A Main Street for CARMEL VALLEY
A Place for Carmel Valley to Gather
WE HEARD YOU, AND WE'RE STILL LISTENING. Before planning a single building, we set out to better understand the community’s needs and priorities. We spoke with thousands of neighbors and residents and took note of their ideas and suggestions.
Over and over, we heard that Carmel Valley needs a central gathering place for local residents with a mix of compatible uses, including a specialty grocery store.
We believe a truly successful Main Street can only come from close collaboration with the community. Over the years, we have made
numerous changes to the plans based on feedback we received from neighbors and local residents, and we continue to make changes.
Illustrated rendering of a public plaza at One Paseo
A Place for Carmel Valley to Gather
WE HEARD YOU, AND WE'RE STILL LISTENING. Before planning a single building, we set out to better understand the community’s needs and priorities. We spoke with thousands of neighbors and residents and took note of their ideas and suggestions.
Over and over, we heard that Carmel Valley needs a central gathering place for local residents with a mix of compatible uses, including a specialty grocery store.
We believe a truly successful Main Street can only come from close collaboration with the community. Over the years, we have made
numerous changes to the plans based on feedback we received from neighbors and local residents, and we continue to make changes.
Illustrated rendering of a public plaza at One Paseo
Creating a sense of place requires a careful arrangement of shopping, dining, homes, and offices all working in concert. Together, these uses create what’s needed for a Main Street to come alive. One Paseo isn’t just a shopping center, but a place where families feel secure to come and play, friends get together for an afternoon cup of coffee, and workers meet up after hours for a dinner on the promenade – all strengthening the fabric of the community.
A Meticulous Orchestration of Uses
Creating a sense of place requires a careful arrangement of shopping, dining, homes, and offices all working in concert. Together, these uses create what’s needed for a Main Street to come alive. One Paseo isn’t just a shopping center, but a place where families feel secure to come and play, friends get together for an afternoon cup of coffee, and workers meet up after hours for a dinner on the promenade – all strengthening the fabric of the community.
A Meticulous Orchestration of Uses
Complementing the Community One Paseo has been planned so that adjacent land uses are mirrored and brought together into a central hub.
Complementing the Community One Paseo has been planned so that adjacent land uses are mirrored and brought together into a central hub.
A Sustainable Model for San Diego
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Main Street Lined with shops and restaurants and anchored by a public plaza, Main Street is the heart of our proposed plan.
Plaza A large, landscaped public plaza will be the pedestrian focal point of the property, anchoring Main Street and providing a place for visitors and shoppers to relax and enjoy the scenery.
Elkus Manfredi, the talented architectural firm behind some of the country’s most iconic and successful town centers, designed One Paseo to capture the essence of Carmel Valley and define our community. Their design allows for the latest sustainable technologies and provides a walkable neighborhood that was recently endorsed by MOVE San Diego, an organization dedicated to effective transportation options and sustainable planning in the San Diego region.
Unique Office Space Our plan includes a mix of office space. Boutique offices above retail space on Main Street will be perfect for companies looking for non-conventional space. Two office buildings nestled at the lowest elevation on the property will offer high-end professional office space while preserving view corridors.
Homes Mixed With Retail
am ino R
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Pursuing LEED for Neighborhood Development
El C
Endorsed by San Diego's MOVE Alliance
What separates a true Main Street from a shopping mall or an office center is the mix of uses and people. Permanent residents of One Paseo will create energy and a true sense of place.
A Sustainable Model for San Diego
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Main Street Lined with shops and restaurants and anchored by a public plaza, Main Street is the heart of our proposed plan.
Plaza A large, landscaped public plaza will be the pedestrian focal point of the property, anchoring Main Street and providing a place for visitors and shoppers to relax and enjoy the scenery.
Elkus Manfredi, the talented architectural firm behind some of the country’s most iconic and successful town centers, designed One Paseo to capture the essence of Carmel Valley and define our community. Their design allows for the latest sustainable technologies and provides a walkable neighborhood that was recently endorsed by MOVE San Diego, an organization dedicated to effective transportation options and sustainable planning in the San Diego region.
Unique Office Space Our plan includes a mix of office space. Boutique offices above retail space on Main Street will be perfect for companies looking for non-conventional space. Two office buildings nestled at the lowest elevation on the property will offer high-end professional office space while preserving view corridors.
Homes Mixed With Retail
am ino R
ea l
Pursuing LEED for Neighborhood Development
El C
Endorsed by San Diego's MOVE Alliance
What separates a true Main Street from a shopping mall or an office center is the mix of uses and people. Permanent residents of One Paseo will create energy and a true sense of place.
del MAr HeigHTs signAl synCHrOnizATiOn
Addressing Traffic Flow in Carmel Valley We know that an excellent circulation program is important to the community. We want to make improvements to not only address new traffic from One Paseo, but to help address existing problems as well.
MilliOns in TrAFFiC iMprOVeMenTs TO Help Address exisTing As well As new issUes
del MAr HeigHTs signAl synCHrOnizATiOn
Addressing Traffic Flow in Carmel Valley We know that an excellent circulation program is important to the community. We want to make improvements to not only address new traffic from One Paseo, but to help address existing problems as well.
MilliOns in TrAFFiC iMprOVeMenTs TO Help Address exisTing As well As new issUes
Thousands of Jobs and Millions in revenue for local schools
$13+ MilliOn $10.6 MilliOn $1.8 MilliOn 1,700+ 4,000+
Thousands of Jobs and Millions in revenue for local schools
$13+ MilliOn $10.6 MilliOn $1.8 MilliOn 1,700+ 4,000+
Keep TAlKing, we’re lisTening. Thank you for the comments and ideas you have shared with us. They have guided and inspired us to continue making improvements to One paseo. we want to keep hearing from you. please take a few moments to share your thoughts with us at onepaseo.com.
858.408.1934 talk@onepaseo.com onepaseo.com aMainStreetForCarmelValley