel reservation information page has links you can click on for making your reservations online. Our hotel blocks seem to fill quickly, so we certainly encourage you to go ahead and make your reservations early! The Overton Hotel and Conference Center located on Mac Davis Lane will again serve as our host hotel. The hotel is just a short drive from the Lubbock Civic Center — the site of the 2025 show.

Encourage your board members, employees, friends and family to attend the show. Please help us get the word out and encourage others to attend and make this event a success. Contact TCGA at 512-476-8388 if you have questions or comments. Hope to see you in Lubbock on April 3 & 4!

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