Stories from our forest project farmers:
Aris is one of the farmers participating in
“I’m really thankful for the opportunity
the ONEHOPE Reforestation Project. He
to grow these seedlings,” says Pak
lives in Selogiri, located in Java, Indonesia
Sito, a 50-year-old farmer from Selogiri
with his wife, two children and father-in-law.
participating in the ONEHOPE Reforestation
He makes his living by planting trees and
Project. He lives with his wife, children and
working part-time in other farmers’ fields.
grandchildren and has been making his
Through ONEHOPE and Trees4Trees’
living as a farmer for many years.
efforts, Aris received mangosteen, soursop
By participating in the Trees4Trees
and coffee seedlings. “I’m very happy
program, he has gained access to more
for the seedlings. The fruit will be very
seedlings and training. As a result, he’s
beneficial to my family,” he said happily. The
been able to grow more valuable trees,
program also provides regular monitoring
like albasia, soursop, teak and coffee.
for the farmers’ trees. Aris says that
He told us he felt grateful to be a part of
with this support, he expects to see an
the program and looks forward to taking
increased crop yield and income from his
proper care of his seedlings and making
new seedlings.
sure they grow well and are productive.