My Turn My Career In One Word — “Blessed”
grew up from humble Last week marks 10 years since we lost him. There beginnings in a family are so many things I’d like to talk to him about. of four in Northampton We don’t actively row-crop farm anymore and County, North Caro- gardens are fewer and smaller. Fortunately, I now lina, on my grandfather’s do on-farm cotton trials in the same fields I used to farm. We had a simple child- tend when my foot could barely reach the clutch on hood, although we didn’t the tractor. When I was 16, I deviated from my peaknow it because we had plen- nut upbringing and began work as a cotton scout for ty. My family was always big Roanoke-Chowan Consulting & Research. My pason education and working to sion for cotton began during this time. earn your keep. There were In the summer of 2001, I struck out West for a Guy no allowances. There was summer job in Lubbock, Texas, to work in the weed Collins also no heat, air condition- science program. I worked in cotton and peanut ing or television. research trials, which was my first exposure to activeAs far back as I can remember, our lives centered ly conducting applied research. The experience was around the farm. I was 10 to 12 years old when I grad- good in many ways, especially growing cotton in a uated from tending gardens to an actual paycheck climate altogether foreign to me. working on the farm. My grandfather was a peanut I started the cotton Extension graduate program man, through and through. His farm priorities were in 2004, under the direction of Dr. Keith Edmisten, peanuts first, cows second and everything else (cot- and went right on through my Ph.D. program with ton, wheat, corn) a distant third. him as well. I was fortunate to learn under him then My first appreciation for Extension came through and still do now. My first “real” job came in 2009 the Peanut Variety and as Extension cotton speQuality Evaluation pro“I reflect on my career fondly and cialist for the University gram — a collaborative of Georgia. I worked to look forward to a bright future.” identify a replacement(s) effort between North Carolina State University for DP 555, which was no and Virginia Tech. My grandfather hosted research small task. Dr. Jared Whitaker and I embarked on a trials each year. If we were lucky enough for the field robust on-farm cotton variety testing program. day stop at our farm to be after school, we got to go. After five years, we returned to North Carolina in They always had the coldest drinks, and I loved the early 2015, and I began my current career as one of excitement of growers and scientists coming to our two cotton specialists at NCSU. Few people are fortufarm. My grandfather appreciated Extension and nate enough to work with their mentor, but I am. I’m university research, and I came to see the incalculable also blessed to work with some excellent colleagues in value in it as well. other cotton disciplines and have enjoyed the comBy the time I was coming along, my grandfather radery with our colleagues in other states. was getting up in years. When cotton made its comeAs I reflect on my career, I’m reminded of how all back in the late 80s and early 90s, it was a little late for the successes we’ve had in the cotton industry happen him to invest in cotton equipment. Our cotton acres when we come together and support one another. I’m were share-cropped out. However, I can remember fortunate to work with some of the best growers and packing cotton in trailers for friends whose fathers others in the best industry. I’m thankful for those grew it. I can also remember when the first module who took a chance on me and have supported me builders showed up. If I remember right, a new one along the way. I reflect on my career fondly and look cost between $30,000 to $40,000. My grandfather forward to a bright future for years to come. thought it would be hard for anyone to justify the cost of such a luxury. That’s laughable now. My grandfa— Guy Collins ther farmed full-time for 60 crops, beginning in 1946 Raleigh, North Carolina with mules and tenant farms. He retired at 88. Cotton Farming’s back page is devoted to telling unusual “farm tales” or timely stories from across the Cotton Belt. Now it’s your turn. If you’ve got an interesting story to tell, send a short summary to We look forward to hearing from you.