2 minute read
4.0 Core Design Principles
04 Community Values
4.1 Aspirations
4.1.1 To translate words into action it is essential that the Design Code is rooted in the aspirations set by the Project Overview, so as to improve lives and support communities.
4.1.2 To ensure that these key tenets are carried through as placemaking principles the Design Code will demonstrate both how the parameter plans facilitate, and future applications must accord with, the following commitments on Healthy Community, Prosperous Place and Green Borough.
Healthy Community
Improve the health and wellbeing of the people who live and work in the development and its communities to facilitate long, healthy and happy lives
Putting health and wellbeing at the core of design decision making;
Including high quality formal and informal sports, community and arts facilities that promote physical activity;
Enable healthier lifestyles by prioritising non-motorised transport and providing a high quality and safe movement network across the site and into the surrounding network which puts pedestrians and cyclists first; Development that meets a number of specialist needs including the challenges presented by an aging population such as being dementia friendly; and
Tackling social deprivation and empowering social cohesion by providing a mix of housing sizes and tenures that are treated equally.
Green Borough
Prosperous Place
Create a place with excellent employment and training opportunities where new and growing businesses want to locate. Provide high quality housing that meet local needs with good infrastructure to support growth
Making efficient use of land to provide homes to meet the needs of the local population and wider Borough;
Delivering a mix of housing types, tenures and sizes so that all parts of the community can access the development and contribute to the local economy;
Taking an infrastructure first approach to integrate key services and facilities to make the development an attractive place to live, work and invest; Encouraging a range of employment types, levels and sectors to support wider inward investment strategies;
Provide an environment where both residential and employment uses can flourish without tension;
Create a vibrant local centre to meet the needs of the local community; and,
Integrate accessible community facilities for the benefit of all.
Green Borough
Leading by example by using resources efficiently and developing innovative solutions to help shape the quality of space for all
Delivering a landscape led development that builds upon the sites existing natural capital to deliver a usable network of high-quality green corridors to support wildlife, recreation and the movement of residents;
Protecting and enhancing ecological networks to achieve net biodiversity gain through supporting local biodiversity and habitats;
Tackling congestion through a clear movement hierarchy through and within the site; Providing excellent air quality;
Integrating sustainable transport options that are communicated effectively to remove barriers to use;
Minimising the use of natural resources with a low carbon approach that manages the production, reuse and recycling of waste, water and other natural commodities; and,
Minimising energy consumption and maximising energy generation through incorporating renewable technologies and driving energy efficiency.
2. Eastleigh Borough Council Corporate Priorities