one landscape book 2015

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i d ea . t ea m . works

英国景观学会 注册执业公司

idea . team . works 理念 、 团队 、 经验




ONE idea


ONE team

一林经验 酒店旅游 住宅 学院 + 研发机构 商业 + 综合发展 公园 + 公共建设 公共艺术 总体规 划

ONE works hospitality residential education + institutions commercial + mixed use parks + public realm public art masterplanning




ONE idea

一林景观设计有限公司是一所 针对 创造高端当代景观、城市设计、公共艺术及环境 规 划的精品设计工作室。其办 公室总部位于香港及新加坡,设计项目区域主要包括中国、东南亚、印度及中东。 一林 着重 建 筑、景观 和艺 术的 融合。我们的設 計 理念是 从项目所在地的文化、历史、地 理等纹 理中汲取 灵 感,並 从而整合为一个设计的“大概念“, 透过空间及不同层次的设计元素巧妙呈现,大大提高使用者的感官体验,深 刻使用者对地 域及项目特性的认知。我们的设计宗旨是将室內及室外环境无缝地合为一体,充分融入硬景及设计 元素,演绎 令人难忘的“艺术空间“。

ONE is a boutique design studio that specializes in high-end contemporary landscape architecture, urban design, public art and environmental planning in China, Southeast Asia, India and Middle East with head office in Hong Kong and Singapore. ONE places a lot of emphasis in the integration of architecture, landscape and arts. ONE’s design philosophy is to draw inspirations from the culture and texture of the origin of site, and develop into one ‘big idea’ that transpires into physcial spaces and tangible design elements which could be experienced by visitors and users, enhancing the awareness of the spatial and development identity. The objective is to create a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor environment, as well as full integration of construction elements and design works, resulting in memorable ‘artscapes’.


i ns piration development identity 项目特 性

地 域元素


spatial synergy




sustainable approach


可持 续性


identity 特性

landscape features 设计元素


art features 艺术元素



e lements 设计元素

texture 纹理

i nteg rat i on 设计融合

地 域元素

or ig in


i nte g ration


e lements

从项目所在地的文化、历史、地理等纹理中汲取灵感,並从而整合为一个设计的“大概念“, 透过空

drawing inspirations from the origin of site, generates one “big idea” that transpires


地 域元素

e lements


i nteg rat i on


间及不同层次的园林设计元素巧妙呈现,大大提高使用者的感官体验,演绎令人难忘的 ‘艺术空间‘。

into physical spaces and tangible design elements, resulting in memorable ‘artscapes’.




ONE team

一林团队 是由经验丰富的专业设 计师 组 成,他们拥有总体规 划,建 筑设 计,景观园林 等多学科背景,同时有专业 的三维视觉艺术顾问和园艺设计顾问参与。 几位主要的设计师曾经参与多种设计项目,内容包括 酒店度假,综合发展,商业,住宅和公共休闲场所,项目横跨 亚洲,欧洲,中东等多个国家和地区。这是一支专注而高效的团队,团队 成员从08年开始合作至今,以创作出高质 量个性鲜明的设计作为宗旨,并将继续这个共同的理念。

The team is made up of experienced and talented designers of multi-disciplinary background including masterplanning, architecture and landscape design, as well as specialized consultants in 3D visualization and horticulture. Individually and collectively, the key designers have completed a vast spectrum of projects including hospitality, mixed-use, commercial, residential and public realm of various scales in Asia, Europe and Middle East. The team is focused and efficient as all staffs are well known to each other from working together in previous design consultant office since 2008, and they continue to strive for a common objective to produce quality design with ingenuity and individuality in ONE.


ONE collaboration

一林非常注重周详的设计过程 及设计意念的实施。 除了一林工作室内具创意的设计团队,一林亦拥有专业的园艺和三维视觉艺术顾问作为固定的合作伙伴,同时与 国际知名公司UA P紧密合作,从不同专业领域出发,确保满足设计细节、高水平设计效果及建设质素。 一林 與UA P在设计和实施阶段都维持 着紧密的联 系合作,创作独特的园林设计 组件如屏風、室 外家具等。UA P能 有效对特 制设计组件的制作及装置等提供专业技术意见及方案。 根据不同项目的特点和规模,一林 将致力組合最好的团队,为每个园林设计项目提供具创意和个性的设计方案。

ONE acknowledges the importance of assembling the right team to ensure a thorough and effective design and procurement process. Together with the high design caliber in-house, ONE engages professional horticulture and 3D visualization consultants as constant members of the design team. In addition, to ensure quality of construction details and true realization of design features, ONE maintains close ties with multi-discplinary consultants Urban Art Projects (UAP) to achieve state-of-the-art standard for final design products. ONE collaborates with UAP often for the procurement and manufacturing of bespoke landscape design elements which could include screens, furniture and other urban elements. Collaborating throughout the design and implementation process, UAP provides effective solutions and insights to the manufacturing, installation, as well as constructability of feature design components. Depending on Project’s nature and scale, ONE strives to offer comprehensive service and the best team available to produce creative and genuine design.



项目 . 酒店旅游

works . hospitality

中国黄山悦榕度假酒店 中国珠海悅椿酒店 中国无锡悦榕悦椿度假酒店 中国西双版纳勐巴拉悦椿酒店 斯里兰卡Talaramba Reef度假酒店 印度钦奈的酒店項目 印度泰米爾納德邦的酒店項目 印度 Confluence 宴会度假酒店 印度 Elder ’s Eco Enclave度假村

HuangShan Banyan Tree Resort, China Angsana Zhuhai, China Banyan Tree & Angsana Resorts, Wuxi, China Angsana Resort, Xishuangbanna, China Talaramba Reef Villas, Sri Lanka Villa Laguna, India Boutique Hotel in India Confluence Banquets and Resort, India Elder ’s Eco Enclave, India




5.7 ha

Banyan Tree Hotels & Resort

黄山悦榕旅 遊发展有限公司

Agriculture themed landscape is designed to complement the local Hui-style architecture and culture. Intricate agricultural terraces against the natural topography form visual and physical bands that connect the hotel villas throughout the site. Intimate stairways and paths through dense planting and decorative walls lead visitors through to explore various destination points, creating a ‘hidden blossom paradise’ as inspired by the famous ‘Tao Hua Yuan Ji’ poem by Tao Yuan Ming. Water feature is also incorporated in forms of reflective ponds to celebrate the essence of traditional Hui villages. 本项目以农艺为景观设计主 题,从而向当地徽 派 建 筑 和文化 致敬。起伏有致的梯田融合 于自然地形,并于视觉上 和物理上连接起酒店内的渡假别墅。私密的楼梯和路径穿过密植和特色墙,含蓄地带领游客探索不同的目标点, 恰似东晋文人陶渊明的代表作” 桃花源记“内所描述渔人发现桃花源一般的情景。设计内其中一处亮点为水 景,并以反映池的形式来演绎徽州古村落的特质。




Private Developer


11 ha

This project is about creating a tropical resort in the city center of Zhuhai. The overall design is inspired by Lingnan Maritime Silk Road, where the primary vehicle in the sea trading, boat, is used as basis for the micro design elements. Several unique experiences serve as highlights of this resort: entry experience introduces the guests from a busy city to a resort environment; leisure & pool experiences provide guests a totally relaxed environment to enjoy nature as well as the spectacular view of Zhuhai city skyline; spa experience further leads the visitors into a tranquil state embracing in a forest setting. The resort experience extends further to an offshore island off the main resort serving to provide alternative adventurous experience for guests. 本项目旨在设计一位处珠海城市中心、但感觉如置身亚热带度假天堂的度假酒店。整体设计灵感源自岭南海上丝 绸之 路,并进而以带动丝路发展的船舶为微观元素依据。酒店的设计著重於一系列独特体 验:入口体 验将旅客从 繁忙的城市带进 度假 酒店的轻松角度;休闲活 动和泳 池体 验 让 酒店客人 完全 地 放 松 和享受自然园林、以 及 欣 赏 珠海空中轮廓线景观;S p a体 验带领客人 进 入平静的休养空间。度假 酒店遊 历进而伸展至 酒店外岛,为旅客 提 供 另类的历险外岛体验。



.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Wuxi, China


Private Developer


12 ha

Occupying a total site area of around 12 ha, the comprehensive development encompasses Banyan Tree and Angsana Resorts, associated hospitality facilities and eco-tourism themed development. Landscape design is inspired by the traditional Jiangnan water villages and is distinct in character and aspiration. The landscape design of The Banyan Tree resort area is about creating a series of unique experiences associated with the water villages. Intricate play of edges and their articulation in generating a diverse edge condition is key feature of the design. In complete contrast, Angsana Resort is about developing a series of streetscape experiences inspired by traditional artisan town. Zones inspired by carpentry, ironmongery, pottery, fishing and silk weaving form a rich tapestry of experiences with streetscape dotted with elements inspired by each tradecraft. Networks of waterways weave through the development uniting the diverse experiences of the two resorts. 本項目總用地面積 約12公頃,包括悦榕和悦椿度假 酒店、相關配套設 施、及以生態 旅 遊為主 題的發展項目。酒店 區域的设 计灵 感 源自传 统江南水乡的獨 有色彩,並以水道 網 络 有 机 理地 连繫 酒店及其他設 施。悦榕酒店的设 计 著重於透过一系列独特亲水体验带出水乡的情怀: 各式各样的边缘处理让住客享受不同尺度的亲水关係。相反 地,悦椿酒店的设计亮点是以传 统 工艺美术小镇为蓝本的街 道景观,并以木工手艺、铁艺、陶艺、渔业、丝绸织 造 等 传统工艺啟發的特色小品作点缀。



西双 版纳, 中国

Private Developer


5 ha

Landscape design for the Xishuangbanna Angsana Resort focuses on the series of interlocking pools connecting the FOH and the hotel building blocks, where the concept is about journey of water from its origin to its destination. The entire journey starts at the indoor pool zone underneath the outdoor dining deck. Symbolizing a cave setting where floating stones and green islands are integrated for a naturalistic touch; the sunken cabanas group enhances the drama of a cave architecture while allowing natural light to the lower level. The water then flows through a series of cascades representing farm terraces, children’s pool and decks of difference experiences are integrated into the water terraces providing added interests and simultaneously breaking down the scale for comfortable enjoyment. The water journey continues to the main family pool setting against an oversized green wall-cum-water fall background portraying a lush green environ. The water/land adjoining delta zone is represented by the couple’s pool through series of intimate spaces with Jacuzzi and tropical plantation, this pool terminates at a cantilever ledges overlooking the surf pool portraying as sea, the destination of the water journey.The entire water journey is accommodated to the site profile where unique pool experiences through stages of the journey form the foundation of the landscape design. 西双 版纳 悦椿酒店的景观设 计 集中於 连 接 大堂公共区、和 酒店建 筑的 一系 列 游 泳 池,並以水由起 源 到目的地的 旅 途為 概 念。整个水的旅 途 从 象征 洞穴的室内泳 池开始:浮动 石景和绿岛融合於 這 室 外用餐区下的户内空间, 营造自然风味;下沉式亭子组团增强了洞穴建 筑的戏 剧性、且引进自然采光到底层。水系随 后流 经梯田概念的跌 水,大台阶式的布局更融合了儿童游泳池 和不同体验的泳池平台,增加趣味性外亦透过区分功能以达至舒适的比 例。水旅 途继续到达主要家庭泳池区,在特大绿墙兼瀑布的背景衬托下特出森林的氛围。象征邻接水陆的三角洲 以情 侣泳 池 演 绎 静中带动的水体 验:热 带种 植围绕小按 摩池区 造出一系列私密 性空间,泳 池 末 端 為俯 视 冲浪 泳 池的悬臂池边,而浪泳 池正好 代表海、水的终点。整体的水旅 途均整合於现场的地形,而各阶段的独特 泳 池体 验 则构成景观设计的基础。




0.5 ha

Talaramba Reef Villas

Inspired by traditional Sri Lankan design and craftsmanship, Talaramba Reef Villa landscape is about creating an idyllic tropical environment. Set along the coast of Indian Ocean the landscape design features 2 spectacular swimming pools reflecting the existing palm trees that dot around this two and half acre site. The location and design of the pools is a result of sensitive intervention based on retaining all existing palm trees on site. Complementing the vivid colors of the tropical setting the site also features two shaded courtyards and an orchard garden. 受斯里兰卡 传统的设计和工艺的启发,Talara m ba Reef别墅的景观旨在创造一个田园诗意的热带环境。别墅地 处印度 洋沿岸,景观设 计中尽可能保留基 地内现有的棕 榈 树 群,将 其与规 划的2个壮观的游 泳 池相 结合。碧波 荡 漾的泳池,辉映出郁郁葱葱的椰林倒影。配合色彩斑 斓的热带植栽及周边的遮阳庭院和果园,营造悠闲惬意的海 滨品质生活环境 。



Kerala, India


Client confidential

Villa Laguna is a boutique lakefront resort villa development set along the picturesque shores of iconic Vembanad Lake in Kerala, India. Designed by ONE and developed by South India’s premier real estate company Arun Excello it is set to create a new benchmark in waterfront living. Designed as a retreat and inspired by the tropical landscape of Kerala’s backwaters, it is a project rooted to the local context and culture. The design includes a series of vibrant and contrasting courtyard spaces that are interconnected through a safe and secure public realm, including the arrival courtyard, central square, waterfront garden and linear lakefront gardens. All these spaces are unique in their characters but linked together with the unifying motif of Kerala’s culture and landscape. Set to complete in 2014 this development is expected to become a benchmark for waterfront living in Kerala. 位于印度喀 拉拉邦风景如画的凡巴納湖畔的精品别墅式酒店,由南印度最大的房地产公司“Aru n Excello”主持 开发,邀请 一林景观参与设计工作。设计目标旨在打造印度 海滨生活的高端 精品新基准。设计灵感来自喀 拉拉邦 静 态 水道的热带景观,创建一个扎根于当地环境和文化的项目。通 过安全便利的公共走廊将一系列充满活力、且 反映当地文化 和特 色风景的庭院 空间联 系起来,包括到达 庭院,中心广场,滨水花园和线 性 湖 畔 花园。本項目將 於2014 年完成。




Client confidential

The landscape concept for the Boutique Hotel is an cultural abstraction of the local temple architecture and the sublime nature of the shoreline of the city. Inspired by local vegetation of grasses and textures of palm the design is about creating a unique experience for guests and visitors. A large terraced lawn next to the hotel acts as an ideal breakout space for both outdoor events and contemplation. 本项目景观设计旨在抽象化地演绎当地传统寺庙建筑文化、以及城市海岸线的优美自然环境。设计灵感来自当地 的长草类植物,结合了棕榈的纹理,为来宾和游 客创建了独特的体验。酒店旁边的大型台阶草 坪正好 作为一处 供 户外活动和沉思休憩的理想空间。

Conf luence 宴会度假酒店

CONFLUENCE Banquets and Resort Chennai, India

欽奈, 印度

5 ha

Arun Excello

Located in the outskirts of Chennai, Confluence is a unique project in its scale and aspiration. Conceived as a resort destination and planned around a large central open lawn it is an oasis in its feel. A large convention centre with its formal landscape and courtyard garden is designed in complete contrast with the resort setting for villas and chalets. Water villas and the club overlook the extended swimming pool as part of central villa garden. A linear park running all along the east side of site that connecting all the key spaces of the development. Developed by Arun Excello and spread across a site of around 4 ha it is to be completed in 2014. 项目位于欽奈 郊区,C o n flu e n c e旨在 规模和愿景上打造 成为印度独一无二的度假 胜地。度假 酒店坐落 在一望无 垠的草 坪之上,就 好 像繁华都市里的一片绿洲。酒店内大型会 议中心结合庄重大气的景观 和庭院花园的设计,与 度假区内的别墅和度假环境 形成强 烈 对比。水上 别墅和 俱乐部作为酒店中心区的花园的 一 部分,俯 瞰 游 泳 池。 线型的公园贯穿基地东侧,联系整合基地内各个主要空间。本项目由Aru n Excello开发,占地约4公顷,將會在 2014 年完成。

印度Elder ’s Eco Enclave 度假村


Chennai, India


Private Owner


9.48 ha

Set in the spectacular backwater landscape of Mahabalipuram just outside Chennai, India and developed by South India’s premier real estate developer Arun Excello, Elder’s Eco Enclave is a unique wellness resort for the elderly. The feature element of the project is a 4 ha waterfront park within the site to which all the residential blocks overlook. Inspired by the notion of Mind, Body and Spirit the park has three key plazas dotted with pavilions and gallery structures overlooking lush gardens and open lawns. Green connection is enhanced via three green fingers where residential blocks are intriguingly linked to the three plazas and ultimately to the waterfront park with landscape treatments that enrich the total experience of wellness. Yoga pods and Reading nests scattered in the gardens are small structures for both relaxation and contemplation complimenting the tranquil ambience of dense vegetation. A grand amphitheatre marks the key congregation space of the park apart from the central lawn, a place where the guests congregate for spiritual discourse. A fitness trail overlooking the sweeping backwaters travel all along the park connecting the two ends of the park. A series of gardens and community spaces add further richness and diversity.

Eld er’s Eco En clave位於印度钦奈周邊馬馬拉普拉 姆的壮观回水景观區內,是南印度首席房地产开发商Aru n Excello投資開发的長者养生度假村,其中區內所有住宅均能眺望到的4公顷海滨公园更打造成整個項目的亮點。 公园內以三個主 題 广场為骨幹,设计灵感来自心灵、身 体和精神三 大健 康元素,广场点缀着 涼亭和觀景廊,為住 客 提 供 遠 眺郁郁葱葱的花园和开放草 坪的尚佳場所。三條 錯落 有緻的绿 化带擔 當起 连 接 住宅區至主 題 广场、及 至海滨公园的角色,绿化带的景观處理配合健康主題從而提升养生的全面体验。公园內設置了特色瑜伽亭子和阅 读小間,其實是供住 戶於茂密種 植背景下寧靜的閒坐冥想私密空間。除了中央 大草 坪外,公园另一重点聚集空間 是西側 大型露天 劇場、一處 讓住 戶和 遊 人作 精神交 流的公共空间。沿岸而 設的健 身 徑 眺 望着 连 接 公园两端的蜿 蜒回水水系,而一系列的花园和社区空间則增添公园的丰富性和多样性。

项目 . 住宅

works . residential

中国黃山悅容別墅 越南In d o chin a 西貢精品别墅 印度G o drej住宅项目 印度Infinity住宅项目 印度加尔各答住宅 印度班加罗尔Ro h a n住宅项目 印度Ru n wal高层住宅项目 印度海滩别墅 印度Jain别墅项目 香港Beattie住宅天台花园

HuangShan Banyan Tree Residence, China Indochina Villas Saigon, Vietnam Godrej Platinum Residential, India Infinity One Residential, India Urban Residential Kolkata, India Rohan Iksha Residential, Bangalore, India Runwal Residential Tower, India Beach Villa, India Jain House, India Beattie Residence Roof Garden, Hong Kong




4 ha

Banyan Tree Hotels & Resort

The landscape design is based on the similar theme as the resort though a subtle contemporary approach is adopted to create a distinct residential environment that sits in perfect harmony with the dramatic contextual landscape. Traditional water systems in heritage Hui-style villages is used as an inspiration for creating a series of dynamic water features in the development. 住宅区的景观设 计以 渡假 酒店区的主 题 为依据,并 低调 地引入 现代手法以创造 一 处 融合 于周边自然 风景的舒 适 住宅环境。设计内活泼水景的灵感来自贯通徽州传统村落的水系,并透过当代做景手法营造独特的景致。




8 ha

Indochina Land

The landscape concept for villa development is inspired by rice field and rice form. Terraces and textures along with unique objects create a dynamic design for residents to enjoy. Unique rice-shape inspired play equipment were developed jointly by ONE and art consultant UAP to create a special playing experience. 本 别 墅 项 目 的 设 计 灵 感 来 自 稻 田 和 米 的 形 态 。设 计 将 一 系 列 充 满 活 力 的 社 区 空 间 ,通 过 高 差 和 物 料 质 感 的 变化、配以特 色小品等紧密地 联系整合,为住 户提供惬意的生活空间。从米形 状得到启发的儿童游乐设备由一林 景观和UA P合作参与设计定制。




Godrej Properties


0.5 ha

Located in the heart of the dynamic city of Calcutta and set against a dramatic landscape setting of numerous magnificent existing trees the landscape design for Godrej Platinum is about journey through jewels. The landscape experience begins with the arrival garden dotted with intricate pavilions as sculptures set in the lush greenery under the canopy of the existing trees. Further into the site enclosed by the two elegant residential towers is the central court forming the heart of the landscape plan. A series of floating canopies connect the entrances while a spectacular water wall adds drama to the experience. A series of feature screen and water elements flow through this court creating a unique setting for this unique project. 高德瑞治集团的铂金项目位 处活力城市加尔各答的核心,项目坐落於 满佈高祟 挺拔的原生态林荫环境之中,以探 宝之旅概念 灌切整 体景观设计。景观体 验从 入口庭园开展,在原生态林荫下,错落的景观亭子犹如雕 塑品被绿意 包围。深 入项目中心,两栋优 雅高尚的住宅大楼包围著的中央 庭院是 整个景观的中心。一系列漂 浮 著的顶篷 连接 大楼入口,毗邻一 帧壮观的流 水 墙带出惊喜。景观 屏风与水景此起彼 落,相互交织 穿 梭 景观 之中,为此 独特的项 目塑造一道风景。





Private Owner


Inspired by three key elements of the locality, namely Jungle, Jamin and Jal representing forest, land and water respectively, the landscape masterplan for this high-end residential in eastern India is about creating series of parks and gardens for residents to enjoy. Spread across a site area of 35 acres, a huge central park forms the heart of this development where level differences are subtly absorbed in terraces of unique characters . A network of green spaces radiate from the central park to form courtyard gardens for each cluster of residential towers. Sitting on top of parking and dotted with shaded play areas and gardens these courtyard spaces have limited vehicular access making them pedestrian and child friendly while maximizing opportunities for greenery . A health ribbon accommodating jogging tracks and outdoor exercise stations forms the edge of the development creating a lush edge and buffer. Locally abundant bamboo is well blended in the overall planting scheme, geometry of the same is further incorporated into various aspects of the design enhancing its identity with the local culture. 受当地叁大特色元素:密林(J u ngle) 、土地(Ja min) 和水(Jal)的启发,这个位於东印度的高端住宅项目旨在创 造一系列的公共公园和私密花园供住户享用。占地3 5英亩的住宅以中央 大公园为中心点,各具独色彩的台阶式花 园巧妙地融入於高低错落的基地内成连贯的空间,并以此为起点形成伸延至各个 住宅组团的绿化空间网络。住宅 花园设置於 停车 场上:遮荫儿童遊乐场和庭院均设有车流管制,令这些空间更适合行人和儿童之馀,更最大限 度 地 增加绿化空间。沿项目边缘而设的康体径集合了缓跑径和户外运动站的用途,周边的茂密种植既为项目的缓冲 带,亦为住 户提 供上佳的锻 炼场所。项目的种 植配置充分地 利用了当地盛 产的竹子;而竹子的几何结构更被 进 一 步以各种手法结合於 设计的不同层面内,从而增强项目与当地的身 份认同。



印度 加尔各答

Private Developer


4 ha

A multi-functional central park is the key design feature of this residential development in the fast growing city of Kolkata, India. Designed as the heart of development it contains event lawn, gardens, children’s play area and the feature swimming pool. The feature pool is designed to operate at many levels. Conceived as a terraced sunken sports court during winter when water is drained out and then filled in summer as a pool it adds a new dimension to multi-functionality in design. It occupies an area of around 2 ha and is developed by one of the premier real estate companies of Kolkata. It is to be completed in 2014. 位于快 速发展的印度城市加尔各答,多功能的中央公园作为城市大型 居住区开发的重要组 成部分。设计作为整个 开发的心脏,由开放草 坪,花园,儿童游乐区,及特 色游泳 池 组 成。游泳 池的设计也反应在多功能层面上。在冬天 的时候,将水排出,空间则作为户外运动场地。然而在夏 天注 满水,又 成为社区的泳 池。项目占 地约2公顷,业主 为加尔各答最大的房地产公司之一。项目将于2014 年完成。

Rohan Ik sha 住宅项目

ROHAN Iksha , INDIA Bangalore, India

印度班 加罗尔

Private Developer


3.4 ha

Landscape design of Rohan Bhoganhally is about seamless integration of landscape with architecture. The landscaped spaces flow elegantly through residential courtyards and gardens in order to create a unique setting for the project. The fitness park at the entry with a tennis court, cricket practice pitch and jogging track extends towards the main podium garden while the planting along the grand steps at the drop-off areas bring the landscape from the lower level to the upper level. The Pool in the middle as the spine successfully links both courtyards as a floating plane among palms planted as dividers between the parking ramps. Conceived as multifunctional spaces the two lawns extend to connect gravel gardens and kid’s zones towards the back of the development. At the top of the grand entry steps the tree plazas act as transitional spaces each with different character to create varying experiences - one with shrubs, the second floating on water and the third among gravel. Gardens of different features, reflecting water features and feature tree groups further add character to development. Ro h a n B h oga n h ally项目的景观设计旨在无缝地 结合园林和建築:园景空间优雅地流通於住宅庭院和花园,从 而创造项目的独特环境。入口健身公园集合了网球场、板球练习场和慢 跑径等功能,并一直伸延至平台花园;而沿 落 客区的大楼 梯则将绿 化由下层引到上 层。中央 主幹 泳 池 连 接 起两个浮动庭院,庭院的棕 榈 树种 植 正 好 分 隔停 车 场坡 道。另外,於项目场地 后部分,两个多功能 草 坪 延伸並 连接碎 石花园和儿童区。大楼 梯顶端的过 渡乔木广 场 各具 特 色:其一為 不同灌木 配 置、二 為浮水平台、三 為碎 石花园。不同性格的花园、水景和特 征树组团进 一 步 增强项目的独有个性。


Runwal Residential Tower Mumbai, India


Private Owner


0.74 ha

Runwal Residential Tower in Mumbai is a luxury residential development in the heart of the city and is envisaged as an enclosed “green island” where the residents live with nature. The landscape design concept for this project is about creating a multi-level landscape experience where the green spaces flow from the arrival level to the podium level through series of strategic cut-outs and sky-windows. The spaces flow through these voids and integrate landscape at different levels creating a dramatic play of light and colour . At a micro scale a unique texture as an abstraction of petal shape acts as an additional layer that wraps around the club designed as an natural extension of landscape with inside merging with utside through a series of interlocking spaces. 本 项目為 一 個 位 於 印度 孟 买 心 脏 地 段 的 豪 华 住 宅 项目,旨在 以 围 合 形”绿 岛”的 构 想 强 调 将自然 融 入 居 住 的 设 计 特 色。景观设 计以创 造 多层次景观体 验为主旨:透 过一系 列 策 略 性 定位 的 切口和 采 光 井,绿 化 流 畅 地由入 口层伸 廷 至平台。流 往 下 沉 空 间 的 绿 化 更 进 一 步 结 合不 同 层 次 的 景观 空 间,从 而 创 造 出富 戏 剧 性 的 光 与色 彩 效果。於微观 层次下,景观设 计利用了抽象化 表 达的主 题花 瓣 造 成特 色质感 层,并将之环 绕 会所,体现了室内和 室外景观的无缝融合。


BEACH villa Chennai, India


Private Owner


0.8 ha

The landscape concept for Beach villa is to create an element of contrast between the beach side and the city side. The open landscape of the beach side is contrasted with the lush landscape of the city side. 设计概念在于创造城市与海滨环境的对比度,一面是与城市相接的茂密种植空间,与另一面开放的海滨空间相呼 应。


JAIN HOUSE Pune, India


Private Owner


0.5 ha

The landscape design for this house is conceived as series of gardens – outdoor rooms with disparate characters. Inspired by the local rugged landscape the journey through the house and its gardens is a gradual transition of materiality, from rocks and gravels to water and to vegetation. The villa is approached through a linear entry garden lined with trees terminating at an arrival court with rock sculpture. The landscape then further flows through the villas as series of gardens and pools, finally terminating at the edge forest garden where it merges with the existing woodland beyond the site boundary. 这别墅的景观设计以一系列各具个性的花园空间作设计构思。设计灵感来自于当地高低起伏的岩石景观,遊走於 别墅及花园如亲历物料的逐渐过渡:由粗犷的大石景和碎 石铺装、至软性的水景及至绿 化,均能带来官能上的不 同感受。别墅入口以两侧列种乔木的线性花园为迎宾景观,及至到达庭园的石雕塑作为入口区域的高潮。景观随 後 透过串联的花园和水池延伸至屋内,并以 别墅边 缘的森林花园作终结,而这花园更与现有的林区相融,从而将 景观空间伸展至用地边界之外。

Beat tie住宅天台花园


Central, Hong Kong Private Owner

香港中环 私人发展商

The landscape design for this Sky deck is to create backdrop for the seating area and enjoy the dramatic view of harbour from the 46th floor penthouse. The green wall is one of the highest private residential green wall in Hong Kong . The trellis above the jacuzzi are repeated frames captured by light and shadow. 位于四十 六 楼 空中花园旨在创造 一 处尽 享 维 港居高临 下景色的 休憩场所。花园的背景装 置了全 港最高之一 的私 人住宅 绿 化 墙,而 按 摩 浴池 区 域 的 花 架 则以 重 复框 架 构 成 主 空 间 结 构,并透 过 光 与 影 的 微 妙 变 化 营 造 互 动 的 景致。

项目 . 学院 + 研发机构 works

. education + institutions

印度班加罗尔Tita n总部 英国 Sun Microsystems 香港商界环保协会

Titan Headquarters, Bangalore, India Sun Microsystems, UK BEC Transformation, Hong K ong



班 加罗尔,印度

TATA Group


2.6 ha

The landscape design concept for the Titan Headquarters in Bangalore bridges together the architecture with its surrounding landscape by recreating the once existed lake and subsequently extending the lake garden to a vertical dimension by creating a vertical park that visually connects the lake and its landscape to the entire building. Cascading green terraces alongside the central lake are employed extensively to give a feel of elevated ground at every level, making the built perceived as non-building, and thus blurring the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces. The project aspires to become a certified BEAM Platinum Level Development giving great emphasis on landscape and sustainability. For instance, the re-created lakes are built to store water especially during monsoon season, where due consideration is given to its edge and base treatment making the lake side park a user-friendly place to enjoy. 位 处 班 加罗尔的Tita n总部旨在有机 理地连 结建築与其周边的湖泊景观:通过重建曾一度存 在的湖泊,进而将湖 景花园延伸至垂直 尺度,最终於视觉上将湖景观引进 整 体建 築。中央 湖两侧运用了大量的绿 化台阶,為每层营造 高出地面的独特感觉,不仅令置身室内者彷如置身户外花园,亦将室内和室外空间之间的界限变得模糊。 本项目高度重视景观和可持 续性,并以B E A M白金级认證为发展定位,其中重建的湖泊实为季风季节的蓄水池,并 透过池边和池底处理创造出人性化的湖畔公园空间。





Sun Microsystems

The inspiration behind Sun Microsystems courtyard is the abstraction of motherboard in a computer. With strong lines and textures the landscape is an extruded version of the hardware. Materials were used that changed with time complemented with simple forms. The space acted as a breakout space for the users to have lunch or a break - a hidden garden in the midst of dense development. 庭院的设计灵感源于抽象化地演绎电脑主板,以强烈线条及质感阐译电脑硬件的三维形象。材料的选择以鲜明 为主,作为使用者休憩用餐的户外空间-一个高密度反展中的神秘花园。



Hong Kong


Business Environment Council


ONE along with architecture practice ADO recently won this competition to create a permanent exhibition of sustainable design in BEC’s Kowloon Tong Headquarter. As a LEED Platinum project ONE worked closely with the architects to create a series of installations promoting sustainable design. Inspired by the simple circular form of the building ONE’s design used interlocking circular forms as patterns delineating spaces for exhibition and installation. The roof garden was conceived as urban farm for growing vegetables with solar flowers as shade structures and sculptures. 一林景观设计有限公司与建筑设计公司A D O在设计竞赛中胜出,共同为” 商界环保协会”的九龙塘总部创造一个 永久性的表现可持 续发展理念的展览。一林与建筑师紧密合作,打造 LEED白金级项目,通过一系列的景观艺术装 置,向广大市民倡导可持 续发展的理念。为呼应项目所处的简单圆形建 筑 形式,一林的设计用环环相扣的圆形形 式划定空间进行展览和安装。在屋顶花园上设置城市农场,种植 蔬菜与鲜花,同时亦可成为建筑 遮阳结构和绿化 雕塑。

项目 . 商业 + 综合发展 works

. commercial + mixed use

中国西安蓝海风中心 中国上海永新广场 越南河内广场 印度Espla n ad e广场

Lafonce, Xian, China Novel Plaza, China Indochina Plaza Hanoi, Vietnam Esplanade Retail Park, India




Private Developer


2.2 ha

The landscape design for Lafonce Xian is about creating a series of unique plaza and gardens spaces that are flexible and dynamic. Inspired by the architectural heritage of Xian as the origin of Silk Road the design features 2 key plazas - one in the north and the other in the south with key focus of art and commerce respectively. Dotted with interactive paving and media features the plaza spaces are primary focal spaces for events. In between the plazas, simple and casual gardens with artworks act as connecting spaces. 本项目的景观设计旨在创造一系列具灵活性和气氛活泼的广场及花园空间, 设计灵感来自丝绸之路的起点-西安 的的文物建筑。设计共内有两处特色广场:北面广场以艺术为主题; 南面广场则著重於营造商业氛围。广场以互 动媒体地灯与互动艺术小品为点缀、并 打做 成活 动广场的亮点。而两个主要广场之间则以简约的花园作连繫,并 利用艺术品带出轻松气氛。


NOVEL PLAZA Shanghai, China


Private Developer


1 ha

Located in the center of historic Shanghai, landscape design within the urban context for this office renovation project is inspired by the Chinese character (literally means central), which is implied in literal as well as symbolic senses. The literal aspect is well represented by the site’s location as well as the structure of space; whereas the symbolic sense encompasses cultural meaning beyond landscape design, and is expressed in the many levels of details. Identity is thus enhanced through uplifting of the existing design. 本专案为商业改 造项目。位 处 上海历史 上著名的中心地带,景观设计的概念灵感来自中文的「中」字,此概念除确 实地表达了项目位置的地 利优势 外、总体规 划的空间结构亦以此为依据。此外,「中」的象征概念、即其更深层次 的文化意义,亦体现于不同尺度的细部设计内,并为改 造 后的项目增添独有个性。


Indochina Plaza Hanoi, Vietnam Hanoi, Vietnam


3 ha


The landscape design for IPH is about creating a unique central space that is flexible and dynamic. A number of temporary features are introduced as part of design in order to make a space that is both creative and adaptable according to programme. 本 项目的景观设 计旨在创造 一 处具灵 活 性和气氛 活泼的中央 广场空间:一系 列 临 时 特 色小品既营造富创造 力的 氛围、亦按不同活动要求而调整的弹性场所。


Esplanade Retail Park, India Bhubaneswar, India


2 ha

Forum Group

Developed by India’s premier real estate company Forum group, Esplanade is an upcoming destination retail development of about 2 ha in the eastern Indian city of Bhubaneswar. The key landscape element of the design is 1 ha of retail parkland in front of the mall building, acting as a green carpet and hosting a series of diverse and disparate activities. The geometry of the design is an abstraction of the fluid canopy element embracing the architecture as well as a desire to replicate the fluidity of movement. A large event lawn space with its flexibility is contracted in design with series of smaller spaces with shade trees and feature canopies acting as meeting and resting places. The canopies as dotted artworks are a direct inspiration of the main building canopy and are part of journey sequence from the main road to the retail building. 由印度首席发展商Foru m Gro u p开发,占地约2公顷、位於印度东部 城市布巴内什瓦尔的Es pla n ad e广场乃最新 的零售热点。项目的聚焦点为商场主楼前1公顷大园林公园:既担当公共绿地的角色,亦为一系列多元化和不同的 活 动的上佳举办 场所。设 计内的几何形 状 乃抽象化 地 表 达怀 抱 建 築的顶 篷 元素,同时 亦 希望 透 过 此手段来模拟 空间的流动性。多功能大草 坪上分 佈了一系列较小的私密空间,并以 遮荫树木 和特 色凉亭作会友 及休憩场地。点 缀 公共空间的特 色 凉亭 犹 如绿 地 上的艺 术品,其图案 灵 感 更是 来自商场主楼的顶 篷,并以此连繫 起 主 路至商场 的完整经历。

项目 . 公园 + 公共建设

works . parks + public realm

越南中央公园 阿布札比椭圆公园

Central Park, Vietnam Oval Park, Abu Duabi


CENTRAL park Nha Trang, Vietnam Private Developer

芽 荘,越南

4 ha


A riverfront central park for public to celebrate the ‘Sea Festival’ and to promote local arts. A prominent interactive water feature is designed at the center of the park with art features that visually connect the park entrance to the waterfront. Overall design geometry reflects the local Cham architecture, forming various park garden spaces for public leisure and enjoyment. 此滨河中央公园为公众提供一个庆祝盛会的场地,继而推动当地艺术发展。公园中央设有大型互动旱喷泉及水景 表演,从视觉上连接了公园入口和滨水区。整体设计的造型重现了当地建筑风格,展品、座椅、遮阳架等 作为不同 形态的艺术品陈列并贯穿整个公园,让游人在不同角落都能有不一样的感受。


OVAL park

Abu Dhabi


Private Developer

15 ha


The Oval Park sits at the heart of Saadiyat Marina District Masterplan . It is conceived to be an urban oasis with lush vegetation and ample shade canopies. The landscape elements are generated based on the strong planning form in terms of canopies and water features. Divided into 2 separate levels the landscape of the lower plaza is a contrast to the soft planted area of the upper garden. 椭圆公园坐落在幸福岛规 划的中心地带,方案构思为一个有茂盛植被和各式遮阳设 施的城市绿洲。景观元素以 遮 阳棚和水体为基础,空中花园的绿化种植和下层广场的硬质铺装分为两个层次形成对比。

项目 . 公共艺术

works . public art

香港添马舰公共艺术设计竞赛 香港港岛东中心

Tamar Public Art Competition, Hong Kong One Island East, Hong Kong


TAMAR public art competition Hong Kong


Hong Kong SAR Government

香港 特别行政区政 府

Dragon is the emblem of Hong Kong as Asia’s World City and the Dragon Dance is of great significance of good luck and fortune in Chinese culture. The rhythm and movement of the dragon dance creates a sense of dynamism. This dynamism captured in a moment’s time is the inspiration for the sculpture. The free flowing movement is represented by a simple form supported by slender columns as if the dancers are changed with both tourists and locals play with the column and the sculpture. The dance never stops – the dancers change. During the evening the dragon floats, lit with soft light, creating a halo of good luck and good fortune as people passes through its imposing structure. The sculpture is envisaged to be a gateway to site across the pedestrian bridge. It is also seen by the motorists speeding along the motorway as a point of reference at the Entrance of TAMAR.

香港作为亚洲的国际化都市,龙在香港的文化里佔有重要的象征 意义,设计参 考龙舞象征的幸运和福气,雕 塑的 灵 感 来源于对舞龙的动态韵 律呈现出活力的捕 捉。舞 动的质感 通 过简单的雕 塑和支撑的长柱表 现出来,游 客和 市民在游览 和扶持长柱的过程中同时参与了舞龙,所以 这将是 永不停止的舞蹈。晚 上,柔和的光 线照亮浮 在半空 的龙,营造出幸运祥 和的气氛,人们穿过 雕 塑会受到感 染。舞龙 雕 塑作为行人 天桥的入口,也是公路交通 进 入添 马舰区的标志点。


TAMAR public art competition Hong Kong


Hong Kong SAR Government

香港 特别行政区政 府

Hong Kong is one of the most unique world cities, intensely characterised by its vast mix of cultural identities and personalities. People are consistently travelling through a patchwork of visual and structural contexts of the city, rapidly experiencing the spatial transitions from the ferry to the bus, from the restaurant to their homes. As a result, the very patterns that individuals take on a routine basis begin to give shape to the city, as human movement is slowly transposed onto the land.

香港是一座独特的城市,融汇多元文化的同时张扬着独特的个性,人们不停的穿梭在城市的视觉交错和结构变化 中,体验着快节奏的空间变化,从渡轮到巴士,从餐厅到办公室。雕塑塑 造了城市的形态,引导并象征着市民的活 动模式。


One Island East, Hong Kong Hong Kong


Swire Properties

太古 地产

SWIRE properties invited ONE to propose ideas for the One Island East plaza on King’s Road and add elements of internal landscape in the offices. Being inspired by the rich history of the site as Asia’s largest sugar refinery Taikoo, ONE’s design explored the possibility of using both virtual and structural occurance of sugar in nature. Molecular structure of glucose influenced the dynamic installation in the plaza while crystalline form of sugar generated a series of integrated planter and seating in the indoor environment. 太古 地 产 邀请 提出意 见的港 岛东中心广 场,英 皇 道 及 添加元素的内部景观在 办公室。受到启发的网站作为亚 洲 最大的糖厂太古丰富的历史,一林景观设计探讨使用糖的性质虚拟和结构发生的可能性。结晶形式的糖而产生了 一系列的综合种植和休息的室内环境中的葡萄糖分子结构影响的动态安装在广场上。。

项目 . 总体规划

works . masterplanning

中国杭州径山红树林度假世界 阿布札比萨迪亚特岛 Hao Lac 生态区规 划

Mangrove Tree Resort, Hangzhou, China Saadiyat Island, Abu Duabi Hao Lac Eco Village Masterplan



杭州, 中国

Antaeus Group


19.08 ha

Landscape design for Mangrove Resort is about creating a complete resort experience. Located next to two rivers in picturesque Hangzhou the guests encounter a landscape driven by water as the main theme. Water in its various forms and texture create a series of grand settings for guests to enjoy their stay while they explore, indulge and contemplate. Conceived as a water village the resort contains a series of landscape bridges and corridors connecting the various zones of the resort. From dramatic water curtain at the entrance to the feature floating bamboo pavilion and restaurant the guests travel through a series of spaces that are both unique and intimate. The 3 villa zones within the resort have their own characters. Inspired by bamboo, tea and lotus, villa areas have their own setting that distinct from one another. In contrast to the villa clusters, the waterfront villas float along the river overlooking a large wetland rich in wildlife. 红树林度假酒店的景观设计旨在创造一个完全的度假体验。酒店位 处富有诗意的杭州,并拥有相河交汇的地利条 件,这样的背景自然地 造 就了以水为主 题的景观设 计。设 计中利用各种形态和质感的水景來营造气派的氛围,好 让客人享用酒店的同时,也能探索、尽情享受和思考。 整个度假 酒店以水乡为依据,并通 过一系列景观桥梁和走廊连接 不同区域。从主 入口超巨大的水幕、以至特 色竹 子 亭和餐厅,客人 將游历连串独特又私密的空间。度假 酒店内的3个别墅区各有主 题:竹子,茶及 莲 花,每区的佈 局和设置均表现不同特性。有别於此3区别墅群,海滨别墅区於河岸俯瞰湿地景观及丰富的野生动植物。



Abu Dhabi

191 ha


Private Developer


Saadiyat Island is an innovative island destination. Made up of six different character districts, the Cultural District is the most prominent and widely publicized of them all, housing landmark cultural institutions including The Louvre Abu Dhabi, the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi and the central Zayed National Museum. After completing the design guidelines for the waterfront areas of architecture and open space, the design team were engaged as the Lead Consultants for the very prestigious public realm design work encompassing the entire district. The scope involves concept design through to tender documentation of the entire public realm of the Cultural District, including but not limited to waterfront promenades and beaches, streetscapes, parks and plazas. These spaces provide the connective framework within which the Zayed National Museum, Abu Dhabi Guggenheim, The Louvre Abu Dhabi and the Performing Arts Centres lie. The main project challenge faced in this project is that the landscape is the interfacing element that links all of the design teams together including infrastructure, bridge design, the different museum design teams, waterfront engineering etc. The landscape acts as the fabric that stitches all of the other designs together resulting in a major exercise in coordination, effective project management and information flow in addition to the actual design work.

萨 迪 亚 特 岛 是 一 座创 新 型 的 岛 屿 。由六 个 特 色 区 组 成 ,其 中 文化 区 最 为 特 别,坐 落 其 中的 地 标 式 的 文化 机 构 包括:阿布扎比卢浮宫,古根海姆博物馆和扎 耶德国家博物馆,因此文化区也具有最广泛的宣传效应。 作为著名的文化区公共 空 间设 计的首席顾问,团 队 完 成了建 筑 的滨 水空 间和开放 空 间的 设 计构 思,设 计范围从 概念延伸到整个文化区公共空间的各阶段设计工作,包括海滨长廊,沙 滩,街景,公园和广场等 等,以及招标文件 的准备。所有空间形成一个连 通的框架,将 扎 耶德国家博 物馆,阿布扎比古根海姆 博 物馆,阿布扎比卢浮宫博 物 馆,和演艺中心等知名建筑包围其中。 本 项目设 计 过程中需 要 与各个团队合 作,包括基建,桥梁,滨 水 工程,各博 物 馆 设 计团队等 等,景观 总体规 划将 所有设 计连 接 在一起,通 过有 效的协调,项目管 理,信息传 递和实际 设 计工作,我们的团队在面对 挑 战的同时展 现出专业与高效。

*Hao L ac 生态区规划

HAO LAC Eco Village Masterplan



841.2 ha

IndoChina Land & Petrovietnam JV

The key landscape drivers for Hao Lac Eco-Village masterplan are water and existing land pattern. Green fingers integrate the masterplan through networks of open spaces based on health, education, business and leisure. Resultant is a design rooted to the local context of earth and water

生态区 规 划充分 保留当地 水资源和现有的地 貌,用绿带连接 起 整个规 划,发展为涵盖健 康,教育,商业和休闲主 题的多功能生态村。

*一林团队的前 项目

* prior projects completed by ONE design team

hong kong . singapore

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