Contents ª√–‡¥Á𠔧—≠∑“ß°“√‡ß‘π
Financial Highlights
Message from Chairman
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The Audit Committeeûs Report
General Information
Corporate Information
ºŸ∂â Õ◊ Àÿπâ √“¬„À≠à
Major Shareholders
Business Overview
ªí®®—¬§«“¡‡ ’Ë¬ß 10
Risk Factors
¿“«–Õÿμ “À°√√¡·≈–·π«‚πâ¡Õÿμ “À°√√¡‡À≈Á° 12
Industry Status and Competition
·ºπ¿Ÿ¡‘Õߧå°√ 14
Organization Chart
‚§√ß √â“ß°“√®—¥°“√ 15
Management Structure
°“√°”°—∫¥Ÿ·≈°‘®°“√ 25
Corporate Governance
°“√§«∫§ÿ¡¿“¬„π 33
Internal Control
√“¬°“√∑’ˇ°’ˬ«‚¬ß°—π 36
Connected Transactions
§”Õ∏‘∫“¬·≈–°“√«‘‡§√“–Àå¢ÕßΩÉ“¬®—¥°“√ 38 ‡°’ˬ«°—∫∞“π–∑“ß°“√‡ß‘π·≈–º≈°“√¥”‡π‘πß“π √“¬ß“π¢ÕߺŸâ Õ∫∫—≠™’√—∫Õπÿ≠“μ·≈–ß∫°“√‡ß‘π 41
100 Management Discussion and Analysis 103 Auditorûs Report & Financial Report
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1,241.17 1,898.42 1,105.22 1,111.78 786.64
+5.53 +1.43 +16.87 +10.31 -8.93
1,176.08 1,871.66 945.72 1,007.87 863.77
+7.27 +6.26 +22.37 +0.14 -1.13
1,096.41 1,761.32 772.84 887.65 873.67
-13.63 -7.90 -9.69 -14.77 +0.31
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2,290.20 2,348.28 2,289.92 93.16 42.33 -77.13 0.00 -77.13
+5.01 +7.30 +16.01 -45.01 -12.11 -2,505.74 -100.00 -559.27
2,181.02 2,188.59 1,973.98 169.41 48.16 -2.96 8.05 -11.03
+13.78 +13.22 +13.02 +34.11 +19.33 -114.96 +96.82 -170.25
1,916.80 1,933.11 1,746.64 126.32 41.60 19.79 4.09 15.70
-11.77 -11.77 -12.62 -1.92 +45.02 -44.24 - 31.26 -46.85
1.12 1.41 2.49 -3.28 1.58
-9.68 +20.51 1,941.08 -551.72 -8.67
1.24 1.17 -0.14 -0.50 1.73
-0.18 +0.15 -113.26 -772.19 -1.14
1.42 1.02 1.02 0.81 1.75
-4.37 -15.04 -36.80 -39.76 +0.57
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107,126,009 369,274,265 73,257,768 3,775,032 19,419,249 80,600 1,026,553 66,300 693,914 130,000 - 4,644,856 - (21,962,958) (41,924,570) (1,546,960) (7,876,305) 107,206,609 352,982,716 31,399,498 2,921,986 11,672,944
24,297,046 33,498,707 (4,644,856) 53,150,897
597,149,369 35,496,074 (73,310,793) 559,334,650
107,206,609 434,506,727 261,479,672 13,555,303 72,731,466 53,150,897 942,630,674 - (81,524,011) (230,080,174) (10,633,317) (61,058,522) - (383,296,024) 107,206,609 352,982,716 31,399,498 2,921,986 11,672,944 53,150,897 559,334,650
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107,126,009 369,274,265 73,257,689 3,770,795 19,419,248 80,600 1,026,553 66,300 693,914 130,000 - 4,644,856 - (21,962,958) (41,924,492) (1,544,533) (7,876,305) 107,206,609 352,982,716 31,399,497 2,920,176 11,672,943
24,297,046 33,498,707 (4,644,856) 53,150,897
597,145,052 35,496,074 (73,308,288) 559,332,838
107,206,609 434,506,727 261,471,672 13,447,207 71,270,718 53,150,897 941,053,830 - (81,524,011) (230,072,175) (10,527,031) (59,597,775) - (381,720,992) 107,206,609 352,982,716 31,399,497 2,920,176 11,672,943 53,150,897 559,332,838
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4.05 - 5.35 3.81 - 7.05
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35,000,413 (2,034,640) 32,965,773 (21,210,576) 11,755,197
16. ‡ß‘π°Ÿâ¬◊¡√–¬–¬“«®“° ∂“∫—π°“√‡ß‘π - ÿ∑∏‘ ∫“∑ ß∫°“√‡ß‘π√«¡·≈–ß∫°“√‡ß‘π‡©æ“–°‘®°“√ 2552 2551 ‡ß‘π°Ÿâ¬◊¡√–¬–¬“«®“° ∂“∫—π°“√‡ß‘π À—° à«π∑’˧√∫°”Àπ¥™”√–¿“¬„πÀπ÷Ëߪï ÿ∑∏‘
50,400,000 (48,000,000) 2,400,000
104,800,000 (54,400,000) 50,400,000
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55,436,019 20,913,227 15,827,601 26,402,836 976,802 30,838,604
56,083,133 17,225,155 10,544,383 1,509,412 -
55,291,930 20,913,227 15,752,698 26,402,836 891,419 30,838,604
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43,231.95 (8,858.09) (71,339.65) (12,960.70) (42,330.31) (9.24) (77,131.78)
1,398.08 (20,622.78) (97,411.59) (20,556.67) (48,165.20) (8,050.50) (11,039.48)
æ—π∫“∑ ∏ÿ√°‘®√—∫®â“ßμ‘¥μ—Èß 2552 2551
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FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2009 +/-(%) Balance Sheet Current Assests Total Assests Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Shareholders没 Equity Income Statement Revenue from sales Total Revenue Cost of goods sold General and Administrative Expenses Interest Expenses Gross Profit Tax Net Profit Financial Ratio Current Ratio (Times) Debt to Equity Ratio (Times) Gross Profit Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%) Return On Assets (%) Book Value per Share (Baht) Earnings per Share (Baht)
2008 +/-(%)
(Unit : Million Baht) 2007 +/-(%)
1,241.17 1,898.42 1,105.22 1,111.78 786.64
+5.53 +1.43 +16.87 +10.31 -8.93
1,176.18 1,871.66 945.72 1,007.87 867.77
+7.27 -6.26 +22.37 +0.14 -1.13
1,096.41 1,761.32 772.84 887.65 873.67
-13.63 -7.90 -9.69 -14.77 +0.31
2,290.20 2,348.28 2,289.92 93.16
+5.01 +7.30 +16.01 -45.01
2,181.02 2,188.59 1,973.98 169.41
+13.78 +13.22 +13.02 +34.11
1,916.80 1,933.11 1,746.64 126.32
-11.77 -11.77 -12.62 -1.92
42.33 -77.13 0.00 -77.13
-12.11 -2,505.74 -100.00 -559.27
48.16 -2.96 8.05 -11.03
+19.33 -114.96 +96.82 -170.25
40.36 19.79 4.09 15.70
+45.02 -44.24 -31.26 -46.85
-9.68 +20.51 1,941.08 -551.72 -566.67 -8.67 -45.00
1.24 1.17 -0.14 -0.50 -0.01 1.73 0.02
-0.18 +0.15 -113.26 -772.19 -160.00 -1.14 -45.00
1.42 1.02 1.02 0.81 0.01 1.75 0.04
-4.37 -15.04 -36.80 -39.76 -50.00 +0.57 -33.33
1.12 1.41 2.49 -3.28 -0.04 1.58 -0.154
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Message from Chairman To Shareholders The economic condition has gradually recovered in 2009 which resulted in the improvement of business operations in industrial section. However, the barrier to economy improvement is the lack of stability in political status of which limited the confidence for investors in the industrial section. For steel industry, another factor that has direct influence is the price fluctuations due to steel products are considered world commodity. Therefore, changes in prices are the result from world demand and supply. Business owners to carefully operate business under the mention risk factors. In the past year, the price of the cold rolled coil has enormously fluctuates especially in the first two quarters while the demand for cold rolled coil in Thailand has not yet increase when compare to the past. These factors are inefficacious to operate businesses, especially to the company没s first two quarters. Thus, the company has two new strategies for selling products. First, the company wants to improve cold rolled coil products to have higher quality by invested in machinery with higher quality. The company believes to enter into customers group who has demand for transformation of the cold rolled coil, with accurate production from machinery invested in the near future. Second, the company increases the distribution of hot rolled coil in the beginning of the second quarter and by forth quarter the sales proportion of hot rolled coil was at 40% of total sales. In the future, the company hopes to have sales proportion of hot rolled coil distribution no less than 50%. From the change in selling strategies, the company was able to recover the loss of operation in the first two quarters and making profits. However, the recovery amount has not yet offset the losses occur in the first two quarters, but it没s the beginning of the good trends for the future. However, hot rolled coil holds larger market shares than cold rolled coil. There are many industrial types of demand for use of hot coil rolled products such as automobile industry. To be in line with the above strategies, the company has the policy to invest in those machineries for transformation and to distribute hot rolled coil products. Customers in the high end market, the accuracy in cutting and slitting is the company没s trend to compete with other companies, of which the markets for cold rolled coil and hot rolled coil are considerably large. There are many companies competing in terms of prices to the lower market. The company is expected to have improved business operations in 2010 under the said directions. On behalf of the company没s management, I would like to thank to our Shareholders, business partners, financial institutes, including all employees for supporting the company. The company will ensure that the management will professionally manage the company in full capacity and focus on improving operation for 2010.
Chukiat Yongvongphaiboon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
The Audit Committeeรปs Report The Audit Committee of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited consisted of 3 directors, which are General Montri Supaporn, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Police Major General Sahasachai Indrasuksri, and Mr.Khan Akaworawit. Each is an independent director who has the complete qualifications as specified by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The Audit Committee has given opinion regarding to business operations and have received good cooperation from The Board of Directors. In 2009, the Audit Committee has held five meetings. Each meeting consisted of companyรปs directors, internal auditors, and the Audit Committee. Each is permitted to point out the related topics. Related topics are discussed according to their responsibilities which can be concluded as followed. 1. Reviewing and giving opinions to 2009 quarterly and yearly financial reports Reviewing financial statements of 2009 with the auditors and companyรปs managers including agreeing that the financial statement comply with the accounting standards. 2. Reviewing and giving opinions to connected transactions that may cause conflict of interest In reviewing and giving opinions to such transactions must comply with rules and regulations of The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand to protect the any disadvantages to general shareholders and for the highest benefits to the company. 3. Reviewing risk management and internal control To protect and decrease risk that may occur during business operation. And to give opinions on tight internal control including the follow up reports on improvement for efficiency and quality. 4. Overseeing the company to comply with rules and regulations of The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand To emphasize the company to strictly comply with rules and regulations of The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand including followed up on any rules changes. Additionally, the Audit Committee has requested the Internal Audit to review evaluate risk based on compliance with the law. The Audit Committee has concluded that the company complied with rules and regulations accordingly. 5. Giving importance of business operation The Audit Committee has reviewed the business operation for good management according to rules and regulations of The Stock Exchange of Thailand and to built confidence to shareholders and related parties. 6. Considering and appointing auditor The Audit Committee has considered the Auditorรปs work and progress for the past year in consultation of standard accounting, auditing, and confirming the financial statements on a time matter to The Board of Directors. In the Shareholdersรป meeting, The Audit Committee proposed Mr.Chanankorn Sathiraprapakul, Auditor Registration No. 6554 of Grand Audit Company Limited and Mr. Jetsada Hungsapalerk Auditor Registration No. 3759 of Karin Audit Company Limited as the 2010 Auditors with the audit fees of no more than 560,000 Baht. In conclusion, the Audit Committee has agreed that the company has reported correctly regarding to financial information and business operation, adequate and efficiency in internal control and according to rules and regulations, compliance to other related rules and regulations, and adequately and clearly operated the company.
General Montri Supaporn Chairman of Audit Committee Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
General Information Company没s Secretary Company Name Company Initial Business Type
: Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited : PERM : PERM Transforms and distributes cold rolled coil, Electro-Galvanized Steel, roofing and walling color metal sheet and roll forming metal sheet, Smartruss residency,C-line,C-U,T-bar and C-Channal Galvanized High Tensile Strength
Head Office Address
: 4,95-96 Moo 6, Rama 2 Road, Tambol Kokkham, Amper Muang Samutsakorn Samutsakorn 74000 : 1. 222 Moo 6, Tambol Mae-Rampueng, Amper Bangsaphan, Prajuabkirikan 77140 2. 108/9 Moo 1, Rama 2 Road, Tambol Bangnumjued, Amper Muang Samutsakorn 74000 3. 108/3 Moo 1, Rama 2 Road, Tambol Bangnumjued, Amper Muang Samutsakorn 74000 4. 55/93 Moo 9, Rama 2 Road, Kwang Bangmod, Khet Jomthong, Bangkok 10150 (Currently,this office has moved to 4,95-96 location) 5. 90/9 Moo 1, Rama 2 Road, Tambol Bangnumjued, Amper Muang Samutsakorn 74000
Factory Location
Company Registration Head Office Telephone Factory Telephone Head Office Fax Home Page Email Address Registered Capital Common Shares Par Value Paid Capital
: : : : : : : : : :
0107574800196 0-3482-5090-100 0-3482-5090-100 0-3482-5078-9 www.permsin.com, www.suntechthai.com contact@permsin.com 500,000,000 Baht 500,000,000 Shares 1.00 Baht 500,000,000 Baht
Securities Registrar Company Address Telephone Fax
: Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited : 2/7 Moo 4 The Stock Exchange of Thailand Building Floor 2 North Park Thoungsonghong, Khet Lhaksi, Bangkok 10210 : 0-2596-9000 : 0-2832-4994-6
Auditor Auditor Audit License No. Company Name Address
: : : :
Telephone Fax Auditor Audit License No.
Telephone Fax Secretary Telephone Fax Email Address
Mr. Chanankorn Satiraprapakhul 6554 Grand Audit Company Limited 140/46-47 I.T.F. Tower, Floor 21st, Silom Road., Kwang Suriyawong, Khet Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 : 0-2671-3181-2 : 0-2671-3183 : Mr. Jedsada Hangsaphalerk : 3759 Company Name: Karin Audit Company Limited Address: 138 Boonmit Tower, Floor 6, B1 Room, Silom Road., Kwang Suriyawong, Khet Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 : 0-2634-2484-6 : 0-2634-2668 : Mrs. Chamaiporn Yongvongphaiboon : 0-3482-5090-100 : 0-3482-5078 : chamaiporn@permsin.com
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Corporate Information Company Name Company Initial Business Type
Head Office Address Factory Location
Company Registration Head Office Telephone Factory Telephone Head Office Fax Home Page Email Address Registered Capital Common Shares Par Value Paid Capital
: Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited : PERM : PERM Transforms and distributes cold rolled coil, Electro-Galvanized Steel, roofing and walling color metal sheet and roll forming metal sheet, Smartruss residency,C-line,C-U,T-bar and C-Channal Galvanized High Tensile Strength : 4,95-96 Moo 6, Rama 2 Road, Tambol Kokkham, Amper Muang Samutsakorn Samutsakorn 74000 : 1. 222 Moo 6, Tambol Mae-Rampueng, Amper Bangsaphan, Prajuabkirikan 77140 2. 108/9 Moo 1, Rama 2 Road, Tambol Bangnumjued, Amper Muang Samutsakorn 74000 3. 108/3 Moo 1, Rama 2 Road, Tambol Bangnumjued, Amper Muang Samutsakorn 74000 4. 55/93 Moo 9, Rama 2 Road, Kwang Bangmod, Khet Jomthong, Bangkok 10150 (Currently, this office has moved to 4, 95-96 location) 5. 90/9 Moo 1, Rama 2 Road, Tambol Bangnumjued, Amper Muang Samutsakorn 74000 : : : : : : : : : :
0107574800196 0-3482-5090-100 0-3482-5090-100 0-3482-5078-9 www.permsin.com, www.suntechthai.com contact@permsin.com 500,000,000 Baht 500,000,000 Shares 1.00 Baht 500,000,000 Baht
Major Shareholders No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name of Shareholders Mr. Chukiat Yongvongpaibul Mr. Krit Suteerachai Mrs. Chamaiporn Yongvongphaiboon Mr. Yutthapong Seereedeelert Mr. Win Suteerachai Mr. Choocheep Wongvongpaibul Mr. Veerachai Suteerachai Mr. Singhanart Batsomboon Mr. Pairat Im-Chokchai Mr. Pattharaphol Batsomboon Mr. Pariphan Noonpakdee Miss Benjamas Batsomboon Miss Sithida Chumpanee Mr. Vibul Kanapongsa Miss Angkana Thangrattanaphon Mrs. Vimolmas Ngaovisitkul Mr. Sukit Ngaovisitkul Thai N V D R Company Limited Mr. Amnuey Pijitpongchai Mr. Somkid SopolTanakitsakul Total
Share amounts Percentage 125,950,000 25.19 80,000,000 16.00 30,000,000 6.00 28,007,400 5.60 22,709,500 4.54 20,600,000 4.12 15,656,000 3.13 12,000,000 2.40 6,900,000 1.38 6,500,000 1.30 6,300,000 1.26 5,631,200 1.13 4,950,000 0.99 4,382,000 0.88 4,120,000 0.82 3,481,100 0.70 3,260,900 0.65 3,221,800 0.64 3,000,000 0.60 3,000,000 0.60 389,669,900 77.93
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Business Overview Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited (the company) was established on October 22, 1989 with initial registered and paid-up capital of 6 million Baht as a trading company of cold rolled steel by mainly imported steel from other countries. The company has transformed into a steel manufacturer by purchased and installed cutting machine for cold rolled coil and electro-galvanized steel. In 1997, after its production of cold rolled coil, the company decided to purchase coil domestically. In 2004, the company has purchased assets, roll forming metal sheet transformer, and 莽Smartruss茅 brand for residency. And thus, the company has transformed and sold other steel products such as C-Line, C-U, T-Bar and C-Channel Galvanized High Tensile Strength. And in 2005, the new factory and office building at 95-96 Tumbol Kogkham, Aumpur Mueang, Samutsakorn province has been built to support business expansion. The new office was moved into from Bangmod Branch in the third quarter of 2006 for better coordination and quality of working conditions. The company has introduced new product of colour metal sheet with PU foam. It is a development to add quality to the current product. PU foam protects heat and noise when compared to metal roof. Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited subsidiary company, S.C. Steel Works Company Limited, with initial registered and paid-up capital of 10 million Baht, provides roof and sidings metal sheet installation services. The company没s full production capacities are as follow: 1. Cold rolled coil - 1,500,000 tons per year. 2. Roofing and siding colour metal sheet - 3,000,000 square meters per year. 3. C-Line, C-U, and T-Bar - 10,000,000 units per year. 4. C-Channel Galvanized High Tensile Strength - 12,000 tons per year. Currently, the company没s capacity utilizations of each category is about 80, 75, 65, and 50 percent respectively. The company mainly sells products directly to end user customers, who then use it as raw materials in many industries, such as automobile industry, electric appliance industry, steel furniture industry, steel pipe industry, and construction industry. For C-Line, C-U and T-Bar, 90% of productions are sold to contractors and traders. For roll forming metal sheet, the company sells directly to customers and construction contractors in proportion of 50:50 due to specified order are manufactured. The company recognizes the importance of quality of products, services and on-time delivery. The company received ISO 9002 : 1994 in management servicing and transforming of roofing from EAQA / EIT-CBO Institution and Industrial Product Standard for C-Line, C-U, T-Bar and steel roof products Thai Industrial Standard Institute Ministry of Industry.
Revenues No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Product Line
Cold Rolled Steel Hot Rolled Steel Electro Galvanizes Steel C-Channel Galvanized High Tensile Strength C-Line, C-U, T-Bar Roll Forming Metal Sheet Service Income Other Income Total Revenues
2009 Baht Thousands 1,302,343.69 735,160.30 134,553.28 18,881.65 99,267.20 14,848.92 43,231.95 2,348,286.99
% 55.46 31.31 5.73 -
2008 Baht Thousands 1,617,886.95 67,877.91 16,222.58
% 73.93 3.10 0.74
2007 Baht Thousands 1,250,494.13 81,494.02 16,065.43
0.80 21,454.54 0.98 53,157.43 4.23 457,581.32 20.91 515,589.08 0.63 6,169.33 0.28 10,852.98 1.84 1,398.08 0.06 5,452.98 100.00 2,188,590.71 100.00 1,933,106.05
% 64.69 4.22 0.83 2.75 26.67 0.56 0.28 100.00
Risks Factors The Board of Directors is aware of many risks factors that may have an affect on companyûs operations. And thus has set policies for managing risks factors and internal control system for managing the companyûs risk with good system and effectively. In the past, the company has reviewed and analyzed risks by separating of managing risks approach and followed up on managing those risks for the purposed of compliance with companyûs policies. For risks evaluations results and risk evaluations management can be summarized as follows: 1. Risks associated with the Markets ë Risks associated with raw material price fluctuations and product price The market condition risks and product price are the most important risks to the company due to the fluctuations of raw material price have directly affected the difference between the selling price and the cost of the products. In general, the costs of products are at 80% of the selling price. Therefore, the changes in prices have affected on companyûs operations. In 2009, the steel industry has encountered excessive price fluctuations like never before. The fluctuations of steel prices were due to The United States of America financial crisis and have enraged to other countries. World economy has also slow down or experience shrinkage in some countries for the fourth quarter in 2008 until 2009. With the fluctuations of steel price and which is uncontrollable by the company, the company takes its own actions. For managing risks in association with the raw material price fluctuation and product price, the company decreases those risks with the following policies. 1. Follow up of price movement closely and increase in awareness when purchasing raw materials. And to purchase from suppliers who will offer the price the company can accept. 2. Focus on quality products with higher selling price and less price fluctuations in raw materials. 3. Control sufficient amount of inventory and in line with the amount of selling to reduce the pricing differences. For the risks in flat steel bar (SLAB) pricing, have resulted negatively to the difference between the selling price and cost price. Customers has been postponing in purchasing and hoping for the decrease in prices. The decrease in sales has left the company with high inventory value when compared to 2008. In the first half of 2009, the company experience loss in income but had gain some profits in the second half of the year. Due to the companyûs inventory value is higher than the market value in the first half of the year and the decrease of inventory value, the company has a net loss for 2009. 2.
Risks associated with Management and Inventories ë Risks associated with management and inventories There was a continuous price fluctuation of hot rolled coil which is the main raw materials for cold rolled coil production. Therefore, companyûs management and inventory management will have a direct effect on operating income and companyûs ability to compete especially during the steel price increase. If the company kept high inventory, the average cost of cold rolled coil will be low. In reverse, if the steel price decrease and the company kept high inventory, the average costing of cold rolled coil will be higher which will decrease companyûs profits or a net loss could occurred. During the shortage of cold rolled coil, if there are low inventory kept, the company will not be able to supply customers on time. But with experience and closely monitoring of the cold Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
rolled coil price, including sufficient of capital and cash flow, the company is able to purchase and keep inventory at a proper timing and pricing.
Risks associated with Managers ë Risk from management dependence The good relationships among key managers, raw material suppliers, and customers promote the firmûs performance. This facilitates the company to find sources for cheap materials and also be informed of new production technology and new products. The firmûs performance may be affected if the company looses those key managers. However, the company recognized those risks and thus continuous seeing the importance of personal development. Currently, there are key managers in each department who have his/her limited power to make decisions.
Risks associated with Financial Status ë Risks from Interest Rates At the end of 2009, the companyûs balance of long term loans was 50.40 million baht and short term loans was 925.48 million baht in the form of Trust Receipt and Letter of Credit from financial institutions for use on operating activities, expansion, and financial flow for over-sea purchase of material. The credit terms of payables are longer than the receivables from customers. Account receivables are range from 30-90 days while account payables range from 30-180 days. The interest rate is set fix based on the market rate and the due date of particular loan. The change of higher interest could lead to higher interest expense for the company and thus has an affected on the companyûs operation. However, the company used the income received from customers to pay off some short term loans interest which decrease interest expense. ë Risks from Exchange Rates In 2009, the companyûs value of international purchase was 90% of total purchases. International purchases are in term of US Dollar and thus faces risk based on the fluctuations of exchange rates. In the past, the company decreases the risk of fluctuations of exchange rates by making an agreement of forward contracts. The company will review each case accordingly. In the future, the company will still purchase internationally. Therefore, the company will continued the policy of the use of forward contracts.
Risks associated with Customersû Credits In conducting business operations, the company has customers on account receivables from supplying companyûs products under agreed paying terms and conditions. The account receivables amounted to 416.55 million baht and thus absorb the risks of non payment by those customers on time. In order to reduce risks of non payments, the company has set guidelines and practice regarding to given credit to customers. The requirement for approved amount of credit is based on the purchasing analysis and the capability to make payments, and will be approved by The Management in writing. In addition, the company has continuously observed those risks by providing reports of all account receivables especially those that are due and the follow up on customers for payments. The company has customers who are unable to make payments to the company due to slow down of the economy in 2009. Therefore, these customers were unable to sell products and thus unable to pay the company. If they are our regular customers, we have negotiated for the planning of the payments when the amounts are overdue.
Industry Status and Competition Steel World Industry In 2009, the Steel World Industry economy has received impact from the United States of America financial crisis. This crisis has lead to world financial crisis and the monetary fund between countries has announced the decrease in economy expansion for 2009. World Steel Association in 2009 has decreased in raw steel production due to economy crisis impact of less demand in the market. There was less production of raw steel material in order to protect the decrease in steel price. China, South Korea, and India have increased in production for raw steel material, while Japan, Russia, Europe, North America and South America had decreased in production. Additionally, World Steel Association had projected the steel growth in 2009 when compared to 2008. Steel price situation in world market has changed greatly. The price of steel product has continuously and greatly increased due to high demand of steel, especially in China. And thus, the prices of iron ore and coal increased. The prices also increased due to shipping costs from increased in transportations. The current status has impact the increased in price of semi raw material, raw steel, scrap steel, flat steel bar, and steel bar. However, the prices decreased due to loan impairment in the United States of which enrage to other countries. The demand has dramatically decreased in majority users such as the United States of America, Japan and the ASEAN. The product prices have dramatically decreased when compared to the past. From the decreased in product demand and the decreased in prices, many manufacturers have announced the decreased in production. Some companies have even closed down. Many countries have issued policies to stimulate the steel industry domestically. For example, Chinese government has cancelled the exporting taxes for many of the steel transactions and Vietnamese Ministry of Finance has cancelled the exporting taxes of long steel bar.
Thailand Steel Industry Trade and Economic Office of Thailand had expected the 2009 economy to have slow growth rate due to decreased in domestic spending, decreased in products and services exports due to the slow growth of world economy. Political crisis, groups of people against the government has effected domestic investment and tourisms. In domestic steel industry, the decrease in world economy and political crisis, product prices increased, and oil prices increased, had affected consumers没 confidence. Consumers spend cautiously and investors have slow down in government and private section investments. From these factors, construction industry and automobiles and parts industry which consumed steels in high quantity are greatly affected. The steel consumption therefore has decreased in 2009 when compared to 2008. In the same time, the prices of iron ore, raw steel, scrap steel, and coal had greatly fluctuates while the costs of shipping transportations have greatly increased. The prices of semi raw material such as long steel bar, flat steel bar, and scrap steel have increased from 2008 when the world prices had dramatically decreased. The decrease in prices had the owners unable to sell products and losses occur due to decreased in inventory value at year end.
Steel Industry Trend in 2010 International Iron and Steel Institute had expected the 2010 demand for steel in domestic to be better than 2009. The expected sales were 11 million tons and expected that government mega project and construction industry will help push the sales in the beginning of the year 2010. However, careful observance is required as the over all status of the country is still uncertainty, especially large construction investments and political status. Even though the government has introduced 2 - 3 mega projects, investors had considered it as non-target because they believed those projects will not happened this year and will only used small size
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
steel in small quantity. The secondary factors are the property market status which could push the sales towards the end of the year. The 2009 sales of about 10 million tons are less than 2008 sales of 13.5 million tons even though steel prices have decreased a bit. The sales in 2010 are expected to be higher as there are many types of importing steels for mega projects, but also have to take in consideration of the world economy status as well. It will be acceptable if the sales increase 5-6% from the end of the year until next year. And the company believed that there will be no steel shortage even though the market in East Asia slows down. The importing of steel also slows down as China and South Korea are in the holiday periods and may decrease the price, and so the price in the southeast area. However, the price could gradually increase due to demand and world economy trend in each region. Thailand mainly do importing as there were little inventory kept due to limited level of inventory, and there are vey few manufacturers due to governmentรปs unsupportive. The importing of high steel in 2010 is expected to be no less than 10% to feed different industries and the price of steel is expected to be US$500 per ton especially steel used in constructions with high quality of steel. However, the steel price are not stimulators of the economy, it is mainly due to the demand. Therefore, if the government seriously pushes the economy into the right directions, that industry might be stimulated because almost all industry uses steel. The government is moving towards the right directions and clearly sees in 2010. The important thing is the government should control the prices not to increase, and should find some standards in assisting importing and manufacturing of steels prices lower than normal to prevent shortage of steel.
Marketing Tactics The company focuses on introducing and developing new products by adding values to the current products. These are done by the company or outsource to suppliers. The value added products will have higher quality and expand into other sections of end users such as electro-galvanized steel, C-Line, C-U, T-Bar and C-Channel galvanized high tensile strength. 1. To expand marketing by introducing new products for current customersรป demand such as C-Channel galvanized high tensile strength and to facilitate and provide options for roof truss. Introduction of new products will enable the company to penetrate into new group of customers such as cement roof tile groups. 2. Because companyรปs main products are used in steel market continuously, the company takes products quality as its priority. There are quality inspections at all levels of productions form QC inspection of raw materials to distribution to customers. So that customers received the best quality products based on customers standards. 3. The companyรปs service tactics are to provide fast service and satisfy customersรป needs both from productions and delivery. Questions as to products specifications and quantities are asked by the company in order to plan the production and storage. These questions are asked so that the company can maintain sufficient products quality and satisfy customers need accordingly. Also, the company has arranged for salesperson to meet with customers for updates on products and for long term good relationship. 4. To set quality standard of its human resources department. Due to the continuously expansion of sales and new products development in markets, the company has hired new employees with the ability and the knowledge. At the same time, there are training programs available continuously.
Organization Chart Board Of Director
Audit Committee Internal Audit
President & CEO Mr. Chukiat Yongvongpaibul
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Chief Financial Officer Mrs. Chamaiporn Yongvongphaiboon
Chief Operation Officer Mr. Choocheep Wongvongphaibul
Accounting & Financial manager Miss Kanittha Promprai
Production Manager Mr. Pattharaphol Batsomboon
Accounting DIV
Financial DIV
Chief Marketing Officer Mr. Singhanart Batsomboon
Personal DIV
Business Development
Management Structure Management Structure of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited is divided into 4 groups as follows: 1. The Board of Directors 2. The Executive Board of Directors 3. The Audit Committee 4. The Recruit Committee Each Directors and Managers are with qualified merit in accordance with Standard 68 of the Company Limited Statue of 1993 and have no prohibited characteristics according to The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand °®. 5/2548 titled Managers requirement for securities issuance number 3 dated January 17, 2006. Each committeeûs roles and responsibilities are as follows. 9.1.1 Board of Directors At December 31, 2009 The Board of Directors consisted of the following 8 members Name Position 1. Mr. Chukait Yongvongphaibul Managing Director 2. Mrs. Chamaiporn Yongvongphaibul Director 3. Mr. Choocheep Yongvongphaibul Director 4. Mr. Singhanart Butsomboon Director 5. Mr. Krit Suteerachai Director 6. General Montri Supaporn Independent Director/Chairman Audit Committee 7. Police Major General Sahaschai Indrasukhri Independent Director/Audit Commitee 8. Mr. Khan Autworawit Independent Director/Audit Committee Authorized Director Mr.Chukait Youngvongpaibul, signed with Mrs.Chamaiporn Youngvongpaibul, with companyûs seal affixed or Mr.Chukait Youngvongpaibul, Mrs.Chamaiporn Youngvongpaibul, Mr.Singhanart Batsomboon, Mr.Choocheep Youngvongpaibul,- making two directors with companyûs seal affixed. Requirement regarding to qualification and number of independent directors. 1. Organization chart for The Board of Directors should consist of at least one thirds of total directors in the company but no less than 3 members. 2. Each independent director must comply with the following 2.1 Hold shares no more than 0.50% of the voting shares of the company, head office, subsidiary company, partners Company, majority shareholders or persons with power to control the company including the numbers of shares held by that directors. 2.2 Never was a director in managing the company, employee, or consultant with salary received, or with power to control the company, subsidiary company, or majority shareholders unless free from those positions at least two years. The qualifications do not include being government officers, or the consultant of the government whom are major shareholders, or person with power to control the company.
2.7 2.8
Are not blood related or by any registration according to laws and regulations as father, mother, spouse, siblings and children including childrenûs spouse of the managers, major shareholders, persons with power or any person being propose as managers or persons with power to control the company. Never have the business relationship with the company, subsidiary company, major shareholders, or person with power to control the company, not shareholder of the company in the matter of conflicts when making decision, unless are free of those positions more than two years. One of the definitions for business relationships include business transactions in the normal course of business of rent or property rental, assets or services transactions, or receive financial assistance by loan, guarantee, and giving assets as collateral or other transactions that resulted in liabilities to be made to one party by another from 3% of total assets or from 20 million baht, which ever is lower. The liability amount is to be calculated by the connected transactions value according to the investment market announcement. With the exceptions of considering amount of liability incurred during the year before the actual business transactions. Never have been the companyûs audit committee, subsidiary company, major shareholders, or person with power to control the company, not shareholder of the company in the matter of conflicts when making decision, unless are free of those positions more than two years. Never have provided any professional services including giving consultants regarding to rules and regulations with services fees more than two million baht per year from the company, subsidiary company, major shareholders, or person with power to control the company, not shareholder of the company in the matter of conflicts when making decision, unless are free of those positions more than two years. Are not directors voted as the representative of the company, major shareholders, or shareholders involved with the major shareholders. Are not in the same type of business with the company and competes with the company or the subsidiary company. And are not the directors involve in managing the company, employees, or companyûs consultant receiving monthly salary. And hold no more than 1% of total voting rights of other companies with the same type of business and competes with the company. Are not in other characteristics which will hold the person from giving independent opinions. After being assigned in compliance with topics 2.1 to 2.9, independent directors are giving responsibilities to proceed with companyûs operations, of the subsidiary company, major shareholders, or persons with power to control the company with the collective decision.
Scope of Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors 1. The Board of Directors has the powers, duties, and responsibilities to conduct the operations of the company in accordance with the Companyûs objectives, applicable laws and resolutions of shareholdersû meetings. 2. The Board of Directors can authorise one or several directors or anyone to perform individually or separately any actions in accordance with companyûs objectives and applicable laws with remunerations set by The Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has the sole discretion to revoke or modify such granting of authorisation and designate another person as The Board of Directors may see fit. The designated person or granted power-of-attorney person must perform actions in accordance with companyûs objectives, applicable laws, and policies set out by The Board of Directors. Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
The Board of Directors may authorise any person to conduct the companyûs operation under the supervision of The Board of Directors or grant a power-of-attorney to such designated person to have authority within a specify time as The Board of Directors see fit. The Board of Directors may cancel, withdraw, change or modify those powers. The Board of Directors must call a meeting at least once every three months. The Board of Directors must hold the annual general meeting of shareholders within four months from the close of the companyûs accounting period. In addition, The Board of Directors may call for extraordinary general meetings anytime if required. Shareholders with shares totalling no less than one fifth of total shares or shareholder no less than 25 persons with shares totalling no less than one tenth of total shares may put names in letter with reasons requesting for The Board of Directors to call for an extraordinary shareholdersû meeting. In this case, The Board of Directors must hold shareholdersû meeting within one month after receipt of letter from shareholders. The Board of Directors must prepare annual report in accordance with rules and regulations set by the company. The Board of Directors has the authority to provide shareholders with current year or accumulated profits for dividend distributions or to hold those profits for other use. The Board of Directors may pay dividend during accounting period to shareholders, as there is sufficient profit available to do so. Once dividends are paid, a report must be provided to shareholders in the next shareholdersû meeting. With the following exception events, an approval from shareholdersû meeting is required before any actions can be taken. A report must indicate transactions, which may cause conflict of interests between the Management or any related person and the company or its subsidiary company. Therefore, those directors or person who have interests with specified transactions are not entitled to vote. ë Legal issues are approved in shareholdersû meeting. ë Interest transactions between directors and/or management and within applicable laws or set by Stock Exchange must be approved by shareholdersû meeting. ë In addition, the following events needed approval from The Board of Directors and shareholdersû with votes no less than three forth of the total entitled votes. - The sale or transfer of the company in whole or in part. - The purchase or transfer of another company or other public company. - The make, modify or cancelled of contracts related to the rent of company in whole or in part. Also, the assignment to other person to manage the company or to merge with other companies with the purpose of profit/loss division. - The modifying of companyûs prospectus or companyûs rules and regulations. - The increase/decrease of capital, issue bonds, and takes over or closes of company. - Other issues according to laws and regulations. The Board of Directors is to set the companyûs secretary to carry out issues in compliance with laws and regulations on behalf of the company. In case the secretary is release from the position or cannot fulfil the duty, The Board of Directors must elect a new secretary with ninety days from the day of the released of the previous secretary and to designate any directors substitute for the time being. The Chairman is to provide the secretaryûs name to the Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand within 14 days after the assignment, and also to provide to the Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand the place where documents are kept. The Board of Directors must call a meeting at least once every three months.
The Board of Directors must provide financial status at the end of accounting period, and with the approval from the Audit Committee, to the shareholders in the Annual Shareholders Meeting for approval.
9.1.2 Audit Committees At December 31,2009, The Audit Committee consisted of 3 directors Name 1. General Montri Supaporn 2. Police Major General Sahasachai Indrasukhri 3. Mr. Khan Autworawit
Position Independent Director/Chairman Audit Committee Independent Director/Audit Committee Independent Director/Audit Committee
Mr.Khan Autworawit is a director with sufficient knowledge and experience to review the credibility of the financial statements. Scope of Powers and Duties of the Audit Committee 1. To review the sufficiency, creditability and objectivity of the financial reporting by coordinating with the external auditors and management responsible for preparing the quarterly and yearly financial reports. The Audit Committee may suggest issues or matters to be included for review or audit by the external auditors during its audit of the company. 2. To review the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control systems and internal audit functions by coordination with the external auditors and internal auditors. 3. To review compliance with the Securities and Exchange Acts, Regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and any other relevant laws. 4. Review the Management Risk System with concentration in important companyûs risks. 5. To consider and advise on the appointment of the external auditors including the audit remuneration by considering the creditability, the adequacy of its resources, the firmûs audit engagements, and the experience of its supervisory and professional staff. 6. To consider compliance with all connected transaction disclosures or the conflict-of-interests disclosures according to laws and regulations of securities and The Stock Exchange of Thailand, and regulations related to companyûs operations. 7. To consider hiring, on companyûs expenses, any required consultant in a specific specialized field. 8. To prepare activities report of the Audit Committee in the companyûs annual report, this must be signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee. Such activities reports should express: opinions in the accuracy and completeness of the procedures for preparation of the report and information disclosures. opinions on the sufficiency of the internal control system of the company. opinions on the performance, appointment, revocation, and remuneration of the internal auditor for next term. opinions on compliance with the Securities and Exchange Acts, Regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and any other relevant laws. any other relevant reports/information that should be informed to shareholders or other investors within the responsibility and duties given by the companyûs Board of Directors. 9. To take care of any other matters assigned by The Board of Directors, such as reviewing the companyûs financial and risk management policies, reviewing compliance with the Code of Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
11. 12.
Corporate Conduct of the Management, and reviewing with the companyûs management all important reports which must be disclosed to the public according to the law (e.g. Management Discussion and Analysis, etc.) The Audit Committee is to report to the Board of Directors for any following conflicts or matters in questions which could be harmful to the companyûs financial status and companyûs operations so that the company can take actions in corrections or improve matters on a timely basis. Transactions with conflict of benefits/interest Any corruption or any deficient in terms of internal control Any laws and regulations violations regarding to companyûs operations. Report the Audit Committeeûs progress to The Board of Directors at least twice a year. Provide the Audit Committeeûs report with disclosure to the companyûs annual report with the signature of the Chairman of the Audit Committee in compliance with laws and regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
9.1.3 Executive Board of Directors At December 31,2009, Executive Board of Directors consisted of 5 directors
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Name Mr. Chukait Youngvongpaibul Mrs. Chamaiporn Youngvongpaibul Mr. Choocheep Youngvongpaibul Mr. Sighanart Butsomboon Mr. Krit Suteerachai
Position President and Chief Executive Officer Director Director Director Director
Scope of Powers and Duties of Executive Board of Directors are as follows: 1. To prepare policies, strategies, financial chart, and management power in compliance with the economy status. 2. To consider the proposed operations plan given by the managers to proposed to the Board of Directors. 3. To control and follow up on the companyûs operations with effectiveness and in compliance with companyûs business for the benefits of the management and companyûs rules and regulations. 4. To be responsible for recruiting, admitting, dismissing, changing, transferring, and firing employees at the managing levels including Managing Officer, Vice Managing Officer, Managing Officer Assistant, and General Manager. The Managing Directors must also report to The Board of Directors for any of these changes. 5. To have authority to set and/or to sign in matters relating to business operations and finance operations of the company. 6. To have the authority to approve the opening of accounts at commercial banks with designations of authorized signatures. 7. To proceed with matters assigned by The Board of Directors. 8. To considered making decision regarding contacting with the bank for normal business transactions such as asking for loans and to give collateral to the banks. 9. To have the power for approval of companyûs expenses such as operation expenses, selling and managing expenses. With the amount of no more than 150 million baht per transaction or amount set by the Board of Directors.
In addition, the Executive Board of Directors may authorize any Managers with the power to carry out specific tasks. In order to give those powers, the Executive Board of Directors must comply with the rules and regulations and also approved by The Board of Directors. Also, those given power must not be in any conflict of interest with any of the directors with the company or subsidiary company. 9.1.4 Recruitment Committee At December 31,2009, The Recruitment Committee consisted of 3 directors Name 1. General Montri Supaporn 2. Police Major General Sahasachai Indrasukhri 3. Mr. Khan Autworawit
Position Chairman of Recruitment Commitee Director Director
Scope of Powers and Duties of Recruitment Directors are as follows: 1. Recruit any qualified person as one of the company没s directors, including any names given by any shareholders (if any). The person selected must be of knowledge, experience, and independent. He is required to work with carefulness, royalty, and given time effectively. He must have good health, be of appropriate age, and have good moral. He must be able to attend meetings continuously with good preparation and good comments during meetings. Also, he must have straight opinions and courage to give opinions. He also must have good moral in working experience. In addition, Recruitment Director will give the importance to the persons with good skill, experience, professionals and qualifications in specialized fields that the directors is missing and still required for the highest benefits to the company. Also, directors will consider many positions held at other companies which could have an effect on the company and the conflict of interests that may occur. 2. Receive any comments or suggestions given by the Board of Directors (if any) for any recruitment made. 3. Act upon given directions by the Board of Directors. 4. Request for outside consultants regarding to recruiting for appropriateness. Also, for Recruitment Directors to have seminars regarding to knowledge development on the company没s expenses. 5. Provide reports on matters and its progress accordingly to the Board of Directors. 9.1.5 Directors At December 31, 2009, names of directors are as follows:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Name Mr. Chukait Youngvongpaibul Mrs. Chamaiporn Youngvongpaibul Mr. Choocheep Youngvongpaibul Mr. Sighanart Butsomboon Miss. Kanitta Promprai Mr. Phattarapon Batsombul
Position President and Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Operation Officer Chief Marketing Officer Accounting and Finance Manager Production Manager
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Scope of Powers and Duties of Directors are as follows: 1. To prepare policies and business plans, including short term and long term in accordance with companyûs policies. 2. To arrange communication channels for better announcement of companyûs policies. 3. To act on tasks assigned by The Board of Directors under the purpose and policies of the company. 4. To prepare required reports for The Board of Directors on a timely basis. 5. To have the power for approval of companyûs expenses such as operation expenses, selling and managing expenses. With the amount of no more than 100 million baht per transaction or amount set by the Board of Directors. 6. To control and follow up on the companyûs operations with effectiveness and in compliance with companyûs business for the benefits of the management and companyûs rules and regulations. 7. Proceed with matters given by the Board of Directors. In addition, to empower to others, Directors must comply with the rules and regulations and also approved by The Board of Directors, The Executive Board of Directors. Also, those given power must not be in any conflict of interest with any of the directors with the company or subsidiary company. Directors are also to provide such report to The Board of Directors and The Executive Board of Directors for considerations. Other than the mentioned, Directors have no other power of attorney unless specified or given instructions by the Board of Directors. 9.2
Directors and Managers Recruitment 1. The Board of Directors Recruitment The company has assigned Recruitment Committee responsible for selecting persons to be proposed as The Board of Directors or Managing Directors, in The Board of Directors or Shareholdersû Meetings for further considerations with the details stated in topics Management Structure No.4 Recruitment Committee. Recruitment Committee consisted of 8 members selected by shareholders in the Shareholders Meeting and voting committee also select the Chairman, and may select Vice Chairman, Managing Directors, and other positions they see appropriate for elections. Directors no less than half of the total directors must live in the kingdom. Shareholders elected Directors with the following : 1. One vote per one share held by shareholders. 2. In electing directors, votes can be either for individual or group of directors, according to shareholdersû agreement. With voting score, either for individual or in group, he voting by shareholders is from the number of shares held by shareholders. And the shareholders may not vote for any one more or less than the other. 3. The Chairman of The Board of Directors designated the numbers of directors required in that election by the highest numbers of votes to the lowest. If total votes equally among persons, the Chairman is to have the final decision.
Audit Committee / Independent Directors The Audit Committee / Independent Directors consisted of 3 members appointed by the Shareholders in the Shareholders Meetings for the Audit Committee and designated the holding terms of 3 years. The requirements are as follows: 1. Hold shares of no more than 1% of the registered and paid capital of the company and to also count the numbers of shares of the related persons. 2. Have no power and the authority to manage the company including is not an employee with earned monthly salary. And has no control over the company and its subsidiary company or persons with conflict of interest of one year before the elections. 3. Have no relation with business matters, have neither benefits nor losses either directly or indirectly with company没s finance and management. 4. Is not a close relative to managing directors and main shareholders or with any persons who has conflict of interest 5. At least one audit director must have experience and sufficient knowledge regarding to accounting and finance for the accredit ability of the company没s financial statements. 6. Audit Committee / Independent Audit Directors must be able to give opinions and proposed comments of internal control system report provided by the company to the Board of Directors.
Managers Recruitment The Board of Directors has assigned and empowered the Managing Committee to considered and appointed persons with knowledge and experience suitable for company没s managers, and must report to the Board of Directors. In addition, the company has set a succession plan for preparation persons in the managing position. Shareholders rights in electing The Board of Directors : 1. One vote per one share held by shareholders. 2. In electing directors, votes can be either for individual or group of directors, according to shareholders没 agreement. With voting score, either for individual or in group, he voting by shareholders is from the number of shares held by shareholders. And the shareholders may not vote for any one more or less than the other. 3. The Chairman of The Board of Directors designated the numbers of directors required in that election by the highest numbers of votes to the lowest. If total votes equally among persons, the Chairman is to have the final decision. The Board of Directors and Management Meetings In 2009, the company has held 6 meetings for The Board of Directors. Attendance can be summarized as follows:
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Director 1. General Montri Supaporn 2. Police Major General Sahaschai Indrasukhri 3. Mr. Kun Autworawit 4. Mr. Chukait Yongvongphaibul 5. Mrs. Chamaiporn Yongvongphaibul 6. Mr. Choocheep Yongvongphaibul 7. Mr. Singhanart Butsomboon 8. Mr. Krit Suteerachai 9.3
Position Chairman of Audit Committee / Independent Director Audit Director/ Independent Director
No. of Attendance 6/6
Audit Director / Independent Director Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Director/Manager Director/Manager Director/Manager Director/Manager
6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
Remunerations for Directors, Managers, and Auditors A. Remunerations for Directors and Managers In 2009, The Board of Directors consisted of 8 members and Managing Directors consisted of 5 members. For year ended December 31, 2009, remuneration for the meetings as approved in the Shareholders Meetings on April 9, 2009 are as follows: 1. Chairman Audit Committee / Independent Director 30,000 / month 2. Audit Committee / Independent Director 10,000 / month Total income for The Audit Committee/Independent Directors total 600,000 Baht per year 3. Management Directors do not receive other income except salaries and bonuses. Type of Income Directors Income Directors Bonuses Directors Provident Funds Management Income Management Bonuses Management Provident Funds Total Directors and Managers Income
No.of Person 5 5 5 2 2 2
Total Amount (Baht) 11,220,000.00 212,400.00 1,731,714.00 148,500.00 35,640.00 13,348,254.00
The above salaries / income are to be used until further change by Shareholders in Shareholders没 meeting B.
Remunerations for Auditors in 2009 1. Audit Fees are as follow: Audit Fees for Financial Statements by sections and in whole Audit Fees for in between transactions Other Audit Fees TOTAL AUDIT FEES
240,000 180,000 35,000 440,000
Baht Baht Baht Baht
Corporate Governance In order to comply with Code of Best Practices, the company approved the below as guidelines necessary to further developed companyûs operations. And to support the companyûs quality performance of the management which brings confidence for the shareholders, investors, and others (details attached 4). Currently, the company has followed these steps in whole exception to the investorsû relationships. The company not yet set up this department. However, the company hopes to set up investorsû relationships department for better communications to investors, shareholders, and related persons. Even though the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer also hold the Managing Director position, he has been elected and appointed from The Board of Directors. The organization chart of The Board of Directors consisted of 3 independent directors from a total of 8 directors. There will be counterbalance and review of operations and The Board of Director understands the role and responsibilities from training from Director Accreditation Program (DAP) from Thai Institute of Directors.
To prevent the used of internal information for the benefits of the managers 1. The company has set the prevention the used of internal control by strict direction for disclosures of internal information to unrelated persons. 2. The managers who received companyûs financial information may not use that information for personal benefits before the public announcement. The directors are not able to purchase and sell companyûs stock one month prior to the public announcement. 3. After the company has registered securities in The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Directors are to report the securities holding according to Standard 59 announced by the Directorûs Office °≈μ ∑ûà ®. 14/2540 Titled Preparation and Disclosure of Securities Holdings dated May 12, 1998. The punishment is to abide by Securities Act æ.».2535 and rules and regulations of The Stock Exchange of Thailand. The punishment included for those persons seeking benefits from disclosing companyûs internal information of which the company is at disadvantage. The punishment included verbal expostulate, written expostulate, probation period, and termination of employees.
Personnel Companyûs total employees for 2008 and 2009 are 289 and 217 (not including directors) as follows: Sections
Number of Employees 2008 2009 105 94 184 123 289 217
1. Office Section 2. Factory Section TOTAL In the past 3 years, the company has no labour disputes.
Employees Compensation Employeesû compensation in 2008 and 2009 equals to 51.33 million baht and 39.39 million baht respectively in the form of salaries and bonuses. Policies on Personnel Development The company has set policies on improving employees by internal training and external training continuously. Also, the company has set policies regarding to appropriate compensation for long term employment of the employees. Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Corporate Governance For the past years, Board of Directors of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited has realized the responsibilities and roles of the being a good management committee appointed and trusted by the Shareholders (Fiduciary Duty). The Board of Directors expected The Management to govern the company with strength, management efficiency and evidently, of which built confidence to related parties and for companyûs secure and sustainable development and growth. The Board of Directors has continuously recognized the importance of companyûs good governance to enhance standards for the performance according to The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand which refers to Organization for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD). The OECD is composed of: 1. Shareholderûs Rights 2. Treat Shareholder equally 3. Role of Conflict of Interest 4. Disclosure of information evidently 5. Responsibility of Management Committee
Policy on Corporate Governance The Board of Directors has the intention to enhance and improve the companyûs standard governance within the company. In order to do so, the related parties must work together. The related parties include 1.Management Directors of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited, 2.Operation Management, 3.External Independent Auditor, and 4.Internal Auditor. The Management must have a clear policy. The Board of Directors has concluded and announced companyûs policies of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited which complied with The Stock Exchange of Thailand accordingly. 1. The Board of Directors recognized responsibilities to all shareholdersû benefits and information are equally distributed. 2. The Board of Directors will hold shareholdersû meetings according to laws and regulations and The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand. 3. The Board of Directors will oversee and follow up on the practice to protect the use of companyûs internal information for the selling and buying of companyûs securities and to eliminate any problems. The Board of Directors will ensure there will be effective communications to all related parties. 4. The Board of Directors recognized the benefits and losses of each department within the company and managed operations according to laws and regulations. 5. The Board of Directors realized the importance of the good environment, community, and society. And will establish a policy that dictates the responsibility of the company relating to the environment, community, and society. The Board of Directors will follow up on the practice and inform to related parties. 6. The Board of Directors realized the importance of managing business in a way to eliminate any conflict of interest between companyûs benefits or general shareholders and personal interests of the management, employees, and other related parties. The Board of Directors are to manage the company with cautious, truthfulness, reasonableness, and independently. However, the persons with conflict of interest may not involve in any of the decision making. Final decisions are to be made for the benefits of the company and general shareholders in importance. There will also be correct and full discloser on a timely matter. 7. The Board of Directors will ensure investors the companyûs disclosure of information on a timely basis with completeness of details.
8. 9.
The Board of Directors must consist of at least 1 in 3 of total directors. The Board of Directors has set out subsidiary director committee for screening matters before proposing to the Board of Directors. Subsidiary directors committees are managing directors, the audit committee directors, recruitment directors. However, the Board of Directors may add more committees as they see fit for the purpose of management efficiency, fairness, and evident. The Board of Directors has the responsibilities to set companyûs visions, missions and strategies in managing the company. The Board of Directors also responsible for managing companyûs operations according to those visions, missions and strategies. The Board of Directors has realized the responsibilities in overseeing the management risk and internal control within the company. Therefore, The Board of Directors has set internal control department as a separate department. The Board of Directors will commit to business operating philosophy. The directors will follow up the practice of good ethics in operating the company, good ethics of the managers, and good ethics of the employees including effective communications to all parties. The Board of Directors must hold meetings at least once every 3 months and additional meetings may be held if required. The meetings will be announced in advance with given topics to be discussed and directors may purpose any topics to be discussed. Documents will be provided for better self-prepared prior to the meetings. Subsidiary directors committees are to hold meetings on a regular basis accordingly. The Board of Directors to hold monthly meetings. The Audit Committee to hold meetings a least once every quarter. The Recruitment Directors to hold meetings at least once a year. However, they may hold additional meetings as they see fit. The meetings are to be announced in advance, clear topics to be discussed, in writing as these documents will be provided to directors for better self-prepared prior in attending the meeting. The Board of Directors will decide adequate remunerations to directors. The remuneration will be decided in the Shareholdersû Meeting for the purpose of agreement in appropriateness, evident and protect from any conflict of interests.
Board of Directors of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited has operated under the above Code of Best Practice as growing base for the company. 1. Shareholdersû Rights and Equal Treatment Shareholdersû Meetings In organizing each of the Shareholdersû Meetings, The Board of Directors realized the rights of the Shareholders to receive equally and facilities in regards to information, place and time in additions to the operations policies which must be in accordance with The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand. The company must announce the closing of Shareholdersû Book for the purpose of designation of shareholdersû rights in attending the meetings to The Stock Exchange of Thailand 14 days in advance prior to the closing of the Shareholdersû Book. The procedures are as follows: 1. Process prior to Shareholdersû Meetings ë The company provides Invitation Letters to attend the meetings with detailed agenda and The Board of Directorsû opinions regarding to each agenda. Documents sent for the decision making includes Invitation Letters to attend the meetings, Annual Report (2008), Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Rules and Regulations in attending the meetings and a proxy letter of each agenda for the ease of decision making. These documents are sent no less than 7 days prior to the meetings. ë The company has publicize on the internet regarding to the required documents sent prior to the 2009 Shareholders; Meeting and especially topics to be decided in the meeting for related parties to get information quickly at any time. ë In the Shareholdersû Meeting held on April 9, 2009, the company has opened for minor shareholders to purpose important and benefit topics to be put in as one of the agendas in the Shareholdersû Meetings. Also, minor shareholders may suggest any qualifying person for consideration of being one of the directors in the company. This process must be notified to the company according to the details and regulations which are publicize on the companyûs website. Since Shareholdersû Meetings 2008, Shareholders may asked any questions regarding to the companyûs business operations via email address at contact@permsin.com or via mail to the Chief Executive Officer, The Board of Directors, Managers or Companyûs secretary within the given time period with the return contact details in case the company needs further information. In preparation for the Shareholdersû Meeting on April 29, 2010, the company has informed the above matter via publicize system of The Stock Exchange of Thailand. All information or questions asked by the Shareholders to the company via email address at contact@permsin.com or mail within the time period will be considered by The Board of Directors. In the case where The Board of Directors agree or complied by laws and regulations, companyûs secretary will add this matter to the agenda and will explain and answer any questions in the Shareholdersû Meeting ë The company has sent a 3 type of Proxy forms set our by the Ministry of Commerce, along with the Invitation Letters to Shareholders on a timely basis. This is another way for Shareholders who cannot attend the meeting to make decisions on the set agenda. Also, the company has sent another Proxy Form ¢. By the Ministry of Commerce that allows Shareholders to give power of attorney to the independent directors for decision making. In the 2009 Shareholdersû Meeting, the company has designated 2 independent directors, or Chief Executive Office, or the Management or any person Shareholders see fit to give the power of attorney to. 2.
Process on the day of the Shareholdersû Meetings ë The Shareholdersû Meeting 2009 was held on April 9, 2009 at the Meeting Room, 2nd floor, of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited at 4, 95-96 Moo 6, Rama 2 Road, Tumbol Khokkham, Aumphur Muang, Samutsakorn 74000. Majority of the Directors attended the meeting for the Shareholders to ask any related questions. Also, there were executive managers and companyûs auditor attended the meeting. ë The company has opened for registration 1 hour before the meeting starts. For fast and ease of registration, the use of computer takes place for quicker in finding names of all shareholders. Before the meeting starts, Audit Manager and Independent Manager, who is the Chairman of the Meeting, announced the companyûs regulations in conducting the meeting, shareholdersû rights in voting.
ë The Chairman will control the meetings in considering agendas discussed according to the companyûs rules and regulations. However, if the Shareholders would like to change any process, there must be agreement no less than two thirds of the total attendants in the meeting. From the past up to 2009, there are no requests for any changes. ë The Chairman gave plenty of time for Shareholders to give opinions and asked any questions. The questions are answered by The Board of Directors and Management regarding to the related topics. The Shareholders are allowed freely to give any opinions or suggestions to The Board of Directors. ë In the meeting, Shareholder will designate directors by majority votes and with the following process 1. A Shareholder holds the voting rights according to numbers of shares hold. 2. A Shareholder must use all his voting rights according to 1. may select any one or many persons as directors. In case of many persons selected, Shareholders must use all his voting rights according to 1. to only one person and not many. 3. The directors are selected according to the highest voting accordingly. In case of equally selected and is the last of the number of directors required, let the Chairman have the final selection. 3.
Process after the Shareholdersû Meetings ë Companyûs secretary is to provide minutes of meeting completely within the time frame set by law. Important matter in report include names of attended and unattended directors and managers, voting process, pronouncement, explanation, view point, questions and answers in summary, and each agenda conclusions by favorable or unfavorable. ë Companyûs secretary is responsible for keepsake of all documents regarding the Shareholdersû Meetings since the beginning.
Stakeholdersû Rights ë Overseeing and Acting against Stakeholders The company recognized the importance of rights to all stakeholdersû groups such as shareholders, employees, customers, business partners, suppliers, communities, societies, and the environment. The company has set out gimmicks for activities to enhance good relationships between the company and stakeholdersû groups. Such tactics included overseeing customers and employees ideas and opinions, listening to shareholdersû view and answering to questions, providing communications from stakeholders through companyûs website with the adequate information disclosure. Stakeholder : Shareholders Companyûs secretary has carried out matters assigned by The Board of Directors according to the topics disclose the Shareholdersû Rights and perform equally to all shareholders. Stakeholder : Employees Companyûs Human Resource Department has carried out matters assigned by the company to encourage activities and projects for adequately treatment to employees. Welfare and benefits provided to employees are pool funds, free bus for transportation to the company, life and accident insurance, and employeesû training. Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Stakeholder : Customers Company has proceeded with activities to strengthen relations with customers by following up on problems notify by customers, including listening to customersû complaints and opinions. This information is used to develop products and services. The company also visited customers on a regular basis to survey customersû satisfactions, to give consultation and help to customers regarding to the companyûs products. Stakeholder : Business Partners and Suppliers Company has proceeded with activities to tighten the relationships with the suppliers and there are exchange of updated information and experience. There were invitations to international suppliers to have meetings for Technical Protocol and Specifications Agreement in developing the quality of the raw material for the purpose of different types of customersû demands. - Purchasing Department has conducted the following ë Search for new suppliers continuously and look for supplier who can supply the company with best services and for manufacturers who can provide quality raw material according to the companyûs demand. ë
Informing of any information or complaints The Board of Directors recognized the importance of having Stakeholders to be involvement with managing the company. The Stakeholders such as employees, customers, business partners, communities, may report to The Board of Directors any information regarding to the company including those of illegal matter, any corruptions or having conflict of interest with the company, any wrong details of the financial reports, or mal function of internal operation, or any other matters that have a negative effects on the stakeholders and the company. All information notified to the company will be analyzed, correct, and make any improvements. Any information and complaints can be by email to contact@permsin.com or by mail to address The Board of Directors at 4, 95-96 Moo 6, Rama 2 Road, Tumbol Khokkham, Amphur Muang, Samutsakorn 74000
Clearly of information disclosures The Board of Directors has recognized the importance of important information disclosures. Financial and non financial information are given to investors correctly on a timely matter and according to rules and regulations of The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand. Information provided to Shareholders are based on good management and equally distributed for decisions made in buying and selling of stocks of which The Board of Directors has clearly stated in topic 1 and topic 7. The company has designated a person responsible for information disclosures to all investors and is the center for communications between investors, shareholders and stock analyzers. Information is disclosed to mass media, general persons, The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand. The company has different of ways of distributing information as follows: ë Provide financial and non financial information, along with operations policies ë Provide communications channels between investors, shareholder and the company for questions to the management via email contact@permsin.com
ë ë ë
Provide information to the mass media regarding to financial status and business operations one day after the disclosures of Financial Statements before the Audit approval to The Stock Exchange of Thailand. Provide interviews of the companyûs management as requested by mass media for better understanding of the companyûs operations. Provide companyûs information through communication channels such as newspapers, annual reports. Provide information, especially financial issues and business operations, to investors for decision making according to the rules and regulations of The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand. The information is to be given quarterly and yearly, before and after the audit to The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand. Provide annual report 2008 (56-2 Form) to companyûs shareholders along with the Invitation Letter for the meeting and provide this information to The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand within 110 days after the closing of accounting period. Provide disclosures at year end December 31, 2009 (Form 56-1) to The Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Thailand within 3 months after the closing of accounting period.
The Board of Directorsû Responsibilities ë The Board of Directors : Organize Chart and Roles There are 8 Directors in the company. The Board of Directors consisted of 3 Independent Directors of which complied with topic 8 as to numbers of directors. The term Independent Directors are describe in the Shareholdersû Organization Chart in topic (1). The company has assigned responsibilities in operating the company to other 5 Directors. Also, the company has established Subsidiary Management Committee for effective operations. The Subsidiary Groups are 1. Management 2. Audit 3. Recruitment In addition, the company has authorized the secretary to give any rules and regulations to The Board of Directors in operating the business including coordinate performance according to the meetings. Currently, the company has not yet set on the agreement that the Chief Executive Officer may be an independent director. This may limited the company to find a suitable person for the title. As in the steel industry, a person with experience and knowledgeable of managing is highly required. To be Chief Executive Office, a person must have a good vision and leadership skills and operated a business for the benefits of the company, shareholders, and stakeholders. Furthermore, the office terms to serve in the position of The Chief Executive Officer are complied with the enactment for the public company limited. All for the purpose to gain experience person with understanding of the steel business to operate the company. ë
The Board of Directorsû Meetings The Board of Directors are required to held meeting quarterly and are notify in advance prior to the meeting. Additional meetings may be held at any time and Directors may purpose any matters to be added as agendas. Chairman and Managers decide which topics to be added for discussions.
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
In the Board of Directors meetings, Directors attended the meetings to provide information for matters discussed. In each meeting, the Board of Directors are given the information of business progress and considered the power and responsibilities of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will control and oversee companyûs operation according to planning and policies. The secretary is to provide invitation letters no less than 7 days prior to the meeting. In 2009, the Board of Directors held 6 meetings and invitation letters with required documents for the meetings were sent 8 days prior to the meetings. Additionally, all Directors were involved in business operations such as meetings with subsidiary managers to discussed matters regarding to the need for training in such area as engineering, manufacturing, or any other management topics. There were also communications between directors regarding to working experience.
Vision and Leadership Management committee has the vision for leadership, independent in decision making, setting companyûs policies and goals, develop business planning and review budget for the high benefit of shareholders and the growth of the company. In addition, the company has clearly set limitations of power of duty and power to approve spending for normal business operations of the management committee and chief executive officer. After its registration with the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the company has tightened policies in managementûs roles and responsibilities between management committee, audit committee, and employees for the best standards in companyûs performance.
Conflict of Interest The Company has recognized the problems on conflict of interest. The Board of Directors carefully monitors transactions that could lead to conflict of interest. The Audit Committee will carefully review conflict of interest transactions including the use of internal information as follows: Managers, including spouses and children under age, are to report any changes of stocks in the company. And to report any changes to Directors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand according to the rules and procedures specified in Section 59 of the SEC Act BE 2535 and the penal provision under Section 275 of the SEC Act. Directors and Managers, including spouses and children under age, cannot purchase, sell or transfer companyûs stock by using internal information that has not been disclosed to the public. If Directors and Managers, including spouses and children under age, make any purchase, sell or transfer of stock besides the above limitation, they must report to the Security and Exchange Commission, Thailand and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within 3 days from day of transactions. A copy of report must be submitted to companyûs management committee for evidence. Employees are prohibiting using companyûs internal information for personal benefits that will be harmful to the company. If so, the company will take actions according to the laws and regulations.
Morality The Board of Directors has recognized the importance of morality in business operations by advising the human resource department and employees the understanding of morality in working conditions.
Management Counter Balance To have a Management Counter Balance of power, the company has set at least 3 independent managers. These managers have the qualification of being independent. The Management Committee consisted of 8 managers as follows: Management Directors 5 Audit Directors 3 Therefore, the company has 3 independent directors at a rate of 37.5% of total committee that is considered to have the best counter balance.
Internal Audit and Control System The company has recognized the importance of control and internal audit procedures. The responsibilities of these two are clearly identified for the best cross-checking. The company regularly checked on the control and audit procedures.
Director没s Report The Board of Directors are responsible for company没s financial reports and financial information provided in the Annual Report. The Balance Sheet is provided in accordance with Thailand account standards. The standards are used base on the appropriateness of the company没s nature of business.
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Internal Control The Board of Directors of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited as recognized the importance for good and efficient internal control system. The Board of Directors clearly announced policies to operate the business on the belief that good internal control will protect against any damages, reduce risks in business operations, and achieve company没s vision and goals. In 2005, the company has established Internal Audit to check and review internal control of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited. In the same year, the Audit Committee was established to review for appropriateness and efficiency in internal control system. In Practice, the Internal Audit is to study the standard procedures according to International Standards for the Professional of Internal Auditing of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and apply appropriately for use by the Internal Audit. The Internal Audit is to review internal control of finance department, accounting department, practice in accordance with the rules and regulations of government agencies and agencies overseeing the company including the safety of technology information. The Internal Audit is to report any occurring transactions, purpose any changes, and follow up on reporting such information to The Board of Directors and Audit Committee for improvements. Each year, The Board of Directors received reports regarding to internal control system and internal audit from The Audit Committee which includes 1) assessment of the Audit Committee in internal control according to the same assessment as The Securities and Exchange Commissions and The Stock Exchange of Thailand, and 2) assessment of the management in internal control according to the same assessment as Accounting, and 3) important matters from the conclusion made by the Internal Audit. The company has realized the importance of internal control system, and therefore, focused on the adequate of control and appropriate to operating the business. The Internal Audit and Audit Committee have referenced Internal Control Integrated Framework of Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) which mentions the 5 internal control elements: 1. Control Environment 2. Risk Assessment 3. Control Activities 4. Information & Communication 5. Monitoring & Evaluation The company can describe internal control system of each element as follows:
Control Environment The company gave importance to the honesty and morality of the employees by encouraging and supporting good moral in practice. In 2008, the company has reorganized its organization chart for appropriateness in operating the business. Managing positions are also reorganized accordingly. In improving staff, there are internal and external training to support knowledge within the company. For usefulness, there is Training Corner Activities for employees to exchange viewpoints and information. The company has opened channel for employees or others to report any information or complaints. There are protections for reporter as well in case of serious cases. The company has organized organization chart to accommodate management. Organization chart begins with 5 managing directors, external directors and 3 audit directors. Directors没 decisions are appropriate and
effective. In organizing the managing level, the company divided responsibilities of the basic internal control into groups as follow - duty to approve, duty to record in accounting and information, and duty to check companyûs assets. The company has established Internal Audit to report to Audit Committee directly. The Audit Committee is to follow up, examine, and improve the companyûs internal control.
Risk Assessment In managing companyûs operation, the company has set our clear goals that can be accomplished and measured. Under managementûs vision, there are planned risk analyses. And during the operation planning, there will be follow ups and risk evaluations that could have effected the operation planning. However, if the risk factors changes or increase in the planned risk, there will be changes to adapt to those risks accordingly.
Control Activities The company has set policies in each department as guidelines to practice for correctness and appropriateness. There are separated power for approval for The Board of Directors, Managing Directors and each level of managements of each department. The separation of power will spread internally for better management and to avoid any conflicts. The company has set tactics in controlling practices to comply strictly with the laws. Rules and regulations in conducting businesses are summarized as standard information for keepsake and to related parties to keep updating the information correctly and presently. The company also required international standards for managing. The requirement of continuously standards included management according to standards ISO 9001:2008, safety control, occupational health, and the environment.
Information and Communication The company has focused on the importance of ways of communications. This can be observed by the changes in computer data bases programs which make better control of documents and information. Information needed by managers can be accurately retrieved.
Monitoring and Evaluation -
Set to have Management Meeting monthly for managers to report on operation progress Set to have operations report and assessment, with the screening by The Board of Directors for the monthly comparison to the goals set. In case of defective, there would be corrections immediately. Subsidiary Managers to provide reports of the operations and meetings to The Board of Directors for any progress.
The Board of Directors has held 6 meetings in 2009 with the audit committee reported to the Board the results of companyûs operation of four quarters. Additionally, there will be follow ups continuously and analyze planned work which have effect on financial status. The company required meetings by managers to update on the companyûs operations. This meeting is another way to expand the communication line.
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Connected Transactions Procedures for approval of connected transactions Connected transactions occurred during the past are production distributions and product purchases. The company has requested the Audit Committee to review those transactions and the Audit Committee has concluded that those distributions and purchases are in the normal course of business. Related-companies received and paid the price of those sold to regular customers. Property, plant and equipment purchase transactions occurred for use of factory buildings to support business expansion. The Audit Committee concluded them to be normal transactions. For future connected transactions of product distributions and product purchases with Permchai Panich Company Limited, the company requested the Audit Committee to review and comment on those transactions without management who has interest attended the meeting. However, those transactions will occur in the future under reasonable decisions and the necessity to do so. Distributions and purchases prices will be the same as those sold to other regular customers and the Audit Committee will comment on it and will compared the prices between those sold to connected companies and other regular customers. Regarding to property, machinery, and equipment purchase, the company believed there will be no such transactions in the future as the company has sufficient land and production line to support customers demand.
Price Policy The Audit Committee will consider the necessary of those transactions between the subsidiary company or with any persons who has conflict of interest with the company by comparing the connected transaction prices to the market prices.
Business Transaction Policy Business transactions with the connected persons after transformation from a private to a public company and the registered in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, directors and managers must followed those rules and regulations of the Stock Market Exchange of Thailand. Directors or managers who have conflict of interest with the set up of future business transactions, must disclosed all interests and must received approval before making any decisions.
Connected Transactions Policies In the future, if there are needs for connected transactions between the company and management with interest, including with Permchai Panich Company Limited and other companies with shareholders of Permchai Panich Company Limited, the company has set the policy of treating those transactions as the normal course of business and setting the market price which enable to compare to other regular customers. The company has requested for the Audit Committee or auditors to review and comment on the appropriateness of pricing and occurring of those transactions. Connected transactions that could occurred in the future, are to be treated strictly on the set policy regarding connected transactions. Audit directors are not to approve any transactions that he or other person has conflict of interest with the company. Audit directors must also disclose those transactions to the company没s management for review. The company must act according to laws and regulations of the Stock Market Exchange of Thailand.
Persons with Conflict of interest 1. SC Steel Works Company Limited 2. Permchai Panich Company Limited 3. Asia Metal Public Company Limited 4. Permsahai Steel Company Limited 5. KNT Intertrade Company Limited
Relations Company with same management and hold shares of 99.9% Company and close relative to directors Company and close relative to directors Company and close relative to directors Company and close relative to directors
2007 Related Transactions Revenues from sales Loans Revenues from rental Purchase Products Revenues from sales Purchase Products Revenues from sales Revenues from cutting steel Revenues from rental Purchase Products Revenues from sales
0.0 million baht 10.00 million baht 0.18 million baht 155.31 million baht 1.04 million baht 28.18 million baht 14.33 million baht 11.53 million baht 8.89 million baht 11.84 million baht 16.35 million baht
Outstanding Transactions 10.00 million baht 0.00 million baht 0.00 million baht 0.00 million baht 0.00 million baht 0.92 million baht 4.44 million baht 0.00 million baht 12.43 million baht
Note Directors and/or Shareholders of S.C. Steel Works Company Limited are as follow: ë Mr. Chukiat Yongvongpaibul, Director and Shareholder of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited / Director and Shareholder of S.C. Steel Works Company Limited ë Mrs. Chamaiporn Yongvongphaiboon, Director and Shareholder of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited / Director and Shareholder of S.C. Steel Works Company Limited ë Mr. Choocheep Yongwongpaibul, Director and Shareholder of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited / Director and Shareholder of S.C. Steel Works Company Limited ë Mr. Krit Suteerachai, Director and Shareholder of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited ë Mr. Singhanart Batsomboon, Director and Shareholder of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited / Director and Shareholder of S.C. Steel Works Company Limited
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Management Discussion and Analysis Operating Result Total Income and Income from Sales and Services In 2009, Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited and its subsidiary company is in the business mainly of cold rolled coil transformer and distributor. From operating activities, financial status of 2008 can be summarized as follows: The company没s revenue from sales of cold rolled coil, roof metal sheet, metal siding, C-Line, T-Bar, and C-U of 2,290.21 million baht, which is higher than 2008 of 2,181.02 million baht. Sales and Services Revenues have increased 109.18 million baht or 5.01%. Total Income has increased 159.69 million baht or at 7.30% when compared to 2008 Total Income. The increase in income is due to increase in sales of 5.00% when compared to 2008.There are many positive factors for the increase in sales. We expected the growing purchased in 2009 due to positive growth and higher demand by customers both domestically and internationally. The tremendous increases in sales in the third and forth quarter of 2009 as compared to 2008 are due to company没s new policies to increase sales in hot rolled coil products. Sales and Services Cost Sales cost in 2009 was 2,289.92 million baht at the rate of 97.52% of revenues when compared to the same period of the past year of 1,973.98 million baht at 90.20% of revenues. Sales in 2009 have increase and thus costs have also increased 16.01% when compared to 2008. Sales costs included product cost and raw material cost calculated at 85-90% of total sales cost. Secondary costs are labor, miscellaneous cost, and machinery maintenance and equipment depreciations Operating Income In 2009, operating income was 58.36 million baht at the rate of 2.49% of sales revenues when compared to 2008 of 214.61 million baht at the rate of 9.81% of sales revenues. Expenses Expenses incurred in accordance with increase or decrease of Sales and Services. Majority of expenses incurred due to transportation charges. In 2009, total expenses were 93.10 million baht, a decreased of 76.31 million baht from 2008 or at a rate of 45.05%. The decreased was due to allowance for decline of value in inventory from the decrease in inventory value in 2008. Interest Expenses Interest Expenses totalled 42.33 million baht, a decrease of 5.83 million baht, at a rate of 12.11% when compared to 2008. The decrease was due to decrease in short term loans and the decrease in balance for the long term loans and thus the decrease in interest paid accordingly.
Net Profit / Loss Net Loss was 77.13 million baht, a decrease of 66.10 million baht or at a rate of 599.28% when compared to 2008 due to Steel price decreased dramatically in the beginning of the year and the decrease in sales from decrease in demand both domestic and international customers. Chinaûs ability to form itself into manufacturers for exporting is one of the reasons for decreased in sales. Companyûs stocked inventory at high price in the beginning of the year. It is the purchasing during high demand, therefore higher inventory prices than selling prices towards the end of the year. Shareholdersû Dividends In 2009, the company has encountered Net Loss during the operating year, therefore, there were no dividend distributions.
Balance Sheet Assets Company and its subsidiaryûs assets can be divided as follows: Percentage 2009 Account Receivables 21.95 Inventory Balance 28.77 Property, Plant and Equipment 33.30 Others 15 Total Assets 100
2008 18.39 40.28 35.78 5.63 100
2007 25.20 31.53 37.33 5.94 100
At December 31, 2009, companyûs assets were 1,889.42 million baht, an increased of 26.77 million baht when compared to 2008. The increase was mainly due to the construction of the new. Cash on Hand and in banks was 43.92 million baht, an increase of 12.07 million baht or at the rate of 118.9623%. The increase was due to preparation in returning the bankûs notes and loans borrowed for cash flow in 2009. Accounts Receivables have increased due to increase in hot rolled coil sales with high demand as thus an increased in account receivables. In 2009, inventory is valued at 546.09 million baht, a decrease of 207.92 million baht or at the rate of 27.58% when compared to 2008 due to importing of steel and the attempt to release products. Net value of Property, Plant & Equipment totaled 631.97 million baht, a decreased of 37.99 million baht at the rate of 5.67% mainly due to assets depreciation according to the accounting standards.
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Liabilities Liabilities of company and shareholders can be summarized as follows: Percentage 2009 Short Term Loans 48.75 Accounts Payables 5.25 Long Tern Loans 0.35 Other Liabilities 4.21 Shareholder Portions 41.44 Total Liabilities and Shareholder Portions 100
2008 39.65 5.46 3.32 5.45 46.12 100
2007 23.92 14.06 6.52 5.82 49.68 100
At December 31, 2009, total liabilities was 1,111.77 million baht, an increased of 103.90 million baht at a rate of 10.31% due to company没s short terms loans and LC open for international purchase. There were also uses of promissory note to make payment to suppliers. However, there were payment for Long Term Loans, rental contracts, and financial institutions. At December 31, 2009, total liabilities to suppliers total 99.53 million baht, a decrease of 2.60 million baht or at the rate of 2.55% due to company没s short-term loans from financial institution for current payments to suppliers.
Shareholders Portion Shareholders portions was 786.64 million baht in 2009, a decrease of 77.13 million baht or at the rate of 8.93% when compare to 2008 from the following reason: a decrease in 2009 operation which incurred a loss of 77.13 million baht, and thus a change in Shareholders portion from 2008.
REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT To The Board of Directors and Shareholders of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited I have audited the consolidated balance sheets of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited and Subsidiary as at December 31, 2009, the consolidated statements of income, changes in shareholders没 equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and the separate financial statements of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company没s managements as to their correctness and the completeness of the presentation. My responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on my audit. The consolidated financial statements of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited and Subsidiary and the separate financial statements of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited for the year ended December 31, 2008 were audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by other auditor, under his report dated February 26, 2009, expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements. The consolidated and separate balance sheets as at December 31, 2008, as presented herein for comparative purpose, formed an integral part of the financial statements, which other auditor audited and reported on. I conducted my audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that I plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. I believe that my audit provides a reasonable basis for my opinion. In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited and Subsidiary and of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited as at December 31, 2009 the results of their operations and their cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
(CHANUNKORN SATIRAPRAPAKUL) Certified Public Accountant Registration No. 6554
Grand Audit Co., Ltd. Bangkok. February 22, 2010
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
NOTES ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 7 Current investment 8 Trade accounts receivable - related company 9, 20.2 Trade accounts receivable - other companies - net 9 Inventories - net 10 Advance payment for purchase of goods Other current assets Value added tax receivable Others Total current assets NON-CURRENT ASSETS Fixed deposits pledged as collateral 11 Investment in subsidiary 12 Property, plant and equipment - net 13 Land not used in operations Other non-current assets Prepaid income tax Others Total non-current assets TOTAL ASSETS
Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008
43,919,514 10,000,000 416,551,438 546,091,638 186,055,126
31,856,596 490,317 344,017,390 754,003,160 332,910
42,000,308 10,000,000 416,551,438 546,091,638 186,055,126
28,884,619 490,317 343,915,035 754,003,160 332,910
33,913,473 39,763,922 33,913,473 39,763,922 4,643,052 5,620,895 4,532,834 5,585,257 1,241,174,241 1,176,085,190 1,239,144,817 1,172,975,220 685,705 559,334,650 72,653,813
1,161,138 597,149,369 72,653,813
685,705 9,999,400 559,332,838 72,653,813
1,161,138 9,999,400 597,145,052 72,653,813
24,323,270 24,371,381 24,241,432 24,241,432 251,200 235,200 251,200 235,200 657,248,638 695,570,901 667,164,388 705,436,035 1,898,422,879 1,871,656,091 1,906,309,205 1,878,411,255
The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
NOTES LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS没 EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions Trade accounts payable - related companies Trade accounts payable - other companies - net Current portion of liabilities under hire-purchase agreements Current portion of long-term loans from financial institutions Short-term loan and accrued interest expense from subsidiary Other accounts payable Advance received from sales of goods Income tax payable and accrued expenses Other current liabilities Total current liabilities NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Liabilities under hire-purchase agreements - net Long-term loans from financial institutions - net Total non-current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES
Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
14 20.2
925,482,672 2,178,192 97,361,942
742,630,691 28,569,927 73,570,552
925,482,672 2,178,192 97,361,942
742,630,691 28,569,927 73,510,198
4,347,276 13,527,534 89,472 6,635,949 1,105,223,725
- 10,542,216 1,019,246 4,347,276 15,889,657 13,506,155 2,909,029 5,524,753 6,458,900 945,724,431 1,115,478,041
10,242,216 1,019,246 15,170,248 2,828,059 5,294,116 954,875,277
15 16
4,154,472 11,755,197 4,154,472 11,755,197 2,400,000 50,400,000 2,400,000 50,400,000 6,554,472 62,155,197 6,554,472 62,155,197 1,111,778,197 1,007,879,628 1,122,032,513 1,017,030,474
The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of these statements. Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
NOTES SHAREHOLDERS没 EQUITY Share capital Authorized shares 500,000,000 common shares of Baht 1 each Issued and paid-up shares 500,000,000 common shares of Baht 1 each Premium on common shares Effect of business acquisition under common control Retained earnings Appropriated-legal reserve Unappropriated TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS没 EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS没 EQUITY
Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008
500,000,000 239,500,000
500,000,000 239,500,000
500,000,000 239,500,000
500,000,000 239,500,000
6,638,770 36,554,404 786,644,682
6,638,770 113,686,185 863,776,463
6,638,770 38,137,922 784,276,692
6,638,770 115,242,011 861,380,781
1,898,422,879 1,871,656,091 1,906,309,205 1,878,411,255
The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
NOTES REVENUES Sales Service income Other income Reversal of loss on decline of value in inventories Rental income Gain on exchange rate Others Total revenues EXPENSES Cost of sales Cost of services Selling expenses Administrative expenses Managements没 remuneration Loss on decline of value in inventories Total expenses Profit (loss) before finance costs and income tax Finance costs Loss before income tax Income tax Net loss Net loss attributable to: Equity holders of the parent Minority interest of the subsidiary Basic loss per share Net loss attributable to Equity holders of the parent Weighted average number of common shares (shares)
Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
2,290,206,115 2,181,023,294 2,290,206,115 2,181,023,294 14,848,919 6,169,331 11,748,420 28,190,131 - 28,190,131 8,890,769 8,890,769 3,661,390 3,661,390 2,489,662 1,398,084 2,807,046 1,452,042 2,348,286,986 2,188,590,709 2,345,503,871 2,182,475,336 2,279,491,216 10,429,552 8,858,094 71,339,652 12,960,699 2,383,079,213 (34,792,227) (42,330,312) (77,122,539) (9,242) (77,131,781)
1,969,275,430 4,709,414 20,622,778 97,411,592 20,556,671 30,838,604 2,143,414,489 45,176,220 (48,165,202) (2,988,982) (8,050,500) (11,039,482)
2,279,491,216 7,765,668 8,858,094 70,659,755 12,960,699 2,379,735,432 (34,231,561) (42,872,528) (77,104,089) (77,104,089)
1,969,275,430 20,622,778 96,715,361 20,029,796 30,838,604 2,137,481,969 44,993,367 (48,407,418) (3,414,051) (7,885,282) (11,299,333)
(77,131,781) (11,039,482) (77,104,089) (11,299,333) (77,131,781) (11,039,482) (0.154) (0.022) (0.154) (0.023) 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000
The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of these statements. Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS没 EQUITY PERMSIN STEEL WORKS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARY FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 Baht Effect of Retained earnings business Issued and acquistion paid-up Premium on under common Appropriated share capital common shares control Legal reserve Unappropriated
Balance as at January 1, 2008 Net loss Balance as at December 31, 2008
500,000,000 500,000,000
239,500,000 239,500,000
3,951,508 3,951,508
6,638,770 6,638,770
124,725,667 (11,039,482) 113,686,185
874,815,945 (11,039,482) 863,776,463
Balance as at January 1, 2009 Net loss Balance as at December 31, 2009
500,000,000 500,000,000
239,500,000 239,500,000
3,951,508 3,951,508
6,638,770 6,638,770
113,686,185 (77,131,781) 36,554,404
863,776,463 (77,131,781) 786,644,682
The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
SEPARATE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS没 EQUITY PERMSIN STEEL WORKS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED AND SUBSIDIARY FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 Baht Retained earnings Issued and paid-up Premium on Appropriated share capital common shares Legal reserve Unappropriated
Balance as at January 1, 2008 Net loss Balance as at December 31, 2008
500,000,000 500,000,000
239,500,000 239,500,000
6,638,770 6,638,770
126,541,344 872,680,114 (11,299,333) (11,299,333) 115,242,011 861,380,781
Balance as at January 1, 2009 Net loss Balance as at December 31, 2009
500,000,000 500,000,000
239,500,000 239,500,000
6,638,770 6,638,770
115,242,011 861,380,781 (77,104,089) (77,104,089) 38,137,922 784,276,692
The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of these statements. Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
NOTES CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Loss before income tax Adjustments to reconcile loss to net cash used in operating activities Depreciation Gain on disposal of equipment Doubtful debts Withholding tax written-off Unrealized loss (gain) on exchange rate Loss on decline of value in inventories (Reversal of) Amortization of prepaid income tax Interest expenses Profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities Decrease (increase) in operating assets Trade accounts receivable - related company Trade accounts receivable - other companies Inventories Advance payment for purchase of goods Value added tax receivable Other current assets Other non-current assets Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities Trade accounts payable - related companies Trade accounts payable - other companies Other accounts payable Advance received from sales of goods Accrued expenses Other current liabilities Cash paid from operating activities Paid for interest expenses Paid for income tax Net cash used in operating activities
Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008 (77,122,539)
(2,988,982) (77,104,089)
73,310,793 76,349,246 73,308,288 76,205,157 (9,495) (9,495) 1,509,412 976,802 1,509,412 891,419 48,111 (991,707) 9,307,193 (991,707) 9,307,193 (28,190,131) 30,838,604 (28,190,131) 30,838,604 572,269 572,269 41,219,379 48,165,202 41,761,595 48,407,418 9,783,318 163,210,839 10,293,368 162,798,514 490,317 (490,317) 490,317 (490,317) (74,043,460) 98,794,918 (74,145,815) 97,463,077 236,101,653 (229,588,526) 236,101,653 (229,588,526) (185,722,216) (331,350) (185,722,216) (331,350) 5,850,449 (1,518,011) 5,850,449 (1,518,011) 2,251,995 2,803,319 2,223,582 2,793,676 (16,000) 6,183,810 (16,000) 6,183,810 (26,391,735) 23,791,390 89,113 (2,362,123) (2,819,557) 1,737,928 (11,258,928) (41,846,111) (1,283,394) (54,388,433)
(15,840,190) (126,094,769) 62,967 2,692,523 (5,931,761) (3,094,135) (109,140,683) (46,896,122) (34,228,302) (190,265,107)
The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of these statements.
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
(26,391,735) 23,851,744 89,113 (1,664,093) (2,828,059) 1,791,516 (10,076,176) (42,088,327) (1,171,159) (53,335,662)
(15,840,190) (125,596,173) 62,967 1,973,114 (5,851,574) (2,180,937) (110,121,920) (46,896,122) (33,981,246) (190,999,288)
Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Cash paid for current investment Decrease (Increase) in fixed deposits pledged as collateral Proceeds from disposal of equipment Cash paid for purchase of property, plant and equipment 6 Cash paid for purchase of assets not used in operations Net cash used in investing activities
(32,257,157) (36,137,739) (32,257,157) (36,137,739) - (36,341,049) - (36,341,049) (41,781,724) (72,497,554) (41,781,724) (72,497,554)
CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase in bank overdraft and short-term loans from financial institutions Cash received from short-term loan from subsidiary Cash paid for liabilities under hire-purchase agreements Cash paid for long-term loans from financial institutions Net cash provided by financing activities Increase (decrase ) in cash and cash equivalents - net Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of years Cash and cash equivalents, end of years
183,843,688 (21,210,613) (54,400,000) 108,233,075 12,062,918 31,856,596 43,919,514
(10,000,000) 475,433 -
- (10,000,000) (29,066) 475,433 10,300 -
312,134,126 (23,812,637) (43,200,000) 245,121,489 (17,641,172) 49,497,768 31,856,596
183,843,688 (21,210,613) (54,400,000) 108,233,075 13,115,689 28,884,619 42,000,308
(29,066) 10,300
312,134,126 10,000,000 (23,812,637) (43,200,000) 255,121,489 (8,375,353) 37,259,972 28,884,619
The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of these statements. Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
GENERAL INFORMATION Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited is listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand on July 14, 2005 and is located at as follows: Head Office is located at 4, 95-96 Moo 6, Koak- Kam District, Muang Samutsakorn, Samutsakorn. Branch 1 is located at 222 Moo 6, Maeramphueng District, Bangsaphan, Prachuackhirikhan. Branch 2 is located at 108/9 Moo 1, Rama 2 Rd., Bangnumjued, Muang Samutsakorn, Samutsakorn. Branch 3 is located at 108/3 Moo 1, Rama 2 Rd., Bangnumjued, Muang Samutsakorn, Samutsakorn. Branch 4 is located at 55/93 Moo 9, Rama 2 Rd., Bangmod, Jomchong, Bangkok. Branch 5 is located at 90/9 Moo 1, Rama 2 Rd., Bangnumjued, Muang Samutsakorn, Samutsakorn. The principal business operation of the Company is to produce and sell of cold rolled steel, c-channel galvanized high tensile strength, electro-galvanized steel, c-line, c-u, t-bar and roll forming metal sheet.
BASIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PREPARATION The consolidated and separate financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Thai Generally Accepted Accounting Principles under the Accounting Act B.E. 2543, being those Thai Accounting Standards issued under the Accounting Profession Act B.E. 2547, and the financial reporting requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Thai generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the amounts of revenues and expenses in the reported periods. Although these estimates are based on management没s best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results may differ from those estimates. The consolidated financial statements of Permsin Steel Works Public Company Limited and subsidiary, S.C. Steel Works Company Limited. The Company holds 100% of the subsidiary没s registered share capital on January 20, 2005. The principal business operation of the subsidiary is providing roof installation service. The significant transactions between the Company and the subsidiary have been eliminated in the consolidated financial statements. The consolidated and separate financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except as disclosed in the accounting policies below. For the convenience of the user, an English translation of the consolidated and separate financial statements has been prepared from the statutory financial statements that are issued in the Thai language.
NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARD, NEW FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS AND AMENDMENTS TO ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Revised standards that are effective for the period beginning on or after January 1, 2009 and revised accounting framework. TAS 36 (revised 2007) Impairment of Assets TFRS 5 (revised 2007) Non-current assets held for sale and Discontinued operations (formerly TAS 54) Accounting Framework (revised 2007) (effective June 26, 2009) Accounting Treatment Guidance for Leasehold Right Accounting Treatment Guidance for Business Combination under Common Control Those two standards and accounting framework do not have a material impact on the financial statements being presented. The revised accounting standards and new accounting standards which are effective for the period beginning on or after January 1, 2011 and January 1, 2012 and which were not early adopted by the Group are as follows: Effective for the period beginning on or after January 1, 2011 TAS 24 (revised 2007) Related Party Disclosure (formerly TAS 47) TAS 40 Investment Property Effective for the period beginning on or after January 1, 2012 TAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure for Government Assistance The Group没s management has determined that the revised standard and the new standards will not significantly impact the financial statements being presented. Thai Accounting Standards were renumbered with an effect on June 26, 2009 following an announcement by the Federation of Accounting Professions.
SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these consolidated and separate financial statements are set out below; 4.1 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand, cash at banks, and all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less and not subject to withdrawal restrictions. 4.2
Current investments Investments for trading are stated at fair value. Gain or loss from the change are included in determining earning.
Trade accounts receivable Trade accounts receivable are carried at original invoice amount less allowance for doubtful receivables based on a review of all outstanding amounts at the year end. The amount of the allowance is the difference between the carrying amount of the receivable and the amount expected to be collectible. Bad debts are written off during the year in which they are identified.
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Inventories Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Cost is determined by the weighted average method. The cost of purchase comprises both the purchase price and costs directly attributable to the acquisition of the inventory, such as import duties and transportation charges, less all attributable discounts, allowances or rebates. The cost of finished goods comprises raw materials, direct labour, other direct costs and related production overheads, the latter being allocated on the basis of normal operating activities. Net realisable value is the estimate of the selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the costs of completion and selling expenses. Allowance is made, where necessary, for obsolete, slow-moving and defective inventories.
Investment in subsidiary Subsidiary, which is those entities in which the Group has an interest of more than one half of the voting rights or otherwise has power to exercise control over the operations are consolidated. Subsidiary is consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group and are no longer consolidated from the date that control ceases. All intercompany transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between group companies are eliminated; unrealised losses are also eliminated unless cost cannot be recovered. Where necessary, accounting policies of subsidiary has been changed to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group. Investment in subsidiary is reported by using the cost method of accounting in the separate financial statements.
Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are initially recorded at cost. Building and equipment are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is calculated on the straight line method to write off the cost or the revalued amount of each asset, except for land which is considered to have an indefinite life, to its residual value over the estimated useful life as follows: Buildings and Building improvement 5-20 years Machineries and equipment 5 years Fixtures and office equipment 5 years Motor vehicles 5 years Where the carrying amount of an asset is greater than its estimated recoverable amount, it is written down immediately to its recoverable amount. Estimated recoverable amount is the higher of the anticipated discounted cash flows from the continuing use of the asset and the amount obtainable from the sale of the asset less any costs of disposal. Repairs and maintenance are charged to the income statement during the financial period in which they are incurred. The cost of major renovations is included in the carrying amount of the asset when it is probable that future economic benefits in excess of the originally assessed standard of performance of the existing asset will flow to the Company. Major renovations are depreciated over the remaining useful life of the related asset. Interest costs on borrowings to finance the construction of property, plant and equipment are capitalized as part of cost of the asset, during the period of time required to complete and prepare the property for its intended use. The borrowing costs include interest on long-term borrowing net of amortization of related deferred financial cost. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with the carrying amount and are included in operating profit.
Impairment of assets Property, plant and equipment and other non-financial assets are reviewed for impairment losses whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceeds its recoverable amount which is the higher of an assetûs net selling price and value in use. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest level for which there is separately identifiable cash flows (cash-generating units). Non-financial assets that suffered an impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at each reporting date.
Leases Leases of vehicles which substantially transfer all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalised at the inception of the lease at the lower of the fair value of the leased property or the present value of the minimum lease payments. Each lease payment is allocated to the principal and to the finance charges so as to achieve a constant rate on the finance balance outstanding. The outstanding rental obligations, net of finance charges, are included in other long-term payables. The interest element of the finance cost is charged to the statement of income over the lease period so as to achieve a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each period. The assets acquired under finance leases is depreciated over the useful life of the asset. Leases not transferring a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee are classified as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are charged to the statement of income on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
Effect of business acquisition under common control On January 20, 2005, the Company acquired 100% of the share capital of S.C. Steel Work Company Limited. This activity was a transaction between enterprise under common control. Those transactions were excluded from the scope of Financial Report Standard no. 3 (Revised 2552), çBusiness Combinationé. The Company had therefore not accounted for this transaction as an acquisition but applied the predecessor basis for common control transactions. The above accounting treatment which was in the scope of the Thai Accounting Framework is supported by the official guideline issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand (SEC) under, çGuideline for Business Combination under Common Controlé, which stated that the transfer of net assets between a parent and its subsidiary should be accounted for at predecessor cost in the separate financial statements of each entity. The Company had recognized the excess of the book value of acquired net assets over the cost of acquisition as çEffect of business acquisition under common control.é The Adjustment is presented in the equity portion of balance sheet and will be directly transferred to retained earnings, when the Company disposes the investment.
4.10 Revenue recognition Revenue comprises the invoiced value for the sale of goods and services net of output tax, rebates and discounts. Revenue from sales of goods is recognized when significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the buyer. Revenue from rendering services is recognized when the service is rendered. Interest income is recognized on an accrual basis.
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
4.11 Foreign currency translation Foreign currency transactions are translated into Thai Baht using the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are translated to Thai Baht at the exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date. Gains and losses resulting from the settlement of foreign currency transactions and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, are recognised in the statement of income. 4.12 Income tax The Group recorded income tax based on the actual amount currently payable according to the Revenue Code. 4.13 Basic loss per share Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the net loss attributable to shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares during the year. 4.14 Financial instruments Financial assets carried on the balance sheet include cash and cash equivalents, trade accounts receivable, fixed deposit and other accounts receivable. Financial liabilities carried on the balance sheet include trade accounts payable, accrued income tax and accrued expenses, leases and loans from financial institutions. The particular recognition methods adopted are disclosed in the individual policy statements associated with each item. The Group is party to derivative financial instruments, which mainly comprise foreign currency forward contracts. Such instruments are recognized in the financial statements on the inception. 4.15 Related parties Enterprises and individuals that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, control, or are controlled by, or are under common control with, the Company, including holding companies, subsidiaries and fellow subsidiaries are related parties of the Company. Associates and individuals owning, directly or indirectly, an interest in the voting power of the Company that gives them significant influence over the enterprise, key management personnel, including directors and officers of the Company and close members of the family of these individuals and companies associated with these individuals also constitute related parties. In considering each possible related party relationship, attention is directed to the substance of the relationship, and not merely the legal form. 4.16 Provision Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount can be made. Where the Group expects a provision to be reimbursed, the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset but only when the reimbursement is virtually certain. 5.
Significant accounting judgments and estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles at times requires management to make subjective judgments and estimates regarding matters that are inherently uncertain. These judgments and estimates affect reported amounts and disclosures and actual results could differ. Significant judgments and estimates are as follows: ANNUAL REPORT 2009
Allowance for doubtful accounts In determining an allowance for doubtful accounts, the management needs to make judgment and estimates based upon, among other things, past collection history, aging profile of outstanding debts and the prevailing economic condition.
Allowance for decline of value in inventories The Company maintains an allowance for decline of value in inventories to reflect impairment of inventories. The allowance is based on consideration of market price of each category.
Property, plant and equipment/Depreciation In determining depreciation of plant and equipment, the management is required to make estimates of the useful lives and salvage values of the Company没s plant and equipment and to review estimate useful lives and salvage values when there are any changes. In addition, the management is required to review property, plant and equipment for impairment on a periodical basis and record impairment losses in the period when it is determined that their recoverable amount is lower than the carrying amount. This requires judgments regarding forecast of future revenues and expenses relating to the assets subject to the review.
Litigation The Company has a result of litigation. The Company没s management has used judgment to assess of the results of the litigation and believes that no loss will result. Therefore no contingent liabilities are recorded as at the balance sheet date.
SUPPLEMENT DISCLOSURE OF CASH FLOWS INFORMATION The detail of 莽cash paid for purchase of property, plant and equipment茅 is as follows: Baht
Addition during the years Adjust Increase (decrease) in payable from acquisition of property, plant and equipment Increase in liabilities under hire-purchase agreements Cash paid for purchase of property, plant and equipment
Consolidated Separate financial statements financial statements 2009 2008 2009 2008 (35,496,074) (52,458,867) (35,496,074) (52,458,867) 3,238,917
(32,257,157) (36,137,739) (32,257,157) (36,137,739)
Cash on hand Deposits at financial institutions - Saving Accounts - Current Accounts Total
Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008 124,618 295,699
Separate financial statements 2009 2008 119,129 275,699
42,021,901 1,772,995 43,919,514
40,136,181 1,744,998 42,000,308
21,720,179 9,840,718 31,856,596
21,701,436 6,907,484 28,884,619
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
CURRENT INVESTMENT As of December 31, 2009, The Company has current investment are unit trust at a local bank amounting of Baht 10 million. (December 31, 2008 : None)
TRADE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - NET Baht Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008 Related company Trade accounts receivable Other companies Trade accounts receivable Post dated cheques received Total Less Allowance for doubtful accounts Net
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
373,451,500 310,932,477 373,235,681 310,614,303 50,371,578 38,847,141 50,371,578 38,847,141 423,823,078 349,779,618 423,607,259 349,461,444 (7,271,640) (5,762,228) (7,055,821) (5,546,409) 416,551,438 344,017,390 416,551,438 343,915,035
Outstanding trade accounts receivable as at December 31, 2009 and 2008, can be analyzed as follows; Baht Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008 Related company In due Other companies In due Over due Up to 3 Months Over 3 - 6 Months Over 6 - 12 Months Over 12 Months Total Less Allowance for doubtful accounts Net
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
46,964,766 201,659,316 46,964,766 201,659,316 1,894,182 2,813,473 1,894,182 2,813,473 58,244 3,809,834 58,244 3,724,451 6,684,083 5,174,247 6,468,264 5,043,811 423,823,078 349,779,618 423,607,259 349,461,444 (7,271,640) (5,762,228) (7,055,821) (5,546,409) 416,551,438 344,017,390 416,551,438 343,915,035
Finished goods Raw Materials Supplies Total Less Allowance for decline of value in inventories Inventories - net
Consolidated and separate financial statements 2009 2008 544,483,328 627,592,468 4,254,954 157,163,530 1,828 85,766 548,740,110 784,841,764 (2,648,472) (30,838,604) 546,091,638 754,003,160
FIXED DEPOSITS PLEDGED AS COLLATERAL As at December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company held fixed deposits with a financial institution amounting of Baht 0.7 and Baht 1.2 million respectively which were pledged as collateral for electricity usage and installation work for customers.
INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARY As at December 31, 2009 and 2008, the detail of investment presented in the separate financial statements was as follows: Paid up Capital S.C. Steel Works Co., Ltd. (Providing roof installation)
Baht Cost method 2009 2008
% Holdings 2009 2008 100
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT - NET Consolidated financial statements Baht Land and Buildings Machineries Furniture, Land and Building And and Office ImprovementImprovement Equipment Equipment
As at December 31, 2008 Cost Less Accumulated depreciation Net book value Transactions during the year ended December 31, 2009 Opening net book value Add Purchase Tranfer in (out) Less Depreciation Ending net book value As at December 31, 2009 Cost Less Accumulated depreciation Net book value
Vehicles Construction In Progress and machinery under installation
107,126,009 428,835,318 261,413,372 12,861,389 72,601,466 24,297,046 907,134,600 - (59,561,053) (188,155,604) (9,086,357) (53,182,217) - (309,985,231) 107,126,009 369,274,265 73,257,768 3,775,032 19,419,249 24,297,046 597,149,369
107,126,009 369,274,265 73,257,768 3,775,032 19,419,249 80,600 1,026,553 66,300 693,914 130,000 - 4,644,856 - (21,962,958) (41,924,570) (1,546,960) (7,876,305) 107,206,609 352,982,716 31,399,498 2,921,986 11,672,944
24,297,046 33,498,707 (4,644,856) 53,150,897
597,149,369 35,496,074 (73,310,793) 559,334,650
107,206,609 434,506,727 261,479,672 13,555,303 72,731,466 53,150,897 942,630,674 - (81,524,011) (230,080,174) (10,633,317) (61,058,522) - (383,296,024) 107,206,609 352,982,716 31,399,498 2,921,986 11,672,944 53,150,897 559,334,650
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
Separate financial statements Baht Land and Buildings Machineries Furniture, Land and Building And and Office ImprovementImprovement Equipment Equipment
As at December 31, 2008 Cost 107,126,009 Less Accumulated depreciation Net book value Transactions during the year ended December 31, 2009 Opening net book value Add Purchase Tranfer in (out) Less Depreciation Ending net book value As at December 31, 2009 Cost 107,206,609 Less Accumulated depreciation Net book value
Vehicles Construction In Progress and machinery under installation
428,835,318 261,405,372 12,753,293 71,140,718 24,297,046 905,557,756 - (59,561,053) (188,147,683) (8,982,498) (51,721,470) - (308,412,704) 107,126,009 369,274,265 73,257,689 3,770,795 19,419,248 24,297,046 597,145,052
107,126,009 369,274,265 73,257,689 3,770,795 19,419,248 80,600 1,026,553 66,300 693,914 130,000 - 4,644,856 - (21,962,958) (41,924,492) (1,544,533) (7,876,305) 107,206,609 352,982,716 31,399,497 2,920,176 11,672,943
24,297,046 33,498,707 (4,644,856) 53,150,897
597,145,052 35,496,074 (73,308,288) 559,332,838
434,506,727 261,471,672 13,447,207 71,270,718 53,150,897 941,053,230 - (81,524,011) (230,072,175) (10,527,031) (59,597,775) - (381,720,992) 107,206,609 352,982,716 31,399,497 2,920,176 11,672,943 53,150,897 559,332,838
Property, plant and equipment in the consolidated and separate financial statements amounting of Baht 468.8 million (2008 : Baht 445.1 million) is mortgaged as collateral for overdraft and short-term loans from financial institutions (Note 14) long-term loans from financial institutions (Note 16). As at December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company has fully depreciated of plant and equipment which are still in use, the cost of such assets has amounted to Baht 67.9 million and Baht 47.5 million respectively. As at December 31, 2009 and 2008, leased assets included above, where the Company is a lessee under hire purchase agreements, comprise machinery, motor vehicle and machinery under installation with net book value of Baht 31.3 million and Baht 60.4 million, respectively. 14.
Bank overdrafts Short-term loans from financial institutions Promissory notes Trust receipts Total
Interest rates of (per annum) 2009 2008 6.13%-7.00% -
Baht Consolidated and separate financial statements 2009 2008 21,015 -
3.50%-5.85% 4.05%-5.35% 755,000,000 1.98%-5.59% 3.81%-7.05% 150,461,657 925,482,672
655,000,000 87,630,691 742,630,691
As at December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company has overdraft facility from financial institution amounting to Baht 85 million. The facility charged interest at the rate of MOR per annum.
The Company also held short-term loan facilities amounting to Baht 1,040 million. The loans charged interest at the rate of MMR+SPEARD and MMR per annum. The overdrafts facilities and the short-term loans from financial institutions facilities are secured over property, plant and equipment thereon (Note 13) and guaranteed by the Company没s directors. 15.
LIABILITIES UNDER HIRE-PURCHASE AGREEMENTS - NET Baht Consolidated and separate financial statements 2009 2008 Liabilities under hire-purchase agreements Less Deferred interest charges Total Less Current portion Liabilities under hire-purchase agreements - net
12,374,650 (619,490) 11,755,160 (7,600,688) 4,154,472
35,000,413 (2,034,640) 32,965,773 (21,210,576) 11,755,197
The ownership of assets under hire-purchase agreements will be transferred to the Company when the last installment is paid. 16.
LONG-TERM LOANS FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - NET Baht Consolidated and separate financial statements 2009 2008 Long-term loans from financial institutions Less Current portion Long-term loans from financial institutions - net
50,400,000 (48,000,000) 2,400,000
104,800,000 (54,400,000) 50,400,000
The first line Loan amounted to Baht 130 million, which is monthly repayable within 60 equal installment dues of Baht 2.2 million each. The first payment was paid in April 2006. This loan bears interest at the rate of 6% per annum. The second line Loan amounted to Baht 100 million, which is quarterly repayable within 17 equal installment dues of Baht 5.6 million each, and Baht 4.8 million for the final payment. The first payment was paid in September 2006. This loan bears interest at the rate of MLR per annum. The movement of loans from financial institutions for the year ended December 31, 2009 can be analyzed as follows:
Beginning balance Repayment of loan during the year Ending balance
Baht Consolidated and separate financial statements 104,800,000 (54,400,000) 50,400,000
The Company has the credit facilities with two finance institutions amounting to Baht 230 million. Such credit facilities are guaranteed by property, plant and equipment thereon (Note 13) and superficiary right (Note 23(C)). Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
LEGAL RESERVE Under the provisions of the Thai Public Company Limited Act B.E. 2535, the Company is required to appropriate at least 5% of its annual net income after deduction of the deficit brought forward (if any) as reserve fund until the reserve equal to 10% of authorized share capital. The reserve is not available for dividend distribution.
EXPENSE BY NATURE Expenses by nature for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows; Baht
Changes in finished goods Purchase of finished goods Raw materials and consumable used Managements没 remuneration Staff costs Depreciation Owned assets Leased assets under hire-purchase agreements Transportion expense Loss on foreign exchange rate Doubtful accounts Loss on decline of value in inventories
56,085,638 17,225,155 10,559,471 1,509,412 -
55,436,019 20,913,227 15,827,601 26,402,836 976,802 30,838,604
56,083,133 17,225,155 10,544,383 1,509,412 -
55,291,930 20,913,227 15,752,698 26,402,836 891,419 30,838,604
SEGMENT INFORMATION The Group is engaged in the business of manufacturing and distributing many types of coils and providing roof installation service, the details of segment information for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows:
Sales and services Cost of sales and services Gross Profit Income and expenses which cannot be classified by segment: Other Income Selling expenses Administrative expenses Managements没 remuneration Financial costs Income tax Net loss
Consolidated Separate financial statements financial statements 2009 2008 2009 2008 79,261,776 (229,588,525) 79,261,776 (229,588,525) 1,910,312,158 1,724,122,474 1,951,988,725 1,724,122,474 198,052,769 388,559,093 198,052,769 388,559,093 12,960,699 20,556,671 12,960,699 20,029,796 43,938,300 53,654,285 42,362,659 51,329,028
Sales of Coils & metal 2009 2008 2,290,206.11 2,181,023.29 (2,279,491.22) (2,000,114.03) 10,714.89 180,909.26
Thousand Baht Installation Service Total 2009 2008 2009 2008 14,848.92 6,169.33 2,305,055.03 2,187,192.62 (10,429.55) (4,709.41) (2,289,920.77) (2,004,823.44) 4,419.37 1,459.92 15,134.26 182,369.18
43,231.95 (8,858.09) (71,339.65) (12,960.70) (42,330.31) (9.24) (77,131.78)
1,398.08 (20,622.78) (97,411.59) (20,556.67) (48,165.20) (8,050.50) (11,039.48)
Sales of Coils & metal 2009 2008 Assets segment Property, plant and equipment - net 559,332.84 Other assets Total Assets Liabilities segment Expenses are not monetary Doubtful accounts Loss from decline in value of inventories Depreciation
Thousand Baht Installation Service 2009 2008 1.81
Total 2009 4.32
559,334.65 597,149.37 1,339,088.23 1,274,506.72 1,898,422.88 1,871,656.09 1,111,778.19 1,007,879.63
30,838.60 76,205.16
30,838.60 76,349.25
TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES 20.1 Relationship and pricing policy Relationship Subsidiary S.C. Steel Works Co., Ltd. Related Companies Asia Metal PLC. Permchai Panich Co., Ltd. Permsahai Steel Co., Ltd.
100% shareholding
100% shareholding
Close relative of directors Close relative of directors Close relative of directors
Close relative of directors Close relative of directors Close relative of directors
The pricing policies between the company and related parties are as follows; ë The Company charged the prices of sales, purchase and services to related companies approximate to those charged to third parties. ë Office rental between the Company and subsidiary charged at the agreed upon price (baht 15,000 per month). ë Building and machineries rental between the Company and subsidiary charged at the agreed upon price (baht 740,897 per month). ë No agreement and interest charge at the rate 3% per annum for loan from related company.
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
20.2 Balances of transactions between the Company and related parties Balances of transactions with related companies as at December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows: Baht Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008 Trade accounts receivable Asia Metal PLC. Trade accounts payable Permsahai Steel Co., Ltd. Asia Metal PLC. Total Short-term loan and accrued interest expense S.C. Steel Works Co., Ltd.
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
2,178,192 2,178,192
28,569,927 28,569,927
2,178,192 2,178,192
28,569,927 28,569,927
20.3 Revenues and Expenses transactions between the Company and related parties Revenues and expenses transactions with related parties for years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows: Baht
Sales Asia Metal PLC. Permchai Panich Co., Ltd. Total Dividend Income S.C. Steel Works Co., Ltd. Other Income Permsahai Co., Ltd. S.C. Steel Works Co., Ltd. Total Purchase of goods, raw materials and services Asia Metal PLC. Permchai Panich Co., Ltd. Permsahai Steel Co., Ltd. Total Interest expense S.C. Steel Works Co., Ltd.
Consolidated financial statements 2009 2008
Separate financial statements 2009 2008
38,175,262 1,042,842 39,218,104
5,946,870 5,946,870
38,175,262 1,042,842 39,218,104
5,946,870 5,946,870
8,890,769 8,890,769
8,890,769 180,000 9,070,769
180,000 180,000
24,447,168 166,191,410 11,533,574 202,172,152
32,246,408 32,246,408
24,447,168 166,191,410 11,533,574 202,172,152
32,246,408 32,246,408
REGISTERED PROVIDENT FUND PLAN On February 18, 2005, the Company established a contributory registered provident fund in accordance with the Provident Fund Act.B.E. 2530. Under the plan, the Company and employees contribute to the fund at certain percentage of the employeeûs basic salary. The Company appointed a fund manager to manage the fund in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulation No.2 (B.E. 2532) issued under the Provident Fund Act B.E.2530. The Company has paid contribution to provident fund in the amount of Baht 0.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2009. (2008 : Baht 0.9 million.)
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The principal financial risks faced by the Group are exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and credit risk the risk management policy of these particulars risks are as follows: A) EXCHANGE RATE RISK The Group was exposed to foreign currency risk relates to its trust receipts in US. dollars. The Group primarily utilizes forward exchange contracts to hedge exchange rate risk relating to the repayment of some of the trust receipts, However, the Group is also exposed to the effect of foreign exchange movements on its remaining accounts payable foreign in US. dollars which are currently not hedged by any derivative financial instruments. As at December 31, 2009, the Company has financial liabilities in foreign currency which are not hedged amounting of USD 4,489,142 equivalent to about Baht 150.46 million. B) INTEREST RATE RISK The Group was exposed to interest risks because it held deposits to and loans from financial institutions. However, such financial assets and liabilities are short-term, The Group believed that the future fluctuation on market interest rate would not provided significant effect to their operation and cash flow; therefore, no financial derivative was adopted to manage such risks. C) CREDIT RISK The Group was exposed to credit risk. However, due to the large number and diversity of the entities comprising the Groupûs customer base, The Group does not anticipate material losses from its debt collection. The Group estimated the allowance for doubtful accounts from the ending balance of accounts receivable. The estimate was made by considering the customerûs past collection experiences. D) FAIR VALUE The financial assets and liabilities include cash and deposit held from financial institutions, trade accounts receivable and payable, other receivable and payable, liabilities under hire-purchase agreements and loans from financial institutions. Their carried values approximate to their fair values.
COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES A) COMMITMENTS As at December 31, 2009 the Company has commitments as follows: ë The Company has commitments for Letters of credit of approximately USD 2.97 million equivalent to about Baht 99.59 million. ë The Company has commitment for Warehouse construction agreement amounting of Baht 13.1 million.
Pe rmsin Ste e l W o rks Pu b lic Co mp a n y L im i t ed
LETTERS OF GUARANTEE ISSUED BY BANK As at December 31, 2009, the Company has letters of guarantee issued by bank. 毛 For the payment of electricity and utility fee amounting of Baht 840,000. 毛 For the guarantee of installation work to the customers in the amounting of Baht 14,816,605.
LAND LEASE AGREEMENTS As at December 31, 2009, the Company has three land lease agreements with other persons to construct office building and warehouse in totaling rental fee amounting of Baht 103,217 per month. Superficiary right on land is mortgaged as collateral for long term loans from financial institutions (Note 16).
RECLASSICATION Certain amounts in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2008 have been reclassified to conform to the current year没s classification but with no effect to previously reported net income or shareholders没 equity. The reclassifications are as follows: Baht Consolidated Separate financial statements financial statements As As previously As As previously reclassifications reported reclassifications reported
Balance sheet as at December 31, 2008 Other current assets Advance payment for purchase of goods
5,620,895 332,910
5,953,805 -
5,585,257 332,910
5,918,167 -
APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS These consolidated and separate financial statements have been approved by the board of directors of the Company as at February 22, 2010.