MARCH 2018
Tips To Maximize Planting Efficiency Technology And Hands-On Efforts Work Together
Texas — Where King Cotton Reigns
My Turn: Pray For Rain
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Farmers Thrive With th PhytoGen Don’t let weeds standd between b you and your best season. season. Known Known for fo consistent consistently ntly high yieldd and a excellent nt Ž 9876543210/.-5,+./*)7( 9 876543210/.-5,+. +./*)7( cottonseed o off ffe fers exceptionall weed w ndd insect now offers aand (/6*1 / 5/*5&6*/7'/5&6*9/5&*/7(/021% / '* '*(/6*15/*5&6*/7'/5&6*9/5&*/7(/021% ,+. +./*)7(50$5/+775*(1.5'*//*($77#5 ,+./*)7(50$5/+75*(1.5'*//*($77#5 wit company company mp ny to offer off ffe fer varietiess with with the thee Enlist™ 5//*5/+ '*//*( *1762('7 /+6775 '*//*(5/620/-5&6*"0#0(!5/*1762('75/*5/+6775 // 5/620// 0/ 5&6*"0#0(! 0#0 5//* 1 5* 52'/0* +7680'0#7 *(5 5 - 5 +7680'0#755 *#7$ *#7$5* 52'/0*(5 5 - 5 5!1.&+*$2/752(#5!13 * '+*10(7'+*10(7-5!1.&+*$2/752(#5!13 *$0(2/75 5 *$0(2/ 2/75 5 5+71&5710 0(2/ /* /*5+71&5710 0(2/75/*3!+ /* '*(/6*152(#5 2/75/*3!+ /* '*(/ (/6*152(#5 67$0$/2(/ 67$0$/2(/5 77#$%5 115,+./*)7(5862(#5 (/5 77#$%5 115,+. +../*)7(5862(#5 varieties with the thee Enlistt cotton c trait Ž 5 nsectt Protection-5 include WideStrike 3 In Insect Protectionte forr improved bollworm control. control. t "76 /+7 /*&52&&10'2/0*($5* 5 "76 /+7 /*&52&&10'2 & 2/0*($5* 5 2/ Ž Enlist Duo and Enlistt One O ™ herb herbicides rbicides 5.*35'2(59!+/ 72( 72(5.*35'2(59!+/582' 52!20($/5 77#$5 5 +/582' 52!20 2 20($/5 77#$5 5 0('13#0(!5!1.&+*$2/7 67$0$/2(/5,21 7655 0('13#0(!5!1.&+*$2/ * 2/7 67$0$/2(/ (/5,21 76 2 262(/+%5 (#5 0/+5(7 5 (10$/5 (7-5 262(/ (/+%5 (#5 0/+5(7 5 (10$/5 (7-5 .*35!7/57"7(5 .*35!7/57"7(5 *6754321097#5/2( *67543 97#5/2( 432109 0 0(!5 0 0(!!5 *&/0*($-50('13#0(!5/+7528010/.5/*5/2( *&/0*($-50('13#0(!5/+7528 8010/.5/*5/2( mix glufo glufosinate. fosinate. 2$/5$72$*(-5 26 2$/5$72$*(-5 2 26 76$5 +*5&12(/7#5 76$$5 +*5&12(/ (/7#5 ,+./*)7( ,+./*)7(5862(#5"2607/07$5 0/+5/+75 ,+ #5"2607/07 0 /07$5 0/+ 0/+5/+ . / ) 58862(# /+75 Enlist cotton trait said the th he Enlist weed control control t system helped them thhem work $ 26/7652!20($/5.071# 6*880(!5 77#$%5 26/7652!20($/5.071# 6**880(!5 77#$%5 5 77 2 7.5 /017$5 6* 7.5 /017$5 6 6* 5 775 *3(/.-5 5 *3(/./ 5 6 2($2$-5$ 0/'+7#52115* 5+0$52'67$5 6 2($2$-5$ 0/'+7#52115* * 5+0$52'67$5
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5 aft after fter an inc increase crease of resistant nt weeds on the land land d he he fa farms. 5!67 5/+75,+. 5!67 5/+75,+./*)7(5"2607/07$5 +./*)7(5"2607/07$5 this year because beecause u I wanted want nted something 5'*31#53$75/*5'*(/6*1 5'*31#53$75/*5'*(/6*15/+75!1.&+*$2/7 / 5/+75!1.&+*$2/7 67$0$/2(/ 67$0$/2(/5 77#$- 5 .6#5$2.$%5 +75 (/5 777#$- 5 .6#5$2. 2.$%5 +75 Enlist system systeem gives giives us the opportunity tto cont control t l weeds we can’t ’t cco control ntrol w ds that w ntrol t l 2$5 7115 0/+5*/+765$.$/7 2$5 7115 0/+ +5*/+765$.$/7 $% 5 $% 5 5672#5/+75 3 *5672#5/+75 3115$/*6.52(#51726(5+* 5 * 3115$/*6.52(# #51726(5+* 5 5!*5/*5 .*35'2(5/+60"75 0/+5,+./*)7(-5!*5/*5 .*35'2(5/+660"75 0/+5,+./*)7(. PhytoGenC /Agronomy.
PhytoGenŽ cottonseed with the Enlist™ cotton trait gives you control three ways, with tolerance to Enlist DuoŽ herbicide (2,4-D choline and glyphosate), tolerance to Enlist One™ herbicide (2,4-D choline) and robust tolerance to glufosinate. Learn more at
CF0318 Layout_CF 11/13 template 2/6/18 11:10 AM Page 3
Outstanding yield potential. Excellent fiber quality. Exceptional weed control. Now it’s all within reach. PhytoGen® brand varieties with the Enlist™ cotton trait help you defeat hard-to-control and resistant weeds — turning your toughest weed challenges into your best season yet.
See how we can help you thrive. Visit or call 844-259-2900. ®
PhytoGen and the PhytoGen Logo are trademarks of PhytoGen Seed Company, LLC. ®™DOW Diamond, Enlist, Enlist Duo, Enlist One, the Enlist Logo,WideStrike and the WideStrike Logo are trademarks of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. The Enlist weed control system is owned and developed by Dow AgroSciences LLC. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are not registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your area. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use in Enlist crops. PhytoGen Seed Company is a joint venture between Mycogen Corporation, an affiliate of Dow AgroSciences LLC, and the J.G. Boswell Company. L38-076-149 (10/17) BR DAAGPHYG7066
Vol. 62 No. 3
MARCH 2018
Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show set for April 5-6 at the Lubbock Civic Center.
Cotton farmers and ginners gather to share ideas and honor peers at the Southern Southeastern Annual Meeting.
The National Cotton Ginners Association presents awards and elects new officers at its 2018 annual meeting in Fort Worth, Texas.
24 Specialists Speaking 30 Industry News 34 My Turn
ON THE COVER: Planting efficiency leads to good stand establishment at the beginning of the season and helps protect your cottonseed investment.
Paul Pilsner, Wharton, Texas, is the 36th recipient of this esteemed award. Read more about Pilsner on page 17.
6 Editor’s Note 14 Cotton’s Agenda 22 Mid-South Report
Seed is a significant investment so it’s important to pay attention to detail at planting time to maximize efficiency and get a good stand. And although advancements in planter technology, such as automatic section control and down force, are making a positive difference, cotton farmers are still encouraged to keep a hands-on approach to ensure everything is working correctly.
Paul Pilsne r
2017 CO T TON
8 Planting Efficiency
CCOY 2017 Cotton Consultant of the Year
Cotton Farming
WEB EXCLUSIVE In her Texas Agriculture Law Blog, Tiffany Dowell Lashmet discusses “Words Matter When Drafting A Will: A Cautionary Tale.” Go to www. for this Web Exclusive report.
Nutrient Management
Southern Production & Marketing Strategies
March 2018
SUPPLEMENT Look for Corn South following page 28 in the Mid-South and Southeast editions of Cotton Farming. Stay informed and sign up for the monthly e-newsletter at
A Supplement to Cotton Farming and The Peanut Grower Magazines
COTTON FARMING (ISSN 0746-8385) is published monthly January through December by One Grower Publishing LLC, 6515 Goodman Rd., Box 360, Olive Branch, MS 38654. Periodicals postage paid at Memphis, Tenn. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Omeda Communications, Customer Service Department, P.O. Box 1388, Northbrook, IL 60065-1388 (Phone: 847-559-7578) (Fax: 847-564-9453). Annual subscriptions are $40. International rates are $55 in Canada/Mexico, $90 in all other countries for air-speeded delivery. Surface delivery not available due to problems in reliability.
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WHO’S TOUGH NOW? STOP WEEDS. REDUCE DRIFT AND VOLATILITY. Weeds started this fight. Time to finish it with the Enlist™ weed control system.
Unrivaled weed control with NEW 2,4-D CHOLINE
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New Enlist One™ herbicide stops tough weeds to help maximize your yield potential. Additional tank-mix flexibility
TANK-MIX WITH GLUFOSINATE and other products listed on
makes it easier to customize your weed control. And our Colex-D® technology reduces drift and volatility. So much for so-called “tough” weeds.
Take control at En n or visit your local local retailer.
®™ DOW Diamond, Colex-D, Enlist, Enlist Duo, the Enlist Logos and Enlist One are trademarks of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. ®Phyto PhytoGen Gen is a trademark of P betw ween Mycogen Corporation, an affiliate of Dow w AgroSciences LLC, and the J.G. Boswell Company. Comp pany. The Enlist weed weed PhytoGen Seed Company, LLC. PhytoGen Seed Company is a joint venture between ® control system is owned and developed dev veloped by Dow AgroSciences LLC. Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are not registered for f sale or use in all states or counties. Contact Contacct your state pesticide pesticide if a product is registered for sale or use in your area. a the only 2,4-D products authorized for use on Enl list crops. Always read regulatory agency to determine if Enlist Duo and Enlist One herbicides are the Enlist and follow label directions. ©2017 7 Dow D AgroSciences LLC E38-401-028 (10/17)) BR B 010-91311 DAAGNLST7089
Editor’s Note
Cotton Farming
Carroll Smith
EDITORIAL/PRODUCTION Editor Carroll Smith Managing Editor Vicky Boyd
‘Advice From A Wise Old Man’
ords to contemplate and live by often come from unexpected and sometimes anonymous sources. While scrolling through Facebook last weekend, I ran across a post that caught my eye. It was titled “Advice From A Wise Old Man.” There was no author mentioned so I suppose this falls into the anonymous category. I have always believed in listening to my elders as they often do have good advice, and many times it’s delivered with a hint of humor to remind us not to take ourselves too seriously. Here are a few tidbits from the unnamed sage. • Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. • A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor. • Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you. • Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance. • If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around. • Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway. • Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got. • Most times, it comes down to common sense. Although I enjoyed a chuckle from the wise old man, our mission here at Cotton Farming is to provide profitable production strategies to our readers. With that in mind, I sought out more credible sources to give advice about maximizing planting efficiency. Sharing their expertise in this article are Mike Buschermohle, whose focus is precision agriculture at the University of Tennessee AgResearch, and Wes Porter, University of Georgia precision ag specialist. I would also like to thank the Alabama Cooperative Extension System for contributing information as well. Planting season is right around the corner, and you’ve made a significant investment in the cottonseed you’re about to put in the ground. I think it would be time well spent to take in these tips and hopefully reap the rewards — and not “get got” — at the end of the season.
If you have comments, please send them to: Cotton Farming Magazine, 7201 Eastern Ave., Germantown, TN, 38138. Contact Carroll Smith via email at
Southeast Editor Amanda Huber Art Director Ashley Kumpe ADMINISTRATION Publisher/Vice President Lia Guthrie (901) 497-3689 Associate Publisher Carroll Smith (901) 326-4443 Sales Manager Scott Emerson (386) 462-1532 Production Manager Kathy Killingsworth (901) 767-4020 Circulation Manager Charlie Beek (847) 559-7324 For circulation changes or change of address, call (847) 559-7578 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD David Burns – North Carolina David Lynch – South Carolina Bob McLendon – Georgia Larkin Martin – Alabama Mike Sturdivant Jr. – Mississippi Charles Parker – Missouri Jimmy Hargett – Tennessee Allen Helms – Arkansas Jay Hardwick – Louisiana Ronnie Hopper – Texas Ron Rayner – Arizona John Pucheu – California
ONE GROWER PUBLISHING, LLC Mike Lamensdorf President/Treasurer Lia Guthrie Publisher/Vice President ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COOPERATION: Cooperating with COTTON FARMING are various cotton producer organizations across the Cotton Belt. Many representatives of producer organizations serve on COTTON FARMING’s editorial advisory board. Opinions expressed and conclusions reached by contributors are not necessarily those of the cooperating organizations or the editors. All statements, including product claims, are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim. The publisher does not adopt any such statement or claims as its own and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher. Copyright 2018 © ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS – One Grower Publishing, LLC also publishes RICE FARMING, THE PEANUT GROWER, SOYBEAN SOUTH and CORN SOUTH.
One Grower Publishing, LLC 6515 Goodman Rd., Box 360, Olive Branch, MS 38654 Phone: 901-767-4020
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more crop potential and less weed potential.
Plan on effective resistant weed management now, and you can maximize your yield potential later. Outlook herbicide from BASF delivers broad-spectrum residual weed control, including glyphosate-resistant waterhemp and Palmer ameranth. Change your outlook on troublesome weeds — make Outlook herbicide a part of your crop’s protection plan.
Before cotton planting begins, go over your planter thoroughly to make sure everything is greased up and ready to go. Also schedule regular maintenance during the season to keep your equipment in tiptop shape.
Tips To MAXIMIZE Planting Efficiency Technology And Hands-On Efforts Work Together
n impressive lineup of cotton varieties is available for the 2018 growing season, and farmers have been busy deciding which ones to plant on their farms. Although phenomenal yields and good quality have been coming out of the field recently, cottonseed is not a cheap input. Because seed is a significant investment, it’s important to pay close attention to detail at planting time to maximize efficiency and get a good stand. And although advancements in planter technology are making a positive difference, cotton farmers are still encouraged to keep a hands-on approach to ensure everything is working correctly.
Automatic Section Control A popular precision ag technology being adopted to help with seed cost is automatic section control. Some retrofit kits are available for older model planters, but many cotton farmers are buying new planters that come with ASC already on them. According to the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, this technology turns planter sections or rows OFF in areas that have been previously planted or ON and OFF at headland turns, point rows, terraces and/or waterways. Mike Buschermohle, whose focus is precision agriculture at the University of Tennessee AgResearch, says some of the COTTONFARMING.COM
work done in the state in highly irregular-shaped fields showed a savings in seed of 15 to 17 percent. In a study of about 52 different field shapes and sizes, the average savings in seed was about 5 percent. The savings really depends on the field shape, he says. If you have a square field, the savings will be less. “However, larger producers with small, irregular-shaped fields like we have in Tennessee typically can pay for the technology pretty quickly with 5 percent of the cost of seed,” Buschermohle says. “Another consideration when using ASC is to make sure you have a highly accurate GPS system. Since many farmers also are running auto guidance, ASC is a fit with the whole system.” The primary tangible benefit of using ASC on planters is the seed savings through reduction of double- and triple-planted areas of the field, according to the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. In addition, here are several other benefits noted by Alabama Extension: Improved overall planter efficiency. Improved environmental stewardship. Increased operator visibility during harvest (able to see rows clearly) leading to increased field efficiency, especially at night. Reduced operator fatigue by not having to manually turn the planter ON or OFF over a full day. As-planted maps for field documentation, record keeping, and use in farm management information systems or other ag data management services. Down Force And Depth Another way to maximize planter efficiency is to pay attention to planter down force and depth, which are extremely critical when planting cotton. “The research we’ve done here at the University of Georgia has shown planter down force and depth are closely tied to soil moisture and soil texture,” says Wes Porter, UGA precision ag specialist. “As you move into a wetter soil type, less down force is needed to meet the depth the planter is trying to achieve. If you are in a drier, harder soil type, more down force is needed to achieve that same depth. It’s critical to plant cottonseed at the optimal depth — especially smaller-seeded cotton — to maximize emergence.” Porter says farmers can adjust down force and depth themselves individually per row unit. Depending on the type of planter, there are three options for adjusting the down force. 1. Manually adjust the down pressure springs at the very front of the row unit. Twitter: @CottonFarming
“Larger producers with small, irregular-shaped fields like we have in Tennessee typically can pay for the technology pretty quickly with 5 percent of the cost of seed.” 2. On a more advanced planter, adjust the pneumatic air bag with a valve typically located in the cab of the tractor. 3. In a very advanced planter with hydraulic cylinders, adjust the down force electronically from a controller in the tractor cab. “Down force needs to be adjusted from field to field and from moisture content to moisture content,” Porter says. “For example, let’s assume you are planting today and have to stop because rain moves in. But it’s not so much rain that you have to stay out of the field tomorrow. You can still go back and plant, but the field is going to be a little wet tomorrow. “You want to make sure you don’t have as much down force as you were using when you were planting into the drier, harder soil type. Some compaction and potentially crusting issues can occur if you are using too much down force in the wet soil.” Porter emphasizes that down force must be adjusted more than just at the beginning of the season. Check on it while you are planting just like you would check seed depth from field to field. Also make sure your gauge wheels are running properly. “And if you’ve been planting another crop and are moving into cotton, be sure to set a new depth for cotton specifically,” he says. “Down force allows us to do that. It pushes on the row unit to make sure the opening discs
Preplanting Checks For ASC • Firmware Updates. The controller and GPS/GNSS receiver must be updated to the latest firmware/software version to reduce potential problems during planting and to ensure greater benefit from the investment. Firmware updates are usually provided by manufacturers during the winter months through their websites. • Visual Inspection. All lines, cables and wires should be properly secured and in good working condition before heading to the field. Clutches should be properly checked for excessive gear wear, cracks or any type of failure. A close visual inspection of each individual clutch before the planting season is recommended. • Clearance Issues. With the planter unfolded and someone assisting, all lines, cables and wires should be checked to ensure that they are not being stretched and are clear of moving components. • Proper Operation. System should be powered up to make sure everything is operating correctly. Row control units can be manually switched ON and OFF and checked to ensure that the controller is receiving a GPS/GNSS signal. Source: Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Although planter technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, it’s still a good idea to get out in the field and manually check the seed depth to avoid any emergence issues.
cut into the soil far enough to create a seed trench deep enough to put the seed. “Without the right amount of down force, it won’t be deep enough, and with too much, we potentially could push it too deep or cause compaction issues. Both of these scenarios have the potential to cause emergence issues.” Manually Check Seed Depth Planter technology has streamlined the cotton planting process quite a bit, but it’s still a good idea to climb down from the
In-Season Checks For ASC • Cleaning Clutches. Clutches may require occasional cleaning because of dirt or other foreign matter. They can be cleaned either quickly using an air gun or disassembled, if possible, and cleaned. Check manufacturers’ literature or manuals for proper cleaning procedures. • Connections. Check all electrical and air line connections periodically during filling or normal maintenance procedures. A quick visual glance when walking around the planter can help identify potential issues. • Contamination. Connections coming into any contact with water, liquid fertilizer, or other contaminates should be avoided. Source: Alabama Cooperative Extension System
planter, walk behind it, dig up some seed and make sure you are putting it at the right depth, Buschermohle says. “When you start planting early in the morning, the ground may be a little wet,” he says. “Later on, the ground dries out. I always encourage farmers to check the seed depth several times during the day, especially if you change fields and are in a different soil type. “It’s critical for emergence to plant at the right depth. And when you consider the cost of seed, it’s time well spent.” Porter agrees 100 percent. “Any time you change fields or planting conditions, check to make sure everything is working properly and the seed is at the right depth,” he says. “We’ve collected data over the past couple of years that shows severe yield penalties for lack of stand establishment in that cotton crop. I strongly suggest getting off the tractor to check seed depth.” Cotton planting season is just around the corner. Before hitting the field, go over your planter thoroughly and make sure everything is greased up. Overall good maintenance in the beginning will keep your planter running smoothly throughout the season. COTTONFARMING.COM
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COTTON FARMERS, GINNERS CELEBRATE A PROJECTED 9.5 MILLION-BALE CROP Following a record-breaking crop, Texas cotton acreage is expected to increase this year. As cotton farmers plant today’s high-yielding, high-quality varieties, many gins across the state are increasing their capacity or new facilities are being built, anticipating the potential for another big cotton crop. To make sure cotton farming and ginning remain a viable part of the state’s economy, the Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association is a vigilant watchdog on issues that could affect our industry. The TCGA Annual Meeting and Trade Show is one of the largest gatherings of cotton ginning equipment, supplies and affiliated businesses that provide parts or services to the ginning industry. More than 130 exhibitors are eager to inform visitors about their products and services related to all things cotton. Make plans to attend the show as King Cotton continues to reign in Texas. For more information, visit
Cotton’s Agenda Gary Adams
Eligibility Restored U.S. cotton producers’ safety net was bolstered with Congress’ recent passage of “seed cotton” farm policy — an action the National Cotton Council has diligently sought for more than two years.
What was the basic action taken?
n Congress recently enacted the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 that contained policy changes making “seed cotton” (upland cotton lint and cottonseed combined) eligible for Agriculture Risk Coverage/Price Loss Coverage (ARC/PLC) policies in Title I of the 2014 farm law beginning with the 2018 crop year.
What key decisions must be made?
n To begin with, farm owners and cotton producers must elect coverage for seed cotton in either ARC or PLC. For PLC (likely the preferred option), the reference price is set at $0.367 per pound of seed cotton.
There are multiple steps cotton producers must take to maximize their participation in the 2018 seed cotton program. Two other key decisions must be made. First, an option to update payment yields for upland cotton lint yields is provided. Payment yield is used for calculating potential PLC payments for seed cotton. Cotton lint payment yield will begin with the historic counter cyclical program yield associated with previous cotton base acres. This lint yield can be updated based on 90 percent of the average of the 2008-12 crop yields, excluding years in which cotton was not planted. Updated lint yield is
then converted to a seed cotton yield using a factor of 2.4. Second, generic base acres will be converted to decoupled, crop-specific bases effective for the 2018 crop. Options for converting generic base acres include: 1) the higher of 2009-12 planted and prevented planted acres of seed cotton or 80 percent of generic base acres, not to exceed total generic base acres on the farm; or 2) convert all generic base acres using proportional average of seed cotton and other covered commodities planted from 2009-2012. For a farm with generic base acres and no seed cotton or other covered commodities planted or prevented from being planted between 2009-2016, then all the generic base acres are allocated as unassigned base acres and no longer enrolled in ARC or PLC. In addition, any remaining generic base acres under option one that are not converted to seed cotton base acres will be allocated to unassigned base acres and no longer eligible for ARC or PLC. Payments under the new seed cotton ARC/PLC program for 2018 will be paid after Oct. 1 of the year the marketing year is completed – i.e. October 2019 for any 2018 crop year payments. For the 2018 crop year only, producers who enroll seed cotton base acres in ARC/PLC also may purchase STAX crop insurance on the planted cotton acres. However, beginning in 2019, farms with seed cotton base acres enrolled in ARC/PLC will not be eligible for STAX coverage.
How is this information being disseminated?
n The NCC recently conducted educational webinars for producers and other interested stakeholders in all Cotton Belt states. More details will be provided on implementation, Farm Service Agency sign-up timelines and other information as it becomes available. We will continue working closely with USDA and the Congressional agriculture committees on the rulemaking and implementation process.
Gary Adams is president/CEO of the National Cotton Council of America. He and other NCC leaders contribute columns on this Cotton Farming magazine page.
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Fertilizer efficiency starts here. | Learn more at, featuring more information on Helena products and services. Always read and follow label directions. Helena, Asset, Hydra-Hume, Nucleus, NutrAsyst and People...Products...Knowledge... are registered trademarks of Helena Holding Company. ©2018 Helena Holding Company. HPG0218S
King Cotton Still On Top Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association Annual Meeting And Trade Show Set For April 5-6 In Lubbock BY TONY WILLIAMS TCGA EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT
Tribute To Texas Cotton The theme for this year ’s Texas Cotton Ginners’ Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show is “Texas — Where King Cotton Reigns.” Cotton is the No. 1 row crop in the state, and Texas is the No. 1 cotton producing
espite challenges in 2017 from Hurricane Harvey and an early freeze in West Texas, the mindset among cotton farmers and ginners heading into this season is positive overall. The 2017 crop is projected to be the largest ever in the state of Texas at 9.5 million bales. Ginners processed a large volume of cotton from the 2017 season, and from the producer’s standpoint, Tony the market is decent, Williams acres are forecast to be up in 2018, and some of today’s varieties are producing phenomenal yields and good quality. With the acreage increase and a little help from Mother Nature, we have the potential for another big cotton crop this year. A lot of ginners are making equipment changes to increase their capacity, and there has been talk of new gins going up in the Panhandle and West Texas. Adobe Walls Gin just added another plant to its existing facility in Spearman, making it the largest gin in the country. And the company has plans for further expansion in 2018. The Texas ginning industry is definitely gearing up to handle these big cotton crops.
Lummus Corp. was presented Best in Show – Division 1 during the Exhibitor Awards at the 2017 TCGA Annual Meeting and Trade Show. state in the U.S. Following our biggest cotton crop ever, we thought it was appropriate to say King Cotton is still on top here in Texas. Our show is the largest gathering of cotton gin equipment manufacturers and other businesses that provide parts or services to the ginning industry. Visitors from all regions of the Cotton Belt and around the world attend the event to learn about the latest developments in cotton ginning and to purchase equipment or services they need at their facilities. Full-time gin employees can gain additional knowledge — especially regarding safety — and see the latest industry developments by attending the Southwest Ginners School, April 2-4. Many gin managers allow their employees to go to the school and then attend the show at the end of the week. Activities ‘Sneak Peek’ Before the annual meeting and trade show kicks off, TCGA will
host its annual golf tournament at Meadowbrook Golf Course on Wednesday, April 4. The show doors officially open at 9 a.m., Thursday, April 5, at the Lubbock Civic Center where more than 130 exhibitors will be on hand to inform you about their products or services. The day concludes with the “Taste of Lubbock Party” open to all show attendees. On Friday, show hours are from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. During this time, Plains Cotton Growers Inc. also holds its annual meeting. The day ends with TCGA’s Awards Dinner and Vegas Night Celebration at the Overton Hotel. Tickets for the awards dinner may be purchased at the show registration booth. Everyone is invited to the Vegas Night Celebration, and no ticket is required. For more information, visit our website at Contact Tony Williams at or 512-476-8388. COTTONFARMING.COM
Paul Pilsner
Cotton Farming
y ancestors were early settlers of south-central Texas so ag is part of my DNA,” says Texas cotton consultant Paul Pilsner. “As a child, I remember watching my grandparents hand pick cotton on their small DeWitt County farm. “My dad was blessed with a position at Union Carbide, which allowed our family to live an iconic 1960s’ lifestyle in Victoria. My brother and I were told we could be anything we wanted to be. My mother was a gardener so I enjoyed growing things.
“During college, I started a lawn maintenance/landscaping firm, which took me to the Rio Grande Valley to grow palm trees. In the late 1970s, I expanded my nursery business to include palm trees and citrus, and then lost everything to historic freezes in 1983 and 1987. As it turned out, these losses were a blessing disguised as devastation. “Pat Kornegay, who was my neighbor and a crop duster, told me I should become a cotton consultant. He put me in touch with John Norman, who was the Extension entomologist for the Rio Grande Valley. I trained under John in 1987, and then starting checking cotton independently the next year. “At the time, consultants were called bugmen because boll weevils and bollworms were such a nuisance. We made 10-plus insecticide applications per season and were typically held to a 1,000 pounds-per-acre yield cap. We were chasing our tails. Bt technology and herbicide-resistant cotton has changed everything.”
Paul Pilsner’s maternal great grandfather, W.F. Meinke, who farmed cotton in south-central Texas, is pictured in the top photo on the last wagon on the right. His great grandfather, Paul Frank Pilsner, is pictured bottom right at the Shiner Gin & Mill Co., where he worked circa 1910. COURTESY PAUL PILSNER
After harvest season wraps up, Paul Pilsner begins talking with his clients about plans for the next year. From left, cotton farmer Dean Hansen, Danevang, Texas; Pilsner; Yolanda Pilsner; and Ellen Batchelder, Batchelder Farms, Palacios, Texas.
Although it appeared Pilsner was on his way to establishing himself in Texas, a drought in 1990 took him in another direction. He moved to Belle Mina, Alabama, where he worked with cotton consultant Billy Webster. Pilsner soon returned to Texas where he ran the cotton division of Coastal Ag Consulting with David Wilde and Glenn Crane from 1991-2006. He started Pilsner Consulting in 2007. Today, he consults on cotton, grain sorghum and soybeans primarily in Matagorda, Wharton and Fort Bend counties. “For the past few years, I have scaled back to about 15 clients, and most of them have been with me from 15 to 25 years,” Pilsner says. “My philosophy is to treat these farms as if they were mine, and my goal is profitability. “Even when times were tough, my farmers kept growing cotton. They’ve never lost their touch. For example, Dean Hansen has farmed cotton every year and says he will stay with it as long as he can. And so far, we’ve been able to help our clients make money on cotton. “I can’t understate the importance of how blessed we have been to work with this group of farmers. Starting out, I made my share of mistakes, but they’ve stayed with me. We continue to learn and fine-tune techniques to achieve the highest return on investment.” And Pilsner’s farmers think just as highly of him. For example, Gerry Batchelder of Batchelder Farms says she was impressed with Pilsner when she and her husband hired him as their consultant 19 years ago. Batchelder was in a position to judge his work accurately as she had completed a pilot program as a cotton scout with the Extension service in 1976. “Through the years, I have walked many cotton fields as a cotton scout, a scout supervisor in several counties and an independent scout for area producers,” Batchelder says. “More than 20 years’ experience allowed me to make the decision on the accuracy and thoroughness of Paul’s reports. “The first year he checked our cotton, I went behind him to compare my findings to his. His reports were very close to mine. As the year progressed, I became comfortable with Paul and his expertise. I trust him with our cotton and feel fortunate to have such a conscientious, hardworking and caring person as our consultant. I am proud to call him my friend.” On the upper coast of Texas, Pilsner says 90 percent of his acres are dryland. “I always point out that we get about 40 inches of rain a year in this area — 20 inches at planting and 20 inches at harvest,” he says. “I am exaggerating, but not by much. This is supposedly one of the most profitable dryland or rain-fed areas in the United States to grow cotton. In 2002, we had many large fields that yielded 4 bales per acre on dryland. And each year we have pockets that yield like this because of the new varieties that do so well.” Pilsner says several of his farmers are willing to help him with plot work, which allows them to see the newest cotton varieties and chemicals before they are available to the general market. “This enables careful evaluation of adaptability and viability in our region,” he says. “For example, last year one variety was pushed hard for yield and quality even though my research showed it was too full season for us and not consistent in dryland conditions. My recommendation was for faster, more
Flooding from Hurricane Harvey damaged freshly harvested cotton on the upper coast of Texas in early September 2017. The watermark was still evident on this round bale in November.
Two months after Hurricane Harvey, Paul Pilsner inspects a Brazos River bottom field in Fort Bend County. “This field, which went completely underwater, probably would have yielded 3 bales per acre,” he says. “It was completely destroyed.”
drought-tolerate varieties. As it turned out, Hurricane Harvey destroyed the later-maturing varieties while many of the faster-maturing, early varieties were harvested before Harvey hit and brought premium quality.” During the growing season, Pilsner keeps in touch with other consultants as well as industry and Extension personnel across the Cotton Belt. “As consultants, we are not competitive,” he says. “We always reach out to one another to try to come up with answers. I also work with a tight-knit group of industry people to find the best solutions for farmers. And if Extension personnel need to find fields with bad insects or weeds, we help them locate those, too.”
On the cover: Paul Pilsner says this field was picked before Hurricane Harvey descended on the area. “This was my favorite field,” he says. “It made 1,780 pounds per acre and sold for a premium. That’s what gets us up every morning.” PHOTOS COURTESY PAUL PILSNER
The Texas consultant has earned respect not only among his farmers but also among his peers. Lee Hutchins, Crop Management Inc., Sinton, Texas, says, “I will come straight to the point. Paul is very knowledgeable in the cotton business and has done this for many years. He is a top-notch cotton consultant. As a fellow consultant, I visit with Paul many times during the crop year. When I run into a tough situation, I don’t hesitate to call him. Paul has helped me out at times when he was at his busiest, and he doesn’t live next door.” Hunter Wilde, a partner in Anaqua Farms in the Rio Grande Valley, remembers the time a new insect came into the area. He had no idea what it was. “Paul helped me identify and effectively control these pests, which saved our cotton crop,” Wilde says. “If he hadn’t been there to help, we would have lost it all. Most of what I know about cotton farming, I learned from Paul Pilsner.” Ellen Batchelder, Batchelder Farms (left) and Yolanda Pilsner were Ellen, Jeanette and Wesley Batchelder have always “a team” when Batchelder worked as an intern for Pilsner Consulting said this about Pilsner: “Paul is not only our consulduring past summers. Paul Pilsner says Sissy, their terrier mix, is a devoted tant during the cotton season, he is our consultant all pet and always close by. year long. We are blessed to have the Pilsners as our family friends.” When asked his reaction upon learning he was selected as the 2017 Paul Pilsner: Personal & Career History Cotton Consultant of the Year, Pilsner says he was surprised. “My Syngenta rep, Tony Driver, called last fall, and I thought he was going Career to tell me about an upcoming meeting,” he says. “When he gave me the news • Veteran consultant with more than 30 years’ about the award, it was an honor to know the guys I’ve always considered experience. icons of the industry had voted for me. I am humbled to say the least.” • Coastal Ag Consulting, 1991-2006.
• Completed a bachelor of science degree in entomology, Texas A&M University, 1993. • Established Pilsner Consulting in 2007. • Consults on cotton, grain sorghum and soybeans primarily in Matagorda, Wharton and Fort Bend counties. • Conducts research for various companies on cotton varieties, insects, weeds and defoliation. • Research and consulting project locations include Bolivia, Australia and West Texas. • Works with university Extension personnel on cotton field projects. • Texas Plant Protection Texas Consultant of the Year, 2007. • Member of the Texas Association of Agricultural Consultants.
Family Life Pilsner was raised in Victoria, Texas, and now resides in Wharton with his wife, Yolanda, and their terrier mix, Sissy. When time permits, he enjoys surfing. Yolanda, a retired school counselor, used to train the interns during the summer and now manages their consulting business and Pilsner’s travel schedule.
Some of Paul Pilsner’s farmers presented him with an “Our Bug Checker” memento in honor of him being chosen as the 2017 Cotton Consultant of the Year. From left, Ellen Batchelder, Yolanda Pilsner, Paul Pilsner, Dean Hansen, Wesley Batchelder and Jeanette Batchelder.
Cotton Consultant of the Year Award Recipients, 1981-2017 1981 Bob Stanford, Flagstaff, Ariz. 1982 Jep Gates, Memphis, Tenn. 1983 Dennis Bouchard, Minter City, Miss. 1984 John Nickelsen, Shafter, Calif. 1985 Dwight Lincoln, Portland, Ark. 1986 Grady Coburn, Cheneyville, La. 1987 Stanley Nemec, Snook, Texas 1988 Robert Moore, Hartsville, S.C. 1989 Curtis Wilhelm, Harlingen, Texas 1990 Mills Rogers, Cleveland, Miss. 1991 Clyde Sartor, Vicksburg, Miss.
1992 John Christian, Raymondville, Texas 1993 Billy McLawhorn, Cove City, N.C. 1994 Dwain Reed, Courtland, Ala. 1995 Barry Aycock, Parma, Mo. 1996 Ray Young, Wisner, La. 1997 Lonnie Bull, Cameron, S.C. 1998 Chuck Farr, Crawfordsville, Ark. 1999 Bob Griffin, Jonesboro, Ark. 2000 Roger Carter, Clayton, La. 2001 Harold Lambert, Innis, La. 2002 Lee Hutchins, Sinton, Texas
2003 Danny Pierce, Princeton, N.C. 2004 Tucker Miller, Drew, Miss. 2005 John Hunter, Lubbock, Texas 2006 Jack Royal, Leary, Ga. 2007 Danny Moore, Marion, Ark. 2008 Ray Young, Wisner, La. (Lifetime Achievement Award) 2009 Joe Townsend, Coahoma, Miss.
2010 Mark Nemec, Waco, Texas 2011 Virgil King, Lexington, Miss. 2012 Tim White, Jonesville, La. 2013 Bob Glodt, Plainview, Texas 2014 Stan Winslow, Belvidere, N.C. 2015 Wes Briggs, Bainbridge, Ga. 2016 Tim Roberts, Dyersburg, Tenn. 2017 Paul Pilsner, Wharton, Texas
Cotton Farming
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Bill Robertson shows a disintegrated pair of 100 percent cotton briefs that were buried for five weeks in a field with a cover crop, demonstrating active, healthy soil. On the right, a pair of polyester briefs is still intact.
Cover Crop Research
s part of Cotton Incorporated’s sustainability initiative, cotton producers and researchers in the MidSouth continue to look at cover crops to build soil health, affect water quality and pinpoint optimal application for a range of situations. University of Arkansas cotton agronomist Bill Robertson is continuing a program to build soil heath. His initial research results indicate cover crops — including cereal rye — help improve soil moisture, irrigation efficiency, lint yield and profitability. “Cover crops are a building block for soil health,” Robertson says. Microbe Activity The roots of the cover crop open the soil for better irrigation penetration and deeper microbe activity. The microbes have more nutrition available and build structure within the soil, creating a healthier, active environment for crop growth. Robertson visually demonstrated this for a group of visiting brands and retailers in October 2017 at the University of Arkansas Lon Mann Cotton Research Station in Marianna. Five weeks before the visit, Robertson buried men’s underwear in a cotton research plot with the intention of demonstrating microbe activity
in cover crops. When he pulled the garments from the soil for the visiting group, the results were surprising, even for Robertson. There was little or no decomposition to a pair of polyester underwear buried in a low-till field, even with a cover crop. “When I dug up the 100-percent cotton underwear from the low-till plot with a cereal rye cover crop, they fell apart like paper, demonstrating active, healthy soil,” he says. Cover Crops And Water In addition, root action of the cover crop allows the primary crop to absorb moisture deeper within the soil. Robertson says water absorption has tripled in some cases where a
cover crop is used. There is less run off, nutrient applications are more effective, soil loss is curtailed, and applied nutrients remain in the field and are not washed into the environment. The cover crop water component also is being studied by Arlene Adviento-Borbe, a water researcher with the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Adviento–Borbe is primarily concerned with preserving water quality and availability for agriculture in the Delta. About half of the irrigated land in Arkansas is furrow irrigated. Tillage increases water penetration but also increases soil loss and the potential for nutrient loss. In her research this season, Adviento-Borbe will include nitrogen runoff rates and accumulation in fields with winter oats as a cover. West Tennessee Research Researchers at the University of Tennessee Research and Educational Center in Milan have been working with cover crop options for more than 30 years and have established systems that benefit most crops in West Tennessee. Extension specialist Lori Duncan is currently fine-tuning research gathered in Milan. She is studying how to select and manage cover crop species and mixes to maximize benefits for cotton. “Our research has shown that some cover crop species and mixes can be a great tool for weed management, erosion control and even increasing lint yield,” Duncan says. To get maximum benefit from the covers and to qualify for NRCS costshare programs, the cover crop needs to be planted as early as possible. Duncan is focusing how to measure the success of cover crops planted early into a standing cotton crop and the value of planting cover crops late. Duncan also says it appears cover crops help cotton withstand flood and drought conditions. This is because of improved soil structure and increased soil water-holding capacity, echoing findings in other parts of the MidSouth. Brent Murphree is the Cotton’s Board’s regional communication manager for the Mid-South. Email him at bmurphree@ COTTONFARMING.COM
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Specialists Speaking Countdown To Planting Season FLORIDA David Wright Many farmers came through the 2017 season concerned about 2018. Yields in Florida were about 150 pounds per ace below the average for the past few years. Some of this was due to whiteflies, some perhaps due to the early tropical storm and delayed management, and some from hurricane Irma in September. We had cloudy days for much of the fruiting period. As you prepare for 2018, look at variety trials across the region to get the very best variety for your area as that can make a 200-plus pound-per-acre difference in yield. Good rotations have shown to pay year after year, whereas many other treatments may not. Killing cover crops three weeks ahead of planting will reduce soil insects that may attack young seedlings. Cover crops are a good idea as they enhance soil microbial populations that benefit nutrient recycling and increased organic matter while reducing wind and water erosion. Better prices are creating excitement for cotton and an increase in acreage, which will help peanut rotations for the Southeast in coming years.
NORTH CAROLINA Keith Edmisten We encourage growers who have not made variety decisions to use the Cotton Variety Performance Calculator ( Although it is tempting to base decisions on the test located nearest your farm, the best predictor of what will perform best in 2018 is basing decisions on multiple locations, and multiple years where possible. Using multiple locations helps you determine which varieties will perform best in the various environments you are likely to face this year. Yields were generally high in 2017 in both official variety trials (OVTs) and large-plot trials. Using multiyear data when possible for variety comparisons gives you an idea how varieties might perform in a year with more stress than we encountered in 2017. It is rare to not have some cool weather at some point during our optimum planting window. Knowing the cool germination results for each lot of seed you will use helps you in the decision-making process during marginal conditions. It is a good idea to find this out as soon as you receive your seed rather than wait until the hectic planting time. Planting in marginal conditions is more likely to be successful if you are planting shallow with larger seeded varieties with high cool germination values.
TENNESSEE Tyson Raper Seed size can provide insight into the amount of energy stored within the seed and subsequently seedling vigor. While seedling vigor is important across the Cotton Belt, it is particularly important for those along the northern edge who often plant in variable, adverse conditions. Many of the commercially available varieties that performed well during 2017 in the Tennessee variety trials vary significantly with respect to seed size. Seed counts from varieties entered in the Tennessee program can be found at I won’t go into variety specifics here, but I encourage you to know
the seed size of your variety and use this information — along with cold-germ percentages — to guide variety placement, seeding rate and planting date.
MISSISSIPPI Darrin Dodds Unbelievably, the time is drawing closer to put cotton planters in the field. The National Cotton Council recently released its 2018 planting intentions report. Based on data provided, the NCC reports that Mississippi cotton farmers intend to plant 5.5 percent fewer acres in 2018 compared to 2017. However, word on the street is acreage will remain level or potentially increase to some degree this year. In addition, the recent inclusion of cottonseed as a Title 1 commodity has the potential to drive some acres toward cotton. As the growing season is rapidly approaching, there are a number of things folks are considering. Nearly all variety selection and (directly or indirectly) seed treatment choices have been made. Given that most know what they are going to plant, another hot topic is finalizing weed control programs. Most folks have a preferred weed control system they are comfortable with based on experience. However, I am not sure anyone is completely comfortable with dicamba as part of that program after all of the issues last year. Although this product, as well as 2,4-D, brings an additional mode of action to help control problematic broadleaves, including pigweed, many underestimated how telling these products can be when they move off-target. Given all of the negative attention dicamba received last year, 2018 will undoubtedly be a pivotal year for in-season use of this product. While 2,4-D did not receive the attention in 2017 that dicamba did (due in large part to very limited acreage planted to Enlist cotton), excessive off-target movement of 2,4-D in 2018 could put this product in the same precarious position as dicamba is today.
MISSOURI Mike Milam The cotton harvest and ginning season is officially over. The Dec. 14, 2017 Cotton and Wool Outlook has Missouri’s projected yield at 1,172 pounds per acre. One of our greatest concerns this season is to reduce complaints of off-target synthetic auxins. To do this, we have new 24(c) labels with an application cut-off of June 1 in the Bootheel counties. The Missouri Department of Agriculture requires certified applicators to complete online or in-person training before buying or using dicamba. University of Missouri Extension is the sole authorized training source. Only certified applicators may purchase or apply dicamba. Visit to learn more about the state’s requirements. The cost is $30 for either training. For more information, please go to There will be a Missouri Pesticide Collection Event at the Fisher Delta Research Center on Saturday, March 10, 8 a.m.-noon. For questions, call 573-751-0616 or visit COTTONFARMING.COM
Specialists Speaking TEXAS Seth Byrd I hope by the time this issue of Cotton Farming reaches you there has been some relief from the drought that has been gripping the High Plains since last fall. Looking ahead to the 2018 season, spring tillage and residual herbicide applications will likely ramp up in March. Although weed pressure over the winter has been reduced as a result of arid conditions, tillage and/or residuals will still be key to get off to a clean start. Efficient fertilizer use is another critical component to getting off to a good start and ensuring a productive finish. Fertility programs or schedules should consist of two key parts. First, base rates on yield goals that take into account the residual nutrient levels determined though soil sampling. Second, schedule applications around cotton growth stages and corresponding nutrient requirements so that nutrients are efficiently applied and used, and negative impacts on crop maturity are avoided. With cotton acreage in the Texas High Plains likely increasing again in 2018, some rain to get the season started would be welcome.
ARKANSAS Bill Robertson Cotton burndown programs will be put in motion soon. Those who planted a cereal rye cover crop likely did so with the objective of improving soil health and helping with pigweed control. They generally want to delay termination of the rye as long as possible. However, burndown programs should be timed ahead of the planter to address issues related to the “green bridge,” which can facilitate pest movement from a dying cover crop to an emerging crop. Remember that many early season cotton pests overwinter in broadleaf weeds. High levels of broadleaf plants or weeds in your cover crop increase the potential for green bridge issues.
Burning down tall cereal rye four weeks ahead of the planter makes planting more difficult as the rye tends to lodge and twist up. Cutting through lodged residue can be difficult. Starting burndown two weeks ahead of the planter is generally enough time to terminate rye, which typically will still be standing. However, this can be a green bridge problem if difficult to control weeds are also present in the rye. Some prefer to terminate cereal rye in front of or just behind the planter. This can be risky, especially if broadleaf weeds are present. Regardless of herbicide programs prior to planting, Gramoxone and a pyrethroid behind the planter should be part of your pest management program. Our immediate goal for the 2018 crop is to start with a good stand of healthy cotton. This requires fields to be weed-free at planting. A timely and effective burndown program is the first step toward achieving this goal. Contact your county Extension agent for more information.
LOUISIANA Dan Fromme Cotton planting is just around the corner in Louisiana, and now is a good time to review a few key practices to help everyone get off to a great start in 2018. It is always best to plant according to soil temperature and not the calendar. If a field is planted too early, your cotton crop may suffer a stand loss and cold temperature stress, which reduce yield potential. Germination can begin when mean daily temperature is 60 degrees F at seeding depths, but growth will be slow. A soil temperature of 65 degrees F at a depth of 4 inches for three consecutive days and a favorable five-day forecast following planting is best. Also, nighttime minimum temperatures should be forecast to be above 50 degrees F for the following five days. During the critical germination period, soil temperatures below 50 degrees F can cause chilling injury to germinating cotton.
Arkansas cotton specialist Bill Robertson says it’s a good idea to burndown ahead of the planter early enough to terminate the rye but still plant into standing rye.
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Specialists Speaking Emergence generally occurs after accumulation of 50-80 DD60s, or heat units, after planting. Planting should be delayed if the fiveday forecast predicts the accumulation of less than 25 heat units after planting. The minimum plant population in the final plant stand should be no less than two healthy plants per foot. Creating a pest-free seedbed is critical to avoid problems from cutworms and spider mites. Pre-plant, burndown herbicide applications should be made at least four weeks prior to planting to ensure no green vegetation is in the field for these pests to survive. It is equally important to eliminate weedy host plants on field borders to reduce insect pest problems that might move into adjacent cotton fields later on. The 2018 Louisiana Weed Management and Insect Management Guides are available at Once you have reached the website, go to crops>cotton>weeds or crops>cotton>insects. Best of luck in 2018!
TEXAS Gaylon Morgan Cotton planting in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and Coastal Bend is slower this season due to coolerthan-normal temperatures in January and February. Additionally, adequate soil moisture is not available for stand establishment in the LRGV and parts of the Upper Gulf Coast region. Most of the fertilized has been applied in the Upper Gulf Coast. The region also has good soil moisture and is expected to have a double-digit increase in cotton acreage. The Blacklands of Texas and Rolling Plains are classified in a moderate to extreme drought at this point. Long-term weather predictions are for above-normal temperatures through planting season and below-normal precipitation in the western part of the state. For now, the cooler-than-normal temperatures have stretched into February, and growers in the southern and eastern portion of the state need to pay attention to soil temperatures and realize that our planting dates may be pushed back. Warm soil temperatures (greater than 60 degrees F) increase the rate of emergence and cotton seedling vigor. When pushing for early planting, fungicide seed treatments provide more value, and it is more important to pay attention to the cool:warm vigor ratings of each variety and seed lot. With dry conditions affecting much of South and East Texas, there will likely be some value in reducing early season input costs, such as planning for split applications of nitrogen fertilizer, crediting soil residual nitrogen and reducing seeding rates. Cotton has a tremendous ability to compensate for lower stands; however, seed quality becomes much more important. If you have questions on an adequate stand, please feel free to contact me to discuss because it varies by region and irrigated versus dryland.
ARIZONA Randy Norton Planting season is upon us in the western deserts of Arizona and will begin across the central deserts and towards eastern Arizona soon. Variety selection decisions have been made, and planting seed is already in the barn. It is important to know about new technologies available in many varieties for 2018 that give us additional options for weed control in our production systems. Dicamba tolerance is now fully registered with both tolerant cotton varieties and the proper chemical formulations (XtendiMax from
Monsanto and Engenia from BASF) to use with them. Cotton varieties tolerant to Enlist Duo herbicide from Dow are also available. Enlist Duo is currently registered for use in all Arizona counties except Yuma, La Paz, Maricopa, Pinal and Pima. Use of either of these new technologies will have a potential fit in certain areas of the state where emerging populations of glyphosate-resistant weed species — specifically pigweed — have been documented. If you choose to use this new technology, it is critical that you read and follow the label and supplemental labels for the herbicide products to ensure applying them in a manner consistent with effective use. Parameters such as wind speed, nozzle type and pressure, boom height, sprayer speed, water conditioners, tankmix partners, etc., are all specified in the labels and must be followed carefully to get the most out of these new technologies. Another critical factor to consider when using these herbicides is tank cleanout. Triple rinse procedures are required when using any of the new phenoxy herbicide formulations. Monsanto, BASF and Dow have developed websites to provide the latest information available for these products and can be found at: and for the dicamba products and at for the 2,4-D product. If you have additional questions, contact your specific company (Monsanto, Dow or BASF) representative or the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension office in your area.
CALIFORNIA Bob Hutmacher Heading into the 2018 growing season, the biggest “maybe” out there again is irrigation water supplies and lack of rain and snow to date. Water supply issues are not yet a “done deal” for 2018. We are still hoping for some rain and snow and better decisions and release of workable amounts of water for California farmers out of existing storage. Uncertain irrigation water supply situations will likely again result in a range of strategies for pre-plant and early season irrigations, and these will affect irrigation scheduling and strategies for the rest of the growing season. This “set-up” to the growing season could again make decisions on which fields to plant or fallow, timing of pre-plant irrigations, and first post-planting irrigation more difficult. Yield data summaries from University of California variety trials (Pima, Upland-Acala larger scale and Upland Advanced Strains trials) are available in the variety data section of the University of California cotton website: Since Fusarium race 4 can also be an issue in some fields, tables showing relative varietal resistance under Fusarium race 4 disease pressure are also available on the same website. Irrigation water availability issues may make it valuable to try out a range of cotton varieties that differ in required or desired growing season length. All cotton varieties can be managed to shorten up the growing season by reductions or delays in irrigation, more aggressive PGR applications and other management efforts. But varieties and types of cotton (non-Acala Upland, Acala, Pima) differ in how much you can shorten up the growing season, yield reductions and potential for impacts on quality. Although we know about relative salinity tolerance of cotton compared with some other agronomic crops, there aren’t many recent evaluations that look at relative salt tolerance and production under saline conditions. Some of these comparisons might warrant strip tests or other on-farm variety comparisons as you plan your planting season. COTTONFARMING.COM
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A strong ong herbicide program pr starts with a strong foundation. oundation. Which is why more e soybean and en alternative al to glyphosate forr resistant cotton growerss choose InterlineŽ from UPI. A proven vides over-the-top controll off marestail, estail, pigweed, ragweed and wat aterhemp, weeds which provides o as welll as a variety off otherr broadleaff weeds eeds and gr grasses. Year after year,r, growers count on UPI for a reliable e supply off glufosinate. And you can, too. Because at UPI, our goal is to build your trust. To place your order, ontact your area UPI sales rep or distributor.r. r, contact Always read and follow label directions ections and precautions. pr Interline and UPI logo are trademarks off United nited Phosphorus, Inc. I ŠFebruary, 2018. UPI, 630 Freedom eedom Business Center, Cen King off P Prussia, russia, PA 19406.
Staying The Course Cotton Farmers And Ginners Gather To Share Ideas And Honor Peers BY CARROLL SMITH EDITOR
Focus On Issues At Hand The theme of the event was “Staying the Course,” and the General Session featured an outstanding lineup of topics and speakers. Joe Nicosia, Allenberg, Memphis, Tennessee, presented the Cotton Situation & Outlook, and Cotton Council International Executive Director Bruce Atherley gave the CCI update. The morning session wrapped up with the National Cotton Ginners’ update from David Blakemore and Chairman David Dunlow’s report from the Committee for the Advancement of Southeast Cotton (CASC). Breakout sessions featured panel discussions on topics that included a cottonseed update, H-2A and how it works, and plastic contamination. Regional Forum And Recognition During the Annual Meeting, which kicked off Saturday morning, keynote speaker Harry Ott, South Carolina Farm Bureau president, addressed the audience. Berrye Worsham, Cotton Incorporated president and CEO, and Ronnie Lee, 2017 National
he Annual Meeting of the Southern Cotton Growers and the Southeastern Cotton Ginners Association was held recently in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Participants from across the Southeast came together to address important issues that affect the industry on regional, national and international levels. The event opened with state, committee, and Board of Directors’ meetings for both groups. Attendees also were encouraged to visit the trade show, which showcased numerous products and services, and participate in networking during what has been coined “hallway seminars” between meetings.
Len Alphin, co-owner of Commonwealth Gin, Windsor, Virginia, received the traditional gin saw after being named the 2017 Southeast Ginner of the Year. Joining Alphin after the award ceremony are, from left, his wife, Jane; daughter, Amber; son-in-law, Joseph Saunders; Sandy Mayo; electrician, Stanley Mayo; future daughter-in-law, Angela Vongphakdy; son, Bruce; Len; brother, Tom; nephew, Chris; and agronomist, Johnny Parker. Commonwealth Gin is a full service cotton company, providing ginning, marketing, warehousing and production assistance to its customers. Ronnie Lee, Bronwood, Georgia, delivered the National Cotton Council update during the Southern-Southeastern Annual Meeting on Saturday morning. Lee was NCC chairman for 2017. As the managing partner of Lee Farms, he raises cotton, corn, peanuts, small grains, hay, pecans and cattle in Terrell, Lee and Sumter counties. Lee also owns and operates McCleskey Cotton Company.
Cotton Council chairman, provided cotton organization updates. At the close of the event, special awards were announced. Len Alphin, co-owner of Commonwealth Gin, Windsor, Virginia, was named the 2017 Southeast Ginner of the Year,
and Mike Tate was presented with the Cotton Producer Recognition Award. Southern Southeastern represents cotton growers and ginners throughout Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. The Annual Meeting, which is always held early in the year, provides a regional forum in a relaxed COTTONFARMING.COM
Southern Cotton Growers Officers • Chairman of the Board: J.W. Jones, Windsor, Virginia • President: Neal Isbell, Muscle Shoals, Alabama • 1st Vice President: Lee Cromley, Brooklet, Georgia • 2nd Vice President: Rusty Darby, Chester South Carolina • Treasurer: Joe Martin, Conway, North Carolina • Secretary: Philip Edwards, III, Smithfield, Virginia • Executive Committee: Nick McMichen, Centre, Alabama • CEO: David Ruppenicker, Dawsonville, Georgia
Southeastern Cotton Ginners Association Officers • Chairman of the Board: Kent Fountain, Surrency, Georgia • President: Wes Morgan, New London, North Carolina • Vice President: Drake Perrow, Cameron, South Carolina • Secretary: Steve Sterling, Tuscumbia, Alabama
Ronnie Fleming, right, Southern Cotton Growers past president, Scotland Neck, North Carolina, presents Mike Tate, Huntsville, Alabama, with the Cotton Producer Recognition Award. Tate operates a 6,000-acre family farm with a crop mix of cotton, corn, wheat, soybeans and pumpkins. He is past president of Southern Cotton Growers, past chairman of the American Cotton Producers–National Cotton Council and a longtime director to Cotton Incorporated.
• Treasurer: Ben Evans, Douglas, Georgia • Chief Executive Officer: Dennis S. “Dusty” Findley, Dawsonville, Georgia • President’s Advisory Committee: Robert Waters, Scotland Neck, North Carolina; Richard Lindsey, Centre, Alabama
venue in which the farming and ginning segments can gather to learn as well as enjoy fellowship. The 2019 meeting will be held Jan. 16-19 at the Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. To learn more about the organization, please visit www.
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Industry News Texan To Lead The National Cotton Council In 2018 Ron Craft, a cotton producer and fifth-generation ginner from Plains, Texas, was elected National Cotton Council chairman for 2018. Named during the NCC’s 2018 annual meeting, Craft moves up from NCC vice chairman to succeed Ronnie Lee, a cotton producer from Bronwood, Georgia. Active in state and national farm and gin organizations, Craft has held numerous NCC leadership positions. Among those are director, chairman of the Packaging and Distribution Committee, and member of the Executive Committee, Cotton Flow Committee and Quality Task Force. Craft also was chairman of the National Cotton Ginners’ Association in 2017, after serving as its president in 2016. He is a member and past president of the Plains Ginners, Texas Independent Ginners and Texas Cotton Ginners associations. He also is the secretary and treasurer of the Yoakum County Farm Bureau. Craft, the owner of New-Tex Gin Company in Plains, also is a co-owner of Lov-Cot Warehouse in Lubbock.
Syngenta Herbicides Cleared For Tankmixes This Season The Environmental Protection Agency says several Syngenta herbicide tankmix options have been cleared for inclusion with XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology and Engenia herbicides. These herbicides will be available for use on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans and Bollgard II XtendFlex cotton traits. Syngenta herbicide tankmix options* now include the following products: Boundary, BroadAxe XC, Caparol, Dual Magnum, Flexstar (currently for XtendiMax only), Prefix, Reflex and Sequence. “The Syngenta soybean and cotton portfolios provide the most effective dicamba spray programs through overlapping residual applications and multiple effective modes of action,” says John Appel, herbicide product lead, Syngenta. Syngenta herbicides cleared for tankmixing with XtendiMax and Engenia may be used only when listed on the following websites, which will happen with-
in 90 days of EPA clearance: www. XtendiMaxApplicationRequirements. com and Syngenta does not recommend using dicamba herbicide tankmixes until they are posted on these websites. Syngenta is also currently pursuing dicamba tankmix clearance for Envoke, Flexstar (with Engenia), Fusilade DX and Gramoxone SL 2.0 herbicides. *Check www.XtendiMaxApplica and www. for approved drift-reduction agents.
CFBF Seeks Alternative Immigration Solution As the U.S. House of Representatives continues discussion on proposed immigration legislation, the California Farm Bureau Federation says it cannot support a part of the bill that addresses agricultural employees. Now before Congress, H.R. 4760, the Securing America’s Future Act, would fund a border wall and address internal immigration enforcement and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. It also includes an Agricultural Guestworker Act, or AG Act, which would create a new agricultural visa program. CFBF President Jamie Johansson says the AG Act, in its current form, contains a number of features that would harm the current immigrant employees on whom California farms and ranches depend. It also would mandate use of the E-Verify electronic workplace-eligibility system, which could affect a large proportion of current agricultural employees. “As now written, the AG Act just wouldn’t work for California farms and ranches,” Johansson says. Johansson says CFBF and other organizations have offered a number of recommendations for creating a more practical and flexible program to allow people from other countries to enter the U.S. to work on farms and ranches. “As the largest agricultural organization in the largest agricultural state, we must advocate for a solution that works for our members and their employees,” Johansson says. “For California farmers and ranchers,
the combination of the AG Act and E-Verify would worsen chronic agricultural employee shortages. We will press for a better solution.”
American Cotton Producers Chairman Elected Shawn Holladay of Lubbock, Texas, was elected chairman of the American Cotton Producers of the National Cotton Council for 2018, during the NCC’s annual meeting in Fort Worth, Texas. Currently an NCC director, he has chaired the ACP’s Farm Policy Task Force and served on various ACP and NCC committees and task forces. Elected as ACP vice chairmen were Jason Condrey of Lake Providence, Louisiana, Dan Thelander of Maricopa, Arizona; and Neal Isbell of Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Elected as ACP producer directors were James Jones of Windsor, Virginia, representing the Southeast region; Patrick Johnson of Tunica, Mississippi, representing the MidSouth; Doyle Schniers of San Angelo, Texas, representing the Southwest; and Mark McKean, Riverdale, California; representing Far West. Shawn Holladay, Lubbock, Texas, was re-elected to serve as the ACP’s at-large director. Serving as ACP state producer chairmen in 2018 will be: Alabama – Nick McMichen, Centre, and Ricky Wiggins, Andalusia; Arizona – Gregory Wuertz, Casa Grande, and K.C. Gingg, Buckeye; Arkansas – Nathan Reed, Marianna; California – Gary Martin, Firebaugh. Florida – Nick Marshall, Baker; Georgia – Matt Coley, Vienna, and Chad Mathis, Jr., Arlington; Kansas – Kent Goyen, Pratt; Louisiana – Ben Guthrie, Newellton; Mississippi – Ted Kendall, IV, Bolton; Missouri/Illinois – Chris Porter, Essex, Missouri; New Mexico – Dean Calvani, Carlsbad; North Carolina – Andrew Burleson, New London; and Rob Fleming, Jr., Zebulon. Oklahoma – Mark Nichols, Altus; South Carolina – William Bull, Cameron; and Daniel Baxley, Dillon; Tennessee/Kentucky – John Lindamood, Tiptonville, Tennessee; Texas – Richard Gaona, Roby; Craig Heinrich, Lubbock; and Toby Robertson, Corpus Christi; and Virginia – James Ferguson, Emporia. COTTONFARMING.COM
Dwayne Alford, center, is the recipient of the 2017 Horace Hayden National Cotton Ginner of the Year award. Corecipients of the National Cotton Ginners Association’s 2017-18 Charles C. Owen Distinguished Service Award are Dale Thompson, left, and Ross Rutherford. The awards were recently presented at the 2018 NCGA Annual Meeting.
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National Cotton Ginners Association Presents Awards, Elects New Officers
Dwayne Alford’s Accomplishments Over the past 14 years, Alford’s professionalism and integrity helped advance the ginning industry. He was a graduate of the National Cotton Council’s 2007 Cotton Leadership Program. Alford also served as an NCC ginner delegate, as an NCC director and chaired multiple NCC committees, among them the Research and Education Program Committee and the Joint Cotton Industry Bale Packaging Committee. A former president of the Arizona Cotton Ginners Association, he also served as NCGA’s president in 2014 and chaired several of its committees and subcommittees. TWITTER TWITTER : @C : @C OTTON OTTON FARMING FARMING
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Cotton Ginners Marketplace
Dwayne Alford, former manager and vice president of YUCO Gin, and who provided several years of dedicated service to the U.S. cotton industry, is the 2017 Horace Hayden National Cotton Ginner of the Year. The annual National Cotton Ginners Association’s award is presented to a ginner in recognition of: 1) able, efficient and faithful service to the ginning industry and 2) continuing those principles exemplified and practiced by Horace Hayden, a former NCGA executive secretary. Alford, who received the award at NCGA’s recent 2018 annual meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, grew up in Tucson, Arizona, and earned a bachelor of science degree in business administration from the University of Arizona before beginning his agriculture career in 1991. Since joining YUCO Gin in 2003, he has made several cost-cutting improvements to that operation.
Outgoing NCGA President David Blakemore says one of Alford’s lasting accomplishments was the push to adopt a unique logo for bale packaging that would allow U.S. bales to be distinguishable in foreign warehouses. In just a few years’ time, the U.S. cotton industry adopted the “COTTON USA” logo, which now is being used on most U.S. cotton bales.
Rutherford And Thompson Honored Blakemore also recognized Lummus Corp. employee Ross Rutherford and NCC staffer Dale Thompson as co-recipients of the NCGA’s 2017-18 Charles C. Owen Distinguished Service Award. This award honors those who have provided a career of distinguished service to the U.S. ginning industry. Rutherford, a Texas native, went to work for Lummus Industries as a field engineer in Lubbock, Texas, after earning his bachelor of science degree in agricultural engineering from Texas A&M University in 1983. After working in various positions with the company, including in Fresno, California, and in Columbus, Geogia, Rutherford returned to Lubbock where he currently serves as product general manager. In that position, he oversees the gin machinery product line regarding size and scope of product offerings, including product features and options and costing/pricing for sales. A long-time member of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Rutherford also teaches classes at the NCGA’s three annual ginner schools and provides technical support and instruction for the schools’ continuing education level classes. Thompson, who was raised on a cotton farm near
RAM MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1333 E. 44th. ST. Lubbock, TX 79404 806-745-5552 Fax: 806-745-5582
Lummus Corporation has available the following quality, high-capacity used gin machinery. All machinery is offered “as is, where is” (unless noted otherwise) and is subject to prior sale. “As is” machinery can be repaired/reconditioned for an additional charge. 1 – Consolidated 96” R-5000 Stick Machine* 2 – Consolidated 120” R-5000 Stick Machines* 1 – Lummus 60” overshot Standard Battery Condenser* 1 – Consolidated 72” undershot Standard Battery Condenser* 1 – Consolidated 72” undershot MC Battery Condenser*
Cotton Ginners Marketplace
1 – Belt-Wide 75-HP Flooded-Suction Hydraulic Booster Pumping Unit 1 – Lubbock Electric Hydraulic Pumping Unit for Gin Dor-Les® or E.E. Dor-Les® Press (single reservoir with multiple motor/pump groups) 1 – Lummus Bale Handling System for up-packing press 1 – Lot, miscellaneous Burner and Moisture Unit components (contact us for details) * - does not include any Steel Supports or Platforms
1 - Complete 2/141 Gin Plant consisting of: Unloading System with 15” diameter single-lane Powered Telescope, Rock Trap with Trash Vacuum, 72” Unloading Separator/Feed Control with Vacuum Wheel and Flight-Saver, and No. 50 Unloading Fan; First-Stage Drying/Precleaning System with Continental 3 MBTU Burner and No. 40 Push Fan, 54” Tower Dryer, 96” Continental Inclined Cleaner with Vacuum Wheel over 96” Horn 3-Saw Stick Machine (with double 96” x 24” Vacuum Wheels), Second-Stage Drying/Precleaning System with Continental 3 MBTU Burner and No. 40 Push Fan, 54” Tower Dryer, 96” Continental Inclined Cleaner with Vacuum Wheel over 96” Continental 2-Saw Stick Machine; Distribution/Overflow System with Continental 2-Stand Conveyor Distributor and 72” Automatic Overflow Hopper with Breaker Cylinder; Feeding/Ginning System with two (2) Continental 141-Saw Gins (converted) and 96” Comet Supreme Feeders; Lint Cleaning System with four (4) 66” wide Continental 16-D Lint Cleaners (two tandem arrangements); Condensing/Pressing System with 50” Moss Battery Condenser, 20” x 54” Continental Bespress, and Bale Handling System with Bale Push Cart (manual) and Bagger (powered); five (5) Smith 35/40 Centrifugal Fans (only one season of operation)
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Bula, Texas, earned a degree in mechanized agriculture at Texas Tech University. After farming and custom cotton harvesting for several years, he joined the NCC as a Texas field representative in 1984. In 2001, he became the manager of Marketing and Processing Technology in the NCC’s Technical Services Department in Memphis. In that role, he has provided staffing for the NCC’s Joint Cotton Industry Bale Packaging Committee, its Cotton Flow Committee and its Packaging and Distribution Committee. Thompson also has helped coordinate the seed late 3/7/14 3:26 NCC’s PM Page 1 cotton and lint contamination prevention efforts.
New Officers Elected
Advertise in Cotton Ginners Marketplace
During its annual meeting, the NCGA elected its 2018 officers: president – Stanley Creelman, Tulare, California; first vice president – Wes Morgan, New London, North Carolina; second vice president – Curtis Stewart, Spade, Texas; third vice president – George LaCour Jr., Morganza, Louisiana; and chairman – David Blakemore, Campbell, Missouri. Harrison Ashley, Cordova, Tennessee, serves as NCGA’s executive vice president. The National Cotton Council provided this information.
Cotton’s Calendar
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Cotton Ginners Marketplace
My Turn
Pray For Rain
u r i n g t h e l a t e A&M University system and worked there until 1950s through the Nov. 31, 2013. I started my career as a county agent, early ’70s, I was then an integrated pest management agent and finblessed to grow up ished as an Extension agronomist. Eleven of those in the Coastal Bend region of years were extremely rewarding and an invaluable Texas in a farming communi- experience relating to cotton. This was when I worked as an IPM agent. Part of ty called West Sinton, which was composed of a church, the job was scouting cotton fields in a three-county a grocery store and a cotton area. If you want to learn about cotton, this is the gin. The nearest towns were way to get started. Working with good cotton proanywhere from 10-14 miles ducers on a daily basis is a lot of fun and rewarding. Dan As my boss, Dr. Tom Fuchs, use to say, this is away. It was country life at where the rubber meets the road. At the end of the its finest. Fromme Some of my first memories season, it was always a great feeling to say it was about cotton included when time to defoliate. As an Extension agronomist, my people arrived every summer to help us pick our geographical area was from Brownsville to Houston. cotton. I always looked forward to this because they No matter where I went, there were always people would bring their children, and I would have some- in the cotton industry who wanted to work with you one to play with during part of the summer. My first and support you. From there, I moved to Louisiana and currentexperience picking cotton was when I was about 5 ly work for the LSU years old, and my mother AgCenter as the state made a cotton sack for me “I prayed for rain, and guess cotton, corn and grain out of an old pillowcase. what, I got my baseball bat!” sorghum specialist. After T h e n o n e s u m m e r, working the entire Texas our first cotton stripper arrived and this dramatically changed things. Other Gulf Coast, moving to Louisiana just reaffirmed memories included playing in the cotton trailers, what I have always said: There is no cookbook taking the trailers to the gin, helping our county approach to growing cotton. You realize very quickly that each different cotagent hand harvest some of the variety trials and swimming in the irrigation ditches. During elemen- ton production region has its own unique problems tary school, I realized how important weather was to or challenges. All the different environments in which cotton can be grown are amazing. With the our lives. I asked my mother one day if I could have a new decreased cotton acres in Louisiana, it is always a baseball bat, and she replied only if we get 2 inches sad feeling when you drive by a gin that is no longer of rain during the next couple of weeks. I prayed for in business, reminding us how the farming commurain and guess what happened? I got my baseball bat! nities have changed. In looking back over the past 35 seasons, I have My college education began at Texas Tech University as a crops’ major in 1975. I still remem- prayed for rain many times since the first time when ber the class I took on cotton production, taught by I wanted that baseball bat. Sometimes, I pray for it to Dr. Dan Krieg. Also, my undergraduate adviser was stop raining in Louisiana. Also, learning to pick cotDr. Jack Gipson. He had a huge impact on the direc- ton at an early age came in handy later on in my life. No matter if it is in Texas or Louisiana, there are tion I would take later in life. While attending Texas Tech, my only claim to good people out there in the cotton patch to work fame occurred in 1976 and 1978. That is when I with you and support your efforts in bringing the drove a John Deere 482 cotton stripper from universities’ knowledge and recommendations to the Lubbock, Texas, to 15 miles north of Corpus Christi, people. — Dan Fromme Texas. Traveling at 16 mph, you had plenty of time Research and Extension Agronomist, LSU AgCenter to see and think about different things. On Dec. 1, 1983, I began my career with the Texas
Cotton Farming’s back page is devoted to telling unusual “farm tales” or timely stories from across the Cotton Belt. Now it’s your turn. If you’ve got an interesting story to tell, send a short summary to We look forward to hearing from you.
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