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Photo Focus OneMa1ze Showdown

Eagles defeat Mavericks 49-27.


Every time Maize and Maize South meet in a competition, the rivalry is intense. On Oct. 8, the schools met on the football field for the seventh time. MHS picked up its fifth consecutive win over South. Students dressed in pink for breast cancer awareness month. Photos by Laney Turner and Shiah McLain

TOP: The Maize South student section gets loud for a cheerleader throwing a free t-shirt. ABOVE: Seniors Kyle Grill and Chloe Bartlett pose for a photo after being announced homecoming king and queen. The ceremony was held at halftime. “It was an honor to win homecoming queen. It was really fun to dress up everyday as well,” Bartlett said. RIGHT: Senior Landon Helm holds the ball for senior Cole Seagraves during an attempt for a field goal. “My favorite part was when our defense got a stop on the first drive and our offense set the tone of the game by scoring the first time we touched the ball,” Helm said. CENTER RIGHT: Juniors Kenny Ford and Latrell Clay sit on the sidelines watching over their defensive plays. Clay got a total of two tackles and two assists for the defense. FAR RIGHT: Senior Madison Lambert yells prior to kick-off. “I think my favorite part is getting to be with all my friends and obviously cheering on Cole [Seagraves] and I really like dressing up for the themes,” Lambert said.

CENTER: Senior Dakota Shook screams in excitement after the Eagles scored a touchdown in the second quarter. At halftime the score was 28-7. TOP: Running Back Evan Cantu watches over the plays and sees what he can improve. Cantu rushed a total of 222 yards and two touchdowns for the Mavericks. ABOVE: South senior Blake Mertes and Maize junior Mason Thrush grapple on the line. Mertes had six tackles and two assists.

South senior quarterback Owen Bailey

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