Fresh International Film Festival 2020

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Festival Programme & Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year Awards


Introduction “People have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don’t have a middle or an end any more. They usually have a beginning that never stops beginning.” Steven Spielberg Did you ever get that sinking feeling? You’re on Episode Seven of a box set. You’ve invested your interest and maybe most of the weekend and you have to keep going. But the last couple of episodes haven’t moved anything along and you’re starting to feel underwhelmed. Like Spielberg says, it’s the beginning that never stops. Then, if you do manage to get to the end of the full series, you see it reach a vague conclusion, a bet-hedging exercise, a producer/network gamble to see if there is another series to be got out of it. If you are reading this, you’ve told a story and used the medium of film to do so. You’ve probably worked a whole load of jobs within that process. Director, cameraperson, grip, runner and all bits in-between. You’ve roped in your friends and they’ve become enmeshed in the web of your enthusiasm. Maybe you’ve used the creative process as your own kind of therapy. You used your film to learn about and work out whatever it is you’re going through and then sent the finished product out into the world. You worked through your stuff. And maybe, just maybe, it will connect with an audience of people going through the exact same things. Perhaps Spielberg is wrong. Our contemporary stories don’t reach a conclusion, because real life is not tied up so neatly. It’s not about the end. It’s not always about getting home. As a film-maker you too are in your own personal story, your own journey. And if you’ve loved your year of film-making and are here at Fresh about to see your film, we want you to stay on that journey. The journey is home.

Enjoy your day. Jayne Foley, Festival Director 2|



SCREENING French Language Film (15+) Odeon Cinema, Castletroy


Une Colonie (The Colony) (102 mins) In association with IFI Education This year’s French language film choice is a Francophone region story from Canada. In this affecting tale, Mylia, is a 12 year old girl in Centre-du-Québec, struggling to fit in at a new school. Canada | 2018 | 102 mins | Drama | Director: Geneviève Dulude-De Celles WORKSHOP *Scoil Ide Optical toys for the classroom - A hands on introduction to an aspect of filmmaking in the classroom

TUESDAY SCREENING Classic 80s (12A) Odeon Cinema, Castletroy Ferris Beuller’s Day Off (103 mins) Ferris Bueller has an uncanny skill at cutting classes and getting away with it. USA | 1985 | 103 mins | Comedy | Director: John Hughes SCREENING Children’s Classic (U) Belltable The Iron Giant (86 mins) + Surprise short movie Based upon the 1968 story, ’Iron Man,’ by the British poet laureate Ted Hughes. USA | 1999 | 86 mins | Animation | Director: Brad Bird WORKSHOP *Milford NS Optical toys for the classroom - A hands on introduction to an aspect of filmmaking in the classroom

Screening and awards at the Odeon Cinema, Castletroy Limerick Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year Awards – Juniors (7-12 years) WORKSHOP *Mid-West School for the Deaf Optical toys for the classroom - A hands on introduction to an aspect of filmmaking in the classroom

THURSDAY SENIOR FINALS Screening and awards at the Odeon Cinema, Castletroy Limerick Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year Awards – Juniors (13-18 years) WORKSHOP *Colaiste Mhuire SFX – A hands on introduction to an aspect of filmmaking in the classroom with Odyssey Studios

FRIDAY SCREENING Short films (14+) Belltable This is me A screening of the best international short films made by young people. WORKSHOP Careers in Screen Limerick School of Art and Design.

SATURDAY EVENT at Engine SÚL ÓG – Young Filmmaker’s Day A day celebrating and sharing the work of Ireland’s Young Filmmakers. Youth Film Network: Capturing Magic workshop at Fresh at Engine. Networking event with NYCI and YIFM

For full programme please see details available on page 22. * There are a limited number of workshops available, if you are interested in attending or hosting a workshop please get in touch:

Audience Award Winners Dublin Groups and Schools, IFI How Not to be Being Bad with Your Monies Adam McDowell, Tallaght Young Filmmakers

Galway, Town Hall Last Bus Dara Mac, Roscommon Pic: Beth Pym

Dublin, Light house Pirates Cal O’Driscoll, Dublin Pic: Anthony Sheehan


Cork, Triskel Long Story Short SWAY, Waterford Pic: Beth Pym

Limerick, Belltable Midsummer Beauty Oisin McKeogh, Clare Pic: Beth Pym

Leinster, Axis The Hitman: Legend of Don Soap Cillian George, Wicklow Pic: Alex Moloney


Ireland’s Junior Young Filmmaker of the Year awards The Cat Crusaders

A Year in Nature

Clare Crusaders 01:38 Clare

FKVK Zaprešić 02:32 Croatia

A group of children see a cat up a tree outside the window and with no fire brigade they go to the rescue themselves.

Nature’s life cycle is shown on one branch of a tree.


Cappabue N.S. 03:18 Cork

Edjucchio Effour Edmond, Jon Ouman Tandugu, Fo Nee Khen 08:00 Malaysia A group of children want to save their village from a drought. Mime Blown! Lorna Keogh, Aoibhinn Marher, Young Irish Film Makers04:00 Kilkenny A mine puts members of the general public to work and profits from it. Bean Sí Killury N.S. 05:00 Kerry A class resurrect old school folklore archives and disturb some of the school’s sleeping secrets.


One Small Change A rap about the environment. Can’t We Just be Nice to the Earth? Lilly Rose, Farrell Jones, Sparks 05:33 Clare Why can’t we just be kinder to our planet? A look at some ways we could be nicer The Dog’s Story - part II Arkhip Varfolomeev 06:50 Russia Whatever happens is for the better! Fitness Trackers Rang 6, Scoil Raifteirí 04:11 Mayo How smart are smart watches when it comes to monitoring our fitness activities? Is the cost of your device a significant factor?

Session 1

Ardfert Health & Wellness Ardfert N.S. 01:01 Kerry A former pupil remembers the beauty and positive health benefits of the school garden through the changing seasons. Second Best Our Lady’s of Mercy 11:15 Cork In the local School Rose Competition, the girls all go crazy shopping for the competition but will they win? Break


Ireland’s Junior Young Filmmaker of the Year awards

Ardfert Eco Ardfert N.S. 00:39 Kerry Ardfert students participate in the Fridays for Future Campaign, Global School Strike for Climate Change Action 2019. Bora Elementary school Eugen Kumičić, Velika Gorica 02:10 Croatia The Bora is a strong, dry and cold, lush and turbulent wind from the land, which can sometimes reach the orchid strength and it is very difficult to escape her. Thing A Ma Bob Waterford Youth Arts 05:13 Waterford A number of little sketches stitched together as a web pilot experiment. Little Lies Caolan Lulias, Young Irish Film Makers 03:40 Kilkenny Compilation of comedy skits based on the lies that your parents tell you The Cosmospenguin in the OPERA Luca Potskhishvili, Lana Berndl 09:50 Austria The Cosmospenguin loves the opera and wants to help the opera singers who were kicked out. He comes to Earth to build an opera and win singers for Opera in Jupiter?


Session 2

To See You again St Aiden’s N.S. 07:53 Sligo A dramatic interpretation of the song “Kilkelly Ireland” depicting the heartbreaking experience of forced migration of thousands of Irish people, mirrored in modern Ireland by the arrival of Syrian migrants fleeing war. Little Man Saves Christmas Thomas Hickey 06:52 Cork It’s Christmas Eve! Little man is gonna help with the turkey but he sneezes on it. So they go and buy a new one and is sucked into Santa’s sack while he’s delivering presents! Now they’ve gotta tag along with Santa. Proxima b 3rd grade, Osnovna škola “Antun Nemčić Gostovinski” Koprivnica 03:45 Croatia This is a movie story about the newly discovered planet Proxima b. The first traveller goes to the planet... The Green Slap 6th class Scoil Bhride, Shantalla 07:00 Galway The film explores the effects that one-use plastics have on our environment. Lunch


Ireland’s Junior Young Filmmaker of the Year awards

The Little Girl and The Woodcutter

The McGuffin

Archer & Tallulah Little 05:40 Cork

Avery Christmas, Thomas Farm Films 13:33 United States

A fairy tale about friendship and kindness to nature. Orphan Girl Behy National School Film Club 08:37 Mayo Winnie Nealis was one of the 4114 Orphan Girls who immigrated to Australia during The Great Famine under the Earl Grey Scheme. Winnie’s story is imagined up to her arrival in Australia is as recounted in ‘Mayo’s Forgotten Famine Girls’ by Terry Reilly. Here Again Comes that Rainbow St Joseph’s N.S. 03:08 Kerry Based on Kris Kristofferson’s song “Here Comes That Rainbow Again” this film is about a waitress who gives two children sweets when they can’t afford them. This act of kindness has a ripple effect on those who witness the generosity.

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The world’s most powerful superheroes go in search for the ultimate prize. Mr.Natas Paddy Beggan, Will O’Dwyer, Young Irish Film Makers 04:23 Kilkenny Students discover that their headmaster is secretly evil Don’t Judge the Book by the Cover Kim Hackett Trading Faces Film School 07:15 Galway Things are rarely as they seem! Ardfert on Wild Atlantic Way 4th Class Ardfert N.S. 06:51 Kerry Proud fourth-class residents of the beautiful village of Ardfert take a tour of their home place, detailing historical, cultural and recreational places of interest on the Wild Atlantic Way.

Session 3

Timeless Friendship Adrian Wang, Ben Lee 03:51 China A funny short film about “friendship” Adddicted to Blinking Jake Mitchell & Sean Paul Fitzpatrick, Nenagh CBS Primary 01:32 Tipperary A local Nenagh boy has become addicted to blinking! Sweet Dreams Aoibhin Maher, Jamie Hayes, Harry Murphy Young Irish Film Makers 05:05 Kilkenny A young girls sweet tooth gets the better of her after roasting Marshmallows at a campfire with friends. Creepy Isolde Asal, Kids n’ Tricks 05:18 Germany At school some kids don’t just like CREEPY. He looks different and the other pupils don’t accept him. They make fun of him again and again and even the teacher joins in. Only Emma seems to understand, can she help him to make friends?

Awards Information JUNIOR AWARDS RTE factual Award Radharc cultural and heritage Junior Young Award Special mention Highly commended: Comedy Highly commended: Performance Highly commended: Creativity 3rd Place 2nd place Ireland’s Junior Young Filmmaker of the year 2020

Project 749 Dawn Reidy :09:53 Cork A young girl wakes to find she is part of a secret project where she must uncover answers if she wishes to escape. Awards

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Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year awards Magic Shop

The Governments Plan

Limerick Youth Dance Company 05:08 Limerick

Aaron O’Dea 09:33 Kilkenny

This dance film explores themes mental health, comforting oneself and others and being your own hero. Ali’s Story Alisina Hussain, Jack Grace, Kian Donnelly, Cathal O’Donnell, St. Anne’s Film Club 01:35 Clare Ali has journeyed from Afghanistan to Clare where sport has helped him overcome challenges, make new friends and learn a new language. Every Irish Mother Ever Meabh Doyle, Izzy Foyle, Sophie Dawson, Anna Doyle. Loreto Secondary School 04:59 Wexford Typical Irish Mammy Bloody Mary Aaron, Art, Cleao, Irina, Sparks 06:32 Clare A silly game sends people into a scary world - will they work out how to escape?

One day an oppressed citizen discovers music and the hope of a more fulfilling life becomes possible. Clare Girls Scariff Community College TY 03:48 Clare A parody of Derry Girls where someone takes a trip back in time to the 80s You Shane Joyce 05:12 Limerick Music video Eve Montgomery’s song reminiscing about good and bad moments of a relationship. First Stage Ethan Dodd 14:55 Dublin Elliot misses his girlfriend; Valerie and it has left him reeling. His cousin wants to help him move on, but he isn’t ready. Toothache Emma Harris, Anwyn Breen, Alana Connolly, Matthew Maloney National Youth Film and Animation School 01:25 Kilkenny Animation Claymation animation featuring a dinner date between a Narwhal and a Fox.

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Session 1

The Entity

Time Taxi

Aidan McDonagh, Coláiste Iognáid 04:47 Galway

Waterford Youth Arts 01:47 Waterford

Trapped in a room after an evil force in unleashed. Missing Luke Flanagan 04:11 Meath After Mia buys a new apartment, she begins to quickly uncover its dark and deadly past. The Ballad of Denis Moloney Jolie Thomas 04:06 Dublin Poetic and lyrical works read by Denis Moloney against the backdrop of his home. Tir Gon Teanga Tir Gon Anam Luke Byrne, Scoil Dara 01:54 Kildare

A young woman mourning the death of her partner five years on decides to travel back in time by availing of Travis Bickle’s TIME TAXI To You St. Aloysius College 01:49 Cork To you, is a slam poem about the friendship of two girls. Film Liam Boland 11:00 Kildare A group of young people set out to make their first film Break

The death of the Irish language... Feeling Clean Killarney Young Filmmaker 10:35 Kerry Explores the effects of drug abuse in the lives of a community.

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Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year awards Savage Granny

Pins and Needles

Kerri Cleary, County Wexford Youth Film Project 02:50 Wexford

Aoife Sharley, St Colmcille’s Community School 04:57 Dublin

A frail looking granny is not as innocent or frail as he looks as she gets up to mischief in the local town.

What’s the matter with Ella? She’s been running away for years but no one knows what from.

Teenage pregnancy

The Crying War II

Erin Flynn, Loreto, Femoy 03:17 Cork

Darragh Flood, Swan 04:11 Dublin

A vulnerable girl is pressured into an action that leaves her alone and afraid.

The cycle of revenge continues in the inner city. Everyone’s watching every move but doing nothing.

Owen Alfred - Blue Lights Luke Culhane 03:13 Limerick A music video with Limerick rap artist Owen Alfred on his latest single ‚ Blue Lights’.

Perpetuate Fiachra Galvin 08:48 Kildare

Climate Change in the Midlands

Deteriorating sanity causes a man to struggle with his perception of what is real and what isn’t. But is he really going insane?

Amelia le Bourhis, James Hannon, TY, Tullamore College 12:51 Offaly


There are simple things we are still not being done for the future of the planet and this film explores what must be done. The Depths Rosie Huges, Aquinas Grammar School 02:32 Belfast A mermaid makes an unlikely new friend in this magical and emotive 2D animated short

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Luke Flanagan 02:01 Meath When Rosie, a woman in her early 20s, is put in a difficult situation she is forced to make an important choice.

Session 2

The Dead Trim


Martin Flaherty, Coláiste Éinde 2019/20 05:23 Galway

Milosh Hughes 13:02 Dublin

Desmond must deal with his tormenter from his school days.

A man moves into an apartment in a dystopia whereupon the line between flesh and technology are blurred

Final shot

Last Bus

Michael Keane 05:00 Cork

Dara Mac 04:55 Roscommon

Based on the Columbine School Shootings this film recreates the horrible events that took place with a mysterious twist.

Dublin nightlife fades, James Shannon walks home, alone in a city of 1.8 million searching for answers and change.

TY2 - Super Mario in Real Life; Making Up; Attack of the Balls; and The Bar.

Long Story Short

Colaíste Chill Mhantín 03:20 Wicklow

You could lose worse than your teeth...

A selection of four large scale stop motion shorts made by TY students.

SWAY Project 11:41 Waterford


The Flag Amy O’Reilly, Kildare Young Filmmakers 02:00 Kildare An LGBT+ short film about the colours and meanings of the pride flag, including archive and modern footage and audio

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Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year awards Texback


Cornelia Osuagw, Le Cheile 01:12 Dublin

Shane Farragher, Coláiste Bhaile Chláir 06:00 Gaillimhe

Waiting for that message from a certain someone... When Pigs Fly Kevin Meggs 16:00 Dublin Kate gets blackmailed into a road trip that causes chaos, confusion and flying pigs but she might end up learning something along the way... (No Title)

John and Mike become involved in a plot dealing with murder. Waiting Saorla Rodger 03:58 Waterford A girl waits for a bus. Initially hopeful, as time passes, she begins to lose hope. She begins to question the world, the universe and the very nature of life itself.

Le Cheile Secondary School, Liza Khubuluri 03:52 Dublin

The Room is Barren and Red

Who are we? Where are we headed?

A man awakens his inner demons through a false diagnosis and prescription pills.

Dear Naomi Aoife Rees 05:30 Wexford Reeve writes a letter to her friend explaining how she feels as she tries to process her emotions.

Caoimhe Gallagher Lawson 06:15 Leitrim

In the Blink of an Eye Darragh Devoy, Hartstown Transition Years 04:51 Dublin

Falling Slowly

A surprise encounter in the halls at school sends a flood of memories for two students with a shared past.

Limerick Educate Together Secondary School 02:53 Limerick


The animation is a visual response to an Oscar winning song developing themes of mental health.

Ruby is much of a daydreamer but her new friend Kal makes her life flip upside down.

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Wiktoria Weintritt, 06:09 Dublin

Session 3

A Tail of Revenge

My Problem

David Moore, Caoilainn McGurk, Rachel Fitzpatrick, James McAlpin, National Youth Film and Animation School 01:10 Kilkenny

Eoin O’Kelly 04:36 Dublin

A rodent gets revenge on a policeman feline who locked him away in prison. Birthday Adam Greenan 08:20 Clare It’s the thought that counts; at least that is what Amy thinks as she gears up for her dads Birthday. Four

There’s something supernatural stalking Aoife. But she has more important things to do... The Happy Garden Ben de Barra 14:59 Dublin An old man spreads joy with his musical garden, when he is hurt, his friends, must make the garden, and themselves, happy again. Break

Ella Nethercott, Alexandra College 06:08 Dublin Four girls, four stories, four experiences exploring what happens for people behind closed doors... Corrupt Jake Kettyles, Aquinas Grammar School 04:00 Down An investigator pursues a dangerous criminal. In a corrupt world, is there room for human compassion?

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Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year awards Out

Wo Ai Ni, Mama

Zac Goold 05:23 Wicklow

Maya Peters 04:50 Dublin

A boy tries to tell his extremely religious parents that he is gay.

A conflicted young girl writes a coming-out letter to her mother. While recounting her many memories leading up to that moment she realised that in the end, we are just meant to love each other.

Enkata Max Hendrickson 04:18 Dublin A young rose-man tries to find his feet in a dark and surreal landscape.

What About Now?

Witch Hunt

Two foster teenagers decide to run away from their abusive home with the foster parents’ baby to create a better life for themselves.

Molly Hoque Kildare Young Filmmakers 03:40 Kildare Alice has an unwelcome encounter with someone at a party. As she tells her side of the story, she feels like she is on trial for something that isn’t her fault, much like the ‘witches’ during the Salem Witch Trials, 1692. Saol Satan Aedammair Ní Riain 01:52 Dublin In “Satan’s Life”, Satan is just a normal guy with a 9-5 job sorting the souls that come to Hell every day. In the film, we see Satan going through his daily life.

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The SWICN Clubhouse 15:00 Dublin

One Good Turn Demi Duffy Swan Youth Service 03:11 Dublin The story of a young woman’s experience of homelessness and the impact of a kind gesture from a stranger. Midsummer Beauty Oisín McKeogh 12:41 Clare Luna struggles with a crush on her best friend

Session 4

In The Future

When Art is a Passion

TY2 Film Class St. Anne’s Film Club 02:41 Clare

Kildare Young Filmmakers 01:00 Kildare

Inspired by the work done by Greta Thunberg on the climate crisis, we felt compelled to take action and spread awareness. As young people, we are often asked what we would like to be in the future. But with climate change, there is no future... Pirates Cal Arnold O’Driscoll 15:06 Dublin In 1980s Ireland Pirate radio was huge. It’s cheap, easy and will make you famous! That’s why these three friends set one up in an attempt to beat the bullies and get the girls. Lost in Transit Josh Lynas 15:00 Down Lost in Transit follows a young girl on the hunt to find her dad. Through a series of bizarre events she find out the true meaning of family.

Young people talk about the wonder of filmmaking. Break Audience Award Voting

Awards Information SENIOR AWARDS Radharc RTE Cartoon Saloon Best school Highly commended: Visual Language Highly Commended: Concept Highly Commended: Directing Highly Commended: Storytelling Audience Award Best group 3rd place 2nd place Ireland’s Young filmmaker of the year

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Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year awards

Session 5

Have you Seen Buster?

Festival Montage

Emmanuel Li 05:48 United Kingdom

Pete Moles 03:20 Limerick

Spirited, determined 12 -year -old Jacob embarks on a search for his dog Buster , encountering whacky townsfolk along the way.

A look back over some of the best moments from Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the year 2020.

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Bonus round Online screening A Story of a Ghost

Illegally Blind

Caoimhe Gallagher Lawson 09:00 Leitrim

Jakob Bjerg, Station Next 4.41 Denmark

A lonely ghost travels the world in search of a purpose.

A blind woman enters a petrol station to make a purchase.


Horazio - The Timekeeper

Brendan Hickey, Owen Russell, Ransom Miller 10.11 USA

Fabio Sigler 4.41 Germany

Living and painting in obscurity, an eclectic artist and bus driver’s life is changed when he’s offered his very own gallery. The Breakers Dillon Donohoe 08:30 Meath An Important client needs the job done with class, there was only ever one team right for this job…. My Dad Andrew Martin 4.10 USA In MY DAD, filmmaker Corynn McAfee makes new difficult discoveries that lead her to redefine the meaning of fatherhood and reshape her own family’s future. The Hitman: Legend of Don Soap Cillian George 13:47 Wicklow In 1980s Wicklow, a killer known as the Unislayer haunts the county. Only one person can stop him: Don Soap the Hitman. If Found, Please Return Milosh Hughes 03:54 Dublin Forgotten, destroyed, he makes one last effort to pull himself together to face the beauties of the world.

A girl feels restricted by her every day school life. Despite being able to free herself from the underlying suppression, she is eventually alienated by society. How Not to be Being Bad with Your Monies Adam McDowell, Tallaght Young Filmmakers 11:50 Dublin Saving Money has never not been so uncomplicated. A Shadow in a Hill Oisín McKeogh 04:12 Clare A malignant presence lives in the hills… Have You Seen Buster? Emmanuel Li 05:48 United Kingdom Spirited, determined 12-year-old Jacob embarks on a search for his dog Buster, encountering wacky townsfolk along the way.

See freshfilmfestival Youtube channel

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VIRTUAL EVENTS 23rd - 27th March: Including How to videos @Facebook: https://www. Meet the maker interviews on Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th and Friday 27th @ 4:00 pm Instagram: https://www. Junior finalists on Wednesday 25th Senior finalists on Thursday 26th @10:00 am Youtube: com/user/freshfilmfestival

DATES TO BE CONFIRMED FOR THE FOLLOWING EVENTS WORKSHOPS Special FX A hands on introduction to an aspect of filmmaking in the classroom with Odyssey Studios. Students will get an introduction to special effects in filmmaking. Arranged with a group. For bookings contact freshfilmfestival@ Optical Toys for classroom A hands on introduction to an aspect of film making in the classroom. Targeted towards primary schools giving

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students an approach to creating a moving image. Workshop will include video examples to illustrate to everyone in the class. Students will be taught to make moving images with classroom essentials. For bookings contact freshfilmfestival@ Arranged with a group Fresh sends a BIG THANK YOU to all the suppliers, supporters, funders and young filmmakers for being flexible and patient in this unprecedented situation.


Suitable for all ages

Ferris Beuller’s Day Off

For bookings contact: freshfilmfestival@

Classic 80s (103 mins) 12A Ferris Bueller has an uncanny skill at cutting classes and getting away with it. Intending to make one last duck-out before graduation, Ferris calls in sick, “borrows” a Ferrari, and embarks on a one-day journey through the streets of Chicago. On Ferris’ trail is high school principal Rooney, determined to catch him in the act. It was one of the top grossing films of 1985. In 2014, the film was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress, being deemed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. USA | 1985 | 103 mins | Comedy | Director: John Hughes The Iron Giant Childrens Classic (86 mins) U “Iron Giant” is based upon the 1968 story,’Iron Man,’ by the British poet laureate Ted Hughes. The film is about a giant metal machine that drops from the sky and frightens a small town in Maine in 1958, only to find a friend named, Hogarth, that ultimately finds its humanity and saving the towns people of their fears and prejudices. USA | 1999 | 86 mins | Animation | Director: Brad Bird

Une Colonie (102 mins) Recommended age 15+ In association with IFI Educationhttps://ifi. ie/learn/ This year’s French language film choice is a Francophone region story from Canada. In this affecting tale, Mylia, is a 12 year old girl in Centre-du-Québec, struggling to fit in at a new school. Finding solace in the outdoors with fellow outsider Jimmy, a boy of Abenaki descent, the two outsiders learn to navigate the precariousness of their environments, confronting concepts of citizenship and belonging. Beautifully shot and tenderly observed, Une Colonie is remarkable coming of age tale that explores themes of loneliness and connection through its moving story. Canada 2018 | 102 mins | Drama I Director: Geneviève Dulude-De Celles Suitable for TY, 5th & 6th year students. A study guide designed for French students is available with this film For bookings contact: freshfilmfestival@ | 23

Careers day Careers in Screen at Fresh Film Festival is a dynamic and interactive audience led event for 3rd-6th year students, which aims to highlight the wide variety of career paths available in film and television; providing an instructive, educational and inspirational platform for participants. The event will explore the nature of filmmaking as a career and the different skillsets involved, and give a comprehensive look at the screen industry in Ireland. Speakers will provide open and honest accounts of their experiences working in the screen sector, and an insight into the collaborative process of film production. Careers in Screen is presented in partnership with Screen Skills Ireland. Gemma O’Shaughnessy (Production manager) MC. SESSION 1 This session will focus on the career paths of three film and television industry professionals, who are all from the limerick area. The speakers will cover their own career journeys and also discuss the opportunities and many different roles within the industry.

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Speakers Michelle Brassil (Manager Troy Studios) Eimear O’ Mahony (RTE Executive Producer, Children’s & Young People’s Programming) Paul Ryan (Regional Film Co-ordinator) Gemma will introduce and showcase the careers in screen website and show how it works. SESSION 2 This session will look at the work of three filmmakers and producers who themselves made films as young people. The speakers will show a clip of their earlier work and more recent work. They will also discuss their careers in screen to date. Speakers Vincent Lambe (filmmaker) Oscar nominee 2019 – began making films for Fresh at the age of 15 Alfie Hollingsworth (Cinematographer) began by making lego stop motion films for Fresh at the age of 13 Laura Gaynor (producer/Filmmaker) Just completed BBC traineeship -making films for Fresh at age of 13.

Networking Day Youth Film Network: Capturing Magic workshop at Fresh Do you work with young people interested in film or animation? Would you like to strengthen your practice? Join Fresh, Young Irish Film Makers and the National Youth Council of Ireland for a day of conversation, workshopping and networking. SUL Og - Young Filmmakers Day This day long event is for and by young filmmakers and will involve panel discussions and skills sharing. There will be discussions, a pitching session, masterclasses in Cinematography, Casting and Sound and opportunities to meet other young filmmakers. Join Fresh as we offer a day’s programme of events for young filmmakers. Oscar winning film producer John McDonnell (Vivarium, Six Shooter) shares his experience and insight into the industry. Then, young filmmakers who participated in this year’s festival deliver a series of “Fresh Talks” on topics such as emotion in film, balancing different elements of your career and building a community of filmmakers PLEASE EMAIL US TO BOOK YOUR PLACE Limited places available for workshops. Thank you | 25

An Irish Media Landscape that reflects and shapes who we are. The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is the regulator of broadcasting in Ireland. The Authority’s key functions are: BAI Mission: ›

Regulate, foster and support broadcasting

Promote a plurality of voices, viewpoints, outlets and sources in Irish media

To foster diverse and culturally relevant quality content for Irish audiences

BAI Values: ›





BAI Themes: ›

Promoting Diversity & Plurality

Achieving Excellence and Accountability

Communicating & Influencing

Empowering Audiences

Enhancing Innovation & Sectoral Sustainability

The Authority’s key functions are: ›

licensing radio and television services additional to those provided by RTÉ, TG4, the Houses of the Oireachtas Channel and the Irish Film Channel

making broadcasting codes and rules

the review of the performance of RTÉ and TG4 against their stated annual public objects and on the adequacy or otherwise of the public funding available to PSBs to meet their public services objects

to provide, and award, funding for programming and archiving relating to Irish culture, heritage and experience under the Broadcasting Funding Scheme

to monitor and enforce compliance of the licensed broadcasters with the broadcasting codes and rules and/or with their broadcasting contracts

to provide for, and decide on, complaints from viewers and listeners regarding broadcast content on all Irish broadcasting services

supporting the development of the broadcasting sector including through research and training

fostering and supporting the understanding of media including co-operation with broadcasters and educationalistsThe BAI is made up of the Authority, the Contract Awards Committee, the Compliance Committee and the Executive.

You can find out more about the BAI on ​ 26 |

Fresh Team Board of directors Chairperson Dave Burns

Fresh International Film Festival team

RTE Executive Suzanne Kelly

Festival Technical Manager Pete Moles

Arts Manager Brendan Maher

Festival Event Coordinator Rachael Power

Filmmaker Donal Foreman

Reel Exchange Coordinator Ella Daly

Education Séan Molony

Festival PR Richard Lynch

Academic Tony Tracy

Workshop Facilitation Cian Laffey

Education Richard Fallon

Workshop Facilitation Odyssey Studios

BFI Alison McCloskey

Design One Little Studio

Business Nicole Dunphy

Awards Design Lorna O’Brien

Solicitor Rachel Meehan

Web Design Little Blue Studio Illustration Alé Mercado

Fresh Film team Fresh Film Artistic Director Jayne Foley Fresh Film Manager Ciarda Tobin Fresh Film Administrator Alex Moloney Fresh Film Events team & submissions coordinator Maeve Yee Fresh Film Events team & Festival programme coordinator Kayleigh Moriarty Accounts Karen McGuinness

Features partner Irish Film Institute Stage Managers Eloise Hickey, Mags O’Donoghue, Front of House Shane Hickey O’Mara Light and sound Tom Walsh Photography IloveLimerick PR Team Anthony Sheehan, Elysha Folan, Beth Pym, Orla McCarthy, Sophia DiBattista.

Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year Awards Crew Stage Managers Eloise Hickey, Mags O’Donoghue Front of House Shane Hickey O’Mara Light and Sound Tom Walsh DJ Kevin Walsh Photography Ann O’Mahony, Dermot Cullhane Intern Jordan McKenzie Work Experience James Mulvihill, Paula Oshige Volunteers Castletroy Comprehensive TY | 27

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Thank you so much for this head melting work

Seóna Ní Bhriain and the Arts Council of Ireland | Paul Patton, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board | Sheila Deegan, Aoife Potter-Cogan, Pippa Little, Lizanne Jackman and all at Limerick City and County Arts Department | Jenny Traynor, Emer Casey, Gearoid O’Hallmhurain, Dance Limerick | Anthony, Olivia, Paul and the staff at the Odeon Cinemas | Chris O’Neill, Ann Luttrell and all at the Triskel Arts centre, Cork | Louise Donlan, Marketa Dowling and all at Belltable | Fergal McGrath and all at Town Hall Theatre, Galway | Alicia McGivern, Richard Fallon and all at the Irish Film Institute | Amy Lynch at Lighthouse | Aifric Ní Ruairc, Axis Ballymun | Peter Dunn and the Radharc Trust | Suzanne Kelly, Eimear O’Mahony and RTÉ Learning and Development | HR RTÉ | Screen Training Ireland | Annette Maye and the Galway Junior Film Fleadh | Gary McHugh, Sorcha Hyland and all at Young Irish Film Makers | Marija Ratković Vidakovć and YCN | Michael Fitzpatrick & Paul Gardiner at Limerick College of Art and design | Orla O’Sullivan, CBS Sexton Street | Deborah Wade and all at BAI | Séan Molony | Paudie Baggott | Paul Callanan | | RTÉ supporting the arts | Michelle Brassil Troy Studios | Emma Sams | Sthiti Padhy | Milosh Hughes | Rhianna, Irina and Spark Film Festival | Linda Fitzgerald and the University of Limerick Cooperative Education team | Mieke Vanmechelen, Leone, Johnny, Harry, Patrick and Killarney Young Filmmakers | Cian Laffey and all our staff, volunteers and all of those who have assisted us post-publishing. | 29

“Fresh was my film school before film school... I owe Fresh a lot! ” Donal Foreman (Film Director) “Thank you for giving me a place to share my work and explore talents Dara O’Cairbre “Our students really enjoyed the experience, They were really impressed with the standard and they are already planning their next short film.” Katie (Gaelcholáiste Mhuire A.G.) “Only for the Fresh Film Festival, I wouldn’t be making films of the standard that I do.” John Farrelly The event is fantastic and a beautiful opportunity to show off creativity, thank you so much for making it real! Ashling Sugrue For anyone who has a camera, I’d recommend getting out there and making a movie. It’s such a rewarding experience, and it’s a great way to tell a story. Even if you’re not happy with your film - you’ll learn a lot from the experience, and your next film will be even better! Sean Thomas

​Fresh Film

No. 1 John’s Square, Limerick City Email: ​​Tel: 00 353 (0) 61 319 555 30 |

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